Sample programs for church anniversary software

24/7 Dark Alternative Radio

2014.07.29 05:51 WFKU 24/7 Dark Alternative Radio

WFKU is a worldwide dark internet radio station. We pride ourselves on uniting the dark music scene with class, passion, and dedication. Not only do we serve those who follow the goth scene, but we also take pride in the fact that we deliver great music to anyone with a little internal rhythm of the darkest kind of nature. Graveyard lovers and anyone with a taste for the Macabre is welcome.

2024.06.09 09:51 swiggityboi380 NITSEP

So, I've been at home for the past 11 home, doing nothing. I've seen my family's problem and don't want to burden my parents with my own demands.
I want to be financially free. But the problem lies that I don't have any experience in any type of development(Software, Game, Website).
It's not like I've been staying at home for fun. I had a really terrible accident on 7 July 2024, which prevented me from going to your university(M, 19). I have chosen Web Development in the NITSEP Program. I want to be useful to my parents.
If anyone knows of any remote internships, I would appreciate it.
submitted by swiggityboi380 to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 notawisemanforsure I think I'm not the brightest bulb but what are your thoughts on my cognitive profile?

I think I'm not the brightest bulb but what are your thoughts on my cognitive profile?
When I was a kid I was forced to unknowningly take WISC IQ tests and a porteus labyrinth test due to poor school performance and disability suspicion arising from that, they were surprised that I have scored 126.
English is not my native language probably that doesn't matter anyways.
My first IQ test in life was when I was 6 years old it was a test about labyrinths (porteus labyrinths) I scored a 96 out of that. The paper also had a psychiatrist note in bottom like this: - Physical development: Normal - Mental development: Normal - Social / Behavioral development: at the level of a 4 year old, abnormal
Second IQ test (WISC-R) was when I was 8 years old which I scored 115.
Third one (WISC-R) was from when I was 12 years old which I scored 126. In none of tests I was aware it was an IQ test I was just told it was a quick exam that was required for my schooling.
Fourth one (WISC-IV) was from when I was 14 years old the only IQ test I was I'm aware of I was taking an IQ test I was never told my score but based on their reaction after they talked to my parents probably it was upper average. This wasn't a WISC-R but a WISC-IV instead.
All of those tests were required because of extremely low academic performance ( I was under performing in mathematics compared to peers and after some point I started to under perform in language/grammar too), they never figured out what was wrong with me eventually I got a dyslexia diagnosis which was later revised to Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and since many people think Autism = intellectual disability in my country they generally give Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis for people with normal IQ.
I recently got a hold of my papers;
  • My working memory is absolute bottom 4 backwards and 5 forwards in digit span, interestingly enough this is only for numbers for anything else like a place I have visited (roughly location, color and shapes of objects) or some catchy music I heard I was able to hold such information with really good accuracy for like an entire day.
  • Only things I'm good at are matrix reasoning, coding and block design everything else is either low or normal
  • I did shown aggressive behavior such as yelling or not following directions against the psychiatrist as the note given and they didn't think the score was valid too (for the test I had when I was 12.)
Health issues: Because of poor parenting, parents misusing alcohol and smoking way too much and chugging out little amount of money they earn (we were a lower middle income family with total net worth of roughly $100k) I wasn't able to live healthy.
I was exposed to lead dust from dad which he worked with while he did wash his hands little he knew that his work clothes would bring the dust to house and spread it to everywhere including my toys, my food. I never had lead poisoning nor my blood levels were checked but for sure I was exposed. Food I ate was cooked in an oven with presumably cadmium paint, it was made in 1980s with no regulations in place. Russian no brand cookware and pottery, probably don't want to know what those bright red glazes made from. I wasn't able to eat enough meat due to misuse of money by parents and my B12 levels were abnormally low, low B12 wasn't treated until I was 17 at the time of treatment I had a B12 level in blood around 90 pg/mL. Mother smoked a lot while she was pregnant, she would smoke a pack per day draining a hole in their pocket and harming me.
I don't think any of my IQ scoring holds to this day, I believe I'm in lower average end simply having poor working memory makes everything irrelevant, It's something that I need most but I can't. I'm tired of having to bring paper and pencil everywhere when a calculation is required.
I can't calculate even simple numbers really ask me what is 9 + 9 no answer I have to count in my head to find out.
When I was 7 years old I really loved mathematics I enjoyed it so much but when the multiplication went in that was the time I basically quit mathematics. I can't hold multiplication table in head It's straight up impossible I had to go in long 2 years of rehabilitation centre for the "disabled" to do mental math to some extent and what's the outcome? I forgot it, I can't do mental math.
Even though I can't do mental math I can grasp logic behind something pretty well eg: I don't know answer of 9 + 9 but I figure out why they would add let's say a given number in a formula so that made me get into programming even without being able to do mental mathematics I was able to figure out things like how to do 3d projections without all those messy complicated maths (though without trigonometry knowledge I made fake rotations using skewing which didn't end up looking best) and write software that rendered 3D pictures as fun little side projects. I was practicing coding since that time but my enjoyment in this hobby also lost lately because I wanted to do something different than this.
I would spend time stimming and imagining about inventions/objects I would create, I imagined a factory to make them and imagined objects spinning showing all their glorious details from production to packaging I would imagine it those may be a smartphone, a tv remote, a display technology using good ol phosphors with an uv light hitting them with specific angles creating a "crt without crt just phosphor", imagining about designing user interfaces for product screens, showing the glossy glass and their micro scratch markings on them it was the most enjoyable thing for me while it caused me to stim a lot by flapping my hands together sometimes resulting in cuts due to fingernails going fast through skin (I explained people that I was feeling my dreams when I did this they found it weird but many people around me accepted it without an issue as "kids these days")
Lately I noticed further degradation of my working memory I'm no longer able to keep a song in head and perfectly remember it's lyrics without distorting or making up something or mentally remember a place with good accuracy and not that related to working memory but ability to mentally spin objects that I imagine also become harder and more stressing. I took the CAIT online digit span test and I scored 3 backwards 4 forwards.
Without good working memory being able to reason about something has no value thus for long time I thought I had to make something that would make people progress further because there's absolutely no mission in real life we make the "game", I guess I wouldn't able to fulfill my dreams I've had as a child as a person with no friends whatsoever and liked to be alone just imagine future projects I could been made this has devastating results, I have now a diminished mental health as result of bad working memory I know nothing I imagine will happen.
Clearly I'm not smart at all, whatever caused this I'm not sure but possibly irreversible, living with poor working memory is low quality life with low chances of success.
I took multiple online IQ tests (mostly unrelated to wm).
Symbol search 100 Mensa Denmark 129 Beta 4 matrices 105 (with an error margin of 8) Mensa Norway not in the range < 90 Ravens progressive matrices clinical edition 112 CAIT digit span ~80
Not an IQ test but HumanBenchmark has a relation to working memory which is correlated with intelligence:
Note: I did rush through matrix tests without giving enough attention until time runs out.
TL;DR: I have working memory deficits and childhood proctored IQ test score of maximum (WISC-R) 126 and minimum (Porteus Labyrinths) 96 never had a proctored IQ test as an adult. I'm only good at block design, coding and matrix reasoning nothing else.
submitted by notawisemanforsure to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:44 Unlikely_Reach643 Best Ways/Courses in Pune for 2024 Freshers to Land Software Jobs?

Hi everyone,
I’m looking for advice on the best ways or courses in Pune to help 2024 freshers land software jobs. Whether it's bootcamps, certification programs, or specific institutes, I’d appreciate any recommendations.
Any tips on how to prepare for the job market would also be great. Thanks!
submitted by Unlikely_Reach643 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:22 lifeisajamisalife Two years after leaving a "unicorn startup"...still processing the nightmare I went through

I've left tech for about two years. I'm trying to make it in a different field, but sometimes I miss the pure joy of coding. But not the drama.
It was a nightmarish 3 years at a unicorn tech company...can't put it otherwise. I still process over the trauma it gave me. I still wonder what I could have done differently, how much of it was really my fault. Maybe I really wasn't a good Software Engineer, and maybe I was really a good-for-nothing crybaby, as they seemed to view me, and deserved all the shit I got. But I can't help feel I was some sort of "scapegoat" of the company, at least the team.
For background, I am an Asian female. I have a BS and an MS in CS from one of HYPSM (this was my first job out of school). But your degree and your ability isn't really that related. I was never really a programming kid growing up, and I kinda went with the flow to choose CS as a major because "everyone is doing CS" (and other practical reasons). That's my fault. Maybe this was the price I had to pay.
I admit I didn't feel 100% capable and skilled at any time during my job. Sometimes I dealt with a lot of brain fog. When your HR isn't helping you, and your manager had the audacity to put you on the same project as the person you reported, how much can you focus on learning the codebase?
Even though I wanted to train myself, be better, having all the emotional baggage really drained me down. I learned it's colossally difficult to learn and improve when you are, well at least you believe you are, not treated like an equal human being by those around you. It was also during the pandemic.
There are too many instances to count. Too many slights, snubs, mansplaining, etc. to go through. But here are just some key dramas that happened:
1.At my first team, the manger was a fellow Asian female. Everyone else were dudes. They barely talked about my "new grad project" which "didn't have a deadline." I was invisible at meetings, so was my project. However, suddenly, they realized my project had a deadline. I found that out, like 1.5 weeks before the deadline. Apparently when my manager said it "didn't have a deadline," she meant "If it's done before the deadline, it ships. If not, then it doesn't ship. Like ever." But the PM (and the Marketing Team) wasn't on roll with that. This had to ship. So I suddenly worked lots of over-hours and worked with the manger to cut down on many spots to make the deadline.
But the manager took no responsibility of the havoc it caused, and I got zero credit for pulling this through (because "you got help from so many people" - really? looking back, that looks like a fairly normal amount of collaboration between people who work on the same, uh, company. And I really wrote all the code...). And also, why would anyone want to work on something for months, knowing it will never ship??? If she thought that was really ok, why didn't she tell that to me sooner???
  1. There was an older white dude that kept making icky comments. He would "compliment" my outfit, would ask me to rate the attractiveness of a celebrity, and so on. This caused me a lot of confusion and I couldn't focus on my work (to be fair, these comments were fairly benign compared to the totality of yuck within tech, but as I said, I was a fresh grad so had no immunity to these stuff).
Then one day, when I asked him where he was going to sit, he said "on your lap."
I was shocked. I couldn't focus on anything. I mean now, as I am four years older and four years more jaded, I think I can brush it off. But back then, not at all. This was the company that said they care so much about women and underrepresented minorities. I can't give you too many details, but this company really espouses the point that they are "different from other tech companies" and "everyone is welcomed and respected." They have a really good brand (looking back, it was a borderline cult).
After a lot of thinking (and searching up similar stories on Reddit), I reported this to my manager. The same manager from #1. Her knee-jerk response?
"He says that to guys too," with a smile, as if I am bringing up the stupidest thing ever.
Looking back, she was a borderline psychopath. Not just because of this, but everything that happened during our relationship.
Anyhow, she reported this to HR, because she knew it would look bad on her if she didn't. Now, the HR lady was that typical white HR lady that says she will help you but secretly wants to destroy your soul.
They - the manager, HR lady, many other people I talked to - let me talk about all the difficulties of being a woman in tech. They let me talk about all the instances I felt snubbed for being a woman, not just this on-your-lap dude. They were like “Yeah, bring it all up!" “Call it all out!" “We want to hear from you!" “Our company is different from other companies!!!" Looking back, I shouldn't have. I should have just kept to the point about the dude. I was really just playing the woman card. I wish I knew they were making me talk not to help me, but to collect ammunition to paint me as the good-for-nothing crybaby they had to make me be.
How do I know this? Well, for one - HR never got back to me. I never found out what happened with the on-your-lap guy. When I asked them, like after a year, they said it's "confidential."
And my manager? Well....she said she thinks I have "low tolerance to stress." And she also said that "when you are more senior, you'll realize how wrong you were." (I can't remember the exact wording, but it was basically the same effect, revealing that she never listened to me in the first place.)
And then she put me on the same project as the on-your-lap guy, and we had to work together one-on-one for weeks. Back then, I didn't realize it, but now, it chills me to the bone how much she didn't care.
There are many other instances where this manager gaslighted and snubbed me, even in more professional context, but I have to give too much context. Looking back, she really couldn't stand me. I was this weird thing that came in to her perfect team and was starting to ruin it. She and the on-your-lap guy had worked well together for years - she wasn't going to jeopardize that relationship because of this good-for-nothing-entitled-crybaby-girl. And the HR?? Well, I think they loved the drama. I was just a drama source. Not a human being.
  1. After all that happened (+much more), you wouldn't be surprised that I just didn't want to befriend anyone in the company anymore. I just kept to myself, didn't socialize, just did my work. But here's my sin - I wanted to be acknowledged for my work. That was my fault. I should have just accepted my role as the quiet, obedient coding monkey, who has no emotion, and who occasionally provides drama for the fun of everyone -- I shouldn't have dared to think I can be recognized as a competent laborer!! But I wanted to.
And maybe now, and better as I get older, I can practice the elusive art of getting your work done while being undisturbed by all human bullshit surrounding me, but I wasn't able to do that back then. Also the angst from all previous drama hadn't been resolved. I became "sharp, aggressive, hard to work with" -- all the classic things women in tech are called. I became snappy when men started being mansplainy (maybe now, I have the wisdom to just smile and let them mansplain while I mentally plan my dinner). I became angry when too many meetings and interviews got scheduled, leaving me scarce time for actual work (maybe now, I have the stamina to wake up at 5am, get work done "before work," and let them waste my "working hours").
This continued until this young white male joined the team. He was new to the company, but he was about a year or two more senior than me. He talked a lot. He would talk about 90% of the meeting. And meetings would go over 1-2 hours. He had no respect for meeting members' time. If he wanted to talk, we were to be his audience. This irked me (maybe now, I have the inner balance to just politely and calmly excuse myself from the meeting with a plausible excuse).
And then he joined this project me and another colleague had been working on for months before he joined. We would have meetings where he would just talk and talk, and the 30-minute meeting was going on its two-hour mark. And he didn't seem to care. And he was talking nonsense.
One key nonsense was that he was suggesting we import certain third-party data into a "big, giant table." I said that wouldn't be feasible as the third-party data is nested. He asked me to explain. I did. But he wouldn't get it. Actually, he wasn't even listening to me. He seemed hurt that I shot down his idea (and pooped his party) and didn't want to admit he could be wrong. He kept looking for ways where nested data can be indeed imported into a "big, giant table." (A week later, he saw my point.) They all made no sense. I got very irritated. And became...ah, aggressive.
For the next hour or so, I was very snappy. And shot down all his ideas. He got very hurt. And we ended the meeting. Looking back, I should have just zoned out and watched cat videos while he was performing his standup comedy. And then get real work done with the other colleague while barely including him. All the while giving him the ego validation - the only thing he wanted. But I lacked the flexibility to act smart like that.
After the meeting, I felt a bit bad for being so snappy. And I found out he was indeed right for one point he said. He said our X service has Y but I said it doesn't, because it is barely used and I didn't encounter its existence for the 2+ years I was in that company. But it really did have Y (there's little likelihood he actually knew that, he was just spewing whatever came to his mind and got luckily right) so I apologized to him on that point over Slack. Later, my such "apology" would become proof that I was 100% culpable during that meeting. (I realize this is why my manger from Story 1 never apologized. She knew it could be used against her.)
The week of the meeting, and the week after, this kid (I don't know what else to call him) scheduled meetings with me to "talk about that meeting." And we were on Zoom...and I didn't know what to do?? I asked him, "Do you want me to apologize?" He said no. "Should I be nicer during meetings?" He said that wasn't it. "THEN WHAT???" He didn't say anything. But looked at me like I was some sort of psychopathic monster. And these meetings, again, went overtime by a lot. I was, in my working hours, sitting on a one-on-one Zoom, expected to pet and stroke this pouting kid's ego. (THEY never petted MY ego. WHY SHOULD PET HIS??????)
And that didn't end there. Our co-manager (different from Story 1, 2 manager - this one is white male) had multiple 1-on-1s with me (at least three or four) where we talked about "my behavior during that meeting." I asked him the same questions "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO???? OR SAY????" (I didn't scream this, but I wanted to.) He said "I don't know." But he just sat there, expecting me to say something. Here I was, spending three or four meetings with my manager, talking about "my behavior," given no actionable feedback, but not even allowed to move on to talk about actual work. It was just torture. What did they want me to do? Kneel down and repent??
It didn't end there. The kid gave me detailed peer feedback, basically word salad, where he used all my words against me and painted me as some psychopathic monster. This was going to go on my HR file forever since it was official feedback. He said we were in a "divergent phase in brainstorming" so it wasn't appropriate for me to shot down his ideas like that, which should have been done in a more "convergent phase." WTF????? Never heard those words before. And again, we had already been working on this project for months before he joined.
The same company that basically told me to eat it up when I was getting snubbed (Story 1 & 2), was basically telling me to stroke the ego of this kid. Because what? Because he's a white male??? And I'm an Asian female???
What they wanted to say, was already indirectly saying, was this: “Shut up and eat up all the bullshit we give you.“ Bullshit including bullshit management, bullshit meetings, bullshit brand. But they didn't want to say it, because it goes against their brand. But they still wanted me to get the message and act accordingly. But they didn't want to be the one who says it.
I wish they just said this. Then my three years would have been lot less confused and dramatic. And they wouldn’t have had the grumpy colleague I was. But I guess if they were that transparent, I wouldn’t have joined them in the first place.
This is a brick wall of a post. It got longer than I initially thought. Thanks to anyone that read this far. This still doesn't contain all of the drama I experienced -- maybe about 20%? But this gives you the idea. Basically, I didn't feel like an equal human being. I felt like a scapegoat of sorts, getting hazed for having a backbone. Looking back, I am thankful that I didn't actually go crazy. I mean, they were already treating me like a crazy person.
Women in tech of Reddit. Please tell me. What went wrong? What should I have done? Is this level of bullshit normal? Can I work in tech again?
submitted by lifeisajamisalife to womenintech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:18 FactorResponsible609 Career path at crossroads of biotechnology & CSE?

My brother did an MSC in Microbiology, and a BSC (Biotechnology), He spent 1-year of internship with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) working on testing kits for CoVid as a Junior researcher.
During this time he passed the IIT-JAM exam but couldn’t make it through the IISER interview to enter their PhD programs.
I have a background in software engineering, and during this time, I mentored him to get frontend software developer roles as a backup solution, another reason for dropping the PhD was financial circumstances at home and time commitment to the Ph.D. program. He is now in an SDE role for 3 years, alongside self-learning the traditional CSE program.
I want to ask people experienced in BioTechnology, and Software engineering, which career paths are available for him henceforth that can help him grow, resulting in a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Any study program outside the country at the crossroads of Software engineering & Biotechnology will also lead to a full-time job on this path. With my CSE background alone, I am unable to think of the best career growth trajectory for him.
submitted by FactorResponsible609 to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 FactorResponsible609 Career path at crossroads of biotechnology & CSE?

My brother did an MSC in Microbiology, and a BSC (Biotechnology), He spent 1-year of internship with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) working on testing kits for CoVid as a Junior researcher.
During this time he passed the IIT-JAM exam but couldn’t make it through the IISER interview to enter their PhD programs.
I have a background in software engineering, and during this time, I mentored him to get frontend software developer roles as a backup solution, another reason for dropping the PhD was financial circumstances at home and time commitment to the Ph.D. program. He is now in an SDE role for 3 years, alongside self-learning the traditional CSE program.
I want to ask people experienced in BioTechnology, and Software engineering, which career paths are available for him henceforth that can help him grow, resulting in a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Any study program outside the country at the crossroads of Software engineering & Biotechnology will also lead to a full-time job on this path. With my CSE background alone, I am unable to think of the best career growth trajectory for him.
submitted by FactorResponsible609 to biotechnology [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 FactorResponsible609 Career path at crossroads of biotechnology & CSE?

My brother did an MSC in Microbiology, and a BSC (Biotechnology), He spent 1-year of internship with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) working on testing kits for CoVid as a Junior researcher.
During this time he passed the IIT-JAM exam but couldn’t make it through the IISER interview to enter their PhD programs.
I have a background in software engineering, and during this time, I mentored him to get frontend software developer roles as a backup solution, another reason for dropping the PhD was financial circumstances at home and time commitment to the Ph.D. program. He is now in an SDE role for 3 years, alongside self-learning the traditional CSE program.
I want to ask people experienced in BioTechnology, and Software engineering, which career paths are available for him henceforth that can help him grow, resulting in a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Any study program outside the country at the crossroads of Software engineering & Biotechnology will also lead to a full-time job on this path. With my CSE background alone, I am unable to think of the best career growth trajectory for him.
submitted by FactorResponsible609 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 FactorResponsible609 Career path at cross-roads of biotechnology & CSE?

My brother did an MSC in Microbiology, and a BSC (Biotechnology), He spent 1-year of internship with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) working on testing kits for CoVid as a Junior researcher.
During this time he passed the IIT-JAM exam but couldn’t make it through the IISER interview to enter their PhD programs.
I have a background in software engineering, and during this time, I mentored him to get frontend software developer roles as a backup solution, another reason for dropping the PhD was financial circumstances at home and time commitment to the Ph.D. program. He is now in an SDE role for 3 years, alongside self-learning the traditional CSE program.
I want to ask people experienced in BioTechnology, and Software engineering, which career paths are available for him henceforth that can help him grow, resulting in a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Any study program outside the country at the crossroads of Software engineering & Biotechnology will also lead to a full-time job on this path. With my CSE background alone, I am unable to think of the best career growth trajectory for him.
submitted by FactorResponsible609 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:45 Mad_mechanic96 All Luxury car Scanning and Programming done

Diagnostic Services:
Services Offered:
Scanning & visit anywhere in Pune.
submitted by Mad_mechanic96 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:31 iNerdJan School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U

School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U
I need a (windows) laptop for school, and I believe I’ve settled for the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen 5. My father‘s been using ThinkPads for a long time and has never had a bad experience with them. They have good build quality, a touchscreen (optional, but something I’ll definitely add on) and solid battery life.
For school, we won’t be using any computing intensive software and I will not be doing any gaming (I just don’t like gaming, sorry!). We will be using math programs like PTC Mathcad and GeoGebra, and maybe some light 3d stuff. Additionally, I might want to get into Blender in the future, so it’d be nice to have so headroom there. I’d like for this machine to last a couple of years, which is why I’m choosing the Gen 5 (less than 4 months old at a respectable price).
Do I need a CPU upgrade? Computing-wise I believe I’ll be fine either way, the longevity aspect is the one I’m focusing on. The „base“ i5 should be fine I believe, what are your opinions?
Side note: I’m very tech savvy (mostly regarding apple stuff, that’s why I’m making this post) — it’s 70€/$70 for preinstalles windows. Installing windows isn’t that hard, no? Just create a bootable drive and then load windows from there, right? I believe the price just isn’t worth it for me… I’ll be able to do this on my own, no?
Thank you!
submitted by iNerdJan to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:30 iNerdJan School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U

School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U
I need a (windows) laptop for school, and I believe I’ve settled for the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen 5. My father‘s been using ThinkPads for a long time and has never had a bad experience with them. They have good build quality, a touchscreen (optional, but something I’ll definitely add on) and solid battery life.
For school, we won’t be using any computing intensive software and I will not be doing any gaming (I just don’t like gaming, sorry!). We will be using math programs like PTC Mathcad and GeoGebra, and maybe some light 3d stuff. Additionally, I might want to get into Blender in the future, so it’d be nice to have so headroom there. I’d like for this machine to last a couple of years, which is why I’m choosing the Gen 5 (less than 4 months old at a respectable price).
Do I need a CPU upgrade? Computing-wise I believe I’ll be fine either way, the longevity aspect is the one I’m focusing on. The „base“ i5 should be fine I believe, what are your opinions?
Side note: I’m very tech savvy (mostly regarding apple stuff, that’s why I’m making this post) — it’s 70€/$70 for preinstalles windows. Installing windows isn’t that hard, no? Just create a bootable drive and then load windows from there, right? I believe the price just isn’t worth it for me… I’ll be able to do this on my own, no?
Thank you!
submitted by iNerdJan to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 phoenixlegend7 LG Gram laptop Windows 11 Battery drain went from -2.2w to -12w in idle state 1 year later - Any idea how to fix it?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I got Windows 11 with latest Windows Updates installed (excluding KB5037853 which I didn't download/install yet).
On 05.03.2024, I ran a battery idle run time test (disconnect all usb, disable gpu, lowest brightness, no wifi or bluetooth, closing all third party programs or services), and HWiNFO battery discharge rate sensor would show -2.2w discharge rate constantly.
Now, about 1 year later, when I try to do the same test again, the lowest discharge rate that I get would be -12w.
I had a similar issue like that after I got a windows update after preforming the idle run time test 1 year ago - I was shocked to see that my charge rate was 12-15w and that I no longer can reproduce the idle run time test. Looking under installed programs and installed windows updates, I found some windows updates were installed on 5/12/2023, specifically KB5026372 when googling it some people mentioned it had some issues (although not battery drain issues), but I found some previous complaints about battery drain after a windows update such as: So I decided to uninstall KB5026372, after the restart the problem still didn’t go away, I decided to reinstall KB5026372 since it wasn’t supposedly the reason for the issue, and after restarting all of a sudden boom it started to work and went down to 2.2w baseline. But I can't repeat the same steps again, as Windows Update doesn't allow me to uninstall KB5026372 anymore.
So do you know what other specific windows update or software/driver change or program is messing up my discharge rate? In task manager, sorting by Power usage/cpu I don't see anything bad.
These are the Windows Updates I got since then:
Feature Updates (1) Windows 11, version 23H2 Successfully installed on 3/26/2024 Quality Updates (26) 2024-05 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5037591) Successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037771) successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based systems (KB5036893) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5036620) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5035853) Successfully installed on 3/14/2024 2024-02 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 481 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5034467) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-02 Cumulative update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5034765) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-01 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 33 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5033920) Successfully installed on 1/15/2024 2024-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034123) Successfully installed on 1/12/2024 2023-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5033375) Successfully installed on 12/13/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5032190) Successfully installed on 11/16/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3S and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5032007) 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) Successfully installed on 10/27/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323) Successfully installed on 10/17/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354) Successfully installed on 10/15/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5030219) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031217) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-08 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB40230S7) successfully installed on 8/30/2023 2023-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029263) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS028948) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-07 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5028851) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-07 Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (05028185) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5027231) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for .NET Framework and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS027119) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KBS026446) Successfully installed on 5/25/2023
Are there any new ones that are known to cause battery drain? Btw, when going to uninstall updates, it only allows me to uninstall these 5 updates:
5 updates found
KB2565063 Microsoft Visual 2010 10.0140219 100.40219 Microsoft corporation I Installed on 2/21/2024 Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037591) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I installed on 5/16/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5012170) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/3/2023 Feature Update for Windows 11 23H2 via Enablement Package (KB5027397) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/26/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037771) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 5/16/2024
So should I repeat the same trick with one of the updates like I did back then and see if it works? Or do you have othebetter suggestions?
I found some online videos such as:
But not sure how effective these methods are especially that some seem to be more invasive than others (of course I would rather avoid reinstalling the entire system and find a way to fix it like I did back then).
It's frustrating that without any specific change in usage or installing any new/special drivers/software, it seem to break over time with windows updates and what not, so it's not guaranteed if you had a good discharge rate today, that it will last tomorrow and might potentially break every time when changes are pushed to your system so you have to constantly monitor it, and then try to fix it. /rant
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:28 phoenixlegend7 LG Gram laptop Windows 11 Battery drain went from -2.2w to -12w in idle state 1 year later - Any idea how to fix it?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I got Windows 11 with latest Windows Updates installed (excluding KB5037853 which I didn't download/install yet).
On 05.03.2024, I ran a battery idle run time test (disconnect all usb, disable gpu, lowest brightness, no wifi or bluetooth, closing all third party programs or services), and HWiNFO battery discharge rate sensor would show -2.2w discharge rate constantly.
Now, about 1 year later, when I try to do the same test again, the lowest discharge rate that I get would be -12w.
I had a similar issue like that after I got a windows update after preforming the idle run time test 1 year ago - I was shocked to see that my charge rate was 12-15w and that I no longer can reproduce the idle run time test. Looking under installed programs and installed windows updates, I found some windows updates were installed on 5/12/2023, specifically KB5026372 when googling it some people mentioned it had some issues (although not battery drain issues), but I found some previous complaints about battery drain after a windows update such as: So I decided to uninstall KB5026372, after the restart the problem still didn’t go away, I decided to reinstall KB5026372 since it wasn’t supposedly the reason for the issue, and after restarting all of a sudden boom it started to work and went down to 2.2w baseline. But I can't repeat the same steps again, as Windows Update doesn't allow me to uninstall KB5026372 anymore.
So do you know what other specific windows update or software/driver change or program is messing up my discharge rate? In task manager, sorting by Power usage/cpu I don't see anything bad.
These are the Windows Updates I got since then:
Feature Updates (1) Windows 11, version 23H2 Successfully installed on 3/26/2024 Quality Updates (26) 2024-05 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5037591) Successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037771) successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based systems (KB5036893) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5036620) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5035853) Successfully installed on 3/14/2024 2024-02 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 481 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5034467) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-02 Cumulative update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5034765) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-01 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 33 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5033920) Successfully installed on 1/15/2024 2024-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034123) Successfully installed on 1/12/2024 2023-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5033375) Successfully installed on 12/13/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5032190) Successfully installed on 11/16/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3S and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5032007) 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) Successfully installed on 10/27/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323) Successfully installed on 10/17/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354) Successfully installed on 10/15/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5030219) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031217) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-08 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB40230S7) successfully installed on 8/30/2023 2023-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029263) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS028948) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-07 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5028851) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-07 Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (05028185) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5027231) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for .NET Framework and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS027119) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KBS026446) Successfully installed on 5/25/2023
Are there any new ones that are known to cause battery drain? Btw, when going to uninstall updates, it only allows me to uninstall these 5 updates:
5 updates found
KB2565063 Microsoft Visual 2010 10.0140219 100.40219 Microsoft corporation I Installed on 2/21/2024 Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037591) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I installed on 5/16/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5012170) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/3/2023 Feature Update for Windows 11 23H2 via Enablement Package (KB5027397) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/26/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037771) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 5/16/2024
So should I repeat the same trick with one of the updates like I did back then and see if it works? Or do you have othebetter suggestions?
I found some online videos such as:
But not sure how effective these methods are especially that some seem to be more invasive than others (of course I would rather avoid reinstalling the entire system and find a way to fix it like I did back then).
It's frustrating that without any specific change in usage or installing any new/special drivers/software, it seem to break over time with windows updates and what not, so it's not guaranteed if you had a good discharge rate today, that it will last tomorrow and might potentially break every time when changes are pushed to your system so you have to constantly monitor it, and then try to fix it. /rant
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:27 phoenixlegend7 LG Gram laptop Windows 11 Battery drain went from -2.2w to -12w in idle state 1 year later - Any idea how to fix it?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I got Windows 11 with latest Windows Updates installed (excluding KB5037853 which I didn't download/install yet).
On 05.03.2024, I ran a battery idle run time test (disconnect all usb, disable gpu, lowest brightness, no wifi or bluetooth, closing all third party programs or services), and HWiNFO battery discharge rate sensor would show -2.2w discharge rate constantly.
Now, about 1 year later, when I try to do the same test again, the lowest discharge rate that I get would be -12w.
I had a similar issue like that after I got a windows update after preforming the idle run time test 1 year ago - I was shocked to see that my charge rate was 12-15w and that I no longer can reproduce the idle run time test. Looking under installed programs and installed windows updates, I found some windows updates were installed on 5/12/2023, specifically KB5026372 when googling it some people mentioned it had some issues (although not battery drain issues), but I found some previous complaints about battery drain after a windows update such as: So I decided to uninstall KB5026372, after the restart the problem still didn’t go away, I decided to reinstall KB5026372 since it wasn’t supposedly the reason for the issue, and after restarting all of a sudden boom it started to work and went down to 2.2w baseline. But I can't repeat the same steps again, as Windows Update doesn't allow me to uninstall KB5026372 anymore.
So do you know what other specific windows update or software/driver change or program is messing up my discharge rate? In task manager, sorting by Power usage/cpu I don't see anything bad.
These are the Windows Updates I got since then:
Feature Updates (1) Windows 11, version 23H2 Successfully installed on 3/26/2024 Quality Updates (26) 2024-05 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5037591) Successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037771) successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based systems (KB5036893) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5036620) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5035853) Successfully installed on 3/14/2024 2024-02 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 481 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5034467) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-02 Cumulative update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5034765) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-01 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 33 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5033920) Successfully installed on 1/15/2024 2024-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034123) Successfully installed on 1/12/2024 2023-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5033375) Successfully installed on 12/13/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5032190) Successfully installed on 11/16/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3S and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5032007) 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) Successfully installed on 10/27/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323) Successfully installed on 10/17/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354) Successfully installed on 10/15/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5030219) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031217) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-08 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB40230S7) successfully installed on 8/30/2023 2023-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029263) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS028948) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-07 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5028851) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-07 Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (05028185) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5027231) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for .NET Framework and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS027119) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KBS026446) Successfully installed on 5/25/2023
Are there any new ones that are known to cause battery drain? Btw, when going to uninstall updates, it only allows me to uninstall these 5 updates:
5 updates found
KB2565063 Microsoft Visual 2010 10.0140219 100.40219 Microsoft corporation I Installed on 2/21/2024 Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037591) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I installed on 5/16/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5012170) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/3/2023 Feature Update for Windows 11 23H2 via Enablement Package (KB5027397) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/26/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037771) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 5/16/2024
So should I repeat the same trick with one of the updates like I did back then and see if it works? Or do you have othebetter suggestions?
I found some online videos such as:
But not sure how effective these methods are especially that some seem to be more invasive than others (of course I would rather avoid reinstalling the entire system and find a way to fix it like I did back then).
It's frustrating that without any specific change in usage or installing any new/special drivers/software, it seem to break over time with windows updates and what not, so it's not guaranteed if you had a good discharge rate today, that it will last tomorrow and might potentially break every time when changes are pushed to your system so you have to constantly monitor it, and then try to fix it. /rant
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:26 iNerdJan School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U

School laptop — Core Ultra i5 125U vs Core Ultra i7 155U
Hey! I need a (windows) laptop for school, and I believe I’ve settled for the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen 5. My father‘s been using ThinkPads for a long time and has never had a bad experience with them. They have good build quality, a touchscreen (optional, but something I’ll definitely add on) and solid battery life.
For school, we won’t be using any computing intensive software and I will not be doing any gaming (I just don’t like gaming, sorry!). We will be using math programs like PTC Mathcad and GeoGebra, and maybe some light 3d stuff. Additionally, I might want to get into Blender in the future, so it’d be nice to have so headroom there. I’d like for this machine to last a couple of years, which is why I’m choosing the Gen 5 (less than 4 months old at a respectable price).
Do I need a CPU upgrade? Computing-wise I believe I’ll be fine either way, the longevity aspect is the one I’m focusing on. The „base“ i5 should be fine I believe, what are your opinions?
Side note: I’m very tech savvy (mostly regarding apple stuff, that’s why I’m making this post) — it’s 70€/$70 for preinstalles windows. Installing windows isn’t that hard, no? Just create a bootable drive and then load windows from there, right? I believe the price just isn’t worth it for me… I’ll be able to do this on my own, no?
Thank you!
submitted by iNerdJan to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:24 phoenixlegend7 LG Gram laptop Windows 11 Battery drain went from -2.2w to -12w in idle state 1 year later - Any idea how to fix it?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I got Windows 11 with latest Windows Updates installed (excluding KB5037853 which I didn't download/install yet).
On 05.03.2024, I ran a battery idle run time test (disconnect all usb, disable gpu, lowest brightness, no wifi or bluetooth, closing all third party programs or services), and HWiNFO battery discharge rate sensor would show -2.2w discharge rate constantly.
Now, about 1 year later, when I try to do the same test again, the lowest discharge rate that I get would be -12w.
I had a similar issue like that after I got a windows update after preforming the idle run time test 1 year ago - I was shocked to see that my charge rate was 12-15w and that I no longer can reproduce the idle run time test. Looking under installed programs and installed windows updates, I found some windows updates were installed on 5/12/2023, specifically KB5026372 when googling it some people mentioned it had some issues (although not battery drain issues), but I found some previous complaints about battery drain after a windows update such as: So I decided to uninstall KB5026372, after the restart the problem still didn’t go away, I decided to reinstall KB5026372 since it wasn’t supposedly the reason for the issue, and after restarting all of a sudden boom it started to work and went down to 2.2w baseline. But I can't repeat the same steps again, as Windows Update doesn't allow me to uninstall KB5026372 anymore.
So do you know what other specific windows update or software/driver change or program is messing up my discharge rate? In task manager, sorting by Power usage/cpu I don't see anything bad.
These are the Windows Updates I got since then:
Feature Updates (1) Windows 11, version 23H2 Successfully installed on 3/26/2024 Quality Updates (26) 2024-05 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5037591) Successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037771) successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based systems (KB5036893) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5036620) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5035853) Successfully installed on 3/14/2024 2024-02 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 481 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5034467) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-02 Cumulative update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5034765) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-01 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 33 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5033920) Successfully installed on 1/15/2024 2024-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034123) Successfully installed on 1/12/2024 2023-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5033375) Successfully installed on 12/13/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5032190) Successfully installed on 11/16/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3S and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5032007) 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) Successfully installed on 10/27/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323) Successfully installed on 10/17/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354) Successfully installed on 10/15/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5030219) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031217) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-08 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB40230S7) successfully installed on 8/30/2023 2023-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029263) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS028948) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-07 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5028851) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-07 Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (05028185) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5027231) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for .NET Framework and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS027119) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KBS026446) Successfully installed on 5/25/2023
Are there any new ones that are known to cause battery drain? Btw, when going to uninstall updates, it only allows me to uninstall these 5 updates:
5 updates found
KB2565063 Microsoft Visual 2010 10.0140219 100.40219 Microsoft corporation I Installed on 2/21/2024 Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037591) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I installed on 5/16/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5012170) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/3/2023 Feature Update for Windows 11 23H2 via Enablement Package (KB5027397) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/26/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037771) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 5/16/2024
So should I repeat the same trick with one of the updates like I did back then and see if it works? Or do you have othebetter suggestions?
I found some online videos such as:
But not sure how effective these methods are especially that some seem to be more invasive than others (of course I would rather avoid reinstalling the entire system and find a way to fix it like I did back then).
It's frustrating that without any specific change in usage or installing any new/special drivers/software, it seem to break over time with windows updates and what not, so it's not guaranteed if you had a good discharge rate today, that it will last tomorrow and might potentially break every time when changes are pushed to your system so you have to constantly monitor it, and then try to fix it. /rant
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:21 phoenixlegend7 LG Gram laptop Windows 11 Battery drain went from -2.2w to -12w in idle state 1 year later - Any idea how to fix it?

I got LG Gram 2023 laptop (17Z90R-A.ADB9U1) with Battery 90 Wh Li-on.
I got Windows 11 with latest Windows Updates installed (excluding KB5037853 which I didn't download/install yet).
On 05.03.2024, I ran a battery idle run time test (disconnect all usb, disable gpu, lowest brightness, no wifi or bluetooth, closing all third party programs or services), and HWiNFO battery discharge rate sensor would show -2.2w discharge rate constantly.
Now, about 1 year later, when I try to do the same test again, the lowest discharge rate that I get would be -12w.
I had a similar issue like that after I got a windows update after preforming the idle run time test 1 year ago - I was shocked to see that my charge rate was 12-15w and that I no longer can reproduce the idle run time test. Looking under installed programs and installed windows updates, I found some windows updates were installed on 5/12/2023, specifically KB5026372 when googling it some people mentioned it had some issues (although not battery drain issues), but I found some previous complaints about battery drain after a windows update such as: So I decided to uninstall KB5026372, after the restart the problem still didn’t go away, I decided to reinstall KB5026372 since it wasn’t supposedly the reason for the issue, and after restarting all of a sudden boom it started to work and went down to 2.2w baseline. But I can't repeat the same steps again, as Windows Update doesn't allow me to uninstall KB5026372 anymore.
So do you know what other specific windows update or software/driver change or program is messing up my discharge rate? In task manager, sorting by Power usage/cpu I don't see anything bad.
These are the Windows Updates I got since then:
Feature Updates (1) Windows 11, version 23H2 Successfully installed on 3/26/2024 Quality Updates (26) 2024-05 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5037591) Successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037771) successfully installed on 5/16/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 23H2 for x64-based systems (KB5036893) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-04 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1 for Windows 11, version 23H2 for x64 (KB5036620) Successfully installed on 4/11/2024 2024-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5035853) Successfully installed on 3/14/2024 2024-02 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 481 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5034467) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-02 Cumulative update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5034765) Successfully installed on 2/14/2024 2024-01 cumulative Update for .NET Framework 33 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5033920) Successfully installed on 1/15/2024 2024-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034123) Successfully installed on 1/12/2024 2023-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5033375) Successfully installed on 12/13/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5032190) Successfully installed on 11/16/2023 2023-11 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3S and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5032007) 2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) Successfully installed on 10/27/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031323) Successfully installed on 10/17/2023 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5031354) Successfully installed on 10/15/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5030219) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5031217) Successfully installed on 9/14/2023 2023-08 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB40230S7) successfully installed on 8/30/2023 2023-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029263) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-08 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS028948) Successfully installed on 8/9/2023 2023-07 cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KB5028851) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-07 Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (05028185) Successfully installed on 7/13/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for Windows 11 version 22H2 for x64-based systems (KB5027231) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-06 cumulative update for .NET Framework and 48.1 for Windows 11, version 22H2 for x64 (KBS027119) Successfully installed on 6/15/2023 2023-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KBS026446) Successfully installed on 5/25/2023
Are there any new ones that are known to cause battery drain? Btw, when going to uninstall updates, it only allows me to uninstall these 5 updates:
5 updates found
KB2565063 Microsoft Visual 2010 10.0140219 100.40219 Microsoft corporation I Installed on 2/21/2024 Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037591) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I installed on 5/16/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5012170) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/3/2023 Feature Update for Windows 11 23H2 via Enablement Package (KB5027397) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 3/26/2024 Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5037771) Microsoft Windows I Microsoft Corporation I Installed on 5/16/2024
So should I repeat the same trick with one of the updates like I did back then and see if it works? Or do you have othebetter suggestions?
I found some online videos such as:
But not sure how effective these methods are especially that some seem to be more invasive than others (of course I would rather avoid reinstalling the entire system and find a way to fix it like I did back then).
It's frustrating that without any specific change in usage or installing any new/special drivers/software, it seem to break over time with windows updates and what not, so it's not guaranteed if you had a good discharge rate today, that it will last tomorrow and might potentially break every time when changes are pushed to your system so you have to constantly monitor it, and then try to fix it. /rant
Thank you.
submitted by phoenixlegend7 to LGgram [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:19 Legitimate-Fuel3014 Got move from Software Engineer to Product Test Engineer in my company

Hello Engineer, I'm currently working for a company. Originally was hired as an Embedded Engineer, then later on they didn't have enough work I got put in a Software Team. Now they are putting me in "Product Test Engineer" I have 0 experience whatsoever on this. I need some guidance and to understand more about what I am getting into such as whether is there any growth in this field.
Here is the job description:
Troubleshoots and provides accurate rework instructions for the product hardware.
Creation and maintenance of spares and the test equipment obsolescence plan.
Leads projects to reduce test time, and improve the test process through analysis of predictive metrics of trends, failure modes, and test yields.
Develop test flows and contribute to test capacity analysis.
Maintain changes to the test equipment technical data package which includes drawings, test instructions, test position manuals, and system software.
Assist in non-routine fault isolation, diagnosis and repair of the product or test equipment.
Participate in root cause and corrective action investigations and present findings, utilizing fault trees and knowledge point plans.
Performs risk assessments and supports the programs risk register reviews.
Any idea what my career outlook be like? I don't want to be stuck in a role forever. Any tip on where to start and learn it?
submitted by Legitimate-Fuel3014 to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:12 Fostersenpai What model should I get as a broke student?

What model should I get as a broke student?
Hey guys I'm half way through my first year of software engineering and I really need something I can take around with me and work on some decent sized projects.
Thing is being a student I'm super broke haha, This is for sale for in my area for a pretty decent price. Is this worth getting or should I go for a different model?
I'm keen on Modding but apparently the newer ThinkPads have some soldered parts? I was just hoping there's some ThinkPad gigabrain that could give me a few pointers.
I have a decent pc at home for gaming and some UE5 work, so I'm not too worried in that department.
But it would definitely be a plus to be able to work on a bit of unreal, and maybe run a few mid tier games good enough for my partner.
I mainly use visual studio for my C++ projects and VS Code for my python (don't judge pls), And have only ever used windows but I'm keen on getting into Linux. Any tips regarding Linux and programming would be super appreciated :) thanks guys.
submitted by Fostersenpai to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:09 aSriLankanGuy Best Msc. In Computer science course in Sri Lanka

I'm currently working as an associate software engineer. I'm planning to start my MSc next year. I completed my BSc in Computer Science at a private university in Sri Lanka last year, which is affiliated with a UK university. So, my BSc degree is from the UK. Can anyone suggest an MSc program in Computer Science with good international recognition? (I'm also planning to migrate in the future).
I'm in two minds about whether to pursue Computer Science or a related field such as Artificial Intelligence or Data Science. How is the future recognition for these fields?
submitted by aSriLankanGuy to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:03 TheKidWitFlava How to learn coding?

Hello! I have zero experience and knowledge of Cybersecurity and I want to learn as much as I could from books, programs etc. before I go to school for this career path. Any recommendations on good books, website and other forms of media that will help me to learn coding. My goal is to be a pen-tester or a software engineer so any advice on how to get there will be very much appreciated.
submitted by TheKidWitFlava to u/TheKidWitFlava [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:58 Yamicsoft_LTD Brief Analysis of Registry Clean up in Windows 11 and System Repair in Windows 11 Free

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Over time, it can accumulate invalid entries, leftover data from uninstalled programs, and other unnecessary information, which can potentially slow down your system or cause stability issues.
Registry clean up in Windows 11 tools scan the registry for such issues and offer to remove or fix them. By cleaning up the registry, you can potentially improve system performance and stability.
Benefits of Registry Clean up in Windows 11
· Improved system performance: Removing unnecessary registry entries can reduce the time it takes for Windows to access and process registry data.
· Enhanced stability: Cleaning up the registry can help prevent errors and crashes caused by invalid or corrupted entries.
· Optimization: Some registry cleaners offer additional features such as defragmentation and optimization to further improve system performance.
· While registry clean up in Windows 11 can be beneficial, it's essential to use reputable tools and proceed with caution. Deleting the wrong registry entries can cause system instability or even render your system unbootable.
· Creating a backup or restore point before making changes to the registry is highly recommended to revert back in case of any issues.
System Repair in Windows 11 Free
System repair in Windows 11 free aim to diagnose and fix common issues that may affect system performance, stability, or functionality.
Features of System Repair in Windows 11 Free
· Diagnosis: System repair tools scan various system components, including system files, hardware, and software configurations, to identify issues.
· Repair: Once issues are detected, these tools attempt to repair them automatically or provide guidance on manual fixes.
· Optimization: Some system repair tools offer optimization features such as disk cleanup, startup program management, and system performance tweaks.
· Restore: Many tools allow you to create system restore points or backups before making changes, enabling you to revert back if something goes wrong.
· Availability: Several free system repair tools are available for Windows 11, offering varying degrees of functionality and ease of use. These tools can be downloaded from reputable sources online.
· Usage: To use a system repair tool, download and install it on your Windows 11 PC, then follow the on-screen instructions to scan and repair any identified issues. Be sure to review the tool's documentation or help resources for guidance on specific features and best practices.
Registry clean up and system repair in windows 11 free are essential maintenance tasks for ensuring the optimal performance and stability of a Windows 11 system. In conclusion, by incorporating registry clean up in Windows 11 and system repair into their regular maintenance routines, Windows 11 users can ensure their systems remain optimized, reliable, and secure for optimal performance and user experience.
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submitted by Yamicsoft_LTD to u/Yamicsoft_LTD [link] [comments]