Free-lance bulldog

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Three: Dare to Dream (Ape)

2024.06.04 22:56 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Three: Dare to Dream (Ape)

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Three: Dare to Dream (Ape)
Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
Part Twenty Two Here!
Last we saw John Cena was at Winter is Coming, where he surprisingly won the Dynamite Diamond Ring after forcing MJF to lose his cool and get himself disqualified. However, The Pinnacle (sans FTR, who aligned with Cena) beat him down so badly he needed stretchering out once the show went off the air. A few weeks pass, and MJF moves onto CM Punk as Cena remains nowhere to be seen. Eventually, it’s declared he’ll be back for the final Dynamite of February 2022.
Road to Revolution 2022
Cena is back with the Diamond Ring on his finger, and he says he wants to bring back an old tradition of his. Back in the olden days, he ran an open challenge, facing off against the world’s best and brightest. He found out the hard way that today’s best and brightest hit a little harder than he remembered, but he’s up to the test, so he figures his only way to the World Title is by telling everyone… “if you want some, come get some!” He announces that it starts right now, with the second iteration at Revolution. Tossing his shirt aside, he settles into the corner as a referee appears, begging for anyone in the back to try their luck, and… YO! LISTEN! Cena chuckles as Max Caster comes through the tunnel, mediocrely rapping about something or other before the bell rings.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. “Platinum” Max Caster
Out of the gates, Max rallies Bowens on the outside, trying to get the fans on side… FRANCHISE LARIAT BY CENA, STRAIGHT INTO AN FU! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena def. “Platinum” Max Caster (0:21)
Cena grabs the microphone, not even having broken a sweat, and says “yo, listen, yo, at Revolution, get me a better foe,” before laughing at the low-hanging fruit that was his own bar and walking off.
Revolution 2022
Cena makes his way down to the ring in the middle of the show, thanking the crowd for their warm reception before turning to the ramp and simply saying the Franchise Open Challenge starts now, so anybody who wants some can come get some. He waits a few moments, and then a few moments more, before a naturally slow response is made by ORANGE CASSIDY! John looks pretty confused as the King of Sloth Style comes out to a standing ovation, his opponent announced as weighing “whatever” and hailing from “wherever” before a lazy volley of pyro spurts out beside him. The Best Friends clap him on his denim-clad back and leave him to it, the crowd chanting “FRESHLY SQUEEZED” at the top of their lungs as Orange enters the ring, followed by “HOLY SHIT” as he stands opposite the Face That Runs The Place.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. Orange Cassidy
Cena is still pretty clearly taken aback by Cassidy’s popularity as he tries for a lockup, Orange easily getting backed into the corner by John. Cena asks if he’s even here to fight, Cassidy not doing much of anything, and Cena shoves him into the turnbuckles. Orange calmly puts his hands in his pockets, the crowd erupting into cheers as he does so, so Cena simply drops him with a headlock takeover, only for Orange to reverse with a headscissors and kip up to his feet, hands still in his pockets. Cena stands nose to nose with him, and Orange plays Cena’s “frustrate them until they explode” strategy against him by throwing a molasses-esque kick to his leg, met with an “OOOOHHHHH!” from the crowd. Then another, and another, and another, before finally backing up for a feeble superkick to the knee, the crowd popping louder than Cena’s heard in ages. Orange winds up for one more, Cena casually sidestepping what he expects to be a slow-mo strike, but CASSIDY LANDS A SUPERKICK UNDER THE JAW, FOLLOWED BY AN ORANGE PUNCH! John is knocked to a knee, and CASSIDY CONNECTS WITH ANOTHER TO SEND HIM THROUGH THE ROPES! Still on his feet on the floor, Cena pivots to see CASSIDY FLYING AT HIM WITH A SUICIDE DIVE, BUT HE CATCHES HIM FOR A FALLAWAY SLAM INTO THE STEEL BARRICADE!
Now in control, Cena sends Cassidy back in for a leg drop across the back of the neck for two, and follows it up by calling for the Franchise Lariat to cut Cassidy’s momentum off completely. However, Orange simply… doesn’t get up, opting to stay down instead of getting clotheslined. Cena heads over to lift him up, but ORANGE STACKS HIM UP! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! John scrambles to pick Orange up, but Cassidy showcases some surprising power by GETTING CENA UP FOR A BEACH BREAK, ONLY FOR CENA TO REVERSE WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! THR-ORANGE REVERSES TO LEVERAGE JOHN’S SHOULDERS TO THE MAT! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA POWERS OUT! Orange springs to his feet, as does Cena, Cassidy running under a Franchise Lariat attempt by John and bouncing off the ropes INTO A SHOULDER BLOCK BY CENA! Cena nails another shoulder block and a side slam before delivering a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! The fans all boo as John gets up to his feet, raising his hands to feign surrender to the crowd and saying he’s “doing what he gotta do.” Cassidy slowly rises to his feet, and CENA GOES FOR AN FU, BUT ORANGE REVERSES IT INTO A STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOOO! Cassidy winds up for another Orange Punch in the corner, the crowd rising to their feet in tandem with Cena… ORANGE PUNCH CAUGHT OUT OF THE SKY FOR AN FU, CENA ROLLING THROUGH TO DELIVER A SECOND ONE! MESSAGE SENT AS HE HOOKS BOTH LEGS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena def. Orange Cassidy (10:35)
Road to Double or Nothing 2022
It was a big win for Cena at Revolution, but it was also something of a revelation that he might not have been taking AEW’s roster seriously enough. With that in mind, he declares the Franchise Open Challenge is back on track, and he hopes to show everyone what he’s capable of to prove that even with all the incredible competitors in AEW’s locker room, he belongs at the top of the mountain. The challenge is answered by Jungle Boy.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy gets his shit in, even connecting with a corkscrew plancha to the outside to get things started off in his favour, but he gets a bit overzealous as he looks to avenge Christian Cage’s loss to Cena by going for the Snare Trap, an identical hold to Cena’s STFU. Cena grabs the ropes before Jungle Boy can lock in in, tripping Perry into the second rope with an STO before slipping behind for a TIGER SUPLEX, FOLLOWED UP BY AN FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA KNOCKS OFF ONE HALF OF THE AEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, AND ANOTHER OF IT’S SELF-PROCLAIMED PILLARS!
John Cena def. Jungle Boy (11:02)
The Open Challenge continues on for a few weeks, with Cena notching victories over the likes of American Top Team’s Ethan Page and a particularly significant one over the Murderhawk Monster, Lance Archer. He also picks up a particularly hard-fought victory over AEW newcomer Konosuke Takeshita, shaking his hand after the bout while clutching the neck that Takeshita German Suplexed him on.
John Cena def. Ethan Page (7:33)
John Cena def. Lance Archer (10:41)
John Cena def. Konosuke Takeshita (14:18)
However, CM Punk beats him to the punch by staking his claim to Hangman Page’s AEW World Title at Double or Nothing, leaving Cena high and dry as Double or Nothing approaches, despite creeping up towards the top of the rankings. He says if he can’t be in the AEW Title match, he wants a great opponent in Las Vegas to prove he truly belongs as the next challenger for the gold. WAIT A SECOND! THE HANGMAN IS HERE! Hangman Page hits the ring, standing up to Cena and saying that he may be facing Punk at Double or Nothing, but Cena… Cena is in a special spot. Nobody on AEW’s roster has beaten CM Punk on a big stage except for him, so Hangman wants to send a message to the Straight Edge Saviour. He says if Cena wants, he’ll answer the Franchise Open Challenge next week and make it a title eliminator. John agrees, extending a hand to the champion, and they shake, with neither man letting go as they tighten their grips, leaning in close.
AEW World Title Eliminator: John Cena vs. Hangman Page
CM Punk is on commentary for this one, and it’s a massive atmosphere as Punk and Cena make eye contact for the first time in a decade. However, what’s just as crucial is Cena once again getting a crack at the AEW World Champion, and he intends to make the most of it, quickly taking the fight to Page with an onslaught of blows to the body. He backs Hangman up into the corner, brute forcing him onto the top turnbuckle before quickly going for an AVALANCHE FU, but Hangman knocks him down and bounces off the ropes for a SPRINGBOARD LARIAT FOR TWO! He sends Cena to the floor hopping to the top turnbuckle for a MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE! Somehow landing on his feet, Page goes right over to Punk, who applauds halfheartedly as John slowly gets to his feet in the background, rushing over to Hangman for a TACKLE OVER THE ANNOUNCE BOOTH, STRAIGHT INTO PUNK HIMSELF! Cena drags Hangman back to the ring, calling for a Franchise Lariat, but Hangman counters it into a DEADEYE! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! It’s a frantic sprint from the get-go, both men going for broke with their biggest bombs available - Hangman wanting to get it done quickly before facing Punk so he can be 100% for Double or Nothing, and Cena already wounded from his lengthy string of open challenge victories. Naturally, Page hops through the ropes to attempt a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, BUT CENA DUCKS BEHIND, A BEAUTIFUL STANDING SWITCH LEAVING HIM IN PRIME POSITION FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX… BUT HE HOLDS ON, SPINNING AROUND FOR A DRAGON SUPLEX, ONLY TO HOLD ON AGAIN FOR A BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX! WHAT STRENGTH! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY PAGE!
Both men are pretty depleted early on, but the fight wages on as Cena hoists Hangman up, calling for an FU! He gets him onto his shoulders, but PAGE LANDS ON HIS FEET FOR A DISCUS FOREARM, ONLY TO EAT A HAYMAKER FROM CENA! They start trading blows in the middle of the ring, Cena getting the upper hand in the exchange before landing a few shoulder blocks, only to eat a BIG BOOT AS HE GOES FOR A FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Hangman goes for a belly to back suplex, Cena fighting free and dumping Page out of the ring before bailing out to the floor himself, tossing Hangman into the barricade. He goes for an FU on the floor, but Page grabs the rope, dragging himself off Cena’s shoulders and delivering a kick to the gut, followed by a POWERBOMB STRAIGHT THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER’S TABLE! Page lets out a battle cry, locking eyes with CM Punk as he sends Cena back between the ropes and hops onto the apron for a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, BUT CENA BEATS HIM TO THE PUNCH WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT OF HIS OWN! BOTH MEN DOWN! They start coming to at about the same time, trading punches as they rise to their feet, and Cena gets a bit overzealous with a wide haymaker, Page catching him for a BACKDROP DRIVER! He hoists Cena up onto his shoulders, shouting at his next challenger as he goes for a GTS, BUT CENA GRABS THE KNEE, REVERSING IT INTO AN STFU! PAGE IS TRAPPED! CENA COULD MAKE THE CHAMP TAP RIGHT HERE… Page’s eyelids start fluttering, slowly fading out of consciousness as he drags himself forward - HE MAKES IT TO THE ROPE!
Cena’s in the driver’s seat pretty firmly for the first time, and he intends to take full advantage as he waits for Page to get to his feet. He knows Hangman’s leg is in a bad way after contorting it in the STFU, so he probably won’t be able to land on his feet out of an FU. Page struggles to a vertical base, and HE GETS PAGE UP, BUT HANGMAN REVERSES INTO A DDT! He calls for another powerbomb on the Franchise, just as he did at ringside, and hoists John into position before CENA GOES FOR BROKE WITH A HURRICANRANA! Page springs to his feet, dazed and confused as Cena gets him into a fireman’s carry for an FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY PAGE! Cena rolls through for another one, unrelenting in his pursuit of victory, but Hangman manages to persevere, grabbing the top rope and dropping down onto the apron, landing a stiff elbow on the jaw and following it with a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, TURNING JOHN CENA INSIDE OUT! THE CHAMP HOOKS THE LEG… ONE! TWO! THREE! A HARD-FOUGHT WIN IN A WILD SPRINT FOR THE HANGMAN, WHO MANAGES TO VANQUISH ONE OF CM PUNK’S GREATEST FOES EN ROUTE TO DOUBLE OR NOTHING!
Hangman Page def. John Cena (15:39), meaning Cena can’t challenge him while he holds the AEW World Title
Battered and bruised, and with the first failure in the Franchise Open Challenge having been logged, Cena is pretty dejected next week on Dynamite. He says his invitation for Double or Nothing still stands, as he wants to face the best and brightest the future has to offer, knowing Page will lose the gold eventually. He says he’s beaten two “Pillars,” so far, and while he might’ve come up short against the AEW Champion, while the matches may be taking a toll, he’s still feeling ready for whatever’s next. But not this. Out comes Sting, who Cena hasn’t seen since Survivor Series 2014, who came to John’s rescue in his time of need. John seems ready to accept his challenge, but Sting laughs, shaking John’s hand. He says he’s not looking for a singles match, but he heard Cena talking about the Pillars, and he’s got one in mind for Cena to face at Double or Nothing… Darby Allin. Out comes Darby, staring Cena down, and John says he knows Allin’s good - he’s heard a lot about him, but when it comes down to it, John wants back in the hunt. Darby may be stepping up, but Cena vows to make him step aside in Las Vegas.
Double or Nothing 2022
John Cena vs. Darby Allin
Knowing Cena’s worse for wear, Darby goes crazy right from the bell, simply throwing himself at Cena at top speed and hoping for the best as he careens off of the Cenation leader’s frame. John staggers into the ropes, Allin wailing on him with rights and lefts before soaring at him with a dropkick to send Cena through the ropes, following it with a SUICIDE DIVE, LIKE HE’S BEEN SHOT FROM A CANNON! He sends Cena back in to go for a Coffin Drop, but John manages to get right back up, high on adrenaline, and deliver an AVALANCHE BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT FROM DARBY, BUT CENA’S GOT HIM IN TROUBLE EARLY! From here, John knows the drill - ragdolling Allin all over the place. He jets him around the ring with horrific suplexes, plants him on the apron with a side slam, nails a SWINGING POWERBOMB INTO THE RING POST, and goes for an FU, ONLY FOR ALLIN TO REVERSE INTO A LAST SUPPER! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA BARELY GETS THE SHOULDER UP, BUT DARBY CAPITALIZES TO NAIL A STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE! He clambers up to the top rope, eager to put Cena away with a Coffin Drop, but JOHN CATCHES HIM OUT OF THE AIR IN AN ARGENTINE BACKBREAKER RACK! He flips Allin over… FU CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA SURVIVES THE ONSLAUGHT OF DARBY ALLIN TO PICK UP A CONVINCING WIN!
John Cena def. Darby Allin (10:03)
In the main event, CM Punk wins the AEW World Heavyweight Title from Hangman Page, ending Cena’s ban from challenging for the gold less than two weeks after it was implemented.
Road to Forbidden Door 2022
The Rampage after Double or Nothing, CM Punk declares he’s injured, as is tradition. This opens up a huge power vacuum for the Interim AEW World Title, and it’s announced that there will be an interpromotional tournament between AEW and NJPW for the gold, concluding at Forbidden Door. At Dominion, Hiroshi Tanahashi stamps his ticket to the main event, and the next week, John Cena wins a battle royal to make it to the semi-finals - where he meets Jon Moxley.
Moxley and Tanahashi have been building towards a match for over a year, but everyone knows Cena vs. Tanahashi is a dream match in its own right - the Face of American pro wrestling vs. the Face of Japanese puroresu. Moxley and Cena also have plenty of history in their own right, making the high-stakes bout all the more compelling. They have a promo segment to open next week’s Dynamite, Moxley saying that last time he and Cena met one on one, he won. Last time they met on a grand stage, he won, and did so so decisively that Cena never main evented WrestleMania again. John chuckles, saying that he knows in a past life, Moxley had his number, and ever since, he’s only grown more dangerous. He should be shaking in his boots, but he’s not. If Moxley’s the tallest task in AEW… he’s up to it. He’ll see him later tonight.
Interim AEW World Title Tournament Semi-Final: John Cena vs. Jon Moxley
These two revisit their past blood feud with a suitable amount of vim and vigor, Moxley bleeding like a stuffed pig after getting hit with a Five Knuckle Shuffle or something. It turns into a brutally violent scrap, both men refusing to surrender the chance to face Tanahashi at Forbidden Door and reach the top of the AEW mountain. They duke it out for nearly fifteen minutes, trading big bombs, but eventually Moxley manages to pull ahead with an X-Plex before lining up for the Death Rider, only to be backed into the corner by Cena with a flurry of punches. Cena goes for the Franchise Lariat, but Jon blasts him with a forearm, dropping Cena for a series of HAMMER AND ANVIL ELBOWS, AND NOW A DEATH RIDER BY MOXLEY! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT, BUT MOXLEY TRANSITIONS STRAIGHT INTO THE BULLDOG CHOKE, SQUEEZING THE LIFE OUT OF THE FRANCHISE! John struggles towards the ropes, but Moxley stomps on his hand, shifting his centre of gravity enough for Cena to roll back INTO A STACK! ONE! TWO! TH-MOXLEY KICKS OUT, BUT HOOKS CENA’S ARMS FOR ANOTHER DEATH RIDER, ONLY FOR JOHN TO POP HIM UP INTO AN FU! HE ROLLS THROUGH… A SECOND FU, AND NOW INTO A THIRD! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA’S GOT ANOTHER SHOT AT THE AEW TITLE THANKS TO FINALLY KNOCKING OFF JON MOXLEY!
John Cena def. Jon Moxley (15:36) to advance
Staggering to his feet, battered beyond belief, Cena celebrates his victory as the BCC cart off a furious Jon Moxley. It’s the biggest win of Cena’s AEW career, but he doesn’t have long to bask in it as HIROSHI TANAHASHI APPEARS ON THE STAGE! He makes his way down to the ring, the crowd showering both men in chants of “HOLY SHIT” as Tanahashi and Cena stand across from each other within the confines of the same squared circle. John steps to the middle of the ring, as does Tanahashi, soaking in the response before the Ace raises his arms, a smug smile on his face. Cena slowly lifts his hand into a salute, putting a little extra oomph behind the motion before telling Tanahashi the Champ is Here, the show going off the air with wrestling’s two most iconic modern babyfaces finally locked in for a gargantuan battle.
Forbidden Door 2022
Interim AEW World Title: John Cena vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's my job to make you believe. This is it. THE Dream Match. From the lockup, the crowd is molten, erring on the side of Cena as AEW’s representative, but things quickly change as Cena starts to work on the body, slowing the pace down to assault Tanahashi’s core in the early going. He bears down on him with suplexes and slams, even going as far as to just stomp on the ribs and stomach to keep Tanahashi down, knowing there’s no breaking the Ace’s spirit - you just have to batter him until he simply can’t keep going. However, he gets a bit overzealous, Tanahashi nabbing his foot and connecting with a Dragon Screw to take him to the mat, followed by a grounded Dragon Screw to begin his work on the leg. Tanahashi keeps the pressure on with desperate chop blocks and low dropkicks, knowing his only hope is to keep his stronger foe on his back, but Cena’s freakish power neutralizes most of Tanahashi’s efforts, reversing a SLINGBLADE INTO A BLUE THUNDER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! The Ace comes up gasping for breath, and Cena digs into his reserves with a series of blows to the body, laying into him with a series of shoulder blocks and a side slam before going for a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT TANAHASHI CATCHES HIM WITH A DENKOU SEKKA! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA KICKS OUT, SPRINGING UP AND PIVOTING TO DELIVER A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! KICKOUT AT ONE! TANAHASHI’S NOT GOING ANYWHERE, AND CHICAGO HAS ERUPTED!
Now firmly on the side of Hiroshi Tanahashi, the fans rally behind him as he gets back to his feet, urging Cena to throw everything he’s got. Cena uncorks a few haymakers, staggering the Ace, but Tanahashi LAYS INTO HIM WITH A HUGE SLAP ACROSS THE FACE, HIS ENTIRE BODY WEIGHT PUT BEHIND IT! The Franchise is stunned, looking slightly dazed before his face contorts into one of frustration, charging for another Franchise Lariat but being sent through the ropes before THE ACE NAILS A DROPKICK THROUGH THE ROPES! He scrambles up to the top turnbuckle… CROSSBODY TO THE FLOOR, TAKING CENA DOWN! TANAHASHI’S ON A ROLL! It’s clear both men are worse for wear after that one, the collision naturally taking Cena down but also exacerbating the damage to Tanahashi’s core. The New Japan star sends John back in, going up top once again before going for a HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT CENA ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY, DELIVERING A SERIES OF DEADLIFT SUPLEXES ON TANAHASHI FOR ANOTHER NEARFALL! He calls for an FU as Tanahashi struggles to stand, hoisting him up ON ONE LEG, BUT TANAHASHI COUNTERS INTO A TORNADO DDT, CENA UNABLE TO KEEP A FIRM BASE! HE’S GOT CENA DOWN, AND NOW HE RUSHES TO THE TOP ROPE, FIGHTING THROUGH THE PAIN… HIGH! FLY! FLOW! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO!
Tanahashi clutches his ribs as he wills himself onwards, dragging himself to the ropes and heaving himself up the turnbuckles for ANOTHER HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT CENA CATCHES HIM OUT OF THE AIR FOR AN FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-TANAHASHI KICKS OUT, AND THE UNITED CENTER HAS COME UNGLUED! Cena rolls right over Tanahashi to hoist him up for a second consecutive FU, but TANAHASHI REVERSES INTO A CRUCIFIX PIN! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA REVERSES IT INTO A HIGH STACK! ONE! TWO! THR-TANAHASHI ROLLS OVER, GRABBING CENA’S BAD LEG TO GO FOR A CLOVERLEAF, BUT CENA TRIPS HIM UP AND LOCKS IN THE STFU! TANAHASHI’S FADING! THERE’S NO UNIVERSE IN WHICH THE ACE TAPS, BUT HE COULD PASS OUT… HE REACHES TO THE ROPES, BUT HE’S FINGERTIPS SHORT! His eyelids begin to flutter, his arm dropping to the canvas, but suddenly, his eyes bulge open, a surge of energy driving him forward… but not far enough, collapsing just shy of the ropes. The referee grabs his arm to check if he’s out, but TANAHASHI GRABS HIM BY THE COLLAR! HE’S NOT DONE YET! ONE LAST BURST, BUT CENA DRAGS THE ACE BACK TO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING - ONLY FOR TANAHASHI TO REVERSE IT INTO AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA GETS THE SHOULDER UP, AND NOW HE’S GOT TANAHASHI UP ON HIS SHOULDERS FOR A SECOND FU, AND NOW A THIRD! The air is let out of the building as he finally hooks both legs… ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA’S ON TOP OF THE WORLD, NOW A TWENTY TIME WORLD CHAMPION!
John Cena def. Hiroshi Tanahashi (22:40) to win the Interim AEW World Title
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2024.05.27 06:30 EmbarrassedAd575 what is your favorite animal?

Mine is Aardvark Aardwolf Abyssinian Abyssinian Guinea Pig Acadian Flycatcher Achrioptera Manga Ackie Monitor Addax Adélie Penguin Admiral Butterfly Aesculapian Snake Affenpinscher Afghan Hound African Bullfrog African Bush Elephant African Civet African Clawed Frog African Fish Eagle African Forest Elephant African Golden Cat African Grey Parrot African Jacana African Palm Civet African Penguin African Sugarcane Borer African Tree Toad African Wild Dog Africanized bee (killer bee) Agama Lizard Agkistrodon Contortrix Agouti Aidi Ainu Airedale Terrier Airedoodle Akbash Akita Akita Shepherd Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) Alaskan Husky Alaskan Klee Kai Alaskan Malamute Alaskan Pollock Alaskan Shepherd Albacore Tuna Albatross Albertonectes Albino (Amelanistic) Corn Snake Aldabra Giant Tortoise Alligator Gar Allosaurus Allosaurus Alpaca Alpine Dachsbracke Alpine Goat Alusky Amano Shrimp Amargasaurus Amazon Parrot Amazon River Dolphin (Pink Dolphin) Amazon Tree Boa Amazonian Royal Flycatcher Amberjack Ambrosia Beetle American Alligator American Alsatian American Bulldog American Bully American Cocker Spaniel American Cockroach American Coonhound American Dog Tick American Eel American Eskimo Dog American Foxhound American Hairless Terrier American Leopard Hound American Paddlefish American Pit Bull Terrier American Pugabull American Pygmy Goat American Robin American Staffordshire Terrier American Toad American Water Spaniel American Wirehair Amethystine Python (Scrub Python) Amphicoelias Fragillimus Amur Leopard Anaconda Anatolian Shepherd Dog Anchovies Andrewsarchus Angelfish Angelshark Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar Anglerfish Angora Ferret Angora Goat Anhinga Anna’s Hummingbird Anole Lizard Anomalocaris Ant Antarctic Scale Worm Anteater Antelope Anteosaurus Antiguan Racer Snake Ape Apennine Wolf Appenzeller Dog Apple Head Chihuahua Apple Moth Arabian Cobra Arabian Wolf Arafura File Snake Arambourgiania Arapaima Archaeoindris Archaeopteryx Archaeotherium Archelon Turtle Archerfish Arctic Char Arctic Fox Arctic Hare Arctic Wolf Arctodus Arctotherium Argentavis Magnificens Argentine Black and White Tegu Argentine Horned Frog Argentinosaurus Arizona Bark Scorpion Arizona Black Rattlesnake Arizona Blonde Tarantula Arizona Coral Snake Armadillo Armadillo Lizard Armenian Gampr Armored Catfish Armyworm Arsinoitherium Arthropleura Aruba Rattlesnake Ashy Mining Bee Asian Arowana Asian Carp Asian Cockroach Asian Elephant Asian Giant Hornet Asian Lady Beetle Asian Longhorn Beetle Asian Palm Civet Asian Vine Snake Asian Water Monitor Asiatic Black Bear Asp Asp Caterpillar Assassin Bug Assassin Snail Atlantic Cod Atlantic Salmon Atlantic Sturgeon Atlas Beetle Atlas Moth Aurochs Aussiedoodle Aussiedor Aussiepom Australian Bulldog Australian Cattle Dog Australian Cockroach Australian Firehawk Australian Flathead Perch Australian Gecko Australian Kelpie Dog Australian Labradoodle Australian Mist Australian Retriever Australian Shepherd Australian Shepherd Mix Australian Terrier Australopithecus Australorp Chicken Avocet Axanthic Ball Python Axolotl Ayam Cemani Aye-aye Azawakh
Babirusa Baboon Bactrian Camel Badger Bagle – Basset Hound Mix Bagworm Moth Bagworm Moth Caterpillar Baird’s Rat Snake Bald Eagle Baleen Whale Balinese Balkan Lynx Ball Python Bamboo Shark Bamboo Worms Banana Ball Python Banana Cinnamon Ball Python Banana Eel Banana Spider Banded Krait Banded Palm Civet Banded Water Snake Bandicoot Banjo Catfish Barb Barbet Barbut’s Cuckoo Bumblebee Barinasuchus Bark Beetle Bark Scorpion Barn Owl Barn Spider Barn Swallow Barnacle Barnevelder Barosaurus Barracuda Barramundi Fish Barred Owl Barreleye Fish (Barrel Eye) Barylambda Basenji Dog Basenji Mix Basilisk Lizard Basilosaurus Basking Shark Bass Bassador Basset Fauve de Bretagne Basset Hound Bassetoodle Bat Bat-Eared Fox Batfish Bavarian Mountain Hound Baya Bea-Tzu Beabull Beagador Beagle Beagle Mix Beagle Shepherd Beaglier Beago Bear Bearded Collie Bearded Dragon Bearded Fireworm Bearded Vulture Beaski Beauceron Beauty rat snake Beaver Bed Bugs Bedlington Terrier Bee Bee-Eater Beefalo Beetle Beewolf wasp Belgian Canary Belgian Laekenois Belgian Malinois Belgian Malinois Mix Belgian Sheepdog Belgian Shepherd Belgian Tervuren Belted Kingfisher Beluga Sturgeon Beluga Sturgeon Bengal Tiger Bergamasco Berger Blanc Suisse Berger Picard Bernedoodle Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dog Mix Bernese Shepherd Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) Bhutan Takin Bichir Bichon Frise Bichpoo Biewer Terrier Bigfin Reef Squid Bighorn Sheep Bilby Binturong Bird Bird Of Paradise Bird Snake Birman Biscuit Beetle Bismarck Ringed Python Bison Black And Tan Coonhound Black and White Warbler Black Aphids Black Bass Black Crappie Black Dragon Lizard Black German Shepherd Black Mamba Black Marlin Black Mouth Cur Black Pastel Ball Python Black Rat Snake Black Rhinoceros Black Russian Terrier Black Sea Bass Black Swallowtail Black Swallowtail Caterpillar Black Tarantula Black Throat Monitor Black Wasp Black Widow Spider Black Witch Moth Black-Bellied Whistling Duck Black-Capped Chickadee Black-Footed Ferret Black-headed python Black-Tailed Rattlesnake Blackburnian Warbler Blackfin Tuna Blacknose Shark Blackpoll Warbler Blacktip Reef Shark Blacktip Shark Bladefin Basslet Blanket Octopus Blind Snake Blister Beetle Blister Beetle Blobfish Blood Python Bloodhound Blowfly Blue Andalusian Blue Belly Lizard Blue Catfish Blue Death Feigning Beetle Blue Dragon Sea Slug Blue Eyed Pleco Blue German Shepherd Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Blue grosbeak Blue Iguana Blue Jay Blue Lacy Dog Blue Nose Pit Bull Blue Picardy Spaniel Blue Racer Blue Shark Blue Tanager (Blue-Grey Tanager) Blue Tang Blue Tit Blue Whale Blue-Ringed Octopus Bluefin Tuna Bluefish Bluegill Bluetick Coonhound Boas Bobcat Bobolink Boelen’s python Boer Goat Boerboel Boggle Boglen Terrier Boiga Bolivian Anaconda Bolognese Dog Bombardier Beetle Bombay Bonefish Bongo Bonito Fish Bonnethead Shark Bonobo Booby Boomslang Booted Bantam Borador Border Collie Border Collie Mix Border Terrier Bordoodle Borkie Bornean Orangutan Borneo Elephant Boskimo Boston Terrier Bottlenose Dolphin Bouvier Des Flandres Bowfin Bowhead Whale Box Jellyfish Box Tree Moth Box Turtle Box-Headed Blood Bee Boxachi Boxador Boxer Dog Boxer Mix Boxerdoodle Boxfish Boxsky Boxweiler Boykin Spaniel Bracco Italiano Brachiosaurus Brahma Chicken Brahminy Blindsnake Braque du Bourbonnais Braque Francais Brazilian Black Tarantula Brazilian Terrier Brazilian Treehopper Bredl’s Python Briard British Timber Brittany Brontosaurus Bronze Whaler Shark Bronze-winged Jacana Brook Trout Brookesia Micra Brown Bear Brown Dog Tick Brown Headed Cowbird Brown Hyena Brown Snake Brown Tree Snake Brown Water Snake Brown-banded Cockroach Brug Brussels Griffon Budgerigar Buff Orpington Chicken Buffalo Buffalo Fish Bull and Terrier Bull Shark Bull Terrier Bull Trout Bullboxer Bulldog Bulldog Mix Bullfrog Bullmastiff Bullsnake Bumblebee Burmese Burmese Python Burrowing Frog Burrowing Owl Bush Baby Bush Viper Bushmaster Snake Butterfly Butterfly Fish
Cabbage Moth Cactus Moth Cactus Mouse Cactus Wren Caecilian Caiman Caiman Lizard Cairn Terrier California Condor California Kingsnake California Tarantula Camel Camel Cricket Camel Spider Campine Chicken Canaan Dog Canada Lynx Canada Warbler Canadian Eskimo Dog Canadian Horse Cane Corso Cane Rat Cane Spider Cantil Canvasback Cape Lion Capuchin Capybara Caracal Cardinal Caribbean Reef Shark Caribou Carolina Dog Carolina Parakeet Carp Carpenter Ant Carpet Beetle Carpet Python Carpet Viper Carrion Beetle Cascabel Cashmere Goat Cassowary Cat Cat Snake Cat-Eyed Snake Cat-Faced Spider Catahoula Bulldog Catahoula Leopard Catalan Sheepdog Caterpillar Catfish Caucasian Mountain Dog (Shepherd) Caucasian Shepherd Cava Tzu Cavador Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cavapoo Cave Bear Cave Lion Cecropia Moth Cedar Waxwing Centipede Central Ranges Taipan Cephalaspis Ceratopsian Ceratosaurus Cervalces latifrons (Broad-Fronted Moose) Cesky Fousek Cesky Terrier Chain Pickerel Chameleon Chamois Chartreux Cheagle Checkered Garter Snake Cheetah Chesapeake Bay Retriever Chestnut-Sided Warbler Chi Chi Chickadee Chicken Chicken Snake Chigger Chihuahua Chihuahua Mix Children’s python Chilean Recluse Spider Chilean Rose Tarantula Chilesaurus Chimaera Chimpanzee Chinchilla Chinese Alligator Chinese Cobra Chinese Crested Dog Chinese Geese Chinese Paddlefish Chinese Shar-Pei Chinese Water Deer Chinook Chinook Salmon Chinstrap Penguin Chipit Chipmunk Chipoo Chipping Sparrow Chiton Chiweenie Chorkie Chow Chow Chow Pom Chow Shepherd Christmas Beetle Christmas Island Red Crab Chromodoris Willani Chusky Cicada Cichlid Cinereous Vulture Cinnamon Ball Python Cinnamon Bear Cinnamon Ferret Clark’s Grebe Clearnose Skate Click Beetle Clock Spider Clothes Moth Clouded Leopard Clownfish Clumber Spaniel Coachwhip Snake Coastal Carpet Python Coastal Taipan Coati Cobalt Blue Tarantula Cobia Fish Cobras Cochin Chicken Cockalier Cockapoo Cockatiel Cockatoo Cocker Spaniel Cockle Cockroach Coconut Crab Codfish Codling Moth Coelacanth Collared Peccary Collett’s Snake Collie Collie Mix Colossal Squid Comb Jellyfish Comb-crested Jacana Comet Moth Comfort Retriever Common Buzzard Common Carp Common European Adder Common Frog Common Furniture Beetle Common Goldeneye Common Grackle Common Green Magpie Common House Spider Common Loon Common Raven Common Spotted Cuscus Common Toad Common Yellowthroat Compsognathus Cone Snail Conger Eel Congo Snake Conure Cookiecutter Shark Cooper’s Hawk Copperhead Coral Coral Snake Corella Corgidor Corgipoo Corkie Corman Shepherd Cormorant Corn Earworm Corn Rex Cat (Cornish Rex) Corn Snake Cory Catfish Coryphodon Costa’s Hummingbird Coton de Tulear Cotton-top Tamarin Cottonmouth Coues Deer Cougar Cow Cow Reticulated Python Coyote Crab Crab Spider Crab-Eating Fox Crab-Eating Macaque Crabeater Seal Crane Crappie Fish Crayfish Crested Gecko Crested Penguin Cricket Croatian Sheepdog Crocodile Crocodile Monitor Crocodile Shark Crocodylomorph Cross Fox Cross River Gorilla Crow Crucian Carp Cryolophosaurus Cuban Boa Cuban Cockroach Cubera Snapper Cuckoo Cucumber Beetle Curly Coated Retriever Curly Hair Tarantula Cuttlefish Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Dachsador Dachshund Dachshund Mix Daeodon Dalmadoodle Dalmador Dalmatian Dalmatian Mix Damselfish Dandie Dinmont Terrier Daniff Danios Danish Swedish Farmdog Dapple Dachshund Dark-Eyed Junco Dark-Eyed Junco Darkling Beetle Darwin’s fox Darwin’s Frog Daug De Brazza’s Monkey De Kay’s Brown Snake Death Adder Death’s Head Cockroach Deathwatch Beetle Decorator Crab Deer Deer Head Chihuahua Deer Mouse Deer Tick Deinocheirus Deinosuchus Desert Ghost Ball Python Desert Kingsnake Desert Locust Desert Rain Frog Desert Tortoise Desert Wolf Desmostylus Deutsche Bracke Devil’s Coach Horse Beetle Devon Rex Dhole Diamond Python Diamondback Moth Dickcissel Dickinsonia Dik-Dik Dilophosaurus Dimetrodon Diminutive Woodrat Dingo Dinocrocuta Dinofelis Dinopithecus Dinosaur Shrimp Dinosaurs Diplodocus Diprotodon Dire Wolf Disco Clam Discus Diving Bell Spider (Water Spider) Diving Duck Doberman Pinscher Dobsonfly Dodo Doedicurus Dog Dog Tick Dogo Argentino Dogue De Bordeaux Dolphin Donkey Dorgi Dorkie Dorking Chicken Dormouse Double Doodle Douc Downy Woodpecker Doxiepoo Doxle Draco Volans Lizard Dragon Eel Dragon Snake (Javan Tubercle Snake, Javan Mudsnake) Dragonfish Dragonfly Dreadnoughtus Drever Dried Fruit Moth Dromornis stirtoni Drum Fish Dubia Cockroach Duck Dugong Dumeril’s Boa Dung Beetle Dungeness Crab Dunker Dunkleosteus Dunnock Dusky Dolphin Dusky Shark Dutch Rabbit Dutch Shepherd Dwarf Boa Dwarf Crocodile Dwarf Gourami Dwarf Hamster
Eagle Eagle Ray Eared Grebe Earless Monitor Lizard Earthworm Earwig East Siberian Laika Eastern Barred Bandicoot Eastern Bluebird Eastern Box Turtle Eastern Brown Snake Eastern Chipmunk Eastern Coral Snake Eastern Cottontail Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Eastern Dobsonfly Eastern Fence Lizard Eastern Glass Lizard Eastern Gorilla Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Green Mamba Eastern Hognose Snake Eastern Indigo Snake Eastern Kingbird Eastern Lowland Gorilla Eastern Meadowlark Eastern Phoebe Eastern Racer Eastern Rat Snake Eastern Tiger Snake Eastern Turkey (Wild Turkey) Eastern Woodrat Echidna Eclectus Parrot Edible Frog Eel Eel catfish Eelpout Egret Egyptian Cobra (Egyptian Asp) Egyptian Goose Egyptian Mau Egyptian Tortoise Egyptian Vulture Eider Eland Elasmosaurus Elasmotherium Electric Catfish Electric Eel Elegant Tern Elephant Elephant Beetle Elephant Bird Elephant Fish Elephant Seal Elephant Shrew Elf Owl Elk Ember Tetra Embolotherium Emerald Toucanet Emerald Tree Boa Emerald Tree Monitor Emperor Angelfish Emperor Goose Emperor Penguin Emperor Tamarin Emu Enchi Ball Python English Bulldog English Cocker Spaniel English Cream Golden Retriever English Crested Guinea Pig English Foxhound English Longhorn Cattle English Pointer English Setter English Shepherd English Springer Spaniel English Toy Terrier Entlebucher Mountain Dog Epagneul Pont Audemer Epicyon haydeni Epidexipteryx Equatorial Spitting Cobra Equus giganteus Ermine Eryops Escolar Eskimo Dog Eskipoo Estrela Mountain Dog Euoplocephalus Eurasian Beaver Eurasian Bullfinch Eurasian Collared Dove Eurasian Eagle-owl Eurasian Jay Eurasian Lynx Eurasian Nuthatch Eurasian Sparrowhawk Eurasian Wolf Eurasier European Bee-Eater European Corn Borer European Goldfinch European Polecat European Robin European Starling European Wildcat Eurypterus Evening Bat Evening Grosbeak Executioner Wasp Eyelash Viper
Fainting Goat Fairy-Wren Falcon Fallow deer False Cobra False coral snake False Killer Whale False Water Cobra False Widow Spider Fancy Mouse Fangtooth Feather Star Feist Fennec Fox Fer-de-lance Snake Ferret Ferruginous Hawk Fiddler Crab Field Cuckoo Bumblebee Field Spaniel Fierce Snake Figeater Beetle Fila Brasileiro Fin Whale Finch Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz Fire Ball Python Fire Eel Fire Salamander Fire-Bellied Toad Firefly Firefly Ball Python Fish Fisher Fishing Cat Fishing Spiders Flamingo Flat-Coated Retriever Flathead Catfish Flea Flea Beetle Fleckvieh Cattle Florida Gar Florida Mouse Florida Panther Florida Woods Cockroach Flounder Flounder Fish Flour Beetle Flowerhorn Fish Fluke Fish (summer flounder) Fly Flycatcher Flying Fish Flying Lemur Flying Snake Flying Squirrel Football Fish Forest Cobra Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee Formosan Mountain Dog Fossa Fox Fox Snakes Fox Squirrel Fox Terrier Freeway Ball Python French Bulldog French Bulldog Mix French Lop Frenchton Frengle Freshwater Crocodile Freshwater Drum Freshwater Eel Freshwater Jellyfish Freshwater Sunfish Frigatebird Frilled Lizard Frilled Shark Fritillary Butterfly Frizzle Chicken Frog Frogfish Frug Fruit Bat Fruit Fly Fulvous Whistling Duck Fur Seal Furrow Bee
Gaboon Viper Gadwall Galapagos Penguin Galapagos Shark Galapagos Tortoise Gar Garden Eel Garden Spider Gargoyle Gecko Garter Snake Gastornis Gazelle Gecko Genet Gentoo Penguin Geoffroys Tamarin Gerberian Shepsky Gerbil German Cockroach German Longhaired Pointer German Pinscher German Shepherd Guide German Shepherd Mix German Sheppit German Sheprador German Shorthaired Pointer German Spitz German Wirehaired Pointer Gharial Ghost Catfish Ghost Crab Giant African Land Snail Giant Armadillo Giant Beaver Giant Clam Giant Desert Centipede Giant Golden Mole Giant House Spider Giant Isopod Giant Leopard Moth Giant Panda Bear Giant Salamander Giant Schnauzer Giant Schnoodle Giant Siphonophore Giant Trevally Giant Weta Giant Wood Moth Gibbon Gigantopithecus Gila Monster Giraffe Glass Frog Glass Lizard Glechon Glen Of Imaal Terrier Glowworm Gnat Goat Goberian Goblin Shark Goby Fish Goldador Goldcrest Golden Dox Golden Eagle Golden Irish Golden Jackal Golden Lancehead Golden Lion Tamarin Golden Masked Owl Golden Mole Golden Newfie Golden Oriole Golden Pyrenees Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Mix Golden Saint Golden Shepherd Golden Shiner Golden Tortoise Beetle Golden Trout Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Golden-Crowned Kinglet Goldendoodle Goldfish Goliath Beetle Goliath Frog Goliath Grouper Goliath Tigerfish Gollie Gomphotherium Goonch Catfish Goose Gooty Sapphire Tarantula Gopher Gopher Snake Gopher Tortoise Goral Gordon Setter Gorgosaurus Gorilla Goshawk Gouldian Finch Gourami Grapevine Beetle Grass Carp Grass Snake Grass Spider Grasshopper Grasshopper Mouse Gray Catbird Gray Fox Gray Tree Frog Great Blue Heron Great Crested Flycatcher Great Dane Great Dane Mix Great Danoodle Great Egret Great Hammerhead Shark Great Kiskadee Great Plains Rat Snake Great Potoo Bird Great Pyrenees Great Pyrenees Mix Great White Shark Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Grebe Green Anaconda Green Anole Green Aphids Green Bee-Eater Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Green Frog Green Heron Green June Beetle Green Mamba Green Rat Snake Green Snake Green Sunfish Green Tree Frog Green Tree Python Greenland Dog Greenland Shark Grey Heron Grey Mouse Lemur Grey Reef Shark Grey Seal Greyhound Griffon Vulture Griffonshire Grizzly Bear Groenendael Ground Snake Ground Squirrel Groundhog (Woodchuck) Groundhog Tick Grouper Grouse Grunion Guadalupe Bass Guinea Fowl Guinea Pig Gulper Catfish Gulper Eel Guppy Gypsy Cuckoo Bumblebee Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moth Caterpillar
Haast’s Eagle Habu Snake Haddock Hagfish Haikouichthys Hainosaurus Hairy Frogfish Hairy Woodpecker Hairy-footed Flower Bee Halibut Hallucigenia Hamburg Chicken Hammerhead Shark Hammerhead Worm Hammond’s flycatcher Hamster Harbor Porpoise Harbor Seal Hardhead Catfish Hare Harlequin Coral Snake Harlequin Rabbit Harp Seal Harpy Eagle Harrier Harris’s Hawk Hartebeest Hatzegopteryx Havamalt Havanese Havapoo Havashire Havashu Hawaiian Crow Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Hawaiian Monk Seal Hawk Hawk Moth Caterpillar Hedgehog Helicoprion Hellbender Hepatic Tanager (Red Tanager) Hercules Beetle Hercules Moth Hermit Crab Heron Herrerasaurus Herring Herring Gull Highland Cattle Himalayan Hippopotamus Hippopotamus gorgops Hoary Bat Hobo Spider Hogfish Hognose snake Hokkaido Holy Cross Frog Honduran White Bat Honey Badger Honey Bee Honey Buzzard Hooded Oriole Hooded Seal Hook-Nosed Sea Snake Hoopoe Horgi Horn Shark Hornbill Horned Adder Horned Beetle Horned Grebe Horned Lizard Horned Viper Hornet Horse Horse Mackerel Horsefly Horseshoe Crab Houdan Chicken House Finch House Sparrow (English Sparrow) House wren Housefly Hovasaurus Hovawart Howler Monkey Human Humboldt Penguin Humboldt Squid Hummingbird Hummingbird Hawk-Moth Humpback Whale Huntaway Huntsman Spider Huskador Huskita Husky Husky Jack Huskydoodle Hyacinth Macaw Hyaenodon Hyena
Ibex Ibis Ibizan Hound Icadyptes Icelandic Sheepdog Ichthyosaurus Ichthyostega Iguana Iguanodon IMG Boa Constrictor Immortal Jellyfish Impala Imperial Moth Inchworm Indian Cobra Indian Elephant Indian Giant Squirrel Indian Palm Squirrel Indian python Indian Rhinoceros Indian Star Tortoise Indianmeal Moth Indigo Snake Indochinese Tiger Indri Inland Taipan Insect Insects Io Moth Irish Doodle Irish Elk Irish Setter Irish Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Irish WolfHound Irukandji Jellyfish Italian Greyhound Ivory-billed woodpecker Ivy Bee
Jabiru Jacana Jack Crevalle Jack Russells Jack-Chi Jackabee Jackal Jackdaw Jackrabbit Jackson’s Chameleon Jagdterrier Jaguar Jaguarundi Cat Jamaican Boa Jamaican Iguana Japanese Bantam Chicken Japanese Beetle Japanese Chin Japanese Macaque Japanese rat snake Japanese Spitz Japanese Squirrel Japanese Terrier Javan Leopard Javan Rhinoceros Javanese Jellyfish Jerboa Jewel Beetle John Dory Jonah Crab Joro Spider Josephoartigasia monesi Jumping Spider Jungle Carpet Python Junglefowl
Kagu Kai Ken Kakapo Kaluga Sturgeon Kamehameha Butterfly Kangal Shepherd Dog Kangaroo Kangaroo Mouse Kangaroo Rat Katydid Kaua’i ‘Ō‘ō Kea Keagle Keel-Billed Toucan Keelback Keeshond Kelp Greenling Kentucky Warbler Kenyan Sand Boa Kermode Bear (Spirit Bear) Kerry Blue Terrier Kestrel Keta Salmon Key Deer Keyhole Cichlid Khao Manee Khapra Beetle Kiang Kiko Goat Killdeer Killer Clown Ball Python Killer Whale Killifish Kinabalu Giant Red Leech Kinder Goat King Cobra King Crab King Eider King Mackerel King Penguin King Quail King Rat Snake King Salmon King Shepherd King Snake King Vulture Kingfisher Kingklip Kinkajou Kirtland’s Snake Kishu Kissing Bugs Kissing Gourami Kit Fox Kitefin Shark Kiwi Klipspringer Knifefish Knight Anole Koala Kodiak Bear Kodkod Koi Fish Kokanee Salmon Komodo Dragon Komondor Kooikerhondje Koolie Korean Jindo Kori Bustard Kouprey Kowari Krait Krill Kudu Kudzu Bug Kuvasz
Labahoula Labmaraner Labout’s Fairy Wrasse Labrabull Labradane Labradoodle Labrador Retriever Labraheeler Labrottie Lace Bug Lace Monitor Ladybug Ladyfish Lagotto Romagnolo Lake Sturgeon Lake Trout Lakeland Terrier LaMancha Goat Lamprey Lancashire Heeler Lancetfish Landseer Newfoundland Lappet-faced Vulture Lapponian Herder Larder Beetle Large Munsterlander Largemouth Bass Laughing Kookaburra Lavender Albino Ball Python Lawnmower Blenny Lazarus Lizard Leaf-Tailed Gecko Leafcutter Ant Leafcutter Bee Least Flycatcher Leatherback Sea Turtle Leech Leedsichthys Leghorn Chicken Leichhardt’s Grasshopper Lemming Lemon Blast Ball Python Lemon Cuckoo Bumblebee Lemon Shark Lemur Leonberger Leopard Leopard Cat Leopard Frog Leopard Gecko Leopard Lizard Leopard Seal Leopard Shark Leopard Tortoise Leptocephalus Lesser Jacana Lesser Scaup Lhasa Apso Lhasapoo Liger Limpet Lineback Cattle Linnet Lion Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Lionfish Liopleurodon Liopleurodon Lipstick Albino Boa Little Brown Bat Little Penguin Livyatan Lizard Lizardfish Llama Loach Lobster Locust Loggerhead Shrike Lone Star Tick Long-Eared Owl Long-Haired Rottweiler Long-Tailed Tit Long-Winged Kite Spider Longfin Mako Shark Longnose Gar Lorikeet Loris Lowchen Lumpfish Luna Moth Luna Moth Caterpillar Lungfish Lurcher Lykoi Cat Lynx Lyrebird Lystrosaurus
Macaque Macaroni Penguin Macaw MacGillivray’s Warbler Machaeroides Mackenzie Valley Wolf Macrauchenia Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Madagascar Jacana Madagascar Tree Boa Madora Moth Magellanic Penguin Maggot Magnolia Warbler Magpie Magyarosaurus Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) Maiasaura Maine Coon Mal Shi Malayan Civet Malayan Krait Malayan Tiger Malchi Mallard Malteagle Maltese Maltese Mix Maltese Shih Tzu Maltipom Maltipoo Mamba Mamushi Snake Man of War Jellyfish Manatee Manchester Terrier Mandarin Rat Snake Mandrill Maned Wolf Mangrove Snake Mangrove Snapper Manta Ray Mantella Frog Marabou Stork Marans Chicken Marble Fox Maremma Sheepdog Margay Marine Iguana Marine Toad Markhor Marmoset Marmot Marsh Frog Marsican Brown Bear Masiakasaurus Masked Angelfish Masked Palm Civet Mason Bee Massasauga Mastador Mastiff Mastiff Mix Mauzer May Beetle Mayan Cichlid Mayfly Meagle Mealworm Beetle Mealybug Meerkat Megalania Megalochelys Megalodon Megamouth Shark Meganeura Megatherium Meiolania Mekong Giant Catfish Merganser Mexican Alligator Lizard Mexican Black Kingsnake Mexican Eagle (Northern crested caracara) Mexican Fireleg Tarantula Mexican Free-Tailed Bat Mexican Mole Lizard Microraptor Midget Faded Rattlesnake Miki Milk Snake Milkfish Milkweed aphids Millipede Mini Labradoodle Mini Lop Miniature Bull Terrier Miniature Husky Miniature Pinscher Mink Minke Whale Mississippi Kite Moccasin Snake Mockingbird Modern Game Chicken Mojarra Mojave Ball Python Mojave Rattlesnake Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish) Mole Mole Crab (Sand Flea) Mole Cricket Mole Snake Mollusk Molly Monarch Butterfly Mongoose Mongrel Monitor Lizard Monkey Monkfish Monocled Cobra Monte Iberia Eleuth Moon Jellyfish Moonglow Boa Moorhen Moose Moray Eel Morkie Morpho Butterfly Mosasaurus Moscow Watchdog Mosquito Moth Mountain Beaver Mountain Bluebird Mountain Cur Mountain Feist Mountain Gorilla Mountain Lion Mourning Dove Mourning Gecko Mourning Warbler Mouse Mouse Spider Mouse-Deer (Chevrotain) Mozambique Spitting Cobra Mud Snake Mudi Mudpuppy Mudskipper Mule Mule Deer Mulga Snake Mullet Fish Muntjac Muscovy Duck Musk Deer Muskellunge (Muskie) Muskox Muskrat Mussurana Snake Muttaburrasaurus Muttaburrasaurus Myna Bird
Nabarlek Naegleria Naked Mole Rat Narwhal Natterjack Nautilus Neanderthal Neapolitan Mastiff Nebelung Needlefish Nelore Cattle Neon Tetra Neptune Grouper Netherland Dwarf Rabbit New Hampshire Red Chicken Newfoundland Newfypoo Newt Nguni Cattle Nicobar pigeon Nigerian Goat Night Adder Night Heron Night Snake Nightingale Nightjar Nile Crocodile Nile Monitor Nile Perch Nilgai No See Ums Norfolk Terrier Norrbottenspets North American Black Bear Northern Alligator Lizard Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Flicker Northern Fur Seal Northern Harrier Northern Inuit Dog Northern Jacana Northern Parula Northern Pintail Northern Potoo Northern Screamer Northern Water Snake Norway Rat Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian Forest Norwegian Lundehund Norwich Terrier Nose-Horned Viper Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Nubian Goat Nudibranch Numbat Nuralagus Nurse Shark Nut Weevil Nuthatch Nutria Nyala
Oak Toad Oarfish Ocean Perch Ocean Pout Ocean Whitefish Oceanic Whitetip Shark Ocellated Turkey Ocelot Octopus Oenpelli python Oilfish Okapi Old English Sheepdog Old House Borer Oleander Hawk Moth Olingo Olive Baboon Olive python Olive Sea Snake Olm Olympic Marmot Onagadori Chicken Onager Opabinia Opah Opaleye (Rudderfish) Opossum Oranda Goldfish Orange Baboon Tarantula Orange Dream Ball Python Orange Roughy Orange Spider Orange Tanager (Orange-Headed Tanager) Orange-Crowned Warbler Orangutan Orb Weaver Orchard Oriole Orchid Dottyback Oregon Spotted Frog Ori-Pei Oribi Oriental Cockroach Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher Orinoco Crocodile Ornate Bichir Ornate Black-Tailed Rattlesnake Ornate Box Turtle Ornithocheirus Ornithomimus Ortolan Bunting Oscar Fish Osprey Ostracod Ostrich Otter Otterhound Ovenbird Oviraptor Owl Owl Butterfly Owlfly (Ascalaphidae) Ox Oxpecker Oyster Oyster Toadfish Ozark Bass
Pachycephalosaurus Pacific Coast Tick Pacific Sleeper Shark Pacific Spaghetti Eel Paddlefish Pademelon Painted Bunting Painted Turtle Palaeoloxodon namadicus Palaeophis Paleoparadoxia Palm Rat Palo Verde Beetle Panda Pied Ball Python Pangolin Pantaloon Bee Panther Panthera atrox (American Lion) Papillon Papillon Mix Paradise Flying Snake Parakeet Parasaurolophus Parrot Parrot Snake Parrotfish Parrotlet Parson Russell Terrier Parti Schnauzer Partridge Patagonian Mara Patagotitan Patas Monkey Patterdale Terrier Pea Puffer Peacock Peacock Bass Peacock Butterfly Peacock Spider Peagle Peekapoo Pekingese Pelagornis Pelagornithidae Pelican Pelycosaurs Pembroke Welsh Corgi Penguin Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach Peppered Moth Peppermint Angelfish Perch Fish Père David’s Deer Peregrine Falcon Peringuey’s Adder Perro De Presa Canario Persian Peruvian Guinea Pig Peruvian Inca Orchid Pesquet’s Parrot (Dracula Parrot) Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Petite Goldendoodle Pharaoh Hound Pheasant Pheasant-tailed Jacana Philippine Cobra Phoenix Chicken Phorusrhacos Phytosaurs Picardy Spaniel Pictus Catfish Piebald Dachshund Pied Ball Python Pied Tamarin Pied-Billed Grebe Pig Pig-Nosed Turtle Pigeon Pika Pike Fish Pileated Woodpecker Pinacate Beetle Pine Beetle Pine Marten Pine Siskin Pine Snake Pine Snake Pinfish Pink Bollworm Pink Fairy Armadillo Pink Salmon Pink Toed Tarantula Pink-Necked Green Pigeon Pipe Snake Pipefish Piranha Pit Bull Pit Viper Pitador Pitsky Plains Hognose Snake Platinum Arowana Platybelodon Platypus Plesiosaur Pliosaur Plott Hound Mix Plott Hounds Plymouth Rock Chicken Pocket Beagle Pocket Pitbull Podenco Canario Pointer Pointer Mix Poison Dart Frog Polacanthus Polar Bear Polecat Polish Chicken Polish Lowland Sheepdog Polish Tatra Sheepdog Polka Dot Stingray Pollock Fish Polyphemus Moth Pomapoo Pomchi Pomeagle Pomeranian Pomeranian Mix Pompano Fish Pomsky Pond Skater Poochon Poodle Poogle Pool Frog Porbeagle Shark Porcupine Porcupinefish Portuguese Podengo Possum Potato Beetle Potoo Potoroo Powderpost Beetle Prairie Chicken Prairie Dog Prairie Rattlesnake Prawn Praying Mantis Proboscis Monkey Procoptodon Pronghorn Psittacosaurus Psittacosaurus Pteranodon Pterodactyl Pudelpointer Puertasaurus Puff Adder Pufferfish Puffin Pug Pug Mix Pugapoo Puggle Pugshire Puli Puma Pumi Pumpkin Patch Tarantula Purple Emperor Butterfly Purple Finch Purple Gallinule Purple Tarantula Purussaurus Puss Caterpillar Puss Moth Pygmy Hippopotamus Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey) Pygmy python Pygmy Rattlesnake Pygmy Shark Pygora Goat Pyjama Shark Pyrador Pyredoodle Pyrenean Mastiff Pyrenean Shepherd Pyrosome Python
Quagga Quahog Clam Quail Queen Snake Quetzal Quetzalcoatlus northropi Quokka Quoll
Rabbit Raccoon Raccoon Dog Racer Snake Radiated Tortoise Ragamuffin Ragdoll Raggle Rainbow Boa Rainbow Grasshopper (Dactylotum bicolor) Rainbow Kribs (Kribensis) Rainbow Shark Rat Rat Snakes Rat Terrier Rattlesnake Red Ackie Monitor Red Aphids Red Deer Red Diamondback Rattlesnake Red Drum Fish Red Finch Red Fox Red Kite Red Knee Tarantula Red Nose Pit Bull Red Panda Red Paper Wasp Red Racer Snake Red Spitting Cobra Red Squirrel Red Star Chicken Red Tail Boa (common boa) Red Wolf Red-Bellied Black Snake Red-Bellied Woodpecker Red-Billed Quelea Bird Red-Eared Slider Red-Eyed Tree Frog Red-Footed Tortoise Red-handed Tamarin Red-Headed Vulture Red-Lipped Batfish Red-Shouldered Hawk Red-Tailed Cuckoo Bumblebee Red-winged blackbird Redback Spider Redbone Coonhound Redcap Chicken Redear Sunfish Redhump Eartheater Redstart Redtail Catfish Reef Shark Regal Jumping Spider Reindeer Repenomamus Reticulated python Rex Rabbit Rhamphosuchus Rhea Rhesus Macaque Rhino Beetle Rhino Viper Rhinoceros Rhode Island Red Chicken Rhodesian Ridgeback Rhombic Egg-Eater Snake Ribbon Eel Ribbon Snake Rim Rock Crowned Snake Ring-billed Gull Ringed Kingfisher Rinkhals Snake River Otter River Turtle Roadrunner Robber Flies Robin Rock Bass Rock Crab Rock Hyrax Rock Python Rockfish Rockhopper Penguin Rodents Roe Deer Rooster Root Aphids Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Roseate Spoonbill Rosy Boa Rotterman Rottle Rottsky Rottweiler Rottweiler Mix Rough Earth Snake Rough Green Snake Rough-Legged Hawk (Rough-Legged Buzzard) Rove Beetle Royal Penguin Rubber Boa Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Ruddy Duck Ruddy Turnstone Rufous Hummingbird Russel’s Viper Russell Terrier Russian Bear Dog Russian Blue Russian Tortoise
Saanen Goat Saarloos Wolfdog Saber-Toothed Tiger Sable Sable Black German Shepherd Sable Ferret Sable German Shepherd Saddleback Caterpillar Saiga Sailfish Saint Berdoodle Saint Bernard Saint Shepherd Salamander Salmon Salmon Shark Saluki Sambar Samoyed San Francisco Garter Snake Sand Cat Sand Crab Sand Dollar Sand Lizard Sand Tiger Shark Sand Viper Sandhill Crane Sandpiper Sandworm Saola Sapsali Sarcosuchus Sardines Sarkastodon Sarplaninac Sarus Crane Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Saturniidae Moth Sauropoda Sauropoda Savanna Goat Savannah Monitor Savannah Sparrow Savu Python Saw-scaled Viper Sawfish Scale-Crested Pygmy Tyrant Scaleless Ball Python Scallops Scarab Beetle Scarlet Kingsnake Scarlet Macaw Scarlet Tanager Schapendoes Schipperke Schneagle Schnoodle Scimitar-horned Oryx Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Scorpion Scorpion Fish Scotch Collie Scottish Deerhound Scottish Fold Cat Scottish Terrier Scrotum Frog Sculpin Scutosaurus Sea Anemone Sea Bass Sea Dragon Sea Eagle Sea Lion Sea Otter Sea Roach Sea Slug Sea Snake Sea Spider Sea Squirt Sea Trout Sea Turtle Sea Urchin Seagull Seahorse Seal Sealyham Terrier Sedge Warbler Sehuencas Water Frog Sei Whale Senegal Parrot Senepol Cattle Sequined Spider Serval Seymouria Shantungosaurus Shark Sharp-Shinned Hawk Sharp-Tailed Snake Shastasaurus Sheep Sheepadoodle Sheepshead Fish Shepadoodle Shepkita Shepweiler Shetland Sheepdog Shiba Inu Shiba Inu Mix Shichi Shih Poo Shih Tzu Shih Tzu Mix Shikoku Shiloh Shepherd Shiranian Shoebill Stork Shollie Short-Eared Owl Short-Faced Bear Shortfin Mako Shark Shrew Shrimp Siamese Siberian Siberian Husky Siberian Ibex Siberian Retriever Siberian Tiger Siberpoo Sichuan Takin (Tibetan Takin) Sidewinder Sika Deer Silken Windhound Silkie Chicken Silky Shark Silky Terrier Silver Dollar Silver Labrador Simbakubwa Sinosauropteryx Sivatherium Six-Eyed Sand Spiders Sixgill shark Skate Fish Skeleton Tarantula Skink Lizard Skipjack Tuna Skua Skunk Skye Terrier Sleeper Shark Sloth Slovak Cuvac Slow Worm Slug Smallmouth Bass Smilosuchus Smokybrown Cockroach Smooth Earth Snake Smooth Fox Terrier Smooth Green Snake Smooth Hammerhead Shark Smooth Snake Snail Snailfish Snake Snapping Turtle Snook Fish Snorkie Snouted Cobra Snow Bunting Snow Crab Snow Goose Snow Leopard Snowberry Clearwing Moth Snowflake Eel Snowshoe Snowshoe Hare Snowy Owl Sockeye Salmon Soldier Beetle Somali Song Sparrow Song Thrush South China Tiger Southeastern Blueberry Bee Southern Black Racer Southern Flannel Moth Southern Hognose Snake Southern House Spider Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Spadefoot Toad Spanador Spanish Goat Spanish Mackerel Spanish Mastiff Spanish Water Dog Sparrow Sparrowhawk Speckled Kingsnake Speckled Trout Spectacled Bear Sperm Whale Sphynx Spider Spider Ball Python Spider Beetle Spider Monkey Spider Wasp Spider-Tailed Horned Viper Spinner Shark Spinone Italiano Spinosaurus Spiny bush viper Spiny Dogfish Spiny Hill Turtle Spitting Cobra Spixs Macaw Sponge Spongy Moth Spongy Moth Spotted Bass Spotted Gar Spotted Garden Eel Spotted Lanternfly Spotted python Spotted Skunk Springador Springbok Springerdoodle Squash Bee Squash Beetle Squid Squirrel Squirrel Monkey Squirrelfish Sri Lankan Elephant Stabyhoun Staffordshire Bull Terrier Stag Beetle Standard Schnauzer Star-nosed mole Starfish Stargazer Fish Steelhead Salmon Steller’s Sea Cow Stick Insect Stiletto Snake Stingray Stoat Stone Crab Stonechat Stonefish Stoplight Loosejaw Stork Strawberry Hermit Crab Striped Bass Striped Hyena Striped Rocket Frog Stromatolite Stupendemys Sturgeon Styracosaurus Suchomimus Suckerfish Sugar Glider Sulcata Tortoise Sultan Chicken Sumatran Elephant Sumatran Orangutan Sumatran Rhinoceros Sumatran Tiger Summer Tanager Sun Bear Sunbeam Snake Sunset Ball Python Super Pastel Ball Python Supersaurus Superworm Surgeonfish Sussex Chicken Swai Fish Swainson’s Hawk Swallow Swallowtail Butterfly Swallowtail Caterpillar Swan Swedish Elkhound Swedish Lapphund Swedish Vallhund Swordfish Syrian Hamster
Taco Terrier Tailless Whip Scorpion Taimen Fish Taipan Takin Tamarin Tamaskan Tang Tangerine Leopard Gecko Tapanuli Orangutan Tapir Tarantula Tarantula Hawk Tarbosaurus Tarpon Tarsier Tasmanian Devil Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger Snake Tawny Frogmouth Tawny Mining Bee Tawny Owl Teacup Chihuahua Teacup Maltese Teacup Miniature Horse Teacup Poodle Teddy Bear Hamster Teddy Guinea Pig Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Telescope Fish Ten-Lined June Beetle Tennessee Walking Horse Tenrec Tent Caterpillar Tentacled Snake Tenterfield Terrier Termite Terrier Terror Bird Tetra Texas Blind Snake Texas Brown Tarantula Texas Coral Snake Texas Garter Snake Texas Heeler Texas Indigo Snake Texas Night Snake Texas Rat Snake Texas Spiny Lizard Thai Ridgeback Thalassomedon Thanatosdrakon Therizinosaurus Theropod Thornback Ray Thorny Devil Thresher Shark Thrush Thylacoleo Thylacoleo carnifex Thylacosmilus Tibetan Fox Tibetan Mastiff Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Tick Tiffany Tiger Tiger Beetle Tiger Moth Tiger Muskellunge (Muskie) Tiger Rattlesnake Tiger Salamander Tiger Shark Tiger snake Tiger Swallowtail Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar Tiger Trout Tiktaalik Timber Rattlesnake (Canebrake Rattlesnake) Timor python Tire Track Eel Titan Beetle Titanoboa Titanosaur Toadfish Tokay Gecko Tomato Hornworm Torkie Tornjak Tortoise Tosa Toucan Towhee Toxodon Toy Fox Terrier Toy Poodle Transylvanian Hound Trapdoor spider Tree Cricket Tree Frog Tree Kangaroo Tree Snake Tree swallow Tree Viper (Bamboo Viper) Treecreeper Treehopper Treeing Tennessee Brindle Treeing Walker Coonhound Triggerfish Troodon Tropicbird Trout Tsetse Fly Tuatara Tufted Coquette Tufted Titmouse Tully Monster Tuna Tundra Swan Turaco Turkey Turkey Vulture Turkish Angora Turnspit Turtle Frog Turtles Tusoteuthis Tussock Moth Tussock Moth Caterpillar Twig Snake Tylosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex
Uakari Uaru Cichlid Uguisu Uinta Ground Squirrel Uintatherium Umbrellabird Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) Underwing Moth Upland Sandpiper Ural owl Urechis unicinctus (Penis Fish) Urial Uromastyx (Spiny-Tailed Lizard) Urutu Snake Utonagan
Valley Bulldog Vampire Bat Vampire Crab Vampire Squid Vaquita Veery Vegavis Velociraptor Venus Flytrap Vermilion Flycatcher Vervet Monkey Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee Vicuña Vine Snake Vinegaroon Viper Viper Boa Viper Shark (dogfish) Viperfish Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko Vizsla Volcano Snail Vole Volpino Italiano Vulture
Wahoo Fish Waimanu Walking Catfish Wallaby Walleye Fish Walrus Wandering Albatross Warbler Warthog Wasp Water Beetle Water Buffalo Water Bug Water Dragon Water Vole Waterbuck Wattled Jacana Wax Moth Weasel Weaver Bird Weimaraner Weimardoodle Wels Catfish Welsh Black Cattle Welsh Corgi Welsh Springer Spaniel Welsh Terrier West Highland Terrier West Siberian Laika Western Blacklegged Tick Western Blind Snake Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Western Gorilla Western Green Mamba Western Hognose Snake Western Kingbird Western Lowland Gorilla Western Rat Snake Western Rattlesnake (Northern Pacific Rattlesnake) Western Tanager Westiepoo Whale Shark Wheaten Terrier Whimbrel Whinchat Whippet Whiptail Lizard White Bass White Butterfly White Catfish White Crappie White Ferret / Albino Ferrets White German Shepherd White Marlin White Rhinoceros White Shark White Sturgeon White Tiger White-Crowned Sparrow White-Eyed Vireo White-Faced Capuchin White-shouldered House Moth White-tail deer White-Tailed Eagle Whitetail Deer Whiting Whoodle Whooping Crane Wild Boar Wildebeest Willow Flycatcher Willow Warbler Winter Moth Wire Fox Terrier Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Wirehaired Vizsla Wiwaxia Wolf Wolf Eel Wolf Snake Wolf Spider Wolffish Wolverine Woma Python Wombat Wood Bison Wood Duck Wood Frog Wood Tick Wood Turtle Woodlouse Woodlouse Spider Woodpecker Woodrat Wool Carder Bee Woolly Aphids Woolly Bear Caterpillar Woolly Mammoth Woolly Monkey Woolly Rhinoceros Worm Worm Snake Wrasse Writing Spider Wrought Iron Butterflyfish Wryneck Wyandotte Chicken Wyoming Toad
X-Ray Tetra Xeme (Sabine’s Gull) Xenacanthus Xenoceratops Xenoposeidon Xenotarsosaurus Xerus Xiaosaurus Xiaotingia Xingu River Ray Xiongguanlong Xiphactinus Xoloitzcuintli
Yabby Yak Yakutian Laika Yarara Yellow Anaconda Yellow Aphids Yellow Bass Yellow Bellied Sapsucker Yellow Belly Ball Python Yellow Bullhead Catfish Yellow Cobra Yellow Crazy Ant Yellow Perch Yellow Sac Spider Yellow Spotted Lizard Yellow Tanager (Black-and-Yellow Tanager) Yellow Tang Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake Yellow-Eyed Penguin Yellow-faced Bee Yellowfin Tuna Yellowhammer Yellowish Cuckoo Bumblebee (formerly Fernald’s Cuckoo Bumblebee) Yellowjacket (Yellow Jacket) Yellowtail Snapper Yellowthroat Yeti Crab Yokohama Chicken Yoranian Yorkie Bichon Yorkiepoo Yorkshire Terrier
Zebra Zebra Finch Zebra Mussels Zebra Pleco Zebra Shark Zebra Snake Zebra Spitting Cobra Zebra Tarantula Zebrafish (Zebra Fish) Zebu Zokor Zonkey Zorse Zuchon
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2024.05.18 02:08 PerriX2390 Collingwood have a recruiting zone the size of Italy. It’s yet to produce a single player [Michael Gleeson and Peter Ryan]

Collingwood have a recruiting zone the size of Italy. It’s yet to produce a single player
As the AFL confronts a crisis in the recruitment and retention of Indigenous footballers, it is set to tear up the map that allocates recruiting zones to clubs, which at present gives Collingwood a region the size of Italy that has never produced a player for the Magpies.
The league will also review the impact of football scholarships to prestigious private schools, as recruiters worry that young Indigenous players who leave their communities to attend boarding school are “falling through the cracks”.
These are just two elements of an immediate overhaul of the way First Nations Australians are recruited to AFL clubs, following an 18 per cent decline in the number of Indigenous players on club lists over the past five years. As the league celebrates Sir Doug Nicholls Round, The Age has interviewed recruiters, players and administrators, including AFL football boss Laura Kane, to investigate the reasons for the alarming decline in the number of Indigenous players being drafted, and what can be done to reverse the trend.
Already on the table is a revamp of the draft bidding system on Indigenous and multicultural players from Next Generation academies in this year’s national draft.
Previously, most clubs were blocked from free access to academy graduates before pick 40 in the draft, but this is set to be scrapped.
“It’s definitely something on the agenda, I don’t know what it would change to [from pick 40],” Kane told this masthead.
“I think it’s very fair to say we are open to making sure we do not disincentivise or prohibit young kids – multicultural or Indigenous kids – from being picked, so we are definitely open to it. But it is tied into other things, to the [points system] and player movement rules holistically.
“We have signalled to clubs we have an appetite as appropriate to change things as quickly as we can. I am not ruling out change for this year [the national draft] but we are working with all clubs about what does that look like.”
What the numbers say
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people account for 71 of the more than 800 footballers on AFL lists in 2024, which is down from 87 in 2020.
Overall, Indigenous footballers account for 9.2 per cent of players on club lists.
There were four Indigenous players taken in last year’s national draft – Ryley Sanders (Western Bulldogs), Lance Collard (St Kilda), Mitch Edwards (Geelong) and Lawson Humphries (Geelong). In addition, Coen Livingstone and Indhi Kirk went to West Coast and Sydney, respectively, as category B rookies.
In particular, the number of Indigenous players recruited from Western Australia has plummeted, with Malakia Champion this year’s only real draft prospect.
Kane said a range of factors, including the impact of COVID-19, had influenced that decline in numbers, but the league also acknowledged the need for structural changes.
Next Generation academy rules and recruiting zones
Tying Next Generation academy (NGA) zones to AFL clubs was meant to encourage them to invest in their zones in an effort to unearth untapped talent.
Clubs had priority access to Indigenous talent that emerged in their zone. But after the Western Bulldogs landed key forward Jamarra Ugle-Hagan with the first pick in the 2020 national draft, the rules changed. Now clubs don’t have priority access to any player from their academy who other clubs want to select before pick 40 in the national draft.
West Coast missed out on recruiting Collard in the last national draft despite identifying his potential then readying him to play AFL over several years through their academy.
Instead, Collard was taken at pick 28 by St Kilda. The Eagles made a loss on their investment and the 18-year-old’s improvement was rewarded with a move away from his home state.
Kane confirmed the AFL would revisit the academy zones. Under the existing carve-up, some clubs such as Carlton only have access to an urban area in Melbourne (in the Blues’ case, it covers the northern suburbs), but no regional area. Meantime Collingwood’s zone of Barkly in the Northern Territory, which covers an area of about 323,000 square kilometres and takes in Tennant Creek, has not produced a player for the Magpies.
Asked if the AFL was reviewing academy zones and the logic behind them, Kane replied: “Yes and yes”.
“We need to take a broad view, along with the talent concession conversation, around what the map [of zones and NGA regions] looks like,” she said.
“How do we incentivise and then how do we build out the club’s reach and make sure it is connected to their supporter base and schools and community engagement because we know that works?”
As for the decline in WA, which had produced champion Indigenous players such as Lance Franklin and Bobby Hill, Kane said the AFL was reviewing the structure that puts WAFL clubs in charge of identifying and developing Indigenous talent in the state.
“It’s not about us taking it over, it’s about the structure that they have … is it producing Indigenous and multicultural numbers to the level they know they can? We know what the community looks like over there and how rich the (Indigenous) talent is in WA,” she explained.
“What do you [WAFL clubs] do with your top-end talent? In the club-based, decentralised structure the clubs have an appetite to win as well as develop their talent, and we are working with all the clubs and the WA footy commission around what does that look like for the top-end talent, and what does their year look like as compared with a club-based footballer?
“I don’t have any fixed views about what it needs to look like moving forward except that it must produce talent in a sustainable way.”
Private school scholarships
Forty-four of last year’s draft class attended private schools, including the Western Bulldogs’ top pick Ryley Sanders, who relocated from Launceston to accept an Indigenous bursary at Melbourne Grammar.
Sanders told The Age before he was drafted that the chance to receive a top-class education and join the Sandringham Dragons’ football program convinced him to board in Melbourne. Other Indigenous players to have taken this path include Hawks champion Cyril Rioli (from the Tiwi Islands to Scotch College), and Melbourne premiership star Steven May (Darwin to Melbourne Grammar).
However, one recruiter said some players who accepted scholarships were “falling through the cracks” because there was no single body overseeing their development.
Instead, they bounced from school footy to under-18s to state programs. Some schools expected them to train through summer holidays, which was a rare chance to be home with their families.
Kane acknowledged that the AFL was looking at the impact of private school scholarship programs that moved potential draftees interstate.
She also said the league was analysing the number of Indigenous players who have churned through the AFL system recently, and whether a change to rules which gave clubs priority access to academy players had caused a spike in numbers, as clubs recruited players who were unready for AFL and potentially discarded them too quickly.
‘We can’t recruit players who are not there’
An obvious starting point according to veteran AFL recruiters, Sydney’s Kinnear Beatson and Geelong’s Stephen Wells, is to understand the scale of the problem.
“The AFL firstly has to try to find out why players are not playing in the numbers they were before, before they try to come up with answers,” Wells said.
There are plenty of theories, with the list as long as Lewis Jetta’s bouncing run in the 2012 grand final.
They include the depth of the overall talent pool, the effect of COVID-19 cutbacks, the lack of ownership and accountability for Indigenous talent pathways, and the impossible demands on poorly paid talent identification officials in state league clubs. Conversations about whether Hawthorn and Collingwood were safe environments for Indigenous players had harmed the game’s reputation, said one industry figure who wanted to remain anonymously to speak freely.
Then there are the issues the AFL controls. These include reduced list sizes, a slashed soft cap on football department spending, and draft restrictions that have forced clubs to be risk averse as they don’t have the time or resources to develop talent.
“We are judged on wins and losses, so all we want are the best players. If they are there we will pick them whether they are Indigenous, non-Indigenous, African, Asian, European, we just want the best players,” said one recruiter who preferred to remain anonymous because he was not authorised to speak publicly.
“We can’t recruit players who are not there. Whose responsibility is it to make sure the Indigenous players are there?”
Geelong premiership player Mathew Stokes, who hails from Darwin, said the AFL deserved credit for putting the issue on the agenda, even if they initially did so in a hamfisted way at a presentation to recruiters last month by instructing to recruiters to fix the problem by simply picking more Indigenous players.
However, Stokes called for consistency in the way resources are allocated.
“The AFL can only do so much but if they want the game to be in a good state in five or 10 years, and they want the numbers to continue they are going to have to put resources into the states and territories,” Stokes said.
“They have been fumbling around the NGA since the end of COVID and every club is asking: what are we actually doing, how are we doing this, where is the money, where is the allocation?
“The only people being hurt by this are people on the ground in remote areas. [They hear] we are going to invest X amount of money in East Arnhem land, West Arnhem land or Big River or the Kimberleys. As soon as the money dries up [they just disappear]. There has to be a commitment from the AFL.”
Practical solutions
One veteran recruiter who was not authorised to speak publicly said models were in place, but experienced coaches were needed in junior development. In Western Australia alone there are nine WAFL clubs with country and metropolitan zones plus the Eagles and Dockers, which have Next Generation academies. They sit alongside the well-established and respected Clontarf programs.
The recruiter said elite coaches and Indigenous welfare officers should be involved in junior programs connected to state leagues in Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and the Territory as well as the Talent League programs in Victoria. He suggested paying recently retired players, particularly Indigenous players, well, to lead football programs for young players.
Former AFL star Michael McLean leads the Northern Territory’s development programs. The former Bulldog and Brisbane player is revered in the Territory. He also has a great football mind and knows what is needed to bridge the gap between playing football and being a professional footballer.
“We need five Michael McLeans in the NT,” said a close observer of football in the Territory.
The challenge is not just finding talent. It is preparing them for what might lie ahead in the AFL during their teenage years.
Geelong midfielder Brandan Parfitt moved from Darwin to North Adelaide at 16 before Geelong drafted him in 2016. His dad, David, was a star in the Territory, but Parfitt admitted those two years in a semi-professional environment were vital in laying the foundation for his football career.
“I needed that semi-professional step up and it is kind of hard when you are in an isolated place like Darwin. There is not too much opportunity. I guess I needed to surround myself with professionalism and other kids in my age group that were wanting to play AFL as well. That definitely made me work harder,” Parfitt said.
Gold Coast recruiter Craig Cameron said players, particularly in WA and NT, “need more exposure to high-level games and close regular connection to elite programs”.
Several recruiters said the Michael Long Centre, which is situated at Darwin’s TIO Stadium, could be repurposed or expanded into a centre of excellence for a pathway program. They said the centre was now primarily an education centre for school groups from communities. Scott Baker, football operations manager for the West Australian Football Commission, said not one Indigenous player had ever been drafted to the AFL directly from their regional communities. All had moved to Perth for at least a year before being drafted, which took a significant financial commitment from the player and those developing them.
He recommended a centre of excellence in Perth where players could live, go to school, and be in an elite football program.
He favoured carving WA up between Fremantle and West Coast and allowing them to invest in identifying talent, developing players and having free access to them.
“That would create and allow a system where more indigenous players would stay in the AFL system for a lot longer,” Baker said.
In central Victoria, change is happening
It took nearly 20 years between Chris Egan being drafted to Collingwood from the Murray Bushrangers in 2004 for another player from the Indigenous-led Rumbalara Football Club to make the Talent League club’s squad.
In that time Rumbalara saw many talented players pass through their system overlooked, president Josh Atkinson said. “We never challenged or questioned their selection process. [We] always felt that we had kids who were talented enough, but they never seemed to make it and then [that] started to inspire a bit of a narrative around our community that if you play at Rumbalara you are not really going to get noticed or get picked up on a list,” Atkinson said.
His cousin Ashtyn Atkinson finally broke that drought in 2022.
“We had the largest population of Aboriginals in Victoria outside a major city but we had no representation in the pathway programs,” Josh Atkinson said.
“The AFL wanted to take some positive steps and the Murray Bushrangers definitely wanted to understand why and we felt like it was a really appropriate time and a safer time to come forward with potential barriers rather than just bury our head [in the sand]. “It’s [led to] a definite improvement.”
As a result, the Murray Bushrangers formed the Dungala talent pathway in 2023 to identify and support Indigenous footballers in the region through elite training, coaching and mentorship.
This year talented Rumbalara youngster Brogan McGee made the Bushrangers’ squad after a trio of Rumbalara prospects trained at the club over summer.
Atkinson says it will take time before the connection between particular parts of the community and clubs nurturing elite talent is cemented.
“The idea of a minority group stepping into an elite circle to compete with children who come from well-supported backgrounds who have been strong and supported for generations is going to take a generation,” he said.
submitted by PerriX2390 to AFL [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 07:09 xyLteK Ross-ted Development - St Kilda's 2024 Season Preview

St Kilda 2024 Preview

Founded: April 2, 1873
Entered V/AFL: 1897
Entered AFLW: 2020
VFL Affiliate Team: Sandringham Zebras
VFLW Affiliate Team: Southern Saints
Club Motto: "Fortius Quo Fidelius" (Strength Through Loyalty)
Club Song: "When The Saints Go Marching In" by the Fable Singers
Home Ground: Marvel Stadium, VIC (cap. 56,347 since we don't close the 3rd level)
AFLW Home Ground: RSEA Park, Moorabbin VIC (cap. 8,000-ish)
Premierships: y'all know how many (1966)
Runners Up: 6 (1913, 1965, 1971, 1997, 2009, 2010)

CEO: Carl Dilena (ACTING) (2024-)
President: Andrew Bassat (2018-)
Coach: Ross Lyon (2007-2011, 2023-)
Captain: Jack Steele (2021-)

2024 Leadership Group:

CAPTAIN Jack Steele
VICE-CAPTAIN Callum Wilkie
LEADERSHIP GROUP Rowan Marshall, Seb Ross, Jack Sinclair
Changes from 2023: + Marshall, - Membrey

2024 Coaching Panel:

ASSISTANT COACH Corey Enright (Defence), Brendon Goddard (Midfield), Robert Harvey (Forwards)

List Changes from 2023:

Riley Bonner (PSD) Oscar Adams (delisted)
Lance Collard (draft - pick 28) Jack Billings (trade - Melbourne)
Paddy Dow (trade - Carlton) Jack Bytel (delisted - Collingwood)
Hugo Garcia (draft - pick 50) Nick Coffield (trade - Western Bulldogs)
Angus Hastie (draft - pick 33) Leo Connolly (delisted)
Liam Henry (trade - Fremantle) Jade Gresham (free agent - Essendon)
Liam O'Connell (Cat B Rookie) Tom Highmore (delisted)
Arie Schoenmaker (draft - pick 62) Dan McKenzie (delisted)
Darcy Wilson (draft - pick 18) Jack Peris (delisted)

2024 Playing List:

1 Jack "snags!!" Higgins FWD 102 (59)
2 Marcus "WINDY" Windhager DEF 37
3 Zak "zak attak" Jones MID 136 (46)
4 Lance "milne but smoller" Collard FWD 0*
5 Brad "brad & matt are just one guy named Mad Crouch" Crouch MID 160 (65)
6 Seb "methuselah" Ross MID 198
7 Nasiah "our messiah" Wanganeen-Milera DEF 41
8 Brad "not bradley" Hill MID 233 (84)
9 Jack "man of" Steele MID 158 (141)
10 Mitchito "the cheeto" Owens KEY FWD 30
11 Hunter "injury magnet :(" Clark MID 87
12 Max "max & ben are just one guy named Men King" King KEY FWD 71
13 Ryan "i still miss jack lonie" Byrnes MID 48
14 Liam "AFL's best diablo 4 player" Stocker DEF 51 (23)
15 Paddy "daddy wow" Dow MID 73 (0*)
16 Dan "because i'd get dropped" Butler FWD 129 (84)
17 Isaac "lol adelaide x2" Keeler KEY FWD 0
19 Rowan "lost AA ruck spot to a fullback???" Marshall RUCK 110
20 Dougal "f---ing dougal" Howard KEY DEF 120 (75)
21 Zaine "second coming of christ" Cordy KEY DEF 132 (14)
22 Darcy "castaway" Wilson MID 0*
23 Liam "years of development" Henry MID 43 (0*)
24 Angus "the most scottish-sounding name i've seen" Hastie DEF 0*
25 Mattaes "the POU" Phillipou FWD 24
26 Josh "what's a-" Battle KEY DEF 100
27 Arie "because every team needs at least 1 unlikeable" Schoenmaker KEY DEF 0*
28 Tim "precious timothy <3" Membrey KEY FWD 160 (159)
29 Jimmy "public enemy #1" Webster DEF 150
30 Matthew "oh yeah, he exists" Allison KEY FWD 0
31 James "big jim." Van Es KEY DEF 0
32 Mason "MAAASON WOOOD >>> COOOLINGWOOOD" Wood MID 117 (52)
33 Ben "roughy's curse" Paton DEF 67
34 Hugo "not that weird french robot" Garcia MID 0*
35 Jack "the mullet has given him power!" Sinclair DEF 165
36 Riley "zaine cordy but from port" Bonner MID 93 (0*)
38 Tom "participation medal recipient" Campbell RUCK 56 (2)
39 Olli "oh yeah, he exists (again)" Hotton MID 0*
41 Angus "angus is the new jack" McLennan DEF 0
42 Max "the big MOOSE" Heath RUCK 0
43 Cooper "good old scoops" Sharman KEY FWD 31
44 Callum "our entire backline" Wilkie KEY DEF 109
45 Liam "every team gets one irish guy" O'Connell DEF 0*
47 Anthony "HAMMA-NITI" Caminiti KEY FWD 18
* = Joined the Saints ahead of the 2024 season

2023 Summary:

2023 Finish: 6th (13 wins, 10 losses, 107.8%)
2023 Trevor Barker Award Winner: Jack Sinclair
2023 Leading Goalkicker: Jack Higgins (36)
2023 Membership Tally: 60,239 (club record - 13th in the AFL)
Best Win: Geelong in Round 23
Worst Loss: Adelaide in Adelaide
Best Moments: Rowan Marshall nailing a late set shot vs Geelong to lock us into finals, starting 4-0
Debutants: Anthony Caminiti, Zaine Cordy*, Mattaes Phillipou, Liam Stocker* (R1), Jack Peris (R18)
* Club debut only

u/chookie94 (highlights):
  1. Development of the kids - I dont think anyone expected the kids to do so much heavy lifting but NWM and Owens were vital in our rise to finals.
  2. The backline - with the forwards out injured, a lot was left to the backline to keep us in games. Sinclair backed up his AA form, showing he's the best half back in the comp while Wilkie got his recognition.
  3. Marshall showed he is an elite ruck.
  4. Beating Geelong to make finals - best moment of the season.
With Ross Lyon, Robert Harvey, Lenny Hayes, Nick Dal Santo, and Brendon Goddard returning to the club, St Kilda felt very St Kilda. Make no mistake, the time since Ross Lyon left has been tarred with failure - which I guess is also very St Kilda. Promising youngsters haven't developed, results on field have been mediocre at best, coaches have come and gone, and off-field decisions have left the club as depressingly irrelevant.
Bringing Ross back and surrounding him with people that witnessed our last true period of success (success for St Kilda is measured with different metrics than for other clubs) was a gamble. The likes of Voss at Brisbane, Buckley at Collingwood, and Hird at Essendon all show that club greats don't necessarily equate to on-field success. But sometimes, going back is the best way to go forward.
With a frankly un-Lyon approach to the youth, the Saints on-field performance last year was driven by the likes of Mitchito Owens, Mattheus Philliipou, and Nasiah Wanganeen-Milera. Obviously the senior crew of Callum Wilkie, Jack Sinclair, and Rowan Marshall earned AA (or AA40) nominations, but for the first time since 2004 - our youth showed legitimate promise. Saints fans have been starved of young players we can pin our hopes to - with brief glimpses from Jade Gresham and Jack Billings all we could point to that the future wouldn't be horrible. It's no coincidence that these players were moved on in the off-season, victims of an era that failed to develop stars and left our club reliant on trades or free agency to fill a gap in the 23-28 age bracket.
Making finals was fantastic, as was staying the eight all season long. But we never really threatened top teams as a legitimate premiership threat - which is why all the games that were put into the likes of Owens, Phillipou, Wanganeen-Milera, Marcus Windhager, Liam Stocker, Anthony Caminiti, and Cooper Sharman were so important. We blooded young players and taught them the Ross Lyon way, which should hold them in good stead in 2024 and beyond.
Last year was a huge success. If St Kilda manages to somehow double our premiership tally in the coming years, 2023 will be remembered as the first step taken towards that ultimate prize.

Best 22 for 2024:

(keep in mind this is excluding injuries & suspension)
FB Wilkie Howard Webster
HB NWM Battle Sinclair
C Wood Steele Henry
HF Hill Membrey Owens
FF Butler King Higgins
FOL Marshall Crouch Windhager
INT Stocker Clark Ross Phillipou
SUB Sharman/Dow

FB Stocker Howard Wilkie
HB NWM Battle Bonner
C Hill Sinclair Wood
HF Owens King Phillipou
FF Butler Sharman Higgins
FOL Marshall Steele Crouch
INT Windhager Henry Membrey Dow
SUB Wilson

FB Stocker Wilkie Cordy
HB NWM Battle Sinclair
C Hill Steele Wood
HF Owens Membrey Phillipou
FF Butler King Higgins
FOL Marshall Crouch Dow
INT Windhager Henry Clark Hayes

James M
FB Wilkie Howard Webster
HB Sinclair Battle NWM
C Hill Crouch Wood
HF Owens King Henry
FF Higgins Caminiti Butler
FOL Marshall Steele Windhager
INT Hayes Clark Phillipou Sharman

FB Wilkie Howard Webster
HB NWM Battle Hill
C Wood Crouch Sinclair
HF Phillipou Membrey Sharman
FF Higgins King Butler
FOL Marshall Steele Windhager
INT Owens Paton Hayes Henry
SUB Ross/StockeDow

FB Wilkie Howard NWM
HB Sinclair Battle Windhager
C Hill Steele Henry
HF Butler Sharman Owens
FF Higgins King Caminiti
FOL Marshall Crouch Dow
INT Wilson Byrnes Wood Phillipou
SUB Stocker

FB Wilkie Howard Webster
HB NWM Battle Sinclair
C Hill Crouch Henry
HF Butler Membrey Phillipou
FF Owens King Higgins
FOL Marshall Steele Windhager
INT Wood Sharman Wilson Stocker
SUB Byrnes/Clark

2024 Fixture:

Round Opponent Home/Away Venue Date/Time
1 Geelong AWAY GMHBA Stadium, VIC Saturday, March 16, 7:30PM AEDT
2 Collingwood HOME MCG, VIC Thursday, March 21, 7:30PM AEDT
3 Essendon AWAY Marvel Stadium, VIC Saturday, March 30th, 4:20PM AEDT
4 Richmond AWAY/NEUTRAL Norwood Oval, SA Sunday, April 7th, 3:20PM AEST
5 GWS Giants AWAY Manuka Oval, ACT Saturday, April 13th, 1:45PM AEST
6 Western Bulldogs HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC Thursday, April 18th, 7:30PM AEST
7 Port Adelaide AWAY Adelaide Oval, SA Friday, April 26th, 7:40PM AEST
8 North Melbourne HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC Saturday, May 4th, 4:35PM AEST
9 Hawthorn AWAY UTAS Stadium, TAS Saturday, May 11th, 1:45PM AEST
10 Fremantle HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC Saturday, May 18th, 7:30PM AEST
11 Melbourne AWAY MCG, VIC Sunday, May 26th, 3:20PM AEST
12 West Coast AWAY Optus Stadium, WA Saturday, June 1st, 4:35PM AEST
13 Gold Coast HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC Saturday, June 8th, 7:30PM AEST
14 Brisbane Lions AWAY Gabba, QLD Friday, June 14th, 7:40PM AEST
15 BYE
16 Port Adelaide HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
17 Sydney HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
18 Adelaide AWAY Adelaide Oval, SA TBC
19 West Coast HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
20 Essendon HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
21 Brisbane Lions HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
22 Richmond AWAY Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
23 Geelong HOME Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
24 Carlton AWAY Marvel Stadium, VIC TBC
DOUBLE-UPS: Brisbane, Essendon, Geelong, Richmond, Port Adelaide, West Coast
\All times in AEDT/VICBIAS time*

Players to watch:

Riley Bonner
u/xyLteK: "Could be one of the best bargain pickups of the offseason. Has looked the goods in our preseason matches filling in for Sinclair, should make the Round 1 side."

Lance Collard
u/MrMonkeyman07: "If he gets a game this season, the human highlight reel will surely not disappoint"

Jack Hayes
u/explosivepanini: "have never got more than a glimpse of him. Marshall hasn't had any genuine coverage since Paddy's retirement and Hayes could unlock so much more team versatility."

Liam Henry
u/chookie94: "New addition and has been a stand out in the pre season. Was starting to come good for Freo late last season and will be hoping to continue that trajectory at his new club."
u/xyLteK: "Very exciting pickup from Fremantle. He will add a lot of class and speed to our midfield, definitely the one I'm most excited about."

Max King
u/chookie94: "Missed most of last season with a bad shoulder but when he did play, he still kicked 28 goals in his 10 games. With his shoulder now fixed, it's time for him to fulfil his potential of being one of the most dominant key forwards in the comp."
u/Mrchikkin: "Endured a horror year injury-wise in 2023, playing only 11 games, but still managed 28 goals. With a full pre-season should be on for a strong year."
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Hail to the king, baby!"
u/xyLteK: "This is looking to be the year where Maxy finally gets a clean run, so expect him to make a big impact here. We're a notably better team with him in it"

Rowan Marshall
u/Mrchikkin: "Was in arguably all-Australian form last season and barring any injuries should become one of the top rucks in the competition."

Michito Owens, Nasiah Wanganeen-Milera
u/delusion-of-adequacy: "Owens and Nas are being tied together as players that were incredibly impressive last season for their age. Now it's time for them to put a stamp on the league as stars in a team distinctly lacking in star quality."
u/explosivepanini: "Will be interesting to see how Nas handles extra attention from the opposition this year, especially if Sinclair is scheduled for more midfield minutes."
u/Mrchikkin: "Owens was forced to play as a key forward for much of the season due to the absences of Max King and Tim Membrey and performed his role excellently with 26 goals. Will look to move into the midfield this year, a position that favours his explosiveness and athletic ability. Nas made enormous strides last year playing off the half-back line using his silky left foot to great effect. There isn't any doubt in my mind that he'll continue to improve at a similar rate of knots."
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Owenshowed a fair bit last year, poised to assert his dominance over the competition"

Mattaes Phillipou
u/delusion-of-adequacy: "Played every game last season as the youngest player in the league but seemed to run out of steam towards the end of the year. With another pre-season under his belt and plenty of experience at the top level - including a valuable finals appearance - it will be interesting to see how he develops."
u/Mrchikkin: "Showed more than enough to suggest that he could be a future star of the competition, will look to increase his consistency and impact on games."
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Raw skills & talent, coming year of refinement"

Jack Steele
u/chookie94: "Looked a shadow of himself at times last year while he was battling through multiple injuries. With a full pre season and back to his previous playing weight, expectations will be he can return to his best form."

Marcus Windhager
u/MrMoneyman07: "Silky skills, huge tank, precipice of the breakout year"

Darcy Wilson
u/Mrchikkin: "Won the club's 3km time trial in his first season and could be on for an early debut in the midfield."
u/xyLteK: "At the end of the year, people will be asking how this guy slid to pick 18. Torched our entire list in the time trial pre-season, looked solid in our preseason games (despite getting caught out a couple times), he'll most likely play the majority of games this year."

Players on notice:

Matt Allison
u/Mrchikkin: "Yet to play a game despite being on the list for 3 years now. In the final year of his contract so would need a big season to ensure his spot on the list."
u/xyLteK: "Entering his 4th year on the list without playing a game, this has to be the year that things click for him, or else he's gone at the end of the year."

Hunter Clark, Zak Jones
u/delusion-of-adequacy: "Zak Jones & Hunter Clark are both midfield options who seem incapable of avoiding injuries. If they can both get a good run at things, they should be a consistent feature in our team. That's a big "if" though."
u/Mrchikkin: "Jones will want to finally put his injury issues to bed. Offers a point of difference with his speed, but another injury-riddled year will likely be the final nail in his coffin."
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Clark has elite skills, Elite in traffic, turns everything around him in slow motion - including him. Tank needs work."

Arie Schoenmaker
u/Mrchikkin: "Taken as a late-draft gamble, will need to show that he is willing to conform to the standards required of a professional footballer otherwise his time in the league will be short-lived."
u/xyLteK: "Bit harsh on a guy who hasn't played a game yet, but his off-field issues have been well publicised and are the reason he slid so far in the draft. Hoping Arie can earn the respect of his teammates and make a notable contribution on-field"

Cooper Sharman
u/chookie94: "ended last season well but started the year outside of the best 22 despite the key forward crisis we were experiencing. With him turning 24 this year, time to show if he is a best 22 player long term or a fringe guy."

Seb Ross, Jimmy Webster
u/chookie94: "Ross has been a mainstay for years but with the kids now developing, pressure will be on for him to keep his spot in the best 22."
u/delusion-of-adequacy: "Seb Ross has been an incredibly valuable servant of the club - but our midfield continues to be our weakest link. With the likes of Liam Henry & Paddy Dow brought in, along with added midfield minutes for Jack Sinclair, Mitchito Owens & Mattheus Phillipou, expect to see Ross fighting to stay in our team."
u/Mrchikkin: "Coming into the back ends of their careers and while they remain loyal servants, could be pushed out by younger players soon."
u/xyLteK: "I had the luxury of writing this after the Simpkin hit, but gee whiz what an unnecessary brainfade that was. Jimmy is already in his 30s and on the fringe as it is, he will have to fight for his spot back once his suspension ends, not a certain lock for the team despite the R8 grudge match"

Dan Butler, Jack Higgins
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Small forward duo can be show stopping, but can go missing - with a few players knocking on the door for the FW Pocket it might motivate them to go harder."

Dougal Howard, Zaine Cordy
u/chookie94: "it will be a battle for who should be the starting full back. Howard had the spot until he broke his arm last year but Cordy's form meant he held his spot for the final. Only 1 fits into the best 22 so both are on notice to show it should be them."
u/delusion-of-adequacy: "Dougal Howard continues to frustrate. He is a vital part of our otherwise-undersized defence but will need to improve his decision making if he wants to remain in our best 22."
u/explosivepanini: "last year was the first time Howard's selection wasn't guaranteed, with Cordy proving to be a major upgrade at times. How will he respond?"
u/MrMonkeyman07: "Howard is on the outs as a key defender, but given the lack of KPD on the list it might be his saving grace"

James M: "Everyone left over from 2020 or before. Question marks on Higgins if he is inconsistent again."

2024 Expectations/Predictions:

u/chookie94: Finish 6th and win a final, Jack Steele BNF, Max King leading goal kicker, Windhager most improved
u/delusion-of-adequacy: We seem to have an external expectation that St Kilda gonna St Kilda, that we'll be the team to leave the top eight. It makes sense considering our lacklustre end to the season, but I'm optimistic we can keep our spot. It's a competitive season, with almost every team having a legitimate belief that they can make finals this year, but I will predict we finish 6th again.
u/explosivepanini: Cautiously optimistic of a similar ladder position (6-8)
James M:
Finals surely, keen to see if we can crack top four
Difficult to say with how close the competition is, realistically any finish from 5-14th wouldn't entirely surprise me but I would say that a finish around 7-9th seems the most likely.
call me cooker - but somewhere between Finals & Grand Final
Footy media has been quick to write us off this year, but I think we're looking solid and are in even better shape than last year. Competition for spots in the 8 is gonna be tight, so I'd have us in that 6th-8th range again.

James M
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2024.02.08 01:11 MasonL52 (OC) Where's Justin Fields Going? Ranking Every Team by Likelihood of Acquiring the Bears QB.

Guide to Teambuilding - 24.1
Chicago Bears QB Justin Fields was taken 11th overall in 2021 after the team moved up in the first round to select the Ohio State prospect. In three years Justin Fields has left much to be desired but has equally shown impressive stretches of play. Ultimately the Bears haven’t seen the growth as a passer you want to see to commit to him long-term and now with an incredibly talented crop of QBs to choose from it makes more sense to reset the timeline around the QB with a solid foundation and new offensive coaching staff. In this scenario the team should do right by Fields and find a trade partner that will give him one more chance to become a franchise QB.
P1. The Fields Question - What’s Justin Field’s value and do the Bears have more to gain by trading him or keeping him?
1.1 - The argument for keeping Fields
A lot of Bears fans remain skeptical to move on from Fields for yet another rookie QB. It is a sound sentiment to wish for continuity and development for their current QB. Armed with the 1st and 9th-overall picks in the draft the Bears could add an incredible talent in Marvin Harrison Jr as well as a top pass protector or defensive talent, bolstering the roster to be competitive in a top heavy NFC North.
It is a tantalizing scenario to add the top positional player in the draft and instantly form one of the best WR duos in the league with Marvin Harrison Jr. joining veteran DJ Moore. Even with Fields' passing issues this tandem could be so lethal that it would be hard not to find success. Then using the 9th pick on one of the best defensive prospects would help set up a defensive that started to find its stride in the back half of last season after adding EDGE Montez Sweat. Another rusher like Dallas Turner or Jared Verse could go a long way in setting an impressive foundation for the Bears. The Bears have a chance to add an elite prospect to both sides of the ball and really build the roster for future success.
However, by passing on a QB the Bears would firmly commit to Justin Fields. It seems like a fair assumption to think they would improve and play themselves out of a top-10 pick next year, and without an extra 1st-round pick they would have to be very aggressive in pursuit of a new QB if Fields still couldn’t improve to the necessary level.
The Bears have an excellent chance to find a true franchise QB. Justin Fields may have the upside to do so, but at this time he hasn’t shown the consistency for the franchise to take such a gamble when their pick of a QB prospect is available. The obvious choice for now is to go with USC’s Caleb Williams and that’s the assumption I’ll make until the Bears decide otherwise.
1.2 - Historical Precedent of a Trade
Justin Fields has certainly retained some value with excellent spurts of productivity but the Bears moving on at all will decrease his value. Trying to find a precedent didn’t lead to much clarity but I did find three similar situations.
In 2019 the Arizona Cardinals moved on from former 1st-round pick Josh Rosen when they also fell into the 1st-overall pick and selected another QB in Kyler Murray. Rosen was coming off a horrendous rookie season but the pitiful Cardinals roster gave him some leeway in value, leading to the Dolphins taking a chance on him by sending the Cardinals a 2nd-round pick and future 5th. Fields has proven himself more than Rosen had but part of the value came from controlling Rosen for four more seasons cheaply. Once Fields is traded his new team will have to make a long-term decision on him in a limited amount of time.
In the same season the Tennessee Titans traded a 7th-round pick and future 4th to take a chance on Ryan Tannehill. Tannehill and Fields are similar prospects with incredibly athletic upside built into their games but were limited as passers early in their career. The Titans under OC Arthur Smith resurrected Tannehill’s career leading to a career-best season in 2019. The major difference is that Tannehill would already be in year-eight of his career and was coming off multiple injuries. The Dolphins were ready to move on and that decreased his value but the team still added a future 4th-round pick.
The closest precedent I could find came in 2009 and also involved the Bears. When the Denver Broncos hired Josh McDaniels he wanted to gut the roster and form it in his own vision. Jay Cutler, like Fields, was a 1st-round pick taken 11th overall and both would be going into their fourth season. Cutler had more success than Fields but both failed to make the playoffs with their first team and had questions about if they could reach their upside. The Broncos sent a 5th-round pick on top of Jay Cutler to the Bears for the 18th and 84th picks in the draft as well as a future 1st.
Oddly enough I still think Josh Rosen’s value will be the closest to what Fields will be worth. Fields has the upside some team will be willing to take a chance on but the risk of him flaming out and never progressing as a passer will make every team consider other options. Rosen at the time seemed like he could be salvaged away from the Cardinals, whereas Cutler was a more proven commodity and still boasted potential.
If there’s a bidding war my assumption is Fields is worth a high value day two draft pick plus a day three selection. The value of that day two pick will likely be the difference unless a team is willing to add a 4th instead of a 5th or multiple 6ths.
1.3 - What will the ideal landing spot for Justin Fields have?
  1. QB Purgatory - Either a QB who's clearly not the future or no QB at all. That team will not be in a strong position to add a strong QB through the draft or free agency.
  2. Plentiful Mid-round Draft Stock - Being low on day two picks may make trading for Fields risky if you can’t build up the roster around him. Having an extra 2nd or 3rd would make paying for him a lot more appealing.
  3. An Offensive Head Coach - This isn’t a requirement but once Fields joins his new team it’ll be his third new scheme in four seasons. If Fields stands a chance he’ll need to find some consistency and a team with an offensive mind will give him the best chance possible.
Justin Fields will have two years remaining (pending 5th-year option) on his rookie contract making him relatively cheap against the cap. A new team won’t have to consider his financial impact immediately but they will need to keep long-term implications in mind.
P2. Sorting Whose in and Who's Out - Determining each team’s potential interest in Justin Fields.
2.1 - Teams committed to their QB for at least another season.
BAL - 2x MVP Lamar Jackson.
CIN - Joe Burrow.
CLE - Whether they like it or not the team’s fate is tied to at least three more years of DeShaun Watson.
BUF - Josh Allen.
HOU - CJ Stroud is coming off an amazing rookie season.
IND - 2023 first-round pick Anthony Richardson looked impressive in a small sample size.
TEN - There’s little reason to reshuffle your shot at QB in the early stages of a rebuild. Without a 3rd round pick this year I can’t see the Titans investing a third straight day two pick into another QB.
JAC - Even if you aren’t a Trevor Lawrence truther I can’t imagine Justin Fields is your answer.
KC - Patrick Mahomes.
LAC - Justin Herbert.
CHI - Duh.
DET - I almost put the Lions in the Wild Card territory but the vibes with Jared Goff are simply too strong and being in the same division kills any remaining chance.
GB - Jordan Love had an impressive season and I think Bears fans would burn the city down before they let Fields suit up for the Packers.
DAL - Dak Prescott is a franchise QB coming off a near MVP season.
PHI - At this time Jalen Hurts is a far more proven version of Justin Fields.
WAS - Unless they move out of the 2nd-overall pick then they’re locked into Caleb Williams, Drake Maye, or Jayden Daniels.
CAR - It’s too early to give up on Bryce Young and putting Justin Fields in this offense would be a death sentence.
NO - They just committed a lot of money to Derek Carr and Fields is far too expensive to be a Taysom Hill upgrade.
AZ - The new regime seems to love Kyler Murray and moving on from him for Fields seems counterintuitive anyway.
SF - They passed on Fields for Trey Lance in the first place and that's before we get to Brock Purdy.
With that we’ve firmly assumed at least 20/32 teams should have no interest in Justin Fields.
2.2 - Wild card teams that could make a surprise change, but probably not.
Los Angeles Rams As beloved as Matthew Stafford is, the hard reality is he’s aging (36) and has a long history with nagging injuries. If Sean McVay wants a relatively cheaper option to develop behind Stafford then Justin Fields provides a unique succession plan. However, Fields doesn’t seem to fit the mold of the McVay offense and I’d assume the Rams will be more aggressive about acquiring a QB once Stafford is done.
Miami Dolphins The Dolphins will be in a tough situation as the Tua contract extension conversation looms. At this time it doesn’t seem like Tua is worth high-end QB money but the team's aggressive team building (trading for Tyreek Hill, Bradley Chubb, and Jalen Ramsey) may leave them with little choice but to give into his agent’s demands. This could be a frugal move but risky and not to mention a complete shift in QB identity.
Seattle Seahawks With a new defensive minded HC at the helm Justin Fields rushing ability could appeal to Mike MacDonald as the team turns to a new era. There seems like little reason to move off of Geno Smith after his contract extension but anything is on the table after the Seahawks reshuffled their leadership.
New York Jets GM Joe Douglas caught a lot of flack for failing to move for a different QB early in the season once QB Aaron Rodgers went down for the season. Zach Wilson’s time with the Jets is likely over and the team will be in need of a back-up QB, so giving Fields a year to develop into the system under Rodgers may be a strong insurance and succession plan. However, Douglas passed on Fields for Wilson in the same draft, and the team will be short a 2nd-round pick from the Rodgers trade.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers After the Panthers hired away OC Dave Canales there is now a higher likelihood the team may hit a full reset season as the roster and important players continue to age. Should they do so they can continue to add young talent while getting a potential franchise QB for cheap. Should Baker Mayfield’s demand be too great for what the Buccaneers are willing to pay then suddenly they’d find themselves in the QB market once again. In the meantime we can assume Baker will be back but the Bucs could be a team to watch.
PIII. Identifying and Ranking the Remaining Teams
We’ve now separated 25 of the 32 teams leaving us with just under a quarter of the league. There is still certainly a large range of plausibility when it comes to the remaining teams but in my mind there’s more…
New England Patriots
Offensive Coach: Negative
QB Purgatory: Pending
Draft Stock: Pick 3, all own picks, +Bears 7th
In theory this idea works out but the little details prevent it from taking off. The Patriots are in a similar position as the Bears in which they could add Marvin Harrison Jr and Justin Fields to begin building their offense. This Patriots offense is desperately in need of offensive talent and it’s likely the star WR prospect will be available for their selection at pick three. However, a similar(ish) prospect in Jayden Daniels will also probably be available, making this selection tricky. New HC Jarod Mayo has to choose between adding their QB of the future now, or taking his time and building an offense that a young QB can succeed in.
This pick will become much easier if either Caleb Williams or Drake Maye fall to #3, in which you take the QB and figure everything else out later. Otherwise, Harrison Jr is such a tempting talent to add to kick start the rebuild. It may be rough sailing for the rookie WR in year one, but it’ll make the Patriots a much more attractive offense in 2025.
Armed with the third pick in each round (with exception of their own 7th, in which they own the Bears pick), they could offer the most value in a 2nd round pick and then sweeten the deal some. It’s also possible Field’s rushing will appeal to defensive minded coach Jerod Mayo. But, at this time it makes more sense for the Patriots to save the draft ammo and take the best QB if all top three prospects check out.
Minnesota Vikings
Offensive Coach: Kevin O’Connell
QB Purgatory: Kirk Cousins Contract + Achilles
Draft Stock: Pick 11, no third, +4th, +two 3rds
If it weren’t for the one massive caveat that the Vikings reside in the same division as the Bears then this could have been a home run fit. There is a precedent for in-division trades with the Vikings, who traded their 2023 2nd and this year's 3rd for rival Detriots TE TJ Hockenson. Prior to that the teams had traded again when the Vikings moved down from pick 12 with the Lions for multiple 2nds and a 3rd. There may have been a pre-existing relationship between the leaders of these two front offices, but neither trade was inconsequential. It still remains unlikely the Bears would trade a potential franchise QB within the division but it isn’t impossible if the Vikings pay more than others.
This hold up is unfortunate because the Vikings are an excellent spot for any young QB. They’ve built a strong offensive line and paired it with one of the league’s top WRs Justin Jefferson, another exciting young receiver Jordan Addison, and one of the more dependable TEs in TJ Hockenson. QB Kirk Cousins has been the Vikings starter for six seasons now but will be entering the final year of his contract while recovering from an achilles injury he suffered in late October. For the first time in a while the Vikings future at QB is murky and that leaves GM Kewsi Adofo-Mensah in a tough spot when deciding between the best direction for the short and long-term.
If Vikings GM Adofo-Mensah and Bears GM Ryan Poles are willing to meet in the middle then maybe an incredibly rare opportunity will pop up, but odds remain better that the Bears would take less to move him out of the division.
Las Vegas Raiders
Offensive Coach: Negative
QB Purgatory: Unless they decide they love Aidan O’Connell
Draft Stock: Pick 13, +2 7ths
The Raiders corrected mistakes of old by keeping the momentum they built under Interim HC Antonio Pierce. The team is likely to reset their timeline once again but it's yet to be seen if that means addressing QB early or going with sophomore Aidan O’Connell while they build up the roster. We should get some clarity with the decision of Davante Adams who will be 31 but thus far has remained an elite WR. Adams would go a long-way toward helping a young QB succeed early but any long-term outlook would make trading him for draft capitol more beneficial.
As a defensive coach Antonio Pierce may find Field’s rushing upside appealing as he builds a team dedicated to an old-school ground-and-pound approach. The question becomes if new OC Luke Getsy and Justin Fields burned bridges in Chicago. We don’t have a good insight into their relationship over the past two years, so it’s entirely likely that either Getsy would love to pick up where he left off with Field’s development, or that he wants a hard restart with a different young QB. The Athletic’s Vic Tafur has insinuated that the Raiders felt comfortable with Getsy because they felt the problem in Chicago had more to do with Fields. That is curious considering their Assistant GM Champ Kelly was a prominent member of the Bears Front Office when the team selected Fields in 2021. That doesn’t mean Kelly was high on Fields, but that would have made for a strong connection with the Raiders.
New GM Tom Telesco is now in charge and the direction he’d prefer to go at QB is up in the air. With his time with the Chargers he only drafted one QB, Oregon’s Justin Herbert. It’s hard to make a great connection between Herbert and Fields, so with the Getsy hiring we can assume that the team isn’t as high on the Chicago QB.
Denver Broncos
Offensive Coach: Sean Payton
QB Purgatory: Russell Wilson and his contract
Draft Stock: Pick 12, -2nd
Where Russell Wilson ends up and how the Broncos handle his contract will kick start the 2024 off-season. To avoid a massive long-term commitment it seems more likely than not that these two sides are heading toward a divorce and once again putting the Broncos into the QB market. With the investment into Sean Payton he’ll be the one to decide who the next QB of the future is for the team.
The main arguments against this match up starts with the Broncos plan. Are they going to kick the can down the road and stock up on the roster before addressing QB as Wilson’s dead cap eats up a lot of their available space, or are they going to be aggressive in finding his replacement immediately? Fields may be a nice inbetween, in which he'll be cheap for the next two seasons when the bulk of Wilson’s dead cap eats up space while they get those two seasons to determine if he can be the franchise QB. The other argument is that Fields isn’t a great fit for Payton’s scheme. To that I want to remind everyone that Payton is far more scheme-fluid than a lot of other top offensive coaches are. Payton may be known for his offenses with Drew Brees but there was plenty of change between late 2000s Brees and the older version that almost made it back to the Super Bowl in 2018. Payton has also built offenses to some success around Teddy Bridgewater, Jameis Winston, and most recently Russell Wilson, all wildly different QBs and all playing to their strengths under Payton. That’s not to say Justin Field’s is a QB Sean Payton will fall in love with but I wouldn’t dismiss him just because of fit.
The Broncos have built into their OL and have some young talent in their weapons but they’d have to continue building to give any new QB their best chance. If Payton decides Fields could be the guy going forward then I’d imagine that’ll come with a plan on building out the offense around him too. Missing a 2nd round pick could prevent this theory from becoming a reality but if the interest is there then they’ll find a package to make it work.
New York Giants
Offensive Coach: Brian Daboll
QB Purgatory: Daniel Jones and his $40m/yr contract
Draft Stock: Pick 6, +2nd (Seattle)
Just a season into Daniel Jones' new contract we can firmly say he was never worth it in the first place. Plenty saw this coming but at the time the Giants had to make a tough choice with his rookie contract running up after coming off a career year. Faith in HC Brian Daboll propelled Giants ownership toward keeping the young Duke QB after a playoff win in his first year with the offensive HC but it became quickly apparent that Jones was a very limited QB and his ‘breakout’ wasn’t so much. Jones will now be coming off an ACL tear while being owed $47m against the cap, a number that rises to $69m if they were to cut him.
That doesn’t mean the Giants shouldn’t be interested in Justin Fields. Jones’ contract was front-loaded and becomes very easy to get out of after next season. Brian Daboll has now worked with two QBs in the same mold as Justin Fields, Daniel Jones and Josh Allen. If Daboll sees Fields as a clear upgrade over Jones (he is) then it makes sense to turn the teams direction toward building around him and not Jones. With an extra 2nd round pick courtesy of the Seahawks and high draft capitol in each round the Giants can be as competitive as they want in a bidding war.
Are the Giants the best spot for Fields? Probably not. This roster has a way to go before it’ll be competitively viable despite their Wild Card win in 2022. Armed with the 6th overall pick they can provide their next QB with either a strong WR prospect or better protection up front, but it’ll require plenty more elbow grease to get this offense in position to compete.
The Giants could pass and take this year to reset and build their roster with the understanding that it’s unlikely they’ll retain Jones for the future but using the contract as a guise to start him in the short-term, but a Justin Fields and Brian Daboll duo could be very tantalizing for both sides. Fields may represent a cheaper QB option with upside and Daboll can be the consistency Fields desperately needs.
Pittsburgh Steelers
Offensive Coach: Negative
QB Purgatory: Kenny Pickett vs Mason Rudolph?
Draft Stock: Pick 20, +4th
The Steelers boast a QB friendly situation like the Vikings do with a core of young talent at every position. The Steelers are outside the conference but now have more questions about their coaching. Mike Tomlin has been long hailed as one of the league’s best leaders and his ability to drag a team above .500 has been impressive when considering some of the circumstances the team has gone through. The problem is that’s no longer enough, going 0-4 in the postseason since 2016. Furthermore, Tomlin isn’t an offensive mind and with his future now more in doubt than ever, Pittsburgh could quickly turn into an unstable situation for any young QB.
With all of that said, the Steelers current situation in 2024 would make Fields an appealing option. Former 1st-round pick Kenny Pickett is on a horrendous pace through two seasons and was shadow benched in favor of Mason Rudolph for the teams 2023 playoff run. The team has lost faith in Pickett and it seems any chance moving forward is more of a hail mary than a confident decision. The lone argument for Pickett is getting away from former offensive coordinator Matt Canada who rightfully gained a poor reputation for his offensive scheme. New OC Arthur Smith isn’t coming in with a particularly good reputation but does have far more success as a coordinator than Canada ever had.
With jobs on the line, placing your faith in Pickett for 2024 might be a death sentence. However, the Steelers have been a historical team that preaches patience with major decisions at important positions. They will likely give Pickett one last shot but if they want to go another direction they have an intriguing one in Chicago.
Atlanta Falcons
Offensive Coach: Negative
QB Purgatory: Desmond Ridder was not it.
Draft Stock: Pick 8, +3rd (Jacksonville)
All signs point to Atlanta. It is a shame that the team went with a defensive minded HC in Raheem Morris and will now cycle through OCs should they find offensive success, but everything else still lines up. The Falcons under GM Terry Fontenot have been incredibly aggressive in adding offensive talent but haven't landed the QB to take advantage of it. They’ve also built one of the league's better OLs in that time featuring one of the league’s elites in Chris Lindstrom and excellent run blocker Kaleb McGary. Kyle Pitts and Drake London make for two massive targets for Fields to throw to and a backfield with Fields and Bijan Robinson would be a headache for any defensive coach to game plan for.
More importantly the Falcons may not have many more options. If the top three teams in the draft order all select a QB then Atlanta would have to decide if the QB4 is worth the 8th overall pick. If Kirk Cousins re-signs with Minnesota then the best QBs available in free agency would be between Russell Wilson, Ryan Tannehill, or Jameis Winston,viable options to start immediately but lack the upside you’d want for a Super Bowl run.
Justin Fields is from Georgia and only went to OSU after the Bulldogs kept Fields on the bench. A homecoming would be appealing to Fields with a new shot to become a hometown hero, while the potential mismatches this offense could create should appeal to the Falcons.
submitted by MasonL52 to nfl [link] [comments]

2023.12.29 23:39 FootsieLover77 MW5 - WISH LIST In Detail...........

With MW5 CLANS on the ARISE, Coming Next Month. Looking at MW5 and all her DLC's, Updates, T.C.UpGrades, A.I.Mishaps,Fan Base Overviews, Gamer Player Feedback :
I Feel that we (as a community need to expressely STRONGLY - inform PGI that MW5Clans needs to be a Top Tier contender, thus also be along the lines of a "True BT somewhat Lore Based Sim" to follow in the traditions of the Clans vs I.S. - furthermore MW5Clans should allow the Players More Freedom, More Tech *Specifically Omni-Technology*, adding more Lore to the MW5 Universe (meaning a better background story) then MW5, add things that were NOT present in MW5.

This is kinda of a Wish List, be more of a Must Need List for MW5 Clans *Please LORE GUYS & Clan Enthusiast's please *Ring In* as much as possible.

  1. Fire Suppport Chassis (Nova. Gargoyle. Grizzly. Excutioner)
  2. Scout + Recon Chassis (Ryoken. Hellhound. Arctic Wolf. Rabid Coyote)
  3. 2nd Line Omni-Chassis (Kodiak. Dire Wolf. StoneRhino. Bane)
  4. Strike Hammer Chassis (Summoner. Mad Dog. Timberwolf. Hellbringer)
  5. Odd Balls or Speciality or 2nd Line Assualt Lance Chassis (Blood Asp. SuperNova. Warthog. Viper. Cauldron Borne) * whatever u want TITLE these Groups is basically what i'm getting at. and you place whatever Chassis of BM within those groups for FAST SELECTION - soo as your explore your NEXT OP then you go to Sub-Cat's and its Xmas Time just pick what u like + want outta of our groups. - i feel it makes things easier. MORE Catergorize. imo - personally I HATE that MW5 everything seems to be splattered all over the place - there's NO "GROUPING" again u dont' have To AGREE with me. but those who are Organizing nut jobs liek me. know what i'm talking about. i just want some MORE Organization then what we DON'T currently have. and it doesn't have to ONLY BE for Mech Chassis. it can be for Al Armor within your Arsenal : Battle Suits Elements. VTOL's *if ur allowed to choose them. TANKS as well.

*this is an observation. but a True Wish List. even if some of these are installed within MW5 Clans i'd be happy & overjoyed. but most importantly we NEED TO SEE , FEEL the difference(s) of Clan Mechs vs I.S. Mechs and so on and so forth.

*The Community* Please FEEL FREE TO ADD Whatever To This * As Long As It Stays On Topic Ofcourse. Thank You All For Taking The Time To Read, Respond.

Happy New Year To You All

See You On Solaris VII
submitted by FootsieLover77 to Mechwarrior5 [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 19:28 BaBaBaBanshee 2023-24 Bowl Games Ranked by Intrigue.

42.Famous Idaho Potato Bowl-Georgia State vs Utah State
Two Blue teams on a blue field is too much blue for me and I say this as someone who exclusively cheers for blue teams. Best bowl mascot though.
41.Famous Toastery Bowl-Old Dominion vs Western Kentucky
One team that got to leave the C-USA vs a team that is still probably trying to figure a way out.
40.Camellia Bowl-Arkansa State vs Northern Illinois
Ol’ Butch Jones finally got the red wolves to a bowl after a couple of absolutely dismal seasons he has gotten them back to some form of respectability.
They will take on a NIU squad that went from being really good 2 years ago to awful last year and then to the mediocrity of this season.
This bowl could show us what path the huskies finally tend to stick on for next year and it could show us if this is just the beginning to success in Jonesboro for Jones.
39.Myrtle Beach Bowl-Georgia Southern vs Ohio
#MACtion meets #FunBelt
I know I ranked the Potato Bowl last for their blue field but the teal one just looks so much nicer than the dark blue to me.
Anyway, some stuff about the actual game; The bridesmaids of the MAC and the eagles of Statesboro clash to see if the Sun Belt truly was the best G5 conference this year as a middle of the pack Sun Belt squad takes on the 3rd best in the MAC.
38.Barstool Sports Arizona Bowl-Toledo vs Wyoming
FUCK THE BARSTOOL NETWORK! Oh, this will also be on the CW… Good.
The Rockets are coming off of failing to repeat as MAC champs after losing their rematch to the RedHawks, Wyoming can relate to a somewhat lesser extent as they followed the trend of many MWC contended this year starting off hot with wins over Texas Tech and Fresno State at home but their inability to perform well on the road cost them any chance at holding a conference championship.
These are two teams that really felt they should have won gold at the end of the year and only one of them will get to hold a trophy high (it’s surprisingly not a golden barstool).at the very end.
37.EasyPost Hawaii Bowl-Coastal Carolina vs SJSU
It’s not the worst excuse to be hungover and tired on Christmas.
The beach chickens fly west to the most pristine beaches in the whole country to take on a program that is much more used to playing well past midnight on EST.
These are also another pair of teams that just missed out on playing for a championship.
36.68 Ventures Bowl-EMU vs South Alabama
I know bowls should be neutral sites but when it comes to the smaller games it’s always more interesting when they will have a sizable crowd that is cheering for one team.
35.Quick Lane Bowl-BGSU vs Minnesota
While a 5-7 team playing for a bowl always feels wrong to me. I can't deny that a MAC team getting to playa B1G team at ford field doesn't sound fun especially when BGSU is the team that gave Minnesota of all time and definitely under Fleck’s tenure.
So, Minnesota and Fleck either get a chance at revenge, or the Falcons get to make another statement by beating yet another P5 team this year.
34.ReliaQuest Bowl-#13 LSU vs Wisconsin
The only time I wanted Iowa and LSU to play in a bowl game and you took it from me!
33.Cheez-It Citrus Bowl-#17 Iowa vs #21 Tennessee
Which team deserves to be ranked less? AND I STILL WANTED IOWA VS LSU DAMN IT!
32.Radiance Technologies Independence Bowl-Cal vs Texas Tech
The Golden Bears are finally back to bowling as they take on only the second most disappointing team in Texas this season in and what was probably a punishment for such a mediocre season, they got sent to the shadow realm known as Shreveport.
Sorry Cal that this will be your reward for finally getting back to it though.
31.Scooter’s Coffee Frisco Bowl-Marshall vs UTSA
I have no idea who scooter is and why I should care about their coffee but isn't it weird that this bowl has had three sponsors and two of them have been drink based?
Should be a lot of Roadrunners fans and they hope it will turn out better than their last game in Frisco where they lost by multiple scores to the Aztecs as a ranked team.
30.TransPerfect Music City Bowl-Auburn vs Maryland
Taulia’s last stand as a Terrapin as he looks to turn up the heat against these Freezy War Eagle Tigers from the SEC.
29.Isleta New Mexico Bowl-Fresno State vs NMSU
Jerry Kill is a miracle worker. The aggies have done so many first this season from back-to-back bowl games to destroying an SEC team to going to a conference championship that now they look to avoid doing another first by continuing their shockingly undefeated record in bowls as they get ready for a dog fight with a Fresno State team that started super-hot but has since struggled mightily the past few weeks against not even very good teams.
The Aggie faithful are hoping to cheer on their NMSU team to another win as they fill into their rival's stadium to see the bulldogs go winless against teams from the land of enchantment.
28.Avocados From Mexico Cure Bowl-App. State vs Miami(OH)
A conference runner up vs a conference champ as two of the best in the G5 fight it out to take on each other and cancer.
27.R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl-Jacksonville State vs Louisiana
The NCAA tried to stop it, but the cocks were just too game, and they got themselves a bowl game against the Ragin Cajuns in their home away from home. JSU will always remember their first, only this game will tell if it will be one worth remembering or will it be something they’ll try to forget.
26.Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl-Air Force vs James Madison
The other team in the fuck the NCAA gang.
Though the Dukes are still pissed as they still were still robbed from a chance to play for the Sun Belt Championship and maybe even a NY6 bowl.
They will definitely be ready to make a statement against the Falcons as the Air Force might just need all of Lockheed Martin’s catalog because they are the final in the MWC trio of teams that started the season hot but fell off in the second half.
If the Air Force that showed up for the first half of this season shows up, then expect a great G5 classic.
25.AutoZone Liberty Bowl-Iowa State vs Memphis
Memphis gets a taste of some of that sweet XII action that they missed out on during realignment as the sirens blare about the coming cyclone.
I always love me some G5 vs P5 bowl games and the Liberty bowl should be pretty packed for this one so it also should be one of the better bowl environments of the year.
24.Military Bowl-Tulane vs Virginia Tech
After missing out on the postseason last year the Hokies are back to that familiar feeling of playing in the winter.
They will face quite the challenge as with backing from what should be far from a bipartisan crowd (fitting for how close they’ll be to DC) they will take on one the best in all of the American in the Green Wave who will be looking to regroup after a disappointing game in the AAC Championship and missing out on punching their return ticket to the NY6.
23.Wasabi Fenway Bowl-Boston College vs #24 SMU
The Wasabi is spicy, but the weather probably won't be as the Mustangs get their free trial run with an ACC game before joining the conference next year.
This will be a nice litmus test for them as an away team in the conference even if they are disappointed by the double standard from the playoff committee that left them out of the NY6(Man ACC teams both future and present really got screwed by them).
22.SERVPRO First Responder Bowl-Rice vs Texas State
After a decade in the FBS the Bobcats are finally bowling, and they’ll get to play a fellow Texas school in Texas! There might be better teams playing against each other lower on the list but shit like this is why I love bowls and college football.
21.SRS Distribution Las Vegas Bowl-Northwestern vs Utah
The biggest surprise in the B1G had to be Northwestern as after a whole offseason of drama and controversy many had them picked to finish last in the conference, but David Braun had different plans and in his first season as a head coach managed to right the ship back on course to winning waters and for that a bunch a young adults get the rewards of Sin City.
While this isn't the season Utah had pictured for themselves considering all their injury issues and the fact that they played 11 P5 teams this year, I don't think that have anything to be ashamed of.
Though I suspect that they want to enter the XII with some winning momentum while the wildcats know that they are now on people’s radar and hope to make the most of it and build some momentum to a division less and much tougher B1G next year. Boca Raton Bowl-Syracuse vs USF
The Bulls are finally back bowling, and they get reunited with their former Big East conference mate in Syracuse.
As the Orange wait for the Brown era to begin next season, they will just have to hope their interim HC can go 2-0 and avoid the upset against some bulls looking to wreck this like it was made from fine China.
19.Bad Boy Mowers Pinstripe Bowl-Miami(FL) vs Rutgers
Speaking of Big East reunions.
This will be Rutgers first time going to a bowl game in almost a decade without covid shenanigans and o you know what they did in that bowl game they beat an ACC team by multiple scores something Miami will definitely look to avoid as they hope to against their traditionally poor bowl record for the last 15 years as they have only been victorious once in that time frame.
18.Guaranteed Rate Bowl-Kansas vs UNLV
Speaking of a team that has only won one bowl game in 15 years the Kansas Jayhawks though the sunflower sorrow is less about a poor bowl win loss record and more the fact that they’ve only been to two in that time frame.
Though things are definitely on the up in Lawrence as Lance Leipold looks to get his first bowl win.
Speaking of teams on the up, damn what a season UNLV has had!
I mean they got to go to their first ever conference championship and they have a chance at cracking into double digit wins though to do this they’ll have to stop their 2-game losing streak and pull a P5 upset that’s going to take more than what it took to beat Vanderbilt.
17.Duke’s Mayo Bowl-UNC vs West Virginia
Remember back when the Mountaineers were upset that they didn’t get to the ACC?
Well, I doubt they are upset about it now with talks of uncertainty in the ACC’s future while the XII seems stable despite their two best teams leaving after one embarrassed the entire league in its final season.
These two conferences will be in a desperate race for a distant bronze in the future of college football as we march closer to the greed of a P2 landscape.
Ignore all that existential dread and focus on the existential dread instead of seeing the broadcast inevitably dip shit like Oreos in mayonnaise again.
Oh yeah and these teams have also had very different seasons where one came in with big expectations and managed to trick many into expecting even bigger with their early season play before regressing to just being good instead of great the other came in with almost no expectations and quietly put together a sold season that most people have slept on a win here could get people to finally notice and acknowledge it.
16.Union Home Mortgage Gasparilla Bowl-Georgia Tech vs UCF
UCF is the team that finally convinced the AD to terminate the contract of the Collins and ever since then they’ve slowly unlocked their potential and success with Key as the yellow jackets will likely only get better in the future.
So now two teams from bordering states with a surprising amount of cross over now meet in a bowl as if they are destined to meet with Georgia Tech looking to repay UCF for their gracious gift with a beating like a sock full of coal.
The Gus Bus however plans to keep on driving and continue the Knight’s win streak over the ramblin wreck.
15.DIRECTV Holiday Bowl-#15 Louisville vs USC
Louisville is basically the P5 equivalent to UNLV, a still great season that was shaping up to be magical but their last 2 games left quite the bitter taste in the mouths.
Still, that’s nothing compared to the USC Trojans who had playoff hopes until they ran to the buzzsaw that was their late season schedule which handed them 5 straight beautiful losses.
The Trojans will also be without their star QB as the Cardinals look to get their offense some stretches and confidence after being snuffed out by the Seminoles offense.
14.TaxSlayer Gator Bowl-#22 Clemson vs Kentucky
After a season that started with 4 straight wins over not very good teams and a premature top 25 ranking the Wildcats struggled in conference play before pulling the big upset to stun their top 10 ranked rivals in Louisville.
On the same day Clemson held off any upset wishes as they won a game so ugly Iowa would be proud.
So now either one team will continue their streak of upsetting the ACC or one will get some nice SEC warm up meals before taking on Georgia in the opener next year.
13.TaxAct Texas Bowl-#20 Oklahoma State vs Texas A&M
A nice XII call back and a time when geography mattered a bit more in college football. I expect the pokes to play a bit better in the bowl game then they did in the championship as they should be a bit healed up by then.
Still the Aggies could still pile on the embarrassment for the XII and the Cowboys with yet another dominating performance at the hands of an SEC team from Texas as they will be looking to show off for their new coach Elko.
12.Starco Brands LA Bowl-Boise State vs UCLA
One last bowl game for the Broncos against the PAC 12.
The Bruins will be looking to try to get the PAC12 to at least almost 500 before what was a postseason tradition in the early 2010s comes to an end.
Despite it being in LA though I wouldn't be shocked by a split crowd considering how Bronco fans tend to show up for bowls and the program finally feels like it’s starting to get some of that moment that it hadn't seen in almost a decade.
The Bruins are in a very different spot with many of their fanbase being upset that Kelly is still a coach and being very concerned about their recruiting class and the departure of their star DC, a win here might help ease some of the hometown faithful and their concerns.
11.76 Birmingham Bowl-Duke vs Troy
This season will linger long in the minds of those in Durham as injuries(sorry) derailed a potential magical season into just a good one, and with the departure of Riley and Elko not much as much optimism can be found among the Blue Devils as there was in September this year for the future.
Troy however is feeling great about its program with back-to-back Sun Belt Championships and a chance at beating a power 5 program in front of a crowd that should have more Trojans than a college dorm.
10.Pop-Tarts Bowl-#25 Kansas State vs #18 NC State
Many people are calling this the first bowl game to have an edible mascot but one, anything is edible if you try hard enough and secondly spuddy has been around for years!
This year has been a bit of a disappointment for the kittens from Manhattan, but it has still been a very solid year as they look to repeat with double digit win seasons.
The Wolfpack however are hungry for the rare double digit win season even more after year after year where they have been teased with 9-win seasons in a season where not many had expectations for them at the beginning or even in the middle of the year, they have managed to put together one of the most quiet 9-3 seasons ever as they hope to finally break the double digit win season for Doren.
9.Tony The Tiger Bowl-#16 Notre Dame vs #19 Oregon State
The Irish managed to pull the only team that has seemingly more people transferring than them.
Though the Beavers at least have an excuse as school legend and somebody that seemed like a good fit as a forever coach Jonathan Smith abandoned his alma mater due to the greed and ever-changing landscape of the college football landscape where any pretenses of loyalty have been shattered for everyone except the fans that show up every Saturday.
Many older Oregon State and Notre Dame fans will remember the Fiesta Bowl and to a lesser extent the Insight bowl in the early 2000s where the Beavers took them to the woodshed and then destroyed even the woodshed.
Notre Dame finally has a chance to snap their losing streak to the pesky Beavs from the PNW while OSU hopes to keep their relevance alive in this ever shifting landscape that seems to want to leave them to die and so they will look just forward to just one day and game were they can have hope for the future while also remembering one of their biggest moments in school history by waking up their own echoes by pounding on Notre Dame.
8.Valero Alamo Bowl-#14 Arizona vs #12 Oklahoma
One team exits the XII the other enters and with the departure of the conference's traditional powers, the Wildcats are licking their lips at that void of power and seeing the rest of the conference as Fisch food.
Oklazhoma however want to beat the allegations that they were just a big fish in a lake and with them entering the SC they will now have to contend with the sharks and after their fellow conference jumpers Texas are looking ready for the eastern pastures the Sooners want to show off themselves with a dominating top 15 win as well.
Arizona however will get in their new conference's good graces if they are able to send Oklahoma packing on their wagon to boom and soon in a new conference.
7.Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl-#11 Ole Miss vs #10 Penn State
There are probably no two programs looking more forward to the 12-team playoff and the conference scheduling changes than these ones.
Despite their consistent success and great seasons they have just always been left out of the big dance due to just having the misfortune of being in the two toughest divisions in the sport.
A Battle of the bridesmaids if you will where only one will get to enjoy the taste of peaches and one last taste of NY6 success before likely being consistent fixtures in the playoff's future.
6.Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic-#9 Missouri vs #7 Ohio State
After so many great seasons in the past two decades but just missing out on the big bowls the Tigers from Missouri will finally get their roses or uhm cotton in this case.
The Buckeyes heart broke at the beginning of this year as their kick missed as the clock struck midnight to start 2023 and despite going 11-1 the season was still considered a disappointment by some in buckeye nation to the point that they were calling for their head coach to be fired.
This game could be a tale between who wants to be here and who considers this is a consolation prize.
Missouri has been waiting for this moment after feeling like they have been screwed on a couple of occasions while Ohio State was expecting bigger things and just considers this another day at the office at best.
5.CFP Semifinal Rose Bowl-#4 Alabama vs #1 Michigan
For most of this year Michigan was the most controversial team in the land.
Well that was all until Alabama got placed into the playoffs in a decision that seemingly pissed off everyone not in Gainesville, Tuscaloosa, or Connecticut.
Controversy abounds as the two most hated teams in the nation at the moment play each other for a chance to advance at a championship that many are pissed that they will get a chance to play for, either way a lot of neutrals will be upset at the outcome as every ref decision and call on commentary will be looked at with the most derision.
4.Vrbo Fiesta Bowl-#23 Liberty vs #8 Oregon
Speaking of hated teams, the Flames got in over SMU in what seemed like a gigantic double standard by the committee.
This will be the last ever traditional NY6 bowl before all become playoff games next year and the last in my favorite category of NY6 bowls which was the best in the G5 vs the P5.
And for probably the first time ever it seems many will be rooting against the underdogs(At least on Reddit) as the most controversial college gets the bright lights against the flashiest team for the last couple of decades.
Either Liberty is going to lose which will be funny or Oregon losses and seeing the reaction on Reddit will be entertaining.
3.CFP Semifinal Allstate Sugar Bowl-#3 Texas vs #2 Washington
You know it's weird when Texas is in a semifinal, and it’s considered the semi-final between the lesser hated schools.
The Longhorns get their first shot at the playoffs as the Huskies get their second chance and the last ever chance for the PAC12 to win the whole thing before they go out.
Both schools ironically have a chance to bring a conference their first CFP national championship as both bolt from it.
Two of the most talented teams in the land will square off with elite offenses and clutch defenses as the Huskies host in front of a crowd that should learn Burnt Orange but, in the end, the only color either team will care about is Gold.
2.CFP National Championship-TBD VS TBD
I’ll rank the possible match ups within here.
2D.#4 Alabama vs #3 Texas
I’m not usually a big fan of rematches especially when I didn’t care too much for the first meeting and it’s basically another SEC vs SEC Matchup for the title.
Basically, I’ll be seeing a lot of games between these two in the future and I saw them already play twice in the past two seasons so I can live without seeing another encounter for a bit.
2C.#1 Michigan vs #3 Texas
Speaking of two teams that will be playing each other next year, that game could very well be a rematch of the national championship game.
It will also be a chance for Michigan to get revenge on the state of Texas in the postseason while the Longhorns themselves can just leave those pesky Wolverines with a permanent branding of the Lonestar State on their ass after they kick it.
2B.#4 Alabama vs #2 Washington
This is the only matchup that we don’t have a chance of seeing in the regular season next year.
But that doesn't mean that there isn’t history as Washington’s previous playoff’s dreams got washed away by the tide in the Huskies’ first playoff appearance.
This time though the Huskies would be coming with a Heisman finalist QB and an elite offense that will be ready to score on the tide this time around.
Though the Tide had already beaten a team with the actual Heisman winner, and they won't be scared to beat yet another runner up to raise yet another trophy high as the rest of the nation groans and bemoans just to tune in next year and give Disney another billion.
2A.#1 Michigan vs #2 Washington
A lot of potential future national championship rematches for the Wolverines next year as they could battle their future conference mate for it all.
It will also be a classic game of offense between defense though don’t let that distract you from the fact that both of these are also good on the other side of the ball as well.
I know I took points from Alabama-Texas for basically being a conference championship match but there is just something so fitting to have the national championship be played between two undefeated teams.
1.Capital One Orange Bowl-#5 FSU vs #6 Georgia
I’m not even sure this will be any kind of competitive with all of the Seminoles that are injured or heading to different schools/the NFL.
Still there's so much intrigue with this game! Will FSU even show up? If they somehow beat the reigning two time national champs will they claim one for themselves?
I just have so many conversations and it seems like I’m not the one who is talking more about this game than any of the playoffs.
It’s also a chance for FSU to get some kind of revenge against SEC after the bias of that conference got them kicked out of the playoffs despite going 2-0 against them this year and with a chance to go 3-0 the country will congratulate them and pat them on the back as they hold high the world’s most bittersweet oranges.
Oh, and one more thing FUCK THE PLAYOFF COMMITTEE!
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2023.10.28 09:32 bigjohn14325 The Excellence of Ruthless Aggression - The Smackdown Six (Part One)

Book Bret Hart if he returned in 2002 Part One
Bret Hart was one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots and his accolades back that fact up. Multi-time WWF World Champion, WCW World Champion, and numerous US/IC Title reigns. But his career was cut short but a botched kick to the head by Goldberg, as Bret would remind you in his many shoot interviews since. But what if Goldberg didn’t damn near decapitate Bret with a kick, what if after the fall of WCW, Bret sat out the rest of his contract and came back to the place where it all began for him?
Build to Summerslam 2002
For the past several weeks, various members of the roster tease that Bret Hart is making his return to WWE. On the Raw after Vengeance, opening the show is the grand return of Bret “The Hitman” Hart. He comes out to a thunderous pop from the crowd. He thanks the fans for supporting him for all these years and says that even now, he is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. He says that he hates the way he had to leave this company and what followed when he jumped ship to WCW. He says that a couple of years ago, he was ready to retire. But he couldn’t fight that itch to come back, to be able to end his career on his terms, and to add to a legacy that will be remembered for generations. Bret says he’s back and he’s not leaving anytime soon.
It’s then that he’s interrupted by Chris Jericho. He says that Bret is old and washed up and he’s not going to let another old timer take his spot. It was what killed WCW, and with guys like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, & Kevin Nash returning to the company this year, there’s not room for anyone else. Jericho says that he’s the first Undisputed Champion and since then, he hasn’t gotten the respect that he deserve. He says that there isn’t room in this company for two best in the worlds, so he challenges The Hitman to a match at the event that the latter had become so synonymous with back in the 1990’s - Summerslam. Bret accepts the match, for the first time in nearly five years, Bret Hart will compete in a WWE ring.
Summerslam 2002
Bret Hart vs Chris Jericho
Fourteen years ago, at Summerslam,, Bret appeared on the very first edition challenging for the World Tag Team Championship alongside Jim Neidhart against Demolition, at Summerslam 1991, Bret won his first Intercontinental Championship, just one year later, Bret would have one of the best matches in the history of Summerslam opposite The British Bulldog, three years later, Bret would have another five star classic, this time, defending the WWF Title in a steel cage match against his brother, Owen Hart. It was in 1997, that Bret Hart defeated The Undertaker to win his final world championship in the WWF, now renamed WWE. The Excellence of Execution has one hell of a track record at Summerslam, many would even refer to him as Mr. Summerslam. Now, at that very same event, Bret Hart will make his long-awaited return to a WWE ring.
As a video package plays, recapping the legendary Canadian’s career, his fellow Canadian and opponent here tonight, Chris Jericho interrupts the video package with his entrance music. Since losing the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania, Y2J has had a massive chip on his shoulder. He wasn’t even on the Backlash card, he failed to King of the Ring, he even lost to newcomer John Cena (he probably won’t amount to anything), and now, he threatening to be usurped once again by a returning Bret Hart. Jericho enters the ring, he knows that a lot is on the line as he has the chance to ruin Bret Hart’s return which would surely get him back in the title picture. Out next is Bret “The Hitman” Hart, he comes out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. In the grand scheme of things, five years may not seem like a very long time. But in that time, a lot has happened, the Montreal Screwjob, Bret’s mediocre run in WCW, and worst of all, losing his little brother, Owen Hart. At 45 years old, Bret only has so much left in the tank, but tonight, he looks to start the last chapter of his career on a high, Bret aims to have one last run where he can look back at his career and truly have no regrets. Finally, we hear the bell go, DING… DING… DING…
In what was one of the greatest Summerslams of all time in the original timeline, it’s made even better by the fact that this event will host the return of Bret Hart. In the early goings of the match, Hart absolutely outclasses Jericho with his technical prowess. However, ring rust gets the better of the aging Hitman and Jericho takes full advantage of this fact. Jericho scores multiple near-falls on Hart and wears down the older man with countless submission holds, after all this is the man of 1,004 holds. But Bret Hart makes a comeback and he pulls off all his greatest tricks from the 1990’s, ultimately, he manages to reverse The Walls of Jericho into The Sharpshooter. Jericho, screaming in pain, scratches and claws his way towards the bottom rope, but The Hitman drags him back to the center of the ring, which leaves Jericho no choice but to tap out. For the first time since 1997, Bret Hart has won a match in a WWE ring.
Bret Hart defeats Chris Jericho in 16:46
Raw August 26th, 2002
After defeating Chris Jericho at Summerslam and proving that he can still go, Bret Hart comes out on Raw and says that he’s still got it, and he says that his goal now is to go after the title he was screwed out of and that is the WWE Championship. That is when The Hitman is interrupted by The Un-Americans. Christian, flanked by Lance Storm & Test come out and make their way to the ring. Christian takes the mic and congratulates Bret on his win at Summerslam. He says offers him a spot in Un-Americans, but Bret declines and even challenges Christian to a match tonight, but he declines as well instead volunteering Lance Storm for the task.
Bret Hart vs Lance Storm
You already know that this match is gonna be a good one. These two put on a technical masterclass. Test & Christian try to get involved to cost Hart the match, but to no avail. Bret Hart manages to make Lance Storm submit to The Sharpshooter, winning his first match on Raw in nearly five years.
Bret Hart defeats Lance Storm in 12:06
Smackdown September 5th, 2002
Tonight, Bret Hart makes his much anticipated debut on the blue brand. He says that he came here to get away from the backstabbers and the backstage politicians over on Raw. But most importantly, he says it’s more refreshing here to see all the young & hungry talent. He says that Smackdown is the best place where he can work with the best this business has to offer and still prove that he is “The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.”
It’s them that The Hitman is interrupted by Eddie Guerrero. Eddie says that he’s always had a lot of respect for Bret Hart, but he remembers WCW. He remembers how guys like him got held down because of all the older talent who couldn’t let go of past glory. Guerrero says that he’s not going to let some 45 year old has-been steal his spotlight this time around and he challenges him to a match at Unforgiven which Hart accepts
Smackdown September 12th, 2002
Bret Hart vs Chavo Guerrero
One week after The Hitman’s confrontation with Eddie Guerrero, he’ll make his Smackdown in-ring debut against his rival’s nephew - Chavo Guerrero. This is only Bret’s second match since returning to WWE, but nevertheless, the match is easily the sleeper hit of the night. We get a mix of technical brilliance from both men, sprinkled in with high flying spots from Chavo. I’m the closing stages of the match, Chavo goes for a Frog Splash but Bret moves out of the way and he locks in the Sharpshooter forcing a submission victory.
Bret Hart defeats Chavo Guerrero in 11:39
Unforgiven 2002
Bret Hart vs Eddie Guerrero
We have yet another dream match on our hands as Bret Hart goes one on one with Latino Heat himself - Eddie Guerrero. Which speaking of, Eddie Guerrero uses his ability to lie, cheat, and steal to counteract Bret Hart’s superior in-ring prowess, intellect, and technique. As Eddie scales the top rope looking for The Frog Splash, but Bret moves out of the way at the last second, outwitting the younger competitor. Bret Hart locks in The Sharpshooter, forcing a submission victory a second PPV in a row. Week by week, and month by month, Bret “The Hitman” Hart is slowly shaking off the ring rust and getting back to his old form.
Bret Hart defeats Eddie Guerrero in 16:38
Smackdown October 3rd, 2002
Bret Hart vs Billy Kidman
Less than two weeks after his hard fought win against Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart faces one of the most exciting Cruiserweights on the Smackdown roster - Billy Kidman. They have a really exciting eleven and a half minute match. Billy Kidman manages to execute a picture perfect shooting star press for a close near fall. But The Excellence of Execution proves far too resilient and puts Kidman away with The Sharpshooter.
Bret Hart defeats Billy Kidman in 11:29
After the match, Billy Kidman & John Cena attack Bret Hart, but out to make the save, IS KURT ANGLE!!! He unleashes a barrage of German suplexes. As he dares them to get back in the ring, we can see Bret Hart ask Kurt Angle something and he nods his head in agreement. We’ll find out what that is next week.
Smackdown October 10th, 2002
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle vs Billy Kidman & John Cena: WWE Tag Team Championship Tournament First Round
We get to the next week of Smackdown, and it is announced that Bret Hart & Kurt Angle will be participating in the tournament to crown the first WWE Tag Team Champions. Their first round opponents are the team of young upstarts, Billy Kidman & John Cena. Hart & Angle, despite never having team together before, work like a well oiled machine and they manage to beat Kidman & Cena to advance in the tournament.
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle defeat Billy Kidman & John Cena in 7:52
Smackdown October 17th, 2002
Kurt Angle & Bret Hart vs Los Guerreros: WWE Tag Team Championship Tournament Semifinal
We enter the Semifinals of the tournament and thing are about to get much harder as Kurt Angle & Bret Hart will be taking on Los Guerreros in what is sure to be one hell of a match. This match goes nearly sixteen minutes and has a lot of near falls but once again, Kurt Angle & Bret Hart emerge victorious, securing their spot in the finals of the tournament which will take place at No Mercy.
Kurt Angle & Bret Hart defeat Los Guerreros in 15:45
No Mercy 2002
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle vs Edge & Rey Mysterio: Tournament Final for the Inaugural WWE Tag Team Championship
Since agreeing to team up, Bret Hart & Kurt Angle have been absolutely unstoppable. They defeated John Cena & Billy Kidman and they’ve defeated one of the best teams on the brand in Los Guerreros. But tonight, they face another thrown together team who happen to be two of the best up and coming stars who will lead this company into the future - Edge & Rey Mysterio. Neither of whom are strangers to tag team gold. As the PPV name suggests, there will be no mercy shown here tonight. Both Kurt Angle & Bret Hart aim to prove that they’re the best Smackdown has to offer, while a win over these two could really elevate Edge & Rey Mysterio.
There is a lot of mutual respect shared between these four competitors, and despite the two team inexperienced tagging together, this match is an absolute banger. Hart’s confidence has continued to grow since returning two months ago, putting on an excellent technical showcase no matter who he’s in the ring against. But things don’t go completely without incident as Angle, who’s out of his element as he’s never been a tag team guy. Angle tries to take all the glory for himself which causes tensions with Bret Hart and it nearly costs them the match. However, both men are able to get on the same page and become the inaugural WWE Tag Team Champions.
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle defeat Edge & Rey Mysterio to win the WWE Tag Team Championship in 22:03
Build to Survivor Series 2002
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle we’re successful in their quest to become the inaugural WWE Tag Team Champions. On the Smackdown after No Mercy, a battle royal to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series. The final six of the match are what would become known as The Smackdown Six in this timeline - Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Edge, & Rey Mysterio. They would have a match within a match, a teaser of what is yet to come. It would come down to Bret Hart & Eddie Guerrero and The Hitman would score the final elimination. Five year on from The Montreal Screwjob, Bret Hart will have his first chance at the WWE Championship.
Going into Survivor Series, The Excellence of Execution has a lot on his plate, not only does he have his upcoming WWE Championship match with the unstoppable Brock Lesnar, he & Kurt Angle will have to defend the WWE Tag Team Championship against both Los Guerreros & Edge and Rey Mysterio at Survivor Series as well. During the build, Paul Heyman calls The Hitman washed, and says that he doesn’t stand a chance against The Next Big Thing. This understandably has The Hitman distracted which causes a bit of tension between his tag team partner Kurt Angle as they also have their upcoming tag team title match at the very same event.
Survivor Series 2002
Bret Hart & Kurt Angle(c) vs Los Guerreros vs Edge & Rey Mysterio: WWE Tag Team Championship
Opening tonight’s highly anticipated Survivor Series card, Bret Hart & Kurt Angle look to defend their recently won WWE Tag Team Championship against two of the best teams on Smackdown. This match happened in real life, the only difference being the substitute of Bret Hart for Chris Benoit. And like it’s real life counterpart, this match fucking rules. Throughout the first act of the match, both Bret Hart & Kurt Angle find themselves dominating the other two teams. But as they go for the Angle attack, EDGE PUSHES ANGLE OUT OF THE WAY AND DRILLS HART WITH A SPEAR MID-MOVE!!! Hart just barely kicks out MYSTERIO LAND THE 619 ON HART FOLLOWED BY THE WEST COAST POP STRAIGHT INTO THE COVER, ONE… TWO… THREE… WE HAVE NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!! BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, REY MYSTERIO HAS BECOME THE FIRST MAN TO PIN BRET HART IN A WWE RING IN FIVE WHOLE YEARS!!!
Edge & Rey Mysterio defeat Los Guerreros, Bret Hart & Kurt Angle to win the WWE Tag Team Championship in 19:25
Bret Hart vs Brock Lesnar(c) /w Paul Heyman: WWE Championship
Five years after the Montreal Screwjob, Bret Hart will finally get his chance for redemption. Earlier in the night, he alongside his partner Kurt Angle, lost the WWE Tag Team Championship to Edge & Rey Mysterio after Bret Hart was the one who ate the pin. But he can’t think about that now, because he’ll be in there with the current reigning, defending, undefeated WWE Champion - “The Next Big Thing” Brock fucking Lesnar. Since his explosive WWE debut just after WrestleMania, he’s defeated the likes of Hulk Hogan, The Rock, & The Undertaker in a very short amount of time and he looks to take down another legend on his warpath.
As the bell rings, Lesnar slowly corners The Hitman, like a predator stalking his prey. Hart knows that he can’t outwrestle the much bigger opponent, so he knows that he’s going to have to outwit him, he’ll have to use his far superior experience edge if he wants to walk out of Madison Square Garden as the new WWE Champion. Lesnar charges at him in the corner, but Hart moves out of the way and starts attacking the ribs with brutal shoulder blocks. However, the assault doesn’t last long as Lesnar clobbers him across the neck and upper back, HE THEN TOSSES HIM HALFWAY ACROSS THE RING!!! Hart gets right up and charges at Lesnar, BUT HE CATCHES HIM AND DRILLS HIM WITH A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! Lesnar picks him up and tosses him into the corner, AND CLOBBERS HIM WITH STIFF LARIATS!!! Hart is in a heap as he slouches down in the corner and proceeds to roll out of the ring.
As The Hitman looks to catches his breath, Lesnar filly’s him out of the ring and CLOBBERS HIM FROM BEHIND!!! Lesnar picks him up and LEVELS HIM WITH A FALLAWAY SLAM INTO THE BARRICADE!!! Bret Hart’s back is in a lot of pain, but Lesnar isn’t done there, he WHIPS BRET HART SHOULDER FIRST INTO THE STEEL STEPS WITH SO MUCH FORCE THAT THE STEPS FLY ACROSS RINGSIDE!!! Lesnar rolls him into the ring and makes the cover, ONE… TWO… HART GETS THE SHOULDER UP!!! Lesnar picks him up and goes for his triple powerbomb combo, but Bret grabs on to the leg AND KICKS IT OUT FROM UNDER HIM!!! Lesnar drops to one knee, but Hart doesn’t give him any room to breathe and he continues kicking at the knee until Lesnar is fully down. Hart grabs Lesnar AND CROTCHES HIM ON THE RINGPOST THEN LOCKS IN THE FIGURE FOUR!!! Lesnar is screaming in agony as Hart increases pressure. At the count of nine, Hart let’s go and gets back in the ring.
He continues the assault on the bad leg, he unleashes A FLURRY OF VICIOUS ELBOW DROPS ON SAID LEG WHICH CAUSES LESNAR TO SCREAM MORE IN AGONY!!! Hart goes for the Sharpshooter but Lesnar kicks him into the turnbuckles and hobbles back to his feet. But Hart charges at LESNAR AND DROPKICKS THE BAD KNEE!!!The Hitman scales the middle rope, looking for an elbow drop, BUT LESNAR SPRINGS BACK TO HIS FRET AND CATCHES THE HITMAN NAILING HIM WITH AN F-5!!! But with the bad knee, Lesnar takes his time to make the cover. ONE… TWO… HART GETS THE SHOULDER UP!!! Lesnar picks up The Hitman, looking for another F-5, BUT THE BAD KNEE GIVES OUT!!! As Hart recuperates, he follows up with A PILEDRIVER!!! He makes the cover, ONE… TWO… THRE-LESNAR POWERS OUT!!! However, Hart remains undeterred as HE LOCKS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER!!! Lesnar is screaming in pain as that bad knee contorts ever so unnaturally, he uses his immense strength to scratch and claw his way towards the ropes but Hart pulls him to the center of the ring. Lesnar crawls towards the ropes again, just as he’s fingertips away from the bottom rope, HART PULLS HIM BACK TO THE CENTER YET AGAIN!!! The Hitman leans back as far as his body will take him, inflicting the most amount of damage possible. Lesnar is losing strength fast, his resolve weakens, but his ego just won’t allow him to submit. Eventually, he succumbs to the pain and passes out. The referee calls for the bell, BRET HART IS NOW A SIX TIME WWE CHAMPION!!!
Bret Hart defeats Brock Lesnar to win the WWE Championship in 18:48
Build to Armaggeddon 2002
After becoming WWE Champion for the first time in five years, Bret Hart now has his sights set on defeating every challenger that comes in his way. He faces Brock Lesnar in a rematch on Smackdown which ends in a disqualification after Big Show interferes. Hart needs new competition and Stephanie McMahon comes up with a bright idea and that is to book a six pack challenge for Armaggeddon between the now famed SMACKDOWN SIX!!!
On the go-home episode of Smackdown, we see a war of words between all six participants in the match. We see a three way beef between Angle, Bret & Benoit over who the real best wrestler in the world truly is. Every man in this match, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, and Bret Hart all need this win, and will fight like hell to walk out of Armageddon as WWE Champion.
Armaggeddon 2002
Bret Hart(c) vs Edge vs Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle: WWE Championship
Eddie Guerrero is the first to enter the ring, with the No DQ rules, Chavo comes out to assist, they’re the cohesive unit of the match and their only goal to get Eddie the championship. Rey Mysterio comes in as the clear underdog, as just a few short months ago, the idea of him ever challenging for the top prize in this industry, in a PPV main event no less, seemed highly unlikely. We got Edge, in just a few short years, he became one of the most decorated tag team wrestlers of all time. But now, he wants to continue his singles career and achieve his ultimate goal of winning the big one. Then you have Kurt Angle who saw a bit of a downward slope this year, and now he wants back in the spotlight. Last but certainly not least, the champion himself, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, he looks at the ring filled with young talent chomping at the bit to end his reign here tonight. As all men are finally in the ring, we finally here the bell go, DING… DING… DING…
This match is chaotic and wild, we see Angle & Benoit have a technical masterclass, Rey Mysterio throws caution to the wind causing his opponents to go off balance, Chavo’s only concern is to protect his uncle Eddie, which speaking of, there’s a point in the match where he manages to hit a Three Amigos on four of his opponents. Eddie manages to Frog Splash Edge but Benoit breaks up the pin, which cause the two best friends to fight in the middle of the match. Chavo tries to interfere but Benoit takes him to Seplex Coty before it was cool to take him out of the match. There’s a moment in the match where Bret Hart & Kurt Angle meet in the middle of the ring, building fan anticipation for if they ever lock up, but tonight is not that night as the multi-man situation prevents them from properly going at it. Benoit is the real MVP of the match as he drips every single participant with German Suplexes and nails Kurt Angle with a Diving Headbutt, damn near getting the three.
We reach the climax of the match, Edge manages TO NAIL BRET HART WITH A SPEAR!!! He makes the cover, ONE… TWO… THRE-EDDIE BREAKS UP THE PIN!!! Chavo DROPS EDGE WITH A LOW BLOW FOLLOWED BY A GORY BOMB!!! EDDie climbs the top rope and LANDS THE FROG SPLASH!!! Will Eddie pull off the upset??? We’re about to find out as he makes the cover, ONE… TWO… THRE-IT’S NOW BENOIT BREAKS UP THE PIN!!! Benoit lights up the Guerrero with hard knife-edge chops and DRIVES HIM INTO THE MAT WITH A BELLY TO BELLY!!! While this is going on, Bret Hart LOCKS EDGE IN THE SHARPSHOOTER!!! On the other side of the ring, BENOIT LOCKS EDDIE IN THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!!! Just seconds later, EDDIE TAPS OUT!!! But the referee was distracted with Bret’s submission. Benoit let’s go believing he’s won, IT’S THEN THAT EDGE TAPS OUT!!! BRET HART HAS RETAINED THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Benoit tries to argue with the referee, but it’s no use. The last visual we see is Benoit & Hart exchanging a war of words in the middle of the ring.
Bret Hart defeats Edge, Chavo Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, & Kurt Angle to retain the WWE Championship in 31:38
Smackdown December 19th, 2002
After the controversial finish to the Six Pack Challenge at Armageddon, Chris Benoit is understandably pissed off as he was robbed of the WWE Championship and he wants a match against The Hitman for the WWE Championship. This is when Kurt Angle comes out and calls Benoit a second rate talent and says that if anyone deserve a title shot, it’s him. Bret comes out and says he’ll take them both on. A match is made for the last Smackdown of 2002 - Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship.
Smackdown December 26th, 2002
Bret Hart(c) vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle: WWE Championship
The main event of the final Smackdown of 2002 is gonna be a certified banger. Three of the absolute best wrestlers on Smackdown. Chris Benoit has the most to prove as he’s the only one to never reach the mountaintop, and to add insult to injury, by all rights, he should be the WWE Champion after what happened at Armageddon. Kurt Angle looks to get back on track after having a Rocky year, and Bret Hart doesn’t plan on being finished with this title reign anytime soon. This match is an absolute fucking classic and will be known as one the greatest TV matches in the history of professional wrestling. This match goes for nearly thirty minutes, in the closing stages of the match, Bret Hart locks in The Sharpshooter on Kurt Angle. Just as Kurt Angle is about to tap out, BENOIT LOCKS IN THE CROSSFACE!!! Angle screams in agony AS HE’S FORCED TO TAP OUT!!! Both Benoit & Hart celebrate like they won the match, but the show ends with no clear, definitive winner.
Bret Hart & Chris Benoit draw in 29:47
Smackdown January 2nd, 2003
After last week’s draw, Stephanie McMahon announces that at the Royal Rumble PPV, Chris Benoit & Bret Hart will collide for the WWE Championship.
Royal Rumble 2003
Bret Hart(c) vs Chris Benoit: WWE Championship
Set just before the annual Royal Rumble itself, Bret Hart and Chris Benoit will do battle over the coveted WWE Championship. Our first, is the challenger himself - Chris Benoit. The Rabid Wolverine is looking for his first taste of World Championship glory in the WWE. These two have not gone one on one since their WCW days, where Bret always came out on top. But Benoit is far more experienced, the past few years of mixing it up with the biggest stars that this company has to offer has given him an edge that he didn’t have before. Benoit enters the ring stone faced, his heart set on only one thing, and that is to for the past fifteen years of busting his ass in that ring to finally pay off and hold that WWE Championship high above his head.
Our next is the champion himself, it’s Bret “The Hitman” Hart, he’s only two months in his sixth world title reign and he doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. In his short time back in the company, he has proven that he can still hang with the best and brightest stars that the industry has to offer. He walks to the ring with a purpose, it’s only been a few years since he last faced Benoit in single’s action. But it might as well been twenty years with as much that has changed since then. As Hart enters the ring, he gives his belt to the referee. Benoit looks at him with an icy gaze, then looks at the championship that he so desperately wants to win at some point in his long yet brutal professional wrestling career.
The bell finally rolls three times and this highly anticipated match is officially underway. Hart and Benoit circle each other wanting to get feel for the other. Benoit raises his arm, signaling for a test of strength, and Hart goes for it. Benoit manages to overpower the older Canadian as he presses him against the ropes. The ref calls for a break and Chris slowly lets go as Hart moves back to the center of the ring, creating some distance. The two men then engage in a collar & elbow tie-up. Benoit attempts to transition into a headlock, but Hart slips through and counters into a hammerlock. However, Benoit drops down and counters into a snapmare and locks in a grounded headlock, synching hard at the head and neck.
Hart tries to make it back to his feet, but Benoit locks in the hold ever tighter, keeping Hart grounded. Chris switches up, transitioning into a hammerlock, putting the champion in an even more uncomfortable position. Hart struggles, but manages to roll out of the hold, forcing Benoit to change his strategy once more and lock The Hitman in a wrist lock. Hart manages to roll through, but Benoit rolls with him. He continues to synch the hold in but Bret rolls through again, and this time, Benoit doesn’t have time to react. Hart this time, manages to get Benoit in a headlock. Benoit uses his slight strength advantage to Will his body towards the ropes, which forces Bret Hart to break the hold.
As Hart releases the hold, HE’S CAUGHT BY SURPRISE, BEING DRIVEN INTO THE MAT WITH A BACK SUPLEX!!! Hart instinctively rolls on the apron and uses the ropes to help himself back up, Benoit tries to knock him off, BUT A STUN GUN ON THE ROPES CAUSES THE RAPID WOLVERINE TO STAGGER!!! Hart re-enters the ring and shoots for the leg, in a Sharpshooter attempt, but Benoit pushes him back into the ropes. Bret tries to approach Benoit once more, this time, charging at him for a lariat. But Benoit grabs the arm, looking for the Crippler Cross face. Before Hart can be taken to the ground, manages to muscle Benoit AND HIT HIM WITH A PENDULUM SWING BACKBREAKER!!!
As Benoit helps himself up to one knee, Hart grabs him and attempts an Irish Whip, but Benoit reverses it into an Irish Whip of his own, sending The Hitman into the corner. Benoit approaches and sends some well placed boots to the gut, FOLLOWED BY A TRIO OF KNIFE EDGE CHOPS THAT TURN HART’S CHEST A BRIGHT SHADE OF RED!!! Benoit takes a few steps and charges at Bret, looking for a shoulder block to the ribs, but he manages to get the boot up, catching Benoit right in the temple. Hart runs off the ropes AND DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD AND NECK WITH A PICTURE PERFECT LARIAT!!! Hart tosses Benoit out of the ring, he lines him up, HE THEM ATTEMPTS A SLINGSHOT DIVE BUT BENOIT MANAGES TO GET OUT OF DODGE!!! Hart just barely lands on his feet, but Benoit is already back in the ring, he runs the ropes AND HE WIPES BRET OUT WITH A SUICIDE DIVE!!!
Benoit wastes no time picking up Bret AND LAUNCHING HIM WITH AN OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!!! As The Hitman clutches his back in pain, Benoit picks him up yet again AND HITS ANOTHER OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX, THIS TIME RIGHT INTO THE BARRICADE!!! Hart’s in a really bad way as Benoit rolls him back in the ring and makes the cover, ONE… TWO… HART KICKS OUT, BUT BENOIT IMMEDIATELY GRABS THE WAIST!!! Benoit brings him back to a vertical base AND DRILLS HIM INTO THE MAT WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX!!! However, Benoit doesn’t let go, AND HE DRIVE HART NECK FIRST INTO THE CANVAS WITH ANOTHER GERMAN!!! Again, Benoit doesn’t let go, he goes for the trifecta, BUT BRET SPINS AROUND AND HITS A GERMAN SUPLEX OF HIS OWN!!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!!!
Benoit is the first to get up as he scales the top rope, he aims for another Diving Headbutt, BUT HART MOVES OUT OF THE WAY AT THE LAST SECOND!!! Hart picks him up, looking for another Piledriver, but Benoit counters with a backdrop. As Hart gets back to his feet, Benoit grabs the arm looking for the Crossface, he begins to lock his legs around. But The Exelennce of Execution uses his free hand to grab the legs of Benoit AND TRANSITION INTO THE SHARPSHOOTER!!! As The Hitman locks in the hold tighter and tighter by the second, Benoit’s resolve weakens and eventually, BENOIT IS FORCED TO TAP OUT!!! BRET HART HAS RETAINED THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! After the match, Bret Hart helps Benoit back to his feet and shakes his hand, showing just how much mutual respect is shared between these two competitors.
Bret Hart defeats Chris Benoit to retain the WWE Championship in 20:48
Build to No Way Out 2003
Bret Hart has successfully defended the WWE Championship against Chris Benoit at Royal Rumble. But now, he’ll have what is likely to be his biggest challenge yet as Kurt Angle won the 2003 Royal Rumble and he wasted no time in choosing The Excellence of Execution as his opponent for this year’s Showcase of the Immortals. On the Smackdown after the Royal Rumble, Kurt Angle comes out to confront the champion and shows him a lot of respect and does the whole “May the best man win” sorta thing. They shake hands, but Angle doesn’t let go, then from behind, The Hitman gets attacked from behind by two hooded men jump Hart from behind and they’re revealed to be Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas. Team Angle has arrived, and they have one mission - Destroy Bret Hart!!!
Over the next few weeks, Bret Hart looks for allies to help him take the fight to Team Angle, which causes him to recruits Edge and Chris Benoit, both of whom he has shared a ring with in the past few months. A big six man tag team match is announced between the newly formed Team Angle and the rad tag group of Canadians to take issue with Smackdown’s newest trio.
No Way Out 2003
Bret Hart, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas): Six Man Tag Team Match
This match goes on second to last, there’s a lot of moving parts and we see a lot of crazy in-ring matchups such as Benoit vs Benjamin, Hart vs Benjamin, but more importantly, Hart & Angle rarely interact during the match, Angle goes through great lengths to avoid The Hitman. This match runs for a solid sixteen minutes, with both teams going back and forth, as all six men wage war on each other. In the end, Bret Hart has Shelton Benjamin locked in The Sharpshooter, Benjamin looks like he could tap at any moment, but Haas distracts the referee while KURT ANGLE BLASTS THE HITMAN WITH THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Benjamin makes the cover, ONE… TWO… THREE… TEAM ANGLE WIN!!!
Team Angle defeats Bret Hart, Edge, & Chris Benoit in 16:16*
Build to WrestleMania 19
The build here is cut and dry both men want to prove who the best wrestler in the world really is. Bret Hart says that during his time in WCW, he heard about Kurt Angle who was said to be even better than The Excellence of Execution himself in some ways, but after have crossed paths in various multi-man matches these past few month, Hart can’t say that he’s impressed. He says that The Three I’s cannot hold up to The best there is, The best there was, The best there ever will be. The match between Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship is set for the main event of WrestleMania 19.
submitted by bigjohn14325 to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 06:00 FireDaddyKing85 Ben McKay due to be paid around $1.4-5 million next year

Ben McKay due to be paid around $1.4-5 million next year
New Essendon recruit Ben McKay will reportedly earn up to $1.5 million season, making him the AFL’s highest paid player.
McKay moved from North Melbourne to Essendon during the recent Trade Period, joining the Bombers on a six-year deal worth around $850,000 per season.
Essendon were active at the trade table, luring Jade Gresham from St Kilda, Xavier Duursma from Port Adelaide and veteran ruckman Todd Goldstein from North Melbourne.
The Kangaroos received pick three as trade compensation for 25-year-old McKay.
But Essendon still have a massive war chest they will be looking to use in the coming years to attract a big-bodied midfielder or a key forward.
AFL teams need to use at least 95 per cent of the salary cap and as a result, McKay will be paid a staggering seven-figure wage in his first year at Essendon.
McKay’s front-ended deal will allow the Bombers to be active in the free agency market going forward.
According to, the key defender will earn between $1.4 and $1.5 million in 2024.
So far in his career, McKay has played 71 games across six seasons that have been riddled by injury.
‘Are they crazy?’: AFL club torn to shreds Lance Franklin was paid around $1.5 million in the eighth year of his monster contract with the Sydney Swans, while 12 players were paid a salary of $1 million or more in 2022.
Sydney’s Lance Franklin, Geelong’s Jeremy Cameron, Western Bulldogs captain Marcus Bontempelli and Melbourne pair Clayton Oliver and Christian Petracca were in that range as well, along with GWS trio Toby Greene, Stephen Coniglio and Josh Kelly.
McKay’s six-year deal runs through to the end of 2029, with a trigger for a seventh season.
submitted by FireDaddyKing85 to EssendonFC [link] [comments]

2023.10.22 10:15 PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS The PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS Guide to the 2023 AFL Draft

Hello /AFL and welcome to the single best piece of draft coverage for DOMINATING draft discussions you find yourself partaking in over the next few weeks, whether it be with your friends, your family, your colleagues, your neighbours or just random people at the pub you plop yourself next to at a table, this guide will ensure you have the upper hand unless they've also read the guide.
This is of course a sequel to much loved posts on /AFL The PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS Guide to the 2022 AFL Draft and The PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS Guide to the 2021 AFL Draft, which both proved to be massive successes and received rave reviews from the critics
(quick FAQ)
What makes PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS qualified?
There's still very little that makes me qualified
What's next years draft like?
Never forget that the most important rule of the AFL Draft is that next years draft is ALWAYS better, and if you feel you are being bettered in Draft Discussion you always have that as a 'get out of jail free card', responding with such things as 'Ah well, I'm not all that invested in this year, next years draft looks much better'
For this year specifically, you can make mention of the high end midfield quality next year and the early signs suggesting better depth, but also the high amount of father-son and academy linked talent early on, and the lack of quality in WA (relevant to Freo and Eagles specifically)
What are the topics I need to weigh in on?
The main points of discussion around this draft as whole include, but are not limited to;
Anything else to consider noting?
As mentioned the top 8 is seen as head and shoulders above the rest, but all still have question marks, so if you want to play the contrarian role you can always bring up 'But is [insert top 8 prospect] actually that good or do they just look good because it's this year?'
There's also a shocking lack of midfielders in the crop, so you can say the same thing about any of them!
The Players
Of course, the main part of the draft is the fact there are players, players that will play, and hopefully win, so here's a quick run down of the National Draft Combine Invitees (minimum 5 club nominations to receive an invite), that will make up the bulk of the drafted players.
Nate Caddy (Northern Knights) [Tall Forward. Nephew of former Gold Coast Sun, Geelong and Richmond Tiger Champion Josh]
Matthew Carroll (Sandringham Dragons) [General Defender]
Jordan Croft (Calder Cannons) [Tall Forward. Western Bulldogs father-son]
Will Green (Northern Knights) [Ruck]
Harvey Johnston (Sandringham Dragons) [General Forward/ Midfielder]
Luke Lloyd (Sandringham Dragons) [General Forward]
Will Lorenz (Oakleigh Chargers) [Wing/ Midfielder. Grandson of SUPER Hawk Graham Arthur]
Logan Morris (Western Jets) [General Forward]
Oliver Murphy (Sandringham Dragons) [Tall Defender]
Cameron Nyko (Eastern Ranges) [Small Defende Midfielder]
Tarkyn O’Leary (Sandringham Dragons) [Wing/ Small Forward]
Nathan Philactides (Oakleigh Chargers) [Small Defender]
Archie Roberts (Sandringham Dragons) [General Defende Wing]
Vigo Visentini (Sandringham Dragons) [Ruck. Brother of Port Adelaide's Dante]
Nick Watson (Eastern Ranges) [Small Forward. Kicked 70 goals across all levels of footy this year]
Caleb Windsor (Eastern Ranges) [Wing]
Wil Dawson (Gippsland Power) [Tall utility]
Kade De La Rue (Dandenong Stingrays) [General Forward]
Harry DeMattia (Dandenong Stingrays) [Midfielder. Waterboy for Australian cricket team last years boxing day]
Zane Duursma (Gippsland Power) [General Forward/ Midfieder. Brother of Essendon's Xavier and Port Adelaide's Yasmin]
Joel Freijah (Greater Western Victoria Rebels) [Wing]
Angus Hastie (Geelong Falcons) [General Defender]
Luamon Lual (Greater Western Victoria Rebels) [Small Defender. Western Bulldogs NGA]
Archer Reid (Gippsland Power) [Tall Forward. Brother of Essendon's Zach]
Harley Reid (Bendigo Pioneers) [wherever the fuck he wants. literally Dusty]
Oscar Ryan (Murray Bushrangers) [General Defender]
Cooper Simpson (Dandenong Stingrays) [Midfielder]
George Stevens (Greater Western Victoria Rebels) [Midfielde General Defender]
Darcy Wilson (Murray Bushrangers) [Wing/ General Forward]
South Australia
Jack Delean (South Adelaide) [Small Forward]
Taylor Goad (South Adelaide) [Ruck]
Kane McAuliffe (North Adelaide) [Midfielder]
Will McCabe (Central District) [Tall Defender. Hawthorn father-son]
Ashton Moir (Glenelg) [General Forward]
Will Patton (West Adelaide) [General Defender]
Bodie Ryan (Glenelg) [General Defender]
Western Australia
Lance Collard (Subiaco) [Small Forward. West Coast NGA]
Daniel Curtin (Claremont) [Tall Defende Midfielder]
Mitch Edwards (Peel Thunder) [Ruck. Fremantle NGA]
Clay Hall (Peel Thunder) [Midfielder. Son of former Geelong and Fremantle Champion Derek]
Riley Hardeman (Swan Districts) [General Defende Wing]
Aiden O’Driscoll (Perth) [Wing/ Small Forward. Brother of Fremantle's Nathan and Emma]
Koen Sanchez (East Fremantle) [Small Forward/ Midfielder]
Evan Smith (Swan Districts) [Ruck/ Tall Forward]
Koltyn Tholstrup (Subiaco) [General Forward/ Midfielder. Always wearing pit viper sunglasses, even indoors]
Reece Torrent (Peel Thunder) [General Utility]
Xavier Walsh (East Perth) [Tall Forward]
Zane Zakostelsky (Claremont) [Tall Defender]
Caiden Cleary (Sydney Academy) [Midfielder. Swans Academy]
Phoenix Gothard (Murray Bushrangers) [Small Forward]
Connor O’Sullivan (Murray Bushrangers) [Tall Utility]
Will Graham (Gold Coast Academy) [Midfielde General Defender. Suns Academy, obviously]
Ethan Read (Gold Coast Academy) [Ruck/ Tall Forward. Suns Academy, obviously]
Jake Rogers (Gold Coast Academy) [Midfielde Small Forward. Suns Academy, obviously]
Jed Walter (Gold Coast Academy) [Tall Forward. Suns Academy, obviously]
Jack Callinan (Clarence) [Small Forward. Son of former Adelaide Crows champion Ian]
James Leake (Launceston) [general Utility]
Colby McKercher (Launceston) [Midfielder]
Ryley Sanders (Sandringham Dragons) [Midfielder. North Melbourne NGA]
Arie Schoenmaker (Launceston) [Tall Defender]
Northern Territory
Will Rowlands (Norwood) [Midfielde Small Forward]
Thanks Bangers, now what do I do?
You now have the names and positions to dominate AFL Draft Discussion when the opportunity arises, remember to read Cal Twomey's stuff and claim it as your own in these discussions, and Watch Your Highlights, taking note of opposition so when you reference this footage people will assume you've seen HEAPS of the prospects, and will begin to question themselves in comparison to your superior intellect
It's a lovely top 8 open pool prospects this year, so naturally that's where most people will be focusing their efforts, you'll come out on top if you have even a fingernail deep analysis of prospects outside of that. You're looking at a pretty safe top 5 at the moment with Harley Reid, Jed Walter, Colby McCkercher, Zane Duursma and Nick Watson the names likely to get called out, although Dan Curtin may sneak his way into that as well.
Remember, if at any point you feel bested, mention how much better next year is and that's where your attention has been, at which point you can make up a name and most people won't know any different!
submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_BANGERS to AFL [link] [comments]

2023.10.17 19:53 Smoreheat So excited to get her !! She’s 3/4 French Bulldog 1/4 English. Believe they are called free lance frenchie. I did pay $2100. Did I over pay?

So excited to get her !! She’s 3/4 French Bulldog 1/4 English. Believe they are called free lance frenchie. I did pay $2100. Did I over pay? submitted by Smoreheat to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2023.08.14 17:08 Yip316 Rebooking Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2002 - Part 2: Summerslam 2003

Part 1:
Welcome to Part 2 of Rebooking Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2002. This time, I will cover the customized story up until Summerslam 2003. So, here goes. Let's begin from the post-Wrestlemania 19 Raws.
Post-Wrestlemania 19 Raws
1st Raw: Stone Cold is back in full force. Eric Bischoff is kayfabely injured after the beatings he has suffered at the hands of Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 19. There is a new Raw general manager in town to replace Bischoff. The new Raw general manager is none other than Shane O'Mac - Shane McMahon!
Anyway, let's get back to the protagonist of this story. Stone Cold is not present at the post-Wrestlemania Raw. Instead, he is at home and live via satellite. Good ol' JR conducts a live interview on his best friend. He shows Stone Cold appreciation for what he's done for him and questions his future moves.
Stone Cold says he has a lot of things in mind. He says that people can expect hell to be unleashed on Raw starting next week, as Stone Cold will be back in action on Raw taking on Test in a singles match. As far as Stone Cold concerns, he is not done with something. And that something is.......
A vignette of Randy Orton cuts off the live interview with Stone Cold. Randy Orton gives an update for his knee injury suffered by a botch 3D from the Dudleys back in last month. He gets booed massively by the live audience for the obvious reason.
2nd Raw: The next week on Raw, Stone Cold takes on Test in his first match on Monday Night Raw in almost 9 months. Stone Cold pins Test in a decent bout after hitting a stunner. Stone Cold celebrates his victory. He calls for a Steveweiser and....
A vignette of Randy Orton once again cuts in. Orton intends to provide update to the WWE fans again about his injury. However, he is met by an angry Stone Cold who rushes to the backstage feed area and attacks him. Stone Cold grabs Orton's clutch and attacks Orton's knee for the final blow, almost identical to what Stone Cold did to his deceased friend, Brian Pillman, in storyline 6 years ago.
3rd Raw: Randy Orton brings alongside a lawyer with a medical proof showing the seriousness of his injury. Orton demands that Stone Cold should be fined for his actions. Stone Cold comes down the ring and talks smack on Orton. He roasts Orton so bad that Orton forgets his knee is injured, as Orton is seen angrily stomping on the ground listening to Stone Cold's words.
Stone Cold proceeds to expose that Orton is a liar. Orton tries to act like that he is not. Shane McMahon's music hits and he appears. Shane claims that Orton should feel ashamed of himself for faking his injury. He then announces a Stone Cold vs. Randy Orton match at Backlash. Orton is furious and he tries to attack Stone Cold afterwards. Stone Cold fights back and Orton is able to avoid the stunner. However, Orton's lawyer is not so lucky as he gets a stunner from Stone Cold. We move on to Backlash.
Backlash 2003: Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Randy Orton via pinfall (10:05)
A standard match here. Orton is able to show some offense, hitting some impressive moves from his arsenal, such as the ever-beautiful dropkick, snap powerslam, and diving crossbody. In the end, Stone Cold is just too much for the yet to be legend killer. Austin nails a stunner on Orton after avoiding a running powerslam attempt to seal the deal.
Post-Backlash Raws
1st Raw: We get a highlight reel segment featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin. The host of the highlight reel, Chris Jericho is upset about this. Jericho, having beaten Michaels last night on Backlash to prove that he is the better man in their trilogies, is pissed off that the spotlight is put on Stone Cold instead. Jericho brags on how washed-up Stone Cold is. He proceeds to rant on how he deserves a title shot until....
Glass shatters and enters the Texas Rattlesnake. Stone Cold dares Jericho to do something about it if Jericho is not pleased with his presence. He turns his back on Jericho and says he is willing to give him a free shot. Jericho, however, thinks of it as a trap and leaves the ring in disgust instead. They both stare each other down as Jericho retreats to the back.
2nd Raw: Stone Cold takes on Lance Storm in a beat the clock challenge to determine the next #1 contender for Booker T's World Heavyweight Title. Stone Cold needs to beat Lance Storm in under 7 minutes, which was the record set by Chris Jericho defeating The Hurricane earlier on the show. Stone Cold was unable to beat Lance Storm in time due to interference from Jericho. The tournament eventually ends in a tie between Kevin Nash and Triple H as co-winners.
3rd Raw: Stone Cold and Jericho both run into each other backstage. Jericho asks Stone Cold how he feels about being ignored and set aside after being on the top once before. Stone Cold says that he's feeling like he should stomp some mudhole and he sees a perfect target in front of his eyes. He then proceeds to have a brawl with Jericho which has to be separated by officials. It is later announced that Stone Cold will face Chris Jericho at Judgment Day.
4th Raw: On the go-home Raw before Judgment Day, Stone Cold takes on and beats Val Venis. After the match, Jericho attacks Stone Cold with a steel chair. He yells at an unconscious Stone Cold that this is just a preview of what comes this Sunday. We move on to Judgment Day.
Judgment Day 2003: Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Chris Jericho via pinfall (15:11)
A quite back-and-forth match in this one. Stone Cold kicks out of a lionsault from Jericho while Jericho also kicks out of a piledriver from Stone Cold. At one point, Jericho distracts the referee by bringing a steel chair to the ring. He kicks Stone Cold right in the balls when the referee is moving the chair away. Jericho then locks in the Walls of Jericho but Stone Cold is able to reach the bottom rope. The match comes to an end when Jericho takes too much time taunting Stone Cold and misses a running bulldog attempt, only to eat a stunner from Stone Cold. Stone Cold defeats Chris Jericho.
Post-Judgment Day Raw
1st Raw: Chris Jericho is upset about his loss against Stone Cold. He demands a rematch against Stone Cold tonight on Raw. Stone Cold gladly obliges. Their match takes place at the main event of Raw. Stone Cold nearly has the match won again but is met with a Christian interference. Both Jericho and Christian beat down Stone Cold. Invasion hits, Goldberg comes out to a huge ovation and spears Christian. Jericho quickly drags Christian out of the ring as Goldberg helps Stone Cold to get up in the ring.
2nd Raw: The next week on Raw, Stone Cold calls out Goldberg. He makes it clear that he didn't need Goldberg's help at all. However, he appreciates Goldberg's arrival and gives him a Steveweiser. Goldberg says that he has long respected Stone Cold and accepts the beer. Chris Jericho and Christian interrupt and mock them. They claim that they have a plan ready to drive both Goldberg and Stone Cold out of WWE. They will execute it next week.
3rd Raw: Chris Jericho and Christian have started a petition. They try to coerce the Raw backstage personnel in signing the petition of banning both Goldberg and Stone Cold from Raw. They are ambushed by both Goldberg and Stone Cold when they mistakenly thought of Stone Cold as a backstage worker (Stone Cold was dressing up as one). A brawl breaks out and a Stone Cold vs. Christian match is made official later on with both Goldberg and Jericho banned from ringside. Stone Cold would defeat Christian later on.
4th Raw: On the go-home edition of Raw before Bad Blood, Shane McMahon has made it official that Stone Cold and Goldberg will face Chris Jericho and Christian in a tag team match at Bad Blood. To add some merit into it, Shane has added that the winning team will be facing each other in the near future in which the winner will earn a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. It convinces both Jericho and Christian in facing Stone Cold and Goldberg at Bad Blood.
Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho also takes place on the go-home edition of Raw before Bad Blood. The match ends in no contest after both Stone Cold and Christian interfered. There is a moment where Goldberg almost accidentally spears Stone Cold. Jericho takes this opportunity and trash talks about both Goldberg and Stone Cold cannot trust themselves enough to work effectively together, unlike Christian and himself who are brothers alike and have been teaming for a long time. Some mind games from Y2J before the PPV.
Bad Blood 2003: Stone Cold Steve Austin and Goldberg def. Chris Jericho and Christian via pinfall (16:17)
You'd think this is a one-sided affair huh? Nope, not at all. Both Jericho and Christian consistently outsmart Stone Cold and Goldberg with their tag team prowess. Stone Cold is being isolated for the most part of the match until he counters a double suplex from Jericho and Christian into a double neckbreaker. Goldberg comes in and clears house. He attempts a spear but accidentally hits Stone Cold with one. Christian hits an unprettier followed by a lionsault from Jericho on Goldberg for a near-fall. Jericho takes out the referee out of frustration. He and Christian then try a con-chair-to on Goldberg but Goldberg dodges it and hits a spear on Jericho. Goldberg tags in Stone Cold who avoids a Christian chair shot and hits Christian with a stunner. A new referee emerges and counts the 3.
Stone Cold celebrates with Goldberg as he toasts Steveweiser with Goldberg once again. They both stand tall on the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd while drinking. Stone Cold gets down first and seemingly awaits for Goldberg to come down and strike him with a stunner. When Goldberg gets down, Stone Cold takes no action but just stares at him intensely. Goldberg realizes the situation now as Stone Cold withdraws from the ring. From this moment, either Stone Cold or Goldberg will have a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Friends no more, but foes they are.
Post-Summerslam Raw
Considering the brand exclusive PPV is now in effect, there are 7 weeks until Summerslam. It means there are 7 Raws to go. Anyway, here goes.
1st Raw: Shane McMahon kicks off Raw and announces that the World Heavyweight Champion Booker T will be defending his title in an elimination chamber match at Summerslam. He also announces that Stone Cold will face Goldberg at Summerslam. Per their winning prize at Bad Blood, it will be for the #1 contender's match to determine who faces the World Heavyweight Champion walking out of Summerslam at the next PPV, Unforgiven. No physical appearances from both Stone Cold and Goldberg on this show.
2nd Raw: Stone Cold takes on Stevie Richards. Stone Cold squashes Stevie Richards and beats him with a jackhammer. Stone Cold then looks on the camera, saying "You're next, Goldberg!".
3rd Raw: Goldberg takes on Rodney Mack. Similar to Stone Cold's action last week, Goldberg destroys Rodney Mack and takes him out with a stunner followed by a spear. Goldberg then yells "And that's the bottomline, Steve!"
4th Raw: Vignettes that feature both men's proudest moments in wrestling are shown. Both men also put over how prestigious and important the World Heavyweight Championship is to themselves respectively.
5th Raw: A sit-down interview between Stone Cold and Goldberg takes place on Raw. JR informs them both that there will be a contract signing on the Raw before Summerslam. Both Stone Cold and Goldberg exchange verbal insults. Stone Cold dishes out better insults, of course.
6th Raw: Booker T, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, and Kevin Nash def. Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton, and Ric Flair), Chris Jericho, and Christian in a 10-man tag team match. Shawn Michaels pins Flair after hitting a sweet chin music. After the match, everyone takes out each other with respective finishers. The sequence ends with Stone Cold hitting Goldberg with a stunner. Stone Cold poses with the World Heavyweight Title to end Raw.
7th Raw: Stone Cold and Goldberg have a contract signing segment. They both sign the contract immediately upon entering the ring. Shane McMahon tries to have things under control but Stone Cold jumps over the signing table and brawls with Goldberg. They both even go as far as to attack the securities that step between them. They are eventually separated after Shane calls out the Raw locker room with extra securities to split them off.
Summerslam 2003: Goldberg def. Stone Cold Steve Austin via pinfall - #1 Contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship (12:45)
A dream match here for sure. The match takes place as the 4th match on the card. You can't have it go too long as Goldberg shouldn't work long matches. The match starts and it ends up in a typical Stone Cold brawling contest. It even takes onto the crowd at one point. When both men are back in the ring, Goldberg nails a sudden spear for a 2 count.
Goldberg tries the jackhammer but Stone Cold counters into a stunner. However, Goldberg rolls out of the ring. Stone Cold tries to drag Goldberg back in the ring, but Goldberg responds by lifting Stone Cold up and rush through the barricade. Both men then get back into the ring and Goldberg hits another spear. Goldberg then proceeds with a jackhammer and pins Stone Cold for the win. After the match, Goldberg offers a handshake to Stone Cold, in which Stone Cold accepts and walks off as Goldberg celebrates his win.
Stone Cold is later interviewed by Terri Runnels before the semi-main event. Terri questions how he feels about losing yet another shot at the world title. Before Stone Cold can respond, Brock Lesnar, who is going to challenge for Kurt Angle's WWE Title moments later, interrupts the interview and mocks Stone Cold for his loss. He reminds Stone Cold that he dished out worse beatdowns to Stone Cold. Stone Cold fires back that he can't wait to see Brock's face when Kurt makes him tap. Brock acts like he's about to hit Stone Cold, Stone Cold mans it up by going face-to-face with Brock. Brock steps back and laughs it off as he heads for his match against Kurt Angle. The match outcome remains the same as history, Brock taps to Angle's ankle lock.
This is it for Part 2, I will cover Part 3 next, Part 3 will cover up until Survivor Series. I hope you guys enjoy the storyline. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments. Cheers.
submitted by Yip316 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2023.07.08 10:59 InfernoAA I Am A Doctor

I Am A Doctor
Owen Hart is one of the greatest wrestlers to have never held a World Championship. Though perfectly representing the Hart Family Dungeon’s legacy on grand stages in both WWE and NJPW, a life in his older brother’s shadow and unreceived opportunities held him back from reaching the level of acclaim he should have had. A masterful technician as both the light-hearted, sympathetic babyface and the conniving, detestable heel, he’s undoubtedly a Hall of Fame talent regardless. As such, a tournament to honour his legacy was warranted and an excellent idea, yet fall flat in execution in its inaugural edition last year, failing to serve as a tribute to an all-time great and rather becoming a consolation prize for Adam Cole. With an opportunity to change that via 2023’s edition, 16 entrants for the 16-year career of The King of Harts will battle throughout AEW’s Canadian Tour to add this prestigious accomplishment to their own legacies!


Featuring the line-up, an iconic component from Owen’s career who they may loosely take after, and their motivations:

“Hangman” Adam Page
Accomplishments: AEW World Championship (1x), AEW World Tag Team Championship (1x)
Bio: It’s been a year since AEW’s most beloved project dropped his World Championship, Hangman searching for the next high ever since. A bloody rivalry with Blackpool Combat Club has found him wandering back into the arms of old friends in The Elite, though it’s kept him too preoccupied for chasing personal glory. As such, the Owen Cup is the perfect opportunity for the Anxious Millenial Cowboy to make up for lost time and return to his perch. Channelling the spirit of the man whose neck Owen famously broke, resulting in one of Hart’s most iconic rivalries, third time could be the charm for the beer-drinking Cowboy in his own post-concussion return as he looks to top his performances as runner-up in both 2020’s Eliminator and last year’s World Trios Championship Tournaments!

Brian Pillman Jr.
Accomplishments: N/A
Bio: The late great Brian Pillman’s career was tied to the Hart Family from the very start, from training in the infamous Dungeon and getting his break through Stampede Wrestling to eventually becoming a member of The Hart Foundation itself, resulting in a strong bond with Owen. Second-generation star Brian Pillman Jr. has earnestly followed in his father’s footsteps, being trained by Dungeon Graduate Lance Storm and putting in the hours across his 3-year AEW tenure. Though it hasn’t been all smooth sailing, an opportunity to pay tribute and get noticed has found its way to him – all that’s left is for the Promised Prince to prove that he belongs.

Brody King
Accomplishments: AEW World Trios Championship (1x - Current)
Bio: Throughout the 90’s, one-half of Owen Hart’s WrestleMania 13 opponents, Vader, ruled the world as one of the greatest American heavyweights, combining power with freakish athleticism to popularise a formula that’s taken modern wrestling by storm. One such practitioner of his style is House of Black’s Brody King, who’s proven himself to be a fearsome hoss, whether he’s defending his Trios gold in thrilling Open House contests or even standing up to the World Champion themselves as a credible, Darby-smothering singles star. Having already once cemented himself as more than just a tag guy, he now looks to secure his breakout moment by going the distance here.

Claudio Castagnoli
Accomplishments: ROH World Championship (2x - Current), ROH World Tag Team Championship (2x)
Bio: Where The Elite goes, Blackpool Combat Club follows closely behind. Not letting Adam Page be the only one to have some fun, the Owen-esque oft overlooked technical genius that is Claudio Castagnoli too has his eyes on the money. A perfect candidate to honour the King of Hart’s legacy, having had his own ties to the legendary family through the Brass Ring Club in WWE, it’s as though this tournament is made for the ROH World Champion, who’s hellbent on further tightening BCC’s already iron grip on the roster. With the skills of Hart’s first-ever WrestleMania foe, Mr. Perfect, and the ruthlessness of his stable’s cold-blooded regime, the Swiss Superman is one to be feared.

CM Punk
Accomplishments: AEW World Championship (2x)
Bio: Canada Mark Punk has returned home with a vengeance, slinging the AEW World Championship that was stripped from him in suspension over his shoulder. Declaring himself the rightful champion, it’ll stay that way in his deluded mind until someone can bring down his tyrannical regime. Ever the Bret fanboy, he also believes it’s his right to have the Owen Cup on his display case. And so, the Most Hated Man in the Northern Territories plans to walk into Canada, knee a few heads off and become to Trudeau-land what maple syrup is to pancakes.

Daniel Garcia
Accomplishments: PWG World Championship (1x - Current), ROH Pure Championship (1x)
Bio: Owen Hart was the basis of Chris Jericho’s professional wrestling dreams. Though he ultimately missed the boat on wrestling him, the Man of 1,004 Holds nonetheless endured the brutal training of the Hart Dungeon, transforming himself into something of a Canadian legend across 30+ years in the ring. But at 52, that number is starting to show. 2023 a year of constant failures thus far, a desperate Jericho appoints stablemate Daniel Garcia to step up in his stead. Feeling Red Death on the cusp of greatness, he urges him to fulfil his destiny as a sports entertainer by swivelling his hips to JAS success and finally score a real accolade to his name rather than ‘those lowly wrestling belts’ he’s held.

Darby Allin
Accomplishments: AEW TNT Championship (2x)
Bio: As one of AEW’s Four Pillars, Darby Allin’s consistently remained a key figure of the company, his partnership with Sting pushing him to even greater relevance. However, it’s served as a crutch for him at times, left coasting in terms of gold, falling back on just two TNT Championship reigns set two years apart. Though it’s been understandably difficult to break the glass ceiling with fellow Pillar MJF holding down the fort, the Owen Cup is just as great an opportunity to show he’s still capable of bringing home the big cheques. After failing to make it past the first round in last year’s edition, the 1-2-3 Kid incarnate looks to rise up against the locker room the same way his predecessor famously did against the Harts and redeem his dry spell.

Eddie Kingston
Accomplishments: N/A
Bio: There’s a long-standing respect between the Harts and the Funks, Bret even wrestling Terry in one of his countless retirement matches. Likewise, the outspoken admiration Eddie Kingston has for such generational legends, especially the Funker himself, drives him each day to try live up to even a fraction of their greatness. Despite spirited performances since joining AEW 3 years ago, the Mad King has found himself prone to failing at the last hurdle. But with the arrival of another chance, he dusts himself off in his mother’s name and stands back up, guaranteeing to backfist everyone standing in his path, especially CM Punk and the BCC, and show Jon Moxley how it’s supposed to be done.

Hiromu Takahashi
Accomplishments: IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship (5x - Current)
Bio: Though Owen Hart is primarily known for his WWF work, his time in Japan is worth remembering, becoming the first gaijin IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion and going on to put on bangers with the likes of Jushin Thunder Liger even as early as their days in Stampede together, Liger graduating from the Hart Dungeon. Whilst Hart would return full-time to North America, Jushin stuck around to become arguably the greatest Junior Heavyweight ever in NJPW history, before being retired at Wrestle Kingdom 14 by his modern-day successor, Hiromu Takahashi. As the current Ace of the Junior Division, Hiromu’s been on a quest as of late to shatter the records of Liger, so what better way to pad out his legacy than by participating in a tournament honouring one of Jushin’s best foes and make up for his Forbidden Door exclusion last year by winning the whole shebang!

Jay White
Accomplishments: IWGP World Heavyweight Championship (1x), IWGP Heavyweight Championship (1x), IWGP Intercontinental Championship (1x), IWGP United States Championship (1x), NEVER Openweight Championship (1x)
Bio: It wasn’t long ago that Jay White was on top of the world. First NJPW Grand Slam Winner, BULLET CLUB Leader, reigning IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, everything in his life was perfect. That is, until 2023 came long. Losing his title, being kicked from Japan and NJPW as a whole all over the course of two months, the Switchblade crashed and burned hard. Fleeing to AEW in hopes of saving face, he’s been building steady momentum in the past couple months, starting a BULLET CLUB offshoot and feuding with Ricky Starks, but for a man as well-accoladed as himself, he’s sorely missed gold. Like a certain young Triple H who once feuded with and brutalised Owen for one of his earliest titles, the European Championship, at WrestleMania XIV, a hungry Jay of roughly the same age sets his sights on the trophy in hopes of reclaiming his top star status and making BC Gold live up to its name.

Ricky Starks
Accomplishments: AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament (2022)
Bio: After spending years racking up solely tag belts, Owen Hart finally captured his first WWF singles title at the expense of one Rocky Maivia to end the Nation of Domination member’s own first singles reign a year before Rock would cut loose NoD and skyrocket to World Championship success. Finding himself in a similar boat to the People’s Champion is the aforementioned Ricky Starks, as after over a year as FTW Champion and leaving Team FTW behind him, he too has found himself chasing AEW’s prized Platinum. Though coming short in a starmaking challenge after winning last year’s Eliminator Tournament to get his first crack, Stroke Daddy continues to be one of the more mesmerising talents on the roster, and if the pattern of parallels being drawn between himself and The Great One are to continue, a Deadly Games type performance could be awaiting him in the Owen Cup as he looks for another shot at glory.

Roderick Strong
Accomplishments: ROH World Championship (1x), ROH World Television Championship (2x), ROH World Tag Team Championship (2x)
Bio: Much like former Hart Dungeon trainee Lance Storm decades ago, where Roderick Strong lacks in charisma he makes up for tenfold in the ring, regarded as one of the smoothest technicians on the planet today. With partner Adam Cole sitting out this year’s Owen Cup, currently preoccupied with the AEW World Championship picture after winning last year’s edition, and Canada’s own Kyle O’Reilly still out with injury, responsibility to defend his stable’s trophy from the roster lies squarely on the Messiah of the Backbreaker’s shoulders, a (pun intended) strong contender to carry Owen’s legacy through his own punishing mat work.

Samoa Joe
Accomplishments: AEW TNT Championship (2x), ROH World Championship (1x), ROH Pure Championship (1x), ROH World Television Championship (1x - Current)
Bio: “HE’S FAT!” – Scott Steiner. During WWF’s New Generation Era, Yokozuna played the role of foreign monster heel to perfection as a terrifying WWF World Heavyweight Champion, crushing all in his path like Samoa Joe would do a decade later with his unprecedented 645-day reign as ROH World Champion. Whilst Yoko formed a surprisingly entertaining duo with Owen Hart as Tag Champions in the aftermath before petering off, the Samoan Submission Machine has never been better, ruling the roost with yet another dominant run, this time 15 months deep as ROH World Television Champion. Even so, failing to win last year’s Finals left a chip on Joe’s shoulder. Returning to the sequel as an even more dangerous and motivated beast, he’s easily the biggest threat of them all.

Wheeler YUTA
Accomplishments: ROH Pure Championship (2x)
Bio: Since joining Blackpool Combat Club, Wheeler YUTA’s been on nonstop fire, most recently pinning Kenny Omega in Double Or Nothing’s main event. Offsetting his size with a 90s Junior Heavyweight “Crippler” Chris Benoit-like aggression as he further conforms to BCC’s bloodshed, jamming screwdrivers into foreheads, he’s grown more arrogant with each victory, believing his own hype as he steps to those considered far out his league. Like the Stampede Wrestling star who wrestled both Harts in some of their best matches, he’s adamant to fill the shoes Benoit did as part of The Four Horsemen by winning numerous AEW-branded accolades, starting with his very own Owen Cup to further boost his ego.

Zack Sabre Jr.
Accomplishments: NJPW World Television Championship (1x - Current), IWGP Tag Team Championship (3x)
Bio: Long before Zack Sabre Jr. was tying wrestlers up in mindbogglingly unique holds and telling people to move out the way of lunatics Moonsaulting off balconies, there was the incredibly innovative Dynamite Kid dodging Tiger Mask’s high-flying attacks in classics and revolutionising the game of BritWres. Dynamite holding an undeniable influence over modern day wrestling, even competing in Stampede at one point with an iconic Street Fight against Owen, the Windy Man plans to follow in his (in-ring) footsteps by bringing the British flavour to the Hart Cup in honour of Owen’s own ties to the art from across the pond. With yet another way to prove himself the best technician alive and even possibly get one over the BCC members in the competition, the NJPW World Television Champion has his eyes on yet another tournament victory like his ones back in Japan.

Bio: As much as Owen was known for his wrestling, he was just as much revered for his antics as a joker. Thus, it’d be remiss for AEW’s mystery playing card to not be slotted in for the 16th entrant, a potentially cataclysmic surprise awaiting the remainder of the field!

With all that settled, here’s the bracket:

Hiromu Takahashi vs Brian Pillman Jr.
Joker vs “Hangman” Adam Page
Roderick Strong vs Zack Sabre Jr.
Wheeler YUTA vs Daniel Garcia
Jay White vs Ricky Starks
Claudio Castagnoli vs Eddie Kingston
Samoa Joe vs Brody King
CM Punk vs Darby Allin

Opening Round

Collision (June 24, 2023)

Hiromu Takahashi vs Brian Pillman Jr.
Kicking off our first night in Toronto is the Forbidden Door pregame as Hiromu, holding the title Owen once held, faces the son of Hart’s close friend, Brian Pillman Jr.! As Takahashi waits in the ring though… Brian doesn’t appear to the tune of his theme. Cutting backstage, footage reveals him laid out in the parking lot! As backstage personnel gather around him, frantic cries ask who could possibly serve as a last-minute replacement, prompting Jungle Boy to walk in! Having watched old partner Luchasaurus strike gold last week, Jack Perry wants a chance to prove himself too! Crouching over Brian’s body, he understands how much this would’ve meant to him, both men sharing the pain of losing their fathers, thus promising to dedicate his tournament win to Pillman.
And as he walks out with the faintest grin on his face, Perry, who wasn’t even booked for Forbidden Door, Christian Cage getting the opportunity against SANADA instead, finally gets his chance at redemption for coming inches from the World Title at Double Or Nothing! Putting on a fast-paced, 1-2-3 Kid vs Owen Hart style banger, Jack channels all his frustrations from being overlooked in favour of his old partners into this one, doing his best to stand up against the crashing tides of madman Hiromu, who’s remained dominant over his weight class since January. Despite packing his regular sense of tenacity, constantly kicking out from bomb after bomb from Hiromu, Perry himself grows more vicious as the match continues, making excuses to drop Takahashi on the once broken neck!
The champion wounded but not done for good after an insane APRON CANADIAN DESTROYER (Canada woo), Takahashi wills himself to counter a Tornado DDT into a Time Bomb positioning, but he’s too close to the corner, allowing Perry to kick off the turnbuckle and stack Hiromu’s shoulders like Bret/Austin Survivor Series 1996! ONE! TWO! THREE!!! PERRY’S SCORED ONE HELL OF AN UPSET, KNOCKING OUT THE JUNIOR CHAMPION!
“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry def. Hiromu Takahashi to advance (14:13)

Joker vs “Hangman” Adam Page
Not having to wait for long for the big reveal, with AEW’s original Joker waiting in the ring out comes… MIKE BAILEY!!! Earning a raucous reaction from his home country, Speedball’s rocking some “Rollerball” Mark Rocco vibes, Owen having famously fought the original Black Tiger back in Japan. Like he’s shot out a pinball machine, Bailey comes hurtling at Page at breakneck speeds, blasting him out the ring with a Shotgun Dropkick and nailing a wild Corkscrew Triangle Moonsault to wipe him out! Throwing Adam back in after an overwhelming start, Mike tries to finish him immediately with the ULTIMA WEAPON, but Hangman finally gets his head in the game upon avoiding, a GERMAN leaving Bailey in a wreck!
Whilst Page relies on his size and power to wear down Mike much quicker, Bailey concentrates his lethal kicks on Adam’s arms in hopes of eliminating that advantage, making him more prone to dropping Bailey on attempts like the Fallaway Slam and Cracker Barrel, giving Mike enough of an opening each time to keep bouncing back. A Buckshot Lariat takes too long, Hangman nursing his arm at the ropes, letting Bailey crumple him with a Roundhouse and a GREEN TEA PLUNGE, but as a Stan Hansen-like wild Lariat plucks Mike out mid-air on another Ultima Weapon, the GTS finishes off Bailey’s spirited performance to make up for the arm as Page stares down Punk on commentary!
“Hangman” Adam Page def. Mike Bailey to advance (15:07)

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door (June 25, 2023)

Roderick Strong vs Zack Sabre Jr.
An iconic rivalry revisited, two of the best technicians in the world square off here, Strong looking to retain the Undisputed’s hold over the Owen Cup and Sabre out to crush their dreams. Living up to their counterparts as they bring Lance Storm and Dynamite Kid type innovation to the table, it’s a game of human chess as both men look to outdo each other on the mat. Zack places a focus on the shoulder, employing the Jim Breaks Armbar to leave Roddy howling in agony, but a leg trip lets his fight free and cinch in the STRONGHOLD, working on Sabre’s back and leg, forcing him to scramble for the ropes as Roderick gets the mental advantage!
Fuming, an insecure Sabre tries to strike with Strong instead, only to again get whooped by his heavy-handed foe, chops leaving welts all over his chest! When he eventually catches one to nail a Pele Kick though, the momentum shifts, Zack punishing the arm with an ARTICLE 50, but Strong escapes with a POWERBREAKER! Torturing the back with further tosses into the apron and turnbuckle, an END OF HEARTACHE attempt teases the end, only for Sabre to hold on in a GUILLOTINE CHOKE!
As ZSJ grounds Roddy, Strong uses the proximity to grab the legs and turn him over in another STRONGHOLD as Toronto goes wild, but the arm gives out! Hopping over an incoming Penalty Kick, Roddy goes for a Sunset Flip pin… ZACK DROPS DOWN LIKE BULLDOG AGAINST BRET AT SUMMERSLAM 1992 AND STEALS IT, GAINING THE MASSIVE UPSET!!!
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Roderick Strong to advance (19:40)

Dynamite (June 28, 2023)

Wheeler YUTA vs Daniel Garcia
Whilst Forbidden Door was a rough night for both these men, being pinned in their respective matches, it’s fitting their paths take them back to each other as only they can bring out the best in one another. A no-nonsense YUTA accompanied by Bryan as ZSJ watches on for who his opponent will be, and a lackadaisical Garcia backed by Jericho, Red Death parading around with Sammy Guevara’s 2022 Breakout Star Award as if it’s his own like Owen at the Slammies, it’s a much different instalment to the YUTA/Garcia saga here, Daniel more focused on grooving and sports entertaining than competing, which ticks off Wheeler, not appreciating his match turning into a joke.
Channelling Owen vs Pegasus Kid energy, it’s a very 90s Junior match as they rely on simple but effective high-flying and submission work. YUTA slaps the taste out of Daniel’s mouth as he gyrates over Wheeler’s body, a brutal leg targeting ensuing to set up the YUTA Lock. Meanwhile, Garcia plays to the underhanded coaching of Chris, poking the eyes and biting the fingers, but Danielson tells Wheeler to stay on task, reminding him he’s a wrestler.
Though YUTA stomps Garcia’s head into the mat, a reversal into Daniel stomping in Wheeler’s nads allows him to cinch in the DRAGONTAMER, tapping YUTA out with the very move he beat Danielson with last year to the surprise of everyone as Garcia ousts the BCC member! But as JAS ecstatically celebrate Garcia’s win, there’s an empty look on Daniel’s face as he stares at his reflection in the Breakout Star Award, his means of victory over a man he once fought honourably leaving him questioning the man he’s become…
Daniel Garcia def. Wheeler YUTA to advance (13:36)

Jay White vs Ricky Starks [Steel Cage]
After the first Jay/Ricky ended in DQ, the rematch is saved for the Owen Cup itself with Starks requesting a Steel Cage to prevent a repeat of last time! White’s livid but there’s nothing he can do as he’s forced to play Ricky’s game in a return of the classic blue cage used for Bret/Owen II, the Switchblade turning up his brutality to make up for the lack of numbers’ game, hurling Starks repeatedly into the mesh! Starks is no slouch himself as he treats Jay to a taste of his own medicine, shining in a Southern Wrestling inspired war.
Busting each other open over the steel, White focuses on the split forehead, widening the wound through Crucifix Elbows and a nasty BLADE BUSTER for 2! Starks retorts with a SPEAR that damn near sends Jay through the cage, though the blood trickling down his body makes it difficult to do much else, his grip too slick for a Roshambo. Ultimately, as Starks teases the BUSTER KEATON, Jay hurls him into the ring post instead like Owen Hart’s 1994 King of the Ring Finals, the head trauma allowing White to capitalise with the BLADE RUNNER to vanquish his rival!
Jay White def. Ricky Starks to advance (16:10)

Rampage (June 30, 2023)

Claudio Castagnoli vs Eddie Kingston
Not even needing a Steel Cage to cement itself as the most bitter match of the opening round, Claudio and Eddie are conveniently paired together in a Supercard of Honor rematch! With both men at ringside for Mox/Ishii earlier in the week, the roles are reversed here as Jon and Tom watch the action. Kingston, adamant to bring his old friend back to the light, batters Castagnoli to show Mox he doesn’t need the Swissman, whilst Claudio returns the nasty beating he gave Eddie three months prior. A RICOLA BOMB nets Castagnoli a near-fall, Kingston showing heart in his kickouts, doing his best Kenta Kobashi as he continues walking down the King’s Road and dishing it back with no pulled punches!
A BACKFIST TO THE FUTURE almost hands Kingston it until Claudio rolls out the ring in time to the safety of Mox, but Eddie shows no remorse, launching himself with an ELBOW SUICIDA at both men! Plucked out the air by an UPPERCUT though, Castagnoli swings Eddie into the apron and barricade, before latching on a SHARPSHOOTER! Canada boos the smirking Swissman as Kingston’s put through hell to fight free, but ultimately after an Emerald Flowsion is countered into a flurry of pinfalls like their first match, Castagnoli gets the VICTORY ROLL but Eddie reverses it like Owen at WrestleMania X against Bret, STACKING HIM UP FOR 3!!! SWEET REVENGE FOR SUPERCARD!!! Claudio’s aghast, proceeding to beat the stuffing out of Kingston post-match as Mox enables it by holding off Ishii, leaving the victor in a bloody heap, placing his future rounds in question…
Eddie Kingston def. Claudio Castagnoli to advance (18:31)

Collision (July 1, 2023)

Samoa Joe vs Brody King
Having made the Finals in his first attempt, Joe walks in the clear favourite of the competition, yet as he comes nose-to-nose with his first-round opponent, looking up at the taller Brody King, it appears that it may not be all sunshine and rainbows after all. Though starting off in his dominant groove, Joe nailing a ring-shaking Uranage and a volley of suplexes to leave King on the backfoot, Brody simply shakes it off as he returns to his feet! Unlike anyone Joe’s faced since coming to AEW, King puts forth a unique challenge, making Joe question his abilities as Brody continues to shake him off!
A Coquina Clutch is ripped off and a Muscle Buster sees Brody fight Samoa off with headbutts, before crushing his ribs with a VADER BOMB to leave him hurting! Even after 454 days as champion, it’s Joe that’s looking human here as House of Black look on ominously, an ALL SEEING EYE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCER’S TABLE leaving Samoa wounded! Though Joe fights his way, nailing an ISLAND DRIVER, a shocking kickout at 1 and a GONZO BOMB leaves Samoa in a heap for one hell of an upset, Brody becoming the new biggest threat of the tournament!
Brody King def. Samoa Joe to advance (12:03)

CM Punk (c) vs Darby Allin - "AEW World Championship”
In Punk’s AEW debut, he handpicked Darby as his first opponent, and in his return, they meet again by the luck of the draw! Making their entrances, Punk tells the ring announcer to declare him the AEW World Champion and that’s defending tonight, earning his arrogance wild boos, though he remains surprisingly respectful, shaking Allin’s hand at playing fair. Whilst their first match was built on Bret vs 1-2-3 Kid, the sequel is a more Bret vs Piper WrestleMania VIII inspired fight with Darby taking the role of Bret this time, and Punk serving as the veteran wrestling with temptations to stoop to heeldom.
Though CM for the most part manages to stay clean, cracks begin to form in his armour bit by bit unlike Roddy, Punk letting more of his true Devil out as the match ensues. Becoming much more unhinged in his treatment of Allin, he smashes his nose in on the apron to leave colour and smothers him in the ropes against the referee’s requests. Allin shows some hope however with a COFFIN DROP, but Punk gets a fingertip on the ropes!
When Darby goes for one to the apron, HE MISSES, smacking harshly off the edge, allowing Punk to nail the GTS! He doesn’t stop at one though, lifting Allin back up FOR ANOTHER! AND ANOTHER! AND ANOTHER! AND- THE REFEREE CALLS FOR STOPPAGE! As Darby lays in his own blood trickling from the mouth, the dastardly Punk sets his foot on Allin’s chest as he and FTR raise their titles high, declaring the arrival of a different CM!
CM Punk (c) def. Darby Allin “to retain the AEW World Championship” and advance (16:15)

Quarter Finals

Dynamite (July 5, 2023)

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry vs “Hangman” Adam Page
With Perry stunning the world against Hiromu, he looks for a repeat against Hangman, bringing that same killer intensity in his targeting of the injured arm! Unlike Takahashi though, Page is much more resilient, letting his toughness speak for him as he still hurls about the much lighter Jack, bringing the Tarzan Boy’s tenacity to the forefront. Even so, Jack puts on a career defining performance, kicking out of everything Hangman throws his way, with an impressed Page even requesting the match to be restarted after Perry’s foot on the rope is missed post-Buckshot Lariat a la Bret/1-2-3 Kid!
Though Jack does everything in his power to topple the former World Champion, a brutal HANGMAN’S CLUTCH rapidly drains the life from him, and yet, Perry refuses to submit! As he turns a worrying shade of purple… HOOK THROWS THE TOWEL IN A LA BRET/BACKLUND!!! Hangman advances on forfeit, and Perry snaps after the bell, nailing a vicious CON-CHAIR-TO on HOOK against the ramp to start his own Owen-inspired Black Hart run!
“Hangman” Adam Page def. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry to advance (15:23)

Rampage (July 7, 2023)

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Daniel Garcia
Though expecting to meet YUTA here to gain vengeance on BCC, Sabre instead finds himself in a dream match with Garcia! Both men having had their legs worked over in the first round, they’re especially protective here, playing defensive strategies to prevent each other from getting a hold over their weak points. Though still swivelling his hips, Daniel’s noticeably more hesitant to follow Jericho’s commands this time, wanting to engage in a technical war with one of the best in the world, having been declared PWG’s new submissions master following ZSJ’s departure, though having that part of his life cut out by Chris.
As such, a rift slowly grows between teacher and student over the course of the match, even almost costing Garcia at one point as Sabre goes ORIENTEERING WITH NAPALM DEATH!!! A pained Garcia tries his best to fight free but his leg’s in too much agony at this point, getting ready to tap… JERICHO BLASTS SABRE’S LEG WITH HIS BASEBALL BAT BEHIND THE REFEREE’S BACK A LA OWEN VS HHH!!! As ZSJ collapses, his own weak point giving in, Jericho barks at him to cinch in the LIONTAMER, Garcia reluctantly obliging as he makes Sabre pass out, winning once more the sports entertainer way!
Daniel Garcia def. Zack Sabre Jr. to advance (16:27)

Collision (July 8, 2023)

Jay White vs Eddie Kingston
In the row of dominoes which ruined White’s life, Eddie was the final push that banished him from NJPW for good. Vengeful, the Switchblade is ruthless here, refusing to let Kingston humiliate him again. No more cage in play, the Mad King’s forced to watch out for BCG stalking him, the quartet dogpiling him at any opening they receive. Putting Jay’s feet on the ropes after a FLOWSION and knocking Eddie’s off after a BLADE RUNNER, forcing him to spend extra energy kicking out, there appears to be no hope for Eddie this time, the match slipping more and more from his grasp.
When the Backfist to the Future is ducked, Jay goes to counter into another BLADE RUNNER, but Eddie hurls him at the ropes in response, sending White into Robinson in Survivor Series 1993 fashion, where Owen was knocked into Bret, costing him the match! Juice collapsing on The Gunns, White’s left exposed, allowing Kingston to cinch in the STRETCH PLUM, TAPPING JAY OUT!!!
Eddie Kingston def. Jay White to advance (15:56)

Brody King vs CM Punk (c) - "AEW World Championship”
From the jump, Punk’s next defence is anything but a singles match, CM leaning fully into his heelish antics by bringing FTR along for the ride this time, knowing that if he can’t beat Joe, Brody’s going to be a nightmare to fight solo. Unluckily enough, King gets the memo, bringing HoB with him! Resulting in a brawl between the two factions after FTR try to interfere on Punk’s behalf, CM getting the soul beaten out of him by Brody, the tatted men lean heavily on referee’s discretion, the match much more resembling Open House rules!
Eventually, as King attempts a VADER BOMB, Punk pulls a Bret/Yokozuna WrestleMania X by moving out the way, before adding his own twist by getting the leverage pin on the behemoth, cheating his way to the Semis! By the looks of things, this is far from over between CMFTR and HoB, a feud over the Trios Titles perhaps on the horizon!
CM Punk (c) def. Brody King “to retain the AEW World Championship” and advance (14:32)
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2023.06.28 00:14 InfernoAA Wes Anderson Part Six: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Dynamite #064: Holiday Bash
Rupp Arena (Lexington, Kentucky)
December 23rd 2020

Cody Rhodes & “Hangman” Adam Page vs Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston
Winter is Coming’s ending left the world in shock as supposedly sworn enemies Cody and Hangman Page joined forces against Jon Moxley’s uprising against the Four Horsemen. Though not officially aligning himself with the stable, Page declares these recent months have served as an eye-opener for him as he’s realised what he’s been neglecting this entire time, what’s been holding him back from breaking his glass ceiling. He’s forgotten the ‘E’ in AEW – Elite. He’s forgotten about what was sacrificed by their group to take the leap and build this safe haven from the ground up. And though he can’t say he owes much of that Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks, who’ve ran away, he can say he owes it to the man who took a chance on him and took a chance on ALL IN – Cody Rhodes. Believing its prudent they protect their home before its lost forever to the hands of those that only came along when it was convenient to them, he takes a stand with the Horsemen against Moxley, Eddie Kingston, and anyone else who wants to come after their home.
Kicking off the Christmas season with the gift of wisdom, Cody & Page throw down with Mox & Eddie, Jon targeting the man who stopped him teaching a lesson to Rhodes as he and Page brawl about the place, and Eddie gunning after the one who tried to gatekeep AEW from him, chasing down Cody’s entitled self. It’s a bitter fight over clashing ideologies over the company’s future, seeing a Buckshot Lariat to Eddie allow Cody & Page to escape with the win! As Jon grits his teeth, helping Kingston back up, he warns them they’ve started a war they can’t win.
Cody Rhodes & “Hangman” Adam Page def. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (13:57)

Riho vs Diamante
Ivelisse’s loss to Hikaru Shida was heartbreaking for The Huntress, but Las Sicarias didn’t let it deter themselves from grinding their way back up the ranks, becoming committed, charming staples of the Women’s Division, slowly but surely helping each other progress. When Ivelisse becomes occupied over SHINE Championship business though, responsibility for holding down the fort falls in Diamante’s lap, who furthers her own stock by feuding with one of the women they beat in the Deadly Draw Finals, Riho. Having split her time between America and Japan, the inaugural AEW Women’s Champion is back to chase down her title, naturally taking her through the route of those that’ve gotten the better of her in recent times as she pays back receipts. The up-and-coming Cuban Diamond undoubtedly gives Riho a run for her money, utilising the stage of AEW’s special show to continue highlighting her rising stardom, though it’s not enough to measure up to her more experienced opposition, a Somato redeeming the Deadly Draw!
Riho def. Diamante (9:25)

AAA World Tag Team Championship: Team FTW (Brian Cage & Powerhouse Hobbs) (c) vs The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
Though Hero failed to bring new plunder back to Team FTW, Brian Cage and Powerhouse Hobbs are adamant to make up for where he fell short by asserting the trio’s dominance against any tag teams doubting their strength. The Dark Order in a patchy state as of late with their Exalted One absent, they too much like Team FTW rise to the occasion in hopes of displaying that the road is still full of blessings for them, not without purpose. And so, spreading the holiday cheer are the Beaver Boys combination of Alex Reynolds & John Silver, contesting a very PWG-esque match against the behemoth champions. Cage and Silver having fought previously in Reseda, with Hungie surprising the world with his freakish strength against the Machine, the story of John rising up against the odds lies at the centre of this battle, letting the crowd’s support will him on each time he’s knocked down. Requiring an entire Drill Claw to lay him down for the count, Team FTW scratch off their loss to The Dark Order at ALL OUT by taking them down here!
Team FTW def. The Dark Order to retain the AAA World Tag Team Championship (10:14)

Miro vs Lance Archer
When Miro was released from WWE back in April, speculation ran rampant as to what could be next for the Bulgarian Brute. Biding his time to collect his thoughts, he began posting a series of vignettes online, crying out to God for abandoning him in his time of need, taking him away from his hot, flexible wife and damning him to nothingness. Reaching out to the heavens one final time in hopes of a blessing to save him, he promises his Creator to redeem him if he picks Miro as his vessel to spread judgement upon the humanity that’s turned their back on him. Waiting with bated breath, Miro’s prayers are finally answered when he’s signed to a contract by AEW in September, and what sets foot in the company is a complete change to the man they once knew.
Sporting a more rugged, chiselled frame, the self-proclaimed God’s Favourite Champion represents him by tearing through the roster, cracking backs with the Game Over and snapping necks with the Machka Kick. Growing wary of his spot being potentially taken, Lance Archer awakens from his recent complacency, most recently having been taken out by Darby Allin in the opening round of the Eliminator Tournament, stepping up to stand in Miro’s path to the summit of Mount Olympus. Chewed out by Miro for wasting the potential God had blessed him with, Archer throws down in a hossfest against the Super Athlete, giving him his toughest match yet as Miro pulls out the best in Lance, but even that’s not enough, the Machka Kick handing Miro his biggest win yet!
Miro def. Lance Archer (7:53)

NWA World Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb (c) vs Leyla Hirsch
Whilst the division around her has been subject to constant changes with new stars erupting onto the scene and champions being slain, the only consistency throughout has been Serena Deeb’s calculated run as NWA World Women’s Champion. Not limiting herself to just defending on AEW television, rather touring around like a true territorial champion, when she does return to the roster she’s pleasantly surprised by the influx of new legs to break. Confronted by Russia’s Leyla Hirsch, an international flavour is sprinkled into the legacy of the iconic strap as the Legit fights the Professor, brandishing her unique set of amateur wrestling sensibilities, giving Serena an intriguing test on the mat. Despite only 3 years into her career and having a significant size disadvantage, she more than hangs with the veteran, matching Deeb’s aggression as she targets the Cross Armbreaker, Serena needing to Powerbomb Leyla repeatedly into the mat to release her vice grip! Finally applying the Serenity Lock, Deeb’s able to keep her belt, though not without a proper struggle.
Serena Deeb (c) def. Leyla Hirsch to retain the NWA World Women’s Championship (9:10)

Death Triangle vs Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta) II [Street Fight]
9 months ago, Death Triangle made their debut at Best Friends’ expense, snapping Orange Cassidy’s arm and humiliating them in Six-Man Tag Team action, PAC even costing the Freshly Squeezed the Casino Chip with a low blow to take it for himself. That moment catapulting the Bastard to where he stands now as AEW World Champion, Death Triangle on top of the world, tireless hours of grinding have brought the Best Friends back to their doorstep. Under the tutelage of TNT Champion/Coach Drew Gulak, the quartet have managed to turn their fates around 180 degrees, rapidly shooting back up the rankings as forces to be reckoned with. With the University City Stretcher telling Orange to take control of his destiny by avenging the moment that started his downfall, he directs Best Friends to take on Death Triangle in a much more physical rematch, taking place as a Street Fight!
Given the sheer animosities between the two crews, unable to even exist in a wrestling ring together without wanting to break something over each other’s heads, the liberties of getting to do exactly that serve them perfectly well, producing a true chaotic Christmas brawl. Spicing it up with Christmas trees, weapons hidden inside presents, and an extended sequence out on the literal streets of Chuck Taylor’s home state, Kentucky, references to the likes of Die Hard and Home Alone see Best Friends score the feel-good win as Cassidy pins PAC off a Beach Break on top of Chuckie’s chimney!
Best Friends def. Death Triangle (18:31)

Dynamite #066: New Year’s Smash - Night One
Cable Dahmer Arena (Independence, Missouri)
January 6th 2021

MJF vs Dustin Rhodes
New year, same old MJF. As people were busy making their resolutions, MJF resubmitted his one from last year, wanting to work towards a cleaner AEW by disposing of anyone he considers filth on his home promotion’s name. Dustin Rhodes’s resolution being to try not to die after the miserable year he had in 2020, having attempted manslaughter perpetrated against him by his own flesh and blood, it seems as though he’s about to speedrun his to failure when he gets Powerbomb Symphonied into his grave by Wardlow after winning a match on Dark! Though failing to take down PAC and Moxley at Full Gear, Friedman’s certainly confident he can murder The Natural, taking shots at the American Dream as he lays into Dustin in a southern wrestling beauty. Rhodes puts a solid fight, but as expected, he falls victim to the South Hamptons Plunge, Friedman making an example of the legend as he threatens to not stop until every last outsider is killed off by him.
MJF def. Dustin Rhodes (8:27)

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs Proud and Powerful
With Proud and Powerful walking out on The Inner Circle at Full Gear, they, much like Sammy Guevara, set their sights on getting their feet back under themselves as the wrestlers they’re supposed to be. Whilst Guevara’s been tearing it up as a singles star, Santana and Ortiz prove that even without the AAA World Tag Team Championship, they’re still every bit as great as they claim to be. Having accrued quite the win streak during their title reign but with no challenge made for the AEW World Tag Team Championship, Jericho stealing those matches for himself, they finally get to cash in on a long overdue opportunity as they step up to fight the Top Guys in their first-ever challenge for the straps!
Cutting it too close against the Motor City Machine Guns, FTR are more resourceful here in hopes of slowing PNP’s roll before they can properly take off, but Santana and Ortiz are much too ravenous to let anything stop them after being held down time and time again. Putting Cash and Dax through another incredible clinic of tag team wrestling, a Street Sweeper has the champions’ hearts explode out their chests, a mere fingertip saving their reign! Not standing by for any more close calls, FTR employ necessary tactics to save themselves, a thumb to the eye and an entire MINDBREAKER allowing them to retain their belts!
FTR (c) def. Proud and Powerful to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship (15:30)

TNT Championship: Drew Gulak (c) vs Sammy Guevara
Proud and Powerful may not have been able to achieve their dreams, but for Sammy Guevara, who’s had his eyes on the TNT Championship ever since it was first unveiling, going from failing in its inaugural tournament to failing to take it from Darby Allin at ALL OUT, the Spanish God hopes that third time’s the charm when he answers the indomitable Drew Gulak’s call for his next challenger. A good chunk of Drew’s time heading into this show focused on ensuring Cassidy is battle-ready for his main event match, Gulak neglects his own preparation time for his Best Friend, believing he can throw himself out there and roll around to victory as always. That proves to be his first mistake.
Though his deep wealth of experience does put Sammy in trouble, Drew smartly targeting the areas Jericho had previously with the Liontamer, Gulak is unprepared for the explosiveness and unpredictability of Guevara, who keeps firing back at him like a rubber band, causing panic to settle in for the champion. That proves to be his second mistake. Still, believing the match to be redeemable, he continues to stretch Guevara’s limits, the University Stretch especially almost breaking him until a roll-up cuts Drew close too. When Gulak decides to switch up his strategy on the fly, realising his grappling isn’t working with Guevara’s refusal to stay on the mat, he goes against his rules by scaling to the top rope like his times with Daniel Bryan had taught him… That proves to be his third and final mistake. GUEVARA JOINS GULAK, NAILING AN AVALANCHE SPANISH FLY! GTH! ONE! TWO! THREE! SAMMY GUEVARA IS FINALLY A CHAMPION!
Sammy Guevara def. Drew Gulak (c) to win the TNT Championship (11:46)

Darby Allin vs Ricky Starks
Darby Allin did everything he possibly could to surmount the Rollercodester but it simply wasn’t enough. Taunted by Cody’s right-hand man, Ricky Starks, for his failure, a personal feud blossoms between two of the promotion’s prized youngsters as they debate over who the better rising star is. Darby a former TNT Champion and Starks a former NWA World Television Champion, they’re on equal footing in terms of starpower, so with the only way to settle this being via a match, Darby and Ricky kick off their 2021 by bumping all over the place!
Ever the showman, Allin’s recklessness inspires Starks to do the same, believing anything Darby can do, he can do better. If Allin nails a Springboard Moonsault, Ricky returns a Diving Double Axe Handle. If Allin goes for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, Starks hits the Springboard Back Rake. Same same. Though a Spear gets countered into a Shotgun Dropkick, Darby having Ricky in his sights, interference from Cody to drag Starks out the way has Allin eating the mat, a Roshambo following to upset the Daredevil! Grabbing his back in agony, Darby gives the smarmy Rhodes a death stare, Rhodes unprepared for what’s due to come his way…
Ricky Starks def. Darby Allin (11:03)

SHINE Championship: Ivelisse (c) vs Allysin Kay
At one point in time, Ivelisse and Allysin Kay were thick, ruling the world in SHINE’s early days as part of the Valkyrie stable. But along the way, things got ugly between the partners. Breaking off as Ivelisse chased her solo stardom and Kay continued to hold down the fort, they’d square off over The Huntress’s SHINE Championship, Ivelisse retaining over her former partner. Cashing in two years later during Kay’s Winner Takes All match for the TNA Knockouts, SHIMMER and SHINE Championships, robbing her spotlight, Ivelisse kickstarted her second reign with the promotion’s title, but it wasn’t until 2018 that Kay finally got her hands on the belt after 4 years, and one of her most crucial acts of business was getting revenge on Ivelisse. Retaining the title against her and recording a second reign, they’d become two ships passing in the night when Kay was dethroned by Mercedes Martinez in a Title vs Career match, Ivelisse subsequently beating Mercedes the very next night for the belt.
A whole year passing since the incident, and their grudge has finally been reopened as Kay, who’s been running the independents during Ivelisse’s rise through AEW’s ranks, challenges her in a tiebreaker for the strap! Taunting Ivelisse with her loss to Shida, Allysin bullies her smaller foe throughout the match, questioning whether her dreams are coming true amounting to nothing in the ‘big leagues’ whilst Allysin’s been a better top star for SHINE than their own champion has been. Ivelisse grows quickly emotional given the depth of history between them, hammering back on Kay with her babyface fire, though to her own detriment as Allysin continues to break her down further, a Kay-Gato-Jime almost making the champion submit! Countering an AK47 into a Flaming Arrow, Ivelisse is able to fight through the pain, finally nailing the Desert Eagle to put her rival down for good!
Ivelisse (c) def. Allysin Kay to retain the SHINE Championship (14:18)

AEW World Championship: PAC (c) vs Orange Cassidy II
Nearly one year ago, PAC and Orange Cassidy met in a match that transcended the barriers of the wrestling world, breaking the internet all over with the Freshly Squeezed’s bizarre style and the Bastard’s outraged reaction to it each time. Natural born rivals with how opposite they are in every single aspect, they’re destined to be at each other’s throats forever, so when Cassidy pins PAC at Holiday Bash, it’s to no one’s surprise that an incredulous PAC demands him one-on-one, not able to live with the fact he’s been beaten by the ‘joke guy’.
And so, in the biggest match of his life, Orange steps out to a brand-new tune, “Where Is My Mind?” by Pixies spurring on Cassidy to avenge his loss from last year’s Revolution. PAC is the definition of an absolute monster as he tears into the beloved Cassidy, yelling at him to fight him properly as Cassidy stares down the World Champion with his hands in his pocket, and even still managing to measure up to him. When the Bastard stomps on Cassidy’s shades though, all bets are off, Orange giving PAC exactly what he’d asked for, putting the fear of God in him as he realises what exactly he’s summoned. PAC tries and tries and tries to stop Orange in his tracks, but Cassidy keeps on going, channelling every last bit of Gulak’s training to break free of the Brutaliser unlike anyone before and nail a series of Orange Punches that leave PAC’s reign milliseconds away from ending! When he goes to nail the Beach Break though, PAC slips out, and after a Tombstone Piledriver on the apron, it takes two Black Arrows to break the spirit of Cassidy for PAC to retain!
As PAC collects his title… DOUBLE SUPERKICKS TO CASSIDY! V-TRIGGER TO PAC! Best Friends and The Lucha Bros run out by they eat a Boot of Doom and Magic Killer respectively! That could only mean… THE ELITE ARE BACK! Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and their newest members, IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson! Showing up at IMPACT Final Resolution after they took their ball and went ‘home’, back to the stomping grounds the Bucks came up in and back into the arms of Don Callis for The Cleaner, a Too Sweet union made with the ex-BULLET CLUB members has the Forbidden Door between both companies officially kicked down, as The Elite are here to ransack everything!
PAC (c) def. Orange Cassidy to retain the AEW World Championship (16:01)

Dynamite #067: New Year’s Smash - Night Two
Chaifetz Arena (St. Louis, Missouri)
January 13th 2021

Chris Jericho vs Rey Fenix
Following the loss to Guevara, Chris Jericho isn’t seen for some time, though when he reappears, he guarantees it to be worth keeping eyes peeled for. Ditching the light-up jacket aesthetic for as old-school of a look he can go for, “Corazon de Leon” makes its return, Jericho returning to his gimmick from his starting days in Mexico, rocking the beach blond hair, tassled Young Bucks esque jacket and the bright yellow tights! Still every bit of the menace he’s been known to be in AEW, he looks to make up for his loss to Sammy in a big way as he starts rebuilding his momentum, though exclusively wrestling luchadores.
Assaulting Rey Fenix at the end of 2020, he sets up a date between the Man of 1,004 Holds and the Man of a Thousand Lives, the two getting the second night of New Year’s Smash opened in a big way! Competing in a Lucha Libre heavy contest, an arrogant Jericho tries to outdo Rey at his own game despite not having the same level of agility as he once did. Stubborn, Chris does his best to keep up in a classic Jericho/Mysterio type contest, until eventually he damns matching Fenix, catching him out the skies with a Codebreaker to put him down!
Chris Jericho def. Rey Fenix (12:02)

TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs Wardlow
Though just starting his reign the week prior, Guevara doesn’t wait for breaks, welcoming anyone who dares to come his way, resulting in the man he eliminated from the Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royale to stomp down for revenge! Wardlow challenging at MJF’s request, expecting Mr. Mayhem to bring the title back home to his contractor, Sammy’s forced to adapt to the troubles of squaring up to a giant, having to rely on his greater athleticism to try gas out the hoss before he suffers too much punishment himself. To Guevara’s surprise, Wardlow too throws caution to the wind, an insane Swanton Bomb to the outside taking them both out, but when a Powerbomb is countered by a hurricanrana spiking Wardlow into the turnbuckle, two back-to-back 630 Sentons finally crush the competition, Sammy gaining some vengeance for what MJF and Wardlow did to him months prior!
Sammy Guevara (c) def. Wardlow to retain the TNT Championship (10:20)

Chris Hero vs Miro
As Miro continues his tear through men he’s been directed to strike God’s judgement down upon, he finds Chris Hero standing in his path. An ironic surname with how much of a douche he’s been since coming to AEW, Miro targets Chris’s hypocrisy, claiming the only hero here is himself, spreading the light by redeeming those that have gone astray. Putting the Independent God on notice, Miro declaring him a fraud, the competition continues to pick up for God’s Favourite Champion as Hero manages to match Miro’s stiffness, even rocking the Bulgarian at multiple points, reminding him he’s not as all-powerful as he thinks he is. But where Hero fails is his lack of understanding that whilst Miro may be just a man sent from above, defeatable, it’s his conviction to his cause that refuses to let anyone stop him, a kickout of the Rolling Elbow allowing a Machka Kick and a Game Over to take down the FTW Champion, Miro stomping on his ‘fraudster title’.
Miro def. Chris Hero (10:56)

AEW Women’s World Championship: Bea Priestley (c) vs Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D vs Kris Statlander
After her defeat of Thunder Rosa in the manner she did, Bea Priestley continues to run roughshod over the Women’s Division, wanting to make sure the masses bow down to their monarch. And although Jamie Hayter no longer has her SWA World Championship, Syuri dethroning her, Oedo Tai are still as strong as ever, Hayter weeding out the competition so that Bea only needs to face the worthiest of opposition. Both Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D and Kris Statlander meet that definition, Britt another of the headline snatchers on Priestley’s grand night, managing to rebound from the loss with a few crucial victories, and Statlander only continuing to move up since winning her feud against former champion Nyla Rose, also getting one back over Jamie to put herself in line.
With neither wanting to wait their turn though, they challenge Priestley at once, putting the Top Gaijin in a tricky predicament she wouldn’t otherwise need to confront overseas, forcing her to expand her skillset by dealing with two top stars at once. Priestley and Baker revisiting their riveting rivalry from AEW’s early days, and Bea and Kris breaking new ground, both challengers give the champion a tough time of it, but much like Priestley had to herself, she makes Britt wait her turn with a Queen’s Landing onto Statlander to retain!
Bea Priestley (c) def. Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D and Kris Statlander to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship (12:38)

Best Friends vs The Elite (The Young Bucks & The Good Brothers)
The announcement of a partnership between AEW and IMPACT is monumental for both companies, allowing The Good Brothers to come over with The Young Bucks to wrestle the heated quartet of Best Friends! Back to being titleless with Gulak getting his taken and Cassidy falling short after a valiant effort, they’re still far from regressing to the Best Friends they used to be, loitering in midcard hell, the attention of The Elite only springboarding them to higher stratospheres. A whole host of history especially between The Young Bucks and the entirety of their foes from their indie circuit days, there’s much meat to be chewed on as the rivals add to their animosities with The Elite trying to further screw BFs out a top spot, the added layer of The Good Brothers only worsening Orange and co.’s chances. In the heat of the frenzy, a Magic Killer to Trent allows The Elite to come out on top, forcing Best Friends to slink back to their hole and replan for revenge!
The Elite def. Best Friends (15:05)

IWGP United States Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs Cody Rhodes
The past month has seen the flames of war grow exponentially between Jon Moxley’s people and Cody Rhodes’s side after the American Nightmare claimed the Death Rider to be an excuse of a champion, drawing the ire of the man who carried AEW on his back last year. No shortage of history already from their WWE days, The Shield and The Brotherhood sharing a spectacular feud, Mox and Cody are far from people that’ll ever see eye-to-eye, so it’s only fair they jump at any excuse to make each other’s lives more miserable. When Cody and Page take the win at Holiday Bash, Jon declares it’s far from over, suggesting to show Rhodes up-close and personal what it takes to be a champion, offering to put his IWGP United States Championship on the line! Having defended it on occasion throughout 2020, he’s now able to dedicate his sole focus to the belt he’s held since last year’s Wrestle Kingdom, though maybe not for long as the American Nightmare accepts the opportunity to become a 2x IWGP US Champion as payment for Mox costing him the AEW World Title!
With the two serial bladers of AEW placed in one ring, it’s a fight to see who can bleed more in a very genuinely visceral encounter, Mox and Cody letting their animosity trickle onto the floor surrounding the ring and the canvas in the form of crimson droplets to match the title’s strap. A Figure-Four Leg Lock has Rhodes attempting to make Jon pass out from the agony, whilst a Bulldog Choke returns that favour until Cody snaps Mox’s neck off the ropes, a Disaster Kick and a Cross Rhodes almost doing it! As Page looks to interject by handing off the title to Rhodes, Eddie jumps in to fight Hangman, whilst an attempt from Starks has Darby Allin on his case! Even a hail Mary from FTR gets Proud and Powerful running after them, the match devolving into a 10-man chaos, only finding some closure when Cody’s backed into a Paradigm Shift from Jon for 3!
It's hardly the end for their night though, the ring bell barely audible over the ceaseless fire between the warring men! Eye rakes and low blows shift the tide in the Horsemen’s favour however, and when Arn Anderson slides Cody the US Title to smash off Mox’s face, the American Nightmare gets ready, until… the lights go out as a crow sound rings out on TNT for the first time in 20 years! A haunting, unidentified piano theme ringing throughout the arena, even without it never being heard before the ghostly-white look on Arn’s face is all the Horsemen need to know… IT’S STING!!! Walking out with his iconic baseball bat in hand, his mere presence has Cody’s crew scattering left and right as The Icon levels the playing field, though stopping briefly to size up Jon’s group, before turning back to lock eyes with Anderson, who shakes his head in disbelief as the show goes off air…
Jon Moxley (c) def. Cody Rhodes to retain the IWGP United States Championship (15:54)

Dynamite #070: Beach Break
Ocean Center (Daytona Beach, Florida)
February 3rd 2021

AEW World Championship Eliminator: Orange Cassidy vs Kenny Omega vs Jungle Boy
The Elite’s return especially spells danger for the AEW World Championship picture, the V-Trigger to PAC from Kenny Omega incredibly personal. With Best Friends and The Elite still at war, and Jurassic Express having been at odds with both stables in recent months, Jungle Boy manages to slip his way into the equation when the question ‘who should challenge PAC next?’ is asked. Cassidy, Omega and Perry all going head-to-head-to-head, it’s a thrilling high-speed encounter of multiple moving parts featuring intrinsic feuds bubbling to the surface! Each man boasting legitimate near falls to double down on why they’ve made the shortlist, any one of them able to give PAC a run for his money, a V-Trigger into a palm tree on set takes JB out the running, whilst the One Winged Angel to Cassidy seals the deal for Kenny, The Cleaner punching his ticket to Revolution!
Kenny Omega def. Orange Cassidy and Jungle Boy (14:33)

MJF vs Matt Hardy
As part of Friedman’s purge, the decimation of Dustin Rhodes and subsequent takedown of legends like Paul Wight and Rhyno as Friedman channels his inner Randy Orton results in Version 1 Matt Hardy stepping up to the plate! Chastising MJF for what he’s doing to Matt’s generation, he delivers him a Matt Fact that Maxwell is not the ‘saviour’ he thinks he is, but rather an ignorant prick the world would be better off without. Surprising him with a Twist of Fate, Hardy takes a stand for his declining generation, not standing around to see more of them be crushed by Friedman’s obsession. Come Beach Break, it’s the wily shortcuts of MJF squaring off against the earnest wrestling of Matt, who manages to nail a Side Effect here and a Splash Mountain there, but it’s never enough against the youthfulness of Friedman, who lets his pristine physical condition dictate the match’s direction, a Heatseeker Piledriver crushing another legend!
As Hardy nurses his neck from the rough landing, Friedman decides to take him out for good, retrieving two chairs from under the ring as he teases a Con-Chair-To… that is, until a twist on a very familiar old IMPACT theme counts down on the titantron, Friedman’s jaw dropping as CHRISTIAN CAGE STEPS OUT!!! Appearing at the Royal Rumble just days prior, the free agent has made his way over to AEW, and he chases Maxwell off into the crowd! Mouthing off with Max after checking on old rival Hardy, it appears as though Friedman may have met his match!
MJF def. Matt Hardy (7:21)

TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs Matt Sydal
Welcoming a more varied set of challengers to answer his calls to the previous champion, Guevara’s faced powerhouses, brawlers, and technicians alike, but one he’s been yet to come across is someone who can match his aerial abilities. Enter Matt Sydal. An indie legend from his ROH run under Generation Next to his later WWE and IMPACT runs of wonder, the internationally recognised, highly-decorated star calls next on Guevara’s list of challengers, and it’s every bit as spectacular as could be hoped for, Sammy and Matt continuously one-upping each other from bell to bell. Pulling off insane spots in close succession, even borrowing from each other with Sammy going Air Bourne and Sydal attempting the 630 Senton, only to roll through to his feet, a Cutter to counter the Air Bourne and a GTH puts the Reborn out to pasture, Guevara staying on top of the world!
Sammy Guevara (c) def. Matt Sydal to retain the TNT Championship (10:24)

Jon Moxley vs “Hangman” Adam Page
The arrival of Sting proves to be a gamechanger for the war between The Four Horsemen and Jon Moxley’s ragtag group. Though seemingly not getting physically involved unless necessary, opting for more of his 1997 WCW presence of surveying the company from the rafters, intervening only when he’s needed, it means no unfair advantages for the Horsemen should they try to pull anything like Arn attempted to at New Year’s Smash. Notably, in the midst of this entire inter-factionary competition, two men that’ve been killing to get their hands on each other properly are Mox himself and the Hangman, Jon wanting to beat the tar out of the turncoat, as Hangman just as much wanting to dispel the notion that the Death Rider is as tough as they come, the Double Or Nothing 2020 loss still eating him up alive.
Finally granted a non-title affair with each other off the back of Cody’s loss, Mox prods and stabs at Adam to expose the lack of confidence, but Hangman surprisingly keeps his composure, managing to stand and bang with the man who catalysed Page’s downfall over the past year. It’s a gritty fight, the Cowboy still wrestling with honesty even after the side he’s chosen to Jon’s confusion, and even more so kicks out the Paradigm Shift, before rolling through the King Kong Lariat to gun Mox down with a Cracker Barrel and a Buckshot Lariat, shockingly pinning Jon for 3! As Cody ruffles a dead-eyed Adam’s hair, Hangman continues to be the x-factor for his side.
“Hangman” Adam Page def. Jon Moxley (14:13)

AEW Women’s World Championship: Bea Priestley (c) vs Riho
Since returning from Japan to track down and beat old foes that’ve previously gotten the better of her, Riho’s resurgence lands her back at the top of the rankings for the first time in a year, one more ghost of her past standing between her and being the first 2-time AEW Women’s World Champion! Losing to Oedo Tai over the Goddesses of Stardom Championship a year ago, the Bea Priestley and Riho who share the ring here are far different to the ones who met then, Priestley taking over an entire division the exact way she always claimed she would, and Riho having undergone soul-searching and exploration of means of self-improvement during her international travels.
The Top Gaijin channelling an anti-Joshi regime, it’s up to Riho to avenge her people, pushing Priestley in an entirely different way to both her past defences, not testing Bea’s killer instinct nor her adaptability, but her resolve when encountered with pressure, Riho confining Priestley’s skills to a box by continuously shutting down her attempts to get a foot in the game! Bea grows frustrated as the match rolls on, even making mistakes which are further capitalised on, but in letting her emotions run wild, she savagely breaks Riho in two, shooting down the Joshi with a Flawless Victory, before feeding her to Hayter to take out of commission with a toss off the stage! Branding herself the Joshi Killer, it appears she wants to make their kind fully extinct!
Bea Priestley (c) def. Riho to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship (13:39)

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs The Young Bucks II [Steel Cage]
For the past 5 months, The Young Bucks have been men possessed by their desperation to receive a rematch against FTR, forcing them to go out and scrub clean their rust to shine as the world-beaters they once were. A visit to IMPACT rejuvenating the 36x Tag Team Champions, they return desiring FTR’s heads on a stake, and with an established dislike between The Horsemen and The Elite, there’s no escaping the rematch between the two top tag teams in the world, so much so that it’s enclosed within a Steel Cage!
Preventing the many interferences that’ve plagued recent title bouts by letting the four men cook between themselves in an utterly ferocious confrontation, the sequel far exceeds the original in a rare feat, neither side leaving any bit of their hatred for one another at home. With stolen finishers from past teams, present teams and each other, to thumbtack-loaded Superkicks and skin grating along the length of the mesh, no stone is left unturned. FTR overzealous, they mock the Meltzer Driver with their Mindbreaker… NICK NAILS A SUPERKICK ON CASH! MATT REVERSES ON DAX! As Nick scales to the top of the cage… THEY NAIL A SUPER MELTZER DRIVER!!! ONE! TWO! THREE! THE YOUNG BUCKS HAVE REACHED THE PINNACLE OF AEW’S TAG TEAM DIVISION!
The Young Bucks def. FTR (c) to win the AEW World Tag Team Championship (20:20)
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2023.06.07 17:56 uggsandstarbux Defending the Draft 2023: Minnesota Vikings

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Recapping 2022

2022 was a dangerous year to be a Vikings fan, especially if you have a pre-existing heart condition. While a season of 13 wins -- tied for the most since 1998 -- may seem like the team is in a position to make a Superbowl push, the actual quality of the team is a lot more... well, mediocre.
The 2022 Vikings ranked 19th in offensive EPA per play, 25th in defensive EPA per play, 27th in Overall DVOA, and 15th in Pythagorean Wins (with 8.4 expected wins). Kevin O'Connell always preached the performance of the team in priority situations. The team finished 12th in 3rd down conversion rate and 8th in red zone conversion rate. And the team led the league -- by far -- in the number of 4th quarter comebacks and game winning drives. When it was time to put up or shut up, the team put up hard. Except for in the playoffs.

2023 Offseason

All of that made the future of the Vikings tough to read. But Kwesi Adofo-Mensah and the rest of the front office told us what they thought of the team with their free agency moves. In a league where teams are trading the farm for Hall of Fame QBs and giving $20M/Year deals to nose tackles and guards, the Vikings' big free agent splash were a one year deal on an injury-prone DE and a good-not-great corner that doesn't even crack the top 20 highest AAVs at the position. Concurrently, the team parted ways with half of the team's 2022 captains to try to get under the cap. All of this while the team is not done with transactions -- Dalvin Cook still presents as a cut candidate due to his age and contract structure.
Notable Departures:
Notable Arrivals:
Other Notable Transactions:
The other major change that influenced how the team addresses the draft was the shift from Ed Donatell's Cover 2 shell defense to Brian Flores's aggressive man defense. Compared to the 2022 Vikings, Flores's 2021 Dolphins blitzed over twice as often and played with light boxes at roughly half the rate. On top of the front seven, one of the biggest changes in scheme is the Cover 2 alignment, which Donatell employed on nearly half of all defensive snaps compared to just 12% for Flores's 2021 Miami team. With one crop of rookies and free agents brought in to play in a Fangio style scheme, the defense would have to undergo a massive shift to succeed in a scheme that can only be described as the complete opposite of what was run in 2022.

Draft Needs

Cornerback - Arguably the Vikings' biggest need, the team was without a true CB1. Byron Murphy comes aboard as the most experienced player. Pegged a slot-only player through his first three years, Murphy spent most of his time in 2022 outside and had a career year. After that, the team looked to rely on improvements from their 2022 draft class with Andrew Booth and Akayleb Evans, two players that combined for fewer than 300 defensive snaps last season primarily due to injury. You can see how KAM and crew, confident in their scouting ability, are betting on health to affect the secondary for the better. But taking another bet on a young player is a smart move at a position where depth is always a good thing.
Interior Defensive Line - The loss of Dalvin Tomlinson -- who played 551 snaps last year and compiled 14 pressures -- leaves issues next to Harrison Phillips. Jonathan Bullard was third on the IDL with 319 snaps last season and returns on a one year deal. Tonga and Lynch had some flashes, and the team brought in Lowry. The rotation (optimistically) can get to competent. But finding a true winner on the inside of the line was viewed by many as a priority.
Wide Receiver - The Vikings starting personnel at WR heading in to the draft was Justin Jefferson (stud), KJ Osborn (decent), and... Jalen Nailor? Brandon Powell? Oh dear Lord don't tell me it's Jalen Reagor. The loss of Adam Thielen was expected, but nevertheless leaves a gaping hole next to JJ and KJ in the lineup. Keenan McCardell is arguably the best WR coach in the league, and playing with Jefferson would give one-on-one opportunities for any receiver. But having somebody that can actually win those one-on-ones remains a question.
Inside Linebacker - Eric Kendricks's jersey change marks the true end of an era at LB. Kendricks struggled in Donatell's scheme last season, as did most players. But he was a longtime leader on the defense and a valued community member. Jordan Hicks, Brian Asamoah, and Troy Reeder sit atop the depth chart. Hicks can be solid and Asamoah had flashes, but counting on this group as every down players is a risk to say the least.
Offensive Guard - Ed Ingram was one of the worst starting guards in the league last season. But he's a rookie. Maybe he gets better in year 2. Maybe he stays terrible. Even if you're optimistic there, Ezra Cleveland is entering a contract year at left guard. Adding interior offensive line depth is always smart.
Quarterback - This offseason, reports surfaced that the team and QB Kirk Cousins could not finalize a contract extension. That means for the first time in his Vikings tenure, Cousins is entering a contract year. Cousins has been an above average QB during his time in Minnesota. Last year saw him finish 4th in yards, but he was painfully mediocre at efficiency stats like TD percent (17th), ANY/A (18th), and ADOT (20th). Entering his age-35 season, it would be wise to look for a successor even if the team plans on retaining Cousins past 2023.

The Draft

*Indicates measure is taken from Pro Day
1.23 WR Jordan Addison, USC
Profile: Jr 5'11 173lbs 31.5 Arm\ 8.75 Hand 75.125 Wing* 4.49 40 1.57 10 34 VJ 10'2 BJ 4.19 SS* 7.05 3c 5.95 RAS*
2022 Stats: 11 Gm 59 Rec 875 Yds 8 TD 2 Drops
Steve Smith Sr: "Addison has one of the highest ceilings among WRs in this draft due to his blend of route running chops and his all around athleticism. He is a three level route runner: intermediate, deep, and short... The way he can get in and out of his breaks is so natural. He uses leverage. And he manipulates the DB consistently"
Addison -- a Biletnikoff Award winner during his Pitt days -- is one of the highest floor players in the class. He is a route running technician with proven dominance playing inside and outside. He had more than 3 yards per route run in two different offenses. He understands how to marry his athleticism and quickness with the breaks in his routes. He finds the DB's blind spot and forces them to lose. Addison is a bit on the small side, but not abnormally so given this draft class. He does have some concerns with his hands -- his drop rates as a freshman and sophomore were 14% and 10%, respectively -- but he showed improvement in this as a junior.
The need here is clear. As mentioned earlier, the WR depth past JJ and KJ is abysmal. Even with Thielen and Osborn on the roster in 2022, the Vikings needed juice in the WR room. The 2022 Vikings had one top 5 WR in yards per route run (Jefferson). There was no other receiver in the top 100. Teams were not worried about Thielen or Osborn. Teams could put two or three defenders on Jefferson without any fear of what anyone else might do to their defense. Hockenson fixed this a bit down the stretch, but an outside playmaker was still needed.
The real question here is why the team opted not to go for CB Joey Porter Jr, who filled what many considered to be the team's biggest need and was a higher ranked prospect for Lance Zierlein, PFF, Danny Kelly, Matt Miller, and Dane Brugler. The answer here -- if I can take a guess and stretch my logic a bit -- is that the need at WR2 was greater than the need at CB. Patrick Peterson was the biggest loss in the secondary, and the team brought in Byron Murphy to try to fill that role. On offense, Minnesota had not brought in a replacement for Adam Thielen. The depth chart past Jefferson and Osborn was filled with bodies that might not make a 53-man roster on a lot of teams.
Trade: SF gives 3.87 to MIN for 3.102, 5.164, 7.222
Jimmy Johnson Rich Hill Fitzgerald-Spielberger Harvard
Total give 155 48 737 115
Total get 117.7 45 1334 197
Absolute Diff -37.3 -3 +597 +82
Percent Diff -24% -6% +81% +71%
The biggest thing to consider when evaluating this trade is that the Vikings came into the draft with 5 picks, only two of which were in the top 100. In my biased opinion, this was a home run trade, even if the traditional charts disagree. To take three swings at the bat instead of one is a humble and wise strategy, especially for a team with limited draft capital. The move looks even better in hindsight because there were no CBs taken between 87 and 102.
3.102 CB Mekhi Blackmon, USC
Profile: 6Sr 5'11" 178lbs 31" Arm 9.25" Hand 74.625" Wing 4.47 40 1.47 10 36 VJ 10'5" BJ 11 Bench 7.44 RAS
2022 Stats: 14 Gm 66 TKL 2 TFL 1 FF 15 PD 3 INT
Brett Kollman: "Feisty, physical press corner who definitely has to play more under control in the NFL to avoid flags, but he has all the competitiveness you want to see from a potential CB1 at the next level. Never backs down from anyone. Has easy gas to stay in control of a route from top down, even against true burners. Legit 4.4 speed and gets up to it quickly. Outstanding ball production... Held up extremely well despite being targeted often. Battle tested, aggressive, and confident... Very similar to Desmond Trufant."
An unrecruited high school positionless player out of high school that signed with JuCo San Mateo, Blackmon followed up four seasons at Colorado with a breakout 2022 campaign as one of the best defenders on the USC defense. The Trojans played a man-heavy scheme, which let Blackmon shine. He has great anticipation and instincts. His production this year says as much. He plays bigger than his size, and he has inside-outside versatility. He will have to clean up some of his physicality to avoid flags at the next level. He will also have to refine his technique to stay with the more complex routes he'll see. But he is a strong culture and scheme fit for what Brian Flores is bringing to the defense.
The need at CB was obvious even before hiring Flores. The Vikings ranked 31st in passing yards allowed, 26th in Passing DVOA, and 24th in EPA allowed per pass attempt. Bringing in Byron Murphy helps. So do the healthy returns of Booth and Evans. But Murphy has not yet shown that he can be a consistently great player (or at least not markedly better than what we got out of Patrick Peterson last year). And Booth and Evans are unproven. Blackmon -- taken with the last pick on Day 2 -- is not expected to come in and be Jalen Ramsey or Sauce Gardner. But in a shift to a more aggressive man-coverage defense with a thin CB room, Blackmon is an upside player that will have every chance to take a starting spot on a porous defense.
Trade: MIN gives 4.119 to KC for 4.134, 2024 5th\*
Jimmy Johnson Rich Hill Fitzgerald-Spielberger Harvard
Total give 56 24 578 88
Total get 58.4 24 898 133
Absolute Diff +2.4 0 +320 +45
Percent Diff +4% 0% +36% +34%
On top of entering the weekend with a mere 5 draft picks in the current year, the Vikings also entered with a mere 5 draft picks in the 2024 class (3rd rounder traded for Hockenson, 5th rounder traded for Reagor). Dropping 15 picks in a relatively flat part of the draft while adding a mid-Day 3 pick is good business given this team's lack of capital.
*Here we assume a future pick in round n is valued at the middle pick of round n+1, not accounting for compensatory picks. In this case, a 2024 5th is equated to pick 176.
4.134 S Jay Ward, LSU
Profile: Sr 6'0.5" 188lbs 32.5" Arm 8.25" Hand 76.875" Wing 4.55 40 1.54 10 34.5 VJ 11' BJ 4.35 Shuttle\ 7.31 3c 16 Bench 6.70 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 60 TKL 2.5 TFL 5 PD 1 INT 2 FR TD
Nate Tice: "A ton of fun. I just like this fit because of Brian Flores's defense. Just picture all of those mixture guys that the Patriots have used over the years... Jay Ward can be that"
A three year starter with reps at safety, slot, and outside CB, Ward is one of the most versatile players in the class. He possesses excellent length and movement skills. His experience at CB make him a fluid player in coverage. In the run game, Ward's size is a concern. His 188lbs Combine weight puts him in just the second percentile for safeties. This translates to issues with taking on blocks. He is a very aggressive player, beelining to the ball as soon as it's out. But his size coupled with his impatient playstyle lead to a lot of missed tackles. He was also flagged seven times last season.
In his final season in Miami, Flores was extremely creative with how he employed his safeties. Jevon Holland had the 2nd most blitzes in the league at the position. The number 1 player? His teammate Brandon Jones. With the defense taking on Flores's amoeba identity, an aggressive player with experience at multiple positions has the potential to find a role early on. The defense will look to utilize him similar to how Jevon Holland was used as a rookie. And with Harrison Smith well into the twilight of his career, Ward is a timely pick as the team attempts to thread the needle in their competitive rebuild.
Trade: MIN gives 5.158, 6.211 to IND for 5.141
Jimmy Johnson Rich Hill Fitzgerald-Spielberger Harvard
Total give 32.4 13 722 103
Total get 36 15 492 74
Absolute Diff +4 +2 -230 -29
Percent Diff +10% +13% -47% -39%
It's a bit strange to see Adofo-Mensah move away from the analytics charts in favor of the traditional ones, but the value swap here is not absurd. The real question with this trade will be if Roy ends up being a true contributor.
5.141 NT Jaquelin Roy, LSU
Profile: Jr 6'3" 305lbs 32.75" Arm 10.125" Hand 78.125" Wing 5.13 40\ 1.82 10* 26" VJ* 8'5" BJ* 5.00 Shuttle 8.01 3c 30 Bench 3.72 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 49 TKL 3.5 TFL 0.5 SCK
Lance Zierlein: " The more you watch, the more you like the way Roy plays the game... Despite limited starting experience at LSU, he already displays signs of a rush plan and the athletic talent to execute it. Roy is an ascending talent with the potential to become a quality starter. "
After a 30 tackle, 1.5 sack campaign as a rotational player in 2021, Roy shifted from a penetrating 3T position to more of a traditional nose tackle under new HC Brian Kelly. This transition let Roy shine as a run stuffer. He eats space and is incredibly tough to move from his spot. He averaged almost 52 snaps a game in 2022 and his motor never let up. He has some work to do if he wants to be a three down player, particularly as a pass rusher. His bend and balance in this front are especially lacking.
The Vikings' front office seems to be a lot more comfortable with the current IDL room than I am. Harrison Phillips is a plus starter. Past that, the roster is filled with unproven youth or proven subpar players. As a 5th round pick, Roy has an uphill battle to separate himself from that group. But he's a good lottery ticket at this price. His positional versatility ensures that the defense can simply put their best players on the field.
5.164 QB Jaren Hall, BYU
Profile: RSr 6'0" 207lbs 39.75" Arm 9.5" Hand 71.875" Wing 4.63 40\ 1.59 10* 4.19 Shuttle* 7.06 3c* 7.96 RAS*
2022 Stats: 12 Gm 248 Comp 376 Att 66% Comp 3171 Yds 31 TD 6 INT 86 Rush 789 Rush Yds 9 RUsh TD
Kwesi Adofo-Mensah: "We added a really talented player that has a ton of upside... The ability to make decisions, throw the football accuracy, deal with conflict when it comes his way, and sometimes try to make a play outside the framework of the playcall. He does all those things at a really great level... That's an outstanding young man. I'd like to see him lead my team or any organization I'm a part of."
Despite being the third oldest prospect in the QB class, Hall only has 24 starts under his belt due to two years on religious mission and one year with a hip injury. But when Hall took over for Zach Wilson in 2021, he hit the ground running. BYU went 10-3 in that first year with Hall compiling a 4:1 TD:INT ratio. He is a two time team captain, and all reports of his character are off the charts.
Hall is a poised pocket passer capable of extending plays and picking up yardage on the ground. He was only sacked 12 times in 2022, which is a testament to both BYU's offensive line and Hall's ability to create under pressure. There are conflicting opinions on Hall's upside and arm strength, with Lance Zierlein calling his arm "unimpressive" while Kyle Crabbs claiming that hall has a "live arm with the ability to throw with juice off platform". Where there was near-universal agreement was in his understanding of the scheme, as Hall operated BYU's RPO-heavy offense like a machine. He has a clean release and quickly gets into a rhythm. His largest universal concerns are his age (he turned 25 in March) and his injury history (missed 20 games in the last 4 years). He also has ball security issues with 13 fumbles over his career.
I expected the Vikings to draft a QB in this class. The only question was if it would have been via a trade up on Day 1 or a flyer on Day 3 (or a falling Will Levis). With his age, size, and injury history, there are plenty of questions about what Hall can be. He will have a year in practice to put together his audition tape to be Kirk Cousins's replacement -- it's certainly a viable path for this team to take a RiddeHowell/Mills-esque year to evaluate Hall while they continue retooling the defense. But the more likely path is that Hall becomes a long-term backup for the team. Cousins has been the model of health, but that doesn't mean that QB2 is an unimportant position. Sean Mannion, Kellen Mond, and Nick Mullens have manned that position to various degrees over the past few years. None has shown that they can be a competent plug-in player if needed. There is some hope that Hall -- who operated the BYU offense with a mechanic efficiency -- can be that player.
7.222 RB DeWayne McBride, UAB
Profile: Jr 5'10" 209lbs 30.625" Arms 9.5" Hands 73.125" Wing 20 Bench\*
2022 Stats: 11 Gm 233 Att 1713 Yds 19 TD 7.4 Y/A 2 Rec 10 Rec Yds
Dane Brugler: "Overall, McBride is unproven as a pass catcher and blocker, which might restrict his NFL role, but his contact balance, vision and lateral agility are among the best this running back draft class has to offer"
In an era of advanced metrics and Combine showmanship, perhaps the trait that has gone underappreciated more than any other in RB scouting is balance. McBride may have the best balance in the entire RB class outside of Bijan Robinson. He comes from a heavy outside zone scheme at UAB, where he led the FBS in yards per game and set school records for single-game and single-season rushing. McBride absorbs contact like a sponge. His short area burst is strong, and he makes defenders miss with power and finesse. McBride has ideal size and toughness. His concerns are simple. He was not utilized as a receiver in college, and he had more career fumbles than catches in that time. McBride profiles as a two-down player at the next level. Although Adofo-Mensah has voiced his belief that McBride's passing game usage was a product of scheme rather than ability, McBride still has to prove that he is more than just a short yardage runner in the NFL.
After spending a pick in back to back years on RB and re-signing Mattison to a modest contract, RB was a bit of an unexpected pick for this regime. Dalvin Cook still seems to be movable (a likely cut candidate at this point), which would make this pick more logical. Chandler struggled with injuries as a rookie, but both he and Nwangwu profile more as speedy scatbacks than true between-the-tackle runners like Mattison. Even Mattison has never been a true three-down back. McBride plays much more similarly to Mattison than the other backs on the team. He will try to carve out a role behind him as the future thunder to the lightning provided by Chandler and Nwangwu.


FB Zach Ojile, Minnesota Duluth
Profile: 6Sr 6'0" 241lbs 31.5" Arms 8.5" Hands 75.5" Wing 4.78 40\ 1.79 10* 31" VJ* 9'1" BJ* 4.40 Shuttle* 31 Bench* 4.15 RAS*
2022 Stats: 11 Gm 12 Rush 53 Rush Yds 3 Rush TD 25 Rec 289 Rec Yds 5 Rec TD
A Twin Cities native, Ojile was a late addition to the roster, joining after a May rookie minicamp tryout. Ojile played LB, QB, FS, and RB in high school but found a role as an H-Back at UMD. He served as a team captain the past two seasons and finishes his collegiate career with over 1100 total yards and 24 total TDs. He was an All-Conference player for the DII NSIC Bulldogs. Whether Ojile participates at FB or TE, he'll need to prove his versatility to beat out the veterans on the depth chart. Working in his favor is Kevin O'Connell's shift to a more base-heavy offense in 2023.
WR Cephus Johnson, Southeastern Louisiana
Profile: 6Sr 6'4" 223lbs 33.25" Arm\ 8.5" Hand* 78.625" WIng* 4.57 40* 1.59 10* 36.5" VJ* 10'1" BJ* 4.39 Shuttle* 7.25 3c* 18 Bench* 9.48 RAS*
2022 Stats: 11 Gm 184 Pass Att 65% Comp 1354 Pass Yds 10 Pass TD 5 INT 89 Rush 488 Rush Yds 5 Rush TD
Johnson is making the fulltime switch from QB to WR as he attempts to latch on to an NFL practice squad. He earned the starting role for South Alabama as a redshirt junior before transferring to SE Louisiana, where he took some snaps at WR in spring games. Johnson's stats were unimpressive as a starting QB, notching just 1354 yards and a 2:1 TD:INT ratio in 11 starts. He has good size and instincts as a runner, but he has basically no experience playing WR.
WR Lucky Jackson, W Kentucky / XFL DC Defenders
Profile: RSr 6'0" 179lbs 9.624" Hand\ 32.25" Arm* 75.875" Wing**
2023 Stats: 10 Gm 36 Rec 572 Yds 5 TD 1 Fmb
Jackson last put on a college uniform before the pandemic for Western Kentucky, where his 2019 season saw him put up over 1100 yards on 94 receptions. Following his college days, Jackson spent time in the CFL and the Spring League before joining the XFL's DC Defenders and becoming an All-XFL receiver.
WR Malik Knowles, Kansas St
Profile: RSr 6'2" 196lbs 32.25" Arm 8.75" Hand 77.625" Wing
2022 Stats: 14 Gm 48 Rec 725 YDs 2 TD 8 Rush 164 Rush Yds 3 Rush TD 23 KR 592 KR Yds
Knowles is a vertical threat with good size and length. He offers value as a kick returner and leaves Kansas State with a top 5 rank in all-purpose yards. Knowles is an undeveloped route runner that struggles with quick change-of-direction. He also has trouble with press coverage. He'll need to prove his value on special teams, where he has plenty of collegiate experience as a kick returner.
WR Grant Maag, North Dakota
Profile: 5Sr 6'4" 206lbs 9.25" Hand\ 31.875" Arm* 77.625" Wing* 4.49 40YD* 1.60 10YS* 40.5" VJ* 10'5" BJ* 4.34 Shuttle* 6.90 3c* 8.50 RAS*
2022 Stats: 12 Gm 41 Rec 540 Yds 5 TDs
Maag was brought in following the announcement of Ben Ellefson's retirement. He is an Inver Grove Heights native and a graduate of St Croix Lutheran in St Paul. He leaves North Dakota with over 2000 yards over his five years and served as a team captain the past two seasons. His size gives him an advantage with a shorter WR group ahead of him, but Maag is a far cry from a roster lock.
WR Thayer Thomas, NC State
Profile: 6Sr 6'0" 198lbs 9" Hand\ 30.125" Arm* 73.5" Wing 4.56 40* 1.63 10* 37" VJ* 10' BJ* 4.03 Shuttle* 6.93 3c* 15 Bench* 7.85 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 57 Rec 642 Yds 4 TDs 2 Rush Att 44 Rush Yds 1 Rush TD 17 PR 128 PR Yds
A multisport athlete that was drafted by the Red Sox in 2019, Thomas walked onto the Wolfpack football team and got onto the field any way he could. In 2018, he saw work as a receiver, punt returner, and passer. Thomas has good hands (a career drop rate of 4%) and a high work ethic, but he is an undeveloped route runner that struggles to create much after the catch. He will need to prove his worth on special teams if he wants to make the roster.
TE Ben Sims, Baylor
Profile: RSr 6'4" 250lbs 33.125" Arm\ 9.5" Hand* 80.125" Wing* 4.58 40YD* 1.56 10YS 36" Vert* 10'2" Broad* 4.41 Shuttle* 7.46 3c* 15 Bench* 8.40 RAS*
2022 Stats: 12 Gm 31 Rec 255 Yds 3 TDs 2 Drops 1 Rush TD
Sims projects as a blocking tight end with limited ability as a receiver. He's a patient run blocker with good balance and toughness, but he is still cleaning up some technique. He isn't a creator with the ball in his hands and his tape fails to demonstrate the explosiveness that his testing suggests.
OL Alan Ali, TCU
Profile: RSr 6'4" 301lbs 32.875" Arm 9.5" Hand 77.625" Wing 5.23 40\ 1.89 10* 26.5" VJ 8'5" BJ* 4.91 Shuttle* 7.94 3c* 3.80 RAS*
A 5 year starter for TCU and SMU, Ali is a fundamentally sound center prospect with good body control and core strength. He has experience playing at all 5 OL positions but spent most of the past 4 years at center. His lack of athleticism and length are likely the reason he went undrafted.
OT Jacky Chen, Pace
Profile: RSr 6'5 1/4" 299lbs 10" Hand\ 34.5" Arm* 80.75" Wing* 5.41 40* 1.81 10* 29" VJ* 8'10" BJ* 4.74 Shuttle* 7.90 3c* 24 Bench* 5.39 RAS*
It's hard to find very much information on an undrafted lineman from a DII school whose toughest opponent was the University of New Haven. Chen is an OT prospect that is viewed as a ball of clay. Chen's 40 yard dash and 3 cone were underwhelming to say the least, but he was an above average tester in burst and explosiveness drills. That combined with his length make him an interesting project.
EDGE Andre Carter II, Army
Profile: Sr 6'6.5" 256lbs 9.375" Hand 33.275" Arm 81 Wing 4.91 40\ 1.65 10* 30" VJ 9'1" BJ 4.36 Shuttle 6.97 3c* 11 Bench 6.29 RAS*
2022 Stats: 10 Gm 41 TKL 7 TFL 3.5 SCK 2 PD
The highest profile UDFA signing of the class, Carter was getting 1st round buzz this time last year. At that time, Carter was coming off an 18.5 TFL / 15.5 sack season. However, Carter struggled to repeat his production as a senior, notching just 3.5 sacks. Carter finished out the draft cycle with lackluster testing, failing to run under a 4.90 in the 40 yard dash and weighing in at a mere 256 lbs -- a big concern given his 81 inch wingspan and towering stature. Carter has a ton of upside, but he doesn't have the frame to be a real NFL player right now. After 4 years training to be an officer in the US Army, he will need at least one season (maybe more) in an NFL weight room where he can focus on building muscle mass. He'll look to follow the mold of fellow Army player Alejandro Villanueva, who added 43 lbs to his 277 lbs frame entering the league before becoming a 7-year starter. Luckily, he joined the team with one of the best training facilities in the league.
EDGE Junior Aho, SMU
Profile: 6'2" 260lbs 9" Hand 33.875" Arm 79.875" Wing 4.58 40\ 1.66 10* 33.5" VJ* 10'3" BJ* 4.90 Shuttle* 7.38 3c* 9.38 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 23 TKL 2 TFL 2 SCK 1 FF
Quite simply, Aho is an athletic freak that should find his way onto the team thanks to the International Player Pathway roster spot. He takes pride in his speed and athleticism, but he also understands the limitations to his game. Aho was a solid rotational player for SMU. He will look to follow in the footsteps of other International Pathway players like Efe Obada and Jordan Mailata.
DT Calvin Avery, Illinois
Profile: RSr 6'1" 343 lbs 10" Hand\ 32.5" Arm 81.87" Wing 5.37 40* 1.84 10* 30.5" VJ* 8'5" BJ* 8.01 3c* 31 Bench* 3.12 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 23 TKL 2 TFL 1 PD
Avery is a former four star recruit out of Texas, earning snaps in 12 games as a true freshman. He started 12 games in 2022, primarily at nose tackle. He has a wide, large frame that makes him hard to move. However, he is an underwhelming athlete to say the least, and his statistical production is nearly non-existent.
LB Abraham Beauplan, Marshall
Profile: RSr 5'11" 241 lbs 9.25" Hand 31.75" Arm 77 1/4" Wing 4.62 Shuttle 35.5" VJ 9'9" BJ 7.33 3c 22 Bench 4.52 RAS
2022 Stats: 12 Gm 66 TKL 6.5 TFL 1 SCK 3 PD
Beauplan started the draft process by making an appearance on Bruce Feldman's Freaks List, reportedly squatting as much as 565 lbs and benching as much as 285. The few reports that exist on Beauplan suggest he's an urgent, downhill run defender that will look to carve out a role on special teams early on.
LB Wilson Huber, Cincinnati
Profile: 6Sr 6'4" 241lbs 9.75" Hand 32.375" Arm\ 80" Wing* 4.70 40* 1.66 10* 35" VJ* 10'4" BJ* 4.45 Shuttle* 6.91 3c* 18 Bench* 8.34 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 54 TKL 6.5 TFL 1 SCK 1 PD
A 3 star recruit out of Indiana, Huber started his career at Cincinnati as a TE. He played a hybrid role in his first 2 non-redshirt seasons, earning snaps on offense, defense, and special teams. He made a full role switch to the defensive side of the ball in 2020 and eventually earned the team captain moniker in 2022. Huber had some solid testing despite profiling as more of a thumper.
LB Ivan Pace Jr, Cincinnati
Profile: Sr 5'10.5" 231lbs 30.25" Arm 9.5" Hand 72" Wing 4.59 40\ 1.70 10* 35" VJ 9'8" BJ* 4.40 Shuttle * 7.18 3c* 22 Bench* 5.71 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 137 TKL 21.5 TFL 10 SCK 3 FF 4 PD
Ranked the 11th best LB for Daniel Jeremiah, 9th for Dane Brugler, and 7th for PFF, many thought Pace could have gone as early as Round 3. Pace was a one year starter for the Bearcats after transferring from Miami (Ohio), and he hit the ground running. He led the AAC in tackles and TFLs. He is a smaller player (although not abnormally so in today's game) that plays with his hair on fire. He gives tremendous effort on every play and is always around the ball. Pace is a super tough player that loves to tackle. His size is a concern; he gets washed out of plays too easily. He is also lacking in coverage skills, struggling to stay connected in man coverage. Still, it's incredible that Pace went undrafted. He's an easy special teams projection as a rookie with the upside to be put in position to win under Flores.
CB CJ Coldon, Oklahoma
Profile: 6Sr 5'10" 186lbs\ 8.375" Hand* 31.125" Arm* 75.125" Wing* 4.60 40* 1.58 10* 37 1/2" VJ* 10'5" BJ* 4.24 Shuttle* 7.31 3c* 3.92 RAS*
2022 Stats: 12 Gm 42 TKL 2 TFL 4 INT 6 PBU
Coldon is an instinctual football player that relies on his feel to create ball production. He spent 5 years at Wyoming before transferring to Oklahoma and leading the team in INTs and PBUs. In zone, Coldon watches the QB and looks for the right cue to understand when and where the ball is headed.
CB NaJee Thompson, Georgia Southern
Profile: 5'10" 200lbs 9.125" Hand 32.75" Arm 76.625" Wing 4.57 40\ 1.63 10* 32" VJ* 9'8" BJ* 4.56 Shuttle* 7.40 3c* 13 Bench* 1.59 RAS*
2022 Stats: 13 Gm 37 TKL 1 TFL 11 PD 1 INT
Thompson's love for the game is undeniable. After struggling to latch onto the Georgia Southern WR room, Thompson approached his head coach asking to be exclusively a special teams player. He relishes being a gunner on punts. He eventually got moved to CB in 2021, logging 557 snaps at the position in 2022. He's undeveloped at the position, but his special teams prowess gives him a good shot at the roster.
CB Jaylin Williams, Indiana
Profile: RSr 5'9" 184lbs 9.125" Hand 29.875" Arm 71.75" Wing 4.43 40\ 1.58 10* 34.5" BJ* 9'11" BJ* 4.20 Shuttle* 7.01 3c* 13 Bench* 5.54 RAS*
2022 Stats: 10 Gm 40 TKL 2.5 TFL 7 PD 1 FR 1 BLK
A longtime role player for the Hoosiers before becoming a fulltime starter in 2019, Williams's 6 career INTs were the most amongst active players on the team last season. He earned second team All-Confernece honors in 2020 and was an honorable mention in 2021.
K Jack Podlesny, Georgia
Profile: RSr 6'0" 195lbs 29.25" Arms 9" Hands 74.75" Wing
2022 Stats: 31 Att 26 Made 50 Long 109 Kickoff 72 Touchbacks 74 PAT Att 73 PAT Made
Ranked as Dane Brugler's 4th kicker and Lance Zierlein's 3rd kicker, Podlesny enters Vikings camp following a career that saw him walk on to Georgia's football team and finish with an 82% hit rate. He hit all but one extra point last season for the national champion Bulldogs. A concern with Podlesny is his leg strength. His accuracy beyond 40 yards falls to just 54%. His clutchness may also come into question as he missed two kicks in the national championship semifinals against Ohio State.

Projected Depth Chart

Pos (Projected 2023 Rostered Count / 2022 Rostered Count): Starter, Rookie, Cuts
QB (2/2): Kirk Cousins, Jaren Hall, Nick Mullens
RB (4/4): Alexander Mattison, Kene Nwangwu, Ty Chandler, DeWayne McBride, Dalvin Cook
FB (1/1): CJ Ham, Zach Ojile
WR (5/5): Justin Jefferson, KJ Osborn, Jordan Addison, Jalen Nailor, Brandon Powell, Trishton Jackson, Jalen Reagor, Blake Proehl, Thayer Thomas, Cephus Johnson, Malik Knowles, Lucky Jackson, Garrett Maag
TE (3/3): TJ Hockenson, Josh Oliver, Johnny Mundt, Nick Muse, Ben Sims
OL (9/10): Christian Darrisaw, Ezra Cleveland, Garrett Bradbury, Ed Ingram, Brian O'Neill, Chris Reed, Austin Schlottman, Oli Udoh, Blake Brandel, Josh Sokol, Vederian Lowe, Alan Ali, Jacky Chen, Sam Schlueter
DT (7/6): Harrison Phillips, Dean Lowry, Jonathan Bullard, James Lynch, Esezi Otomewo, Jaquelin Roy, Khyiris Tonga, Ross Blacklock, Sheldon Day, TJ Smith, Calvin Avery
EDGE (4/5): Danielle Hunter, Marcus Davenport, Pat Jones II, DJ Wonnum, Luiji Vilain, Curtis Weaver, Benton Whitley, Kenny Willekes, Andre Carter II, Junior Aho
ILB (4/4): Jordan Hicks, Brian Asamoah, Troy Reeder, Ivan Pace Jr, Troy Dye, William Kwenkeu, Abraham Beauplan, Wilson Huber
CB (5/6): Byron Murphy, Andrew Booth, Akayleb Evans, Mekhi Blakmon, Joejuan Williams, Kalon Barnes, Tay Gowan, John Reid, CJ Coldon, Najee Thompson, Jaylin Williams
S (5/4): Harrison Smith, Lewis Cine, Jay Ward, Josh Metellus, Camryn Bynum, Theo Jackson
K (1/1): Greg Joseph, Jack Podlesny
P (1/1): Ryan Wright
LS (1/1): Andrew DePaola
KR: Kene Nwangwu
PR: Brandon Powell

2024 Needs

Starters Needed: QB, OG, EDGE, DT -- Whether due to expiring contracts (Cousins, Cleveland, Davenport, Hunter) or overall suckitude (Ingram, Lowry), we need to find new starters at this positions in 2024. Could we go on with average-level free agents? Maybe. Should we? Maybe not.
We'll see how the group plays: CB, LB, RB -- These are positions where the front office is counting on young players (Booth, Evans, Asamoah) to fill the roles of departed starters. If those players take that step up, these positions drop on the needs list. Otherwise, we're in for a rough season.
Depth needed: WR -- The depth after Jefferson, Osborn, and Addison is not great. And Osborn is entering a contract year. Unless Keenan McCardell works some magic with Jalen Nailor or Trishton Jackson or Thayer Thomas, this should be a position we add to next year.

Final Thoughts

Versatility. When we look at this Vikings draft class, that's the first word that comes to mind, and it comes in big bold letters. Addison has inside-outside versatility. So does Mekhi Blackmon. Jay Ward is the most versatile of the group, capable of playing every DB position plus some spot snaps at LB. Roy has been productive everywhere from 0T to 4i. And the team has talked about how much they believe McBride can contribute as a pass catcher on top of his bruiser mindset as a between-the-tackles runner.
On offense, this shift seems to stem from a philosophical change following the TJ Hockenson acquisition last year. O'Connell's unit went from trying to copy-paste Sean McVay's outside zone scheme (largely a 3WR offense) to Kyle Shanahan's outside zone scheme (largely a TE-FB offense). And in that mold, O'Connell was looking for players he could use to create the illusion of complexity. That is, how can we employ versatile players to present defenses the threat of multiplicity?
On defense, the answer is a lot simpler. By bringing over Brian Flores, the team is hoping for a jolt in tenacity and an overall move to a hybrid amoeba scheme. You can look historically at how Bill Belichick has utilized flexibility in his defenses to maximize his gameplan for whatever offensive scheme is next on the menu. You can look at players on the line of scrimmage that have experience in both 43 and 34 schemes (Hunter, Phillips, Lynch, Bullard). And in the secondary, look no further than the selection of Jay Ward as an attempt to clone players like Jevon Holland and Kyle Dugger.
As Adofo-Mensah has repeatedly said, he approaches his job with humility. He listens to those around him and he finds the point where stories marry data to make informed decisions. And in O'Connell, he found someone who shares that mentality. With the emphasis on versatility, that mindset can now be applied on a weekly (and play-by-play) basis to opponents. We'll see how successful that strategy is as the team continues to straddle the line between competitive and rebuilder, but there is certainly an energy around the fanbase with the continued success of the offense and the addition of Brian Flores.
submitted by uggsandstarbux to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 20:38 Sausage_fingies Every single word for dick.

100% all-beef thermometer, 21st digit, Ace in the hole, Acorn Andy, Action Jackson, Adam Halfpint, Admiral Winky, African black snake, Afro man, AIDS baster, AIDS grenade, Alabama blacksnake, Albino cave dweller, All-day sucker, Anaconda, Anal impaler, Anal intruder, Anal Spear, Ankle spanker, Apple-headed monster, Ass blaster, Ass pirate, Ass wedge, Astralgod, Auger-headed gut wrench.
Baby maker, Baby's arm holding an apple, Baby's arm in a boxing glove, Bacon bazooker, Bacon rod, Badboy, Bagpipe, Bald Avenger, Bald butler, Bald-headed beauty, Bald-headed giggle stick, Bald-headed hermit, Bald-headed Jesus, Bald-headed yogurt slinger, Bald-headed spunk-juice dispenser, Ball buddy, Baloney pony, Banana, Bat and balls, Battering ram, Bayonet, Bavarian Beefstick, Beard splitter, Bearded blood sausage, Bearded burglar, Beastus maximus, Beaver buster, Beaver Cleaver, Bed snake, Beef baton, Beef bayonet, Beef belt buckle, Beef bugle, Beef bus, Beef missile, Beef soldier, Beef stick, Beefy McManstick, Bell rope, Belly stick, Best leg of three, (Big) Beanpole, Big & the twins, Big us, Big Jake the one-eyed snake, Big Jim and the Twins, Big Johnson, Big Lebowski, Big number one, Big Mac, Big red, Big rod, Big Uncle, Biggus us, Bilbo Baggins, Bishop, Bishop with his nice red hat, blaster, stick, Bits and pieces, Blind butler, Blind snake, Blinky, Blood blunt, Blood slug, Blood sword, Blow pop, Blowtorch, Blue steel, Blue-veined jackhammer, Blue-veined junket pumper, Blue-veined piccolo, Blue-veined puss chucker, Blue-veiner, Blunt, Bob, Bob Dole, Bob Johnson, Bobo, Bone, Bone phone, Bone rollercoaster, Boneless beef, Boneless fish, boner, Boney cannelloni, Bone-her, Bookmark, Bop gun, Bottle rocket, Bow-legged swamp donkey, Box buster, Boybrush, Bradford and the pair, Bratwurst, Breakfast burrito, Breakfast wood, Broom, Brutus, Bubba, Bulbulous big-knob, Bumtickler, Bush beater, Bush rusher, Bushwhacker, Buster Hymen, Buster McThunderstick, Butt blaster, Butt pirate, Butter churn, Butterknife.
Candy cane, Canelo, Caped crusader, Captain Bilbo, Captain Crook, Captain Hook, Captain Howdy, Captain Kirk, Captain Winky, Carnal stump, Cattle prod, Cave hunter, Cax, Cervix crusader, Cervix pounder, Chancellor, Chap, Charlie Russell the one-eyed muscle, Cheese staff, Cherry picker, Cherry poppin' daddy, Cherry splitter, Chi Zi Wang, Chick sticker, Chicksicle, Chief of staff, Chimbo, Chimney cleaner, Choo-choo, Choad (chode), Chorizo, Chowder dumper, Chubby, Chubby conquistador, Chum, Chunk 'o' love, Chunder thunder, Cigar, Circus boy, Clam digger, Clam hammer, Clam sticker, Clit tickler, Cob, Codger, Colon cowboy, Colon crusader, Colossus, Coral branch, Corndog, Cornholer, Cornstalk, Cornstalk cowboy, Crack hunter, Crack smacker, Cramstick, Crank, Crank shaft, Cream-filled meat stick, Cream bandit, Cream cannon, Creamsicle, Creamstick, Cream spritzer, Crimson chitterling, Crimson Darth Vader, Crippler, Crotch cobra, Crotch cowboy, Crotch rocket, Crotch vomiter, Crushin' Russian, Cum pump, Cummingtonite, Cunny-catcher, cunt destroyer, Cupid's arrow, Curious George, Custard cannon, Custard pump, Cyclops.
Daddy Long-stroke, Danger the one-e ranger, Danglin' fury, Danglin' wang, Dangling participle, Dart of love, Darth Vader, Davy Crockett, Deep-veined purple-helmeted spartan of love, Demeanor, Diamond cutter, Digit, Diller, Dilly-ho-ho, Ding-a-ling, Ding-dong, Dingaroo, Dingle, Dingle dangle, Dingledong, Dinglehopper, Dingus, Dingy, Dinky, Dipstick, Dirk Diggler, Divining rod, Dobber, Docking tube, Dog knot, Dolphin, Dong, Dong-bong, Dong-stick, Dongle, Donker, Donkey Kong, Doo-dad, Doo-dar, Doodle, Doodle dandy, Dooker, Doo-hickey, Doppelganger, Dork, Doughnut holder, Dribbling dart of love, Dribbling dragon, Dr. Cyclops, Dr. Feelgood, Dr. Wang, dude piston, Duke, Dumb stick, Dungula bone.
Early riser, Earthworm Jim, Easy rider, Egg roll, Eight inches of blunt fury, Eight inches of throbbing pink Jesus, Equipment, El Capitan, El Presidente, Elastic plastic, Elephant trunk, Elmer the glue shooter, Elvis, Engine cranker, Everlasting gob-dropper, Every-other-time, Excalibur, Excreting eel, Executive staff member.
Family jewels, Fandangle, Fandangled mandangler, Fat Albert, Fat finger, Fat Johnson, Fetus feeler, Fiddle bow, Fiddle stick, Fire breathing dragon, Fire hose, Fire rod, Fireman ED, Firm worm, Fish hook, Fishing rod, Fishing tackle, Flapdoodle, Fleshbone, Flesh bat, Flesh enema, Flesh flute, Flesh hoagie, Flesh injection, Flesh maggot, Flesh pistol, Flesh rocket, Flesh tornado, Flesh trumpet, Flesh twinkie, Fleshy Winnebago, Flip-flap, Fluid spitter, Foaming beef probe, Foo-foo, Foofer , Fool sticker, Footlong, Fondo worm, Frank 'n' beans, Frankfurter, Freddy firehose, Freddy fish monger, Free Willy, Frigamajig, Frightful Hog, flute, Fudgebar, Fudgepacker, Full meal, Fun gun, Fun truncheon, Fury, Fuzzbuster.
Gadget, Gag mallet, Gap stopper, Gash mallet, Gear shift, General, Gentleman's Sausage, German soldier, Gherkin, Giant-sized man-thing, Giggle stick, Gimmer stick, Girthy McGirth, Girthy sausage, Giving tree, Gleaming love sword, Glo worm, Gluestick, Godzilla, Goo pipe, Goose's neck, Governor, Grabthar's hammer, Grandpa's knee , Granite edifice, Gravy maker, Great pyramid, Grinding tool, Grissel stick, Gummi worm, Gushin' Prussian, Gut buster, Gut stick, Gut tappa, Gut wrench, My Guy.
Hair splitter, Hairy acorn, Hairy Houdini, Hairy pencil, Hairy scary and the two bald men, Hairy snake, Ham roll, Hammer of Thor, Hampton, Hander, Handgun, Handwarmer, Handy andy, Hang-lo, Hanging Chad, Hanging hag, Hanging Johnny, Happy worm, Hard-on, Hardware, Harry, Harry & the Hendersons, Harry hot dog, He-ham, He-man sword, He who must be obeyed, Heat-seeking moisture missile, Helmet man, Herbie, Herculean lizard, Hercules, Herman the one-eyed German, Herman von Longschlongstein, Hidden treasure, High pressure vein cane, Him-hang, His Eminence, His majesty, His rig, Hog, Hog leg, Hole cork, Holy poker, Holy water sprinkler, Homewrecker, Honeypot cleaver, Honeystick, Honk the Magic Goose, Hoo hoo, Hooded warrior, Hooty hoo, Horse-necked clam, Hose, Hot beef injection, Hot dog, Hot popsicle, Hot rod Harvey, Hot stick, Hot tamale, Hugo, Hum-diddler, Hung Wei Lo, Hunka-hunka burnin' love, Hymen hammer.
Ice cream machine, Impregnator, Incredible bulk, Bean Stalk, Inflatable iron, Injection Erection, Instant sex drive lever, Internal spinal massager, Intrusion protrusion, Invincible man, Iron horse, Iron rod, Italian stallion, Itty bitty meat, Ivan the Terrible, Ivory shaft.
Jack in the box, Jackhammer, Jake the one-eyed snake, Javelin, Jellyfish Jerkin' gherkin, Jibberstick, Jigger, Jiggling bone, Jim and the twins, Jiminy Cricket, Jimmy, Jimmy Wriggler, Jing jang, Jingle bone, Jive sausage, The syringe, The whiz, Jockey stick, Johnson, John Thomas, John Thursday, Johnny Come Early, Joint, JoJo the circus clown, Jolly green giant, Jolly jellybean, Joybuzzer, Joyprong, Joystick, Julio, Junior, Junior burger, Junk.
Kaptain Kielbasa, Ken cracker, Kentucky horn, Kentucky telescope, Kibble 'n' Bitz, Kick stand, Kidney cracker, Kidney ser, Kidney wiper, Kielbasa, King Dingaling, King Dong, King, Kipper ripper, Knee knocker, Knowledge stick, Knob, Kojak, Komodo dragon, Kong, Kosher pickle.
Lady dagger, Lance of love, Lap rope, Last action hero, Leaky faucet, Leather lollipop, Lewinski lunch, Lickin' stick, Licorice stick, Life preserver, Lil buddy, Lil Mr., Lincoln log, Little admiral, Little Jilly, Little Billy, Little bishop in a turtle neck, Little brother, Little Colonel, Little Dutch boy, Little Elvis, Little friend, Little gator, Little guy, Little Jesus, Little Juan, Little man, Little shepherd boy, Little slugger, Little Willy, Live sausage, Lizard, Lobster, Lollipop, Long Dong Silver, Lord Hardwick, Long John, Long Tom, Longrod Von Hugenstein, Lord James D'Armais, Lord Plumber, Louisville plugger, Louisville slugger, Love gun, Love leg, Love log, Love lollipop, Love meat, Love muscle, Love-n-ator, Love pole, Love pump, Love sausage, Love stick, Love sub, Love sword, Love thruster, Love train, Love truncheon, Love wand, Love weasel, Love whistle, Love torpedo, Lucky charm, Lucky Chucky, Lunch, Lunchmeat truncheon, Lung disturber, Lung puncturer, (Luscious) Lollipop.
Magenta mushroom, Magic Johnson, Magic member, Magic wand, Maiden Scissors, Main vein, Major Manchowder, Major woody, Man-dingler, Man-milk dispenser, Man-sized manicotti, Manchild, Mangina, Mangroin, Manimal, Man axe, Man cannon, Man hammer, Man loaf, Man log, Man meat, Man muscle, Man pipe, Man plow, Man pole, Man root, Mandingo, Manoy, Man's best friend, Marriage tackle, Marrowbone, Master blaster, Master John Goodfellow, Master of ceremonies, Master Wang, Mayonnaise cannon, Mayonnaise pistol, Maypole, Meat, Meat 'n' potatoes, Meat 'n' (two) veggies, Meat balloon, Meat bat, Meat cigar, Meat enema, Meat flute, Meat hammer, Meat missile, Meat musket, Meat pipe, Meat pole, Meat popsicle, Meat puppet, Meat skewer, Meat speculum, Meat stick, Meat straw, Meat tampon, Meat thermometer, Meat train, Meat twinkie, Meat whistle, Meat wrench, Meaty cudgel, Meaty internal spine support, Meaty tongue depressor, Melon baster, Member, Menstrual miner, Midas, Middle leg, Midnight wangler, Mighty anaconda, Mighty Dolan, Mighty Joe Young, Mighty monkey, Mighty Thor, Milkman, Mini-me, Mister, Mister happy, Moby , Mojo, Molten mushroom, Monkeymaker, Monkey, Monkey tamer, Monster, Monty's python, Morning glory, Morning muscle, Moses, Mr. Bendy, Mr. Big, Mr. Bigglesworth, Mr. Bo, Mr. Boing Boing, Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bozack, Mr. Clean, Mr. Eel-y, Mr. Friendly, Mr. Giggles, Mr. Good Bar, Mr. Happy, Mr. Jiggle Daddy, Mr Johnson and the juice crew, Mr. Magoo, Mr. Matey, Mr. Merrymaker, Mr. Microphone, Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mouth Missle, Mr. Mushroom head, Mr. Pee-pee, Mr. Peepers, Mr. Plumpy, Mr. Potato Head, Mr. President, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Salami, Mr. Sniffles, Mr. Toad's wild ride, Mr. Wiggles, Mr. Wigglestick, Mr. Wiggly, Mr. Wiggly Flops, Mr. Willy, Mr. Winky, Mr. Wobbly, Muff marauder, Muffin butterer, Mule, Murky Lurker, The, Muscle of love, Mushroom on a stick, Mushroom tip, Mushroom-tipped love dart, Mushroom-tipped man sword, Mustn'touchit, Mutton dagger, Mutton javelin, Mutton pole, Muzzled bulldog.
Nag, Nail, Nathan, Navajo hogan, Nebuchadnezzar, Needle, Nightcrawler, Night stick, Nimrod, Nine inch knocker, Nudger, Nuke, Nut cannon.
O'Henry, Ol' diamond cutter, Ol' one-eye, Old Blind Bob, Old chap, Old drizzly, Old faithful, Old fella, Old man, Old slimy, Oliver Twist, Optimus prime, Organ, Other head, Otis Deepthroatis, Our one-e brother, Ovarian pool stick, Oyster probe.
Package, Pajama python, Palm pilot, Panda express, Pants snake, Papa's poker, Passion pistol, Passion pump, Peacemaker, Peanut, Pearl diver, Pearl pole, Pebbles and Bam Bam, Pecker, Pedro, Pee pee, Pee-Wee, Peener, Peenie, Pelvic punisher, Pelvis thumb, Pelvis Presley, Pencil, Pendulum, Peni, Penial, Pennis the Menace, Pepe, Pepper Mill, Peppito, Percy, Perpendicular pickle, Pete(r), Peter the Great, Petit Jesu, Phallus, Piccolo, Pickle, Pied piper, Piece, Piece of pork, Pig in a blanket, Pigskin bus, Pigsticker, Pikestaff, Piledriver, Pillipacker, Pimp cane, Pimpin' stick, Pink cigar, Pink Floyd, Pink oboe, Pink seeking missile, Pink steel, Pink torpedo, Pinkle, Pinnochio, Pipe cleaner, Piston rod, Placenta poker, Pleasure missile, Pleasure pickle, Pleasure piston, Plonker, Pocket pool stick, Pocket rocket, Polish kielbasa, Polished pine, Plum-tree shaker, Pocket otter, Pocket perch, Pocket rocket, Poka-her-hontas, Pogo-stick, Pointer, Pole, Polvo, Polyphemus, Pompadoodle, Poon farmer, Poon prod, Poon wrecker, Poontanger, Poozle weasel (woozle), Pope John Pole III, Popeye, Porcelain plumber, Porridge gun, Pork knife, Pork Pistol, Pork sword, Pork truncheon, Porkeroon, Porksicle, prong, Porridge pump, Power rod, Powerprawn, Premeditator, Presidential podium, Prick, Prickolo, Pride and joy, Primus pilus, Prince Charming, Prince Everhard of the Netherlands, Private parts, Probe, Prong, Protein ket, Protein torpedo, Pube kabob, Pubic bong, Pud, Pudding cannon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Pulsating python of love, Pulsating throat clogger, Pulsating woodwind, Pump-action yogurt rifle, Pump handle, Pumping pole of penile power, Pup Tent, Puppet Jack, Purple avenger, Purple bulb, Purple-headed bed snake, Purple-headed belly ripper, Purple-headed burrow beast, Purple-headed cum shooter, Purple-headed custard chucker, Purple-headed love truncheon, Purple-headed meat scepter, Purple-headed pirate, Purple-headed punisher, Purple-headed warrior, Purple-headed womb broom, Purple-headed womb ferret, Purple-headed yogurt slinger, Purple-helmeted snot Nazi, Purple-helmeted soldier of love, Purple-helmeted Nazi of love, Purple-helmeted warrior, Purple muffin, Purple mushroom, Purple piledriver, Purple pork chop, Purple pulsating pillar of power, Purple turkey baster, piston, plumber, plunger, poker, pounder, stretcher, Pud, Putz.
Quarter master, Quarter pounder with cheese, Quick shot Sam, Quim-tickler, Quivering member.
Rainbow roll, Ralph the fur faced chicken, Ramburglar, Ramrod, Ranger, Rape Van Winkle, Real deal, Reaming Tower of Penis, Red ender, Red helmeted love warrior, Red hot poker, Red rocket, Rhubarb, Richard and the twins, Richard Cranium, Richard Head, Rick Hard, Ring stinger, Rising cedar, Rocket to Uranus, Rod, Rod hard ride, Rod of lordly might, Rodney Stickshift, Rodzilla, Roger, Rogering Ramjet, Roger's Profanisaurus, Rolling pin, Roman soldier, Root, Root of all evil, Rosey red reproductive rod, Roto-rooter, Round steak, Ruby-headed love dart, Ruddy sausage, Rump wrangler, Rumpleforeskin, Russell the love muscle, Russell the one eyed (wonder) muscle, Russian spurtnik.
Salami, Salami grande, Salty dog, Saucer-headed swamp rhing, Sausage roll, Scabby mayonnaise revolver, Scepter, Schlock, Schlong, Schlongmaster 2000, Schnickel, Schnitzel, Schvance/schvantz, Schvontz/schwantz, Schwartz, Scooby snack, Schlort, Schmeckle, Seed shooter, Señor Happy, Sergeant Stiffy, Serpent, Serpentine, Sex pistol, Shaft, Shaft of Cupid, Sheep shank, Sheep shifter, Shift stick, Shiny banana, hook, stick, Short arm, Shrimp boat , Shunter's pole, Silk shocker, Silly Willy's stick of mayhem, Single-bore mayonnaise pistol, Sir Martin Wagstaff, Sir Spanks A Lot, Six shooter, Skin boat, Skin bus, Skin diver, Skin flute, Skivvies lizard, Skippy, Sleeping Beauty, Slick Dilly, Slim Jim, Slim reaper, Slippery love dolphin, Slit-e demon, Slong, Sludge pump, stick, Snappy beefstick, Snot Nazi, Snot rocket, Snot sausage, Soldier, Solicitor General, Soul pole, Soupcan, Sour cream rifle, Snake, Snapper slapper, Snozwanger, Spackle hammer, Spam dagger, Spam javelin, Spanky, Spelunker, Spelunking sausage, Sperm burper, Sperm spitter, Spermin' Herman, Sperminator, splattering ram, Spongey-headed warrior, Spoo shooter, Sprout, Spunk blaster, Spunk spitter, Spunk stick, Spunk trunk, Spunker, Spurt Reynolds, Squinty blowpop, Stanley the powertool, Stick 'o' salami, Stick, Stick shift, Sticky shooter, Stiff one-eye, Stiff sausage, Stiffy, Stink hammer, Stomach wrench, Strawberry snake, Stretch Johnson,, Stretchy and the twins, Strumpet thumper, Stubby, Sugar stick, Superschlong of love, Super soaker, Suspect, The, Sweet meat, Swelling mushroom, Swingin' death, Swingin' Nixon, Swingin' sirloin, Swizzle stick, Swollen blood bomber.
Taco warmer, Tadger, Tallywhacker, Tankslapper, Tapioca sprinkler, Tassle, Teeter, Tennessee throatwarmer, Tent PEG, Tent pole, Texas trout banger, Thadge navigator, Thingamabob, Thing(y), Third arm of justice, Third leg, Thomas, Thor's hammer, Three inch punisher, Three's company, Thrill drill, Throat choker, Throat spackler, Throbbing blood sword, Throbbing horse, Throbbing purple pneumatic drill of love, Throbbing purple spear of destiny, Throbbing python of love, Thumper, Thunderstick, Tickle tail, Tickle Toby, Tiddlywinker, Tingler, Tinkie Winkie, Tiny Elvis, Tiny Tim, Titmouse, Tobias the cheeky monkey, Tockley, Todger, Tom Jones, Tom Slick, Tonka, Tonsil tickler, Tonsil toothbrush, Tool, Tool of the Patriarchy, Torch of Cupid, Totem pole, Tower of power, Tree of life, Trembling torpedo, Trombone, Troublemaker, Trouser flute, Trouser hawg, Trouser mouse, Trouser snake, Trouser tortoise, Trouser trombone, Trouser trout, Trout baster, Trout tickler, Tuba, Tube steak, Tummy banana, Tummy buster, Tuna baster, Tuna fisher, Tunnel tickler, Turd burglar, Turgid member, Turkey neck, Turtle, expander, torquer, torpedo, washer, Tweeder, Twelve inch train of pain, Twig, Twig 'n' berries, Twig n' giggle berries, Twiggy, Twinkie, Twizzler of Love, The, Two-legged sword, Two pebbles and a twig, Two pounds of swinging meat.
Ugly brother, Ugly stick, Uncle Chunk, Uncle , Uncle Reamus, Uncle Richard, Uncle Spunk, Uncle Throbby, Uncle Wiggly, Unit, Upright citizen, Upright organ, Upright uncle, Uterus unicorn.
Vagina miner, Vaginal dilator, Vaginal explorer, Vein-laden meat pipe, Vein-laden meat stick, Veinous Maximus, Veiny bangstick, Veiny Meat Dagger, Verga, Vertical dangler, Verve pipe, Viagra baby, Vicious dink, Virile member, Vlad the Impaler, Vomit rod, Vomiting dummy.
Wacker, Waldo, Walloper, Wally, Wally the one-e wonder wiener, Wand of light, wang, WANGDOODLE, Wife's best friend, Wife's worst enemy, Wigga wagga, Wiggedy wang, Wiggity wang, Wiggle stick, Wiggling worm, Wilbert, Wilbur, Willard, Willy, Willy Wonka, Womb broom, Womb hammer, Womb raider, Womb scud, Womb warrior, Wonder down under, Wonder weiner, Wonder wick, Wonder worm, Wong, Wonga, Wood, Woodle, Woody, Wookie, Worm in a roll-neck pullover, Wormy McJuicemaker, Wriggling pole, Wrinklebeast.
Xcaliber, XTC Stick.
Yang, Yard O' Beef, Yin(g) yang, Yogurt hose, Yogurt shooter, Yogurt slinger, Your Penis.
Zamboner, Zamboni baloney, Zapper wrench, Zipper ripper, Zipper trout, Zipper wookie.
submitted by Sausage_fingies to copypasta [link] [comments]

2023.05.11 01:17 its_vf Peter Sumich: As Fremantle Dockers lose grip on premiership hopes, they could also lose grip on Sean Darcy
Fremantle are rapidly losing grip on finals hopes and their premiership planning is in for a jolt with 24-year-old Sean Darcy considering his future in the west.
Darcy’s management in Victoria is flaunting his services around AFL inner circles as he seriously considers moving home.
The recruitment of Luke Jackson and Darcy’s growing doubts on winning a flag soon at Fremantle have prompted one of the game’s top ruckmen to reconsider where best to continue his blossoming career.
Darcy is even in talks to change his agent to intensify negotiations and decide whether to honour a contract which runs until the end of 2027, or go onto the trade market.
And while Darcy contemplates his future, teammate Nat Fyfe in a painstaking injury recovery and a diminishing price on his playing value.
The Dockers superstar, 31, needs to be playing and through the midfield to keep his bargaining chips at a high price during contract talks at Fremantle and while he evaluates mounting interstate options.
His return into an up and down Dockers outfit, new deal negotiations and robust talks on a prospective move will rage on this season.
Fyfe served notice of his worth to Fremantle’s midfield strategies when the clearances specialist in just 40 minutes on the ground in his return to action against Hawthorn on Saturday night.
His 10 disposals, a couple of clearances and a typically bullocking snap goal turned the clock back on Fyfe’s potential influence.
Darcy is consulting a tight circle of friends that he unfortunately has doubts about a Dockers premiership soon because of a dramatic decline in playing style.
Fremantle’s management will deny this and claim he is happy at Cockburn.
Knowing how clubs handle such speculation, Dockers bosses will likely instruct Darcy to publicly swear his unconditional allegiance to Fremantle and their flag hopes.
But with matches against Sydney (SCG), reigning premiers Geelong (Optus) and then Melbourne (MCG), the Dockers could be well and truly out of finals calculations by their round 12 break.
That’s when talks between Darcy’s managers and other clubs will heat up.
These types of negotiations play out in secret across a season and eventually come out with everyone “shocked at the move” by trade time in October.
Eastern States-based recruiters are abuzz with the very real prospect of such a frontline tap ruckman being on the market — why wouldn’t other clubs chase him?
Darcy ended round eight as this season’s most prolific ruck force, ahead of Adelaide gun Reilly O’Brien and in-form Bulldogs big fella Tim English.
He is No.1 for hit-outs at around 42 per game, with 11 going to advantage, plus racks up 15 disposals an outing with a couple of contested marks each week.
He appeals as a priority target for AFL powerhouses Geelong, but agents acting for Darcy are also canvassing all potential suitors in Melbourne.
Darcy has made it known to management and his close friends that any club in Victoria is appealing to him, with a priority in the switch back closer to home.
Even Essendon have a treasure chest of salary cap cash available to attract at least one and possibly two big guns. The Bombers’ pursuit of a premier ruck star to back up Sam Draper could attract offers of around $1.2 million each season.
This is off the back of Michael Hurley retiring and Dyson Heppell taking a pay cut.
He has even prompted discrete, though indirect, inquiries from St Kilda, which is led by his former coach Ross Lyon.
Ex-Docker Brad Hill seems to be in regular communication with former teammates and is apparently reporting appealing changes in Lyon’s coaching and personnel management styles and telling them it is just a fun club to go to.
That is further tempting Darcy to contemplate what would be a shock switch.
Top Dockers defender Luke Ryan has been hit with similar open-ended encouragement from close friends to go back to his home State and take up playing under his old coach at St Kilda.
Livewire Michael Walters, who is a close friend of Hill’s and has a close player coach relationship to Lyon that is second to none, is also unrestricted at the end of this season and could walk into the Saints if he was offered a two-year contract with an optional third.
Ryan, 27, is the least likely Docker to leave though, with his hefty contract security through to the end of 2027.
Geelong have a staggering ability to attract exactly what players they need to stay in title contention, regardless of their drafting strength each year.
Ace on-baller Patrick Dangerfield, star forward Jeremy Cameron, triple Hawthorn premiership winger Isaac Smith, versatile Gary Rohan and last year’s All-Australian small goal-shark Tyson Stengle are standout recruiting coups in recent years.
Darcy, especially, will now rise in priority in their attempts to lure him home, as premiership ruckman Rhys Stanley, at almost 33, and imported back-up big man Jonathon Ceglar, 32, head closer to retirement.
Dockers’ decision makers will need to carefully consider how to accommodate recruiting highly-touted WA young ruck Mitchell Edwards at this year’s draft if Darcy and Jackson are both still at Fremantle.
Geelong are competition masters and trendsetters in highly effective long term list management.
They will already have firm sights and even claws into any potential Darcy switch back to his home town, whether it’s from next year or somewhere into his lucrative contract as he continues to evolve as one of the game’s top ruck forces.
The sooner Darcy does look at moving out of Fremantle, the greater his already enormous trading worth becomes — he will command significant value in swaps for crucial draft picks.
Getting back into early draft positions will bolster Fremantle’s list management policy of attracting the best young talent from around the country that yielded Andrew Brayshaw, Caleb Serong, Hayden Young, Ryan and Brennan Cox in recent seasons.
Dockers’ list management team and football boss Peter Bell must act aggressively to get back into top draft positions on the back of aggressively trading out last year’s first pick (at number 15) as well as this year’s first round pick to Melbourne and a second round selections for the draft in November.
Fremantle surrendered the top-end draft picks to surprisingly win Jackson back home.
Releasing Darcy, securing next generation rising ruck star Edwards and even letting Fyfe chase an elusive premiership interstate immediately hands Fremantle a strong draft hand.
Fyfe, who will be an unrestricted free agent at the end of this season, and his management have admitted wanting constructive talks on prospects of a new deal beyond this season, when his multi-million-dollar seven-year deal runs out.
Make no mistake, there are other AFL outfits around the nation closely monitoring Fyfe’s return to action and whether to enter any tug-of-war on his next few years as a player.
That’s despite him playing just 38 of a possible 71 games since winning his second Brownlow Medal back in 2019.
Opposition clubs will watch just how significantly Fyfe strikes back to somewhere approaching his most dangerous influence in games over the next three weeks as the Dockers’ finals plans for 2023 are probably decided.
It still swirls around my circles that the champion midfielder is on Sydney’s radar. Swift and strong action behind the scenes now will suit Fyfe and a Dockers recruiting strategy for later this year.
Move now to secure a healthy trade for Fyfe and it can suit Fremantle and Sydney, who have an appealing, young player list.
With retirement imminent for champion forward Lance Franklin and hard-nut follower Luke Parker, they will be in desperate need of big-bodied support around congestion on the tight SCG.
Which is why it sits as an ideal destination for Fyfe.
Sydney will stay firmly around leading candidates to win a flag somewhere in the next few years, even though they are stumbling so far into this season’s campaign after last year’s horrible grand final 81-point drubbing from Geelong.
Fyfe is confessing among his closest friends that he sternly craves a premiership to round out his glittering but injury-troubled career.
If he’s fit and playing regularly, and most of all playing well, Fyfe comfortably suits a Swans’ title model as aged stars leave Sydney and emerging guns hit their blossoming careers.
Sometimes it’s about cutting the old tree down so the young ones can grow and breathe properly.
submitted by its_vf to FremantleFC [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 15:35 stonescoldtakes NFL Update and Draft Grades: 04/24/2023 - 04/30/2023

— Individual Team News + Draft Grades + Stone’s Cold Takes
— Miscellaneous/Other NFL News
— Restaurant of the Week - Cleveland
Arizona Cardinals: DRAFT GRADE - A
The Cardinals this draft needed to load up on good quality picks to allow them to build a team in wake of their recent departures, future departures, and just holes in general they had to fill. With that said I feel that they did a pretty dang good job. Paris Johnson will be a significant addition and Clayton Tune was a sneaky good quarterback pick who may end up needing to start for the first half of the season while Kyler Murray rehabs from injury. This was a very well rounded draft for the Cardinals and should set them up well again for next years draft so they have a better chance to compete in the 2024 NFL season.
Atlanta Falcons: DRAFT GRADE - B+
Definitely made things exciting when taking RB Bijan Robinson. I like the pick because it is fun but am skeptical about a running back going off the board so early. I feel like they should have gone Jalen Carter since he was still available. Either way it was a solid draft for the Falcons and they should get some good production out of these rookies. I loved that they used one of their early round picks on Matthew Bergeron, I think the key thing to note here is that they are doing everything they can to make Desmond Ridder’s life as easy as possible and if he can’t get it done with what is around him this year then it will be easy for them to move on next year.
Baltimore Ravens: DRAFT GRADE - B+
The draft kind of felt like an afterthought because of the extension Lamar Jackson signed. Great job to the Ravens and Lamar for getting the deal done. It also shifted the focus of the draft and made everyone want to watch and see what they got done for Jackson. Drafting WR Zay Flowers was something that probably made him very happy and then getting the two offensive lineman for their last two picks was a great move, especially Andrew Vorhees who dropped because of his injury but should make a fully recovery before the season and was ranked one of the top at his position prior to injury. I gave them a B+ though for their middle of the pack picks they used on the defensive side of the ball. Feel like they could have been a little smarter with those and gotten an edge defender.
Buffalo Bills: DRAFT GRADE - A
I loved their first pick. Dalton Kincaid is listed as a tight end but really probably can be considered more of a big slot receiver. He has to work on his blocking more but is a great weapon for Josh Allen because he was great at Utah in finding the holes in the defense. He was definitely the best pass-catching tight end in this years draft! Other picks by the Bills that I appreciated were the two along the offensive line. This team needed to get deeper and more there. Justin Shorter could be a fun pick to watch as well as he offers another big target that can make plays. Overall great draft for the Bills but makes me feel like they are going to be the ones who end up landing DeAndre Hopkins.
Carolina Panthers: DRAFT GRADE - A
They made the smart choice with the first overall pick and in the second round got the best wide receiver in the draft in my mind. Jonathan Mingo stood out on Ole Miss last year even while playing with erratic QB play from Jaxson Dart. He will go a long way in helping Bryce Young settle in and feel more comfortable. DJ Johnson was also a great pick and should develop nicely getting to work with some of the veterans on defense.
Chicago Bears: DRAFT GRADE - B
Underwhelming last fews days for the Bears. I feel like everyone was so excited for them in free agency and I don’t feel like they got that much better and then in the draft everyone was so excited for them because they had so many picks but definitely feel like they missed on a few picks. Only time will tell but their first pick was one I really liked with OT Darnell Wright because they need to do what they can to keep Fields from having to bail out of the pocket every time he snaps the ball. If they can help him to have a clean pocket it would show them whether he will be able to become a pocket passer or not. Noah Sewell was a great late round addition and it will be fun for him to get to play his brother twice a year. Other than that, a lot of draft picks and hopefully they make the team better this year.
Cincinnati Bengals: DRAFT GRADE - B+
Loved the early round focus here on defense after bolstering the o-line a bit in free agency. Their defense was key in keeping the Bills down in the playoffs and could be a difference maker for them in the long run. I also thought they were able to get some good value offensive picks later in the draft. It will be interesting to see what Chase Brown’s role end ups looking like depending on what happens with the Joe Mixon situation.
Cleveland Browns: DRAFT GRADE - C
Overall this was a fine draft for them but not great. I liked the pick of Dawand Jones though and getting him in round 4 was great value. Just based on size alone he was worth the pick and should prove to be an anchor if he develops properly. I know some folks are high on Cedric Tillman too out of Tennessee so hopefully he can find his way back after an injury shortened season that allowed for WR Jalin Hyatt to emerge. Feel like a tight end would have been a nice addition to have in this draft and a little more o-line help early in the draft.
Dallas Cowboys: DRAFT GRADE - A-
This was a tough team to grade because their rival probably had the best draft out of everybody. However, when I was looking back through my notes I always had Mazi Smith higher than most and think he has a never quit motor that will fit in well on the defense. Schoonmaker is a good addition at tight end even though I think a lot of Cowboys fans may have been hoping they could get Kincaid, I think Schoonmaker will fit the run heavy offensive because he is a better blocker. It was a great moment getting to see Deuce Vaughn’s dad give him the call to tell him they were going to draft him and I am excited to see Viliami Fehoko when he gets to rotate in on the Cowboys defense. These guys will be fun to see in the offseason and how things all shake out for them.
Denver Broncos: DRAFT GRADE - D+
I didn’t love what they did in free agency and was not a fan of their draft. I think that Marvin Mims was overrated and no one really jumped out to me as a great pick. Also, they still have work to do along the offensive and defensive lines and they did not spend a pick until their last one on either one of those. I am excited for Sean Payton to take over this team but haven’t been thrilled with the moves made thus far.
Detroit Lions: DRAFT GRADE - C-
I liked the Lions draft a lot less before they traded De’Andre Swift. After doing that it felt a little better to me but I still believe drafted Jahmyr Gibbs way too early. I am not saying he won’t be great but he would have been available later in the draft. I feel like there were better value picks than Jack Campbell as well but I understand that linebacker may have been their biggest need in the draft. I would have loved to see them get Van Ness at 12 and then maybe still take Campbell where they did. Then they could have taken Gibbs in the early second round or traded up to get him late in the first round and taken a tight end later in the 2nd round. Overall though I imagine the Lions will go on to prove me wrong and that they made all the right choices. I hope they do because I am a big fan of HC Dan Campbell.
Green Bay Packers: DRAFT GRADE - B-
A lot of expectations for this team after trading away long time starter QB Aaron Rodgers. A lot of rumors floating around that they would take a first round wide receiver for the first time because it was the draft right after Rodgers left. They did not and made a better move in getting Van Ness. Other than that though nothing jumped off the page to me with their draft but was definitely good in the sense that they had a lot of picks and spread them out across different needs. Time will tell though if the players drafted will actually help them meet those needs or not.
Houston Texans: DRAFT GRADE - C+
I liked the excitement draft night but it felt like a lot for them to give up to be able to have the #3 pick as well. Great first 2 picks if you ask anyone besides me but then after that I feel like things were a bit lackluster. I am still thinking that QB Davis Mills is likely every bit as good as CJ Stroud and prefer that they would have drafted and built around him which means they wouldn’t have had to trade up to #3 and could have just drafted Anderson. The other thing that I think could have helped them more was to trade back and get some more picks because they need weapons on offense and they only drafted one. There is a big hole after Brandin Cooks left and outside of him a quarterback did not really have much else last year. I imagine this team will be towards the bottom of the league again this year.
Indianapolis Colts: DRAFT GRADE - A
The Colts are going to be exciting again this offseason. I am all for the Anthony Richardson pick and I think if any coach is going to help him hit his ceiling it is going to be Shane Steichen. Also, I loved the Josh Downs pick and they got him later than I thought he would be available. I think he was a top 3 receiver in this draft and is going to be a solid day one contributor. On the this offense he will have to be with the limited number of options they have in the passing game. Blake Freeland was another great pick and should get the help he needs to develop from the current guys on the o-line in Indy. Overall great draft by the Colts and expect some excitement from this team if Anthony Richardson can catch on sooner rather than later.
Jacksonville Jaguars: DRAFT GRADE - B
Loved the Anton Harrison pick and getting another running back in Tank Bigsby. I think he is better than a lot of people had him because he played on a bad team and didn’t get the attention he deserved. Overall though this draft was one for them to load up on talent on both sides of the ball and that is what they did. Will be fun to watch things shake out this offseason and how Trevor Lawrence gels with some of the new guys on offense.
Kansas City Chiefs: DRAFT GRADE - B
Usually I feel like the Chiefs have the best draft and just make me feel terrible because they just keep getting richer. However, I have to say with this draft I felt a lot better about my team’s chances this season. They did not draft one of the big name receivers and I don’t really know how good I feel about their first pick. Wanya Morris though made a lot of sense and the rest of their draft overall made sense but didn’t make me scared like in years past. I imagine though come the start of the season I will be back to worrying for the rest of the league because of how good this team is going to be.
Las Vegas Raiders: DRAFT GRADE - A-
Feels like for the past several years the Raiders did not do well in the draft but I thought did pretty dang good this year. They have an uphill battle this season with the teams in their division but having Crosby and first round draft pick Wilson on the outside of the line should help bring some of those quarterbacks back down to Garoppolo’s level. Michael Mayer is a great pick and someone that will fit in with an offense well that is built more for Jimmy’s strengths. I also liked the Aidan O’Connell pick quite a bit and getting him late in the draft rather than the Raiders trying to get one of the top quarterbacks early. If they need a top quarterback they can try and reach next year but it was smart of them to hang back and see if they could find someone late that can be a producer.
Los Angeles Chargers: DRAFT GRADE - B
Great first pick here to give Herbert a young big bodied target to complement the older guys on the roster. The rest of the draft was not all that exciting but was not bad either. Hence the reason for the B grade. QB Max Duggan was a bit of a head scratcher for me because they have Easton Stick who appears to be a solid backup. Maybe they can use him in more of Taysom Hill type role.
Los Angeles Rams: DRAFT GRADE - A
Great draft overall by the Rams despite the lack of top picks. I don’t know if anyone necessarily stands out over everyone else because I feel like their task was to get as many potential players on both sides of the ball as possible. The Stetson Bennett pick was exciting because he won the national championship in LA, Stafford was also a Bulldog QB, and he provides them with a backup option and potentially someone to transition to after Stafford finishes his career. I think Puka Nacua could be a great value pick for them and complement the offense well. It will be great for him getting to work with Cooper Kupp.
Miami Dolphins: DRAFT GRADE - B
Nothing too crazy stood out here. It sounds like they are still poking around about RB Dalvin Cook but did a good job insulating themselves in case that doesn’t happen. Liked the Elijah Higgins pick as well but don’t feel like the Dolphins really had that many holes to fill going into the draft.
Minnesota Vikings: DRAFT GRADE - B+
Overall solid draft here. I liked that they didn’t try and get a QB too early and think Jaren Hall was the perfect pick because he is someone late in the draft who can develop behind Kirk Cousins without attracting all of the media coverage. Jordan Addison while not my favorite receiver this draft makes sense in this offense and will benefit from being opposite Justin Jefferson. I really like that they focused on defense with their 2nd thru 4th picks in the draft because that was the main area of need for them. It will be exciting to see how those guys drafted and the rest of the defense respond to Brian Flores.
New England Patriots: DRAFT GRADE - A
Great pick to start the draft for them in getting Christian Gonzalez. It seems like they always find a way to get or have really good corners. I love the Marte Mapu pick as well and think he is one of those guys who’s engine just never stops running at full speed. Keion White could have a big impact and should get coached up well this offseason. Overall I thought this was a great draft and the only thing I may have done differently but don’t disagree with what they did was maybe try and draft a receiver a little earlier to help out either of the young quarterbacks more.
New Orleans Saints: DRAFT GRADE - B+
I really liked Kendre Miller and think he is a great get for them especially since Alvin Kamara has had his issues legally. Otherwise, Jake Haener was a great pick and someone that was compared to Drew Brees during the draft day coverage. He will benefit a lot from playing behind Carr. This team needed to go defense early and did just that so can’t complain there. Excited to see what the offense will look like now with Carr.
New York Giants: DRAFT GRADE - B-
Great value picks for the Giants in getting Jalin Hyatt and Eric Gray. The Giants have a lot of options on offense now but none that necessarily can do it all as a wide receiver. Hyatt is someone who has a limited route tree but is very smooth and could develop nicely into a complete WR. Eric Gray depending on how things continue to progress with Barkley could slot in well with the team and allow them to have a young and healthy spark there. Wish they would have gone with a big tight end in the draft to complement Waller but overall can’t complain too much with the Giants and the draft.
New York Jets: DRAFT GRADE - B
Draft didn’t feel like all that big of a deal after getting Aaron Rodgers similar to how it felt in Baltimore. However, I thought it was smart of them to start with defense and then get Aaron Rodgers a couple more pieces on the offensive line as he continues to get older and become less mobile. I thought this was a solid draft but that after getting Rodgers there wasn’t much of a need for other positions in this draft for them.
Philadelphia Eagles: DRAFT GRADE - A+
This team won the draft and did so relying on the the national champion Georgia Bulldogs again this year. Both of their first two picks should not have been available when they got them but perfectly replace folks they lost on defense. Jalen Carter has the potential to be a top player on the d-line and Nolan Smith with his speed and athleticism has shown he can be impactful in both the run and pass game. Kelee Ringo has major upside when it comes to just refining his craft and Tyler Steen should help out along the o-line. Fantastically executed draft by Howie Roseman and co. Eagles just got scarier!
Pittsburgh Steelers: DRAFT GRADE - A
Steelers were the other team that I thought challenged the Eagles for the best draft. They did a great job early shoring up holes they had on both sides of the ball and then got Kenny Pickett a great target in TE Darnell Washington. I know that he was overshadowed last year by Brock Bowers but has the ability to be a difference maker especially since he is basically always open with the height advantage he has. The Steelers are going to be a hard nose football team again this year and should benefit from Pickett having a full year under his belt now.
San Francisco 49ers: DRAFT GRADE - C
It kind of feels like this organization is a mess all the time but still manage to win consistently. If you read the media headlines you never know who the starting quarterback is, never know who is actually happy to be on this team, and a whole lot more but somehow ownership and the coaches seem to figure it out to give the team a deep playoff run each year. I liked the Ji’Ayir Brown and Darrell Luter picks. Other than that I thought they may have been reaching a bit with Jake Moody and Cameron Latu. Can’t complain though too much about the Moody pick because they needed a kicker and probably got the best one to come out of college in the last few years. Also, Robert Beal could be sneaky good for the Niners but a lot of unknowns.
Seattle Seahawks: DRAFT GRADE - A
Pete Carroll is a great head coach and knows how to draft. It feels like every year the Seahawks do a good job with the draft. Devon Witherspoon is a stud and while I don’t think many were expecting them to take Smith-Njigba he makes perfect sense in this offense and gives Geno Smith another great weapon to attack defenses with. RB Charbonnet was a great pick and can be a great second option behind Kenneth Walker. I could go down the whole list of these guys and just be happy with where and when they got all of them. The Seahawks are definitely emerging more and more as the likely top competition for the Niners this season.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers: DRAFT GRADE - A
The Buccaneers did a great job of getting big and strong football players. The first 5 guys they got should all be able to go toe to toe with anyone they have to line up against. With their final three picks I liked it because I feel like they got some more high upside guys that need a bit of refinement but kind of flew under the radar last year due to their teams having pieces elsewhere or just not being that great. Payne Durham is going to be an interesting one to watch because I could see him really fitting in well if Mayfield ends up winning the job as most expect.
Tennessee Titans: DRAFT GRADE - A
Great draft by the Titans after an offseason that had a lot of turmoil and rumors. Peter Skoronski was the perfect pick for them early and the fact that they were still able to get Levis in the second round has to make them very very happy. It was an all offense draft which I did not expect from a Mike Vrabel led team and with a GM who just came over from the Niners but it appears they know what they are doing. It will be fun to watch how far Levis moves up that depth chart this offseason since he is starting out as QB3.
Washington Commanders: DRAFT GRADE - B
I know the Commander pride themselves on having a good defense but I thought this might have been the year to go offensive line and tight end with your top 2-3 picks to support a young quarterback. They did end up getting a couple offensive lineman and got a sleeper in my mind in RB Chris Rodriguez. He can be a game changer and is going to be a great complement to Brian Robinson and Antonio Gibson.
Miscellaneous/Other NFL News:
Restaurant of the Week: (Cleveland - Danny's Deli and Restaurant)
Not going to lie this week was one that I had to think about because it had been a while since I had visited Cleveland. Was actually there a while back to watch Lebron play during his second stint with the Cavs. This Deli though is a must visit. They are known for their Corned Beef and have both breakfast and lunch options but close at 2pm so don’t expect to go there for dinner. Here it is best to go with the Hot Corned Beef and a side of fries. The nice thing too is that this is only about a mile away from the stadium so you will have easy access on game day.
submitted by stonescoldtakes to nfl [link] [comments]

2023.04.21 23:49 VestronVideo Rebooking WCW (February 1998 Part 1)

In this issue:
List of Champions:
  • WCW Heavyweight Champion: "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels
  • WCW Jr. Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero
  • WCW Television Champion: Mongo McMichael
  • WCW Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner)
Previous issues:
*January 19th WCW Monday Nitro was cancelled due to the NBA Finals.

WCW Monday Nitro - February 2nd, 1998

Jacksonville, FL

Opening Segment:
As the nWo enters the arena, the fans in attendance are booing and jeering them loudly, expressing their displeasure towards the heel faction. The camera pans to the announce team of Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko, and Bobby Heenan, who discuss the volatile situation within the nWo and how it could potentially affect the landscape of WCW. The nWo members, dressed in matching black and white shirts, strut their way to the ring, displaying a sense of unity that has been missing from the group in recent weeks. Hollywood Hogan, the leader of the faction, grabs a microphone and begins to address the crowd. Hogan criticizes the recently departed nWo members, Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, calling them traitors and losers for abandoning the group. He says that they were never true nWo members, and that they were only in it for their own personal gain. Hogan then turns his attention to Michaels, promising to give him a big surprise tonight that will change the course of the nWo forever.
Match 1: Eddie Guerrero (c) vs. Psychosis - WCW Jr. Heavyweight Championship match
Eddie Guerrero puts on a thrilling defense of his WCW Jr. Heavyweight Championship against Psychosis in a fast-paced match. The two high-flyers exchange high-risk moves and counters, with the match culminating in Guerrero hitting his signature Frog Splash from the top rope for the victory and to retain his championship.
Backstage Segment:
Chris Jericho is seen backstage amped up. He approaches a group of luchadores and starts bragging about how he's the true savior of WCW and the only one who can stop the nWo. The luchadores look at him with confusion, not quite understanding what he's talking about. Jericho continues his rant, saying that he's the one who will lead WCW to glory and defeat the nWo once and for all. The luchadores still don't seem to comprehend what Jericho is going on about, and they slowly start to walk away, leaving Jericho alone with his delusions of grandeur.
Match 2: The Steiner Brothers and High Voltage vs. The Flock (Raven, Saturn, Kidman, and Kanyon)
In a chaotic eight-man tag team match, The Steiner Brothers and High Voltage faced off against Raven, Saturn, Kidman, and Kanyon. The match started off with a brawl, as all eight men entered the ring and started trading blows. The action quickly spilled to the outside, with Rick Steiner and Saturn battling around the ring while Scott Steiner and Raven took their fight into the crowd. Eventually, the match settled down into a more traditional tag team format, with Rick and Scott taking control of the match with their power and technique. However, Raven and his team fought back with their high-flying and innovative offense, with Kidman and Kanyon delivering some impressive double-team maneuvers. In the end, it was the Steiner Brothers who emerged victorious, as they hit a devastating Steiner Bulldog on Kidman for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Segment:
The camera cuts backstage where we see Sting, DDP, and Ric Flair in a heated discussion. They discuss the recent attacks by the nWo, highlighting their destructive nature and the need to unite against them. Flair, a legendary wrestler, stresses the importance of loyalty and fighting for their promotion. Sting, on the other hand, suggests that they need to strategize more, to which DDP concurs. Just then, the camera pans to reveal The Giant approaching them. He sympathizes with their plight and offers to help, highlighting his own frustrations with the nWo's antics. Sting looks at Flair, and Flair nods in approval, indicating that The Giant has their trust.
Match 3: Chris Jericho vs. El Dandy
Jericho dominates early on with his quick strikes and technical prowess, but Dandy refuses to back down and fights back with a series of high-flying maneuvers. Jericho's frustration begins to show as Dandy manages to avoid several of his signature moves, and he resorts to underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand. However, Dandy catches him off guard with a surprise roll-up pin and nearly secures the victory. Jericho manages to kick out at the last second and regains control with a brutal Liontamer submission hold, forcing Dandy to tap out and giving Jericho the hard-fought win.
Chris Jericho gets a microphone after the match and demands a shot at Eddie Guerrero's WCW Jr. Heavyweight Title, but Eric Bischoff tells him that he has to earn it. Bischoff announces that Jericho will face Dean Malenko in a best of seven series, with the winner getting the title shot. Jericho looks frustrated but accepts the challenge, vowing to prove that he's the better man. Malenko appears on stage and accepts the challenge as well, saying that he's beaten Jericho before and he'll do it again. The series promises to be an intense battle between two of WCW's best technical wrestlers.
Backstage Segment:
In a backstage segment, Hulk Hogan is seen talking to Eric Bischoff and The Disciple. Hogan says that he has a big surprise for Shawn Michaels tonight, but he had to go to some unscrupulous places to find someone to make a "hit". Bischoff looks uneasy and warns Hogan about the potential consequences of making such a move. Hogan brushes off Bischoff's concerns and says that he knows what he's doing. The Disciple nods in agreement and they walk off camera, leaving Bischoff looking worried.
Match 4: Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Tokyo Magnum versus Silver King, Super Calo, and Hector Garza
Before the match, Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Tokyo Magnum try to lighten the mood by challenging the luchadores to a dance-off. However, the luchadores just shrug off the challenge and get straight into the ring, eager to get the match started. The match quickly becomes aggressive as both teams fight for dominance. At one point Tokyo Magnum performs a Springboard Moonsault to a standing Hector Garza. Despite a few high-flying moves from the luchadores, Magnum, Inferno, and Wright manage to stay in control and secure the win with a triple team move on Super Calo.
Backstage Segment:
The Kliq are shown talking backstage, with Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash discussing Hogan's threats against them. Michaels, as the WCW Heavyweight Champion, confidently states that he's ready for anything that Hogan and the nWo might throw their way. Hall agrees, saying that they've been through this before and they'll come out on top once again. Nash adds that they'll be keeping an eye out for any tricks or surprises that Hogan might have up his sleeve, but he's not worried. The three of them fist-bump, showing their solidarity in the face of the nWo's threats.
Match 5: Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys
The match starts with some back and forth action between both teams, with the Nasty Boys getting the upper hand early on. They isolate Stevie Ray in their corner and work him over with frequent tags and double team maneuvers. However, Stevie Ray manages to make a comeback and tags in Booker T, who unleashes a flurry of high-flying moves on the Nasty Boys. Despite the Nasty Boys' efforts to regain control, Booker T hits a series of power moves on them, leading up to a big scissors kick on Sags for the win. Harlem Heat celebrates in the ring as the Nasty Boys recover on the outside.
Main Event: The Kliq (Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash) vs. The nWo (Hollywood Hogan, The Disciple, Brian Adams, and Vincent) - Handicap Tag Match
The match between The Kliq and The nWo starts with intense action, as both teams exchange blows and try to gain the upper hand. Michaels, Hall, and Nash seem to have the advantage early on, but Hogan and his crew quickly turn the tide with their power and experience. The match eventually descends into chaos, with all seven men brawling inside and outside the ring. Suddenly, Hogan's "surprise" is revealed to be none other than "The Professional" Bret Hart, who comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. However, the crowd is soon shocked when Hart attacks Shawn Michaels, assaulting him with brutal punches and leaving him lying motionless in the ring. Nash and Hall give chase to Hart as he disappears through the crowd, leaving Hogan and his cronies to celebrate their victory by default.

WCW Monday Nitro - February 9th, 1998

New Orleans, LA

Opening Segment:
The show kicks off with Eric Bischoff, the owner of the WCW, standing in the middle of the ring, surrounded by the nWo. Bischoff builds up the anticipation for the upcoming pay-per-view event, WCW Soul'd Out 1998, by announcing an explosive main event match that will feature Bret Hart, Hollywood Hogan, and a mystery partner taking on The Kliq (Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall). Bischoff boasts that this match will go down in history as the biggest and most important in WCW's history, and that the nWo will emerge victorious, further solidifying their dominance over the entire company. He also announces that tonight DDP & Flair will take on The Outsiders, maybe they can soften them up a bit. However, before the segment ends, Syxx suddenly jumps in the ring and interrupts the segment. He pleads on the mic to unite the two factions, stressing the importance of working together in order to ensure their success at the upcoming event.
Match 1: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon
The match between Rey Mysterio Jr and Ultimo Dragon starts with both competitors sizing each other up. They exchange some quick moves, with Mysterio Jr hitting some fast-paced high-flying moves, and Ultimo Dragon using his technical wrestling skills. Mysterio Jr gains the upper hand and hits Ultimo Dragon with a springboard hurricanrana, but Ultimo Dragon counters with a dragon sleeper. Mysterio Jr manages to escape and hits Ultimo Dragon with a top rope hurricanrana, followed by the West Coast Pop for the win.
Backstage Segment:
Chris Jericho stands in front of the camera, with a determined look on his face. He adjusts his ring gear and takes a deep breath before speaking. "Tonight, Dean Malenko and I start a best of seven series," he says. "And let me tell you, I am going to win this thing. I am going to prove to Eric Bischoff that I am not just some mid-card wrestler, that I am a main event player. And what better way to do that than by beating the man of 1,000 holds himself? Dean Malenko, I respect you. You are a great wrestler, but I am better. I am going to take this series, I am going to take that title shot, and I am going to become the next WCW Jr. Heavyweight Champion." He pauses for a moment, looking directly into the camera. "And to anyone who doubts me, to anyone who thinks I don't have what it takes, all I have to say is watch me tonight. Watch me beat the snot out of Deanie Weiny, and then watch me go on to become the champion. Because that's what I do, bay-bay. I win!" With that, he walks off, ready to take on his opponent and begin the best of seven series.
Match 2: Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko (Match One of Best of Seven Series)
The bell rings, and Jericho and Malenko circle each other in the ring, trying to gain the upper hand. Malenko manages to take down Jericho with a headlock, but Jericho quickly escapes and attempts a series of quick pinfalls. Malenko counters with a backslide for a near fall. The two continue to exchange holds and maneuvers, each trying to gain the advantage. Jericho hits a dropkick that sends Malenko to the outside, and he follows it up with a plancha, taking out Malenko on the floor. But Malenko quickly recovers and goes back on the offensive, targeting Jericho's arm with a series of strikes and submissions. Jericho fights back with a series of high-flying moves, but Malenko continues to work on his arm, preventing him from executing his signature moves. Jericho finally manages to hit a Lionsault for a near fall, but Malenko is able to counter Jericho's attempt at a top-rope maneuver. With only a few minutes left, Jericho hits a series of stiff kicks and a running bulldog, but Malenko manages to kick out of the pinfall attempt. Jericho attempts to go for a hurricanrana, but Malenko counters into a powerbomb for a two count. The match ends with both men trading blows, but ultimately time runs out, resulting in a draw. Jericho looks disappointed but determined as he leaves the ring, knowing that the next six matches will be even more important if he wants to win the series and prove himself as a main event player in WCW.
Backstage Segment:
The backstage segment starts with Giant, Ric Flair, DDP, and Sting chatting with each other about tonight’s match, when suddenly they're attacked from behind by Brian Adams, The Disciple, Curt Hennig, and Buff Bagwell. The nWo members brutalize the WCW wrestlers, leaving them lying on the ground. As they walk away, Syxx appears and begins pouring booze all over the fallen wrestlers, adding insult to injury. The segment ends with the nWo members laughing and celebrating their attack on their rivals.
Match 3: Raven & Saturn vs. High Voltage (Hardcore Tornado Tag Match)
The match begins with both teams trading blows and weapons as they try to gain the upper hand. High Voltage dominates early on with their power moves and use of various weapons, but Raven and Saturn quickly gain control with their hardcore tactics. They hit High Voltage with chairs, trash cans, and even a stop sign, causing the crowd to erupt in excitement. High Voltage tries to mount a comeback, but Raven and Saturn prove too much for them, hitting them with a double team maneuver and securing the win. The match ends with Raven and Saturn standing tall as the crowd cheers their victory.
Match 4: Disco Inferno vs. Super Calo
Disco Inferno faces off against Super Calo in a quick singles match. Both wrestlers start off by trying to outdo each other with their dance moves before locking up. Calo gains the early advantage, using his quickness to evade Disco's attempts to catch him. However, Disco is able to turn the tide and uses his size and strength to ground Calo. Disco lands a series of hard-hitting moves, but Calo manages to kick out each time. Calo makes a comeback and hits Disco with a flurry of high-flying moves, but Disco is able to counter with a devastating piledriver. With Calo down, Disco goes for the pin and secures the victory. Disco celebrates by busting out some more dance moves, as Super Calo looks disappointed.
Backstage Segment:
Backstage at the arena, The Giant and Sting are seen standing together, looking quite serious. They discuss the upcoming tag team match between Ric Flair and Diamond Dallas Page against the Outsiders, and how they won't tolerate any interference or shenanigans from their nWo rivals. The Giant says that if the Outsiders try anything, he and Sting will be ready to step in and put a stop to it. Sting adds that they've had enough of the nWo's games and that it's time for them to take a stand. They both agree that Flair and DDP are their friends and that they won't let the Outsiders get the better of them. The two then head off, determined to keep a close eye on the match and make sure that justice is served.
Main Event: DDP & Flair vs. The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)
The match between Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair versus Kevin Nash and Scott Hall starts with a lot of back-and-forth action. Both teams exchange blows and make quick tags to keep the pressure on. Flair and DDP use their experience to outsmart the younger Outsiders and take control of the match. But just as they seem to be gaining the upper hand, the nWo rushes the ring and the match ends in a no-contest. Hollywood Hogan, Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, and The Disciple assault Flair, DDP, Nash, and Hall, leaving them all beaten and battered. The nWo stands tall in the end, solidifying their dominance over WCW once again.

WCW Soul’d Out 1998 - February 15th, 1998

Dallas, TX

Opening Segment:
The opening for WCW Soul'd Out 1998 begins with a video package that hypes up the highly anticipated main event, the six-man tag team match between The Kliq and Hollywood Hogan, Bret Hart, and their mystery partner. The package showcases the tension between the two factions and the importance of this match for the future of WCW. As the video comes to an end, the camera switches to the arena, where the crowd is buzzing with excitement. The announcers run down the rest of the card, highlighting the Best of Seven Series match between Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko, the fatal four-way match for the WCW Tag Team Titles, and Eddie Guerrero defending his WCW Jr. Heavyweight Title against Syxx of the nWo. The atmosphere is electric, and the anticipation is palpable as the show is set to kick off an unforgettable night of action-packed wrestling.
Match 1: Chris Jericho versus Dean Malenko (Best of Seven Series: Match 2)
The bell rings and Jericho and Malenko stare each other down in the center of the ring, both eager to gain the upper hand. Jericho starts off strong with a series of quick strikes, but Malenko manages to counter and take control with his technical wrestling skills. Jericho fights back with his high-flying abilities, hitting Malenko with a flying crossbody and a series of hurricanranas. The match goes back and forth with both men delivering punishing moves to each other. Jericho seems to be gaining the upper hand with a series of near falls, but Malenko manages to reverse a Liontamer attempt and apply his own submission hold, The Texas Cloverleaf. Jericho struggles to break free but ultimately taps out, giving Malenko the win and a 1-0 lead in the best of seven series. Both men show respect to each other after the match, knowing that this series is far from over.
Backstage Segment:
Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart are seen in their locker room preparing for the big main event match at Soul'd Out '98. They're discussing strategy and what they're going to do to take down the Kliq. Suddenly, they hear a commotion outside and a dark limousine pulls up. They both get up to investigate as the driver gets out of the car and opens the door for the mystery person inside. We can't see who it is as the camera cuts away, but Hogan and Hart seem excited and confident about their new partner. Hogan says that they now have an ace up their sleeve, and they'll use it to take down the Kliq once and for all.
Match 2: Sting & The Giant vs. Curt Hennig & Buff Bagwell
The Giant and Sting make their entrance to an enormous ovation from the crowd, followed by their opponents, Curt Hennig and Buff Bagwell. The match starts with Hennig and Bagwell trying to use their speed and agility to avoid The Giant's power. Sting tags in and the momentum shifts in favor of the WCW team as he takes control of the match. Hennig and Bagwell manage to isolate The Giant and work him over for a few minutes, but he eventually makes the hot tag to Sting. The Stinger comes in like a house on fire, hitting Stinger Splashes and Scorpion Death Drops left and right. However, the match takes an unexpected turn when Brian Adams, The Disciple, and Vincent run out to the ring to attack The Giant and Sting, causing a disqualification. As the nWo beat down on the two WCW stars, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash run down to the ring to make the save. The two sides face off, but no further action takes place as the referees and security rush in to break up the brawl.
Match 3: The Steiner Brothers © vs. Harlem Heat and Public Enemy and The Flock (Raven & Saturn) (WCW Tag Team Titles)
At Soul'd Out '98, the WCW Tag Team Titles were on the line in a fatal-four way match featuring the champions, The Steiner Brothers, taking on Harlem Heat, Public Enemy, and The Flock, represented by Raven and Saturn. The match started off as an all-out brawl, with bodies flying all over the ring and outside of it. The Steiners showcased their power, Harlem Heat displayed their tag team prowess, and Public Enemy brought their hardcore antics. Raven and Saturn used their unorthodox style to gain the upper hand, targeting Scott Steiner's injured neck. The match was chaotic with non-stop action, as all teams had their moments of dominance. The Flock was the first team to be eliminated when Saturn was pinned by Public Enemy's Johnny Grunge. Harlem Heat was then eliminated when Rick Steiner hit Booker T with a Frankensteiner and pinned him. In the end, it came down to The Steiner Brothers and Public Enemy. As Rick was setting up Rocco Rock for a powerbomb, Scott accidentally hit his own partner with a Steinerline, allowing Rocco to pin Rick for the win. Public Enemy celebrated with the titles, while The Steiners were left stunned and disappointed.
Backstage Segment:
Syxx is seen backstage with The Kliq, and they seem delighted to have him back with the group. Syxx boasts that he will win the WCW Jr. Heavyweight Title tonight, and then the nWo will be back on top where they belong. The Kliq expresses their confidence in Syxx and reminds him that they always have each other's backs. Syxx acknowledges their support and says that he's missed being part of the nWo, but now that he's back, they are unstoppable. He then heads to the ring, determined to prove himself and bring glory back to the nWo.
Match 4: Eddie Guerrero © vs. Syxx (WCW Jr. Heavyweight Championship)
Eddie started off strong, using his speed and technical ability to keep Syxx on the back foot. However, Syxx used his size and strength advantage to turn the tide and start punishing the champion. The nWo member had Eddie in trouble for a good portion of the match, wearing him down with hard-hitting moves and powerful slams. But Eddie refused to give up and eventually fought back, showcasing his resilience and heart. The match reached its climax when Eddie went for a high-risk maneuver, but Syxx dodged it and capitalized with his own high-flying move. However, Eddie kicked out at the last second, much to the crowd's delight. In the end, Eddie managed to catch Syxx off-guard with a sudden roll-up to score the pinfall and retain his title. Syxx was left stunned in the ring as Eddie celebrated with the fans, proving once again why he was one of the most beloved and talented wrestlers in WCW.
As Eddie Guerrero celebrates his hard-fought victory over Syxx, suddenly the arena lights go out, and the crowd is thrown into confusion. When the lights come back on, two men in black t-shirts and blue jeans stand over a fallen Guerrero. The crowd can barely believe their eyes as Chris Candido and Lance Storm, two ECW alumni, make their presence known in a WCW arena. They attack Guerrero from behind and leave him lying in the middle of the ring, as the crowd boos them and chants "ECW! ECW!" Candido and Storm look out at the audience, relishing in their shocking debut, as the camera fades to black.
Match 5: DDP & Ric Flair vs. The nWo (Scott Norton & Brian Adams)
Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair teamed up to take on the powerhouse duo of Brian Adams and Scott Norton. The match started off with DDP and Adams squaring off in the ring. Adams used his size advantage to overpower DDP and gain the upper hand. However, DDP fought back with his signature strikes and high-flying moves. Flair then tagged in and took the fight to Norton, but the big man from Detroit proved to be a tough opponent. The match was a back and forth affair with neither team able to gain a clear advantage. Towards the end of the match, Adams and Norton looked to have Flair in trouble, but DDP made the save with a timely Diamond Cutter. As the match continued, the nWo's Hollywood Hogan and The Giant appeared on the entrance ramp, distracting Flair and DDP. This allowed Adams and Norton to capitalize and hit their finisher on Flair for the victory. The nWo then made their way to the ring and continued the assault on Flair and DDP.
Match 6: Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, & Tokyo Magnum vs. Psicosis, El Dandy, & Damian 666
At Souled Out '99, a six-man tag team match took place between Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, and Tokyo Magnum versus Psicosis, El Dandy, and Damian 666. The match was a high-flying spectacle with both teams showcasing their impressive athleticism. Disco and Alex used their quickness to avoid the luchador's high-flying maneuvers, while Psicosis and Damian used their size and strength advantage to wear down their opponents. Tokyo Magnum proved to be a surprise standout with his impressive aerial moves, but El Dandy and Psicosis were able to ground him with a double-team maneuver. The match ended when Disco Inferno hit the Last Dance on Damian 666 and pinned him for the victory. The crowd erupted in cheers as Disco and his team celebrated their hard-fought win.
Backstage Segment:
In a backstage segment at Soul'd Out '98, Syxx is confronted by The Kliq, who tell him that he needs to leave the nWo. Syxx tries to convince his friends that they can still be part of the nWo, but Shawn Michaels cuts him off, telling him that he doesn't understand what's going on. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall both chime in, telling Syxx that they have to look out for themselves and their own interests. Syxx looks hurt and confused as he walks away, realizing that his time in the nWo is over. The Kliq looks on, satisfied that they've made the right decision, but knowing that the fallout from this decision will be huge.
Lance Storm, Chris Candido, and are backstage for an interview with Gene Okerlund. Candido is excited to be in WCW and says they're here to show everyone what the "Triple Threat" is all about. Storm says they're looking for the best competition and WCW has some of the greatest wrestlers in the world. Okerlund asks about their attack on Eddie Guerrero earlier in the night, and Candido smirks and says that was just a taste of what's to come. Storm adds that they're not here to make friends, they're here to win championships and make a name for themselves. The interview ends with Candido shouting "ECW, baby!" and Storm nodding in agreement.
Main Event: The Kliq (“The Showstopper” Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall) with Syxx versus The nWo (“Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, “The Professional” Bret Hart, and ???)
The main event of WCW Soul'd Out '98 is a highly anticipated six-man tag team match between two of the biggest factions in wrestling history: The Kliq and The nWo. The Kliq, consisting of "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall, make their way to the ring accompanied by Syxx. The nWo, on the other hand, are led by the legendary "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and "The Professional" Bret Hart, with a mystery partner yet to be revealed. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the two teams face off in the center of the ring. Suddenly, the music hits and Randy Savage makes his way down to the ring as the nWo's mystery partner, much to the delight of the crowd. The match is intense, with both teams exchanging blows and executing high-flying maneuvers. However, as the match progresses, tensions begin to rise between Shawn Michaels and his nWo teammates. In the end, the nWo gains the upper hand, with Hogan and Hart attacking Michaels and leaving him vulnerable to a finishing move from Savage, who gets the pinfall and secures the win for the nWo. The crowd erupts in cheers as Hogan, Hart, and Savage celebrate their victory, while the Kliq look on in disappointment and confusion.
As the bell rings and the match is over, the nWo celebrates their victory over The Kliq. Randy Savage plays to the crowd while Nash and Hall are recovering on the outside of the ring. But the celebration turns to chaos as the nWo attacks the prone WCW Heavyweight Champion and the Kliq. Syxx catches a beating too, and the nWo members take turns stomping and kicking Michaels, Hall, and Nash while they are down. The fans are in shock as they witness the brutal beatdown, and some even try to jump the barricade to help The Showstopper. Eventually, Bret Hart steps forward and puts Michaels into his signature Sharpshooter, causing the Michaels to pass out from the pain. The nWo stands tall over the battered and beaten body of Shawn Michaels, proving that their power and influence in WCW is as strong as ever.
submitted by VestronVideo to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2023.03.24 04:39 AlekBalderdash Handy SARNA Links to Kickstarter Units

I keep seeing people talk about the new units, but this is all a little overwhelming for newbies like myself. I thought having all of the products linked to SARNA would be helpful.
This will probably take a few edits to get perfected, but here we go:
Edit: Updated with 4M stretch goal
General Notes - Minis
The 4" Kickstarter Bonus model is of a Timber Wolf, called a "Mad Cat" by the Inner Sphere, due to the mysterious nature of the Mech at the beginning of the Clan Invasion. Some (but not all) Clan mechs picked up Inner Sphere nicknames, some of which eventually stuck better than the Clan's original names. It's a whole thing.
Point being, the Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) is on the short list for "Most Iconic Mech" in the franchise.
The early-backer bonus is the Visigoth aerospace fighter.
Record sheets for most mini packs can be found for FREE on the BattleTech Downloads page, which is different than the CGL company page for some reason. Presumably the new minis will be added around the time they get delivered.
General Notes - Other Swag & Accessories
Challenge Coins are an IRL thing. Think of collectable pins, but they're two-sided and, well, aren't pins. You can use them for deciding coin flips, or just for looking nifty.
The coins, patches, and pins all depict various Clans, Mercenary Units, or (probably), Great Houses. Read up and pick your favorite, or just go by what looks coolest!
The Map Packs have historically contained several two-sided paper(?) maps. They're fairly good, but they are paper, can get water damaged, and they are folded into quarters. The various starter kits all come with a few paper maps. Neoprene maps also exist. They're two-sided, are sold individually and appear to be very good quality for the price, but they take up a lot of storage space. They're basically giant 2ft x 3ft mousepads.
Regarding the number of minis per box: The Clans group units into 5-unit Stars, while the Inner Sphere uses 4-unit Lances, so that's why the Mechs have 4 or 5 units. The Vehicles are probably 2x Inner Sphere Lances, since (most) clans favor Mechs over combined arms.
Mercenaries Box Set
Contains 8 Mechs: Flea, Firefly, Starslayer, Chameleon, Caesar, Ostsol, Quickdraw, Devastator
Contains 4 vehicles: Maxim HHT x2, Galleon LT x2
Inner Sphere Battle Armor Lance
Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor x4
Note for newbies: A Lance of ISBA is 16 humans in powered armor, split into 4 teams (hexes) of 4 people each. Clan BA (Elementals) follow the 5-unit Star pattern with 5x5=25 humans in powered armor.
Clan Direct Fire Star
Contains 5 mechs: Grizzly, Rifleman IIC, Highlander IIC, Bane (Kraken), Phoenix Hawk IIC
Note: In the previews, the Bane looked about 1.5 hexes W.I.D.E. The legs straddled the edge of the base, with the shoulders and torso significantly wider than that. This thing is CHONK.
Clan Cavalry Star
Contains 5 mechs: Locust IIC, Jenner IIC, Griffin IIC, Shadowhawk IIC, Black Python (Viper)
Battlefield Support : Recon & Hunter
Contains 8 Vehicles: Warrior VTOL x2, Skulker WST x2, Ontos HT x2, Behemoth CV x2
Battlefield Support : Assault & Cavalry
Contains 8 Vehicles: Pegasus HT x2, Condor HT x2, Schrek PPC Tank x2, Demolisher x2
Battlefield Support : Objectives Mobile HQ
Contains 4 vehicles: Mobile Long Tom, Long Tom Trailer, MASH, Mobile HQ
Note: Three record sheets exist for the Long Tom (Gun truck, Ammo trailer, Support trailer). These can be found on the Downloads page. Not sure why we have 3 record sheets if the Long Tom only has a truck and trailer, but I guess time will tell. The image appears to have 3 trailers, so maybe you track each one individually?
Battlefield Support: Battle & Fire
Contains 8 Vehicles: Vedette MT x2, Manticore x2, SRM Carrier x2, LRM Carrier x2
Note: The LRM/SRM tanks have extra turrets, so you can do a full lance of SRMs or LRMs.
Battlefield Support: Battle & Fire
Contains 8 Vehicles: Vedette MT x2, Manticore x2, SRM Carrier x2, LRM Carrier x2
Note: The LRM/SRM tanks have extra turrets, so you can do a full lance of SRMs or LRMs.
Battlefield Support: Rifle & Command
Probably contains 8 vehicles, with 2x each of:
Von Luckner HT (x2?), Hetzer CV (x2?), Bulldog MT (x2?), SturmFeur HT (x2?)
Inner Sphere Recon Lance
Contains 4 Mechs: Javelin, Spector, Firestarter, Ostscout
Inner Sphere Pursuit Lance
Contains 4 Mechs: Dervish, Clint, Hermes II, Cicada
Inner Sphere Security Lance:
Contains 4 Mechs: Scorpion (Quad), JagerMech, Whitworth, Vulcan
Note: The Scorpion appears to have a very wide stance, taking up about 1/2 a hex for each leg?
Inner Sphere Assault Lance
Contains 4 Mechs: Goliath (Quad), Hoplite, Pillager, Shogun
Note: The Goliath is a Quad but it has vertical legs and appears to stay mostly within the hex.
Inner Sphere Heavy Recon Lance
Contains 4 Mechs: Assassin, Ostroc, Merlin, Charger
Contains "special expanded MechWarrior pilot cards" and a mix of Mechs and Vehicles:
Contains 6 Mechs: Marauder, Mad Cat W, Marauder II MAD-8K with two dorsal gun options, Loki Mk II Prime, Warhammer WHM-9K, Griffin GRF-4N
Contains "special expanded MechWarrior pilot cards"
Mercenary Salvage
Contains one random Mech, we believe the contents are any random mech listed above. Historically, distribution has been even, aka there are no Common/Uncommon/Rare mechs. Vehicles may be added later, possibly dependent on demand. We'll have to wait for official info
submitted by AlekBalderdash to battletech [link] [comments]

2023.02.17 15:41 hallach_halil Biggest standouts from 2023 East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl weeks:

Biggest standouts from 2023 East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl weeks:

The 2022/23 NFL season is officially in the books, with the Chiefs beating out the Eagles in the tremendous back-and-forth of Super Bowl LVII. So now it’s time to progress to offseason content, with free agency and a length pre-draft process.
Some people may have already missed some of that, as we had a full week between the East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl events. We have three/four days of practice and a game each to break down, to see which young prospects have already stood out and helped themselves in terms of showcasing their talents to NFL scouts.
I watched every practice period and the games, to recap everything we saw in Las Vegas and Mobile respectively, and settled on ten players on each side of the ball, which I wanted to point out as early “risers” in this process. Plus, I added a few other names, who I thought helped themselves, at the end.
Here they are:

Quarterback – Jake Haener, Fresno State

While Haener was originally a three-star recruit for Washington, he only threw 13 total passes for the Huskies, due to presence of eventual fourth-round pick Jacob Eason, before transferring to Fresno State. Across three seasons there, he completed 68.2 of his passes for just over 9000 yards and 67 touchdowns, compared to 17 interceptions. And in a quarterback class with a lot of uncertainty after the top-four I would say, I think this young man showed that he should be in the discussion for the next names up.
I thought throughout Senior Bowl – especially from day two on – Haener was easily the most consistent quarterback of the week. His second day may have been the most impressive, as he was right on point with multiple deep passes during one-on-ones, showed the ability to work through progressions in seven-on-sevens and was very accurate throwing on the move. He continued to stand above the rest on day three, with a tremendous red-zone session, putting the ball perfectly away from trailing defenders for his receivers to make a play on vertical routes, and getting the ball out just as the back-foot hit off play-action and pinning it to chest of guys crossing the field. One ball in particular stood out, when he put it high and slightly behind Purdue tight-end Payne Durham on a wheel route out of a tight stack, away from the trailing defender, for a touchdown during red-zone drills of day three – although the TE deserves credit as well for holding onto the ball through a big hit.
Obviously Haener ended up being named the Senior Bowl MVP for his performance in the game Saturday, where he went 12-of-19 for 139 yards and a touchdown, including a 44-yard score to Michael Wilson, making him work back and high-point the ball on a post route off play-action, to cap the day. However, for me it was his command of the offense and how well he acclimated himself with new guys around him, that he didn’t have a whole lot of time to build chemistry with eyes. His eyes didn’t drop with bodies around him in the pocket and once he left that space, you saw Haener pointing at guys and making them adjust their routes on the fly on multiple occasions.

Running back – Tyjae Spears, Tulane

Unless you’re a casual college football fan, who doesn’t pay much attention to the Non-Power Five Conference, you probably at least saw Spears flash across your screen a couple of times this past season. He just cracked 1000 scrimmage yards in 2021 already, before being the driving force Tulane’s Cinderella 12-2 season last year, when he exploded for over 1800 total yards and 21 TDs, making him the AAC Offensive Player of the Year.
Spears was the biggest winners of measurements probably, weighing in at 202 pounds, despite having the reputation of a change-of-pace/scat back by some who scout off physical dimensions. However, for people watching the tape, this guy breaks way more tackles than you’d expect, and in a setting that favors guys with great explosive traits, this kid was able to on a show. When given a runway, you saw that explosion through the hole and ability to clear the second level in a hurry. He had one that stood out the first day and would’ve been off to the races on several occasions on one-cut schemes the second practice.
More importantly, he showed the ability to effortlessly make cuts that allow him to get around the edge when defenders didn’t take care of their contain assignments, and how he used those cat-like quicks in tight areas way on full display. On day two, he made a crazy 90-degree cut to the outside once during the inside run portion, where he somehow was able to keep his balance and it almost looked like a player on Madden, where the replay would make you think “this wouldn’t happen in real life”. Later on, he caught a swing route for massive yardage during seven-on-sevens and had a homerun call, where he wasn’t touched, slicing around blockers and making the safety miss, the first time he touched the ball during full team period.
Still, Spears will have to play a major role on passing downs to maximize his skill-set, and even though it didn’t count because the coaches said triple-breaks weren’t allowed, he kind of went viral with a clip from the competition period that kicked off day three. He ran this pivot route vs. Pitt LB SirBocea Dennis Dennis, where he went on an out initially, before sticking his outside foot in the ground to pirouette back inside, whilst ducking underneath the defender basically – his quicks and ankle flexibility looked unreal there. And important to see for scouts – he got run over by Jackson State LB Aubrey Miller Jr. once during pass-pro drills of day two, but on the second one he stood his ground and was able to get enough of him, to guide him off track. NFL executives voted him the overall Player of the Week.

Running back – Jordan Mims, Fresno State

Now combining the running back position and the school I started with in Fresno State, there’s another former Bulldog who turned some heads in Las Vegas. Despite sharing the backfield with Ronnie Rivers in 2021, Mims racked up over 1000 yards and ten touchdowns from scrimmage. Last season he came just two yards shy of 1500 total and was one score away from doubling his TDs from the season prior, earning himself first-team All-Mountain West accolades.
While his receiving production dipped a little bit this past year, it didn’t take long for Mims to showcase that he can still be a valuable asset in that area of the game. His suddenness and ability to manipulate linebackers with his eyes, to create separation as a route-runner, came up regularly. He looked comfortable when flexed out wide, once running a great curl route, where he really dropped those hips, attacked back towards the quarterback and snatched the ball over his head, away from his frame. And after the catch during full plays, he consistently looked to make the first man miss. In blitz pick-up day, Mims stepped up and brought his punch, before guiding linebackers off track. Considering he had already impressed as a pass-catcher, he stood his ground much better than I expected. He almost got a little overaggressive in his approach at times I thought, but I liked his attitude in that regard and he simply didn’t lose many reps.
In team drills, Mims’ burst to the corner stood out on multiple occasions. That included some nice moments pressing a crease and then bouncing around traffic before getting back downhill. You saw him cut down his stride length, kind of hide behind blockers and force linebackers to commit. And the show didn’t stop in the actual game, being involved as a receiver in the flats and creating easy yardage, displaying his burst through the line and delivering the longest run of the day (30 yards) early on, where he cut a zone run all the way back and broke the ankles of a DB on like a cross-over move, to get out to the sideline. That’s after already having been voted the East RB of the Week.

Wide receiver – Demario Douglas, Liberty

Just a two-star recruit in 2019, Douglas increased his production every single year with the Flames, going for 1100 yards and seven touchdowns on 84 touches this past season, which earned him first-team All-Independent accolades. Liberty’s season saw a disappointing finish, losing their final four games after an 8-1 start, but their top receiver excelled throughout the year and nearly had as many yards through the air as the next four players combined.
The first line I wrote about Douglas, when I started watching the practice was: “This guy is explosive for sure”. When he sticks his foot in the ground after hesitating off the line, he can leave people behind in the dust, and in particular he showed that on some out routes, where he got two or three yards on them on multiple occasions, at the moment he caught the ball. On the first day, you see him make some dramatic cuts and separate from defensive backs as he re-accelerated out of those. You saw DBs starting to just sit back on him from the second day one, because they’d rather gave up a completion underneath than get burnt over the top. Yet if they did try to put hands on him, Douglas threw a little chicken-wing once on a deep out route and created enough of a window for the ball to arrive.
Douglas made a great over-the-shoulder grab to the outside on a slot fade route in one-on-one’s of day two, quickly bringing it in and not allowing the raking hands of the corner to knock it loose. The moment of the period however was the former Flames standout completely shaking another poor guy and making him trip over his own feet, as he pushed upfield before bending it to the post later. He also had a great grab high-pointing a ball thrown behind him on a deep crosser during team portion, and you saw Douglas’ speed show up big-time on a reverse during the team portion of the first practice, beating everybody to the opposite sideline. With a potential first-rounder in Boston College’s Zay Flowers only taking part in one practice, the receiver group for the West side was lacking some star power, but Douglas more than just filled that void, and was voted the WR of the Week for that side.

Wide receiver – Michael Wilson, Stanford

This guy was certainly a forgotten name by the general draft media, as a former four-star recruit, who put up nearly 700 yards and five touchdowns as a true sophomore. He only played in 14 combined games over the past three seasons (64-864-5) due to multiple injuries that knocked him out for the year, but ultimately got to show his skills again big-time during Senior Bowl week.
There were reports early in the week that Wilson trains with former Pro Bowl WR T.J. Houshmandzadeh and it was on displays with his route-running. Right off the bat, he showed that he’s a name to track all week, when he cooked his former Stanford teammate Kyu Blu Kelly off the line on a slant route during the first one-on-one session. Wilson continued to make guys look foolish off the line, with slow-playing the get-off and his body language, to get corners leaning the wrong way. On several occasions, he was made the job for the quarterback, as he got a couple of steps on his man with diamond releases on slant routes. Day three he also ran a beautiful curl route against USC’s Mekhi Blackmon, where he had like a walk-up approach before threating vertically with that burst down the sideline and then sticking his foot in the ground to come back to the QB.
Along with the way he was able to play with guys off the ball, he also showed the ability to reduce his size and not have any delay breaking out to the sideline, after threatening vertically. Further down the field, I really liked how he would tilt and lean into defenders, before breaking guys off and shaking them off. And he showed great focus when guys were able to re-enter the catch window due to imperfect throws, yet Wilson pinned the ball against his chest right away. He did so once on a post route versus Iowa’s Riley Moss, where the had to slow down for the throw. When the ball was lofted over his head a couple of times, Wilson showed that he does have that extra gear when the ball is in the air, to run underneath it. He once got past Maryland’s Jakorian Bennett on an awesome stutter-go, where he really turned his body and snapped his head around for a split-second, before taking off, and then couldn’t quite hold onto the ball in the end-zone, as he was just able to get his fingertips on it. And then of course he ended the week with an exclamation mark, when he caught a 44-yard touchdown late in the game on Saturday, on an intentionally underthrown post route off play-action, where Jake Haener allowed him to work back and high-point the ball.

Tight-end – Daniel Barker, Michigan State

These all-star events are always a great opportunity for players, who were underutilized in college, to prove they can take on a more extensive role at the next level, and that’s true for tight-end in particular. Barker’s production over the last four years (three with Illinois and one with the MSU) was very consistent, but never really up to where you want to see it, catching between 18 and 21 passes for 200 to 300 yards in each of them.
Day one, this guy kind of looked different to the rest of the TE group, as he had a few very impressive routes versus the safeties in one-on-one’s. His ability to attack their blind spots of those guys, stay disciplined with not tilting in his stem, and get a step on them with his burst out of the break was on display on corner and out routes in particularly early on. Yet, he continued to excel on day two, where I thought he manipulated guys with his eyes, some hesitation and body language, before sticking his foot in the ground and getting away from them. Just watching the release drills, I thought Barker looked more like a receiver at times against true square press, throwing out a split release and blowing by DBs untouched basically.
During team drills, he showcased the speed to quickly clear the second level on seam/streak routes and then got his head around right away, where those Shrine quarterbacks passed on multiple opportunities to feed him the ball, I thought. When tangled up with DBs further down the field, Barker packed a pretty strong rip, to fight through the reach of defenders trying to grab him. And then off that ability to push vertically, he features a quick turn to the outside on hitches and hooks, to make the safety flying down on him miss. You typically saw him pluck the ball out of the air and rip it into his frame, especially when going over the middle. Finally, while Barker probably isn’t a major asset in pass-pro, he did enough versus the linebackers to guide them off track usually during those drills.

Tight-end – Luke Musgrave, Oregon State

Now, on nearly the complete opposite side of the country, we watched a much more highly-touted college tight-end more than live up to his status in Mobile. Musgrave did crack the 300-yard mark in 2021, although he only he reached the end-zone once on 22 grabs. His redshirt junior campaign was cut short one-and-a-half weeks in, but he was able to haul in 11 passes for 169 and a TD up to that point. And the scouts liked enough what they saw, to make him confident to declare for the draft.
When you say in an interview day one that you felt you were like 60% right now, in your first time on the field since September and you look the way you did, you’re going to make some headlines. We saw Musgrave glide across the field more like a big wide receiver and he was used further down the field quite a bit. When he was allowed to run down the post and take linebackers vertical, he was leaving them behind in the dust typically. On several occasions, he would lean into defenders with outside leverage, then step into their space and head-fake towards their leverage, in order to create separation bending it to the post. Day three on early competition one-on-ones, Musgrave did so going up against LSU’s Jay Ward on a seam/skinny post route, where he hit an effective double-hand swipe to work around the press attempt and then got a couple of steps on the DB.
However, he’d also present himself underneath on some hook and stick routes, where he used his frame to protect the ball and wrapped it up tightly in traffic. Musgrave also ran some beautiful corner routes throughout the week, where he adjusted the angle of the break accordingly, depending on the coverage and once caught one of the safeties badly, trying to undercut the out-break. The former Beaver made some impressive-looking catches through the first two days, really swallowing the ball with those large paws – extending, plucking and also quickly pulling the ball into his frame. And while he may not have stood out in that fashion as a run-blocker, the balance and effort were a plus to note, and I think he made an impression on some people, when he talked about how he started to find joy in that area of the game, as the OSU coaches got him to buy into it. Musgrave also cracked 20 mph on the GPS-tracker, making him the 16th-fastest player at the entire event despite being 255 pounds – the next-closest guy who was faster, weighed 24 pounds less.

Offensive tackle – Jaelyn Duncan, Maryland

I had a tough time settling on a tackle here, because the great competition those guys at East-West Shrine week faced, made it tough for guys to really put some quality reps on tape, and looking at the Senior Bowl, Ohio State’s Dawand Jones looked awesome day one, but decided to shut it down after that. I did mention a couple of other names I was thinking about here, but ultimately the Maryland tackle was my choice. A former four-star recruit, Duncan initially took a redshirt before taking over the starting gig on the blindside year two and starting all but three of his final 42 games.
Athleticism was never really a question for me evaluating Duncan, but just watching him go up against the best competition in the country, he reminded me of the type of movement skills he brings to the table. Routinely, he would show off the foot quickness to cut off the angle for edge rushers and force them on a wider loop, as he guided them past the quarterback. His smooth lateral movement and loose hips when he did have to turn with guys were equally impressive on the left and right – where he never lined up at Maryland.
With that being said, Duncan’s ability to deal with power as a pass-protector on top of it, was what really convinced me. He consistently kept his elbows in tight and was able anchor against bull-rush attempts. He had some great moment against Notre Dame’s Isaiah Foskey in particular, once stoning in him during full team plays on day two, which popped off the screen. And then on day three, he was able to handle Foskey’s long-arm on back-to-back reps during one-on-ones, where he probably forced the edge rusher to go for it again a second time by the way he Duncan was able to square that guy up. For a guy whose calling card was that athletic skill-set in protection, I thought the former Terp did a nice job of rolling his hips through contact and driving his feet, in order to create movement in the run game on top of that.

Interior O-line – Atonio Mafi, UCLA

I had a really tough time deciding on which interior O-lineman I wanted to talk about here, because there were three names that stood above the rest during East-West Shrine week – Penn State’s Juice Scruggs, N.C. State’s Chandler Zavala and the guy I settled on in Mafi. He actually started his career on the defensive line with the Bruins, before transitioning back to offense and finally starting all 13 games at left guard last season, earning second-team All-Pac-12 accolades by league coaches.
We had a lot of powerful interior D-linemen in Vegas, who tried to test Mafi during one-on-ones, and they all failed basically. Throughout the week, the former UCLA guard kept his hands in tight and was able to stymie those guys from a strong group on the other side, trying to go through him. When opposing rushers tried to lift him up on rip move and get underneath him, Mafi rode those guys up the field, away from the quarterback. Day three he completely stone-walled Boise State’s big D-tackle Scott Matlock on a bull-rush attempt, along with not allowing Penn State’s P.J. Mustipher to get to the outside edge on him, trying to swipe away the hands. Even when it looked momentarily like he got his weighted shifted the wrong way against somebody else on a hesitation move to the outside, he was able to ride that guy past the QB.
I don’t think he truly lost a single rep during one-on-ones either of the first two days and maybe one on day three. Yet, on top of his individual efforts, he also proved his value as a run-blocker during team drills. Mafi provided a solid bump on the angular block of combos, to open up lanes right up the gut. The second day on the first snap of inside run installs, he did a great job of caving in P.J. Mustipher slanting across his face as a three-technique, and two plays later he and the left tackle drove that guy right into the lap of the linebacker behind it, allowing Minnesota running back Mohamed Ibrahim to cut behind them for an untouched TD. For a guy who weighed in at just under 340 pounds, I thought Mafi’s ability to beat linebackers to the spot when climbing up and his burst as a puller really popped as well. For that, he was named the West IOL of the Week.

Interior O-line – John Michael Schmitz, Minnesota

It’s not like Schmitz really needed to prove a whole during Senior Bowl, as he was already regarded as one of the top interior offensive linemen in this class coming in. However, with that showcase, he fortified himself as OC1 and a first-rounder most likely. Schmitz would have most likely been a top-100 pick last year already, with 19 starter at the pivot and being a second-team All-Big Ten performer. Yet, he improved to first-team all-conference and played as well as any center in the country this past season.
Everything this guy does is solid. His ability to frame rushers and control reps with vice grip hands made him nearly impossible to get by during one-on-one pass-protection drills. He completely shut down Alabama’s D.J. Dale and Oklahoma’s Will Redmond on a couple of occasions, trying to power through him in pass-pro, on day two, where they couldn’t find any counter on the second of back-to-back tries against him. The only rep I can remember him losing theoretically was probably once against South Carolina’s Zacch Pickens on day three, who sold out for just getting upfield to one side and made the dummy quarterback move, but he didn’t actually get a hand on that trainer. And when the defense was running some two-on-two games to close that session, Schmitz perfectly timed up his upward strike to shut down the Alabama IDL Byron Young once looping around towards the center.
During team drills, Schmitz’s ability to execute more diverse assignments than that zone-heavy rushing attack he was part of Minnesota, was on display. He did utilize his upper-body strength to torque shade-nose tackles and allow the back to press the front-side on numerous occasions on outside zone, but he also created good vertical movement on combos and climbed off those under good control. The most fun for me were a couple of highly impressive moments full 11-on-11 plays, where he set the key block out in front of Tulane’s explosive RB Tyjae Spears and Okahoma’s Eric Gray respectively, who both ripped off chunk plays each, and Schmitz sent one of the biggest standouts across those first two days in Sacramento State LB Marte Mapu flying a couple of yards on one of them.

Edge defender – Will McDonald IV, Iowa State

I really couldn’t settle on an edge defender from East-West Shrine week. I mentioned a couple of those names at the end and there were a few others I considered. Yet, at the Senior Bowl, I would say that was more of an underwhelming group, looking at names like Auburn’s Derick Hall, Notre Dame’s Isaiah Foskey and Army’s Andre Carter. So I thought it was appropriate to bring up a name, which many considered part of that tier, but probably elevated his stock above those guys. McDonald was a very productive player for the Cyclones these last three years, combining for 33.5 tackles for loss, 27 sacks, eight forced fumbles and seven passes batted down at the line.
The question coming into the week was McDonald’s size, with more of a lanky build at 6’3” ½ and 241 pounds. Yet, I didn’t feel like he was lacking that strength in run defense, being first to attack with his hands and anchoring against angular blocks routinely. I mean he stood his ground against Tennessee’s Darnell Wright a couple of times, who weighed in at 342 pounds – basically exactly 100 more than McDonald. So while some of his tape would suggest he may have issues setting a physical edge, we now have evidence that as a true base D-end/outside linebacker, he can take care at the point of attack. Now, with that being said, what he did as a pass-rusher obviously was what turned the heads of scouts.
Watching him run the hoop drill, you saw that ankle mobility and bend to circle around, which directly translates to rushing the passer. He had a couple of reps during the week, where he cleanly defeated the hands of the tackle with a double-hand swipe or chop-rip and even if that guy was able to still get a hand on him, he would stay on that arc, once even doing so on all fours basically. Off that, he then put a wicked spin move on Tennessee’s right tackle on the second of back-to-back reps one-on-one, after threating the corner and then stepping into the blocker’s space, in order to make him commit on the latter. And that ability to take the inside door opening up as guys had to overset to the outside came into play on day three as well, when he beat Florida’s on a rapid up-and-under. Later during red-zone team period, you saw McDonald’s closing burst when Shepherd QB Tyson Bagent left the pocket the other way and the D-end would’ve run him down like a lion hunting an antelope, if not for pulling up late, to avoid pushing him in the back.

Interior D-line – Dante Stills, West Virginia

This has been one of “my guys” for like three years. I first started taking note of Stills, when I was watching his brother Darius play alongside him on the WVU defensive line – who I liked quite a bit as well – and have been waiting on Dante to go pro since then. Across these past four seasons, he has racked up 47.5 tackles for loss, 21.5 sacks and three forced fumbles, going from second-team All-Big 12 in the first two to first-team all-conference the latter two years.
After lining up at 4i- and 5-technique a lot for the Mountaineers due to his combination of size and length, Stills almost exclusively played three-technique throughout East-West Shrine week and let me tell – this guy was unblockable! Early on day one he had a pass-rush rep, where he cleanly beat the Oregon guard across his face with a swim move, where it wasn’t even a contest. His ability to win up the gap with a quick club-rip combo, stay on track through contact as he was cornering his rushes and then win cross-face when guys started oversetting him, was crazy to watch. That’s along with having the power at nearly 290 pounds to ride blockers into the depth of the pocket, if they decide to give him ground.
Yet, Stills might’ve been even more impressive in the run game. Routinely he would win his gap and own his space, while locking out with one arm, to shut down one-on-ones prematurely. There was a sequence day two, where he just threw the Grand Valley guard Quinton Barrow, trying to reach-block him, to the turf, as he caught the blocker pulling the back-leg through, trying to bring his base around. And then on the re-do, he back-doored that guy, which I’m not sure is how they’re supposed to drill it, but the cat-like quicks where impressive nevertheless. Stills showed his disruptive skills in team run drills as well, crashing through the shoulder of zone blockers and flashing from the backside, along with arm-over and back-dooring a couple of times to force quick cutbacks as well. He didn’t really allow combos to form, knocking away the help-hand of the man trying to peel off and not wasting time with the guy trying to bring his hips around. I feel pretty certain that Stills led everybody in tackles for loss each of the first two days. Teammates recognized him as the IDL of the Week on the East side. In the actual game, he swum over and created a TFL on his first series, before getting another one on the last defensive play for the East.

Interior D-line – Keeanu Benton, Wisconsin

Unlike the edge group down in Mobile, which lacked names that could really set themselves apart, other than Iowa State’s Will McDonald, I thought there were multiple guys on the interior, who deserve to be mentioned. Nevertheless, none of those did impress quite like Wisconsin’s Keeanu Benton. Last year he inexplicably dropped from second- to third-team All-Big Ten, despite reaching career-highs in tackles (36), TFLs (10) and sacks (4.5), along with two more passes batted down.
Since I hadn’t really studied Benton’s tape since the offseason, where I thought based on 2021, he was a solid, worker-bee type shade nose tackle, I was shocked to see this guy flash as much as he did throughout Senior Bowl week. Day one, he showed off his power and ability to pull linemen off himself right away during pass-rush drills. That’s along with guys oversetting to the outside and Benton blowing through the interior in a hurry with the tight arm-over to clear the blocker’s reach. Day two he might’ve been even more impressive. He killed the Troy center Jake Andrews on consecutive reps, beating him instantly on a club-swim combo and then getting grabbed on the latter, where it looked like he had the O-lineman’s shoulders turned and would’ve been able to get across his face, if not for the tug. When setting up cross-face and club-rip moves generally, you saw Benton torque his upper body more than sufficiently, and when he ripped through, it looked more like he was starting a cold chainsaw, with the way he yanked that arm up.
In run defense, Benton routinely brought the fight, going from stacking at full extension, to swatting away the hands, placing himself in the gap and pulling guys off himself. He did so during one-on-ones as well as full-team portions of practice. His wrestling background was on display, winning with quickness, leverage and violent hands. Benton’s official stat log in the actual game will only read one tackle, but he did have a couple of QB hits, once beating TCU’s Steve Avila trying to slide in front of him and putting that guy’s teammate Max Duggan on his backside. That’s along with how disruptive he was all week in team drills and his effort chasing away from the play.

Linebacker – Jeremy Banks, Tennessee

A name I was vaguely familiar with, but hadn’t studied yet is this fifth-year senior from Tennessee. Banks would’ve probably been higher on my watch list based on his 2021 stats, when he recorded 128 total tackles, 11.5 of those for loss, 5.5 sacks, an interception and four PBUs. However, this past season the majority of those numbers were more than cut in half and based on consensus boards, he’s on the fringe of even being drafted – if he has a solid combine, he may be moving closer to an early day three prospect.
And what really made me perk up was watching this young man in coverage. During one-on-ones with the running backs, Banks displayed some impressive burst when driving on option routes, where they could break either way. He would regularly just squat on guys and still affect the catch point once he exploded forward as they made their cut. Banks was one of like two guys that could actually pick up and run with Fresno State back Jordan Mims in team drills as well. He did a nice job identifying dig routes and deep crossers coming in behind him during seven-on-sevens and full team drills. Plus, you saw him redirect in a hurry after floating one way initially and then having to race down on the back catching a checkdown. He had a very impressive snap in coverage day two against a tight-end I already highlighted in Michigan State’s Daniel Barker, turning with him down the seam and getting a paw between that guy’s hands, to bat the ball up for the safety behind him to pluck for the interception.
In team run drills, I thought Banks showed great lateral agility to trail runners from the backside and flatten behind blockers when he saw an opening, as well as pair quick hands and jumping sideways to get to the other side of linemen looking to pin him away from the action. And on the play-side, he was very quick to fill before somebody could combo off to him. When did have to deal with guys climbing up, Banks pulling those off himself, to get hands on the ball-carrier was something that happened on multiple occasions. And a couple of times he blew through the outside shoulder of the fullback before that guy could even get to the line of scrimmage, to create disruption in the backfield. Banks also had a few nice moments in the game, side-stepping blockers and once putting a huge hit on UCLA back Kaz Allen in the hole. During protection drills, you saw the former Vol LB charge full-force into running backs in blitz pick-up a few times, plus then he was slippery once he used his hands, to slither around them.

Linebacker – Marte Mapu, Sacramento State

While I was familiar with Banks as a prospect, I had no idea who this other linebacker from Sacramento State was. Yet, with the way he was wrecking plays during Senior Bowl practices, he made me take note. Mapu was a versatile piece for the Hornet defense, splitting time between safety, outside linebacker and nickelback. In 2022, he was named the Big Sky Defensive Player of the Year, for putting up 76 tackles, 6.5 of those for loss, two passes intercepted and six more broken up.
After showing out at NFLPA Bowl week, Mapu got the call up from Jim Nagy and my god, he made most of that opportunity. I thought he looked pretty impressive from the first moment he stepped onto the field. You saw him rapidly fill on the front-side of run plays and even from the backside, you saw the short-area burst to shoot through a crease and run things down, where nobody was able to get in front of him in time. Mapu had a couple of big-time run stuffs during the inside run portion of day two, once blowing through the shoulder of the guard on a zone run and meeting the back for a TFL, and then another time on an iso-run, absolutely blasting the fullback before that guy could even reach the line of scrimmage, allowing the rest of the defense converge on the ball.
On top of that, Mapu also made a couple of impressive plays in coverage as part of team-drills, once on play-action, where he didn’t fall for it and drifted underneath a dig route, getting a hand on the ball intended to be lofted over his head, to break it up, and later raking the ball out of the tight-end’s hands on a stick route. That’s along with running down Houston standout WR striding out after a solid play, where he was still fired up and punched the ball out, with nobody else in the screen – not that it actually counted, but it shows his level of effort. And he had a couple of nice wins pass-pro drills, once side-stepping Oklahoma RB Eric Gray, combined with the arm-over, to get around him cleanly. Mapu was clocked over 19 MPH multiple times during the week and his speed will be a major buy-in for NFL teams, considering his tremendous special teams background. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to perform in the game on Saturday, but I promise you, basically all scouts will have added his name to their watch list and there will probably be a few more now heading to the Sac State pro day, since he didn’t receive a combine invite.

Cornerback – Lance Boykin, Coastal Carolina

A position group with several noteworthy names between the East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl was cornerback. I couldn’t help myself but talk about three games here, with a couple of them from Vegas, and Boykin is kicking things off. Once just a two-star recruit, this guy began his career at Old Dominion, before making a name for himself with the Chanticleers, where he recorded five interceptions, 12 PBUs and two sacks across his two seasons there.

Analysis on the final five prospects can be found here

Cornerback – Tyrique Stevenson, Miami

Cornerback – Nic Jones, Ball State

Safety – Sydney Brown, Illinois

Safety – A.J. Finley, Ole Miss

Other winners:

RBs – Eric Gray (Oklahoma), Evan Hull (Northwestern) & Xazavian Valladay (Arizona State)
WRs – Jayden Reed (Michigan State), Nathaniel “Tank” Dell (Houston), A.T. Perry (Wake Forest) & Jalen Cropper (Fresno State)
TEs – Davis Allen (Clemson) & Payne Durham (Purdue)
OTs – Darnell Wright (Tennessee) & Matthew Bergeron (Syracuse)
IOL – Chandler Zavala (N.C. State) & Juice Scruggs (Penn State)
EDGEs – K.J. Henry (Clemson), B.J. Thompson (Stephen F. Austin) & Caleb Murphy (Ferris State)
IDL – Adetomiwa Adebawore (Northwestern), Karl Brooks (Bowling Green) & Ikenna Enechukwu (Rice)
LBs – Aubrey Miller Jr. (Jackson State), Daiyan Henley (Washington State) & Ivan Pace Jr. (Cincinnati) &
CBs – Darius Rush (South Carolina), Kyu Blu Kelly (Stanford), Kei’Trel Clark (Louisville) & Terell Smith (Minnesota)
SAFs – Jammie Robinson (Florida State), Art Green (Houston), Christian Young (Arizona) & Trey Dean III (Florida)

If you enjoyed this analysis, please consider checking out the original piece, and feel free to check out my Youtube channel for more detailed content like this!

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2023.02.16 16:30 hallach_halil Biggest standouts from 2023 East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl weeks:

The 2022/23 NFL season is officially in the books, with the Chiefs beating out the Eagles in the tremendous back-and-forth of Super Bowl LVII. So now it’s time to progress to offseason content, with free agency and a length pre-draft process.
Some people may have already missed some of that, as we had a full week between the East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl events. We have three/four days of practice and a game each to break down, to see which young prospects have already stood out and helped themselves in terms of showcasing their talents to NFL scouts.
I watched every practice period and the games, to recap everything we saw in Las Vegas and Mobile respectively, and settled on ten players on each side of the ball, which I wanted to point out as early “risers” in this process. Plus, I added a few other names, who I thought helped themselves, at the end.
Here they are:

Quarterback – Jake Haener, Fresno State

While Haener was originally a three-star recruit for Washington, he only threw 13 total passes for the Huskies, due to presence of eventual fourth-round pick Jacob Eason, before transferring to Fresno State. Across three seasons there, he completed 68.2 of his passes for just over 9000 yards and 67 touchdowns, compared to 17 interceptions. And in a quarterback class with a lot of uncertainty after the top-four I would say, I think this young man showed that he should be in the discussion for the next names up.
I thought throughout Senior Bowl – especially from day two on – Haener was easily the most consistent quarterback of the week. His second day may have been the most impressive, as he was right on point with multiple deep passes during one-on-ones, showed the ability to work through progressions in seven-on-sevens and was very accurate throwing on the move. He continued to stand above the rest on day three, with a tremendous red-zone session, putting the ball perfectly away from trailing defenders for his receivers to make a play on vertical routes, and getting the ball out just as the back-foot hit off play-action and pinning it to chest of guys crossing the field. One ball in particular stood out, when he put it high and slightly behind Purdue tight-end Payne Durham on a wheel route out of a tight stack, away from the trailing defender, for a touchdown during red-zone drills of day three – although the TE deserves credit as well for holding onto the ball through a big hit.
Obviously Haener ended up being named the Senior Bowl MVP for his performance in the game Saturday, where he went 12-of-19 for 139 yards and a touchdown, including a 44-yard score to Michael Wilson, making him work back and high-point the ball on a post route off play-action, to cap the day. However, for me it was his command of the offense and how well he acclimated himself with new guys around him, that he didn’t have a whole lot of time to build chemistry with eyes. His eyes didn’t drop with bodies around him in the pocket and once he left that space, you saw Haener pointing at guys and making them adjust their routes on the fly on multiple occasions.

Running back – Tyjae Spears, Tulane

Unless you’re a casual college football fan, who doesn’t pay much attention to the Non-Power Five Conference, you probably at least saw Spears flash across your screen a couple of times this past season. He just cracked 1000 scrimmage yards in 2021 already, before being the driving force Tulane’s Cinderella 12-2 season last year, when he exploded for over 1800 total yards and 21 TDs, making him the AAC Offensive Player of the Year.
Spears was the biggest winners of measurements probably, weighing in at 202 pounds, despite having the reputation of a change-of-pace/scat back by some who scout off physical dimensions. However, for people watching the tape, this guy breaks way more tackles than you’d expect, and in a setting that favors guys with great explosive traits, this kid was able to on a show. When given a runway, you saw that explosion through the hole and ability to clear the second level in a hurry. He had one that stood out the first day and would’ve been off to the races on several occasions on one-cut schemes the second practice.
More importantly, he showed the ability to effortlessly make cuts that allow him to get around the edge when defenders didn’t take care of their contain assignments, and how he used those cat-like quicks in tight areas way on full display. On day two, he made a crazy 90-degree cut to the outside once during the inside run portion, where he somehow was able to keep his balance and it almost looked like a player on Madden, where the replay would make you think “this wouldn’t happen in real life”. Later on, he caught a swing route for massive yardage during seven-on-sevens and had a homerun call, where he wasn’t touched, slicing around blockers and making the safety miss, the first time he touched the ball during full team period.
Still, Spears will have to play a major role on passing downs to maximize his skill-set, and even though it didn’t count because the coaches said triple-breaks weren’t allowed, he kind of went viral with a clip from the competition period that kicked off day three. He ran this pivot route vs. Pitt LB SirBocea Dennis Dennis, where he went on an out initially, before sticking his outside foot in the ground to pirouette back inside, whilst ducking underneath the defender basically – his quicks and ankle flexibility looked unreal there. And important to see for scouts – he got run over by Jackson State LB Aubrey Miller Jr. once during pass-pro drills of day two, but on the second one he stood his ground and was able to get enough of him, to guide him off track. NFL executives voted him the overall Player of the Week.

Running back – Jordan Mims, Fresno State

Now combining the running back position and the school I started with in Fresno State, there’s another former Bulldog who turned some heads in Las Vegas. Despite sharing the backfield with Ronnie Rivers in 2021, Mims racked up over 1000 yards and ten touchdowns from scrimmage. Last season he came just two yards shy of 1500 total and was one score away from doubling his TDs from the season prior, earning himself first-team All-Mountain West accolades.
While his receiving production dipped a little bit this past year, it didn’t take long for Mims to showcase that he can still be a valuable asset in that area of the game. His suddenness and ability to manipulate linebackers with his eyes, to create separation as a route-runner, came up regularly. He looked comfortable when flexed out wide, once running a great curl route, where he really dropped those hips, attacked back towards the quarterback and snatched the ball over his head, away from his frame. And after the catch during full plays, he consistently looked to make the first man miss. In blitz pick-up day, Mims stepped up and brought his punch, before guiding linebackers off track. Considering he had already impressed as a pass-catcher, he stood his ground much better than I expected. He almost got a little overaggressive in his approach at times I thought, but I liked his attitude in that regard and he simply didn’t lose many reps.
In team drills, Mims’ burst to the corner stood out on multiple occasions. That included some nice moments pressing a crease and then bouncing around traffic before getting back downhill. You saw him cut down his stride length, kind of hide behind blockers and force linebackers to commit. And the show didn’t stop in the actual game, being involved as a receiver in the flats and creating easy yardage, displaying his burst through the line and delivering the longest run of the day (30 yards) early on, where he cut a zone run all the way back and broke the ankles of a DB on like a cross-over move, to get out to the sideline. That’s after already having been voted the East RB of the Week.

Wide receiver – Demario Douglas, Liberty

Just a two-star recruit in 2019, Douglas increased his production every single year with the Flames, going for 1100 yards and seven touchdowns on 84 touches this past season, which earned him first-team All-Independent accolades. Liberty’s season saw a disappointing finish, losing their final four games after an 8-1 start, but their top receiver excelled throughout the year and nearly had as many yards through the air as the next four players combined.
The first line I wrote about Douglas, when I started watching the practice was: “This guy is explosive for sure”. When he sticks his foot in the ground after hesitating off the line, he can leave people behind in the dust, and in particular he showed that on some out routes, where he got two or three yards on them on multiple occasions, at the moment he caught the ball. On the first day, you see him make some dramatic cuts and separate from defensive backs as he re-accelerated out of those. You saw DBs starting to just sit back on him from the second day one, because they’d rather gave up a completion underneath than get burnt over the top. Yet if they did try to put hands on him, Douglas threw a little chicken-wing once on a deep out route and created enough of a window for the ball to arrive.
Douglas made a great over-the-shoulder grab to the outside on a slot fade route in one-on-one’s of day two, quickly bringing it in and not allowing the raking hands of the corner to knock it loose. The moment of the period however was the former Flames standout completely shaking another poor guy and making him trip over his own feet, as he pushed upfield before bending it to the post later. He also had a great grab high-pointing a ball thrown behind him on a deep crosser during team portion, and you saw Douglas’ speed show up big-time on a reverse during the team portion of the first practice, beating everybody to the opposite sideline. With a potential first-rounder in Boston College’s Zay Flowers only taking part in one practice, the receiver group for the West side was lacking some star power, but Douglas more than just filled that void, and was voted the WR of the Week for that side.

Wide receiver – Michael Wilson, Stanford

This guy was certainly a forgotten name by the general draft media, as a former four-star recruit, who put up nearly 700 yards and five touchdowns as a true sophomore. He only played in 14 combined games over the past three seasons (64-864-5) due to multiple injuries that knocked him out for the year, but ultimately got to show his skills again big-time during Senior Bowl week.
There were reports early in the week that Wilson trains with former Pro Bowl WR T.J. Houshmandzadeh and it was on displays with his route-running. Right off the bat, he showed that he’s a name to track all week, when he cooked his former Stanford teammate Kyu Blu Kelly off the line on a slant route during the first one-on-one session. Wilson continued to make guys look foolish off the line, with slow-playing the get-off and his body language, to get corners leaning the wrong way. On several occasions, he was made the job for the quarterback, as he got a couple of steps on his man with diamond releases on slant routes. Day three he also ran a beautiful curl route against USC’s Mekhi Blackmon, where he had like a walk-up approach before threating vertically with that burst down the sideline and then sticking his foot in the ground to come back to the QB.
Along with the way he was able to play with guys off the ball, he also showed the ability to reduce his size and not have any delay breaking out to the sideline, after threatening vertically. Further down the field, I really liked how he would tilt and lean into defenders, before breaking guys off and shaking them off. And he showed great focus when guys were able to re-enter the catch window due to imperfect throws, yet Wilson pinned the ball against his chest right away. He did so once on a post route versus Iowa’s Riley Moss, where the had to slow down for the throw. When the ball was lofted over his head a couple of times, Wilson showed that he does have that extra gear when the ball is in the air, to run underneath it. He once got past Maryland’s Jakorian Bennett on an awesome stutter-go, where he really turned his body and snapped his head around for a split-second, before taking off, and then couldn’t quite hold onto the ball in the end-zone, as he was just able to get his fingertips on it. And then of course he ended the week with an exclamation mark, when he caught a 44-yard touchdown late in the game on Saturday, on an intentionally underthrown post route off play-action, where Jake Haener allowed him to work back and high-point the ball.

Tight-end – Daniel Barker, Michigan State

These all-star events are always a great opportunity for players, who were underutilized in college, to prove they can take on a more extensive role at the next level, and that’s true for tight-end in particular. Barker’s production over the last four years (three with Illinois and one with the MSU) was very consistent, but never really up to where you want to see it, catching between 18 and 21 passes for 200 to 300 yards in each of them.
Day one, this guy kind of looked different to the rest of the TE group, as he had a few very impressive routes versus the safeties in one-on-one’s. His ability to attack their blind spots of those guys, stay disciplined with not tilting in his stem, and get a step on them with his burst out of the break was on display on corner and out routes in particularly early on. Yet, he continued to excel on day two, where I thought he manipulated guys with his eyes, some hesitation and body language, before sticking his foot in the ground and getting away from them. Just watching the release drills, I thought Barker looked more like a receiver at times against true square press, throwing out a split release and blowing by DBs untouched basically.
During team drills, he showcased the speed to quickly clear the second level on seam/streak routes and then got his head around right away, where those Shrine quarterbacks passed on multiple opportunities to feed him the ball, I thought. When tangled up with DBs further down the field, Barker packed a pretty strong rip, to fight through the reach of defenders trying to grab him. And then off that ability to push vertically, he features a quick turn to the outside on hitches and hooks, to make the safety flying down on him miss. You typically saw him pluck the ball out of the air and rip it into his frame, especially when going over the middle. Finally, while Barker probably isn’t a major asset in pass-pro, he did enough versus the linebackers to guide them off track usually during those drills.

Tight-end – Luke Musgrave, Oregon State

Now, on nearly the complete opposite side of the country, we watched a much more highly-touted college tight-end more than live up to his status in Mobile. Musgrave did crack the 300-yard mark in 2021, although he only he reached the end-zone once on 22 grabs. His redshirt junior campaign was cut short one-and-a-half weeks in, but he was able to haul in 11 passes for 169 and a TD up to that point. And the scouts liked enough what they saw, to make him confident to declare for the draft.
When you say in an interview day one that you felt you were like 60% right now, in your first time on the field since September and you look the way you did, you’re going to make some headlines. We saw Musgrave glide across the field more like a big wide receiver and he was used further down the field quite a bit. When he was allowed to run down the post and take linebackers vertical, he was leaving them behind in the dust typically. On several occasions, he would lean into defenders with outside leverage, then step into their space and head-fake towards their leverage, in order to create separation bending it to the post. Day three on early competition one-on-ones, Musgrave did so going up against LSU’s Jay Ward on a seam/skinny post route, where he hit an effective double-hand swipe to work around the press attempt and then got a couple of steps on the DB.
However, he’d also present himself underneath on some hook and stick routes, where he used his frame to protect the ball and wrapped it up tightly in traffic. Musgrave also ran some beautiful corner routes throughout the week, where he adjusted the angle of the break accordingly, depending on the coverage and once caught one of the safeties badly, trying to undercut the out-break. The former Beaver made some impressive-looking catches through the first two days, really swallowing the ball with those large paws – extending, plucking and also quickly pulling the ball into his frame. And while he may not have stood out in that fashion as a run-blocker, the balance and effort were a plus to note, and I think he made an impression on some people, when he talked about how he started to find joy in that area of the game, as the OSU coaches got him to buy into it. Musgrave also cracked 20 mph on the GPS-tracker, making him the 16th-fastest player at the entire event despite being 255 pounds – the next-closest guy who was faster, weighed 24 pounds less.

Offensive tackle – Jaelyn Duncan, Maryland

I had a tough time settling on a tackle here, because the great competition those guys at East-West Shrine week faced, made it tough for guys to really put some quality reps on tape, and looking at the Senior Bowl, Ohio State’s Dawand Jones looked awesome day one, but decided to shut it down after that. I did mention a couple of other names I was thinking about here, but ultimately the Maryland tackle was my choice. A former four-star recruit, Duncan initially took a redshirt before taking over the starting gig on the blindside year two and starting all but three of his final 42 games.
Athleticism was never really a question for me evaluating Duncan, but just watching him go up against the best competition in the country, he reminded me of the type of movement skills he brings to the table. Routinely, he would show off the foot quickness to cut off the angle for edge rushers and force them on a wider loop, as he guided them past the quarterback. His smooth lateral movement and loose hips when he did have to turn with guys were equally impressive on the left and right – where he never lined up at Maryland.
With that being said, Duncan’s ability to deal with power as a pass-protector on top of it, was what really convinced me. He consistently kept his elbows in tight and was able anchor against bull-rush attempts. He had some great moment against Notre Dame’s Isaiah Foskey in particular, once stoning in him during full team plays on day two, which popped off the screen. And then on day three, he was able to handle Foskey’s long-arm on back-to-back reps during one-on-ones, where he probably forced the edge rusher to go for it again a second time by the way he Duncan was able to square that guy up. For a guy whose calling card was that athletic skill-set in protection, I thought the former Terp did a nice job of rolling his hips through contact and driving his feet, in order to create movement in the run game on top of that.

Interior O-line – Atonio Mafi, UCLA

I had a really tough time deciding on which interior O-lineman I wanted to talk about here, because there were three names that stood above the rest during East-West Shrine week – Penn State’s Juice Scruggs, N.C. State’s Chandler Zavala and the guy I settled on in Mafi. He actually started his career on the defensive line with the Bruins, before transitioning back to offense and finally starting all 13 games at left guard last season, earning second-team All-Pac-12 accolades by league coaches.
We had a lot of powerful interior D-linemen in Vegas, who tried to test Mafi during one-on-ones, and they all failed basically. Throughout the week, the former UCLA guard kept his hands in tight and was able to stymie those guys from a strong group on the other side, trying to go through him. When opposing rushers tried to lift him up on rip move and get underneath him, Mafi rode those guys up the field, away from the quarterback. Day three he completely stone-walled Boise State’s big D-tackle Scott Matlock on a bull-rush attempt, along with not allowing Penn State’s P.J. Mustipher to get to the outside edge on him, trying to swipe away the hands. Even when it looked momentarily like he got his weighted shifted the wrong way against somebody else on a hesitation move to the outside, he was able to ride that guy past the QB.
I don’t think he truly lost a single rep during one-on-ones either of the first two days and maybe one on day three. Yet, on top of his individual efforts, he also proved his value as a run-blocker during team drills. Mafi provided a solid bump on the angular block of combos, to open up lanes right up the gut. The second day on the first snap of inside run installs, he did a great job of caving in P.J. Mustipher slanting across his face as a three-technique, and two plays later he and the left tackle drove that guy right into the lap of the linebacker behind it, allowing Minnesota running back Mohamed Ibrahim to cut behind them for an untouched TD. For a guy who weighed in at just under 340 pounds, I thought Mafi’s ability to beat linebackers to the spot when climbing up and his burst as a puller really popped as well. For that, he was named the West IOL of the Week.

Interior O-line – John Michael Schmitz, Minnesota

It’s not like Schmitz really needed to prove a whole during Senior Bowl, as he was already regarded as one of the top interior offensive linemen in this class coming in. However, with that showcase, he fortified himself as OC1 and a first-rounder most likely. Schmitz would have most likely been a top-100 pick last year already, with 19 starter at the pivot and being a second-team All-Big Ten performer. Yet, he improved to first-team all-conference and played as well as any center in the country this past season.
Everything this guy does is solid. His ability to frame rushers and control reps with vice grip hands made him nearly impossible to get by during one-on-one pass-protection drills. He completely shut down Alabama’s D.J. Dale and Oklahoma’s Will Redmond on a couple of occasions, trying to power through him in pass-pro, on day two, where they couldn’t find any counter on the second of back-to-back tries against him. The only rep I can remember him losing theoretically was probably once against South Carolina’s Zacch Pickens on day three, who sold out for just getting upfield to one side and made the dummy quarterback move, but he didn’t actually get a hand on that trainer. And when the defense was running some two-on-two games to close that session, Schmitz perfectly timed up his upward strike to shut down the Alabama IDL Byron Young once looping around towards the center.
During team drills, Schmitz’s ability to execute more diverse assignments than that zone-heavy rushing attack he was part of Minnesota, was on display. He did utilize his upper-body strength to torque shade-nose tackles and allow the back to press the front-side on numerous occasions on outside zone, but he also created good vertical movement on combos and climbed off those under good control. The most fun for me were a couple of highly impressive moments full 11-on-11 plays, where he set the key block out in front of Tulane’s explosive RB Tyjae Spears and Okahoma’s Eric Gray respectively, who both ripped off chunk plays each, and Schmitz sent one of the biggest standouts across those first two days in Sacramento State LB Marte Mapu flying a couple of yards on one of them.

Edge defender – Will McDonald IV, Iowa State

I really couldn’t settle on an edge defender from East-West Shrine week. I mentioned a couple of those names at the end and there were a few others I considered. Yet, at the Senior Bowl, I would say that was more of an underwhelming group, looking at names like Auburn’s Derick Hall, Notre Dame’s Isaiah Foskey and Army’s Andre Carter. So I thought it was appropriate to bring up a name, which many considered part of that tier, but probably elevated his stock above those guys. McDonald was a very productive player for the Cyclones these last three years, combining for 33.5 tackles for loss, 27 sacks, eight forced fumbles and seven passes batted down at the line.
The question coming into the week was McDonald’s size, with more of a lanky build at 6’3” ½ and 241 pounds. Yet, I didn’t feel like he was lacking that strength in run defense, being first to attack with his hands and anchoring against angular blocks routinely. I mean he stood his ground against Tennessee’s Darnell Wright a couple of times, who weighed in at 342 pounds – basically exactly 100 more than McDonald. So while some of his tape would suggest he may have issues setting a physical edge, we now have evidence that as a true base D-end/outside linebacker, he can take care at the point of attack. Now, with that being said, what he did as a pass-rusher obviously was what turned the heads of scouts.
Watching him run the hoop drill, you saw that ankle mobility and bend to circle around, which directly translates to rushing the passer. He had a couple of reps during the week, where he cleanly defeated the hands of the tackle with a double-hand swipe or chop-rip and even if that guy was able to still get a hand on him, he would stay on that arc, once even doing so on all fours basically. Off that, he then put a wicked spin move on Tennessee’s right tackle on the second of back-to-back reps one-on-one, after threating the corner and then stepping into the blocker’s space, in order to make him commit on the latter. And that ability to take the inside door opening up as guys had to overset to the outside came into play on day three as well, when he beat Florida’s on a rapid up-and-under. Later during red-zone team period, you saw McDonald’s closing burst when Shepherd QB Tyson Bagent left the pocket the other way and the D-end would’ve run him down like a lion hunting an antelope, if not for pulling up late, to avoid pushing him in the back.

Interior D-line – Dante Stills, West Virginia

This has been one of “my guys” for like three years. I first started taking note of Stills, when I was watching his brother Darius play alongside him on the WVU defensive line – who I liked quite a bit as well – and have been waiting on Dante to go pro since then. Across these past four seasons, he has racked up 47.5 tackles for loss, 21.5 sacks and three forced fumbles, going from second-team All-Big 12 in the first two to first-team all-conference the latter two years.
After lining up at 4i- and 5-technique a lot for the Mountaineers due to his combination of size and length, Stills almost exclusively played three-technique throughout East-West Shrine week and let me tell – this guy was unblockable! Early on day one he had a pass-rush rep, where he cleanly beat the Oregon guard across his face with a swim move, where it wasn’t even a contest. His ability to win up the gap with a quick club-rip combo, stay on track through contact as he was cornering his rushes and then win cross-face when guys started oversetting him, was crazy to watch. That’s along with having the power at nearly 290 pounds to ride blockers into the depth of the pocket, if they decide to give him ground.
Yet, Stills might’ve been even more impressive in the run game. Routinely he would win his gap and own his space, while locking out with one arm, to shut down one-on-ones prematurely. There was a sequence day two, where he just threw the Grand Valley guard Quinton Barrow, trying to reach-block him, to the turf, as he caught the blocker pulling the back-leg through, trying to bring his base around. And then on the re-do, he back-doored that guy, which I’m not sure is how they’re supposed to drill it, but the cat-like quicks where impressive nevertheless. Stills showed his disruptive skills in team run drills as well, crashing through the shoulder of zone blockers and flashing from the backside, along with arm-over and back-dooring a couple of times to force quick cutbacks as well. He didn’t really allow combos to form, knocking away the help-hand of the man trying to peel off and not wasting time with the guy trying to bring his hips around. I feel pretty certain that Stills led everybody in tackles for loss each of the first two days. Teammates recognized him as the IDL of the Week on the East side. In the actual game, he swum over and created a TFL on his first series, before getting another one on the last defensive play for the East.

Interior D-line – Keeanu Benton, Wisconsin

Unlike the edge group down in Mobile, which lacked names that could really set themselves apart, other than Iowa State’s Will McDonald, I thought there were multiple guys on the interior, who deserve to be mentioned. Nevertheless, none of those did impress quite like Wisconsin’s Keeanu Benton. Last year he inexplicably dropped from second- to third-team All-Big Ten, despite reaching career-highs in tackles (36), TFLs (10) and sacks (4.5), along with two more passes batted down.
Since I hadn’t really studied Benton’s tape since the offseason, where I thought based on 2021, he was a solid, worker-bee type shade nose tackle, I was shocked to see this guy flash as much as he did throughout Senior Bowl week. Day one, he showed off his power and ability to pull linemen off himself right away during pass-rush drills. That’s along with guys oversetting to the outside and Benton blowing through the interior in a hurry with the tight arm-over to clear the blocker’s reach. Day two he might’ve been even more impressive. He killed the Troy center Jake Andrews on consecutive reps, beating him instantly on a club-swim combo and then getting grabbed on the latter, where it looked like he had the O-lineman’s shoulders turned and would’ve been able to get across his face, if not for the tug. When setting up cross-face and club-rip moves generally, you saw Benton torque his upper body more than sufficiently, and when he ripped through, it looked more like he was starting a cold chainsaw, with the way he yanked that arm up.
In run defense, Benton routinely brought the fight, going from stacking at full extension, to swatting away the hands, placing himself in the gap and pulling guys off himself. He did so during one-on-ones as well as full-team portions of practice. His wrestling background was on display, winning with quickness, leverage and violent hands. Benton’s official stat log in the actual game will only read one tackle, but he did have a couple of QB hits, once beating TCU’s Steve Avila trying to slide in front of him and putting that guy’s teammate Max Duggan on his backside. That’s along with how disruptive he was all week in team drills and his effort chasing away from the play.

Linebacker – Jeremy Banks, Tennessee

A name I was vaguely familiar with, but hadn’t studied yet is this fifth-year senior from Tennessee. Banks would’ve probably been higher on my watch list based on his 2021 stats, when he recorded 128 total tackles, 11.5 of those for loss, 5.5 sacks, an interception and four PBUs. However, this past season the majority of those numbers were more than cut in half and based on consensus boards, he’s on the fringe of even being drafted – if he has a solid combine, he may be moving closer to an early day three prospect.
And what really made me perk up was watching this young man in coverage. During one-on-ones with the running backs, Banks displayed some impressive burst when driving on option routes, where they could break either way. He would regularly just squat on guys and still affect the catch point once he exploded forward as they made their cut. Banks was one of like two guys that could actually pick up and run with Fresno State back Jordan Mims in team drills as well. He did a nice job identifying dig routes and deep crossers coming in behind him during seven-on-sevens and full team drills. Plus, you saw him redirect in a hurry after floating one way initially and then having to race down on the back catching a checkdown. He had a very impressive snap in coverage day two against a tight-end I already highlighted in Michigan State’s Daniel Barker, turning with him down the seam and getting a paw between that guy’s hands, to bat the ball up for the safety behind him to pluck for the interception.
In team run drills, I thought Banks showed great lateral agility to trail runners from the backside and flatten behind blockers when he saw an opening, as well as pair quick hands and jumping sideways to get to the other side of linemen looking to pin him away from the action. And on the play-side, he was very quick to fill before somebody could combo off to him. When did have to deal with guys climbing up, Banks pulling those off himself, to get hands on the ball-carrier was something that happened on multiple occasions. And a couple of times he blew through the outside shoulder of the fullback before that guy could even get to the line of scrimmage, to create disruption in the backfield. Banks also had a few nice moments in the game, side-stepping blockers and once putting a huge hit on UCLA back Kaz Allen in the hole. During protection drills, you saw the former Vol LB charge full-force into running backs in blitz pick-up a few times, plus then he was slippery once he used his hands, to slither around them.

Linebacker – Marte Mapu, Sacramento State

While I was familiar with Banks as a prospect, I had no idea who this other linebacker from Sacramento State was. Yet, with the way he was wrecking plays during Senior Bowl practices, he made me take note. Mapu was a versatile piece for the Hornet defense, splitting time between safety, outside linebacker and nickelback. In 2022, he was named the Big Sky Defensive Player of the Year, for putting up 76 tackles, 6.5 of those for loss, two passes intercepted and six more broken up.
After showing out at NFLPA Bowl week, Mapu got the call up from Jim Nagy and my god, he made most of that opportunity. I thought he looked pretty impressive from the first moment he stepped onto the field. You saw him rapidly fill on the front-side of run plays and even from the backside, you saw the short-area burst to shoot through a crease and run things down, where nobody was able to get in front of him in time. Mapu had a couple of big-time run stuffs during the inside run portion of day two, once blowing through the shoulder of the guard on a zone run and meeting the back for a TFL, and then another time on an iso-run, absolutely blasting the fullback before that guy could even reach the line of scrimmage, allowing the rest of the defense converge on the ball.
On top of that, Mapu also made a couple of impressive plays in coverage as part of team-drills, once on play-action, where he didn’t fall for it and drifted underneath a dig route, getting a hand on the ball intended to be lofted over his head, to break it up, and later raking the ball out of the tight-end’s hands on a stick route. That’s along with running down Houston standout WR striding out after a solid play, where he was still fired up and punched the ball out, with nobody else in the screen – not that it actually counted, but it shows his level of effort. And he had a couple of nice wins pass-pro drills, once side-stepping Oklahoma RB Eric Gray, combined with the arm-over, to get around him cleanly. Mapu was clocked over 19 MPH multiple times during the week and his speed will be a major buy-in for NFL teams, considering his tremendous special teams background. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to perform in the game on Saturday, but I promise you, basically all scouts will have added his name to their watch list and there will probably be a few more now heading to the Sac State pro day, since he didn’t receive a combine invite.

Cornerback – Lance Boykin, Coastal Carolina

A position group with several noteworthy names between the East-West Shrine and Senior Bowl was cornerback. I couldn’t help myself but talk about three games here, with a couple of them from Vegas, and Boykin is kicking things off. Once just a two-star recruit, this guy began his career at Old Dominion, before making a name for himself with the Chanticleers, where he recorded five interceptions, 12 PBUs and two sacks across his two seasons there.

Analysis on the final five prospects can be found here!

Cornerback – Tyrique Stevenson, Miami

Cornerback – Nic Jones, Ball State

Safety – Sydney Brown, Illinois

Safety – A.J. Finley, Ole Miss

Other winners:

RBs – Eric Gray (Oklahoma), Evan Hull (Northwestern) & Xazavian Valladay (Arizona State)
WRs – Jayden Reed (Michigan State), Nathaniel “Tank” Dell (Houston), A.T. Perry (Wake Forest) & Jalen Cropper (Fresno State)
TEs – Davis Allen (Clemson) & Payne Durham (Purdue)
OTs – Darnell Wright (Tennessee) & Matthew Bergeron (Syracuse)
IOL – Chandler Zavala (N.C. State) & Juice Scruggs (Penn State)
EDGEs – K.J. Henry (Clemson), B.J. Thompson (Stephen F. Austin) & Caleb Murphy (Ferris State)
IDL – Adetomiwa Adebawore (Northwestern), Karl Brooks (Bowling Green) & Ikenna Enechukwu (Rice)
LBs – Aubrey Miller Jr. (Jackson State), Daiyan Henley (Washington State) & Ivan Pace Jr. (Cincinnati) &
CBs – Darius Rush (South Carolina), Kyu Blu Kelly (Stanford), Kei’Trel Clark (Louisville) & Terell Smith (Minnesota)
SAFs – Jammie Robinson (Florida State), Art Green (Houston), Christian Young (Arizona) & Trey Dean III (Florida)

If you enjoyed this analysis, please consider checking out the original piece, and feel free to check out my Youtube channel for more detailed content like this!

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