Pus-filled rash on the scalp

No-Poo / Natural Haircare

2011.03.30 19:49 squidgirl No-Poo / Natural Haircare

A place to discuss natural haircare and alternatives to shampoo.

2012.06.14 00:49 globalalopecia Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness, is an autoimmune disease in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body. Small spots most commonly occur on the scalp and usually grow back within a year. A very small percentage of cases spread to the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or to the entire body (alopecia universalis).

2009.08.24 17:07 ohstrangeone I Want Out: Information for people who want to expatriate

Welcome to IWantOut: Reddit's expatriate community. Please take a look at the sidebar for some tips for getting the most out of it.

2024.06.08 22:19 Nice_Look_2634 Why my locs are so frizzy?

Why my locs are so frizzy?
It’s my 7 th week after doing instant locs with interlocking near the scalp. I have 3C hair. Is it normal for it to look like that or they were locked with a wrong technique?
I’m due to do retightening but I’m thinking if I should also book repairs. I’m not going to come back to lady who did my locs as she interlocked them so tight I had two blood spots on my scalp and a lot of rash so I don’t trust her anymore.
What would you do?
PS. I tried rolling and locksmithing but it doesn’t help.
submitted by Nice_Look_2634 to Dreadlocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:36 Lunar_bad_land Very confusing B6 problems

I'm taking hydroxy shots and folinic acid and the rest are f the b vitamins except B6. I leave out B6 because I get toxicity or some kind of intolerance where my B6 blood results get very high and I get paradoxical B6 deficiency symptoms including itchy rash on my face and chest, itchy scalp dandruff, very difficult to get out of bed in the morning, loss of libido and pins and needles especially in my left hand.
Now while doing treatment I started getting the same symptoms even though I haven't taken any B6 in a while. Specifically getting worse after eating protein and I know B6 is required to metabolize protein. So I think I might be B6 deficient now? Does metabolizing B12 use up B6? I feel like I have some kind of functional B6 deficiency / intolerance that I can't figure out. Last year when I did the nutraeval plasma test it said I had very high need for B6 but supplementing helped for 3 days then caused paradoxical effects. I eat B6 foods like chicken, avocado and bananas but it doesn't help. I
submitted by Lunar_bad_land to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:40 Fresh-Alfalfa-2788 When I get hot it feels like a wave of ants are biting me

I first noticed it when I was around 18 (27 y/o now). Basically when I walk outside in the heat about 70% of the time I get this wave of stinging pin pricks (not at all like when a leg falls asleep) that starts at my back and spreads to my scalp legs hands and feet. Like when you drop a pebble in the ocean and it ripples out.
It lasts about 20-45 seconds and also happens when I'm in the shower or just in the house. Always though is the sensation of being hot- Never happens in the winter. Last night it woke me up which is new and kinda frustrating.
There is no rash and my skin always looks fine afterwards. I get my labs done every three months for Lilthium / Testrone and my doctor has never pointed out anything but a vitamin D deficiency that I now take supplements for.
Anyone have any idea on what this would be ? It's a super painful and bothersome issue when it happens
submitted by Fresh-Alfalfa-2788 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 06:18 toadster-tropica Itchiness in feet

I’ve had psoriasis since I was a child, scaly patches on my legs when I was younger and just on my scalp now. A week and a half ago i started getting itchiness in my feet and fingers. Then a week ago I developed joint pain in my right foot (and in my knees but that’s mostly subsided), and since 2-3 days ago I’ve had constant itchiness and swelling in my feet and fingers. I’ve also been getting random itchiness all over my body at different times, but the feet are definitely the worst and followed by the fingers. I had a bad flu a few weeks ago and had a post viral rash from that, but no itchiness really. I dont have psoriasis rashes anywhere except my scalp. Could these symptoms be due to psoriasis, maybe am i experiencing psoriatic arthritis?i didn’t intiially see them as connected, but now that i’m reading info online i’m becoming more and more convinced this could actually be the case?
submitted by toadster-tropica to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:52 Ineedhelp_pleas My rat lost a patch of skin about the size of a quarter from her head but is acting better and I’m as crushed as I am confused. (Graphic description)

About two weeks ago I took my rat olive into the vet for what I believed was an ear infection, but the doctor said it was a typical abscess and gave us an antibiotic medicine regime to follow. The abscess is right in front of her ear and smelled horrible, so I was especially relieved to hear it wasn’t a zymbal tumor.
I used warm compresses to lightly massage the area before flushing it with saline twice a day. Once an exit formed, I drained the puss and rinsed it with saline. One morning soon after, her face suddenly got swollen from her right cheek to her nose bridge, all the way up until the end of her head. It was a weekend, so no where in my area was open. I left messages to everywhere I could for a follow up asap. Thinking it may still help, I used the compress for longer on her, massaging the swollen areas to the abscess opening.
To my delight, this worked and her face was soon back to normal. She had some scabs in the middle of her head which I believed was the skin healing from the swelling; and I noticed the odor had soured significantly but was unsure why. Routine continued with her in a sick cage. During a compress, I noticed that she had a skin flap that opened to pink tissue covered in pus. It was like the skin was attached to the pink tissue underneath by a circle of pus attached to her scalp. The pocket of pus was in the ENTIRETY of where it was swollen before. It wqs filled with lingering milky, yellow pus completely inseparable from her top layer of skin—almost like the patch of scabbed skin WAS in itself a sheet of living, dense pus on top of more, sticky and attached puss.
( I think the abscess most likely spread underneath her skin and separated the two with a layer of pus, hence the swelling, but I’m not sure…. :( my poor baby
Called the vet again, asked if I could possibly talk to our exotic vet , and over email, He recommended to monitor and continue. He said the issue would likely resolve over the course of antibiotics and was unsure what more they could do atp.)
Fast forward to yesterday, things were looking up. A significant majority of the puss was drained, and I was using the compress as usual; slightly massaging. Then her skin separated, leaving a dot of white atop her exposed scalp. I freaked out and contacted everyone I could while researching what to do. I was sick guessing I would likely need her to be put to rest. I couldn’t find much about treatment,skin graphs or otherwise. It looks terrifying honestly, but I did see pictures of worse injuries/ wounds on rats that healed over time— showing their sometimes unreal tenacity, something i considered in my next steps. I found brands of medicine to protect the wound. I rinsed, sterilized, and dried the area before applying it.
A few things have me hopeful: olive was acting much better, near unphased even compared to when it was attached. The horrid, infected smell was entirely absent without the skin. She seems to be doing better… eating and drinking more, moving normally & comfortably, etc. Has her normal, flattened fur with a perfectly alert eye, normal whiskers, everything. all while she carefully avoids touching the area in anyway, especially when cleaning herself. L She’s showing no signs of pain (except when I touched the area directly to dry it , upon which she’d gave a short squeak, many kisses, before trying to push my hand 😭💕).
What should I do? I’m so conflicted… I really believe in her but I’m not going to let her suffer. Then again, she seems better and is on medication& under precautions against infection. It’s like she just needs to heal but…… :( please help. Any advice and everything I can do i do I sincerely appreciate.
Thankyou for reading
submitted by Ineedhelp_pleas to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:50 Siyrious Baby itching forehead a lot but there appears to be nothing?

It’s been 2-3 weeks since my LO has been itching her forehead (where it meets the hairline) like crazy. She’s 11 months old.
There’s nothing on her forehead or on her scalp. No rash, nothing. Looks normal.
Could this be related to teething? She already has 5 teeth…
submitted by Siyrious to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:49 Siyrious Baby itching forehead a lot but there appears to be nothing?

It’s been 2-3 weeks since my LO has been itching her forehead (where it meets the hairline) like crazy. She’s 11 months old.
There’s nothing on her forehead or on her scalp. No rash, nothing. Looks normal.
Could this be related to teething? She already has 5 teeth…
submitted by Siyrious to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 Zealousideal_Card326 Insulin + Weight + Thyroid + Hormone Mess :(

Age = 34 Sex/Gender = female Height and weight = 5'0", 195lbs Race/Ethnicity = Filipino x white x black Geographic location = US Pre-existing medical issues = PCOS, Subclinical Hyperthyroidism, Pre-diabetic Current medications (if any): Contrave Duration of complaint (how long has this been happening): 4 years
Symptoms: hair thinning on scalp, goiter, swollen tongue, high fasting insulin & glucose, high testosterone + free t, low TSH but normal t3 & t4, joint pain, dry skin, hives and rashes, frequent infections, high CRP, hirturism, frequent urination, mood swings, rage... I'm a mess. This all started at the same time, during the pandemic in 2020 and just progressively gets worse. I am miserable.
The biggest one I struggle with is inability to lose weight. They say because of my thyroid, I should actually be losing weight. But I'm not. I gain and can't get it off. Have tried the GLP shots, keto, exercise daily, and now contrave... and nothing, still gaining consistently.
No doctors can seem to help with the weight, so here I am hoping for help 🙏
submitted by Zealousideal_Card326 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:51 AbjectAd3082 Corynebacterium is the bacteria responsible for Erythrasma. Here's how I am treating it.

Manuka honey is a biofilm disruptor. So is lactic acid. We need to disrupt biofilm surrounding the bacteria so the antibacterial/antibiotic medications we use can actually work.
I put manuka honey on my scalp last night, then rinsed, then washed with head and shoulders, and blow dried. I lathered the smelly parts of my body in AmLactin. Then went to sleep.
Usually I smell right after my shower. This held up pretty well.
Before I showered today, I diluted AmLactin in water and soaked my scalp and moistened my body. Rinsed off in shower and washed. Then soaked scalp and body in raw honey (not manuka this time), washed skin and hair with H&S, lathered skin in AmLactin after shower.
Manuka seemed to work better, but the regular raw honey worked pretty decently too.
Note ** I have only persistent odor, and invisible bacteria. No rashes or anything visible.
submitted by AbjectAd3082 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:07 FallProfessional6023 Facial rash since Jan (F22)

Facial rash since Jan (F22)
Hi everyone, I just wanted to begin this by saying that I’ve finally been referred to a dermatologist but have been told the waiting list is quite long so unsure when I’ll be seen. Also I’m based in the UK.
Since January, I’ve had this rash on my face. It spreads across both cheeks and is now on my whole forehead too. I’ve attached this photo to show the difference between the rash and my normal skin.
So far doctors have given me antibiotics and steroid cream (hydrocortisone and eumovate). These didn’t help. Another doctor recently told me it might be seborrheic dermatitis (my scalp is fine) and prescribed me Ketoconazole 2% cream. I had an extremely bad reaction to this which resulted in the rash getting worse so was told to stop using it. I am now talking one Fluconazole Capsule (50mg) per day. Been on this for a week and it’s not made a difference yet but been told I won’t see results until 2 weeks + (if it works).
I’ve attached photos showing a clear border between my normal skin and this red “rash”. It’s on both sides (creating a butterfly effect) and has now covered my forehead.
Despite using the recommended emollient creams (zero base), my face is constantly itchy, tight and painful (burning). I wake up during the night because of the itching feeling. On most days I’m in bed due to the level of discomfort I’m and hardly leave my home anymore (unless for food etc). I’ve had to take a lot time off work too. Luckily I work from home but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get anything done.
The doctors I’ve spoken to (quite a few) don’t think this is serious despite telling them this. However, it was recommended that I have blood test just in case it’s lupus rash. I’ve never been much of a drinker but quit drinking, wearing makeup and using products with perfume etc. Doing what I can to get by but I don’t know what to do anymore.
Apologies for the essay! Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by FallProfessional6023 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:45 thaakee05 Bubonic plague?

I have spots and rashes on my face, scalp and torso. A few days later there is a small dark area on my gums. The fever I have is the type where I don't have a headache often but rather my eyes feel swollen and it hurts to look around. I think they are inflammed. I get chills sometimes.
The day before the fever: I woke up, first thing I did was go downstairs to drink 2 glasses of water. After drinking, the veins on my left hand felt like they were getting fatter and going to burst then the same happened to my right hand. The pain didnt last long. When I looked at the mirror there was something black on my lip, it looked like an insect. I think it came from the cup I drank from of which I dont think I rinsed properly. Maybe I ate some part of the insect? I also went outside that sunny day.
This is the 3rd day. I've been taking ibuprofen and paracetamol. I live in the UK. I've been looking all over what this is.
submitted by thaakee05 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:47 Electronic_Art3836 Hair color / greys/ non toxic

I have greys and almost black hair and have been dying my roots for almost 10+ years. About 5 years ago I suspected an allergy as I would break out on a rash on my neck so I moved to ammonia free dye which stopped that plus no tingling on scalp.
However the last two times I got my hair colored at the salon I experienced a lot of hair loss :/
I really want to continue coloring my greys , I am not comfortable going grey at 34. Are there any colors out there ammonia free, ppd free you’ve had luck with?
submitted by Electronic_Art3836 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:43 figtreeappleleaf Undiagnosed complex issues, desperate for guidance

I have gone to countless doctors and have been told I have rosacea, dermatitis, urticaria, anxiety for the non skin related sx
I am hoping someone is willing to read this, that they may have advice/ some direction as to what is happening to me, what I could investigate I’ve spent thousands going to gp consults and feel like they send me out the door and only consider one issue at a time (there are so many types of rashes and symptoms I experience at once in a flare up)
Background: 34F who escaped a dv situation, I’ve had a gastric sleeve prior, the stress from my experience caused me to cease eating whilst in a ptsd state.
I was hospitalised early 2023 due to malnutrition.
Months later, I developed oral thrush so bad I could barely stand up, extreme fatigue, feeling extremely out of it, completely dry mouth, atrophied tongue, tonsillitis. Pressure feeling on one tonsil and back of throat
I was treatment resistant after trying multiple courses of medications and the doctors didn’t know what to do anymore. Was provided with flucanozole.
I had some sort of allergic reaction to flucanozole (I believe). I ended up in hospital again with an experience of radiating severe shoulder, back to stomach pain. A rash swept my body and changed the texture of my entire skin. discharged with normal bloods, rash disapeared. On discharge I developed around 20 mouth ulcers.
I was referred to oral health specialist as I was treatment resistant to multiple oral thrush meds. When I had oral thrush i was too sick to barely move for approx three months. I crawled to the toilet to urinate etc at times. Oral health specialist told me she believed it was due to immune issues (parasympathetic response) caused by trauma/ potentially chronic.
NOW I have improved significantly from this time and no longer have oral thrush, however, I have since had onset flare ups I never had before
The following symptoms come together in bouts for random periods of time
-fatigue - Mouth ulcers - rosacea type rash appears on my face (papulopustular on nose), redness and dermatitis looking in cheeks and chin - swelling, redness, itchiness in my eyes and outer corners, crusty/ watery - headband like pressure around top of scalp randomly/ daily - Swelling of lips, eyes and nose, intense nose swelling changing nose tip shape - worsening of raynauds and raynauds on knees - levido reticularis when cold - urticaria burning redness on legs arms and face, spreads to chest (hot and not itchy) - extremely hot and red swollen ears - goosebumps on arms, white and rippled similar to keratosis Pilaris but closer together, raised.
Flare up causes for above sx: by eating various foods, drinking alcohol, warm drinks, stress , the skin care I usually use, comes on also at random times for no reason at times or from sunlight, heat
Duration: frequent, at random times and approx half hour, sometimes a new flare up shortly after
Other symptoms: Intermittent Blocked ear (feels full), sounds like I’m underwater
Burping & fullness feeling In stomach, gurgling in stomach
Continual tonsillitis and ulcers
Tests: immune and histamine levels do not indicate autoimmune disease. Clear of STIs All skin issues have been diagnosed with various causes and are being considered seperate to the others, I don’t know what is what anymore.
I have tried atopic steroids, antihistamines, both don’t appear to work and I don’t have vit deficiencies
I know it’s a long shot but I’m desperate as the flare ups are getting worse and more frequent and I have no answers
submitted by figtreeappleleaf to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:01 Realistic-Educator-8 Help -

Unsure where to start with this.

I moved into an apartment almost a year ago, though I had suffered from depression in the past and CPTSD - my mental health took a dramatic decline. I had always been able to "manage" my mental health but at times my thoughts and behaviour were unrecognizable to who I was. On top of this, I felt like I was constantly sick on an off. Low energy. Gained weight in a short period of time a couple months into moving in. I have an autoimmune issue that flared up again - more issues with circulation and menstation. As time went on my sleep started to decline.
About two months ago, I started to experience a significant decline in my health. I started to experience severe migraines, allergy like symptoms, nausea to the point I felt like I couldn't eat, I lost my appetite and though initially I had gained some weight I was back in shape and actually trying to eat more as I was working on building muscle - I lost almost 15 pounds dramatically. I was obsessing over things, picking at my skin, paranoia, etc.) Again, all behaviours I had never exhibited to that extent. With this skin picking I would pick around my cuticles but it seemed like my skin was not growing back properly and almost "fuzzy".
I went to a pharmacy because at the time I believed maybe I had some nail fungus, warts, etc. and was worried with what was going on with my eye. The pharmacist did explain to me it was stye but confirmed that my nails had no fungus or anything but looked like dermatitis or something. Then I started to develop a skin rash which would include dark marks (some raised, some not), my skin would feel sticky/scaly, my scalp was similar and my hair would look greasy and almost teased at the root). My allergy symptoms worsened and I was still feeling nauseous. I started to develop insomnia where I was sleeping maybe 3-4 hours a night with some nights not going to sleep at all. I began to notice that when I spent more time outside of my apartment, the better I felt. On days I did not leave, were the days I could not get to sleep and towards the end almost felt like my head was throbing and my brain was too big for my head if that makes sense.
While all of this is going on, I started to notice that my apartment seemed constantly dirty. I am very clean (type of person who dusts their base boards monthly). Brown/black marks were appearing on the walls, white dust everywhere, water was drying white, musty smells. The biggest thing was I had spilled water on my couch which was white but I would frequently steam clean it and the water had a dark hinge around in. I started to see more dark stains on my couch including a long dark black mark on the back. Some newer cosmetic products in my bathroom had developed mold on them and finally something hit me. I went on a deep dive of my apartment to uncover various what I believe our mold spores and mold marks. I am attaching photos here.
I started to find clothes that I had never worn that were just hanging in my closet with white stains same as backpacks, purses. The only very obvious mold as in a wicker laundry basket as it had turned a greenish color as well as a wicker stand. What was most scary was that when I would go into my bathroom with any of my open cuts I could see a reaction happening like a "fuzz". Blowing my nose and in my ears would be darkish and underneath my finger nails I would get stuff under them almost out of no where and this especially would happen while in my bathroom. I also stopped losing feeling in some of my fingers. My veins were more prominent. I also was just generally much more achy
This has just really unfolded in the last two weeks as I didn't really understand what was going on. I have since removed myself from the environment to which I almost instantly feel better, I go to sleep at a normal time, my appetite comes back but any time I have gone back for things, I come back with rash patches, puffiness to my face, headache, last thursday I was there and went to bed at 6am, cough resurfacing. I went to a walk in and was given some medication which included topical cream and for my head as well but the doctor believes I have a mold allergy and am seeing my GP this week to hopefully do testing. Given how it seems to be everywhere and conditions worsening when my building put the air on - I believe it is in the air given the HVAC and spread. More in comments
submitted by Realistic-Educator-8 to Mold [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:29 Realistic-Educator-8 Help!

Unsure where to start with this.
I moved into an apartment almost a year ago, though I had suffered from depression in the past and CPTSD - my mental health took a dramatic decline. I had always been able to "manage" my mental health but at times my thoughts and behaviour were unrecognizable to who I was. On top of this, I felt like I was constantly sick on an off. Low energy. Gained weight in a short period of time a couple months into moving in. I have an autoimmune issue that flared up again - more issues with circulation and menstation. As time went on my sleep started to decline.
About two months ago, I started to experience a significant decline in my health. I started to experience severe migraines, allergy like symptoms, nausea to the point I felt like I couldn't eat, I lost my appetite and though initially I had gained some weight I was back in shape and actually trying to eat more as I was working on building muscle - I lost almost 15 pounds dramatically. I was obsessing over things, picking at my skin, paranoia, etc.) Again, all behaviours I had never exhibited to that extent. With this skin picking I would pick around my cuticles but it seemed like my skin was not growing back properly and almost "fuzzy".
I went to a pharmacy because at the time I believed maybe I had some nail fungus, warts, etc. and was worried with what was going on with my eye. The pharmacist did explain to me it was stye but confirmed that my nails had no fungus or anything but looked like dermatitis or something. Then I started to develop a skin rash which would include dark marks (some raised, some not), my skin would feel sticky/scaly, my scalp was similar and my hair would look greasy and almost teased at the root). My allergy symptoms worsened and I was still feeling nauseous. I started to develop insomnia where I was sleeping maybe 3-4 hours a night with some nights not going to sleep at all. I began to notice that when I spent more time outside of my apartment, the better I felt. On days I did not leave, were the days I could not get to sleep and towards the end almost felt like my head was throbing and my brain was too big for my head if that makes sense.
While all of this is going on, I started to notice that my apartment seemed constantly dirty. I am very clean (type of person who dusts their base boards monthly). Brown/black marks were appearing on the walls, white dust everywhere, water was drying white, musty smells. The biggest thing was I had spilled water on my couch which was white but I would frequently steam clean it and the water had a dark hinge around in. I started to see more dark stains on my couch including a long dark black mark on the back. Some newer cosmetic products in my bathroom had developed mold on them and finally something hit me. I went on a deep dive of my apartment to uncover various what I believe our mold spores and mold marks. I am attaching photos here.
I started to find clothes that I had never worn that were just hanging in my closet with white stains same as backpacks, purses. The only very obvious mold as in a wicker laundry basket as it had turned a greenish color as well as a wicker stand. What was most scary was that when I would go into my bathroom with any of my open cuts I could see a reaction happening like a "fuzz". Blowing my nose and in my ears would be darkish and underneath my finger nails I would get stuff under them almost out of no where and this especially would happen while in my bathroom. I also stopped losing feeling in some of my fingers. My veins were more prominent. I also was just generally much more achy
This has just really unfolded in the last two weeks as I didn't really understand what was going on. I have since removed myself from the environment to which I almost instantly feel better, I go to sleep at a normal time, my appetite comes back but any time I have gone back for things, I come back with rash patches, puffiness to my face, headache, last thursday I was there and went to bed at 6am, cough resurfacing. I went to a walk in and was given some medication which included topical cream and for my head as well but the doctor believes I have a mold allergy and am seeing my GP this week to hopefully do testing. Given how it seems to be everywhere and conditions worsening when my building put the air on - I believe it is in the air given the HVAC and spread. More in comments
submitted by Realistic-Educator-8 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:19 Pleasant_Elk_4954 Hydroxychloriquine Rash? Allergic?

Hello! Recently diagnosed, I have been on 300 mg Hydroxy for about 3 weeks. 4 days ago I came down with a fever, aches, chills. I started to get a rash, first noticed on back, but it was the worst on backs of arms and then I got spots on thighs and belly, neck and I think my scalp as it is super itchy. Has this happened to anyone else? My doctor told me to stay on Prednisone but quit the hydroxy until I clear the virus (which is unknown). Finally, I think I am done with the fever and taking some benedryl tonight. Anyone had to switch drugs because of this? What did they put you on instead?
submitted by Pleasant_Elk_4954 to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:03 Christine-406 Joint Pain

I was referred to a rheumatologist for joint pain and my bloodwork shows a lot of inflammation and positive RA factor.
I have a lot of joint pain that moved to my fingers. And they swell up. The rheumatologist thinks possibly RA is starting to happen but not full blown. But she mentioned she sees a lot of people in her office who also have endometriosis.
Could it all be linked? Anyone else have joint pain in their fingers? I did kinda track the pain and it aligns with an endo flair. I also kinda get a rash on my face and scalp. This month the on my chest and neck. The rash formed a few days before my endo pain started.
submitted by Christine-406 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:11 HezzeroftheWezzer Sudden Onset Hyperhidrosis From Scalp?

A few months ago, I all of a sudden became completely intolerant to any kind of heat or activity. Sweat will bead up all over my scalp, trickle down my face and the back of my neck, and drip onto my shoulders.
It happens if I get nervous, doing any light activity, or even just washing the dishes.
I had this happen years ago when I was taking too much Synthroid and was kicked into hyperthyroid mode. As soon as they lowered my dose, I was fine.
I've talked to my doctor about this so many times. I've had my thyroid checked, hormones to see if I'm in perimenopause (I'm 48), and various vitamin levels. She can't figure it out.
The weather is warmer and it becoming so much worse. I've already gotten my first rash under my pannus.
Has anybody had the sweating come on suddenly and find out the reason?
submitted by HezzeroftheWezzer to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 14:45 Th30therUser The Search For Something Within

"There are demon haunted worlds, regions of utter darkness."
-Isa Upanishad
"To prepare for next semester, we will finish with theories on ideology." The overweight
man leaned heavily over the lectern. Tufts of hair jutted from his balding scalp. "The collective
conscience of us, from the very beginning. In its basic form, a theory of ideology is
construction." His voice came from his throat, a deep stirring. He scooted around the podium,
revealing himself. "The deconstruction of construction is ideology."
The professor took a big, sucking breath, flushing oxygen back into his overworked
lungs. "However, this is an introduction, so I will not overwhelm you. We will end with
something fun." Turning, streaks of sweat streamed down his back in collapsed waterfalls.
Suspender straps clung to his body in desperate straits. "A short film, together, we look closer.
Please pay attention."
His fingers clumsily worked the remote; bright buttons stood out upon its face, and our
eyes watched as he fumbled with the specter. Finally, the video appeared, and our eyes flew from
him to the screen. A tugboat sat still in the ocean, animated in a cartoonish style. A tall, blowing
smokestack tooted from a tug as it jumped merrily. A closer examination revealed live-action
minstrels working cheerfully ahead when disaster struck. Mevers wandered around the front of
the room, blocking the screen at times. He took substantial sucking breaths, followed by fits of
coughing. My eyes trailed him and his peculiar movements.
In a time of great stress, a crewmate clutches his chest in agony and writhes his way around the
deck. Panic strikes the crew, but none work together as a team. Instead, the deckhands are
ignorant of their situation.Mevers presses the red clicker at the moment of climax.
"Does anyone have any questions so far?" An audible groan formed as he started the
video back into motion.
A worker springs the release, and the anchor shoots up. The propeller begins its normal
twirl, pushing them forward and escaping to rescue; however, now the boat is speeding out of
control—all the crewmates combine in a hurricane of emotion, fighting for control of the
steering wheel. The video ends with the tug crashing into the shore. A dinky little tune churns
out as names sprawl down a black background.
"Ok, ok, ok, campers, let's chat. Who here…" Another sucking breath. "believes this has
anything to do with ideology?" Every hand shot up. "Promising. Can anyone tell me what the
anchor signifies?" Our hands went back down. Mevers pulled chalk from the cubby and
scribbled on the board.
"There were three crewmates onboard the ship. What did they signify?" There were a few
hands this time, but mine was not one of them. "Charlie, go ahead."
"The Id, Ego, and Superego." A pimply-faced boy squeaked out this answer.
"Excellent. The anchor signifies anxiety—the fundamental restriction..." For a moment,
he teetered—a white whale, the audience Ahab. Then he moved erratically to write once again.
"How do we best prepare our anchor?" His hand stopped as his words dissipated.
a man has something to find within
My eyes stayed on the words as the bell rang."I will see you all next semester." I remember Mevers well.
Three green lights faded to a soft yellow as I nudged my thumb. "Reactor level lowered."
An animatronic squelch blared through the loudspeakers. I nodded to the audit manager, who
tipped his cap and stepped back through the radiation shield. He moved briskly towards the
portal, never turning around. I raised my hand to flip three black levers in sequential order.
"Training protocol initiated." January fourteenth, a Shooters bikini calendar, bought as a
joke, reused since seventy-six, ran through my sightline. I stared a second longer than I should
have. My boots tapped across the metal grates as I returned to plant control. Blinking bulbs
flared in their familiar dance, a unique sequence of hypnotic lights running across my uniform. I
shimmied through the gap, sliding comfortably into my chair. Reactor nine supplied power to
station three. When time variance was outlawed, the name was changed, not much else. For a
while, people protested and requested audits. Slowly, they trickled to a crawl, and the occasional
crazy would run for it. I even had someone offer to buy my badge at the gate once. Thirty
thousand dollars. I smiled momentarily to slide past them.
"Training protocol 6789437 selected at random, per initiative RVL.765."
Men would be scrambling now, darting here and there. The screen poured in training
code. I cleared my throat, snapping out the microphone."Open leak in lower level." I scanned the code that ran overhead. Twelve-minute
I had been a runner for twenty years, and running destroyed my knees, but now I sit in a
gel chair, which has ruined my gut.
A unique cipher I wrote to track data from the central core broke their code.
"Leak will occur between valve one-two-eight-nine-seven and one-two-eight-nine-eight.
Make it look real. Stop the leak at six minutes forty-six seconds, and perform all corrective
actions." The microphone snapped back into its holder as I let it go.
"Allie request a transfer. Cafeteria, east sector." I snuck my way back through the
aperture, successfully stopping myself from looking at the photo dangling from the wall. The
pod-like room opened through a radiation shield into a hall shaped like a knot on a tree, and my
portal sparked on.
I waited patiently.
"Message incoming. Countdown has begun; why are you requesting a transfer?" Her
soothing voice made the message much kinder than intended.
"Coffee." I waited for a response.
"Request granted." The portal came to life, and I stepped through. The cafeteria was
empty, just how I liked it. A mixture of tables and chairs filled the expansive room.
"Allie, turn on the news, please." I pulled a chair and grabbed another to rest my feet. In
the distance, the television lit up."Thought you were getting coffee?" An older man stood near the doorway, peering over
at me.
"I lie frequently." An advertisement for a new chip flavor blared into the room, and Allie
adjusted the volume lower.
"Have you been out of the room today? Allie, turn off the TV, please." He ran his hands
over his mouth as he spoke.
"No," I answered.
"They let more go." He spoke.
"Had to happen... eventually." Lawrence walked over and sat at the table across from me.
"What are you going to do?" He said.
"Keep coming in. One day, they'll let me go, but not today."
"Hope is a slippery slope." I glanced up at him; he sat there smiling at me—age lines
warped across his face—a 56-year-old man who appeared to be in his seventies.
"You pick up poetry?" I said.
"Six minutes." Lawrence shook his wrist, awakening the device required to be worn at all
times. They would come and collect it each year and then provide you with a new one. I had
ideas on why they did this. Lawrence dug his face into his hands, then ran his rash-covered
fingers through his hair.
"We were so close." He said."Yeah." A blush of air came out as I spoke.
"What are we going to do?" He responded. I propped my feet on a table and leaned
deeper into my chair.
"I don't know, Lawrence, Allie, can you turn on the TV, please? News station seven."
"You should get back." He looked at me curiously, expecting the proper response for an
"It's all good, programmed." The TV woke up with a news anchor shouting into the
Too much, too fast. We're speaking with striking workers outside of reactor nine, where
thousands are being laid off; a minor skirmish broke out earlier today when more employees left
the building during the second wave of firings. We estimate another two thousand joined the
amassing crowd.
"It's worse than I thought. Jesus." Lawrence lowered his head.
Power plant workers made up most of those laid-off, who run the aptly named 'stations'
producing the remaining oil reserves.
"Allie, turn off the tv, please." Lawrence stood and headed towards the portal, briefly
peering over his shoulder. "3 minutes."
"Just enough time to let it go." Our eyes met."We had a good run. 26 years, we lasted. Time moves faster, doesn't it?" He lowered his
"It's jogging now." Lawrence nodded at this, then disappeared through the door. As good
a goodbye as any.
"Allie, turn on the tv, please."
People are discussing how a 'station' has never been closed. What happens when you turn off the
machine? With Neuma stock plummeting today, we will soon find out. Back to you, Jenna.
The first siren came, followed by the radiation alarm.
"Call incoming." Allie clicked it through while droning out the alarms.
"Hey, we're not seeing that leak. Are you sure you read it, right?" The technician would
be at the reactor panel, diligently searching for something that wouldn't appear.
"They're running debug errors. I started the search as soon as the first alarm rang. The
leak won't show on the panel due to simulated interlock failures." Deeper still into the mesh.
"Alright." His voice cracked.
"Are we on schedule?" I responded.
"A little behind; we weren't sure what was happening." I could hear him shouting at
something away from the mic before returning. "I think we can finish in under 8 minutes still.""Give me an exact." I said.
"7 minutes 18 seconds." I punched this into my watch.
"You're on the clock." Allie ended the call and switched the volume back on.
First introduced thirty years ago, stations were one of the technological bursts of the early
seventies. They were rapid aging chambers powered by nuclear reactors. With oil reserves
waning, this invention changed the course of humanity; now, as the path forks again, scientists
sound the alarm on shutting one of these super generators down.
"Allie, detach the television from the wall; have it traced, please."
"Sir, Security protocols are set." I looked down at my watch, which was clicking off
seconds a minutiae more than what seemed normal. Four minutes, thirty seconds.
"Very well, could you make some popcorn, please?" Jenna Stone, the blonde anchor,
threw it to a commercial teasing the continuation of the story in just a moment. An advertisement
for the newest replacement flashed onto the screen.
"Popcorn's ready, sir."
"Thank you, Allie." I stood and walked over to the heater; a warm bag awaited me, and I
snapped it open to toss a few in my mouth. The grease coated my fingers, and I sucked at them
hungrily. The condemned's last meal. Two minutes twenty seconds.A special episode of The Morning Dossier here at reactor nine, where we have all the updates all
day long. Sarah, are you saying that drills are happening within the plant? Can you give us an
idea of what that means?
One minute, thirteen seconds.
Yes, Jenna, we have confirmed reports that shutdown drills are ongoing. The communications
team has stated that these drills are regulatory and standard.
Time's up. I waited for the ring, but none came. I threw the bag in the trash and walked
back toward the portal. "Allie, detach the TV from the wall and have it follow."
"Sir, Security protocols are set. Call incoming. Patching."
"Nothing's happening. The alarm is still going off! What's going on up there!?" Once
again, the angry technician.
"They're shifting the leak. The power in the plant is dangerously low. Remove security
protocols, shift the plant into ultra-dark." A professional sounds calm and relaxed, when killing
"Are you serious?"
"Would you prefer a reactor fault?" He waited before responding to this delicate question.
"Do they think this will happen?" The strain in his voice told me all I needed to know.
"It's just training. Hurry up." I waited for the announcement. Would they patch me again?
Asking more questions raise more red flags. The call did not come."Security protocols deactivated. Plant entering ultra-dark." A soothing sound.
"Allie, detach the TV, please." The lights in the building shut off as the television's
robotic arm extended out and turned on its motion fan. It floated through the air, catching up and
equalizing sound as it flew. My watch lit up in a fulgent glare—the backup method of securing
power for humanity.
"Allie, transfer me to station 3."
"Sir, that area is restricted."
"Are security protocols active?"
"Security protocols are deactivated." Her voice was monotonous.
"Then transfer me." The portal door opened; and the television trailed behind.
Mevers still speaks to me.
Multiple whistleblowers are filing class-action lawsuits against the Neuma corporation as we
speak. Some accusations include fraud and illegal time variance, a practice outlawed nearly
seven years ago.
"Call incoming, Sir." Allie spoke.
Desperation is a trait of the unprepared. Mevers still speaks to me."Please block all callers, Allie."
Chaos happens naturally—no need to influence.
"Calls are blocked, Sir."
There is a significant update here from reactor nine: Individuals are streaming from the exits,
but guards are turning them back! Armed guards have stopped the workers from leaving the
The room's domed ceiling stood as if in repose. The walls were white, all made to look
the same. If only Michelangelo could get ahold of them.
At the center of the observatory sat a large vat.
"Allie, disengage the chamber locks."
"Access denied." There is a hidden viciousness in a response.
"Allie, security protocols are disabled. Disengage chamber locks." I returned.
"Access denied." The monotony was unappealing.
"Allie, who has access to disengage chamber locks?"
"Redacted." A once soothing voice turning sour. "Redacted. Redacted. Redacted.
"Allie, stop. Who has access to Station 3?"
"Redacted. Redacted. Redacted." Faster and faster, she spat out the curse.We are making plans for what we cannot keep.
We're not going to commercial; we promise to keep you locked on to the action. Ted, can you
give us some insight into what is going on behind the doors of reactor nine?
Sarah handed the microphone to a balding man. His eyes bulged from his head as if his
brain was too large.
I was only at the plant a few years, but secrets live in the walls, as is often said. Room upon room
blocked from transfer—portals leading out of the plant. Nothing seems to get done, no matter
how many complaints get lodged. They love to play these games, what you're seeing now, Sarah.
No one knows what they're doing!
His voice raced out like gunshots—a scare tactic improvised by oligarchs.
I inspected the knobs that held the vat shut. Steel bolts crocheted into a massive strike
plate. "I suppose I will need a hammer, Allie." I stared at the twisting waves as she materialized
the wooden piece. Dark Energy sloshed back and forth like water in the container. A large,
sealed tub. One of the few to know it even existed—the hard road. As I smashed the sledge into
the lock, a bell rang off.
The crack of my hammer poured into the small room as a bolt fell; heat drenched the
room as I dragged the hammer behind me.Breaking news at reactor nine. Guards are pushing workers back inside the building. We cannot
determine what is coming from the loudspeakers, but the workers are being forced back inside
the building.
"Allie, are you recording?"
"Recording, Sir." Time spun wildly.
"I looked for so long."
I raised the hammer and began to work once again. Another bolt fell, and I could feel
flame licking at the growing opening. The professor's words crept through my mind as I dragged
the hammer to the last lock.
"Nothing to find."
"Nothing within."
The last bolt hung by a thread. Waves of heat washed over my skin. With the last of my
strength, I brought the hammer through. With a clean strike, the bolt shattered, the hammer
exploded, and the door opened.
Boiling puddy flared. Droplets of ooze slid over the sides of the cage as it depressurized.
I climbed onto the side, watching life."Goodbye, Sir." Allie turned off her recording.
Warm waves welcomed me, and I sank below.
submitted by Th30therUser to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 14:18 Aggravating_Fan_2706 Suddenly developed rash after 3-years Kirkland minoxidil Foam use. Changed ingredients?

Suddenly developed rash after 3-years Kirkland minoxidil Foam use. Changed ingredients?
Been using Kirkland minoxidil 5% Foam for the last 3 years. Bought on eBay, 1 year supply from the same reseller every time, and shipped to Europe. But since December they changed the label/layout, and I am afraid they changed some inactive ingrediencies? After a few weeks of use, it started to burn, itch, and felt like mild shedding, and gave me a bad rash in my entire scalp and on my forehead, that I had to treat with Cortisone liquid.
At first, I applied Cortisone in the mornings and foam before bedtime. The rash went away, but later resurfaced. Same procedure again, and eventually my local doctor told me to stop using minoxidil and treat with Cortisol, which I did, and my scalp is fine. This is now 5 weeks ago.
I want to get back to minoxidil but using the foam, would you try the Kirkland foam again, or try Foligain or Rogain? The oil is not an option since I have long hair and it gets too greasy.
I have lost hairs and started thinning in my previously transplanted areas which is very concerning to me. And I need to get this sorted out.
submitted by Aggravating_Fan_2706 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:32 toodumbtobehere Could this be worse than my doctor may have thought?

Hi, I hope that I'm just really scared after looking up stuff on the web and looking at my own chewed up legs/arms/body. Would any of you guys take a look for me please?
I'm Male, and 33 years old. I've abused my Adderall prescription for 4 years because of my inability to cope with a very bad home life every day but that's another story. I won't lie, I abused tonight and felt large areas of my body become oily and itchy and etc, and I did pick at my leg, though some triple antibiotic ointment and hydro-colloid bandages seems to have taken care of everything. Every time I do I get dry flaky, scabby, yellow crusty scalp with real bad rashes/lesions/acne or something over my legs, the back of my arms, my ears, behind my ears, my cheeks, my whole back, chest, stomach, kneecaps and my ankles. It sometimes isn't too bad, but it can feel really itchy and wet or swollen with white oily acne like stuff or something, I can't help but pick at it most of the time, it also always doesn't itch in the same area if I leave it alone for enough time. But otherwise it will reappear if I keep abusing even without scratching it seems.
I do quit for a week or two quite often from abusing my medication and now that I've been getting better and better about getting off the stuff. All the symptoms seem to subside but some time can still show up a month later sober, though not as bad.
I've gone to several general provider doctors and my dermatologist and all of them seem to have the same conclusion after a full body inspection when it's been at it's worst: that it's dermatitis and since I'm very hairy ingrown hairs that gets infected and then they prescribe me steroid cream and antibiotics usually (Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment USP, 0.1%/Mupirocin Ointment/Amoxicillin 875mg tablets once every 12 hours 10 tablets). I don't lie to them about my addiction and have asked them several times about if it could be something way worse (I'm too scared to mention) or that it could be caused by my Adderall abuse, and each time they said it wouldn't make sense but instead could be amplifying something else (I didn't take that as permission to continue my abuse though) and that I should be okay. And so far the stuff they have given me works if I don't let my abuse get more out of control than usual. And I have made a lot of progress on that all though I still abuse, just not as bad.
Some other possible causes:
Though lately I've been slacking in moisturizing/showering myself cause of withdrawl and depression. Though I still drink plenty of wateelectro-lit to stay hydrated and also use sunscreen every day. My house may also have fleas ( https://www.reddit.com/whatbugisthis/comments/1bk9kwc/is_this_a_flea_or_just_fuzz_i_kinda_pulverized_it/ ) but I still have the will to keep my room clean and vacuumed that hopefully keeps them out since my dog still seems to have them. Though I still feel the sensation of something crawling on me/jumping out my hair from time to time. Though I know I do have a lot of spiders in my room cause of a hole in the wall somewhere. I don't know if that might be it, but a lot of the time what could be the bites have two little holes in them before they get itchy and irritated. And the last time my stomach broke out it seemed to be because I sprayed some DEET on that area to try to keep anything off of me. I've always had sensitive skin, I used to breakout because of maple syrup just touching me. So who knows.
I hope I've provided enough info verbally and have been coherent, I'd really appreciate someone taking a look and if you'd like to, here's an image of my leg covered in hydro-colloid bandages, one of the worst areas:
Thanks for your time! I really appreciate if you do reply and hope it's good news if so! I really am having trouble with anxiety and waiting for the next available dermatology appointment. And hopefully this will help ease it!
submitted by toodumbtobehere to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:57 annab311e Dermatomyositis (maybe?)

Dermatomyositis (maybe?)
Hi! I have been having some issues with strange rashes, joint pain, and muscle fatigue and weakness for about two years now. I am a female and in my late teens. My issues first began in the winter of 2022, starting with a strange rash on my forehead, on my scalp, and under my eyes (I have pictures attached of all three). I thought it was just due to dry and cold weather, so I ignored it. These rashes were super itchy and the ones on my forehead and scalp had this sort of plaque (?) on them. About a month later, I developed severe muscle fatigue in my hands, shoulders, arms, and legs, followed by joint pain in all of the above. The muscle weakness and fatigue caused me to have difficulty completing everyday tasks (brushing and washing hair, walking, using phone/calculator, etc). Eventually I had trouble breathing and my mom took me to the emergency room. Everything came back normal- no elevated levels for anything autoimmune. I was referred to a few neurologists (because there were thoughts of my issue being myasthenia gravis). Every test that I have done has come back normal. I then went to a pediatric rheumatologist- I’ve gone twice now- and still all my levels were normal! The only thing they ever found was that I tested positive for having Epstein Barr virus at some point. I went into a period of remission for a few months, so the thought was that I just had a bad reaction to a virus and that there was no long term issues. Unfortunately, this was not the case. When I am under stress or get sick I have really bad flare ups. Recently- like the last month- my symptoms have been getting worse and spreading to new parts of my body. My rash has come to my hands, chest, and upper back. My muscle fatigue and weakness has been really difficult and frustrating to deal with, there are a lot of things I can’t do right now. I have been searching for a long time as to what this could be, because I just really want an answer. When I found dermatomyositis it really matched my symptoms. My rashes look really similar to those of dermatomyositis and they are in the same locations. The muscle pain and fatigue also matches me, and the joint pain that it can cause. I have another appointment with a dermatologist this week.
I am so confused as to why nothing will show up in my blood tests- my pain and fatigue and rashes are so real! I don’t know why my body won’t show others what I am feeling :( Please let me know if you have dealt with the same thing! Does it just take a couple years for the markers to become visible? If you have dermatomyositis does my experience match yours a little? What helps your muscle fatigue and weakness?
Please let me know if I didn’t explain something well enough and I need to elaborate!
submitted by annab311e to Autoimmune [link] [comments]
