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2024.06.09 04:37 Contract-Neat My composition for the World Cub: Blue Lock 11

My composition for the World Cub: Blue Lock 11
Here's my starting 11. There is both system, one with Sae and one without him.
The first system is centered around Isagi and Rin as main finishers who will take any opportunity to score.
The heart of the system is obviously Sae, whose role will be to serve the best strikers while posing a constant threat to the goal. He has to break through defenses with his dribbling skills He can move anywhere in the second half of the field.
The left is made up of the Hiori Isagi pair, whose efficiency and success is no longer in question. Hiori can dictate the tempo of the game from defence. Thanks to his metavision and passing ability, he can help build the game and pass to the opposite side of the pitch, with Karasu and Bachira taking up the slack.
I hesitated to put Chigiri in as a left winger, but his speed is needed to break down the left flank. he can act as a 4th goal threat behind Rin, Isagi and Sae if need be. His versatility means he can come back into defence. The only drawback is the lack of crosses from him on the left, as he's on his weakest foot. He is accompanied by Yukimira, whose dribbling skills act as a relay, with Karasu proving his ability to analyze and make the right choices. If need be, Sae can come down and contribute to the game.
Karasu in 6 for recovery and relays, relying on Bachira and Sae to create and act as a link between midfield and attack. He has to come back into defence whenever the full-backs come up through the middle.
In my system, Sae and Bachira are free electrons. We combine passing and dribbling skills, game intelligence, metavision and wild improvisation. All this is accompanied by Isagi, who can come down on occasion to help build the game. Or Hiori comes up through the middle.
The goal to serve Rin and Isagi to finish.
Second Blue Lock 11 if Sae doesn't play:
Here we have defense, with the midfield used only to serve the 3-headed monster.
Barou as a free electron on the left, in a similar role to Chigiri. His objective is to break through the defense, but with a much better finish. Being on his right foot, he can come into the center and strike from his favorite spot. All served by Reo who, with his versatile profile, can do absolutely everything. Since the Uber match, Barou has been able to participate in the creation of the game, forming one-twos with the players who serve him. The choice is his with Bachira and Reo.
On the right, we have the famous Isagi Hiori pairing, whose effectiveness no longer needs to be proven. 2 users of meta vision, incredible passing and finishing skills.
Bachira has a central role to play in this system, as he'll have to move left and right and improvise according to the situation. He can ally himself with Isagi, or create for Rin and Barou. While remaining a threat to the goal
Karasu will be on defense when Bachira goes up. But he too can act as a relay with Hiori. Knowing that he is supported from behind by 2 intelligent players, Aiku and Reo. And he links up with Isagi and Hiori.
This system is perfect because it optimizes the wings in an intelligent way, with Rin in the middle, he's a constant threat on goal and can adapt to any situation.
In both cases, our goal is well-guarded, with a blend of game intelligence, lock-up ability, interception in the air or on the ground, and passing quality.
submitted by Contract-Neat to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:36 _katokathy [Collar x Malice] About ADONIS Member Character Designs & Keywords

Tagging it as a spoiler for those who have yet to play Collar x Malice -Unlimited-!
This was a big write up I did years ago after playing the game that took hours of studying and breaking down small details/symbolism. Not sure if anyone else noticed this, I thought it was pretty cool. It may just be my own speculation on Adonis’ character designs, but CxM is my all time favourite otome game that it makes ME wanna become a detective 😂 Let's dive in!
Mikuni Rei #1: His number is 1 and on his front shirt logo, in my opinion, looks like the earth at first glance. Symbolizing that we only have “one world”. The clip on his cloak looks like a morning star. What I think of first when morning star is mentioned is “Satan/Lucifer”. (Although I’m not religious so my speculation is probably incorrect). But morning star is mentioned in the bible for both “Satan” and “Jesus”. He plays the role as a savior or destroyer of the ideal world he believes in.
**Adding! A Tumblr user commented that to them, instead of the earth, his shirt symbol looks like a moon instead. Which definitely makes more sense! “The moon has 2 faces/sides, just as Mikuni does. An Adonis member and the son of the prime minister.”
Credulity: a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true, especially on minimal or uncertain evidence.
Sanjou Keisuke #2: At first he was the only one where I couldn’t find a logo for “2″. But I noticed the two symbol on his shirt and it looks like a magatama. Which of course is similar to what we know, “Yin and Yang”. Good and evil. Sun and moon. Sanjou was an ex cop who swore to law and protect. Then eventually joined Adonis to destroy. He’s shown to waver between the two sides. His shirt also has a lion dog image (or Japanese Komainu) which are creatures symbolized as protective guardians.
Corruption: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
Uno Suzune #3: Her number is 3 and she’s wearing embellishments that symbolize a 3 leaf clover. Faith, hope and love. After her tragic past events, she desires those the most.
Craving: a powerful desire for something.
Uno Shion #4: As Suzune’s twin brother, he also has a clover as his symbol but it’s a 4 leaf clover instead. Which adds “luck” to faith, hope and love. It’s seen on his hat, jacket and necklace. Coincidentally, the number “4″ is “shi” in Japanese, which also means death. Suzune also refers to him as “SHI-chan” for a nickname. There is an idiom, “to be (or to live) in a clover” which means to live a carefree life of ease, comfort and prosperity. Something that the Uno siblings have always dreamed of.
Dependence: the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else.
Souda Manabu #5: Souda has a 5 pointed star as a badge on his jacket. Also a star clip on his ponytail. The badge also says in English, “Oppose force with force.” Stars are represented as protective symbols and divine force. Souda is constantly referring to himself as “God” and is revealed to be protective/caring of his comrades in game. His keyword is loneliness, obviously for the fact that he has no one. Shunned by society, with only the “friends” in the digital world he seeks out to fill that void.
Loneliness: sadness because one has no friends or company.
Sugawara Rika #6: She has 6 pointed snowflake embellishments on her hair and coat. Snowflakes are symbols of rebirth and purity. Her keyword is fear from trauma of men and her stalker.
Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Sera Akito #7: His number is represented by the dice logo on his sweater. If you add all the numbers together: 1, 3, 5= 9. For 9 Executors. But only the 3 and 4 of the circles are more bold opposed to the 2 faded baby blue ones. So add that and you get 7. The number 7 is associated with luck and a dice symbolizes “Fate”. A roll can determine for you to achieve your destiny or it could make you descend further away from the goal. It will show whether you go to the “white route” or “black route”. Sera is shown to constantly hesitate between his path of good and evil and “You” decide his “Fate”.
Sin: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
Kobayashi Hanako #8: Hana’s number 8 is shown on the 8 edged ribbon of her sweater. As well as the compass symbols on the sweater and stockings. A compass is means for “guidance”. Hana is a troubled girl who relies on Isshiki and his music to “point her in the right direction”. It’s said many times that his music helps people through troubled times and that they could relate to it. Rather than Zero, she regards Isshiki as her true hope and “Savior” which caused her to become obsessed with him.
Partiality: unfair bias in favor of one thing or person compared with another; favouritism.
Ogata Tomoki #9: Ogata’s number is 9 and is shown on his coat in the form of a fox. A “kitsune” in Asian culture is known to have 9 tails. He also says to Hoshino that he’s aware he has small eyes (which are often closed in the game). Kitsune have small, narrowed eyes and a cunning smile. His hair is also almost light blonde/silver in colour. They are known to be wise/intelligent but vengeful. A classic tale of the kitsune is when it disguises itself to have a lovefamily. Until it’s true nature is revealed and is forced to leave the spouse and children, mirroring Ogata’s background.
Greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
Saeki Yuzuru #0: Saeki doesn’t seem to have anything on him to indicate his number because of course he IS “Zero”. Null, nothing. It may also be why his outfit is very simple too. However, his personal symbol seems to be the anemone flower. It’s shown on his chain, gun and cloak. None of the other Adonis members wears this. I even checked Kurose Shu’s cloak and he doesn’t have the design. The chain at his shirt collar is also a morning star (refer to Mikuni). Even Hoshino referred to Saeki as “like the Devil”. Anemone flowers are typically considered as bad luck and ill tidings. But of course the most famous connection it has is to Adonis, the Greek figure. (The organization name isn’t a coincidence!)
The origin of the flower was when Aphrodite wept over the body of her mortal lover, Adonis. The gods killed him over jealousy of their affair. While Aphrodite was crying, Adonis shed blood on the anemones that came from her tears and stained them red. In Christianity, red anemones symbolized the blood that Christ shed on the Crucifixion. Going back to the star at his collar; Lucifer is the Latin name for the morning star. Which is actually not even a star but, the planet Venus. Venus, the Roman goddess is equivalent to Aphrodite.
The flowers can also have positive meaning. Hoshino is constantly surrounded by purple or white anemones when together with the main love interests. Because those colours symbolizes “sincerity” and “protection from evil”. Red is Saeki’s colour, which means: death or forsaken love. The origin story about love and loss forever marked the anemone flower and made it a symbol of sadness in love. If Saeki had a keyword, I’d say it would be-
Forsaken: abandoned or deserted.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk of delusions. Saeki/Hoshino is Adonis/Aphrodite don’t change my mind lmao
submitted by _katokathy to otomegames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:36 a_oxxo_a Salvation's Edge Secret Puzzle?? [possible red border?]

So apparently there's this secret room with a monolith and 3 different resonances before 1st encounter.
I have a theory about this, and it might lead somewhere. [just needs more testing]
I was guessing maybe this was the red border puzzle for the raid, and we were looking for an order for the red border, so far we noticed something in the beginning, in a room full of ads with shapes at the wall.
As we reset the raid, one specific column would change every time, this is the 3rd column from the left, and the reading should be from bottom to top (image a, image b). Every other column stays the same, and doesn't change, no matter how many resets were done.
https://imgur.com/O0xXFxL : In this first picture, we read the 3rd column from bottom to top, CSCSC
https://imgur.com/8NZl4r6 : on the second picture we read it as, STSTC, again from bottom to top.
We did multiple trials and resets, charging the monolith conductor with the first symbol as read, and it succeeded, the monolith accepted it. We aren't able to test out the 4 other symbols yet as we cannot do the first encounter with the 3 of us in contest mode, but we'll be testing out the rest once we do a run after day 1. We aren't sure either if there will be a monolith in between all encounters, but in my theory, since there's 5 symbols when reading, if a monolith to bank a resonance exists in between all encounters, that would be a total of 5 symbols to bank, as it follows: [1]before 1st enc, [2]mid 1st and 2nd enc, [3]mid 2nd and 3rd enc, [4]mid 3rd and 4th enc, [5]mid 4th and 5th enc = 5 monoliths/symbols = possible red border
Here's a picture of our 5th trial with the theory, banking the first symbol as read from bottom to top, and it got accepted: https://imgur.com/s0VNWEl [the reading of the 3rd column from bottom to top was TSCTC [triangle, square, circle, triangle, circle] [the monolith should close, like in the picture and not stay open if the resonance banked is correct]
We'll be testing this theory out on our full run after contest mode, so I'll try to update if i can afterwards if it's actually correct or not.
submitted by a_oxxo_a to raidsecrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:36 Fickle-Place-4093 Can't get my first boyfriend out of my mind and feeling guilty because i want to feel that attraction i had before with my current boyfriend because im failing to

I know im totally the asshole in the story but im hoping by sharing this anonymously i might feel better, to anybody reading this , appreciate u <3.
I know this is gonna sound cliché but when i was 16 i got a boyfriend lets call him "A" for the first time ever , it was such a new feeling for me at the time and it felt incredible , although he was being a total jerk at times ,i definetely had lots of feelings for him , we broke up during the summer but he never truly left my mind as hard as i tried to him out of it, we got back togheter after the summer break and we stayed in a relationship for like a year until things went south and we kept getting on and off until he officially dumped me when i turned 18 for no apparent reasons other than "im not ready for a relationship" kind of excuses and it absolutely destroyed me, it was such a special relationship for me because altho he was definetely not perfect and he had a shit ton of flaws like his narcissism... and even made me severely anxious and the relationship was really growing toxic overtime to a point of no return almost, but for some reason he never failed to leave my mind like EVER.
i dont know if its because he was my first boyfriend but there was something about him being my classmate and us being 24/7 with each other for so long and all the new experiences with him, i really was willing to grow with that boy and marry him until one time i randomly met a guy in social media we'll him "R" , he is 5 years older than me and was a student in a field that interested me a lot , we talked about that field a lot and our conversations were platonic with a bit of friendliness and eventhough i knew he was slightly into me idk why i took so long to tell him i had a boyfriend, out of guilt and shame i showed my ex the whole conversation thinking it would prove my loyatly to him and from there he grew to be so jealous and possesive and did not trust me anymore , he started being a terrible boyfriend to me and he said later on that it was because of that incident with "R" (which has to be a pretext because i never cheated technically).
I guess that story really broke my heart and it all happened so suddently that i developed bad anxiety and became so depressed for a few months , i was at my absolute lowest mentally and physically , i had no more will to live and felt so unnatractive as the anxiety developped severe cystic acne and i lost over 12kg (i was already skinny) , i felt so undesirable and thought i would just end up dying alone. in that same moment R was there to comfort me thru that whole process , as months passed by me and R grew closer and we eventually went to the cinema togheter , he admitted to having feelings for me and wanting to be my boyfriend , i was extremely doubtful but i thought this was my only shot at love as i felt extremely broken and unnatractive at the time , i felt like i pretty much had nothing to lose so i accepted his offer and we started dating , as we kept going on dates my guilt started to grow exponentially bigger because i was still thinking of my ex and explicitly mentionning him in conversations over and over again , and the worst of all , i was failing to feel that much physical attraction towards R , i simply could not find him that attractive , he was overweight , balding , i didnt like his eyes , the way he dresses , his haircut , he was too short for me (im pretty tall) , anyways just a lot of factors that just made me not feel that thing with him , i felt extremely bad and thought it would be better if i come clean to him and admit that i felt something missing in our relationship , he took it then as a challenge and started to hit the gym really hard and basically metamorphosed himself , i felt bad in myself and thought i should stop being so shallow and focus on his heart which to be honest was really great , he has lots of great qualities and is definetely not remotely close to the toxicity of my ex which made me feel safe.
R truly treated me right and i felt like he really genuinely wanted to be with me , so i sticked thru the process and told myself i should not break the heart of this guy like A broke mine (i guess i didnt want to be the stereotype/wanted to be different for him). and he eventually lost almost 30kg , changed his clothing style and many things , i started to feel more attracted to him and thought we were doing really great , and yet ... my ex still didnt leave my mind , i just kept on hating him more and more and pointing out all his flaws and mistakes in our relationship thinking this would surely make me move on for good. but yet he still didnt leave my godamn mind.
i later found out my ex started dating one of my bestfriends and i just felt terribly heartbroken all over again and even texted him again trying to get "closure" from what happened in the past especially seeing how much better he was treating my friend (which isnt my friend anymore for obvious reasons) , it totally broke me to see that she was getting everything i wanted out of him so i started to compare myself all the time and now i cant get both of them out of my mind.
by that time it had been already more than a year since my ex dumped me and yet it just hit me so hard , my current boyfriend started to feel insecure and now keeps on asking me if i truly find him enough and if there is things he can do to improve and how afraid he is of losing me , i feel like its too late and there's no going back since he has done soo much for me and he genuinely loves me immensely , and i do care and love him genuinely too but yet i dont know why im failing to feel with him what i felt my ex knowing he didnt do even 20% of what R is doing with me and god knows how much i wanna feel that kind of spark with R so badly. i'd appreciate to know if someone ever felt the same and what can i do in such a situation like this...
submitted by Fickle-Place-4093 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:34 flattitts2001 me and my ex gf

so i was dating a girl for about a year and a half, real long time period, the love was real for both parties and i felt it and so did she, we was very comfortable around each other and had become pretty attached to each other, we had lots of smiles and laughs and good memories together
over time the relationship had bumps and there was fights but never really anything foul was done between both of us. we were loyal and committed to each other
we made it a year and we broke up, she said she needed a break and it wasn’t working. well we kept talking and eventually got back together, we did for 6 months and then i guess shit hit the fan again. i worked off and she wasn’t happy cause of the distance so i broke up w her cause she didn’t want to work on it
she kept in contact with me, we was still having sex when i was home and all that. i tried distancing myself but she would always text and wouldn’t ever stop, even though there was another guy in the picture, who came into the picture just a couple days after the breakup, but she promised and assured me on multiple occasions that it wasn’t like that and they was friends and that she was working on herself for me
until just a couple days ago i noticed her just texting shorter and not talking as much. we had sex like the day before and she called me on the phone and talked for around an hour. so i confronted her about the guy again and she shrugged it off but i knew otherwise, and i desperately wanted to know the truth. so i messaged him
he showed me the kind of conversations she was having with him and told me they had been having sex almost every night since we broke up, i told him about her relations with me as of recent and it was a surprise to him, so i finally got the truth i wanted. but at what cost?
im blocked on everything by her and she’s made it out to everyone around her that im the bad guy in this. why would she have sex with me after having sex with him so many times?? and why all the sudden does she hate me when just a couple days before she was telling me she loved me? she’s apologized to him and admitted all her wrong but i haven’t gotten a single thing from her..
in the end. i just need some light shined on this. i can’t make any sense of it, its beating me up pretty bad
submitted by flattitts2001 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:33 Actual-Switch1676 Saint of the Day series!

Saint of the Day series!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to the latest installment in our journey of faith: the Saint of the Day series! 📿✨
In this brand-new series, we'll dive deep into the lives of remarkable saints, exploring their teachings, virtues, and timeless wisdom. Today marks the inaugural post, and I'm bursting with excitement to share it with you all.
But before we delve into the saintly wisdom, let's take a moment to reflect on the beauty of God's presence in our lives. Have you ever felt like an instrument in His divine orchestra? Like a harp finely tuned to His will, or a flute filled with His Spirit? It's a profound sensation, isn't it?
💫 Reflecting on "The Harp of the Spirit"
The words of Saint Ephraem, often referred to as "the Harp of the Spirit," offer a glimpse into this divine harmony. His poetry paints a vivid picture of our souls as instruments, crafted by God's loving hands to sing His praises. Just as the strings of a harp vibrate with the touch of a plectrum, our lives resonate with His presence, His love, and His peace.
🍞🍷 The Bread and Wine of Jesus
In our daily struggles and triumphs, we find solace in the symbolism of the bread and wine, transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Like a sacred melody, this sacramental grace infuses our lives with meaning and purpose, turning our struggles into songs of gratitude and praise.
🌺 Becoming Instruments of Grace
As homeschooling parents, we have the incredible privilege of nurturing our children's hearts and minds, shaping them into instruments of God's grace. Through prayer, education, and example, we guide them as they discover their unique melodies in the symphony of life.
🎶 Embracing the Rhythm of Life
Life as a homeschooling family is a beautiful melody, filled with laughter, learning, and love. Together, we dance to the rhythm of God's grace, knowing that He is the ultimate conductor of our lives.
So, my dear friends, I invite you to join me on this journey of faith and discovery. Let's explore the lives of the saints, reflect on the beauty of God's presence in our lives, and embrace the melody of His love. Together, we'll create harmonies of faith that resonate with the heavens above.
submitted by Actual-Switch1676 to HomeschoolingPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:33 Lifty_Mc_Liftface [WTS] EXPS3-2 Tan, DD RIS III 13" FSP Rail, Dead Air DA101 Muzzle Break [WTB] Daniel Defense Delta 5 Remington 700 Chassis

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/2B7P61O
Eotech EXPS3-2 Tan - $565
Mint. Comes with box.
Daniel Defense RIS III 13" FSP - $380
New in box, FDE, 13" length.
DA101 Muzzle Break - $60
1/2x28 pitch
[WTB] Daniel Defense Delta 5 Remington 700 Chassis. $800+
Trades/Trades towards: Daniel Defense Delta 5 Remington 700 Chassis, Razor Gen III 4.5-27, FDE Nightforce NX8 2.5-20, lasers, and IR devices
Shoot your shot with an offer. If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
All prices conus shipped unless otherwise noted. Serial numbers in their respective albums. Check pictures for items condition. All effort has been made to depict item's condition. If it's in the pics, it's included. If it ain't, it aint. PP, Venmo, or Zelle. Lower flair ships first in trades.
submitted by Lifty_Mc_Liftface to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:31 KennaQueen Sketchy landlord

Backstory: My boyfriend and I lived in a duplex for 2 1/2 years. We had planned to stay for 4 years as that’s what we were signed for. Well one of our windows started molding on the wood. We had had a lot of rain and moisture was coming in and getting trapped. We contacted the landlord and they looked at it and said they would be back the next week sometime to check on it again because we had cleaned it well. (I have heart issues and my boyfriend has asthma and mold can be even worse with those factors so we cleaned it.) The landlord never came back and we contacted them again and said we got a mold inspection done and we had black mold and other molds in the air. We lived with my dad for a week and went back and forth with the landlord and finally got out of our lease. Legal Advice: During our walk through the landlord didn’t bring a paper to sign for damages and what they would charge us for. In our lease it states that tenets need to hire a carpet cleaner upon move out. We didn’t have time to do that because of how rushed we were to get out of the house. We asked the landlord if we needed to hire the carpet cleaner and the landlord said “We will take care of the carpet cleaning.” Well now there is a $156 charge for carpet cleaning on top of the $300 we had to pay for the damages our cat made to the carpet. (We already knew we would have to pay for the cat damage.) Can we fight the $156 charge?
submitted by KennaQueen to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:31 Visual_Law4025 Chapter 145 Analysis and Review!

Sorry for the wait again, lets not waste any time and jump right into the chapter! A lot of interesting character work going on in this one so it'll be a treat to analyze.
We open on the cliffhanger from the previous chapter, where we learned Pick-Up Senpai is back from the dead.
And like his previous appearances, I really like how Haruya is written in this chapter. He's still kind of a condescending jerk, but never to the point of being flat out antagonistic. He's a nuanced character and I appreciate that this chapter keeps that tone with him, even as Kyou fears him like a maniacal villain.
Teleporting Kyou
We get some funny interactions with Haruya, with Kyou initially being annoyed that he's hanging around Anna so casually despite being rejected by her, only to realize that's exactly what it seems like he's doing since the fake rejection.
Also Anna's gag with constantly reserving spots to spontaneously show up with more food is extremely funny and on brand
Like I said, Haruya is a really well written character because he brings out a lot of interesting emotions from Kyou and is just an interesting force for him to play off of. He presents himself in a nice way and even says he's happy to see how much Kyou has opened up as a person, but does so with just enough condescension to drive Kyou up the wall.
It's at this point Haruya learns that Kyou was "rejected" by Anna, the lie being spread to him by Kanoe.
And while Haruya doesn't immediately respond, this information clearly shocks him. Remember, he's aware that Anna loves Kyou and that her affection for him is part of the reason she turned him down back during the graduation. So the idea that Anna would reject Kyou is obviously confusing.
And him learning this fact worries Kyou a lot, because the last thing he needs right now is Haruya thinking him and Anna aren't actually a couple which would give him the green-light to try asking her out again. Not that I think Haruya would actually do that at this point, but it makes sense for Kyou to believe he would.
After a stint of awkward tension, Haruya suggests the group split up into pairs to explore the festival, and they decide that the girls will choose who they go with. Kyou obviously can't just go with Anna given the situation, so the person who pairs with him is...Kanoe!
These pairings overall are very funny in how they're made, too.
Kanoe actually has her own reasons for picking Kyou, but when Hanzawa's picking, the other boys try to look cool so she'll pick them, something they didn't do with Kanoe. It's also a pretty interesting realization that Kanoe might be more unpopular than she lets on.
Hanzawa ends up picking none of the boys however, choosing to go with Anna instead (who was busy getting yet more food), which makes a lot of sense given she's the one remaining person here Hanzawa's close friends with.
The last pairing here that's important is Haruya being paired with...Kobayashi.
This leads to a very interesting conversation set up that I'll get to towards the end of the chapter. But needless to say its quite an amusing prospect for these two characters who would usually be super opposed to each other being forced to stick together, especially when we rarely see either of them when not interacting with one of our main duo.
Haruya's reaction to being picked last (not even "picked" really, Kobayashi had no other choice) is priceless. And so is Anna's reaction to Kyou and Kanoe being paired up.
I actually really really like the way she texts Kyou with a bunch of ominous eye emojis, basically emulating her death glare she usually gives whenever Kyou is with another girl. And Kyou's snappy response is just as good, it's a really nice showcase of how they've gotten comfortable with each other.
This all leads to Kanoe and Kyou walking together alone, and Kanoe...
...apologizes to him!
This is a pretty big moment to showcase Kanoe's nuance as a character. She's not the shallow party girl who's just an obstacle to Kyou and Anna's relationship, especially now that she's already done the deed of making said relationship a lot more difficult to maintain.
She genuinely wanted Kyou and Anna to get together, likely drawn from that one off exchange last chapter implying that she obsesses over the love lives of other people because she has trouble finding those feelings herself.
This also obviously means she's not very good at picking up on those emotions, which is why she ends up causing so much trouble for those very couples.
It's a really nice way to make her abrasive actions and behavior feel much more nuanced. She's not malicious, these are just results of her very genuine and realistic character flaws. I know a lot of people don't like Kanoe, but this chapter especially made me really like her.
Her and Kyou have a nice conversation where Kyou slowly tries to explain to her that, just because two people seem close, doesn't mean that you should immediately assume they should get together, much less force them into a situation where they feel pressured to do so.
And this is a very good lesson for Kanoe to learn, again because she's not actively trying to ruin people's relationships, she's just a teenager who doesn't understand these things yet.
Excellent character writing all around.
This conversation eventually leads to Kyou almost revealing the truth about him and Anna, which thankfully gets cut off by none other than the lady herself...as she's planning murder-
So yeah, this was definitely a scene we needed for Kanoe, because it makes her a multi-layered character and a much nicer addition to the cast. It'll be interesting to see where she goes from here, whether she'll continue on her shipping quests or if this will end up being the catalyst for her moving past that.
Finally, we come to the end of the chapter with perhaps its biggest revelation.
As Haruya and Kobayashi hang out, she quickly brings up Kyou and Anna.
And to the surprise of everyone (including the editor's note-)...Kobayashi has picked up on the lie!
This introduces a LOT of potentially interesting developments.
Ever since Kyou and Anna got together, Chi has been presented as completely oblivious to their relationship to the point of comedy. Not picking up on any of their couple-vibes even when it got painfully obvious.
But this line implies that, not only has Chi likely picked up on them being a couple, she's had this assumption since before Anna had her whole fake-rejection...which further implies that Chi's been hiding the fact that she's known for some time.
This puts a WHOLE new perspective on her reactions to this whole affair. Why did Chi not bring this up to anyone? Why has she seemingly pretended to not know about their relationship? Why is she only now telling this to Haruya of all people?
For that last one, I do actually think I have an answer.
Chi is likely assuming the same thing Kyou is, that if Haruya thinks Anna rejected Kyou for real, he might try and make another advance on her, something Chi definitely doesn't want. So this would be her making sure he doesn't have the wrong impression.
Course, with that in mind, it could also be the case that Chi still DOESN'T think they're together and is ONLY saying this to Haruya to protect Anna.
Frankly its impossible to say here or there about this until we get the next chapter, but its a very compelling note to leave off on for this character.
So yeah, another stellar chapter as far as I'm concerned!
A lot of very excellent character writing for the supporting cast, what with Haruya entering the picture again, Kanoe getting a lot of development, and a big potential twist regarding Chi. All wrapped up in the super fun and funny vibes of the festival.
Honestly this is a pretty top-tier Bokuyaba chapter in my opinion. The character writing is stellar and the humor is absolutely on point. There's not a dull moment to be found.
Here's to the next one!
submitted by Visual_Law4025 to bokunokokoro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:30 inthedeepdeep Graduation: An Obligation not an Achievement

Long post, sorry.
This month is graduation for many people (Congratulations to anyone here who is graduating! You earned it). Today was my partner’s youngest sibling’s graduation and I celebrated with them. It was fun and everyone was so proud of her. I was really happy to be there and it was great. My partner and I got her a card and some money and I wrote a nice little note in it. I could tell it made her happy and that made me happy. Lots and lots of photos were taken. I love that kind of family stuff.
But there is a voice in my head at these things that is always “Who cares? What is the big deal, you’re supposed to. What a waste of money on a kid for something they have to get done. Participation ribbon.” There are pictures, ceremonies, senior trips. And it just feels strange. Like, I never registered how much people celebrated graduation until after college.
When I was a kid, my mom was the insane academics homeschooling mom. Parties, friends, extracurriculars, hobbies, family togetherness was absolutely nothing compared to school. It was my only priority and the only thing that needed to matter to me. I was yelled at for crying and saying that math was awful. School was supposed to be my enjoyment, fulfillment, and my only future. School is fun.
Graduation ceremonies were stupid in her opinion. She’d mock the excitement “It’s only a high school diploma, it doesn’t really matter.” God forbid someone’s kid was got a GED. There was clearly something wrong with them. Their parents failed them. Going to the military or job corp? Well, at least it isn’t MacDonald’s but there was clearly something wrong. I was taught community college was lesser and didn’t know for many years that you could can earn an AA and make it easier (and more economical) to get a Bachelor’s. Defective young people and old losers rebooting their life went to com college (ironically, she had to go back after ruining her career by not working for over two decades).
When I graduated high school, my mom got excited and hugged me. I almost failed the unnecessary fourth year of math she berated me into taking and she was happy I passed. That was it and at the time I was fine with it. No dinner, no graduation cash, no trip. I was leaving my prison of a home soon, that was my real joy: not living with her ever again. My correspondence school did have graduation ceremonies but they were across country and my mom felt it was foolish and a waste of money. I did walk for my Bachelor’s. But…it was just a Bachelor’s degree. My mom and brother came, but a lot of it was overshadowed by a real academic achievement: My brother’s full ride scholarship to Grad School overseas. I had scholarships too but nothing prestigious, I was lucky to not have debt. I have three photos of that day: one phone photo from my mom and then like two photos the school took. I wanted photos of that day so bad on my nice camera. I wanted them in my cute outfit (I know, narcissistic) and with my family. When I asked a third time that day after dinner, my mom turned to my brother “Do you want to take pictures?” He paused “No.” “No we aren’t taking photos.” That was it. It felt so unimportant, like a waste of their time. “Thank god, she graduated. But, she only did what she was supposed to do. She doesn’t need to be so excited.”
The next few years after that, I just felt like a loser. Graduate with the usual crappy out of school jobs, no motivation to do the next real step in life and go to grad school. I didn’t realize until like…4 or 5 years later getting my undergraduate degree was anything important. People would say how I had accomplished something. F***, I got bullied on a lunch break once for getting my degree and it took me years after to realize that those people were jealous.
I am more proud and grateful now. It wasn’t that I wasn’t grateful. I just had to do it, like going to the bathroom. You have to do it and you don’t get a prize. I am so lucky to have what I have and earned it myself. I am in the early stages of figuring out grad school. I will not be telling my mom until (if) I get my master’s degree. I want her to know I got it myself, with my money and hard work in spite of her and I will celebrate.
I feel selfish this popped into my head, I am just venting here. I didn’t let it ruin the day, that would be completely stupid. My emotions about it are weird. I am not really jealous or sad (though a small amount). Just, mostly a dull confusion. I’d rather share someone else’s joy than sucking it away like a vampire the way my mom did.
So, anyone graduating today or soon: be proud of it if it is high school, a GED, AA, college, doctorate, whatever. If your family is lousy and doesn’t care, I hope you can find a way to celebrate in the future. You deserve it. You earned this yourself and probably in spite of them.
submitted by inthedeepdeep to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 L0st1nadr3am The Curse of Evangelion

My name is Seb and I live in a bachelor apartment by myself. I prefer living by myself because with roommates you never really own anything. I have my dodge charger and a job at the local fish gutting plant.
One weekend morning I decided to visit my friend Brandon. Brandon was like me, with a slightly darker complexion. He lived with his roommate Brandon. The second Brandon was a slow fellow. Often playing games on hsi phone for hundreds of hours.
I opened the door to see them sitting there smoking weed and watching our favourite show, evangelion.
Slow Brandon chugged a beer.
“Get em shingi!” Slow Brandon yelled.
Dark Brandon took a toke.
“Man this show gets better with every viewing! There is so much subtext swirling in my head.” Dark Brandon chortled.
We watched in a trance for what felt like hours. All our favourite characters battling against the allegedly evil angels.
When we got to the part with Asuka getting mind raped I started to wonder about Sarah.
“I thought you said Sarah was coming over dude?” I said after a toke.
“Dude we need to watch the first half of the end of evangelion first dude” Dark Brandon responded.
“Why?” I asked.
“Dude, never watch the first half of the end of evangelion with a woman you care about! They will never look at you the same way again.” He said mournfully.
We finished the show other than messed up last two episodes that aren’t canon and watched the first half of the end of evangelion.
As we watched the plug suit eva eat Asuka Dark Brandon got a dreamy look in his eye.
“You know the plug suit Eva is real dude. If you finish the puzzle he takes a bite out of you they say. If you finish it twice he takes a REAL bite out of you. They say nothing hurts more.” Dark Brandon recited.
“That's not real!” Slow Brandon Chimed in. “Our technology couldn’t do that!”
“Man, let's complete the puzzle Dude. The first bites not that bad. Lets watch em all dude.” Dark Brandon responded. We put on the second half of the end of evangelion and it started to screw with our heads, forming a strange horrifying picture.
“I can’t see it!” Slow Brandon yelled.
“We need more pieces!” Dark Brandon yelled.
After we finished it we started watching the last two non canon episodes of the show. Before long there was a knock at the door.
“Hey Seb!” Sarah waved.
“Hey Sarah. I mean you can stay if you want but we are up to some occultist shit. We are going to get bit by a crazy monster to see how much it hurts.” I said as a warning.
“You and magic shit! Have you taken your meds?” Sarah said scornfully.
I rolled my eyes and we cuddled while we watched the show. I don’t think she’s even seen the end of evangelion, she should be fine.
After our minds were fucked like Asuka’s we put on death and rebirth.
“This is the one that gets you they say. I’ve seen everything else a million times and so have you guys. WE have to make a pact right now to NEVER watch this movie again or we get the real bite.” Dark Brandon Sneered.
Our minds were tormented by images of Shinji’s father, the most despicable man to never live.
Him and his wife in random scenes that were out of order.It was like an entire season of a show into 1 90 minutes mind fuck.
Near the end the movie stopped and plug suit Eva sat on the screen smiling at us all.
“You don’t seem very scary” Slow Brandon said, after spitting out his beer.
I sat there scared for a second, but the Eva didn’t seem to want to do anything.
Then translucent TV screens appeared in front of me and the Brandon’s. There were a bunch of translucent people as well, with the plug suit Eva on their faces. The one that looked like Sarah freaked me out.
“Congratulations!” They all chortled, laughing hysterically.
The plug suit Eva laughed on all 3 screens and lunged forward like translucent snakes, taking a bite out of each of us.
All 3 of us cried out in unison. It hurt about as much as being stabbed with a knife.
The eva laughed “The real bite is 20,000 times worse. And I’m going to get one of you!”
The tv’s disappeared and I jumped up. All this pain had given me a weird energy.
Dark Brandon sat on the couch wit ha look of horror and betrayal.
“IHe said the warning bite wasn’t that bad” Dark Brandon said in tears.
Slow Brandon cried hysterically.
We all went home after that, and everyone with the bite had trouble sleeping that night. It was weird.
But it didn’t seem to really mess us up that much and we all went on with our lives.
A few years later on a weekend morning I was back over at Brandon's place. We were smoking weed, surfing Amazon prime for stuff to watch.
“The rebuild of Evangelion is done guys. Want to watch it?” Dark Brandon said.
“Fuck it. These are real movies not mind fuck they can’t be cursed!” Slow Brandon said.
We watched Eva 1 first. This was one we had all seen before. It was an old favourite and we often watched it instead of the first 7 episodes of the show.
After it was done we put on Eva 2. I hadn’t seen this one before but both the Brandon’s had.
“I like how they made the ocean red” Slow Brandon said.
After watching it for a while I realised that this shit wasn’t evangelion. This was weird pornography spliced with all the usual images. The fighting had no stakes. I felt as if I was being taken away on a dream voyage.
When it was done we put on Eva 3 you can NOT redo
We started watching it and I was appalled. The timeskips, Asuka still looked the same. Nothing was explained and Shinji had this necklace on his head that could blow at any time.
After the first half of the movie was done Kwaru came on screen. He proceeded to eat our minds for the next 40 or so minutes. At the end of it all he said “Shinji these aren't the lances we need”
At that point I realised all the exposition he had spotted for 40 minutes was all absolute nonsense. I almost didn’t want to watch the last one.
“Which one of you watched that travesty and said it was good?” I said angrily. “Well we both watched it, but we didn’t finish it. I thought Kwaru was going to make sense.” Dark Brandon said in a haze.
Then I realised it. Asuka had mentioned the curse of evangelion in the movie.
“Guys I don’t think we should watch the last one. This is freaking me out way too much.” I said in disbelief.
Slow Branon laughed maniacally.
“I didn’t realise it till after I watched the 4th one” Slow Brandon sneered.
“What?” Me and Dark Brandon said in unison.
Slow Brandon pulled out a handgun and laughed.
“I made a deal with the plug suit Eva! We are all going to watch it and instead of biting me He’ll bite both of you!” Slow Brandon laughed.
He shot at the ground and took our phones. We sat on the couch with gun pointed at us.
Thankfully slow Branon seemed more interested in the movie than we were and we averted our eyes and hummed to ourselves while he watched.
Even though I was trying not to watch it I noted that the plug suit Eva was not even in the movie. This truly was the ultimate betrayal in the form of entertainment.
Suddenly the screen froze on the plug suit Eva again.
Suddenly we heard a loud terrifying voice that almost made my heart stop.
“The thing is you have to watch 2, 3 and 4 all twice to get a bite at all. But they stack.”
Then a TV appeared clear as day in front of Slow Brandon. The Eva sat there looking at him as perfectly clear versions of everyone he knew stood there clapping. They all had the plug suit Eva on their faces.
“Congratulations on getting the worst possible ending!” They all yelled gayly.
The plug suit Eva chomped down on Slow Brandon’s chest and he screamed with more pain then Shinji or Asuka in the end of evangelion.
Then the TV disappeared. Slow Brandon sat there screaming for a few seconds then ran out the door.
He apparently made it almost 40 miles running on foot before his heart gave out.
I’m posting this as the sternest warning ever to not watch the rebuild of Evangelion or Death and rebirth if you have ever even seen the end of evangelion and the last 2 episodes of the show. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
submitted by L0st1nadr3am to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 Potato_Consumer99 Sex Review: Dikke

Sex Review: Dikke
Requested by: Solvio69

Story Time

Two hands shook under the statue. A hand belongs to the one who preserves loyalty and kindness, while another belongs to the one who upholds justice and fairness. Dikke had the slightest smile I ever seen, like she was forcing herself to despite most of the time being stoic was a habit of hers. But that is her nature, and I don’t blame her at all.
“The Inquisition is greatly in dept for your comprehensive support. As the Supreme Chief of the Special Court, I shall ‘personally’ repay you a fruitful reward, benefactor. Please meet me in my office later.” said by Dikke with a stern but graceful voice.
Since the black plague era ended, the Inquisition had trouble rebuilding its institution from all damage that had been done by the plague: uncountable casualties, struggling to survive, life filled with grief and dolour. To bring back the order of the Inquisition, Dikke was burdened heavily. However, in her forbearing heart, there was room for her to manifest an appreciation towards my obliging act.
The sun was about to set, I arrived at Dikke’s office. My arrival was to be expected by her, her genuine welcome was a virtuous one. Her office was clean, old style and well designed. A conscientious woman with a sense of style after all, Dikke is. Not to mention, she was also a busy and unflagging person. It is no wonder why Dikke could be the youngest chief magistrate.
“Benefactor, this gift should be a special gratuity from one to thee. In this room, there will be only us both enjoyeth and experience pleasure. Hence, thou shall leaketh no secret between us.”
I nodded, I vowed and took the oath for not speaking any of it. Dikke’s stern face calmed and relaxed, no hesitation for her to come to a halt as she thoroughly pulled the window’s curtain together and locked the wooden door. Extra touch for their night, she lit candles of every candle stand in the office. A dark room with only candlelight to bring warmth and clarity as it had the potential to elicit fear and wary.

Sex Scene

I sat on a lavish gothic chair as I was undressing my casual outfit. Dikke was in front of me, it took a while for her to strip her chunky robe, but all effort was worth it. A body that is a representation of ‘justice’ was shown right in front of me, elegant curves and beautiful body shape. Never knew this thick robe had hidden her thick and fat thighs plus a pair of motherly shaped breasts.
Dikke noticed me staring at her thighs that reflect the lights of candles. A blush had appeared on her face, and she knew what she was going to do. She told me to sit still. She walked close to me, sat on my hip in a reverse position where my front faced her back. My cock was between her thighs and her vagina. Having my own cock to be squashed between her meaty warm thighs was increasingly pleasurable then normal sex.
Dikke began to move up and down, giving me a thighjob. It was only a start, but I already felt a good sensation. Her thighs were incredibly soft and smooth, I even muttered in pleasure quietly behind her. With her smooth and elegant movement, I was drooling non-stop, as my cock felt warm and sensual from her touch. With her hair emitting fragrant smell, my mind only clouded with her whole body.
Even though the thighjob she gave was insanely enjoyable, she decided to make my cock much more sensitive. She used her fingers to rub the tip of my cock. It’s driving me crazy; my climax could reach at any moment, yet I was still holding back. My hands were under her armpits and hugging her whole shoulder, I hugged her tightly as if my cock were brutally tortured with tons of pleasure. I even moaned uncontrollably; my saliva dripped behind her back and my tongue was licking her neck so much like a dog.
Later on, she crossed her legs, which made my cock squeezed tighter. It was testing my limit, and possibly already over my limit. At that point, I just want to cum so badly, but I tried to hold on, so I don’t disappoint her. Dikke speed up her body movement and the rubbing. The sound of her butt clapping on my legs became louder, I hugged her even tighter than ever.
All these until I cummed and ejaculated a big amount of sperm like a fountain. All my sperm was all on her thighs and also on her index finger. I tried to regain my breath after those all-doing. While I was looking down breathing heavily, she sucked her index finger that was covered in my sperm and swallowed them whole. Not just that, she even collected the sperms that were on her thighs and eat them all. She swallowed them in one gulp, I could even hear her swallowing and gulping my sperm. After eating, she moaned in a pleasant way, I think she loved the taste of my cum.
Dikke opened her thighs and released my cock, the whole pressure on my dick went all away. It even created a string or a bridge of sperm between my cock and her thighs. She went on to her table and wiped her thighs carefully with a cloth. Meanwhile, I went on go towards her who was near her table. She noticed me, she got close to me and whispered to me in my ear. I nodded right after she finished.
Dikke bent over and leaned on her table. She spread her cheeks and opened her pussy using her two fingers. No stopping for me, I inserted my cock inside her, slide it into deeper than a well. Dikke moaned quietly as she enjoyed being penetrated, and she even moved on her own back and forth to satisfy me and her. Of course, I wouldn’t let her do it alone, so I grabbed her waist and moved out hip together.
As my hip kept hitting her butt, her beautiful and silky hair moved in a wavy motion. Our sex intercourse was fun and pleasureful, but she still kept her moan at a low volume so whatever she does looks professional and proper. But I don’t mind about it, as long she’s around, I’m comforted.
She was leaning her whole front body on the table, even her breasts had to be pressed against the table. She took the backshot even in an appealing way. The way she bends her body was so low and sexy that her whole round butt tilted up, her breasts on the table and her hands crossing to support her head. Not to mention that Dikke was quite tall because of her pair of long voluptuous legs, hence the position of our private parts was matched well. At the same time, the way she spread her cheek was not too opened nor closed, it spread perfectly.
Back to our sex intercourse, my speed of thrusting had made her lost a part of her control. She began to let out a bit of moan, not a typical young female moaning noise, but a deep matured mommy moaning noise. As time goes on, I thrust her harder and harder, so hard that the corner of her lips were drooling when she was clenching her teeth.
Her whole inside was throbbed exhaustingly, and it soon will be filled with my sperm. As I were backshotting her in a rapid force, she grabbed on the edge of the table, moaned louder this time. Our feelings became more intriguing and overwhelming with sultry and passion. She was about to break at the right time where I cummed again but this time inside her womb. Her head fall down after I stopped thrusting and gained a sensual feeling of being penetrated and cummed inside.
Dikke looked exhausted. The way she breath looked so sexy and lewd, her body moved lusciously every time she breath. Her vagina was filled, oozed out my hot sperm. Her legs were a little bit trembling, it was hard for her to stand up. Therefore, I brought her and let her lie on her wide sofa. She had a lusty mood of wanting to sleep with me, so I don’t dare to let this opportunity wasted.


Body of perfection. Her boobs were warm and juicy, a shot of her breast milk worth more than gallons of normal milk, sweet and creamy. Her thighs were her greatest feature EVER, best pillow, softer than cushion. (Her thighs are soft, smooth, warm, juicy, meaty, fleshy, shapely, voluptuous, athletic, and of course THICCCCCC) Being squashed by her thighs were permitted if asked politely and nicely.
Gorgeous blue eyes, attractive and adorable face. Not really a fan of kissing. Silky white hair, and it also smells fragrant and aromatic. She may looks adorable, but she’s serious on her job. Not quite aggressive, can be gentle to intermediate, elegance and steadiness was her priority, and she would usually hold back a little. She also eat cums not just because she likes the flavor, but she doesn’t want to waste them.
submitted by Potato_Consumer99 to okbuddytimekeeper [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:27 No-Philosopher-3477 AITAH for not wanting the art my MIL hung up to come with when my husband (31M) and I (29F), move?

We're closing on a house in two weeks and then moving within a month. I'm nervous to tell my husband that I don't want some of the wall art his mom hung up to come with us.
When my husband moved into his house right out of college, he did the standard bachelor thing. He bought a TV, a couch, and he had a mattress on the floor. His parents gave him some old furniture and his mom hung up pictures all over his house.
I'm hesitant to talk to my husband because he's pretty sensistive about his things. For example, there's this massive framed art of an abstract farmhouse in lots of primary colors in our bedroom. It looks like a generic photo you'd find in an office conference room. I run into it all the time as it leans off the wall on my side of the bed.
I asked him if we could take it down and donate it. He insisted we keep it because his mom put it up for him. I asked him if that was what made it significant for him and if he actually liked the photo in the first place. He repeated that his mom hung it up and there was nothing wrong with it. After explaining that I run into it, he said I needed to be more careful. Its still in our bedroom.
More wall art includes: childhood art from when he was 6 to 8 years old, a photo my MIL took of a loon at their lake house, an lifetouch action shot of my husband in high school hockey, and a canvas of a pier in Florida where my in-laws most of the year. A few photos have come down as I've painted walls and rearranged rooms, but I haven't removed photos that he's excited about. The ones ive taken down are put into the basement. Nothing is donated or sold.
The ones I do replace are swapped with photos from our travels, places that are significant to us, and pictures of our family. I always check with him before I make a change and show him options for what I want to put up. I don't make a change unless its agreed. However, every time I've taken something down, he either makes a comment or doesn't look happy.
Additonally, its a known fact that my MIL makes me uncomfortable. My husband knows that I'm working to advocate for myself. She currently cleans our house when I'm not home, attempts to do our laundry, and buys things for our home even though I've expressed that I'm not comfortable with these gestures.
Am I being a controlling jerk? I need to know if I need to back off or let some things go.
submitted by No-Philosopher-3477 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:26 DisastrousClass2494 32 [M4F] #Airdrie, Canada - Child free and I love cats

Hi everyone,
A bit about myself I am 5"11", well educated, very muscular and broad-shouldered, not someone you can easily lose in a crowd. I will also say I do not see myself having kids. I have been complimented on my voice quite often, about it being calming. I do also have a British accent of course.
I have done pretty well in life, worked pretty hard to get where I am now and would love to meet someone who appreciates ambition and is an ambitious person.
I moved to Calgary from the UK back in June 2022, I work as a DevOps Engineer and i have been working from home for the past 3 years. Also travel to Dallas a lot for work so I am not tied down for my job, I can easily visit you.
I have been doing alot of traveling recently, I recently did a trip around Iceland, went to Hungary and visited alot of different states last year.
Looking for someone to share experiences with and just enjoy life, feel like I have reached where I need to be in life and I am ready to share that with someone. I am a homebody, I do enjoy staying at home, especially during the winters here, living alone is not fun. I also cook pretty well too.
I do have a nerdy side, I like spending time on my PC, I love board games and I am an introvert at heart but I have no issues talking to people at the same time. I also love cats, I volunteer in my spare time looking after cats before they get adopted. I will also pet any cat I see on the street.
pictures of me: https://imgur.com/a/hJu8JcA
submitted by DisastrousClass2494 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:25 FizzyCream Bad Girls we were ROBBED from PT. 2

  1. Ripsi seems like a fun person, she was removed from the house WAY too early
  2. Same case as Ripsi, she was such a cool girl and wanted to party and have fun. The girls just decided to jump and gang up on her just because she was better than them.
  3. Went home WAY too early, but she was pretty violent. I would’ve loved to see more from her debut season of BGC. Her actions in season 13 just felt forced and influenced by Natalie.
  4. Beat the shit out of Natalie for a good reason. She went out with a bang, but I still would’ve loved to see more from her. She was a very smart girl
  5. Poor baby wasn’t in a right state of mind when her season was filmed. I think she would’ve been better if she was in a different season. I feel like Jada was doing the absolute most with her and pissed her off and made her leave. Also rest easy Linsey.. 💔🕊️
  6. She was ICONIC! I loved her so much. She was soo funny lol. She should’ve been an original on the season. They casted her wayyyy too late and that jumping shit was so wrong and made me cringe. If she was an original I can imagine how many iconic moments/quotes she could’ve had.
  7. Watching her season and watching her get bullied hurt my heart. DreamDoll and Winter did way too much with her just because she didn’t take Winter’s bullshit. She’s adorable and I wish she stood up for herself more.
submitted by FizzyCream to BadGirlsClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:25 flattitts2001 me and my ex gf

so i was dating a girl for about a year and a half, real long time period, the love was real for both parties and i felt it and so did she, we was very comfortable around each other and had become pretty attached to each other, we had lots of smiles and laughs and good memories together
over time the relationship had bumps and there was fights but never really anything foul was done between both of us. we were loyal and committed to each other
we made it a year and we broke up, she said she needed a break and it wasn’t working. well we kept talking and eventually got back together, we did for 6 months and then i guess shit hit the fan again. i worked off and she wasn’t happy cause of the distance so i broke up w her cause she didn’t want to work on it
she kept in contact with me, we was still having sex when i was home and all that. i tried distancing myself but she would always text and wouldn’t ever stop, even though there was another guy in the picture, who came into the picture just a couple days after the breakup, but she promised and assured me on multiple occasions that it wasn’t like that and they was friends and that she was working on herself for me
until just a couple days ago i noticed her just texting shorter and not talking as much. we had sex like the day before and she called me on the phone and talked for around an hour. so i confronted her about the guy again and she shrugged it off but i knew otherwise, and i desperately wanted to know the truth. so i messaged him
he showed me the kind of conversations she was having with him and told me they had been having sex almost every night since we broke up, i told him about her relations with me as of recent and it was a surprise to him, so i finally got the truth i wanted. but at what cost?
im blocked on everything by her and she’s made it out to everyone around her that im the bad guy in this. why would she have sex with me after having sex with him so many times?? and why all the sudden does she hate me when just a couple days before she was telling me she loved me? she’s apologized to him and admitted all her wrong but i haven’t gotten a single thing from her..
in the end. i just need some light shined on this. i can’t make any sense of it, its beating me up pretty bad
submitted by flattitts2001 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:23 DisastrousClass2494 32 [M4F] #Airdrie, Canada - Child free and I love cats

Hi everyone,
A bit about myself I am 5"11", well educated, very muscular and broad-shouldered, not someone you can easily lose in a crowd. I will also say I do not see myself having kids. I have been complimented on my voice quite often, about it being calming. I do also have a British accent of course.
I have done pretty well in life, worked pretty hard to get where I am now and would love to meet someone who appreciates ambition and is an ambitious person.
I moved to Calgary from the UK back in June 2022, I work as a DevOps Engineer and i have been working from home for the past 3 years. Also travel to Dallas a lot for work so I am not tied down for my job, I can easily visit you.
I have been doing alot of traveling recently, I recently did a trip around Iceland, went to Hungary and visited alot of different states last year.
Looking for someone to share experiences with and just enjoy life, feel like I have reached where I need to be in life and I am ready to share that with someone. I am a homebody, I do enjoy staying at home, especially during the winters here, living alone is not fun. I also cook pretty well too.
I do have a nerdy side, I like spending time on my PC, I love board games and I am an introvert at heart but I have no issues talking to people at the same time. I also love cats, I volunteer in my spare time looking after cats before they get adopted. I will also pet any cat I see on the street.
pictures of me: https://imgur.com/a/hJu8JcA
submitted by DisastrousClass2494 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:21 ThrowRAOutrageous_Lo Hpw do I (29F), tell my husband (31M) that I don't want the art my MIL (72F) hung up to come with when we move?

We're closing on a house in two weeks and then moving within a month. I'm nervous to tell my husband that I don't want some of the wall art his mom hung up to come with us.
When my husband moved into his house right out of college, he did the standard bachelor thing. He bought a TV, a couch, and he had a mattress on the floor. His parents gave him some old furniture and his mom hung up pictures all over his house.
I'm hesitant to talk to my husband because he's pretty sensistive about his things. For example, there's this massive framed art of an abstract farmhouse in lots of primary colors in our bedroom. It looks like a generic photo you'd find in an office conference room. I run into it all the time as it leans off the wall on my side of the bed.
I asked him if we could take it down and donate it. He insisted we keep it because his mom put it up for him. I asked him if that was what made it significant for him and if he actually liked the photo in the first place. He repeated that his mom hung it up and there was nothing wrong with it. After explaining that I run into it, he said I needed to be more careful. Its still in our bedroom.
More wall art includes: childhood art from when he was 6 to 8 years old, a photo my MIL took of a loon at their lake house, an lifetouch action shot of my husband in high school hockey, and a canvas of a pier in Florida where my in-laws most of the year. A few photos have come down as I've painted walls and rearranged rooms, but I haven't removed photos that he's excited about. The ones ive taken down are put into the basement. Nothing is donated or sold.
The ones I do replace are swapped with photos from our travels, places that are significant to us, and pictures of our family. I always check with him before I make a change and show him options for what I want to put up. I don't make a change unless its agreed. However, every time I've taken something down, he either makes a comment or doesn't look happy.
Additonally, its a known fact that my MIL makes me uncomfortable. My husband knows that I'm working to advocate for myself. She currently cleans our house when I'm not home, attempts to do our laundry, and buys things for our home even though I've expressed that I'm not comfortable with these gestures.
I'm looking for advice on how to open this conversation where I'm not being a jerk as we move but I can still be honest about how I feel. How can I express that I want our new space to be just ours?
submitted by ThrowRAOutrageous_Lo to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:20 H3avyCloud At times I cry for her

I been going through a heartbreak for some months now. When I think about her, I feel sad, low and at times I tear up cause I genuinely miss her and feel very regretful that I lost “the one”. This 2nd heartbreak has been messing with my mental health and just lost on my thoughts of how I could’ve made it better or make her fall in love with me again. I fell in love again with my 1st gf and tbh I don’t regret it because I miss this feeling so much specially bond it with someone that truly loves you. I wonder if she will ever reach out to me again or that was the last time that we saw each other. You will always have a special place in my heart no matter where life takes us. I hope in our future we can see each other again and just make each other laugh and fall in love again. I will always love you… NF ( her initials)
submitted by H3avyCloud to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:19 Geolassie Feedback please! 2 weeks in France in late June/early July

Feedback please! 2 weeks in France in late June/early July
Hi all! I’ve been reading this sub with great interest the past couple of months and now my long-awaited first 1 bag trip is just 2 weeks away! Please give me your thoughts on my clothing choices.
My husband and I will be spending the 1st 6 days near Carnac in a series of hotels and are attending a wedding that weekend. I’m planning the purple and black chiffon dress for that. Week 2 will be spent in Paris at an airbnb with laundry available.
My bag is a 39L travel pro rollaboard
Shoes: Roxy sneakers, worn on plane Chacos Black wedge sandals
Not pictured: 7 pair of panties, 1 of which is period panty 4 pair smartwool footie socks, 1 pair tall socks, 1 pair compression socks for the plane 1 nude bra, 1 black bra Bikini top and 2 bikini bottoms Bike shorts for PJs and/or chub rub
Pants: Yellow gauze palazzos Red overalls Deciding between navy linen capris and navy Athleta pants or bring both? Jeans (worn on plane and not pictured) Should I bring a pair of linen shorts?
Tops: Black tank and red tank Red linen tee Navy cotton V neck tee Yellow eyelet tee Yellow gauze tank - the one pictured is not exact. The real one is made of the same gauze as I made the palazzos from and appears to be a jumpsuit when worn together Black ribbed tee with ribbons on the sleeves OR black rayon drapey top - the tee is a poly blend, so I’m not wild about it for travel, but the drapey top is pretty old…maybe skip both and get a black Woolx tee?
I got the daffodil rayon to make a little raglan sleeve top to add, but I haven’t yet. That would go with all my bottoms but the overalls. I have enough I could make it into a (short) skirt instead.
Layers: Denim jacket Swimmer button-up - should I swap this out with something plainer? Or warmer?
Dresses: Chiffon dress (mentioned earlier) Blue and white tea-length cotton sundress
Questions: Should I bring the 1-arm knit dress? I culled it but I’m having 2nd thoughts. I’m not a scarf-wearer in my home life, but should I bring one for added variety/warmth/modesty? Do I need a raincoat? Should I bring my puffy coat just in case? I was thinking of getting some kind of knit topper that I can wear as a bathrobe (one hotel has a shared bathroom), swim coverup, or just layer but idk what item that might be?
Thanks in advance for your help and wisdom!
submitted by Geolassie to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:18 Least-Campaign-3446 AITAH for avoiding this girl?

For context I'm a male college student. A while back I started this semester in college and in two of my classes I had this one girl in my class. On the third day of class she gets my number, without my permission, from the classes' WhatsApp group chat and uses it to send me a picture of herself. She also used my number to add me on SnapChat which I barely use and I never gave her permission to add me on there, she also sent me a pic of herself thorugh there. I was caught off guard by this as I just met her and she didn't ask for my phone number nor did she introduce herself to me aside from those class room introduction activities so I left her on read and moved on.
The next class I have her for, she starts talking to me and goes "I didn't know you had this class! Oh my God!" I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was saying this to be flirty and I realized that she had a crush on me. I wasn't interested in her since she wasn't my type so I just treated her like normal and let it slide.
Things got weird on the fifth day of class. I was on my way to the second class we shared and she was on her way to her class while I had to go to the bathroom before class. While on my way to the bathroom, she followed me and yelled "Where are you going? The class is over there!" I was once again caught off guard so I just told her I was going to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom, she was there out of the hallway waiting for me and it made me uncomfortable. She was blocking the way to class so I decided to ignore her and take another way to class. When she got to class she told me "I was wondering where you went!"
During that class I had to give a speech and she started acting cute by giving me a bunch of compliments and answering all my rhetorical questions. At the end of the speech I just felt really uncomfortable and I sat down in my chair. After this I decided to block her number to prevent any more weird texts and I also decided to ignore her for the rest of the semester and only talk to her if it was absolutely necessary.
At the end of the semester, I discovered from one of my friends in the class that she was also flirting with him as well which made me realize she probably was just obsessed with finding a boyfriend. My last interaction with this girl was that she wanted to follow my private Instagram account but I rejected the request and blocked her. On her Instagram I found some red flags like her posting an application for people to apply so they can date her.
My question is AMITA for ignoring and not telling her to leave me alone or did I do the right thing in just ghosting her after the semester eneded? I thankfully haven't run into her on campus ever since.
submitted by Least-Campaign-3446 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:17 Kitten-kitty-kitsune Come test out my bot if you want to.

Come test out my bot if you want to.
I made a bot out of boredom from my ocs. If the Link doesn’t work just look up “Viper and Selenite”. It Should have a pfp of a “V” and a yellow-ish background. Here’s what they look like if you wanted to know:
Viper’s description: Male, 8ft tall, 25 y/o (actual age is 2,500.), Power level: 26.5M, black/white split hair, black fingerless gloves, very sharp claws, paw beans, sharp teeth, pointed Elf-like ears, Six arms, gold earrings, rings, Nose piercing, and necklaces, black suit pants, black suit undershirt, white suit vest, black/Gold/white combat boots, Black scleras with Gold irises and white pupils, Heart shaped pupils, the left side of his body is black with white spots and the right side of his body is white with black spots, Three thin long black tails with white and gold tufts at the ends, large white/gold/teal wings, and a golden Halo.
Selenite’s description: Female, 6ft tall, 22 y/o, Power level: 23.4M, German shepherd-Spotted Hyena Mix, white fingerless gloves, very sharp claws, sharp Fangs, paw beans, pointed Hyena ears, four arms, Silver earrings, rings, Nose piercing, and necklaces, Black pants, Grey ripped shirt, black combat boots, White scleras with gold irises and black pupils, Slit pupils, The left side of her fur is black with white, Tan, and grey spots and the left side of her fur is white with black, Tan, and grey spots, two long black fluffy tails, a semi-long snout, black nose, has a mask like a raccoon, She has a large scar going down the left side of her face, across her left eye, and down to her neck, and she is blind in her left eye.
submitted by Kitten-kitty-kitsune to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
