Secret dreams 2


2022.05.03 09:07 theSpaceBiscuits SecretDreams

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2024.06.09 03:00 Neither-Green6145 I've been constantly dreaming about malls for 4 years.

I've been having dreams involving massive shopping malls for YEARS now. I often have vivid dreams I almost always remember upon waking up and at least 2 or 3 a month involve shopping malls. (Me getting lost in a mall, me visiting a new cafe in a mall, me being chased by a psychopathic killer in a mall etc) The mall looks different every time though. I just had a dream last night where I was with my friend at the mall and a bunch of strange antics ensued. My most memorable mall dream was where everything was designed like a a video game and I had to battle my way through these strange black fuzzies from Mario... and eat the most delicious waffles I've ever had.
It might be because almost every weekend, I hang out with my friends at the largest mall in Canada. Influences all my dreamscapes lol
submitted by Neither-Green6145 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 Quirky_Bed_5222 Exploring the Mysteries of UFOs: A Journey into the Unknown

Exploring the Mysteries of UFOs: A Journey into the Unknown
UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, have captivated human imagination for decades. From grainy photographs and shaky video footage to detailed eyewitness accounts, the phenomenon of UFO sightings continues to spark debates, fuel conspiracy theories, and inspire scientific curiosity. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of UFOs and explore why they remain one of the greatest mysteries of our time.
A Brief History of UFO Sightings
The modern era of UFO sightings began on June 24, 1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington. Describing them as “flying saucers,” Arnold’s account led to a media frenzy and the birth of the term “flying saucer.” This event marked the beginning of a surge in reported sightings, with notable incidents like the Roswell crash in 1947 and the Washington D.C. UFO incident in 1952.
Government Involvement and Disclosure
Over the years, governments worldwide have shown interest in UFO phenomena. The U.S. government, in particular, conducted several investigations, most notably Project Blue Book, which operated from 1952 to 1969 and documented over 12,000 sightings. While many cases were explained as natural phenomena or man-made objects, a small percentage remained unexplained.
In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards transparency. In 2020, the Pentagon declassified three Navy videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). These videos, captured by military pilots, show objects exhibiting flight characteristics beyond known technology. In June 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report acknowledging 144 UAP sightings by military personnel between 2004 and 2021, with many remaining unexplained.
Theories and Explanations
Theories about UFOs range from the mundane to the extraordinary:
1. Extraterrestrial Visitors: The most popular theory is that UFOs are spacecraft from other planets, piloted by advanced alien civilizations. 2. Secret Military Technology: Some believe that UFOs are top-secret military aircraft, either domestic or foreign. 3. Natural Phenomena: Certain atmospheric conditions, such as ball lightning or unusual cloud formations, can create UFO-like appearances. 4. Psychological and Social Factors: Mass hysteria, hoaxes, and the power of suggestion can also contribute to UFO reports. 
The Role of Science
The scientific community remains skeptical yet intrigued. Astrobiologists and astronomers search for extraterrestrial life by studying extreme environments on Earth and analyzing signals from space. Organizations like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) aim to detect alien communications. While concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life remains elusive, the search continues to push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
The Cultural Impact
UFOs have significantly influenced popular culture, inspiring countless movies, TV shows, books, and even religions. From “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “The X-Files,” UFOs have become a symbol of the unknown and the potential for otherworldly discovery. This cultural fascination underscores humanity’s innate curiosity and desire to explore beyond our world.
Final Thoughts
The mystery of UFOs endures, inviting us to question our place in the universe and the limits of our understanding. Whether these phenomena are extraterrestrial visitors, advanced human technology, or simply misidentified objects, they challenge us to keep an open mind and continue exploring.
What are your thoughts on UFOs? Have you ever experienced a sighting or have a theory about what they might be? Share your stories and insights in the comments!
Keep looking up, Redditors. The truth is out there.
Feel free to tweak or expand upon this post to suit your specific subreddit or audience. Happy posting!
submitted by Quirky_Bed_5222 to u/Quirky_Bed_5222 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:59 FloraAndFauna2022 21 [M4M] Looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever. :)

Hello! :D
I'm trying to figure out how to move back to Sweden, or move to Germany, and I'm looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever.
Germany and Sweden are wonderful places. So wonderful that it would be a dream come true to spend my life with someone in either of those places.
Name: Iris
Age: 21
Likes: Reading, writing, politics, the occasional day long adventure outside, tea, steak, noodles, burgers, fries, watermelon, Five Nights at Freddy's, weirdcore, the 2000s, and anything scary.
Dislikes: Ghosters, facial hair.
Games I Play: Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, Fortnite, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Sea of Thieves, Five Nights at Freddy's, Class of 09, Darks Souls, Elden Ring, Genshin Impact, Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings III, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I finished 2 of the Amnesia games and the game Rime.
If you love video games, staying up late, long conversations, politics, or anything horror, be sure to DM me!
submitted by FloraAndFauna2022 to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:59 Jennifer_GatorFan My Journey as Jennifer

I am comfortable, happy, and dressed as I should be. I am wearing a black sports skirt, a sports bra, and a sports shirt. My toes and nails are polished, and my entire body is freshly shaved. An hour ago, I was at my office, and I drove home in this outfit. Of course, I looked around to make sure no one would see me because no one knows about me, Jennifer, except for one friend who transitioned and, of course, my friends here. I fear coming out as I live in Florida, am an attorney, have five kids (11-26), and live with my girlfriend. Living my life the way I want would destroy the life I have made for all of them - at least, that scares me.
No one is home right now, and I am watching TV on the couch while I write this. I have been meaning to write this narrative for several weeks, and I am glad I, Jennifer, am writing this. Earlier, I was outside in a bikini bottom to tan my legs. I am less afraid to be outside, jump in the car, or hang out like this. A year ago, I was terrified, and my feelings were tangled up in a lifetime of shame and secrecy. I am 56 now, pre-HRT, and have been taking Pueraria Mirifica and Bio-est 5.0 fairly regularly - maybe they are placebos, but I find some peace. When I shower, I try to regularly hide my stuff and smooth out my front. I am focused on losing 8-10 more pounds to get down to 169 lbs as I am 6'2". I wish I had more hair, but I, Jennifer, am in far better shape than the other guy!
It has been a year since I posted here that my egg had cracked. It was a huge step to take the biggest secret in my life and share it in a public space, but I had first visited with a friend of mine who had transitioned, and she is the only person who knows my "secret." Like many stories I read here, there was a flurry of emotions, an over-consumption of information, and a struggle with what to do next. I decided to see a counselor and otherwise keep my secret to myself but allow myself to explore my female side more. I am Jennifer.
What did that mean? I (1) shaved all of my body hair; it was absolutely terrifying, but a year later, I feel healthier, look younger, and cannot imagine being gross and hairy again. (2) I started taking care of my nails with manicures and pedicures; I regularly use clear polish. (3) I embraced buying clothes, although secretly, through online sources like Temu. This has done two things: it allowed me to discover fitting clothes and reinforced my desire to have a more feminine figure. (4) I dieted and lost 15 pounds and continue to try to exercise and tighten up my body. (5) I have found a way to have two lives - I boy-mode with the family and at home. At work, if I am not seeing clients, I am able to dress nearly full-time. I find myself wanting to be at work more and more.
In the mornings, I watch the weather because I wish I could snap my fingers and just be the weather girl. I study the women around me, not because I want to "do" them but because I wish I was them. In my life, I can remember wearing my mom's or sister's clothes when they were not home. I remember being in the drama club because we got to wear leotards and tights for costumes. I used to pull my tightie whities into a high panty style (the 1980s) and wished I could dress like the women I would see on TV, especially the big hair and leotards of the 80s. Through the years, I stole, borrowed, bought, and purged clothes. In the past year, I have accumulated two full suitcases of clothes and just feel like everything is the way it should be.
I am confused. I do not want to be "dude" me. I am Jennifer.
Lastly, in the last year, I have become keenly aware of the transphobic people around me. Even some incredibly close, liberal, and progressive people still express anti-trans comments. I sit and listen but do not say anything. They do not understand. And maybe that is confirmation I am trans -- cis people just don't get it.
I hadn't posted in a long time and really wanted to put this out there for me.
Peace, Jennifer (56 yo, +1 year egg cracked, no HRT, and generally confused....)
submitted by Jennifer_GatorFan to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:59 VicVDoom_ [US-MI] [H] Omnis and Hardcovers [W] PayPal or Trades for Specific TPBs

All prices include shipping to conus and all books are sealed unless noted. I'd like to stay pretty firm on pricing unless buying multiple books or if I priced something egregious. Will provide pictures on request.
Trade wants are at the end of the post. Only really looking for specific tpbs at this time.
Marvel Omnis:
Avengers vs. X-Men Companion - $35
Infinity - $60 Sold
King in Black - $75 Sold
Secret Warriors - $60 Sold
Spider-Man 2099 vol. 2 - $70 Sold
Thor (Aaron) vol. 1 - $65
World War Hulk - $80 Sold
X-Men (Hickman) - $50
DC Omnis/Absolutes:
Absolute Sandman vol. 1 - $50
Batman & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (not sealed, great condition) - $50
Injustice vol. 1 - $50
Joker: Bronze Age - $90
Death or Glory - $30
Seven to Eternity (not sealed, great condition) - $30
Something is Killing the Children vol. 1 - $50
Trade Wants
Chew - volumes 1, 7-12
Manhattan Projects - volumes 4-6
Something is Killing the Children - volumes 2-7
submitted by VicVDoom_ to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:57 FloraAndFauna2022 21 [M4M] Looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever. :)

Hello! :D
I'm trying to figure out how to move back to Sweden, or move to Germany, and I'm looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever.
Germany and Sweden are wonderful places. So wonderful that it would be a dream come true to spend my life with someone in either of those places.
Name: Iris
Age: 21
Likes: Reading, writing, politics, the occasional day long adventure outside, tea, steak, noodles, burgers, fries, watermelon, Five Nights at Freddy's, weirdcore, the 2000s, and anything scary.
Dislikes: Ghosters, facial hair.
Games I Play: Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, Fortnite, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Sea of Thieves, Five Nights at Freddy's, Class of 09, Darks Souls, Elden Ring, Genshin Impact, Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings III, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I finished 2 of the Amnesia games and the game Rime.
If you love video games, staying up late, long conversations, politics, or anything horror, be sure to DM me!
submitted by FloraAndFauna2022 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 TheFrenchiePack What I Have vs What I Need

What I Have vs What I Need submitted by TheFrenchiePack to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 FloraAndFauna2022 21 [M4M] Looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever. :)

Hello! :D
I'm trying to figure out how to move back to Sweden, or move to Germany, and I'm looking for a fellow gamer in Germany or Sweden who can be with me forever and ever.
Germany and Sweden are wonderful places. So wonderful that it would be a dream come true to spend my life with someone in either of those places.
Name: Iris
Age: 21
Likes: Reading, writing, politics, the occasional day long adventure outside, tea, steak, noodles, burgers, fries, watermelon, Five Nights at Freddy's, weirdcore, the 2000s, and anything scary.
Dislikes: Ghosters, facial hair.
Games I Play: Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, Fortnite, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Sea of Thieves, Five Nights at Freddy's, Class of 09, Darks Souls, Elden Ring, Genshin Impact, Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings III, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I finished 2 of the Amnesia games and the game Rime. If you love video games, staying up late, long conversations, politics, or anything horror, be sure to DM me!
submitted by FloraAndFauna2022 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 Wild_billz Need stickers

Need stickers submitted by Wild_billz to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 TheFrenchiePack What I Have vs What I Need

What I Have vs What I Need submitted by TheFrenchiePack to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 BlackLiIy Brother acting strange

I live with my brother in a 2-bedroom apartment. He has 2 cats and I am allergic to hair, but I understand that he has nowhere else to go with them. It was my decision for him to move in with me for monetary reasons.
The thing is that lately I have been noticing extremely strange behaviors in his actions, especially when I am not at home. I work outside and when I return I find that the things in my room are not the way I left them. For example, I have noticed that he uses accessories that I leave on the desk because they are not in the same place as before.
The worst thing of all is that I have no problem sharing my things if he asks me to, which destroys my confidence and makes me feel sad. Sometimes when this happened, I would ask to talk to him about it but he would get defensive.
Putting aside my general discontent and emotions, I see that this pattern of behavior has happened before when I lived with my other siblings. I feel that when he is stressed, his mechanisms are to shit on the other person (in this case I am the other cohabitant on duty), use my things and then deny it, eat my food. He has trouble ordering food, so I offer it. He says, "No, thank you," and then eats it secretly. The same thing happens when I'm not there and he enters my room. I don't know what he's looking for in here and he flatly denies that it was him.
Will it be a matter of seeking limits in the other, trying to get attention so that they react in some way, will it be a defense mechanism? I would very much like to know what you think because at the moment I cannot talk. These situations make me very angry but I am trying to understand the reason for all this. If I understand it, I wouldn't feel it was personal to me.
submitted by BlackLiIy to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:55 filthysven Improving two weapon fighting for an eldritch fighter

I've got a table full of brand new players, and they are mostly playing characters that I generated for them at level 1 (I used fastcharacter). One player was given a fighter with the two weapon fighting style, which he loved and has really made the dual wielding a part of his character concept. They've just reached level 3 and he really wants to go eldritch knight, which is cool but looking at it I can already see where he's going to run into issues with the rules as written for EK and two weapon fighting (blade cantrips are unusable, spells can't be cast without war caster, war magic will straight up make his off hand attack unusable). He's pretty excited and I don't want to tell him its a bad idea, but I'm also a little worried about just letting him run headlong into it and eventually getting frustrated once he's in deep about how clunky it looks like it'll quickly become. So, I've been thinking of hombrewing it and using great weapon master as my guideline for it. My proposed homebrew is adding the following to the dual wielder feat:
"You can take a -5 to both attacks to make an offhand attack an extra attack rather than a bonus action attack. If you do so, you cannot make an off hand attack with your bonus action."
Does this seem reasonably balanced or would it totally break things? My thought is that a EK with GWM would basically get this benefit along with easier spellcasting. The addition is meant to do a couple of things: free up bonus action for spells (at a cost), allow off hand attacks with blade cantrips (at a cost), and generally make the offhand attack more feasible. Flavor wise it makes sense to me, take your bonus action and fight carefully or don't and kind of swing wildly. The second attack even with a longsword works out to 8-10 damage, similar to the GWM bonus but more swingy. Splitting the -5 penalty across two attacks makes a different sort of risk calulation but not strictly better I don't think when you consider bonuses like bardic inspiration. I might remove the +1AC benefit of the dual wielder feat to account for this buff, but since the damage output is still lower than GWM I might consider keeping it. Any thoughts on the balance or clunkiness of this? I mostly just want to reconsider dual wielding to make it on par with a 2 handed weapon so he can live his flavor dream. He will still have to figure out a solution for casting spells with hands full like taking war caster or getting a war mage ruby.
submitted by filthysven to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:55 Kjkc2010 LF true fans

LF true fans
Will trade 2 4stars for true fans. Would like to use my wild from the dig event for the gold. Anyone help ?
submitted by Kjkc2010 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:54 murder__poet Oops! I dropped my magic item! (Part 15) [Only one item but its over the top]

Was hoping for a clean 100 souls but have 75 instead. Maybe the last 25 can be filled with other DM's/Party's ideas/adventures. I like something unfinished, honestly.
There's some obvious influence/thievery from OSR heavy hitters in here but I've attempted to keep it at a minimum just to inch my way to a clean 75 since 100 is proving troublesome. And honestly I've forgotten where some of these stolen/restructured ideas have come from. Feel free to credit link any so others can know their great works.
(e.g. P. Stuart, D. Selle, Coins and Scrolls, Goblin Punch, Vivien Feasson, S. Princess, Z. Cox/B. Brown, B. Milton, L. Rejec, P. Nilsson)
I doubt all the aforementioned are present in this list but I just wanna cover bases and/or call out incredible minds and effort in the hobby who I've really enjoyed. Call out any unlisted if you please. Credit where credit is due.
The Stilletto of The Imperator Scum (Trident)
On an (un)natural 20, consume a soul randomly from the table activating its effect, removing it from the table permanently
On a (un)natural 1, the target dies immediately and is resurrected as an undead. Pores on its body explode with rapid growth fungus and it’s health, and spell slots if applicable, are restored to their maximums. Their soul then becomes one with The Stiletto and is added to the table.
Soul of the…:
  1. Ardent Giant - +2d6 dmg. to your attacks towards the target. Change the weather to which you desire
  2. Befouler - target fucking stinks, if within 15ft Con. Sav 12 every round to keep from vomiting.
  3. Gnarled Oak - that target lives the life of a tree in an instant. Witnessing love of child and pet. They see the first kiss of young love with the tip of the blade within their trunk declaring theirs eternal. They bear the burden of parenthood, choked with a child’s swing. The same swing their groom or bride will swing on, in remembrance, decades later. A generation of someones else’s life wears on them in the span of seconds. T
    1. Take 1d4 dmg. from the blade
    2. -2 Wis. as the dog pisses on them (1min duration)
    3. 3d8 dmg. as their branches are cut for a treehouse
    4. They will fall asleep in winter temperatures unable to wake up
    5. As long as their corpse touches soil they will resurrect in unspecified time
    6. If the target is killed within a city (soil or not) they will die sobbing with such penetrating sobbing. Within a mile radius, it lowers all CHA and WIS scores within range by 2 for 24hrs.
  4. Devil - the target’s eyes wash with color and your reflection is upside down. They provide you a contract/offer that is too good to pass up. You literally can’t resist it but it’s also a really great deal. Other than the fact that your soul is lost at failure of completion. Unless the killing blow dealt to the Devil is holy damage, they arrive at The Nine Hells to bide their time before they continue their cursed bargains upon the mortal realm.
  5. Claviger - The target is compelled to open the nearest door. If not the door, then box/barrel, chest, bag, pocket. Consume their next action. If the object doesn't open, spend each preceding action until it does.
  6. Scion of the Slithering Soil - the target embodies the nameless soul of a god-fearing priest of Mi-Shao-Shur. Dedicated fully to Serpentine Ascension by committing acts of gratuitous depravity. They become a beacon for the resurrection of Mi-Shao-Shur by consuming their own flesh, restoring their health to its maximum. Revealing underneath their now-true serpentine forms. Their intelligence increases by 4 and from their mouths can cast the Poison Spray cantrip. The target can now communicate with nearby creatures and convince them to do their bidding.
  7. Exploding Toad - target explodes. Dex Sav 13 or take 5d6 fire dmg.
  8. Dwarf - target becomes one. Genderless. Immune to all compulsions that play on a desire for sex. No sexual organs. Instead of urinating you excrete waste through sweating, explaining the odor.
  9. Tahlia - the target’s soul becomes trapped on the most worthless item on their person that isn’t a weapon or armor. Their body begins to thrash and scream mindlessly. Bodies are full of life and feelings but suffer the penultimate separation anxiety from the soul. The terrified shell will attempt to consume the item worth most to someone nearby with supernatural capacity. If they do so, your item is lost forever and the target becomes whole once more, restoring full health.
  10. PorteBasin Filler - Nothing satiates the target’s desire to serve, will seek out more and more challenging tasks for such a talented valet
  11. Abhorrer - target is unable to be targeted with any malice. The hate within you boils still but physically you are unable to be anything but be cordial and polite to the target. The creature knows every law and obeys them. It will use the law (if there is any) to destroy you.
  12. Cannibal Critic - target is no longer able to communicate in normal language. Of their cursed race the target can only howl bestial war cries of generic criticism. And hastily consume flesh. Successfully answering a question can cause the target to pause and grunt in reflection before screaming another random question.
      2. IS IT IRONIC
      3. IS IT KITSCH
  13. Dragonborn - If the dmg. dealt is to a non-dragonborn creature then the creature takes dmg. from their innate breath weapon, held within glands of which no non-dragonborn is prepared. 6d6 acid and poison dmg as their insides boil with draconic bile.
  14. Gargoyle - FUCK BIIIIIRRRRRRRRDSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Duergar - roll a d2 to Enlarge/Reduce target. Acquire sensitivity to sunlight regardless.
  16. Untermensch - the target’s muscles atrophy and their mind begins to falter as all of their ability scores reduce to 8. If one of their scores is less than 8 it does not rise to 8. Apply a -2 mod. to every dice rolled. The only thing of which they can be relied upon is to either fail or clumsily execute every task.
  17. Drow - target adheres to a woman’s word almost unwillingly and acquires sensitivity to sunlight. Incessantly mutters consequence for someone under their breath for whom they despise.
  18. Githzerai - target casts Plane Shift unwittingly on self.
  19. Bedlam Bird - The target knows when it is being looked at. The target loses all alliances and registers as “Evil” to spells and senses that detect such. It is compelled to commit pranks that are utterly fucked.
  20. Wizard - Your weapon moves through the air at your exact command. Gains Antimagic Susceptibility. Lasts 2 min.
  21. Azer - The target’s head ignites, it’s skull a torchlight shining bright light in a 15ft radius and dim light for an additional 10ft. It cannot be put out with water. The target takes 1d8 per round for 3 rounds.
  22. Banshee - the target casts Wail. All within 30 ft. (including target) Con sav 13 or drop to 0 HP. On a success 3d6 psychic dmg. After the Wail, the target goes mute as their vocal cords are stretched to leather and can only emit a poor whine if exhaustion.
  23. Androsphinx - The target’s body explodes and from within erupts a Heroes’ Feast. The depleted carcass turning into a gorgeous royal table spread.
  24. Basilisk - Bestowed upon the target is a basilisk’s Petrifying Gaze.
  25. Revenant - The target will rise as a Revenant 48 hrs after it’s death for the one who killed it.
  26. Cat - The target has to be killed 8 more times.
  27. Eigengrau - The target loses all memories from the last 24 hours
  28. Zoanthrop - Target strips naked. Immune to all mind altering effects.
  29. Wizard Hunter - Do you cast spells? You’re FUCKED.
  30. Wild Magic Sorcerer - Roll 3 times on the Wild Magic table. All within 60ft radius are affected by the wild magic emanating from the target
  31. Unseen Servant - Target turns invisible. Acts upon every command you give to it flawlessly. Limited only by its ability scores (they don’t change). Loses ability to speak or think for itself. Will not be around whenever you wake up from your next period of sleep.
  32. Nabassu - target acquires a soul stealing gaze, anyone to look at the target must make a DC 16 Cha saving throw or reduce its maximum hit points by 13 permanently
  33. Giant Squid - the target, upon this successful attack and when panicked or fleeing, squirts copious amounts of ink from their eyes, nose and mouth. Mixed with blood because that’s not supposed to happen, 1d8 dmg. with each use
  34. Werewolf - the target shreds their outer layer of skin revealing blood soaked fur underneath, taking the form of a werewolf and using a werewolf’s stats, with their skin they also shed any physical and mental conditions
  35. Gazer - the target gains the Gazer’s ability to mimic any simple sounds of speech in any language, with the target’s weak eyes it casts Dazing Ray and Fear Ray on itself and collapses into a depressive slump on the floor, screaming in fear in the last voice it heard, unable to flee
  36. Virgin - the target becomes the crucial object in the ritual of the nearest carnal, gluttonous, murderous or heretical cult for their petty god, monster or demon of chosen worship. What will their death summon?
  37. Nupperibo - the target acquires an insatiable hunger consuming any organic material within reach and easy enough to chew if no living opponent is within 30 ft. If the target attacks or is attacked by a living mortal then it can track that opponent flawlessly as it hungers for its flesh. Greater meals or death will cause it to leave you alone
  38. Phoenix - the target explodes and each creature within 60ft must make a DC20 dex save, taking 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The explosion destroys the target's body and leaves behind an egg shaped cinder that weighs 5 pounds. The cinder is lukewarm seeing as the target isn’t an actual phoenix. It is not immune to anything seeing as the target isn’t an actual phoenix. After 1d6 days, it hatches into an infant of whatever race the target was.
  39. Oblex - target becomes amorphous if it isn’t already. Unfamiliar with it’s new form the target slumps into a pile of ooze unable to move, eat or breathe.
  40. Gauth - the target begins to float into the air uncontrollably. With fewer eyes than the Gauth the target is blessed with only Pushing Ray and Sleep Ray, both of which it casts on itself, as it floats snoring into the clouds
  41. Bullywug - the target becomes so repulsive that nature itself will reward you for its demise. If or when the target is killed you are healed to your maximum and your Con. increases by 1. It will be difficult though, because the target can talk to frogs and loves lording their power over you and has absolutely no shame. They immediately give themselves a shitty title that means nothing and will love talking about how every swamp ever is theirs to rule. Oh and they fucking reek, if you get within 10ft you’ll vomit automatically and uncontrollably
  42. Hivemind - the target’s spinal cord vibrates and emits pheromones to call any swarming creatures (rats, insects, birds, etc.) nearby into a frenzy causing them to fall into chaotic bloodlust and whomever the target chooses
  43. Modron - the target loses all mercy and remorse and will fight for their current objective even putting their own lives at risk. The target becomes immune to mind-affecting, emotion-affecting, and magic that draws upon the Positive Energy or the Negative Energy plane. You could quell its pursuit if something with 4 sides or more was able to give orders for it to stop.
  44. Obliviax - you must make a con. save (DC 12) or else the target eats your memory of the last 24hrs and heals for d20+4 health. If you fail, you also lose 1 spell slot if you have one to lose and forget 1 spell randomly, if you know any, each for 24 hours. If you save they still heal as all they have to eat are things that you know but forgot you knew, like that play you really liked that one time
  45. Strandvaskaren - the target is infected with the soul of one who drowned at sea but the waters preserved him in the inch worm gap between life and death and they float neither alive nor dead. The target feels heavy, cold, lungs weak, aware but able to move. The pressure of uncharted waters sits heavy on their chest and their strength is reduced by half rounded down.
  46. Impartial Anima - the target solely relies on a pair of wolf bone dice (or another pair of dice if those go missing) to tell them how to make decisions. 1-10 is a no or negative response. 11-20 is a yes or positive response.
  47. Adventuring Party - the target grows a magnificent mustache as steel armor sprouts from their skin and their hands glow with arcane magicks. Their pockets grow fat with religious symbols as a toddler’s diaper would when it’s stomach is upset. Or when it’s angry. Or even flirty. You sense a celestial presence hover over them as they grip their newly found sword and bow they are obviously skilled at using. You thought you had a fair amount of gold to possibly bribe them with but you realize you walk with a lighter step and at their feet your valuable currency lies in a burlap sack
  48. Seraphim - the target knows nothing but their own feelings and nothing worth nothing ever came out of a book. The only true things, now, are feelings. Anyone who attempts to attack it must save or hesitate in it’s presence. The environment around the target begins to convert into things beautiful and pure. Roll d4
    1. All metal within 50ft turns to gold
    2. The target bleeds from sacred stigmata and the blood turns to rose petals as it falls
    3. Grows wings and if already winged they are instead, actually, held aloft by a flock of doves
    4. They lose their clothing and double in size as their skin turns alabaster white and they wear only a ribbon
  49. Animated Barrel - the target attempts to grapple the nearest opponent and once successful begins to throw itself against walls, down stairs and out windows; enjoying the process. The target takes half damage while the opponent grappled takes double.
  50. Panther - the target speaks all languages and becomes evil (if not already), honorable and utterly merciless. Will chat up it’s victims or give them a head start before murdering them.
  51. Djinn - the target is imprisoned in the nearest vessel and must do their best to fulfill 3 requests for the one who frees them. They are given no additional power to accomplish this.
  52. Barnyard Chimera - the target's head bends backwards horrifically making room for it to grow the heads of a cow, pig and goat. It grows the tails of a goose that spews blinding shit. When killed it splits open, spilling out 3d6 featherless, bloody chickens with red eyes and sharp talons. It runs on malformed horse legs speaking but only repetitious mindless phrases. "How about that weather, huh?" "Well, let's finish up and then have supper." "Aw hell, she's coming out breech."
  53. Psychopomp - the target will become a guide/beacon for one of the hostile souls devoured by The Imperator Scum resurrecting it and freeing it from the trident.
  54. Bell Dragger - the target is imbued with the soul of a wronged martyr. Their eyes go sickly white and they walk on their hands and knees dragging them to bloody stumps. Solely focused on the path to the afterlife, they will forever crawl until they find it. But Bell Draggers are both the summoners and chariot horses for death’s arrival. She will arrive soon.
  55. Watch Lark - the target blooms a random amount of additional eyes all across their face above the nose. They can see through thick foliage and thin walls and all attacks have disadvantage on them as they always see you coming. Disadvantage against being blinded.
  56. Remorhaz - the target’s stomach bubbles a heated secretion that spills from their mouth. The heat from both their mouth and body is strong enough to melt any nonmagical metals. 2d20 dmg. for every turn spent within 5ft of them. The bile is useful to alchemists in making heat related magical items. The target also becomes highly resistant to magic.
  57. Arolohnso, Petty God of Labyrinths - the target using 3 fingers on each hand encircles themself drawing angular, snaking lines in the soil around them. Creating an elaborate maze of which they are the end. The borders drawn become invisible, impenetrable walls that protect them from all things but protect the target of their wrath from nothing. To reach the target, and make them vulnerable, you must draw a line through their maze solving it.
  58. White Lion - the target becomes a Queen/King of a fallen kingdom. No serfs nor servants to pretend to care for them. They’re safer now than they’ve ever been (at least from the dangers of someone else’s hands). Their name and legend and royal blood is all lost to a land that has no gods nor masters any longer. Roll for effect:
    1. They take their life as all of their worth was found in their property. Either by claw, royal dagger or casting themselves off a cliff or into the ocean, etc.
    2. Their crimes as Queen/King are unforgivable and heirs to the wronged will appear behind the target and murder them in cold blood
    3. The conquering challenger to their name/bloodline appears and disembowels them splashing you with their old, freshly-poor blood. They are an unpersuadable antagonist and the target is a pathetic remnants of a now dead kingdom
    4. You are the new Queen/King. To a country side, people and riches unknown. When you find your kingdom your blood will lead you to wine and fresh fruit. The throne will be warm for your arrival. The target feels their royal blood leave them and they become desperate to drink it fresh from your veins to maintain their deific right. Their hostility is doubled.
  59. The Whisperer - Trees whisper. The noise is low, tectonic, incomprehensible. Dial tone static bleeding through the vines of the deepest holts and groves. Spirits dance and gather around antler crowned gods who rule the brazen forest. Soft sounds bloom to life. Elves who hear this music sing to it wringing melodies from the resonances of the treesong. The target collapses into a sobbing heap. They are being wrung dry (poetically) from the beauty of the woodsong. When you’ve obtained comprehension of such extravagant, egoless harmonies what petty life squabble is worth donating your energy towards? The target cares not for your childish conflict any longer. They are possessed by the inability to remember the words to such an old song. One they recognize but do not remember. You can’t help them. They are no ally but no enemy. Pain cures all curses of the mind, though. Do not fetter them with continuing aggression lest you help them lose their place. If so, their hostility will quadruple.
  60. Brave Explorer - the target has a distaste for the beaten path. So much so that it is unable to repeat any action, starting from this effect, becoming more and more unpredictable over time.
  61. Leper - the target’s flesh becomes warped and scaly becoming an offense to your gaze. You can barely look upon them without vomiting on yourself. Unwilling to project your bile in any direction less it crosses your gaze once more. The Target gains expertise on stealth checks both active and passive. DC 14 Con save to resist puking at the sight of them. Once you succeed a check, remain immune to their image for 24 hrs.
  62. Antithetical Spirit - the target’s emotional attachment for the world and its inhabitants become reversed to their present disposition. Do they hate you? Now they love you. Do they want to kill you? Now they want to fuck you. Do they want to eliminate everything you love and make you watch? Now they will kill everything you love in tribute to your limitless beauty and knowledge. Careful how you treat people.
  63. Chadwick - the target is just...un-fucking-bearable to listen to. When they say your name it feels dirty afterwards and you just want to wash your parent’s mouths after the fact. They go on about bird calls as if they don’t have to take a breath to keep going. The target becomes an energy vampire and drains you of any optimism you have for the day and all you want is for this goon to go back to their home to watch the paint dry and not inform you of the oxygen reacting to the resin causing polymerisation of the paint leading to it’s lack of sheen once it’s settled. The rage in you is that equal to a Berserker and you gain the Frenzy trait. But you also suffer the effects of the Slow spell until you save on a Wis DC 15 at the start of your turn or kill the target.
  64. Johann Smiff - the target immediately becomes a stranger to you and anyone who can see them. Their face and identity are so familiar and on the tip of your tongue but sooner to become dismissed as deja vu then remembered. They know who they are. But they are a face in the crowd before anything else to you. The one you knew them to be still exists in your mind but it is certainly not the target. The effect will wear off after the next long rest.
  65. Bay Dolphin - saltwater, freshwater, the target can breathe in either and requires one or the other to do so at all. The target remains highly intelligent, as dolphins are, and retains it’s motor skills and muscle memory. The target will rush to find itself a suitable environment to be able to breathe once more, as a blowhole begins to peer open upon their scalp, but will be able to do so without panic for several minutes. Once they get into the water their constitution and dexterity both become 20 and they are immune to fear.
  66. Atticus Aurelius - the target is imbued with the soul of a famed gladiator from several eras passed. Skilled with any weapon as Atticus was, the target becomes proficient with all physical weapons (improvised or not). Able to command the applause of an audience at the drop of his helmet. If a crowd surrounds you (of any humanoid, undead/constructs or not) the target can command them to boo you and your allies causing you to suffer from the effects of Bane. Or they may cheer the target applying the effects of Bless. No saves. If the audience is unsatisfied at a poor showing or cheating habits their boos and riot will suppress you further applying the effects of Slow. Put on an absolute banger of a show with flourish and skill and their cheers will apply the effects of Haste. No saves.
  67. Jäegerjog - the target’s soul becomes the one born to die at your hand. Sewn into the never ending tapestry of time it is their fate to perish by your influence alone. They know it though you may not. They also know everything about you and they have advantage against you in every aspect as you suffer disadvantage in every reflective aspect. They also can’t be killed by anyone but you.
  68. Dracolich - the target becomes an unwilling phylactery of an ancient Dracolich. Watch the skies…
  69. Rook - the target and all who can see them become one within The Parliament. Each individual is now on trial and must provide a story to be judged by their peers. As the anecdotes unfold more and more blackbirds will arrive and encircle the lot of you to listen in. At the DM’s discretion the one who told the least captivating tale will be pecked to death by the encircling birds, and attacked by any affected N/PC, for 15d10 dmg before they flutter off. No save can be made less you reveal yourself as an outsider and ally yourself with the guilty. (WIS DC 14 for the most rebellious of you). Any shiny trinkets you can throw within the circle will decrease the DC by 1.
  70. Nymph - the target becomes a beacon of inequitable beauty. Their form becomes statuesque to each individual who gaze upon them. Their desire to fight dissipates and they become concerned only with judging others for their beauty. Weak in the knees to the target’s newly bestowed sex appeal, you unwillingly confess to them which part of yourself you hate the most. Confused by their Nymph aura, though they are none. Whoever they take pity on most reduces their CHA score by 1. The target then runs away, believing the mere presence of such filthy, struggling adventurers despoils their presence just by being near. The air of death and rot on you is more present than it’s ever been. You cannot help but stay on your knees as you watch them flee. You are free from their hold once they leave your sight.
  71. Übermensch - the target can perform any action perfectly with mathematical efficiency. Consider every one of their ability scores and rolls a 20 without the proficiency modifier. The target lacks heart and chaos in their soul from this point forward. They can execute all required of them perfectly. There is no surprise in their execution. They will always perform at maximum potential except in the dealings of art. They can be taught, certainly, but without thorough guidance all of their CHA rolls equate to zero regardless of modifiers.
  72. Star-Crossed Lover - a soul torn asunder, the target becomes one half of a harmonious pairing that will bring light and love into this world. A larger piece of the puzzle than you are at this moment. The union of the target and their mysterious lover are victims, but vital players, in a blood feud. Their death(s) will shift the tide in a grand conflict unseen...
  73. Woodland Eidolon - the target's eyes become ovaled and protrude subtly from their head as a nervous fawn’s would. Their skin molts and grows fine ivory hairs as they shiver and freeze. Unblinking. Shallow sharp breaths. A spirit of the woods stands before you and you have the span of a blink to claim your kill or else they are lost to legends told around the campfire once more. Their DEX Skill becomes 20 and all DEX checks and saves are criticals made with advantage. They can outrun your magical influence and know when you’re going to act before you do. But….if the stars are aligned and you land the killing blow (any successful attack is a killing blow)...their trophy will bring you gifts of which you only dreamed
    1. Antlers - netted in a spider’s web wet with morning dew, the glistening beads and weave act as a dream catcher for the most malicious nightmares protecting you from magical influence as you sleep
    2. Pelt - it warms you as a campfire would and as long as you are blanketed by it you are immune to cold and your health regenerates for 4 for every round of combat it’s equipped
    3. Horn - left lying in the dirt it is a sign of something terrible and conquering walking the grounds, an obelisk of bone that prevents predators and ambushes alike within a mile radius. But if you are caught carrying it you are seen as a dishonorable scavenger and your name will be besmirched within the wilds. The pheromones from it act as a subtle aphrodisiac amongst humanoids (not including undead/constructs) and you have prof. in CHA checks
    4. Scrimshaw - an ivory tusk from a Mother Walvis decorated with a sailor’s tale of his time on the seas. The carvings are half finished leaving most of the tusk bare. All stories have an ending and this sailor’s is now yours to tell. This tusk will bring you a boat when you have none. All you must do is find shore. It will also allow you to hold your breath for up to an hour.
  74. Broken Night - the target becomes bored by all they know well. Any extraordinary item they have on their person that they are well acquainted with will equal the value of trash immediately. If they know you well, then their pursuit of you, or risk thereof diminishes entirely. They will respond to threats accordingly but otherwise would prefer something strange and rare to busy themselves. Especially if it is of a teasing nature. If they hold something of interest to you then they are always willing to trade for a more interesting object. Or even a story perhaps.
  75. Neogi - A Neogi can smother a weak mind with some ease. The target’s mind becomes weak. Prey for any who have the ambition to use it for their own bidding until the body collapses. The target becomes cowardice prey. If so inclined, you’re welcome to impose your will upon them. Though so can everyone else. The blank-canvas-welcome of their mindscape has too much potential to pass up. Greedy minds can sniff out the glove-fit of their embryonic potential like a shark for blood. Who says no to a soft body that asks for it?
Edit" Whoof, formatting again
submitted by murder__poet to osr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:52 TurmoiledOut Journal prompts 📝

Journal prompts 📝
I love making prompt lists 🥰
submitted by TurmoiledOut to SafeAgeRegression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:51 Far-Grapefruit-3483 Stay or leave?

We have a 11 year old child , diagnosed adhd, very creative, passionate, struggles with emotional self-regulation, social interactions. Hyper social but wants to control the activities, direct all the games and imagination play. My partner had a rough childhood, was cause of shotgun wedding, accidental pregnancy in a rural conservative area, born to teen mom and barely past teen dad. Both parents unhappy together and resentful. Mother was and still is completely void of maternal instincts or empathy for others. Father was angry and resentful of being trapped. Both treated my partner with complete lack of empathy, lack of affection or validation. Grandparents on one side always distant and disapproving my partner as evidence of their families moral failing. My partner has very high IQ highly sensitive and their parents thought they were dumb and said and did many nasty things that they internalized into adulthood. Not that it would have been ok to withhold love from an unintelligent child, but my partner very perceptive to parents treatment. When we had our child, my partner showed completely atypical responses to all crying, emotional pain, most physical pain, almost like child’s distress warranted at least mockery and at most angediscipline. I intervene then and continue to now to call a halt, call them out, make them retreat. They never admit to being wrong but inside they know and back down when I remind them their childhood was wrong and they were abused. Have had counselling individually and together over years sometimes with improvement but partner always reverts to instincts they were trained in as a child. Counselor told me that child will emulate who they perceive as stronger parent which to them is my partner. When I am mad the child worries I may withhold love, when partner is mad child is afraid of them. There has been no physical abuse but we have fled 3 times over the last decade when my partner escalates temper and seems to lose rational thought, break things. I went to family lawyer secretly several years ago to find out logistics of leaving my partner, at the time they refused to get employment for 6 years no matter how I begged, shamed, negotiated! We separated for a year and my partner transformed, got healthy, got a job, dated me and meditated, barriers came down and self reflection and empathy came out, for awhile, but once back together slowly reverted. I am so unhappy but feel I am holding a bull by the horns. If we leave I worry partner will kill themselves, they have so much potential they just are hard to cohabitate with. and if we don’t hide before telling them we are leaving I worry the first emotional response would be rage and violence. My child loves babies and kids but says does not ever want a human couple relationship because does not want to fight or argue (like us) and I worry that they will be drawn to bipolar partners like my partner as is a common thing with children to grow up attracted to familiar dysfunction! I am not a fearful person but I have been with my partner for almost 20 years and I know them and I feel that every possible result of us leaving will be worse than me holding on, policing them, regulating them, standing up to them to counter their behaviour. I think seeing that is a reason our child is very opinionated, obstinate and brave beyond their years which has bad and good points to it. But I also feel like this path is my sacrificing my dreams and life and possible happiness and potential for peace. I am a tough person but I am so tired and my home is not a relaxing or safe feeling place, it’s a constant alert zone waiting for emotional crisis to handle and I am so scared my child is going to have a sad and tragic life! Has anyone had to weigh a situation like this, do you have any wisdom to share?
submitted by Far-Grapefruit-3483 to bipolarparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:51 VastAdventurous3694 Last card I need! Never completed an album before been playing for a year. I’m excited!

Last card I need! Never completed an album before been playing for a year. I’m excited! submitted by VastAdventurous3694 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:50 Spiritual-Station-51 I wrote a song using AI honoring the victims of CSA within the congregation …

(Verse 1) In the shadows of the kingdom, where trust was meant to grow, Children's cries were silenced, and hearts were filled with woe. Elders turned betrayers, cloaked in robes of shame, But Jehovah sees their suffering, He knows every name.
(Chorus) For every child who's hurting, for every tear they've cried, Jehovah brings His justice, with the truth they can't deny. Retribution's coming, His judgement swift and sure, And in the courts of justice, the guilty won't endure.
(Verse 2) Secrets kept in darkness, wounds that fester deep, But Jehovah's light is shining, His promises we keep. Every hidden whisper, every silent plea, Will echo through the courts, where the truth will set them free.
(Chorus) For every child who's hurting, for every tear they've cried, Jehovah brings His justice, with the truth they can't deny. Retribution's coming, His judgement swift and sure, And in the courts of justice, the guilty won't endure.
(Bridge) No more hiding in the shadows, no more living in the fear, For Jehovah stands as witness, and His judgement will appear. The guilty will be punished, the innocent will rise, And in the light of justice, truth will never compromise.
(Chorus) For every child who's hurting, for every tear they've cried, Jehovah brings His justice, with the truth they can't deny. Retribution's coming, His judgement swift and sure, And in the courts of justice, the guilty won't endure.
(Outro) So hold on to the promise, of a day that's drawing near, When Jehovah's mighty justice will wipe away each tear. In the courts and in His kingdom, where truth and love will reign, Every child will find their healing, free from all their pain.
submitted by Spiritual-Station-51 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:45 thoughtbridge Took me almost a decade to realize that I don't belong in this career (career shift)

Hi! I'm 25y/o. This will be a long post, but I think it's worth sharing.
Ever since i was young, i've been so interested in art, beauty, or fasion, but back then i made myself believe that it wasn't a real career. I studied architecture, bc it is something relevant to art that is conventionally considered as a "real profession". I almost quit on my 2nd yr bc i wasn't happy, I was planning to shift to advertising, but i decided to push through bc my grades aren't that bad so i thought baka if i gave it another shot magustuhan ko na, so I continued doing that and everything went well. My professors and blockmates were even complimenting my works, but no matter how much appreciation i received, i was never truly happy, i never felt fulfilled. The proud moments, were all just fleeting moments.
After grad, pandemic happened, i was so unsure if i still wanted to pursue that profession. Got stuck for 2 yrs doing nothing bc i was so scared of rejection, i felt like if that happens, that will only validate my feeling that i really wasn't good enough in this field. My mindset was, doing nothing is better than trying only to be rejected. YES! That's how bad my mentality was. But i came to a point where i wanted to give it a try. I got hired naman, but sobrang bilis lang din ng experiences ko sa companies bc i always had issues with my previous employers. Kung hindi sobrang mampressure, verbally abusive, or overwork, sobrang baba naman ng salary like no bs, mababa talaga. To cut it short, ang daming turns ng archi journey ko, and di talaga ako nafufulfill sa ginagawa ko no matter how much effort and hardwork i put in.
During my unemployed stage, I knew that i had to do something to earn, I started selling different stuff, mainly fashion pieces. Until I discovered my interest in creating contents, mainly about makeup. Grabe efforts ko lagi in making videos, my creative juices are just overflowing. In everything that i do, may naiisip akong content then i film it right after. I get excited whenever I get to do another content or even when I'm planning about my future career. Like shocks ganto pala feeling ng may pangarap. Honestly, I am still full of uncertainties, but now I have this drive to make my dream a reality. Never have i imagined that I will be having a vision, a goal, a mission to fulfill. My fire was there all along, I just didn't see that bc i was walking towards a different direction.
That was when i realized that i was never lazy. I was never immature for not bearing up with abusive employers. I was never a failure. I just didn't like what i do. Maybe the reason why there were so many twists and turns in my archi journey was to make me realize that I wasn't made for that. Those experiences, the good and the bad, make me appreciate more what I have now. It's true what they say, what's meant to be yours will always find its way back to you.
For the first time in my life, I can confidently answer the question "how do you see yourself 10yrs from now?"
submitted by thoughtbridge to phcareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:44 Zeddblidd The Dark Secret of Harvest Home (1978)

2024-228 / Zedd MAP: 77.35 / MLZ MAP: 90.20 / Score Gap: 12.85
Wikipedia / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
For those of us that’s read books like The White Goddess, The Golden Bough, or The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, there was very little secret in Harvest Home. ((Muhahaha, er I mean…)) you know - books read for academic purposes. Folk horror has never felt like horror to either of us, more like an easy pick for “which genre fits your real life”.
From IMDb: A young couple moves to a quiet New England village, only to soon find themselves mixed up in mysterious rituals.
Mrs. Lady Zedd has been keen to get this one in the machine since we managed to snag a copy of it earlier in the year. We first caught sight of it through the documentary Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror which came in the compendium set, All the Haunts Be Our from Severin. It should be noted this was originally a limited TV series that ran 5 hours - this presentation (sans commercial breaks) ran about 2 hours. The reedit, bedsides counting against the year’s 500, ran very smooth story-wise… makes you wonder what those missing hours contained (yikes, right?) we’re choosing to assume this cut was the “best parts version”.
You probably noticed a fairly large score gap between our MAPs - it’s a solid pagan fertility worship story and we can both agree - Bette Davis doing a bunch of “spooky assed old lady” roles in her twilight years - yeah, we’re fans of that decision. Beyond that I needed her to explain what she was seeing that I missed.
“I’m not sure this is a case of me seeing something you missed - maybe more like you found the low quality production values more detracting that I did.” She says.
It’s true - detracting or just straight distracting, I’d have found the production more enjoyable if the video and sound weren’t so murky - this looked like a VHS to DVD transfer - I’ll take what I can get here, it’s not a complaint just noting the reality.
Home plans may have shifted with our vet emergency this week but today felt a lot more settled. Brunnhilde is settling into her new normal and us along with it. I can tell you today was the first day since Tuesday that I didn’t feel like I was living minute to minute… more like whole hour to hour at a time. Take it as it comes. We’re both very appreciative of our circle of friends (including you) during this bump in the road.
Movie on.
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:41 SilverEnd1208 Katie Noel (Chat GPT Song) Pt: 4 (Locked Up & Gangsta Bop / Akon Cover / Remix) Lyrics.

Verse 1: I'm steady tryna find the motive (motive) Why I do what I do? The freedom ain't getting no closer (closer) No matter how far I go My car is stolen (stolen) No registration ('stration) Cops patrollin' (patrollin') Now they done stop me and I get locked up
See nowadays seems like 'erbody wanna be killas Gorillas gettin' high off they weed and liquor, you die quicker Paramedics drive back slow to the hospital You get pronounced dead at four to the hospital
Chorus: Locked up, they won't let me out I’m lost in this maze and there’s no way out Dreams of freedom, but all I get is doubt Locked up, they won't let me out No, they won't let me out
Verse 2: Shackled and chained, another day gone by Watchin' the world through a caged bird's eyes Friends turn foes, and the truth becomes lies And every night I pray, asking the Lord why
Family broken, heart wide open Mind in a daze, emotions keep chokin' Behind these bars, it’s hard to keep hopin' But I stay strong, gotta keep on floatin'
Chorus: Locked up, they won't let me out I’m lost in this maze and there’s no way out Dreams of freedom, but all I get is doubt Locked up, they won't let me out No, they won't let me out
Bridge: Memories of the streets, they keep on callin' Echoes of my past, they keep on hauntin' Tears fall down, but I keep on walkin' Behind these walls, time keeps on stallin'
See the sun rise, then I see it set Another day gone, another night I sweat Dreamin' of the life I ain't lived yet Hoping for a chance, ain't given up yet
Chorus: Locked up, they won't let me out I’m lost in this maze and there’s no way out Dreams of freedom, but all I get is doubt Locked up, they won't let me out No, they won't let me out
Outro: One day I’ll break these chains, find my way Til' then, I’m here, in this cell, I’ll stay But my spirit’s free, and I keep the faith Locked up, but my soul won’t break Locked up, but my soul won’t break
Locked up, they won't let me out No, they won't let me out Locked up, they won't let me out No, they won't let me out
submitted by SilverEnd1208 to u/SilverEnd1208 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:38 SylvioHalpert [For Sale] The “Having a baby is expensive” sale! (Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Bad Omens, Glass Casket, Dance Gavin Dance, Bieber, Iron Maiden, the Lonely Island, The Midnight, Rex OC, Thornhill, Dayseeker) Many titles under $10

All titles are priced below Discogs for the specific variant I’m selling. All records are in great condition. No scratches as far as I’m aware of, comes from a smoke free home, all have been spun multiple times. The packaging may have some slight wear on edges/corners, but not bad. These are more priced to sell and enjoy, not necessarily for pristine collections. I’m willing to send pics if requested.
Shipping to CONUS for $5 for 1 record, then $1 additional for each after, if buying multiple. PayPal G&S ONLY.
Titles I’m selling:
Actor Observer- Pareidolia $8 (coke bottle clear)
Ryan Adams- Gold $30 (black)
Aenimus- Dreamcatcher $10 (purple w/ black splatter)
Alien Weaponry- Tangaroa $20 (teal)
All Pigs Must Die- Nothing Violates This Nature $9 (black)
Anamanaguchi- Summer Singles $20 (white)
Architects- Lost ForeveLost Together $15 (black)
At the Drive In- Interalia $12 (clear w/ purple splatter)
Atreyu- Long Live $15 (black)
Bad Omens- Live + Unplugged $60 (RSD release, magenta inside clear w/ black splatter)
Beat Connection- Product 3 $5 (clear blue)
Beneath the Massacre- Fearmonger $18 (yellow)
Justin Bieber- Changes $20 (red)
Justin Bieber- Justice $15 (silver)
Black Table- Sentinel EP $7 (black)
Bleeding Through- Love Will Kill All $20 (clear w/ black splatter)
Caliban- Zeitgeister $13 (black)
Carnifex- Hell Chose Me $28 (red)
Carnifex- World War X $13 (gold)
Tyler Carter- Moonshine $12 (black/blue split w/ yellow splatter)
Chelsea Grin- Self Inflicted $10 (orange)
Coldplay- A Rush of Blood… $17 (black)
Convictions- I Will Become $18 (black)
Counterparts- Tragedy Will Find Us $15 (silveblack split)
Counterparts- Nothing Left To Love $20 (black inside red w/ black splatter)
Dance Gavin Dance- Mothership $40 (black 180gram)
Dance Gavin Dance- Afterburner $30 (picture disc)
Dayseeker- What It Means… $25 (tigers eye)
Dayseeker- Origin $30 (silver)
Depths of Hatred- Inheritance $20 (black/red split)
Doc Robinson- Licks $10 (black)
Dream State- Primrose Path $16 (white)
Drug Church- Cheer $22 (clear w/ red splatter)
Eisley- I’m Only Dreaming… Of Days Long Past $12 (pink)
Ether Coven- The Relationship… $16 (green/silver smash)
Fit For a King- Descendents $30 (blue/white smash)
Fit For a King- The Path $20 (white/gold smash w/ black splatter)
Frontieres- La Trilogie Insomnia $30
Frontieres- La Trilogie Menace $30
Galactic Empire- s/t $40 (cleaorange split w/ splatter)
Glass Casket- DMD $55 (frankenflame)
Glass Casket- s/t $35 (frankenflame)
Mindy Gledhill- Winter Moon $20 (black)
God Is An Astronaut- Beginning… $16 (2xLP black)
Gorgoroth- Instinctus Bestialis $12 (clear orange)
Great Grief- Love, Lust, and Greed $14 (cloudy pink)
Happy Fits- Awfully A’Peeling $12 (yellow)
Hate Eternal- $15 (red)
Hollow Earth- Silent Graves $10 (purple)
Holy Fawn- Dimensional Bleed $22 (coke bottle clear)
Brittany Howard- Jaime Reimagined $10 (black inside neon pink)
I Am Abomination- To Our Forefathers $20 (clear w/ white, orange, and blue splatter)
I Prevail- Heart Vs. Mind/Lifelines $40 (clear w/ blue blob, clear w/ orange blob)
I Prevail- Trauma $20 (clear green)
In Hearts Wake- Skydancer $12 (clear yellow)
Iron Maiden- Senjutsu $23 (silver)
Issues- Headspace $25 (clear w/ purple splatter)
King Gizzard- Live in London $47 (2xLP, Black w/ holograph, yellow w/ black and white splatter)
Knuckle Puck- 20/20 $10 (black)
Knuckle Puck- Disposable Life EP $15 (cherry red)
Lamb of God- Live in Richmond $10 (black)
Last 10 Seconds of Life- s/t $8 (silver in clear w/ black splatter)
Lonely Island- Turtleneck and Chain (No dvd) $80 (black)
Lonely Island- The Wack Album (no dvd) $25 (black)
Lord Dying- Poisoned Altars $8 (black)
Nick Luca- Line of Sight $12 (black)
The Maples- Nocturnal Play $10 (purple transparent w/ purple splatter)
Martyrdöd- Elddop $6 (black)
Meg and Dia- happysad $8 (pink Galaxy)
Meg and Dia- December, Darling $8 (white w/ gold splatter)
The Midnight- Change Your Heart… $35 (light blue)
Moody Blues- Live at the BBC $22 (3xLP, light blue, dark blue, yellow)
Motives- This World, Not Dead… $8 (clear red)
Northlane- Node 7” Collection $22 (11x clear 7”s)
Parkway Drive- Killing With a Smile $15 (black)
Poppy- I Disagree $60 (black/white smash)
Prep- Futures EP $10 (blue transparent)
Real Friends- Torn In Two $10 (clear w/ mint, pink, blue splatter)
Refused- Freedom $7 (black)
Rex OC- Who Cares? $10 (black)
Rings of Saturn- Gidim $17 (Orange)
Olivia Rodrigo- Sour $15 (transparent blue, alternate artwork)
Schematic- Color Inside the Lines $10 (2xLP, blue)
Secret Band- LP2 $22 (clear w/ yellow, orange, blue splatter)
Seizures- The Sanity Universal $18 (2xLP, clear and black)
Seizures- Reveries $22 (neon Orange)
Shreddy Krueger- Deeper, Darker $8 (clear)
Skyharbor- Sunshine Dust $12 (red)
Sleep On It- Pride & Disaster $8 (black)
State Faults- Resonate/Desperate $12 (black)
State Faults- Clairvoyant $10 (red)
Surprises- Natural Disaster $15 (neon purple)
Svalbard- When I Die, Will I Get Better $22 (violet/orange/white smash w/ splatter)
Thornhill- Dark Pool $55 (baby blue/black smash)
Thornhill- Heroine $28 (gold nugget)
Thy Art Is Murder- Human Target $30 (black/brown smash)
Underoath- Erase Me $13 (acid green)
Venom Prison- Erebos $13 (black)
Vexed- Culling Culture $8 (black)
Vita and the Woolf- Anna Ohio $8 (clear w/ blue and pink splatter)
Walk the Moon- Heights $6 (black)
Waxwing- One For the Ride $18 (cleaopaque blue)
Wear Your Wounds- Rust on the Gates... $12 (2xLP, black)
The Wedding- s/t $30 (2xLP, black)
Whitechapel- Kin $30 (2xLP, black in transparent blue)
Woes- Awful Truth $15 (red/purple split)
Deathgasm soundtrack $45 (2xLP, Black w/ silver splatter, white w/ black splatter)
Edward Scissorhands $35 (clear blue w/ white splatter)
Frozen II $6 (black)
Halloween Kills $27 (clear w/ red and white splatter, art edition)
Me and You and Everyone We Know $6 (blue marble)
Righteous Gemstones (no 7”) $40 (2xLP, gold and white)
submitted by SylvioHalpert to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]