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2013.07.22 05:19 Open_Opinions Your place to share Wargaming Terrain!

This sub-reddit is for those who craft, build, and paint terrain.

2008.06.04 11:55 cryptography

For people interested in the mathematical and theoretical side of modern cryptography.

2024.06.09 09:42 ywisobee 20 [M4F] One more time

Hello, fellow redditors! For about 2 years now, I've stayed single and enjoyed a lot of my free time alone with stuff such as doing solo dates, café-hopping, and spontaneous rides but within those hours, I've also wanted someone to share these moments with me. I feel like it's fine time to branch out again when it comes to developing a connection with someone and I'm not in a rush for it but I'm ready for a commitment.
About me:
• 5'7, physically fit and active in the gym
• Physical appearance is leaning more into a lean, muscular body type
• Hygienic and clean, likes to switch up clothing style on a regular basis
• Not favored by looks but my personality's a plus!
• College student (3rd yr. nursing stud)
• Both a dog & a cat person
• Goes on solo rides (I use a motorcycle ;-;)
• Introverted but once we can get to know each other, you'll be surprised that I majored in yappanese (lmao HAHAHAHA)
• idk if this is even important but i have "pogi typings" energy + aircon, kanal, and dark humor (i'm cooked)
• Interests and hobbies of mine will continue through the dms, I don't wanna spoil everything y'know ;)
About you:
• 20-24
• Physical appearance is subjective but I do prefer someone who is petite and curvy (But if not, anything is good too)
• Morena or chinita
• I prefer someone who's shorter, just below my height (but I wouldn't decline if you're taller than me tho)
• Has hobbies (like HOBBIES-HOBBIES, something you actually do on your free time)
• Has substance when it comes to convos and carrying it (I don't want to carry all the time, have flexibility and carry too if you can)
• Gamer (++ but if not, vv understandable)
• Also hygienic, clean, and loves to make herself pretty and glamorous (+)
That's pretty much all of the details. If you're ever interested and willing to shoot your shot, you can DM me and send in your intro (sending a photo of yourself is optional but if your're confident, you will be acknowledged).
As a starter question, what's are your biggest pros and cons about yourself? Answer this along with your intros.
I will not be entertaining, acknowledging short messages or even the common "hi, hello" energy if you didn't answer the question and have read the full deets.
I'll be waiting!
submitted by ywisobee to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:42 Living-Equal-7788 Did I do the right thing by blocking this friend ?

Hi, I blocked a friend few days ago and was wondering if I did the right thing. There is this guy in my environment who ghosted me ( cancel plans, delayed answers or does not answer to people ) during 13 months. This hurt because I recently moved alone to this country and has few friends. Recently, I run into him and confronted him. He told me he cancelled my plan because he did not want anything romantic, we talked through and he apologized for the ghosting and invited me to a dinner to make it up to me. The next day I run into him again and he was complementing my outfit and face, I told him as a joke that he should avoid using those words when he does not want to send mix signal. He disagreed and I told him to ask X( his female friend). I also told him that I want to invite a common friend (A) to join us for the dinner. He looked puzzled and said he expected the dinner to be just the two of us to rekinkle. I explained it was the best decision for the best of us and told him to ask X . He said there is nothing between x and him. then, he suddenly got extremely angry and told me I should apologize because bringing X is rude and if I do not apologize he will cancel the dinner. I tried to explain calmly that there was nothing rude there and I am sorry if I hurt him even though that was not the ideas. And then he said I should apologize to both X and him. I said I won’t apologize to X because she was not there when the joke was made and my relationship with X is individual as well. I suggest I bring our friend A to the dinner and we can sort it out since he is an unbiased person. He kept saying how rude this was. Then he said he is not interested to hang out with me and to be my friend if we have to bring other people to this situation. He added he is no longer interested in the dinner and will be available to chat in 2 weeks. I made him realize that he is mad at me bringing X because he thinks it implies that he or X might be in love of each other but he thought that I was in love with him and ghosted me without even giving me the chance to answer. Wasn’t I a friend too ? Then he answered : may be we were friends at one point but he is not interested to be my friend or hang out with me if this is the way I talk or if I can not act like a normal person. I thanked him and once I left , I cancelled the dinner and sent a last message saying that it became quite clear that he never considered me a friend and is not interested in behaving like one. I then blocked him. My rationales for blocking him were: 1. He presumed something about me, acted on it and hurt me without even giving me the chance to know why. And I was the one who opened the communication to clear this misunderstanding. Then, when he thought I was presuming the same thing about him, he went upset and was ok shutting off the friendship on this basis. 2. The condescending tone with which he said he is going to cancel the dinner if I do not apologize to him and X was quite revealing. It felt like he was saying : you need more this dinner or this friendship than I do so even if I treat you like shit you’re going to remain 3. I honestly don’t think that saying ‘ask X’ about what I was saying warrant this type of reaction 4. It was unclear why he would not be ok with me bringing A to the dinner 5. When he was talking to me, I wanted to scream back ( but didn’t ). I felt like I was loosing control of my emotions and this is not the kind of person I want to become. I don’t think I am at my best around him. 6. I felt like it became a matter of self-respect. I felt that keeping being friend or friendly will only portray me as someone who does not respect herself. I block him to move on and to take my power back.
I called our male friend A because I wanted to talk to someone and A told me he asked to call him as well. Why calling A if he does not want to bring someone else to the conversation?
Anyway, he is the first friend I blocked in my life. So I feel a bit guilty. Was I right ? What to do from here ?
submitted by Living-Equal-7788 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 floofy1 I feel like my ‘best friend’ has let me down in my high risk pregnancy, when I’m at my lowest - am I overreacting?

I feel my 30F best friend 31F has irreparably let me down during the time I needed support the most.
My friend and I have been close for two decades, but in recent years we’ve been drifting apart somewhat due to differing life circumstances and values. She’s had a fair amount of difficulty throughout her life (and I feel like I’ve always tried to be there for her and be her emotional support, including staying awake for hours in the night to talk to her when she found out about a cheating partner) but I’ve noticed, especially in recent years, that unfortunately this has led her to being bitter and resentful, especially about men. Comments she’s made about these type of things have made me feel increasingly uncomfortable and on a couple of occasions when I didn’t want to nod along, I called her out (in a fairly neutral way) by saying that her using the phrases/slurs she does makes me uncomfortable.
She’s also seemed a little bitter about success in other people’s lives around her and will cope with others’ good news by drinking because of (I think?) jealousy. It’s gotten to the point where it feels uncomfortable to share good news with her, or conflicting opinions - she’s very emotionally fragile and anything seems to set her off, so I feel like I’ve been walking on eggshells.
Recently after trying for some time (which she was aware of), I found out I’m pregnant. However this has been one of the most difficult times of my life - I’ve had unexplained bleeding twice where we assumed miscarriage initially and rushed to the ER, and then I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (which could have been life threatening if not found, and the treatment is 2x daily painful injections). I’ve been in and out of hospital more times than I can count in recent weeks.
I knew the news of my pregnancy would be difficult for her but I also disclosed all the difficulties I’d had with my health, the frequent hospital visits and how scared I feel. She did seem relatively happy for me/expressed some concerned at first but the conversation (via text) soon tailed off and she stopped replying after a while.
The kicker was that she then just didn’t check in again. 3-4 days later she sent my husband a message about something unrelated in our group chat, but still did not ask how I was. After a week passed, I sent her a message to explain that I felt hurt and thought a close friend would want to know how I was, after getting a ‘life threatening’ diagnosis when she knew I was struggling. She didn’t seem to have a good reason for not checking in aside from her own ‘stress’ (though it seems she has constantly felt this way for years), needing a reminder to do things like check in because ‘that’s how my brain works’ and and ‘not knowing how to support with these sort of things’. She had sent a gift with a brief message about relaxing (which arrived that same day after I messaged, and I thanked her for this) but am I wrong for just wanting her to check in with a simple text/thinking this would have meant more?
This person was my MOH at my wedding and we’ve shared a lot together. But this feels like the last straw - does this seem reasonable? What would you do in this situation?
submitted by floofy1 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:23 toriyuhhhh 4th year nursing sem schedule

Would someone who just finished their preceptor semester for nursing, preferably those who did it in the fall (Nurs 485) be able to show me their schedule for lab and lecture please 🥹 I know they vary but I heard we don’t get the schedules until close to when class starts but I just wanted to get an idea of how classes will work before preceptorship starts. Are the lectures online? And how often are labs and lectures within the week? Thank you so much!
submitted by toriyuhhhh to uAlberta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:23 Far-Bodybuilder-5417 Instacart Deleted my Acct in error and won’t fix it! And they owe me over $1,000 and won’t pay just delay sine March 4th

Time to call an Attorney and BBB and post all over! I had over 4400 Batches and 3 1/2 years and a 5 Star Diamond Shopper. I worked 14 hours 7 days a week, drove 800mi a week and made$$$ and now $000 I'm a female 60yo only income and raise my 5yo Gdaughter and have no money. And INSTACART DOESN'T CARE! I've tried to get anybody to call me in the Tech Support Center to get it fixed and after talking to over 54 people I still didn't get my money or issue resolved. If anyone has someone I could contact PLEASE SEND me info or have them reply to this message. Thank you, God Bless Hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. It's devastating.
submitted by Far-Bodybuilder-5417 to u/Far-Bodybuilder-5417 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:22 lifeisajamisalife Two years after leaving a "unicorn startup"...still processing the nightmare I went through

I've left tech for about two years. I'm trying to make it in a different field, but sometimes I miss the pure joy of coding. But not the drama.
It was a nightmarish 3 years at a unicorn tech company...can't put it otherwise. I still process over the trauma it gave me. I still wonder what I could have done differently, how much of it was really my fault. Maybe I really wasn't a good Software Engineer, and maybe I was really a good-for-nothing crybaby, as they seemed to view me, and deserved all the shit I got. But I can't help feel I was some sort of "scapegoat" of the company, at least the team.
For background, I am an Asian female. I have a BS and an MS in CS from one of HYPSM (this was my first job out of school). But your degree and your ability isn't really that related. I was never really a programming kid growing up, and I kinda went with the flow to choose CS as a major because "everyone is doing CS" (and other practical reasons). That's my fault. Maybe this was the price I had to pay.
I admit I didn't feel 100% capable and skilled at any time during my job. Sometimes I dealt with a lot of brain fog. When your HR isn't helping you, and your manager had the audacity to put you on the same project as the person you reported, how much can you focus on learning the codebase?
Even though I wanted to train myself, be better, having all the emotional baggage really drained me down. I learned it's colossally difficult to learn and improve when you are, well at least you believe you are, not treated like an equal human being by those around you. It was also during the pandemic.
There are too many instances to count. Too many slights, snubs, mansplaining, etc. to go through. But here are just some key dramas that happened:
1.At my first team, the manger was a fellow Asian female. Everyone else were dudes. They barely talked about my "new grad project" which "didn't have a deadline." I was invisible at meetings, so was my project. However, suddenly, they realized my project had a deadline. I found that out, like 1.5 weeks before the deadline. Apparently when my manager said it "didn't have a deadline," she meant "If it's done before the deadline, it ships. If not, then it doesn't ship. Like ever." But the PM (and the Marketing Team) wasn't on roll with that. This had to ship. So I suddenly worked lots of over-hours and worked with the manger to cut down on many spots to make the deadline.
But the manager took no responsibility of the havoc it caused, and I got zero credit for pulling this through (because "you got help from so many people" - really? looking back, that looks like a fairly normal amount of collaboration between people who work on the same, uh, company. And I really wrote all the code...). And also, why would anyone want to work on something for months, knowing it will never ship??? If she thought that was really ok, why didn't she tell that to me sooner???
  1. There was an older white dude that kept making icky comments. He would "compliment" my outfit, would ask me to rate the attractiveness of a celebrity, and so on. This caused me a lot of confusion and I couldn't focus on my work (to be fair, these comments were fairly benign compared to the totality of yuck within tech, but as I said, I was a fresh grad so had no immunity to these stuff).
Then one day, when I asked him where he was going to sit, he said "on your lap."
I was shocked. I couldn't focus on anything. I mean now, as I am four years older and four years more jaded, I think I can brush it off. But back then, not at all. This was the company that said they care so much about women and underrepresented minorities. I can't give you too many details, but this company really espouses the point that they are "different from other tech companies" and "everyone is welcomed and respected." They have a really good brand (looking back, it was a borderline cult).
After a lot of thinking (and searching up similar stories on Reddit), I reported this to my manager. The same manager from #1. Her knee-jerk response?
"He says that to guys too," with a smile, as if I am bringing up the stupidest thing ever.
Looking back, she was a borderline psychopath. Not just because of this, but everything that happened during our relationship.
Anyhow, she reported this to HR, because she knew it would look bad on her if she didn't. Now, the HR lady was that typical white HR lady that says she will help you but secretly wants to destroy your soul.
They - the manager, HR lady, many other people I talked to - let me talk about all the difficulties of being a woman in tech. They let me talk about all the instances I felt snubbed for being a woman, not just this on-your-lap dude. They were like “Yeah, bring it all up!" “Call it all out!" “We want to hear from you!" “Our company is different from other companies!!!" Looking back, I shouldn't have. I should have just kept to the point about the dude. I was really just playing the woman card. I wish I knew they were making me talk not to help me, but to collect ammunition to paint me as the good-for-nothing crybaby they had to make me be.
How do I know this? Well, for one - HR never got back to me. I never found out what happened with the on-your-lap guy. When I asked them, like after a year, they said it's "confidential."
And my manager? Well....she said she thinks I have "low tolerance to stress." And she also said that "when you are more senior, you'll realize how wrong you were." (I can't remember the exact wording, but it was basically the same effect, revealing that she never listened to me in the first place.)
And then she put me on the same project as the on-your-lap guy, and we had to work together one-on-one for weeks. Back then, I didn't realize it, but now, it chills me to the bone how much she didn't care.
There are many other instances where this manager gaslighted and snubbed me, even in more professional context, but I have to give too much context. Looking back, she really couldn't stand me. I was this weird thing that came in to her perfect team and was starting to ruin it. She and the on-your-lap guy had worked well together for years - she wasn't going to jeopardize that relationship because of this good-for-nothing-entitled-crybaby-girl. And the HR?? Well, I think they loved the drama. I was just a drama source. Not a human being.
  1. After all that happened (+much more), you wouldn't be surprised that I just didn't want to befriend anyone in the company anymore. I just kept to myself, didn't socialize, just did my work. But here's my sin - I wanted to be acknowledged for my work. That was my fault. I should have just accepted my role as the quiet, obedient coding monkey, who has no emotion, and who occasionally provides drama for the fun of everyone -- I shouldn't have dared to think I can be recognized as a competent laborer!! But I wanted to.
And maybe now, and better as I get older, I can practice the elusive art of getting your work done while being undisturbed by all human bullshit surrounding me, but I wasn't able to do that back then. Also the angst from all previous drama hadn't been resolved. I became "sharp, aggressive, hard to work with" -- all the classic things women in tech are called. I became snappy when men started being mansplainy (maybe now, I have the wisdom to just smile and let them mansplain while I mentally plan my dinner). I became angry when too many meetings and interviews got scheduled, leaving me scarce time for actual work (maybe now, I have the stamina to wake up at 5am, get work done "before work," and let them waste my "working hours").
This continued until this young white male joined the team. He was new to the company, but he was about a year or two more senior than me. He talked a lot. He would talk about 90% of the meeting. And meetings would go over 1-2 hours. He had no respect for meeting members' time. If he wanted to talk, we were to be his audience. This irked me (maybe now, I have the inner balance to just politely and calmly excuse myself from the meeting with a plausible excuse).
And then he joined this project me and another colleague had been working on for months before he joined. We would have meetings where he would just talk and talk, and the 30-minute meeting was going on its two-hour mark. And he didn't seem to care. And he was talking nonsense.
One key nonsense was that he was suggesting we import certain third-party data into a "big, giant table." I said that wouldn't be feasible as the third-party data is nested. He asked me to explain. I did. But he wouldn't get it. Actually, he wasn't even listening to me. He seemed hurt that I shot down his idea (and pooped his party) and didn't want to admit he could be wrong. He kept looking for ways where nested data can be indeed imported into a "big, giant table." (A week later, he saw my point.) They all made no sense. I got very irritated. And became...ah, aggressive.
For the next hour or so, I was very snappy. And shot down all his ideas. He got very hurt. And we ended the meeting. Looking back, I should have just zoned out and watched cat videos while he was performing his standup comedy. And then get real work done with the other colleague while barely including him. All the while giving him the ego validation - the only thing he wanted. But I lacked the flexibility to act smart like that.
After the meeting, I felt a bit bad for being so snappy. And I found out he was indeed right for one point he said. He said our X service has Y but I said it doesn't, because it is barely used and I didn't encounter its existence for the 2+ years I was in that company. But it really did have Y (there's little likelihood he actually knew that, he was just spewing whatever came to his mind and got luckily right) so I apologized to him on that point over Slack. Later, my such "apology" would become proof that I was 100% culpable during that meeting. (I realize this is why my manger from Story 1 never apologized. She knew it could be used against her.)
The week of the meeting, and the week after, this kid (I don't know what else to call him) scheduled meetings with me to "talk about that meeting." And we were on Zoom...and I didn't know what to do?? I asked him, "Do you want me to apologize?" He said no. "Should I be nicer during meetings?" He said that wasn't it. "THEN WHAT???" He didn't say anything. But looked at me like I was some sort of psychopathic monster. And these meetings, again, went overtime by a lot. I was, in my working hours, sitting on a one-on-one Zoom, expected to pet and stroke this pouting kid's ego. (THEY never petted MY ego. WHY SHOULD PET HIS??????)
And that didn't end there. Our co-manager (different from Story 1, 2 manager - this one is white male) had multiple 1-on-1s with me (at least three or four) where we talked about "my behavior during that meeting." I asked him the same questions "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO???? OR SAY????" (I didn't scream this, but I wanted to.) He said "I don't know." But he just sat there, expecting me to say something. Here I was, spending three or four meetings with my manager, talking about "my behavior," given no actionable feedback, but not even allowed to move on to talk about actual work. It was just torture. What did they want me to do? Kneel down and repent??
It didn't end there. The kid gave me detailed peer feedback, basically word salad, where he used all my words against me and painted me as some psychopathic monster. This was going to go on my HR file forever since it was official feedback. He said we were in a "divergent phase in brainstorming" so it wasn't appropriate for me to shot down his ideas like that, which should have been done in a more "convergent phase." WTF????? Never heard those words before. And again, we had already been working on this project for months before he joined.
The same company that basically told me to eat it up when I was getting snubbed (Story 1 & 2), was basically telling me to stroke the ego of this kid. Because what? Because he's a white male??? And I'm an Asian female???
What they wanted to say, was already indirectly saying, was this: “Shut up and eat up all the bullshit we give you.“ Bullshit including bullshit management, bullshit meetings, bullshit brand. But they didn't want to say it, because it goes against their brand. But they still wanted me to get the message and act accordingly. But they didn't want to be the one who says it.
I wish they just said this. Then my three years would have been lot less confused and dramatic. And they wouldn’t have had the grumpy colleague I was. But I guess if they were that transparent, I wouldn’t have joined them in the first place.
This is a brick wall of a post. It got longer than I initially thought. Thanks to anyone that read this far. This still doesn't contain all of the drama I experienced -- maybe about 20%? But this gives you the idea. Basically, I didn't feel like an equal human being. I felt like a scapegoat of sorts, getting hazed for having a backbone. Looking back, I am thankful that I didn't actually go crazy. I mean, they were already treating me like a crazy person.
Women in tech of Reddit. Please tell me. What went wrong? What should I have done? Is this level of bullshit normal? Can I work in tech again?
submitted by lifeisajamisalife to womenintech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 dewjournal Community issue solved!

Hi everyone, I owe you all a massive apology. Due to an oversight on my part, the community has been locked down for over a year, preventing posts and comments. I deeply regret the delay in addressing this issue and understand the frustration it must have caused. I’ve finally resolved the problem and the community is now open again. I genuinely appreciate your patience and I hope you feel free to share again your nature journal ideas and sketches in this space. Any other issues you may find, please just message and I will address it as soon as possible. Thank you 🙏 📚🌱🪲🐞🦋🐛🐝🪱🦎🦟🐌🦉🪼🐠🦩🐿️🦥🦡🦨🦢🪿🐸
submitted by dewjournal to naturejournaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:11 kei_explorer 29 [M4A] Looking for my third place

Tbh I have close friends naman from work and school na I can bond with, pero recently, I am curious if it's also okay to connect with new people. Like a third place, chill lang and no expectations.
If you're from Manila and looking for a low-maintenance friend, hit me up. Talk about random things lang. If we vibe, pwede rin mag movie or food trip. Or kung ano man trip mo. I also play ML (mid/supp role. MM sometimes. I play magic chess rin).
Again, low-maintenance lang muna as I am not always active here in reddit. Please be nice and understanding.
Brief details about me: introvert, homebody, 5'6, fair skin, slim/normal bmi, working.
Share something about yourself when you message. Thank you!! 😁
submitted by kei_explorer to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:11 Foah5571 I had a dream a long time ago and today I dream it again.

Hello everyone. Just call me Hanibal. I'll get straight to the point. About six or seven years ago I had a dream, the place seemed to be an ancient temple with a huge structure, when I went straight to a forest near the temple, and with a group of about 10 to 20 friends, jogged and cycled there. After arriving at the temple we climbed a staircase, which led to the top of the shrine's tower. But there was a guard and he saw us, but the guard didn't say anything but approached, we were so scared that we climbed down and ran a circuit down to the first floor of the temple, and all my friends came back but there was a kid there who led me to a shrine and I talked to the children there. I tell my comedy and my life story. Then I said goodbye to them and woke up.
Today I repeated that dream, and the same child led me to that place, but suddenly, there was a statue there (I don't know the shape) but on it was a message of thanks to me, for being the motivation for them to grow and succeed. As soon as I finished reading, I was screaming and crying very loudly in my dream. The province taught me to see my tears flowing. I don't know what this means or what it means, but it makes me feel very real as if I have entered another world, interacting with people in another world. p/s: I use google translate, so you guys understand. Thank you for taking the time to read my article, you can leave comments and things that you find strange in your dreams for everyone to confide in
submitted by Foah5571 to u/Foah5571 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:11 Helosaur 21M Netherlands, Online - let's get to know eachother and see where it goes :)

Hey hey,
I'm back on here again in the hopes of killing some time and meeting fun people haha. I hope you enjoy reading about me and maybe even shoot me a message afterwards, and if not then I hope you find what you're looking for in someone else :)
About me: My name is Alex, I recently turned 21 years old, I am 5'10 and from the Netherlands. (I can send you a picture of what I look like in private once I'm comfortable!) I study at university and I work part time at an airport, although I'm going to quit my part time job soon because of terrible hours and pay😬 Aside from that, I play the piano and like making music, I also like reading, and I enjoy hanging out with friends when I get the chance!
If anything about me connected with you, or just seems interesting, I'd love to hear from you :). Thanks for reading this far!
submitted by Helosaur to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:10 Helosaur 21M Netherlands, Online - let's get to know eachother and see where it goes :)

Hey hey, I'm back on here again in the hopes of killing some time and meeting fun people haha. I hope you enjoy reading about me and maybe even shoot me a message afterwards, and if not then I hope you find what you're looking for in someone else :)
About me: My name is Alex, I recently turned 21 years old, I am 5'10 and from the Netherlands. (I can send you a picture of what I look like in private once I'm comfortable!) I study at university and I work part time at an airport, although I'm going to quit my part time job soon because of terrible hours and pay😬 Aside from that, I play the piano and like making music, I also like reading, and I enjoy hanging out with friends when I get the chance!
If anything about me connected with you, or just seems interesting, I'd love to hear from you :). Thanks for reading this far!
submitted by Helosaur to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 LostSoul1985 Could this be the post that crashes cryptocurrency?

Could Crypto crash with this post?
2.7 trillion on a non functioning medium of exchange. At the highest level money itself is an illusion.
On relative world cryptocurrency has become a illusory commodity. Its not being even used much....
To the best of the authors knowledge a being higher than his own claims of who he is had influence in the creation of Bitcoin..
Highest level people starving to death? "Money" in cases that will never be spent? Daily loss of "Money" through passwords, keys, etc.
People overestimate in cases what they need in this life. Stinginess can be a self destructive hell.
Without picking on Rishi Sunak too much...800M my man your in charge of a country, with guaranteed income for the future, going on the streets and feeding a few homeless with your own funds would do wonders for your image.....
Fictional creations/movies based on M: include KEYSER SOZE/VERBAL KINT, RAIN MAN (also largely based on Bhagwan Shree Kim peek), HITCH, The fresh prince of Bel-air is also partly based on Ms Life, 'Rancho' from the Bollywood superhit, 3 IDIOTS)
Funds Krishna consciousness confirms M is genuinely heir to (current finances, liquid funds maybe 500, income PIP)
The trillion in the Catholic church
The entire MVT
All funds in Krishna temples across the world
All funds in churches of Mother Mary across the world (last form identity L, previously Ms Mother)
All Funds in Parvati Maa temples across the world (Last Form identity L, Previously Ms Mother)
All funds in Temples in Ambe Maa Temples across the world (Last Form Identity L Previously Ms Mother)
Starring in Gods biggest shocker ever on earth.....
The greatest TRUE LIFE story ever TOLD...m
The diverter of Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 thanks to Shree Krishna with works done in Hanoi
The stopped of 21 Earthquakes/aftershocks before they happened across the world thanks to the Lotus Feet of Shree Krishna
The stemmer of 50000 casualties in the 2020 Aegean sea earthquake with works done before, during and after the quake in Izmir.
Saver of the world with the other higher beings with works done on the streets of Marseille in 2022....a being higher than M predicted an Armageddon set to wipe out 99.9% of this world's population as suffering in this creation got too much and it was put onto M and the other higher beings. We couldn't TAKE iT at one point Plan B was about to be enacted. Thanks to GOD, Shree Krishna and the other higher consciousnesses and beings we made it....Just About....
M returned from a spell on the streets of Marseille in December 2022, having just SAVED the WORLD....when it hits...
The human story is he was testing himself.....
If H&M meet you would understand that GOD is the greatest...
Take it easy (the things he'll get crucified for and has been doing have not been disclosed in this message)
Still a human....having a blissful joyful peaceful evening. Thanks to God.
Oppurtunity arises to feed hungry and you can afford it. Yolo. Enjoy. Pray. Dance.
GODS biggest mirencle ever on earth? LIFE is the DANCER, YOU are the Dance..
Lot of suffering in this life for M. Betrayed. Cheated.
I shook up the UNIVERSE
Its a LIGHTNING BOLT-ON from the heavens
submitted by LostSoul1985 to hinduismisreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 model-s007 Press Statement from model-s007 on Hotham & Upcoming Elections

Press Statement from model-s007 on Hotham & Upcoming Elections
Today, I address the voters of Hotham and all Australians with a crucial message as we approach the upcoming election. The direction our nation takes now will shape the future of Australian society and our core values. I am running for Hotham under the Liberal Party banner because I believe in fighting for fairness, common sense, and the integrity of our traditions.
The current SDP government have embraced an extreme ideology that prioritises ideological conformity over biological reality and historical context. This neo-woke agenda, evident in the policies of the SDP, seeks to redefine fairness and inclusion in ways that many Australians find deeply concerning. The government’s stance labels those who uphold traditional practices as bigots and misogynists, a tactic that fuels division rather than fostering unity.
The Liberal Party and I are committed to maintaining the integrity of Australian sports. We believe in a fair playing field where every athlete competes on equal terms. This is why I am working with my colleagues on legislation that will establish criteria for sports participation based on biological sex. This is not about exclusion but about ensuring fairness and respect for all competitors.
I understand the importance of supporting our students, particularly those from rural and remote areas. Although I am no longer campaigning under education reforms, I will introduce new grants for these students when the Coalition comes to power. This reflects our commitment to equitable access to opportunities for all Australians.
In this election, I am committed to making real progress for the people of Hotham and all Australians.
Join me in rejecting the neo-woke agenda and embracing policies that reflect our true Australian values. Let’s work together to ensure prosperity and freedom for every Australian.
Thank you.
submitted by model-s007 to AustraliaSimPress [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread 06/09/24

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /smashbros! Inspired by /SSBM and /hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:
Other guidelines:
If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!
Links to Every previous thread!
submitted by AutoModerator to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:58 spleefy When training staff

Is there a way to easily choose trainees who work in a particular area?
For example, if I'm training in Treatment, I obviously only want to choose trainees who work in treatment (such as doctors in surgery, nurses in chromatherapy etc etc), but when I'm choosing from the list of who to train, it's not easy to see if the trainee works in diagnosis or somewhere else.
Is there an easy way to see that information, or do you have any other recommendations for dealing with this?
Playing on ps5 btw. Thanks!
submitted by spleefy to TwoPointHospital [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:57 1lazysloth Buying/trading Wicked tickets

Hello, I have 2 tickets to see Wicked on June 19, 1:30pm. Seated at the Dress circle, 4 seats apart (unfortunately it was the closest available seating arrangement).
However I got notified that my operation got moved to the 18th so we are no longer able to attend. I would like to see if anyone has similar tickets they are willing to let go, between June 21-23, afternoon or evening.
Willing to negotiate, please send me a message or comment on post . Thank you.
submitted by 1lazysloth to gtamarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:56 retinentia970 I can't decide between two schools.

Hi, everyone! Upcoming 1st year college here, and I can't decide between Capitol Center Medical Colleges or Chinese General Hospital Colleges for nursing. May I ask what school is better between the two and why? Thank you!
submitted by retinentia970 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:51 your_kkk_vixen Thoughts about RADTECH course

Hello, I finally came back here. Ako diay tong nangayog help sa survey questionnaires for our research subjects and now I have finally graduated from senior high school!
So fast forward, I'm looking forward for my college course to pursue in the near future. At first, I chose business courses but then I found out that it wasn't practical for me (personally) so I crossed it out from my list. Then, I found out I'd love skill-based jobs like in medical field. So karon I thought about nursing but then through my thorough bg research, I was discouraged by my parents but inspired by acquaintances pero bisag unsaon I wasn't financially stable for that course. Moving on, I searched and searched for another course and now my ideal is radtech.
Question: What med school diri sa Davao ang ga offer ug radtech course that is considerably: - somehow affordable - can choose class schedule - highly recommended
I would appreciate if you help me with this wonder guys, thank u🥺
submitted by your_kkk_vixen to davao [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:51 Full-Knowledge496 [23/F] [Friendship] Looking for a sibling-type connection: I specifically want a twin (so ages 22-23 is best. But I miighhht be okay with an older or younger sibling also)

I’m looking for someone who would be willing to recognize and consider me as a sibling- as if I’m actually a blood relative, and I would do the same with them…for my lifetime. I know it’s asking for an insane level of lifetime commitment, but….this is…Heart adoption. Please make sure you’re 100% serious about exploring this possibility before messaging. (But just because you message doesn’t mean we’re the right fit, so no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out .)
Ever since I was much younger, I always wished I was born as a twin. My psychology is perfect for it, honestly. If I had been born as a twin, I feel that my life would’ve been so much better. If you actually get along well with your twin, I feel like it’s an automatic best friend for life.
I want to build this connection with someone in real life, even through I’m already 23. You don't have to look like me at all. Just to live as twins is enough. Let’s text a bit first, then photos, then voice messages, calls, then video chat, as slow or fast as we both feel comfortable. One day we’d meet in real life. Maybe we’d travel the world together. We could share everything and promise to keep our bond for life at all costs, basically.
I’m definitely willing to have a brother, but Girls are better for this, because with a sister, we could hold hands and hug and such (because my main love languages are physical touch and quality time). I want to be as close as possible and share our lives together…like inseparable, ideally…like real twins who are super close.. sharing everything and doing everything together.
Yes I’m looking for a lifetime super committed true family connection.
Eating from the same plate, Please introduce yourself briefly when you message me and let me know your purpose for messaging. I have 3 siblings in real life but I want one more... maybe it's you.
I want someone who: 1. Someone who cares about their health and would never allow themselves to become or stay overweight etc. (because I’m active and health conscious and believe that getting out of your comfort zone and always striving to be the best version of yourself is so important. I want a sibling with the same mindset.) 2. Doesn’t use drugs or drink alcohol (because I don’t smoke or drink) 3. Is not a pervert (because 🤢ew…..and either way I’m looking for FAMILY….not some weird gross stuff.) 4. Someone who touches grass regularly and isn’t addicted to video games (Because I’m big into nature and I rarely play video games) 5. Someone who doesn’t swear or is trying to stop (it just makes me uncomfortable) 6. Someone with high moral standards.
This is like“heart adoption”, but between siblings.
I prefer someone born and raised in a culture I’m familiar with so that it feels more comfortable and like family for me. You should have been born/raised mainly in the country and/or culture of a western country, East Asian country, South American country or South East Asian country.)
Why those places? 1. I’m from a western country and have lived in many international western communities. 2. I speak an East Asian language and most of my close friends have been from there. 3. I spent my teenage years surrounded by South American culture and got really comfortable. 4. I have lived in South East Asia for an extended period of time, and it became like a second home for me.
(I hope this post is finally crystal clear. 😅 It’s probably one of the most ambitious you’ve ever seen, but I’m serious. But if you do need any clarification, feel free to ask me. Please introduce yourself a bit and your reason for messaging when you do message. Thanks :) )
submitted by Full-Knowledge496 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:46 Full-Knowledge496 [23/F] Looking for a sibling-type connection: I specifically want a twin (so ages 22-23 is best. But I miighhht be okay with an older or younger sibling also)

I’m looking for someone who would be willing to recognize and consider me as a sibling- as if I’m actually a blood relative, and I would do the same with them…for my lifetime. I know it’s asking for an insane level of lifetime commitment, but….this is…Heart adoption. Please make sure you’re 100% serious about exploring this possibility before messaging. (But just because you message doesn’t mean we’re the right fit, so no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out .)
Ever since I was much younger, I always wished I was born as a twin. My psychology is perfect for it, honestly. If I had been born as a twin, I feel that my life would’ve been so much better. If you actually get along well with your twin, I feel like it’s an automatic best friend for life.
I want to build this connection with someone in real life, even through I’m already 23. You don't have to look like me at all. Just to live as twins is enough. Let’s text a bit first, then photos, then voice messages, calls, then video chat, as slow or fast as we both feel comfortable. One day we’d meet in real life. Maybe we’d travel the world together. We could share everything and promise to keep our bond for life at all costs, basically.
I’m definitely willing to have a brother, but Girls are better for this, because with a sister, we could hold hands and hug and such (because my main love languages are physical touch and quality time). I want to be as close as possible and share our lives together…like inseparable, ideally…like real twins who are super close.. sharing everything and doing everything together.
Yes I’m looking for a lifetime super committed true family connection.
Eating from the same plate, Please introduce yourself briefly when you message me and let me know your purpose for messaging. I have 3 siblings in real life but I want one more... maybe it's you.
I want someone who: 1. Someone who cares about their health and would never allow themselves to become or stay overweight etc. (because I’m active and health conscious and believe that getting out of your comfort zone and always striving to be the best version of yourself is so important. I want a sibling with the same mindset.) 2. Doesn’t use drugs or drink alcohol (because I don’t smoke or drink) 3. Is not a pervert (because 🤢ew…..and either way I’m looking for FAMILY….not some weird gross stuff.) 4. Someone who touches grass regularly and isn’t addicted to video games (Because I’m big into nature and I rarely play video games) 5. Someone who doesn’t swear or is trying to stop (it just makes me uncomfortable) 6. Someone with high moral standards.
This is like“heart adoption”, but between siblings.
I prefer someone born and raised in a culture I’m familiar with so that it feels more comfortable and like family for me. You should have been born/raised mainly in the country and/or culture of a western country, East Asian country, South American country or South East Asian country.)
Why those places? 1. I’m from a western country and have lived in many international western communities. 2. I speak an East Asian language and most of my close friends have been from there. 3. I spent my teenage years surrounded by South American culture and got really comfortable. 4. I have lived in South East Asia for an extended period of time, and it became like a second home for me.
(I hope this post is finally crystal clear. 😅 It’s probably one of the most ambitious you’ve ever seen, but I’m serious. But if you do need any clarification, feel free to ask me. Please introduce yourself a bit and your reason for messaging when you do message. Thanks :) )
submitted by Full-Knowledge496 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:45 Full-Knowledge496 [23 F] Looking for a sibling-type connection: I specifically want a twin (so ages 22-23 is best. But I miighhht be okay with an older or younger sibling also)

I’m looking for someone who would be willing to recognize and consider me as a sibling- as if I’m actually a blood relative, and I would do the same with them…for my lifetime. I know it’s asking for an insane level of lifetime commitment, but….this is…Heart adoption. Please make sure you’re 100% serious about exploring this possibility before messaging. (But just because you message doesn’t mean we’re the right fit, so no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out .)
Ever since I was much younger, I always wished I was born as a twin. My psychology is perfect for it, honestly. If I had been born as a twin, I feel that my life would’ve been so much better. If you actually get along well with your twin, I feel like it’s an automatic best friend for life.
I want to build this connection with someone in real life, even through I’m already 23. You don't have to look like me at all. Just to live as twins is enough. Let’s text a bit first, then photos, then voice messages, calls, then video chat, as slow or fast as we both feel comfortable. One day we’d meet in real life. Maybe we’d travel the world together. We could share everything and promise to keep our bond for life at all costs, basically.
I’m definitely willing to have a brother, but Girls are better for this, because with a sister, we could hold hands and hug and such (because my main love languages are physical touch and quality time). I want to be as close as possible and share our lives together…like inseparable, ideally…like real twins who are super close.. sharing everything and doing everything together.
Yes I’m looking for a lifetime super committed true family connection.
Eating from the same plate, Please introduce yourself briefly when you message me and let me know your purpose for messaging. I have 3 siblings in real life but I want one more... maybe it's you.
I want someone who: 1. Someone who cares about their health and would never allow themselves to become or stay overweight etc. (because I’m active and health conscious and believe that getting out of your comfort zone and always striving to be the best version of yourself is so important. I want a sibling with the same mindset.) 2. Doesn’t use drugs or drink alcohol (because I don’t smoke or drink) 3. Is not a pervert (because 🤢ew…..and either way I’m looking for FAMILY….not some weird gross stuff.) 4. Someone who touches grass regularly and isn’t addicted to video games (Because I’m big into nature and I rarely play video games) 5. Someone who doesn’t swear or is trying to stop (it just makes me uncomfortable) 6. Someone with high moral standards.
This is like“heart adoption”, but between siblings.
I prefer someone born and raised in a culture I’m familiar with so that it feels more comfortable and like family for me. You should have been born/raised mainly in the country and/or culture of a western country, East Asian country, South American country or South East Asian country.)
Why those places? 1. I’m from a western country and have lived in many international western communities. 2. I speak an East Asian language and most of my close friends have been from there. 3. I spent my teenage years surrounded by South American culture and got really comfortable. 4. I have lived in South East Asia for an extended period of time, and it became like a second home for me.
(I hope this post is finally crystal clear. 😅 It’s probably one of the most ambitious you’ve ever seen, but I’m serious. But if you do need any clarification, feel free to ask me. Please introduce yourself a bit and your reason for messaging when you do message. Thanks :) )
submitted by Full-Knowledge496 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:44 Full-Knowledge496 [23 F] Looking for a sibling-type connection: I specifically want a twin (so ages 22-23 is best. But I miighhht be okay with an older or younger sibling also)

I’m looking for someone who would be willing to recognize and consider me as a sibling- as if I’m actually a blood relative, and I would do the same with them…for my lifetime. I know it’s asking for an insane level of lifetime commitment, but….this is…Heart adoption. Please make sure you’re 100% serious about exploring this possibility before messaging. (But just because you message doesn’t mean we’re the right fit, so no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out .)
Ever since I was much younger, I always wished I was born as a twin. My psychology is perfect for it, honestly. If I had been born as a twin, I feel that my life would’ve been so much better. If you actually get along well with your twin, I feel like it’s an automatic best friend for life.
I want to build this connection with someone in real life, even through I’m already 23. You don't have to look like me at all. Just to live as twins is enough. Let’s text a bit first, then photos, then voice messages, calls, then video chat, as slow or fast as we both feel comfortable. One day we’d meet in real life. Maybe we’d travel the world together. We could share everything and promise to keep our bond for life at all costs, basically.
I’m definitely willing to have a brother, but Girls are better for this, because with a sister, we could hold hands and hug and such (because my main love languages are physical touch and quality time). I want to be as close as possible and share our lives together…like inseparable, ideally…like real twins who are super close.. sharing everything and doing everything together.
Yes I’m looking for a lifetime super committed true family connection.
Eating from the same plate, Please introduce yourself briefly when you message me and let me know your purpose for messaging. I have 3 siblings in real life but I want one more... maybe it's you.
I want someone who: 1. Someone who cares about their health and would never allow themselves to become or stay overweight etc. (because I’m active and health conscious and believe that getting out of your comfort zone and always striving to be the best version of yourself is so important. I want a sibling with the same mindset.) 2. Doesn’t use drugs or drink alcohol (because I don’t smoke or drink) 3. Is not a pervert (because 🤢ew…..and either way I’m looking for FAMILY….not some weird gross stuff.) 4. Someone who touches grass regularly and isn’t addicted to video games (Because I’m big into nature and I rarely play video games) 5. Someone who doesn’t swear or is trying to stop (it just makes me uncomfortable) 6. Someone with high moral standards.
This is like“heart adoption”, but between siblings.
I prefer someone born and raised in a culture I’m familiar with so that it feels more comfortable and like family for me. You should have been born/raised mainly in the country and/or culture of a western country, East Asian country, South American country or South East Asian country.)
Why those places? 1. I’m from a western country and have lived in many international western communities. 2. I speak an East Asian language and most of my close friends have been from there. 3. I spent my teenage years surrounded by South American culture and got really comfortable. 4. I have lived in South East Asia for an extended period of time, and it became like a second home for me.
(I hope this post is finally crystal clear. 😅 It’s probably one of the most ambitious you’ve ever seen, but I’m serious. But if you do need any clarification, feel free to ask me. Please introduce yourself a bit and your reason for messaging when you do message. Thanks :) )
submitted by Full-Knowledge496 to friendship [link] [comments]