A good basic resume

Job Search Hacks

2012.05.01 16:11 cezinho Job Search Hacks

Forget traditional job searching - improve your odds with good tips, tricks and tactics that help you stand out.

2011.07.12 15:13 BarrySquared Bartenders

INCORRECTLY FLAIRED POSTS WILL BE LOCKED. Look through the flair list before posting. bartenders is curated by working bartenders for working bartenders. Please familiarize yourself with the sub rules before posting. They are enforced to keep this a welcoming and functional space for industry professionals.

2015.06.21 18:37 naviga7or freelance_forhire

Are you looking to hire a professional designer, coder, writer and etc.. to help you develop your business? Are you tired of not knowing where to find projects to develop? Well you came to the right place. From agencies looking to hire employees, to freelancers looking to find new projects.

2024.06.09 14:13 Paullys91 Looking for help.

Building 71 c10. Stripped the body and chassis apart basically a bare chassis on jackstands still sitting on the rear suspension. Are there good affordable aftermarket front cradles out there. I’m having trouble finding the cradle itself that isn’t attached to the rest of the front end components lol. I need it all anyway so basically am i better off buying the entire front end over piecing one together on a stock cradle? Also is there a way to tell oem parts from aftermarket minus the way they fit after you put them on lol. Dates or stamps. People out here selling repro stuff saying it’s oem. Specifically grilles and inserts/ larger body panels. When i show up to peoples houses i want to know where to look and what to look for in the case a part is falsely listed as oem. Thank you!
submitted by Paullys91 to chevyc10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:13 n1ttynat Difficulty of Final Duet

So I think that someone made a similar post about a year ago, but I really just wanted to make sure that I get a clear response myself.
Basically, I just want to know how difficult Final Duet (the piano part) would be for someone who plays the piano for 5 years now. I know that it kinda depends on how good you are, but after some research I figured that you have to be sorta skilled to master the last page. Any tips? :,D
submitted by n1ttynat to OMORI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 juggernaut101dk [Spoilers]Sea Prism Stone and Dr. Vegapunk's Alias

I will have to excuse any grammatical errors beforehand as english is not my first langugage.
I've just watched a really good theory today from a youtuber called King of Lightning. His video is called The Best One Piece Planet Theory I've Ever Made. It's honestly one of the best One Piece theories I've ever seen. This theory basically says that Egghead Island is a miniature version of the former One Piece World. Egghead Island has it's own AC/climate which according to King of Lightning is somehow connected to the floating ring around the Labophase:
The ring floating around the labophase is similiar to the Red Line which surrounds the One Piece World. Inside the labophase is a building containg the power plant/fusion reactor. King of Lightning then goes on to explain that the One Piece World is basically a giant Dyson Sphere. A dyson sphere is basically an artifical structure to harness a big percentage of a stars/suns energy. I really have to say that this theory is great and makes alot of sense in many ways.
Now let's pretend that King of Lightning is right on this one. To encapsulate a star and then build a world on top of it you would need a very resistent material. This material would need resist a lot of pressure. It would need to be very hard. One of the hardest materials in One Piece is sea stone. If you translate japanese symbols of sea prism stone 海楼石 to chinese it literally translates to sea floor stone. Maybe that's literally what it is. The stone at the bottom of the sea. The structure upon which the One Piece World is build.
Vegapunks dream
Energy is all around us
Vegapunk also mentions another really interesting thing. He says that energy is all around us. And that one day science will be able to use it. I always thought he was talking about solar energy or fusion energy. But what if the energy he is talking about is literally already there and the ancient kingdom or the civilization which build the One Piece World already succeded in making energy available allround the world? Similiar to the goal of Tesla. What if this energy is still available all around the One Piece World but knowledge of how to use it has been forgotten? What if some people are still able to use this energy up to this day but don't know it? I am talking about devil fruits and/or haki users and/or sulong forms. Vegapunk mentions that the devil fruits can be replicated via the lineage factor. What if the devil fruits were artificially created by the ancient civilization to alter the human lineage factor to be able to harness the energy which is all around the world? I am not sure how exact Oda is with physics but energy does not exist in a vaccum. Somebody like Akainu who converts a whole island to a burning inferno needs a lot of energy.
Let's get back to sea prism stone. What does a prism do? It's used in optics to bend light. It can also split light into different wave lengths. Think of the Pink Floyd album cover. What if sea prism stone is not only the structure upon the One Piece World is build but also is used to transform and redirect the energy from the star it sorrounds? An artificial material which absorbs the suns energy and transforms it to another energy? Maybe a special kind of electro magnetic wave? Devil fruit users harness it's energy for their supernatural abilities. If the sea prism stone transforms energy maybe this is the reason why devil fruit users lose their energy when touched by sea prism stone. The energy inside their body is absorbed by sea prism stone and transformed back to something else. Maybe it's not the sea water itself which restricts the devil fruit users from swimming but micro particles of sea prism stone diluted in sea water which absorbs their energy. That's why normal water which vaporated and rain down again does not affect devil fruit users. The sea prism stone particles don't evaporate.
Another thing which is interesting and checks out with the dyson sphere theory is Dr. Vegapunks alias. The name which he is called by his satellites. He is called Stella. I never understood this odd name up until I heard King of Lightning's dyson sphere theory. Maybe because I'm not a native english speaker. Stellar Engineering is the hypothecical engineering field of modifying a star by artificial means. A dyson sphere is also called stellar engine. So Dr. Vegapunk is the "star" or "estrella" in spanish and his dream is to create abundant energy for the whole world.
submitted by juggernaut101dk to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 Starr-knot Fandom RP!!

Hey! I’m looking for a rp for one of these select fandoms (I’ll put a list down below) but before I do I’ll just do a bit of info. My name is STARR (all caps when spelt as a reference to the rapper MFDOOM lol) and I usually write about 1-3 paragraphs. I do love a deep and interesting plot, but my rps are usually focused around romance and our characters falling in love and stuff because I like that stuff. I also love making ocs and can play multiple characters at once, but I’m not that sure on playing canon characters. I have a kind of out of the box thinking when it comes to plots and stuff so sometimes basic plots bore me a lot. I love talking out of character and making friends with my rp partners. I love wholesome and cute romance plots with a bit of conflict from time to time, and I live deeply written ocs and try to flesh out mine as good as possible. I specialise in lgbtq pairings and rarely do straight or hetero relationships, but that doesn’t mean I’m unwilling. You may also play Canon Characters or OC if your OC pairs well with mine! The fandoms I have in mind are:
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (this one especially!)
Undertale (also really want to do this)
Marvel (normal marvel or something Spider-Man based, I’m a huge fan of Spiderverse lol)
Chainsaw Man
Doki Doki Literature Club
Stardew Valley (really want to do this too)
I also really like just normal non fandom rps so if you don’t see a fandom you like or just have a fun idea that you think would click with me, feel free to ask me! DMs are open!
submitted by Starr-knot to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 CharliePlayer1 [SPOILER] So I finished the show...

[SPOILER] So I finished the show...
Sadly they ruined the final season. Wasn't necessarily bad but just sucked compared to the rest of the series which I love. Waaaaay too many subplots and side characters all uninteresting Basically everyone betrays everyone and everyone is mad at everyone, but then they make up randomly then back to threats and shady behavior, there's never any legitimacy to the relationships between characters. They kill off everyone in this season in the most boring and generic ways. Wendy btches curses and screams as always while contributing nothing to anything, Marty tries to settle everyone down but nobody gives a crap, the detective was stupid and redundant, the kids are just there as plot leverage to build conflict between the Birds and everyone else, Omar's sister is annoying and basic, not intimidating or remotely a good villian and they decide to use her to kill Ruth who's arguably the best character in the entire show, what a turdsandwich that was. Omar does nothing all season then just gets killed. The Birds suffer 0 consequences for their actions, and the final scene had me laughing my AZZZZZ off it was literally the dumbest ending in modern tv show history, 0 depth, shock or any impactful emotion to the conclusion of this great premise of a story.
submitted by CharliePlayer1 to Ozark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:08 M12XD I developed a fear of learning new information and it's not letting me live.

People always told me that after i finished my regional exams, I'll be able to finally relax and enjoy my summer, but this whole school year I've experienced many stressful situations such as a full teacher strike across all of my country, my father getting in an accident which forced me to leave and go to the hospital in the middle of one of my exams (not the regionals)... I was also forced to study subjects that i completely hate like History & Geography, French... This hate combined with the amount of things i had to learn and memorize combined with the fact that my regionals and 25% of my total grade depends on them, made me develop some sort of fear from learning new information, even in subjects that I like. When i pull up a notebook or a textbook to learn something new (even without a deadline or an exam or anything) my heart starts beating and i start stressing and sweating, and it got even worse. Next year I'll be studying Math, Biology, Physics and chemistry, English and philosophy. I really like all of them except for the last one. But now just sitting in peace and thinking of all the things I'll have to learn makes me anxious and stressed, And I start thinking "what if I don't understand them in time? what if i can't memorize all the philosophers' opinions? The nationals are 50% of my final grade, what if I don't get a good grade on my nationals (the exam is literally 12 months from now lmao)" and all of these thoughts are making me feel like i need to learn them right now (the summer break just started), and me not learning them makes me feel like I'm wasting my time which in turn makes the activities I am doing a lot less enjoyable. But at the same time I'm scared of studying and learning because of what was mentioned before... So it's basically a cycle of contradictions. Do you have any advice for my situation?
Please excuse my writing. English is not my first language. I posted this in another subreddit so it can reach more people
submitted by M12XD to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:06 Competitive_Crow_334 Chapter 1: Creation and the Garden of Eden

Question 1: Creation
Then God saw everything he had made and indeed it was very good. So evening and morning were the 6th day. Thus heaven and earth and all their adornment were finished and on the seventh day God finished the works he made. Then God blessed the 7th day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all his works God began to make.
This story doesn’t add up where God come from and why then? Even as someone who believes there is a creator I don’t understand how it’s him and if he is as powerful as he is why did it take him 7 days to make the earth and then need rest? Shouldn’t someone so powerful think of it in an instant? Also how is time told he doesn’t make the sun and moon until the 4th day so how were evening and morning created in the start? If he created the universe and every animal why didn’t he mention dinosaurs or the ice age or even give a significant hint of one instead of being vague with the creeping things and the wild animals of earth if he knew about those ahead of time wouldn’t mentioning it help prove that he is an almighty being who can see into the future? Yes you could argue that maybe it’s not important but remember if Adam and Eve came to earth later how come it doesn’t add up to what we know about the dinosaurs and the ice age? How come God didn’t mention removing them for the safety of Adam and Eve?
Also about firmament which I found out is separating heaven from earth and that there is a waterfall separating heaven and earth? What about space and the other planets God doesn’t even mention those in a vague way? God formed man out of dust from the ground and breathed in his face the breath of life and man became a living soul.
You know at least Allah says we were made from water which is more accurate than this? Science has proven that we are made up of 6 elements Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen Calcium and Phorsopus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life. The remaining elements are trace elements, of which more than a dozen are thought on the basis of good evidence to be necessary for life.[1] All of the mass of the trace elements put together (less than 10 grams for a human body) do not add up to the body mass of magnesium, the least common of the 11 non-trace elements.
Yes you could argue that you could mix logic and spirituality but you can say that about any religion as well In the Quran it says seemen begins from the backbone and goes down to the ribs that’s clearly illogical but do I defend it saying I can’t mix logic and spirituality? What about Greek Mythology they had Zeus give birth to a full grown warrior woman by eating her mother when they were shapeshifting and trapping the mother who later gave birth to her in his head? I can’t say that logically either.
The Garden of Eden
Also in the middle of the Garden were the tree of life and learning the knowledge of good and evil. Then how were Adam and Eve supposed to know what they were doing is wrong?
You may eat food from every tree in the garden: but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not eat: for in whatever day you eat from it you shall die by death.”
Once again how is Adam supposed to know what’s good and evil? Not only is he in ‘’perfect paradise’’ that shelters him, he doesn't even possess the basic knowledge of a child of right and wrong most kids usually do? How does Adam know what death is?
Numbers 23:19 — English Standard Version (ESV) 19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?
Titus 1:2 New International Version 2 in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time,
2 Timothy 2:13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.
These are one of the few verses saying God doesn’t lie yet he tells Adam he will die from death(God of the Bible lacks basic grammar skills) that itself is a lie since we know what happens later. In his 10 commandments for kids to adults he says lying is a sin he also repeatedly mentions hypocrisy as a sin yet he himself not even 5 minutes into the Bible has proved guilty of this. So how do I trust anything that comes out of his mouth and that’s even if I do believe he is not a deity?
Now the serpent was more cunning than all the wild animals the lord God made on earth.
Isn’t the serpent Satan supposed to be an angel? It even said he was cast out of heaven because he tried to overthrow God by sitting in his throne while God the omnipresent(can do anything including seeing into the future and being everywhere) went away to do something. Anyway, how is Satan supposed to be smarter than the other animals? Also it’s been awhile since I studied animals as a hobby but snakes aren’t that smart on the side of animals pigs and elephants and many others are smarter. Where did Satan even learn human speech?
Then they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden that afternoon and Adam and his wife hid themselves within the tree in the middle of the garden from the presence of the Lord God. So the lord God called Adam and said to him. ‘’Adam, where are you”. He replied, I heard your voice as you were walking in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.’’ Thus he said, ‘’Who said you were naked? Have you eaten from the one tree which I commanded you not eat? Then Adam said. The woman you gave me, gave me of the tree, and I ate.’ Then God punished them for eating the apple Eve with childbirth and Adam with having to get a job.
Like I said a few times, how is Adam/Eve supposed to know right from wrong if they hadn’t eaten the fruit of knowledge and he left a manipulative monster or angel who tried to recently overthrow him? How is that grounds for punishing everyone else based on something someone else did? It just seems like a cheap way for the Christian God to demonize gaining knowledge or morals outside of him without an actual argument for why? The fact he does this in the first official story is a red flag on its own. Also how is God surprised he knows their entire story before they were even made? How is he confused about what Satan would do? Also this is also another lie and contradiction he told Adam he would die from death and I assume Adam passed that onto Eve and he let Satan off with little to nothing because from the few we see of him he could go anywhere he pleases while Adam and Eve carter to him for the rest of their lives in hopes that he doesn’t punish them even worse. How is he forgiving but at the same time he punishes Adam and Eve immediately for a decision they couldn’t make on their own instead of explaining how it’s wrong and still giving them another chance?
submitted by Competitive_Crow_334 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Scott-Whittaker HOTAC custom ship classes

HOTAC custom ship classes
Hi guys, I'd like to introduce you to a little project I've been working on. I've played HOTAC a few times now, and it's always a blast, but while Josh and Sean and many other people in the community have developed a great system, there are a couple of things that I feel have some room for development.
The main issue I wanted to address is the ship upgrades. You start in an X-Wing or Y-Wing and at I3 you can pay a few points to upgrade to an A-Wing, B-Wing or HWK-290. The most obvious issue there is that there are a few more ships available in the Rebel faction that could reasonably be added. And less obviously, the B-Wing seems more like a cross-grade than an upgrade, the A-Wing seems like a downgrade, and the HWK is in a totally different class altogether.
While I have heard other people in the community commonly allow just about any other ship to be flown, it feels a little odd to have ships like the T-70 (a strictly better X-Wing), E-Wing (a way better X-Wing) and so-on. Why would you fly an X-wing when strictly better options are available?

The goal

So my goal was to increase the variety of ships that can be flown, filling diverse roles, and being at a similar power level. Something like different character classes and subclasses in an RPG. I hope you enjoy them and consider using them in a campaign!
Fortunately for me, Jim Bob over at infinitearenas.com has made an excellent resource to make custom cards at https://infinitearenas.com/homebrew.php which I used to make these cards.
Let's start with a quick one that's not a ship configuration:
One of the issues I've noted with my HOTAC plays is that the squad leader almost never uses the coordinate action granted by the Squad Leader card because player actions are so valuable that it's rarely worth sacrificing your own action to give one to another player. This updated version effectively turns it into a linked action which is much more likely to get used. This could have additional limitations placed on it, but the simplicity is nice and making it red limits abuse a little.

The default configurations

Now let's take a look at the new configuration for the default X-Wing T-65:
This card is a representation of the standard T-65 X-Wing in the new configuration format. One of the things I realised while working on this project is that since the card designer allows the action bar to be customised, it gives us the opportunity to bake in standard configurations and titles into the card, allowing you to do away with additional cards. Servomotor S-Foils is a flippable card that represents the S-Foil wings being open or closed, and when closed grants you a boost action and focus to red boost linked action at the cost of reducing your primary attack.
So this card allows us to effectively incorporate the results into a single rule and action bar on one card. It's not 100% exactly the same, but it's close enough, and is in the spirit of the simplifications made in the official Standard Loadout cards.
There is nothing special to note about the default BTL-A4 Y-Wing card, except to notice the upgrade bar at the bottom. This is a handy way to show what upgrades can be added to each ship. I intend to colour them in groupings by Initiative/Level, but these are mostly following the HOTAC standard of all the upgrades to the left of the first Talent being always available; the first Talent at I3, the next slot at I4, another Talent at I5 and a Talent and Modification slot at I6.

The upgrade configurations

All of these configurations are considered more or less equivalent in power level, so they all cost the same. They are worth more than 5 points, but 5 points is what HOTAC uses, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Let's look a the Y-Wings:
Y-Wing Corsair configuration card
Y-Wings are already start strong and really don't need much of a boost if any. You can play the whole campaign in a default Y-Wing and not feel like you're missing out. But the Rebel Alliance has many shady connections and scoundrels in its rogues gallery, so as you'll see there is a lot of Scummy representation in the fleet.
This is a very simple config that allows Scum faction upgrades and adds an Illicit slot.
Y-Wing Heavy Bomber configuration
While the Y-Wing is most often depicted as a slow heavy dogfighter, its main role is as a bomber and torpedo carrier capable of posing a threat to capital ships. This config makes the painful choice to lose that staple turret slot to load up on ordinance, adding an extra bomb and Torpedo slot.
Those torpedo slots can also be used as Missile slots, giving you access to any ordinance available. The now useless Rotate Turret action has been removed, and the Reload action is now white, and red Reloads are now linked actions.
Finally, if you're like me and do more damage to yourself with bombs than to the enemy, you've got 2 charges to spend to prevent damage from your own bomb or flying over an obstacle.
That's it for the Y-Wings. Let's take a look at the X-Wings!
X-Wing Partisan Renegade configuration
OK you probably saw this one coming from what I said about the Corsair Y-Wing. Like the Corsair, this simply adds an Illicit slot and the ability to equip Scum upgrades. Moving on!
X-Wing Endor Refit configuration
This one is inspired by the standard loadout X-Wings from the Battle over Endor scenario pack. The action bar and abilities come straight off those cards. The action bar is slightly better (gaining a Roll to red Focus linked action).
The Locked S-Foils does more or less the same thing as what I did with my reinterpretation of Servomotor S-Foils, even simpler in wording, but more of a nerf in practice since the deplete token affects ordinance, not just a primary attack, and will trigger after performing any boost, not just one performed in your action phase.
But it gains It's a Trap!, giving re-rolls for running with the pack. It also gains a Missile slot which is very nice.
X-Wing Prototype T-70 configuration
How do add a ship that is a strict upgrade of an existing ship without making the other versions redundant? In this case the answer is both to improve the other ships (as above) while lowering the new ship a little to the same level.
But not by much. This is a T-70 without the free shield and Tech slot. It gets the integrated config treatment, the T-70 dial, and Cannon slot. And because it's a "prototype", you can be justified using a T-65 or T-70 model as you prefer.
X-Wing Prototype E-Wing configuration
This one needed more of a compromise to balance. It gains the E-Wing dial and action bar, but keeps the X-Wing stat line. It gains the System slot, but not the Tech slot. Most importantly it loses the I3 Talent slot, making a long term ability sacrifice for that sweet dial and full action bar.
I didn't think the E-Wing's version of Experimental Scanners made sense in this prototype craft as printed, so I made it a 2-time use ability - which is actually better than the original's limitation of being unable to acquire locks at range 1 which is something you are likely to want to do with a linked lock off a reposition.
So it's kind of its own thing, not just a watered down E-Wing. And again, being a prototype, you are justified in using whatever model you prefer. In my case I'm not a fan of the E-Wing model, and prefer to use a 3D printed BSG Raptor that I've painted in various liveries.
B-Wing Endor Refit configuration card
This is another config pretty much lifted from the Battle over Endor pack. It only has a single Cannon slot, but gains a Missile and Device slot. It has the action bar from the Endor standard loadout B-WIngs, and the It's a Trap! ability that promotes running in packs.
B-Wing B6 Blade Wing Prototype
This is basically the default HOTAC B-Wing with the integrated configuration treatment for the ability and action bar. B6 Blade Wing Prototype is a title that in the standard game is currently only available to Hera in the B-WIng, and it adds a Gunner slot. So you get one with this configuration too!
A-Wing RZ-2 Prototype
The A-wing was the toughest configuration to develop. A-Wings are fast and agile, and get an extra Talent slot compared to other ships. By the time you get them to a fully upgraded I6 you can have 5 shields and a number of defensive abilities that makes up for their initial fragility. But the problem is keeping them alive until you get there. Talents, shields and levelling up are all very expensive, and if you get shot down those expensive upgrades can be lost.
In addition to the inherent fragility, the A-Wing doesn't have much firepower aside from a single missile slot, and not much in the way of slot variety aside from the Talents. All of which makes A-Wings a tough sell compared to some of the other ships.
To try and address the survivability issue, I added the Fast target ability which allows you to take a strain token to gain an evade token after executing a speed 3-5 manoeuvre. So you trade a defence dice for one attack for a guaranteed evade. If you don't need to spend it on the first defence roll you have it for later, and you or a teammate might have an ability to remove the strain token before you get attacked. You can use the ability while stressed, and still get your action.
It's not as good as the TIE Defender's Full throttle ability, but maybe it's good enough. Maybe I should just add that ability instead. Either way Jukeing A-Wings will likely be a thing.
As for Vectored Thrusters vs Vectored Cannons I say why not both? At first I was thinking to make them a double-sided config that you can flip in the system phase like S-Foils. Then I remembered I did away with those, and rewrote it so both abilities are always active and you can choose which to use by flipping a recurring charge.
I also gave them the Tech slot I took off the E-Wing. Is it enough? I don't know. Nobody wants to fly A-Wings around here. If you try it out, let me know!
HWK-290 Mouldy Crow configuration card
Talk about an embarrassment of riches. The HWK-290 has all the things. With the Mouldy Crow title it's basically an X-Wing that has an additional turret, an interesting action bar, a stop manoeuvre, and all the fun slots, including Crew. It's kind of a lot, and a bit too good comparatively.
So I figured since there should only be one Mouldy Crow, there really should be 2 viable HWK builds, one of which is Mouldy Crow which is more attack focussed, and another more support oriented one.
So Mouldy Crow first. The only tweaks here really are to remove one Modification slot, and replacing the System slot with a Gunner. Yes, I added a gunner. Since you're already taking Perceptive Copilot you might as well combo that with Bistan for a double tap.
OK as a nerf, that's a fail, but for fun, it's a win. Nobody is making you take the combo. You have options.
Moving on!
HWK-290 Smuggler's Refit config card
It's a Scummy HWK. Compared to Mouldy Crow, your Jam action becomes white, you lose the Gunner and gain a second Crew along with two Illicit slots. Not much else to say about this.
Here's another quick one:
Seems fine to add more or less as-is. Compared to the Y-Wing, it exchanges the turret for an extra attack die and rear arc. It gains a shield, but is a slightly bigger target. It has no Device or Illicit slots, but can equip Republic upgrades and pilot abilities. It's the only ship here that has access to Republic upgrades.
Sheathipede Support Shuttle configuration card
This is the ship I felt least confident about, next to the A-Wing. The HWK-290s are pretty great, but I wanted to add one more support option. The problem is that the U-Wing is a bit too much, and the Sheathipede and Attack Shuttle don't have much to offer with their standard slots and action bars.
The only way I could raise the ship to a similar level was to just keep the stat line and just make stuff up. It's intended to be a dedicated support ship, and because of it's smooth modern looking body I decided to give it a high-tech sub-theme.
The base concept I basically lifted from the Resistance Y-Wing in that it has a bunch of slots that can add actions to the action bar, and if you perform an action granted by an upgrade, you also get a linked white calculate. And the default action bar comes with Focus, Coordinate into Calculate, Jam into Calculate, and red Barrel Roll and Boost.
The upgrade slots include an Astromech, 2 Crew, 2 Tech and the standard 3 Mods and 3 Talents.
It seems decent enough, and not overpowered. It's certainly unique enough to make it a real consideration for players drawn to support ships. But I wonder if it will be looked down upon for being so far away from the standard version of the ship.
And now last, but certainly not least is maybe my crazy A-Wing alternative:
What's a harder sell than an A-Wing? How about an A-Wing with no shields that wants to joust?
Apart from the ability to equip Scum upgrades and pilot abilities this is pretty much just a vanilla Fang fighter with upgrade slots similar to the A-Wing. What really sets it apart though is the approach to survivability. Instead of adding in defensive abilities to help keep it alive, instead the focus is on making the consequences to being destroyed less costly, encouraging fearless engagement with the enemy like a true Mandalorian.
At first I was thinking to add an ability along the lines of "When you make an ejection roll, you may change one result to a blank". To thematically justify this, I was thinking that the pilot could be wearing a Mandalorian armoured flight suit, able to weather the vacuum of space until rescued.
And then I remembered the Mandalorian Super Commandos upgrade, which placed a little cardboard chit representing a team of Mandalorians that could move around the board and shoot things and generally get in the way. And I had my answer.
Here are the associated rules:
This remote can only be deployed when the pilot's ship is destroyed. An ejection roll is only performed if this remote is destroyed, or it is docked with another ship that gets destroyed.
To deploy, place using the 1 bank template out the front or rear guides of the destroyed ship.
When docked with another ship you may make this remote's attack from that ship's rear arc as a bonus attack.
So if the Fang gets destroyed, the pilot will deploy, and can slowly fly around the board making small attacks until it can grapple on to a friendly ship and escape.
And that's it so far. All of these cards are freshly designed and un-tested (we are going to use them in the campaign we just started). I'm sure there will be some tweaks here and there.
If you try them out let me know what you think. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions regardless. It's been a ton of work, I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers, Scott
submitted by Scott-Whittaker to HotAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:04 SlapsRoof Month long visit to Ko Phangan / Ko Tao in July or August: does this budget sound ok?

I'm looking for somewhere nice and clean to stay, maybe a good breakfast, hopefully some AC and definitely NOT a clinically clean western targeted place. Not a hostel! I'm looking to chill a lot of the time - visit some yoga places, some meditation, swimming, sucking up the atmosphere, a bit of snorkelling and laying on nice beaches. Basically I'm looking to have a mental reset. Having a few beers of an evening maybe, some local food, no weed. Flights and scooter hire aside, would you say around £65 per day / $80 / THB3000 would be a realistic budget? Thanks!
submitted by SlapsRoof to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:04 M12XD A request for advice: New fear of learning information

People always told me that after i finished my regional exams, I'll be able to finally relax and enjoy my summer, but this whole school year I've experienced many stressful situations such as a full teacher strike across all of my country, my father getting in an accident which forced me to leave and go to the hospital in the middle of one of my exams (not the regionals)... I was also forced to study subjects that i completely hate like History & Geography, French... This hate combined with the amount of things i had to learn and memorize combined with the fact that my regionals and 25% of my total grade depends on them, made me develop some sort of fear from learning new information, even in subjects that I like. When i pull up a notebook or a textbook to learn something new (even without a deadline or an exam or anything) my heart starts beating and i start stressing and sweating, and it got even worse. Next year I'll be studying Math, Biology, Physics and chemistry, English and philosophy. I really like all of them except for the last one. But now just sitting in peace and thinking of all the things I'll have to learn makes me anxious and stressed, And I start thinking "what if I don't understand them in time? what if i can't memorize all the philosophers' opinions? The nationals are 50% of my final grade, what if I don't get a good grade on my nationals (the exam is literally 12 months from now lmao)" and all of these thoughts are making me feel like i need to learn them right now (the summer break just started), and me not learning them makes me feel like I'm wasting my time which in turn makes the activities I am doing a lot less enjoyable. But at the same time I'm scared of studying and learning because of what was mentioned before... So it's basically a cycle of contradictions. Teachers, do you have any advice for my situation?
Please excuse my writing. English is not my first language.
submitted by M12XD to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:03 gil_p Little rant about tdarr

I thought it might be a good idea to clean up/normalize a bit my video files so i god a new (well not soo new) GPU and tried out tdarr. Set up a flow; all looked good so lets start.
First thing was i noticed the node was using the iGPU instead of the GPU - so whats wrong? The flow did seem alright and could transcode with the GPU on the system...
Turned out tdarr prefers to use its own ffmpeg (when not otherwise configured). And NVECC wasnt included there. Is it weird to think it might be a good idea to check PATH instead of using a "local" version?
I wanted to try tdarr out a bit first - check if everything were up to date and stuff - so i ended with "copy to directory", result being "Final working file is still in the transcode cache, not allowed:". I mean if i have a flow and every step is successful and I just left the last step, then shouldnt that be considered a successful run? I mean if i d tell him to just transcode in its cache to keep my system busy and clean up again afterwards, then this wouldnt make any sense, but i dont see why this shouldnt be allowed (yes, i found "move to directory" in the meantime). (And ofc the "fail" reason is not seeable in the "Failed transcode overview).Besides: if there are strictly defined allowed end states then why on earth dont you run a simple validation on the flow when saving (or selecting)?
On top of that (i know i might have screwed up in some cases), the user running the services only has read access for some directories-> "Location not writeable:...". Here again: Would it be so hard to check if you even need write access beforehand?
Then the payment: I dont mind paying for a useful application - but subscription? Really? For whats basically a gui for ffmpeg/handbrake? I wouldnt also mind to have a "free" version and a "paid" version, but why on earth wouldnt you just remove the paid stuff instead of placing those big placeholder above the workload graphs?
From time to time i lose connection to the webgui - and of course it seems trying to reconnect in the background or doing nothing at all (maybe show a taostr?) is not possible. Nope the site just reloads when one maybe take a look at a report - that is already loaded).
Didnt even get the android app to connect (but i assume this is just another paid feature - why on earth would you need an account to connect to a local instance otherwise?).
Sry for ranting here - i wouldnt mind getting recommendation for alternatives to tdarr. Heard from unmantic, but didnt try that out yet.
submitted by gil_p to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 MattUSticky My party is terrified of everything.

My current party is extremely risk-averse and has a visceral reaction whenever another player introduces chaotic elements. I’d love to hear your ideas on how to proceed.
My current campaign involves a group of hags communing with Far Realm-Cthulhu monsters. Consequently, the campaign heavily features betrayal, madness, and other types of eldritch dread; however, I think I may have succeeded too well in horrifying my players. Currently, my cerebral players spend literal hours of game time planning ways to cheese encounters, and while this bores the other players, they go along with it because no one wants to engage with the “Things Beyond the Stars.” My party has gaslit themselves into thinking that their enemies are way more overpowered than they actually are, resulting in boring as hell gameplay. On the more serious side, huge arguments and a PC ejection have occurred when our more adventurous players initiated chaotic events on their own. My scared players were so severely triggered that we had to pause our game for a while and rebuild group trust doing other things.
So far, I see two solutions:
1) Bad guys up the ante. The classic “super bad guys attacking characters you like” trope. My party has chosen not to engage with their BBEGs, so the BBEGs show up at the city gates with all the toys that they’ve been allowed to work on. This forces the party to act and is the route I’ve taken in my last session. However, I’m a hesitant to keep using it because it feels like I’m dumbing my game down while holding my players at gunpoint. My magnum opus campaign is reduced to a “bad guys come to town” story, and my PCs get to validate their prior avoidance tactics (“See! I told you they were too strong!”)
2) I info dump everything OOC. I pull my players aside and say “almost none of the baddies are too strong for you, you’re way overpowered with 6 level 10 PCs and all your bs legendary/very rare items, and in the worst case scenario, our cleric has access to Raise Dead, Greater Restoration, and a whole church of lackeys to get her material components.” Basically, I argue against my spooky flavor text and reveal the whole game is just one stomping ground for their characters to blast through and feel good about themselves in. I’m a much bigger fan of “show don’t tell” storytelling and don’t want to completely invalidate the atmosphere I’ve built so far, but perhaps it would be less painful to state things plainly.
Lemme know your thoughts!
submitted by MattUSticky to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 _GloomyGold_ New World Rework Feels Pointless

New World Rework Feels Pointless
So I want to talk about this MMO as I've sunk a lot of time into it and have been a fan of it for some time. The game can be fun but for the most part has been woefully incomplete, deaf to the playerbase and overall aggressively mediocre in terms of it's handling.
New World is missing a few key things and has been from the start that doom it to being a minor success and nothing more than that.
  1. New World's aesthetics have zero cohesion. It has no visual identity outside of 'cool moustache guy helmet'. People who never played New World couldn't point to a screenshot and identify the game where you could identify games like WoW, ESO or even Guild Wars. This does not mean the game should look like the industry darlings, but right now the game's advertising aesthetics speak more to things like RTS/Grand Strategy with the historically-grounded art direction.
  2. New World only very recently answered to the problem of travel but none of the mounts are really appealing aesthetically. I don't mean to say they don't appeal to me, but in terms of mass appeal to market. That goes for a lot of the costumes/cosmetics as well. A lot of the designs look very random, a very small percentage appeals to the faction aesthetic choices and they can borderline resemble the overly busy nonsense you find in korean MMOs.
  3. Dungeons needing to have a requirement to enter is stupid and shouldve never been a thing. For a game that bled out it's players you really should consider the optics of preventing access to the most simple areas that players expect to engage with. Dungeons should never be limited, ever.
  4. Crafting lacks impact in early and mid game. For all the fun it is to engage in the bottomless well that is lifeskilling in this game, there isnt much impact it brings outside of consumables and generating other crafting components to be used in higher tier crafts. The lower rung of supplies exists solely to support the end game materials and it's boring. I can make a bunch of weapons and armor and then just pop off to any location with chests to find something better with reliable consistency.
  5. Annoying combat decisions such as hyper armor tech on basic mobs does nothing to enrich the game. If the enemy serves a more difficult role they should present something of value as a tradeoff for engaging with them, otherwise youre just wasting our time. Fifty thousand pirates doing grit skills and ignoring crowd control later it tends to get old. When basic mobs can put you in an annoying stagger lock chain but you have to 'wait your turn' it gets old. Make more specialty enemies in each mob family that present awesome and dynamic challenges.
  6. Rewards in this game are lackluster and boring. When youve used one weapon you know what to expect from it no matter what tier it is and what modifiers it may have. Sure, number DOES go up but it has no real mechanical impact outside of managing your numbers. Make gear have unique effects that interact with combat or the world that we cant get anywhere else. Spice up the game, because it's sad when games like WoW and Everquest thought to break up standard gear categories by adding weird effects to them once in awhile.
  7. PvP is not good in this game and never has been. When less than a fifth of active pvpers are running lightweight kits and it's mostly casters in the back with heavy weapons users up front and it's just boring. Stealth is poorly implemented and plays a weak role and ranged weapons suffer to the point of being glorified set up debuffs and deterrents just to soften things up for your frontline carries.
  8. Enemy variety is poor and reskins are boring. When your only expectations of new encounters is sectioned off into expeditions it's just frustrating to expect anything more than repurposed movesets and skeletons. New modifiers to fight new enemy types also doesn't do anything other than give me yet another set of gear to craft. Please commit to diversifying the encounters.
  9. Points of interest are boring and rarely exist outside of the settlements. Outside of teleport locations and quest points there's nothing impactful that I can recall. Why not put some special NPCs out in the wild that perform services that we can't get anywhere else? Why not some interactive locations that people can sit and roleplay in just to hang out? Life has to be injected in places outside of forts.
  10. Special spawns basically don't exist outside of bosses. I don't see anything in the game like unique roaming bosses or rare spawns. I could be wrong here, but there's no elite experiences outside of special enemy camps and dungeons.
No amount of network fixes, cosmetic adjustments and additional content will fix it's core issues. There's more that people could add but I feel like these are the ones I've heard discussed the most. Server corrections such as sharding or whatever could be helpful but who wants to come back to a game that lacks an identity beyond some features it does slightly better than other games? What's your opinion on the game now and what fixes/revisions they're proposing?
submitted by _GloomyGold_ to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 StraightMemory2648 8.F Am I Wrong for not wanting to accommodate sister's boyfriend?

Am I Wrong for not wanting to accommodate sister's boyfriend?
So my sister is a serial dater, just barely got out of a relationship and has been seeing a new guy for 2 weeks. I only found out about him 2 days ago and she told me that he would be visiting this entire weekend. I told her that I feel a bit uncomfortable with having a stranger that I haven't even met stay over especially for a weekend. And that I feel like they are moving too fast and this guy might just be with her for convenience. She got offended and said that I'm being extremely judgemental and should be nice and accommodate this person. I shared my concerns which are mostly safety because of the fact that it's just us and my little nephew. We had a DV incident before with her ex and it traumatized me a bit and made me extra cautious. I'm the younger sister but I'm usually the one that will have to protect us if something goes wrong. I also basically said that I've lost faith in her choice of partners and don't want to introduce my nephew to another male figure so soon if the person is not gonna stay around because it's unhealthy,she was offended because I'm implying that "she is not a good mother." Then we also fought because I said that she's no longer in her early 20s, she is entering her 30s and needs to take some time when choosing a partner and make better choices. I also said I wish she focused on herself and her kid instead of always chasing relationships. Also mentioned that I'm 21 and I feel like I'm raising my nephew because she's constantly going out and then I have to babysit. I obviously do it because I care about him and want him to have a present parental figure. She's pissed at me and we probably won't be on speaking terms for a while. I believe he's still coming over. So Am I Wrong? Should I put my feelings aside and just accommodate the guy?
submitted by StraightMemory2648 to formyselfonlyb [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 AutoModerator Daily Discussion / Question / Tips post (also links to FAQs)

The following topics Cannot be made as their own posts, but are allowed topics in the Daily Discussion thread:

Within this daily thread, you can talk about anything track related. If you ask a basic training question, you'll most likely be met with the response of "Read the FAQ", so here is the link to the FAQ post: [FAQs](https://old.reddit.com/trackandfield/comments/mlv33q/faq_central_sprinting_faq_distance_faq_how_to/)

This switch is to make /trackandfield fit for everyone. You can talk about your own specific track related stuff in the daily thread, and more general Track & Field stuff goes in the rest of the subreddit.
submitted by AutoModerator to trackandfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:59 Savings_Ad_2297 40/M Nerdy Dad of 2 looking for a longterm platonic friend!

Hey everyone!
Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. So please be open to actually getting to know eachother. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 7 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. So definitely a platonic friendship if you’re female. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming is definitely my number 1 go to, star wars, super heroes, DnD, anything Disney. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited
I watch Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3 on youtube. Currently on episode 76, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting boardgames, action figures and retro games are hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love too so if you want to talk childhood memories and growing up back then, i’m totally down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades, played outside with friends, and those family sunday dinners at the grandparents ❤️.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy lol)
I really would prefer you be around my age (late 20s a youngest) and also have kids just so we have that stuff in common off the bat!
I would also prefer you be from the US. It’s tough to converse when we are like a day apart lol.
I can be socially awkward most times but I am very easy to get along with and a great listener if you need to vent. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell.
Please have a fun personality because i like to be sarcastic and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂) Or as an opening challenge send a gif of your favorite movie and i will try to guess it!
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:59 Familiar-Flatworm574 I feel like a terrible mother and I don't know what to do

This is my first post on reddit but I need advice.
I 24F is a mother of 3. I had my first child with my first real long term boyfriend of 6 years, (He is the father of all 3 kids) when I was 19 years old.
I essentially planned that baby due to having a miscarriage with the first pregnancy and I felt I wanted a baby. After having that baby I wanted to start university. I applied and got accepted. I got pregnant again during the process and I made the decision to have an abortion because from the first child I figured out my kids dad was shxt.
It was a hell ride not to go too much in detail on the other kids lets just say I never wanted them but was basically abused and each birth control I try gives me awful side effects.
Now I wil say i badically abandoned the first one due to his father taking him from me st 7 months out of spite and not wanting to give me any money to support the baby. I initially fought to get him back but just gave up over time. I feel horrible but I have very bad PPD, occasional panick attacks and anxiety. I already feel like a bad mother and I try as much as possible to get better but nothing helps as I feel like I have no support.
We do not live in the US however their dad migrated to the US for a so called better life however I am yet to experience that better life. I know he is working a good set amount of money, he got married and things are working out for him but I am still having to struggle because he does not want to get himself on child support and wants me to beg him.
I have still not gotten the chance to attend university I am broke with 2 kids and he tries to justify that he helps his mom who has the 1st child but she told me he does not do much there either. I can't get a good job that pays enough because they all require you to be Flexible for their next to slavery shifts, its just all around horrible.
So back to the title I just want to get this off my chest because i want to be a good mother but I feel stuck and lost and angry and now I feel like sometimes when it gets too much I shout at my kids and scare them and I don't pay attention to them. I want to end this cycle. I just need some advice because I feel stuck
submitted by Familiar-Flatworm574 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:58 fairlyunlit AAS in Accounting or just a bookkeeping certificate?

End goal is payroll or bookkeeping - something in that vein. I have an associates in horticulture and having difficulty getting hired in entry level admin work, although I think my resume highlights how well my retail management skills translate into office work (I order and keep plant Inventory in check, prepare skus on invoices for my bookkeeper, file paperwork, maintain vendor relations, etc).
Because of my experience with minimal admin work I am thinking of getting a career studies certificate in bookkeeping and payroll/tax studies at my community college. People say certificates are useless BUT it’s one year of school and it would supplement my admin work experience (as well as teach me how to bookkeep I’m assuming)
Other option is AAS in accounting at my local community college. I like this idea because it would open doors for me to get a bachelors in accounting and allow me to take the CPA exam down the road which would open up tons of opportunities. But it’s two years - none of the classes I took for my current AAS count.
Any suggestions? I know bookkeeping doesn’t require a degree technically speaking but entry level, no degree salaries offered on job listing hurts to look at knowing what I make now. I know I have to be patient but I’m 25 and I’m looking at where I will be in my 40s or whatever. I plan to quit my full time job and work part time for any path I take, as I am fortunate enough to have a good support system. I want to make the right choice as to not let down the people in my life supporting me.
I feel like I know the answer is the AAS but taking two years off full time work is a little scary to me
submitted by fairlyunlit to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:58 Bunpoh Help! Accidentally stepped on my boss's toes, what do I do?

I'm a state parks interpretive/visitor center volunteer Host, living in an RV, working online part time for $. Started at a new park last month, going to be here 4 more. I have gotten along wonderfully with all the other parks' staff up til now, and received high praise for my work, invited back to all parks, and was nominated for Volunteer of the Year by one Ranger.
New boss Ranger has insane expectations, for instance, worked 30 extra hours last month to get everything done to the detriment if my paid job. The holiday weekend, did program presentation shifts from 8 - 10:30 or 11 pm, then 8 - 10:30 am, for 4 days straight, not able to wind down to sleep til maybe 2, get up at 6 to get ready, and I have chronic fatigue as well. Have to create, memorize and perform multiple programs a month and do different ones throughout, help with Ranger's programs and events, etc., etc. Many more duties, in supposedly 20 hours a week.
Long story short, worked together with boss to see if we could change it to be better, seemed to have good rapport and empathy. Made some changes. My programs have gone well, at least the ones I wrote, with lots of engagement with kids and praise from parents.
But then at a meeting/training event for all Interp rangers and volunteers, with her boss present, felt like she threw me under the bus, going on about expectations that I had, in the interest of vulnerability admitted I had trouble with due to how the schedule was at an earlier discussion, and that everyone knew was aimed at me.
I then made the giant mistake of pushing back in front of her boss, who empathized with me, and also realized later based on her reactions that she was bitter about programming changes that I had prompted. She said some stuff to me on the way out that felt barbed.
Now she is acting curt with me, and in reply to an email where I'd sent info she'd asked for, cut my programming way down to meaningless pre-assigned pablum without enough time, basically told me I was inadequate and went on a rant about something I absolutely had NOT said at all, not even close.
I wrote a very diplomatic reply asking if we could work this out in person. But have been super upset and can't sleep at all tonight.
How do I come back from this? I truly hadn't meant to make her look bad, I just can be so dumb about these things sometimes, thinking we were trying to solve the problem together. I feel bad about that, but I also didn't want to be chastised in a meeting with the Park Manager Ranger and other volunteers. I do actually want to get back on her good side, I was actually shocked when all that went down. She had been super kind and accommodating up to that point. I absolutely suck at these kind of politics, it's why I refuse to return to an office ever again. But here we are.
submitted by Bunpoh to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:57 Alycery Is it a lot to ask for to be called pretty?

I have a medical condition that has caused facial abnormalities. Because of this, I’ve encountered a particular “situation” all throughout my life… both online and in person. Where a person, in particular a guy will not call me pretty or God forbid beautiful. Instead they will say something along the lines of, “You don’t look that bad.”, “You make it sound like you look like Quesimodo.”, “I thought you were going to look worse.”, “I thought you were going to look like Quesimodo or The Sloth”. Or they will compliment something else entirely, like… “Oh, that’s a really nice shirt.” So, they’re basically avoiding saying anything about my face.
Why it is so hard to just call me pretty and leave it at that? I don’t think people realize how insulting and dismissive these responses are. Better yet, if you can’t compliment my looks… why even bring it up in the first place? It almost feels like they feel obligated to say something when I never outright asked for them to say something regarding my looks. For example, I might look extra made up that day. And instead of them just saying, “You look pretty today” or not say anything at all, they’ll say something like what I described above.
I have asked this question to some guys that have said things like this to me. Normally I get answers like, “Why do you need my validation? You should love yourself.” I’ve even had a guy tell me something along the lines of, “If I call you beautiful, you will fall in love. You shouldn’t fall in love with someone that just calls you beautiful.” But, I feel like all those “answers” is a lousy attempt at gaslighting. Making me out to be the problem. When I never said that I don’t love myself. I never said that I’m seeking validation through others. Not that I think that’s always a bad thing. And I definitely will not fall in love with someone just because they called me beautiful. So, I have no idea where that assumption came from. I just feel like those “answers” is not the real reason I keep encountering this issue. I think there is more to it.
I understand that it’s harder for men to compliment women, because it might come off as creepy or disingenuous. But, I know plenty of men that simply have complimented a woman’s looks, without expecting or looking for anything in return. So, I know they’re quite capable of doing this. They just don’t do it with me. Which is weird because women compliment women all the time. True, I’ve had plenty of people tell me something like, “You know she is just being nice. She doesn’t actually think you’re pretty.” But, that’s not the point. It’s just a nice gesture. Especially if that day I actually was trying to look good. It’s just nice to be called pretty or beautiful. It has very little to do with intent or the motive behind it. I’m not going to drop everything or drop my panties, get on my hands and knees, and worship someone who just called me pretty.
I just don’t understand why it’s so difficult to call someone that looks like me pretty or beautiful. Or don’t say anything at all, if it really is such a big deal to do this.
By the way, I’m not referring to a partner calling a woman pretty or beautiful. I think that’s a requirement for both parties.
submitted by Alycery to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:56 yourmomishot2004 M4M For experienced and mature bulls for only ( literate players only )

Lemme share you my fantasy….
Well, hello everyone I am Ashish age 20 M from Mumbai and I am a semi para player who is fluent in Hindi and English. Basically I have some cucks fantasies for actress. I love them if they are fucked infront of me and are humiliated by a bull.
My favourite actress is Shraddha and Kiara Advani. I like to give them roles and want a bull to fuck them. My biggest fantasy of a cuckson. I want my Shraddha mommy and Kiara mommy to get fucked by bulls.
Those bulls can be my bestie or my elder cousin brother who will fuck my mom and Betray me. I want my mom to be single and lonely because I wanna include breeding stuff and you will make my mom pregnant. We can get wild for Bollywood actress and if you wanna chat on these bitches and cuck me please share your fantasies and let’s have a good jerk.
I want you to narrate how you have already fucked my mom but you don’t know I am a cuckson and it’s like a realistic friend or brothers chat we can have good fun.
If you are interested please text me ( it will be fun if you can share pics ) so well bulls dm me if this excites you I will be your good cuck son or cuckhubby if you want
Or if you want I can roleplay as F but you gotta feed for it. Text me and tell me how you have fucked my single mommy.
I am Ashish age 20…
Lemme give you a prompt for intro
( it’s night 11 pm, I saw you active on Instagram and decided to text you ) hello bhai Kaisa hai ? Soya nahi ab Tak haha !
You can be my bestie or elder brother and wild roles which you can think of
My mom choices - Shraddha, Kiara, Alia, Disha and malavika Mohan
submitted by yourmomishot2004 to IndianNSFWRoleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:55 Legendarywarrior23 Need advice

My family and I are thinking of hiring a caregiver for myself while I'm recovering from an injury. Most of my family members and the people that I know they have to go to work school, etc. we're aware of the basics like running a background check, their education, their experience. One of the people that I know that are helping me with this Also suggest that we run a contract. Would that be a good idea? What other steps do we have to take that we missed? Thanks!
submitted by Legendarywarrior23 to caregivers [link] [comments]
