Memorial card poems


2012.07.06 00:18 r/ProtectandServe

A place for the community and law enforcement to visit, discuss and interact.

2015.05.13 05:02 Umida Battle Girl High School

Battle Girl High School is a Japanese RPG game released by COLOPL. The game set the time in 2045. On Earth, there was almost no human existence because of the alien species. Humans built new homes in the universe, 18 girls and 4 teachers in the school served as the guardians of the stars and protect the planet.

2015.10.19 23:08 MFazio23 HWL, Where Anything Can Happen

An interactive game for the reddit community utilizing WWE 2K16 to run shows. Pick a wrestler and see him rise to the top or fall to the bottom. (If you've chosen an available superstar, comment that superstar's name or send me a direct message stating which superstar you have)

2024.06.10 02:15 minimuscleR The push of ads on this browser is really awful

So I recently decided to try a new browser. I've been a long time edge user, from the very beginning when it was non-chromium, to now. I like the style choices it makes and the memory savings.
But I decided to try a new one, and brave was brought up due to its focus on privacy and in-built ad blocker. So imagine my surprise, when the first thing that happens when I download the browser, is me getting BOMBARDED with ads.
Now I am a web developer, and as such am very capable with modifying my browser. But it still took me 2 days to remove them all. I had to ensure that the "cards" were hidden, because they were ads. Turn off the rewards - I never signed up - turn off the crypto shit, turn off ads being allowed. and then I set my new tab to show me trackers / ads removed and time saved, with a simple gradient.
Still I was getting ads on that new tab screen - something even microsoft or google don't do. Turns out BELOW THE FOLD in the new tab-colour setting screen is a "show sponsored content", which I earn rewards for... which I have not signed up for.
A browser that spouts how it blocks ads at every turn, yet of all the browsers I have used, this one is the one most filled by ads of them all its really awful, and it will turn anyone who doesn't know how to or want to dig into the settings for an hour, away.
I know my partner who is not a very tech savvy person, he will not touch the settings, and thus would get annoyed with ads and go back to edge. (as installing ublock origin is all he had to do there).
I'm still going to use the browser, and will hope to god that they respect my 'no ads' approach because I hate is why I switched to the brave browser in the first place. Edge does not respect my choice and it will often revert back to their ads.
submitted by minimuscleR to brave_browser [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:04 LemonRoutine3857 Can anyone here Help me with these Trophies please, I got the Bloodborne trophy but I'm doing this and it's really hard?

Can anyone here Help me with these Trophies please, I got the Bloodborne trophy but I'm doing this and it's really hard? submitted by LemonRoutine3857 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:02 WhyamIalive101299 Raped by an afab.

I was 20. I dated a non binary person with female genitalia. They had never had sex before we met. They were 18. We had consensual sex many times in many ways - regular, oral, anal, lots of different fetishistic scenarios and it f elt healthy. We both enjoyed it. One night I went over to their place in the attic of their parents house and they wanted sex. I said I wasn't interested, I felt tired and not in the mood. They continued to ask over and over , even pulling out that bullshit trump card "Have I got fat? Am I ugly? Do you want to fuck my friends? What have I done wrong?" Instead of simply respecting my wishes not to have sex with them. In the end I said okay, and the memory is hazy because I left after to go to a bar and play music and got pretty drunk. But still, I remember entering them in doggy and feeling that my penis was caught in a sleeve of sandpaper. Not physically, but mentally I was completely absent from the entire experience. I dont remember if either of us climaxed.
Was I raped? It feels stupid to ask, because I was in a way forced into having sex when I didn't want to. At the same time though, I was not penetrated against my will.
5 years later and I still wonder why I didnt just leave.
submitted by WhyamIalive101299 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:00 Otherwise_Ninja9185 How does this pc build look?

This is my first time building/picking parts for a pc. I’m building it for my brother who mostly wants to play to play heavily modded games(Minecraft, red dead, terraria) and other modern games. I don’t care if anything is overkill. But I am not sure if things won’t work together or if there are better options.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U9S 46.4 CFM CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard
Memory: G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Black SN850X 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive
Video card: Asus ProArt OC GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB
Case: Fractal Design Meshify C ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair SF750 750 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply
submitted by Otherwise_Ninja9185 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:59 JasonJaJason I made a PCpartpicker list for the best Price To Profits Ratio. More information in the replies but TLDR: This build costs $1,000 and can make $1,000 a year (For now)

I made a PCpartpicker list for the best Price To Profits Ratio. More information in the replies but TLDR: This build costs $1,000 and can make $1,000 a year (For now) submitted by JasonJaJason to SaladChefs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:59 peculiarlyunusual He cheated on me

I kept it as private as possible because i worried about him and i shielded him from the criticisms of my friends but the more i am openly honest about this sort of thing the easier it gets to look in the mirror and understand the reality of my situation. It just feels shitty to say it now because I reassured him that he didnt, but he manipulated me and twisted the truth about it and I chose to be blind to stay with him.
He paid for his ex partner's onlyfans and pretended to be someone else in order to speak with his ex, a person who did not want to speak with him, nor wanted his attention. He gaslit and manipulated this person when this individual would imply he reminded them of their ex (who would have guessed). He continued to say things that he knew would remind his ex partner of him, while also playing aloof to the situation. He knew exactly what he was doing every single day when he chose to continue messaging that person. He sent a gift to this person's house with an attached poem. He left comments under sexually explicit photographs on this person's only fans.
TLDR; He harassed his ex partner, looked and commented on photos of their naked body, and pretended to be someone else JUST to talk to them, all while he was dating me and just days before celebrating 6 months together.
And yet he still maintained, even to the last month of our relationship, that he did not regret what he did because "he got closure" from the situation. He still does not believe he cheated on me.
There were many beautiful things about our relationship, and also really terrible things that I'm still coming to terms with in therapy. I've been too private about the toxic behavior he subjected me to. I kept quiet because I loved him, and I still love him. I was able to forgive him enough to stay with him for an entire extra year and I do not regret that decision, because it led to many beautiful memories down the road. But I never deserved to be treated that way, nor should I have had to have endured it to begin with. This was one of the worst things a person has ever done to me, and one of the most cruelest things I've seen a person do -- period.
This happened last February, so we stayed together an extra year and 2 months (August '23 - April '24)
submitted by peculiarlyunusual to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:49 Thepeoplesrepublics Game will not start

Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: null 
so im trying to play modded minecraft with some friends but i get this error code no matter what ive done. heres the mods and the code error it gives
[Patchouli]()Patchouli-1.19.2-77.jarVazkii[Regrowth]()Regrowth-1.19-[Simple Voice Chat]()voicechat-forge-1.19.2-2.5.15.jarhenkelmax[Sophisticated Core]()sophisticatedcore-1.19.2-[The Man From The Fog]()The-Man-From-The-Fog-1.3-1.19.2.jarM_Productions[The Mi Alliance: Invasion!]()mialliance-4.2.0.jarlord_blubbee[The Twilight Forest]()twilightforest-1.19.2-4.2.1518-universal.jarBenimatic[Villager Recruits: Cavalry Update!]()recruits-1.19.2-1.10.15.jartalhanation[Villager Workers: Traveling Merchant Update!]()workers-1.19.2-1.7.8.jar
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Shall we play a game?
Time: 2024-06-09 19:47:06
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.RuntimeException: null
at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.postRegisterEvents( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeStatesProvider.lambda$new$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$dispatchAndHandleError$23( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.dispatchAndHandleError( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$gatherAndInitializeMods$14( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.gatherAndInitializeMods( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$begin$1( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$createRunnableWithCatch$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.begin( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:carryon.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:light.ClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.m\_239872\_( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0( \~\[fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23101!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main( \[bootstraplauncher-1.1.2.jar:?\] {} Suppressed: net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Sophisticated Backpacks (sophisticatedbackpacks) encountered an error during the common\_setup event phase 
§7java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.p3pp3rf1y.sophisticatedcore.upgrades.pickup.PickupUpgradeItem.(java.util.function.IntSupplier,'
 at net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLModContainer.acceptEvent( \~\[javafmllanguage-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23203!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$postEventWithWrapInModOrder$35( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModList.forEachModInOrder( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.postEventWithWrapInModOrder( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.postRegisterEvents( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeStatesProvider.lambda$new$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$dispatchAndHandleError$23( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.dispatchAndHandleError( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$gatherAndInitializeMods$14( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.gatherAndInitializeMods( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$begin$1( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$createRunnableWithCatch$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.begin( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:carryon.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:light.ClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.m\_239872\_( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0( \~\[fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23101!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main( \[bootstraplauncher-1.1.2.jar:?\] {} Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.p3pp3rf1y.sophisticatedcore.upgrades.pickup.PickupUpgradeItem.(java.util.function.IntSupplier,' at net.p3pp3rf1y.sophisticatedbackpacks.init.ModItems.lambda$static$5( \~\[sophisticatedbackpacks-1.19.2-!/:1.19.2-\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister.lambda$addEntries$1( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.registries.RegisterEvent.register( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:eventbus:A} at net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister.addEntries( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.registries.DeferredRegister$EventDispatcher.handleEvent( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.registries.\_\_EventDispatcher\_handleEvent\_RegisterEvent.invoke(.dynamic) \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:eventbus:B} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler.invoke( \~\[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%2385!/:?\] {} at \~\[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%2385!/:?\] {} at \~\[eventbus-6.0.3.jar%2385!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLModContainer.acceptEvent( \~\[javafmllanguage-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23203!/:?\] {} ... 31 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData.postRegisterEvents( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeStatesProvider.lambda$new$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$dispatchAndHandleError$23( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.dispatchAndHandleError( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.lambda$gatherAndInitializeMods$14( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoader.gatherAndInitializeMods( \~\[fmlcore-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23202!/:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$begin$1( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.lambda$createRunnableWithCatch$4( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.loading.ClientModLoader.begin( \~\[forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar%23206!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:carryon.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:light.ClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ars\_nouveau.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} 
-- Initialization --
Modules: ADVAPI32.dll:Advanced Windows 32 Base API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation COMCTL32.dll:User Experience Controls Library:6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPT32.dll:Crypto API32:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTBASE.dll:Base cryptographic API DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTSP.dll:Cryptographic Service Provider API:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CoreMessaging.dll:Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CoreUIComponents.dll:Microsoft Core UI Components Dll:10.0.22621.3672:Microsoft Corporation DBGHELP.DLL:Windows Image Helper:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DEVOBJ.dll:Device Information Set DLL:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DNSAPI.dll:DNS Client API DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GDI32.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GLU32.dll:OpenGL Utility Library DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IMM32.DLL:Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IPHLPAPI.DLL:IP Helper API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNEL32.DLL:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNELBASE.dll:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MSCTF.dll:MSCTF Server DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MpOav.dll:IOfficeAntiVirus Module:4.18.24050.7 (b60bcb9c79f050335eb91db16f7d3e97336ad10e-dirty):Microsoft Corporation NSI.dll:NSI User-mode interface DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NTASN1.dll:Microsoft ASN.1 API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.DLL:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Ole32.dll:Microsoft OLE for Windows:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation POWRPROF.dll:Power Profile Helper DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation PSAPI.DLL:Process Status Helper:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Pdh.dll:Windows Performance Data Helper DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation RPCRT4.dll:Remote Procedure Call Runtime:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SETUPAPI.dll:Windows Setup API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHCORE.dll:SHCORE:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHELL32.dll:Windows Shell Common Dll:10.0.22621.2792 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation UMPDC.dll:User Mode Power Dependency Coordinator:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USER32.dll:Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USERENV.dll:Userenv:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation VCRUNTIME140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation VERSION.dll:Version Checking and File Installation Libraries:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINHTTP.dll:Windows HTTP Services:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINMM.dll:MCI API DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINSTA.dll:Winstation Library:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINTRUST.dll:Microsoft Trust Verification APIs:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WS2\_32.dll:Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WSOCK32.dll:Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WTSAPI32.dll:Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation amsi.dll:Anti-Malware Scan Interface:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcrypt.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcryptPrimitives.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation cfgmgr32.dll:Configuration Manager DLL:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation clbcatq.dll:COM+ Configuration Catalog:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation combase.dll:Microsoft COM for Windows:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation cryptnet.dll:Crypto Network Related API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dbgcore.DLL:Windows Core Debugging Helpers:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc.DLL:DHCP Client Service:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc6.DLL:DHCPv6 Client:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dinput8.dll:Microsoft DirectInput:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation drvstore.dll:Driver Store API:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dwmapi.dll:Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dxcore.dll:DXCore:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation fwpuclnt.dll:FWP/IPsec User-Mode API:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation gdi32full.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation glfw.dll:GLFW 3.4.0 DLL:3.4.0:GLFW icm32.dll:Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM):10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation inputhost.dll:InputHost:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation java.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: javaw.exe:OpenJDK Platform binary: jemalloc.dll jimage.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jli.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jna3140004083156889871.dll:JNA native library:6.1.2:Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) jsvml.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jvm.dll:OpenJDK 64-Bit server VM: kernel.appcore.dll:AppModel API Host:10.0.22621.2715 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation lwjgl.dll lwjgl\_opengl.dll lwjgl\_stb.dll management.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: management\_ext.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: msasn1.dll:ASN.1 Runtime APIs:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mscms.dll:Microsoft Color Matching System DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcp140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation msvcp\_win.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcrt.dll:Windows NT CRT DLL:7.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mswsock.dll:Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation napinsp.dll:E-mail Naming Shim Provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ncrypt.dll:Windows NCrypt Router:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation net.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nio.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nlansp\_c.dll:NLA Namespace Service Provider DLL:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ntdll.dll:NT Layer DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ntmarta.dll:Windows NT MARTA provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation nvoglv64.dll:NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD: Corporation nvspcap64.dll:NVIDIA Game Proxy: Corporation opengl32.dll:OpenGL Client DLL:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation perfos.dll:Windows System Performance Objects DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pfclient.dll:SysMain Client:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pnrpnsp.dll:PNRP Name Space Provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation profapi.dll:User Profile Basic API:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rasadhlp.dll:Remote Access AutoDial Helper:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rsaenh.dll:Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sechost.dll:Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation shlwapi.dll:Shell Light-weight Utility Library:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sunmscapi.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: textinputframework.dll:"TextInputFramework.DYNLINK":10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ucrtbase.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.22621.3593 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation uxtheme.dll:Microsoft UxTheme Library:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation vcruntime140\_1.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation verify.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: win32u.dll:Win32u:10.0.22621.3672 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WinRT Storage API:10.0.22621.3527 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation winrnr.dll:LDAP RnR Provider DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wintypes.dll:Windows Base Types DLL:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wldp.dll:Windows Lockdown Policy:10.0.22621.2506 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wshbth.dll:Windows Sockets Helper DLL:10.0.22621.3374 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation xinput1\_4.dll:Microsoft Common Controller API:10.0.22621.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation zip.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: 
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.m\_239872\_( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( \~\[client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar%23201!/:?\] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \~\[?:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$launchService$0( \~\[fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar%23101!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept( \[modlauncher-10.0.8.jar%2388!/:?\] {} at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main( \[bootstraplauncher-1.1.2.jar:?\] {} 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2 Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 1215913224 bytes (1159 MiB) / 1610612736 bytes (1536 MiB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB) CPUs: 12 Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 3 Microarchitecture: unknown Frequency (GHz): 2.90 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 6 Number of logical CPUs: 12 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x21c4 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.93 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.93 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 31997.22 Virtual memory used (MB): 13478.52 Swap memory total (MB): 15872.00 Swap memory used (MB): 70.57 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx4096m -Xms256m Launched Version: forge-43.3.0 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 build 7 Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPEPCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 536.40, NVIDIA Corporation Window size:  GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages: Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) CPU: 12x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz ModLauncher: 10.0.8+10.0.8+main.0ef7e830 ModLauncher launch target: forgeclient ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: mixin-0.8.5.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE eventbus-6.0.3.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar slf4jfixer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar object\_holder\_definalize PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar runtime\_enum\_extender PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar capability\_token\_subclass PLUGINSERVICE accesstransformers-8.0.4.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.19.2-43.3.0.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.8.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.8.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML Language Providers: minecraft@1.0 lowcodefml@null javafml@null Mod List: client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar Minecraft minecraft 1.19.2 COMMON\_SETManifest: a1:d4:5e:04:4f:d3:d6:e0:7b:37:97:cf:77:b0:de:ad:4a:47:ce:8c:96:49:5f:0a:cf:8c:ae:b2:6d:4b:8a:3f voicechat-forge-1.19.2-2.5.15.jar Simple Voice Chat voicechat 1.19.2-2.5.15 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE humancompanions-1.19.2-1.7.4.jar Human Companions humancompanions 1.19.2-1.7.4 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE lootbundles-1.19.2- Loot Bundles lootbundles 1.19.2- COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE clay-0.4.2-forge-1.19.2.jar Clay Soldiers clay 0.4.2 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE sophisticatedcore-1.19.2- Sophisticated Core sophisticatedcore 1.19.2- COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE curios-forge-1.19.2- Curios API curios 1.19.2- COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE Patchouli-1.19.2-77.jar Patchouli patchouli 1.19.2-77 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE mialliance-4.2.0.jar MI Alliance mialliance 4.2.0 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE The-Man-From-The-Fog-1.3-1.19.2.jar The Man From The Fog man 1.3 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE EpicFight-19.5.16.jar Epic Fight epicfight 19.5.16 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE workers-1.19.2-1.7.8.jar Workers Mod workers 1.7.8 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE journeymap-1.19.2-5.9.8-forge.jar Journeymap journeymap 5.9.8 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE OreExcavation-1.11.166.jar OreExcavation oreexcavation 1.11.166 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE mixinextras-forge-0.2.0-beta.6.jar MixinExtras mixinextras 0.2.0-beta.6 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE Regrowth-1.19- Regrowth regrowth COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE musketmod-1.19.2-forge-1.4.5.jar Musket Mod musketmod 1.4.5 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE sophisticatedbackpacks-1.19.2- Sophisticated Backpacks sophisticatedbackpacks 1.19.2- COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE cupboard-1.19.2-2.6.jar Cupboard utilities cupboard 1.19.2-2.6 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE farsight-1.19.2-3.6.jar Farsight mod farsight\_view 1.19.2-3.6 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE carryon-forge-1.19.2- Carry On carryon COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE ars\_nouveau-1.19.2-3.23.0.jar Ars Nouveau ars\_nouveau 3.23.0 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE ars\_elemental-1.19.2- Ars Elemental ars\_elemental 1.19.2- COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE forge-1.19.2-43.3.0-universal.jar Forge forge 43.3.0 COMMON\_SETManifest: 84:ce:76:e8:45:35:e4:0e:63:86:df:47:59:80:0f:67:6c:c1:5f:6e:5f:4d:b3:54:47:1a:9f:7f:ed:5e:f2:90 twilightforest-1.19.2-4.2.1518-universal.jar The Twilight Forest twilightforest 4.2.1518 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE geophilic-1.19-2.0.0c.jar Geophilic geophilic 1.19-2.0.0c COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE geckolib-forge-1.19-3.1.40.jar GeckoLib geckolib3 3.1.40 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE recruits-1.19.2-1.10.15.jar Recruits Mod recruits 1.10.15 COMMON\_SETManifest: NOSIGNATURE Crash Report UUID: 8c7ae69a-7ad4-4675-9078-e4abe611bb36 FML: 43.3 Forge: net.minecraftforge:43.3.0 
submitted by Thepeoplesrepublics to minecraftbugs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:43 EatM3L053R [TOMT] [Music] [2024] Song used in Superbowl Smirnoff Ice Commercial with Trevor Noah.

Hello sleuths! I'm having a serious brain fog this week (besides possibly losing a winning lottery ticket 😭) and I'm in need of help.
ILF the name of a song that has been on the radio, as well as two commercials; the latest being a Smirnoff Ice Commercial with Trevor Noah.
The style of the song is in a dance/club tempo and the words "I'll take you away (something....something 😅)" can be heard in the background.
Yes I have tried doing a net search with poor results (fuzzy memory) and the commercial isn't circulating as much now. I can spring for the gift card, graphic novel, manga, or token of your efforts if successful.
I know this isn't much to go off of, and I can't hum the tune as the audio clip is overshadowed by his voice over.
submitted by EatM3L053R to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 Sweet-Count2557 How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?

How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with a 5 year old isn't easy. It can be both daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! So How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
With the right tips and tricks, you can make traveling with your little one an exciting adventure they won't soon forget. As parents who've traveled around the world with our children since birth, we know how difficult (and rewarding!) this experience can be. We'd like to share what we've learned about family travel – specifically when it comes to traveling with a 5-year-old – so that you too can create memories to last a lifetime.
The juxtaposition of exhaustion from planning every detail versus exhilaration from seeing new places through the eyes of a child is something all families should experience. The challenge lies in finding ways to balance these two opposing forces while keeping everyone safe and happy along the way. Being prepared for anything will go far towards ensuring your well-being as well as making sure your kiddo has the best time possible during your travels.
We'll offer up advice on everything from packing lists and snacks to entertainment options that are sure to keep them busy no matter where you're going or how long you plan on being gone. Whether you're taking a short road trip across town or exploring international destinations by plane, train, or boat - there's lots of information here that will help ease any worries and leave more room for fun! So let's get started…
Preparing For The Trip
Traveling with kids can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Planning ahead is key for any successful family vacation and will help ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time. When planning a trip with a five-year-old, there are several important things you should consider to make the experience as stress-free and fun as possible.
Before your departure, research your destination so you know what activities or attractions would best suit your child's age and interests. This will give you ideas of where to go and what to do while traveling with your little one. You may even want to look into kid-friendly restaurants or other accommodations available at your destination. It’s also wise to pack plenty of snacks and drinks, as well as toys or books they like - this way they won’t get bored during long car rides or plane trips!
Finally, when preparing for the journey, don’t forget about safety – both on land and in water. Make sure all necessary paperwork such as passports or birth certificates is up-to-date before the trip begins! Be sure to bring along appropriate swimwear (for swimming pools/beaches) and life jackets if necessary - especially if visiting oceans or lakes. Taking these precautionary steps will ensure that both parents and children feel comfortable throughout their travels together!
Choosing The Right Destination
When planning a trip with your 5-year-old, choosing the right destination is key. It's important to consider what activities they'll enjoy and whether they’re suitable for their age. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time, think about destinations that have plenty of attractions tailored specifically toward kids. If you choose wisely, it could be one of the most memorable trips ever!
One way to select the perfect location is by looking at travel reviews from families who've already been there. They can provide detailed insights into how accommodating different places are for young children. Reading these will help you make more informed decisions on which sites are worth visiting and where to stay. This can save you lots of hassle when traveling with a 5 year old in tow!
It's also wise to research if any museums or other educational facilities offer special programs for kids. These typically involve interactive stories told through playtime activities such as puppet shows, crafts, and games. Learning about history in this manner can really capture a child's imagination- and yours too! Allowing them to explore a new place while having fun makes getting away even more worthwhile.
No matter where you decide to go, just remember that creating amazing family memories should always come first! A well-thought-out plan combined with carefree moments spent together will guarantee unforgettable experiences along the way - something both parents and children alike will treasure forever.
Packing Essentials For A 5-Year-Old
Traveling with a 5-year-old can seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right packing essentials and planning ahead of time, you can make sure your mini traveler stays happy throughout the journey.
The first thing to consider is comfort — remember that even if you're only traveling for a short period of time, kids still need their creature comforts from home. Here's what should always go in your little one's bag:
A favorite stuffed animal or blanket
A change of clothes
Snacks tailored to their tastes
Something fun (like books or games) to keep them occupied during long trips
TipsBuy a new Toy, especially for the trip, and revealed it just after Boarding the aircraft to gain 30 minutes of distraction during the most stressful phase of the flight.
It's also important not to forget about yourself! Make sure you bring items for your own comfort too so that you won't be distracted by discomfort while on the road. This will help ensure a smooth trip overall and make sure everyone enjoys themselves.At the end of the day, travel with a 5-year-old requires planning, patience, and understanding – three things that every family needs when hitting the open road together. With these tips in mind and some extra preparation before embarking on your adventure, even the most novice traveler will find success when exploring as a family unit.
Keeping Kids Occupied During Travel
Traveling with a 5-year-old can be an adventure - and it brings its own unique challenges. One of the biggest ones involves how to keep them occupied during travel, whether that's in a car or on a plane. Thankfully, there are some great strategies you can use to ensure your child stays entertained while they're en route to their destination.
ActivitySupplies NeededColoring/Activity BooksCrayons/Markers / Stickers/StampsStorytelling GamesPaper & Pencils for Drawing PicturesWord Puzzles & QuizzesNotepad for Writing Answers Down
To start off, coloring books, activity books, stickers, stamps, and crayons or markers provide hours of fun for kids (and parents!) alike. Additionally, storytelling games like playing "I Spy" or creating stories together can be very enjoyable not only for children but also for adults who may find themselves reminiscing about their own childhood days. Even something as simple as word puzzles or quizzes can help pass the time quickly - all you need is a notepad and pencil to write down any answers!
When traveling with small children, it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to entertainment. Some may prefer more active activities such as drawing pictures or building block towers while others might enjoy quieter pursuits such as reading books or listening to audiobooks. Regardless of what type of activity works best for your family dynamic, the goal should always be to make sure everyone is having a positive experience overall. Taking into account these tips will make traveling with a 5 year old much smoother and more enjoyable!
Tips For Long Road Trips
Long road trips with a five-year-old can be an adventure, but it also requires some planning. Here are some tips to keep your family's journey smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved:
Pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and activities that will keep them entertained during the drive.
Take frequent breaks along the way - stops at parks or rest areas allow them to stretch their legs and get out all that extra energy.
Bring books, coloring pages, or other activities they can use in the car if you're stuck in traffic or waiting times. It'll help pass the time more quickly!
Invest in a tablet loaded with movies, TV shows, or educational games they can play while on the go. This helps make long drives much less stressful for both parent and child alike.
Have fun together - sing songs, tell stories, and create memories as you travel down the highway together!
Remember to take it slow when possible too; there’s no need to rush through any part of this precious experience with your little one. Give yourself permission to savor every moment of quality time spent bonding with each other—you won't regret it! To ensure a stress-free journey from start to finish, bring everything you need so that those inevitable bumps in the road don't turn into major detours from your destination.
Staying Healthy And Safe On Vacation
It's like packing for the ultimate game of survival: you want to make sure your family has everything they need to remain healthy and safe during their travels. Taking a vacation with kids can be an adventure, but it can also bring stress if you don't plan ahead. Here are some tips on how to keep your little ones in good health while away from home:
Pre-Vacation Planning During Vacation Post-Vacation CareGet immunizations up-to-dateBring hand sanitizer & wipesCheck for bed bug bites after returning homePack medications & medical suppliesClean hotel room upon arrivalThrow away used items that may carry germs (towels, pillows)Research any special vaccinations needed at the destinationKeep hydratingWash clothes when back homeVisit a doctor before departureAvoid public pools/lakes without supervisionWatch out for signs of jet lag
Preparation is key! Before leaving, make sure all necessary vaccines or boosters are taken care of - especially if traveling abroad - as well as gather any essential medicines or medical supplies needed. This includes sunscreen and insect repellent – two must-haves when exploring new places! Doing research on what kind of illnesses might be found in certain areas will help inform the kinds of precautions you should take too. Once you arrive at your destination, ensure that everyone washes their hands regularly and uses hand sanitizer often; this is particularly important when visiting unfamiliar places such as museums or amusement parks. It’s also wise to clean surfaces in the hotel room immediately following check-in; many people forget about this step which can lead to bacteria accumulating over time. Lastly, staying hydrated throughout the trip is paramount because dehydration can quickly put a damper on fun activities planned for each day.
When returning from vacation, pay attention to those telltale signs of illness caused by exposure to different environments such as joint pain, fever, rash or stomach issues. Additionally, inspect all luggage carefully upon arriving back home since bed bugs have become increasingly common among travelers these days - yikes! Throw away any items that were used while traveling and wash all clothing pieces thoroughly once inside the house again– no one wants unwanted visitors tagging along post-vacation! Finally, due to possible changes in sleeping patterns experienced while flying between time zones, parents should be mindful of potential side effects associated with jet lag so kids get enough rest until they're adjusted again.
Staying safe and healthy on vacation doesn’t require much effort considering there are plenty of resources available online plus accredited travel agents who specialize in family trips – use them! Knowing what vigilance steps to take prior to departure pays off because nothing beats having peace of mind knowing that everyone stays comfortable and protected during their journey together.
Dealing With Jet Lag
Traveling with a 5 year old can be an exciting experience, but it's not without its challenges. Jet lag is one of them! It doesn't have to ruin your trip though - here are some tips for helping your family cope:
Start adjusting their sleep schedule in the days leading up to your departure. This will make it easier when you arrive at your destination.
Once you’re there, let your little one take short naps during the day and keep them active during the daylight hours as much as possible. This can also help adjust their body clock more quickly.
Avoid sugary snacks or caffeine right before bedtime, which can disrupt their sleep cycle.
By following these simple steps, your kiddo should start feeling better soon after landing in their new time zone. With patience and understanding from everyone involved, jetlag won’t prevent you from having an amazing adventure together!
Making Kids Feel At Home Away From Home
Ah, the joys of traveling with a 5 year old. No matter how much we plan and prepare for our family trip, there's no denying that it can be quite daunting! But let me tell you: if you put in the effort to make sure they feel at home away from home, your little one will thank you later - and so will you!
First things first: pack some familiar items from their bedroom or playroom. This may include favorite toys, books, and blankets - whatever makes them comfortable and helps them settle into unfamiliar surroundings. We often forget about the mundane but necessary things such as nightlights and sound machines too; these are invaluable when it comes to soothing children who don't sleep well on holiday. Don't forget to encourage them to bring along any special souvenirs they've collected over the years too; nothing says 'I'm home' like being surrounded by cherished keepsakes.
Next up are activities: look into what attractions are available nearby that cater specifically towards young travelers – chances are, they'll love exploring new places just as much as adults do (maybe even more!). Activities should be age-appropriate yet still fun enough to keep kids entertained throughout the day. Scheduling regular meals together also ensures everyone stays happy during meal times and builds an atmosphere of familiarity within your group dynamic; something which always feels comforting after a long day out sightseeing.
In short? Traveling with a 5 year old doesn't have to be scary; all it takes is a little bit of planning ahead to ensure that your child knows where they stand in this new place - making sure they feel welcomed, safe, and secure before anything else. With this kind of preparation, your whole family should enjoy a wonderful holiday experience!
Exploring The Local Area With Kids
Once you've arrived at your destination and made the kids feel comfortable in their new environment, it's time to explore! Traveling with a five-year-old can be daunting if you don't know where to start - but fear not. Here are some great tips for exploring the local area with kids:
First of all, plan ahead. Research kid-friendly attractions nearby such as parks or museums before leaving home so that you have an idea of what activities are available once you arrive. Make sure to check opening times and any restrictions on age limits, entry fees, etc., so that everyone is prepared once they hit the ground running.
Secondly, make it fun! Kids learn best when they're having fun - so why not turn your exploration into a game? Set small challenges like finding certain landmarks or collecting interesting items along the way; this will help keep them engaged while also teaching them about their surroundings. Finally, take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Letting your five-year-old rest and refuel regularly will ensure that they stay energized for the whole adventure!
Exploring the local area doesn't have to be stressful; with a little bit of planning and some creative ideas, there's no limit to how much fun you can have together! So take a deep breath and get ready for an unforgettable experience – one that both parent and child won't soon forget.
Building Memories Together On Vacation
Taking a trip with your five-year-old is an exciting adventure that can create lasting memories. It's the perfect time to explore new places and experiences together. To make sure you have a successful vacation, there are some tips for ensuring a great experience for both of you:
First, plan activities ahead of time. Make sure they're age-appropriate and include something each of you will enjoy doing. Don’t forget to research local attractions — museums, theme parks, zoos, etc. — in advance so your child has plenty of options once you arrive at your destination. Consider booking tickets or making reservations beforehand as well; it'll save you from long lines later!
Second, involve your child in the planning process. Let them help choose where to go and what sights to see on the way there. This allows them to take ownership of their vacation and also builds excitement leading up to departure day. Plus, when kids know what to expect each day they feel more secure and engaged throughout the trip.
Finally, be flexible during travel days and while out exploring new places together. Leave room in the schedule for spontaneity since anything can happen when traveling with children — especially young ones! And remember that small moments often become treasured memories down the road — like stopping for ice cream after dinner or taking a detour just because it looks interesting — so don't be afraid to embrace unexpected surprises along the way!
Planning Age-Appropriate Activities
Traveling with a five-year-old can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you go on your family vacation, research age-appropriate activities that will keep your little one engaged while also sparking curiosity in new places. Here are some tips for planning an itinerary full of fun activities for the whole family!
First, plan activities based on what interests your child. For example, if they're into dinosaurs, search for attractions like museums or parks where they'll get to learn about them. Or if they love animals, look for zoos or farms nearby. This way you can make sure everyone enjoys themselves without compromising on quality time together as a family.
Second, consider the physical aspect of activities when choosing things to do on vacation. Five-year-olds have boundless energy and need outlets for it - so opt for things like hiking trails, swimming pools, or playgrounds where they can burn off some steam in a safe environment. You could even plan days at amusement parks or waterparks where they'll explore games and rides tailored specifically to kids their age.
Finally, invest in experiences over material objects during vacations with children this age. That means making memories through interactive exhibits rather than buying souvenirs that may just end up collecting dust at home later on down the road. Your little one will appreciate being able to relive the excitement of these adventures years after the trip has come to an end!
Navigating Different Time Zones
Navigating different time zones within a 5 year old can be tricky, but it doesn't have to ruin your travel experience. The key is to make sure you understand how the time zone shifts will affect them and plan accordingly. First and foremost, try to stay on the same schedule as much as possible throughout your travels. This means that if you are in an area where daylight savings changes occur frequently during the summer months, you should pass this information on to your child so they know when their body clock needs to adjust for these changes.
Second, keep track of what day it is wherever you are - even if it's not the same date at home! Keeping track of which days we had traveled through was a great way for my daughter to recognize our progress while away from home; she felt more connected by knowing just exactly where we were. This gave her security that she won’t get lost or left behind somewhere along the journey – especially important since kids tend to feel insecure in unfamiliar surroundings. It also made her curious about all things new and exciting around us!
Finally, try breaking up long flights into smaller segments whenever possible. If there's no other option than taking a direct flight then break it up mentally by doing activities together like reading books, playing games or watching movies (especially age-appropriate ones!). Explaining the concept of flying across multiple time zones helped her understand why sometimes we arrive at our destination earlier than expected and reassured her that everything else would eventually fall back into place. With a little knowledge and preparation ahead of your trip, navigating different time zones with a 5 year old can be done seamlessly and enhance everyone's overall experience greatly!
Documenting Your Journey Through Photos And Videos
Preserving precious memories of your travels with a five-year-old is easy. With the right tools and techniques, you can document your journey in photos and videos that will last for years to come.
First off, be sure to pack enough memory cards and extra batteries so you’ll never miss an opportunity to capture special moments throughout your trip. This might seem like an obvious tip, but it’s worth repeating! Making sure you have plenty of space available on your camera or phone ensures that each moment is documented without worrying about running out of storage.
Next up – practice patience while shooting pictures and videos with your child. You won't get those perfect shots every time, but don't despair – take lots of different angles and perspectives when capturing images with kids involved; this way you can pick and choose which ones turn out best. Taking the time to place yourself low down at their level often gives the most natural results as well – plus it helps create more meaningful connections between parent and child during photo-taking sessions!
Capture candid memories too – not just posed family portraits! Focus on everyday life experiences along the way: conversations being had around meals, funny faces they make while exploring new places, or even small details like footprints in sand or sunsets reflecting off the water. These small details are what make all the difference when documenting a story from start to finish - these little glimpses into daily life become lasting reminders of how far we've traveled together as a family.
Finding Kid-Friendly Accommodations
When traveling with a 5-year-old, finding the right accommodation can make all the difference. You want to be sure that your little one is comfortable and safe during your trip. Fortunately, there are plenty of kid-friendly accommodations available to choose from.
The first option you may consider is a hotel or resort that caters specifically to families with young children. These establishments typically offer larger rooms equipped with cribs and other amenities for kids such as play areas, swimming pools, and game rooms. Many also provide special activities like arts and crafts classes just for kids, making it easy for parents to relax while their children stay entertained.
Another great way to ensure a family-friendly experience is by booking a Vacation rental. With thousands of properties listed across most major cities in the world, you’re likely to find something suitable for your needs. Not only do these rentals usually come fully furnished but many owners will even supply helpful extras like toys, books, games, and more to keep your child engaged throughout your stay. Plus they often have access to communal spaces where you can meet other travelers who share similar interests - perfect if you're looking for some travel companionship!
Wherever you decide to stay on your next vacation with the kids, remember that having fun together is what matters most! A good night's rest and quality time spent exploring new places makes memories that last a lifetime - so go ahead and get out there!
Post-Vacation Reflection
Traveling with a five-year-old is both an adventure and a challenge, but the rewards are great. Now that our holiday has come to an end, there's much to reflect on about our experience.
The first thing we've realized is that preparation is key for any successful family vacation. We spent time researching destinations, discussing expectations, and packing everything from books to snacks before departure. This helped us avoid surprises during our trip and gave us peace of mind.
We also learned the importance of planning activities in advance. Knowing what activities were available near where we stayed meant no stressful moments trying to figure out what to do next; all we had to do was find something suitable for everyone, including our 5 year old!
As parents, it was wonderful seeing how excited and engaged our daughter became during this journey. She experienced new places, foods, and cultures alongside us - all while broadening her horizons. It made us realize that travel should be a regular part of family life if possible - so it’s already time to start thinking about our next destination!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Keep My 5 Year Old Entertained During A Flight?
Traveling with a five-year-old can be quite a challenge! You want your little one to have an enjoyable experience, but being stuck on a plane for hours isn't always fun. So how do you ensure that your trip is pleasant and entertaining? The answer lies in finding the best way to keep your five-year-old entertained during a flight.
When it comes to keeping a five-year-old occupied midair, there are lots of great ideas out there! From coloring books and puzzles to podcasts and movies, there’s no shortage of options. One thing I highly recommend is making sure they bring their own backpack full of goodies. This will give them something to explore while also providing them with the opportunity to choose what activities they'd like to participate in throughout the journey.
Another important tip when traveling with children is planning ahead. Try researching different games or activities that might work well during long flights so you're prepared before take off. If possible, download some shows or games onto your device - this will help avoid any buffering issues due to spotty internet connection. Additionally, break up the time by having snack breaks or walking around if allowed on board – anything that keeps them engaged and stimulated during those long hours of travel!
It's key to remember that every child is unique and may require different kinds of activities depending on their age group and interests. With proper preparation and creative thinking, though, parents can make flying with their kids as stress-free as possible; allowing everyone involved to truly enjoy the adventure together!
How Can I Keep My 5 Year Old Safe When Visiting A New Destination?
When travelling to a new destination, safety is of utmost importance for any family. For those with young children, this means being extra vigilant and taking steps to ensure their child's safety in an unfamiliar place. When it comes to five-year-olds, parents must be particularly mindful about the risks associated with visiting a new location - from simple things like crossing roads safely to more complex challenges such as communicating language barriers. But there are ways that families can protect their kids while still enjoying their holiday experience.
One way to make sure your 5 year old is safe during travel is by researching the destination ahead of time. Make sure you know the local customs and laws so you can do all you can to prevent any potential hazards they may encounter at your chosen destination. Talk to your child before leaving home and explain what kind of behaviour is expected when out and about in public, especially if you’re going somewhere where English isn't widely spoken. It’s also important to stay aware of your surroundings – always keep a close eye on your little one or designate someone else who will look after them whilst you explore other areas.
For added peace of mind, check whether the hotels or accommodation options have age restrictions for each room type that would apply to your child; some places don't allow unaccompanied minors under certain ages into specific rooms or facilities – not only for legal reasons but for practical ones too (such as pool access). You should also take into consideration how far away attractions are from where you're staying - long journeys could become tiring very quickly! The last thing anyone wants is an exhausted 5 year old running around in unfamiliar territory! Ultimately, planning ahead and doing research can save stress throughout the journey and help create lasting memories that everyone can treasure forever.
By following these simple tips, families with young children will feel safer venturing off into unknown lands together knowing they have taken every precaution necessary – allowing both adults and kids alike to have fun without worrying about unnecessary danger looming over them like a cloud!
What Are Some Tips For Preventing Jet Lag In A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with young kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. A big one is dealing with jet lag in a 5 year old. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your family travel adventures:
Have them adjust their sleep schedule before traveling by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for 6-7 days prior to departure.
During the flight, have them wear loose clothes and encourage naps if possible. Give them snacks throughout the day that are high in protein such as nuts or hummus instead of sugar filled treats like candy bars.
Try not to plan too many activities when you first arrive at your destination; allow everyone time for rest so they can acclimate more easily to the new environment.
These strategies will help ensure that your little ones - and you! - don't suffer from jet lag while on vacation. You'll want your family trip to be fun, memorable, and stress free so follow these tips and make sure your whole crew arrives feeling rested and ready for adventure. Keeping up with these guidelines will also provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are well taken care of during long trips. With all this in mind, you're now equipped to tackle jet lag head-on!
What Should I Do If My 5 Year Old Gets Homesick When Traveling?
Traveling with children can be a challenge, and when kids are young it’s especially difficult. For parents that have to travel with a 5 year old, dealing with homesickness may be one of the biggest obstacles they face. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this inevitable emotion so your child has an enjoyable trip!
First off, it's important to remember that homesickness is normal and expected –everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and it doesn't mean anything is wrong. To help make sure your little one feels comfortable while on vacation, here are four tips:
Comfort objects: Pack something from home like a stuffed animal or blanket that will remind them of home and provide comfort during unfamiliar situations.
Talk about home: Letting your child talk about what they miss back home will often reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by everything new around them.
Keep routines consistent: If possible try to keep as many familiar routines intact (bedtime stories for example) as these moments of familiarity can go a long way in helping your child feel more secure away from home.
Show patience and understanding: Homesickness usually passes quickly if you pay attention to how your child is feeling without overreacting or worrying too much yourself; they should sense that you understand their emotional needs before any other concerns come into play.
It’s also helpful to plan activities ahead of time such as museums, parks, playgrounds etc., and involve your 5 year old when planning out the itinerary so they have something exciting to look forward to each day - this will take their mind off missing home for awhile! Be sure not to overwhelm them however; having too many attractions packed into one day could result in exhaustion which won't do anyone any favors!
At the end of the day though, sometimes all it takes is a hug from mom or dad (or both!) for those feelings of homesickness to disappear completely- no matter where you are in the world! With just a bit of extra preparation, traveling with your five year old should still be full of fun memories rather than ones filled with sadness due to being away from home.
What Are Some Activities I Can Do With My 5 Year Old That Are Both Age-Appropriate And Fun?
Traveling with a 5 year old can be both an exciting and challenging experience. To ensure that the journey is enjoyable for everyone, it’s important to plan activities that are both age-appropriate and fun for your young traveler. So what kind of activities should you do?
Take nature walks – A great way to get outside and explore! Nature walks provide lots of opportunities for learning about the environment, spotting wildlife, and discovering new things. Plus, they're easy on the budget too. Pack some snacks or even a lunch so you can make a day out of it.
Visit museums - A visit to a museum can be an educational adventure full of discovery and exploration. Many museums offer interactive exhibits tailored specifically towards children which makes them ideal places to spend quality time together while learning something new. You may even find special programs geared toward younger kids like story times or craft classes.
Check out local attractions - Whether it's going on a ride at an amusement park or exploring a nearby landmark such as a cave or aquarium, there's no shortage of interesting things to do in most cities around the world. The best part is many attractions offer discounts or free admission days making them more affordable than ever before. And don't forget all those photo ops along the way!
No matter where life takes you and your little one, there are plenty of ways to keep them entertained while also having meaningful experiences during your travels together. From nature walks to visiting local attractions, these activities will let your child discover their world in an age-appropriate manner without sacrificing any fun!
Traveling with a five year old can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With just a bit of planning and organization, you can make the experience both safe and fun for your little one! From selecting age-appropriate activities to finding ways to prevent jet lag, there are plenty of strategies that will ensure your family vacation is nothing short of amazing – so incredible you'll think time itself stopped as soon as you stepped off the plane.
The best part about traveling with kids? Seeing their eyes light up when they try something new or discover a place for the first time. It's truly magical! And if your five year old does get homesick or overwhelmed during your travels, don't forget: from unexpected detours on the way home to packing extra snacks in case of emergencies, being prepared is key for any parent who wants an unforgettable adventure.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your suitcase and pack those bags – it's time to show your adventurous little traveler how exciting the world outside can be! After all, life is too short not to explore…so let’s go see what this big beautiful planet has in store!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 AEIOUandsometimesyyy how to get a new vita to read a old sd2vita

I just got a new vita 2000 and I would like it to access my data from my old vita 2000. I jailbroke it and got it to read the memory card, but it's just reading it as empty. I saw that you need to have the same psn but I unfortunately have no way of accessing my old psn. I can't log in or out of it so it's basically off the table. Is there any way I can get my games and pictures back onto my vita without using the same psn? Or did I somehow wipe the memory sometime during the jailbreaking process?
submitted by AEIOUandsometimesyyy to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 Savings_Ad_2297 40/M Nerdy Dad of 2 looking for a longterm platonic friend!

Hey everyone!
Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. So please be open to actually getting to know eachother. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 7 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. So definitely a platonic friendship if you’re female. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming is definitely my number 1 go to, star wars, super heroes, DnD, anything Disney. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited
I watch Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3 on youtube. Currently on episode 76, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting boardgames, action figures and retro games are hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love too so if you want to talk childhood memories and growing up back then, i’m totally down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades, played outside with friends, and those family sunday dinners at the grandparents ❤️.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy lol)
I really would prefer you be around my age (late 20s a youngest) and also have kids just so we have that stuff in common off the bat!
I would also prefer you be from the US. It’s tough to converse when we are like a day apart lol.
I can be socially awkward most times but I am very easy to get along with and a great listener if you need to vent. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell.
Please have a fun personality because i like to be sarcastic and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂) Or as an opening challenge send a gif of your favorite movie and i will try to guess it!
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 Savings_Ad_2297 40/M Nerdy Dad of 2 looking for a longterm platonic friend!

Hey everyone!
Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. So please be open to actually getting to know eachother. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 7 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. So definitely a platonic friendship if you’re female. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming is definitely my number 1 go to, star wars, super heroes, DnD, anything Disney. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited
I watch Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3 on youtube. Currently on episode 76, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting boardgames, action figures and retro games are hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love too so if you want to talk childhood memories and growing up back then, i’m totally down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades, played outside with friends, and those family sunday dinners at the grandparents ❤️.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy lol)
I really would prefer you be around my age (late 20s a youngest) and also have kids just so we have that stuff in common off the bat!
I would also prefer you be from the US. It’s tough to converse when we are like a day apart lol.
I can be socially awkward most times but I am very easy to get along with and a great listener if you need to vent. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell.
Please have a fun personality because i like to be sarcastic and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂) Or as an opening challenge send a gif of your favorite movie and i will try to guess it!
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:18 pradeepvrd [FS][US-CA] Dell R730xd 12 3.5" Bay 2U server and Server rack

I am downsizing my homelab and want to sell my R730xd which I was using as a TrueNAS server. This has 12 3.5" bays in front and 2 2.5" bays in the rear and has all 3 risers.


Timestamps -
Also selling my 42U 600 mm Navepoint 4 post rack comes with
Timestamps -
Local Pickup in Bay Area only - I live in San Jose, CA.
Asking $350 for the server, $50 for the server rack. Willing to entertain fair offers.
submitted by pradeepvrd to homelabsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:17 SleepParalysisGorl This showed up on my old digital camera's memory card

This showed up on my old digital camera's memory card submitted by SleepParalysisGorl to FoodieCutie [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:10 Tight_Guidance3108 How is this configuration

submitted by Tight_Guidance3108 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:09 Cai29q New to building

No experience here, this is my first build. I have ordered most of the parts already so I cant really change anything.
Video card - XFX SPEEDSTER SWFT 319 RAD RX6800 16GB GAM
CPU - AMD ryzen 5 7600
Storage - Silicon Power 1TB UD90 NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 SSD W up to 5,000/4,800 MB/s
PSU - CX Series™ CX650 – 650 Watt 80 PLUS Bronze ATX Power Supply
RAM - Kingston FURY Renegade RGB white XMP 32GB 6000MT/s DDR5 CL32 DIMM Desktop Gaming Memory Kit
CPU Cooler - ENDORFY Spartan 5 ARGB
Case - Thermaltake s100 tg snow
Motherboard - Asro A620M-HDV/M.2 A620
Total price is about 1150$. I hope all these parts will work together and that I wont have any problems. I live in sweden and I couldnt find any cheaper parts but Is this build good? I mean just for the price and how all the parts will work together. Right now im playing on 1080p and play Geometry dash and brawlhalla but plan to play better games with this new pc. My biggest fear is if I bought parts that dont go together or fit the case🫤.
And also the case only comes with 1 fan. I see most pcs with atleast 3 or 4. Do I need to buy more of those too?!?! Please no I spent all my money on this.
submitted by Cai29q to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:09 ApartmentJust7739 FORTNITE KEEPS CRASHING

Can anyone help me debug, it lets me play creative and shit but when i load into a pub it 100% every time crashes at the loading screen and says something about making sure i have enough memory on my card, which is a 4080 Super, with a i9 4200k
submitted by ApartmentJust7739 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Savings_Ad_2297 40/M Nerdy Dad of 2 looking for a longterm platonic friend!

Hey everyone!
Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. So please be open to actually getting to know eachother. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 7 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. So definitely a platonic friendship if you’re female. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming is definitely my number 1 go to, star wars, super heroes, DnD, anything Disney. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited
I watch Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3 on youtube. Currently on episode 76, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting boardgames, action figures and retro games are hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love too so if you want to talk childhood memories and growing up back then, i’m totally down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades, played outside with friends, and those family sunday dinners at the grandparents ❤️.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy lol)
I really would prefer you be around my age (late 20s a youngest) and also have kids just so we have that stuff in common off the bat!
I would also prefer you be from the US. It’s tough to converse when we are like a day apart lol.
I can be socially awkward most times but I am very easy to get along with and a great listener if you need to vent. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell.
Please have a fun personality because i like to be sarcastic and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂) Or as an opening challenge send a gif of your favorite movie and i will try to guess it!
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 SirChoGath How Do I Monitor My Graphics Card Speed In HWiNFO?

Hey guys
I'm using HWiNFO and would like to monitor the speed at which my graphics card is working at but don't know the correct HWiNFO sensor name. I have an EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 XC3 Ultra Gaming and the specs are GPU Clock - 1,395 MHz, GPU Boost Clock - 1,725 MHz, and Memory Clock: 1,219 MHz. I don't know which Clock speeds to monitor? I see in HWiNFO that there is a few gpu clock speed sensors so I'm confused. Can anyone help me? Here is a screenshot of what I'm looking at Picture. Help is appreciated.
submitted by SirChoGath to overclocking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 yellow_chocolatecake I can't get over my disaster of a sweet 16, and it's been 6 months

My birthday is in october, but due to scheduling issues with family, my sweet 16 ended up happening mid-late november. I'm homeschooled and my parents dont like throwing parties, and I had to beg them for MONTHS to allow me to have a sweet 16 because for stupid reasons I cant remember at the moment, they didn't want to. So after weeks of pulling the "But [older sister's name] got one, so why can't i?" card, they finally gave in.
It was expected to be super big, and I even got my family from different states to come dow, which was a big deal because they never come down for anything. I invited all my friends, even ones I had a bit of a falling out with, but we're cool now, just not close like before. I'm homeschooled, so all of us are a bit awkward with each other irl despite meeting a few times.
The setup was amazing and me and my favorite cousins mapped out and strategized the best place to sit the night before, so we were all prepared. I gave them heads up on each of my friends and what to expect from them so that they dont worry. But even with all this, I was a nervous wreck.
I have selective mutism, which is a severe social anxiety disorder I was diagnosed with when i was in preschool, but have gotten a bit better over the years but it still affects me to this day. So I was feeling very overwhelmed but excited at the same time. I kept thinking "What if my family doesnt like my friends?" "What if my friends dont like my family?" "What if something goes wrong and drama starts?"
When the party started and my friends arrived, thats when it started going downhill. The things i worried about never came true though, I'll give it that. But things that didn't even occur to me, however, did happen. For example, I expected my friends to come sit with me at my table. None of them did. 8 of my friends sat at another table (I invited 9) and the only one who did sit with me was my best friend, who was the last one to arrive. And that was because I didnt even give her the chance to go over to the others' table, and plopped her right down at mine. Also, the friend who arrived before her, I offered her to sit at my table but she ended up going to the others'. (also forgot to mention, but some days after the party my bsf told me that they were inviting her to sit with them, but she declined. My friends never invited me though)
During the party, my table was the only one that wasnt full. That doesnt sound that big of a deal, but I have a past of people abandoning me and purposely leaving me out and developed FOMO because of it, so it was really triggering me.
I normally don't express my emotions, and I've gotten quite good at keeping a stoic look on my face, so much to the point where everyone thinks I'm "emo" (i have an RBF), but at the party, I allowed myself to show my sadness so my cousins could see it. I know that sounds pick-me, but I wanted them to see how it affected me without having to say it. They caught on too.
At some point in the party, speeches started. My aunt grabbed the mic and went to my family members to give a speech. It was okay, as I had asked this for my party a few months prior. However, it was going on for so long and what I thought would be like 3-4 family members turned into closer to 20. I became so embarrassed and I made sure to show my facial expressions to my cousins, while also trying my best to smile so I didn't look mean.
When the speeches were over, I felt a sense of relief. Until my aunt grabbed the mic and announced a "special dance" to take place. I immediately knew what was about to go down as she called up my dad and announced for a surprise father-daughter dance. I turned to my cousins and gave them a pleading look as my dad came over to my seat, but I knew they couldn't do anything. And they knew it too. I felt like I was gonna have a full breakdown in the moment. I was so embarrassed and helpless.
I know I sound bratty, but I don't like being the center of attention unless asked for it. That's why I told my mom that one thing I do NOT EVER want is a surprise party. I also hate dancing in front of other people, as I know I'm bad at it. So this was a nightmare. We made it to the dance floor and I turned my stoic phase back on to shield the tears I could feel coming if I didnt.
My memory of the dance is quite foggy, I wonder if my subconscious did that on purpose because it was too painful for me, but I do remember at one point my dad pulled me close and for a second, I felt comfortable and calm. That was until I remembered all eyes are on me, and I pushed away without thinking.
After the dance was over my dad made his way back to his seat and I stood there like stone. Idk why, but when I'm overwhelmed with emotion I freeze. It's almost like if I move, it makes the moment too real. And so I stay frozen. I knew I couldn't stay there for long though bc that would be awkward.
My aunt came over and asked if I was glad she kept it short, because my other aunt wanted it to be a long dance but she said no. I didn't respond. She also asked if I needed anything, and I told her I needed to go to the bathroom and asked if she could go get my mom. I really needed her in that moment. She sat me at a nearby chair and I didnt want my friends to see me sad, because then they'd come over and try to comfort me. And I didnt want that. So I went for a sort of bored look so they wouldnt be concerned.
My mom came over a few minutes later and walked me to the door, then two of my cousins ran over and asked what happened. I told them I'm fine, but it wasn't convincing because my eyes started welling up with tears despite the smile on my face. My mom impatiently assured them that I was fine and led me out the door. We went into the hallway and hid behind a wall. My mom checked if anyone could see us, then she turned to me and started scolding me. She asked me why I was crying, but not in a worried way, in an irritated way. I was trying to tell her that it was all so overwhelming, to which she replied "Well it's over now!" all mad. she scolded me for about 5-10 minutes I believe, which felt long in the moment. When I was finally done crying she took me to the bathroom to clean myself up. My mom then told me that when we go out, if she looks over at me during the party and I'm not smiling, I'm gonna get it.
As we were leaving the bathroom, one of my friends (we'll call her P) happened to be entering the bathroom and asked if I was okay. Remembering what my mom said, I smiled and told her I was alright. When I made it back to my table, one of the two cousins from earlier asked if I was okay, and I smiled and said yes. I could tell she didn't believe me but she didn't press any further.
The rest of the party my parents told me to go be with my friends, but I didn't want to because I felt that they didn't want me there anyway. Still, I did what I could to be near them. Pulling up a chair, standing by them and asked how they were doing, but I could tell they weren't all that interested. I looked clingy. And I have a thing where if someone doesn't want me around, I'll avoid them because I know what its like to have someone bothering you after you made it clear you want them to go away.
Towards the end of the party, my friends wanted to go to the nearby park, and my best friend came over to tell me, and said she wanted to wait for me and the others already left. I told her that I cant go, because I would be ditching my own party, and she understood. The others still left though. That wasnt that big of a deal, but it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.
And the last bad that that happened at my party was when I was playing hot-hands with my cousin and we were standing right next to my friends. All of a sudden, I noticed in my peripheral vision that my friends were gone. I looked around, assuming they all had to leave and forgot to say goodbye, when I spotted the. All 9 of them at the photobooth. and they were taking a group picture without me. My cousin noticed my sudden change in expression, and looked where I was looking. I watched as they all took their group photo smiling and happy without me. I changed back to stoic as I saw them finish up and my best friend walked back towards me. the rest of the night was a blur, but next thing I know, I'm standing outside as everyone starts leaving and I watch my friends head to their car. I yell out a goodbye, but none turn back to me. I make a joke to one of my cousins saying "wowww they dont even say bye to me? such fake friends!" (i was joking though, not serious).
I was riding home with my cousin, but her parents were helping take everything down, leaving only me and her in the car. I started crying and bawling my eyes out in the car. Then when I got home I was crying in the shower. I know that on paper, my (bitter)sweet 16 wasnt that bad. The party itself was amazing (except one of my friends later calling it "thrifty" and made a comment on how the DJ sucked... my aunt was the DJ), and I know everyone had so much fun, but for some reason its been 6 months and I still cant get over it. especially since the day after the party, I woke up with swollen eyes and a headache from crying all night. The cherry on top was my parents scolding me for hours about how I ruined my own party and humiliated them, and i made thousands of dollars go to waste.
I dont know what to do or why Im so hung up on this event. Im suffering from maladaptive daydreaming bc every single day I daydream about the party going differently. And secretly, I've lost so much trust in my friends over this stupid party, and hold a bit of a grudge over them for it. My friend who didnt attend the party told me how unhealthy it is that im still moping over it, and he says my party just sounded like an average family reunion. And said that if the party happened last week or a month ago, it would be understandable. But 6 months?? But yeah, anyway. Can anyone please tell me how I can heal from this? I'm so sick of being easily hurt and dramatic
submitted by yellow_chocolatecake to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 TryingToFindThePeace Welcome, Prince/Princess

Welcome, Prince/Princess submitted by TryingToFindThePeace to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:51 SwimmingCommon Help refining a build for an entry level pc. Not an exact list, but a rough draft of the performance we're looking for

Ok I'm helping my friend with his first build. It's been a few years since I've built anything personally this is more of a rough draft than anything else. The total budget is about $1,200-$1,300. Id appreciate everyone's input
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor $136.72 @ Amazon
Motherboard ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4 ATX AM4 Motherboard $89.99 @ Amazon
Memory G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory $67.99 @ Newegg
Storage Silicon Power A60 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $99.99 @ Amazon
Video Card MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ventus 2X 12G GeForce RTX 3060 12GB 12 GB Video Card $285.00 @ Amazon
Case Cougar MX330-X ATX Mid Tower Case $51.66 @ Amazon
Power Supply be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $79.90 @ Amazon
Monitor Gigabyte M27Q 27.0" 2560 x 1440 170 Hz Monitor $249.99 @ Amazon
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $1061.24
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-09 18:41 EDT-0400
submitted by SwimmingCommon to buildapc [link] [comments]