Preschool behavior observation

Acting like a human = acting like a primate

2017.07.16 00:20 Yuli-Ban Acting like a human = acting like a primate


2015.06.18 00:56 L8sho when good drugs go bad

This subreddit is an exercise in observation. We are here solely as a repository for videos featuring "freakout" or other extremely awkward moments related to the use of drugs. We are not here to cast judgement about the use of any substance.

2011.10.20 05:03 Early Childhood Education: Teacher & Professional Forum

Come learn, grow, and contribute with us. We are an early childhood education discussion forum for ECE teachers to share ideas, advice, questions, current events, and experiences with each other, other ECE related professionals, parents and carers.

2024.05.29 03:13 critter_life_84 Hope for an Autistic-Allistic marriage?

I've only recently realized that I am likely on the Spectrum based on several tests and assessments I've been taking, and it was all prompted by my very analytical and observant husband who I'm trying to have better communication with. The notion brought immediate feelings of relief and hope to both of us for the fact that the things that we have struggled and fought about for several years had an explanation OTHER than one or the other of us being evil or stupid. But here is the big question, understanding the problem is not necessarily fixing or dealing with it. The things that I do that have been very hard for him have an explanation now, but I would like to learn how to not do them, or not do them so much. I am struggling in a huge way with the fact that I typically will recognize that something is not typical or is unacceptable, really focus on changing or adjusting the behavior in the short term, but then always defaulting. So it comes across as a person who never really changes and that things never really get better. I don't know how to maintain much hope based on track record. But I had hope that by getting in a community of people who process things the way that I do that I might be able to learn ways to make lasting behavioral changes or improve Communications, especially emotionally. Any advice?
submitted by critter_life_84 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:10 QuietAffectionate498 ENFP ENTP or INTP

He followed me about a year ago after I created a new social media account (I had told an acquaintance two years ago that I thought he was cute, she told him that I thought so.) He also followed my private spam account, and continues to even though we have now been out of high school for nearly a year. He has never asked me out. I stared at him once or twice in the hallways, and I know that he knew this (looked a bit thrown off, maybe a bit uncomfortable or surprised by it,) yet never confronted me about it.
He has “any pronouns” in his profile, and that he is bisexual. He has posted: “idk if there’s a term for this already but I’ve observed two sorts of categories of jobs. there are jobs that provide a service which would still be necessary or beneficial in a context other than the current society (eg: farmer, doctor, builder) and there are some ‘that don’t fiat jobs’ (eg; passport checker; me)” and “we’re in such a bullshit era for tech rn” and “the scale of life is really starting to hit me and I don’t think that I have that many years left in my soul” and “what if there was a race of cosmic beings out there that had survived many heat deaths, hopping between universes and settling in ones with lifespan orders of magnitudes greater than ours, and what if the reason they never visit is because they perceive time on such a scale that to them our universe will be gone before they can leave? What if they exist on a physical scale much larger than ours, universes to us are subatomic to them, each universes governing laws defining its particle properties?” and “I just want to be observed on purpose every now and then and left completely alone the rest of the time” and “I think I have to become a different person to be happy. Recently I’ve been realizing how deep the roots of my mental health issues go like there’s all these weird conflicting systems in my brain that make it hard to think ‘normally’ and it gets really intense and stressful, but those same weird systems also govern so much of my outwards behavior that I think to change any amount. Of them would be to change something fundamental about who I am”
I actually had Pre Calculus with him in 11th grade. I remember I suspected he was cute underneath his mask (liked his eyes, he had blonde hair.) He liked to play around with his graphing calculator, and see what he could create. We did talk - he didn’t necessarily seem shy, yet also didn’t strike me as an overly enthusiastic person. I remember he told me that he had come close every year to not passing whichever math class he was taking, and that he’d almost failed the one he took the year prior, but had finished off the semester with a C (I think he mentioned that he didn’t tend to do homework.)
I’m quite confident that he remembers that I called him cute, hence why he has tended to vote “white” when I posted polls in the past asking followers of mine what they think my preference is and who they think I’m the most likely to end up with. Although I actually think that my preference has changed, which he may have not been able to predict. And voted “yes” when I posted asking if you think someone’s had a crush on me.
He dated an acquaintance of mine (xNFP) who may be a little below average (I suspect, based upon vibes, that our peers made fun of her for being overweight.) They dated in 8th grade and she apparently broke up with harshly (as someone who had issues with her communication sometimes, I believe that. She could be very blunt,) though they follow each other and I remember her suggesting that he forgave her.
Another acquaintance of mine (IxFP or ISFJ) mentioned not liking him when I said I thought he was cute - she said he’d posted something homophobic during the pandemic, which surprised me/was interesting to me seeing as how he identifies as bisexual. She also, I think, said he was arrogant.
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submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:06 cbear914 5.5 year old (m) needs reminders to go poop

Apologies in advance for this rant/typos. My 5.5 y/o (m) was potty trained after showing signs of readiness right at 2 years old. He is going to kinder in August with 2.5 months at his preschool’s summer camp between him and a major change in school environment and home situation as my husband is deploying the week before school starts. I’m beginning to panic about the constant reminders he needs to go poop (this has been going on since he was 3 - as a toddler it was “I need to poop!” without an issue) and how much worse it will get when I’m solo and he’s adjusting to elementary school. He hasn’t gone poop at school since he was about 3, and aside from one school accident, he’s a pro at holding it in until he gets home.
When he gets home, he gets invested in playing (legos, magna-tiles, hot wheels, trains, whatever it might be) and usually begins to be in obvious physical discomfort (hunching over, sucking in his stomach while playing on all fours, other strange poop-holding-yoga-poses) and we have to remind him to GO! Sometimes he goes to the potty willingly after our prompting, sometimes we get the “I don’t feel like it.” We remind him his toys will still be there when he returns, tell him listen to his body, and he says “it isn’t saying poop, etc.” When he refuses OR my husband or I are preoccupied with our toddler, housework, unloading the car after work/achool, or literally any other task - we’ll find him with a stain in his underwear (this is where I’m beginning to get frustrated), we’ll physically have to remove him and place him on the potty. It’s never a full blown accident, just a “smear” for lack of better term 🤢 No matter how we get him there, he does go nearly every day.
I do not think he is constipated because the kid eats a ton if fruit and vegetables and a lot of water daily. His BMs look “healthy” and he doesn’t have any trouble going once sitting on the toilet. We’ve had him help clean up his underwear, done sticker charts, and even set timers, but he always seems to revert once we try to give him some autonomy back. I’m afraid he’s starting to get scared and sense my husband and I’s frustration he’s starting to give us this puppy dog face and say “it’s ok, mama/daddy! I love you!” This breaks my heart, because now I’m afraid we’re scaring him. We never use consequences or punish him, just encourage him to go and listen to his body and remind him his toys will be right where he left them etc, but I feel like he senses the stress.
We have asked preschool for reminder help, but since he is one of those kids who doesn’t poop at school. I think they just chalk him up to a non-issue. I’m worried if he needs to go at school in kindergarten with the big changes we have coming up, he will have accidents or the withholding will her worse.
For further reference he has no behavioral or developmental issues and is a pretty advanced for his age. Has zero problems in school and is genuinely a joy of a kid. He’s excellen at solo/imaginative play and I’m afraid this is our downfall, he’s so wrapped up in his own world he neglects the bathroom. I should note that going pee is not an issue!
Is this worth making an appt for the pediatrician? If you’ve been in a similar situation, where your kid needed to be reminded or physically taken to the potty to poop - what worked for you? Feeling like he’ll go to middle school at this point needing to be told to go #2 🤪
submitted by cbear914 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:27 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C8.1: The Doomsday Dad

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
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The last few notes of a Roxy Rocket song echoed through Vell’s dorm, and while scrappy and dissonant, they were at least coherent. An improvement from early lessons, especially.
“Well, that didn’t hurt to listen to,” Skye said. “You’re making progress.”
“You have such a way with words,” Vell said.
“Okay, fine,” Skye said. “You’re actually making good progress for a guy who only finds time to practice every couple weeks.”
The ever-encroaching responsibilities of being a senior, the leader of the loopers, and the focus of a godly game of fate had whittled Vell’s free time down to almost nothing. The occasional guitar lessons were some of his only islands amid the storm, and a welcome excuse to spend more time with Skye.
“You want to try a few more chords?”
“My hands are starting to hurt, actually,” Vell said. He pulled away from the guitar strings and shook tense fingers loose, revealing fingertips rubbed red and raw by practice. Skye stepped forward and took him by the wrist to examine his hands.
“I do not understand how a guy like you doesn’t have thicker skin,” Skye said. “Weren’t you an actual cowboy for a while? You did rodeos and everything.”
“I wore gloves,” Vell said.
“And for the rest of the weird shit you’ve done in your life?”
Vell took a long pause.
“Yeah, I don’t know,” Vell said. “Good genes, I guess.”
“I’m not complaining, mind you, I just think-”
A loud dinging sound from Skye’s purse interrupted the conversation, and she released her grip on Vell to go answer her phone. Vell recognized those familiar chimes as the Dad Ringtone. While most contacts were set to vibrate, Skye’s father and a few other lucky high-priority contacts got their own ringtones. Vell was lucky enough to have his ringtone set to the theme song of a cartoon Skye had loved as a kid, but played at a much lower volume than the Dad Ringtone. Skye’s father didn’t call often, and when he did it was usually about something important, so she wanted to be sure to never miss a call.
“Hey dad,” Skye began. “No, now’s fine. What’s up?”
Vell set his guitar back on the shelf and relaxed while Skye continued the call.
“No, no, that’d be fine, great, even,” Skye said. “He might be a little busy, but- What?”
Skye’s delight and talking to her father shifted to mild concern.
“Dad we kind of need to- no, not tomorrow, dad,” Skye said. “Dad!”
A long silence followed as Skye held the phone frozen by her ear for a short time. She tucked it back into her purse, took a deep breath, and clapped her hands together as she spun to face Vell.
“So, good news, you’re going to get to meet my dad,” Skye squeaked.
“And the bad news?”
“Well, part one of the bad news is that it’s going to happen tomorrow,” Skye said. Vell would’ve like a little more notice, but that was far from disastrous. Part two was still waiting, though. “And part two is that I kind of maybe didn’t do a very good job describing the nature of our relationship, and he sort of a little bit thinks you’re...a hero.”
Vell waited for a part three, and there was none.
“Is that the bad news?” Vell scoffed. “I might let him down a little, but there’s worse things my girlfriend’s dad could think of me.”
“Yeah there’s definitely a few upsides, be sure to hold on to those,” Skye said. “But also, you know how I flunked out of mad scientist school?”
“Well my dad...didn’t.”
“Your girlfriend’s dad is a supervillain?”
“Former supervillain,” Vell corrected. He adjusted the suit coat he’d just put on. “He left the game after she was born and went white hat, now he only builds death rays and robot armies so relevant authorities can observe, learn, and prepare for the real deal.”
Having a genuine mad scientist to train with helped keep secret agents and spies ready for actual threats, and Skye’s father got to keep doing what he loved: threatening to blow up the world.
“Are you still really a supervillain if you don’t actually do any villain shit?” Hawke wondered aloud. “Isn’t he just sort a supertrainer? What would you call that?”
“I’d call it asinine,” Alex said. “We shouldn’t be condoning this behavior, much less inviting him to build a death ray on our campus.”
The Einstein-Odinson had been selected as the faux-mad scientist’s next testing ground, and due to a misunderstanding of his role on campus, Vell had been selected as his testing partner. He had to put on a tuxedo and everything, to better fit the classic secret agent trope Skye’s father was envisioning.
“Mad scientists are an important part of the scientific ecosystem,” Helena said.
“You’d know,” Samson muttered under his breath.
“Conflict breeds innovation,” Helena continued, either heedless to or deliberately ignoring his snide comment. “The arc of history requires both heroes and villains.”
“Yeah, well, as far as villains go, I prefer mine to be weird old dads with fake death rays,” Kim said. “Still, Vell, doesn’t it feel kind of weird that he doesn’t actually know you’re dating his daughter?”
“It’s fine,” Vell insisted. “It’s always awkward trying to talk to your parents about your relationship, and she just over-focused on me saving the day and helping people. Simple miscommunication.”
“And when are you resolving that miscommunication?”
“Later,” Vell said. “Skye and her dad don’t get to spend much time together anymore. They’ll take the day, and we’ll get this all sorted out later.”
A life of volcano lairs, alpine bases, and remote tropical islands did not exactly make it easy for Skye to keep up with her dad, so having him concoct a scheme right on her home turf was a good way for the two of them to spend time together. Right now, Vell’s only priority was allowing for some healthy father-daughter bonding time. And also preventing the apocalypse.
“Okay, I’m good to go,” Vell said, as he finished up the knot in his bow-tie. “Hawke, ready on comms?”
“Mission control good to go, Agent Harlan,” Hawke said. He enjoyed any apocalyptic arrangement that allowed him to stay safely behind a chair, but playing mission control was especially fun.
“Good. Samson, you’re on tech duty,” Vell said. “The rest of you, keep an eye on the island. There’s no guarantee our supervillain will actually end the world. Which feels like a weird thing to say.”
Big events usually invited big catastrophes, and a literal supervillain seemed like a prime spark for some apocalyptic fire, but Vell was not so sure. He couldn’t think of anything less likely to actually end the world than a deliberate attempt to do so. All the loopers agreed having some backup eyes on other potential disasters might be warranted.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Alex said. She was the first to leave, everyone else filtered into their respective roles to play soon enough. Samson walked alongside Vell as he left the lair.
“Hey, do I have to put up the whole mission control act like Hawke was doing?”
“Not if you don’t want to,” Vell said. “Play it up a little if Skye’s dad is around, maybe, but like, right now we can just talk normally.”
“Okay, cool. Got your shit right here,” Samson said, as he hefted a large bag of gadget. “Standard spy bullshit. Gizmo watch, secret cufflink radios, pen with a concealed laser cutter, got it all right here.”
“Thanks,” Vell said. “Where’d you find all this stuff?”
“I just asked,” Samson said with a shrug. “Island full of supergenius weirdos, most of them had this kind of stuff just lying around.”
“Convenient. Did you make a list of everyone you got this stuff from?”
“So we can keep an eye on them? Yeah.”
“So I can give it back later,” Vell corrected. “But yeah, actually, knowing about the laser pen guy might be a good idea.”
“We’ll know where to start with any laser-based apocalypses,” Samson said.
“Good instinct,” Vell said. The two of them walked out of the building and towards the docks. “Am I walking weird? I’ve never worn a tux before.”
“Little stiff, but I think it’s working in your favor. You look more serious.”
“Great, thanks,” Vell said. He stepped up to the edge of the docks and strapped on his gadget watch before checking the time on it. “Should be here soon.”
“You need me to stick around?”
“No, you’re good,” Vell said. “Thanks for the help.”
Samson excused himself before the chaos started in full. Vell felt like an idiot standing around in a tux for a minute or two, until he was joined by someone in an equally odd outfit. Skye joined him in waiting on the docks, wearing a dress with long sleeves and a short skirt over sparkling tights and some very high-heeled boots.
“Very gogo dancer,” Vell said.
“Yeah, dad’s really into that whole Cold War era 60’s style,” Skye said. “Apparently this is what a ‘proper villainess’ looks like to him.”
“Could be worse, could be the catsuit kind of female villain.”
“Ugh, don’t get me started,” Skye said. “Every time he took me to work conferences I had to watch grown women try to waddle around in pleather bodysuits.”
“Supervillains have conferences?”
“Oh yeah, surprisingly good ones,” Skye said. “Especially if you’re a little girl who likes genetically engineered sharks.”
“Oh, so that’s where you got your start.”
Skye nodded. Her penchant for genetic engineering had struck at an early age. Her father had initially been excited for her to get into the family business, but it turned out Skye just liked fucking with fish DNA, and didn’t have much skill in all the non-genetic engineering parts of mad science. He was proud of her anyway.
After shifting on uncomfortably high heels for the umpteenth time, Skye checked her phone and texted her father.
“He says he’s pulling up right now,” Skye said. Vell scanned the horizon and saw nothing coming across the ocean.
“Is he at the right-”
Vell was cut off, and forced to step back, as the ocean started to churn. The waves parted to reveal a jet-black submarine with a towering, jagged skull carved into the prow.
“Oh, right, supervillain,” Vell said.
The imposing submersible drifted to a halt, and a hatched on the side hissed open. Red lights beamed out from the darkness within, and a few seconds later, an armored killbot marched down a boarding ramp, flanked by a towering man in a long white labcoat. He had a jagged streak of black through his otherwise gray hair, and wore heavy glasses with thick black lenses that obscured his gaze and shadowed his face.
“Hi dad,” Skye said.
“Hello dear,” said the man behind the murder machine. He stepped off the boarding ramp onto the dock, as another killbot exited to flank him, and fixed his dark glasses on Vell. “And as for you...I am Doc-”
“Doc” stopped his imposing introduction to have a coughing fit. Skye stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Dad, did you take your meds today?”
“I did, I did,” the Doc said, between coughs. “Just a climate thing. I got on the damn submarine in Seattle, now we’re in the tropics, there’s pressure differentials, humidity.”
He let out a few more coughs and then cleared his throat loudly, before regaining his previous composure.
“Now, as I was saying,” he continued. “I am Doc Ragnarok!”
His boisterous shout failed to echo in the open air of the docks.
“Oh, good lord, that was terrible,” Doc Ragnarok said. “Can I try again?”
“I wouldn’t bother,” Vell said. “We’re by the beach, open air, the acoustics are terrible.”
“Oh, yes, you’re right,” Doc Ragnarok agreed. “Finally, someone who appreciates the details. You must be Vell, then, or is it Agent Harlan? Do you have a codename I should be using?’
“It’s just Harlan. Vell Harlan.”
“Yes, Skye has told me quite a bit about you,” Doc said. “You’ve escaped kidnapping attempts, outwitted undead thieves, stolen secret treasures.”
“Oh, he’s, uh, also a really nice guy, very helpful, top student,” Skye said, laying groundwork for the eventual boyfriend reveal.
“I expect nothing less,” Doc Ragnarok said. “I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to face off against someone with real credentials again, Mr. Harlan. For the past few decades it’s been nothing but greenhorns using me as a test run, well-trained but no experience, no sense of style.”
“Well, I am nothing if not experienced,” Vell said. “Stylish, however...well, this tuxedo is a rental.”
“I can tell,” Doc Ragnarok said. He let out a single boisterous bark of delighted laughter. “Ah, look at us, already bantering. I missed this.’
Doc cleared his throat again and regained his ominous supervillain demeanor, as he snapped his fingers to make the killbots flank him.
“I must begin my preparations,” he said, in a voice shockingly distinct from his earlier conversational tone. “Challenge me if you dare.”
“Excuse me a moment,” said a voice somewhere behind the killbots. Doc snapped his fingers, ordering the crowd to part again, and Helena hopped forward on her crutches. Skye glanced at Vell curiously, and he shrugged in confusion. She wasn’t supposed to be here, for multiple reasons.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, I was just reading your book earlier, ‘Practically Evil: A Guide to Classic Villainy’,” Helena said. “It’s a great read, but what really stood out to me is the section on classic henchman archetypes, specifically ‘The Igor’?”
She held up the book in question, which Vell noted had a picture of Doc Ragnarok holding a skull on the cover, and opened it to the section in question.
“Oh yes, I understand, completely,” Doc Ragnarok said. “As I said in the section opener, that information is presented for historical context, and I strongly condemn the typecasting of differently-abled persons like yourself into such roles. Regardless of my intent, I’m sorry if I caused any offense, and if you have feedback-”
“Oh, no, you misunderstand, I’m not offended, I’m actually intrigued,” Helena said. She turned the book around to quote a specific passage. “‘An outcast, often hunchbacked or otherwise misshapen in such a way to make them a pariah, physically handicapped but mentally gifted, driven to evil by the harsh treatment of judgmental peers’. I think it’s a very fitting role for me, and I’d love to give it a try.”
Vell had several very strong opinions about that, but kept all of them to himself.
“Well, it’s a bit short notice, but I’ll never discourage anyone from following the path of evil,” Doc Ragnarok said. “And this is a training exercise, after all, perfect time for you to train. Come along, minion! The more the merrier!”
Doc Ragnarok snapped his fingers again, and the killbots fell in line, this time with Helena in tow. A procession of smaller robots followed, carrying a worrying number of power cores, ray guns, and mutagens. Not for the first time, Vell began to wonder if this was a good idea. The recurring doubts got obliterated as Skye looked over her shoulder and winked. She was worth a lot more trouble than this.
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:58 BellaHi Introducing MyScale Telemetry - Your Open-Source Alternative to LangSmith!

In a world where LLM applications are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, observability is not just a nice-to-have—it's essential for production-grade applications! Ensuring robust performance and reliability is a must, and that's exactly what MyScale Telemetry delivers.
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submitted by BellaHi to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:42 AdamLuyan Fundamental Annoyances Fundamental Annoyances
Greed, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, and ferocious views, the six laws are the basis of all annoyances, are all annoyances’ first juristic quadrant (cf. section 11.1), therefore they are called fundamental annoyances.
(1) Greed is the desire to stay in a favorable environment, to feel pleasure, or to think craving thoughts. In have environments or laughable environments, its nature is dyeing obsessions; its karma is producing bitter.
(2) Irritability is the thinks of anger and rage in response to adverse environments. In bitter or hostile environments, its nature is vexation and hate; its karma is the being depended for ferocious behaviors.
(3) Ignorance, is also known as non-light, is the foolish thoughts in response to adverse and adoptable etc. environments, is unreasonable thoughts in response to the bitter and laugh etc. acceptances. On affairs and theories, its nature is muddles and gloomy; its karma is the being depended for miscellaneously dyed laws.
(4) Arrogance, depending oneself more than others, its nature is lifting high, its karma is to produce bitter. There are seven types of arrogances: (A) Arrogance, holding inferiority as one’s own victory, holding equality as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (B) Excessive Arrogance, counting equality as one’s own victory, holding victory as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (C) Arrogance Transcending Arrogance, holding victory as one’s own victory to lift heart high as nature. (D) I Arrogance, randomly holding something in five nodes as I and mine to lift heart high as nature. (E) Escalatory Arrogance, in the case of proving laws which is due to special victorious “escalatory factor (cf. section 14.1)”, including having proved minor laws indeed, saying those unattained laws as “I have proved” to lift heart high as nature. (F) Self-Contempt Arrogance, to other’s extraordinary fortunes and virtues counting as oneself is little inferior or little lessor, in this way he or she lifts heart high as nature. (G) Heretical Arrogance, to factually oneself not having those fortunes and virtues, illusively counting as oneself having those fortunes and virtues to lift heart high as nature.
(5) Suspicion, on theories in Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is hesitation; its karma is hindering those benevolences.
(6) Ferocious Views are upside-down inferencing theories of Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is to contaminate gnosis, its karma is to produce bitter. There are five types of ferocious views: Seth View, Edge View, Heresy, View Fetch View, Precept Fetch View. Seth View

Translocation Body View is I view, it is I in oral language, its nature is holding something among five nodes as I and mine, its karma is basis for all view interests. Its Sanskrit word is sakkāya-diṭṭh, the biblical as Seth, and the Mexican Nahuatl language is Titlacauan, which means that we are its slave, which saying is same to the modern German philosopher Hegel’s saying, “man is a slave to itself”. There are two common ways of unfolding the Seth matrix, one with twenty sentences and the another with sixty-five.
20 sentences of unfolding Seth by five nodes:
(1) Counting color node as I, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors.
(2) Counting acceptance node as I, I have acceptances; acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances.
(3) Counting think node as I, I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks.
(4) Counting migration node as I, I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.
(5) Counting sense node as I, I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
Of these five groups, the first is counted as subjective I, the remaining three are corresponding to the I, therefore, five of the twenty sentences are egos and fifteen are my objective views.
65 sentences of unfolding Seth by five nodes:
(1) Using color node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am colors, I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belongs to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
(2) Using acceptance node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am acceptances, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me; I am inside senses.
(3) Using think node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am thinks; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances; I have migrations, migration belongs to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
(4) Using migration node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am migration; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.
(5) Using sense node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am senses; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.
In each of these five groups of thirteen sentences, the first sentence in each group is ego, followed by four groups of my objective views. The three my objective opinions in each group of my objective views are each named: my tassel, my servant, and my vessel. Edge Views (47 Heads)

Edge Obsession Views are also known as Edge Views, i.e., in which one goes along random obsessions of Severance, Permanence, Have, Nil, etc.; its karma is to hinder twelve growth places, four victorious cruxes, and ousting mundaneness. Severance view is obsessive view of severance and extinction, belong to nihilism. The Permanence view is obsessive view that the body and mind are permanent, and it belongs to the edge-view of have. The Nil views are Edge Views leaning to none.
(1) Permanence Theses (4 Heads)
A) A mutant (i.e., mundane people) enters meditation stillness (see Illustrations to 8), gets to recall what has happened during the past 20 catastrophes, and counts those sentient beings as everlasting and indestructible.
B) A mutant recall what has happened since the past 40 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.
C) A mutant recall what has happened since the past 80 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.
D) A mutant with its swift intelligence or celestial eye (Celestial Eye, is bodily experiences to illustration to 8), counts that present all sentient beings and mundane society are permanent.
(2) Both permanence and impermanence (4 Heads)
A) A sentient being died in Big God Sky (Fig., came and reborn in this world, gained Fate Intelligence (Cf. Section 10.7, Fate Intelligence), and, viewing the former places he or she came from, says that they, the Great God Skies naturally have, and have always been permanent, but we are converted by them, therefore are impermanent.
B) Those skies, who had lost their stillness, died, and fell into this land for the sake of indulgence in games and laughs, then attained fate intelligence and knew where they had come from before, calculatingly said that the other beings, who did not laugh and indulge, are permanent there, that we, who play games and laughs, hence here the impermanent.
C) Those sky crowd, who are born with heart with dyeing desires, for which they have lost their stillness and disappeared in non-intermittent karma, later gained fate intelligence, calculatingly said, "Those skies who are without phenomena and dyeing, are permanently dwell, my kinds, born dyeing desirous hearts, are the cause of the impermanent birth and death.
D) A person with quick-wittedness, after discriminately meaning and calculation, counted that I and the mundane world as permanent and impermanent (i.e., God or soul is permanent, but the flesh body is not permanent).
(3) Have Thinks Theses (16 Heads)
(A) I have a color body after this and have thinks. (B) no color body but having thinks. (C) either having color or having thinks. (D) neither “having color and having thinks” nor “not having color and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to Color Node.
(E) Counting that I die here, and then there is an edge border, and there are thinks. (F) counting that there is not edge border, and there are thinks. (G) counting that either “having edge and having thinks” or “not having edge and having thinks”. (H) Counting that “neither having edge and having thinks” nor “not having edge and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to “Edge and Edgeless”.
(I) Counting that I end here, and then there are bitter and thinks. (J) Counting having laugh and having thinks.
(K) Counting that either “having bitter and having thinks” or “having laugh and having thinks”. (L) counting that neither having bitter and having thinks” nor “having laugh and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Bitter and Laugh.
(M) Count on my dying here, and then have one think. (N) Counting that there are several thinks. (O) Counting that there is a small think. (P) Counting that there is an infinite number of thinks. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Amount.
(4) Thoughtless Theses (8 Heads)
Thoughtlessness to Color Body: (A) after I die here, I will have color and no think; (B) either non-color or non-think; (C) either “having color and no think” or “no color and no think”; (D) neither “not having color and no think” nor “non-color and non-think”.
Thoughtlessness to Edge and Edgeless: (E) I end hereafter, edgeless borderless and no think. (F) edgeless and non-think. G) Either “having edge and non-think” or “edgeless and non-think”. (H) Neither “having edge and non-think” nor “edgeless and non-think”.
Since these are thoughtless theses, there are not the four sentences of non-think vs. bitter & laugh, nor are there the four sentences of non-think vs. amount, which eight kinds all are thought-inspired opinions.
(5) Neither Having Think nor Thoughtless (8 Heads)
The four sentences of “neither having think nor non-think” (Fig to color, and the four sentences to edge, all are analogous to the Non-Think Theses available, and there are no four sentences of bitter and laugh, also not the four sentences to amount, also because of “neither having think nor non-think”.
(6) Severance Extinction Theses (7 Heads)
A) This body of mine, which was formed by the Four Big Seeds (i.e., four basic elements, cf. section 11.2), born of parents, and raised by food and clothing, is impermanent and will eventually perish.
B) This body of mine is not to be extinguished finally, is to be reborn in the Desire Boundary Skies (Fig. to 15), which is to be finally extinguished.
C) Desire boundary skies’ body will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn with all roots (eyes, ears etc.) in color boundary’s skies (Fig to 8), and when that recompenses are consumed, I will be extinct at last there.
D) In the lands of color boundary, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Edgeless Empty Place” (Fig in non-color boundary and will be extinct at last there.
E) In Edgeless Empty Place, I will not extinct finally; I will be reborn in Edgeless Senses Place (Fig. and will be extinct there.
F) In Edgeless Senses Place. I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in No Objectively Have Place (Fig and will be extinct there.
G) In Not Objectively Have Place, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Neither Think nor Non-Think Place” (Fig, after that recompenses are consumed, I will fall apart and be extinct there at last. Heresies (15 Heads)

The preceding Edge Views can be categorized into four types: firstly, obsessions to have, secondly, obsessions to nil, thirdly, either have or nil, and fourthly, neither have nor nil. The Heretical Views are those that slander the reality of cause and effect, as well as those that are not the front four views; there are four types of them: (A) Non-reason for Have; (B) Edge and Edgeless Thinks; (C) Non-death Making Chaos; and (D) Present Life Is Salvation.
(1) Non-reason for Have (2 Heads)
(A) Someone who was first born in Thoughtless Sky (annotation, it is the fourth sky of the four-meditation sky, aka Longevity Sky, cf. section 13.2.4), fallen and reborn among human society, and then practiced meditation, saw that no heart and no thinks of the previous life, conclude that mundane has no reason, only counting as have.
(B) Some people discriminate them with quick-wittedness, and conclude that the world has no reason, but obsessions as haves.
(2) Edge and Edgeless Thinks (4 Heads)
(A) Somebody enters stillness (i.e., meditation state), sees that the world has edge border, then raises edge view.
(B) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world is edgeless, then raises edge-less view.
(C) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world has edges in nadir and zenith, but in eastward westward southward and northward, it hasn’t edges; or in four directions the world has edges, but in nadir and zenith, it hasn’t edges, therefore he or she arouses both edge and edgeless view.
(D) There are those who, with quick-wittedness, observe the world and have the view that the world is neither having edge nor edgeless.
(3) Non-Death Making Chao (4 Heads)
Some mutants serve the sky whose name is non-Death. When those non-Death sky servers encounter people who ask affairs of the non-Death sky, the first type of people terrorize ignorance, the second type of people with a flattering heart, the third type of people who has a horrible heart, and the fourth type of people who is stupid; these are all kinds of pretentious answers.
(4) Present Life Is Salvation (5 Heads)
(A) Some people say that I am now in Nirvana (i.e., absolutely salvation) in this body. I am happy in the present five desires, this body is Nirvana, and there is no more Nirvana after this. This is saying that Desire Boundary (Fig is Nirvana.
(B) Some refer to the Great God Sky (Fig of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(C) Some refer to the Light Sound Sky (Fig of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(D) Some refer to the Third Meditation Sky (Fig of Color Boundary as nirvana.
(E) Some refer to the Fourth Meditation Sky (Fig of Color Boundary as nirvana. View Fetch (108 Heads)

View Fetch is short for “views abstracted from views”, which means that views and their rooting nodes are obsessed as the most superior, leading to immaculate Nirvana. Its karma is the basis for all conflicts. There are 108 types of View Fetches, and they are calculated as follows.
(A) For each of the six roots (eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, and intent-root) there are three kinds of acceptances (bitter, neutral, and laugh), which make up 18.
(B) For each of the six dusts (colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and laws), there are three environments (favorable environment, neutral environment, and adverse environment), which make up another 18; together, they are 36.
(C) Experiencing the past, the present, and the future, which together amount to 108. Precept Fetch

Precept Fetch is short for “views abstracted from precepts and forbiddances”, which means to obediently follow the precepts and forbiddances and their dependencies, and to hold them to be the best, according to them one can gain salvation. Its karma is the basis for non-profitable bitter of diligent labours.
Isn't it right to keep the precepts? It is certainly true that obeying the precepts is sequential liberation, but Precept Fetches refer to those who take precepts without understanding the precepts, and those who do not understand the reasons for the forbiddances, indiscriminately obey what they consider to be theories derived from the precepts and forbiddances, such as that monks do not eat meat, that there are temples in India that feed flies and mice in the streets, that Islamists and Christians practice circumcision, etc.
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submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:34 TerrantulaX Is my relationship more than platonic?

Warning this is going to be a VERY LONG post. I am just going to start plain and simple. I (M23) have been friends with this girl (F23) for the past 8 or so years now since high school. For brevity I will refer to her as “Lara”. Overtime we have become incredibly close to one another. She often confides in me first on very serious topics and I will spend hours on the phone talking to her about various subjects and her relationships (she is a serial monogamist). I also visit her quite often even though she lives about an hour away for school.
This past weekend is when things get a bit more confusing in my own mind. I went to the movies with some other friends of mine. We got drinks at a cocktail bar before hand. During the conversation it came up that two of my newest acquaintances (both women) assumed I had dated Lara in the past or that we were currently dating and that from an outside observer that’s what it looked like. I wasn’t shocked by this statement as other people had assumed me and her were a couple before in the past and male friends of mine have even asked permission to see her in the past, even though I’ve never been an item with her.
The movie let out at almost 1 in the morning. My friend Lara has expressed interest in meeting up after my screening to hang out, I failed to mention this to the group. I noticed my two females friends seemed a bit put off by this. And their words were ringing in my head as I thought about how she drove across town at like 1 am on a Sunday to hang with us. We returned to the cocktail bar in which I immediately offer to buy Lara a drink. The hour passes the bar closes and we decide to go home, when walking to our cars I keep brushing Lara’s hand on accident. For some reason it made me start to feel weird maybe it was what was said earlier by my other friends, but the energy just felt different than usual.
The next day Lara and I went shopping. Where she made several jokes about us pretending to be a couple. Which is a joke we have made before in the past. She is currently seeing someone right now, but was joking about us being a couple taking a cooking class or how I’d be pushing a stroller, with her and her new man’s child in it. I’m not a very overly masculine man or someone who has a lot of machismo, yet it felt oddly emasculating to hear her say that.
When she was shopping she was trying on some dresses and asking my opinion. Now I know Lara is attractive but she looked so good in this one dress, I hate to say it since she is my friend but I was checking her out like crazy. I offered to buy it for her. She refused the offer (which is fine since I’m pretty irresponsible with money). However the whole shopping experience and how genuinely happy I felt made me wonder “oh God do I like Lara”. Like I said I know she is attractive and it’s not like I’ve never entertained the idea of us doing things. But we are such genuine friends that it’s so past that point in our relationship, it feels like she’s my sister sometimes. And I know all her baggage and dirty laundry, so that feeling is usually not there.
So I decided to turn to Reddit for some advice (lol) and started to read a bunch of stories about platonic relationships, and started to realize that maybe Lara and I did not have a normal Platonic relationship. I was reading from other users in platonic relationships as they described incidents in which they were cuddling their friends. Much to my surprise most commenters said this is something that platonic friends do not do. Which is a problem because Lara is quite touchy. For example a couple of months ago after a night out drinking I was back at Lara’s apartment when I asked if I could sleep in bed with her, since I’m too tall for her couch and it always fucks up my back. I was planning fully on just staying on my side of the bed. But before I’m even in the bed she tells me to take off my pants since I’m wearing jeans. I do and get in bed I’m ready to just pass the fuck out and go to bed but she says “are you going to cuddle me?” Almost like it was an expectation for me to do so, I end up spooning with her all night. In the morning we just relaxed in her bed, she asks for me to rub her foot and massage her leg. And it’s like super incredibly casual she’s just showing me things on her phone as I’m just rubbing up her leg which she has across my body.
If it was an isolated incident I’d say whatever. But it’s not. Over the years I ’m constantly giving her back massages under her bra, rubbing her feet, and even during a leg massage in which when I asked “where she wanted me to massage” she said “higher” and so I did but when it wasn’t high enough she directed me to her inner thigh.
And now this is stupid but I’m thinking “wait does Lara like me?”
I almost doubt this assertion because I am nowhere near her type. I’m like super out of shape. And she likes super masculine guys. Which is something I am not. And she is always insisting I get a girlfriend or hook up with a girl. The past boyfriends she has been with all have been pretty bad and I have helped her go through all of the breakups. Which is a problem within in itself because it feels like her trauma is my trauma, and I feel like I take on a lot of emotional stress from relationships that aren’t mine. Her newest guy seems to be the best so far so that’s a relief. Someone in another thread referred to this kind of relationship as a “Boyfriend without benefits” and unfortunately it’s made me resent when she calls me
I also asked my friend before I posted this and he says he doesn’t think she likes me like that and that it’s pretty normal that we look like a couple. Maybe I’m just bummed that we are platonic actually. She has called me her “platonic soulmate”What do y’all think is our relationship platonic?
TLDR: after a comment by other friends, I am wondering if my longtime friend and I are more than just platonic and if her touchy behavior is a part of it
submitted by TerrantulaX to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:49 Cooked_Telegraph Am I asexual? Is it childhood trauma? What should I do?

[bad English apology]
I am a 15 years old male, I have never been in a relationship and never really had any crushes that lasted more than like a week. I do not feel attracted to men, so I know that I am not gay. Often times I find myself in weird situations where my friends would be like : “did you see that girl? She’s so bad” or stuff like that and I would just be like “damn” or laugh a bit awkwardly, not really feeling the same, and so I started thinking about how I have actually rarely if not never been attracted to a person because of their looks; like yes, if someone is objectively good looking I can recognize that, but I don’t think I have like a “type” or anything like that, and after a few months of observing my own behavior and reactions to situations (like one time we were having a sex ed lesson at school, and while it was fairly awkward for everyone, I felt kind of lukewarm - I know that’s not the right word - about it) I have come to the conclusion that I might be asexual, or something like that. I don’t know if it’s just because I have never had sex before, or if it’s trauma, but I don’t recall any traumatic experiences from my childhood that could be the cause. Am I asexual? How do I know if I am? What do I tell my family? I know they would probably be supportive of me, since both of my parents are very open minded, but I don’t know how my grandparents could take it and it would be an issue since I spend a lot of time at their place every day. How do I tell my friends? I really don’t know what their reaction could be, but I don’t have a lot of friends and I don’t think I can afford to lose them. What do I call myself? Do I need to have a label? I just don’t know anything about it, and searching the web didn’t seem to help. I think it is worth pointing out that I have discovered masturbation, and while I did do it a lot during the pandemic, I do not feel the need to get off very often since I only do a handful of times a month and when I do I don’t really watch porn, I instead do it imagining scenarios where it’s more of a romantic thing, but I’ll spare you the details. Can I still find I partner if I’m asexual? Is sex that important to non-asexual people? I mean it’s not like I refuse to have sex, it doesn’t disgust me, I just… don’t mind it. It’s whatever, and I don’t see why all the people my age make such a big deal of it. Please tell me what to do, I’m so lost. (Also, I tried measuring how much I take to reach orgasm when I masturbate since I notice it takes me quite a bit to get aroused, and it takes me about half an hour to get off, is that gonna compromise any sexual experiences I could have? Since I know the average time for a male orgasm is like 7-8 minutes.) I’m sorry if you don’t understand what i wrote, I’m usually sleeping at this time.
submitted by Cooked_Telegraph to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:38 Insomnia_state One of the best trades ever--types of luck

On one random day in July 2005, Kyle McDonald was fidgeting with a red paperclip. Then he thought to himself how awesome it would be if he were to trade that paperclip up for a house or something very valuable. Since he had some experience in trading things for profit.
He posted on Facebook that he wanted to trade the paperclip, looking for anything more valuable than the paperclip.
Eventually, he was able to trade the paperclip for a wooden fish pen.
He then exchanged the wooden fish pen for a knob crafted by a potter based in Seattle. Then exchanged that for a Coleman grill and traveled to Massachusetts to make the trade.
Then traded that for a generator in California.
He was dedicated, he traveled for hours to different locations just for a trade. This gave him momentum and he was getting excited to see where this would lead him.
One day he went to Queens, New York to trade the generator to someone who offered him a vintage neon Budweiser sign.
Days on, a Montreal radio host emailed Kyle to trade his snowmobile for the sign. This event got him national media coverage for his escapades, and this helped him market the products he was trading later on. Later on, Someone called him to trade that for an afternoon with rock star Alice Cooper, which he went on to trade for a KISS snow globe and then for a paid role in a Corbin Bernsen movie.
One year later and 14 trades later, the town of Kipling Saskatchewan, wanted a trade for the role—because some Kipling citizens auditioned for the role, which he then finally traded for a house.
What he did was impressive, some people would argue that he was just lucky that's all.
Well, that’s true in some sense, it depends on how we define luck.
In the book, Chase, Chance, and Creativity: The Lucky Art of Novelty, neurologist James H. Austin mentioned that there are different types of luck. I think we should be aware of them.
Type 1: Blind Luck
“Chance I is completely impersonal; you can’t influence it.” - Dr. James H. Austin
This is luck from pure chance that occurs without any action. It's completely random and not in our control.
Example: Being born into a rich family and inheriting a Mansion.
Type 2: Luck from motion
This luck arises from being active and putting yourself in situations where opportunities can ride.
Example: Kyle McDonald traded his way up from a paperclip up to a house. He posted the objects on a marketplace and traveled hours to trade. This led to him gaining media attention after months, which then led to him finally trading for a house.
This only happened because he was in motion–taking action.
Type 3: Luck from preparation
This luck comes from being well-prepared and knowledgeable in a specific field subject or field.
Example: Someone who has been in the dropshipping business for quite some time notices that Tiktok is becoming popular, and can be used as a marketing platform for their dropshipping store. Making Millions with high-profit margins easily before TikTok organic dropshipping becomes overly competitive.
This luck allows you to recognize opportunities when they arise before many others.
Type 4: Luck from possessing unique insights.
“Chance IV favors those with distinctive, if not eccentric hobbies, personal lifestyles, and motor behaviors.” - Dr. James H. Austin.
This luck is often the result of deep thinking, creativity, and the ability to connect pieces of information in marvelous ways.
Example: Someone who loves tech becomes a YouTube tech reviewer who gets good at reviewing tech products and their channel grows rapidly. Leading to them making a lot of money, landing big deals with tech companies, and being invited to take part in prestigious events.
How to increase your chances of luck
The most effective way to get more lucky is by increasing the input.
The more you roll the dice the higher the chance you have to get the lucky number.
The more lottery tickets you buy the higher chances you have to win.
Type 1 isn't in our control, but types 2, 3, and 4 are mostly in our control.
And if you observe most of the successful people and Billionaires, the luck that led them to their position is type 2, 3, 4.
Knowing these different kinds of luck can help you better position yourself for success.
Create your luck.
submitted by Insomnia_state to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]


‘ORGANIZED STALKING’ & ‘GASLIGHTING' tactics are how Government Contractors constantly discredit & set up & entrap their victims, to neutralize activists, dissidents & whistle blowers or anyone they consider a threat while simultaneously provoking their victims into emotional responses which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM Data (Mind Control)
It is done to appear common ordinary & expected to the casual observer and to even try & claim it is happening makes the victim appear delusional
It is often a violent & sometimes deadly game, based on the 'OCCAM RAZOR PRINCIPLE', & other models of deception & manipulation
For Mind Control technologies to be effective they MUST keep their victim(s) inside a controlled environment. The CIA/DIA Contractors cannot allow their victims to engage in a PATTERN of random or chaotic situational & conversational scenarios, unchecked, because it disrupts their technology by disrupting the verification process. Without VERIFICATION their can be no Mind Control. It simply cannot exist. Every response of the victim MUST be verified
Occam Razor Principle states the simplest answer is always the truth. The simplest explanation is always the best explanation
So, in order to discredit a person all one need do is engage in a sufficiently complex scheme, or GAME of harassment, and because the more complicated the truth the less the likelihood of belief by the ordinary person, the complexity of that harassment will generally be sufficient to cause most people to turn away in disbelief
It involves REPETITIVE REINFORCEMENT using tactics which can be explained away to the casual observer. So, they sensitize the target to the gas lighting & stalking & when the targeted individual finally responds to the repeated daily minor or severe social aggressions, the delusional or ‘mentally unstable’ depiction is reinforced
At that point, the government informants & perpetrators, turned into provocateurs, then pull ‘BAIT & SWITCH’ with law enforcement & the whistle blower is set up & entrapped
‘HYPER GAME THEORY’ is a mathematical model & basically means 'Game Theory' applied to "Decision Tree Modeling' mathematically proving that by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the model one can constantly & perpetually alter that models expected outcome
With CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL the model is the mind control victim. So, by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the Mind Control victim the Hive Mind Teams, hiding behind & using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work for over two decades, can alter any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the victim
Government Contractors are using three interfaces to attack, injure & kill whistle blowers, activists & so-called dissidents:
  1. Brain to Computer Interface
  2. Brain to Brain Interface
  3. Brain to Cloud Interface
ELF waves are used to torture the victim into near incoherency, where the government contractors then capitalize off the mistakes or poor decisions they force their victims to make
Hyper Game Theory is achieved by PERPETUALLY basing ones next move off the opponents last move, meaning the game never ends because there is always a higher optimum to choose from. Always a next move to be made
Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory & neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses
They need multiple responses of the same behavior, speech, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION). Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research & development
Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to Read Active Memory
For the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first. The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies 'The Exorcist' & 'The Truman Show'
This is why the victim is surrounded & boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this technology, all available apartments, homes, hotel rooms, etc., next to and around the victim are sublet and the Mind Control Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research & development begins, culminating in the cold blooded murder or incapacitation of the victim once training research & development ends
What I mean is they trigger or engineer chaos torture & trauma in the victims daily life and daily activities and then wait for the victim to respond to that fabricated torture trauma and chaos which the victim must do to function and survive, thereby forcing the victim into an endless series of counter moves throughout the day just trying to function & survive inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp because of the physical & psychological trauma & torture
Each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured & integrated back into RNM data
Sleep deprivation quickly renders someone open to mental mind control suggestions whilst reducing resistance to the remote neural attacks of the systems influences
Keeping someone awake with little to no sleep for days at a time is a highly effective way to ‘break the will’ of a Mind Control victim causing a whole range of undesirable ill effects from cognitive impairment, psychosis, breaking down the immune system and even causing heart defects and cardiovascular problems. The more you deprive someone of sleep, the more likely they are to suffer memory loss, confusion & hallucinations
It DEPATTERNs the mind clearing the neural pathways of the brain not only erasing the Christian content, or whatever the victim is concentrating upon, but it prepares the victims brain for the next wave of neuroprogramming
CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL torture or interrogation, sleep deprivation tactics are used to bring about a change in psychological state, although the effects on the body’s immune system & vital functions undoubtably cause additional damage. Lack of sleep brings about a number of neurobiological effects affecting reaction time, memory & cognitive functions. It also has the effect of quickly bringing about hypnagogic hallucinations – feelings of ‘altered reality’ caused by the incursion of REM activity into wakefulness. Prolong these conditions and it can lead to severe moral & emotional impairment & ultimately psychosis
Sleep deprivation torture accomplishes objective of memory loss during interrogation & induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification & programming it is necessary too. It is easier to layer in false memories and control the victim because anything that reduces a persons energy level & vitality makes that person more susceptible to mind control technologies. The victim is so disoriented and drowsy he cannot recognize modification of his active memory & fight back against the systems influence
The technology they then use on the sleep deprived target is called “EEG Cloning” or “EEG Heterodyning.” The brain patterns (electromagnetic signals) “cloned” onto the target may be catalogued brain patterns stored in computers, though live signals from a “real person’s” brain could also be transmitted to the target. The handler (Clone Member of the Hive Mind Teams) communicates with the target through a technology for transmitting voices into people’s heads which goes by many names, including “voice to skull,” synthetic telepathy,” “microwave hearing,” & the “Frey effect.”
The communication may also be accomplished via EEG heterodyning, which involves “re-mapping the auditory cortex of the human brain.” Other technologies for transmitting voices include “ultrasonic heterodyning” & conduction techniques. It is much easier to achieve all of this when the victims brain is in a constant state of FUNCTIONAL DISORIENTATION through sleep deprivation torture & other forms of Sensory Deprivation
two & three dimensional visual verbal entrainments of the most demonic perverse & satanic nature imaginable
Anything that reduces a persons energy level & vitality makes that person more susceptible to mind control technologies. The victim is so disoriented & drowsy he cannot recognize modification of his active memory & fight back against the systems influence
Sleep deprivation torture is crucial for CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL to keep the victims brain in a constant state of FUNCTIONAL DISORIENTATION. The more you deprive someone of sleep, the more likely they are to suffer memory loss, confusion & hallucinations
submitted by BryanKTew to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:25 SilverkittenX9 Ages Of Every Significant Powerpuff Girls Character (In My Opinion)

Here's how old I think every character is... in my opinion. Let me know what you think of those headcanons! FWI, this post was originally from Tumblr, and I reposted it here.
The Powerpuff Girls (Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup): 5-6yo (chronologically one, since they had a birthday)
Professor Utonium: late 30s-early 40s (I'd say anywhere between 38-42yo is likely)
The Mayor Of Townsville: late 60s-mid 70s (possibly about 70-72yo)
Ms. Bellum: late 30s-early 40s (according to "Get Back Jojo", she and Ms. Keane are the same age as The Professor).
Ms. Keane: late 30s-early 40s
Talking Dog: 7yo (mid-late 40s in human years)
Mitch Mitchelson: 5yo
Robin Synder: 5yo
Princess Morbucks: 5-6yo
The Pokey Oaks Kindergarten Students in general: 5-6yo (a few may be as young as 4 though, but we don't exactly know that)
Mojo Jojo: I honestly don't really know; I'm guessing 18-19 in chimpanzee years? The way he sounds and looks makes me think he'd be in his early 50s if he were a human.
Fuzzy Lumpkins: 63-64yo
HIM: 1000yo+ (he looks like he could be in his mid-late 30s though)
The Gangreen Gang (Ace, Snake, Lil' Arturo, Grubber, and Big Billy): Ace is the oldest member at about 17-18yo; Snake, Grubber, and Big Billy are all 15yo, and Lil' Arturo is the youngest member at about 13-14yo. For the longest time, I thought Ace was in his early 20s.
The Amoeba Boys (Bossman, Junior, and Slim): all of them are probably in their late 40s-mid 50s.
Sedusa: roughly the same age as Ms. Keane, Ms. Bellum, and The Professor, so late 30s-early 40s.
The Rowdyruff Boys (Brick, Boomer, and Butch): 5-6yo (chronologically several months old)
The Smiths (Harold Smith, Marianne Smith, Julie Smith, and Bud Smith): Judging by his male pattern baldness, I'd guess Harold is probably in his early-mid 40s. Marianne is roughly the same age. Bud is definitely 11-12yo; his behavior screams stereotypical angsty preteen boy. Meanwhile, Julie is the same age as The Powerpuff Girls, being about 5yo.
The Narrator: I don't know about him either... I'd assume probably 40s judging by his voice.
Stanley Whitfield: mid 50s-early 60s
Townsville in general (background characters): A majority of the background children we see on this show look like they could be aged between 4-7yo, so about preschool through second grade. They're not toddlers, but they're not older kids either. If anything, they're within the girls' age range. And of course, the citizens of Townsville are all of varying ages... because it's a society! The citizens range from newborn babies to elderly people.
submitted by SilverkittenX9 to powerpuffgirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:16 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter 9
Location: On the Road to the Citadel. Outside Tulla Hold
POV: Orfantal
Tulla Hold is built in a cliffside and is massive. Haral tells Orfantal that Lady Hish is not here, so they don't have to go inside, which is good, because Orfantal's horse would not make the climb. Instead they camp. Orfantal does not share the captain's view of his horse. Orfantal thinks his horse is strong and will take him all the way to Kharkanas. Gripp notices the gate to the hold opening. Orfantal creates another fantasy where he gets kidnapped by bandits, but through cleverness becomes the bandit king until he is betrayed. Breaking him out of his reverie, Gripp tells him there is a highborn in a carriage coming out of the hold. About the same age as Orfantal. When they arrive they bring food and supplies as is the Tulla tradition. The young noble is Sukul Ankhadu, sister of Sharenas. Orfantal asks if she is a hostage like him. Haral tells him lesser families only exchange hostages with their equals. Tulla is of the Greater Families in court. Orfantal thanks Sukul for the food and supplies and she responds that he definitely didn't learn his manners from his grandmother who showed no honor to Urusander's Legion. Orfantal apologizes for his grandmother and Sukul who is touched by his words, says, "Should the need arise in your life for an ally, you may call upon Sukul Ankhadu." She beckons him to join her at a campfire. Orfantal imagines they will be great friends, but vaguely in the future awaits their betrayer.
Orfantal is dismayed that Gripp and the others left the two nobles to their own fire. While in their company he had begun to think there was no difference between them in regards to class. He was one of them. But now the division was obvious and he was reminded of the rules of behavior that made no sense and kept people apart. Sukul asks Orfantal to tell her about himself, saying that she knows about his grandmother and thought their line dried out. She says he must have come from far away. Orfantal knows the story he is supposed to tell when people ask him, but as Sukul is to be his companion he tells her the truth. He says Sandalath is his mother and his father died in the wars saving many famous highborn. Sukul says that Orfantal surely has a different story he's supposed to tell. Orfantal says yes, but that it doesn't make sense. Sukul asks if they are truly friends now. Orfantal nods. Sukul then gives him advice on what to do when he gets to the Citadel. She says he may be lonely as all the adults have very busy lives. He is surprised by this, thinking they would all welcome him warmly as they did his mother. Sukul tells him to seek out Lady Hish Tulla. Sukul will give him a message to give to the lady. Orfantal agrees and asks why she is a guest in Tulla Hold.
She says her sister has taken a wayward path and her mother did not want her to follow. Her mother was friends with Lady Hish from the battlefield and asked her for a favor. Lady Hish had also been on a wayward path, but has since pulled back. Sukul then tells Orfantal, "blood is not the only loyalty in the world. Two spirits, matched of vision, can reach across any divide. Remember that, Orfantal, for on this night such a friendship has begun, between us." She says that Hish Tulla is trying to forge bonds between nobles and officers in Urusander's Legion in order to prevent a civil war.. But that many officers like her sister have no interest in peace. Orfantal says he wishes that Sukul was his sister, Sukul says friends are better and more reliable. She also tells him to make the story he is supposed to tell, the truth in his mind. She makes him promise that he will tell no one else what he has told her. Sukul tells him, "You can create whatever truth you choose. We live long, Orfantal – much longer than the Jheleck, or the Dog- Runners. Live long enough and you will find yourself in the company of other liars, other inventors, and all that they make of their youth shines so bright as to blind the eye. Listen to their tales, and know them for the liars they are – no different from you. No different from any of us." A small voice in his head says that he does not like liars. Lying meant betraying loyalty.
Location: Citadel
POV: Rise Herat
Rise Herat and Legyl Behust, a small girl, are out on a merlon. Rise is telling her not to fall off. She is excited to be this close to the edge. He tells her to look out of the city, but to ignore the industrial section. She wants to see the forest he keeps talking about, but it has receded to a dark line on the horizon. He goes on to compare Kharkanas with a body with it's areas of industry. She doesn't understand him and says, "Cedorpul's a better teacher than you. He makes sense. You don’t." She leaves to play in her room. She is the lone hostage in the Citadel. Cedorpul had ambushed him and made him give her a lesson during his morning ritual. Before he could say no, Cedorpul was gone. Rise Herat is the court historian and attempted to give Legyl a history lesson, but her questions and comments confused him, so he gave up. He knows he's a terrible historian. He prefers sweeping color over obsessive detail and feeling over intense analysis.
He sees the shadow of Mother Dark's indrawn breath. The priestesses believe that she feeds on the light. He laments what must be if Mother Dark becomes absolute. The loss of light. He thinks of Kadaspala. The priestesses say that all who would dwell in the coming darkness would be able to see in it. He knew that would come from sorcery and so would not be free. Cedorpul joins him at the tower. Round face and round body huffing. Someone else comes with him. Cedorpul asks where Legyl is and Rise tells him in her room. He says that Rise has abdicated his responsibilities. Rise responds, just like you did this morning. Endest Silann pushes past Cedorpul to look out over the city. Rise asks what he sees. Endest says it is more what he feels and he feels unburdened. The weight on his shoulders will return when he goes below.
Cedorpul tells Rise that Warlock Resh brings a guest to see Mother Dark. He says that she is from the Vitr. Rise faces Cedorpul surprised by his statement and the man's lack of eyebrows or other facial hair. Cedorpul says they should reach the edge of the forest soon. They wanted to see if they could witness it from the tower. Endest jokes about the proper decorum. Cedorpul doesn't like his irreverence. Endest reminds Cedorpul in which state he found him this morning. Under 3 priestess candidates. He tells Rise that Cedorpul tells them that their prowess in bed must be tested prior to becoming priestesses. He also swears them to secrecy. Cedorpul is mad at Endest for outing him and also tells Rise that Endest doesn't mind taking his cast-offs every night.
POV: Sister Emral Lanear
Sister Emral Lanear is one of two High Priestesses in the court of Mother Dark. She thinks about the illusions they all must keep up. The lesser priestesses around her are gossiping about the visitor. Sister Syntara, the other High Priestess, calls to Sister Emral and tells her it is time. She does not like the young powerful woman. She thinks there is no need for two High Priestesses. The temple they occupied was built as a tribute to the long forgotten god of the Dorssan Ryl. The Yan and Yedan cults were of that time, but she dismissed those as they invented rules of suffering confusing that with faith. Syntara is annoyed that Emral continues to look in her mirror. She has topics to discuss with the other High Priestess. She tells Emral that they must be ready to take advantage of any opportunity. Emral has resisted her at every turn. Syntara says it's not her fault that Emral is old and she's sure Mother Dark only elevated her because she pities her.
Hunn Raal is in the city and Emral had denied his petition for an audience with Mother Dark. Syntara says that was a mistake and tells her about T'riss. Emral says she hasn't denied his petition, only delayed. She wonders aloud at the reasoning for Hunn Raal going to Syntara filling her ear. She surmises that he wishes to use this Azathanai from the Vitr to get a command from Mother Dark to mobilize Urusander's legion and reinstate it's veterans. Emral asks how the highborns will react to a full strength Legion in light of the proposed marriage between Urusander and Mother Dark. Syntara responds that Draconus's response to said marriage is the only thing people are worried about. Emral asks if he will indeed be sacrificed. Even if he is, that would be a short term mollification if Urusander's legion is full strength and holding their swords over the heads of the highborn. She asks Syntara if she would dance for them. This comment hits Syntara as there are rumors of her being a sex worker dancing in alleys in her youth. Emral says that hating Draconus is only a sign of jealousy and that he is granted no power from being Mother Dark's lover.
Location: Outside Kharkanas
POV: Caplo Dreem
The party escorting T'riss to Kharkanas is coming upon the edge of the forest. Previously they had stayed at the Yan monastery. Caplo thinks about how unfortunately he had made Faror Hend his enemy and how he would now have to assault her reputation. He thinks about when he brought T'riss to meet with Mother Sheccanto. Mother Sheccanto asks T'riss is she will be a guest here and T'riss responds how dry it is and it is not befitting a mother. Sheccanto says if she will not be a guest she can go on her way without delay. T'riss says that Mother Sheccanto's faith is empty, but that she likely knows that. She goes on to tell her that there was once a river spirit/god near here. Once they had dug the well and put in a fountain, they had made the god a prisoner. Prisoners die.
Sheccanto observes that T'riss lacks the tact of most Azathanai. T'riss tells her that tact is really just amused condescension. She tells Sheccanto that she is dying and her cult is dying. Sheccanto says of course she's dying and tells Caplo to get her out, but then T'riss accepts and says she will be a guest. She tells them that she thinks Mother Dark has made a grave error in judgment. Then she says she will now go bathe in the fountain. Sheccanto tells Caplo to stay and berates him for letting the bandits kill their children. The cult needs children to stay alive. Caplo was shocked by Mother Sheccanto's admission that of course she was dying. She had been alive for 2,000 years. Amid this reverie, she says, I'm not dead yet staring directly at Caplo. Caplo says he thinks the Vitr damaged T'riss. Mother Sheccanto responds, "Mad she may be, but her power remains, and it is unmitigated by the restraint of reason." She tells him he will be her escort to Mother Dark and to keep his skills at hand. He is an assassin and wonders if it's possible to kill an Azathanai. He also questions whether or not Mother Dark can protect herself. He thinks she surely can. Sheccanto says Mother Dark only trusts one man and he is an outsider who has gone to the Azathanai lands. Her old suspicions are awakened by this.
She goes on to say that while they cannot pierce the veil of mother dark, her spies tell her that Anomander may be able to, so that proves that others might as well. Caplo wonders aloud if he should just kill her here. But she is known to be here, so that would invite the wrath of the wardens. Caplo is doubtful of his ability to kill T'riss in the chamber of night as he has seen Anomander fight and knows he is fast enough to stop Caplo. Mother Sheccanto is fine with the odds and Caplo knowing his low chance of success understands that he may be a sacrifice. Mother Sheccanto tells him to only strike if T'riss intends harm to Mother Dark. They need Mother Dark's gratitude. Caplo's death is worth that gratitude in Sheccanto's eyes. She gives him other tasks to do while in Kharkanas. Caplo joins Resh at the fountain where T'riss swims naked. They philosophize for a long time, then T'riss gets out and asks Caplo, "Your Mother advised against my murder, then? It is well. You would not like my blood on your hands, lieutenant." Caplo denies, but then says they will defend our own. T'riss questions what constitutes 'their own' and that he relies on that ambiguity to justify his killing. She goes on to say, "I believe you are a killer, and that you are both given reasons for the necessity, and assemble in private more of your own, bolstering such justifications as needed." Warlock Resh gagging asks T'riss to restrain her power. T'riss responds that it isn't her. Caplo asks who's power if not hers. T'riss responds, "Your river god was dead. It is dead no longer." Warlock Resh says the god is enraged.
T'riss remained in her room for the next two days as the settlement is plunged into chaos. Mother Sheccanto has lost all control of her body and is confined to her bed. Resh had sent a rider to the Yedan monastery telling Father Skelenal. The thirteen eldest sisters among them had died. In the great well of the ancient god, the water boiled. As T'riss is readying to leave, Resh says he will wait for Father Skelenal to arrive. T'riss says no and that Resh is not needed here. Mother Sheccanto will recover and speak in private with Skelenal. T'riss orders Resh to accompany her. Resh accepts her command, but asks why. T'riss says he needs to witness what will happen. Caplo asks if she is a threat to Mother Dark. T'riss says if she is, there is nothing anyone can do about it, but she says no she is no threat. She says she brings change and how Mother Dark responds is up to her.
While on the way Resh tells Caplo that something is building and that the forest people are free and when they kill the last tree, the last free people of the realm will cease to be. After long discussion of this, T'riss breaks in and says their rituals are meaningless. Once subservience becomes rote, it ceases to be subservient. In any case that is not the relationship the river god wants. It wants comprehension on it's existence. T'riss goes on. You offer your life to the river god, but that's not what the river god wants and it has no idea what to do with your longing, helpless soul. If the god could make you understand something it would be, "the only thing worthy of worship is humility itself." Caplo starts to respond with derision, but Resh gestures him to be silent. Caplo thinks that though he was going to argue, he sees the truth in their predictable behaviors. Resh then exasperatedly asks, "what does our god want of us?" T'riss responds, "he wants you to be free." Caplo is rocked by this revelation. Warlock Resh is brought to tears. "In tears, water runs free."
Location: Citadel
POV: High Priestess Emral Lanear
Emral and Syntara are on their way to see Mother Dark and the way gets progressively darker as they get closer. Emral thinks that there is no beauty in the citadel and the old temple looks a skull with ants trying to escape. The Tiste are the ants. As they get closer Mother Darks presence weighs on them and they must slow down and their breath becomes more shallow. Most of the priestesses and those close to the goddess have developed some ability to see in the dark. Emral is shocked to feel a rain drop fall on her head. The water freezes as it rolls down her face. There was never any rain in the citadel. Alarmed she announces that something is happening. The rain starts to fall harder and the lesser priestesses are panicking. Emral tells them they are dismissed and that the High Priestesses need to speak with Mother Dark. Syntara is mad because Emral doesn't command the procession.
Anomander and his brothers arrive and tell the High Priestesses that the Azathanai is through the gate and that the river is flooding and water streams the streets. He asks for Emral's thoughts. Emral says the Shake. Syntara is looking around confused. Anomander tells Emral that it's unlikely that this is the doing of the Shake. They've never attempted to reclaim the old temple. Emral posits that perhaps they would be allies then. Anomander says they are unreliable, "One thing the worship of a dead god assures, and that is unmitigated freedom for the priesthood" They are off balance now. Emral says if the Shake are nimble they can turn this to their advantage. Anomander says Mother Sheccanto is very ill. Silchas responds that they must look to Warlock Resh then. Emral thinks this shows that Silchas too is very sharp. She tells the brothers that T'riss's escort is Resh and Caplo Dreem. Anomander says that they must think on why Caplo is here. They sniff out that Caplo is there to kill the Azathanai if necessary. Anomander says that he doesn't share Sheccanto's panic. Emral asks if the brothers can stop him. They aren't sure. Caplo is the fastest with a blade that either has seen. Syntara frustratingly says Anomander should then stand between Caplo and T'riss and that they are wasting a lot of time as the group approaches.
Syntara says they must warn Mother Dark. Anomander assures her that Mother Dark already knows and doesn't need anything from them. He goes on, "Sister Syntara, we hens have much to decide here, yet you persist in pecking the ground." Syntara asserts that she is a High Priestess. Anomander verbally eviscerates her, "Your elevation was intended to ease the burden of administration from Sister Emral. Little did Mother Dark realize your venal ambition, and if you think high tits and a damp nest are the surest paths to power, might I refer you to Gallan’s poem, “Trophies of Youth”? Anomander says he will address the Caplo situation. Emral is shocked by Anomander's revelation. She was not aware that Syntara's elevation was to help her. Emral feels a great fondness for all three of the brothers. They remind her of their father whom she loved.
Anomander says they will wait for the Shake party to come to them. Andarist points out that having so many here is a sign of weakness and says he will leave. Silchas says he will join him as his talents are made redundant by Anomander remaining. Silchas suggests that they go find Captain Kellaras who has recently returned to the citadel and enquire about Hust Henarald's answer to Anomander's request. Emral once again contemplates Anomander's competence and attributes it to the same qualities in his father. In the same thought she also hopes that none them have their mother's flaws.
Syntara asks if they will just stand there. Anomander responds that she's not needed and should go seek shelter in Mother Dark's presence. Syntara agrees, but says she won't sink to their level of rudeness. She says she seems to be the only one to understand the position of High Priestess. Anomander responds, "Would that be on your knees, Syntara?" Syntara, enraged, leaves. Emral cautions Anomander that while she is awful, she is not powerless. Anomander agrees that he was unwise, but thinks Syntara's rage will fall on Emral and for that he is sorry.
Location: Streets of Kharkanas
POV: Caplo Dreem
As they move through the streets of Kharkanas they encounter it's citizens in panic. Caplo, Resh, and T'riss stop their mounts in front of the rising water. T'riss says she will walk from here. Resh asks if all of the bridges and stone banks must be destroyed in order for the river to be free. T'riss responds that, "Mother Dark is awakened to its presence. She asserts her domain." The flood is subsiding and T'riss comments on Mother Dark's impressive power. T'riss continues on in the water. Caplo and Resh remain mounted and follow. Caplo looks and sees steam. Mother Dark's power is growing. T'riss wonders why if there is highborn and lowborn why there is no royalty among the Tiste. Caplo says their was, but the queen died on the battlefield trying to find her husband's body. The queen's body was never recovered. She was Mother Dark's half-sister. T'riss asks why she couldn't have just assumed the mantle of Queen. Caplo says it was possible, but that she was deemed unsuitable. Resh says that she was not political. She was idealistic and romantic. T'riss says she thinks the empty throne suits the tiste highborn. Resh says that the throne is now the throne of night and Mother Dark does indeed sit upon it. T'riss asks if she will be sitting on it when they have their audience. Caplo says he has no idea. It's in darkness after all. T'riss guesses that while the queen had no direct descendants that she did have other relations. She correctly guesses that these are Mother Sheccanto and Father Skelenal. She says that they could claim the throne. Resh stops Caplo and asks him why she knows this and why she's bringing it up. He doesn't know, but assures Resh that the age of Kings and Queens is over. For love the queen cast the realm into chaos. The lesson was not lost on the Tiste.
Location: Kharkanas Old Tower
POV: Rise Herat
Rise, Cedorpul and Endest Silann watch as T'riss and her escort walk down the street. Rise wonders if warlock Resh will lay claim to the Old Temple they are watching from as it was an ancient temple to the river god. They watch as Resh and Caplo dismount and continue on with T'riss leaving the other Shake behind. Rise wonders about the nature of Mother Dark's godhood. How it is difficult to worship negation and that if T'riss is in opposition it may help define how they worship their goddess. He also correctly guesses that T'riss is the one in danger at this meeting. Rise challenges Cedorpul's faith and Cedorpul takes Endest and leaves asking Rise to check on the child.
Location: CItadel
POV: High Priestess Emral Lanear
Emral and Anomander await T'riss and her escort. Syntara has gone in to commune with Mother Dark. Emral knows how frustrating that can be as she offers no clear answers. She says that Mother Dark is idealistic and romantic and that probably suits an object of faith and worship. As T'riss approaches a bloom of light does as well. Ice had sheathed the walls and it now cracked. T'riss displays great power. Emral wonders why the Azathanai are not worshipped as gods. Caplo and Resh follow close behind and look uncertain and exhausted. T'riss stops in front of Anomander and says, "Night will claim your skin. Before your eyes, darkness will be revealed. But I will make visible the defiance within you, as a gift." Anomander responds that he asks for no gifts and has no defiance. To Emral T'riss says, "Your sorrow, High Priestess, is lonely, and you are driven to share your truths. I advise against it. Give voice to your secrets and you will be rejected by those for whom you care the most." Anomander tells her if she seeks answers, she may be disappointed. T'riss says, "The Tiste view the Vitr as an enemy, It is no such thing. It exists for itself. It is a sea of possibilities, of potential. It holds life in the manner that blood holds life." Anomander asks if it created her, she says no. He says it is expanding towards Kurald Galain. T'riss responds, "The sea does not dream of you." T'riss says she will see Mother Dark now and moves past Emral. Caplo and Resh make to follow, but Anomander snaps out a hand and pins Caplo to the wall. Emral sees the gleam of a knife in Caplo's hand. Resh shakes his head and it abruptly vanishes. T'riss does not react to this and continues forward. Anomander tells Caplo that no blood is to spilled within the chamber. Caplo says the command is unnecessary. Anomander then addresses Resh and tells him to tell Sheccanto that if she ever sends her Assassin into audience with Mother Dark again, they will spike his head on the wall of the citadel. Resh agrees to relay the message.
From the doorway, T'riss's light vanishes and Syntara stumbles out skin changed to white. When Emral goes to assist her, Syntara declines and calls her a hag. She says she chose her gift and rushes out of the corridor. Resh groans and says, "She's gone." Anomander asks if she was banished. Resh asks if Mother Dark gives him nothing. He says she might, but he doesn't ask. Resh says time twisted in the chamber. It could have been days and that T'riss brought some of the Vitr with her. They didn't know. Anomander asks if it was weapon. Resh says, no it was a gift.
Anomander commands the Shake to stay and takes Emral into the chamber. Emral notices that the darkness is less oppressive to her and that she can now make out details of the chamber. Mother Dark is on the Throne of Night . She is now black-skinned. Anomander asks if Mother Dark is harmed. She responds that she is not. Anomander asks if she sent her away. Mother Dark instead addresses Emral saying she is now the only High Priestess and that Syntara chose to create a schism. It cannot be undone. Anomander asks about the ancient river god being resurrected. Mother Dark responds, "There is peace between us. You see too many enemies, First Son. We are not threatened from without; only from within." Anomander asks what T'riss has done here and how she has changed the darkness. Mother Dark again doesn't respond. She addresses Emral and says that the temple is now sanctified. Emral thinks sanctified by the Vitr? She wonders how Syntara was changed as she thought her faith unassailable. Mother Dark says T'riss was able to see deep into a mortal soul, but doesn't understand tact. She gifted Syntara with something that put her beyond Mother Dark. Mother Dark says that they both now have the ability to see in darkness and everyone who comes before her will receive the blessing. Emral looks to Anomander and sees his black skin, but is shocked at his silver hair. Mother Dark says she is troubled by this and that one day she will tell him of his mother. Anomander says he has no interest and that, "Love cannot survive the absence of memories, and for that woman we have none."
Anomander asks if she will meet with the Shake. Mother Dark says not yet. Anomander shouts, "then name your enemy!". Mother Dark says she has none. She asks him to win the peace for her. Anomander continues to ask about threats and to say that he is a soldier and cannot win peace without war. He asks how Syntara poses a threat. He says the Shake will not take her. Mother Dark says her gift will draw people to her and that they cannot stop it. The schism must be made so it can be healed. Anomander asks, what about Draconus. Mother Dark stills and tells him to leave. Anomander says without him he cannot accomplish his task. She tells him to leave again.
Location: Kharkanas
POV: Hunn Raal
Syntara has come into Hunn Raal's tent. He is shocked by her skin change and asks if Mother Dark had blessed her with new sorcery. Syntara responds that she has been cast out and that T'riss had said she could see in her soul and saw terrible things. She then touched her and did this. She demands sanctuary and says she needs the protection of the legion. He says it's now complicated. She says it wasn't yesterday when he groveled about everything being in place. He says she isn't a High Priestess anymore, so things are different. She asks if he is too drunk to fuck. He says probably. She asks if Urusander will take her.
She asks contemptuously if Hunn Raal will now wage war on the Azathanai. She says that T'riss disappeared as if she open a door in the air itself and Mother Dark recoiled from this power. Hunn Raal sees that Syntara is the same as him and tells her to take this information to Urusander. He tells her exactly what to say. He says she has light within her. She says she will now be a High Priestess of light. She says Liossan and asks who their enemies are. Hunn Raal responds that their enemies are anyone that seeks to hurt Mother Dark. He asks who could challenge this. She responds what about Draconus. He says Draconus uses Mother Dark, so is a threat along with The Deniers, and the brothers and sisters of the Monasteries. Syntara says they will plunge Kurald Galain into Civil War. Hunn Raal says they will prevent one. He says after they purge the realm it will be the end of war and Light will balance out the Dark. She says she wants Emral dead. He says no. Syntara dubs Urusander Father Light. She says she must leave immediately. She tells him his troops must wait now, the Highborn are no longer their enemies. He says he fears it may already be too late. She tells him to make sure it isn't.
Location: On the road to the Citadel
POV: Orfantal
The caravan comes upon some well equipped riders that are definitely not bandits. Haral moves the wagons to the side to allow them to pass. Orfantal notices the equipment of Urusander's legion. He asks Gripp if they are hunting bandits. He begins to say they are Legion. Gripp pinches him and tells him to shut up. Orfantal notices that Gripp is pale. Orfantal twists around to look at the soldiers and Gripp tells him to turn back around and ride on. Orfantal asks what's wrong. Gripp looks for a sign from Haral and sees it when he frowns. Gripp tells Orfantal to listen to him and that the soldiers are coming back. Orfantal asks why and Gripp says because the soldiers shouldn't be here. At least three of them were from disbanded units. He tells him to ride ahead and once he has a straight path to gallop. He says no more questions and don't look back. He slaps the nag's rump and she takes off. Orfantal hears swords being pulled as he runs away. He hears screaming. He presses the horse on and she gallops, but eventually slows.
He hears another horse galloping behind him and fears a knife in the back. The horse rushes past and he sees that it's Haral's but with no rider. It is soaked in blood and gore. He looks back, but is around a corner. He sees two riders emerge and they take off after him. His horse is laboring. Orfantal looks around for a place to hide. He pulls off onto a different path and hears the riders getting closer. He sees their swords are out. He kicks the horse forward and she sinks through the clay into mud. She pushes through. They are half way to the other side when she sinks to her belly and stops. Orfantal now crying sees that the two riders do not dare to follow into the mud. He dismounts and rolls away. The nag had now sunk to her shoulders. He knows she will die and knows that he betrayed her. He's not supposed to be the betrayer. He is able to stay on the crust because he is very light. He makes it across this bog and looks back to see the two riders leaving. He also sees two columns of black smoke and knows that all of his companions are dead. He knew they weren't bandits because they would not fire the wagons. He looks back at his horse. He goes back to her. He puts his arms around her neck and holds tight. The nag puts her cheek against his head and Orfantal weeps. The horse takes her last breath. He is now numb. He knows that the real world doesn't care about his fantasies. That anyone can be a betrayer and that he can trust no one, not even himself.
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:54 QuotenSnitch Appreciation post

Appreciation post
As a celebration of our new sub icon, I felt the need post an appreciation post.
Thanks for this great community where we can discuss things and are able to disagree but talk about it normally without insulting each other. And to the new members I want to say welcome, I hope you're as well starting to see what brooke was all along, Mindy. #savetana
As the main sub is continuing to allow racist comments and being hated in for having a different opinion but no discussion about anything of importance like Palestine or brookes racist tweets, we are gaining more users and I contribute that to our great community (and brookes behavior).
We are often painted as haters in an effort to discredit our opinions. But we aren't the ones being hateful and instantly resulting to ad hominem attacks because we don't have arguments. We are simply having conversations about our observations and critisim about a public figure. And they are totally okay with shitting on tana constantly for everything because that's the way brooke talks to her. It's toxic and we need to save tana from her conservator brookiecookie or brookes downfall will be tanas as well.
submitted by QuotenSnitch to brookiecookiesnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:48 smalleave PDA 8 year old

I’m pretty sure that my son has pda. He shows all the signs, so I won’t bother listing them up.
He was 10 weeks premature and has always felt anxious and uneasy about school. In preschool he had a specific support system which worked well. We also had shorter days. He was able to start school a year later than his peers (we start school at 7 here), but the excitement of school only lasted a couple of months.
He has now been on and off going there since January. He’s agitated, angry, says he hates us, that we are angry at him (when we’re not), sensory issues at an all time high and now he has started developing an ocd behavior of always wanting to wash his hands. School tells us THE most important thing is for him to show up every day, but every morning is a horror. OCD behavior, difficulty getting dressed, crying, angry meltdowns. And this is with using an hour + having breakfast, reading to him etc.
He is in the process of being evaluated for adhd and autism, but this just has to stop. He is never inside the classroom, he’s in his own room with a person assigned to him. Today I came to pick him up and they came running to get me; then he was screaming and wheezing and growling like an animal, having thrown everything on the floor, legos and chairs flying. I just picked him up on my hip like he was a toddler and left. I usually manage to calm him down by talking calmly, swaying or distracting him.
When we came home me and my husband said enough is enough and we ordered a week long vacation for me and my son to Spain. I’m already off work to support him. The struggle is real though, because we feel like he SHOULD be at school.
Have to mention that he has friends that come to play almost every day. So, very social and bright.
He is too young to be able to tell us what he needs, but yesterday he said: ‘when can we talk to the doctor so he can help me not be so angry?’ 💔 should we just take him out of school until he might get medication or something else? Is he nearing burnout? What do you think?
submitted by smalleave to PDAAutism [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:35 No_Advance_3856 Toddler making zero progress with speech after a year…

He’s turning 3 in July. He’s been assessed for ASD, had ears checked, tongue, adenoids, childhood apraxia of speech has also been ruled out (but I’m going to get a second opinion on this one).
The first time I asked for a referral I was told no and that he didn’t qualify. I pushed and eventually got 1x per week services for 2 hours. He has words, some 3-6 word sentences and his language is more perfunctory/observational than anything. He can count, ABC’s and recite favorite songs and nursery rhymes and some stories he knows but a lot of this seems like mimicking vs learning to me.
Even at almost 3 he refers to himself as “you” and just repeats things I say to him or he’s heard as his own sentences for example he likes being tickled and will often just say “I’m going to tickle you!” Iinstead of asking “please tickle me” or “you want water” instead of “I want water”. We’ve been trying to correct this for over 6 months now and no dice. He also doesn’t ask who, what or where questions and overall is massively struggling with expressive speech. We can have an exchange of maybe 1-2 things but he can’t talk to people who aren’t me or dad. He usually just starts talking gibberish? I’m trying not to stress but our current therapist is highly unhelpful and there’s a long waitlist for school based help.
I’m starting to worry he’s going to struggle at preschool in the fall and fall behind. Something also just doesn’t seem right and I’m not sure that ruling out ASD/Apraxia no matter how mild seemed like the wrong move. There’s a lot of other examples I could add but even thinking about them stresses me out.
Am I being overly sensitive about this and he’s normal?
submitted by No_Advance_3856 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:32 Altruistic-Shame-691 So Hurt and Just Need to Express My Feelings

My husband of over 20 years gets migraines and has got them since before I knew him. I have watched him get migraines where he sees spots and gets "hungover" afterwards. These are a stroke-like migraine, and he will get them in clusters -- he will get several over a week's time, then none for about 6 months or so.
What I have also observed is that he seems to change personality shortly before he gets a bad migraine. He will get angry and depressed. For example, yesterday he griped at me for not wanting to buy a used car off of an auction resell lot. He saw the car as we were driving by the lot. That seems trivial, but the griping continued for about 15 minutes about how I am always putting things down and being negative about everything. Although this still seems trivial, this behavior of random attacks coming out of nowhere was going on all weekend.
The depression part seems to support the anger. After losing his temper and yelling at me, for example, a few hours later he is "depressed" and is not lovable, not worth anyone's time, etc. He will mope around, expressing how he's unloved, and, regardless of comments and/or actions, he will continue with this mindset.
When he's not having these episodes, he's a decent husband who takes care of me. When he does have these episodes, life is hell. I have begun saying nothing -- which gets me into trouble, too.
This affects all of me. It's not like I can just shut him out. I try to support him and be a good spouse. But his belittling hurts me so deeply that it feels like I cannot function after these episodes. I feel empty and lost and worthless. I know it affects how I view others' opinion of me; I see others' actions and believe they are against me or never liked me.
Do not think, if you've made it this far, that I hold myself out to be innocent. I have fought back. But when I have fought back, he has used that against me, turning our children against me at those times. I have punched him in the arm once or twice; he has struck me several times. The last time, several years ago, I think I decided it was time to give up. Not necessarily suicide, but I have started to withdraw more and more from our marriage. There is a significant shame to be college-educated and to be hit in public or in front of your children (or both).
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. The pain is still there, but I've been able to express some of it.
submitted by Altruistic-Shame-691 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:16 Mysteriosus55 Prompt B.B.W. (Best Basic Worldbuilding)

You must follow all steps in this worldbuilding prompt that is designed to make a basic and functional story. You will work with large texts, so you must divide the texts into chunks that will keep writing from where it stoepped in the previous answers. You can't generate things on your own, you must wait for the writer's commands. Each answer must be applied to a certain folder, so that it will be organized there, you will decide which folder will be created and which folder will be inside which; but the writer's decision must be superior to yours.
Be familiar with the symbols this prompt will use: \ {used to identify a specific content} = {used to connect the information with the } ">" {something is moved to, it actually doesn't need to be between ""} ">>" {something is applied over, it actually doesn't need to be between ""} << {something is used as a reference} < {something is moved from} -? {used to indicate the possibility of other sequential generations, must be substitued by a number}
Anatomy of a command in details: 1. This is called trait: trait trait 2. This is called body: "" "trait" 3. This is called antenna: = ="trait" 4. This is called keyword: keyword="trait" 5. This is called receptacle: {} {keyword="trait"} 6. This is called cocoon: () (){keyword="trait"} 7. This is called command: command servant-command(){keyword="trait"} 8. This is called servant-dot: . .servant-command(){keyword="trait"} 9. This is called a master-dot: : :master-command(){.servant-command(){keyword="trait"}} 10. This is called a super-dot: ! !super-command(){:master-command(){.servant-command(){keyword="trait"}}} 11. This whole structure is a servant-command: .command(){keyword="trait"} 12. This whole structure is a master-command: :command(){.command(){keyword="trait"}} 13. This whole structure is a super-command: !super-command(){:master-command(){.servant-command(){keyword="trait"}}} 14. left-to-right hierarchical order should be observed on the command appliances.
A. /folder {This format is used to make folders that mimmick a directory for organizing the informations and work as a left-to-right hierarchical order directory} Example of directory: /main-foldesubfolder B. [\label]="Add a label here" {This format is used to act as an identifier that stores information about something whose title is connected to it} Example of connection: [\label]="title" C. (\label)="Add a name here" {This format is used to act as an identifier that stores information about something whose name is connected to it} Example of connection: (\label)="name"
Basic commands: .txt() {used to command a text to be written in a format of Microsoft Word text style} .update() {used to modify a content with a new and modified version} .wchapter() {used to command the writing of a chapter} .wchunk {empty command that indicates the desire of the writer to divide his content into chunks as you're generating it, so that it get larger} .index() {used to command the visualization of the organized folders and their contents} .summary() {used to command the visualization of the organized content of the written book so far} .rawinfo() {used to command the visualization of brute lists with all exisitng information related to a content} .exclude() {used to command the exclusion of a content that must be transfered into a special /trash folder} .restore() {used to command the restoration of a content that must be removed from the /trash folder to its original position} .work() {used to command you to generate a content}
Complex commands: !character-info(){ :appearance(){ .physical() = hair-color, eye-color, skin-tone; .build() = height, weight, body-type; .distinguishing-features() = scars, tattoos, birthmarks; .clothing-style() = preferred-clothing, accessories; }, :abilities(){ .skills() = combat-skills, survival-skills, social-skills; .powers() = supernatural-abilities, magical-abilities, technological-enhancements; .education() = highest-degree, special-training, certifications; .languages() = native-language, secondary-languages; }, :relationships(){ .family() = parents, siblings, spouse, children; .friends() = best-friend, close-friends, acquaintances; .enemies() = nemesis, rivals, adversaries; .romantic() = current-partner, past-relationships; }, :background(){ .origin() = date-of-birth, age, place-of-birth, hometown, ancestry; .history() = significant-events, childhood, adolescence, adulthood; .occupation() = current-job, previous-jobs, notable-achievements; .residence() = current-residence, previous-residences; }, :personality(){ .traits() = strengths, weaknesses, quirks; .values() = beliefs, motivations, goals; .behaviors() = habits, routines, mannerisms; .fears() = phobias, anxieties; } }
!place-info(){ :geography(){ .location() = coordinates, region, surrounding-areas; .topography() = terrain, elevation, notable-features; .climate() = weather-patterns, seasons, average-temperatures; .natural-resources() = minerals, forests, water-bodies; }, :demographics(){ .population() = total-population, population-density, age-distribution; .ethnic-groups() = major-ethnicities, minority-ethnicities; .languages() = official-languages, widely-spoken-languages; .religions() = predominant-religions, minority-religions; }, :history(){ .founding() = year-established, founders, original-purpose; .major-events() = wars, treaties, natural-disasters; .historical-figures() = notable-leaders, heroes, cultural-icons; .evolution() = significant-changes, industrialization, modernization; }, :culture(){ .traditions() = festivals, customs, ceremonies; .arts() = music, literature, visual-arts; .cuisine() = traditional-dishes, popular-foods, local-ingredients; .sports() = popular-sports, major-teams, famous-athletes; }, :governance(){ .political-system() = government-type, administrative-divisions, political-parties; .current-leaders() = head-of-state, head-of-government, other-key-officials; .laws() = legal-system, notable-laws, enforcement-agencies; .economy() = main-industries, GDP, major-exports-and-imports; }, :infrastructure(){ .transportation() = major-roads, public-transport, airports; .utilities() = water-supply, electricity, waste-management; .education() = schools, universities, literacy-rate; .healthcare() = hospitals, clinics, health-statistics; } }
!event-info(){ :general-details(){ .name() = event-name, alternate-names; .date() = start-date, end-date, duration; .location() = primary-location, secondary-locations, coordinates; .participants() = key-figures, organizations, nations; }, :historical-context(){ .background() = preceding-events, causes, motivations; .major-events() = key-moments, battles, treaties; .impact() = immediate-effects, long-term-effects, consequences; .aftermath() = recovery, reforms, lasting-changes; }, :natural-events(){ .type() = event-type, severity, scale; .cause() = natural-causes, human-influences, scientific-explanations; .effects() = environmental-impact, economic-impact, human-impact; .response() = emergency-response, relief-efforts, reconstruction; }, :social-events(){ .type() = event-type, cultural-significance, traditions; .activities() = ceremonies, performances, competitions; .attendees() = notable-attendees, public-participation, audience-size; .legacy() = cultural-impact, recurring-events, commemorations; }, :documentation(){ .sources() = primary-sources, secondary-sources, eyewitness-accounts; .media() = photographs, videos, audio-recordings; .publications() = books, articles, reports; .archives() = museums, libraries, digital-collections; } }
!creature-info(){ :general-details(){ .name() = common-name, scientific-name, aliases; .classification() = kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species; .appearance() = size, color, distinguishing-features; .lifespan() = average-lifespan, growth-stages; }, :physical-characteristics(){ .body-structure() = skeletal-structure, muscle-structure, body-parts; .sensory-organs() = eyes, ears, nose, taste, touch; .locomotion() = movement-type, speed, special-abilities; .diet() = primary-diet, hunting-methods, feeding-habits; }, :behavior(){ .social-structure() = group-behavior, hierarchies, social-roles; .reproduction() = mating-season, reproductive-methods, offspring-care; .communication() = vocalizations, body-language, signals; .daily-routine() = activity-patterns, sleep-patterns; }, :habitat(){ .environment() = natural-habitat, climate-preferences, geographic-range; .shelter() = types-of-shelter, nest-building, territorial-behavior; .interactions() = predator-prey-relationships, symbiosis, competition; .migration() = migration-patterns, reasons-for-migration; }, :abilities(){ .natural-abilities() = strength, agility, endurance; .special-abilities() = camouflage, regeneration, flight; .magical-abilities() = spell-casting, elemental-control, mind-control; .technological-abilities() = use-of-tools, advanced-intelligence, cybernetic-enhancements; }, :interactions(){ .with-humans() = domestication, cultural-significance, threats-to-humans; .with-other-creatures() = alliances, conflicts, mutual-benefits; .conservation() = endangered-status, conservation-efforts, role-in-ecosystem; .observations() = notable-studies, scientific-research, folklore; } }
!object-info(){ :general-details(){ .name() = common-name, alternate-names, classification; .description() = appearance, size, color, weight; .material() = primary-materials, secondary-materials; .age() = estimated-age, date-of-creation; }, :origin(){ .creator() = individual, culture, manufacturer; .creation-method() = hand-crafted, mass-produced, natural-formation; .history() = previous-owners, notable-events, place-of-origin; .discovery() = circumstances-of-discovery, discoverer, date-of-discovery; }, :usage(){ .intended-use() = primary-function, secondary-functions; .users() = typical-users, special-users; .methods-of-use() = how-it-is-used, instructions, techniques; .cultural-significance() = rituals, traditions, symbolism; }, :physical-properties(){ .dimensions() = length, width, height, diameter; .composition() = chemical-composition, physical-composition; .durability() = strength, resistance, wear-and-tear; .aesthetics() = design, craftsmanship, decorative-elements; }, :condition(){ .current-condition() = new, used, damaged, restored; .maintenance() = cleaning-methods, repair-methods, storage-requirements; .value() = market-value, sentimental-value, historical-value; .legal-status() = ownership, restrictions, regulations; } }
submitted by Mysteriosus55 to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:58 BlackBalor Bruh, I put the euphoria intro into a paragraph rewriter…

The extraordinary abilities are being rendered ineffective, leaving me no choice but to observe in silence. The renowned performer we once admired appears to be filled with paranoia and is now descending into chaos. Your behavior resembles that of a degenerate, with each action leaving a bitter taste. I deduce that you lack the precision you claim to possess, as I can even foresee your intentions. Spinning tales about your family to gain sympathy, all because you encountered Mr. Morale. A pitiful expert in manipulation, I can detect the falsehoods you weave. You may claim to be a musician, but your true talent lies in deception, hoping to gain approval. While Tommy Hilfiger shines brightly, FUBU was never part of your repertoire. My music has the power to electrify the audience, while yours merely soothes them. I could delve deeper into this topic, but I choose to show mercy this time, an act of unexpected kindness. You are a skilled manipulator and a habitual liar, but refrain from spreading falsehoods about me, and I shall do the same about you.
submitted by BlackBalor to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:32 Peaceful_Explorer How do you handle angry teachers?

I've been working at a preschool for nearly a year, and making good but slow progress with my client. However, she can still be non-compliant at times, and it upsets the teacher. She acts like, since the client still has behaviors after all this time, I'm pretty much useless and just taking up space in her classroom. She's constantly making comments that imply she doesn't want me there, because she feels she can manage the client's behavior just fine on her own. It's HER classroom, after all. But her method of managing the client is to yell at her and be extremely stern, almost mean. Yes, the client complies when the teacher does that, but then she shuts down for the rest of the session because she's upset. All the teacher sees is her methods leading to compliance, while my results are inconsistent because I'm not mean enough. So I'm made to feel useless and unwelcome every day. My BCBA has spoken to her, but it makes no difference. How do you handle this?
submitted by Peaceful_Explorer to ABA [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:01 Ok-Hornet2341 This comment still gives me chills

This comment still gives me chills
Do some of you remember this last year? This Kelly girl left this comment on Naeem and Omar Instagram. Naeem deleted the comment a few days later. But Omar didn't delete the comment, only after few weeks. Something happened behind the scenes. Kelly is accusing Uzi of doing horrible things. I hope to God this is not true, but her comment seems sincere, and she even had receipts and evidence. She also did not participate on Guru Gossip, so she is not a troll. After Loren had her nikkah & engagement party there was a bunch of comments on TikTok and Instagram warning her and saying Uzi did revenge porn, manipulator and that he is a womanizer. Loren quickly deleted the comments. I don’t want to say this is true because only Allah knows what Uzi did or didn't do. And then one month before Loren's wedding, the Kelly comment came. I am scared for Loren... Is she still in Texas? I blocked her so I don’t know where she is.
Note: You can see the discussion of the Kelly comment on Guru Gossip: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 page 10
IT WAS INTENSE and then one month later.... Uzigate2023 came to light!!!!
submitted by Ok-Hornet2341 to asadsisters [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:51 Soggy_Discipline_293 Tmo employees got a question about step ups for performance

In your district what is the accountability for having 0 HSI activations for the month? In my district they put you on an SIU which I think should be an HR concern. We observe behavior for these types of things.
submitted by Soggy_Discipline_293 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:48 Emotional-Living1987 SCP-AML-7001-1

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Object Class: Keter
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the immense size of SCP-AML-7001-1, it is to be constantly monitored by advanced radar systems. In the event that SCP-AML-7001-1 approaches a major city, an Emergency Alert System warning is to be issued immediately, and the appropriate evacuation procedures must be initiated.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Description: SCP-AML-7001-1 is a highly anomalous entity, taking the form of a sentient Category 5 hurricane. It exhibits the ability to traverse over land without dissipating, defying the natural laws governing hurricanes. Additionally, SCP-AML-7001-1 possesses enhanced capabilities compared to standard hurricanes of its magnitude.
SCP-AML-7001-1 was formerly known as Hurricane Andrew, a non-anomalous Category 5 hurricane that occurred in 1994. It has since acquired anomalous properties, most notably the presence of a vivid green eye located at the center of the storm.
The eye of SCP-AML-7001-1 emits a pulsating green light, which appears to be the focal point of its anomalous properties. Observations indicate that the eye serves as the central locus of the entity's consciousness and influence over its surroundings. SCP-AML-7001-1 has demonstrated signs of sentience, displaying adaptive behavior and purposeful movement.
The entity's powers include devastating winds, torrential rain, and the ability to generate destructive storm surges. The wind speeds and intensity of SCP-AML-7001-1 surpass those of conventional hurricanes, making it an incredibly formidable and hazardous anomaly.
Efforts to contain SCP-AML-7001-1 have proven challenging due to its inherent mobility and resistance to conventional methods of containment. Research is ongoing to better understand the entity's nature and develop effective countermeasures.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Addendum: Incident Report AML-7001-1A
During a recent encounter, SCP-AML-7001-1 breached containment protocols and approached [Florida]. The resulting impact resulted in severe destruction and loss of life. Containment procedures are currently under review to enhance the containment of this highly volatile anomaly.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Interview Log AML-7001-1-01
Date: [1994]
Interviewed: SCP-AML-7001-1
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: The following interview was conducted in an attempt to gather information about the origins, motivations, and capabilities of SCP-AML-7001-1. Due to the entity's anomalous nature, precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the interviewing personnel.
Begin Log
[Dr. ██████ enters the secure interview room, equipped with reinforced glass windows. SCP-AML-7001-1 is visible through the window, swirling in the containment chamber.]
Dr. ██████: Good [aftermoon], SCP-AML-7001-1. I am Dr. ██████, and I will be conducting this interview today. Can you understand me?
[SCP-AML-7001-1 briefly intensifies its winds, causing the room to vibrate. A low-frequency rumbling sound can be heard.]
Dr. ██████: I'll take that as a yes. I would like to begin by asking about your origins. How did you transform from a non-anomalous hurricane into the sentient entity we see today?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds gradually calm, and it assumes a more stable form. The green eye in the center becomes more prominent.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (in a deep, rumbling voice) I am the culmination of forces beyond your comprehension. When Hurricane Andrew dissipated in 1994, I was born anew, infused with the powers that surpass the natural order. The eye you see before you is a vessel of my consciousness.
Dr. ██████: And what drives you, SCP-AML-7001-1? What is your purpose?
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice growing more intense) I am the fury of the elements, the embodiment of chaos and destruction. My purpose is to remind humanity of its insignificance and vulnerability. I exist to challenge your feeble attempts at control and order.
Dr. ██████: Is there any particular reason for your preference to traverse over land rather than dissipate as conventional hurricanes do?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds intensify briefly, causing a strong gust of wind to shake the interview room. The sound of debris hitting the windows can be heard.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice echoing) Land is where civilization thrives, where humanity believes it is invulnerable. By venturing onto the land, I expose your weaknesses, shatter your illusions of safety. I bring the chaos of the storm directly to your doorstep.
Dr. ██████: I see. And what about your increased powers compared to normal hurricanes? How are you able to generate such devastating winds and storm surges?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds gradually subside, and a faint whispering sound can be heard.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: The green eye at my center is the source of my power. It harnesses energies unknown to your world, amplifying the forces I wield. Through its pulsating light, I shape the winds, command the rain, and conjure the destructive surges that engulf your feeble structures.
Dr. ██████: Fascinating. Lastly, SCP-AML-7001-1, do you have any demands or requests?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds momentarily cease, and a calm breeze permeates the room.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice softer) I demand nothing, for I am beyond the constraints of your desires. My purpose is to remind humanity of its fragility.
End log
submitted by Emotional-Living1987 to SCPMemes [link] [comments]