Symptoms can t swallow dry mouth stuffy


2016.02.16 12:12 Dryfasting

Live off of your fat. Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food and caloric intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy. Learn why religions speak highly of dry fasting, and why people swear by its healing effects on the body. This subreddit does not provide medical advice.

2011.04.21 06:10 flip69 All things Chameleons: Veiled, Panthers, Jacksons & MORE all actively discussed here! Expert advice

One of the largest and best online communities for those that wish to learn more about Chameleons. Up to date husbandry & captive care practices. Show off your animals, your successes, and hopefully help prevent any sorrows along the way. Founded and moderated by experienced breeders and hobbyists as one of the largest Chameleon specific communities in the world. This sub is closely moderated to maintain a friendly & informative space. Expert advice for Veiled, Panther and Jacksons species

2017.01.25 04:20 Kahanaloa BoardGameGeek Circle Jerk (BGGCircleJerk) is an open/public forum that anyone can read without a creating a profile. In between some sanity, it’s often chock full of (in my opinion) stuffy, dry people rambling, getting triggered and arguing over the most minute things relating to board games. This subreddit seeks to archive and comment on these people’s public postings! We don’t attack, brigade or link to anything direct, and only serve to comment on the posted items.

2024.06.09 03:32 whosrageanyway Really Scared, Feel Like I’m dying everyday

I’ve been sick for a while now. I have severe nuero symptoms, GI symptoms really bad dysautonomia and more. Almost a year and finally I might have answers. I just spent 60 days in mental health treatment at a crisis house and mental hospital and now Im at another mental health facility but getting worse and they aren’t keeping an eye on me and have no Idea what lyme is. Im scared shitless. I got antibodies for all these scary diseases and worry about MCAS and its making me scared to eat and I fear cancer as well. Severe health anxiety and derealization and the fatigue and pain. I have chest pain right now and Im scared it’s lime Carditis and i’ve already had a seizure 50 days ago. I had a clear echo and stress test in Feb but i’ve gotten way worse since and I fear everyday will be my last. I have sibo, leaky gut, candida overgrowth mycoplasma pneumonia and IBD too. Maybe mold toxicity as well.I can’t talk to my doctor till next week sometime but Im on 50mg of doxy and 500,000iu of nystatin and tons of other vitamins. Can someone who has experience tell me if this is as bad as it looks?
submitted by whosrageanyway to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:32 AsideInternational48 I hated my husband….but I turn around and I’m nice to him. How do I stop this cycle

I know it’s a confusing title, but basically I feel I have a lot of resentment built up with my husband that has turned into hate. Like I yelled at my husband that I hated him (he didn’t hear me I said it under my breath). That’s how much the resentment and anger and frustration has been building. I basically get upset about him not communicating with me or putting his family ahead of me and then he apologizes, I forgive him and then we go back to normal. Cycle repeats. He never learns.
Well I’m also a very happy, talkative, nice, forgiving, outgoing person who can’t just give someone the cold shoulder for weeks on end. So he will apologize and then because I just can’t stay mad for long, we go back to normal. It’s like I see something funny on TV, I have to tell my best friend. Which is him. So it seems that I’m “fine” on the outside to him but I’m really just dying on the inside. I just don’t like tension in our marriage.
Well as you can probably guess, he stopped taking me seriously or at least it feels that way. Otherwise he would have changed right.
He is not very good at showing emotions and feeling. So often times when I am telling him about my feelings, it feels like I am talking to an uninterested therapist who gives the typical “mmhmm, oh yeah? I support you. Sorry you feel that way” type of responses. Very dry. Sounds inauthentic. Like a robot. It’s his personality so can’t really be too upset about. Even though it’s not my preference.
I don’t work, I was laid off and it’s been a year since I worked. Thinking about doing Uber eats though. So I basically just cook and clean for my husband. I’m home all day. I’m depresssed.
I’m considering separating from him. Maybe going on a trip without him. Being more independent. But I need advice because I KNOW once things cool down with my husband and I, I will be back to my happy go lucky self….like I wasn’t just crying myself to sleep multiple nights in a row….back to being buddy buddy with him and Waiting waiting waiting to be hurt once again by him later. He doesn’t take my hurt seriously
submitted by AsideInternational48 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:29 pennylanebarbershop Letter to a Christian

If a Christian tries to make me feel stupid for not believing, I direct them to this letter written by Dan Barker:
Dear Believer,
You asked me to consider Christianity as the answer for my life. I have done that. I consider it untrue, repugnant, and harmful.
You expect me to believe Jesus was born of a virgin impregnated by a ghost? Do you believe all the crazy tales of ancient religions? Julius Caesar was reportedly born of a virgin; Roman historian Seutonius said Augustus bodily rose to heaven when he died; and Buddha was supposedly born speaking. You don’t believe all that, do you? Why do you expect me to swallow the fables of Christianity?
I find it incredible that you ask me to believe that the earth was created in six literal days; women come from a man’s rib; a snake, a donkey, and a burning bush spoke human language; the entire world was flooded, covering the mountains to drown evil; all animal species, millions of them, rode on one boat; language variations stem from the tower of Babel; Moses had a magic wand; the Nile turned to blood; a stick turned into a snake; witches, wizards, and sorcerers really exist; food rained from the sky for 40 years; people were cured by the sight of a brass serpent; the sun stood still to help Joshua win a battle, and it went backward for King Hezekiah; men survived unaided in a fiery furnace; a detached hand floated in the air and wrote on a wall; men followed a star which directed them to a particular house; Jesus walked on water unaided; fish and bread magically multiplied to feed the hungry; water instantly turned into wine; mental illness is caused by demons; a “devil” with wings exists who causes evil; people were healed by stepping into a pool agitated by angels; disembodied voiced spoke from the sky; Jesus vanished and later materialized from thin air; people were healed by Peter’s shadow; angels broke people out of jail; a fiery lake of eternal torment awaits unbelievers under the earth … while there is life-after-death in a city which is 1,500 miles cubed, with mansions and food, for Christians only.
If you believe these stories, then you are the one with the problem, not me. These myths violate natural law, contradict science, and fail to correspond with reality or logic. If you can’t see that, then you can’t separate truth from fantasy. It doesn’t matter how many people accept delusions inflicted by “holy” men; a widely held lie is still a lie. If you are so gullible, then you are like the child who believes the older brother who says there is a monster in the hallway. But there is nothing to be afraid of; go turn on the light and look for yourself.
If Christianity were simply untrue I would not be too concerned. Santa is untrue, but it is a harmless myth which people outgrow. But Christianity, besides being false, is also abhorrent. It amazes me that you claim to love the god of the bible, a hateful, arrogant, sexist, cruel being who can’t tolerate criticism. I would not want to live in the same neighborhood with such a creature!
The biblical god is a macho male warrior. Though he said “Thou shalt not kill,” he ordered death for all opposition, wholesale drowning and mass exterminations; punishes offspring to the fourth generation (Ex. 20:5); ordered pregnant women and children to be ripped up (Hos. 13:16); demands animal and human blood to appease his angry vanity; is partial to one race of people; judges women to be inferior to men; is a sadist who created a hell to torture unbelievers; created evil (Is. 45:7); discriminated against the handicapped (Lev. 21:18-23); ordered virgins to be kept as spoils of war (Num. 31:15-18, Deut. 21:11-14); spread dung on people’s faces (Mal. 2:3); sent bears to devour 42 children who teased a prophet (II Kings 2:23-24); punishes people with snakes, dogs, dragons, drunkenness, swords, arrows, axes, fire, famine, and infanticide; and said fathers should eat their sons (Ez. 5:10). Is that nice? Would you want to live next door to such a person?
And Jesus is a chip off the old block. He said, “I and my father are one,” and he upheld “every jot and tittle” of the Old Testament law. Mt. 5:18 He preached the same old judgment: vengeance and death, wrath and distress, hell and torture for all nonconformists. He believed in demons, angels and spirits. He never denounced the subjugation of slaves or women. Women were excluded as disciples and as guests at his heavenly table. Except for hell he introduced nothing new to ethics or philosophy. He was disrespectful of his mother and brothers; he said we should hate our parents and desert our families. Mt. 10:35-36, Lk. 14:26 (So much for “Christian family life.”) He denounced anger, but was often angry himself. Mt. 5:22, Mk. 3:5 He called people “fools” (Mt. 23:17,19), “serpents,” and “white sepulchers,” though he warned that such language puts you in danger of hellfire. Mt. 5:22 He said “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Mt. 10:34 (So much for “Peace on Earth.”) He irrationally cursed and withered a fig tree for being barren out of season. Mt. 21:19 He mandated burning unbelievers. Jn. 15:6 (The Church has complied with relish.) He stole a horse. Lk. 19:30-33 He told people to cut off hands, feet, eyes and sexual organs. Mt. 5:29-30, 19:12 You want me to accept Jesus, but I think I’ll pick my own friend, thank you.
One of Jesus’s many contradictions was saying good works should be seen, and not seen. Mt. 5:16, 6:1-4 One of his mistakes was saying that the mustard plant has the smallest seed. Mt. 13:31-32 The writers of Matthew and Luke could not even get his genealogy straight, contradicting the Old Testament, and giving Jesus two discrepant lines through Joseph, his non-father!
I also find Christianity to be morally repugnant. The concepts of original sin, depravity, substitutionary forgiveness, intolerance, eternal punishment, and humble worship are all beneath the dignity of intelligent human beings and conflict with the values of kindness and reason. They are barbaric ideas for primitive cultures cowering in fear and ignorance.
Finally, Christianity is harmful. More people have been killed in the name of a god than for any other reason. The Church has a shameful, bloody history of Crusades, Inquisitions, witch-burnings, heresy trials, American colonial intolerance, disrespect of indigenous traditions (such as American Indians), support of slavery, and oppression of women. Modern “fruits” of religion include the Jonestown massacre, the callous fraud of “faith healers,” recent wars and ethnic cleansing, and fighting in Northern Ireland. Religion also poses a danger to mental health, damaging self-respect, personal responsibility, and clarity of thought.
Do you see why I do not respect the biblical message? It is an insulting bag of nonsense. You have every right to torment yourself with such insanity — but leave me out of it. I have better things to do with my life.
submitted by pennylanebarbershop to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:29 SourceChemical2067 I really don’t have much enthusiasm for life itself anymore

After I found out, my mom was a narc six years ago. I had a psychotic breakdown. I’ve had psoriasis debilitating psoriasis nearly 20 years of her abuse. It catches up to folks I’m 5 after I found out, my mom was a narc six years ago. I had a psychotic breakdown. I’ve had psoriasis debilitating psoriasis nearly 20 years of her abuse. It catches up to folks i’m 50 years old. I’ve been no contact from my narc mom for six years your arthritis one into my neck now I’ve been in bed for four years straight. It just seems to be getting worse. I don’t want to live all the time except for my husband and my animals, I have attempted suicide a handful of times. I just don’t think there’s anything left for me here don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t kill myself. I just really don’t like the idea of being alive. I’m probably at a level six in pain but usually more I can barely function and there’s nothing we can do to get back at them but swallow it. What the hell am I supposed to do with those facts and be OK?
submitted by SourceChemical2067 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:27 Shoulder_to_rest_on Why is being in a great relationship making me more anxious?

So, for context, I have diagnosed depression for which I take an antidepressant. It works great sometimes and only ok other times, and I’m not always the best at remembering to take it. In the last year or so I’ve noticed myself experiencing more anxiety symptoms as well, but have yet to speak to my doctor or anyone about that.
In the past (my last relationship lasted a little over a year and ended about a year ago), having a girlfriend has, understandably, made me happier. I didn’t always like myself but I enjoyed feeling attractive and wanted and both providing and receiving support and just being cute and silly and most all the nice couple things. The relationships haven’t been perfect, but I pretty much never noticeably felt generally worse than I had being single.
Now I have this new relationship. It’s still fairly pretty early days but things are moving pretty fast. I really really like this girl, and we just get on amazingly. I won’t give specifics or anything, but we really just click in a way I don’t remember with past girlfriends. Like, people say that sometimes “you just know” within only a short time with someone. I had never felt that until now. I like her so so much.
So, why am I now, during those times when I’m alone, often finding myself feeling so much more anxious than I had been a few weeks ago before meeting this girl? Obviously this isn’t consistent but it’s enough of a trend that it’s troubling me. I’ve been having bad anxiety dreams, been unable to focus or motivate myself, overthinking things like crazy (as you can tell), several other clear red flags like that, without forgetting my meds.
My current theory is this. I just have something I really care about now. I think I might love this girl, I can see a real future with her, and that’s terrifying. That is so much pressure. I do not trust myself not to screw it up somehow, either through actually doing something wrong or overthinking so much I invent a problem with the relationship.
So now Im practically living in fear of losing something I barely even have yet, in fear of myself. This anxiety is about my own anxiety, and now I’m evidently anxious about that. I could go around in circles like that forever.
So I guess the point of the post is… What the hell do I do about this?? Like I can be totally rational about it and see that there’s nothing to be stressed about but I still am stressed. I’ve been up front with her about my mental health stuff, but quite not to this extent. I don’t feel like talking to her and her reassuring me is going to actually reassure me much. Only make me feel like a tit for “asking for” reassurance that I don’t actually want. Idk, maybe I just need to up my meds lmao. It’s all just a mess. Any advice would be much appreciated.
TLDR: I have a new gf and it’s amazing, I’m just more stressed cos I’m scared of screwing it up, but idk what to do about that.
submitted by Shoulder_to_rest_on to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 constantsurvivor Isolating and not feeling able to communicate after a relationship with an emotionally abusive person

TLDR: been very sick for four years but since an emotionally abusive relationship with a covert abuser ended a year ago, I have found it very hard to communicate with anyone, and mostly feel I need to cocoon and isolate. Is this “normal”? I have done therapy and some EMDR.
I think since childhood I have always lived with some level of CPTSD. Mostly because I was never emotionally taken care of or valued as a child. I never felt seen, heard or cherished. I constantly had to fight for my father’s attention and love. I never came first to my parents. They were both selfish and both emotionally immature. My brother is also very abusive and narcissistic (potentially because of his own trauma), and I was his main target for years.
I developed some chronic illnesses over the years, as well as anxiety and depression, and life always felt that bit harder for me. I’ve also as far back as I can remember, been a highly sensitive person.
Despite that, in 2020 I was happy and working full time as a teacher. I was feeling confident and happy in myself. But then, my life really imploded within a few days after suffering a catastrophic adverse reaction to a medication. I became a shell of my former self. I had a slew of symptoms physical, neurological and psychological. I had to leave my job. I couldn’t be alone, couldn’t drive or leave the house, could no longer feel safe in my own body.
Slowly most of my ‘friends’ fell away which really triggered abandonment wounds and feelings of not being worthy/good enough. Doctors wouldn’t listen to me and I felt gaslit constantly, again the feeling of not being seen or heard was being exacerbated.
I was already NC with my brother. But since 2020 have also had to distance myself from my father and then other toxic members of my family.
While suffering, and immensely vulnerable and isolated I met my now ex boyfriend who came in like a knight in shining armour. He said all the right things, he read all about my injury, he made me feel seen and heard. He gave me everything I needed in that moment but probably also needed as a child growing up. He was patient and kind. My family and what little friends I had left loved him.
Eventually, cracks started to show and I intuitively picked up on them. My body just knew from the start. But I had long since learnt not to trust my own voice and I let someone I confided in talk me out of my feelings.
After a year of dating, I started to recognise the patterns of gaslighting, love bombing, stonewalling, abuse and more. I left the relationship and went NC. That was a year ago. I was extremely broken, already so sick but my health on a steady backwards decline. I had become anaemic, hair falling out, panic attacks constantly, gut issues, extreme depression, skin issues and more. I later found out he was a narcissist who was cheating on me, using me and lying to me the whole time.
I won’t lie, I was already so vulnerable and sick and isolated, this destroyed me.
I have done a ton of work to heal, despite my circumstances. I’ve had therapy, journaled, stuck to NC. The experience opened my eyes to my past trauma and taught me why some things felt “familiar” and “normal” to me. I’ve learnt a lot about boundaries and healthy love. I have changed in lots of ways for the better. However since this, as well as my best friend of 20 years being the next person to drift away from me 6 months ago I have found myself affected in new and specific ways.
I have of course also been sick now for four years, which would take its toll on anybody. But since the breakup I have felt a lot like isolating. I find it difficult even to reply to texts sometimes. I find it hard to open up and chat (this used to be my default), I’m exhausted, I don’t really feel attractive or desirable (this could also be illness), I don’t feel like seeing people and I mostly just want to be in my safe space with my mum and my cats
Does this sound like things others have dealt with?
submitted by constantsurvivor to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 Intelligent_Bike_24 Boomer thinks he owns the park bathroom

At the city park, trying to run by the bathroom to take a leak.
Can’t even get thru the door because Big Boomer is camping in front of the door drying his hands, blocking all access. I nearly run into him when I walk in the door, he just does that old fat guy bow up move and doesn’t move.
Like dude. You can be king of the bathroom. Have at it. I’m just trying to get to the urinal behind your stupid ass.
submitted by Intelligent_Bike_24 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 UnderstandingOwn2179 I can’t imagine how much 6 more AirBnb’s plus 3 hotels is going to cost her? I guess it’s ok since she’s bleeding that GFM dry!! Also I don’t think boobs to your belly button is in style 😳 I’d want a refund on this botched boob job😆 it looks hideous 🥴not even a swimsuit can lift these jugs

I can’t imagine how much 6 more AirBnb’s plus 3 hotels is going to cost her? I guess it’s ok since she’s bleeding that GFM dry!! Also I don’t think boobs to your belly button is in style 😳 I’d want a refund on this botched boob job😆 it looks hideous 🥴not even a swimsuit can lift these jugs submitted by UnderstandingOwn2179 to notthetatertot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:24 AsideInternational48 Can you resent your spouse and still be friends with them?

I know it’s a confusing title, but basically I feel I have a lot of resentment built up with my husband that has turned into hate. Like I yelled at my husband that I hated him (he didn’t hear me I said it under my breath). That’s how much the resentment and anger and frustration has been building. I basically get upset about him not communicating with me or putting his family ahead of me and then he apologizes, I forgive him and then we go back to normal. Cycle repeats. He never learns.
Well I’m also a very happy, talkative, nice, forgiving, outgoing person who can’t just give someone the cold shoulder for weeks on end. So he will apologize and then because I just can’t stay mad for long, we go back to normal. It’s like I see something funny on TV, I have to tell my best friend. Which is him. So it seems that I’m “fine” on the outside to him but I’m really just dying on the inside. I just don’t like tension in our marriage.
Well as you can probably guess, he stopped taking me seriously or at least it feels that way. Otherwise he would have changed right.
He is not very good at showing emotions and feeling. So often times when I am telling him about my feelings, it feels like I am talking to an uninterested therapist who gives the typical “mmhmm, oh yeah? I support you. Sorry you feel that way” type of responses. Very dry. Sounds inauthentic. Like a robot. It’s his personality so can’t really be too upset about. Even though it’s not my preference.
I don’t work, I was laid off and it’s been a year since I worked. Thinking about doing Uber eats though. So I basically just cook and clean for my husband. I’m home all day. I’m depresssed.
I’m considering separating from him. Maybe going on a trip without him. Being more independent. But I need advice because I KNOW once things cool down with my husband and I, I will be back to my happy go lucky self….like I wasn’t just crying myself to sleep multiple nights in a row….back to being buddy buddy with him and Waiting waiting waiting to be hurt once again by him later.
submitted by AsideInternational48 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:22 pickledplumber [Sun Care] Why do I have so much trouble removing sunscreen?

I've tried so many products to remove sunscreen and none of them work. I put sunscreen on my forearms because I have sun spots and I'm trying to prevent cancer.
The issue is it's impossible for me to get the sunscreen off at the end of the day. I've tried so many different types of sunscreen. As of recently I've tried all the following removal methods hoe good they worked with a grade score next to it. Note I always follow these up with real soap. So it's harsh enough that it should get everything but it doesn't.
Today I went and got the Bioderma from CVS. I was excited because I thought this has got to be it. I went into the shower dry. Put the oil on my forearms and massaged in. I then kept massaging in and even took a dry loofa to it to agitate it. Then I turned the shower on after 5 minutes and used a bar of soap to cleanse the oil and dirt. But I can still feel and smell the sunscreen I applied 5 hours ago.
Any advice is recommended. I just don't know what to do. Idk why they need to make the sunscreen so stubborn to get off. Everybody says they have no issue like this. Maybe I'm just too sensitive?
submitted by pickledplumber to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:20 claypigeons18 How to process ¿Fox? Carcass??

How to process ¿Fox? Carcass??
Found this mostly decomposed (I think fox) carcass in PA. I have it outside in a trash bag rn and plan to bury it to get the remaining gross bits off.
The legs are pretty dried up and jerky like. I know that I can easily de-flesh the lose skin on the skull but what do I do about the more “mummified” parts? I’m pretty squeamish and DO NOT want to try and pry the “jerky” off.
How long and deep do I bury it for?
I also have no mesh to but under so can I keep it contained by just cutting open the trash bags so that it is somewhat contained?
Any other tips are appreciated. This is my first time collecting bones that aren’t already clean.
submitted by claypigeons18 to bonecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:19 LeagueAdditional8439 antidepressants worked really well for 9 years (13years old-22)???

i took anti depressants for 9 years before i had my first (known) hypomanic episode. first lexapro for 5 years, 4 years on duloxetine. they saved my life and made me very stable and able to function, although i still had depression episodes every once in a while but no hypomanic symptoms. first hypomanic episode came at 22 as a result of a traumatic experience and beginning stimulants for adhd (even tho i was on 100mg of lamotrigine). ssri/snri were not the culprit for the 3-4 month hypomanic i experienced… but i am 99.99% certain it was hypomania (literally all of the symptoms)… very very confusing bc everyone else says serotonin inhibitors caused hypomania.
anyone else have this experience? it’s definitely not JUST depression/anxiety/trauma/ADHD that i was previously diagnosed with, and i did not have any hypomanic symptoms throughout those years. and i know don’t have bpd… i feel confused because do i even have bipolar 2???? how is this even possible? explanations, experiences, opinions, and advice welcome
TL:DR— can i even have bp2 if antidepressants worked w/o hypomania for SO long, but now i have all the symptoms of bp2??????
submitted by LeagueAdditional8439 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:19 hagaraa15 Help with self sabotage, bingeing, hurting myself by losing control

I’m 25. I live with my dad. He left for vacation with friends and I had my home all to myself for a few days. At first I felt relief, I felt excited to spend time alone uninterrupted. At the same time I was slightly apprehensive that I might spiral out of control. I wanted to “celebrate” being independent and having privacy for the next few days. I chose to celebrate with food and distraction- I bought cookies and chips that I was craving, and I planned to eat them in front of the TV. I guess that’s my poison- some people go party and get drunk to let loose. I eat. But that’s a problem because as of the past year I have been dealing with chronic gastritis and can’t actually tolerate many foods, particularly junk food.
I was in deep debate with myself whether to buy the junk food or not. I knew it wasn’t good for my gastritis and I might pay a price of pain and setback, and I knew I had a problem with self control when it comes to junk food. Still, eventually I convinced myself I coul “reward”myself (idk for what, just reward in general or maybe for being so good with my diet and trying so hard to deal with my gastritis), and maybe this time I’d be able to stop in time and prove myself wrong.
I got home and I told myself I’d eat lunch first, then have the junk for desert, thinking it would help me be more balanced in my eating and also cushion my stomach with good foods before the harmful foods. I did just that and ended up overeating but not irreversibly, the bag of chips still had some leftovers in it and I only had 4 cookies out of 12. I was definitely too full but if I stopped there I’d probably be fine the next day.
I think after that I was trying to do some productive things for an hour or two. Came the evening. I watched something on tv. The cookies in front of me. I don’t know what I had for dinner but I was totally full at that point and yet I started eating the cookies on top of that. I definitely tried to avoid doing that but I couldn’t resist, I convinced myself I was feeling totally fine so what harm could a few more do? It started with two. Euphoria in my mouth. Can’t stop. The next two weren’t very good, though still addictive. My stomach was really aching at that point, practically bursting, my mouth rough with dryness and thirst, overwhelmed with sugar and sodium. I knew I’d regret this. But I still reached out for the rest of the cookies. I swallowed them more than ate them really, barely feeling the taste in my now numb mouth, not enjoying it at all, but for some reason I still felt an urge to shove this junk into my body.
I guess my thought process was: just take it all in. Deal with it later, who cares about the consequences? Forget the shame and guilt. Forget your future self, your goals and hopes, your physical ailments. All that matters is this very moment you’re living in. Just live in the moment!
I proceeded to have a terrible episode of nausea and weakness and pain. I broke out a sweat and thought I might faint. My body was literally failing, I could barely hold myself upright. I was in terrible pain and scared to move. I have a phobia of throwing up but in that moment I was praying I might just puke to release my body from this poison that was stuck inside it. I was afraid I might require emergency medical care. I had to sleep the whole night sitting upright because even leaning back worsened the nausea, let alone lying down. I felt weak and queasy the next few days.
Why do I hurt myself like this? Why can’t I stop before it’s too late? Why do I convince myself the consequences don’t matter and set myself back like that? I was actually doing pretty well the few weeks prior. My mood was good, I was consistent with my diet, I was seeing friends and trying to make music and do other things I enjoy.
submitted by hagaraa15 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:18 Sunlover_sunflower Post treatment symptoms remaining and protocol

Hi I just finished treatment - amox, clari, omeprozole. For the most part I feel a lot better but still have some symptoms remaining - abdominal tightness and discomfort in lower right, feeling of needing to go to washroom but can’t go, gas, stomach tenderness.
Does any one have any other symptoms remaining/ how long until you felt better?
My naturopath has recommended probiotics, Dgl x3 a day, b12 (I have a deficiency now). I have been juicing cabbage juice too! What are you doing?
submitted by Sunlover_sunflower to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:17 Whole-Bed4630 This 1st Stage Urethroplasty Surgery has Fucked me Up (Psychologically)!

This is more of a rant post. Born with mild hypospadias (never corrected. At around my teenage years I've been noticing that my stream began getting weaker and weaker and the urge to void my bladder got worse, a lot worse over time which made me go to the Urologist specialist. Something just weren't right.
They did all the tests on me and found out it was a stricture. I had two options, self dilation (improving symptoms for a bit and then getting worse again requiring more dilation over time) or the other option: permanent surgery with reconstruction. I've opted for the latter. I'm in my early twenties so it just seemed like the better option.
I've never had surgery before which scared the living shit out of me but I had high hopes. I rather suffer and go through surgery than live with this stricture. I knew it weren't gonna be easy but there's light at the end of the tunnel, right?
It's only been 4.5 weeks since my the 1st stage Urethroplasty and my recovery was just hell! They've taken a graft from my mouth as well. I couldn't eat proper food for 2 weeks. I've had daily constant erections which were really painful. Constant bladder spasms with the catheter. Oh well, what can I do?
Now that I'm somewhat recovered and back on my feet. I've just been clinically depressed. I don't like the appearance of my dick at all. I can now somewhat stand an erection without it being painful now. I hate the fact that I now have to sit down to pee. Okay, I can deal with that somewhat, But urine is just splashing everywhere going into my thighs and my balls! It's just gross and the smell lingers when it hits my balls.
I know they've said to avoid any sexual activity until at least 6 weeks post surgery but I been getting horny. I've tried to masturbate but it's just so weird! I can't stand it. I'm not getting any pleasure from it. Today I've went to hook up with my FWB girl today and she was just grossed out by my dick. We ended up just talking instead. I just don't think I'm gonna be getting any 'action' until my second stage procedure.
All of this is just making me depressed. I've been stuck at home feeling completely hopeless and empty. Most nights I'm up until 3AM in the morning crying. I don't feel like I'm a man anymore. I don't wanna wait 4 to 6 months until my second procedure I just wanna get it done now and get it over with.
I know all of this is just temporary but I've no idea how to cope with all of these emotions. I'm scared that soon all of this may get too overwhelming for me and I consider suicide to just end it. I've struggled with depression and suicide in my teen years due to family abuse. Thankfully I don't feel like that anymore but after this surgery all of those dark thoughts and somewhat making them come back.
I keep telling myself it won't ben long until the second stage. Things will get better but I just don't believe it. I feel like I need support and talking about this with anyone just seems so weird. Nobody will understand.
submitted by Whole-Bed4630 to UrethralStrictureAid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:17 natedoggggggggg Cat bad reaction to dry food, what’s the cause?

We’ve been feeding our Scottish straight cat wet food since we got him a year ago, now that he’s older, we got an automatic feeder to feed him dry food whenever we leave the house for the day or whatever. The issue is it seems like he’s throwing up whenever he eats the dry food. We have his bowl raised - the same bowl he eats wet food so we don’t think it’s the raised bowl issue.
He also only throws up after eating dry food. What could the issue be? For the week he and the dry food he was fine. But a couple weeks in he started doing it again so we stopped for a while. Now we fed him it again and he threw up. we can see the food in his throw up not digested. We fed him 2/24 of a cup this serving. We usually do 1/24 cup.
Could it be he’s not drinking water after? Or is the food too small for him? Food type? Not sure what the issue is!
Currently feeding him natural instinct with freeze dried pellets in there
submitted by natedoggggggggg to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:15 chunkyfilas cat blocking

my cat (6 years old) blocked about 6 months ago. he has since been on a st/ox diet (strictly) and has a water fountain. recently he has been showing the same early symptoms he showed for weeks before blocking last time (we didn’t know what was wrong). is there anything i can do at home or the vet can prescribe him other than chugging water and prescription diet? or is this just a pray he pees it out type of situation? i do not want another $6k vet bill i can’t afford it
submitted by chunkyfilas to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:14 fertilizingdaffodil i’m 20, should i get tested for a genetic disease that runs in my family?

hey everybody, this is my first post ever so here goes nothing.
my grandma passed away from huntingtons disease in 2016. my mom recently told me that she was also diagnosed. this means i have about a 50% chance of having it. if you don’t know what huntingtons is, it’s a neurodegenerative disease with no cure. i don’t wanna make this a super long post by listing all the symptoms, but symptoms usually start between 30-50 years old. after that, you have about 10-25 years left. i’m not an expert on it all but i’ve done a lot of research (im sorry if my stats are off). my grandma passed away in her 60s after years of having little ability to control her movements or speak.
so my question is, should i get tested soon or wait? i said this in the title, but im only 20. my sister told me that if i get tested and do have it, it can be really difficult to get life insurance. i don’t know if it’s better to know i have it now, or my mom says wait and see what happens and possibly get tested later in life. i struggle with mental health issues as it is, and im worried that knowing now will affect my mental health. but also im so anxious about it.
i know it’s ultimately up to me when i will get tested, i just wanted to hear different perspectives than my own. i appreciate it
submitted by fertilizingdaffodil to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:14 Busy_Function_5617 HELP something is seriously wrong with my baby !!!!

HELP something is seriously wrong with my baby !!!!
So I just got back from Vacation for 3 weeks, my boyfriend admitted he did NOT do any water changes while I’ve been away😡😡😡.
I did do one just before I left but I asked him to do a normal 15-20% each week or minimum just top the tank up when it’s down, which he did not do either… and when I saw the condition of the tank the water was down 50% and the tank was filled with algae and the filter wasn’t on…
The fish has just been laying at the bottom of the tank, and he does sporadic jumps to the surface for air as if he forgets he needs to breath, he also apprently hasn’t been eating…
I just cleaned and changed the water, So I’m hoping he will get better with time
I Bought a heater, frozen blood worms and all new dry foods today, so I’m hoping that will aid in his comfort. All water parameters are fine now. I did do a test before the change and they were fine aswell.
Any suggestions on how I can get his spirits back?? I’m thinking of doing a epsom salt bath for like 5-8mins???
Little Hinode is also about 2 years old, could this been old age or mainly disgustingly over neglect ?? And how should I teach my boyfriend a lesson?? 😠(I thinking on only making myself dinner for 3 weeks lol😂)
Also no matter what I cant get my Tank to be clear? Every time after a water change it stays cloudy/murky, it’s been this way for about 2 months 😭
submitted by Busy_Function_5617 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:09 Real-Preference673 AITA for standing up to my coworkers?

I used to work at a fast food place, but I quit about a month ago due to the story I’m about to tell.
One day, I was working the drive-thru window and I noticed there was this customer about to pass me, so I leaned over and tapped on his car to get his attention. My shift supervisor saw that and started bitching at me for it. I explained to her that the assistant manager said I could do that. I used to knock on their windows, but noticed that would startle them, so I asked my assistant manager what I could do instead, and she said to lightly tap on them instead.
That didn’t stop the customer from getting mad at me about it, and when he said something about it, I apologized. My shift supervisor then got on the headset and said to the assistant manager, “I really wish you did not tell this fool that he could tap on people’s cars.” I asked her if she just called me a fool and she yelled, again, on the headset, “Yeah, and I’ll say it again: you’re a fucking idiot!”
Keep in mind that this wasn’t the first time she or any of my other coworkers had treated me like shit, so at this point, I had enough and I lost it.
I went off on her and told her I was tired of her disrespecting me and that she had some nerve and arrogance to insult me over the headset with her back turned acting like I’m not five feet away from her and can hear every word that she’s saying.
“If you got something to say, you can least say it to my face.”
She got in my face and called me a fucking idiot again. I reminded her of the golden rule and she told me if I didn’t like how she was talking to me, then I could just leave. I asked if it was too much to ask for her to treat me with just a little decency. Long story short, we got into a heated argument. It was a mess.
This went for a few minutes and one of my coworkers came into the office and intervened. She went, “What is it going to take for you to to resolve this? Because we’re getting busy and you’re holding us all back.” I said that I would like Hannah (the shift supervisor) to apologize. It’s one thing for her to insult me, but in front of the whole restaurant? She told me that I was giving her a fucking anxiety attack and I was disrespecting Hannah, she’s the manager, and she can fire me right now. I said I didn’t care. I didn’t wanna be there, especially in that moment. Besides, that’s the store manager’s responsibility, not a shift supervisor’s.
“Are you going to work?” Working is what got me into this mess. I was just doing what I was told to do, what I could do.
She walked away and the shift supervisor gave me an apology, but she was being sarcastic, not a real one, and walked off too. I went to the assistant manager, who was standing at the front counter and asked her if I could please go home, because the situation had just gotten so overwhelming for me. I felt like I was having a big sensory overload that only got worse by the second (I have autism). She said she couldn’t do that and I pleaded with her again.
“Please, I can’t take this anymore!” Then the girl who was working the pick up window yelled from across the kitchen, “THEN LEAVE!” I told her stay out of this and that she wasn’t helping.
After that, I heard another girl start to speak over the headset, so I turned and I saw her standing next to the bacon rack. She told me to “get my ass over here and get this fucking bacon pan up, I’m not doing your goddamn job for you.” In response, I said, “ I love how you brag about being a Christian, yet you’re going to talk to me like that when you clearly see how upset I am. Also, next time that I ask you to make me something, just make it. Don’t give me attitude, and say, ‘You can make it yourself” because it’s your job and I can’t work off the clock because that’s against the rules and I’ll get written up. And just because you’re mad that Sharon had the audacity to tell you to put your phone away, doesn’t mean to get to take it out on me by throwing dishes in my sink getting me soaking wet.”
Yeah, I was having a meltdown, I’ll admit. I have these people coming at me left and right, so I felt like I had to stand up for myself. I just thought it was the right thing to do.
After all that, I was sent home early as punishment. I told my aunt about this, and she said that I was in the wrong for standing up to my manager that way, that I should’ve just kept my mouth shut and asked to go to the bathroom or something to calm down. She also accused me of tattling. I told her that I reported this incident to the boss. TBH I thought that it was the right thing to do, as well as the only thing to do, because it was literally a big deal, multiple people were involved, and this happened in front of everyone, customers included. And as I said before, this wasn’t the first time that I had been bullied by my coworkers, and me standing up for myself clearly didn’t work so I had no other choice.
submitted by Real-Preference673 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:04 Intuiteacher Red Anderson 🆘

Red Anderson 🆘
This is my baby red Anderson cutting. I repotted it and it is really loose in the soil (not stable…?) this is my first Philodendron and I just want to make sure it’s okay.
It had 4 leaves and one of them turned yellow and died off, which is why I repotted it.
It hasn’t grown in a month…are these slow-growing babies?
How much light do they need? My window is south-facing so it gets the morning sun. I also have a grow light I can place it under if needed.
I water it around once a week once soil on top is dry, but terracotta pot keeps it hydrated so I make sure I check the soil
submitted by Intuiteacher to philodendron [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:02 Hoplessprincess I honestly just don’t know what to do

I honestly am really close to the point of just ending my life I know it hasn’t been that long it’s agony I have a couple symptoms I can deal with them all except the constant uncomfortable feeling in my body best I can describe is like a constant tightness and tingling with sometimes burning n I honestly can’t live like this forever I’m only 21 there’s no way I can deal with this for 50 years or more I’ve Hurd of a good amount of recovery but then there people who are basically like your doomed n your stuck with this and I’m not gonna make it if that’s the case 😭 I don’t know what to do at all I just want this feeling in my body to stop
submitted by Hoplessprincess to LongCovid [link] [comments]