Bull mating video

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2009.11.29 19:43 chewxy Learn Math

Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023](https://reddark.untone.uk/) and [the top 255 subreddits](https://save3rdpartyapps.com/) (even those that never joined the protest).

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Welcome to Formula1, the best independent online Formula 1 community!

2009.09.03 10:50 vincepettit World Rally Championship

A subreddit for news, pictures, videos, and discussions related to the World Rally Championship.

2024.06.09 12:02 lou95reddit How can you do this effect ?

How can you do this effect ?
Do you know the video Bulls on Parade ? Well if you didn't go check it out, it's a really good song.
But during the video there is a video effect when the band is playing, and I don't what it is.
I really like this effect so if someone know what can it be, or have any trails that would be nice ! :)
(Screenshot of the effect in question)
submitted by lou95reddit to editing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:11 TheMailNeverFails Am I the only one who feels like they need a partner to actually get these half-finished tracks over the line?

I've been using FL Studio for over 10 years, and over that time I've made some really solid music progressions, beats, vibes, etc. I have never finished a track though..
I feel like I'm lacking something to bring it all together into a coherent song. To this extent, I've found myself moving the goal-posts in ways such as deciding "Oh, I'll just make video-game music" as that can focus on the highlights of a track, the hook, and not need so much of an intro or gradient into the meat and potatoes.
I've sometimes thought maybe the answer is making music for rappers to verse on top of, as that way the music itself is not the primary focus, and can somewhat less dynamic. I've found that ripping random acapellas off of Youtube is a great way to get some work done by creating a sort of guide to set the pace around.
Other times, I've come to a realisation that I might just end up with a bunch of concise 90 seconds tracks that I could whack on Soundcloud for somebody in the future to happen-upon, Like the audio equivalent of short-stories or skits.
I grew up listening to the likes of Koan Sound, Nero, Daft Punk, among other duos that were presumably greater than the sum of their parts. Now these guys are all far, far more dedicated to the art of producing I could ever be, but I do wonder; What could I achieve if I had a mate with a similar taste in music, that could enable me (and me, them) to really persevere and get shit done.
I've been hitting a wall for so long that I'm actually finding it harder to get a track off the ground as my passion has begun to wane. I really need some radical change in my process.
Any insights are welcomed.
submitted by TheMailNeverFails to edmproduction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:10 Siriusstar33 Deckies, do you regret not going engine? If so why?

Besides the obvious shoreside opportunities which I believe is the main difference between deck and engine, do you regret going deck?
I'm asking because I'm at a point where I need to decide engine vs deck and I'm pretty much leaning deck at the moment after watching countless videos on yt about both professions. Honestly I wouldn't mind engine if the work environment wasn't so horrible. I would rather get sunlight, breathe fresh air and have an amazing view at all times while working than being in an extremely hot and loud engine room breathing toxic fumes.
Plus I see myself doing this for a long time (being in this industry) since it perfectly suits my lifestyle. I'm 26, no wife/gf, no kids and pretty much the only family members that I have and care about are my mother and sister. I talk to my cousins too but one of them is already a 2nd mate and I'd most likely work with him since I'm going to the same company that he's in.
submitted by Siriusstar33 to maritime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:15 julius544 So I have already 2x on Kendu Inu, and it’s been 3 days.

So I have already 2x on Kendu Inu, and it’s been 3 days.
Anybody who lost money here, come fix it with Kendu Inu. KenduInu.com. Market cap just hit 100 M with plans to push it to 10B so we have way more room to grow, and it’s still early.
Kendu Inu is led by @KenduMiazaki, and draws inspiration from the past when cryptocurrency communities thrived on shared passion and camaraderie. Miyazaki aims to recapture that spirit by fostering a strong community that unite the six native Japanese dog breeds.
Today’s cryptocurrency market can be a harsh landscape, filled with jaded investors and fleeting trends, but with resolve, Miazaki emerged from his retreat to channel the spirit of past bull runs through Kendu Inu, the uniter of these breeds. Armed with an unshakeable vision, he ventured out once again into the surging markets of 2024, where souls are jaded and jeets run rampant.
Watch the epic Kendu Inu intro video! Kendu Inu stands as a beacon against the division and chaos in the cryptocurrency world, planting the seeds of camaraderie and fostering a supportive ecosystem. This community-centric approach is a key pillar of Kendu Inu’s potential for greatness with the simple motto:
“We do not gamble, we work.”
The Kendu Inu Ecosystem:
Kendu Inu embodies peace, preserving life and protecting unity. Kendu Inu fosters a strong sense of community and camaraderie Kendu Inu fosters artists in it’s rapidly emerging billion-dollar meme ecosystem. Daily AMAs and Spaces:Want the latest alpha? Tune in to their daily Ask Me Anything (AMAs) and Spaces sessions Check out what the influencers are saying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRuYXRPrieU Recent Pump and Early Days:
Kendu Inu recently experienced a MASSIVE PUMP, with a 100% surge. But hold on tight! These are just the very early days of the Kendu Army. Investors should act quickly to get in on the action. 📈
submitted by julius544 to ShibaBUDZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 vanessabaxton All the questions and answers to the Stuart AMA - 2024/06/06 - 1/2

Number Question Answer Topics Answer Link
1 Can we expect a collaboration with an Anime series or a cartoon ? Is there any particular series you'd love to see us collaborate with? Anime Collaboration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7demrc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
2 When will u make more archer queen skins with the feet out There's a wonderful deco we have coming out in July I think you'll love! AQ Feet Decoration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dqqd1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
3 I'm actually really curious about this one.. whats the reason behind the decision to implement such game changing balance changes in the middle of cwl? We wanted to get the balance changes out before the June update but we ran late on getting them finished. It's unfortunate and we'll try and avoid this in future. Balance Changes Timing https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dcap3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
4 What does the future of builder base look like?It seems we went silent yet again after rework. Also now that versus battle has been removed, is there any scope for clan based event for builder base? Although we're proud of the work we did with the BB2.0 update and made its core gameplay much more fun, I think we still didn't answer the question of what is the Builder Base is for and why couldn't we just do the cool stuff there in the Home Village. And that's something we need to figure out still. In the meantime we felt the focus on Builder Base and Clan Capital in the last few years had come at the expense of long overdue improvements on the Home Village, so we decided to focus this year just on the Home Village. Builder Base and Clan Capital https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dnl9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
5 Will there be something new in Builder Base or Clan Capital related to Main village that will urge players to play more Builder Base and Clan Capital. Currently we have - Builder Base - Gear Up,Gem Mine Clan Capital - Raid Medal for Reinforcement and Trader shop We're not sure on the team if this is really the right way to proceed. We don't want players to play BB and CC just to get a benefit in the Home Village. That's not respectful of your time and it's unclear if it's better for the game. We're still thinking about how these three parts should relate in future. Builder Base and Clan Capital Integration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dpdyz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
6 Hey Stuart! Im a th15 strategic rusher and I was wondering: -are going to be ways to catch up with ores if you missed out on events in the past? I got back to playing clash about 3 month ago, just after fireball equipment so I used my saved up gems to buy gg fa and fb. -is it possible to add all epic equipment in new events so that people that missed out could get them without spending 1500 gems? Make them the same price as the new epic so that you can catch up by buying the pass or extra event resources. Hey welcome back! For making equipment available, we have talked about having a selection of epic equipment for medals as you described. But the pricing and when we haven't decided yet. Catching Up with Missed Events https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dc4qj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
7 Hi Stuart, Apologize if some of these have been already asked. Feel free to answer any or all: 1: Any plans to address that annoying "Clan name covering up inferno mode glitch"? There's workarounds for regular wars but in legends and when attacking you really need to zoom in and even then it's hard to tell. 2: Any possibility of changing replays so that they show the real time relative to the attacker? For example, if my clanmate clutched out an attack with 1 second left the replay won't really show that (unless you're counting the full 3 minutes from the start) 3: Continuing on with replays, is there any possibility of an updated UI to show which hero equipment are being used? This is moreso for when you're on youtube or some other media player and can't click on the hero to see. This would be a great addition for spectators of esports for clash 4: Will there be any more updates for the tutorial levels? Those could go a long way for some of the newer players. They could even teach "fundamentals" rather than full-on attacks. 5: Last question, more of a curiosity: What is the tiebreaker for war weight when 2 players are the exact same. Subsequently, what is the tiebreaker for when 2 clanmates both have 4,000 clan games points, and also when they both have the same number of stars/destruction for cwl? Cheers! Not sure it exactly solves your problem but we have a feature coming up in the June update that maybe helps a bit with your annoyance with Clan names. It'll let you tap on anything to see its range, level and mode more clearly. Clan Name Covering Glitch https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dnyb7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
8 Will there be new Perks for Clan Levels? Like Level 20 Clan having Perks of donation level +3. We're extremely unlikely to introduce new functional perks but possibly some cosmetic perks might come at some point. Clans https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d3cwv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
9 Will there be any member space increase for Clans? May be 60/70? Probably not. Clans https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d8wne/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
10 Hi Stuart! More and more communities are growing around clash of clans, from clan families/alliances to community esports groups. Being heavily involved in both, are there any plans to help expand and support these types of communities? Recent QoL changes have been great on both fronts (updated chat, friendly wars during regular wars). Just curious if anything else is on the horizon. Very excited for an update on in-game recruitment as well. Current systems outside of the game are difficult to navigate as a large group. On families/alliances. We still want to focus on the individual Clan experience with more changes and improvements before thinking about how families/alliances might work. On recruitment I answered that in another question. Clans, Alliances https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d9nae/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
11 I just looked at the image you posted a bit closer and the posters in the background seem to be from the clash fest mini games :0. Is there any chance those games will return at some point? I personally really liked them, especially the kart one Let's see what we do for our next big anniversary when we turn 15 in 2027! Clash Fest Mini Games https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dlyka/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
12 Star Wars X Clash of Clans collab possible? Which Star Wars character would you want to see each Hero skinned as? Collaborations https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d548t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
13 Hey Stuart, how do you see the competitive scene shaping up in Clash this year at Worlds? Will we see similar 3 star rates? In another post I talked about the Hard Mode we're introducing. We'll work with the competitive scene and others to tune the difficulty there so we have a Worlds as exciting as last year. Competitive Scene https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7ddk9l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
14 Are Supercell affiliated content creators with creator codes allowed to speak their mind about Supercell games? I've always wondered if they are allowed to cover certain issues and say negative things about Supercell games. Yes, and lots of our creators do bring up issues they hear from their audiences and it's always super useful to us when they do. Content Creator Freedom https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dm5q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
15 Is there any consideration towards giving the Air Sweeper new levels that are either purely cosmetic to match the base, or perhaps have a very minor hit point upgrade and a new cosmetic design? It matches pretty well with TH16 currently, but not with multiple town halls before that and probably not with most future town halls. Yeah we've had considered the cosmetic/HP only Air Sweeper levels a few times on the team but it always felt like an unsatisfying upgrade. We also briefly experimented with giving the Air Sweeper an extra damage effect BUT we didn't find something that was meaningful without killing certain air strategies. Cosmetic Upgrades https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dlmdw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
16 What's the big update team is working on? Like Clan War League,Clan Capital was being worked on since long time. Currently we're working on a mix of more medium sized things than another megaproject like Clan Capital. That's working better for us to bring y'all improvements and cool things steadily. Capital took about two years of development and that was a bit much, especially given how small the team was then. Current Projects https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dd2t6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
17 Hello Stuart, I have 2 questions I want to ask you about CWL. Is there a reason why in CWL there can only be 15 people or 30 people at once participating in rounds? And is there plans to make options for 20 to 25 people participating in CWL (Below champions league), to be a thing in the future? It basically comes down to making sure we have enough Clans at different sizes in each League for things to behave sensibly. That's the reason we didn't extend the 30 size group into Champions League. It's something we've talked about making more flexible but no concrete commitment yet sorry! CWL https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d5mzz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
18 Hi Stuart, are there plans to add more leagues above Champions 1 to CWL, like Titan 3 etc? Also, any plans to add tiers on the Legend League based on trophies? More CWL leagues and multiplayer leagues is something we've discussed doing but there's no concrete plan for when that might happen. With Legends League there's many different reasons people are there and it currently isn't so well serving all of those needs from folk seeking the best competition, to folk who are just very active ending up there. We need to think how this could work better for everyone. CWL, Multiplayer https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d2mg4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
19 when will we get epic equipment for Royal Champion? Soon! Epic Equipment for Royal Champion https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dc6a3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
20 Hi! I believe this will be a great opportunity to ask this question! For the future of Clash of Clans, since there are now many event troops added to the game, will there be a possibility to add a barrack for those troops? As bases gets more and more complex throughout the updates, having a bigger variety for attacks would not only encourage players to play more, but also to have a crazier and more amazing attacks to watch in the pro scene! I do understand that some event troops may be OP, so some could be reworked/nerfed and it could work similar to the super troop barrack, where you can only activate a certain amount of those troops One of the things we like about event troops is that they're only around for a short while. That lets us go a bit wilder and weirder sometimes than if something was gonna be in the game forever. Sorry to disappoint but it's very unlikely we'd let people use event troops "out of season". Maybe if we had the equivalent of a "creative" mode we could let players try out all the chaos though? Then there's no worries about balance. Event Troops, Game Modes https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d8ry0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
21 yo nice to see you chatting with the public whats your fav hero? Currently it's the AQ but I think some of the new hero concepts we've playtested have the potential to dethrone her. Favorite Hero https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7ddxuw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
22 Can we have Final Fantasy theme including all heroes’ skins? Which Final Fantasy characters would you want to see skins for each Hero as? Final Fantasy Collaboration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dn5g5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
23 Is archer queen freaky? Not as freaky as the way some of you out there talk about her feet 🙈 Freaky Archer Queen https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7depw3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
24 Hi Stewart! Few Q’s for you, appreciate whatever you’re able to get around to answering. State of the game: How do you envision the state of esports going forward & how do you plan to tackle the current state of balance - for example are there any plans to create a separate balance state for players competing in leagues / tournaments & how far would this extend to everyday areas of the game? i.e cwl / legends / war Both wars & legend league have remained largely unchanged since their inception & whilst they’re both still enjoyable cornerstones of the game, they’ve grown to become repetitive / stale in their current format at times - does the team have any plans to breathe new life into these modes? QoL: Obstacles that have been previously moved with a shovel but are not currently stashed are required to be re-placed every time you open a new layout through the link feature. Would it be possible to change this so that they remain fixed in position by default? Any plans to revamp donating to make it less awkward so that you’re not required to manually retrain & drag & delete your army every time you donate? i.e some sort of auto-queue feature Could we see more skin randomiser customisation options / presets in future? i.e a day / night scenery randomiser & a toggle for matching hero skins & sceneries? Any plans to finish pre-existing skin lines? eg. clockwork champ I’d love to have the option to listen to the ambient scenery background sounds unique to each scenery w/o the scenery music, is this something you’d consider implementing if feasible? Furthermore some of the older sceneries lack custom scenery music - is something you plan to extend to the rest of them? So many questions. I'll answer the first one! We're planning to introduce an optional Hard Mode that can be used for Friendly Challenges and Friendly Wars. This will be introduced in our June update. The exact settings of what that mode will be are still TBD and the plan is to make further adjustments to it based on community feedback. It would be used for the world finals this year. We'll think about if and how we might use this in other areas of the game. The skill gap in our players is extremely wide. Some are wanting a really tough experience while others, who are still very loyal active players are looking for something more chill. It was clear from TH15 that we overshot the mark on what that more casual audience were looking for. We're hoping to give players more choice in difficulty and their experience in future. Friendly Challenges, Competitive Play https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d4bwv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
25 Hello Stuart. How come your team has decided to nerf the defence at th10-th15 even when the game has already been made easier in December 2023? Surely with the new hero equipment which gave a massive boost to the heroes the game didn't need to get any easier right? I am asking since there was a big backlash after the first wave of defence nerfs so nerfing the defences for a second time wouldn't that make the game too easy for those who are looking for a challenge? Lastly, will there anything be added to clash of clans in the future to those who would like a challenge? Like a challenge mode to clan wars (one attack clan wars or clan wars that remain the same but with buffed defence or restricted cc etc). Thank you so much for hosting this AMA Stuart and I wish your team the best when it comes to developing clash of clans in the future. We have set targets on the 3 star rates we'd like to see at different Town Halls. As we add more Town Halls and speed up the progression, what used to be the endgame hardest content ends up actually turning up pretty early in player's time with the game. Town Hall 12 actually had the 2nd lowest 3 star rate for a while recently. So we will always need to go make adjustments to get things back on track. Part of the long-term solution here is also to build better tools for players to learn better strategies. The game actually does a terrible job of making that discoverable right now without going outside of the game and watching creator videos. We'd definitely want to improve on this and happy to hear people's ideas on what might work here. I've posted elsewhere about our Hard Mode idea we're testing out for those looking for a harder challenge. Hopefully this lets players tune their experience better, and we hope in the long-run we can help more players level up their skills and enjoy the game's full challenges. Game Balance, Competitive Play https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d7l83/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
26 Do you like the way the game is going? Yes. I wish I could time travel a few years in the future to bring you back all the cool stuff we've been talking about on the team. But unfortunately that's not possible. More than doubling the size of the team last year was tough and it gave us a bunch of issues. Unfortunately some of those spilled out to you all in the form of more bugs/oversights than we would have wanted. But we've improved our processes and the bigger team is needed for us to improve the game. I think we are doing more at once than we've managed in the past so we can bring you that dream future version faster. Thanks for the patience bearing with us while we get there. Game Direction https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dekep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
27 Why isn't there a mechanic that incentives game time or time on app? As an active player, I am almost always ONLY waiting for builders and almost always with full storages (or close enough that there's zero point doing anything). It actually incentivizes me to play less or not at all. Why not a small builder boost per attack star earned (relative to league placement)? Eg. if you 3 star a base in Titan, you get a 10 minute builder boost or something. Seems counterintuitive to voluntarily limit play time and time on app. There should be some reward, even small, for wanting to play more. Our timers are too long and we are working to bring them down. We agree too often active people get blocked with nothing to do by timers. But we also don't want those active players to run out of things to upgrade and are playing for. So we want to introduce more systems to the game that let us add more to do and play for. It'll take time to build those systems but as we have more of them our average timers will shrink. At the same time at Supercell we don't believe infinite play time is healthy for players in the long run either. So having timers and similar mechanics is needed somewhat. We don't want Clash to be a game where people feel they have to play X hours a day, as that discourages people from even trying it. Game Timer Balance https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7doxrf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
28 How are you I'm pretty good. Thanks for asking. It's been fun answering questions. How are you? General Well-being https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dnr1h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
29 Why did you remove the little grass overlay from th16 buildings? They look like they float now. This is what it looks like in buildings for th15 and below. Can you bring it back please? The grass overlays looked really odd on those smoother floored sceneries (Shadow Scenery). But the floatiness on grass sceneries without em isn't ideal. We're trying to figure out a technical solution that won't involve having double the download size of all our buildings. Grass Overlay Issue https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dddfg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
30 Can you colab with gundam please? Maybe a mecha PEKKA? Gundam Collaboration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dq1r4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
31 I just came to say hello. 👋 Hello https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dqt2x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
32 Are there or any plans at all to improve heroes? Like I wanna be able to still use heroes whilst they're upgrading. I think that speeds up or atleast makes the process feel just a bit better. Yes. We've got a plan to try something out in the summer. Hope you like it! Heroes, Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d7p0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
33 Why Archer Towers,Cannons are not getting new level in Th16? We plan to eventually merge them all away into Multi-Archer Towers and Ricochet Cannons. But we didn't want to drop the number of buildings too much from TH15 to TH16. So it might take a bit. Apologies to those disturbed by the disharmony in the aesthetics! Home Village https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d1ej0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
34 As per latest report, coc would be releasing new townhall level after every 12 month. Even though there are curs being made at cost or time for upgrades, for low level townhall catching up sure seems impossible. And walls after th14 is a nightmare unless the game has already been beaten. How would this be addressed? 2. Due to the limited size of home Village, with new Townhall levels, there will be limited building that can be added, there's not much fun in it, if new buildings or elements don't come in from time to time right? How will this be addressed We will keep up with cost and time cuts to upgrades in order to help lower level folk catch up. We have quite a big set coming in our June update. I agree Wall costs are a bit silly and we should probably think again. Originally they were a bit of a stretch goal for loot to get sunk in. But maybe the game doesn't need that now there's more things to do. Our plan is to use merging more in future to keep the number of buildings in the Village reasonable. That gives us the space to introduce more new buildings with future Town Hall releases. Our current thinking is new defenses are exciting for a few Town Halls and then become less interesting. So your village should always be filled with relatively new and interesting defenses, even if that means sadly waving goodbye to that first Cannon you upgraded way back when you started. Home Village https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d28ac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
35 Hi Stuart, Any hints/clues you could give the community for TH17? And how is the progress going on with the TH17 project, have you decided a theme, signature defence, possible new hero etc...? Thank you! We've decided on the theme. And we're maybe 80% sure we're gonna merge the Eagle Artillery into the Town Hall so we move on from infernoy beams after 4 Town Halls with that. But don't worry, we'll come up with something new and signaturey (though we don't know what is yet) Home Village https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d4qi3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
36 Hi Stuart! Thanks for the Q+A, I had a few questions myself. Is merging required to upgrade to TH17? is this the plan from now on when creating new THs? That everything has to be merged to get new buildings? Clash thrives on a social battlefront, and I knew I have more fun in clans with my friends, it can make any grind less tedious. But it has always felt like it was lacking that little bit EXTRA you know? Some possible updates that my friends have made up were: Self Clan Wars: Start a quick war within your own clan to practice without the stress of needing a 3 star every time. It could be a separate tab, similar as to how you can see prep day for the following day in CWL. An auto-Donate replacement feature (can be toggled on and off), where the troop you donate is instantly remade and shuffled to the front, would be a nice QoL change This sounds really stupid, but like, maybe a friendly mode where you can attack with modifiers to spice it up. IE: Defenses do 1.5x damage BUT you have 10 xtra spell slots, or the defensive targeting is switched. just stupid crap like that can bring a little life into an attack. I'm so glad you are doing this Q+A and if you get around to reading mine, thank you so much. We all love your game and are excited to see what's to come! Hey! Yes, merging all possible buildings will be an upgrade requirement for TH17 and beyond. So all of you out there, get upgrading those rushed archer towers and cannons. We have talked about letting players do more weird stuff with custom modifiers to create your own ridiculous scenarios to goof about with (or get super serious and keep cranking the difficulty higher and higher) Home Village, Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d6ify/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
37 Where is ice wizard [ Removed by Reddit ] Ice wizard https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dpty?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
38 I would like to be a part of clash of clans or to be precise, I would like to work for supercell. I am a product designer ( not UI ). Where should I start Check out https://supercell.com/en/careers/ to see if there's anything that sounds like it matches your skillset and our company social media accounts share new job openings. Job Opportunities https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dltmz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
39 When can we expect the june update ? We're aiming for June 17th. The team's working on bug fixes at the moment and plans can always change. So if it's later please don't come by with pitch forks. The last time I think we confirmed a date we had to postpone, that was April 1st 2019 when we were planning to launch Season Challenges. But we found a last minute bug and had to re-submit for the next day. And of course nobody believed us that we were really postponing/really planning to release on April Fool's day. June Update Timing https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dn0g3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
40 Hi Stuart, Could Legends League get a little love? E.g, first eight attacks count towards trophies but you could still attack after that for loot but no trophies are gained for those attacks. Legends League base are for the trophy attacks and home village base for the ’loot attacks’. This would make ’fake legends farming’ pointless. Thanks! It would be pretty unbalanced since you couldn't lose any loot. Legends should be mostly about competitive trophy pushing but a whole ton of people are there for loot. It's more likely we will make multiplayer looting better throughout the game + split out Legends to be more focused on competition. Legends League Changes https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dk3f9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
41 Is there a chance for a collaboration with lego? I would love to see clash sets and lego skins! I own far, far too much Lego and would absolutely love to do a collab with them. Lego Collaboration https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dpzgf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
42 What about the geared up archer tower and cannon? Will they get their own new levels? Maybe we'll mash em together into a geared up monstrosity? Who knows what Builder will think of next. New Defense Ideas https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7ddnr3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
43 Are you going to add new villages to the game? Develop the game in this direction? We're pretty unlikely to add any more permanent villages. This is already a huge game and there's a lot already for players to do across Home Village, Builder Base and Clan Capital. And there's a ton for our team to do still in those three areas. New Features https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d6msj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
44 Hi Stuart! First off thank you for helping keep Clash of Clans alive for so long, it’s my favorite game personally. I wanted to know if at some point we could have customizable goblin maps to share with our clan mates to attack, or if anything like that might be in the works for the future? Yeah we've talked about a creative mode/custom challenge level creator feature. It'd be cool to see what sort of wild things you'd all cook up with it. New Features https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dafat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
45 Do you think it is a good idea to do a new townhall every year.wont it be hard on the people in lower townhalls. I think it's good for it to be something that players know when to expect, rather than being quite arcane speculation. I would like us to be much more transparent with our roadmap and timings in future, and we'll get there eventually. We are also in control of how quickly people can catch up. And we will keep making improvements so more and more of our players can enjoy the fun of being at the latest hall. New Town Hall Frequency https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dqnqd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
46 What do you have in mind for the general direction that the game is going in? Can we expect any new fundamental addition (i.e. another system like ores)? We've got a few ideas in early stages of being thought about. My fave is troop mastery where by completing quests using a troop well you could unlock some extra abilities/buffs to that troop. It'd be a nice way to encourage players to try out different troops and let folk go deeper on the troops they really enjoyed. But important disclaimer it's not my decision and if the people doing the work think of something better they'll do that instead! New Troop Mastery System https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dmkdj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
47 Which troop is getting the Super troop next?:9416: It's maybe Yeti Next Super Troop https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7ddzjz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
48 y u no wear clash merch ???? but seriously those posters look dope! what else do you have in your office which our eyes would probably never see ! We've been seriously negligent in ordering new team merch recently 😅 A ton of whiteboards with secret upcoming things, stats, dates, plans. Lots of cool statues. Our office is incredible and we're very lucky to work here. Every time people visit for the first time they're amazed and I hope I never get used to how cool it is. Office Decorations https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dcjtx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
49 What should I eat for lunch today? Something that makes you go "now that was a good lunch" Other https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dajjj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
50 How has player numbers changed since you started implementing monthly events and equipment into the game? ⬆️ Player Numbers https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dnoc3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
submitted by vanessabaxton to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:07 Routine_Badger_1959 Am I (23F) right in assuming my boyfriend (27M) doesn’t want to play games with me?

We’ve been together for over a year now and living together for almost as long. It’s something that I’ve always had a hunch about and as time has gone on I am really starting to think I’m right. My boyfriend loves video games, I enjoy playing games as well but definitely not as much as he does. He will always invite me to play a game with him and within a few days he will either stop playing with me and start playing a different game with his friends or invite his friends to join our server and play with us. Even if we do play something as just the two of us he will always join our large discord server and talk with his mates in there instead of just doing a private call. Recently I decided to bring it up because we’ve just moved and slowly been trying to set everything up and he hasn’t had access to his computer. He’s been almost having meltdowns over it and messaging his group chats every waking minute and even occasionally joining their discord via his phone. When I brought up if he wasn’t interested in my company while gaming he claimed that I just don’t want to let him spend time with his friends and that when he invites his friends he invites my friends as well. My “friends” is one long term friend of mine who normally has her own group she plays with. We would’ve never started playing together if it wasn’t for my partner harassing both of us into starting to play together.
I don’t mind if he’s not interested in gaming with me, but if I try and say that he gets upset and defensive. So am I right in thinking he doesn’t want to play with me but he feels guilty telling me as such? He’s wonderful in every other way and we try and spend time together outside of games and have no issues with that. Should I just start refusing to play games so that he’s able to enjoy himself properly?
submitted by Routine_Badger_1959 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:39 ZealousidealHunter98 W is for What do you mean you want me to do another autopsy?! And why do I have to do it right now?! I just spent hours on my feet doing an autopsy, all for you. I do it all for you, Mulder…

…You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00 this morning, and all that was, was a half a cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese. And now you want me to run off and do another autopsy? What the hell happened to you?
Sorry for the delay!
Now, X!
A: Anyway, I was drugged.
B: Baby me and you’ll be peeing through a catheter.
C: Come on, Scully, get those little legs moving!
D: Dear Diary, today my heart leapt when Agent Scully suggested spontaneous human combustion.
E: Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant, my touchstone.
G: Good, because I put it back in that drawer with all those other videos that aren’t yours.
H: Her name is Bambi?
I: Imagine going through your whole life looking like that.
J: Just sing anything. Jeremiah was a bull frog. Was a good friend of mine. Never understood a word he said but I helped him drink his wine. Joy to the world…all the boys and girls. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea. Joy to you and me.
K: Keep going, FBI woman.
L: Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
M: Mulder, it’s me.
N: Now, if you don’t mind, I have to get an A.P.B out on a white male age 17 to 34, with or without a beard, maybe a tattoo…who’s impotent. Let’s go.
O: One of them was disguised as a woman, but wasn't pulling it off. Like, her hair was red but it was a little too red, you know? And the other one... the tall, lanky one... his face was so blank and expressionless. He didn't even seem human. I, I think he was a mandroid.
P: Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy.
Q: Queequeg, come back here! Queequeg? Queequeg! Quee— [sad, empty leash retracts]
R: Roswell! Roswell!
S: Sorry, no one down here except the FBI’s most unwanted.
T: Trust no one.
U: Unfortunately around this time of year I always develop a severe hemorrhoidal condition.
V: Venus was at its peak brilliance last night. You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus, but I assure you, it was Venus.
W: What do you mean you want me to do another autopsy?! And why do I have to do it right now?! I just spent hours on my feet doing an autopsy, all for you. I do it all for you, Mulder. You know, I haven't eaten since 6:00 this morning, and all that was, was a half a cream cheese bagel, and it wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese. And now you want me to run off and do another autopsy? What the hell happened to you?
X: ____________
submitted by ZealousidealHunter98 to XFiles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:37 Krazy_boy1 I need the power armor

Does anyone have a good island code or somthing like that that isn’t bull crap like all those tiktok videos
submitted by Krazy_boy1 to FortniteXPMaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:39 Jeremybernalhater A request for a repost of a nutter

Idk if it was here or on another sub
But I saw a video of a woman who’s dog was out of control and I can’t find it
It was at a dog park and the video begins with a bunch of people holding their dogs and this large brown dog(presumably a shit bull) jumping up at this woman holding a pug
Then near the end of the video after some bickering about her bringing a large out of control dog to a small dog park, the woman leaves her dog tied up near the gate of the fenced in small dog park
Any help finding this is appreciated, thanks
submitted by Jeremybernalhater to DogfreeHumor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:37 Xp0s3dP1pE69 Just a little meme-filled shit-post to spread awareness after an earlier post got me thinking...🤔 about potential indicators of proximity to MOASS

Just a little meme-filled shit-post to spread awareness after an earlier post got me thinking...🤔 about potential indicators of proximity to MOASS
I hope you guys enjoyed your Saturday and there are less than 24 hours before Vlad's market opens up for our beloved stonk to trade, so at least we'll be trading again soon. A post I read from -einfachman- earlier today had me thinking about this past week and how I too was completely fooled and thought Roaring Kitty would exercise his options on TV and after seeing videos from Richard Newton and Peruvian Bull, I'm convinced that the momentum for the company and MOASS are still very much alive but we may have a lengthy ride ahead of us, but I wanted to get back to what -einfachman- was saying earlier. And welcome the fuck back too -einfachman-!!!! 😆😆😆
I don't know shit about anything and am not giving advice here, I'm just throwing some ideas out that came to me earlier. -Einfachman's- post had some great points about how the run-up we experienced this week may very well have been orchestrated by the market making powers in charge and that they could have been buying calls that helped build this gamma ramp alongside Roaring Kitty to rug us and demoralize us. Whatever the case, here are some things I think we should be on the look out for that may indicate desperation from the powers in charge...
Auto-liquidation of profitable GME positions by brokers:
I don't know anything about anything but in addition to brokers being able to do what they want with our shares since they own them, we may see apes flipping out because brokers are doing things they've done before like disabling our abilities to buy the stonk. I also noticed I had no pre-market trading capability during the mornings of a run-up last month using Fidelity. I'm taking a wild guess but I believe there are many apes that hold shares in brokers and I wouldn't be surprised if later on, we see brokers selling off peoples' shares. I hope people in the comments will help new apes find their way to the Direct Registration System so they can truly own their shares.
More glitches, errors, and outages from brokers and institutions:
I believe that as we get REALLY close to whatever is coming, to the end of abusive naked shorting institutions, or whatever will come, that we will see brokers having seemingly feasible errors and outages to buy themselves time to do whatever they need to do to prevent us from getting the wealth we deserve for taking a position in what will probably be the "Magnificent Chosen 1" company after the other ones get rugged hard to pay us, if that happens 🤔🤨. I think we'll get halted a lot more frequently too.
Philanthropic activity from Kenny, as well as other displays of power and wealth:
Kenny speaking after he donated money to a children's hospital last year
We've seen media networks (Bloomberg, from my observation) display headlines of all the charitable work that Kenny does, they talk about him like he's the coolest guy in the world of finance. Bloomberg also has displayed headlines in the crawl area of him buying buildings and mansions and doing other things to show us that he's on top of the world and that his clients have to reason to worry 🤡. I assume he'll be a lot more charitable as his world unwinds. Interestingly I haven't noticed those headlines being displayed for Steve Cohen, Jeff Yass, or Doug Cifu, at least not on Bloomberg. They seem to operate in the shadows...🤔
Increasingly malicious reporting from financial media networks:
\"iTs ExTrEmElY dAnGeRoUs To 0uR dEm0cRaCy\"
The financial media networks, and now even regular national media like CNN all piled in to speak poorly of Roaring Kitty and have been doing so since the sneeze in late January of 2021. Now that Roaring Kitty has returned, and now that GameStop can't really get delisted or go under at this point, the media is getting desperate to deter interest in the stonk from normies. I'm honestly shocked that we haven't been associated with the "alpha male guy" whose name I can't mention due to auto-mod. He claims to have bought the stonk last month and is very controversial, and I wonder if the media is saving our "w0rShiP of..." this guy for when the shorts get really desperate...🤔
This is just a little overview of things that came to me earlier today as I was going for a walk. I don't know anything about anything but have been able to spot some anomalies over time largely thanks to you apes; otherwise I'm pretty smooth and oblivious ☝️😛. I would love to see you guys notice other things that we might see when shit hits the fan for the shorts. Based on the other things I've read from other peoples' research, I wonder if the magnificent 7 and crypto collapse; if we see regional banks, credit unions, and other big institutions get wiped out as well. I wonder if we see endless reassurances from financial institution employees, and Janet Yellen like we did last April. Either way, we won already. I hope everyone stays grounded because I truly believe a change in many of our socioeconomic statuses is on the horizon!
submitted by Xp0s3dP1pE69 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 AkseliAdAstra Non-woowoo brain retraining

Are there ANY programs for chronic pain that work with the mind/brain state of being in chronic pain, but DON’T go over into the toxic positivity, quasi-cultish, gaslighting, pseudoscientific psychobabble? Like any people or courses who aren’t just blaming your pain or illness on your attitude, your “repressed anger,” or your personality, or basically talking about the “law of attraction” or how “the body will heal you when you’re in vibrational alignment with the universe?”
I just listened to some Primal Trust videos and was completely appalled. I’ve done Curable, read books by Sarno, Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, Gabor Mate, Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk and more. Listened to Joe Dispenza, Dan Buglio and Nichole Sachs. There’s too much medically ignorant and scientifically unsound stuff being declared in most of these sources that doesn’t resonate with my lived experiences or knowledge of physical reality for me to stick with them. I’ll be doing my best to believe and accept this stuff, and maybe it’ll even be going pretty well, but then they will inevitably say some thing unscientific or that I can easily poke rational holes in, and I have a hard time continuing.
submitted by AkseliAdAstra to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:11 VodkaInjection How to attach tripod mount to a curved device

How to attach tripod mount to a curved device
So I have a OneLeaf NV100 digital night vision monocular. It's handy for what it is. It is designed for being mounted on a scope via special ring attachments that go on the front of the NV100, but it can also be used as a standalone monocular.
For my purposes, it is useful as a monocular. For a long time I have been trying to find a solution to be able to attach a grip underneath, which would make it so much easier to use. For example, think of a Search & Rescue scenario where you are scanning out of the window of a truck using one hand to hold the device. Keep in mind that this device should also be able to feed video directly to an external screen, so all the operator has to do is move it around without even looking through it.
The problem is that, while it DOES include a standard 1/4" tripod female mount, this is on the bottom of a curved section of the device; thus, it does not mate properly with typical gear using male tripod mounts which require a flush surface. It think this was a dumb design choice to maintain a curved aesthetic when it should have just had a flattened base for function.
I'm not an expert with this type of equipment, and I have thought of many different ways to mount a grip, but none seem efficient. I have not seen any type of mount or adapter designed to mate to a curved female base.
The next best solution may just be to mount a ring adapter (like for a camera lens) around the quick-detach scope ring adapter. This would require a ring that can fit around 48.2mm that is, at most, 1cm thick. I don't think that even exists.
So I am just wondering if anyone has a solution. I may also have to find someone with a 3D printer and produce a custom curved adapter.
First image shows where the female mount is. Second image shows how a standard grip doesn't fit flush (which leads to the device swinging around freely).
submitted by VodkaInjection to videography [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:57 Wrong-Comparison7546 Odin 2 DS Edition Is Here

Odin 2 DS Edition Is Here
I've been working on a project lately sided with Drastic emulation and the Ally Mate phone stand (only current design) I developed and designed a screen that will attach to the Odin 2 for Dual Screen emulation! Stay tuned as I'm sharing a video about this soon on the channel!
submitted by Wrong-Comparison7546 to OdinHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:55 sameed_a benefits of innovation in self-improvement?

Hello fellow Redditors,
Brace yourselves for a story that changed my life. Imagine me, a small-town boy, never really stepped foot outside his comfort zone. My life was like a treadmill, walking continuously but reaching nowhere.
One day, I read about 'The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail' by Clayton M. Christensen. It was like a bolt out of the blue. The book cracked open my perspective about self-improvement and lifelong learning.
I embarked on a journey of self-innovation. No, I didn't invent a time machine or a teleportation device. Instead, I turned the microscope inward. I started challenging myself, tweaking my habits, questioning my routine. Mundane tasks became experiments. Cooking dinner became an exercise in time management and efficiency. I wasn't just making spaghetti anymore; I was reinventing my entire approach to the task.
For instance, I began learning a new language using the 'First Principle Thinking' model. Instead of sticking to conventional learning methods, I tried to understand the core of the language, its structure, its philosophy. It was challenging but exhilarating. I felt like a scientist in a lab, full of curiosity, brimming with excitement.
I tweaked my workout routine by implementing 'Iterative Cycles', another mental model. I started with a simple routine and kept tweaking it every week based on my performance, comfort, and progression. It kept the process exciting and my motivation levels high.
The benefits? Improved efficiency, better learning, enhanced skills, boosted confidence, and a never-ending passion for growth. I realized innovation isn't just restricted to product development or technology—it's a mindset, a way of life.
As I continue with this newfound state of self-improvement, there’s a certain magic that comes with it. It's like being in a video game, leveling up with every new skill or self-improvement hack I acquire.
P.S.: While you read this, if you visualized me as some Tony Stark-esque self-improvement guru, let me bring you back to earth. I'm just an ordinary guy maneuvering my way through life. The story was hypothetical, but the mental models are real! Try them out, you'll be surprised by how much fun self-improvement can be.
And hey, if you end up inventing your own Iron Man suit along the way, don't forget your humble Reddit mate here!
Till then, keep innovating, keep improving!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 OutrageousTonight919 I found a great feature on VibeMate that lets you download PornHub videos for free. Check it out!

submitted by OutrageousTonight919 to u/OutrageousTonight919 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
Quick recap. We can see the complex social anxiety trauma as a rollercoaster map. The rollercoaster wagons are where our inner parts, our inner children sit during the ride. The rollercoaster tracks is the autopilot ride during the socialization. Outer elements like clouds and bad weather are external elements that influence quality of our ride. Rollercoaster loops are effects of social anxiety like physical symptoms. And repeating the ride is Repetition compulsion.
Wagons (carts) are composed of: ♦MASKING
While external elements are composed of: ♦INNER CRITIC
These interact with each other - external elements influence our thoughts and pattern of thinking (wagons). In a sketch, it would look like this:
Rollercoaster as social anxiety analogy.
When I started to create the rollercoaster analogy I did not see the connection at first. This was apparent to me only when the sketch was finished. Let's examine the external factors.
First of all, CBT is ignoring the external factors. CBT explains social anxiety as our personal defect - and our own responsibility - CBT explains that we can "cure" social anxiety if we only have will power. Unfortunately - this easy approach does not work in real life and this CBT explanation only adds to more trauma and shame.
This CBT approach of blaming the individual for social anxiety is called Dispositional attribution: Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture.
When we take a holistic perspective, when we take into consideration external factors, then this is called Situational attribution: the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution.
It is important to note at this point - that I am not telling that we need to blame other people for our social anxiety. Neither that we need to control and manipulate other people to become healthy and sane in order for us to become healthy, too. We cannot change other people - sick, mentally ill people with personality disorders will hardly likely ever change, they can't. They are trapped inside their fantasy and they refuse to grow up.
When we try to change other people, this is called Alloplastic defense: Alloplastic adaptation: The subject tries to change the situation, i.e. the external environment.
When we try to change ourselves, in order to fit in into groupthink herd mentality, this is called Autoplastic adaptation: Autoplastic adaptation is a form of adaptation where the subject attempts to change itself when faced with a difficult situation.
What I am saying that we do not change other people, and that we do not change ourselves too. My approach in social anxiety is education and learning about what is troubling us - in order to have self compassion for ourselves and to understand that our problems, issues, hang-ups, isolation, panic, self-hatred - all stem from exposure to abnormal sick people. And due to exposure to mentally ill people in childhood - we never learned how to handle difficult people or how to develop our persona. Instead - we put ourselves aside in order to please and fix and soothe the mentally ill people around us. So our only job here is to take well-being away from parasites and into our own hands - that we take care of our own needs in order to filter out toxic people and form solid, firm interdependent connections with healthy individuals. With ACE and ACoA - we will tend to fuse and connect with toxic people - because this is where we feel normal and "ourselves", when we please others and when we are around hysterical people who always create drama and problems out of nothing.
My conclusion about social anxiety after examining all the evidence - is that social anxiety stems from the external source: toxic people. The put us into state of defense, and we resort to dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The fact that we are in defensive mode is a sign that we are fighting against the virus. Fighting against intrusive parasitical predatory personalities will keep us in emotional dysregulation and away from Ventral Vagal (feeling safe around other people). Exposure to hostile antagonistic personalities will "naturally" form the inner critic inside us - as internalized voice of discipline, we will end up with toxic shame (feeling inept and unworthy at our core) and general apathy - the passive immobile attitude of isolation and avoidance: 'why try in life' anyway. Exposed to toxic people over long period of time we will develop persona of emotional reactivity. And this corresponds to narcissistic abuse - death of 1000 cuts.
External elements are:
♦INNER CRITIC Even though it is called "inner" - this recording stuck in loop was recorded in our childhood when we were around parents who did not mirror our needs, we were emotionally neglected. Instead of love and interest we received the discipline and message that we are only accepted and validated when we are silent, when we make no problems, when we try hard to please others and when we make no mistakes or any kind of disturbance. A parent with undiagnosed untreated Aspergers will display all characteristic of narcissistic parent with additional flavor: hysteria regarding time and being punctual, hysteria regarding loud sounds, hysteria regarding creating or doing anything unusual and not foreseen. So of course, in childhood when the child is supposed to learn through mistakes and to be loud and to make noise - trying to survive with adult who is 5 year old spoiled selfish egocentric toddler trapped in adult body will result with us introjecting this adult toddler's voice inside our head. Inner critic - even though it is internalized voice - the voice comes from the external element: abuser(s). Inner critic is like Trojan Horse inside our mind implanted by toxic people. Broken record that was programmed in our mind to play itself on loop replay. But it does not feel like external. Without reading the psychology books - this inner voice will be easily mislabeled as our conscience or general feeling of anxiety and unease, that we are doing something wrong no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes. That whatever we did - was wrong. And whatever we will do - it will never be good enough. The inner critic will influence hence our Self - our persona, our personality. And with trauma - we do not have our true identity inside us. We have coping mechanisms and make-shift persona that serves only to avoid danger and criticism - so inner critic is influencing our false self. Schizoid empty core. Basically this means we will lack leadership and taking charge of our ship, our inner GPS will be in the hands of inner critic and toxic people around us whom we will worship as our gods and police who approves anything about our choices in life. CBT does not explain this. CBT explains us that we lack confidence and social anxiety coaches will try to tell us that we need to develop self-esteem - without taking into consideration that we do not have the house of Self to host the self esteem or self worth in the first place. And nobody explained this fact - that we lack the Self - we lack Identity - we lack Persona, our own likes and dislikes, our anger, our disagreements, our needs - they are gone - these are not inside us. When we start to build our true likes and dislikes, when we allow ourselves to be angry at unfair people, when we start to disagree and when we take care of our well being - we will start to build our Persona. And then the inner critic and toxic people will not harm us in such extent as now - it would be like having a solid house when there is storm outside. Now we are out in the cold and we try to hide below someone's larmieeaves, or someone else's umbrella. Nobody told us to have our own umbrella and to build our own house inside to dwell for ourselves - so that we do not seek external validation from the others. Nobody told us that expressing anger and acknowledging the anger is what we need to do - it does not take much to build our inner house, there is no hard science in it. This is why narcissists and psychopaths use anger a lot. They understand at some level that this provides them confidence - however the difference here is that agenda of anti-social personalities is to harm and control other people. With social anxiety - our agenda is normal and healthy: to resolve issues, to find peace and harmony and to live in harmony with others, Ventral Vagal. Predatory personalities are looking for supply - they are unable to build the solid house inside since they reject vulnerable parts of themselves, which they see as weak, inept, shameful, sissy, feminine, gay, abnormal and sick. This self hatred and self rejection keeps them mentally ill, and they choose to build fake superior self in order to seek admiration from other people. Which of course is dysfunctional and cannot function. Our purpose in life is to be authentic and to contribute to society, to help each other and to chisel/sculpture each other in better people (Michelangelo Phenomena). Narcissists on the other hand believe in Crab mentality (to pull other people down), greed and accumulating money and to exert/exercise power in order to command the others. When we grew up with selfish egocentric angry people (5 year old toddlers trapped in adult body) - we will learn to hate our own anger and to push it down - since we would be punished repeatedly for showing our own anger - which narcissists cannot tolerate in others, even in children. Anger means boundaries and end of ruling domain and narcissists see this as threat to their existence. So in ACE and ACoA - our anger will be destroyed first. And without anger we won't be able to build our true authentic persona, personality or identity.
■DOUBLE BINDING This external element is gaslighting. Always finding faults with facts and reality. This dualism leads to self-pathology that gives birth to inner critic and toxic shame. Leads to wrong decisions, leads to self sabotage. It is control, manipulation, misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, bias, lies, stigma. I made a list of double binding examples on my blog and I've made topic here at reddit. Closely connected to double binding/dualism is concept called Hyper-cognition: "Bias toward what is known may lead to wrong and delayed diagnoses that bring harmful consequences". This is what is happening in CBT, when social anxiety is explained as cognitive distortion problem. When we lack any kind of diagnosis at all is called Hypo-cognition (hypocognition (uncountable) (psychology, linguistics) Inability to discuss or process a concept because of lacking a word for it.). Another example of hyper-cognition is when abused, traumatized women are quickly diagnosed as BPD because 1) symptoms of complex trauma are the same as in DSM for BPD - hypercognition - and DSM is missing the concept of Complex Trauma to make distinction in the first place - hypocognition. 2) it is easier to throw a shaming diagnosis on someone in order to shut him up than to actually do the deep work and see what is really going on. Narcissists and psychopaths use dualism a lot - this is how they keep being trapped in their confirmation bias and their justification and rationalization of their criminal acts. Instead of taking responsibility - they will use blame of someone's errors or lack of education or insight as their fault for any problem that happens. And if the target has no self inside, no education in the psychology or matter at hand, it is easy to end up feeling toxic guilt and toxic shame for being the "wrong". Double binding will lead to dysregulation - we will be emotionally dysregulated. CBT both does not recognize neither dualism nor dysregulation. I never heard this two concepts in billions of self-help books that I read or countless CBT articles about social anxiety. This video explains amazingly problem with double binding:
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut our abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Even after their death.
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame. One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself.
🟥 malignant shame
Let me fetch an example of dualism from my blog -
On one corner we have: to be free means to be lacking constitutive identity (Ortega) at the other side there is: DSM personality disorder
Where is the truth? Who holds the Book of truth? Who is the authority and power to tell us what is true?
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without appealing to accepted assumptions Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
● TOXIC SHAME Toxic shaming comes from the external source: mentally ill people. Any person who is toxically ashaming other person - is a sign that the accusations come from unbalanced person. There has to be some kind of distortion and abnormality in anyone who is acting like wounded animal and trying to mentally destroy the other person - it is no different than physical assault. With toxic shame we end up with chronic burden, where we cannot relax at all, we are in state of hypervigilance and walking on egg shelves, but it is not depression - it is caused by hysterical person. We end up with desire to be perfect and superior - and narcissism is build on severe toxic shame. We end up avoiding someone's criticism and we try defensive mechanisms in order to pre-emptively avoid someone's attack. Toxic shaming will influence our toxic shame wagon, placeholder of our thought patterns which we will carry along on rollercoaster ride (socialization). I see Toxic shame and Inner critic as the two most powerful factors that skew and distort our sense of security - and we end up with what appears as social anxiety symptoms. We cannot control other people to stop shaming us. People who shame us - believe that we are the toxic. They see us as a threat. They believe that we are doing something to threaten their standard of living. So no wonder that we will end up silent, with self-censorship and making ourselves small and invisible and we will avoid social situations - because we are not narcissists. We do not want to harm other people, we do not want them to feel hurt or abused. I see Sam Vaknin Nothingness concept and Dr Ramani Radical acceptance - as the only available cure for toxic shame stemming from other people. Sam Vaknin concept tells us that we understand how our life is not enmeshed with others and that other people's anger is their own responsibility contained inside their own world - which we cannot enmesh with even if we try to trauma bond with others. We simply cannot enter into other person's mind and their perception of the world - there is a barrier between us and other people, which philosopher Kant discovered 200 year ago.
For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK
Dr Ramani talks about Radical acceptance - as understanding that we are okay with toxic people being toxic - in order to pull our focus and resources away from toxic people - and that we invest the same energy into our well being and our goals in life. It is understanding that toxic people will hurt and harm us and they will be painful - but the difference is that we no longer linger on their drama and baiting. As soon as we try to understand or fix or help toxic people - we end up in Shared Fantasy with them, without us being aware that we are inside someone's fantasy and their delusion.
♦ ABUSE This is very overt external element - it includes when toxic people blame us - and toxic people are pathological liars and successful manipulators. Their glib charm as Halo Effect will allow other people (witnesses) to believe them rather than us. Abuse is DARVO - toxic people will never admit being wrong and they will always deflect the problem onto others. Abuse is also Mate crime. With social anxiety - when we are insecure about who we are and our anger is suppressed - we will attract toxic people who will exploit our time, money, energy and focus. The abuse will influence our Masking. We will try hard to either please the abuser with people pleasing and fawning - in order that they do not seriously harm us. Or we will enter into battles with them - where they will use our anger as proof that we are abnormal and sick and that they are innocent victims.
■ PAST TRAUMA Flashbacks. Being triggered. CBT does not talk about this issue at all. I first learned about this only 3 years ago when I started to research social anxiety from deeper resources that led me to the discovery of CPTSD. Past trauma is ACE and ACoA. There is online quick test for ACE. Trauma will influence our HSP aspect. It will make unclear whether we are too sensitive so we experience trauma as trauma - or the trauma itself cause us to be hypersensitive to the abuse.
● TOXIC PEOPLE I deliberately make separation from the Abuse and Toxic people. Toxic people do not wear sign toxic on their forehead. All toxic people will appear as angels due to glib charm - in order to secure supply from other people. Toxic people will scan our needs - and offer them for cheap in order to hook us up. The only way to handle them is to allow them to be toxic. We cannot change them. We need to focus on our life and cut or minimize exposure to toxic people as much as possible. Toxic people will deliberately trigger pain and trauma as coercive control manipulation to paralyze the victim with shaming and criticism. When someone is angry at me I feel RSD: and it is automatic belief that my values are worthless, that I am not allowed to speak, or do what I like and that I am not equal to other people and must behave as slave, victim and lower class citizen by being quiet and servile and non-assuming. This is where masking and people pleasing kicks in coupled with revenge fantasy and rancour and making the offender my central focus and me as victim that must be atoned and I need to make the offender like me and accept me and validate me – in any way possible, including not showing my anger and not telling my side of story for the fear of offending the offender. Or later on – when offender makes the mistake that I am not allowed to point it out and cause them same cruelty back by talking facts about their mistakes. Offender is bunch of nobody – great for feedback, learning from mistakes, but their ad hominem arguments are irrelevant. Toxic people influence our rollercoaster wagon cart of Toxic duty, and toxic responsibility. We end up with toxic shame and toxic guilt and we believe in their double binding, in their explanation of reality and their truth - and then we feel duty and responsibility to run their virus program or else. Toxic people will punish us if we do not fawn to them. They will punish us if we are not sad or hysterical or frightened. If they are in any place of power - they will use this against us in order to control us. Toxic people seek control and manipulation - this is how they feel good inside, by creating coercive control. They will bait us and use honeymoon period to keep us hooked like on drugs. We need education in narcissistic abuse and recognizing the red flags.
From my own experience I know this is true - with social anxiety trauma - we never learned the red flags. We were raised in toxic ambient and with toxic people around us who were bad models for us in our formative years. Instead of validation and unconditional love we learned the opposite: to be invalidated and that we must earn love and appreciation and validation from others and beg for it from others. That we must perform circus tricks and then and only then perhaps be rewarded with small percentage of mirroring and validation from them. We will believe this is normal way of interacting with others - and it is no wonder that we have social anxiety now.
Up next, I would explore the mess - the loops inside the rollercoaster of social anxiety and then analyze what happens to us when we are not aware of the rollercoaster at all. When we lack the education in psychology and we have no words to describe what is happening to us. Lisa Romano calls this living below the veil of consciousness and I love that term - because we will operate with the veil over our eyes.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:45 MASTEREDreactions Why Crainer Should Have NEVER Become President In The First Place (THINK ABOUT IT)

I'm just gonna say it to anyone who has seen on what I say in the comments and on here (I go by the name of Gage Gaming on YouTube in the comment sections), I Told Ya'll So. I knew FROM THE BEGINNING that Crainer could NEVER BE A GOOD PRESIDENT, and here's why
First, Crainer has the brain of a 5-Year-old in this series when it comes to control. He acts like he doesn't have a conscious and just decides to listen to whatever the big guy Slogo says who he sees as the adult instead of coming up with decisions on his own. Crainer has never and most likely will never be fit to be a LEADER. Jelly & Slogo are. The problem is Slogo is an evil man who only looks out for himself & Bork co. "I'm always looking out for Me, Bork, Bork Co., And Squid Island" Is a bunch B all the way to the S (Bull Spits like bulls spits out lies [Family Friendly Version]). He has NO CARE whatsoever for the Island at all. If he did he would of never put in the rule that the president could take as much as he pleases after their term is over. Jelly on the other hand has made a bunch of mistakes yes, but we all do and he has been fixing them recently. The vault this is what I would say BOTH Jelly & Slogo's fault. Jelly had alright intentions by just trying to kill the person who would take the valuables (Because if the stuff is going to be taken anyways then there is no point blowing it up, it will be gone either way), and it's slogo's fault for breaking his trap and activating it. Jelly is (Or i guess) WAS fixing his mistake by rebuilding the vault. and for anyone saying "He is being lazy he has not fixed it yet it would of been fixed by now" Shut up. He said he didn't have enough iron blocks, he didn't want to steal from slogo, and that he would BUY some Iron blocks from Bork co. WHICH HE DID IN TODAY'S EPISODE so he can finish fixing it. There are other mistakes he made before but other than the vault he hasn't been a bad guy for a while now. Anyways I think i'm getting off track here so let me get back to the main point of this part, Crainer is not made to be a leader, only a follower (we should all know this by now because of the fact on how he did on his own already for about a little over a year).
Second, Jelly is and was a good leader. Say what you want about the man but he did do good when he was a dictator as people say before. He gave Crainer a harsh task yes but at the time he thought it was Crainer that ruined his pyramid before. And since he did not trust any of the others he took matters into his own hands and made a 4 week law as president, which made sense at the time with the things that were happening. Though I will admit he almost went too far with the 8 weeks change he made before he blew up that was too far. Plus he gave Crainer a fair trial in the end and NEVER EVEN PUNISHED SLOGO EVEN AFTER HOW MUCH SLOGO WAS TRYING TO LOOK LIKE THE ANGLE! He fixed the beef between Slogo & Crainer and he even showed Crainer the truth on Slogo when he ruled over. Matter a fact real quick you want to talk about dictators? Alright fine lets talk about SLOGO then and how he became the WORST DICTATOR ON THE FREAKING PLANET! AFTER THE ASSASSINATION THE MAN LITERALLY HAD CRAINER PLACE BLOCKS FOR HIM TO WALK ON WHEN MEETING UP WITH JELLY BEFORE! AND THE LAWS HE MADE OH MY GOD WHY AREN'T WE TALKING ABOUT THOSE WHEN BRINGING UP THE PAST!? And also Jelly told Crainer to kill his dogs because he wanted Crainer to not kill them so he could FINALLY make a decision on his own and not just follow everyone's orders. SLOGO IS THE ONE WHO KILLED THE DOGS BEFORE! And ever since then Jelly has changed and has become a great Squid Island resident, but is being put in a bad light and no one can let go of the past and how he has changed since then, and because of that he is not president and once again Slogo (NOT CRAINER, SLOGO) punishes him by putting him in prison with some very hard and even UNDOABLE TASKS Last time I check there was no fishing rod or book or anyway to make or get one as well you know. Jelly would of been a GREAT leader and as much as I want him to put BOTH Crainer & Slogo in Jail when he becomes president, I have a feeling he will let them go unpunished and be the bigger person. And that right there is why Jelly is a good leader.
Third, Slogo ALWAYS GETS AWAY WITH IT, And YET AGAIN HE HAS GOTTEN AWAY WITH EVERYTHING! Slogo has made SO MANY terrible decisions during his time as president in squid island, and not once did he get punished. He gave himself a permit for an ENTIRE ISLAND, meanwhile Jelly & Crainer can't have 10 blocks extended on their lands. He gave a HUGE tax of 64 DIAMONDS (which now with whats happened its kind of a good thing he did that), He gave them tasks that ONLY HELPED HIM, and now he has manipulated Crainer ONCE AGAIN LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES into punishing Jelly for something that Jelly was already fixing in the first place. Slogo is evil, and now that Crainer is president, he will just continue to get away with EVERYTHING ONCE AGAIN. For god's sake he made a deal with Crainer that he could keep his land if he put up a sign that said vote crainer, and that sign was the smallest thing ever, AND HE STILL GETS TO KEEP THE LAND.
And now finally FOURTH, Crainer is not the one who's got it the worst, JELLY IS! Crainer has had some bad stuff happen to him before but he's gotten a lot of good stuff as well. He got a great Statue of Humpy from Jelly Inc., He got his land back and never got it taken away even after how unhappy Jelly & Slogo were with what he did with it, and he has done NOTHING but kept saying "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "Vote for Crainer" "VOTE FOR CRAINER" since Slogo became president once again. Now I understand why but he never gave us good reasons why he should become president. Jelly gave us GREAT & FAIR reasons why he should become president. He would give higher tax to the rich, he would protect everything at all costs, he would always be fair, and he wanted to make historical buildings that could not be destroyed like Crainer's statue which was sweet. Meanwhile with Crainer's keypoints "I Did Not Blow Up The Vault"...And that's who ya'll voted for? Meanwhile Jelly has had the hits coming after him since the beginning. He lost his homes SO MANY TIMES (first pyramid, upside down pyramid-his fault, Lava pyramid-not his fault, Tree house pyramid, Obsidian pyramid, and someday in the future his current pyramid), He has died the most, lost SO MANY of his valuables, Lost his land TWICE, Lost Beenny first, died to his own security trap because of Slogo breaking it, had an unfair trial, and is now in prison when he doesn't deserve it. If you want to talk about people who deserve to be president, it's Jelly. He is being painted in a bad light to look like a bad guy, when really all he is doing is just trying to be a good Squid Island citizen. He has earned his right to become president and it was a stupid decision for Crainer to become one before him.
So as you can see Crainer was not made to be a leader, he was never fit to be president, and thanks to all of you that voted for him Slogo has become president once again, Jelly is in prison with the worst life ever, and nothing has changed except the fact that the idiot of the group who can't make a decision to save his life is president. I hope that everyone is actually smart enough now to vote Jelly next, and all I can say is I talked enough, made my point clear, and now I REALLY am not looking forward to the next three weeks in this series. If anyone needs me I will be anywhere BUT the latest videos, I hate Slogo
submitted by MASTEREDreactions to SquidIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:21 poorluci Pembroke Pines, FL June 7, 2024. Four people attacked by one dog

4 hospitalized after being bitten by loose pit bull in Pembroke Pines; neighbors say dog has attacked before
JUNE 7, 2024
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PEMBROKE PINES, FLA. (WSVN) - Four people, including a child, were taken to the hospital after they were bitten by a dog in a Pembroke Pines neighborhood, officials said.
Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue units responded to the incident in the area of 1400 Golfview Drive, just after 4:30 p.m., Friday.
“Looks like it’s going to be two dogs. One is contained by the dog owner, the other is uncontained. It’s going to be a white, gray pit bull,” said a dispatcher.
According to officials, the victims were bitten by a loose pit bull.
One of the people was bitten on the hip on one side and on the buttocks on the other side.
Area resident Dale Barrett said this victim was his daughter.
“Because she came right in between to protect the kid,” he said. “She heard something going on, and she’s like, reacting and trying to scare the dog away from the kid, and the dog turned on her.”
Paramedics transported the patients to local area hospitals. None of their conditions are life-threatening.
The dog has been contained, and Broward County Animal Care was called to handle the animal.
7News cameras caught the dog inside its home as the owner closed the door.
Neighbor Patty Stabile told 7News the pit bull has been a problem for a while, but nothing has been done.
“Apparently there’s been some several bites in the past, in the last couple of years. Unfortunately, Broward County has not taken the dog. It was inevitable when they can’t control them and something aggravates them,” said Stabile.
Neighbors added that the dog was unleashed and loose when it began attacking.
“When you have a child and four people attacked by one dog, that’s a big deal,” said Stabile.
Stabile said this is not the first time the dog has bitten people, but the animal remained with its owner.
“He is on a leash. Sometimes if he is interested in something, somebody can’t control him, so you have to have the strength,” she said.
“[My daughter’s] got a mark on her face, open wound, and she’s trying to hold it, and bit on the butt, bites on the butt,” said Barrett. “Same dog, same pit bull,this happened before.”
The dog was taken away by Broward County Animal Care and remains in their custody while they conduct an investigation.
Copyright 2024 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
submitted by poorluci to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:42 bmw4422 43 M Looking For Females And Couples Looking For MFM Fun. Also Looking For Hotwifes That Want A Bull

5’11 average body, disease free, clean, honest, and well mannered. I’m into skinny, fit, and bbw. Looking for hotwifes that are looking for a bull, females, and couples looking for mfm fun. Prefer raw sex, but if more comfortable with condoms then that’s ok. Willing to do many positions and into bondage.
Let me know what your interests are. I like using toys on women, so if you have toys bring them along. If a hotwife looking for a bull husband can watch and jerkoff or join. Pictures and videos can be taken if requested. If you’re an onlyfans creator I will help you make content, but I’m not subscribing to your page so that I can talk to you. You talk to me here until I’m comfortable giving you my number so we can text.
I’m available most of the week and weekends. Let me know your availability and we can set up a meet. If you come to my place and want to leave cause you don’t feel comfortable having sex I will understand, but there’s no point in coming to my place if you’re not going to have sex with me.
If interested, contact me here and let me know your age, name and where you’re located. I host or will travel depending on how far you are located from me. Send me a picture of yourself. Regular or censored. Looking for ongoing encounters. Don’t have to be all the time, but whenever available or whenever you want to meet again let me know.
If I become your wife’s bull, whenever she wants to see me she can. So let me know if you’re interested. No scammers, escorts, or fake people. Real people that actually want to meet.
Will not go to your Snapchat, instagram, telegram, or Kik. If you ask me I will know you are a scammer, escort, or fake. Real people who are looking for sex.
submitted by bmw4422 to HudsonvalleyNFSW [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:43 Basedswagredpilled I have no idea how people reach 1000 in a few months.

I've been stuck at ~700 for a month ( currently at 686, peaked at 725). I've been playing seriously for 6 months now, and I'm seeing all these posts from people saying, "you should be able to reach 1000 with a few months of study." I've been studying, doing puzzles, playing real openings, playing slower time controls, developing, castling early, not hanging pieces, taking free pieces, etc. And yet I'm losing 55% of my games this week.
I don't get how people feel to me like they're incredible at 700, yet everyone is objectively really bad still. They see all my tactics; they attack my pieces every turn, so I have to keep moving them; they rip my positions to shreds; and they just mate me. I never get to try any of the cool ideas I see in videos. My opponents play moves I know are bad, but I can't punish them.
I don't get why I have such a hard time when every "how long to 1000" post I've seen, everyone does it in 2 months. It's baffling to me.
I needed to rant.
submitted by Basedswagredpilled to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:40 jmfe10 Here's a Prismatic Warlock build for you

First of all, I STRONGLY encourage my fellow Warlocks to check Plunder's video on a very similar build to this one, but using Getaway Artists. It's GREAT and very fun to play.
This is a Prismatic Warlock build that tries to use as many different elements and verbs to clear enemies, neutrilize every type of champion and also deal good boss damage if needed.

Exotic Armor: Mataiodóxia

This exotic is an absolute utility monster. That mean it won't delete enemies, but will help you deal with large groups of ads and champions (mainly barriers and unstopables).

Stat Goals

Max Resilience, obviously, then go for Recovery (T7 is fine) and Discipline. Spare stats can go to Strength. Some might want to forgo Discipline because of Devour and that works too if you feel confortable with it.
You can check the mod I used here: https://imgur.com/a/zeAZBu6




Mandatory Picks: Protection, Dominance and Hope
Very Important Pick, but not necessarily mandatory: Purpose
This fragment grants you a buff depending on your equiped super. My super recomendations are both a Solar and a Strand super because you can get Restoration x1 or Woven Mail from this fragment. No need to tell you why that's good. Nova Bomb users might want to change this fragment for something else because it only gives you a Void Overshield (no, it isn't Devour).
Other good picks:
  1. Balance, for more ability energy occasionally
  2. Solitude, access to Sever in endgame is great
  3. Awakening, occasional ionic traces and firesprites.
I hope y'all are having fun with Prismatic. I'm actually very staisfied with Prism Warlock and I think it might be one of the best subs in the game currently. Have fun with the build!
PS: Here's the fashion I'm going for with the build
submitted by jmfe10 to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:37 Top-Pause-4374 Snake help

I have this baby Gophebull snake ( and he’s never once hissed or tried to strike at me
Is this normal, I feel like I’m definitely overthinking it LMAO but I just see videos online and they’re usually hissing or false striking.
Even on the first day I got him and the first time i picked him up to handle him he’s never striked or hissed and he’s usually very calm, except he just tries to get away
I just thought it would be more difficult for the both of us and would be a more challenging time for us to both get used to each other
submitted by Top-Pause-4374 to snakes [link] [comments]
