2 into 1 wire connector

The Wire

2009.12.16 06:05 thehigherlife The Wire


2008.04.04 22:36 Futurama

Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

2013.11.26 19:36 DiscoKittie WireWrapping: The place for all of your wire wrapped goods!

A subreddit for people who love and create wire wrapped goodies, jewelry and whatnot. A friendly place to post your questions, comments, pictures, and tutorials.

2024.06.07 10:52 tab_rick Eco-Friendly Brick Manufacturing: Sustainable Practices

Have you ever thought about how bricks can be made in a way that's better for the planet? The construction industry is stepping up to the challenge of sustainable building without sacrificing quality. Here’s how:
  1. Energy-Efficient Production: Our machines use cutting-edge technology to drastically reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints.
  2. Recycled Materials: By turning waste materials like fly ash and slag into bricks, we’re cutting down on landfill use and conserving resources.
  3. Water Conservation: Innovative water recycling systems ensure we use minimal water during production, helping to preserve this precious resource.
  4. Cleaner Emissions: Advanced kiln technologies help significantly reduce air pollution, making our processes cleaner and greener.
These sustainable practices are revolutionizing brick manufacturing. But what do you think? How important is sustainability in construction to you? What other green innovations have you heard of?
submitted by tab_rick to Tabrick [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:50 Luakdemi123 My Reviews of the Kingdom Hearts games (I spent way too long doing these for just myself)

Kingdom Hearts 1: 7/10
Really solid starter for the series with lots of memorable moments. Just some good Disney fun. Nothing super confusing about the lore yet.
Kingdom Hearts:Re chain of memories 6/10
Don't enjoy the card mechanic. Like the story. Cool characters introduced(Axel) but probably the worst game in the series. Haven't played Riku because I will never touch this game again.
Kingdom Hearts 2 9/10
Easily the best game so far. I love the upgraded combat system. The story is masterfully written and the characters are the easily one of the best parts of the game. The boss fights in the game are incredible aswell with each boss being perfectly crafted for their world and character. The final battle against Xemnas was incredible and was nothing short of what could be called the Magnum Opus of Kingdom Hearts. This would be the case if the boss battle against Roxas didn’t exist. The fight is both incredibly challenging but also incredibly fun with its over the top attacks and Roxas being able to kill you in a second if you werent paying attention the whole time. The boss fights were both challenging but also incredibly rewarding for the effort you put in. Roxas episode was short but left a lasting impression on the game and his fight at the end is amazing. The World That Never Was sequence is nothing short of peak gaming.
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 8/10
Very enjoyable experience all-round. Wasn't a fan of the three campaigns would've preferred something similar to Detroit Become Human with the three Protagonists. Terras story was by far the hardest of the three but had the most enjoyable bosses. Aqua was the funniest to play compared to Vens quick and small attacks and Terras big and slow. Aquas combat felt fluid and enjoyable. Highly disappointed in the downgraded combat system that wasn't reworked for the Remaster. The Keyblades were very fun. Commands were both enjoyable and horrible. I enjoyed the shot Lock and Dlink systems and I welcome their introduction to the story. Upset I didn't get secret episode despite doing all three campaigns on proud but oh well. Very solid game.
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance 7/10
Very fun game with an enjoyable story. Flowmotion is amazing and allows for more diverse and unique combat. The Balloon spell is ridiculously powerful and fun to use. The command system is still in the game but feels more enjoyable than BBS. The Drop gimmick was interesting and fun but unfortunately very easy to manage and only had to be forced to drop 2-3 times. Playing as both Sora and Riku throughout the story was incredibly fun due to the fact that their stories are vastly different from each other but are still intertwined. The dream eaters were an interesting departure from Heartless and companions but ultimately felt underwhelming and didn't provide much use other than ability links and the one that can pretty much make me immortal. Very happy to see Axel again. Very confusing final 30 minutes but still kinda understandable and really sets the tone and goals for KH3.
Kingdom Hearts: 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage.
Very fun and short game. Despite its short length and lack of variety sometimes 0.2 AFP was a very fun sneak peak into what was in store for KH3 and it's gameplay. Enjoyed playing as Aqua again and was very pleased to see an explanation for certain plotholes in KH1. The tenure of the Command system was short but left a lasting affect on the series. Graphically the game looks alright but better than BBS and DDD due to the fact it was the first game since KH2 designed for a proper console. Very fun and enjoyable experience that leaves a short but sweet experience heading into KH3
Kingdom Hearts 3: 8/10
Despite not being the best game in the series I still enjoyed playing this game the most. Heading into the game I had heard that the game wasn’t very good and that there were very few redeeming features of the game. I am pleased however to say that those criticisms were wrong. With a reinvented combat system including features such as Shotlock and Flowmotion from DDD and BBS the combat in KH3 feels fresh and new while also creating a sense of familiarity to KH2’s combat system. The new form system also creates a sense of uniqueness to every battle in the game. The form system is further enhanced by the new keyblade mechanics allowing you to upgrade your Keyblades throughout the game allowing you to use your favourite keyblade the whole game rather than just equipping whatever has the best stats. I personally on my Second playthrough of the game played the whole game on critical using only the Kingdom Key. The story of KH3 is incredibly engaging and shows how intricate the story and lore of the games are. Despite the engaging story it is still very easy to become confused or lost at certain points in the game. The story of the game however is brought down a few points by the cutscene hell the game is common to put you in. The ending battles of the game are also somewhat disappointing and lacklustre this is because instead of creating intricate and engaging battles the game instead opts to do boring and overtop complicated battles that instead of showing the strengths of the Organization XIII members. This is unfortunate due the fact that many of the members have not been seen in Chain of Memories and have not had a boss fight in the traditional combat system. The game's ending is also intentionally vague, requiring you to play the DLC for the game in order to understand what happened and the story moving forward. The true highlights for me is the ending battle against Xehanort which is an incredible combination of difficulty and quality that is only enhanced in the Critical difficulty of the game. The game also sees the return of fan favourite characters such as Roxas and the BBS trio. This return of the characters in KH3 is both satisfying and great to see. Seeing the BBS characters interact with Sora and the other characters from previous games was refreshing and exciting. The graphical improvements in the game create incredibly cinematic moments and also gives the disney worlds a new breath of life. The new character designs for characters such as Sora and Riku complement this improvement in graphics with their outfits being both simple and clean. The disney worlds in this game are also incredible with worlds from movies such as Pirates of the caribbean, tangled, toy story, frozen and monsters inc. being introduced to the Kingdom Hearts universe. The change up in the Mount Olympus level was really nice to see and being able to actually play in a fully made level rather than just an arena was really fun. Being able to play as characters such as Riku and Aqua for certain battles in the game also was a nice change up in the gameplay loop and I hope there is more of this playing with characters other than Sora in KH4. Some of the main complaints I have about the game are the fact that iconic worlds such as Radiant Garden which holds a major part in the story of KH are missing from the stories. This also means that the Final Fantasy characters in the story were next to none except for brief moments in the Re:Mind DLC and a Melody of Memory. This was highly disappointing because of the fact that KH was built on the idea of both Disney and Final Fantasy coming together. This however does show an evolution in storytelling, this is because rather than having characters like Tifa and Cloud appear in the story to help Sora they instead use the recently made Somebody's (Normal people that arent Heartless or Nobodys) from Organization XIII to help progress the plot. This not only shows a growth in Story telling ability but also shows the fact that Kingdom Hearts no longer needs the fact it's a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover to be a good game or to tell its story. Despite being upset by the lack of a Sephiroth fight in the game, I will live. Another flaw in the Story telling of the game is the fact that throughout the game very little happens for the actual plot of the Kingdom Hearts game and instead waits 15-20 hours for you to finish the Disney worlds and then shove every important moment in the game down your throat in the final 5 or so hours. This means that the game both feels like a drag but also a rush. A much better way of doing this is to have Aqua and Ventus being saved at the halfway point having Aqua being saved after finishing the initial Disney worlds and potentially have her tag along with the gang for the first two worlds in the second set of Disney worlds and then save Ventus. This would’ve made the game flow incredibly better while also making it believable that Sora actually grew stronger throughout the game and gained the required skills needed for the endgame. Another flaw in the story is Sora's lack of reaction towards the death of Kairi in which I feel as though having him show darker and stronger emotions towards Xehanort after her murder would’ve created a nice spin on the character and even potentially lead into a future story of a Darkness wielding Sora. Something I did like though was the references to the Union X games and their lore implications. This is satisfying due to the fact that before this game they serve little purpose other than explaining Maleficent's resurrection and Ventus’s origin. The games now have actual implications on the current lore and the storyline which will be interesting to explore further with the next saga appearing to be about the Master of Masters. In conclusion, Kingdom Hearts 3 is incredibly fun to play and despite its flaws in storytelling it still conveys an enjoyable experience that deserves to be truly appreciated more than it is.
submitted by Luakdemi123 to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:50 LazyZone1797 Help me out

So I've been working at my current hotel for over 2 years now. I've worked through renovations, lack of staff, and some natural disasters that have hit my area. In that time, I've called in sick 7 times, I've taken 2 unpaid vacations, and recently gave a coworker one of my shifts every week. Our hotel is lower end. It's the best choice for your money. We rent to mostly non-english construction workers. I speak their language but my boss didn't want to offer bilingual pay, so I don't speak it for the business.
Issue 1
I have a coworker, we'll call Z, who insists on acting like a manager. She doesn't have the title, the pay, or the authority but that has never stopped her and her micromanagement. I work the overnight shift and despite the consistent problems every other employee and guest has had with her, she works the day shift. Both of us are full time and she has taken it upon herself to tell me how exactly I'm failing to do my job every night. She has tried to snake shifts from me, turning coworkers against me, spreading rumors, yelling at me, and insisting to my boss that I deserve to be paid less.
I brought all of this up to my boss and his response was, "You know how she is. Just deal with it and help me out."
Issue 2
A year ago, the boss fired a coworker. This coworker was the one who covered my days off. So he came to me and asked me to work the week straight through. "I'll hire somebody else and then you can have your days off back. For now, just help me out."
After 3 months of work straight, I came to the conclusion that he wasn't looking for anyone. I checked online and nope. No ads up for the position. No signs outside. Nothing in the newspaper. Nothing. So I brought a friend in. He was hired by the end of the week and I finally had some relief. We, of course, had to warn him about Z but all else was good for a while.
Issue 3
6 months ago, the boss decided to expand the breakfast to include hot food. This came in with the renovations and changing the brand we worked under. We had no breakfast attendant at the time because we only put out coffee and prepackaged pastries. My boss came to me and said," I'll be looking for a breakfast attendant but for now, I need you to help me out and open it up for me." I should have known better after last time but what can I say? I want to be a decent worker. I have opened it every day I have worked since then. I do not have a food handler's certification btw.
I put out breakfast in the morning and then when I come in at night, the dishes are always still waiting to be done. Whoever works mornings closes but doesn't do anything other than pulling all the stuff back to the kitchen. I have to dump the old food, clean all the dishes and the breakfast area and then open.
Issue 4
In the last month, the boss has begun renting to 3 new construction companies. We have maximum occupancy every night. What this has turned into for me is workers coming in for that hot breakfast every morning. Breakfast doesn't start until 6 am but these guys come down starting at 3 am. They come to the desk demanding food. When I tell them breakfast doesn't start until 6, they curse at me in their language which they don't know I can understand. I'm sure they still would even if they knew. When I start to open the breakfast, they raid it as fast as possible as I'm putting it out. so I have to refill constantly. oh well. not an issue, except I'm the only person on property at that moment and they also need things from the desk, which they aren't shy being loud about. When they finally decide they're done, they all just leave their trash on the tables and walk out. I've confronted them and they just reported me to my boss. He came to me and said, "I know they can be a lot but this is how I make the money. So I need you to help me out and just deal with it." I warn him that if this continues, I will stop putting breakfast out. This was about 6 weeks ago.
That's just breakfast. on overnight, these workers have brought back girls from local bars and I have had to call the police multiple times. They almost always come in at night drunk after having sat around their trucks in the parking lot blaring music for hours.
Issue 5
The friend I brought in to cover my days off has been on vacation for 2 weeks now. He'd lost his second job so I gave him an extra night every week to help him and honestly I was thankful for the time. So he'd usually work 3 days and I'd work the other 4. With him off, it's on me to work the full 7 again. The first week, I caught a stomach bug and was actively sick at work. when I attempted to call in, my boss just said, "Well who is going to work your shift. You have to come in." Mind you I am actively throwing up. So I remind him about the breakfast and that I absolutely cannot do that. He says, "Don't worry. I'll handle the breakfast. Just come in and help me out."
So I came in, sicker than a dog, and worked my over night shift until breakfast came along. Who should walk in but the one coworker I've actively had screaming matches with. Z. She proceeds to tell me I'm faking. That I just wouldn't have come in if I was sick. That I'm useless when it comes to the breakfast anyways. I don't even have the energy to fight I'm so sick. This goes on for 4 days until I'm well enough to actually run my shift.
The final issue.
The first thing I'm greeted by tonight is Z saying that the workers have been complaining that I'm not even putting breakfast out anymore. I am, but strictly at 6. No earlier, no later. She stays an hour after her shift, telling me exactly what the workers have told her and that if it was up to her, I wouldn't have a job anymore. She finally leaves and I finally send my boss a text letting him know that I'm done with the breakfast. If everyone is so worried about it, they can do it themselves. I'm done.
At 2 am, I get a call from him, demanding to know what is going on.
Me: I'm not running your breakfast for you anymore.
Him: Well if you don't do it then who will.
Me: Don't know. Not me.
Him: You can't just dump this on me in the middle of the night.
Me: I warned you weeks ago. Plus you should've already hired someone for that position anyways.
Him: Well you have to. I can't just tell the workers my night auditor doesn't like them so no breakfast
Me: They are actively harassing me and now They're going to who they think is the manager, trying to get my job taken from me. It's not the manager, It's Z who still acts like that despite me telling you there was an issue.
Him: Well this is how I make the money to even pay any of you so we have to keep them happy. No one else has complained anyways. Plus you only work a few days out of the week.
Me: no one else has to deal with being called a bitch everyday and doing work that isn't even theirs to begin with. I work the Majority of the week and before I brought my friend in to cover for me I was working 7 days a week.
Him: well just help me out and do it. You don't have to do the hot breakfast. just the pastries like before. for now. but when these guys leave you're back to doing the hot breakfast.
From there it deescalated but I think I'm done with this place. I feel sorry for bringing my friend here. I'm just wore tf out.
submitted by LazyZone1797 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:49 Adventurous_Art_3880 100 BMP resting/Extreme Metabolism but normal TSH/Upper Range T3-T4 Unsure what to do next.

I'm 24 years old and I've been suffering from high metabolism (53 kg at age 16, now 60-61 kg after stuffing myself to the point of nausea for every meal for years.) and then extreme heat (I used to go hiking every summer until then but it then became impossible.) since around 2018-2019.
The veins in my hands and feet expand to the point of pain when I do any kind of light physical activity above 20°C and I feel like ripping my clothes off. Temperatures above 25°C make me want to die even when resting. Blood pools in my feet to the point where walking is painful. The same goes for my hands to the point where I can't close them, but I can elevate them above my heart to work around this. I dropped out of school in 2017 because of depression, but the depression eventually stopped and I started being, starting from 2018-2019, dependent on my parents because of the extreme heat I was experiencing, never going to the doctor about it for whatever reason. I have never worked a day in my life because of this.
About 5 weeks ago I noticed an elevated pulse in the morning which developed into panic attacks, which I ultimately went to ER for. They took my blood (no thyroid values), checked my heart, told me I'm fine, but noted my elevated resting pulse and said I should get my thyroid values checked at my GP.
After weeks of waiting, I got my blood taken on monday, the doctor called me and told me the lab FORGOT to do my thyroid values, and only did my general blood values, so he's sending them an additional demand. Now on friday I got my values back:
TSH 1.5 mE/l Reference: 0.3-4
FTR4 1.6 ng/dl Reference 0.7-1.6
FT3 4.0 ng/l Referencew 2.2-4.5
The GP also noted that, yes my symptoms are very typical for hyperthyroidism, but my blood values are "normal". I'm completely unable to lead a normal life, and my symptoms feel like they're getting worse every day (as is typical for hyperthyroidism). I have a resting heart rate of 100 in the morning which stabilizes around 70-80 in the evening.
My blood was taken 2 hours before I normally wake up, 8 am. Did this skew the measurement? Did letting the blood sit for 52+ hours taint it? Did the lab mess up?
I'm unsure what to do next. I'm completely unable to do anything but sit in my room as things stand. And I'm scared of the prospect of getting worse.
submitted by Adventurous_Art_3880 to Hyperthyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:49 eagle_tim The South East Asian Faction (Long Post)

The South East Asian Faction (Long Post)
Disclaimer : Understand that there are different Developers for different parts of the game like Bug Fixing, Optimization, Programming and Asset/Map Creation. I hope the creation of new assets can help hire more Developers for back end roles. Please take this proposal with a grain of salt as the focus is ease of implementation/legality and a touch of fiction.

Introduction of a South East Asian (ASEAN) Faction. A coalition created to be a SEA NATO styled alliance.

Battle of Marawi (Circa May 2017)
The South East Asian Faction is not a well known region of the world, however it contains a great mixture of weapons and vehicles, the emphasis on the proposal is not on assets but using the Faction and Layer System to create uniqueness catered to the fighting style of its combat units.
The demographic shows more than 2.7Million CAD to be earned at the lowest estimate, allowing the lifespan of squad to be extended, potentially in Squad 2.0 or fixing the basic "Spaghetti Code".
The 6 Main Contributing nation each includes very different combat styles and capabilities, ranging from Soviet Era Weaponry, upgraded western tech as well as homegrown inventions. Cambodia, Laos and Brunei have in general the same equipment as their main counterparts of Vietnam and Malaysia.
  1. Malaysian Royal Ranger Regiment is the premier fighting force known for their combat of communist terrorist in Sarawak, the 8th Battalion is the most elite and only parachute trained force ready to react to any threats.
  2. The Singapore Armored Brigade is the main armored spearhead of the Singapore Armed Forces, with the 48th Tank Regiment(Battalion) using and upgrading its Leopard Tanks since 2008, they are one of the most modern units for their usage of technologies.
  3. The 3rd Division of the Peoples Armed Forces of Vietnam contains a storied history since its inception in 1965, fighting multiple wars since then, they have gained expertise in defensive asymmetrical light infantry warfare and its 2nd Infantry regiment been the defense force posted in the North since the 1980s.
  4. The 1st Capital City Defense of the Indonesian Armed Forces have been the mainstay of defending Indonesians Capital since its conception, with a well rounded equipment list and constant training and exhibitions , the 201st Mechanized Battalion is one of the most recognizable defense forces of Indonesia.
  5. The 31st Infantry Regiment of the Royal Thai Armed Forces has been granted "King's Guard" Title to commemorate its elite status, created in 1955, it is a rapid deployment force. The 3rd Infantry Battalion has been given the most updated equipment and best manpower as the Battalion of Death.
  6. The 1st Marine Brigade of the Philippine Marine Corp is a naval infantry force, being the most hardworking and gaining expertise at their craft, they remain strong to their Core Values of Honor, Duty, Valor.
With each nation known for their different systems, the Vietnamese may receive more AK system in their arsenal or just a larger choice factor, for example.
Rifleman Choices for Vietnam - AKM (Vietnam), AKM+Red Dot (Vietnam), M16A1(Philippines)
Rifleman Choices for Indonesia - M16 2x Scope(Indonesia), M4 + Red Dot(Singapore),
Lat Choices for Vietnam (More LAT, Same as Turkey) - 2 x RPG (Vietnam), MATADOR (Singapore), LAW (Thailand)
Lat Choices for Indonesia (Less RPG more Western) - 1 x RPG (Vietnam), 2 x AT4 (Indonesia)
A Slide Show of Unified Infantry Assets, scopes and grips not attached.
To make the faction easier to implement, existing or future assets can be re-used to create the base of the weapon, scope and appearance may vary.
Since logistics and transport commands can and should be easily unified, it is best to combine everything into one or two known vehicles.
A very well known and beloved vehicle in the South East Asian Community
Existing designs available in game as TCV,TLAV,BMP and future Bundeswher
A slide show of the multiple choices available as tanks
  1. PT91M, modified polish T72 with the RWS as a 50cal
  2. T54M or T-62, upgraded Soviet Weaponry with ERA and Newer Rounds
  3. Type 99 and M60A3, provided in game.
  4. Leopard 2SG and 2A4, slight modifications for the in-game variant
All these helicopters are available in game
A Slideshow of potential capabilities to be provided with each battle unit.
^ Each Unit will be special
Ever played BF4 and though urban landscape hell of Singapore, or RS2 and Vietnamese jungle is in your face.
To end off, the above is yet to be refined, will take comments from users serving/served in these nations.
Do Inform if you have more knowledge of these nations next on the list
Hope more high quality information and effort posts instead of pictures to be made.
For Future OWI Consideration,
submitted by eagle_tim to joinsquad [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:49 Adventurous_Art_3880 100 BMP resting/Extreme Metabolism but normal TSH/Upper Range T3-T4 Unsure what to do next.

I'm 24 years old and I've been suffering from high metabolism (53 kg at age 16, now 60-61 kg after stuffing myself to the point of nausea for every meal for years.) and then extreme heat (I used to go hiking every summer until then but it then became impossible.) since around 2018-2019.
The veins in my hands and feet expand to the point of pain when I do any kind of light physical activity above 20°C and I feel like ripping my clothes off. Temperatures above 25°C make me want to die even when resting. Blood pools in my feet to the point where walking is painful. The same goes for my hands to the point where I can't close them, but I can elevate them above my heart to work around this. I dropped out of school in 2017 because of depression, but the depression eventually stopped and I started being, starting from 2018-2019, dependent on my parents because of the extreme heat I was experiencing, never going to the doctor about it for whatever reason. I have never worked a day in my life because of this.
About 5 weeks ago I noticed an elevated pulse in the morning which developed into panic attacks, which I ultimately went to ER for. They took my blood (no thyroid values), checked my heart, told me I'm fine, but noted my elevated resting pulse and said I should get my thyroid values checked at my GP.
After weeks of waiting, I got my blood taken on monday, the doctor called me and told me the lab FORGOT to do my thyroid values, and only did my general blood values, so he's sending them an additional demand. Now on friday I got my values back:
TSH 1.5 mE/l Reference: 0.3-4
FTR4 1.6 ng/dl Reference 0.7-1.6
FT3 4.0 ng/l Referencew 2.2-4.5
The GP also noted that, yes my symptoms are very typical for hyperthyroidism, but my blood values are "normal". I'm completely unable to lead a normal life, and my symptoms feel like they're getting worse every day (as is typical for hyperthyroidism). I have a resting heart rate of 100 in the morning which stabilizes around 70-80 in the evening.
My blood was taken 2 hours before I normally wake up, 8 am. Did this skew the measurement? Did letting the blood sit for 52+ hours taint it? Did the lab mess up?
I'm unsure what to do next. I'm completely unable to do anything but sit in my room as things stand. And I'm scared of the prospect of getting worse.
submitted by Adventurous_Art_3880 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:49 Raaaabert73 Salt.ch Fibre - What is your Max Speed ?

Salt.ch Fibre - What is your Max Speed ?
I use Salt.ch Fiber at home. Service is great, but just wondering what other people's real speeds are. Mine are:
This is using the [1] 10Gb port on the Salt Box Router, [2] Ethernet into a docking station and [3] USB-C from dock into my laptop. I guess if I want higher than 1GB I'll need multi-gigabit hardware replacing [2] and [3].
Has anyone tested the Salt Box Router with 10Gb port direct into a laptop with multi-gigabit hardware? I could buy a 2.5Gb Ethernet to USB-C adaptor to see if I get greater than 1Gb speed, but I want to see other peoples experience with this particular Salt router first.
submitted by Raaaabert73 to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:48 nearbyareas Post of pests

Flea issue
I have 2 cats, we originally spotted fleas about a month ago, originally purchased bob martin flea spray with an igr. Think It was called clear plus. And some sort of front line from Tesco. Doesn't seem to have really worked. It is difficult to get into certain areas of the house due to layout, we also have a young child so it is not easy to have sofas pulled out etc.
So what we have done so far 1. Bagged all fabrics that can't be washed easily, we have loads of them. 2. Treated and bathed cats. 3. Sprayed like mad 4. Washing all clothes at 60°c and tumble drying also. 5. Tried salt also for good measurs
We have now got front line plus and indorex house spray. Time for another round.
Would we best to put the central heating on full blast to bring them out whilst treating the house.
Also in terms of hoovering.. do we hoover daily? Or would this risk removing the product from the carpets etc. I've been doing it 2x daily
1 cat is still covered, cat 2 doesn't seem to be as bad.
Sorry if you had any trouble reading this
submitted by nearbyareas to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:48 adulting4kids Nine Days Until New Year's Day

  1. Develop a New Year's narrative where your character receives a mysterious invitation to a celestial masquerade ball, leading them on a surreal journey through a realm where wishes come true, forcing them to confront the true desires of their heart.
  2. Set a New Year's Eve story in a small seaside town, where your character discovers a tradition of releasing lanterns carrying handwritten hopes into the ocean, sparking an unexpected connection with a stranger and a shared journey toward fulfillment.
  3. Craft a tale where your character, during a New Year's celebration in a futuristic city, encounters a sentient AI that offers personalized resolutions based on deep analysis, guiding them through a year of self-improvement and unforeseen adventures.
  4. Create a New Year's narrative set in a whimsical carnival, where your character stumbles upon a fortune teller's tent and receives cryptic predictions, propelling them into a quest to unravel the mysteries and fulfill the prophesied events of the coming year.
  5. Develop a story in which your character, attending a New Year's festival in a magical forest, discovers a portal leading to the past, allowing them to revisit pivotal moments and make amends, ultimately shaping a more fulfilling future.
  6. Craft a New Year's Eve tale where your protagonist finds a forgotten journal in an antique store, filled with resolutions and reflections from previous owners, inspiring them to follow the journeys of those who came before and forge their path in the upcoming year.
  7. Set a narrative in a New Year's carnival where your character stumbles upon a carousel with the ability to transport riders into their most cherished memories, leading them on a reflective journey and fostering gratitude for the experiences that shaped them.
  8. Create a story where your character, attending a New Year's party in a mystical realm, is granted the ability to speak with the spirits of departed loved ones, leading to poignant conversations, closure, and a renewed sense of purpose for the year ahead.
  9. Craft a New Year's Eve tale in a world where wishes written on paper airplanes during a countdown take flight, and your character's wish sets off a chain of events, leading to unexpected collaborations, challenges, and a year of shared dreams.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:47 eQuantix PSA: you can turn your repeat ball into a master ball - helps with those shiny catches

PSA: you can turn your repeat ball into a master ball - helps with those shiny catches
No catch charm or DLC required - you will only need: 6 badges, and a Pokémon with false swipe & spore/hypnosis.
Caught before, asleep, 1HP, encountered with a surprise and you can 100% catch all wild Pokémon
New encounter? No problem! Same method will get you 75-98% with an ultra ball (depending on the Pokémon).
I know this is obvious for some, but I’ve been sleeping on the surprise encounter and repeat ball multipliers until recently. Might help for some new players!
submitted by eQuantix to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:47 homeandsoul Luxury on a Budget: Finding High-Quality Furniture Lookalikes

Creating a luxurious home environment doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. With a bit of savvy shopping and a keen eye for detail, you can find high-quality furniture lookalikes that give your home an upscale feel without draining your wallet. Whether you're on the hunt for home furniture like a chic white corner sofa or stylish stools, these tips will help you achieve luxury on a budget.
1. Do Your Research
Start by identifying the high-end furniture pieces you love. Take note of their design features, materials, and overall style. This will help you recognize similar elements in more affordable options. Many budget-friendly furniture brands offer pieces inspired by luxury designs, so knowing what to look for can guide your search.
2. Shop Smart Online
Online shopping is a treasure trove for finding high-quality furniture lookalikes. Websites like Wayfair, Overstock, and Amazon often have stylish, budget-friendly options that mimic luxury designs. Use filters to narrow down your search and compare prices to get the best deal. For example, if you’re looking for a white corner sofa, you can easily compare different models and read reviews to ensure quality.
3. Check Out Outlet Stores
Outlet stores are a great place to find high-quality furniture at discounted prices. These stores often carry overstock or slightly imperfect items from high-end brands. The imperfections are usually minor and unnoticeable, making it a great way to get luxury furniture for less. Visit outlets regularly to catch the best deals, especially on staple pieces like stools or sofas.
4. Consider Second-Hand and Vintage Stores
Second-hand and vintage stores can be goldmines for high-quality furniture lookalikes. You can often find well-made, stylish pieces at a fraction of the cost. Look for classic designs that have stood the test of time and consider refurbishing them if needed. A bit of paint or new upholstery can transform an old piece into something that looks luxe and new.
5. DIY and Upcycle
Don’t underestimate the power of a good DIY project. If you have a knack for crafting or are willing to learn, you can upcycle existing furniture to achieve a high-end look. For example, you can paint or stain wood furniture, add new hardware, or reupholster chairs and stools to give them a fresh, luxurious appearance. There are plenty of online tutorials that can guide you through these projects.
6. Look for Knockoff Brands
Several furniture brands specialize in creating knockoff versions of high-end designs. These brands offer similar styles at much lower prices. While the quality might not be identical to the luxury counterparts, many of these pieces are well-made and durable. Look for reputable knockoff brands and read customer reviews to ensure you’re getting good value.
7. Focus on Key Pieces
Invest in key pieces that will have the most impact on your space. A well-chosen white corner sofa can become the focal point of your living room, giving it an instant upscale feel. Pair it with budget-friendly accessories and decor to complete the look without overspending. Prioritize pieces that offer both style and comfort.
8. Mix High and Low
A great way to achieve a luxurious look on a budget is by mixing high-end pieces with more affordable ones. Splurge on a statement piece, like a designer armchair or a stylish set of stools, and complement it with budget-friendly items. This approach allows you to incorporate luxury into your home without going over budget.
9. Keep an Eye on Sales
Stay informed about sales and clearance events at furniture stores. Sign up for newsletters from your favorite brands to receive notifications about upcoming discounts. Timing your purchases around major sales events, like Black Friday or end-of-season clearances, can help you score high-quality furniture at significantly reduced prices.
10. Accessorize Wisely
The right accessories can elevate any space. Invest in a few high-quality decorative items, such as throw pillows, rugs, or artwork, to enhance the luxurious feel of your home furniture. Even a budget-friendly white corner sofa can look high-end with the addition of stylish cushions and a chic throw blanket.
Final Thoughts
Achieving a luxurious look on a budget is all about being strategic and resourceful. By researching, shopping smartly, and incorporating a mix of high and low pieces, you can create a sophisticated and stylish home without overspending. Whether you're looking for a statement white corner sofa, elegant stools, or other home furniture, these tips will help you find high-quality lookalikes that bring a touch of luxury to your space. Happy decorating!
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:46 MaraudingPints Problem with under seat plug

Hi guys, I tried to wire in my phone charger into the extra plug under the seat on my 2016 model, when I turned on the bike it worked for a few seconds then stopped and now I have no power coming from the wires, not sure what I did wrong could have just been the wrong polarity? Can anyone tell me which fuse on the board is responsible for the underseat optional connector or what I've broken? Bike running fine and no other issues I'm just confused. Thanks in advance, ride safe
submitted by MaraudingPints to CB500X [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:46 r3xt0r Are we (Kochi) drinking safe water?

I've had this concern for many years for obvious reasons. See these 2 recent news out of many.
1 - ആലുവ കീഴ്മാട് തുമ്പിച്ചാൽ തടാകത്തിൽ മത്സ്യങ്ങൾ ചത്തുപൊങ്ങി: https://youtu.be/RW7sPCXpuK0?si=dXZLoAhaNUh5cKSO
2- ചത്തുപൊങ്ങി മീനുകള്‍; https://youtu.be/8BnYAhZ1T90?si=o2F9zUP8QeTmn_sX
For those who don't know;
Kerala Water Authority (KWA) takes water from the Periyar River to supply Kochi and other surrounding areas. The Periyar River is a major source of water for the region, and various water treatment plants and supply schemes utilize this resource to meet the potable water demands of the city and its suburbs.
If so, this water would also contain iron and hard metals. Idk how well your purifier is doing the job to help you. But I will always say that our gov or whoever runs this authorities don't give a crap about us (the people). What could we possibly do than just drinking what they give. Afterall, the blame should be pointed to the companies dumping chemicals into rivers which we end up drinking. You can't hide from this, these underground pipes is feeding 90% of Kochi.
Not to raise any red flags, I just want us to think about wtf can be done against the companies and factories doing this. Our gov took money from them for the silence. End of the day, every one has to pay..
submitted by r3xt0r to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:46 beingalone666 Constantly getting:Clip License device ID does not match the device ID in the bound device license" error when opening games through XBOX App. How do I resolve this?

Hello everyone,
I bought a new ASUS ROGAlly and trying to play games using the XBOX Game Pass. I am constantly getting the error of "clip license device id does not match the device id in the bound device license". The steps I have tried to take to resolve the issue as follows:
  1. Use the repair options for the individual games
  2. Use the repair & reset option on the XBOX App
  3. Use the manual time sync option in settings
  4. Log off & log into the XBOX App
  5. Log off & log into the Microsoft store
  6. Restarted my system
Can someone please help me in resolving this error?
submitted by beingalone666 to ROGAlly [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:46 piggles19 My Wedding Advice: Reflections One Year Later

Our wedding was July 7th 2023 and after nearly one year, I finally feel ready to reflect on my wedding with clarity and a fresh perspective. Here's what I would tell every bride/couple.
1. MAKE A DECISION AND DON’T APOLOGIZE Wedding planning is full of decisions, and whatever you do, do it with your whole heart and own it! It seems like I spent way too much time and energy fretting about people's travel plans, their experience or feeling guilt about having our wedding internationally (for many guests). But we weren't changing our minds so it really was a silly waste of time! I also received loads of Thank Yous after it was all over, because so many people enjoyed a holiday that they never would have taken, had it not been for our wedding. We put far too much into our weddings to let insecurity and doubt become a theme...So make a decision and stand by it proudly and confidently!
2. CHOOSE MEANING OVER YOUR PRIDE The wedding industry is truly endless when it comes to possibilities, but everyones budge has a limit. You kind of have to protect yourself at the beginning from this endless allure, and the best way to do this is to create a blueprint of whats most meaningful to you. This will help you avoid looking back and saying “UHM sorry, we spent how much on the flowers!!?” (for example). well, Pinterest and Instagram can be persuasive!! Be aware that our minds can get clouded as we’re planning so figuring out what's most meaningful to you is very helpful.
3. WE SAVED THOUSANDS by doing things just a little outside the traditional route when it came to suppliers/vendors. For example, with 7 bridesmaids I needed another hair stylist and instead of hiring a bridal hair stylist to a remote venue for $700, I called the local hair salon and asked one of their stylists there come to my venue. She was amazing and charged us $200 (for comparison). I also wasn't looking for majorly fancy bridal hair, so that worked just fine for me. Be open-minded. Instagram is a great place to find suppliers but you typically discover the most popular accounts who can quote the highest prices. Don't assume it's the standard and all that's out there…A lot of our suppliers ended up coming from word of mouth or wedding conventions at a fraction of the price. Our videographer had 20 years of experience and less than 400 Instagram followers. He was exceptional, so definitely don't judge anyone just by their social media accounts alone!!
ALSO You will likely find professionals well qualified for the job but are not ‘wedding’ specific.’ Because also, wedding anything usually costs 30-50% more! So don't be afraid to source outside the box. ****TIP FOR CONTACTING SUPPLIERS: When sending inquiries, consider saying “This is my budget. Is there anything you can do?" or "Do you know someone who is better suited to my budget?” they might make a compromise or recommend someone.
4. GET A VIDEO Okay, I wanted to avoid telling people specifics because you've got to decide what's meaningful for you. I will say though, the day is a blur and there’s something really special about a video to look back on, especially for the speeches. There's just so much happening at the moment and in many ways, a wedding is like a performance (I wasn't prepared for this). It wasn't until I watched the video that I could really process every special word said to us… It doesn't need to be over the top and insanely fancy. No one needs a Taylor Swift music video... Just find someone who can take you back there when it’s all over! Also, watching my parents wedding video from 35 years ago further validated how precious one is.
5. MORE EXPENSIVE DOES NOT ALWAYS = BETTER We are so custom to thinking that the more we pay, the better the experience, quality, service etc… while it’s often true, it’s also often not true. Something more expensive just means a higher price tag that won’t benefit you or your wedding. My wedding dress came from a budget bridal store and it was my favourite dress of any fancy store I went to. Don’t assume that because you have financial limitations or can't afford that one supplier, your experience will be less than…Because sometimes this births more love and creativity into the project.
6. BE HELPFUL, DON’T PEOPLE PLEASE No one is saying to not care about your guests...As the bride and groom, you have a responsibility to be courteous, respectful and help people navigate your wedding. But there's no need to bend over backwards in the name of pleasing people. Here's a personal example for my bridesmaids. I was concerned about making anyone uncomfortable by wearing a dress, material, or buying a dress that was outside of their price point. So I just gave them a shade range of pink and asked the girls to choose their own dress. Now the turnout was beautiful and they did an amazing job, but in the end, it wasn't easier for them. I think the uncertainty and worry of picking the right dress stressed them out more, which was apparent after learning my one bridesmaid bought and returned five dresses! In the end, I would have done them a favour if I worried less about pleasing everyone perfectly and picked a darn dress...or at least a brand... I'm sure it would have been a welcome relief. So truly, sometimes we're guessing how people feel and people pleasing isn't even helping anyone in the process!
7. RECEIVE THE LOVE! This is something that hit me more after my wedding was over and I started attending my friends weddings. I am naturally a people pleaser and throwing a wedding really shined a light on this. I honestly felt pretty anxious a lot of the time about other people's feelings and experiences, and I wish I just relaxed… because truthfully, people want you to enjoy your wedding. It sounds very obvious but it feels good to hear. They want YOU to have a good time. At least the people who love you feel this way!! So stop worrying and just enjoy every moment. Receive the love that people want you to receive!!! Because soon it will be all over, and you won't get this time again.
I truly wish everyone here the best on their wedding journey. For more details, feel free to dive into my full blog/youtube video. ♡
submitted by piggles19 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:46 SNOOPED22 Seeking Information - Intracranial Lipoma

Hey guys,
First of all, I don’t know if this is the Right Community to post this but I Need some advise:
I recently had an MRI of my head due to experiencing headaches and vision disturbances for the past month. Here are some details from my MRI report:
MRI Details:
• Findings: Unremarkable brain parenchyma, no signs of suspicious focal changes or space-occupying lesions. • Notable Finding: A 6 mm smooth, fatty formation located above the basilar head, appearing hyperintense on native imaging. • Diagnosis: The primary consideration is a small midline lipoma, though a tiny aneurysm can’t be completely ruled out due to the proximity to the basilar artery. • Recommendations: Follow-up monitoring and possibly consulting a neuroradiologist or neurosurgeon if symptoms persist. 
Information about myself:
• Age: 24 • Height: 1.83 meters • Weight: 84 kilograms • Gender: Male • Medications: None • Previous Medical Issues: None 
Given this information, I have a few questions for the community:
1. How do such lipomas develop? 
I’d like to understand more about the origins and causes of intracranial lipomas.
2. Is it harmless? 
From what I’ve read, many lipomas are benign, but I’d love to hear more about this specific type and any potential impacts.
3. Can it turn into cancer? 
Is there any risk of this lipoma becoming malignant or developing into a more serious condition?
4. Am I in any immediate danger? 
Should I be worried about any serious health risks associated with this lipoma?
Any insights, personal experiences, or expert knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
submitted by SNOOPED22 to braincancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:44 lemmereddit Cat wakes us up because he wants to eat

We have 5 cats that we were free feeding dry food with a nightly feeding of wet food.
2 of our cats are chonks. 2 are healthy weight. 1 is underweight.
We've moved to feeding twice daily for all 5 cats. The underweight cat, we work in an additional 2 feedings.
We have to separate them into 3 different groups based on personality and aggressive eating styles.
All is going well except we have 1 cat (Murphy) that is at a healthy weight but can't quite tell time. Lol
When we were free feeding with wet food at night, he would start bugging us an hour or two early.
Now, we are feeding all of them at 6am and 6pm. Murphy starts to bug us as early as 4am for food.
Any tips for the annoying one? Lol
submitted by lemmereddit to dechonkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:44 bagon [H] This Week's Codes, Older [W] PayPal FnF

"** = Pending Marvel emailing code.
Blood Hunters #2 -- $2.00 **
Venom #34 -- $1.50 **
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 -- $1.50 **
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #4 -- $1.50 **
Aliens: What If...? #4 -- $1.50 **
Carnage #8 -- $2.00 **
What If...?: Venom #5 -- $2.00 **
Star Wars: The High Republic #8 -- $2.00
The Ultimates #1 -- $2.50
Avengers: Twilight #6 -- $2.00
Hellverine #1 -- $2.00
Jackpot and Black Cat #3 -- $1.50 x3
Night Thrasher #4 -- $1.50 x2
Rise of the Powers of X #5 -- $2.00 x2
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #4 -- $1.50 x3
Spider-Boy #7 -- $2.00 x3
Spider-Punk: Arms Race #4 -- $1.50 x3
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Black, White & Red #2 -- $2.50
Fall of the House of X #5 -- $1.50 x2
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #3 -- $1.00 x3
Predator: The Last Hunt #4 -- $1.00 x3
Superior Spider-Man #7 -- $1.50 x3
The Immortal Thor #11 -- $1.50 x2
The Spectacular Spider-Men #3 -- $1.00 x3
Ultimate Black Panther #4 -- $1.50 x3
Alien: Black, White & Blood #4 -- $2.00 x3
Carnage #7 -- $1.50 x3
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #20 -- $1.00 x3
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #3 -- $1.00 x3
Star Wars: Mace Windu #4 -- $1.00 x3
Ultimate X-Men #3 -- $1.50 x3
Weapon X-Men #4 -- $1.00 x3
What If...?: Venom #4 -- $1.50 x3
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #4 -- $1.00 x3
Alien #3 -- $1.50 x2
Alien #4 -- $1.50
Alien #5 -- $1.50
Alien Annual #1 -- $2.00
Alpha Flight #1 -- $1.00
Alpha Flight #2 -- $1.00
Alpha Flight #5 -- $1.00 x2
Astonishing Iceman #3 -- $1.00 x2
Astonishing Iceman #5 -- $1.00 x2
Avengers Inc. #3 -- $1.00 x2
Avengers Inc. #4 -- $1.00 x2
Avengers Inc. #5 -- $1.00 x2
Beware the Planet of the Apes #1 -- $2.00
Beware the Planet of the Apes #2 -- $1.00
Beware the Planet of the Apes #3 -- $1.00 x2
Beware the Planet of the Apes #4 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #10 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #3 -- $1.00
Black Panther #4 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #5 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #7 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #8 -- $1.00 x2
Black Panther #9 -- $1.00
Black Widow & Hawkeye #1 -- $1.50
Blade #10 -- $1.00 X2
Blade #2 -- $1.00 x2
Blade #4 -- $1.00 x2
Blade #6 -- $1.00 x2
Blade #8 -- $1.00
Blade #9 -- $1.00 x2
Cable #1 -- $1.50
Cable #3 -- $1.00 x2
Cable #4 -- $1.00 x3
Captain America #5 -- $1.50 x2
Captain America #8 -- $1.50 x2
Captain America #9 -- $1.50 x2
Captain Marvel #1 -- $1.5
Captain Marvel #3 -- $1.00 x2
Captain Marvel #5 -- $1.00 x2
Captain Marvel #6 -- $1.00
Captain Marvel #7 -- $1.00 x2
Captain Marvel #8 -- $1.00 x3
Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #2 -- $1.00
Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #3 -- $1.00
Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4 -- $1.00 x2
Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #1 -- $1.50
Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #3 -- $1.00 x2
Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #4 -- $1.00 x2
Carnage #3 -- $1.50 x2
Carnage #4 -- $1.50 x2
Carnage #5 -- $1.50 x2
Carnage #6 -- $1.50 x2
Cult of Carnage: Misery #4 -- $1.00
Cult of Carnage: Misery #5 -- $1.00
Daredevil #2 -- $1.50
Daredevil #5 -- $1.50 x2
Daredevil #6 -- $1.50
Daredevil #7 -- $1.50 x2
Daredevil #8 -- $3.00 {$10 Book}
Daredevil #9 -- $1.50 x3
Daredevil 14 -- $1.50
Daredevil: Black Armor #3 -- $1.00
Daredevil: Black Armor #4 -- $1.00
Daredevil: Gang War #1 -- $1.50
Daredevil: Gang War #2 -- $1.00 x2
Daredevil: Gang War #3 -- $1.00 x2
Daredevil: Gang War #4 -- $1.00 X2
Dark X-Men #2 -- $1.00
Dark X-Men #5 -- $1.00 x2
Dead X-Men #3 -- $1.00 x2
Dead X-Men #4 -- $1.00 x2
Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #2 -- $1.50
Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu: Gang War #3 -- $1.00
Deadpool #10 -- $1.00
Deadpool: Badder Blood #3 -- $1.50
Deadpool: Badder Blood #4 -- $1.50
Deadpool: Badder Blood #5 -- $1.50 x2
Death of the Venomverse #2 -- $1.50
Death of the Venomverse #3 -- $1.50
Death of the Venomverse #4 -- $1.50
Death of the Venomverse #5
Doctor Strange #12 -- $1.00 x2
Doctor Strange #13 -- $1.00 X2
Doctor Strange #14 -- $1.00 x2
Doctor Strange #15 -- $1.00 x3
Doctor Strange #7 -- $1.00 x2
Doctor Strange #8 -- $1.00 x2
Edge of Spider-Verse #1 -- $1.50
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 -- $1.50 x2
Edge of Spider-Verse #3 -- $1.50
Fantastic Four #14 -- $1.50 X2
Fantastic Four #15 -- $1.00 x2
Fantastic Four #16 -- $1.00 x2
Fantastic Four #19 -- $1.00 x2
Fantastic Four #20 -- $1.00 x2
Fantastic Four Annual 1 -- $1.50
G.O.D.S. #6 -- $1.50
Ghost Rider #17 -- $1.00 X2
Ghost Rider #18 -- $1.00 x2
Ghost Rider #19 -- $1.00 x2
Ghost Rider #21 -- $1.50 x2
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #2 -- $1.00 x3
Giant-Size Fantastic Four #1 -- $2.50 x2
Groot #4 -- $1.00
Guardians of the Galaxy #10 -- $1.00 x2
Guardians of the Galaxy #6 -- $1.00
Guardians of the Galaxy #9 -- $1.00 x2
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1 -- $1.50x2
Immortal X-Men #18 -- $1.00 x2
Loki #3 -- $1.00
Loki #4 -- $1.00
Luke Cage: Gang War #1 -- $1.50
Luke Cage: Gang War #2 -- $1.00 x2
Luke Cage: Gang War #3 -- $1.00
Luke Cage: Gang War #4 -- $1.00 x2
Magneto #1 -- $1.50 x2
Magneto #2 -- $1.00 x2
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #1 -- $1.50
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #2 -- $1.00
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #3 -- $1.00
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #4 -- $1.00
Marvel Unleashed 1 -- $1.50
Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #2 -- $1.50
Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #3 -- $1.00
Miguel O'Hara: Spider-Man 2099 #4 -- $1.00
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 -- $1.00
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 -- $1.00x2
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #12 -- $1.00
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 -- $1.00 x2
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #14 -- $1.00 x2
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #16 -- $1.00
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #18 -- $3.00 {$9 Issue}
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #19 -- $1.00
Miles Morales: Spider-Man 9 -- $1.00
Moon Knight #29 -- $1.00
Moon Knight #30 -- $1.50
Moon Knight: City of the Dead #2 -- $1.00
Moon Knight: City of the Dead #4 -- $1.00 x2
Moon Knight: City of the Dead #5 -- $1.00 x2
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #1 -- $1.50
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #2 -- $1.00 x2
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #2 -- $1.00
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #3 -- $1.00
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #4 -- $1.00
Night Thrasher #3 -- $1.00 X2
Planet of the Apes 5 -- $1.50
Power Pack: Into the Storm #2 -- $1.00 x2
Power Pack: Into the Storm #3 -- $1.00 x2
Power Pack: Into the Storm #4 -- $1.00 x3
Power Pack: Into the Storm #5 -- $1.00 x3
Predator vs. Wolverine #2 -- $2.00
Predator: The Last Hunt #1 -- $1.50
Predator: The Last Hunt #2 -- $1.50 x2
Predator: The Last Hunt #3 -- $1.00 X3
Punisher #2 -- $1.50 x2
Punisher #3 -- $1.50
Punisher #4 -- $1.50 x2
Red Goblin #8 -- $1.00 x2
Red Goblin #9 -- $1.00 x2
Resurrection of Magneto #1 -- $2.00
Resurrection of Magneto #2 -- $1.50 x2
Resurrection of Magneto #3 -- $1.50 x2
Rise of the Powers of X #4 -- $1.50 X2
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 -- $1.00
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #3 -- $1.00 X3
Silk #5 -- $1.00 x2
Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #2 -- $1.00
Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #4 -- $1.00 x2
Silver Surfer Rebirth: Legacy #5 -- $1.00 x2
Spider-Boy #1 -- $2.00
Spider-Boy #2 -- $1.50
Spider-Boy #3 -- $1.50 x2
Spider-Boy #4 -- $1.50
Spider-Boy #5 -- $1.50 x2
Spider-Boy #6 -- $1.50 x3
Spider-Gwen: Smash #1 -- $1.50
Spider-Gwen: Smash #2 -- $1.00
Spider-Gwen: Smash #3 -- $1.00
Spider-Gwen: Smash #4 -- $1.00 x2
Spider-Man 11 -- $1.50
Spider-Man Annual #1 -- $1.50
Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin #2 -- $1.00 x3
Spider-Punk: Arms Race #2 -- $1.00
Spider-Woman #1 -- $1.50
Spider-Woman #4 -- $1.00 x2
Spider-Woman #5 -- $1.00 x2
Spider-Woman #6 -- $1.00
Spider-Woman #7 -- $1.00 x2
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #4 -- $1.00 x2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #37 -- $1.00 x2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #38 -- $1.50
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #39 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #40 -- $1.50 x2 x2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #41 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #42 -- $2.00 x2
Star Wars: Dark Droids - D-Squad 2 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Dark Droids #2 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Dark Droids #3 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #38 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #39 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #41 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #42 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #43 -- $1.50
Star Wars: Darth Vader #44 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #45 -- $1.500 x2
Star Wars: Darth Vader #46 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Jango Fett #2 -- $1.00
Star Wars: Mace Windu #3 -- $1.00 x3
Star Wars: Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Special #1 -- $2.00
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Max Rebo #1 -- $1.50
Star Wars: The High Republic - Shadows of Starlight #4 -- $1.50
Star Wars: The High Republic - Shadows of Starlight 1 -- $2.00
Star Wars: The High Republic #5 -- $2.00 x2
Star Wars: The High Republic #6 -- $1.50
Star Wars: The High Republic #7 -- $1.50 x3
Star Wars: Thrawn - Alliances #2 -- $1.50 x2
Star Wars: Thrawn – Alliances #3 -- $1.50 x2
Strange Academy: Amazing Spider-Man 1 -- $1.50
Strange Academy: Moon Knight #1 -- $1.50
Superior Spider-Man #2 -- $1.50
Superior Spider-Man #3 -- $1.50
Superior Spider-Man #4 -- $1.50
Superior Spider-Man #5 -- $1.50 x2
Superior Spider-Man #6 -- $1.50 X3
Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #1 -- $1.50
Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #2 -- $1.00 x2
Thanos #2 -- $1.00 x2
Thanos #3 -- $1.00 x2
Thanos #4 -- $1.00 X2
The Amazing Spider-Man #31 -- $4.00
The Avengers #10 -- $1.00 x2
The Avengers #12 -- $1.00 x2
The Avengers #14 -- $1.00 x2
The Avengers #8 -- $1.50 X2
The Avengers #9 -- $1.00 x2
The Immortal Thor #10 -- $1.50 x2
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2024.06.07 10:44 Mimotional-Gal Coworkers talking behind my back

Now I’ll be the first to admit that maybe I care a little bit too much about what people think of me sometimes, but since I acknowledge it, let’s accept that it is a reality that isn’t going to change so please don’t give the advice to “just forget about it.”
Anyway, I work night shift in a high stress job. Because it’s high stress, little workplace conflicts feel pretty large on top of all we are already managing. We have a pretty small staff, only about 9 nightshift staff and 12 dayshift, so we all see each other very often.
We received a message to our work group chat from our boss yesterday giving a general statement about what not to do in a certain situation. No names or dates were provided and I didn’t think twice about it being me because I had not purposefully done the thing that they were referring to.
Then, tonight, on my off night no less, I wake up and happen to check my phone and see a message from a coworker I consider to be a friend. She let me know that at shift change, all of dayshift was talking about me specifically and how weird I was for being involved in the situation mentioned in the group message. She wanted to let me know because if it was the other way around, she would want to know.
Now I am spiraling a tiny bit and can’t go back to sleep all because coworkers are talking behind my back without a single person reaching out for any details. Since I have heard them tell “their side” of stories before, I’m sure they are spinning it way out of control and I feel so gross going back knowing that there is going to be this stigma around me.
First thing first, I sent an email to my boss clearing up the situation which was simply a misunderstanding.
It is worth noting that this situation did not revolve around me making a mistake, performing badly at my job, or breaking any rules… it was simply about a positive client feedback card that everyone believes I was trying to coerce the client into writing.
I can’t believe I am sitting up, unable to fall asleep because my integrity was brought into question by coworkers who 1) we never question their integrity, much less openly to anyone who will listen and 2) who don’t care what we think of them anyway.
I guess what I want advice on is how to move forward addressing it with people because I can’t walk in there for another year knowing people are thinking I did something that I didn’t do. Maybe some encouragement too because I know gossip is rampant in many workplaces but it really impacts me due to the environment we are in and the fact that I can’t put this feeling in a box and shove it down.
Sorry for the long post, I am awake at 3 am and can’t talk to friends or family about this because they are all sleeping.
submitted by Mimotional-Gal to WorkAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:43 fxdatalabs_Yp What Role Do Industry Consortia Play in AI Adoption for Small Businesses?

The Impact of Industry Consortia on AI Use in Small Businesses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses of all sizes. For small businesses, however, adopting AI can be particularly challenging due to limited resources and expertise. Industry consortia can play a crucial role in helping small businesses overcome these barriers and leverage AI effectively.


AI has the potential to transform small businesses, making them more competitive and efficient. However, many small businesses struggle to adopt AI due to various challenges. Industry consortia, which are collaborative groups formed by organizations within the same industry, can provide the support and resources needed to facilitate AI adoption.

Understanding Industry Consortia

What Are Industry Consortia?

Industry consortia are collaborative networks of companies and organizations that come together to address common challenges, share knowledge, and promote industry standards. These consortia can be industry-specific or cross-industry, and they often focus on innovation and technological advancements.

Types of Industry Consortia

  1. Industry-Specific Consortia: Focus on a particular industry, such as healthcare or manufacturing.
  2. Technology-Focused Consortia: Center around specific technologies, including AI, blockchain, or IoT.
  3. Research and Development Consortia: Aim to advance R&D efforts through collaboration among members.

The Importance of AI for Small Businesses

AI as a Competitive Advantage

AI offers small businesses a competitive edge by improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, and enabling data-driven decision-making. With AI, small businesses can automate routine tasks, gain insights from data, and innovate their offerings.

Barriers to AI Adoption

Despite its benefits, AI adoption poses several challenges for small businesses, including:

The Role of Industry Consortia in AI Adoption

Facilitating Access to AI Technology

Industry consortia provide small businesses with access to cutting-edge AI technologies that might otherwise be out of reach. By pooling resources, consortia members can share the costs of developing and deploying AI solutions.

Providing Training and Education

Consortia offer training programs and educational resources to help small businesses build AI expertise. These initiatives can include workshops, webinars, and online courses tailored to the needs of small businesses.

Promoting Collaboration and Networking

Industry consortia foster collaboration and networking opportunities, enabling small businesses to connect with AI experts, technology providers, and other companies facing similar challenges. This collaborative environment encourages the sharing of best practices and innovative ideas.

Benefits of Industry Consortia for Small Businesses

Cost Reduction through Shared Resources

By participating in an industry consortium, small businesses can benefit from shared resources and collective bargaining power, reducing the costs associated with AI adoption.

Accelerated Innovation

Consortia often focus on accelerating innovation through collaborative research and development projects. Small businesses can leverage these initiatives to stay ahead of technological trends and bring innovative solutions to market faster.

Enhanced Credibility and Trust

Membership in a reputable industry consortium can enhance a small business’s credibility and trustworthiness. This can be particularly valuable when seeking partnerships, customers, or funding.

Examples of Successful Industry Consortia

Tech Giants and Startups Collaborations

Many industry consortia involve collaborations between tech giants and startups. For example, the Partnership on AI includes companies like Google, Amazon, and small AI startups working together to promote responsible AI development and adoption.

Case Studies of Small Businesses Benefiting from Consortia

How to Get Involved with Industry Consortia

Finding Relevant Consortia

Small businesses should start by researching industry consortia that align with their goals and challenges. Industry associations, trade shows, and online directories can be valuable resources for finding relevant consortia.

Steps to Join an Industry Consortium

  1. Identify Objectives: Determine what the business hopes to achieve through consortium membership.
  2. Research and Apply: Look for consortia that match these objectives and understand their membership requirements.
  3. Engage Actively: Participate in meetings, contribute to projects, and leverage available resources.

Maximizing Membership Benefits

To maximize the benefits of consortium membership, small businesses should actively engage in consortium activities, network with other members, and utilize training and educational resources.

Challenges and Considerations

Managing Consortium Dynamics

Consortia involve multiple stakeholders, each with their own interests and goals. Small businesses need to navigate these dynamics to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.

Ensuring Fair Access and Representation

It is crucial for consortia to provide fair access and representation to all members, including small businesses. Ensuring that all members have a seat at the table can enhance collaboration and innovation.

Balancing Competition and Collaboration

While consortia promote collaboration, members are also competitors. Small businesses need to balance competitive interests with the benefits of collaboration, maintaining a strategic approach to consortium participation.


Industry consortia play a vital role in helping small businesses adopt AI. By providing access to technology, education, and collaborative opportunities, consortia enable small businesses to overcome the barriers to AI adoption. Through active participation in industry consortia, small businesses can harness the power of AI to drive innovation and competitiveness.
For more insights into AIM[L](mailto:contact@htree.plus) [a](mailto:contact@htree.plus)n[d](mailto:contact@htree.plus) [D](mailto:contact@htree.plus)a[t](mailto:contact@htree.plus)a Science Development, please write to us at: [contact@fxis.ai](mailto:contact@fxis.ai)[](mailto:contact@htree.plus) FxisAi

AI #Innovation #Collaboration #IndustryConsortia #BusinessGrowth #AIPartnerships #Networking

submitted by fxdatalabs_Yp to u/fxdatalabs_Yp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:42 AquariusGirl420 Lifestyle Changes

Hi, I'm new here and I'd like to start off with giving a little background about my weight/life.
I would describe myself as "skinny-fat" all the way up till I started high school, I was in the 140s-150s range and thought I looked awful...
2018-2019 was not the best years for me, I lost weight but not the healthy way... I weighed 98lbs in April 2019.
2021 I got pregnant and thought it would be the heaviest I would ever get😅 I was in the 160s, I also had gestational diabetes and tried my hardest to control my levels.
2022 I gave birth to my son in January and I was weighing 140s-150s, then in April I started having severe pain in my abdomen right below my ribs; so I went to the ER and they told me I needed to have surgery to remove my gallbladder.
A few months later I started not eating that much and had postpartum that didn't get realized fast enough and it turned into a psychosis break... I got admitted for almost an entire month, I weighed in the 120s while I was there January 29th 2023-February 20th 2023
2024 of February I went to the doctor to consult about my weight and I weighed 187.2... I gained 60+ pounds within a year🙁 He told me to lose 5-12 pounds before I saw him again in May and I was still the same weight☹️ He prescribed me a weight loss pill and I'm suppose to see him this month to see how it's going😕 I've lost 7lbs according to my scale at home but I'm afraid the doctors scale is going to be different...
I have been eating recommended serving sizes for everything I consume, eating 1750 calories or less, eating high protein/moderate carbs/low fat, drinking protein shakes, going to the gym 1-4 times a week and exercising for 30mins to an hour and drinking more water.
I know there is so much more stuff I could be doing or doing better with😕 Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to lose weight when you don't have a gallbladder? Cause I think that's what caused me to gain so much but I'm not entirely sure🥲 Sorry it was so long, but thank you for everyone that reads!
submitted by AquariusGirl420 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:42 nearbyareas Flea issue

I have 2 cats, we originally spotted fleas about a month ago, originally purchased bob martin flea spray with an igr. Think It was called clear plus. And some sort of front line from Tesco. Doesn't seem to have really worked. It is difficult to get into certain areas of the house due to layout, we also have a young child so it is not easy to have sofas pulled out etc.
So what we have done so far 1. Bagged all fabrics that can't be washed easily, we have loads of them. 2. Treated and bathed cats. 3. Sprayed like fuck . 4. Washing all clothes at 60°c and tumble drying also. 5. Tried salt also for good measurs
We have now got front line plus and indorex house spray. Time for another round.
Would we best to put the central heating on full blast to bring them out whilst treating the house.
Also in terms of hoovering.. do we hoover daily? Or would this risk removing the product from the carpets etc. I've been doing it 2x daily
1 cat is still covered, cat 2 doesn't seem to be as bad.
Sorry if you had any trouble reading this.
submitted by nearbyareas to cats [link] [comments]
