T pol trip shower


2020.04.09 07:52 OffTheCompassClub

A place for we the people off the compass to come and have our own little safe space. (remain in the basement where our moms don't tell us to take a damn shower.) an alternative to PolCompBall


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submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:12 movievgc Travel Help to Hawaii from LAX with UR and AMEX points

Complete newbie here and would appreciate any guidance on making this trip worth it!
I have approximately 165k Chase Sapphire Points and 97k points on AMEX.
Two people, flying from LAX to Honolulu July 5-8. I found a few using the chase app travel portal; however, don’t know if this is the best approach considering this is my first time using any points.
We are currently looking at Hyatt Place, Regency, or Centric. 23k points based on my research today.
Having trouble finding the best use of points for flight and hoping someone here can help guide me through the best use. Greatly appreciate any help!!!
submitted by movievgc to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:10 Jzb1964 Hearing Aid in One Ear

I have a rather unique situation. I was having trouble flying and got tubes placed for an important trip. Unfortunately when ascending, I had tremendous pain in my right ear and could feel fluid running down my neck. The flight attendant saw how much pain I was in and actually asked me if they needed to land the plane. As soon as the fluid left my ear, I felt much better. Did what I needed to do on the trip and got on plane to go home and the same thing happened again. Saw my audiologist when I got back and yes I have a literal hole in my ear. Went to see another doctor about fixing it, but he said if he fixed it, I would still have trouble flying. So it became a choice between fixing the ear or seeing my children since two live a plane distance away. Fortunately, I have had no ear infections in my right ear with the hole since this happened about three years ago.
Well, I know I have hearing loss in high pitched frequencies due to too many rock concerts in the ‘80s. And I fear that my hearing is getting worse as I approach 60. Can I get a hearing aid only for my left ear? I don’t want to introduce any possible infection into my right ear. I actually have done really well with mono vision for decades having only surgically fixed my dominant eye. My brain has me use my dominant eye for reading and I wear glasses to address the non dominant eye for distance. Works great. Almost 60 and have so far not needed reading glasses.
So how would one hearing aid work? Does anyone do this and how do you feel about your hearing? Is it better with just one? Obviously I know I will not be able to hear as well with the existing hole present. But I do want to be able to fly.
submitted by Jzb1964 to HearingAids [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:10 detroit_0 Why is it always the gross, unkempt nerds you see driving a Tesla?

Seriously. every time I take a look at someone driving a Tesla, Im just happy not to be interacting with them. Theyre almost always unkempt nerdy looking people who look like they haven’t showered for a while.
any reason why teslas attract this particular type of driver?
submitted by detroit_0 to RealTesla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:10 Various-Choice7440 The tiny twins

It always irritated me how they would always cry for each other, when the girls went to Myrtle Beach Amanda was crying because Andrea wasn’t with her because she had to be on bed rest when she was pregnant with Aubrey. When Chris told Amanda she couldn’t see drea she felt like Chris was trying to keep her from her, but he was actually trying to avoid them arguing because she was already high risk with Aubrey she was having so much pain then Amanda cried and called her mom I felt like they got babied way too much. Andrea got away with so much, like on the trip Jordan planed so he could propose to Manda she talked crap to Monie and said something about her mom she only apologized cause Chris was mad at her and they started crying per usual. She went off on Minnie because she was asked to help her pick the ring out, she always cried and everyone always cut her slack she’s so mean , then her parents took care of all her kids for her it never seemed like she appreciated them for doing that , please correct me if I’m wrong. Then the constant arguing with Chris she knew he wasn’t there when Andre was born but she kept sleeping with him he left when Aubrey was born then she kept crying to her family and Minnie and then she kept taking him back and had ANOTHER baby with him. She talked crap about Tanya’s situation but hers wasn’t any better at least Von wanted to be with her, Chris didn’t want Andrea and we all knew it she knew it too. Mandy’ is definitely the nicer twin she’s sweet and calm but when her sister is around she’s so mean. I really wish someone would have knocked Andrea up the head she deserved it
submitted by Various-Choice7440 to LifetimeLittleWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 Masterchef1111 Walk out wife

Long story short we had a relatively healthy happy relationship. Been married 4 years. Both had supportive families on either side of so I thought.
Found out my wife (32) back in 2021/22 was getting bullied in her old work place. Wife’s mum used to ring me for hours on end asking why I don’t do it. Yet tell me my wife is a big girl and can deal with bullying on her own, along with telling me she’s worried about my wife’s weight and weight loss. My wife very private person opted not to talk about her bullying and try sort it internally. As her husband I watch her crumble and decided enough with enough. Various stress factors nearly caused my wife’s bowels to explode due to stress damage. Multiple A&E/ER trips medical bills my mother in law never once came near the hospital to support my wife. But always arm chair directing. I eventually helped my wife get a new job.
Few months later we figured my wife developed an eating disorder which I thought had gotten worse since previous bullying trauma. At a family BBQ at her mums, I asked both my own mum (wife is very close to) and her own mum for support. To which my mother in law replied she is a big girl and waved away eating disorder! Yet she flagged the weight loss previous.
Roll forward to 2023 weeks found out we were expecting a baby last year, my mum (I’m the husband) was over joyed and so excited. Finally becoming a grandma. My wife very apprehensive going to tell her mum on the same night. We did and her mums response was nothing short of disgusting. She (52 year old lady) sat on her big chair repeated fuck, oh fuck, fuck off with a face that looked like it had been slapped with a fish. The disgusting facial expressions still haunt me to this day. My wife really cried and disappointed on her mums response, I tried to sugar coat and say her mum was just shocked it being her first grandchild.
The months after this my mother in law being really awkward and strange. Mother in law used to whisper when my wife wasn’t around you made a mistake you made a mistake regarding getting my wife pregnant. My father in law works away and when he found out his response was joy and happiness like my own mums.
My mother in law booked a holiday half way through my wife’s pregnancy taking my wife. Who hated her body image while being pregnant due to eating disorder (which she was getting help for to over come) my wife was guilt tripped into the holiday and while there spent 5 days texting me saying hate it here, didn’t want go and can’t wait to come home. I didn’t want cause a fuss and kept my wife moral up, telling her how she was doing amazing pregnant and the holiday might relax her.
My wife and I lived in my mums home (big enough house) due to building on land nearby. Pregnancy happened much quicker than we expected, issues with building and work along with wife health put the house build on hold. My wife got sick and our little one made a very quick appearance in the world at 28 weeks. As husband being my first baby I felt my wife smashed child birth, no pain relief, 6/7 hours in labour and baby arrived very early, tiny but healthy. My wife nearly broke my hand due to squeezing so much lol. As a man the proudest moment ever seeing my child for the very first time.
Nearly a stressful 10 weeks in neonatal unit which our child battled life with many ups and downs. Grandparents (just our mums) were only allowed in due to infection minimisation were the only ones allowed the visit 1 hour each a day. All of a sudden my wife’s mum who didn’t give a shit about the pregnancy wanted in every day. Even when our baby had infections never listening to nursing protocols and basically making me leave each time she came in. Some days while at sitting watching our child my mother in law would say aw she will be living with me again soon, I’ll have my family back together. Telling me I’m a worthless man, I didn’t deserve a child or to be a dad and I had little boy dreams for my business that I should be working a real job.
I work in IT contracting live what I do but my passion is my start up business in healthy beverages which has grown and fast. The idea of my business was to ensure I could work from home and be there flexibly with clients Rigid timings or deadlines.
My mother in law does no work, lives in a big house which is falling apart and nearly $1 million of debt is used (from what my father in law states) mother in law pretends to live the high life making her husband work 7 days a week around the west coast to fund her 3/4 holiday fair designer hand bag life. My mother in law always outs me down, picks on my wife and stopped our house build due to medaling with the contractors and causing issues. Since our son was born my mother in law has taking our child out and about exposing her to germs days after being released from hospital which result in a breathing infection near killing our little one.
My wife is petrified to stand up to her mum, who rings 20/30 times a day. My wife could be brushing her teeth gets a face time stops her life to answer. My other in law has got my wife and child to move 1.5 hours away causing my wife and I split. I can’t take the pressure of a controlling mother in law. I want my wife back but she is too scared to see how her mum acts and treats her.
How the hell does anyone deal with this!!!
submitted by Masterchef1111 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:08 DeliciousNobody1227 I regret getting married. Can we fix this?

I (25F) and my husband (27M) got married about 6 months ago. We were taking a trip to Vegas anyways and had been engaged for almost a year at that point. We felt we were ready and it was too convenient. Prior to making that decision we had a lot going on career and life wise and despite living together would only get to really see eachother 1-2 times a month… max. He had got an injury which made him loose his job right after he convinced me to quit one of my two jobs so we’d have more time together. I’m still glad I did quit that job, and luckily had enough saved up that we could just survive while he healed and found a new job. Recently we’ve been going through a lot of stress and our tension has been really high. He’s been spending 99% of his time with his friends outside of work. Which I wouldn’t mind if I had some one on one time with him. However, he does invite me to spend time with him and his friends and I normally just sit in silence while they’re off doing whatever. He gets mad when I don’t feel up to it so I do it in hopes that we get to spend time together. Well, today’s my birthday. I’m not a big birthday person and I understand he has a hard time getting off of work. So I worked today so I wouldn’t be sad and alone. As well as a friend had a little get together not in relation to my birthday so I went to that afterwards. But I did ask to get up early and get breakfast together, but he didn’t wake up early enough. So I went to work, went to this small party and went home and he invited me to come out with his coworkers after his shift. I declined because I took an edible and had some stuff to drink. Which he’s mad at me for. I was hoping he’d want to spend some time with me on my birthday. Or maybe get me a gift or acknowledge it’s my birthday. But no. I feel like I was so busy while we were dating trying to get to a point where we could afford to have time together. But now I’m just lonely. Tl;dr : married without much thought, feeling lonely in relationship.
submitted by DeliciousNobody1227 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 Existing_Door_9274 cat came home with a bloody cut lip..😓😓

cat came home with a bloody cut lip..😓😓
i have a four year old, 12 pound, spayed, female grey tabby cat named frog. she was outside for a few hours & when i called her in at 11:25pm i noticed her mouth had some blood on it, i then found a cut, that looks a little more like a small gash.. i cleaned it off with a baby wipe and some water. she isn’t showing any signs that it is bothering her but it’s only been about 30 minutes. she ate some treats when she came in because i always reward her with them for coming to me when i call her. i think she may have fought with one of them. she also had a couple of fox tails i got out of her fur. she’s now asleep, she always naps when she comes in.
my questions: what should i do for her injury? should i go get any certain products to clean it? is it bad enough for a vet trip? what symptoms should i look out for? should i assume this is a cat fight injury based off the looks of it?
some background info: frog is a mostly indoor cat. for about two years she’s stayed inside since we moved into our new apartment. but as of two months ago, i started allowing her to go out our window on to our very large, flat, rooftop. she found a way off it, and every once in awhile will climb down to run wild in our back alley and she stays close to home. i check on her frequently when she’s out & if i notice she’s gone, i give her about two hours before i call her back or go find her. she is microchipped, collared, and has an airtag in the mail on the way. we have other stray cats in our neighborhood & i’ve seen her around them a couple of times. i am assuming she isn’t too affected by what happened, because my logic is that she would have came home right away if she was hurting, i wouldn’t have had to call her in.
when she was a year old, she had all of the shots the vet recommended, if needed i can share those, i just need to find the record. i believe she is due for a few more, i’ve been trying to save money to get her to the vet for those.
thank you for taking the time to read this, any advice would be extremely appreciated as i am currently very worrisome.
submitted by Existing_Door_9274 to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 Live-Razzmatazz-6387 A few points after quite a few matches

A few points after quite a few matches
I played a LOT on beta, and played quite a few to reach 100k points. Why? Wanted to give my voice around here.
A few points: the grind means nothing. Any 'quite good' player can do it, and the rewards are the trashiest I've ever saw (and I have a 2k hours account on Overwatch, so imagine my shock there), and the game is... In beta phase, I might assume. Disconnections, before and middle fight, bugs (a lot), and the game crashing are a few, but that's not the point. What I wanna point is how dumb certain playstiles and gimmicks sound (I play just 2v2)
Superman - His grab can cut anything, anytime, anywhere. Don't have a disjointed? Don't even try. Never try. Also, his charged special kills WAY too much, waaaaaaaaay too much;
Bugs - Nerf / adjust his upair e his downair, please. The hitbox and active frames are disgusting, but don't nerf like you did with Velma, PLEASE;
Gizmo - A small hitbox with way too much options to play safe. Do something with his umbrella (not a problem being invulnerable, but eating everything and doing way too much keeps it dumb. His projectiles are ok... but annoying xD;
Velma is dead. I know, early days, but they cute her hopes like she could cute lives before;
Steven, and this one's a favorite since beta: MAKE HIS HURT/HITBOXES LOOK LIKE THE ANIMATION, PLEASE! I'm tired of taking 36 hits before being able to move in doubles. Also, his upair / downair / fair are ridiculous large;
Black goddamnthischaracter Adam: One of the two -> or you guys make him more 'vulnerable' while using lightning, or make his hitboxes smaller. Shaggy, Finn, Arya, even some good hitboxes like Harley suffer way too much and always lose against him, while he (literally) eats away projectiles. He's nice, just a little touch would do it;
Batman is just annoying like Harley, just spams too much bs;
God forgive me, but buff Jake! You guys adjusted his hurtboxes, but he's way too weak right now, just a little touch would do;
I know he is quite hard yada yada yada, but nerf Morty. If the player knows what he's doing, the char is way too powerful, and if you don't have projectiles, you are in a bad trip, brother;
Also, Stripe and Taz hurtboxes are... Weird, I guess? They don't look like they connect, and yet there you are taking hits
Asides that, thanks for the awesome game, bring back all my gold and stuff you D**t Pi* L***s and don't fall for WB monetization, PFG!
submitted by Live-Razzmatazz-6387 to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:02 Existing_Door_9274 (tw:blood)cat came home with a bloody cut on her lip.

(tw:blood)cat came home with a bloody cut on her lip.
i have a four year old, 12 pound, spayed, female grey tabby cat named frog. she was outside for a few hours & when i called her in at 11:25pm i noticed her mouth had some blood on it, i then found a cut on her lower right lip that looks a little more like a small gash.. i cleaned it off with a baby wipe and some water. she isn’t showing any signs that it is bothering her but it’s only been about 30 minutes. she ate some treats when she came in because i always reward her with them for coming to me when i call her. i think she may have fought with one of them. she also had a couple of fox tails i got out of her fur. she’s now asleep, she always naps when she comes in.
my questions: what should i do for her injury? should i go get any certain products to clean it? is it bad enough for a vet trip? what symptoms should i look out for? should i assume this is a cat fight injury based off the looks of it?
some background info: frog is a mostly indoor cat. for about two years she’s stayed inside since we moved into our new apartment. but as of two months ago, i started allowing her to go out our window on to our very large, flat, rooftop. she found a way off it, and every once in awhile will climb down to run wild in our back alley and she stays close to home. i check on her frequently when she’s out & if i notice she’s gone, i give her about two hours before i call her back or go find her. she is microchipped, collared, and has an airtag in the mail on the way. we have other stray cats in our neighborhood & i’ve seen her around them a couple of times. i am assuming she isn’t too affected by what happened, because my logic is that she would have came home right away if she was hurting, i wouldn’t have had to call her in.
when she was a year old, she had all of the shots the vet recommended, if needed i can share those, i just need to find the record. i believe she is due for a few more, i’ve been trying to save money to get her to the vet for those.
thank you for taking the time to read this, any advice would be extremely appreciated as i am currently very worrisome.
submitted by Existing_Door_9274 to CatMedicalAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 Top_Lime1820 Can you answer this EFF(ZA) talking point on state-led growth?

(EFF = Economic Freedom Fighters, not Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Watch this short video from X, formerly known as Twitter, where one of the leaders of the EFF is defending his statist economic program. Here is what he says, paraphrased slightly:
I'm shocked because the DA man here is old enough to have grown up under Apartheid. Apartheid was a government of parastatals [state-owned entities] my brother. The Afrikaner population in the 1930s accounted for less than 7% of the GDP. They were so ni**erized - they were the poorest whites in the world. They were an embarrassment to the white supremacist culture. Apartheid took over through parastatals, through state-owned entities!
Let's talk about Apartheid that uplifted white people in this country. They were uplifted through parastatals - Eskom, Transnet, Iscor - you name them. But when you saw you are about to lose power, you then privatized them. But forget Venezuela for a while (your only lazy example). What is the world economic history? After WW2, Europe's public infrastructure was devastated. How did you rebuild Europe? State parastatals. China is the largest and fastest growing economy in the world today. Same as Vietnam - those are Communist countries. Have the decency for intellectual honesty. Neoliberalism doesn't work.
The EFF is a racist, anti-white party. This post is not about laundering their politics as legitimate. I'm not trying to 'platform' them or whatever. But the ideas represented in the above extract are so useful in understanding the state of play in South African politics.
Firstly, I would say that I think his characterization of the National Party's economic policies is correct. To the best of my understanding, they were corporatists.
So what the EFF is really saying here is simple:
If you can follow this argument, then you understand what it feels like to be an EFF supporter. Do not underestimate the degree to which the people in the EFF have a genuine interest in economic policy or theory. It's not all bluster and antics. It's not the hollow Trumpist populism. Malema isn't even necessarily the most popular EFF leader.
So my question is, why is he wrong? I'm not suggesting he's right. I'm just really interested to hear from self-avowed neoliberals exactly where his argument falls apart.
The experience of engaging with the DA type liberals can sometimes feel ridiculous. Think about how unpersuasive you would find the following:
I am young, college educated and Black. Even though the DA beats the EFF nationally, in my demographic the EFF destroys every other party. You can see this by looking at which parties win university student council elections. The EFF Student Command is an absolute beast.
In my opinion, the reason we (liberals) lose to the EFF is because we are unable to provide a compelling response to the points raised by the quote, and because the stuff we do say is confusing, incoherent and ridiculous. We lose to the EFF because we are hypocrites. We can beat them by not being hypocrites. But I suspect that the secondary consequences of articulating a consistent liberal politics would be so radical that many of the people who think of themselves as liberal would struggle to accept it.
I would like to hear your guys' thoughts on this.
submitted by Top_Lime1820 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:59 Pleasant_Carpet_467 Bride wants me to wear certain color but I’m not a bridesmaid!!!

My brother is getting married and I have known/ been close with his fiancé for over 10 years but we have not been as close for the last 2 years but still get along great. The wedding is coming up and my mom suggested I wear the same colors as the wedding colors since she thought the bride wanted everyone to wear the wedding colors. I reached out over text to the bride because this didn’t sound right. She texted back saying she does not want everyone to wear the wedding colors but wants my sister and I to wear the main wedding color, which the bridesmaids are also wearing. She said she wants this specially for photos. She never asked my sister or I to be bridesmaids. She also expected us to make food/do the planning for her engagement party and bridal shower. I don’t think she would’ve reached out and told me to wear that specific color if I had not reached out first. Should I comply even though the color doesn’t look good with my skin tone? Or just buy the color dress I want?
submitted by Pleasant_Carpet_467 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:57 Existing_Door_9274 my cat came home with a bloody cut lip. 😓

i have a four year old, 12 pound, spayed, female grey tabby cat named frog. she was outside for a few hours & when i called her in at 11:25pm i noticed her mouth had some blood on it, i then found a cut on her bottom right lip, that looks a little more like a small gash.. i cleaned it off with a baby wipe and some water. she isn’t showing any signs that it is bothering her but it’s only been about 30 minutes. she ate some treats when she came in because i always reward her with them for coming to me when i call her. i think she may have fought with one of them. she also had a couple of fox tails i got out of her fur. she’s now asleep, she always naps when she comes in.
•my questions: what should i do for her injury? should i go get any certain products to clean it? is it bad enough for a vet trip? what symptoms should i look out for? should i assume this is a cat fight injury based off the looks of it?•
some background info: frog is a mostly indoor cat. for about two years she’s stayed inside since we moved into our new apartment. but as of two months ago, i started allowing her to go out our window on to our very large, flat, rooftop. she found a way off it, and every once in awhile will climb down to run wild in our back alley and she stays close to home. i check on her frequently when she’s out & if i notice she’s gone, i give her about two hours before i call her back or go find her. she is microchipped, collared, and has an airtag in the mail on the way. we have other stray cats in our neighborhood & i’ve seen her around them a couple of times. i am assuming she isn’t too affected by what happened, because my logic is that she would have came home right away if she was hurting, i wouldn’t have had to call her in.
when she was a year old, she had all of the shots the vet recommended, if needed i can share those, i just need to find the record. i believe she is due for a few more, i’ve been trying to save money to get her to the vet for those.
thank you for taking the time to read this, any advice would be extremely appreciated as i am currently very worrisome.!❤️
submitted by Existing_Door_9274 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 PlayfulScallion5185 Help deciding what to do

I need help deciding what to do. This is my second child but if I do a baby shower it would be my first baby shower.
When I had my first baby my mom planned a surprise baby shower for me but unfortunately due to getting preeclampsia at 29 weeks I ended up having an emergency c-section and staying with my baby for 3 months at the hospital. I never had the opportunity to experienced the baby shower. During the time at the hospital the only people who would reach out and ask how my baby and I were doing was my parents and siblings and one of my close friends. None of my extended family members or other friends reached out to see how he was doing which hurt at the time.
Now I am pregnant again (7 years later) at 29 weeks and everyone around me keeps asking me when the baby shower will be or if I’ll at least do a drive by one but honestly I don’t think I want to have one. The idea is spending money to invite the same family members who never bothered to check up on my first child give me a sour feeling. Idk if I’m being dumb by not wanting to do one or for still feeling this way.
Ever since my first baby was in the hospital I became very distant with all of them and I feel like I would be putting on a fake face to be around people I don’t even like just to receive gifts for this baby.
Should I have the baby shower?
submitted by PlayfulScallion5185 to babyshower [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 Key_Spirit_7072 It’s the little things

As the title suggests, my post is kind of just to say that it really is the little things that mean the most to you but also to your partner.
An example I can provide off the top of my head is one instance where my partner had a really bad cold. I had a cold as well and he was trying so hard to help me but his cold was worse than mine (as I was on the recovering side of things) and he was just getting into it.
I helped him to the shower, I helped him strip down and got him to sit on the shower floor to stay at a good temperature and for the steam to help him breathe. I then took his car keys from the counter and told him to stay sitting there until I got back (I was barely 19 at the time) and he tried to give me his debit card with his keys because “You gotta drive so you need this and get gatorades” which in his semi delusional state on cold meds was adorable because I had just finished telling him what I was going to do with his car (turns out he had planned to stop for gas in the morning before work, he had literally next to no gas in it). So without telling him, I stuck his debit card back in his wallet and took my card and got him his favourite Gatorade and a full tank of gas.
The reason I consider this a “little thing” is because I never told him that I put gas in his car, it wasn’t a huge deal to me, but it meant a lot to him because he wasn’t expecting me to freeze my ass off in -40c to put gas in his car and get him Gatorade, he thought I was just driving across the way to a corner store. The next day when he got sent home from work because he was still sick, he just hugged me and said “You didn’t have to do that”.
It’s not all about the “grand gesture” it’s about the little things that add up over time. This is the same man that remembered a teacher in high school recommended a pizza place for me to try in the city I was going to university in and hadn’t gotten around to yet as money was tight and despite me only mentioning it once in passing, he remembered and took me there for our one year anniversary. Another thing he has done for me, that he considers a “little thing” (although to me it was this huge deal and I’ll love him forever for it) was that I had mentioned to him that once I’m done university and Stars on Ice passes through our city again, I want to take him to see the show because I’ve always dreamt of going but had never gotten to. That same day, he messaged me that he googled it, it is my childhood hero’s last tour and he bought us tickets to go “because I so rarely mention stuff like that” so he thought it would be a great surprise (he was right, of course). What made it so big to me and so little to him, was that he has no interest in figure skating, I’m the one that figure skated growing up and love it.
submitted by Key_Spirit_7072 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 Uninformed_Delivery Day 3: May 29

Plan: (Majoria's?) Commerce Restaurant Hurricane Katrina Memorial City Park Sculpture Garden Parkway Poor Boys Audubon Park Exhibit at Federal Reserve Sidecar (for oysters) Vyonne's (it's a birthday dinner for her) At some point...buy a lottery ticket.
Commerce Restaurant was closed. Which is too bad, because it seemed like it woulda been exactly what we needed. But she had an early day anyway, and I happened to stumble into another unplanned gem.
Morning Call. Beignets and coffee. It was a great start to the day. I almost feel like it was magic, adding strength and luck and whatever I needed to have a good day.
The Hurricane Katrina Memorial was something I stumbled across in my Googling, and I'm really happy I went. It's just a quick public art installation, but it was an experience worth having. I've wandered the cemeteries in previous trips, so this really resonated. It's right there by Morning Call. If any visitor is going there anyway, it makes for a nice double play.
The sculpture garden at city park was open. YAY! If the weather wasn't so oppressive, I would have gone through it much slower. There was so much good stuff. Some of the pieces were very challenging, which was so refreshing to see in such a public place. The air conditioned pavilion was perfectly placed. Right before all the tourists pass out from the heat.
I got a lottery ticket at the Winn-Dixie on Carrollton! (And yes, I did actually pass by this Winn-Dixie every single day so far) Then down the greenway to Parkway.
I was told that I was lucky to stumble into the sandwich shop when "it wasn't busy". It was full of life. Roast beef. It was as good as I had hoped. I can only imagine what it would be like when the whole place is full.
I'll do the park on Thursday. I needed a nap.
Sidecar was ALSO closed. So we moved up our reservation to Vyonne's. It was so good. We didn't sit in the courtyard, but that must be really nice when the weather isn't like a dog's mouth. The cocktails were interesting. The food was so well executed. "How did you find this place?" she asked. I think it first landed on my long-range radar when I heard about it here. Thak you, Reddit.
This means that bar trivia is back on the table. 8pm at Turtle Bay, and I think I could just barely make it. I got there at 8:03. I was actually a little early. I gotta stop being a slave to the clock. Not stated anywhere is that the winner of each round of trivia gets a free shot. I might be too much of a lightweight to play bar trivia in New Orleans. The people were super fun, and I was glad to support an independent trivia company.
Activities: Morning Call Hurricane Katrina Memorial City Park Sculpture Garden Mega Millions lottery ticket! (we don't have the lottery where I live...this was fun) Parkway Poor Boys (via Laffite Greenway) Vyonne's Bon Temps Trivia (@Turtle Bay)
One last note: I know it doesn't exist, but I REALLY want a t-shirt that says "RTA has the right of way." That PSA that plays on the streetcar has infiltrated my brain. Also, the way the guy says "STAHHP! Requested." on the bus. So good.
submitted by Uninformed_Delivery to AskNOLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 fightmedebra Projections from people that aren’t my NMom drive me even crazier.

This is more of a rant than anything.
I, 18F, broke contact with my NMom 3 months ago. She was abusive in every way and for as long as I’d known her.
So, my radar for abuse was askew for a while, too. Probably still is somewhat. The point is, it got me into some really dangerous situations. For example, I had some really shitty friends from age 4-18. Their parents were shitty, too. Both of them lost their fathers in tragic ways and their mothers are walking red flags and alcoholics. Sounds all too familiar.
I got the impression for a while that they felt misplaced envy over the inappropriate amount of attention their parents gave me. Their fathers, too, before they died. You know how some neglectful parents tend to shower their kids friends with more attention than their own kids? I was that kid.
That’s part of the reason I stayed friends with them. I felt like they needed one. They would constantly one-up everything that I did, talk behind my back, and one would just watch as the other beat me up. I always believed that I deserved their treatment until it went too far last November.
One day, in middle school, I accidentally came across of a picture of a teenage girl’s beheaded corpse.
When I told one of these friends, she told me that since her dad died, she had it worse and that I would get over it. So, I lied and said that I knew the deceased girl in the picture. I didn’t say that because I wanted to one-up her, it was because I wanted comfort. My NMom laughed when I told her about it and said I’d be over it in a week.
Despite the circumstances, I knew that lying about knowing someone who was murdered was a blasphemous thing to do. I was too afraid to come clean until November, 4 years later. My brother-in-law had just died from cancer and it had peaked my guilt. I knew I wouldn’t be talking to these supposed friends much anymore, but I thought it was the right thing to do.
It all went over text. They went ballistic on me. They started accusing me of being a pathological liar. Saying that I was messed up and disgusting. One confessed they hadn’t liked me for years - but just 2 years ago, I stayed up late talking with her on her father’s death anniversary. So, I know, logically, it probably wasn’t true. I thought I had prepared myself for this amount of backlash, but it was more than I expected. I really didn’t know how to respond except for apologizing, every message more pathetically self-deprecating than the last.
I decided, 3 days after, I was going to ask if it was a good time to talk. She said, “what do you want to say?”
I wrote out a message, a lengthy apology explaining the steps I’ve been taking to change, the reason I decided to tell this to her now, and that I knew it must’ve hit hard for me to lie about this considering her father and that, while I don’t wish to compare, I wouldn’t want someone lying about knowing my brother-in-law either. (I assumed that was the source of the anger) and that I understood if she never wanted to talk to me after this, but I value her as a friend and would make sure that this would never happen again.
Her response was, “It’s not a trauma competition, ____. What happened to you does not compare, so don’t even try. Everyone deals with shit differently, so I don’t need your excuses. Yes, I would like you to stop contacting me, please. I’m sorry if you’re actually going through something, but I can’t trust you.”
I attempted suicide after I received this message. I know that seems extreme, but my God. It destroyed me. It was like having confirmation from the outside of my mother’s craziness. Someone I’d known and loved since childhood. A double blow. How could I NOT?
EVERY WORD in this was a mindfuck.
“A trauma competition?”That’s all you?? But I can’t say that, right? Because I’m supposed to be the one apologizing, here. It hit really hard, because my NMom says stuff like that all the time. I got the point where I was actually believing it.
“What happened to you does not compare, so don’t even try.” - that’s…a direct contraction, right?
“Everyone deals with shit differently” - haven’t you been using your father as an excuse for your bad behavior for over a decade? Of course, I would never say this to her.
“I’m sorry if you’re actually going through something” - What do you MEAN? You have seen physical evidence of the abuse and seemed fully receptive to the reality of what was going on before it benefited you to suggest otherwise.
I know this is all ridiculous, but even months later, I can’t get these words out of my head. Every word of this hit me to my core. I wish it didn’t. Later, I found out one of the girls had falsely accused someone of rape and had lied to all of us about it. I find that very ironic.
“It’s not a trauma competition” is one that sticks out. I’m always very conscious of making sure I don’t one-up people, because I know how it feels. So, the idea that THREE people would say something like this to me is like an itch I can never scratch. I feel crazy. I know logically that I not only wasn’t, but I was going out of my way to make sure she didn’t think I was. So, how did she even come to that conclusion? Did she just want to be angry with me?
My half-sister started drinking after her husband died. And in the past week, she’s started calling my dad saying that her mother was worse and that I needed to suck it up. Maybe that’s why it’s still bothering me. I feel crazy. Advice is welcome.
submitted by fightmedebra to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:53 FormalCancel9599 Trip radar

Getting real tired of the trip radar. Either offer me the ride or don’t, all night it’s been radar trips i accept and don’t get the ride. Been doing Lyft the last 2 nights because of it. I’ll be .5 miles from the pick up yet it goes to another driver
submitted by FormalCancel9599 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:53 just-godcomplex international test takers unite

had RC- LR - LG - LR
Since we can discuss the topics now (official June thread), posting it here so we can discuss!
For RC, I had strip loom (W. African art), use of computer simulations by English courts, medieval music from music iconography lens, comparative about debate on reduction of chemistry to physics. Did someone else have these? RC felt tough but interesting ngl although that maybe because I suck at it. Also lost time here (tech issues) so I had to blindly guess on a few
LG was cake-ish. I HAD THE EVIL COUSIN OF THE COMPUTER VIRUS GAME Y'ALL. Anyways, all games were: 8 people chess team, 4 teachers teaching 5 courses, something park(I don't remember) but 5 people 3 groups and 6 spies leaking secrets (I was so invested in the premise for this, excuse me??) I had tons, and I mean tons of EXCEPT/ cannot be true/ must be false type questions but that didn't trip me up. The splits were beautiful, and the inferences were easy so I had fun. The spy game was a little difficult given the nature of this game but it was just sequencing with a twist at the end of the day so I was fine.
LRs were easy. Don't remember a lot of details (I think I can recognize the topics if you all remember it though).
1st LR had tons of MSS fill and MSS-MP hybrid type questions which kinda surprised me but they weren't bad, just super long -- felt like mini RC ngl. I had a few argument part, method of reasoning (ew to both but also they felt tricky), lots of strengthen, point at issue (agree/ disagree) and difficult flaws. Flaws are my best question type but these felt a little less cookie cutter if that makes sense. Had 1 NA and 1 SA. Something about platypus, animals sleeping, politicians targeting under 55 demographic, parallel flaw about hiring
2nd LR had lots of MOR, point at issue, strengthen-weaken and a few MBT and inf questions. I tripped up in a weird MSS-MP hybrid question about planets though. I can't recall more but I had begging calls in pups and profit vs non profit zoos.
Lmk if you're an international test taker and had any of these. I hope your tests went well, and even if it didn't, I'm proud of all of us for doing this<33
submitted by just-godcomplex to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:48 JohnnyQuartzUniverse Getting Passport Back Temporarily

Hi all! Just a query, so I have a trip coming up for Turkey during Eid- I’ve got the flight and hotels set up, however, I applied to VFS for a Schengen Visa with German Embassy around 2 weeks back, and I still haven’t received my passport or any updates. I was being hopeful and thinking I would get it back within 3-7 days, or 10 days at least, but nothing.
I was contacted by the embassy the following day after I submitted my application- then I haven’t heard any updates since then and it’s been 15 days.
Is there anyone who’s done the same and managed to get their passport back for non-emergency travel? I just don’t want my ticket to go to waste…
submitted by JohnnyQuartzUniverse to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:46 ghost-inthe-jar I'm a girl who doesn't exist

This is my last hope. This is my very last chance that someone--anyone--will see me. Please don't leave me alone.
I thought after eight years I would have gotten used to it. I thought after twelve I would have gotten used to it. As the years passed, I told myself over and over that this would be the year where I stopped whining. But that day where I finally accepted my fate would never come. How could it? It’s hard to come to terms with not existing.
So uh, hi. I’m an eighteen year old girl, and I have no name. Not that it would make much of a difference if I gave myself one. Nobody would ever say it--not in reference to me, at least. The most I could do is stand around in some family’s home and pretend like one of their names is my own, pretending like I can be enveloped in the solace that they share with one another. The unbreakable bonds I can never form. Because for all intents and purposes, I don’t exist.
It took a while to come to terms with. Not that I’ve accepted it as permanent just yet, but I understand my predicament now far more than I ever could. I stated it simply before, and I don’t mean it with the slightest exaggeration. I don’t exist. The world itself denies my existence at every turn. I can’t properly communicate just how much I don’t want to live like this--though even if I could, it’s not like anyone could listen.
But I don’t have a way out. I tried to put an end to things, but the world didn’t let me. The gun suddenly stopped responding to my fingers, the rope untied itself from the ceiling. I’ve never been sick, either. The world denies my existence, and so does everything living in it--so why wouldn’t the smallest, most insignificant organisms do so as well? Viruses aren’t exempt from the cold indifference of the world.
I’ve heard people say that before--that the world is cold and uncaring, indifferent to their suffering. And they couldn’t be more wrong. The world doesn’t deny them their life, it doesn’t deny them their very existence. It lets them interact with everything, with everyone. If they knew just how good they had it, they would be worshipping the universe for all the attention and care it gave to them.
I still wonder how I came to be in the first place. Of course I wasn’t born like any other person--I have no parents to speak of, and if I had been born normally, I doubt I would have ended up like this. The question then becomes--what am I? The first conclusion might be that I’m a ghost--and in a metaphorical sense, sure. But that’s far from the truth, since the ghosts can’t see me either.
I enjoyed living like this for a while. I could take whatever I wanted, live any life I wished and the universe would bend over backwards to accommodate whatever decision I made. But there was a caveat--I could live any life I wanted, but it would have to be a life of solitude. It didn’t matter how much I took, how much I gave, how much I tried to manipulate the world to put me at its core. It would simply never allow that to happen.
I decided to test it out one day. I walked alongside a man in a grocery store, and I figured that even if he didn’t see me, I could get his attention somehow. So I stuck my leg out to trip him--and to my surprise, it worked! I was so ecstatic that I had truly interacted with the world--until he got up, complaining about careless workers. And when I looked down to where I had tripped him, there were a dozen or so soup cans spilled across the floor. I ran to catch up with him, and stuck my fist out in front of his face. But it was even more severe this time--the structure of the aisles shifted so that he was still walking in it, but I was several feet away. And nobody bat an eye--to them, it had always been like this. To them, there was zero oddity in this new world, because it wasn’t new. The universe itself reshifted its structure to avoid acknowledging my impact.
I began to suspect that it wasn’t just cold indifference, it was hatred. Of course it would never acknowledge me enough to tell me such a thing, but I believed it nonetheless. It seemed to be going out of its way to spite me personally, to make sure I could never have a place in it. What was so wrong with me, then? Was I born wrong? Was I a defect in its eyes? Was my very existence so horrific that it went out of its way to deny every aspect?
I didn’t want to keep living like this--I couldn’t. But I couldn’t put a stop to it either, I wasn’t allowed to. I made one last desperate attempt--I broke into someone’s house. Well, moreso slipped in, but that’s besides the point. I took a knife from his kitchen drawer, and pulled off his blanket when he was sleeping. And I took his arm in my grasp--and I carved into it--LOOK AT ME.
He woke up, looked at his arm, and screamed. He slowly raised his head up--and for a second--his eyes met mine. He wasn’t just looking in my direction--he was looking directly at me. And then the world flashed for a moment, and it was gone. The letters I had delicately carved in were replaced with basic vertical slashes. I remembered him yelling at his wife who was screaming in return, both of them having no idea how the cuts manifested. I remembered looking out the window as he was wheeled away on a stretcher, the world worse off for my involvement. Maybe it did have a point, then.
Maybe it was right to forget me, but unfortunately I couldn’t forget myself. I remained firmly locked into my own fate, unable to change a thing besides ruining the lives of those around me. I tried to do nice things too--grabbing stuff from stores and sitting it down by the homeless, cleaning up people’s houses for them. But I noticed that those changes would either get erased entirely or turned into something bad--the food would be moldy or poisoned, the cleaning would have caused structural damage to the house. So I stopped getting involved entirely.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t have a happy ending. I pulled away entirely, trying to not let my presence make the world a worse place. I figured that maybe if I isolated myself enough, the world would reward me for my understanding by letting me die. That was naive. It remained uncaring to my suffering, unable--or unwilling--to grant me the slightest relief. But I had long since stopped aging, so I simply sat around.
I couldn’t possibly describe how mind-numbingly boring the passing of time was. I sat around for--thousands? Millions, billions? An indescribable number of years passed me by, each life I saw insignificant and every planet that died barely able to make me raise an eyebrow. I was almost disappointed that I didn’t suffocate when the planet I had spent my early years on finally gave out. I had done my research, and I knew the end of the universe was approaching as well. And I eagerly awaited it at every moment--perhaps then there would be an afterlife that I could partake in.
…But the afterlife was only for people, though. And as far as the universe was concerned, I didn’t count as a person. The only upside of this was that I could outlive the concept that had made my life agony. I was honestly looking forward to when everything gave out and I could finally close my eyes and rest.
Yet even when the universe breathed its last breath, I would remain. The universe is an odd thing. I've seen so much in my practically infinite lifetime, yet never had anyone to share it with. The universe went through a whole cycle--I don't really know how to explain it, but it seems like we're on loop, destined to repeat every single event that happens. Maybe I'm destined to break that loop. So I had an idea.
The whole world ignores my existence, but I don't think it can ignore this. Every key I push is real, whether or not it wants to believe me. I expected it to shift again to ignore my inputs, but it seems like it forgot about me. Guess my laying low did have a purpose. To be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared that this last idea of mine won't work, that it'll cut me off before I can hit post. I don't want to live in a world where I don't exist any more. Please--if you see this, talk to me. Acknowledge me. If this post actually gets out there, please don't let me forgotten.
Can you hear me?
submitted by ghost-inthe-jar to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:44 Krelera483 Swollen inguinal lymph node

About 3 weeks ago post shower, I noticed a lump on my lower abdomen, right of my pubic bone. I went to see a doctor two days later, and he thought it may be a hernia, and referred me for an ultrasound. Ultrasound was completed approximately 1 week after I initially noticed the lump.
Radiologist determined the lump was not caused by a hernia, but a swollen inguinal lymph node measuring 3 x 0.4 x 0.9 cm. Other comments were: “Well defined. Oval. Fatty Hilum. Avascular”.
I returned to the clinic 2 days after the ultrasound for the results. The follow up doctor didn’t have the best bedside manner and didn’t discuss the results outside of it not being a hernia, and told me if I got uncomfortable to go to the ER. I returned to the clinic 4 days later (2 weeks post discovery) for another follow up as the lump is still present. The doctor (same person as follow up) said they’d refer me for a CT scan, again no discussion regarding the ultrasound results. Due to our healthcare system, I may be waiting 2-3 months for further diagnostic imaging. I have no obvious symptoms of being ill, nor is the lump painful. The best diagnosis the follow up doc had was that it wasn’t appendicitis because I didn’t react when they pushed on my abdomen.
I’m now 3 weeks post discovery, and have not been able to find any information independently to help me understand the radiologist’s remarks, so I’ve become rather anxious about the whole situation. Can anyone shed any light on what these remarks mean?
submitted by Krelera483 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
