I want professional wrestling tights


2008.12.22 10:21 Wrestling

A subreddit for Folkstyle, Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling. All ages and levels are welcome.

2013.04.19 00:59 muffinmonk Wrestling Memes, Fanart and Videos

Welcome to /Wrasslin! The dumping grounds for all wrestling, funny or insane.

2012.03.05 16:44 ts87654 for cosplayers, by cosplayers

This is a subreddit specifically for people who cosplay and people looking to cosplay. Want to share the outfit you just made? Share it here! Want some advice on a costume? Ask here! Want to show some cool pics you took at the last convention you went to? Post them here!

2024.06.07 21:29 Firm_Literature_6583 Grocery list for one?

Hi I’m a m 19 in college and I need help grocery shopping. I don’t really know what to buy or how to cook cheap at all. I just want some input on what a standard grocery list looks like. Trying to stay on a tight budget here.mostly need help with dinner meal plan, as that is what I struggle to buy for the most. Trying to plan at least a week but 2 weeks of food would be ideal.
List right now Coffee- $5 (Keurig cups) Eggs- (from family chickens) Milk- $3ish Greek Yogurt- $4 Oats for yogurt- $4
Any help is appreciated greatly, thank yall.
submitted by Firm_Literature_6583 to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:28 ndfbonly Everything that went wrong during our wedding week (and why it was perfect)

I got married to my best friend two weeks ago. I didn’t have a wedding planner and leading up to the wedding, I was super stressed out about every little detail - especially because we had an outdoor wedding and there was severe weather forecasted for our day. Wanted to encourage all of you that it will be okay by sharing all the little things that went wrong during our wedding week!
Despite all my fears and worries, it was perfect. The weather cleared up an hour and a half before our ceremony, so we were able to have it outside- my dress got a little wet and muddy, but I didn’t even care. I actually bought white rain boots to wear in the grass, and I got so many compliments on them! My only advice would be to pick a venue and vendors that are willing to help out when things don’t go according to plan and surround yourself with people who will support you. Also, if you’re going with an outdoor wedding, make sure to pick a venue with a good rain plan so you’re not freaking out if rain is on the forecast. You’ll spend so much time planning every detail, but at the end of the day, you won’t remember every table decoration or the seating chart. You will remember the good memories with your new spouse, your friends, and your family. Good luck everyone!
submitted by ndfbonly to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 ProfessionOk323 Missed a shot

So, I work as an EMT, and a few days ago I got a patient (nothing serious managed to treat on scene) and while we were there we got chatting really well, that sort of good connection you get from time to time? Well I obviously thought "I cant ask for their number or offer mine thats so unprofessional" but then they started asking my age etc along with lots of personal questions asked my hobbies said that was theirs too but had no one to do it with. (Now questioning if that was a hint) So we parted ways I got a heart felt long eye contact thank you and I left. Now I'm somewhat kicking myself because I feel like we should bump into each other when im less professional. Obviously I know full name etc but I DONT want to come across a stalker or breach any of their right to privacy. Any advice or is the moment long gone and I'll just have to feel sorry for myself for a few days.
submitted by ProfessionOk323 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 MagNoer How do i remove and replace this window sill?

How do i remove and replace this window sill?
I’m in the process of renovating our master bedroom and want to replace this window sill.
It appears to be have been installed before the drywall sections “framing” the window opening, meaning the window sill is blocked from being lifted up.
I tried to split the sill down the middle in an attempt to shimmy it over, but it appears somehow stuck to the back Wall. It will lift up slightly, but otherwise won’t move left, right or out, despite great efforts to do so.
I’m not against replacing the drywall bordering if necessary, since it already looks chipped on the edges, which i imagine will make it impossible to create sharp corners. I just don’t yet know if i should - or how i would - do so.
What do i do from here? Is this “call a professional” territory?
(Sorry for most likely butchering any agreed upon terminologi regarding windows, i have no clue what anything is actually called)
submitted by MagNoer to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 kristina12121 Copper IUD + BC

Hi everyone,
I’ve had the copper iud for three years and overall I like it. My cramping isn’t too bad but of course I have two days of really heavy bleeding.
I am going to Europe this summer and I am worried about dealing with the heavy flow + travel and bathroom access. I want to either go on a progesterone pill for a while or I’ve heard of norethisterone to delay the period.
I’m having trouble being heard by medical professionals and am starting to feel crazy for wanting to do this.
Does anyone do a combo? Has any one had any health risks with it?
Any experiences and advice appreciated!
submitted by kristina12121 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 throwawayincbus614 I'm Real and Discreet.

Just wanting to post due to profiles saying they want to avoid blank profiles. This is a throwaway account because I am a professional. Black man here and had a recent full panel test. Looking for some fun here in the near future. 🙂
submitted by throwawayincbus614 to u/throwawayincbus614 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:19 No_Visit_9150 Exposure therapy for flirting and rejection?

I'm deathly afraid of showing any kind of direct romantic or sexual interest in women, which in hindsight might be the biggest factor in my failure with them. However, whenever I think about going someplace and cold-approaching women, my brain is flooded with posts I've read from women who talk about some dude trying to hit on them at a bar or something and ruining their night, which I don't want to do. Sometimes I catastrophize about someone potentially finding my flirting too off-color and potentially ruining my social/professional life in that area, which I realize is likely not gonna happen if I'm not a straight-up creep, and I don't have much of a social reputation to even uphold. I was thinking that since Midsummer is coming in about 3 weeks, I would go to one of the larger festivals for it and ask some number of girls to just dance with me, but even writing it now it sounds like it's not gonna go well. Former spergs, how did you get over this fear?
Also for anyone saying "sub is dead" or shit like that fuck off I am not installing Grindr
submitted by No_Visit_9150 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 roachyfrog TIFU by realizing what “bitter” actually tastes like

So I’m down on my luck in life always. Always tried my hardest but it’s just pretty obvious I’m one of those marathon runners that shouldn’t have even been placed on the list to qualify to run any marathons. Like a slug living amongst birds that eat slugs. Like that only one peace of work from a professional that looks like it was made by a child.
Basically I just am not equipped to exist. And for a little while now I have been working towards an understanding that it’s not shameful to decide to tap out of a game/activity if you can’t play it. There is no shame in being a spectator (ghost/spirit) rather than a participant (human). I don’t have anyone that would need less than a moment of thoughts prayer in my life that would be affected in any way. No real connections. Not even pets. And I never understood this world much really.
Anyway, I resigned from my job that was breaking my body down more than helping me with bills and I have taken measures to secure all my loose ends. I used anything that was left to do small little things that I had always pushed back.
And then, armed with some outdated knowledge about this thing that goes into cars to keep the cars cool/heated, I went to the store and got me a gallon.
I picked some soda up. Got some energy drink mixtures too and then I set everything up.
I was going to put some stuff on TV that would absorb my attention and then keep sipping till grim reaper made an appearance.
Everything was done before this to settle my case with the Big Guy Upstairs. I had a confession session. Cried my heart out. Surrendered. Spoke everything I wanted to. Asked questions. Yelled. And then told Him that He placed me in this world exactly the way I was and gave me freedom of choice.
So my choice was to tell him that I had tried life and earth out and tbh it sucked. That I probably was never going to be one of those people who would pass all His trials and tests. I told Him that His trials and tests suck ass. It’s almost like He keeps you in a state where you are pushed beyond your comfort zone and even if you know he’s the boss and you give him his due respect, the risk of succumbing to anger, blasphemy, mental illness, suicide, crimes against yourself and others, etc. etc. are way too high.
I told Him idk what the Blood of Jesus has to do with things, but I hate how we can’t just peacefully decide to exit existing as humans. And I was specifically angry about how when He decides your time has come, it is usually right when you’re not ready. And majority of the times it will be in some painful, gruesome and weird way. Very rarely do you get deaths where someone was just peacefully chilling and died.
I didn’t know if I would get a shot to see Satan himself but I told him if he could hear me that he was dumb for wasting all his time trying to mislead humanity when he could be building crazy space empires or messing around with aliens. Or like making wishes come true. Idk.
Now to the TIFU. I had used a small glass bottle for my “shots”. It was disgusting. Whatever they put in it tastes worse than anything I have ever tasted. Shampoo and soap taste better. I couldn’t get past the first gulp. My entire tongue was coated with that taste for a while after. You better believe I looked like a meme when I realized God played me yet again.
Too much power is not good sometimes. This is the lesson I learned. Is it blasphemy if I think God has way too much power and that is not a good thing tbh if you really think about it. We are completely at his Mercy even at our worst points. And it is completely up to Him whether or not you will get even a small bit of relief from it.
TLDR; God has way too much power and I don’t like it one bit. Tried to politely return my soul to Him cause I’m not really feeling life/earth/existing in general and he checked me. We playing human Chess but God is ALWAYS on his power tripping checkmate phase. Ain’t no winning.
submitted by roachyfrog to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 BeigeListed There is so much fantastic information in here, yet most people dont bother to read.

So many great videos, so many amazing articles, presented by professionals with decades of experience who know what they're talking about and are trying to show new people what it really takes. Solid advice, fantastic tips, great suggestions...
And it doesnt even get an upvote.
Instead, we get "how do I get started?" posts multiple times a day.
Why? Because most people are too lazy to read. Or be bothered to watch a video. They want to be spoon fed information.
All of the information on how to get started in voice acting is pinned to the top of the subreddit. There are great resources out there right at your fingertips. Just a mouse click away from all of the questions being answered. Barely any actual exertion of energy is even required.
All being ignored.
submitted by BeigeListed to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 MaxGoody35 [19M] just want a nice friend :)

Hi my name is max from England :) I’m extremely lonely and I just want to make some new nice friends! I have social anxiety so I might be a bit shy at first but I open up when I get comfortable with you :)
I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch especially sports and Mario games and I would love finding people to play with :)
I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good 😅
I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan!!
I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s my best friend! Thanks for reading 🙂
submitted by MaxGoody35 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 MaxGoody35 [19M] just want a friend :)

Hi my name is max from England :) I’m extremely lonely and I just want to make some new nice friends! I have social anxiety so I might be a bit shy at first but I open up when I get comfortable with you :)
I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch especially sports and Mario games and I would love finding people to play with :)
I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good 😅
I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan!!
I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s my best friend! PS please be at least 17!
Thanks for reading 🙂
submitted by MaxGoody35 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 officialmrpunk i really need help about my friend wBPD

Hey everyone, I'm coming to you all as a loved one trying to understand and support someone close to me. my friend with bpd splitted on me recently. we have been tight for over a year and had some great times together. but last couple months have been difficult.
i sent her a dm about her returning to college (she was dropping out at 1st year) ""you're going for college? good luck in classes. you are more experienced now. and i know you can handle it. whatever you decide, im here to support you. wishing you the best"
i thought it was supportive but surely i messed up somewhere and it triggered her. after that she suddenly started distancing herself and devaluing our friendship.
at first i gave her space thinking she just needed some alone time. But then things escalated - she removed me from her close friends list on ig - before i came back from 2 month hiatus. i came back tweeting. she liked my new tweet then unliked. i know her. that like wasn't accident
i reached out to her like "hey. its been awhile. i hope you're well. im doing great. last 2 months were amazing. but i know things arent that good between us now. so.. can we talk when you are free? about us. whenever you have the headspace" but tone of that dm probaby wasn't the best..
she didnt reply. then i saw her tweeting "cried so much".. days after she posted vague "I hate you with my every fiber" meme aimed at me. we still follow each other on twitter. i know her pulling away and lashing out is not driven by malice towards me.
i read many things like "leave pwBPDs they aren't worth the drama".. i dont believe it one bit. you are wonderful human beings. and i dont want to give up on her.
i'm begging for help from your POV, what was wrong with my 2 messages above? and what should i dm after giving space? cause i should do something. im ready to do any work to heal this connection. not a single therapist in my area knows well about bpd and her friendship means a lot to me. watching her spiraling like this hurts.
what is the best way to re-approach gently, without being dismissive of her feelings. if i give up now, i only will be confirming her fears. and our bond is really deep. i'm neurodivergent but this is still not fully enough to empathize
submitted by officialmrpunk to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 MaxGoody35 Just want a friend :(

Hi my name is max from England and I’m 19 :) I’m extremely lonely and I just want to make some new nice friends! I have social anxiety so I might be a bit shy at first but I open up when I get comfortable with you :)
I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch especially sports and Mario games and I would love finding people to play with :)
I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good 😅
I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan!!
I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s my best friend!
Thanks for reading 🙂
submitted by MaxGoody35 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 Mediocre-Pea7253 Am I making myself unemployable?

I’m an RN who graduated in 2020, started my dream nursing job & the census plummeted at the hospital I was at. I worked night shift and had 1-2 out of 3 of my shifts cancelled on a weekly basis. Obviously wasn’t making very good money so after 6 months I went back to the hospital I worked at in college.
It was a job that was horribly for me mentally because of COVID, night shift, & ER. I waited until the point that I was crying on all of my days off because I wasn’t happy & I felt like I’d never feel happy again. My husband had begged me to quit for about 8 months before I finally did. I was there as an RN for just under a year and a half, but with my tech experience just over 3 years.
Now I’ve been with my current employer for just over 2 years. They are independent and a hot mess express. Nearly everything I had been promised has been a big fail (hours, 401k) & I just had some PTO taken away without any type of explanation other than “we’ve done so much for you.” The professionalism is nonexistent & there have been a lot of things said to me or asked of me that I don’t even think Reddit would believe.
I’m tired of switching around but feel like it’s time I find something new again.
Not that this matters all that much, but I want to note that every workplace I’ve been part of has given me formal feedback that I’m an excellent employee. I pride myself on being reliable, knowledgeable, and a hard worker. I like to think of myself as somebody who has the ability to stay in a job, but maybe I’m flightier than I realized?
I’m interested in going back to school and want to be in a healthcare organization that can support this with tuition reimbursement, but was planning on waiting to get some longevity under my belt.
Am I making myself unemployable as a nurse or is this normal?
submitted by Mediocre-Pea7253 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 MaxGoody35 19M needing some friends :)[Friendship]

Hi my name is max from England and I’m 19 :) I’m extremely lonely and I just want to make some new nice friends!
I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch and I would love finding people to play with one day!
I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good 😅
I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan!!
I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s perfect
Thanks for reading!!
submitted by MaxGoody35 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 MaxGoody35 [19M] just need a friend :(

Hi my name is max from England and I’m 19 :) I’m extremely lonely and I just want to make some new nice friends! I have social anxiety so I might be a bit shy at first but I open up when I get comfortable with you :)
I love to game on my Xbox and Nintendo switch especially sports and Mario games and I would love finding people to play with :)
I also love to draw and paint things even though I’m not very good 😅
I’m a huge fan of sports, football and mma mainly and also I’m a massive wrestling fan!!
I also love animals and have a dog called Bert who’s 12 and he’s my best friend!
Thanks for reading 🙂
submitted by MaxGoody35 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 Ok_Biscotti_9222 I almost choked my mom at 7 and regret it so bad that I think I deserve to die.

This was a complicated situation. I was around 7 and I faintly remember my mom yelling at me and telling me I had done something wrong I don't remember what I had done I only really remember is that I was basically having a panic attack.
I was crying alot because my mom didn't want to talk to me anymore and basically said she hated me and didn't love me. This was not in the moment type of thing. She frequently told me that. And i was a very sensitive child. I couldn't breathe as I cried for a while and my mom said I was being dramatic and a drama queen. And I felt frustrated as I felt misunderstood and I threatened her (don't assume anything yet please).
She said go ahead so I did and tied her neck scarf tightly and as soon as I realised she was actually turning red and actually choking I panicked and tried to release it and I knew I did something wrong. My mom released herself and stared at the TV and said don't talk to me
(my mom was abused before i was born for over 10 years by my dad and uncle i have 2 brothers and 1 sister that all older than me by around 20 or less years).
I then cried more having another panic attack as I said sorry over and over until my mom forgave me. I hit my mom whenever I felt frustrated as I grew up but at a age around 12-13 I starter to lessen it and it was more rare that I would hit my mom each time I did it I would cry having another panic attack for a few minutes and then go back saying sorry which my mom would always be cold and tell me to get out of her face which I understood as I hit her.
I feel like a physco and monster to which I asked my mom if I was she said no. But I still have doubt. Am I bad person? (I do have symptoms for mental health issues like anxiety, social anxiety, possibly Depression, ocd, Trauma which my social worker said I had since I went to Foster care since I was underweight for 6 months.)
Sorry that was long or tmi. ♡ have a good day!
submitted by Ok_Biscotti_9222 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 ChannelNo3451 How to make a relationship with a wealth gap last?

I'm few years younger and less experienced professionally. Naturally, I earn around four times less than my partner. I'm glad she has high positions and high salaries because it's very well deserved. However, I worry about not being good enough company because I can't accompany her on expensive trips, expensive restaurants, expensive events, etc. I'm still building my career, while she has one that's a bit more established.
Apart from that, we're compatible in absolutely everything. We have the same vision for the future of our relationship, we share the same thought about communication being the key, and what made me interested in her the most is that she shares the same emotional intensity as me.
However, I'm looking for tips to make the relationship last even though I'm financially unattractive. There's a possibility that I'll never be good enough to earn as much, but the goal is for me to always keep striving.
submitted by ChannelNo3451 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Time_Rest1007 Sharing my full story before I go

I’ve (26M) struggled with depression and some suicidal ideation on and off since I was 16. It was a long road and took a lot of work on myself and countless hours of therapy, but around the end of 2023, I was in what I now consider to be the peak of my life. I was working a job I mostly liked, two semesters away from finishing my bachelor’s degree online and exercising almost every other day. After years of loneliness, I finally found a friend group I really adored spending time with, and I had a boyfriend with whom I hadn’t even realized I had fallen in love, whom I’d seen for about 6 months. For perhaps the first time, I had a generally positive outlook, I felt confident and attractive, and I had so much going for me. I had no clue that I was about to make a decision that would significantly alter that course and steer me off into the deepest, darkest depression and most relentless desire to end it all that I’ve ever felt. This is a very long and personal post about my decision to have surgery that I now, in hindsight, believe to have been unnecessary. The surgery itself has left me with chronic pain and probably lifelong negative consequences that are far worse than anything I ever experienced prior. I’ve kept most of this to myself other than sharing it with my therapist, and although I’m on the ledge, I think writing it all down and putting it out there may calm me somewhat. I haven’t spared some graphic details of some of the more sensitive changes to my body because I want this to be as detailed and accurate as possible. And anyway, why should I care? I may be dead soon anyway... My hope is that if I share my story, someone, somewhere, might benefit from it and might not make the same mistake I did that has me sincerely wanting to off myself. So here it goes.
Around NovembeDecember 2023, I started experiencing some strange stabbing pain in my upper right abdomen that would come on suddenly and then go away for no obvious reason. I also thought I saw trace amounts of blood in my stool, and this concerned me enough that I reached out to my primary care doctor at the beginning of January. My doctor is always booked for months, so they told me to go to the emergency room. The ER was packed, and I ended up sitting in the waiting room for about eight hours in between going for an ultrasound and a CT scan. I was getting very tired of waiting and was about ready to give up and leave as I had to work early in the morning the next day. Looking back, I wish I had left. Just before I was about to leave, they called me back and told me that they found something on the CT scan called an intussusception in my small bowel. This is a condition where the intestine gets caught on a “lead point” and folds in on itself, sort of like a telescope. It is most often found in infants and is very rarely found in people my age, yet I was told it is a medical emergency because the tissue of my bowel could die if left untreated, and/or the lead point could be a potentially cancerous tumor. They admitted me and told me they would scan me again in the morning because, despite the severity, there was a chance it could resolve. Hearing that I would be staying overnight shocked me, as I had never been hospitalized before, having always been in good physical health. I have never had digestive issues in the past, I’ve never been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis or anything of the sort, and I had never heard of this condition, but every medical professional I spoke to seemed very concerned that I had it. They didn’t have a bed for me in the hospital at that point, so I had to sleep in the packed and quite chaotic ER. About an hour after I was given a bed, a man was admitted a few feet from me who was very aggressive with all of the nurses, screaming and cursing at them throughout the night. I was not allowed to eat or drink, given the possibility of surgery. I struggled to get any sleep in that environment and woke up the next morning feeling very lethargic.
The surgeon and resident came by my bed and we spoke briefly. The surgeon explained that while the condition was serious, if it continued to show up in my CT scans, they could do minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery to resect the piece of my bowel that was telescoped and stitch it back together. I feel they really downplayed the severity of this procedure. I will never forget them saying, “It’s such a small piece of your bowel, you won’t miss it.” They felt that since I was young and otherwise healthy, I should have no problem making a full recovery. I felt confident in the fact that I was speaking to the chief of surgery at the hospital, who has more than twenty years of experience in the field. Then they brought me for my second scan, and within a few hours I was told the intussusception had not resolved. I was admitted to a hospital room, and the resident came to discuss moving forward with the surgery. My first impulse was “absolutely not,” but I quickly second-guessed myself. Everything I saw in the limited research I was able to do on my phone stated that this was indeed a serious condition that warranted surgery. In that moment, it seemed like the reasons not to go through with it were somewhat vain, such as not wanting the scars and having to forgo lifting weights at the gym for some time. Though it didn’t quite make sense to me that they wanted to operate on the complete opposite side of my body from the one that was in pain and which brought me into the ER in the first place. When I asked the resident about this, he responded, “We don’t understand how referred pain works,” Okay, fair enough, I thought. More than anything, I thought that if a doctor was in front of me, telling me what was going on with my body was an emergency situation that warranted immediate surgery, I should probably listen to them. They’re the “experts,” after all. And given the state I was in, having been in the hospital for over 24 hours at that point, running on very little sleep and nothing to eat, I don’t think I really had the capacity to fully parse what was going on, but given the doctors level of concern, it seemed like I urgently had to make a decision. After about an hour of talking it over with my mother, even though I never had any pain in the area they were about to operate on, I signed the consent papers. (Biggest fucking mistake of my life) I remember they listed risks of things that could go wrong during or shortly after the surgery, such as infection, bowel perforation, etc. They did not mention the procedure’s possible long-term consequences, and neither the surgeon nor resident ever mentioned possible long-term complications, and I didn’t think to ask. I had no experience with this kind of thing whatsoever; I am not a doctor, I don’t know any doctors, and no one I know has ever had abdominal surgery… I was so naive to trust these people, but I did. In fact, I trusted them so much that I was not terribly scared of the procedure I was about to undergo. Again, I chalk that up to the reduced mental capacity I was in, given a tough overnight stay in the ER. I remember the adrenaline rush as I was wheeled down to the operating room. I was singing one of my favorite songs in my head, hyping myself up for the procedure ahead of me. The last thing I remember was one of the OR nurses telling my mother not to worry, that the surgeon was “the best,” and that they had even operated on her husband.
I woke up high as a kite. I heard one of the nurses say I had been given fentanyl, which I remember freaked me out; I had forgotten it is more than a street drug and actually has legitimate uses. The procedure had gone fine, and I was discharged only a day or two later, with my only guidance upon discharge being not to lift heavy objects and “take it easy,” I was in some pain, but it was to be expected at that point and was well controlled by combining Tylenol and Advil. The surgeon called later that week to inform me that the pathology report had come back and that the lead point was simply “some swollen lymph nodes,” I was relieved to hear that it was not cancer. At my follow-up appointment two weeks later, I reported feeling pretty much fine. I had been granted medical leave and short-term disability from my job for six weeks following the surgery. This was the full length of time after which the surgeons expected I would recover fully. I used the time off to hang out with friends and my boyfriend and to focus on finishing what would have been my final semester of school. Those were the last few weeks that I felt somewhat normal despite what I had just gone through. I had no idea what was about to come.
About 5 weeks post-op is when I first began experiencing worse pain deep in my abdomen, right where I had the surgery, plus the pain in my upper right abdomen had not gone away. This new pain is crampy, yet sometimes stabbing, and had seemed to worsen with activity; I have experienced it every single day, nearly every hour, to varying degrees, since the beginning of February. That was also when I began regularly bloating and having difficulty going to the bathroom. No matter how hard I try to push, I can’t fully evacuate my bowels. (This is a nightmare for someone who has receptive anal sex like I used to do regularly. It is now impossible). With the emergence of all these symptoms, I felt very, very scared that there was something else wrong with me. And, of course, this all happened in the week when I was set to return to work. I have a physically demanding customer service job, and I was in so much pain that I found it impossible to be nice to the customers or even stand, so I left and, thankfully, was allowed to take the rest of the week off to figure things out. I obviously called my surgeon, but it also prompted me to do deeper research into the complications that can develop following abdominal surgery. I began pouring over medical journals, trying to figure out what was going on in my body on my own. That was when I first learned about “surgical adhesions.” These are fibrous bands of scar tissue that can develop due to the incisions made during surgery and handling of the bowel. As your body heals from the trauma of surgery, this scar tissue forms and can cause your intestine to stick to other organs or structures in your body. According to medical literature, they form in 90% of all patients who undergo abdominal surgery, but not all adhesions cause complications like what I’ve experienced. They are not easy to diagnose as they are impossible to visualize on any imaging tests, they do not go away on their own (it’s scar tissue), and the only treatment is surgically cutting them apart, which is risky, given that there’s a strong chance they will just grow back and possibly be even worse. This was obviously terrifying to me, but when I asked the surgeon about this, they said, “There’s very little chance that’s what’s happening,” given that the procedure was laparoscopic, not open. I scheduled another appointment with them, wherein they seemed quite dismissive of my concerns. They said the pain was likely “incisional” (it wasn’t and isn’t) but that they would order another CT scan so we could see what was going on. They also wrote me a script for gabapentin, an anticonvulsant meant to prevent seizures that is used off-label to treat pain and anxiety, with the qualifier that they would not write a script for anything stronger, basically implying that I was seeking narcotics, which was not at all the case, and which I found extremely offensive.
My next CT scan was scheduled about a month following that appointment in early March. In the interim, I began taking the gabapentin. I used more than I was prescribed because it was the only way I was able to control the pain and allow myself to feel comfortable at work. I didn’t anticipate the changes it would cause to my mood and behavior. In addition to feeling depressed and scared, I was also becoming easily emotionally dysregulated in ways I believe I would have been able to control prior to taking the medication. But when I didn’t take it, I was in pretty bad pain almost all the time, and I didn’t understand why at that point. My boyfriend noticed these changes in my mood and decided he needed space from me to protect his emotional wellbeing. I didn’t blame him then, and I still don’t, but I miss him terribly. We were supposed to remain “friends,” and he at least pretended he wanted that for a bit of time. At that point, I became determined to ween myself off the gabapentin and continue to work on improving my mental and physical health, for myself, but also for him; as I said, I really loved him. Later that week, after we split, I had my CT scan, and the surgeon called to tell me that it looked like I was just constipated. They advised me to take Miralax daily to ease that constipation, which should hopefully make me feel better. To me, this seemed like a huge relief. I started taking the Miralax, and at that point, I started exercising and lifting weights again. I also started trying to bulk up again, which had been an important part of my fitness journey prior to the surgery.
So April rolls around, and I am still trying my best to resume my normal life, which felt possible again at that point. I did end up successfully weening myself off gabapentin. With this newfound reinvigoration, I attempted to get my boyfriend back. We would make plans, but then he would reschedule again and again. Eventually, he kept our plans, and we met up for a talk in the park. We obviously had a lot to talk about in our relationship, at which point he told me that he simply was not attracted to me anymore. This was devastating news, as that was the first time I realized it was really over. Before I had thought that if I could show him how much I was trying to get back to the place I was before the surgery, he would stick around, but that was the moment I realized it was impossible for him to see me in the light he once did. Nevertheless, I tried to push on, kept going to the gym, and kept trying to get my life back. I was still seeing my friends regularly, and I was able to push myself to get through work, even though it was painful and hard. Plus, I was still working on my degree despite not feeling able to give it my best effort and focus with everything going on. I was still motivated to keep going, and I thought things might improve from there.
Well, lo and behold, they did not. One day in early April, I was sitting on the couch, sort of mindlessly snacking on some almonds before I was set to go have drinks with friends and see a concert. Immediately afterward, I felt that pain again in my abdomen. Despite that, I was really excited to see my friends and see the show. We met at a bar, where I had three cocktails before we made our way to the venue. I drank one or two more while the opener played. But by the time the headliner came on, I ended up in so much pain that I told my friends quite regrettably that I had to leave. I walked home and ate a small snack, wrongfully thinking it might make me feel better, before popping a melatonin and heading to bed. I woke up around 2 AM in the most intense pain I have experienced both before and after the surgery. I was extremely bloated and unable to pass gas or move my bowels. I had read somewhere that this was a sign of bowel obstruction and that I needed to seek medical attention. I made the decision to go to the ER. I walked down the stairs to leave, and as I did, I felt myself begin to vomit. Thankfully I was able to make it to the sink as I puked up what I imagine was that snack I’d had before bed. Shortly after, I arrived at the ER, this time choosing a different facility from the one where the surgeon had dismissed all of my post-surgical concerns. I was quickly admitted and given another CT scan. They confirmed my bowel was obstructed and told me they would place a tube into my nose down to my stomach to try to pump some of the blockage out. I asked the ER doctor if I was going to need to have surgery, to which he replied, “It’s a strong possibility.” This was horrifying to me. Getting the tube inserted into my nose was so painful, and I was screaming in agony the entire time. Then they gave me morphine, and I passed out. The details and timeline of that hospital stay are somewhat hazy in my mind, but I ended up being there for four days, over which I was given a “gastro graph challenge” test, wherein I was instructed to drink a contrast element which would be visualized by a series of Xrays so the doctors could monitor if anything was passing through my intestines. I met with another surgeon, whom I found to be much more attentive than my prior one, or at least simply possessing superior active listening skills. In fact, I felt that all of the staff at this second hospital were a lot more sensitive to my needs than the first. I really wish I had gone there the first time, as it’s the best hospital in the city. Add that to my long list of mistakes… Anyway.
Despite her more positive demeanor, she recommended another emergency surgery, this time a laparotomy (open) surgery to resect my bowel a second time. Her hypothesis was that the anastomosis (the medical term for the connection formed between my bowel loops during the first surgery) could be too narrow to allow food to pass through properly. I asked this new surgeon if it was possible I had adhesions causing this problem, and unlike the last one, she said, “It’s possible,” especially given that these symptoms began emerging a few weeks after the first surgery. But, like I said, they don’t really know what’s going on until they cut you open and go in there. Given that I am now much more aware of the risks of surgery and the risks of having a second procedure, I was fervently against going under the knife again. I simply couldn’t handle it. So I opted for conservative management, which meant waiting it out, taking an enema, and eventually getting back on a liquid and then solid diet. Thankfully, sitting in the hospital being NPO (Latin for nil per os - “nothing by mouth”) and taking the gastro graph made it pass eventually, and I didn’t have to have a second surgery. I was discharged from the hospital with instructions to schedule another diagnostic test called a “small bowel series,” in which they use xrays to track the amount of time it takes liquid to pass through your digestive system and to start a “low residue” diet- meaning eating very little fiber. Suddenly gone from my diet are all of the fruits and vegetables I once loved, and I can’t eat nuts or seeds (It seems to me that those almonds caused the obstruction in the first place). Basically, I’m now forced to exist on a diet of the most processed foods imaginable because although they are demonstrably unhealthy, that is all that my body is now able to safely digest.
After leaving that second hospital stay, I proceeded to delve even further into research about not only long-term abdominal surgery complications such as adhesions but also the nature of adult intussusceptions in general. I once again started furiously googling, finding results from medical journals and personal accounts from Reddit. I came to the conclusion that intussusceptions in adults, while ostensibly serious, have a strong possibility of resolving on their own, especially when they present in the small bowel, in the absence of vomiting (I never vomited before going to the hospital in January), when there is no obvious lead point (they couldn’t see it on my scans) and there is no obstruction (I was never obstructed before the surgery). Furthermore, while intussusception does present with blood in the stool, it is usually described as “currant jelly stool” (something I don’t recommend you google because it looks atrocious), which is not even close to the trace amounts of blood I saw in my own stool. (But no one ever asked, so how would I know the difference?) I never experienced any pain whatsoever in the area of my small bowel before the surgery. And yet I was told by a doctor that I was experiencing a medical emergency, which might have been caused by some malignant growth, which scared the shit out of me and made me feel at the time that immediate action was necessary. At one point, I even found a paper that attributed intussusception to cannabis use, which I had engaged in that week. In these papers, the authors highlight that these intussusceptions were transient and did not require surgical intervention. And on the point of adhesions, they are not easily diagnosed, and they are not easily treatable without surgical intervention; and said intervention is a cache 22 scenario because every time you get cut open, you risk growing back even more adhesions.
With all of this knowledge, I became absolutely distraught. I was never informed that by having this procedure performed, I would be at this increased risk of experiencing bowel obstruction. Like most people, I literally had no idea what an “adhesion” even was. What made me lose hope the most was that it seems as if doctors do these surgeries and simply ignore adhesion as a consequence because they don’t have any feasible way to prevent it or treat it without potentially creating more adhesion. So, although I was released from the hospital having avoided a second surgery, I felt more lost and hopeless than ever. I simply couldn’t cope with the realization that this would be something I would deal with for the rest of my life, something I could’ve avoided had I never agreed to get the first surgery because although I had that original pain I mentioned earlier- which has still continued to this day, it wasn’t and isn’t anything close to how excruciating the obstruction was, and it wasn’t really disrupting my life in the way the post-surgical pain has. But under the guidance of doctors, I opted to permanently alter my body, and there’s no going back. I feel so incredibly stupid for being deceived by these “medical professionals” who didn’t take the time to understand what was actually going on with me and chose to take an overly aggressive course of action that has left me permanently altered, in pain, and completely diminished my quality of life.
That week after leaving the hospital was truly the most suicidal I have ever felt. As I mentioned, I’ve dealt with suicidal ideation on and off since my adolescence. I’ve always had latent thoughts about wanting to die, wanting to escape, feeling like I’m hopeless and there’s no use trying to better myself. But this time, the desire to end my life was so much more intense. I became extremely disassociated from everything in life. In that week following my second hospitalization, there was absolutely nothing that could bring me joy. Before the surgery, I used to find deep pleasure in simply walking around my neighborhood for at least an hour every day. But I couldn’t do it anymore because walking gives me time to think, and thinking is too painful. It always leads back to the realization of the way I am now. Nothing could make me smile or laugh. I couldn’t even listen to music, one of my favorite things in the world. I became completely devoid of all emotions as my research transitioned away from my various new ailments and into ways I could end my life.
The rest of April and May passed by in a blur. Over that time, I’ve had two more appointments with the surgeons I met at the second hospital, a small bowel study (a more in-depth series of x-rays tracking the transit time of liquid through the GI tract), and a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Those have not yielded any significant findings as to what is going on, making me believe even more that all of these problems are being caused by adhesions. However, the small bowel study did reveal that my stomach is slightly herniated, which I believe is the cause of the original pain that I sought care for in the first place. At my last appointment, I was told to see a “small bowel specialist” GI doctor. But that was three weeks ago, and I haven’t even been able to get an appointment with them. I’m on a waiting list, but I imagine I’m looking at many months before I can get an appointment. I don’t know what they’re going to do for me. I don’t know that there’s anything that can be done besides more surgery, and I am very fearful about that. I fear the only way that these fucking doctors who fucked me up in the first place are going to even try to help me is if I’m obstructed again. But the changes to my diet, as much as I hate them, have kept me in a more manageable amount of pain and out of the hospital for now.
It is now June, and I am shocked that I am still here and confused about what to do now. Despite the diet, I still feel pain and discomfort at some point in the day, every single day. I think about wanting this all to end all of the time. I have not attempted again, though I did pick up another nitrogen tank, and I’ve also stockpiled a 90 day supply of my antidepressant, so at least I have the option. I am drinking two bottles of wine or half a bottle of vodka nearly every night. Alcohol is the only thing that seems to quiet my thoughts enough to get through each evening. I am sitting here in a cycle where I think about doing it, but I still feel obligated to go to work, to see my friends, and to feed my cat. My life has continued, but I don’t feel like I’m living anymore; I merely exist. I feel extremely unattractive because although I look the same as I did on the outside, I’m overcome with never ending emotional pain and turmoil on the inside. I am now unable to take care of myself and be on top of my life the way I used to be. After the second hospitalization, I dropped out of school and have no plans to continue, as I won’t need a bachelor’s degree when I’m dead. I have stopped exercising altogether, as it feels like there’s no point in trying to improve or take care of a body that has been permanently broken. Through all of this, I’ve lost much of my confidence and I feel I have completely lost my identity. I miss that old me so much. I miss my boyfriend so much. Plans with my friends are sometimes the only thing that keeps me going, and I am extremely grateful for them, but despite their continued presence, I feel extremely isolated and lonely. It’s hard to explain what I’ve been through to people without the context of all that has happened. I don’t have the energy to share it with them. And I feel if I speak about what I’m going through, I will feel like a burden, killing the vibe, and I don’t want that.
I have never felt this alienated from my body and from everything in life. I cannot cope with the fact that things will never be how they were before. I feel so incredibly distraught that I threw away what was shaping up to be the best days of my life. There’s nothing I or anyone else can do to change what has happened to me. It took me such a long time to get to the place I was in before the surgery. It was a brief and beautiful couple of months, but it’s over, and there’s no way for me to return. Even if there was, I don’t have that much of a fight left in me. I feel like such a fucking idiot for allowing the doctors to do this to me. I look around at all the happy people around me and know that I am dragging them down with my depression. I am tired of feeling helpless and like a burden on everyone I love. I am a shell of the person I once was. Ending it all is the singular thing that’s in my control. It is the only way to end all of this pain and suffering and stop the concern and confusion of my loved ones. I know that my exit will be painful to them, but they will all get over it in time. But me? I don’t think I will ever get over this. I will never be able to accept this horrible choice that I made. I am so tired of living this way. I am supposed to turn 27 soon, but I really don’t want to live to see my birthday. I have nothing to celebrate. My life is completely, irreversibly fucked. I don’t know when I will go, but it will be sooner rather than later. I am so sorry to everyone. I know this will hurt. I just can’t go on living this way. To all the people I care about, know that I love you, and I am so thankful you were part of my life. I know you will all go on to do great things without me. This entire saga has been unbearable; my life has spun out of control, and suicide is the only way to end my suffering. I’m sorry. I’m signing off.
TL;DR: Doctors performed a surgery I now think was unnecessary and the complications make me want to kill myself.
submitted by Time_Rest1007 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Chemist-with_Beard 30 [M4F] Germany/Europe(/Anywhere) - Hello. I've waited here for you. Everlong.

Tooonight ... Sorry, I will stop now 😅
My name is Julian, I am 30 and from Germany, as should be obvious from the title. I'm on here searching a relationship. One that hopefully lasts forever, if that is possible. I will try to not add anything too unnecessary in here.
Now on to me: - 1,78m/5'10. 100kg/220lbs. Brown hair, beard, blue eyes, glasses. See me here. - Shy, introverted, nerdy, kind (most of the time), a bit to honest from time to time. - Strange kind of humor ranging from dark to juvenile. Love memes. - Childfree and not interested in getting children. - Don't drink or do drugs - No experience with relationships and NSFW things but loyal and monogamous. - Gamer (mostly single player), avid reader (mostly thrillers and fantasy), like anime/manga (although it gets less). - Go to the gym, own a bass (and play it bad), can drive a motorbike (but don't own one right now). - Listen mostly to alternative rock and grunge. Watch wrestling, football and american football. - Creativ once a decade. Did not die from my own cooking (but made spicy goulash instead of chili). - Currently getting my master's degree in chemistry. My PhD after that. - Most importantly: Like and want CATS!!!
Now to who I am ideally searching for: - Preferences for indian or arabian women (with nice accents). Every other ethnicity is also welcome to sweep me off my feet. - Slim to lightly overweight/chubby. Height doesn't matter to me. - Not older than 33. - Religion or diet also don't matter as long as you don't try to convert me to either. - Drug free. Alcohol is ok as long as it is not too much or a problem. - Extroverted or a good conversationalist. At least not someone that ghosts but is honest. - Shared interests are nice but not a must have. - Not too clingy. This should be a partnership not a dependency. - Childfree and doesn't want kids. Maybe even sterile. - In or around Germany/Europe. Anywhere is ok if relocation is in the plans. - Most importantly: Likes and wants CATS!!!
Thank you for reading until here. If you think that could be you and you want to get to know me better, send me a message. We can also switch to other apps to voice chat if you want to. I would appreciate it to get a picture of you soon so we can see if we are both attracted to each other. Good luck to everyone and goodbye.
submitted by Chemist-with_Beard to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Chemist-with_Beard 30[M4F] #Karlsruhe, Germany, Europe, (Anywhere) - Hello. I've waited here for you. Everlong.

Tooonight ... Sorry, I will stop now 😅
My name is Julian, I am 30 and from Germany, as should be obvious from the title. I'm on here searching a relationship. One that hopefully lasts forever, if that is possible. I will try to not add anything too unnecessary in here.
Now on to me: - 1,78m/5'10. 100kg/220lbs. Brown hair, beard, blue eyes, glasses. See me here. - Shy, introverted, nerdy, kind (most of the time), a bit to honest from time to time. - Strange kind of humor ranging from dark to juvenile. Love memes. - Childfree and not interested in getting children. - Don't drink or do drugs - No experience with relationships and NSFW things but loyal and monogamous. - Gamer (mostly single player), avid reader (mostly thrillers and fantasy), like anime/manga (although it gets less). - Go to the gym, own a bass (and play it bad), can drive a motorbike (but don't own one right now). - Listen mostly to alternative rock and grunge. Watch wrestling, football and american football. - Creativ once a decade. Did not die from my own cooking (but made spicy goulash instead of chili). - Currently getting my master's degree in chemistry. My PhD after that. - Most importantly: Like and want CATS!!!
Now to who I am ideally searching for: - Preferences for indian or arabian women (with nice accents). Every other ethnicity is also welcome to sweep me off my feet. - Slim to lightly overweight/chubby. Height doesn't matter to me. - Not older than 33. - Religion or diet also don't matter as long as you don't try to convert me to either. - Drug free. Alcohol is ok as long as it is not too much or a problem. - Extroverted or a good conversationalist. At least not someone that ghosts but is honest. - Shared interests are nice but not a must have. - Not too clingy. This should be a partnership not a dependency. - Childfree and doesn't want kids. Maybe even sterile. - In or around Germany/Europe. Anywhere is ok if relocation is in the plans. - Most importantly: Likes and wants CATS!!!
Thank you for reading until here. If you think that could be you and you want to get to know me better, send me a message. We can also switch to other apps to voice chat if you want to. I would appreciate it to get a picture of you soon so we can see if we are both attracted to each other. Good luck to everyone and goodbye.
submitted by Chemist-with_Beard to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:07 LeeCloud27 The Life of Hakurei - False Madness on Brightest Night - Part 2

Five Minutes of Recovery Later…
“Okay…Let me understand this again.” Reimu began. “Each of you noticed something was off with the moon so you decided to go investigate. And it so happened we all followed the same trail to the bamboo forest, and noticing how the night had remained stagnant the moment we laid eyes on one another we assumed we were behind the incident. Am I right?”
“Correct” Sakuya said, standing alongside Remilia. To her left and right were Marisa and Youmu, who respectively stood by Alice and Yuyuko while Yukari was by Reimu.
“Okay good, and considering we came all the way here to the bamboo forest of the lost means we can clarify none of us here has anything to do with the moon’s replacement. So, does anyone know where we might find our true culprits?”
No one spoke up, save for Youmu who timidly raised her hand.
“Um…Yuyuko-sama and I, when we entered the forest we noticed some lights east of here, but we were too caught up fighting to go check it out. It’s possible that may be where the culprit is hiding.”
“Oh, I noticed something too while making my way here, but it was a building; a mansion more specifically. I think the lights you’re referring to might be the mansion.” Alice said.
“A mansion?” Yukari wondered. “Strange, I never heard of a mansion existing in this part of Gensokyo.”
“Don’t tell me it’s another foreign noble who came from the outside.” Reimu said, making a small glance over at Sakuya and Remilia. “But now I know where to look next, so if you excuse me...”
Reimu moved past the group over the direction Youmu stated earlier, but Marisa rushed over and halted her path.
“Woah, hold on! What makes you think you can go over there alone, huh?” Marisa asked.
Reimu looked at her friend for a moment before replying, “I never said you couldn’t come, did I?”
Her statement made Marisa pause for a second, showing an expression that was enough to make Reimu laugh a little.
“C’mon, let’s go beat up whoever stole the moon.” Reimu patted Marisa’s shoulder and walked past her, as did Yukari. Marisa turned around, not going to let the misconception get the best of her, so she wrapped her arm around Alice’s waist and pulled her over while hopping on her broom.
“Marisa? What are you doing?” Alice asked with confusion.
“Hey, Reimu!” Marisa got Reimu’s attention, along with everyone else’s, “Last one there’s a Nuppeppo!” She declared before blasting forward, with Alice clinging on tight so as to not fall. Reimu saw Marisa fly past her, and instantly she knew the proper response.
“It’s on.” She said, running and soon flying as fast as she could to catch up with the blazing magician. The others did the same, not wanting to be left behind.

Somewhere in the Bamboo Forest, Rumia remained astray. She passed by the same boulder three times, and couldn’t tell which way was north. To make matters worse, she encountered a series of booby traps everywhere she tried to go. From constant pitfalls to makeshift ballistas that shot sharpened bamboo sticks; even coming across an anvil that hung high in the air above a plate of cheese for some reason. Nonetheless she managed to get through the traps, though much more fatigued.
“Ugh, I don’t know where I am, I nearly got punctured several times, and I can’t seem to find Reimu or the others.” Rumia complained as she continued flying across the stalks. “No wonder this place has the word ‘lost’ in its name. Hopefully I’ll find everyone soon.”
Despite her complaint, she kept moving forward, getting more lost as a result.

In an open area there laid a large old-fashioned mansion, surrounded by walls of bamboo at least ten feet tall. It looked like it was constructed the day before, despite its antique design. There was no wear or tear on the interior, no moss growing, no sign of decay anywhere. This mansion was known as Eientei, a home of rabbits and prominent figures, but mostly rabbits.
Standing by the mansion’s gate stood two figures in pink dresses with rabbit ears on their heads holding large wooden mallets. Though they looked human, they’re a species of youkai, commonly referred to as earth rabbits, or just rabbits. They lived in the mansion, spending their days relaxing and having fun, while also ensuring no one came to disturb their home. Their positions were that of gate guards, tasked to keep intruders out; however, unlike most guards they were inattentive. Their eyes drooped from the desire to sleep and thoughts of going in eating mochi with the rest of their peers further kept away their attention.
“When will we switch with the others?” The first rabbit guard said with a yawn.
“When when?” The second rabbit guard spoke. “I don’t like standing guard on night-shift, it’s boring.”
“Boring boring boring. Why can’t we have fun fun? I like to have fun fun with friends friends.” The first rabbit hopped a little.
“Friends. Friends.” The second rabbit tilted her head back and forth. “I want mochi. Mochi. Mochi.”
“I also want mochi mochi mochi. How how long must we wait wait? I don’t think any intruders will show up.” The first rabbit hopped and nodded her head.
“No no. No intruders, no intruders.” The second rabbit shook her head.
“Yes. No intruders-”
Suddenly zipping past the rabbit guards were a black-white and red-white, along with several figures donning different colored clothing of various degrees entering past the gate and breaking through the doors of the entrance hall into the mansion. Both rabbits gazed at the broken doors with stunned faces.
“Oh no.” The first rabbit said.
“No no no.” The second rabbit said.
The group consisting of humans, youkai, vampires and ghosts; whether partial or not, barged their way through the mansion. The rabbits who were casually roaming the place were caught off-guard by the speeding force of a three-quarter dozen. Many quickly fled out to safety, while those not as cowardly stood their guard with wooden mallets and bullets to spare. Yet despite their best defenses, they remained no match against what seemed to be an unstoppable force.
Further down the hallway, a couple rabbits, faster than others, ran to a particular rabbit that wore the same outfit as them, but had black wavy shoulder-length hair and wore a carrot-shaped necklace. Her name is Tewi Inaba, the White Hare.
“Tewi-sama! Tewi-sama! Bad bad news!” One of the rabbits hastily said.
“Very bad, very bad!” The other rabbit spoke as hastily as her peer. “Intruders intruders!”
“Intruders? Here?” The Earth Rabbit named Tewi looked at her subordinates with some disbelief.
“Yes yes yes! There are so many!”
“Very many very many!”
Based on their faces filled with anxiety and how often they looked back down the hall Tewi could tell they weren’t lying. Furthermore, her ears detected sounds of bullets being shot out, growing closer and louder. As was part of the deal she made long ago with the owner of the mansion, she knew there would come a time when she would have to defend the place, even if it meant giving herself so others would be safe.
“Okay, go warn Reisen and Eirin, and make sure the princess is safe too. I’ll try to hinder the threats.” Tewi said.The rabbits were concerned if their leader could handle so many people on her own, but at the same time they also saw her as commendable. They thanked her before making their way further down the hall.
“Okay Tewi…Stay calm and count on your luck.” She gave herself a little pep talk, taking a deep breath as she saw the figures coming over now. A few rabbits were trying to flee, but fell victim to their bullets. After a quick analysis of what she’s up against, she confirmed she was screwed.
Much further down the hall, another rabbit quickly and hurriedly went to every door she could find, placing seals left and right to ensure none could be opened. Though unlike most of the rabbits in Eientei, hers were longer and thinner, and she had long purple hair and red eyes. She also wore different clothes consisting of a black blazer, white buttoned shirt, a pinkish skirt and red shoes. Her name is Reisen Udongein Inaba, a Moon Rabbit.
“Okay, all the doors should be locked. Princess should now be safe.” She said with a hurried tone. “Master should have the preparations ready to send the intruders out. Just a little more time and-”
Her left ear twitched. She looked down the hall with further worry. Something drew near. She formed her hand into the shape of a gun, and her eyes glowed dimly. Then coming into her sight weren't the intruders, rather Tewi as she flew towards Reisen before falling face-first into the ground, sliding further till coming to a stop by her feet.
“Ow…” She let out a long cry of ache.
“Tewi! Are you okay!?” Reisen looked down at the other rabbit, her eyes wider than ever.
“I’m good, terrific. How about you, Reisen?” Tewi said with slight sarcasm. Reisen picked up her tone and got a bit angry.
“This is no time for jokes, what happened to the intruders? Are they coming this way?”
“Oh yeah, they’ll be here any second. Also, I think I broke a rib.”
“Eh? You broke a-”
She stopped speaking for a moment when she saw a butterfly-shaped bullet flying right at her. She quickly dodged and counterattacked by shooting a bullet out of her hand. The bullet flew right over where Yuyuko was, only to be cut in half by Youmu’s blade. Both Youmu and Reisen held their stances, staring at the other with an odd sense of respect for the other’s quick reaction. Soon after the rest of the incident resolving group arrived at the scene.
“Oh crap.” Tewi looked back and made an immediate decision. “I’ll leave the rest to you, Reisen!” She got back up and fled.
“T-Tewi!” Reisen called for her to come back, but it was no use.
“Is that the culprit, Yukari?” Reimu asked, to which Yukari shook her head no.
“No, she looks different from the other rabbits, but I don’t believe she’s who we’re looking for.” Yukari said.
“Maybe she’ll tell us if we incapacitate her.” Alice said, readying more dolls with strings.
“Let’s not knock her out then, we need her awake for interrogation.” Marisa stated.
“And if she doesn’t talk, we’ll make her by any means.” Sakuya said with a threatening voice.
“And when we’re finished, she’ll make for a wonderful stew later.” Remilia spoke.
“Mmmm, rabbit stew. Youmu, be sure to gather the necessary ingredients by the end of the week.” Yuyuko said with hunger. “Oh, and don’t forget to acquire some sparrows for tomorrow’s dinner.” Her request made Youmu look at her with bewilderment.
Reisen’s heart raced hearing what they had planned for her. She had to fight back now and give her master more time, so she did what only she could. She opened her eyes wide, causing a bright red glow which caught the group off-guard as they were blinded.
“Augh!!!” Some of them yelled, covering their eyes with their hands and arms. A few seconds later the light ceased, and when they uncovered their faces they were met with a dozen of the same person, all raising their hands as they let out bullets. The group, momentarily confused by the sudden number of copies, defended from the oncoming barrage, raising barriers while retaliating with bullets of their own. Soon it was like any other danmaku fight, with everyone zipping around trying to analyze the patterns of the bullets. A few of the Reisens were taken down, but most remained, still keeping the group on their toes.
While Remilia fought, she discerned something odd about her opponent. Her eyes, more keen than others, saw the differences in the copies, such as the length of the hair being a couple centimeters short, or the color of the skirt being less saturated. Making quick glances at the others, she pinpointed which was the real one, and immediately called her out.
“Sakuya! Attack that one!” She said, Sakuya looked over where Remilia pointed and saw the Reisen which Reimu and Yukari were up against. Reisen caught Remilia and Sakuya rushing at her with knives and bats. She knew she couldn’t hold her own against four people at once, so she had to retreat. She ran down the hall, as did her copies, all going separate directions. Reimu, Yukari, Sakuya and Remilia followed the original Reisen while Marisa, Alice, Youmu and Yuyuko followed a copy down a different part of the hallway, separating the group.
submitted by LeeCloud27 to touhou [link] [comments]
