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Markdown notes for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch

2016.05.24 14:46 trix180 Markdown notes for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch

This is the official subreddit for Bear, an app for Markdown notes and beautiful writing on Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. Here we can discuss tips, workflows, news, and how-tos. Many questions and support issues have already been answered in our FAQs:

2015.05.15 20:14 jewbacabra Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is a voice, video, and text communication service used by over a hundred million people to hang out and talk with their friends and communities.

2020.04.09 18:50 cooklanbrahh Digital Codes Free and Request

A place for free 4K, HD, and SD Movies Anywhere, Vudu, iTunes, and other Digital Movie and TV codes. RIP UV. Accepted digital currencies vary by seller. Please see the wiki for everything you need to know!

2024.06.08 22:43 SmartPrimate There is a paradox between omniscience and omnibenevolence (proof ft. infinity and Turing Machines)

Was doing some semi mathematical/philosophical thought experiments, and of all the things I did not expect to stumble on a paradox between these two concepts so I thought I'd share.
I'm going to give the main idea, but at the bottom I'll share some preliminaries for those unfamiliar with the relevant concepts. So if you're feeling lost below, skip to the bottom first. Even if you don't care for this specific argument, I think it's worth thinking about or extrapolating from the concepts in preliminaries, since a lot of people talk about God's infinite nature but don't often confront the paradoxes that have to do with infinity and are mathematically sound but can pose problems (the first time I engaged with it was after learning Cantor's theorem, since that seriously seems to imply either God's infinity is not remotely definable, or not the biggest infinity). So I think this is overall good practice.
The Specific Paradox
Suppose human lives are infinite, which you believe if there’s an eternal afterlife, then consider the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time”. Obviously this set can be enumerated, f(1), f(2), f(3),… etc. Now what I'm about to describe is a construct that cannot really exist physically, but it is perfectly definable in math, in a sense that you can ask questions about it that have objective truth values. Basically define a modified Turing machine, but one where there is a second head, and instructions for when the second head takes a step, such that each step of the second head is essentially enumerating that set we just named (so in a single step it will print a new element of that set on the tape, wherever the head is). Now for this new type of machine, each such machine can be encoded with a number just like Turing machines, and such that you can code one machine to be able to simulate others when given the corresponding encoding. Each such machine can either halt or not halt like a regular Turing machine, and just like regular Turing machines, you can prove that no such machine in this class can solve the halting problem for this type of machine. This also means that the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time” cannot contain the solution to this class of machine’s halting problem, since if it did that would be a contradiction with the fact this machine can enumerate that set as a feature.
Now, we can define a set, the set of all encodings of machines in this class, such that those encodings correspond to halting machines in this class.
If God is the most knowledgeable that we can conceive of, He can decide this set, can take any number and say whether it’s in the set or not.
That would imply God has more knowledge than the set of “all knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time.”
On the other hand, suppose a person really likes knowledge, and asks for “all knowable truths but after infinite time.” Then if God is the most generous we can conceive of, it seems not unfair for God to grant this, especially since the person is asking after infinite time, it’s not like they're even asking for it all at once/will ever really have it at one point in time. So it seems more than fair to grant that request, especially if you belong to one of the monotheistic faiths that believes heaven is where you're granted "whatever the heart desires that's possible." And it isn't inconceivable some nerd would want this, but if it is granted to them then it would contradict God being “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of,” since the set of numbers we described above and deciding it (meaning you can name whether an element is in it or not) would not be encompassed by the set of all of God's knowledge, since that would lead to the earlier halting contradiction we described. So you end up having one or the other, either the most generous we can conceive of or the most knowledgeable we can conceive of.
So a couple things. I'd like to repeat that even this request is somewhat restricted, since you're not even asking to be granted all of God's knowledge, you're asking to be “granted it only if we consider the set union of my knowledge at all future points of time.” And in fact, in some people's minds, "the most generous we can conceive of" would already pre-emptively entail an agreement to share all possible knowledge, since sharing knowledge is good no? So an explicit request isn't even necessarily necessary for this paradox.
Some other points. All of this falls under the framework that all knowledge in existence (including God’s knowledge) is a countable infinity, obviously God might instead have an uncountable amount of knowledge, but my issue with that is once you allow it, it becomes a “where do we stop” thing, because for every set you can define the set of all subsets of that set which will always be bigger by Cantor's theorem. So either the “set of all of God’s knowledge” is not even meaningful to talk about, or there is a limit, specifically a certain size of infinity where we stop at, and if it’s the latter then it seems very humanly arrogant to assume it’s any one specific cardinality (cardinality just means size but in the context of infinities). Even if it's some specific uncountable cardinality however, you can easily modify this paradox to work with that cardinality as well.
You could also alternatively even reject any infinity exists, which would imply God is not an actual infinity and therefore can’t solve even the normal halting problem, that is a legitimate possibility too. But the property of being “greatest [insert property] that we conceive of” for most people is usually taken to mean an actual infinity, so they have to reckon with this. You could simply opt for agnosticism on this point, but in that case you cannot then use infinite as an adjective freely.
Ultimately, in the case that one does believe God exists and has an infinite nature and/or really does have attributes of the form "greatest [insert property] I can conceive of" (which would be infinite in certain cases like knowledge, e.g. even the standard halting problem has a solution but you provably need infinite knowledge to be able to solve it for instance), then this paradox illustrates that one of three things must be true:
  1. God would grant the request of someone that desires “all possible knowledge given infinite time” but then God is no longer of the class of “the most knowledgeable we can conceive of” because there is a countable set of natural numbers we can even refer to that He cannot decide.
  2. God would deny that request, and thus all possible sets we can refer to are decidable by Him, but then God is potentially not of the class of “the most generous we can conceive of."
  3. God can’t grant that request to begin with because His knowledge is a greater cardinality than the natural numbers, and my usage of “infinite time” here was meant to be countable, although you could easily alter the paradox to include higher cardinalities in the request so this isn't really a point it just changes the goalposts.
I would like to know how those of you that believe in an omni[something] God and afterlife personally reconcile this paradox. As someone who does lean towards believing in a supreme monotheistic creator, I personally lean towards 2, that the knowledge precedes generosity, but I honestly don't have a philosophical justification yet.
Now, as I promised, here are some preliminaries:
Countable and uncountable infinity, turtles all the way down
One relevant concept I brought up that might be unfamiliar to people, and that I think should be the most well known, is that of sizes of infinity. Honestly, I'm a little lazy so I'm just going to link this ten minute video that does a marvelous job at explaining it.
No technical background needed, a grade schooler can understand it, and I think it's worth learning about regardless of who you are, since Cantor's theorem really is one of humanity's greatest intellectual achievements.
Note he goes into the specific example of a countable infinity (the natural numbers) and how the first uncountable infinity is bigger (using the real numbers as an example). However Cantor's more general theorem applies to all sets, saying the set of all subsets of that set will always be a bigger set, even when our sets are infinite. Stated differently, there is always a bigger infinity. If you haven't seen this theorem before, depending on who you are this is either surprising to you or not surprising to you, and in both cases I can guarantee whatever reasoning you're using is wrong, but to see why watch the video first :)
The exact proof in the video is a proof by contradiction similar to the halting problem proof I'll do below. But for Cantor's more general theorem I just stated, the proof while in the same spirit is a little more abstract than the specific example in the video, so I won't explain it here but feel free to check it out on wikipedia if you're curious.
Turing Machines and why they philosophically matter
So the first relevant concept is that of a Turing Machine. While this may sound fancy, it's actually not hard to understand at all. Imagine a mathematician who can only write one symbol at a time. Except the chalkboard he's using to write is infinitely long. Do you get that? Then congratulations, you now know what a Turing Machine is.
Sometimes people will present it as more technical, as a head that moves along an infinite tape writing only 0's and 1's. But that is basically what we just described, minus the limitation to 0 and 1. But the reason people use 0 and 1 is to show that in fact, this simplicity where you only have a 2 letter alphabet, is still powerful enough that you can use this model still to simulate other models that have a bigger alphabet. So the point when people do that isn't that we're intentionally restricting to 2 letters, but that 2 letters is all we need, even to do stuff that requires more!
Really the more relevant point though is that a Turing Machine is simply philosophically codifying what was already intuitive to humans, namely the idea of any finite procedure. Like an algorithm, a recipe, etc. As long as you allow instructions for behavior, and that behavior is allowed to be unbounded (while loop), then you basically have a Turing Machine. On the other hand if you have a programming language with programs that contain if statements ("if [this] do [this"), for loops (which is just specifying an action to be done a certain number of times, but not infinitely), but NOT while loops (while [this is true] do [this'), then this is not a Turing Machine, because the "while" is the key, the infinite chalkboard, since what that opens up is the ability to never stop. Which might seem like a flaw at first, and it is in certain respects, but opening up that possibility is actually what gives computers the expressive power they have in solving problems believe it or not.
(An asterisk here is that in real life there is no infinite memory so computers will always eventually stop, but A. we obviously don't want programs to run out of memory because they would have needed infinite memory anyway, both cause it's bad to use all memory but also you'd ideally want to know to stop it short before it meaninglessly loops like that and B. In some cases programs are meant to run for long enough/as long as possible before hitting some constraint that it's more or less still useful to model them as functionally infinite. Regardless for the sake of this paradox and mathematicians, even if it wasn't useful the idea of algorithms that might not stop still represent perfectly definable mathematical objects we can meaningfully talk about which belong to "the set of all possible knowledge").
Universal Simulation
Turing Machines are encodable. Once you settle on the specifics of the machine, like what the alphabet is etc (which isn't that important), then there will exist a way to encode each machine as a single whole number. And in such a way that you can define a Turing Machine that can in fact parse this number in order to simulate the machine.
You can even define a machine that takes in the encoding of any other machine, and all it does is simulate it, essentially a universal computer which is conceptually like your laptop at home. Also you can define the encoding scheme to involve every natural number, simply by having non valid encodings represent by default a basic machine that just does nothing. So essentially all numbers are Turing Machines.
Undecidability of the halting problem
Anyway so because we have the possibility of our programs never halting, the halting problem is quite literally to decide whether a Turing Machine will halt or not halt.
From now on if M is a Turing Machine, will refer to the number encoding it. Now if the halting problem is solvable, by a mathematician, computer, whatever, we can represent that as a Turing Machine Q that takes in an encoding of a machine and an input x, Q(, x) and tells us whether M halts on x or never halts. You can then easily construct a machine Q' where Q'() does the following:
Simulates Q, specifically running Q(, ) and thus checking if M halts on the encoding that represents itself.
If it does not halt, this program Q' halts.
If it does halt, this program Q' loops forever.
Now, what happens if we run Q'()? If Q' halts on itself then it loops forever, and if it does not halt on itself, then it halts, a contradiction. Yet this program is easily constructible if the halting problem is solvable, since it's built by simulating the program that solves that. Therefore that assumption must be wrong. So no program, no mathematician or anyone, can take in an encoding of a Turing Machine and some input, and tell us whether it halts or does not halt. The only way to do that would be if you have infinite knowledge, and I would assume most monotheists here upon learning about this problem really would believe "God can do it. God can solve the halting problem," thus implying God's knowledge is an actual infinite, since otherwise you would run into contradiction like this proof. The alternative is either believing He can't, or choosing agnosticism on such matters.
Turtles all the way down Note that you can always define a new type of Turing Machine that's exactly the same but has an oracle that can solve the halting problem. Just like before this machine is also encodable. And just like the modified machine in the paradox this can't really exist remotely physically, even if we forgot finiteness constraints. However, this new type of machine will have it's own halting problem that it can't solve for equivalent machines. And then you can define an oracle for that halting problem. But once again you'll just get an even higher level halting problem. So even if you can solve the halting problem there are higher level halting problems you still can't solve (google "arithmetic hierarchy" if you're interested). Of course if you're like me, you would just shrug it off as God can solve all of these problems.
submitted by SmartPrimate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:41 Sad_Background8830 First ever prop payout

First ever prop payout submitted by Sad_Background8830 to Forex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 AcidicPotato [Steam] Past Humble Bundle game dump

Bunch of Humble codes I finally remembered to try getting rid of. Amusing that the first time I check here in several months has another person doing the exact same thing. I either already own a copy or have on time/interest to play them. I last did this a couple years ago, and now have more codes accumulated since then. Doing a single big dump was a huge pain, so I'm splitting things up. I've tried to organise what I have, but changes on Humble's side have made it a bit annoying, so if something got expired in secret when I try to give it out, there's nothing I can do about it.
Games listed below, along side an ID number. This is to allow easier referencing, as previously I found troubles with people not typing game names the exact same way. To enter: Comment up to 3 IDs matching what you want, brackets included, alongside a short line describing why you want one or more of those games. Game names themselves are optional. If an ID you are selected for does not match the game name listed beside it (should you choose to include), you'll be skipped, unfortunately.
[001] - Back 4 Blood
[002] - Quantum Break
[003] - Sunset Overdrive
[004] - PGA Tour 2k21
[005] - Crying Suns
[006] - Expeditions: Viking
[007] - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
[008] - Wargroove
[009] - Ryse: Son of Rome
[010] - Rustler
[011] - Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
[012] - Life is Strange 2
[013] - Founder's Fortune
[014] - Revita
[015] - Windjammers 2
[016] - Builder Simulator
[017] - The Invisible Hand
[018] - Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim
[019] - Foretales
[020] - Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Selection will be based on RNG followed by a cursory glance to confirm you are a real account with meaningful activity outside of giveaway channels. DMs will be sent indicating the title you have been selected for and seeking for confirmation, only after which will I send the gift link. A 4-day period will be given for this confirmation response, afterwards the item will be rerolled. I will ignore unsolicited DMs.
The time limit for entry will be set to 1 day, but realistically might be slightly longer, ending whenever I remember to come back and edit this header post. I will continue to make future posts until I'm out of keys (presently 122), whether I do so a week or month later. Winning something from me once will disqualify you from my future posts (for this set of keys). Anything unclaimed will be recycled to future posts or eventually discharged through other channels.
submitted by AcidicPotato to RandomActsOfGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 seeldoger47 [H] $1000 Amazon, $500 eBay, $500 Apple [W] Western Union, LTC, Wise [H] PayPal, Cash App, Crypto, Chime, Apple Pay, Varo, Venmo [W] Apple, Amazon (CA, Com, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK), B&N, Dunkin, eBay, Grub Hub, Gyft, iTunes, JCPenney, Microsoft, PSN, Steam, Target, Uber, Walmart, Xbox + more

Warning: I will not message you first. If you were messaged by someone claiming to be me you are in the process of being scammed.

You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.
Desktop Users: Comment on this post and Click here to start a trade App Users, please include the following in your PM (Remember to comment on this post as well):
  • Type of card(s) and amount of each.
  • What payment method you accept.
  • How you acquired the GC and why you're getting rid of it.
Crypto4, Paypal1, Apple Pay, Chime, Cashapp, Varo, Venmo, and Western Union
I only have Steam as a substitute for cash payments in gift card trades.
Want ↓ Cash or a Gift Card ↓ Crypto4
Apple 60%3 NA 50% 50% 50% 50% 70% 55% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 30% 30%
Arrow Films 65% 60%
Barnes & Noble 50% 50%
Baskin Robbins 60% 60%
Best Buy 25% 25%
BJ's (not BJ's restaurant)3 60% NA
Bloomingdales 50% 50%
Burger King4 60% NA
Clothing Shops (Small Boutique) contact me contact me
Dell3 60% NA
Delta gift cards3 65% NA
Delta Sky Miles3 PM me NA
Delta Vouchers3 65% NA
Dicks Sporting Goods 3 PM me NA
Disney Plus PM me PM me
Dunkin Donuts3 60% NA
eBay 70% 70%
Fandango3 10% NA
Five Guys3 60% NA
Gamestop 60% 60%
Gas Station Cards3 PM me NA
Gyft 70% 70%
Half Price Books 50% 50%
iTunes3 60% NA
J crew 40% 40%
JCPenney 25% 25%
Jersey Mike Subs3 60% NA
KFC3 60% NA
Khols 30% 30%
Macys 35% 35% 40% 40%
McDonald's 3 60% NA
Microsoft3 60% NA
Moe’s Southwestern Grill3 60% NA
Nintendo Eshop3 70% NA
Nordstrom 50% 50%
Panera bread3 60% NA
PSN3 60 NA
PSN Plus 12 month3 NA NA
Saks Fifth Avenue 50% 50%
Sears 50% 50%
Sephora 50% 50%
Speedway (must be able to use on fuel)3 80% NA
Staples 50% 50%
Starbucks US only 55% 55%
Steam3 60% NA
Subway 3 PM me NA
Taco Bell 60% NA
Target 50% 50%
Urban Outfitters 50% 50%
Vudu3 50% NA
Walmart 60% 60%
Wendys3 60% NA
Xbox (gift cards)3 60% NA
Other Clothing Stores, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Restaurant, & Fast Food gift cards PM me
1 When paying via PayPal, I can only send payments via Goods and Services, thus you will be charged a fee. If you'd rather not face this fee there are plenty of alternatives. 2 Larger denominated gift cards preferred. 3 PayPal is the only payment option. 4 All crypto payments come from Coinbase. Any fees associated with it are built into the price.

What I don’t buy:

  • Bass Pro Shop
  • buffalo wild wing
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Canadian tire
  • Cold Stone
  • Dairy Queen
  • Fanatics
  • Giant Foods
  • Google Play
  • Grub Hub
  • Gymshark
  • Hilton Honors
  • Hot Topic
  • Krispy Kreme
  • old navy/gap/banana republic
  • Patxi's pizza
  • PSN Canada or UK
  • publix
  • Raceway
  • Scheels
  • Shell Gas Stations
  • Spotify
  • Starbucks Canada
  • Tractor supply
  • Xbox Canada or UK
  • Xbox live gold
Any fees are built into the price.


I have:
Up to $1000 in (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 90%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
  • 90%: LTC
Up to $500 in eBay (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Up to $500 in ($15 and $50 denomination) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Important: before you send your codes please make sure your account is secure (if your password is not uniqe it's best to assume your account has already been compromised. Scams where compromised accounts are used to leverage reputation to scam an unsuspecting user, used to steal codes during the middle of the trade, and steal unused gift cards the victim was saving for later are increasingly commonplace. If you have any concerns as to your account's security, please reset your password now and force logout of all sessions. Thanks
submitted by seeldoger47 to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 seeldoger47 [H] $1000 Amazon GC(s) $500 eBay $500 Apple [W] Western Union, LTC, Wise [H] PayPal, Cashapp, LTC, Apple Pay, Varo, Venmo [W] All Your Gift Cards

Warning: I will not message you first. If you were messaged by someone claiming to be me you are in the process of being scammed.

You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.
Desktop Users: Comment on this post and Click here to start a trade App Users, please include the following in your PM (Remember to comment on this post as well):
  • Type of card(s) and amount of each.
  • What payment method you accept.
  • How you acquired the GC and why you're getting rid of it.
Crypto4, Paypal1, Apple Pay, Chime, Cashapp, Varo, Venmo, and Western Union
I only have Steam as a substitute for cash payments in gift card trades.
Want ↓ Cash or a Gift Card ↓ Crypto4
Apple 60%3 NA 50% 50% 50% 50% 70% 55% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 30% 30%
Arrow Films 65% 60%
Barnes & Noble 50% 50%
Baskin Robbins 60% 60%
Best Buy 25% 25%
BJ's (not BJ's restaurant)3 60% NA
Bloomingdales 50% 50%
Burger King4 60% NA
Clothing Shops (Small Boutique) contact me contact me
Dell3 60% NA
Delta gift cards3 65% NA
Delta Sky Miles3 PM me NA
Delta Vouchers3 65% NA
Dicks Sporting Goods 3 PM me NA
Disney Plus PM me PM me
Dunkin Donuts3 60% NA
eBay 70% 70%
Fandango3 10% NA
Five Guys3 60% NA
Gamestop 60% 60%
Gas Station Cards3 PM me NA
Gyft 70% 70%
Half Price Books 50% 50%
iTunes3 60% NA
J crew 40% 40%
JCPenney 25% 25%
Jersey Mike Subs3 60% NA
KFC3 60% NA
Khols 30% 30%
Macys 35% 35% 40% 40%
McDonald's 3 60% NA
Microsoft3 60% NA
Moe’s Southwestern Grill3 60% NA
Nintendo Eshop3 70% NA
Nordstrom 50% 50%
Panera bread3 60% NA
PSN3 60 NA
PSN Plus 12 month3 NA NA
Saks Fifth Avenue 50% 50%
Sears 50% 50%
Sephora 50% 50%
Speedway (must be able to use on fuel)3 80% NA
Staples 50% 50%
Starbucks US only 55% 55%
Steam3 60% NA
Subway 3 PM me NA
Taco Bell 60% NA
Target 50% 50%
Urban Outfitters 50% 50%
Vudu3 50% NA
Walmart 60% 60%
Wendys3 60% NA
Xbox (gift cards)3 60% NA
Other Clothing Stores, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Restaurant, & Fast Food gift cards PM me
1 When paying via PayPal, I can only send payments via Goods and Services, thus you will be charged a fee. If you'd rather not face this fee there are plenty of alternatives. 2 Larger denominated gift cards preferred. 3 PayPal is the only payment option. 4 All crypto payments come from Coinbase. Any fees associated with it are built into the price.

What I don’t buy:

  • Bass Pro Shop
  • buffalo wild wing
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Canadian tire
  • Cold Stone
  • Dairy Queen
  • Fanatics
  • Giant Foods
  • Google Play
  • Grub Hub
  • Gymshark
  • Hilton Honors
  • Hot Topic
  • Krispy Kreme
  • old navy/gap/banana republic
  • Patxi's pizza
  • PSN Canada or UK
  • publix
  • Raceway
  • Scheels
  • Shell Gas Stations
  • Spotify
  • Starbucks Canada
  • Tractor supply
  • Xbox Canada or UK
  • Xbox live gold
Any fees are built into the price.


I have:
Up to $1000 in (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 90%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
  • 90%: LTC
Up to $500 in eBay (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Up to $500 in ($15 and $50 denomination) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Important: before you send your codes please make sure your account is secure (if your password is not uniqe it's best to assume your account has already been compromised. Scams where compromised accounts are used to leverage reputation to scam an unsuspecting user, used to steal codes during the middle of the trade, and steal unused gift cards the victim was saving for later are increasingly commonplace. If you have any concerns as to your account's security, please reset your password now and force logout of all sessions. Thanks
submitted by seeldoger47 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:38 UstroyDestroy AI Innovations and Collaborations: NVIDIA, Cisco, Google Health, and More

hardware #release #tool #startups #event #major_players #science #api #vc #leaders #opensource #opinions #scheduled

NVIDIA and Cisco have partnered to launch the Cisco Nexus HyperFabric AI cluster solution, aimed at scaling generative AI workloads efficiently. The solution integrates NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs, NVIDIA AI Enterprise software, and NVIDIA NIM inference microservices, and uses Cisco BlueField-3 SuperNICs and DPUs for enhanced performance and security [1]. SAP is also collaborating with NVIDIA, integrating NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud APIs into its Intelligent Product Recommendation solution and making NVIDIA AI Enterprise software accessible in the generative AI hub in SAP AI Core [2].
Stability AI announced the release of Stable Diffusion weights at COMPUTEX TAIPEI, alongside AMD and other partners [3]. NVIDIA AI Developer showcased how ComfyUI offers a streamlined interface for Stable Diffusion, accelerated on NVIDIA RTX GPUs with NVIDIA TensorRT for fast image generation [7].
NVIDIA and LangChain have announced a Generative AI Agents Developer Contest, encouraging AI innovators to create text and multimodal agents using their technologies [6]. NVIDIA also provides a guide on deploying NVIDIA NIM with Docker, allowing for easy deployment of optimized AI models for generative AI solutions [5].
Google Health AI is working on project AMIE to enhance the understanding of human biology and improve healthcare [8]. Google AI has also introduced new solutions to the Liner Shipping Network Design and Scheduling Problem through the Shipping Network Design API, aiming to maximize the efficiency of container shipping networks on a global scale [9].
Consumer AI is rapidly evolving with new AI-native companies emerging every month. a16z has updated their analysis by ranking the top 50 web and top 50 mobile generative AI products [10]. Groq Inc is participating in the Craft Ventures HackAIthon, focused on building AI agents, and will also be participating in the Six Five Summit 2024 [12][13]. Groq Inc is also inviting attendees of the AI Engineer World's Fair event in San Francisco to visit their booth and attend a workshop [15].
Y Combinator has launched CodeParrot AI, a tool that converts Figma designs and screenshots into production-ready code for developers [17]. Humanloop CEO Raza Habib shared common mistakes teams make when building with Large Language Models (LLMs) in a Y Combinator article [16].
Yann LeCun emphasizes the importance of using AI in science properly and warns against being misled by good results obtained from testing on the training set [19]. He also discussed the debate on whether open source AI or proprietary AI controlled by a few big players is more beneficial or dangerous [20]. LeCun suggests that objective-driven systems will be hesitant to violate their boundaries, similar to how humans are naturally averse to death, as these systems will be hardwired to adhere to their objectives [23].
Anthropic's AI assistant, Claude, is now available in Canada [26]. A new AI Agentic course is being offered to learn how to use LangGraph to build single and multi-agent LLM applications in AI Agents [27].
3. Stability AI @stabilityai
4. Stability AI @stabilityai
8. Google AI @googleai
9. Google AI @googleai
10. a16z @a16z
11. Pika @pika_labs
12. Groq Inc @GroqInc
13. Groq Inc @GroqInc
14. Groq Inc @GroqInc
15. Groq Inc @GroqInc
16. Y Combinator @ycombinator
17. Y Combinator @ycombinator
18. Yann LeCun @ylecun
19. Yann LeCun @ylecun
20. Yann LeCun @ylecun
21. Yann LeCun @ylecun
22. Yann LeCun @ylecun
23. Yann LeCun @ylecun
24. Yann LeCun @ylecun
25. Yann LeCun @ylecun
26. Anthropic @anthropicai
27. Andrew Ng @AndrewYNg
submitted by UstroyDestroy to ai_news_by_ai [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:37 Livid-Poet-5812 Gblicense v15 - licensing system (Open Source) Supports cPanel, Plesk, Imunify360 and 22+ more Download

Experience unparalleled flexibility and control with Gblicense v15, the ultimate open-source licensing system designed to support a wide range of platforms including cPanel, Plesk, Imunify360, and 22+ more. Perfect for businesses looking to manage unlimited accounts and software seamlessly, Gblicense v15 offers an all-in-one solution tailored for efficiency and reliability.
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Experience the power of seamless license management with Gblicense v15, ensuring your operations run smoothly across various platforms. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your business with this versatile and robust licensing solution.
submitted by Livid-Poet-5812 to Hosting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:34 punanipooh Can i remove the "verification" step ?

I like element, but I enabled som sort of extra encryption to my account so I have to upload a security code everytime i log in... this doesnt work that well and some messages ALWYAS stay encrypted and not verified.. so I can't see what my chat partner wrote... can I go back to just having a password to my account and disable this verification key that I always have to deal with now?
Thank you.
submitted by punanipooh to elementchat [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:34 khati_kotha firmware validation in RTL simulator (VCS)

My boss is telling me we can validate firmware in VCS which involves stepping through C code. The firmware is compiled as shared library and interacts with the SOC bus using DPI calls. Now I have done FW validation in simulator where the FW was compiled into memory file that can be read using readmemh , so it's all RTL simulation. I am not aware of any way to step through C code in simulator. Is there a way to step through C code in simulator? Just wanted to make sure before I call him out..:)
submitted by khati_kotha to ASIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:30 ThatMetalcoreGirl23 Smuggling alcohol into a festival

Hi I am going to a Danish metal festival soon, and the alcohol is quite expensive. I am a student, living in a dorm, so I don't have a lot of money to spend on expensive beer or shots.
So I thought about smuggling a little bit of alcohol in every day, but I would love some tips.
Its a 4 day festival, and you cannot bring any drinks or food from home. You can bring a plastic water bottle, which must be empty when you enter the festival. I am going to bring a backpack to the festival with a hoodie and sunscreen. Last year I successfully brought in 2-3 beers, that I wrapped in a rainjacket, and put in a tote bag, but I feel like that was more luck than anything, that I wasn't caught. The security is usually not very through in their search, hence why I could bring a couple of beers last year. The tote bag was lightly patted by a guard, and he just said "Thats just a rain jacket" and let me through...
I would love some tips and tricks, on how to get a small amount of alcohol in, so I can get a little drunk for way less <3
submitted by ThatMetalcoreGirl23 to festivals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:29 Sea_Effective3982 Driver Restraint Fault, but it’s my fault?

Driver Restraint Fault, but it’s my fault?
I have a 2021 3 series and the driver restraint fault came on a few days ago. Took it to the dealer and they said it’s not covered under warranty due to an outside influence, coffee stains. However that spill was there for a few months, and clearly the coffee stain has dried up but they’re saying it was the cause of it. How can that short circuit the board and now the dealer wants to charge full cost. Anyone have experience with this? It seems like a common issue and why would BMW place a module underneath seat or cup holder? Any advice on this. Thank you
submitted by Sea_Effective3982 to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:28 blackc2004 Visa Website forces you to use onscreen keyboard even on a laptop/desktop

Visa Website forces you to use onscreen keyboard even on a laptop/desktop
It does't let you type with your normal keyboard. Even though I'm on a laptop.
submitted by blackc2004 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:20 thedailychurn Ep 64 - May Recap: $668 + 530K Points

Moviepass hacks, Resy Plat 15x offers, Kudos & Pepper coins, Robinhood $2K free margin, increased Upgrade and BofA bonuses, US Bank app-o-ramas, Paxlovid bots, free burgers & Starbucks, chicken pot pies and much more!

Show Notes

🤧 May Churning Recap

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🥧 Meal Kits

🆓 Discounts & Freebies

submitted by thedailychurn to thedailychurn [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:20 In_Yellow_Clad If At First You Don't Succeed -- Part 115

There comes a point in any battle where momentum starts to wane. It’s only natural of course, but it can spell doom for one side or the other. And the idea of momentum is not exclusive to the attacking force either, the defenders can have their own momentum of a sort, it's much slower than that of their attackers, more intent on regaining every inch they may have lost or simply holding the line.
Luckily for us, our momentum was a hungry beast and the enemy had many, many morsels to provide it. Every loss we both suffered only fueled our growing numbers, the implacable nature of a zombie horde, soon supplemented by golems, was enough to grind our foes down to the point where their will to fight simply shattered. It could be regained, perhaps once they reached far more defensible positions, but we would be right on their heels, eager to bleed them again.
A jolt ran through my staff and arm as I used it to bat away a Dominion soldier who’d somehow managed to slip past my guards, the strength of the blow sending him spinning away into a wall. We pushed on, a voice leaving my lips I had never heard before. Hissing, spitting, guttural arachne speech of a sort not heard since the first days of our people flowed from me, imbuing those amongst my ranks who heard it with unnatural resolve, strength and vitality.
One street at a time fell to my army, houses burned and screams filled the air. The dragon streaked by, another bout of flame erupting from skeletal jaws to ignite another bastion of resistance. If the Dominion had seemed brutal before, now they seemed pleasant in the wake of my passing.
I knew, deep down, this night would haunt me forever, but it was nothing compared to the suffering that had been wrought at their hands. We were only paying them back for it.
At last we reached the next set of walls, already rent asunder by Vez’zul’s wrath. Elite Dominion spellcasters held the breaches as best they could, immolating or electrocuting any who got too close.
Cameron appeared at my side, sweat and grime streaked over his face as I felt an arrow whizz past my ear, fired by Saevel.
“They’re holding this wall well, I’ll call up the minotaurs, we’ll break through with them.” He said and I shook my head.
“No, let the golems do it. They don’t feel pain and are far sturdier than a minotaur.” I waved a hand, four golems lumbering forward, gathering up more corpses to make themselves larger and tougher. With a gurgling, bloodcurdling roar from them they charge the largest breach, spells searing away flesh and causing muscles to spasm, but as I had said, they were far sturdier than any minotaur.
And they felt no pain.
A whirlwind followed, the spellcasters swept aside by bone claws and clubs, our forces surging through behind them. Cameron and I followed, though he quickly peeled off to direct his forces elsewhere, namely at the other breaches to sandwich them. I meanwhile, continued to push towards the castle, nestled safely within a circle of Queen’s Guard and a veritable sea of undead minions.
I looked up, seeing the looming mountain at the heart of the capital. I was struck with the realization that not once had I ever heard nor read the name of this city, it had always been referred to as simply the Imperial Capital. Perhaps when this was all over I would actually take the time to learn its name, if it even had one that is.
I cleared my mind of such thoughts, focusing on the battle once more. We were nearing the last and largest of the walls which yet withstood Vez’zul’s assault upon them. While the wall itself had yet to be breached, the forces atop it were being decimated by Vez’zul, who made multiple passes along the length of the wall to bathe it in fire.
A thought came to me then, and I reached out to the dragon, directing it to land before us, my horde of undead stopping and swaying. Those who followed me and yet lived looked curious about this decision before I turned to them to speak.
“When he lands, find refuge within his bones! He shall carry you over the wall! Only our finest fighters are to do so.” Many heads nodded and the dragon landed with a crack of thunder. So large he was that his bones shattered buildings with the merest touch.
I looked down at my feet, calling upon another ally to heed my words. A small spider scampered up my body and into the palm of my hand.
“Send word to your cousins. They are to aid the dwarves in clearing and securing the sewers, then they shall attack the final wall from below together. Be quick, little one.” I whisper, the spider bobbing before leaping away to do my bidding. I lifted my gaze and lowered myself to the ground to rest. I could take the time to do so.
Now all we had to do was wait.
– – – – – –
In the darkness of the sewers, cannons boomed and dwarves charged reckless into Dominion holdouts. Axes, daggers and cudgels flashed in the gloom, cries were cut short as one by one defenses fell. Some held out longer than others, others fell almost immediately under the combined assault.
It was the last few that were closest to the final wall that proved more than capable of fending off the cannon shots, much to the annoyance of the dwarves who manned them. The lead dwarf, a soot covered fellow huffed as he watched another cannon get turned to slag by a spell. He jumped when he felt something tap his bare neck, turning his head quickly to find himself looking at a spider on his shoulder.
He was about to brush it away when it raised its forelegs and waved them about, before pointing at the barricade that was giving them so much trouble.
“Are… are ye trying to tell me something?” He asked, the spider bobbing in place. It turned to face something behind him, and he followed suit, only to find himself face to face with the largest spider he’d ever seen. It chittered something, then hissed, shivering as it tried to do something.
“Queen…commands. Weeee…..diiiiiig. Heeeelllllp you fiiiiight….” THe spider spoke, though it was clearly struggling to do so. He felt unnerved by it all but then again he’d broke bread with other monsters over the past few months, this was just another tick in the ‘weird happenings’ column.
“R-Right… Uh… we won’t get in the way. Do as you will.” He said, the large spider bobbing much like the smaller one had before it shuffled backwards, allowing him to see that the tunnel was rather literally covered with more of them. It chittered and screeched, before using its forelegs to tear up brick and mortar, then through the dirt that lay beneath. The other spiders did the same, either through the walls, the floor and even the ceiling, leaving gaping holes behind.
The dwarf nodded, watching as the little spider on his shoulder left him at last, a shiver running down his spine. He turned his attention back to the task at hand and he didn’t have to wait long for things to get bad for the enemy. From all directions the spiders attacked, punching holes in every surface around the Dominion soldiers, reaching out with grasping legs and banking soldiers into the dark tunnels they’d made. Chaos erupted in their ranks and he would take full advantage of it.
“Cannons! Concentrate your fire on the center!” He bellowed, the cannon crews aiming their guns and firing. As he had hoped, the barricade did not do so well against focused fire, a hole blown open in it that his melee warriors could use.
The berserkers amongst them didn’t even wait for him to give the order, they just charged into the fray. In moments they were through and the bastion had fallen. Both dwarf and spider continued onwards, with the lead spider pointing upwards after crossing some invisible line. The spiders began to buddy up, digging towards the surface and creating passages that his dwarves could easily use. Larger tunnels were being constructed as well for his cannons to utilize. How thoughtful of them.
“Alright you mine lovin’ bastards! Let’s get out there and show those tall folk who fights the hardest!” He yelled, the dwarves cheering and rushing into the tunnels the spiders had made.
– – – – – –
I did not have to wait long for the attack to begin on the last wall, the sound of clashing steel and the boom of cannonfire was all the indication I needed that my forces had emerged from below.
“Go Vez’zul, ferry my fighters to the top of the wall!” I called out, the dragon now rising into the air with the beating of giant wings. He roared, circling a moment before he did a low and slow pass along the wall, the warriors nestled in his ribcage dropping out and immediately clashing with any remaining defenders.
At least I knew the city could be breached… if the need ever arose. I hope I won't have to raise an army against this place again.
I watched as the fighting raged, though I could see little of it from where I stood. Soon enough though the gates that barred my way began to open, and I marched my group forwards, eager to put an end to this.
Behind the wall it was chaos, soldiers dragged underground, zombies swarming groups of Dominion troops and crushing them under their sheer mass. Dwarven berserkers howling as they leapt onto their foes and cannoneers taking aim at any sort of fortification they saw.
Soon though there was nobody left to fight, all that remained was the mountain and the castle at its peak. I wasn’t looking forward to having to walk, but it was the only way up. With a silent command I ordered the spiders nearby to begin climbing the mountain face, other inhuman units mimicking them. I pointed my staff towards the only way up, the spiraling passage that I had once noted would be a deathtrap for any invading force.
“With me!” I call out, and those forces who could not climb nearly as easily as the monstrous peoples could gathered together and began their push. Someone within the tunnel was a bit too eager to see us crushed, as a giant flaming boulder came rolling out from the tunnels entrance, slamming into a small building nearby. I raised a hand, then directed my undead forces to take the lead. Let them trigger the traps so the living could sweep away what remained of the defenses afterwards.
It was a surprisingly slow tactic, zombies aren’t fast, even the runner variants I had at my disposal were still running uphill, which severely hampered their speed. But as we waited more and more flaming boulders came rolling out, and we would all shift now and then to avoid getting hit by them. But finally there were no more boulders to be seen, and so we pressed on once more.
What we were met with was a tunnel filled with smoke, flames and jellied corpses. Viscera painted the entire passage in a way that made me sick to my stomach. Grimacing, we continued on, stepping as carefully as we could while maintaining some semblance of a formation. Eventually we did reach the dregs of my undead army, clambering at the last of the defenses, having managed to break through several in their unrelenting push.
We swept through it with ease, and after what felt like hours we finally reached the summit. I won’t lie, but I really need to keep myself in shape, because I was terribly winded by the time we made it up to the castle. A castle already swarming with my spiders, arachne forces attempting to breach the gates or attempting to gain entry via other means.
From behind came everyone else, vampires, werewolves, and all the rest, we gathered and steeled ourselves for the final act to this conflict. I called those at the entrances back to me, waiting for them all to join up with this larger force before I raised my staff, then pointed it at the main doors. A roar sounded in the distance and Vez’zul came in for a hard landing, rearing his head back and then unleashing a gout of flame at the doors. Doors which had stood the test of time and the conquest now melted under the inferno which raged against them. The flames surged into the castle, into rooms and blew out windows, allowing my spiders to enter freely. With a flick of my hand I dismissed Vez’zul, the dragon ceasing his attack and taking flight as he returned to picking off stragglers in the city below.
WIth a deep breath, I led the final charge.
submitted by In_Yellow_Clad to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:19 samrudge Can't Log into Jury Summons Website

I have been summoned and when I try to submit an eresponse, after entering all of the information and clicking log in, nothing happens. I can even remove numbers and nothing happens unless I remove too many numbers from the panelist ID or make the postal code invalid. I don't know if the website has hours or what but I've tried a few different browsers and the result is the same. I plan on calling the sheriff's office on Monday but I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience and whether they found a solution. I can't mail it in fear that it may not show up in time for the summons date, unless it'd be fine since the date is in about a month. If anyone's got advice I'd love to hear it, thanks.
submitted by samrudge to britishcolumbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:17 amberarteaga78 What happens if someone walks in during a proctored exam?

During a proctored exam, if someone walks in, the proctor will likely pause the exam and investigate the situation. The proctor may:
It's essential to inform the proctor immediately if someone enters the room to maintain the integrity and security of the exam. Some proctored exams may have specific rules or procedures for handling such situations, so it's always best to check with the exam administrator or instructor beforehand.
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submitted by amberarteaga78 to WGUHelp_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:14 webdev20 Types of Domain Names - Explained

A domain name is more than just an address; it's a brand, an identity, and often the first impression a user gets of a website. The domain system, established in the 1980s, has evolved significantly, now offering a plethora of options tailored to different needs and objectives. This essay will delve into the primary types of domains, including Top-Level Domains (TLDs), Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs), Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs), and New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs). By examining the characteristics and use cases of each type, we aim to provide a clear and balanced perspective on the vast domain landscape.
Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
Top-Level Domains (TLDs) are the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS) structure. TLDs appear at the end of domain names, following the last dot. They are categorized into several groups based on their intended use and scope.
Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)
Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) are among the most commonly recognized domain extensions. Examples include .com, .org, .net, and .info. These domains are not restricted by geographical or organizational constraints, making them versatile choices for a wide range of entities.
  1. .com: Originally intended for commercial entities, .com has become the default choice for businesses and individuals alike due to its global recognition and credibility. For instance, giants like Google ( and Amazon ( use .com domains.
  2. .org: Typically associated with non-profit organizations, .org is widely used by charities, educational institutions, and open-source projects. Examples include Wikipedia ( and the World Wildlife Fund (
  3. .net: Initially designated for network-related entities, .net has broadened its scope and is now used by various organizations, including technology companies and online service providers. An example is Behance (, a platform for creative professionals.
  4. .info: Intended for informational sites, .info is less common but still used by entities that focus on providing information rather than commercial or organizational activities. An example is AARP (, providing resources for retired individuals.
Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)
Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are two-letter domains assigned to specific countries or territories. These domains often signify a website's association with a particular region, making them popular for businesses and organizations that operate within or target specific geographic areas.
  1. .us: The ccTLD for the United States, used by American entities like government agencies and local businesses. An example is the Library of Congress (, which uses .gov, a restricted ccTLD variant for government sites in the U.S.
  2. .uk: The ccTLD for the United Kingdom, used by British companies and organizations. Examples include the BBC ( and the UK government portal (
  3. .de: The ccTLD for Germany, one of the most popular ccTLDs globally, reflecting Germany's strong online presence. An example is the German news site Spiegel (
  4. .cn: The ccTLD for China, heavily used within the country due to internet regulations and the significant online market. Examples include Baidu (, a leading Chinese search engine.
New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs)
In response to the growing demand for unique and relevant domain names, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) introduced New Top-Level Domains (nTLDs) in the 2010s. These domains offer specific, descriptive extensions that cater to diverse industries and interests.
  1. .tech: Targeted at technology companies, startups, and innovators, .tech is ideal for entities in the tech industry. An example is the CES technology conference (
  2. .store: Perfect for e-commerce businesses, .store signals an online store or retail presence. An example is the e-commerce platform Shopify (
  3. .blog: Aimed at bloggers and content creators, .blog is designed to highlight the nature of the website. Examples include personal blogs and company blogs, such as WordPress's own blog (
  4. .app: Tailored for mobile and web applications, .app is a secure domain extension endorsed by Google. An example is the financial app Robinhood (
These nTLDs allow businesses and individuals to create memorable, industry-specific domains that enhance their branding and online visibility.
Specialty Domains
Specialty domains cater to specific needs and functions beyond traditional or new TLDs. These include domains like .gov, .edu, and .mil, which have strict eligibility requirements and are used by specific types of organizations.
  1. .gov: Restricted to governmental entities in the United States, .gov domains signify official government websites. An example is the White House (
  2. .edu: Reserved for accredited educational institutions, primarily in the United States. An example is Harvard University (
  3. .mil: Designated for the U.S. military and its affiliates. An example is the Department of Defense (
These specialty domains provide an added layer of trust and authenticity due to their restricted nature.
Choosing the Right Domain
Selecting the appropriate domain type is crucial for a successful online strategy. Here are some considerations to guide the decision-making process:
  1. Purpose and Audience: Understanding the website's primary purpose and target audience helps narrow down the most suitable domain type. For instance, a commercial enterprise might prefer a .com or .store domain, while a non-profit might lean towards .org.
  2. Geographic Relevance: If the website targets a specific country or region, a ccTLD like .uk or .de can enhance local trust and SEO. For a global audience, a gTLD such as .com or a relevant nTLD might be more appropriate.
  3. Branding and Memorability: A domain should be easy to remember and relevant to the brand. Unique and descriptive nTLDs like .tech or .blog can make the domain more memorable and aligned with the website's content.
  4. Availability and Budget: Some domains, especially premium ones, can be costly. It's essential to balance the desirability of a domain with its availability and the budget allocated for domain registration.
Examples of Effective Domain Use
Several businesses and organizations have successfully leveraged specific domain types to enhance their online presence:
  1. Google: Originally, the tech giant has also secured various nTLDs like .google to reinforce its brand across different services (e.g.,
  2. The New York Times: The renowned news outlet uses but also incorporates other domains like for corporate purposes.
  3. TED Talks: The platform uses but also utilizes .com domains for specific events (e.g.,
  4. Spotify: The music streaming service uses, but with the rise of mobile apps, they could potentially explore .app domains in the future.
These examples illustrate how strategic domain selection can reinforce brand identity, improve user recall, and align with the website's purpose.
The domain landscape is vast and varied, offering numerous options tailored to different needs, industries, and geographic regions. From the ubiquitous .com and .org to the specialized .gov and .edu, and the innovative nTLDs like .tech and .blog, each domain type serves a unique purpose and offers distinct advantages. Understanding these types of domains and their applications is crucial for making informed decisions that align with the goals of a website, whether it's for a personal blog, a commercial enterprise, or a governmental organization. As the internet continues to evolve, staying informed about domain trends and options will remain essential for anyone looking to establish a robust and effective online presence.
submitted by webdev20 to u/webdev20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 SuccessfulManifests Should I Decide on a Specialty Before Law School?

I'm reaching out to those already in law school or planning to attend - did you have a clear vision of the type of lawyer you wanted to become before starting your legal education?
I must admit, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the myriad of options available within the legal field. A mentor who works at law school advised me not to stress about choosing a specific legal specialization before entering law school. They recommended focusing on getting accepted first.
What are your thoughts on this? Is it advisable to research different legal specializations now, or should I concentrate on securing admission to law school first? How can I best explore and understand the various legal career paths available to make an informed decision?
I'd love to hear your insights, experiences, and any advice you may have on navigating this decision-making process. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for your input and support!
submitted by SuccessfulManifests to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 yourlittlegirlx0 Graduate visa

I graduated in September 2023 and obtained a graduate visa. I then traveled back to my home country for 3 months. Now I want to return to the UK to look for a job, but I've heard concerning information that I may not be allowed to re-enter the UK due to my extended time outside the country. I've also heard that I may need to secure a job offer before returning.
To what extent are these concerns accurate? I'm starting to panic about my ability to return to the UK after my time abroad. Can anyone provide some clarity on the rules and process for re-entering the UK on a graduate visa after an extended absence?
Has anyone had a similar experience with re-entering the UK on a graduate visa after spending an extended period outside the country? What was your process and outcome? I would really appreciate hearing about any similar situations people have gone through.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by yourlittlegirlx0 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:07 SuccessfulManifests Exploring Legal Career Paths: Should I Decide on a Specialty Before Law School?

Hey Reddit Law School Community,
I'm reaching out to those already in law school or planning to attend - did you have a clear vision of the type of lawyer you wanted to become before starting your legal education?
I must admit, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the myriad of options available within the legal field. A mentor who works at law school advised me not to stress about choosing a specific legal specialization before entering law school. They recommended focusing on getting accepted first.
What are your thoughts on this? Is it advisable to research different legal specializations now, or should I concentrate on securing admission to law school first? How can I best explore and understand the various legal career paths available to make an informed decision?
I'd love to hear your insights, experiences, and any advice you may have on navigating this decision-making process. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for your input and support!
submitted by SuccessfulManifests to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:06 MainEarCode Shakepay Referral Code - $20 bonus when you sign up with Shakepay and buy/sell $100 worth of cryptocurrency (Canada)

Shakepay Referral Code : Use the link below to get $20 CAD once you trade atleast $100 worth of cryptocurrency.
Once complete, the ShakingSats option will become available. Shake your phone daily for free bitcoin.
In order to receive your reward, the new sign up must complete phone, email, and identity verification and purchase at least $100 worth of digital currency.
Already signed up and forgot to use a shakepay referral? Use this link and enter code KRQ31DB
submitted by MainEarCode to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:04 Dependent_Plant_8987 The Minecraft Website is the Most Frustrating, Incomprehensibly Pathetic Excuse for a Website I have Ever had the Displeasure of Transversing Through

I wanted to start a minecraft realms server for me and some friends, since it since easier and cheaper than other options. Load up minecraft, click realms, hit with an error. Restart, hit with another error asking me for my parents permission to play realms (I am 24). Restart minecraft and am directing to the minecraft website since I cannot purchase realms through the client. No worries! I sort of expected that anyways. It requires me to login to minecraft using my microsoft account since it does not automatically login using my minecraft credentials (ok, whatever). I login - hit with a validation error. Try it again, another validation error. try it again, Im not given a code to my email. Google a solution and use edge instead. Finally get into Minecraft, click realms, and the "Buy Now" button is greyed out w/ an error message in what is (presumably) some nordic language. Google a solution, refresh the page a dozen times, and the website tells me I have to purchase Minecraft first. I, of course, already own minecraft. Sent an email to ( who gives me an error message and tells me to contanct the minecraft support team using an online form. I use the form, and I get an email back explaining that minecraft no longer handles account errors, and that I have to go to microsoft.
What?? Literally what the fuck?? This is a billion dollar game from a billion dollar company, and this is the experience when I want to give them MORE money?? What a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a company. How difficult would it be to have a semi-competent support system for errors like this?
And no, if you're wondering, I have not figured out how to get my minecraft game to show up on my account (even though I can play minecraft totally fine through the launcher).
submitted by Dependent_Plant_8987 to Minecraft [link] [comments]