Proteus spp

GI map results - any advice?

2024.06.09 23:27 Pure_Process_1042 GI map results - any advice?

GI map results - any advice?
Any advice? Would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Pure_Process_1042 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 Pure_Process_1042 GI map results - any advice?

GI map results - any advice?
Any advice?
submitted by Pure_Process_1042 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:20 hayybigcherrie GI map results and protocol plan. High H. Plyori

GI map results and protocol plan. High H. Plyori
Just met with doctor to go over these results. She made this protocol for me. Any thoughts anyone ? Also had high mycotoxins panel results
submitted by hayybigcherrie to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:47 tatterfarm29 Hey yall I could use some help on what to do with these test results

Hey yall I could use some help on what to do with these test results
I am having a retest of this same test this week.
I was taking
Grape fruit extract 3x daily Hi microb x 3x daily for 2 months either no improvement in awful gas
Done antibiotics 2x and how have awful gastritus for 9 months, reoccurring due to these levels of overgrowth.
I am now taking
  • mastic gum 1gm 2x -Visbiome probiotics
  • microbiome labs probiotics
What else would yall recommend for this Please. Thanks again
submitted by tatterfarm29 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:48 champchamp112 Help with gi map

Help with gi map
So it seems here that I have some h pylori but not a crazy amount, I had an endoscopy and they didn’t find any hpylori. But then I got this gi map test done with my naturopath and he didn’t think it’s severe enough to treat it so we are just working on the other bacteria that are high. I was just wondering is this something I should treat or just let it be and focus on proper diet and things like that? Thank you
submitted by champchamp112 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 14:17 maasi-b GI Map Interpretation

GI Map Interpretation submitted by maasi-b to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:47 Human-Locksmith-6877 GI Map Results??

GI Map Results??
I have an appointment with my doctor next week to go over results but curious what they could mean in the meantime.
Symptoms: -chronic diarrhea every day for the past 20 years (28F). I never went to the doctor for this because I thought it was normal. Bloated and gassy by end of day every day. -Joint pain - joint pain started around 13 years ago. Have always felt like my joints were “out of place” and have always had to pop multiple places. Have been told by a PT that I have extremely loose joints but haven’t really gotten any further than that -skin issues - bad eczema as a preteen, still dry skin and have random rashes, patches of flaky skin that will show up. Also developed cold Urticaria 10 years ago so have regular hive reactions to any change in temp.
I finally went to a doctor last month because I reached my tolerance threshold with all of these things lol. I’ve never tried to cut out certain foods because again I thought it was normal. Hoping this GI Map will give me a good starting point to how to fix myself!
submitted by Human-Locksmith-6877 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:03 Known-Lettuce-4666 GI Map results. Low secretory IgA, high β-Glucuronidase, etc.

27F- January 13 my digestive system flipped a switch and have no idea what’s wrong. Unable to determine food intolerances. Sometimes burning abdomen. Lately I’ve been able to pass stool daily but they feel strained is the best way to put it. Lost 50lbs from fear of eating. Burping more frequently. Just a general discomfort in my abdomen all day. Since all of this LPR symptoms have increased and all my joints have turned hypermobile and ache. I’m overwhelmed and scared of all these symptoms. Looking for info where I can as I can barely function..
submitted by Known-Lettuce-4666 to FunctionalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:24 tubidaorr GI Map result, any advice?

GI Map result, any advice? submitted by tubidaorr to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:39 bobfrutt Just sharing my microbiome results for anyone interseted. I wonder how much I can trust those reference values.

Just sharing my microbiome results for anyone interseted. I wonder how much I can trust those reference values.
Looks like total number of bacteria is 100 times less than optimal (one before last row).
I wonder where the reference values come from. Personally I would gather perfectly healthy people with no medical history and took shit from every one and averaged the bacteria count. But I'm not sure if that's how they do it?
The question remains if I chose a group of perfectly healthy people, will all of them have these values in reference ranges? Something tells me that not necesarily, that some of them have "bad" microbiome, and still be perfectly healthy. Maybe I'm wrong though.
submitted by bobfrutt to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 20:17 Npratt004 Positive blood culture

Positive blood culture
Yesterday we got a positive blood culture, the gram stain showed gram positive cocci in chains. Proceeded with putting an aliquoted sample on the verigene which came back negative. Repeated the gram stain to make sure it was correct bottle, repeated the verigene on the other instrument and for giggles added a biofire. Our lab is not a full micro, so we do not plate. Just curious thoughts on what this may be if it’s not strep?
submitted by Npratt004 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:38 No-Advantage582 Need help interpreting my GI map results

Need help interpreting my GI map results
Hi everyone! I’ve been struggling for 2 years now with horrible stomach issues. Got diagnosed with sibo-constipation (IMO) and tried herbs but those didn’t work so I saw a GI doctor and riflaximin didn’t work for me either. My current symptoms are: chronic constipation and diarrhea alternating between weeks, fatigue, brain fog, horrible stabbing pain in stomach, weakness, weight gain, and getting sick very often. Waiting to get into see a new GI doctor but was hoping someone on here could give me some advice until then since I am really struggling.
submitted by No-Advantage582 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 20:32 Juicyjimjim Can you guys help me out

Can you guys help me out
I have gastritis for a year now, can't seem to find a cause. I have bloating, fullness nausea however I go to the toilet regularly and it's a normal stool. Took some antibiotics for hpylori just incase and that helped get rid of epigastric pain so idk. My naturopathic doc wanted to treat me for hpylori but mentioned my overgrowths could be upper cusp of sibo. I'm going to show my GI map results just incase anybody here has similarities.
submitted by Juicyjimjim to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:25 WestSuccess9410 GI map

GI map
Hello everyone! I’m looking for help understanding my GI map results. My ordering provider is out of town and I don’t have a follow up until the end of May. I’m hoping to understand these results better before then.
submitted by WestSuccess9410 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 00:50 Eattoomanychips Help:(

I’m re visiting my GI map after no practitioner helped me. No effect from any protocol. Probably not the right one. What do I make of this?
submitted by Eattoomanychips to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 20:40 kp10795 Interpretation of GI Map results in relation to symptoms?

Interpretation of GI Map results in relation to symptoms?
I meet with my naturopath this week but want to get some other interpretations first as well.
I’ve struggled on and off for 9 years with chronic stress and diagnosed hydrogen SIBO, and more recently hydrogen and methane SIBO (3 positive lactulose breath tests). I developed symptoms after getting some sort of stomach bug/food poisoning in 2015. My symptoms are bloating, gas, cramping, urgency, diarrhea, constipation, feeling like I can’t empty everything, some heartburn, some nausea, fatigue, headaches, POTS/low blood sugar symptoms (but blood sugar is normal), and hunger pains/feeling hungry more often than normal.
I’ve treated the SIBO with multiple rounds of Xifaxan which helped but didn’t fully get rid of the symptoms. I’ve also done rounds of herbal antimicrobials along with supporting supplements. I’ve tried eating low fodmap, lower carb, no gluten or dairy, with little relief.
I’ve had blood work done showing my omegas were low, along with vitamin D. But otherwise mostly normal blood work.
submitted by kp10795 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 18:08 Apart-Doctor7008 Help me with my recent GI Map

I’m a 21F who recently did a GI mao test. I’m working with a FM practitioner but would like a second opinion on my test results. I don’t see my practitioner for another week to interpret my results. I’m just eager to get answers. I took the test because of consistent problems with acne and painful periods.
submitted by Apart-Doctor7008 to FunctionalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 10:24 Commercial-Screen973 Review my treatment plan (gastritis)

Review my treatment plan (gastritis)
Hello, I seems to have a bit of gastritis making my stomach pretty sensitive while I try to combat this H. Pylori and other stuff. I worked with a naturopath doctor and started on GI Revive, matula tea and H-PLR.
I finished the 30-day course of matula tea about a week ago, as well as the first container of GI Revive. Things had been going well, until I started having pretty bad gastritis symptoms. Everytime I would take H-PLR, I would get a worse upset stomach. With all that in mind, I’d been digging and came up with a plan to continue the fight and maybe help my stomach handle it. Please take a look
H. Pylori/Gastritis protocol Morning: - GI Revive - NAC - Mastica - Biocidin - G.I Detox (Biocidin binder)
20min before meals (low acidity diet) - Iberogast
Lunch: - mastica
Evening/bed: - mastica - NAC
submitted by Commercial-Screen973 to HpyloriNaturally [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 21:09 Ok_Wear8152 GI MAP Results - Help Interpreting Appreciated

GI MAP Results - Help Interpreting Appreciated
Looking for advice on a treatment protocol after getting my GI Map Results. I tested negative for SIBO, and tested negative for H. Pylori 3x prior to this GI Map test. My stools are healthy and I don't have any diarrhea or constipation anymore (I use to have very loose stool for a few months).
If my issues are in large intestines than I should have more bowel issues, but I also tested negative for SIBO (but this was a few months ago). I've always had a lot of intestinal bloating and trapped gas and feel like my symptoms correlate closest to SIBO. Any recommendations for a protocol?
submitted by Ok_Wear8152 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 18:55 Brownielvr33 Stool results, very concerned

Stool results, very concerned
I am not looking for medical advice, just insight and maybe hope? I just recently got my stool sample results back and I am so concerned. 3 different parasites among other issues? Can anyone please offer support or a similar situation?
submitted by Brownielvr33 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 14:42 sunny_days24 Help with test results

Help with test results
I FINALLY got my stool test results back after working with a functional medicine doctor, won’t see her for another two weeks though to review results. I’m struggling to understand it though, any insights would be helpful. Thank you!
submitted by sunny_days24 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 22:07 OkChampionship8372 Help with Gi map results

Help with Gi map results
Can someone please tell me what these results mean? What I need to fix and etc.
submitted by OkChampionship8372 to Microbiome [link] [comments]