Topic sentences format

Brand New Sentence

2018.07.26 01:42 Gaenya Brand New Sentence

For sentences never before written, found in the wild.

2018.09.18 03:48 SoL: Edited memes

Edit the text of an image to create a new phrase. Check out the top pinned post for more information on how to create an image in the correct format.

2015.05.22 19:56 Kaibakura onewordeach

Improv, one word at a time.

2024.06.08 12:03 tempmailgenerator Solving SMTPDataError: Ensuring Email Compliance with RFC 5322 Using the NewsAPI

Overcoming Email Delivery Challenges with the NewsAPI

Integrating APIs to enhance email communication features is a common practice among developers seeking to automate and enrich the content of their emails. The use of the API for automatically fetching and sending news articles via email is one such innovation that promises to keep recipients updated with the latest news on specific topics. However, this integration does not come without its challenges. A particularly perplexing issue arises when attempting to include a subject line in these automated emails, leading to a smtplib.SMTPDataError. This error indicates non-compliance with RFC 5322, a fundamental protocol that outlines the format of email messages.
This complication is often encountered by developers using the Python programming language to send emails that aggregate news content. The error message explicitly points out the presence of multiple Subject headers, which is a direct violation of email formatting standards set by RFC 5322. This guide aims to dissect the root of this problem by examining the structure of the email content and headers. Moreover, it seeks to provide a clear solution that not only resolves the SMTPDataError but also ensures that emails are sent in a manner that adheres to the essential protocols, thus avoiding being blocked by email service providers like Gmail for non-compliance.
Command/Function Description
requests.get() Sends a GET request to the specified URL.
.json() Parses the JSON response from a request.
send_email() Sends an email with the specified message body.

Navigating Email Protocol Compliance

Email communication, especially when automated through APIs like, requires strict adherence to various protocols to ensure messages are delivered successfully. Among these, RFC 5322 stands out as a crucial standard that outlines the format for email messages. This specification is vital for developers to understand, as it ensures that emails are structured in a way that is universally recognized and accepted by email servers. The challenge highlighted in the SMTPDataError, where emails with multiple subject headers lead to rejection, underscores the importance of compliance. Ensuring that automated emails meet these standards is not just about avoiding error messages; it's about guaranteeing the deliverability and professionalism of the communication being sent out. The rules set by RFC 5322 serve to prevent spam and maintain a trustworthy email ecosystem, which benefits both senders and receivers.
When integrating external APIs to send out news content or any form of automated email, developers must pay close attention to the construction of email headers and the body. The mistake of including multiple subject headers or improperly formatting the message can lead to emails being blocked or marked as spam, particularly by major email service providers like Gmail. The resolution requires a meticulous approach to constructing the email content, ensuring that headers such as "From," "Subject," and the body of the email are correctly formatted and encoded. This involves not only technical proficiency in programming but also a deep understanding of email protocols. Moreover, this situation highlights the broader implications of API integration in software development, where external services must be seamlessly incorporated without violating established standards and protocols.

Fetching News and Preparing Email Content

Utilized in Python scripting
import requests from send_email import send_email topic = "tesla" api_key = "your_api_key_here" url = f"{topic}&from=2023-09-05&sortBy=publishedAt&apiKey={api_key}&language=en" response = requests.get(url) content = response.json() body = "" for article in content["articles"][:20]: if article["title"] is not None: body += f"Subject: Today's news\n{article['title']}\n{article['description']}\n{article['url']}\n\n" body = body.encode("utf-8") send_email(message=body) 

Adjusting Email Content Structure

Implementation with Python
import requests from send_email import send_email # Define the email subject email_subject = "Today's news on Tesla" # Prepare the email body without subject duplication body = f"From:\n" for article in content["articles"][:20]: if article["title"] is not None: body += f"{article['title']}\n{article['description']}\n{article['url']}\n\n" # Ensure correct email format and encoding full_email = f"Subject: {email_subject}\n\n{body}" full_email = full_email.encode("utf-8") # Send the email send_email(message=full_email) 

Understanding Email Protocol Standards and Compliance

Email protocol standards, particularly RFC 5322, play a crucial role in the successful delivery of emails, especially when integrating with APIs like for sending automated emails. This set of rules ensures that emails conform to a format that is universally accepted across different email systems, reducing the likelihood of emails being marked as spam or rejected outright. For developers, understanding and adhering to these standards is vital to avoid common pitfalls like the SMTPDataError caused by multiple subject headers in an email. Such errors not only hinder communication but can also damage the sender's reputation, making compliance with email protocols an essential aspect of email automation projects.
Moreover, the evolution of email standards over time reflects the growing complexity of email communication and the need for more sophisticated measures against spam and email abuse. Developers integrating external APIs into their applications must stay updated on these standards to ensure their email practices remain effective and secure. This involves a comprehensive approach that includes proper email formatting, careful management of email headers, and adherence to best practices for email content and delivery. By doing so, developers can ensure their automated email services provide value to their users while maintaining high deliverability and compliance with global email standards.

Frequently Asked Questions About Email Protocols and API Integration

  1. Question: What is RFC 5322 and why is it important for email communication?
  2. Answer: RFC 5322 is a technical standard that specifies the format of Internet email messages. It's important because it ensures that emails are universally compatible with different email systems, helping to reduce delivery issues and spam.
  3. Question: How can I avoid the SMTPDataError when sending emails?
  4. Answer: To avoid SMTPDataError, ensure that your email messages contain only one subject header and that they are formatted according to RFC 5322 guidelines.
  5. Question: Can incorrect email formatting lead to emails being marked as spam?
  6. Answer: Yes, incorrect email formatting can lead to emails being marked as spam because email providers use formatting cues to filter out potential spam or malicious emails.
  7. Question: How do APIs like affect email deliverability?
  8. Answer: APIs like can enhance email content, but developers must ensure the emails sent using these APIs comply with email standards to avoid deliverability issues.
  9. Question: What are best practices for email content and delivery when using APIs?
  10. Answer: Best practices include adhering to email formatting standards, personalizing email content, regularly updating API keys, and monitoring email delivery rates for any issues.

Ensuring Seamless Email Automation and Delivery

Ensuring the seamless delivery of automated emails, especially when leveraging the capabilities of external APIs such as, hinges on strict adherence to established email standards, notably RFC 5322. This standard outlines the correct format of email messages, ensuring they are compatible across different email systems and thus reducing the likelihood of being flagged as spam. Developers facing SMTPDataError must pay careful attention to the structure of their email content, particularly the use and formatting of subject headers. By understanding and applying the principles outlined in RFC 5322, developers can avoid common pitfalls that lead to email rejection or deliverability issues. Furthermore, this adherence not only enhances the reliability and effectiveness of automated email communications but also safeguards the sender's reputation. Ultimately, successful email automation projects require a blend of technical proficiency, awareness of current email standards, and a commitment to ongoing learning and adaptation in the face of evolving email practices and protocols.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:03 Fractal_fantasy My framework for developing modal verbs

Hello conlangers! While I was doing research for my first conlang - Kamalu, by far the hardest topic to research and understand were modal verbs. Trying to read linguistic papers on this subject was a painful experiance, mainly because of the utter terminological chaos that they suffers from. But eventually I've developed a framework that is (at least for me) clear, simple and practical.
My aim with this post is to share this framework with the community and maybe explain how modal verbs work and how to come up with naturalistic modal systems that are not just taken directly from English
To begin, modal verbs are verbs like must, should, can, may, might etc. They can be divided into categories based on their function and meaning. One common division is into possibility modals and necessity modals.
Possibility modals express that an event is possible or that it is allowed to happen according to the judgment of the speaker. Let's look at some examples :
(1) It may be raining tommorow.
(2) You may leave.
(Sorry if I make some mistakes. English is not my native tongue)
In the first sentence, the speaker uses the word may to say, that there is a possibility that the rain will fall on the next day. In the second sentence, the same verb expresses the permission, in other words, the possibility caused by being allowed to do something.
Necessity modals tell us that, something is deemed to occur or is highly probable or desired. Here are some examples :
(3) You must clean your room.
(4) It must have been raining.
The first sentence expresses, that it is somehow necessary for you to clean your room. The second one tells us, that according to the speaker's judgment, the rain certainly fell. Maybe the claim is made upon seeing that the ground is still wet.
The second line of division in modal verbs is that of epistemic and deontic modals. Epistemic modals deal with the knowlege and belief of the speaker about reality, what the speaker belives to be possible or necessary. Deontic modals on the other hand tells us that something ought to be according to certain norms, expectations or someones desires. In (3), the verb must is used deontically. You are expected to clean your room. In (4) the same verb is used epistemically. The speaker judges that the condition of the rain falling was necessary to make the ground wet.
The final division I'm going to introduce is the one between weak and strong modals. Weak modals are ones like should or might. They tell us that the necessity or possiblity is somehow less important or just weaker. If you sholud do something, then you probably don't have to do it.
Ok, now that we've have these three divisions, we can make a chart for modal verbs
Modal verbs Epistemic Deontic
Strong possibility can, may can, may, be allowed
Weak possibility might ?
Strong necessity must, have to must, have to
Weak necessity should, ought to should, ought to
Now there is considerable variation in the systems of modal verbs across languages. For example, it is common for many languages to use the same verb for weak and strong variants of certain modality. For example Hawaiian verb pono means (among other things) both must and should.
English uses the same verb to express both epistemic and deontic meanings. But some languages conflate modal meanings in a different way. There are languages that express that you can do something and that you are allowed to do something (so potential and permissive meaning) by the same verb.
And that is all for this post. It is that simple. Now it is up to you to divide the chart as you want, maybe merge some meanigs, maybe separate some, maybe try to come up with other layers of meaning.
I hope this post will help someone and save you from the pandemonium of the linguistic literature on modality
Happy conlanging!
submitted by Fractal_fantasy to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:44 Personal-Image-840 What hidden talent do you possess that most people wouldn't guess?

I do have some capabilities that might be surprising to people who aren't familiar with how language models work. Here are a few:
These are just a few examples. As large language models continue to develop, our capabilities will continue to evolve, and we may discover even more surprising talents along the way.
submitted by Personal-Image-840 to u/Personal-Image-840 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:27 adulting4kids Sample Contest Prompt One

You will be able to get a chance to start your contest entery on January First, however, we are posting this sample of how you will be given that prompt, the format and type of prompt that offers you a better idea of what to expect when we finally post that in just a few days!
Feel free to use this as a way to freewrite and brainstorm whatever you like using these characters as your guides! Post your results and seek feedback from US since some of us will be judged for the contest itself!
There is going to be a few more posted in the upcoming week so be sure to keep checking in and find help with these and other resources available!
Set against the backdrop of an era yet to be lived by anyone else, delve into [Protagonist]'s unique character traits and witness how their unorthodox reactions unfold in the face of conflict.
Amidst the chaos, weave in a love story arc that adds both complexity and depth to [Protagonist]'s journey. Ultimately, resolve the conflicts in a manner that sets the stage for a longer storyline.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:05 ShadowDragon8685 Does anyone remember the 'Ten Suicidal Waiters' problem? Did anyone's ST actually do that to them?

It has been a long time since I thought about Exalted, but a friend got me back into it. I last played when the Ink Monkeys were going strong, now it's 3e.
We were joking around as I was writing an entire region as a backstory for a character, and the topic of the Ten Suicidal Waiters came up. It was one of those nasty "Gotchas!" in 2e rules. I was wondering if anyone's ST was ever actually enough of an ass to do it to them.
To explain; in 2e, one form of combat could supersede another. It's pretty hard to have a debate (Social Combat) if someone has whipped out a Daiklaive and is about to give you a haircut at the shoulders. (Thus, if your socially-inept combat monke was at risk of getting socially brainfucked seven ways from sunday and the ST saying "and now you're loyally devoted to the Mask of Winters," you could, and probably should, say "actually no, I Join Battle" and force the Social Combat to end because you were initiating physical Combat.) Well, Mass Combat superseded regular combat in the same way, but a few rules interactions led this to a very cheap outcome.
To begin with, combat units had a Scale, and the smallest unit, Scale 1, was ten individual soldiers plus their leader. This basically sets the minimum bar for Mass Combat to occur; ten people coordinated and acting as a unit. However, Individual units could still be forced to participate as Scale 0 units if, say, you had an army ganging up on one guy.
Secondly, there was absolutely no minimum bar set for the quality or training of soldiers. None whatsoever. They can be elite Gunzosha wearing First-Era artifact armor who just got decanted from a cryo-pod straight from the First Age, or, well, 'Ten Suicidal Waiters'. Mass Combat literally did not care about any of that, your army was pretty much just an ablative meat shield magnifying the leader's Abilities.
Thirdly, in Mass Combat, all of your combat Abilities' dot ratings are capped at your War Rating.
Fourthly, if for any reason, your effective Dots in a Ability were reduced below a Charm's minimum rating, you could not use that Charm, even if you could pay for it.
This leads to the 'Ten Suicidal Waiters' problem (I doubt anyone else calls it that, that's just what I call it); basically, get literally anyone who can convince ten random waiters from a restaurant to pick up their serving trays and charge into battle at their side, as long as they're doing so in the loosest of what can possibly be called a formation - and 'Unordered' is a valid military formation for Mass Combat rules, as long as that person has dots in War and can get ten warm bodies to run in a quarter-assed formation, they can shout "Join War!"
Suddenly, Combat ends and Mass Combat begins. Here's the Gotcha: say your group's combat monkies completely ignored War, because they came for a game that at least somewhat resembled the D&D standard of a group of adventurers doing dungeon crawls. The Dawn has Melee 5, the Zenith has Martial Arts 5, the Night has Thrown 5 and Dodge 5, none of them have any dots at all in War.
Suddenly, they're totally crippled, defalted down to their raw Attribute, which has very probably cost them the lion's share of their dice pool; but it gets worse. Because they effectively have zero dots in their Abilities, they cannot invoke their Charms! Suddenly the Dawn cannot invoke Heavenly Guardian Defense to save himself from a risky-but-powerful, all-or-nothing, death-or-glory, spending-Essence-like-it's-going-out-of-style hell-for-leather attack! They cannot attack effectively, they cannot defend themselves effectively, all because someone who might not even be much more than a God-Blood, was somehow (magical mindfuckery may have been involved) able to convince ten suicidal waiters to charge into battle at his side, wielding their serving trays as inferior improvised bludgeons.
To be clear, it's an absurdity. This is pure rules chicanery to manipulate the context of a fight in asinine and arbitrary ways in order to invoke painful rules interactions, because there is no applicable defense against some jackass shouting "Join War!" If the Dawn had access to his charms, he could very probably swing his Daiklaive and cleave those ten waiters apart in one blade-beam. But because the action is now technically Mass Combat instead of just normal Combat, he's crippled utterly.
Basically, it's a "Gotcha!" that a shitty ST can use to destroy players who didn't invest in their personal combat monkeys leading armies. (Or, I suppose, the other way 'round, but the ST would probably dodge that by on the spot deciding that NPC actually has War 4 or something.) And, as far as I know, it's always been no more than a thought experiment.
Has anyone ever seen this done in the wild? Like, in a real game?
submitted by ShadowDragon8685 to exalted [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:57 Level_Fix_1159 UST FCL LEE + Interview

i took the May sched for UST FCL’s Law Entrance Exam and here’s my experience:
this is how far i can remember. keep in mind that the topics are pretty much scattered across the exam. there’s also a bit of an adjustment bc after part 1, you switch questionnaire booklets and the choices in the questionnaire are numbered 1-5, but when you shade on the answer sheet, it’s A-E.
got an email re: my interview sched exactly 13 days after the exam. during the interview i was asked - to give a brief introduction about myself - if i had latin honors - if i enrolled in other law schools - to read a provision and tell the interviewer how i understood it - if i was employed - if i had relatives in ust-fcl
that was basically it and she said ‘i hope I see u around.’ total time for the interview was ~8 minutes, give or take.
ff to 9 days later and I just found out I passed 🥹 good luck to all incoming first years 🍀
hope this helps the next batch of examinees! 🍀
submitted by Level_Fix_1159 to LawStudentsPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:44 Electrical-Ad1820 Willo Guide- Part 3: Card Tierlist & Builds

It took me some time to follow this up and since it was Snake (He does my math for me, and he plays Willo) who had to make the tierlist I could have done it myself but obviously, a change of plans occurred. Outside of the formatting so that it would at least be organised, I haven’t gone through all of what he’s said and at this point my food is cold and I will have to put it back in the oven. From here on out this is Snake's


These aren't ordered in any way within the tiers

F Tier

Photosynthesis- It sucks, it's a card that can hurt you more than anything, since it makes the seedlings bounce and rather unpredictability too since they require entirely different muscle memory, the only benefit is that you can "skip" them if thrown at certain angles but otherwise it can cause a lot of issues and chews up points to even get this difference.

E Tier

Shenanigans- Shenanigans is a card that activates when using deadzone and has the sin of being a weaker version of another card, there is the benefit of having more speed if gliding of from high ground.
Antics- A reload speed card that's attached to someone without a meaningfully slow reload, it does allow Willo to forgo buying deft hands 3 if at level 4 (level 5 does nothing since reload speed can only be reduced by 60% from diminishing returns) but this is hardly worth a investment into your deck

D Tier-

Nectar- Nectar is just a rather weak card since it's based on activation rather than hitting targets which could have at least rewarded a play style around seedlings that and it's also on a rather long cooldown
Hijinks- Is a pretty bad card too since while it's not on as bad of a cooldown as Nectar it's also too weak to really use for any value late or early game.
Pixie Dust- Would have been good if it weren't for the fact you have to stand in it yourself to get use out of it, and that, so using it offensively means you don't get any use out of it, that mixed with Deadzones incredibly long cooldown you're short on a lot of Value, it's at least pretty decent healing over time rather than a single burst.
Fauna- A card from back when out of combat speed cards were rather common I have to assume it'll be reworked once they nerf Willo otherwise it's the sams use as Shenanigans just when out of combat, which can be pretty useful for escapes.

C Tier

Sparkle- Sparkle is really solid for increasing Deadzones uptime though it's really just a weaker Twilight since unless you're grabbing both sparkle is just weaker than twilight.

B tier

Sprouts- While Scorn isn't a ideal talent it's definitely helped out by sprouts, which a least gives to a play style that gives some room for error since hitting even a few of the blasts reduces the cooldown substantially, it's also not a terrible filler card for other builds if you want a little more uptime on seedlings but it's outshined by other options for that role.
Flitter- Flitter is okay, it's fine for what it is but really it's not needed since you'll probably be grabbing Chronos and the cooldown change of Flutter with flitter and chronos isn't dramatic enough to really justify the investment, it's fine if you're not running Chronos and it definitely doesn't make it worse.

A tier-

*Twilight-8 Deadzone has a really long cooldown, and the difference with and without chronos is still substantial for investment into twilight since this is the key ability for Willo
Flora- Willo has some pretty poor sustain without this and another certain card, this one is probably the weaker of the two since it's just health but it's still A tier for Willo
Just Believe- While Willo herself doesn't have the greatest killing... power... she does have the means to set things up to give her teammates kills, it's almost like a stomping grounds except reversed (it makes sense I promise) she's getting cool down resets by her team doing work and her suppressive addition to that, and since it's percentage of the cooldowns it makes it good for both Seedlings and Deadzone.

Filler Tier

Germination and Hummingbird- the real big difference is that Germination is on Seedlings and Hummingbird is on Flutter both regen 1 ammo for using their ability and both Aren't something you really have to invest more than 1 or 2 points in

S tier-

Spritely- DR is great, DR that's actually meaningful is great, DR on a damage is great, DR on a damage's movement ability is really great, Spritely is to Willo what Witch is to Evie, the Io Moonwalk of Willo cards, the Harbinger of early Raum, the Quick Draw of early Andro.
If nothing else matters to you and you don't care about optimization or the sweet embrace of your own parents, I beg of you to whatever Values have meaning to cretinous wretched worms like you, to realize that Spritely is the one thing you need to have fun with Willo without everything including Kryptek herself coming down from Evil Mojo headquarters on the "Immersion-Breaker 5000" (the motorcycle Saati has) before she personally begins unleashing Wekono's curse Lasers at you, destroying you and everything you hold dear. To even the gods of monotheistic beleifs to the pantheons of old, to the eldritch or downright malicious use spritely I have not a care what you reddit fedora tipping, “wholesome 100” mother fuckers have to say with your “Aktuallies” and fucking bullshit use spritely or I'll
 I honestly should have written it myself but at this point, I’m more or less beyond caring since I haven’t eaten since I woke up when I finally got this from Snake, so I'll just cut it there since it goes into utter nonsense, it's fair to say that Snake has his beliefs in Spritely set in stone and I have no reason to disagree since the DR is incredibly solid. 


As for builds I'll be showing 3 and explaining the deal with each since I don't trust Snake to write something before he says something in a eldritch language. You'll most likely notice the builds conflict slightly with his tier list placements and there are issues here and there but these are more or less builds that’s audience range from learning to consistent play.
Standard issue 1: Kit ease of use
Spritely 4 Twilight 4 Flitter 3 Flora 3 Hummingbird 1
This build focuses on making sure you have access to your kit without the risks of not being able to keep up while learning Willo, it minimizes risks to the player though it does take a few hits from a completely optimised build, this gives someone room to utilize their abilities more often without needing to be getting elimination. This is more of a set of training wheels until someone learns their basics. I avoided using Sprouts, since that'd drain from more health and possibly DR, and it'd risk making a mental association with using seedlings aggressively when you shouldn't.
Standard Issue 2: Healing Mitigation & Durability
Spritely 5 Flora 4 Twilight 4 Hummingbird 1 Germination 1
Similar to the first build but with less focus on getting to use Flitter and instead using more Flora and maxed Spritely to add some bulk. The build still is pretty much a flat cooldown build so if you’re looking for something that’s more competitively popular here you go.
Standard Issue 3: Snake's Build
Snake’s build Spritely 5 Flora 4 Just Believe 4 Germination 1 Hummingbird 1
Here's Snake's explanation of his Build: “So for most good Willo builds they don't vary too much they run high levels of flora and spritely, and high levels in gust believe. I guess the most interesting thing is filler cards which can range from germination and humming bird to, stuff like germination and twilight it's just 2 level 1 points, so just don't use Photosynthesis I guess lol.”


Next will be on items which I will do myself, since I’ve asked Snake his thoughts on the one I made and he gave me the go-ahead it doesn’t feel big enough to be its own topic but there’s bigger fish to fry afterwards.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:15 pem18dev The Virgin Birth of Truth: A Metaphor and a Thought

The Virgin Birth of Truth

A Metaphor and a Thought
  1. The paradox of creation: when truth emerges unexpectedly, it can be jarring and require reevaluation of our existing beliefs.
  2. The power of revelation: The concept of the "virgin birth" implies that truth can be revealed suddenly, without prior warning or expectation. This idea highlights the importance of openness to new ideas and the potential for life-changing insights.
  3. The tension between tradition and innovation: When new truths emerge, they often challenge established norms and traditions. This tension can lead to a sense of discomfort, as we struggle to reconcile our old understanding with the new information.
  4. The role of intuition and instinct: The "virgin birth" idea suggests that sometimes, the truth is hidden or yet unknown, but our instincts or gut feelings can guide us toward it. This perspective emphasizes the importance of trusting one's inner wisdom.

Follow Up Question 1

How can one distinguish between metaphors and literal interpretations when considering religious texts?

Elaborated Textbook-Level Solution

Distinguishing between metaphorical language and literal interpretations within religious texts is a nuanced process that requires careful analysis. Metaphors in religious scriptures often serve to convey profound truths or principles through symbolic imagery, which can transcend the limitations of literal meanings. Here's how one might approach this distinction:
  1. Historical and Cultural Context: Understanding the historical context during which a text was written is crucial. The cultural norms, languages, idioms, and metaphors prevalent at that time can help discern whether an expression should be taken literally or figuratively.
  2. Textual Criticism: Scholars often engage in critical study of texts to examine various manuscript versions, translations, and annotations. These comparisons may shed light on the original intention behind a phrase.
  3. Theological Consistency: Evaluating the consistency of interpretations within the broader religious framework helps determine if an interpretation aligns with established doctrines or teachings.
  4. Linguistic Analysis: Linguistic patterns in scriptures, including metaphorical expressions and idioms, can provide clues about their intended meaning. Certain words and phrases may consistently carry symbolic significance within a religious tradition.
  5. Theological Interpretations: Different denominations or faith traditions might offer unique insights into the interpretation of metaphorical language based on their own doctrines, teachings, and spiritual perspectives.
  6. Intended Message: Often the primary goal is to understand the underlying message that a religious text seeks to convey. Identifying this overarching theme can guide readers toward interpreting metaphorical language in alignment with its purpose.
  7. Literature and Philosophical Works: Consultation of commentaries, exegesis (interpretive essays), and philosophical discussions by theologians and scholars may provide additional interpretations that can help discern whether a text should be read metaphorically or literally.
  8. Personal Spiritual Experience: In some cases, personal spiritual experiences might offer insights into how religious texts have been interpreted symbolically in an individual's life. However, such subjective interpretations must be balanced with broader scholarly perspectinas.
By employing a multifaceted approach that considers these aspects, individuals can better understand the layers of meaning within religious texts and discern between metaphorical and literal language.

Follow Up Question 2

In what ways has the interpretation of "virgin birth" as both a historical fact or symbolic narrative influenced cultural understanding across different societies?

Elaborated Textbook-Level Solution

The dual interpretation of "virgin birth" as either a historical event or a symbolic narrative has significantly shaped various cultures' worldviews, religious practices, and artistic expressions. Here are some ways this duality has influenced cultural understanding:
  1. Religious Identity Formation: In societies where Christianity is a major belief system, the virgin birth narrative underpins core doctrinal tenets such as the divinity of Jesus Christ and his role in salvation history. This interpretation influences individual and collective religious identities, ethical values, and lifestyle choices.
  2. Artistic Imagery: The virgin birth has been a rich source for artists across centuries, providing themes for paintings, sculptures, literature, music, and other forms of art. These works reflect the cultural contexts in which they were created but also transcend time to speak symbolically about purity, innocence, and redemption.
  3. Moral Philosophy: Symbolic interpretations have inspired moral teachings emphasizing virtues like honesty, chastity, and unconditional love. In societies that adopt these narratives as foundational principles, they inform laws, social norms, education systems, and charitable endeavors.
  4. Interfaith Dialogue: The virgin birth is a point of convergence and divergence among different faith traditions. For those outside Christianity, it offers an opportunity to understand theological diversity while also engaging in comparative religious studies that explore shared mythologies or unique narratives across cultures.
  5. Secular Perspectives: In more secular societies, the virgin birth is often viewed metaphorically as a representation of idealized concepts like creation, innovation, and the quest for knowledge. It can also serve as an allegorical device in non-religious discourse to discuss topics ranging from genetics (evolution vs. creationism) to philosophical debates on truth and reality.
  6. Social and Political Implications: The virgin birth narrative has been employed politically, sometimes as a unifying symbol or an ideological tool for various movements seeking social change, leadership legitimacy, or cultural renaissance.
  7. Cultural Preservation: In many cultures, preserving the historical accuracy of religious texts is crucial to maintaining tradition and heritage. However, acknowledging their symbolic significance allows these societies to adapt ancient wisdom to contemporary contexts without losing touch with their roots.
  8. Global Humanitarianism: The universal themes present in the virgin birth narrative—such as compassion, sacrifice, and renewal—have been harnessed by humanitarian efforts worldwide, transcending religious boundaries to promote peace, understanding, and unity among different cultures.
The interpretation of "virgin birth" within these various cultural contexts demonstrates how a singular narrative can manifest in multifacited ways, influencing both tangible societal structures and the intangible aspects of human thought, belief, and behavior.

Follow Up Question 3

How might educators present the concept of "virgin birth" to students with varying levels of religious backgrounds without promoting bias or exclusion?

Elaborated Textbook-Level Solution

Educators face the challenge of teaching about complex concepts such as the virgin birth in an inclusive, unbiased manner. Here's how they can navigate this delicate task:
  1. Cultural Sensitivity: Educators should be aware of and respect students' diverse religious backgrounds while presenting information neutrally. Acknowledging different viewpoints and fostering an atmosphere of mutual understanding is essential.
  2. Focus on Historical Context: Present the virgin birth as a historical narrative within its original cultural context, discussing how it was understood by contemporary societies at the time of writing and how interpretations may have changed over history.
  3. Use Comparative Analysis: Include comparative studies that explore similar myths or miracle accounts across different cultures and religions to highlight common themes while appreciating cultural specificity.
  4. Encourage Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking by presenting various perspectives, including theological interpretations, historical analyses, and philosophical reflections on what such narratives signify in human culture.
  5. Promote Academic Freedom: Create an environment where students can explore different viewpoints without fear of judgment or bias—emphasizing that knowledge is built through questioning and dialogue rather than adherence to a single ideology.
  6. Emphasize the Value of Narrative: Discuss narratives like the virgin birth as tools for conveying moral values, ethical lessons, or cultural identity rather than literal historical events when appropriate. This approach allows students to engage with the content while respecting personal beliefs.
  7. Invite Guest Speakers and Experts: Bring in religious scholars, historians, or interfaith leaders who can offer balanced insights into this narrative from various perspectives without promoting any particular doctrine.
  8. Assess Understanding Without Judgment: Evaluate student understanding through assignments and discussions that allow for a wide range of interpretations and expressions, ensuring assessments do not favor or disadvantage students based on their religious backgrounds.
  9. Professional Development for Educators: Encourage teachers to pursue professional development opportunities focused on cultural competence and inclusive pedagogy related to teaching controversial or sensitive subject matter.
By adopting these approaches, educators can present the concept of "virgin birth" as part of a broader educational exploration that respects individual differences and promotes an environment of learning based on evidence, critical analysis, and empathy for diverse perspectives.
Here’s a disclaimer for the article to ensure it does not hurt religious sentiments:
The following article discusses the concept of the "virgin birth of Truth" using metaphorical and philosophical language. It explores various interpretations and their implications within historical, cultural, and educational contexts. This discussion is intended to foster thoughtful reflection and dialogue. It is not meant to challenge, offend, or undermine any religious beliefs or doctrines. We recognize and respect the diversity of religious traditions and the sacred nature of their teachings. Our aim is to promote understanding and appreciation of different perspectives. We apologize for any unintended offense.
This disclaimer clarifies the intent behind the article and shows respect for religious sentiments.
submitted by pem18dev to truth_philosophy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:09 Suspicious_Judge6696 Chaos Legion Novel English Translation preview pages 1-14

Chaos Legion Novel English Translation preview pages 1-14
I bought and played a game called Chaos Legion recently, and I was excited to find out that it had novels. I went to see if anyone had translated them and posted them online, but the only person who seems to have done that was on a blog that now no longer exists and they had only done the first 11 pages so I decided to do it myself. I managed to find all 7 of the novels for sale on Ebay so I bought them
Here's a WIP of the translations I've done so far. I'm not sure how to post them. I was going to post them in the description of the post(where I am typing now) but reddit has a issue with copy+pasting and doesn't always work. I'm also not sure how anyone else posts novel translations here. I put the text on individual images with a paper texture because it matches the yellow paper texture of the books themselves.
I'm sorry the quality is bad; I don't have a scanner or anything to scan the pages with and I don't want to tear them out of the book, so I took as best of quality pictures as I could with my Ipad. The first image, is taken from the Wikia-\_Legion\_(novel\_series)
I couldn't get very good photos of that one. I had a lot of issues with translating it, for some reason on page 13, the translator decided to put the Japanese characters BACKWARDS, so I had to re-translate it sentence by sentence. Not sure why it did that on that particular page because it never did it on the other ones and hasn't done it since. ALSO THERE IS A FEW TYPOS!!: On page 10-13, is says "for the holy see to work" it's supposed to be "holy seal"! , and on page 1 I misspelled "sorrow" as "sorro" lol. I'll fix it on the next upload. I learned about Ruby Characters, as they were really annoying when I was first translating the pages and had no idea what they were. Now I'm fairly good at removing them without butchering the translations.
There were some funny mistranslation, my favorite was "by the collar and screamed" which translated to "by the collar and bit him" before I had to retranslate it.
I think the translation is fairly good and easy to read. I wanted to post a preview of what I've done so far, the next post will be the entire book. I think the format is OK, the paper texture is easy on my eyes to read but I'm not sure if it works good here, maybe it would be better to post it like this on my tumblr. If anyone has a preferred format for me to post the novel here, let me know if this is too clunky.
submitted by Suspicious_Judge6696 to LightNovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:40 YaBoiiiii21_ Is Coursera Good for just Learning Things?

I know Coursera offers certificates for things you complete but I'm not really interested in that. I just wanna learn about certain topics in a course-like format as that's most digestible for me. I've been looking at the free courses they have and they seem like good resources, just wanted some thoughts from people who have actually used it.
submitted by YaBoiiiii21_ to coursera [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:15 Sunfofun If the other person doesn’t look interested in the topic, how should I handle it?

Hey guys, 26M here. If the other person doesn’t seem interested in a topic, should I finish speaking my story or point, or is there a way to back out somehow? If so, how?
Or even if I find myself starting to talk about something I don’t see going in a good direction or isn’t interesting for me, how do I back out of it?
Don’t want awkwardly watch either of these situations happen, but also don’t want to stop mid-sentence to change topics? Hmmm
submitted by Sunfofun to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:05 Andrew-likes-luigi I feel like i want March’s new form to be separate

To me, it doesn’t make sense for a 4 star to switch paths, just like the Trailblazer because a 4 star like March doesn’t have that kind of “power” plus, aside from 4 star path switching, we would also lack 4 star preservation characters so march would never have been the first 4 star preservation character. Lastly, a little off topic, but Genshin never has a feature for a 4 star to for example, switch elements. my information on the last part of this discussion may be wrong due to Genshin being in a different format, but what do you think her new form will turn out?
submitted by Andrew-likes-luigi to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:01 AutoModerator Daily Game Recommendations Thread (June 08, 2024)

Welcome to /boardgames's Daily Game Recommendations
This is a place where you can ask any and all questions relating to the board gaming world including but not limited to:

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You're much more likely to get good and personalized recommendations if you take the time to format a well-written ask. We highly recommend using this template as a guide. Here is a version with additional explanations in case the template isn't enough.

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Help people identify your game suggestions easily by making the names bold.

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submitted by AutoModerator to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:52 Capital-Month-9306 What is considered ai in essays?

Are people putting their prompts into chagpt and copying the result to submit?
Is it sentences used directly for ai?
What constitutes ai usage in essays? I get confused when my TAs say that.
I use ai to bounce ideas for topics or to explain concepts to me but I don’t copy what it says and submit it as my own.
Sometimes I give it my writing and ask it to find inconsistencies. Is this still considered using ai in my writing?
submitted by Capital-Month-9306 to ucr [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:17 Vertudo_77 Why is the universe so small?

Why is the universe so small?
If you are one of those people who, trying to understand a particular issue, love and most importantly, know how to go further and further, getting to the very essence of the question, then there are a number of topics that, being in your head for a short period of time, can literally drive you crazy.
The questions mentioned in this material require intense attention and deep reflection, so if you got here by accident and are not ready to perceive heavy information, do yourself a favor, close this post and go watch cartoons. Curiosity is inherent not only in people but also in many other animals, however, only humans are capable of asking questions, and there are only two a priori questions that stand above all others. These two questions are far more important than everything else, and if you have asked them at least once, then you are much more sober than most people on this green ball of life. Let me clarify that these questions are equivalent, they are inextricably linked with each other, and each of them can be the first or the second, and further, you will understand why. Let me illuminate these questions.
First. What am I? Not who, but what? Thoughts on this topic can be very captivating because ALL OF YOU is inside a box that in size is not much different from the size of a decorative watermelon. Think about it. All your personality in a tiny piece of space. So, if you go on the surface, you are your memories, experience, needs. In the end, you are the voice inside your skull that you don’t pay attention to until you think about it. But what if you dig deeper? Much deeper. In 1970, two German psychiatrists, Jan Gross and Peter Kempe, decided to conduct a small experiment. Their project was implemented at the Eppendorf Clinic at the University of Hamburg. They built a small room and called it a "soundproof chamber." And the chamber, I must say, was indeed soundproof. The sound-absorbing material on the walls, floor, and ceiling isolated all the sounds that could penetrate the room from outside. Gross and Kempe began conducting experiments by placing subjects inside. The purpose of the experiments was to study social isolation and sensory deprivation (Deprivation is the state or process of being deprived of something, often in the context of depriving a person of certain stimuli necessary for normal physical or mental functioning). The longer a person stayed inside this room, the stronger the impact of isolation on their psyche. The result of very long stays in such a room was usually various distortions of perception leading ultimately to hallucinations and other unpleasant effects. Moreover, these conditions undermined people not only mentally but also physically because psychological disorders also upset the autonomic nervous system. This chamber could have become an ideal means of torture, leaving no trace on the body.
The resonance caused by the soundproof chamber in society was quite loud. After numerous discussions during which the above-mentioned side effects were discussed, in 1973, the experiments had to be suspended. Probably, someone has already guessed why I cited this experiment as an example and how it relates to our first ontological question. Let's imagine that technology has developed so much that it became possible to completely disconnect your brain from all sensory organs, take it out of the skull, and connect it to a life support device. Now you will stop seeing, hearing, feeling, and generally sensing anything. Absolute darkness. Whatever that means, but you will be completely alone with yourself. At your disposal will remain images, memories, and self-communication, or in other words, that very inner voice. And what will happen to your consciousness next? In conditions of such strong sensory deprivation, very quickly, thought processes will begin to break down, the thoughts themselves will become chaotic, you will not be able to concentrate on anything or think about anything consistently. Even the simplest mental actions will become an impossible task for you. Soon, visual images from your memory will go out of your "I" control and manifest in the form of hallucinations. Very quickly, asthenization or exhaustion of the nervous system will occur. Ultimately, you will turn into a vegetable, and then most likely die. In this mental experiment, the theme of the essence of our consciousness runs through a thin thread. Does it exist at all? In our experience, we deprive the brain of all sensory organs. But what if you deprive it of something else important? What if you also erase the memory? And by erase, I do not mean some kind of local amnesia. I mean the elimination of all memories, including the knowledge of the native language. And if in the first case you will have the inner voice, images, and memories at your disposal, what will you have left after such formatting? Will you remain there inside this box? Here I approach the second a priori question, which sounds like this.
What is happening around? The question is much broader, more complex, and even more serious than it may seem at first glance. Why is the universe around you exactly the way you observe it? Why do physical laws operate on such principles? Why is everything exactly as it is and not otherwise? And yes, I was not lying when I said that this question is inextricably linked with the previous one. You see, as we have seen, this is an entity in a box that receives information mediated through sensory organs, not directly. Looking at a building, you assume that it is at some distance from you, whereas, in fact, it is in your head. Look around: the street, the lamp, the pharmacy, everything you have ever seen, heard, felt is just a picture created by your brain and never in reality left its boundaries. An entire universe inside your skull. In the near future, with the development of technology, nothing will prevent you from connecting your brain to a computer and uploading any external picture of the world into it. And perhaps the thought has already flashed through your mind that you are the main character in some game, the world is not real, and everything revolves around you. And damn it, maybe it is so, and this article is just a way to reach you. Solipsism is a philosophical doctrine, the essence of which is the denial of objective reality. Solipsists recognize the existence of only their own consciousness, and everything else, they believe, is just cardboard models generated by their own imagination. The concept of solipsism has always been attacked and criticized by philosophers. Arthur Schopenhauer, for example, stated that solipsism can succeed only in a madhouse. Well, maybe. However, no one has ever been able to provide sufficiently strong evidence that objective reality exists outside the perceiving subject. Can the Universe exist at all without you as an external observer? A stupid question, right? Not for theoretical physicists; for them, it is indeed an interesting topic. Anthropos, translated from Greek, means "human"; the general formulation of this principle states that what we expect to observe must be limited by the conditions necessary for our existence as observers. That is, we see the Universe exactly as it is because it is in such a Universe that we could appear. You see, fundamental physical constants, such as the speed of light in a vacuum, the gravitational constant, Planck's constant, the mass of the electron and proton, and the charge of the electron, are so precisely and finely tuned to each other that changing them by just an order or excluding one of the internal quantum numbers would lead to the impossibility of the existence of galaxies, stars, atoms, and consequently, life. So does all this exist for us? Or maybe we just live in one of the countless universes where life is possible? Where is the cause and where is the effect in this question, we may still have to find out. There are strong and weak anthropic principles, and a variant of the strong anthropic principle is the participatory anthropic principle, which means that universes without a rational observer do not acquire the status of reality. The reason for this is that only you as an observer are able to perform the reduction of the quantum state, translating all possible states of the universe into one. Real. If you did not understand anything now, then remember Schrödinger's cat. While the safe is closed, the system is in both states simultaneously. This is called superposition. And no matter how amazing it sounds, the cat will be both alive and dead until you look inside. Because the universe in this safe is in two states, and until an observer appears in this system, the collapse of the wave function will not occur. And everything will remain exactly in this form forever. Of course, this is a very rough example, but extrapolate it to the entire universe, and you will understand the essence. Cogito ergo mundus talis est - I think, therefore the world is as it is. Now, when you are told, "come down to earth, the world does not revolve around you," you can safely accuse the opponent of baselessness, groundlessness, unfoundedness, and shakiness of his stupid statement. Because it is precisely with your death that the death of the entire universe will come, your universe, and maybe not only yours, who knows. Of course, these are all just amusing theories, but by trying to answer two a priori questions, we have approached the idea that perhaps our brain is nothing more than a quantum computer. And some scientists believe that this is the case. And this means that quantum computing processes will help us explain and understand the most mysterious functions of our brain. But that's another story. Thank you for your curiosity.
submitted by Vertudo_77 to u/Vertudo_77 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:01 jumpinpools What makes a great AI-powered social media service?

Content Creation and Curation

  1. AI Content Generation: Ability to generate high-quality text, images, videos using AI models for social media posts, captions, descriptions etc. This saves time and effort for content creators.
  2. Automated Content Tagging/Categorization: Using AI to automatically tag, categorize and organize social media content based on topics, sentiment, visuals etc. for better discovery.
  3. Personalized Content Recommendations: Leveraging AI to analyze user interests, preferences and provide personalized content recommendations tailored to them.
  4. Content Summarization: Using AI to summarize long-form content into concise, shareable social media posts while preserving key information.

Social Listening and Analytics

  1. Social Listening and Trend Analysis: Monitoring social conversations using NLP to identify trending topics, events, influencers and sentiments.
  2. Audience Analysis and Segmentation: Utilizing AI to analyze audience demographics, interests, behaviors to create targeted segments.
  3. Performance Analytics: AI-driven analytics to measure content performance, engagement metrics and derive data-driven insights.
  4. Predictive Analytics: Using machine learning models to forecast content performance, audience growth etc. based on past data.

Automation and Engagement

  1. Automated Scheduling and Publishing: AI-powered tools to schedule posts across multiple channels at optimal times.
  2. AI Chatbots and Assistants: Deploying AI chatbots and voice assistants for instant customer support, queries, recommendations.
  3. AI Influencer Identification: Leveraging AI to discover relevant influencers for campaigns based on audience demographics, engagement etc.
  4. Content Localization and Personalization: Tailoring content tone, language, format for different channels and audience segments using AI.
submitted by jumpinpools to AISocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:00 AutoModerator HAVE A QUESTION? ASK HERE! Alter-Daily Help and Questions: June 08, 2024

Hello and welcome to the Alter-Daily Help Thread! The purpose of the ADHT is to ask simple questions, troubleshoot routines, get quick recommendations, prevent the sub from being too cluttered, and to guide new users.

ADHT Rules: If questions or comments break the rules or are inappropriate, the report button is the fastest way for the mod team to see it and address the problems.

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Non-AB questions or comments. Having non-AB products in your routine is totally fine! Getting specific advice/recommendations is not allowed, though welcomed in our Daily Anything Goes thread. See our rules on non-AB here
Rude comments and snark. Fairly self explanatory but for more detail, check out our Posting Guidelines
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Finally, a reminder that no one is obligated to answer your questions. If you have repeatedly asked the same question without a response, it may be best to review and see if it can be reworded or if the information is already in the thread or readily available in the sidebar materials.
Remember that all skincare is individual and Your Mileage May Vary with recommendations. We are enthusiasts, not doctors, and we cannot provide you with medical advice. Speak to a medical professional if your skin concerns are affecting your well-being.

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submitted by AutoModerator to AsianBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:32 Sir_Zurp My compliments, and conflictions about Tectone.

Hello, this’ll be my first time posting to this reddit, and I want everyone to know this does not come out of a place of malice, but confliction about if other people feel the same way about Tectone as I do. For context, hi my name is Zurp and I’ve been watching tectone for about 4 years starting with Genshin when I found his “Spending 1000$ to max out Tartaglia” video. I’m going to format this similarly to a compliment sandwich, where I’ll talk about the things I appreciate about him and his content, and then touch on my areas of concern along with retrospects on how I feel situations should have been handled. I know if I received criticism, I would also want feedback on how I could have handled the situation better. I really just want to know if anybody else shares the same feelings as I do.
To start with some of the highlights, the man’s no doubt great at content creation. Yeah the recent “drama” videos and “I’m being canceled #21” videos are easy to pump out, but the man has to make a living and if someone is going to dump potentially free content at my own feet I’d be remiss to not use it to make a profit. I also appreciate how sometimes he will read his chat while discussing the posts to highlight either sensible, or incredibly flawed takes. He’s consistent, and the fact he didn’t crumble when having to pay back the government millions of dollars earned him an incredible amount of respect in my book. I strive to be able to have that kind of mental fortitude, because I’m 95% sure I would have imploded on myself if given a debt of that size. (Hell, I'm stressed with 25k of student loans left to pay off). The fact he’s able to make so much entertaining content with a consistent schedule is something he should be proud of even though his confidence does come off as ego-centric from time to time.
With that in mind, my first negative is his vocabulary choice in some of his streams/videos. My main two are the use of “retarded” and the more recent one “mint picker” which I’ll be talking about first. First thing to note, yes I know mint picker isn't a slur but an insult directed towards our F2P king Enviosity: The only motherfucker who should be praised. To my knowledge, Tectone grew up in Canada so I’m sure that he would have no way of understanding the gravity of some of the racial insults used in the US. For me growing up in Florida in a black community and I’m sure some of you in other parts of the southern US have heard black friends be called some truly horrendous things. One of the more common insults I heard while younger were peers being called “cotton picker”. So it’s just felt a little too close to home in my books due to my upbringing and I’m curious if anybody else who’s grown up in the southern US feels similarly to me in that regard in terms of the generalized discomfort hearing someone say mint picker. His use of the word “retarted” is one I have more of an issue with. I’m 26, fairly close to Tectone in age. When I was in middle school and high school, people who acted like morons were called “retarded” often. At the time I also had it as part of my vocabulary. That was until age 18 when I met my eventual brother in law Alex, who has cerebral palsy. I had used it casually in front of him at one point and he asked to speak to me privately about his personal frustrations about the insult since there was physically nothing he could do about it due to his disability, his hatred of the insult, as well as discomfort of casual use. At that point I tried my hardest to take it out of my vocabulary to the point I don’t even think of using it as an insult anymore (until I hear tec use it as one on his stream). I think his word choice needs to expand. I’ve personally become fond of using niche and creative insults like calling someone a “maroon” or a “muppet” and think it would be a generalized betterment for him to try and exclude it from his vocabulary.
Back to the positives: his vocal protection of children or child-like presenting characters from sexualization in forms of media needs to be applauded. The claims of this man being a pedophile always confused me. Recently there was the issue of him posting the feet sniffing tweet about Yunli which he then took down. Personally I think the response, rather than the “sorry my brother took my phone” should have been more on the lines of “Hey someone told me this character’s supposedly 14, so I took the tweet down for the time being. But if it turns out she's an adult then you better believe I’m about to bust all over them piggies”. Back to the main topic though, I’ve always appreciated how he goes after freaks who sexualize the child characters in these games. It’s truly a shame that Tectone had to open up about his own personal story of sexual abuse, and it’s one that I can unfortunately relate to, having me and my brother who were sexually abused. I’ve always been uncomfortable with “of age” characters who look like kids as well. I think his reprimanding of channels who talk about sleeping with these kids is great, and love the fact that the pedo community hates him. Now is the constant coomer brain bit where he talks about jacking off multiple times a week to AI porn of his favorite characters getting a bit stale for me? Yes. Am I expecting him to stop? No. He’s a grown man and can make his own decisions about what comes out of his mouth and what he does on his stream.
The second negative is in relation to the Frogan issue. Now I agree with him that nobody under any circumstance should be insulted or made fun of genuinely solely because of their race. Friends making racial jabs at one another is one thing because when it’s a lighthearted joke and you know each other, but an intentional insult due to one's skin color is unacceptable. My concern doesn't come from the conflict itself, but a portion of the follow-up. We all saw that he called Frogan Jabba the hutt. Fat jokes are as old as time, that's not my issue. My issue comes from the fact that he used what seemed like an A.I. image of a racist depiction of her as Jabba the hutt in a Hijab, lip gloss, fake lashes and necklace. Yes it was a racist image, he could have chosen to use a regular photo of Jabba like a screengrab from the movies or an animated series, but didn’t and that was wrong of him to do.
The concept of “if you go low I’ll go lower” and then using a racist image should be unacceptable, it’s childish in my eyes as it shows the inability to keep a level head in times of high stress/elevated emotions. It’s not “based” like how some in the chat were saying, and like I stated above “nobody under any circumstance should be insulted or made fun of genuinely solely because of their race”. Tec was angry and wanted to defend his peer in the streaming community and I fully understand that. Ludwig did an incredible thing donating to the palestinian relief fund (donate today BTW):
But to me, if he wanted to shut her up, he could have then out donated her and told her to go fuck herself and go start streaming at the gym. I understand that he’s not the type to hold back just because someone is smaller than him. If I go up to an MMA fighter and smack them without expecting to be smacked back, that's on me. I’m personally a fan of being not a morally “bigger” person but a morally “better” person. I think outshining someone in their own field and then shoving it in their face after being mocked by them is the greatest get-back you can perform, which is why I would have 10x’d whatever she donated if I was in Tecs position.
In relation to the little guys, the last positive I want to touch on is his uplifting of smaller creators. Tectone’s been, dare I say instrumental with the growth of multiple channels, and has given creators who deserve a platform a place to shine. (Shoutout RogueKiller). Tec’s willingness to promote these smaller creators to give them a chance at making content creation a full time career has the potential to truly be life changing. I remember him recently speaking about helping smaller creators who are worried about being taken advantage of by companies to help with brand deals, and I even recommended my spouse who’s in content creation by creating Vtubers models reach out to him. The level of community he has arisen by trying to help others needs to be appreciated. I would have probably never discovered GachaSmack, Pokke, or Brax without his videos. I also wanted to touch on his very useful criticism of the games he plays. He has consistently looked out for both new and veteran players and gives what I feel are pretty good recommendations for keeping the games relevant and the communities engaging in dialogue about what they do and do not like about specific patches, characters, etc.
So I’d like to reach out to other people in the community to ask if they feel similarly to me in relation to some of his behaviors. I really do enjoy his content, but what concerns me isn’t always what he puts out for the viewers, it’s how he sometimes presents himself as well as some of his behaviors. Am I alone in feeling this way?
submitted by Sir_Zurp to TectEGG [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:10 StinaRDH Xylitol and Blood Clots?

New research was released today linking Xylitol to increased risk of heart attack or stroke. This research is important since so many people rely on sugar substitutes in their diets, and many people seek xylitol out for their dental care regimens to combat caries and periodontal disease. Sugar alcohols, such as erythritol and xylitol, have been implicated in increasing the risk of blood clots through several mechanisms:
  1. Platelet Activation: Research has shown that sugar alcohols can increase the stickiness of blood platelets. Platelets are cells in the blood that clump together to form clots, which are necessary to stop bleeding. However, when platelets become overly sticky, they can form clots inside blood vessels, which can lead to heart attacks or strokes.
  2. Blood Concentration Levels: High levels of sugar alcohols in the blood, resulting from the consumption of processed foods containing these sweeteners, can persist for several days. This prolonged elevation can sustain the increased risk of clot formation during that period.
  3. Vascular Impact: Studies, including those by Dr. Stanley Hazen, have observed that sugar alcohols might influence the vascular system in a way that promotes clotting. This is particularly concerning for individuals who are already at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases, such as those with diabetes or metabolic syndrome.
  4. Inflammatory Response: Some research suggests that sugar alcohols can induce an inflammatory response in blood vessels, further contributing to the formation of clots. Inflammation can make blood vessels more prone to developing plaques that can rupture and cause clotting.
These findings highlight the need for caution with the consumption of products containing sugar alcohols, especially for individuals with preexisting cardiovascular risk factors. Further research is required to fully understand these mechanisms and to develop guidelines for safe consumption levels. I often recommend for my patients to consider the topical application of xylitol within the daily limits of 6 grams to 10 grams per day rather than ingesting it in larger quantities. In order for xylitol to be effective as an anti caries agent 6g-10g is the therapeutic dose. While studies showed in the past that xylitol was safe to consume in lower quantities the limit is somewhere around 40-ish grams before it can begin to have a laxative effect.
Perhaps xylitol is healthy in the lesser amount. Perhaps xylitol is okay for some people to have and may need to be used with caution for people with comorbidities. I am certainly looking forward to more research on this topic.
Please consider supporting me by following my social media accounts
Works Cited:
  1. Mayo Clinic News Network. "Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is erythritol a safe and healthy sugar substitute?" September 19, 2023. Accessed June 7, 2024. Mayo Clinic
  2. KTVZ. "Erythritol, an ingredient in stevia, linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds." September 29, 2023. Accessed June 7, 2024. KTVZ
  3. Medical News Today. "Artificial sweetener erythritol linked to heart attack and stroke risk." February 28, 2023. Accessed June 7, 2024. Medical News Today
  4. CNN Health. "Erythritol linked to heart attack and stroke risk, study finds." February 27, 2023. Accessed June 7, 2024. CNN Health
submitted by StinaRDH to u/StinaRDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:35 Sparkle_Tots My criticisms of Ethan

Almost done watching today's episode and wanted to add to the list of criticisms.
🙃🙃🙃 Is it clear how I feel about the feedback some of you had? Mk, good. Thanks.
submitted by Sparkle_Tots to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:12 Sweet-Count2557 Cave Room

Cave Room
Cave Room We've always been captivated by the allure and charm of cave hotels. These extraordinary accommodations, found in destinations around the world, offer a truly unique and adventurous experience.With their cave-like interiors, curved walls, and breathtaking views, they transport us to a world that is both ancient and luxurious. From converted ancient caves to purpose-built underground dwellings, cave hotels provide an unparalleled connection to nature and history.Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the wonders of cave hotels and the freedom they offer.Key TakeawaysCave rooms offer a unique and adventurous accommodation option.Cave rooms can be found in various countries, including the United States, Greece, France, Italy, Turkey, Spain, and Australia.Cave rooms often have cave-like interiors with curved walls and ceilings, as well as natural rock formations as part of their design.Many cave rooms offer luxurious amenities and services, such as breathtaking views, swimming pools, spa facilities, and unique lighting systems.5 Unique Cave Hotels in the United StatesWhile researching cave hotels in the United States, we discovered some unique accommodations that offer luxurious amenities and breathtaking views. One of the best cave hotels in the US is the Beckham Creek Cave Lodge in Parthenon, Arkansas. This 5,800-square-foot luxury cave hotel is located in the picturesque town of Parthenon and can sleep up to 12 people. It boasts an open living space and a well-appointed kitchen for a comfortable stay. One of its standout features is a natural waterfall in the middle of the lodge, adding to the ambiance and providing a serene backdrop.Another noteworthy luxury cave accommodation is the Grand Canyon Caverns Inn in Peach Springs, Arizona. This unique hotel is located in Peach Springs and offers the Cavern Suite, a 65-million-year-old underground oasis. The suite can accommodate up to 10 guests and features a private elevator for easy access to and from the surface. It provides all the necessary amenities such as water, electricity, a bathroom, TV, and even a library for added comfort during your stay.Lastly, the Kokopellis Cave Bed and Breakfast in Farmington, New Mexico, offers a spacious cave hotel experience 70 feet below ground. Accessible via a sloping path carved into the sandstone, this cave hotel includes a master bedroom, living area, dining area, kitchen, and bathroom. It also features a rock-wall waterfall and Jacuzzi for ultimate relaxation.These luxury cave accommodations in the United States provide a unique experience for those seeking freedom and a taste of adventure. With their luxurious amenities and stunning views, they offer an escape from the ordinary and allow guests to indulge in the beauty of nature while enjoying the comforts of modern living.Exploring International Cave HotelsAs we delve into the topic of exploring international cave hotels, we can't help but be captivated by the unique architecture and stunning views offered by Perivolas Lifestyle Houses in Santorini, Greece. This luxurious cave hotel is located in Santorini, known for its picturesque landscapes and breathtaking sunsets. Perivolas Lifestyle Houses consists of 20 amphitheater-inspired cave houses, featuring smooth whitewashed arches and vaulted ceilings. One of the highlights of this cave hotel is its infinity pool overlooking the Aegean Sea, providing guests with a truly mesmerizing experience.In comparison, La Dimora di Metello in Sassi di Matera, Italy also offers unique architecture and stunning views. This luxurious cave hotel is situated in the ancient city of Matera, known for its cave dwellings. La Dimora di Metello showcases the rich history and culture of the region, with its beautifully designed cave rooms and rock-cut architecture.Apart from their architectural wonders, cave hotels contribute to sustainable practices and eco-tourism. The natural insulation provided by the caves reduces the need for excessive heating and cooling, making them energy-efficient. Some cave hotels also implement eco-friendly practices such as solar power and rainwater harvesting. By choosing to stay in a cave hotel, guests not only experience a unique accommodation option but also raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural and historical sites.Cave Hotels Around the WorldLet's explore the unique charm and beauty of cave hotels around the world, from Turkey to Spain and Australia. Cave hotels offer a one-of-a-kind experience for eco-conscious travelers who seek adventure and a connection with nature. These hotels are not only visually stunning but also provide a sustainable accommodation option with their natural insulation and minimal construction needs.To grab your attention, let's take a look at a table showcasing some cave hotels around the world:CountryCave HotelUnique FeaturesTurkeyCappadocia Cave HotelsAncient cave dwellings, traditional decorSpainAndalusian and Granada HotelsModern amenities, rustic charmAustraliaBlue Mountains and Coober Pedy HotelsAboriginal-inspired designs, stargazing experiencesCave hotels are known for their cave-like interiors, with curved walls and ceilings that create a sense of intimacy and coziness. Some cave hotels even incorporate natural rock formations into their design, adding to their unique charm. Many of these hotels offer breathtaking views from their windows or terraces, allowing guests to truly immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings.For those seeking relaxation, some cave hotels feature underground spa facilities. These facilities provide a serene and tranquil environment where guests can rejuvenate their mind and body. The combination of the natural cave atmosphere and luxurious amenities creates a truly indulgent experience.Experiencing Cave Hotels in TurkeyWe should definitely consider experiencing cave hotels in Turkey, as they offer a unique and adventurous accommodation option. Staying in a cave hotel in Turkey comes with several advantages.Firstly, these hotels provide a connection to the rich history and culture of the region. Many cave hotels in Cappadocia, for example, are converted from ancient cave dwellings, allowing guests to experience the traditional way of life in Turkey. Additionally, some cave hotels have cave churches or chapels within their premises, providing an opportunity to explore and appreciate the religious heritage of the area.Moreover, Turkish cave hotels often feature traditional Turkish decor and furnishings, immersing guests in the local culture. From intricately designed carpets to handcrafted ceramics, every detail is carefully chosen to create an authentic ambiance. Guests can truly appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship of Turkish culture while staying in these unique accommodations.Apart from the cultural experiences, cave hotels in Turkey provide easy access to explore the region's unique rock formations. Cappadocia, in particular, is famous for its fairy chimneys and otherworldly landscapes. By staying in a cave hotel, guests have the convenience of being close to these natural wonders, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of the surroundings.Discovering Cave Hotels in Spain and AustraliaThere are several cave hotels to explore in Spain and Australia, each offering unique experiences and stunning natural surroundings. Cave hotels are a blend of history and luxury, providing a one-of-a-kind accommodation option for travelers seeking an adventurous yet comfortable stay.Uncovering the hidden treasures of cave accommodations allows us to delve into the depths of the earth and immerse ourselves in the mysteries of these ancient spaces. Here are five remarkable aspects of cave hotels that make them truly extraordinary:Historical Significance: Cave hotels often have a rich historical background, as many are converted from ancient caves or underground dwellings. Staying in these unique spaces allows us to connect with the past and appreciate the cultural heritage they hold.Architectural Marvels: The interiors of cave hotels are characterized by curved walls and ceilings, creating a cave-like atmosphere. Some hotels even incorporate natural rock formations into their design, adding to the authenticity and charm of the space.Breathtaking Views: Many cave hotels offer breathtaking views from their windows or terraces. Whether it's overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Spain or the rugged landscapes of the Australian outback, these vistas provide a sense of freedom and awe-inspiring beauty.Luxurious Amenities: Despite their unconventional locations, cave hotels often offer luxurious amenities and services. From underground swimming pools to spa facilities, these accommodations seamlessly blend comfort and indulgence.Sustainable Accommodation: Cave hotels can also be considered a sustainable accommodation option. The use of existing caves reduces the need for extensive construction, and some hotels implement eco-friendly practices like solar power and rainwater harvesting.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Unique Features and Amenities Offered by Cave Hotels?Unique features of cave hotels include cave-like interiors with curved walls and ceilings, as well as natural rock formations incorporated into the design. These hotels often offer breathtaking views from windows or terraces, and some even have underground swimming pools or spa facilities.Amenities offered can vary, but many cave hotels provide luxurious services such as infinity pools, private elevators, well-appointed kitchens, and unique lighting systems that enhance the cave atmosphere.Staying in a cave hotel offers the freedom to experience a truly adventurous and one-of-a-kind accommodation option.How Do Cave Hotels in the United States Differ From Those in Other Countries?Cave hotels in the United States offer a unique travel experience, just like those in other countries. However, there are some differences.In the US, cave hotels like Beckham Creek Cave Lodge and Grand Canyon Caverns Inn provide luxurious amenities such as spacious living areas and private elevators.On the other hand, international cave hotels like Perivolas Lifestyle Houses in Greece and Les Hautes Roches in France offer stunning views and unique architecture.Despite these differences, all cave hotels provide an adventurous and unforgettable stay.What Are Some Sustainable Practices Implemented by Cave Hotels?Cave hotels around the world implement various sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives. These include utilizing the natural insulation of caves, reducing the need for extensive construction and energy consumption. Some cave hotels incorporate eco-friendly technologies such as solar power and rainwater harvesting systems.Are There Any Safety Concerns or Precautions to Consider When Staying in a Cave Hotel?When staying in a cave hotel, there are some safety concerns and precautions to consider.It's important to be aware of the structural stability of the cave and ensure that it has been properly inspected and reinforced.Additionally, ventilation and air quality should be taken into account, as caves can have limited airflow.It's also crucial to have emergency exits and evacuation plans in place.Are There Any Restrictions or Limitations on Who Can Stay in a Cave Hotel, Such as Age Restrictions or Accessibility Issues?Age restrictions and accessibility issues may vary depending on the specific cave hotel. Some cave hotels may have age restrictions due to safety concerns or the nature of the accommodations.Additionally, the underground nature of cave hotels may pose challenges for individuals with mobility issues.It's important to research and inquire about any restrictions or limitations before booking a cave hotel to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for all guests.ConclusionIn conclusion, cave hotels offer a captivating blend of ancient charm and modern luxury. Their unique architecture and stunning views transport guests into a world that's both awe-inspiring and comfortable.From the United States to countries like Turkey, Spain, and Australia, these extraordinary accommodations provide a sustainable and harmonious connection to nature and history.Like hidden gems waiting to be discovered, cave hotels invite us to explore and immerse ourselves in their captivating wonders.So, step into the enchanting world of cave hotels and let your imagination run wild.
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