Unblocked msn sites


2009.10.23 11:25 badassjdr Skool

Discussion board about the skool platform,

2010.05.31 13:49 UK video on demand


2024.06.09 15:16 Jamshed01 CroxyProxy For YouTube Videos or Instagram Unblock

A Comprehensive Guide to Using CroxyProxy Web Proxy for Unblocking YouTube and Instagram. Discover how to bypass geo-restrictions on any platform without a VPN.
Encountering messages like ‘This video is not available in your location’ while browsing YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Netflix, and other sites can be frustrating. If you’ve faced such issues and are seeking a solution, this guide is for you. Here, I will show you how to unblock all geo-restricted content on any platform without the need for a VPN.
submitted by Jamshed01 to Techolac [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:23 magicman5677 Search for Bonus Scenes

I'm currently compiling a list of every survivor bonus video but I'm already stuck on Borneo. I want to know if this list I'm making actually has everything and so I want to share links to the sites I'm taking these video names from and want to know if that's all the season has. If not, please tell me in the comments. I also don't have sources for some seasons at all so I would love for you to send some links :)
I also want to know if these even are the insider videos or not
Survivor: Borneo
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Survivor: Africa
Survivor: Marquesas
Survivor: Thailand
Survivor: The Amazon
Couldn't find an archive of pearl islands, but I saw someone post the insider videos on yt
Survivor: All-Stars
Couldn't find an archive for vanuatu :(
Couldn't find an archive for palau either :(
I guess this is everything there is for guatemala - Guatemala
Couldn't find Panama, Cook Islands, Fiji
Survivor: China
Survivor: Micronesia
For most of these next seasons I found playlist on yt with all of the bonus scenes there but most of the videos were deleted (I can find the name of the video and the name of the person uploading theme on quiteaplaylist.com). For the missing seasons, can somebody please send me links to similair playlists that with contain these privated/deleted videos?
Survivor: Gabon
Survivor: Tocantins
Survivor: Samoa
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
nothing for nicaragua :(
Survivor: Redemption Island - this one actually contains unblocked videos!
nothing for sopa
Survivor: One World - this one also has unblocked videos!
Survivor: Philippines
Survivor: Caramoan - this only features the cast videos for caramoan, please help me find a better one :)
Survivor: Blood vs. Water - most of this is on the official channel, some of the videos are privated though :( so Im still looking for a playlist with EVERYTHING
Survivor: Cagayan - same thing as bvw
nothing for sjds
nothing for worlds apart
nothing for cambodia
Survivor: Kaoh Rong - this playlist is actually made by me :)
Survivor: MvGx
nothing for game changers sadly
nothing for hvhvh
Survivor 36-39, 41-46 - this channel has all of these seasons (hopefully it has everything) UNBLOCKED
nothing for waw sadly :(((((
Wow this took a long time!
Here is a link to the spreadsheet which Ill be updating every once in a while:
Please help me find and archive all these secret scenes so that the community can access them all with ease.
submitted by magicman5677 to survivorponderosa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:12 magicman5677 Search for Bonus Scenes

I'm currently compiling a list of every survivor bonus video but I'm already stuck on Borneo. I want to know if this list I'm making actually has everything and so I want to share links to the sites I'm taking these video names from and want to know if that's all the season has. If not, please tell me in the comments. I also don't have sources for some seasons at all so I would love for you to send some links :)
I also want to know if these even are the insider videos or not
Survivor: Borneo
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Survivor: Africa
Survivor: Marquesas
Survivor: Thailand
Survivor: The Amazon
Couldn't find an archive of pearl islands, but I saw someone post the insider videos on yt
Survivor: All-Stars
Couldn't find an archive for vanuatu :(
Couldn't find an archive for palau either :(
I guess this is everything there is for guatemala - Guatemala
Couldn't find Panama, Cook Islands, Fiji
Survivor: China
Survivor: Micronesia
For most of these next seasons I found playlist on yt with all of the bonus scenes there but most of the videos were deleted (I can find the name of the video and the name of the person uploading theme on quiteaplaylist.com). For the missing seasons, can somebody please send me links to similair playlists that with contain these privated/deleted videos?
Survivor: Gabon
Survivor: Tocantins
Survivor: Samoa
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
nothing for nicaragua :(
Survivor: Redemption Island - this one actually contains unblocked videos!
nothing for sopa
Survivor: One World - this one also has unblocked videos!
Survivor: Philippines
Survivor: Caramoan - this only features the cast videos for caramoan, please help me find a better one :)
Survivor: Blood vs. Water - most of this is on the official channel, some of the videos are privated though :( so Im still looking for a playlist with EVERYTHING
Survivor: Cagayan - same thing as bvw
nothing for sjds
nothing for worlds apart
nothing for cambodia
Survivor: Kaoh Rong - this playlist is actually made by me :)
Survivor: MvGx
nothing for game changers sadly
nothing for hvhvh
Survivor 36-39, 41-46 - this channel has all of these seasons (hopefully it has everything) UNBLOCKED
nothing for waw sadly :(((((
Wow this took a long time!
Here is a link to the spreadsheet which Ill be updating every once in a while:
Please help me find and archive all these secret scenes so that the community can access them all with ease.
submitted by magicman5677 to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:50 KinkyAmra For about 2 months now only youtube is always lagging and freezing (both the videos and the site) without me changing anything on mozilla.Is it because i am blocking the ads(unblock origin)?

submitted by KinkyAmra to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:28 Direct-Caterpillar77 The best revenge is a happy life... and having your cheating ex pay you child support.

I am not The OOP, OOP is [deleted]
The best revenge is a happy life... and having your cheating ex pay you child support.
Originally posted to ProRevenge
Original Post Apr 5, 2021
Grab a cup of coffee or tea because this is a long story (I apologize but hope its worth your time to read).
My revenge began with discovering my wife's infidelity (let's call her "Keri"). After fourteen years of marriage and three kids, I saw a text appear on her "work phone" for just a few seconds that would forever change my life. It was a message that was sexually graphic and had no business being on anyone's "work phone". It was on the lock screen and the sender's name was visible (let's call him "Perry").
Background: I married Keri when I was 25 and she was 22. I was teaching high school at the time and she was a RN. After having our first child, Keri became a stay at home mom. Money was tight, so I took on an admin roll in my department and coached two sports for the stipends. We made it and after a few annual pay raises, I stopping coaching and took advantage of a program to earn an administrative credential.
Once I made the jump to administration, our last child was ready for preschool and Keri decided she wanted to go back to work. Nursing jobs are always available, but they're not always the best positions. Keri pretty much had to start back at the bottom, working alongside nurses that were a lot younger than she was and could work back-to-back double shifts that took at toll on Keri. When she asked her supervisor about other positions, she was told that without a BSN, she wasn't going to move up (at the time, Keri had only the 2-year ADN). I told her that between preschool, afterschool rec, and my retired mother (who was always willing to pick up the kids from school and watch them), I'd support her getting her BSN.
It took her three years, but eventually she had her BSN and was promoted to a better position at the hospital. Things were good for a while. We had plenty of money, so finally moved into our own "McMansion", bought new cars, etc. I'd moved from school admin to the district admin, so I had more time to spend with Keri and the kids. She was working a more predictable schedule and even with my often-long hours at work, this change allowed us to finally take vacations to all the places we'd put on a list during our Honeymoon (she kept that list in our wedding album).
At some point years later, I noticed she's carrying two phones with her. When I asked her about it, she said that it was a phone provided by the hospital. I didn't question her explanation because my district had also given me the option of a phone or a phone stipend (which I took instead). Again, months went by and I thought we were a happy "perfect" family.
I charged my phone in our den while she charged her phones in our guest bedroom that doubled as a computer room so we could keep tabs on the kids while they surfed the web. I was updating software on the computer when I saw a light around her work phone. She had a habit of always turning her phones face down when charging them. Out of curiosity, I reached over to the phone and flipped it over. A message had popped up on the lock screen asking her when she'd like to be "orally pleased again' but in much more graphic language. I also saw that "Perry" sent it.
The world stopped around me. I just froze. My first thoughts where "What the hell was that about? Its her work phone! That kind of message gets people fired!" Then it hit me... was Keri having an affair?
It's amazing how the brain works. I suddenly started remembering a lot of things Keri had done that seemed "odd" but I'd either dismissed them myself or immediately accepted her explanation. She was always walking out of the room to answer a call or return a text and claimed that it would violate HIPAA if I overheard her talking about a patient. I accepted this because education has similar privacy laws regarding students. She would sometimes come home with the faint smell of cologne on her clothes and claimed it was from helping to move male patients. Again I accepted this at face value, but it always struck me as odd how it seemed to be same scent of cologne.
Once the proverbial barn door was open, I started seeing a lot of things that I'd missed before. Our love life in the bedroom had cooled off considerably which wasn't helped by her having to leave the house at odd hours to "fill in for other nurses that called in sick". I also recalled where I'd seen the name "Perry" before and a call to the hospital confirmed he was a doctor there.
For the next week or so, I was walking around in daze trying to put all of the pieces together. One of our kids had left a book in Keri's car, so it was an excuse to visit the hospital (Keri had told me personal visits were frowned upon). My kid went up to get Keri's car key (I'd "forgotten" my key to her car at home), I talked to a nurse in the lobby and "joked" about how "work phones" seem like a blessing but all they do is put you on call 24 hours a day. This led to her eventually telling me that the hospital was too "cheap" to give cell phone to nurses, so only high level executives got them (which didn't include Keri).
With pretty much everything confirmed, I took some personal time off the next day to talk to a divorce lawyer. The news she gave me was horrible. We lived in a community property state with no fault divorce. I made more money than Keri, she'd been the primary caretake of the kids, and we'd been married for more than ten years. Basically, if I filed for divorce, I'd be screwed. Lose the house, pay alimony, she'd get a huge chunk of my retirement, and I'd pay child support for the next decade unless I was lucky enough to be awarded joint custody. The worst thing she told me was that it didn't matter that she cheated.
It. Didn't. Matter. I was crushed.
There was only one person I could trust with this kind of information. She was a fellow teacher that had also made the jump to administration (but was "stuck" at a school site). Let's call her "Anne". Anne had been married at 19, but her marriage was annulled when he got some other woman pregnant. Since then, she'd focused on her career and we'd found we were kindred spirits in a lot of ways regarding K-12 education.
I talked to Anne. She said something to me that changed my whole mindset: If you don't like the hand you're dealt, change the deck. I realized I had two problems: I made more money than Keri and she had more time than me to be the primary caretake of the kids.
The second issue was actually kind of easy. At every district office, there are jobs that are "fast tracks" to higher positions and there are jobs that administrators suffer through (like Mess or KP duty in the military). One of these dead-end regulatory positions was open again (ambitious administrators leave after a couple of years when a better position opens up). I sat down with our district superintendent and asked about being transferred to that position. At first he was shocked but I told him that it was "my time to take one for the team" and it would fill a "hole" in my admin experience. He agreed.
It was really just crunching numbers with no personnel or student interaction so I could set my schedule, even take a laptop home and work there. With my new free time, I began taking the kids to school, picking them up from school (not leaving them in afterschool rec or having my mother watch them), and taking them home. I'd help them with their homework, make dinner, etc. While the end goal was to become their primary caretaker, I can't explain how much I really, really enjoyed taking a more active roll in their day to day lives.
My salary hadn't been reduced, so I needed to find a way for Keri to make a lot more money than she was in current nursing position. I remembered Keri being mad after she'd earned her BSN and a supervisor told her "in the future, bachelor degrees will be worthless and everyone will need at least a masters degree". Keri had worked hard to get her BSN and that supervisor's comment pissed all over her hard work. I talked her into starting a MSN program. I told her that since I had a much more flexible work schedule, I would keep taking care of the kids. She was reluctant at first, then I said, "You could have every evening free to study or go to class, whatever you want to do." I saw her eyes immediately light up, probably thinking that she could spend more time with Perry.
To make sure she was actually completing her MSN courses, I paid her tuition and fees directly to her university. It was going to take her between two and three years to finish.
Those years were rough at times. I could tell every time she was rushing off or coming back from seeing Perry. There was an excitement or sense of satisfaction in her eyes that just wasn't there when she was doing her coursework. I had to either smile or pretend I didn't notice. My temper got short at times and I found myself in arguments over petty nonsense. A couple of times I almost blew the whole charade having to bite my tongue and apologize rather than scream insults at her that she deserved.
Anne remained my confidant through all of this. I'd recommended her for my previous "fast-track" position and she joined me at the district office. Anne was qualified, hardworking, ambitious and only needed her foot in the door to impress the higher ups. I even got a few pats on the back for recommending her after she impressed everyone.
Anne and I started our own affair. It wasn't some hot-blooded, passionate romance, but two friends giving each other what they need. Without Anne, I wouldn't have been able to maintain the charade of being the oblivious cuckold. But when Keri would come home smiling after spending time with Perry, I was able to bear it, smiling back because I had my own lover.
After three and a half years, Keri completed her MSN and was promoted at her hospital. Her salary went up substantially and was now higher than mine. When the kids and I made her a "congratulations dinner", I made a joke about her being the "breadwinner" for the family and she laughed, joking back I should be a stay at home dad now.
A month later, I went back to the lawyer (who didn't remember me at first) and told her the financial situation had drastically changed. With these new facts, she drafted the petition and filed it. When the kids were with my mother, I had Keri served. The deputy knocked on our front door and I let him in, pointing at my wife. He asked her name and then handed her a copy of the divorce petition. With the deputy standing there, I told Keri I knew all about her affair with Perry (but I didn't tell her how long I'd known). I told her to go be happy with her doctor lover. She screamed at me, tried to lie, and then made the mistake of rushing toward me.
The deputy stopped her and warned her that women go to jail for domestic violence, too, "now". He suggested she pack a bag to stay somewhere else. Keri left after I promised not to tell the kids about her affair. I didn't tell the kids. But I told my mother, who told my sister, who told her kids, who told their cousins (my kids). It took a few days, but eventually the kids knew that dad was divorcing mom because "she had a boyfriend".
In the end, the court granted the divorce, giving me primary custody of our kids (because I was already their primary caretaker), I kept the house with the promise I'd refinance to buy out Keri's half, she was ordered to pay child support, and I used that fact to negotiate with her to give up any rights to my retirement if I bought her out.
I was able to refinance "my" home (it was the era when banks threw money at everyone to buy or refinance a mortgage) and with a little money borrowed from my parents, I bought our Keri's community property interest in the home and in my retirement. The day she signed all the paperwork with my lawyer finally ending any possible financial obligations to her was the happiest I'd been. I felt like I could finally breathe. I celebrated with Anne who'd been my rock through all of it. I'm not ashamed to say that through the years I'd cried many times in her arms. Anne and I would eventually marry. She got promoted to a higher position and I was "convinced" to take back my previous position at the district when my youngest child reached high school.
Keri and I got along well after the divorce. We took the kids to family therapy and worked out this co-parenting thing. For the few few months, she took a beating from the kids about "why she needed a boyfriend when daddy was there all along?" Between the kids and the therapist raking her over the coals, I didn't have to say anything at all. Keri missed a lot of time with the kids because of her now legitimately busy work schedule and I actually felt bad that my kids were missing time with their mother, so encouraged them to talk to her on the phone instead.
When Keri found out that I'd proposed to Anne, she congratulated me. I told her its okay for her to marry Perry, too. She got sad. She told me that Perry had started seeing another woman, a younger nurse at the hospital, because with her new position, she didn't have time for him and when they did get together, she wasn't "fun" anymore. My ex-wife, the woman who'd cheated on me and destroyed our marriage, was looking to me for sympathy. I had none to give.
What I had was years of anger and frustration. Years of knowing some other man was sleeping with my wife. I'd lost weight from not being able to eat, I'd suffered hypertension and had to confide in my doctor why it wasn't the stress of my job. I had to listen to my dentist complain about how I was grinding and listening to him tell me I'd need dental implants if it kept up. There were times when I had to be intimate with Keri to keep up the charade (fortunately infrequently), only to lie that I wanted to use condoms to "remind us how we used to have sex when we were dating" or "because I might have a bladder infection", then go take a STD test anyway and wait for the results before seeing Anne again.
But in the end, it was all worth it. Sure, Keri got a big payout when I bought her out of the house and my retirement, which she was trickling back to me through child support, but she lost everything else. Her kids only saw her every other weekend and spent a couple of holidays with her. Perry dumped her and he was no great catch anyway, since he was twice divorced with five kids and paying alimony and child support through the nose. I kept my kept my kids, my house, my income, my retirement, I got Anne, and I am genuinely happy -- all in a community property state with no fault divorce.
If that's not "pro revenge", then I don't know what is.
TL;DR: Wife cheated and instead of divorcing her right away, I spent years putting her through additional schooling and taking over caring for our kids so that when I did divorce her in our community property, no fault state, she'd be paying me.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:18 RaccoonSweaty9447 How to unblock ads that avoid me watching pirated anime sites.

How to unblock ads that avoid me watching pirated anime sites.
Anyone know how? Because thru google you need to turn off the anti banner in privacy but my kaspersky doesn't have a privacy section to disable the anti banner that blocks the ads though...
submitted by RaccoonSweaty9447 to KasperskyLabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:51 3nywhile Des anyone know a site I can play Papa's Cluckeria for free?

I've been trying to find an unblocked site to play papas cluckeria w/o paying or downloading since im playing on my school computer and it doesnt allow certain downloads.
submitted by 3nywhile to flipline [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:20 Morbo782 How to Unblock a user?

How do you unblock a user previously blocked using Infinity?
Going to their profile to unblock them doesn't work because Block is the only option, and they're already blocked.
And they don't show up in the list of blocked users when I check on the Reddit site either. In fact, none of the recent ones I blocked show up in that list.
Is it stored somewhere else?
submitted by Morbo782 to Infinity_For_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:36 Equivalent_Pen_6605 All Best Unblocked Games In One Megathread

All Best Unblocked Games In One Megathread
For all searches of Unblocked Games Trends:
  1. Unblocked Games WTF #
  2. Unblocked Games 76 #
  3. Unblocked Games 77 #
  4. Classroom6x #
  5. Unblocked Games 6x #
  6. Unblocked Games 66 #
  7. Unblocked Games Premium #
  8. Ubg Games #
  9. 3kh0 Games #
  10. Ubg100 #
  11. Ubg365 #
  12. Ubg98 #
  13. Classroom 6X
  15. PIZZA 6X
  16. PIZZA 3X
You don't need to search sites anymore here is out MEGALIST of best unblocked games sites list:
submitted by Equivalent_Pen_6605 to UnblockedGamesUBG [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:12 IloveBirds1 Hello people this is our forum

U can use after school to ask for games (don't ask here if you haven't emailed me and didn't get a reply after 1-2 day's), ask questions about new site releases or a different site link to unblock it, get answers for problems or games being blocked, or ask for more to be added to my A/V lord google drive
submitted by IloveBirds1 to Biekseis [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:24 No-Management-1934 What is happening to DDG? These MSN results are absolute cancer and things seem to be getting worse

What is happening to DDG? These MSN results are absolute cancer and things seem to be getting worse
I cannot be putting -site:msn.com after every single search to avoid getting a bunch of MSN clones full of invasive ads and broken elements which constantly force me to hit extra “expand article” buttons or download their app; this is ridiculous. It’s like every single result on the first page of ANY search for some recent news. Overall search seems to be getting worse too in a way it’s hard for me to put my finger on; the information I’m looking for increasingly seems to be buried under barely-related shopping results and nothingburger SEO traps from the usual suspects.
Can anyone recommend an alternative? I tried Mojeek but they just don’t seem to index a whole lot and can’t effectively filter AI pollution out of their results.
submitted by No-Management-1934 to duckduckgo [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:37 MellilaAnn I 21F want him 24M back after a long history, how do I do that?

I (21F) met H (24M) 2 years ago on a dating site. We get along well and have a lot of similar interests and ideas.
I’m going to be really vulnerable and honest about what has happened so please don’t judge me too harshly.
Summer 2022 - When we dated the first time I was just getting out of an abusive relationship and just wanted to prove to myself I could be with someone else. We went on some dates and I had sex with him, which I had only ever done with my ex at the time. After a while we had a general falling out and weren’t super kind to each other, but it wasn’t a huge deal. I moved back to my university city and he stayed where my parents live, I had just been there for summer.
Summer 2023 - I reached out to him as I was going to be staying with my parents over summer again and again we got on really well and went on some dates, after a while he got a girlfriend and I said I was happy for him but we shouldn’t see each other because that’s not really right. He disagreed but I never met up with him. A little bit after that, during a manic episode, I threw some concrete through his window. Not because of anything to do with him, because of my own issues. He didn’t report me but he blocked me.
Late spring 2024 - I finished uni and went to stay with my parents again and I was reminiscing so I looked at our messages and saw he had unblocked me. I reached out and he was very open to talking again, but he lived on the other side of the country now. We chatted every day and even travelled to come see a showing of my graduate project. Shortly after he died died he wanted to move back up to the city we met in, and I was getting a flat of my own there too. I confessed a to him I was worried he would disappear again and he promised he wouldn’t and that he wouldn’t block me unless I threw concrete through his window again (this was a joke in part cause we joke about what happened).
Summer 2024 - When he moved into his new flat he immediately asked me to come over. He said we could go to the park and there was live music.after in the day. When I got there we went to the park then he showed me around his new place and the bedroom. We both have sexual trauma and I’m not really ready to be sexual with anyone right now, even though the two of us have always had that kind of relationship. I talked a lot and tried to very casually explain I didn’t really want to have sex, but I was too soft in my approach because I didn’t want to trigger him in any way. This led tome giving him a blowjob. I could have said no but I didn’t, I don’t know exactly why. I wanted to have sex with him, but I knew it was a bad idea and it was. When we were finished I cried a little and then I got over it quick and helped him unpack some of his stuff, but he was in a worse mood than before and called me annoying . Before I gave him the head he said incould sleep over and I was really excited about that but after he didn’t want me to any more and that’s when I got really upset and felt used. We got in his car so he could take me home and I started having a panic attac, I have claustrophobia and being in the car while I was already upset was really had. I made him stop so I could sit outside the car for a while and he just acted annoyed and wouldn’t talk to me. I apologised the whole way back but he wouldn’t talk to me until we parked up then he said this was the worst hour of his life, he felt sorry for me and it was all my fault for not saying I wasn’t ready. He said he didn’t want to speak to me again and left. I messaged him the next day but he said if I didn’t want to be blocked again I need to respect his decision and he needs time I told him when I moved into my flat and said I hoped work was going well and he just said good luck. I’m mad a bit to be honest but I don’t want it to be over between us. I don’t know many people in this city and I think he’s a good person. How do I fix this?
submitted by MellilaAnn to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:36 MellilaAnn I 21F want him 24M back after a long history, how do I do that?

I (21F) met H (24M) 2 years ago on a dating site. We get along well and have a lot of similar interests and ideas.
I’m going to be really vulnerable and honest about what has happened so please don’t judge me too harshly.
Summer 2022 - When we dated the first time I was just getting out of an abusive relationship and just wanted to prove to myself I could be with someone else. We went on some dates and I had sex with him, which I had only ever done with my ex at the time. After a while we had a general falling out and weren’t super kind to each other, but it wasn’t a huge deal. I moved back to my university city and he stayed where my parents live, I had just been there for summer.
Summer 2023 - I reached out to him as I was going to be staying with my parents over summer again and again we got on really well and went on some dates, after a while he got a girlfriend and I said I was happy for him but we shouldn’t see each other because that’s not really right. He disagreed but I never met up with him. A little bit after that, during a manic episode, I threw some concrete through his window. Not because of anything to do with him, because of my own issues. He didn’t report me but he blocked me.
Late spring 2024 - I finished uni and went to stay with my parents again and I was reminiscing so I looked at our messages and saw he had unblocked me. I reached out and he was very open to talking again, but he lived on the other side of the country now. We chatted every day and even travelled to come see a showing of my graduate project. Shortly after he died died he wanted to move back up to the city we met in, and I was getting a flat of my own there too. I confessed a to him I was worried he would disappear again and he promised he wouldn’t and that he wouldn’t block me unless I threw concrete through his window again (this was a joke in part cause we joke about what happened).
Summer 2024 - When he moved into his new flat he immediately asked me to come over. He said we could go to the park and there was live music.after in the day. When I got there we went to the park then he showed me around his new place and the bedroom. We both have sexual trauma and I’m not really ready to be sexual with anyone right now, even though the two of us have always had that kind of relationship. I talked a lot and tried to very casually explain I didn’t really want to have sex, but I was too soft in my approach because I didn’t want to trigger him in any way. This led tome giving him a blowjob. I could have said no but I didn’t, I don’t know exactly why. I wanted to have sex with him, but I knew it was a bad idea and it was. When we were finished I cried a little and then I got over it quick and helped him unpack some of his stuff, but he was in a worse mood than before and called me annoying . Before I gave him the head he said incould sleep over and I was really excited about that but after he didn’t want me to any more and that’s when I got really upset and felt used. We got in his car so he could take me home and I started having a panic attac, I have claustrophobia and being in the car while I was already upset was really had. I made him stop so I could sit outside the car for a while and he just acted annoyed and wouldn’t talk to me. I apologised the whole way back but he wouldn’t talk to me until we parked up then he said this was the worst hour of his life, he felt sorry for me and it was all my fault for not saying I wasn’t ready. He said he didn’t want to speak to me again and left. I messaged him the next day but he said if I didn’t want to be blocked again I need to respect his decision and he needs time I told him when I moved into my flat and said I hoped work was going well and he just said good luck. I’m mad a bit to be honest but I don’t want it to be over between us. I don’t know many people in this city and I think he’s a good person. How do I fix this?
submitted by MellilaAnn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:10 Hour-Bottle1634 FIN ACK Packet right after three-way handshake

I am trying to establish an MQTT connection from a site where internet connection is quite secure (many firewalls and blocked ports, etc). To establish this connection, we have unblocked the port 8883 and server host address for MQTT Broker (Azure Event Grid). However, we are noticing the connection is still failing, using Wireshark we got the packet as follows:
  1. Client Port -> 8883 (SYN)
  2. 8883 -> Client Port (SYN,ACK)
  3. Client Port -> 8883 (ACK)
  4. (After 2s) 8883 -> Client Port (FIN,ACK)
  5. Client Port -> 8883 (FIN,PSH,ACK)
  6. 8883 -> Client Port (RST,ACK)
Could anyone help diagnose or what I can do to check whether the connection is getting refused on the server side or if it is from the site's internet. I'm not very good at networking, but I know the bare minimum, any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Hour-Bottle1634 to networking [link] [comments]

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Exams & Quizzes: Final rates for exams and quizzes depend on various factors including: whether or not there is proctoring, how many hours the exam is, total number of questions including sub-parts, preferred method of me delivering solutions, whether it's show all work or just the answer only, and whether the assessment has a flexible window of time to complete or a fixed & rigid start and end time.
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2024.06.06 00:25 Feakarkenechaeucaski Understanding Adblockers: A long post to debunk the idea of MV3 or Google being able/intending to kill adblockers.

  1. Is MV3 killing Adblockers like people say? while MV3 is more restricted than MV2, it will not kill adblockers.
  2. Is Google killing adblockers? no, there is Adblockplus, Adguard and uBlock MV3 complaint extensions in the store.
  3. Why do people say Google is killing adblockers then? It's based on not understanding how adblockers filters/rules work.
  4. Will I see Youtube ads because Google is going to workaround how adblockers work? Not exactly, Google can't do anything about it, the method used in MV3 is the same way ads are being blocked in MV2, which is by injecting a JavaScript snippets. The only way Google can do anything is if they completely change the way they deliver their ads, for example, embedding them just like Twitch does it.
  5. I heard adblockers can't update lists frequently like they do now because lists are included in the extensions and reviewing extensions take days, is that true? Yes, that's true, but recently google added a Skip review for eligible changes to extensions that will take care of that (you can read it on their 'developer chrome' blog), and Developers can publish SAFE STATIC RULES updates without needing to go through a review by the extension store. This means Adblockers can normally update their lists and they will be available to users within minutes. This also only applies to extensions that use declarativeNetRequest API, which is aimed at Adblockers and how they do things like updating lists. In fact, this what Google says in their blog about it: "In Manifest V3, developers of content filtering extensions make heavy use of the Declarative Net Request API. These extensions rely on filter lists which can change often and need to be kept up to date for users. We already support dynamic rules and we are adding this option to make sure developers can continue to offer the same set of capabilities in MV3."
    So while the concern is true, how can these factual actions taken by Google, like improving MV3 DNR limits based on Adguard and Adblock Plus feedback, and this skip review for CONTENT FILTERING extensions, can translate to some people as Google is killing adblockers and Google this and Google that? well, it's just a contradictory logic.
But this post is not exactly about MV3 or to defend MV3, the only truth we know is that MV3 is the future in Chromium browsers, and nobody can do anything.
The purpose of this post is to explain how Adblockers work and why MV3 while more restricted in what MV2 allowed extensions to do (Mv3 adds positive and negative things), there shouldn't be big issues for most adblocker rules to be implemented and work and do what Mv2 did. In terms of adblocking, that's what matters here anyway, if a rule is working or not, even if they miss some other features they had, like an easy to use slider or a buttons.
Adblockers aren't doing any magic, a dev anti-adblock implementation might not work in MV2, just like it won't work in Mv3, because adblocking is always evolving to cover many cases where trackers and ads are getting through. This is why you see some scriptlets being implemented just to address a single site, because sometimes that is the best approach, and sometimes a single scriptlet or a different type of rule will cover many at the same time.
So no, this is also not to justify the creation of MV3, but MV3 wasn't made to specifically damage adblocking, MV3 is the whole extension platform, so every extension will be affected. Of course, the explanation behind MV3 is to give Chromium browsers the power with native APIs to do the filtering and everything extensions do, they say it is for performance, battery and security reasons, but in terms of adblockers it doesn't matter if true or not, because right now most major MV3 complaint adblockers are able to block, hide and modify most of what MV2 are doing.
Is MV3 perfect for adblockers? no, but also that can be relative and depends on the website, it works fine in some websites, in others it needs some work. Also, MV3 keeps evolving so it will not have the same features today that they will have in a year, just like a year ago we didn't have userScript and DNR limits were terrible and there was no skip review for static rules.. etc etc.
So of course, I believe many arguments against Mv3 are also based on pure lack of logic and reason, like think about this, why would Google provide Declarative Net Request API, if they don't want extensions to do that? if they wanted to kill most of Adblocker effectiveness they would have done that, the browser can do it natively for developers so why provide an Extension API if the plan is to limit and kill adblockers? that's how some people's logic doesn't make any sense.
Their claims is also based on their lack of knowing how Adblocking rules work, and they think everything is just the doom of dooms by not knowing how Adblockers do what they do, like cosmetics. Do people even know all it does is add display: none !important to an HTML element? that's all it does, and that can be done by every adblocker today, MV2 or MV3, if they are developed correctly. There are some Mv3 that are more advanced than Mv2 adblockers for example.
So this is more to let some people drop the fear and misinformation, with the concepts of Adblocking and the manifestv3 extension platform. It's okay to have some doubt and be uncertain about stuff, but making claims like "google is killing adblockers" or "Google will stop supporting adblockers" are just ridiculous.
And this is why:
First, Like I said, Adblockers don't do 'magic' to do what they do, Adblockers fundamental idea is very simple in the way they do their job, this is because everything done by the Adblockers can be done by anyone using the same features to create websites and all, like Devtools, Block Network Requests, Modify or Add or remove CSS properties, attributes, classes, nodes, modify headers, modify CSP inject JavaScript snippets which would allow to have access to many APIs like remove or set cookies or local storage items, set functions or stop then from running, close windows, stop popups from opening... etc.
This means Adblockers can't be killed because if Google were to block Adblockers for doing simple tasks like that, most other extension would be blocked, for example: 7tv or Betterttv inject JS in Twitch so Twitch page replaces words by images. Dark Reader or midnight-lizard will modify the CSS to modify the way websites look. Something like Inssman or ModHeader will modify and add and remove the request and response headers, and make other advanced stuff that would work like what Adblockers do to do their job.
So for Google to block adblockers, they need to change completely the way web technologies are made, this is also because when you open devtools, a page is an open book, you can check anything a website does and modify it and even retain some changes after you reload the page when you use Sources -> overrides. So it is not possible for Google to do that.
If people think Google could block extensions based on name? Adblockers can just drop the use of "adblockers' in their name and move on. If people think Google could use the Static rules (in MV3 rules that come with the adblocker have to be reviewed by Chrome Extension Store), well, Youtube currently doesn't use any essential static rule for its adblocking, maybe for anti-track purposes but not really for the video ads, so even if Google were to block Adblockers based on other types of rules like Scriptlet injection, there will be an official list to load in the adblocker that will do the job. Adblockers are allowed to use custom rules, and since scriptlet injections rules are not counted towards any Dynamic rules limit in DNR, then you can add as many as you want, because the limits in DNR are for DNR not other types of rules that don't touch the API.
Yes, Adblockers support many type of rules to achieve anything they do, this is important because it seems for the way people comment or write their posts that they think Cosmetics are the same as a Network Request filter and they all obth are limited to DNR API, people should finally stop thinking thata rule can be treated the same as another, especially when we talk about DNR limits.
DNR API is ONLY about Network Request filtering, this is, anything that the browser connects to when loading a page, you can see all these connections in Devtools -> Network, and you can use the Network Request Filtering inside Devtools to achieve the same an adblocker would do (maybe better, since Devtools has access to anything, even extensions, while extensions can only see pages, no internal pages or other extensions.). These ones are the only rules that count towards the limits of declarativeNetRequest API which is replacing WebRequest API. Other rules, like cosmetics or scriptlet injections are not counted towards the limit, so basically, anything that looks like example^ or example$domain=test, example/ads/*$xhr,scriptare the only ones that have to do with DNR API, but if they are simple cosmetics example##.class or Scriptlet Injections example##+js(scriptlet), they are not going to use DNR.
This is very important to understand, because most people make Cosmetic filters either by using native CSS selectors or pseudo-classes or Procedurals (selectors made with JS), and something like Youtube and others use scriptlet injections to achieve the adblocking capabilities, not network request becasue the ads don't get delivered that way or because modifying the way ads are delivered will not get blocked easily by Youtube or any other provider.
So Google can't even do much about adblockers in Youtube, because they would have to change the way ads are delivered to achieve that, just like Twitch did, and even in Twitch there are still workarounds like a scriptlet that lowers the quality to 360p while the ads are running, or extensions to proxy the connection to countries were ads are not implemented. This is the only way they have been able to fight a little the way uBlock, Brave or Adguard implementation to block Youtube ads, by changing a little the JSON stuff, but in 8 months Youtube hasn't been able to do much.
Now, about Anti-adblock technologies, this is not new, any website have been using similar methods to try to scare people and annoy people to disable adblockers, some are more effective the ones, some are not avoidable by simple methods and you need to allow some connections, but basically browsers can't tell if you are using Adblocker or not, what developers do is they build a logic to assume you are using an adblocker. Youtube latest anti-adblocker trick, was to go to Easylist, see an element that is being HIDDEN by cosmetics, and tell the page "if this element has the CSS display: none !important; then display the anti-adblock notice" nothing that wasn't fixed in 3 seconds by filter mantainers, that's it, not anything big to combat adblockers, just what any other website has been using in years, but something like Youtube hasn't really done much to fight adblockers in months for the way scriptlets were made by Adguard and uBlock with tons of research behind them on how to effectively implement them.
So why are people still stuck in the idea that Google can do anything about adblockers? it is fime to stop. Yes, Manifestv3 brings changes some negative changes, but also some positive ones, also some limits and all that, but it's not going to kill adbockers, especially when Google keeps making the extension platform more powerful by adding more APIs, for example recently they added userScripts API, which seems to be amazing allowing extensions to inject JS code natively, easy, without sacrificing performance, and since the idea of Manifestv3 is letting the browser do all the job by native APIs, then the performance between MV3 extensions shouldn't be an issue anymore, now it will be about extensions offering or not specific features and how devs improve and expand the extensions without killing the browser or opening security issues or something.
BTW recently Google made some changes to improve DNR limits. - More Static Rules: Previously only 50 static rulesets could be added per extension and only 10 enabled simultaneously. they were increased to be 50 simultaneusly and 100 rulesets in total. - More Dynamic Rules: 5000 were the limit and it was increased to 30000, but this is only for DNR rules: block, allow, allowAllRequests or upgradeScheme, while other dynamic net request rules stay at 5000. This is the change that was made based on Adguard and Adblock Plus feedback, because between internal lists and custom lists the 5K was too low and hit easily. You could see other limits by finding MAX_NUMBER_OF_DYNAMIC_RULES in Chrome's documentation.
So the limites are not the end of the world either, even if you were going to add your own rules.
Adblockers have evolved, they are not simple network requests and then cosmetics to hide whatever leftovers display in the page, this has needed years of researching and implementations, but they are not going away, because there are already MV3 complaint extensions in Google Extension Store, some are more capable than others, some offer most of the MV2 counterpart rules parity, some need work but it doesn't mean the effectiveness of the adblocker is gone.
These are some of the rules adblockers relay on, of course some have more value than others.
But in Adblocking world, If a rule exists, it will only be valid if the Adblocker supports it, there is no magic here either, a rule is either supported or not, this is why lists have thousands of rules, manually updated by humans everyday and all adblockers I tested, and why it is important for adblockers to find a way to support most of the rules they previously supported, sometimes an adblocker might support a rule and not the other like injecting CSS code in any HTML element, so it's not a limitation of the platform and how developers didn't care to give that feature or not yet.
Of course, if you don't believe me, you and anyone can test these rules and see if their adblocker of choice is effective or not, or if the rules you need to achieve X or Y exist, their documentation should easily let you write your own rules, so anyone could easily write a rule and adapt it to each Adblocker's syntax and see if the adblocker has the support for those features or not. I have done this for years and have made lists, of course Adblockers are always adding new type of rules and evolving so it is hard to keep up, especially if a rule is not documented because it is experimetal and might or not be implemented in the end.
Anyway, these are the main types of adblocking rules so you can see the differences:
Network request: They will block anything you see in Devtools -> Network tab, the most basic one is example^ and they can use modifiers to filter them more and be more specific: document, domain/from, scrpt, 3p, image, xhr, css, popup, redirect, redirect-rule, to, other, media, all. The first part before the $ is the URL the browser sees, the modifiers after the $ are just ways to filter them to be more specific if necessary. So, it requires a bit of reading to know how to write rules but it is easy, especially cosmetics, but for example you can set up to block specific images in specific domains you use test.jpg$image,domain=example or a script when it is loaded as a third-party connection test$script,3p This is what blocks as an Adblocker, any other rule can block, but this is the main one in charge of that and modify or block network request.
Cosmetic: example##.test this are the ones with native CSS selectors and pseudo classes. All it does is whatever you 'select' by using CSS selectors and pseudo classes, will be added the property display: none !important, and that's it, they don't block, only hide whatever element is selected, which is always a misconception of people when they say "Adblocker X is not blocking ads" but it is a static image that just doesn't have a specific rule set up.
Scriptlet Injection: example##+js(scriptlet) these are one of the most important filters in recent years, increasing the importance because injecting JS is powerful, and allows to do too many different things. But for example you could use a scriptlet to stop visibilitychange and then videos won't detect you tabbed out and stop them, so it is a whole world on its own, it is the biggest type of rule, because it allows to do almost anything with a website by injecting JS and using APIs like any pages does, this is the future of adblocking and it's like a reverse-engeneering type of thing, so instead of you building a feature by using JS in a page by a web dev, the adblocker is going stop or remove or modify what was built with JS by using the same JS that is native to the browser, again, no different than what you can do in Devtools. I wonder if Mv3 complain extensions will allow us to use our own scriptlets eventually, userScripts API should be the new better official API way of doing it as far as I know, it only needs dev mode to be enabled and it should allow users to download or add their own JS code to inject in pages, but I am not an extension developer to know the exact details and the performance compared to what MV2 extensions do when injecting scriptlets, but I am positive about it especially when it is a API provided by the browser and all.
Redirection rules: example$redirect=resource or example$redirect-rule= or ABP would use something that has the syntax $rewrite=abp-resource:resource this basically will replace a network request and use a local modified resource, this means you can replace a JS file with a noop one. This is important becuase it's frequent to detect adblockers based on network requests not being delivered, so this will allow the page to think it got the file, but since it is useless, nothing trackers or ads will happen, so you can block the request and faking the deliver of the file.
Content Security Policy (CSP): example$csp=default-src;sandbox;script-src This is not used often but it is very powerful. It works for a whitelisting stuff from a page, so you will add what you want to whitelist depending what you want to do. There are similar ways to achieve that in some adblockers by using $to (at least both $CSP and $to are supported by Adguard in MV3).
Procedural cosmetics: example##.test:upward(:has-text(TEXT)) some use the :contains() instead of :has-text(). But these are just non-native selectors made by JS, they allow amazing things but are slower than native CSS selectors and pseudo classes, so make things easier depending on situation at the cost of performance.
Action operators: :style() example##.test:style(css property) (or in Adguard = example#$?#.test {css property}), :remove(), :remove-attr(), :remove-class(), pretty useful to modify the websites and remove elements instead of hiding them, when hiding is not enough, remove-attr and remove-cass are still available in the form is scriptlet injections, since you have to inject JS to achieve what they do, but using them with normal CSS selectors, looking like normal cosmetics gives more flexibility for the rules and how they are applied in a page, like if an element changes in the page.
There are also the Specific or Generic rules, Generic are the ones that will apply to every page, specific will apply to specific domain(s), and there are also the exceptions, so rules are not applied to specific domains or completely to override something that was added by a filter list, same as $badfilter and other rules that are used in filter lists but users rarely use.
Most of rules that were in MV2 have been implemented in MV3, and the more time that passes the more an adblocker will evolve one way or the other, which is exactly what adblockers have been doing for years.
But in the end, people can test all this and drop the idea of the Evil MV3, because there already 3 major adblocking extensions in the store that are MV3 complaint anyway, some have more features than others, some already support all the same supported rules that they had in Mv2, some will include advanced features eventually, so people should just wait and see, there is still time for Extension Store to hide Mv2 extensions, and for Browser to completely remove Mv2 support, so rushing to judge based on ignorance shouldn't be a thing anymore.
Extensions in the store:
Adblock Plus: This seems to be the only official mainstream MV3 adblocker at the moment, it replaced the MV2 version sometime ago, so their decision to do that shows they were ready for it.
It works fine, every previous rule that was reported to be supported by MV2 in their documentation How-to-write-filters works, also, it allows you to use your own Custom Adblock rules and lists, It also has a logger through devtools.
The only problem people will notice is that it is still the same freemium extension as before, maybe more aggressive now because you need a subscription to unblock some features/lists, but you don't need that because you use any list you want, and you can write your own filters, unless they add scriptlets or something restricted only to premium users, then there is no reason why you can't make them yourself.
It seems to do a good job blocking Youtube ads, in my quick test of watching many videos. ABP compared to uBlock and Adguard has been fast, but lacks many important rules I like to use, so in terms of being for advanced users, it is not, but it works and it is fast. So missing some features like injecting CSS in a page, or adding your own scriptlets is not something I expected for it to have. But for general use it works great.
In the end they just switched all their million of users (between Edge, Chrome and Opera extension stores) to MV3, and I am sure nobody noticed the difference.
uBlock Origin Lite: This extension is also a separated extension from the MV2 conterpart, but it seems to offer good support for the rules.
There are one serious limitations though, no custom adblock rules or lists at the moment. But obviously it is not a limitation of MV3 when the other 2 extensions offer it.
It is really hard to test what exact features it supports or not compared to the MV2, for that single reason, no custom adblock rules.
But It seems to block Youtube ads fine in my experience, so it should be easier to do things when they add custom adblock rules and all that, but seems like it is in a decent spot.
But I made a reverse way of testing rules, a quick one because I didn't want to take hours doin it.
I opened the filter lists and searched for any random rule hltv.*##.leftCol > div [data-link-tracking-page="Widget"]:upward(.leftCol > div) that has :has() and :upward(). If the rule is not present in the domain, I would just create the HTML node structure and see if it works or not.
Well, they work, so it supports procedural cosmetic filters. The only problem I encountered that is not present in ABP or Adguard is that when I modified the rule, the rule has to be come invalid and show the element, for example an attribute, but when modifying the attribute the elements were still hidden with the display: none !important property, which is not what they have to do, like it's not watching the DOM correctly, but it is not an issue people will encounter, but more lika a behavior issue in how other adblockers work.
I also encountered some issues, where cosmetics are not being applied, if I go to cgpress you can see the right side has am ad leftover, but if you use devtools, you see that span[data-ez-ph-id] is in the list of cosmetics being applied, so it works but for some reason the other property being set by the page with display: block !important; is still being applied and not being overriden by what uBlock Lite is adding so you can remove the !important added by cgpress devs and the element will be hidden properly.
But this means it is not the adblocker not being able to do it, it is just it is not applying the cosmetic correctly in some cases, which is something the dev has to fix because ABP doens't have an issue for example.
uBlock Lite is also able to inject CSS with the action operator :style(), if you go to uBlockorg website, you shall see a message that says "uBlock is unrelated to the well-known uBlock Origin." in red, well, that's injected by the adblocker with the :style() action operator. So it supports most good rules, and while it is hard ot test without custom user rules, it's great and fast.
Adguard: Adguard is a separated extension "MV3 Experimental", it offers more features than ABP, by features I mean, rules. The logger is only present if you build and sideload the extension though, no official support for that yet, like ABP implemented, but It allows custom adblock rules and lists.
It seems to have the same issue as Adguard MV2, the performance of ExtendedCss (procedural) cosmetics is a little slower than what you would get in ABP (MV2 or MV3) and last time I reported and issue with native :is() pseudo class, but who knows when they are going to fix it, the issue is present in both MV2 and MV3, so it is not a MV3 issue but Adguard being Adguard.
But it works for the most part, seems like it has some little issues with the Scriptlet Injections though, so it runs when you load the page but then the scriptlet doesn't get injected anymore, which would affect Youtube adblocking, but doesn't mean that they won't improve it, because I tested uBlock Origin Lite and ABP as well and the issues are not there. Since uBlock Lite can do it, we I hope people won't blame MV3 and think it is MV3's fault.
But it offers great features like being able to inject any CSS property you want by using #?#.selector {style}, or you can use $csp to modify the CSP permissions in a page, and $to and many rules you can read in thier Github and the kb page How to create your own ad filters, and while it still doesn't support the great advanced list of rules the MV2 supports, it is closer and closer on each big release. Of course not having a logger makes it hard to test and see what rules are being used by Adguard in the normal version (you can get logger in the dev built version) but we hope eventually all this will be resolved when installing MV3 matters, I guess the most important thing to resolve is the Scriptlet Injection and how it is not working correctly, but other filters seem to work okay... we can only wait and see but Adguard's business comes from adblocking, so you hope they will have the extension ready soon, because Scriptlet Injections is like the most important filter in my opinion, and it's what important sites like Youtube need. So while it supports great features, that single issue is problematic, but it should be okay soon, it was working fine before, it will work fine again.
So... Will people still say Google can kill adblockers after reading this? probaly. Some people might think who am I to 'teach them anything' or don't care about what I wrote in this post and want to get stuck intheir ideas, but at least I am the kind of person who has found and reported bugs in how adblockers apply their rules, misbehaviors and limitations and workarounds and everything like that, this is because I meddle with adblockers enough to do all that. If someone needs a rule or a solution to a problem with a page, I am sure an Adblocker might be able to solve it. This is another thing about adblockers, they have evolved so much to do more than just adblocking or antitracking, you can use its features for so many thing, that you can completely change websites by modify their CSS, not just colors but position, size of the elements etc... I still hope some people learned something and how adblockers are easy to test and experiment with and even if MV3 Adblockers are still not feature parity with MV2, that doesn't mean they are going anywhere, or they can be killed by anyone like Google without changing the whole web.
Any questions about adblockers, I never have issues with that, any rule peopel need, I can help with that too. I know some people are weird on the internet, maybe too passionate to have a conversation, but I still hope someone learned anything from this post. I tried to cover everything I could to explain the details, so I hope I covered most of it so if people are interested they can go to each Adblocker documentation, see what feature they support and maybe learn how to write their own rules and how to fix their web by themselves if necessary.
Thank you very much for reading and have a good day.
submitted by Feakarkenechaeucaski to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:32 iogamesfun Unblocked Games 2025: The Future of Accessible Gaming

Unblocked Games 2025

As we approach 2025, the world of unblocked games continues to evolve, offering more exciting and accessible gaming experiences for students and gamers alike. Unblocked games have always been a popular choice for those looking to enjoy their favorite games during school or work hours, bypassing network restrictions that typically block gaming sites. In 2025, this trend is set to reach new heights with advancements in technology and game development.
One of the key features of unblocked games in 2025 is the integration of cutting-edge web technologies. HTML5 has largely replaced Flash, ensuring that games run smoothly on any device, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This means that players can enjoy high-quality graphics, seamless gameplay, and quick load times without the need for additional plugins or software.
The variety of games available has also expanded significantly. From classic arcade games to modern multiplayer experiences, unblocked games in 2025 cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Popular genres include action, adventure, puzzle, and strategy, providing endless entertainment options for gamers of all ages. Additionally, educational games have become a significant part of the unblocked gaming landscape, offering fun and interactive ways for students to learn and practice new skills.
Security and accessibility are also top priorities for unblocked game sites in 2025. Developers are implementing robust security measures to protect users from malicious content, ensuring a safe gaming environment. Moreover, these sites are designed to be easily accessible, with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation, making it simple for anyone to find and play their favorite games.
In conclusion, unblocked games in 2025 represent the future of accessible gaming. With advancements in technology, a diverse range of games, and a focus on security and accessibility, these games provide an enjoyable and safe way for students and gamers to relax and have fun, anytime and anywhere.
submitted by iogamesfun to iogamesunblocked [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:31 iogamesfun FNAF Unblocked Five Nights at Freddy's

Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) has captivated players worldwide with its unique blend of horror and strategy. Created by Scott Cawthon, this indie game series places players in the shoes of a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a seemingly innocent family restaurant. However, as the nights progress, players quickly realize that the animatronic characters, meant to entertain children during the day, become dangerously alive at night.
For many students, finding a way to play FNAF during school hours can be challenging due to network restrictions and blocked websites. This is where unblocked versions of FNAF come into play. Unblocked games allow students to bypass these restrictions, offering them the opportunity to enjoy their favorite horror game without interference. These versions are typically hosted on special gaming sites designed to be accessible from school networks.
Playing FNAF unblocked provides an exciting and thrilling break from the monotony of schoolwork. The game's intense atmosphere, jump scares, and strategic gameplay keep players on the edge of their seats. Each night becomes progressively harder, requiring players to manage limited resources such as power and doors to survive against increasingly aggressive animatronics.
Moreover, the unblocked versions often include the original game's content, ensuring that the experience remains authentic. Players can delve into the lore of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, uncovering hidden secrets and easter eggs that add depth to the game's chilling story.
In conclusion, Five Nights at Freddy's unblocked is a fantastic way for students to enjoy a classic horror game during their free time at school. The adrenaline rush, combined with the strategic elements of the game, makes it a perfect choice for a quick and exhilarating break from the daily grind.
submitted by iogamesfun to iogamesunblocked [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:23 AddressGlad2169 Best VPN for Streaming - What do you recommend Reddit?

So I'm binge watcher and frequently stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO Max. I'm always looking for the best VPN for streaming. So far, I have found four solid services. Which ones would you recommend?

1. NordVPN for streaming

NordVPN gave me consistently fast connection and worked across all streaming platforms. My IP was never blacklisted and I didn't get a proxy error. I've used the NordLynx protocol to get the best connection. It was fast enough to let me stream shows in 4K. Is it the top VPN for streaming, as others have recommended, or are there better options I should use?

2. Surfshark VPN streaming is cheap

Surfshark gave me speeds close to NordVPN, which isn't surprising as both use a similar WireGuard VPN protocol. It allowed me to watch shows on various platforms without problems. I've tested it on various European and US servers and never experienced buffering.

3. ExpressVPN decent VPN for streaming

ExpressVPN was noticeably slower from Surfshark and NordVPN, but still allowed high quality streaming. It worked on a decent amount of streaming platforms as well. The obvious drawback here is the price. What do you think?

4. IPVanish VPN for streaming

While fast, IPVanish wasn't reliable on remote servers. I also couldn't unlock some streaming sites. If you had a better experience, let me know.
What VPNs do you use for streaming? What are your favorite streaming sites to unblock with a VPN?
submitted by AddressGlad2169 to VPN_Support [link] [comments]
