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2009.01.09 00:00 VW - Das Auto

Come post about Volkswagen news and other interests. New models, old classics, whatever you want!

2014.06.25 19:18 domiboy7 android auto

**PLEASE READ SUB RULES ESPECIALLY ON USER FLAIR REQUIREMENT AND THE FAQS BEFORE POSTING** A community for Android Auto users, including those on OEM and aftermarket head units and all phones accommodating the Android Auto app. Share information, tips, and new features. Ask for help with specific bugs or to troubleshoot known issues.

2011.10.25 13:42 /r/GrandTheftAutoV

Community for everything related to GTA V and GTA Online.

2024.06.10 00:41 CelebrationFew6101 Milwaukee Tenant trying to evict a fellow tenant (that is not on the lease), but he has paid rent.

I am not well versed legally. I thought by simply removing him from the lease, it would be free game to kick out, if he became troublesome again.
There are four of us, including *Tyrant* who has caused everyone mental duress and has proven to be a threat to himself and sometimes others.
For context, the roommate is a bipolar (+ a ton of other mental issues) + unmedicated, but he at least goes to therapy. The events leading to us wanting to kick him out happened over the course of a year.
When we first rented, it was just me and tyrant over the summer. The place was largely empty, at some point he had mentioned struggling with suicide and depression. A couple weeks into living together, he tries to overdose on a bunch of pills, and confesses that to me (after ingesting them). I tried to get him to vomit but he wasn't interested. Dealing with similar issues in high school, I knew it wasn't remotely enough to kill him, just that he would get kinda woozy (maybe get a bad stomach ache) and maybe see some "spiders", I babysat him the rest of the night and we talked about mental health and I tried to reason with him. I confiscated all the pills in the house the next day as added precaution.
The following morning he had a bad phone call with his parents and then proceeded to scream at me about putting knives in the sink and washing dishes. We had not even had a conversation about household cleaning habits at this point, so to say it was unprompted would be an understatement.
I later noticed this as a habit of his, something would go wrong in his personal life (or his mental health would deteriorate) and he would fixate on something to direct at me. At first I thought he just really needed a clean space (I can be a bit of slob), but as time passed I was doing most of the chores. If I was gone for a week he would fill the sink with his dishes, let food rot in an airfryer, pile trash bags inside rather than taking them out. Despite this, he would still find things to nitpick on. I largely tolerated it because it was the way I was raised. During all of this happening, he had more suicide attempts, which meant me having to hide more things (the toaster, kitchen knives, razors, etc...). I know some of you are probably thinking why didn't you call the cops? Or tell the landlord?* (i'll get into later)
He was originally my friend, and there was a time where I felt responsible for his well-being. I didn't want to get him sent to an institute or mess up his life if the cops perceived him to be a threat. I kept thinking that it was temporary, and if I rally enough support, things will improve. And to be fair, that is what got him voluntarily into therapy.
I never yelled at him or "stood up to him" because I don't like yelling. I am large male, he is short. When I was younger I had outbursts. I never hurt anyone, but I learned that sometimes raising your voice is all it takes to be perceived as threat. I always tried to reason with him, but it never seem to stick.
At some point I had family over, granted with little notice, but I was previously told he was going to be gone that week. He snapped multiple times about how 'they live like animals' and 'armed men are going rob the house' because it was unlocked. It was noon, on a saturday, and my father was sitting on the porch. He got pissy that we put a street couch on the balcony. A bunch of other upsetting things happened, mostly yelling, I always responded jovially to keep things light for my family.
After he sent a message to the our house chat about "my shit being everywhere" I was done with his behavior. In the picture he conveniently moved all of his things out of frame, and since I was away I literally could not do anything about it, this also painted me as a slob to our roommates yet to move in.
I drove to the house and waited for his girlfriend to finish visiting to confront him (an affordance he never once had granted me). I asked him if he wanted to talk about the way he has been acting over the last month. He tried to brush me off, but I was persistent, he then ran to his room and tried to slam the door on me. This is typically how he handled confrontation.
I have a voice recording of the incident. I was mostly just asking him if he felt it was acceptable to yell at someone do to household chores, or to yell at / in front of someone's family and partner over personal issues. Before I could finish the first sentence he started walking to his room.
I held my hand in the door because I wanted a response or something, an apology. He slammed the door on my hand multiple times (probably over 10). At some point, he got sick of my questions and screamed "I tried to kill myself today!". I said "So what? That justifies the way you've been acting?" "You're not trying to get help, you just take it out on me, and you ignore everyone else who's trying to help you". I said some other things, but I don't want to re-listen to the recording right now.
I know I said nothing that could be perceived as threat, but I don't know if putting my hand in the door against his will is illegal.
After that, it was radio silence. If he saw me, he would run to his room. Eleanor (one of the roomates yet to move in) came over for a day. We hung up a spice rack while he was preheating his fryer for a meal. His response was to throw the frozen chicken into the fridge and run to his room. He is of drinking age, and two years older than me.
This went on for 3 weeks, at first the space was nice, but I started to wonder If I undid all the progress towards him getting help. I felt bad at this point. I left a notes at his door, apologizing and saying people cared about him. I left him a meal when it seemed like he wasn't eating.
Eventually he snapped back. No apology, no conversation. He was just out and about again. He presented me with small talk. I tried to talk about what happened and he broadly spoke about his mental health, and vaguely mentioned being sorry. Great. I decided to let things go, and that I would confront whatever happens next in the moment. Months pass. A couple spats happen, I sometimes snap back at him now and call out his hypocrisy. Summer is ending.
Things stabilized and the other roommates moved in. Fast forward a couple months and they all develop problems with Tyrant, but we don't want to break the lease, and can't find a new roommate, also none of us know how to kick out a roommate who shares a lease with us. We settle for house meetings, none of which stick for tyrant, we decide will not renew with him on the lease and just have to get through the year.
Also the two new roommates are both girls who are avoidant of confrontation, so now I am the one to bat for everyone. As a result, tyrant hates me. If there's a mess it must be me, if someone took someone's food I am the first to blame, if there is damage I must be responsible. I just deal with it, as I know living with both of them and a normal roommate will be a dream.
Tyrant has a mental break while I am away, and threatens to kill himself after getting frustrated that he had to be present for the landlord to fix something. He throws a laptop at Iris, and then locks himself in my room after grabbing several knives. Everyone is now ready to kick out tyrant.
The lease is approaching. I start working on removing tyrant from the lease before it renews, but it turns out the lease auto renewed, so its a bigger process. *After the landlords told us we need tyrants consent to remove him, I informed them of the situation, but they do not care. They tell me to try and find a way for him to sign anyways.
After flipflopping on it for weeks, I finally get tyrant to sign the forums removing him from the lease.
I mail it in, but only mail one of the two copies as only one will fit in the envelope, I think it went through because they almost always reply if they still need something from us. I am waiting on a response to see if it was finalized. I thought it was but I am now double checking.
Here is the situation:
Tyrant wants to move out july 1st. I want him out on the 18th.
My girlfriend will be taking his place over the summer, and her job starts soon, we previously told him multiple times that the latest we could do is mid june. But, none of this is in writing.
I offered to pay him the amount of rent that he would be losing by moving out early. He barely stays here now, only coming into town for work. I also offered to store all his things in the attic / basement, so he would be able to access them once he does move into his new place. I know he doesn't need to live here, as he constantly stays at his parents. If it's about work he could crash at his brothers place (in MKE) for the the two weekends of work.
I don't feel safe leaving my girlfriend here while he is still living here. But I need to see my grandmother because she is dying. I want him out, but I don't think the landlords will do anything. I am willing to involve the cops but I don't know what to say, and I consume illicit substances so I worry about him turning it into a mudfest. We are also not supposed to technically supposed use the attic, so I worry about that getting brought up. He isn't conniving but I just want to be airtight.
Also due to the timing and lack of funds, I wonder if I should just wait until july first. But then its the whole issue of how long will it take him to actually move out, if it took this much time to get him to agree to it?
I'd like to know what I legally can and can't do, what his protections are as paying unleased tenant. And what I can do given the history and people willing to testify, but having a lack of a court order or restraining order.
Should I have a firmer talk threatening to make his actions into a legal issue? I don't know what to do.
submitted by CelebrationFew6101 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:40 BlackwatchPSC [A3][Recruiting][New player friendly][Halo][LGBT+Friendly][Serious] Blackwatch P.S.C(Private service contractors)

[A3][Recruiting][New player friendly][Halo][LGBT+Friendly][Serious] Blackwatch P.S.C(Private service contractors)
We are a PMC unit set in the Halo universe that has been crafted from the ground up with hopefully plenty of unique ways to entertain anyone who joins up. Among all of these, I personally find the most enjoyable is the custom unit lore that we have made as well as the payment and requisition system and our rules on battlefield scavenging. At our very core we are desiring to build a community that doesn't simply meet once a week for arma but instead actively enjoys each others company and builds friendships.
The Time Period:
Our unit takes place about a year before the Battle of Harvest giving us plenty of time to include not only missions from the UNSC but also missions from the Innies, and just maybe the chance for Covie interference. This gives us the chance to take jobs from both groups and to also do various types of missions that one wouldn't normally be able to find in the average OPTRE unit, while also opening the door for various types of joint operations in the future with friendly units! With that said, we are a PMC or alternately PSC (Private Service Contractor) who are happy to do jobs for anyone! As long as they are willing to pay or renegotiate.
Our Style and Tactics:
Most of our tactics are intended to employ ambushes and guerilla warfare with a unique blend of battlefield scavenging for anything of higher quality. Not only do we allow you to pick up the enemy weapon, we in fact encourage it. Convoy and supply raids will be common place with a fully fleshed out campaign with managed resources for us to utilize and even lose should we screw up a job (God forbid). Though the best weapons aren't exactly standardized here, we have a fully set up pay system based upon your rank, performance, and contribution to the unit that will allow you to purchase not only cosmetic options, but also the purchase of powerful weapons. Some permanent and others being single operation use. There's also rumors of bonuses going to certain troopers that perform exceptionally well during periods of decent unit economy.
Seriousness of the Unit:
While this is a serious/borderline mil-sim intended unit we do not in any way require any "Yes siNo sir" nonsense, though you still can if you'd like. We are set on trying to include a decent amount of immersion and role-play into the unit for the more dedicated players that are desiring that environment. This doesn't mean you need to know the most efficient way to do everything. Simply, we are trying to build a community that buckles down and performs seriously during operations with genuine tactics and thought.
Roles Currently Available: (As the unit grows we have many ideas we hope to add)
  • Rifleman
  • Medic
  • Grenadier
  • RTO
  • Marksman
  • Sniper
  • Engineer
  • Auto-Rifleman
  • AT
  • CQC
Our operations take place on Saturdays at 3PM EST. Attendance is semi strict, requiring at least 2 attendances per month to hold a billeted position.
Requirement to join:
At least 16 years of age. A working Microphone. A legal copy of Arma 3.
If anyone has any questions feel free to send me a DM. Although your best bet would be to join the discord and speak to our recruiters!
submitted by BlackwatchPSC to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:38 wtsui Unraveling the Jargon: How AI Legalese Decoder Can Simplify the Job Search Process with a Recruiter
submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:09 No-Gap2347 Is Imperial not good enough at the Master's level?

I've received a few offers for Master's programmes for Economics/Management related courses and have received an offer from Imperial for one of their business school programmes.
I went to a really low ranked uni for my undergrad in Econ and have been working for seven months in the financial sector in a role I'm not interested with no career mobility and low progression opportunities.
The roles I wanted typically only hire from elite 'target' universities at the undergraduate leave like LSE/Oxford/Cambridge/Imperial/UCL (with some semi-targets too). Obviously I was auto rejected from countless internships and jobs at the first stage because my uni was really low ranked and a complete non-target.
I'm super happy to get the Imperial offer since my confidence was really low for the past few years from underachieving in my A Levels, but it seems like the target universities at the Master's level are only LSE/Cambridge/Oxford because the competition is significantly lower at the postgraduate level, so only the very best are considered.
I am planning on going to Imperial in September and was really excited, but I've been told that Imperial Business School's economics/management related programmes just aren't competitive enough.
I'm feeling so demotivated because I couldn't get into LSE/Cambridge/Oxford since it was too far a jump from my really low ranked undergraduate uni. I just wasn't good enough for the very best ones.
Do you really have to go to the very, very best universities at the Master's level just to be able to get a decent paying job in finance/consulting?
I definitely don't expect to get super competitive or elite roles since I didn't go to Oxbridge/LSE for my undergrad, but surely there are still some slightly less competitive but decent paying roles that don't only hire from the very best universities, right?
submitted by No-Gap2347 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:06 OkLuck7649 Le transport urbain

Pas facile de trouver une job sans auto, quand le transport urbain termine à 18h30 les samedi et dimanche et 19h30 du lundi au mercredi.. Comment suis-je censé me trouver un emploi pour éventuellement me déplacer moi-même ?🥲😅 *je devrais préciser que j’ai un chien d’assistance et que je ne suis pas en mesure de faire du vélo dans des grandes cotes
submitted by OkLuck7649 to granby [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:57 Slight-Estate-5847 Check out my old Chevy glistening in the sun

Check out my old Chevy glistening in the sun
Just thought I'd share a pic & a few words about my faithful old workhorse!!
She's a 1997 Chevy Silverado K2500hd with a Vortec 7.4 liter / 454 big block engine & a 4L80e auto trans
I installed JBA stainless headers, dual 2.5 inch exhaust with Flowmaster mufflers and a K&N cold air intake shortly after I got it
I've had this truck since 2013, when it only had 95k miles on it, now she's at 176k miles and still running strong
I just installed a new timing set, oil pan gasket, upgraded fuel injectors, intake gaskets, valve cover gaskets, all 4 brakes & all of the front steering & suspension components, then gave her a well deserved bath
This truck pretty much only gets used to tow my 24 foot car hauletrailer, 28 foot camper or to haul firewood ... which it does a very admirable job at
We burn around 8 to 10 cords of firewood each winter between the house & the shop and this old girl has hauled every bit of it for the last 10+ years
I also put 3 ft tall wood sideboards on it when I got it, but they got pretty worn out, so I removed them to build some out of steel ... another reason for this pic is it's the first time I ever remember seeing it without the sideboards
Still looks pretty damn good too, if I do say so myself
submitted by Slight-Estate-5847 to ChevyTrucks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:50 KnightGhost721 Concept: Operation Ominous Howl (Disclaimer: Long Post)


Ominous Howl initial teaser image. Original artwork by Gaetan Perrot for BF2042 on ArtStation. Edited by me to include the indigo-colored smoke effect.
Hello Siege players, this is a concept for a season I've been working on for a little while, it includes a brand new Attacker from Siberia, a brand new map set in a fortified manor in a private island, as well as a few other quaility-of-life and gameplay changes. Keep in mind my foccus in more so on the new additions, those being the brand new Operator and Map, so the other topics may not sound as detailed or refined as them.

Estate is the brand new map featured in Operation Ominous Howl, it takes place in the fortified manor of the Romanov Estate, a family of Russian Oligarchs with political, military and industrial ties, as well as the home of KOHHN PMC's CEO herself, Natalya Romanova. The map is located on a private island in the Mediterranean Sea, which has a somewhat tropical look, taking place at sunset, with a very refined aesthetic to the manor itself.
Of course, to differentiate the ambiances for each floor and section of the map, different themes are presented, similar to Lair in Y8S4.
(please note that the reference images used above are used directly from MW3's Oligarch campaign mission and are meant to be EXCLUSIVELY illustrative, they are not my work, they are not 100% true to what I pictured for the map itself)

Following in the footsteps of Rainbow Six: Extraction, the introduction of the Operator Mastery System allows players to level up and unlock unique cosmetic rewards for their favorite operators by simply playing the game.
Each operator will have their own individual progress of up to 10 different levels, unlocking unique cosmetic rewards such as mastery uniforms and headgears, weapon skins, card backgrounds and portraits. These masteries also include seasonal rewards as a way to encourage players to also play a wider variety of Operators for the duration of the season.

As a soft update to the recent addition of ranked-exclusive Headgears, Ominous Howl will add full fledged Uniforms, Universal Weapon Skins for each rank, Operator Portraits and more. It should be noted that only Platinum and above ranks feature Operator Portraits, while the lower ranks will feature a Bravo Pack instead.
The rewards for each rank division will be:
[Rank] V - Weapon Charm, [Rank] IV - Uniform, [Rank] III - Card Backrgound (universal), [Rank] II - Operator Portrait, [Rank] I - Headgear.

The new Attacking Operator coming with Operation Ominous Howl is Garm, a mysterious strategist and black ops specialist affiliated with Deimos' sinister Keres Legion.
Lore-wise, Fyodor "Garm" Volkov is a former member of the elusive Bodark unit from the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon franchise and the acting Commander of the KOHHN PMC Group, founded and owned by Russian Oligarch Natalya Romanova (as you may have noticed, the owner of the Estate map). Here's a better look as his lore and in-game bio:
Garm's Background
Garm's Specialist Profile
Garm's Training and Relevant Experience
Garm's Gadget Evaluation
Gameplay-wise, Garm is a 2 Speed, 2 Health support-style Attacker who specializes in creating aggressive openings for his team to push key positions of the map by suppressing Defenders who would otherwise take advantage in such positions.
Original art by Jean-Christophe Alessandri for Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Edited by me via adding the blue LEDs and smoke effect.
M-RAK Charge gadget icon.
Garm's gadget is the M-RAK CHARGE, a special flying drone that travels forward in a set path, releasing a powerful toxic gas that severy hinders Defenders' senses once affected by it. Do keep in mind that the dark blue smoke cloud itself is not meant to directly obstruct vision in the same way a regular Smoke Grenade would. Instead, it works more like FENRIR's F-NATT Mines, only affecting those who come in direct contact with the gas itself.
The gadget works like this: Garm deploys his M-RAK Drone, which stays hovering in place until further notice, he can then choose (via the alternate button) to make the drone travel forward or to the left or right and then remotely trigger it (much like RAM's BU-GI). The drone will then move in the chosen direction, leaving behind a cloud of blue smoke that, once in contact with it's prey, will obscure vision (like Fenrir, but not as much), slow down movement (like Melusi or Barbed Wire) and make it's victims cough relatively loud. It should also be noted that Garm himself (exclusively) is immune to the effects of the gas.
Of course, the gadget isn't without it's own set of counters. Mute's Jammers or Tubarão's Zoto Canisters will prevent the drone from being triggered once it's already been deployed, and they will stop it's movement if already triggered. The drone itself is bulletproof but it has a blue canister on it's bottom which can be shot to destroy it. Explosives are another alternative.
Garm starts with only 1 M-RAK Charge, and can gain up to a max of 3 over the course of the round. His loadout was created with the help of Rainbow Six Siege developer Justin Loranger-Ahluwalia via Twitter DMs, who gave me some incredible insights on what would work best for this operator and his gadget, so MASSIVE thanks to Justin for the help.
Primary Weapons
Secondary Weapons:
Garm's entire loadout sets around 2 different playstyles one can have while deploying the M-RAK, those being either a Support or Aggressive playstyle.
The C-X50 Stalker is a brand new DMR exclusive to Garm. It's design is inspired by a wide variety of different precision and anti-material rifles, customized to have a modernized "heavy duty" look. The weapon itself is chambered in 12.7x55mm and is semi-auto. It also comes with a custom 2.5x Scope that can't be removed, similar to Deimos' .44 Vendetta.
Stats are as follows:
70 Damage / ~420 RPM Fire Rate / 10+1 Capacity / Moderate-Low Recoil
The C-X50 is good for a medium-long range support to pick off desperate victims of the M-RAK drone, and is especially nice when paired up with Garm's SPSMG9 secondary SMG.
The POF-9 assault rifle is meant for more aggressive pushes on key positions or suppressive fire with it's large magazine capacity. When I first presented Justin with the idea, he suggested the V308 for a suppressive/aggressive role, however, due to it's high damage profile, it would've been too strong and make Garm a heavy frag operator, so I kept the suppressive idea and went with the POF-9 as a somewhat weaker option for balancing purposes. As one may guess, his Keratos .357 is meant to synergize with the POF.
The original idea had Impact EMP Grenades and Smoke Grenades as secondary gadget options, however, with Justin's help, the Smokes were swapped for Claymores. The EMPs synergize with the support role of the operator himself, and can help him clear the path of Mute Jammers or other gadgets that can disturb the usage of the M-RAK. Alternatively, Claymores provide flank-watch help while Garm and his team can have their foccus on the push itself.
And that's a wrap I guess..? I'd appreciate some feedback down bellow so I can improve on this and other future concepts and please be gentle when doing so, this is was made by a single person who also has a full time job and family to take care of so it's obviously not the best out there. If you've read it all the way down here, I hope you enjoyed your time, have a wonderful day and take care!
submitted by KnightGhost721 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 Savoir_faire81 The sleep when injured mechanic. Why it may not be working and a workaround to make it function.

I am fairly new to to Kenshi so maybe this is all well known but in my attempts to find information on this I have seen very little good information and several instances of people just stating that the mechanic is broken and can't be fixed. So I started looking for a mod and didn't find one, and then I started looking for a work around and found a set of conditions to workaround the limitations of the mechanic.
As I write this I am watching my camp of 47 Ronin kill beak things in Gut, while rescuing and healing one another and sleeping in the camp beds I put down all automatically.
Here is how to make the mechanic function.
  1. Obviously the sleep when injured box must be clicked in the AI menu.
  2. The Jobs button must be on for each unit you want to auto sleep.
  3. The jobs in each unit que must not be something that requires immediate work. So as example if you set them to mine and there is mining to do they will never rest. This unfortunately also includes the "follow" command as well as any command to sit on a particular piece of furniture.. The rescue and medic commands can be in the que, but as long as there is someone to rescue or medic they will prioritize that over sleep. I did not do an exhaustive test of every command so this may take some trial and error. If all the other factors I outline here are correct try clearing the queue of all jobs and adding one at a time back in and you might find the problem.
  4. The area you rest in must be recognized as your outpost. This means that it's not enough to just toss down some camping beds. You apparently need at least one building you own nearby. I built one small shack for this. After that I was able to lay out 30 camping beds and they are recognized as places to sleep.
  5. Finally you must not have the units selected. If you have them selected to give an order the game sees that as priority and they will not sleep. I simply click on my Pack Bull and my units auto heal after that.
Hopefully this information is useful to the next guy looking for an answer to this problem.
submitted by Savoir_faire81 to Kenshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 HateMeetings LG Dishwasher Cycles... Geeking Out and LG Doesn't Help

You all need a flair for #geekingout lol... (and I know there are other dishwasher and laundry machine forums in the world for those who need to geek... and I am right now!)
So here is the Geek. My old Kenmore had excellent documentation. I could tell you what each cycle did, the water expended, that Auto would changes time and temp and cycle up to a pot wash basically. And iirc when it did what.
LG's docs, paper-based and online and definitely meh. And if it is a download cycle, useless. I think they might apply as generically as possible to all their dishwashers, so it never applies to any. Oh and while I believe the Quad wash pro does a fine job, their consumer marketing spiel is non-existent (my own limited science background tells me there is mechanical action involved if micro bubbles hit a plate and burst)
Anyone aware of a service manual or some such documentation that might have answers online somewhere or know the answers?
Like for the life of me, not quite sure how heavy vs pot wash differ (pot wash is downloaded) because on many DWs heavy replaces pot wash. Casserole? No details, on it. how does Auto adjust (never ever have seen the time change but the manual says it will, but maybe that is some other DW), Why do I have the option of Delicate (for glassware) and can download Glassware. Or when does steam kick in (once, twice, prewash, final?)or what types of soil it is ideal for? (other than necessary for the sanitize cycle). Why is the Clean cycle so short? (not nearly as long as heavy or pot wash)
Just geeking out...
Ty in Advance.
submitted by HateMeetings to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:09 life_is_chrome My character is officially four years old today!

My character is officially four years old today!
Threw in some stats as well, to show what I’ve done while playing on and off over the last four years.
submitted by life_is_chrome to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 kvenaik696969 The State Of Logitech

Today I had an absolute EXCELLENT time with my Logitech device. I want to share my absolutely positive experience with y'all!
I have an MX Anywhere mouse - the OG MX Anywhere. It is an excellent pointing device. Toggling between detent and undetent scrolling is achieved with a satisfying click. This behaviour ensures it doesn't face the same issues that the MX Master 3 faces, where the scroll wheel slips in detent mode (when the auto-switching to smooth scrolling is turned off), ensuring consistent feel and intentional functionality. The battery life is fantastic, the accuracy is decent for a non-gaming mouse user, and the latency/range is solid enough. The product has lasted me a while, and honestly looks brand new. It has got an excellent heft to it, the Teflon hasn't worn out, and feels like it was made by nature - almost like a pebble smoothed over by ozmandyian nature.
However, these are only true when I can ACTUALLY FUCKING USE THE GODDAMN DEVICE.
All I want to do is pair the device with my unifying receiver - that's all. I want to use it as a pointing device on a 4-5-year-old MacBook and use the 2 buttons and a scroll wheel. I don't want to use the two side buttons because my expectations are low. Everything you read down below is done WITHOUT A GODDAMN POINTING DEVICE.
I remember there was a Unifying Software that kinda allowed me to link mice to receivers. It had its issues, and it didn't have sexy, useless, investor-friendly AI features, but it got the job done after some fiddling. It then stayed out of the way - at least that is how I remember it. I also remember Logi Options being released once, and I downloaded it to try it out but it always had an issue with my mouse - no big deal, I can still point and click. However, there is now a "Logi Options+". Oh wow, has Logitech's work culture become Google-like where an imbecile PM needs to build useless shit to advance their career? Is this another "publish or perish" situation? No worries, it's alright. The benefit of the doubt here; sometimes hardware and software stacks change - I understand - I am a computer engineer currently "enjoying" a USB stack change. No worries, let me just research what to get for my laptop. Maybe the software page will help.
35 different, discrete software "solutions"... without descriptions so you gotta click through them without a pointing device to find what you want? Okay...
Let me just go to the Logitech website and search for "MX Anywhere" - I bet that will help. Oh, only the newest one shows up - my bad, that does seem fair. I presumably don't want to see the HTC One M8 when I search for phones on HTC's website today. Fair enough. Let me search the support website for "MX Anywhere" - 6 PAGES AND 55 FUCKIN PRODUCTS BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE "MX" IN THEIR NAME? Who comes up with this shit?
Maybe I am the idiot - I should refine it further by going through their website and endlessly clicking "tab" since my mouse DONT FUCKIN WORK RIGHT NOW. Okay, "Support" -> "Mice and Pointers". Holy Fuck do I gotta go through all these by clicking this taunting purple "See More" at the bottom of the page?
Okay fine - this is a Reddit-like situation. There are a fair bit of products and it's difficult to organize them. Sure, questions related to search functionality design are discussed in collegiate classes and a company as ubiquitous as Logitech should have it fixed, but it's okay, no worries. After this rigmarole, the least I can do is search Google, right?
NO, I CANNOT. Put "MX Anywhere" in? Nothing but new shit. Put the Model Number in? Nothing except for Amazon links to buy this 2010 product. Put Model Number + MX Anywhere? A FUCKIN INSTRUCTIONAL PDF without shit on it.
Alright, fine trial and error it is then! Start with "Logi Options+" - Newer is better, right? That's why they made it! Wrong, douchebag. Download it, install it, allow all permissions, avoid the data nightmares, see the new sexy AI options, try to connect the mouse, and receive a "Device Not Supported" error message. Alright, no worries - I did say trial and error after all.
Let us try "Logi Options" - Download, install, allow all permissions, avoid signing in and sharing my device data..... Oh, I need to uninstall Options+ first. Okay, uninstall, reinstall, and reallow all permissions. Boom - can't do anything with this PoS. Wrong again, dicknose!
I get I am frustrated - maybe Reddit can help... Wait there's a web-based link utility? This is awesome! Why isn't this advertised more readily? Let me click on, power cycle my device, and FAIL TO CONNECT because my device times out EXACTLY ON POWER CYCLING. Their bug literally times out exactly when it recognizes the device? This is like a Larry David bit - I can almost hear the tuba playing. Oh, this bug has been reported as not being resolved on a Reddit post that is 9 months old? Yeah, bro, it works on my system why are you annoying me?
Let me try SetPoint maybe - oh the download page doesn't fuckin work. Great! Find it on my backups and tried installing it, and still doesn't work. Cool bro, have you tried not being a sucker that wants functionality for what they paid for?
Ok fiiiiiiiine - I will try LCC. The page says to use Options+. WTF? It says I should visit the compatibility page. MX Anywhere is compatible with Logi Options AND Logi Options+? I don't think so buddy - the product itself said so during runtime. Also, which one should I use, idiots?
Is it too much to ask for a User Experience (not good or bad, just "a")? Is it too much to ask your product to work? Logitech explicitly tells me to pound sand.
P.S.: Your chatbot's "pinging" was the straw that broke the camel's back. You obviously did not learn from Samsung's failure with TouchWiz's "bloop" water droplet touch sounds. Dropping 5-10 links when I say "NO" is SAE behaviour.
submitted by kvenaik696969 to logitech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 Fwimble [Task] Logo Design

Hello graphic designers! I am looking to get a logo designed for a performance auto parts startup. I have a concept drawn up that I will share with whoever takes the job, there are three of them. Some creative input would be cool but I would like to stick pretty close to my concept. There are two full size versions and one condensed version. I would like to get the logos in a vector file format (.svg, .dxf, etc) that can be laser engraved and imported into a CAD program (solidworks, if that matters). I would like to pay in the range of $10-$20 but that can be adjusted obviously
submitted by Fwimble to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Housecuba1234 REFERRALS ADVICE

Hi guys, I’m an insurance agent since almost 1 year ago and wanna share my history.
I came from Cuba 2 years ago, On August 2023 I joined an insurance company by accident, I wanted to become a realtor but I needed a job to get by so I joined an insurance company where I became pretty successful. I’m here in Miami, South Florida and here there are this big Hispanic Insurance Companies where they basically just sell auto insurance (I.e: Univista Insurance) and basically you just need to answer the phone, find the most basic and cheapest policy for your Latino client and convince the client to buy it, In my company I got to the top 3 within 3 months in sales (About 125000 in monthly premium) and I also got my 220 and 215 license within 3 months which also surprised everyone.
After only 6 months in that company and in the industry I decided I wanted to open my own agency, there was plenty of franchises opportunities but I WANTED my own brand and name so I just registered an LLC and started looking for appointments (At that time I asked for advice here and everyone told me to not do it, I did it anyway because I’m stubborn). Long story short ( I only got 1 appointment) at the time I considered a cluster or something like that like Renaissance but they didn’t have the markets I needed ( non standard auto insurance companies in Florida) and also I only had experience in Auto Insurance so I ended working independently but with only 1 appointment for like 2 months until I decided that I needed to get another job because I wasn’t making enough (Bills in Miami are not gonna wait for you).
My own company was a great experience (I GREW UP as an agent) having to get so many documents, account etc on my own was good and I still have it (I make around 500 dollars a month and I close 1-2 new clients a month but at this point is more like a hobby.
So I got a new job, this time in an American independent agency where they don’t serve the Latino community, they help the American community (Which is more literate about insurance and only buy quality) so I had to remove from my head the concept of selling the cheapest and instead I learned to sell the best VALUE to the clients. At this company I also learned about the other personal lines since I only knew auto insurance, now I know auto, homeowners, flood, boat etc but I find myself 95% of the time working on HO, the main difference between this company and the first one where I worked is that in the first one they didn’t pay commissions (only salary and like 0.00004 of the commission) but they DID provide all the clients, in the current one (I get 40% of the commission and a higher salary) but they don’t provide any kind of leads, clients or anything so I gurantee my salary since I’m quoting Homeowners all the time for the agency but if I want to make commission I need to find clients.
Of, if you have read until here thank you and you are finally in context about my experience as an insurance agent so I have a question?
I really need to make commissions doing homeowners and I wanna know what kind of group of people should I target in the community so I can get referrals ( the realtors, the mortgage lenders, the title insurance companies?) I don’t know and that’s what I need to know, at what point of buying a home does the clients need the insurance and who is responsible for helping the buyers sending the referral to a company and also what’s the compensation I should give to this person for every client I get from them? Please, I hope you can help me with this since I NEED to make commissions ASAP. I am also a registered real estate agent so in case that helps let me know.
Thanks community. Help me liking this post (I really need the k**ma)
*Also sorry if there is any mistake in the text, it’s so long that I don’t wanna correct it now and I also don’t want to use chat gpt to fix it since I think chat gpt takes the emotion off the text.
submitted by Housecuba1234 to InsuranceAgent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:00 kc1138 Inappropriate Motors : Reddit, Facebook and YouTube

My Story
I worked for an Auto Company. My plant closed in 2008. Despite us having a guarantee to have a product line until 2011. This was made when we ratified our most recent contract first. The company decided to close us down to keep a Right to work factory open in Texas, and a plant outside the country in Mexico. And then came begging for handouts from Congress.
I had to move to a new plant in 2010. You had people from all over at this plant. Some from a nearby city had "city" mafia shirts printed. New people didn't know the story. Our union negotiated for us to get money when we needed to move. These people had the goal to shut this place down to get more money to move. Yeah, I know.
After a year or two. I noticed a strange trend. You had all these young, attractive women on jobs they should not have. I noticed one running around with a repair stamp and bypass key she should not have had. Management was showing her how to hack into the computer with someone else's login to mark defects as repaired.
This is a huge violation of our quality policy. Not to mention our ISO obligations to sell product overseas.
I turned the proof of the stamp being used to mark defects on the Matrix/Manifest, to my Alternate Union Rep. But found out later it was his stamp. So it vanished. Much like his duty to represent the membership. Before this blew up. You have union people who could not get moved to jobs they posted. As the contract demands. Because someone's girlfriend appeared to be camped out on a easy job. When they finally did get moved. Many quit on the spot.
In the fall out of this scandal. It seemed the Assistant Plant Manager was shoved out the backdoor. My boss was moved out of management into Engineering. One boss was removed and sent back to work for the union. Story was he was sleeping with one of his Team Leaders Wife. A Business Manager was moved back in to management. And he was replaced with 3 people. One for each shift instead of one for whole department.
Later on, I think they were starting it up again. And there were other quality issues. My health started to go bad. I lost my Gallbladder. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Syndrome, meaning my Thyroid was losing function. But after I lost my job due to health issues. The symptoms changed. I no longer seemed to need 4 or 5 meds I had been taking. I still have health issues. But I think it's from what I was must have been drugged with and the meds fighting it.
I am trying to stream to earn a living. It's probably just a fool's errand to keep me busy while my health seems to get worse. But trying to get the word out. In hopes, it doesn't happen again.
I could really use the help. To spread this word.
submitted by kc1138 to Inappropriate_Motors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 Cassiusor2468 I love Linux ❤️ (Bazzite Deck)

I love Linux ❤️ (Bazzite Deck) submitted by Cassiusor2468 to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:29 Healthy-Code7013 No Mic/Glitchy Audio/Glitchy Mouse

I've been chasing a glitchy audio / not being able to select a mic input in Sonar for the better part of two weeks now. Couple that with the mouse disconnecting randomly and stuttering while moving. Running Nova pro wireless headset, aerox 5 wireless mouse and a Samson G Track Pro Mic (USB).
Before you start making suggestions, I'll tell you what I have done to try and fix this.
I have checked the drivers, and uninstalled / re-installed mic drivers. I made sure the mic was "allowed" to be discovered by all apps including desktop apps where GG comes into use. I deleted all the extra program data as well when uninstalling the GG software before re-installing it. Literally clean wiped the software leaving no trace behind. Then installed again. Even on initial install of GG, it asks you to select your input / outputs and tells you its "ready to go" which does nothing once you get into actual Sonar. I cannot even select the Nova Pro headset mic as the mic once the software is fully installed. I went as far as re-installing all the C++ files from Microsoft just to make sure something wasn't missing from a windows update. I of course made sure all of windows was up to date including through the advanced menu. In the control panel, all devices are working and test accordingly. In windows sound, I have sonar gaming as default output as that's what always been required, as well as sonar microphone. However, in Sonar, it wont let me select either mic as an input. So currently as my default recording device in windows, I have the Samson mic selected, which Sonar also doesn't like. I disabled auto device switch completely in Sonar, again, no change. As far as the mouse and headset, I believe them to be "up to date" as if there ever is any update, the GG Engine does a good job of letting me know.
As far as PC specs, if it matters, I'm running: CPU: i5-12600k, RAM: 32gb Trident G Skill 4000MHz, GPU: RTX 4060, MB: Gigabyte Z690 Aorus Elite, PSU: Corsair RM850e. The only thing "over clocked" is the RAM XMP profile in Bios is set to utilize all MHz.
I have created a support ticket VIA Steel Series email support. They had me run logs, and share the logs to no avail. They also had me run through most of the steps above which I had already done. They ultimately left me with:
"Thank you for informing us.
We did pass this information along to our devs who are looking into this issue. We are working toward a fix but unfortunately, do not have a timeframe on when the fix will be implemented. We do apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any questions please let us know.
Best regards"
THE ONLY and I mean ONLY thing that has worked, I was able to install an older version (version 58) of Sonar which it all worked flawlessly. However, it auto checks for updates on start up without any way to stop it from doing that. So I'm left with this BS situation that seemingly, can't be solved. If I missed a step somewhere PLEASE, kindly let me know.
submitted by Healthy-Code7013 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:52 Scrumtrullecent Front suspension whoopsie - Odd vibration while parked after replacing control arms and ball joints

Decided I would attempt a full replacement of my front lower control arms, sway links, and ball joints on my '08 AWD EX Element with 300K kms. It turned into the replacement job from hell! Took a full day of cursing, crying, cheering, and Canadian tire runs.
Ball joints were completely seized to control arms, so we cut them off after hours of attempts with various tools. Getting them off the knuckle was a huge pain, even with the ball joint press. CV joint slipped out (which we were warned might happen) but *seemed to slot back in place after rotating the axle and lining it up. Putting the new arm back in was a massive pain to get lined up just right... I'm not totally useless with auto repair, and all the videos online make it look so easy! I blame the Winnipeg roads.
Finally put it back together, and as I rolled out of the garage I noticed that there was a strong vibration / shudder at one specific point in the tires rotation. It would feel totally normal but then start to shudder as I rolled over one spot, even if I stopped at that point.
*My best guess is we didn't properly seat the CV joint or possibly damaged it in the process. I had assumed it was seated ok because it all lined up so well with the new control arm.
With the car jacked up, the front tires rotate freely until a certain point where it stops. Not sure if this is normal with an AWD in park though.
Any thoughts or suggestions before I take it all apart again? Much appreciated
submitted by Scrumtrullecent to HondaElement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 Suraziv [23M] - Looking for Long-Term Friends!

Hello! My name is Charlie and I’m from the great state of Michigan! I’m looking for some new long-term friends, doesn’t matter if you’re near me or not. I’ll keep it short, so here’s a bit about me:
I work in the auto industry and travel a bit for my job. I have been out of school for two years and was a business major. I love cars of course and do a lot of driving.
I am a casual gamer and I play on PS5 and PC! I also love watching tv and movies, or YouTube. I’m a big music fan, love taking walks or hikes and just enjoying nature, taking drives, trying new food, going to museums, history, politics, football, and Formula 1!
I’m a bit introverted but once I’m comfortable with people I can be a real chatterbox. I think I have a good sense of humor and am decently smart, as well as kind and very honest.
I’d love to get to know you, especially if we have things in common! Please don’t be shy and hmu with a short introduction about you!
Hope you have a nice day :)
submitted by Suraziv to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 Suraziv 23M/USA - Looking for Long-Term [Friendship]

Hello! My name is Charlie and I’m from the great state of Michigan! I’m looking for some new long-term friends, doesn’t matter if you’re near me or not. I’ll keep it short, so here’s a bit about me:
I work in the auto industry and travel a bit for my job. I have been out of school for two years and was a business major. I love cars and do a lot of driving for work!
I am a casual gamer and I play on PS5 and PC! I also love watching tv and movies, or YouTube. I’m a big music fan, love taking walks or hikes and just enjoying nature, taking drives, trying new food, going to museums, history, politics, football, and Formula 1!
I’m a bit introverted but once I’m comfortable with people I can be a real chatterbox. I think I have a good sense of humor and am decently smart, as well as kind and very honest.
I’d love to get to know you, especially if we have things in common! Please don’t be shy and hmu with a short introduction about you!
Hope you have a nice day :)
submitted by Suraziv to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:21 Suraziv [23/M] - Looking for Long-Term Friends!

Hello! My name is Charlie and I’m from the great state of Michigan! I’m looking for some new long-term friends, doesn’t matter if you’re near me or not. I’ll keep it short, so here’s a bit about me:
I work in the auto industry and travel a bit for my job. I have been out of school for two years and was a business major. I love cars and driving so my job is perfect!
I am a casual gamer and I play on PS5 and PC! I also love watching tv and movies, or YouTube. I’m a big music fan, love taking walks or hikes and just enjoying nature, taking drives, trying new food, going to museums, history, politics, football, and Formula 1!
I’m a bit introverted but once I’m comfortable with people I can be a real chatterbox. I think I have a good sense of humor and am decently smart, as well as kind and very honest.
I’d love to get to know you, especially if we have things in common! Please don’t be shy and hmu with a short introduction about you!
Hope you have a nice day :)
submitted by Suraziv to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:21 Suraziv 23 [M4R] #USA/Online - Looking for Long-Term Friends!

Hello! My name is Charlie and I’m from the great state of Michigan! I’m looking for some new long-term friends, doesn’t matter if you’re near me or not. I’ll keep it short, so here’s a bit about me:
I work in the auto industry and travel a bit for my job, which is nice because I love cars and driving! I have been out of school for two years and was a business major.
I am a casual gamer and I play on PS5 and PC. I also love watching tv and movies, or YouTube. I’m a big music fan, love taking walks or hikes and just enjoying nature, taking drives, trying new food, going to museums, history, politics, football, and Formula 1!
I’m a bit introverted but once I’m comfortable with people I can be a real chatterbox. I think I have a good sense of humor and am decently smart, as well as kind and very honest.
I’d love to get to know you, especially if we have things in common! Please don’t be shy and hmu with a short introduction about you!
Hope you have a nice day :)
submitted by Suraziv to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 OCDEngineerBoy How to setup VNC remote desktop with good video quality / RDP that does not need logout from local session

When I go to work, I normally leave my home PC running and connected to my working VPN so that I can have remote access from my working PC and do my private stuff separately. (Please don't question my working ethics. I work in a low-paid job in public sector and idle a lot. Most of my colleagues were watching YouTube, browsing Reddit etc. all the time and our chief don't care.)
Unlike Windows RDP which can seamlessly switch between local and remote session on the same account, RDP on Linux GUI session (I'm not talking about SSH remote login to CLI) requires logout of local session, which severely hampers the usability in my case. VNC works without the need to logout, but the video quality I get with TigerVNC is quite bad (worse than TeamViewer or Chrome Remote Desktop on Windows which works in a similar way like VNC) and the latency is high.
Is there a proper way to setup VNC with a smooth experience? Moreover, is there a RDP solution that works like on Windows (auto lock remote-session at remote login)?
submitted by OCDEngineerBoy to linuxquestions [link] [comments]