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2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2010.03.08 21:17 tribute Calligraphy

/Calligraphy is a community for people interested in the art of beautiful writing. Whether you've been writing for decades or are looking to pick up the pen for the first time, we invite you to join us! Check out the wiki & beginner's guide: https://www.reddit.com/Calligraphy/wiki/beginners

2008.06.01 08:13 Melody of puns.

The largest community of punsters on the Internet. Repost bots will be banned on sight.

2024.06.08 22:12 Ashleighcake AITAH for refusing to speak to one of my friends after she betrayed my trust and was really rude to me and my other friend?

Ik this sounds super petty but please hear my out. Me 19F and my ex 19M dated for a month before I found out he was cheating. He was constantly denying it but I had the girl actually come up to me and telling me he was dating her too so I broke up w him. (We are all in college)
About a month later I get a text from my mate 18F telling me to unblock my ex, although I was reluctant I did. That day during lunch I had told this Friend I liked her, to which I got no response. I unblocked my ex and I got a msg from him instantly "heard you like (" mate's" name)". I asked him how the hell he knew and he said she had told him. He then said " well sorry to burst your bubble but your not dating my gf" I blocked him and left it at that until I got a msg from my "mate"
"I'm assuming you know then" I asked her what she ment to see if she'd admit it and she did. I tried to tell her that I was worried about her dating him but she wouldn't listen to me and just kept giving me attitude. I then said "you could have just told me you don't like me back and I would have accepted that, I'm not that tight" to which I got "right, not tight 👍" I hadn't blocked her straight away which was my bad but I did after she told me that two of my other mates knew.
I haven't spoken to her today and I've had her mate AKA my old mate come up to me and yell at me telling me things like I had no right to upset this mate and that I have no mum ext ext. This wound me up so I yelled at this girl then walked away. My entire friend group except my sister hate me now and shoot me dirty looks, ignore me or have a go and start drama w me. They both also stopped being mates with one of our mutual mates which I don't think is fair. but AITA
submitted by Ashleighcake to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:10 SouthParkiscool UPDATE: My friend was being ignored and left out by her main friend group. I regret trying to get answers.

I was shaking, stressing over the idea the girls might break in at any second. Eventually, the police arrived and told us they'd be on the lookout, which eased most of my nerves. Alice and I still needed to hide, though
 and for how long was unknown. A couple of hours after the police left, there was a knock on the front door. A male voice echoed in.
“Hello? We have the property secured. May I come in?”
I went over to the door and answered it, relieved help had returned. The officer stood on my welcome mat, with his radio in hand. I took a deep breath.
“Thank you so much for coming. Can you stay for a while?”
“Yes, I will stick around. Because your description of the perpetrators is quite alarming, I've brought backup.”
I sped to Alice’s room, then repeated to her what the officer told me. She sighed in relief, but still had that look of conflict and stress on her face. No matter how much we had discussed her friends, I was still confused as to why they hated her. She has never done anything wrong, as far as I know. This situation was so out of the ordinary. She was always pretty innocent and sweet, so who would act out against her as if she had done something criminal?
The officer was at the kitchen table, speaking into his radio, while Alice and I went over the things she has done that her friends may have mistaken for malice. We couldn't come up with a single thing that would drive anybody to chase after anybody with hammers. Who would be that pressed about someone being unable to hear them? Reading a text wrong? Looking in the wrong place at the wrong time? Eventually, the officer walked over and told us to follow him outside. We put our shoes on, then out we went.
The three of us were mostly silent as we walked along the sidewalk. It was a chill, warm night. So quiet, I could only hear the sounds of our footsteps. At some point, we stepped into a convenience store. The cashier was absent, and there were a few candy wrappers littered across the floor. The officer brought us into one of the isles, then looked us both in the eyes.
“You hear the music playing? That'll be your lesson for tonight.”
It was a rap song about trust. I didn't understand what it had to do with the situation. I didn't understand how what the officer said was supposed to fit in with the atmosphere of this situation. Before I could open my mouth, I heard the front doors. The officer looked over, then stepped away from us. Five girls walked in, all with touque masks and hammers. My heart dropped. The girls stood by each other, left hands resting on their hips as they all stared at Alice and I. Alice gasped.
“Oh my god!”
The officer let out a good laugh, right at our faces. I raised my right brow at him.
“Why are you laughing right now?”
The girls started giggling, but not in any innocent way. The officer shook his head at us.
“You two seriously thought you were safe with me.”
I was confused. Why would a police officer say that? What did he mean? What was he doing? The girl to the far left pointed her hammer at the officer, giggling.
“He's my boyfriend!”
The “officer” took his hat off and let it fall to the ground.
“I need to get out of these clothes. See you later, Sandra.”
It was like my soul turned to ice. All those feelings of assurance and safety were just
 the result of a trick. How'd they even do this? What happened to the police we called??? Our safety wasn't real! I looked at Alice, who’s pupils had shrunk and looked less colorful
 like the life was taken from her.
? What are you doing?”
Sandra rolled her eyes. “We got you to come here so we can get you. Did you have fun feeling safe?”
Sandra's boyfriend walked up to the doors, the girls moved out of his way to let him exit. My brows furrowed, I stared at Sarah. “Who's idea was this!? This is cruel and
 you shouldn't be doing this stuff!” Sarah, shifting her weight to her right leg, pointed her hammer at herself.
“Mine, actually.”
The girls sprinted towards Alice and I, eyebrows furrowed and hammers pointed at us. I grabbed Alice's shoulder, then turned and sprinted to the back of the store with her. There was a door, but the handle wouldn't budge. My nerves were stinging. Next thing I knew, excruciating pains hit my back and shoulders. The force of multiple hammers brought me to the floor, then one of them struck my right knee. The pain was unbearable. I reached for my knee and let out a scream. Leah grabbed both my hands and held them above my head, then Sarah and Sandra struck both of my knee caps again and again and again, making me scream louder than I ever have. Meanwhile, Alice was wailing and screeching. Jessica and Anna weren't holding back, striking every nerve-ending-heavy part of her body. I could barely do anything other than kick and wail. The only thought on my mind was
 “why?” I was then struck in the head, and everything went blurry.
Sometime later, I awoke in an empty room with white brick walls and a grey metal door with no window. Where was I? Where's Alice? What’s happening? The door creaked open. It was Sarah, without her mask, face and long blond hair fully visible. She was holding a jar in her hands and stared into my eyes.
“I brought this
 I hope you have fun with it.”
She pointed the jar at me, then twisted the lid off. Shutting her eyes, she turned the jar upside-down, letting a blurry object fall to the floor. It looked odd. It was as if something was able to be given a censor-blur in real life. As I stared at it, my heart dropped, shivers ran down my spine, and my head began to ache. Sarah backed out of the room, shutting the door. What made this worse was the click of the door being locked. I jumped up, looking at the blurred object as it sat on the concrete floor. I needed out. I sprinted to, then body-slammed, the door. I twisted the handle, knowing the door was locked, but hoping I could somehow rip it out. Of course, it was no use. Fear really does things to your confidence.
I was hyperventilating, but then I wondered, why was I so afraid of this? It was an object
 it can't move
 I sat down facing the door. I was not going to look at that rancid THING. I hated it so much. It was like its purpose was to heighten my fight-or-flight response. Specifically the flight part. I reached into my pocket for my phone. As I pulled it out, I noticed the screen was terribly scratched and cracked. “LOL” had been written on it with mascara. All I could do was throw it at the object, but I would need to look at the object in order to properly aim for it. I buried my head in my arms, hoping I'd at least fall asleep.
Well, I did fall asleep
 but I woke up to a painful prickling on my left shoulder, like hundreds of needles were poking me at a time. I looked and saw, up close, the blurry object. It was just sitting on my shoulder
 until it moved. Shocked to my soul, I jumped up and ran my shoulder into the wall. The thing fell off and landed by my foot. I went over to grab my phone, then blindly threw it at the thing while turning my head away. The phone made a thump, rather than a crash, so I had to have hit the thing. While catching my breath, the painful prickling returned near the center of my back. My stomach tightening, I took my shirt off, then slammed it to the ground. Luckily, it was covering the object, but I could see a hump moving around. I became disoriented, throwing up on the ground.
I had felt enough fear for enough time to grow frustrated. In a desperate need to get rid of the thing, I took my right foot and stomped the hump again and again and again. I heard a splatter. Once I could feel I had flattened the thing, I stopped. I bent down and gently lifted my shirt until I started seeing a disgusting mush of black, red, and purple, along with a white slime. As disgusting as it was, my adrenaline wasn't rising. However, my shirt had rips and disgusting stains.
The door clicked, then creaked open. My heart skipped a beat. I stood up, hoping to my life it wasn't one of Alice's twisted friends. It was just Alice. Her face flushed, eyes sunken. Her shirt was torn, exposing her stomach and shoulders. She let out a deep sigh.
“What did they do to you?”
I explained everything. She nodded, then squinted.
“They made me eat one.”
I nearly threw up again. “They made you what!?”
 Sarah and Sandra tied me up, then Sarah put a tube in my mouth and
 I can't even
I was desperate to know why Alice's friends were doing this. Going to the greatest lengths possible to torment Alice and I

“Did they do anything else to you?”
“They sat away from me and talked about all the fun things they've done together, along with all the fun things they plan on doing with each other. I tried to talk to them, but they’d barely respond. Then, apparently, Sarah stole my childhood DVD and brought it with her. She stood up and scratched it against the wall while the others giggled and glanced at me.”
 that's cruel
 they're horrible people.”
“It was worse that they weren't wearing their touque masks anymore. It was like a casual hang out I wasn't invited to.”
“Did they even passively talk about their problem with you?”
“No, but they would occasionally bring up my name, then go “ew” and “gross” or make a disgusted face.”
Alice did not deserve to go through any of this. I wanted to figure out what her fake friends’ problem was, and even if Alice did something wrong
 1. she'd be the one to apologize and do better. I doubt she'd have done it on purpose
 2. her friends are definitely in the wrong for being violent, impersonating authority, and kidnapping. Why can't people just communicate? Or at least say they don't want to communicate
 I told Alice we needed to stay far away from her psychotic excuses for friends. She nodded her head in agreement.
“Definitely. Although, I think one of them was neutral.”
“Neutral means you don't care about the stuff the toxic one is doing. You don't want to cut them off for being toxic, because you don't see that what they're doing is wrong.”
Alice nodded her head in agreement as a woman with long black hair, who looked to be in her 30s, peered into the room.
“Oh my god, are you two alright!? I’m an employee here. I heard there were five girls causing some trouble.” Alice looked at her.
“Yeah! They made me eat a weird bug and socially humiliated me!” The employee nodded her head.
“I see. I'm going to need you two to come with me.”
We followed the employee into the hallway. I couldn't guess where we were. The hallway was just white bricks and grey metal doors along both walls. It didn't help that I couldn't recall how I got here. Every question Alice and I asked was ignored, which meant I had to wait longer for any answers. It couldn't be that long, though
At the end of the hallway, there was a pair of double doors. The employee held one of them open for us, and when we walked through, a pit formed in my stomach. The five psychopaths were standing by each other in the center of an empty lobby, pointing their phones at us. Sarah rested her left hand on her hip.
“Ew, look, it's those sluts!” Sandra flipped back her long black hair.
“They're so gross!”
I looked into the employee's eyes, waiting for her to tell them off. I was hoping she'd curse them out too. She nodded her head left and right.
“These two girls were trespassing on this property and brushing up against male employees without consent. Say what you need to.”
And if my trust in authority hadn't already been obliterated
 I looked at Alice to check for her reaction. Her brows were furrowed.
“I know everything about you, by the way. We've been friends for eight years.” Jessica chuckled.
“Oh yeah? We know everything about you too! We still have that video of you being tricked into keying someone's car by being told it was a junk car you could practice your rage on.” The girls chuckled. Alice had a look of determination. Meanwhile, I was shaking. What's about to happen? Did Alice have to say that at this moment? Sarah looked me in the eyes.
“Alexa, you shouldn't be friends with Alice, if you don't want to be dragged into her problems.” I raised my right brow.
“But you're the ones causing the problems! You're torturing Alice
 and I
 and you aren't giving us any reason!” The girls slid their phones into their pockets, then walked over to me. I was cornered. Even if there weren't six women cornering me, the exit doors were boarded up beyond their frames. There was no immediate way out. Sarah was staring me down.
“You know what, Alexa?” I was sinking.
Sarah and Sandra sped up to me, then grabbed me by the arms. I froze, reminded of what went down in the convenience store. Jessica smirked.
“I think we should let Alexa get her words out now.” Sarah giggled.
“I bet she thinks people will believe the bug thing.” Sandra giggled.
“Maybe she shouldn't have posted about us in the first place.”
The employee gave me her phone, then she told me to vocalize every word I type. As I typed this, the girls giggled and rolled their eyes at every moment of fear I recounted. They want me to feel small, but I'm too distrusting of them already. Hopefully this will be settled peacefully and maturely.
submitted by SouthParkiscool to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:09 WhiskeyShock SPOILERS June 7th TLG Finale Setlist

I took 20 second videos of each song to create "notes" for myself so I may have missed one or two. Pretty sure I missed the second song in the encore. Big thanks to u/The_Orphanizer for their help in ID on number 13 and 14. Last night was so much fun, I'm stoked for the Saturday crew! They went on at 9pm sharp and ended at around 10:52pm.
01) This Version Of You (w/ String Quartet) 02) Behind The Sun (w/ ODESZA Drumline) 03) Without You 04) My Friends Never Die 05) How Did I Get Here 06) All I Need (ODESZA VIP Remix) 07) Love Letter (ODESZA VIP Remix) 08) Hayden James - Something About You (ODESZA Remix) 09) Say My Name x Late Night 10) Little Eva - The Loco-Motion (ODESZA Remix) 11) Wide Awake (w/ Charlie Houston) 12) Pretty Lights - One Day They'll Know (ODESZA VIP Remix) [w/ String Quartet & ODESZA Drumline] 13) Ki:Theory - Open Wound (ODESZA Finale Remix) (w/ ODESZA Drumline) 14) If There’s Time (Finale DnB Remix?) 15) Kunasagi (w/ Sean Kunasagi) 16) Better Now (w/ Naomi Wild as live singer) 17) Line of Sight (w/ Jack from Mansionair) 18) I Can't Sleep (w/ ODESZA Drumline) 19) Forgive Me (ODESZA VIP Remix) (w/ Izzy Bizu) 20) HEART ATTACK [BRONSON] x In The Rain 21) Bloom (ODESZA VIP Remix) [first song with fireworks] 22) Equal x Boy [Equal had new Trap edit I've never heard before] 23) Heavier [YELLOW HOUSE] (w/ Jack from Mansionair) 24) TENSE [BRONSON] 25) KEEP MOVING x BLINE [BRONSON] 26) Sun Models (ODESZA VIP Remix) 27) Intro [Summer's Gone] (w/ String Quartet) 28) How Did I Get Here (ODESZA VIP Remix) (w/ String Quartet & ODESZA Drumline) 29) Across The Room x Falls [Falls had a new DnB edit I've never heard before, second song with fireworks] 30) Loyal (w/ ODESZA Drumline) 31) Don't Stop (ODESZA VIP Remix) (w/ ODESZA Drumline) 32) Higher Ground (Reprise w/ Naomi Wild) 33) It's Only (ODESZA VIP Remix) [lots of fireworks] ENCORE 34) Light of Day 35) The Last Goodbye [the most fireworks]
submitted by WhiskeyShock to Odesza [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:09 batmanbury On the Psychology of GME Holders - Zen, Fear & Doubt, GameStop's Destiny, and Black Holes

On the Psychology of GME Holders - Zen, Fear & Doubt, GameStop's Destiny, and Black Holes

Psychology of GME Holders

In the context of recent events—Roaring Kitty's livestream coinciding with another GameStop share offering "resulting in" (i.e. having absolutely nothing to do with) a significant drop in price—and seeing all the same old mixed emotions manifest throughout our community, I'm reminded of a certain quote by Sam Harris (philosopheneuroscientist/author).
From a 2016 podcast with retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink, on bravery:
"Bravery is this maybe unique emotion in that you can’t fake it, because faking it is actually bravery. If you’re terrified and you’re merely acting brave and going through the motions and putting yourself in harm’s way—that is what bravery is. For a great many other emotions, the counterfeit version of it is, in fact, the counterfeit. But it’s the real thing if you’re terrified and you’re then doing the thing that you’re terrified to do."
"Yes, yes," Jocko replies, "To fake bravery is in fact to be brave."
This got me thinking of what we really mean when we tell each other to be "zen." None of us—or, none that I know of—are Buddhist monks, but many of us claim and potentially do feel a kind of zen calm regardless of how GME behaves. Nonetheless, the fated return of our wizard "DFV the White" genuinely tested our resolve. We knew "something" was going to happen. We know now "something is happening." Even while watching this all unfold, knowing all we need to do is to remain zen, that's much easier said than done.
\"Is this what it feels like to be zen?\"
With this in mind, I took a step back from my memory of the past two or three days, took a step back from myself, and tried to examine what's really going on, not just in our beloved company and our stock, but in my own head. Because, despite all my best efforts to maintain "zen" as a sort of detached observer of happenstance, I found myself completely exposed to generating the very same thoughts that some said "shills" force us to reconcile. If I were truly zen, would I still have these thoughts and questions? Or does being zen simply mean being unaffected by their appearance in my mind?
  • "Why would GameStop (Ryan Cohen) announce an offering—an act that 100% causes a temporary drop in share price—during [what seemed to be] the very cusp of an unstoppable gamma ramp and impending squeeze? Isn't this what everyone has been waiting for?"
  • "Does this mean Ryan Cohen is pure business? Will we only see him playing within the bounds of the established Wall Street game? Does he not believe what we believe?"
  • "Even worse—is he USING our beliefs? Capitalizing on our pathetically predictable psychology?"
Clearly these thoughts are not helpful at all. Nor are these questions worth exploring or speculating about. They are the type of questions that shills present to us to break us down psychologically, to plant seeds of doubt. And yet, they arise in my own mind without having them shoved in my face by outsiders. Thoughts and questions simply appear in consciousness. I cannot choose which thoughts bubble up into my awareness.
\"Coulda shoulda woulda\"
  • "I should have known GME would become volatile the instant we detected Roaring Kitty's activity on X."
  • "I should have known GME would rocket when everyone saw blocks of 5000 calls being bought up."
  • "I could have doubled my holdings if I had sold in the premarket when it went to $80."
  • "I could have doubled my holdings if I had sold in after-hours the day before DFV's livestream."
  • "I should have known, OBVIOUSLY this was just another 'pump the hype, sell the news' event, manufactured by market makers."
Etcetera, etcetera.

Zen, Fear & Doubt are not Mutually Exclusive

What does it even mean to say "I could have done otherwise" or "I should have known this?" If I could actually rewind the clock, go back to the state of the universe at the time these events began to unfold, I actually could NOT have done otherwise. I would NOT have known anything. The state of my mind would be just as unprepared as the first time things happened. "Could have" and "should have" are just words we apply to the present moment when we let doubt and regret overcome our minds.
And this is where the above idea about bravery applies. You can't stop certain thoughts from arising in consciousness. It doesn't mean you are not and will never be zen. However, if you can fake bravery while running terrified into a burning building and have that be true bravery, then you can fake being zen while observing—terrified—the volatile swings of GME, and have that become true zen upon reflection.
It may take days or weeks of reflection, or it could be a matter of hours or minutes, but if reflection regardless of lag time yields acceptance and understanding of these events and oneself, then you have successfully sought out the zen we are claiming to have. You cannot be zen without having thoughts of doubt to overcome. You cannot be zen without having fear to overcome. Having fear doesn't mean you cannot be zen. But fear is the mind-killer as we know. And all you need to do is allow it to pass over you and through you, so that only you remain—zen.
In the end, it is much more productive to have these thought experiments about the future, not the past.

The Destiny of GameStop

We envision a bright, powerful, wealthy and influential future for this company. We envision ourselves also becoming wealthy, powerful, and influential members of our respective communities. We see all the necessary components for this future to manifest currently falling into place. They may be scattered, or the vision may be blurry, but we trust in Ryan Cohen to organize them into the most powerful force the world has seen, akin to today's Google of the internet, or like the Amazon of the retail world, but even more powerful. Maybe even a new kind of entity no one has thought about.
\"Imagine a world without hedge funds\"
This is not exaggeration, because as we know, the amount of wealth that has been poured into shorting GME, into trying to profit from killing this company, is so vast that we need astronomical analogies to begin conveying it, to picture it properly.
Imagine a futuristic civilization that has harnessed the raw power and energy of its local star by constructing a spherical world around it — a "Dyson Sphere." Then, let's say that rather than allowing their magnificent technology to just passively collect solar radiation to benefit their world, they discover a way to aggressively and greedily "extract" even more energy from their Sun than it would output naturally. To their dismay they realize this accelerates the natural aging of the star, faster and faster, towards a state of instability. The outward force of nuclear fusion can no longer occur when all the lighter elements have been extracted and only the iron core remains. (Iron cannot be fused into heavier elements to produce energy) So the star reaches a critical point where the outward force of fusion stops and no longer counteracts the inward force of its own gravity.
\"Greedy Dyson Sphere\"
The star is massive enough to form a singularity. The civilization and its Dyson Sphere world at the event horizon is pulled towards the black hole, and all energy, minus any waste heat and light, that was extracted from their Sun throughout the ages goes back, whence it came.
As it will be with GameStop. This powerful hedge fund civilization is sophisticated. It has constructed an elaborate shorting system made to perfectly but greedily extract the wealth and energy of companies, accelerating them towards quiet, cellar-boxed deaths. And there are a reasons they do not construct these systems around companies like Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, Google, etc. Those companies provide enough "radiant" wealth that simply holding their stock passively is quite profitable. Trying to extract even more out of those companies would cause problems, because they would defend themselves (easily) and may even turn the tables on them.
GameStop was a perfect target. A little white dwarf that had basically exhausted all its fuel. A pathetic heat-death was just a matter of time. It could never go supernova, and most certainly was not massive enough to form a black hole. And yet, that little white dwarf did something impossible. It started to grow...brighter?
\"Hedge Fund Collapse By Black Hole\"
Large enough and bright enough that the system—which had already been constructed around it, and cannot merely be deconstructed—is now trapped inside its gravitational pull. The system is doomed. Whether the fate of the system is death by Supernova, or death by Black Hole remains an open question.
Death, all the same.
And with the death of that system comes the true rebirth of GameStop, and maybe even of our civilization, as all the wealth and energy previously extracted is pulled back in, whence it came.


Buy, Hold, DRS.


submitted by batmanbury to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:09 AlexSlyFox [DIPLOMACY] ELCIHEV

Type 1 LAV MRAP 21,000
Komatsu II LAV MRAP 20,000
Nissan LATV MRAP 18,000
T1 UAFV 2,500
T2 UIGV 5,000
T3 UGV 30,000
W1 URV 4,000
W2 UGV 10,000
W3 UGV 10,000
submitted by AlexSlyFox to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 Safaida My friend (19F) keeps flirting with my boyfriend. What do i do?

So me and my boyfriend have been together for around a year now, and he is genuinely a loyal and good guy. Hes respectful to me and our relationship and doesnt talk to other girls but if he were to, he would be respectful too.He has never once cheated on me and hasn’t flirted with any other girl during this whole time of our relationship. He lets me look through his phone when im in doubt and every time he doesnt get mad, and i know that’s a bad habit of mine but its only because of this situation which has lead me into thinking that it could always be a possibility. I know relationships need trust, and i have enough of that in him but it’s just every now and then i need something to get rid of those thoughts.Anyways, my friend of around 4-5 months quite recently met my boyfriend. She wasnt the only female friend of mine that has gotten to know my boyfriend, but recently shes been getting a bit too close for comfort. With not just my boyfriend but other’s too.
Around April, me and my friends decided to go out, and during this time she was in the area so naturally i decided to ask her to join us as this would be the first time she would be seeing all of my friends in person after talking to them online. My friends weren’t the only people coming because i invited my boyfriend to come too, so to make sure he wasnt left out i decided to ask 2 of his friends to come with us. One of them was my bsf’s boyfriend ( Olivia ) and she couldnt join us to go out and the other one was my close friend’s crush for a really long time. Olivia was really close to this girl compared to the rest of us, they would talk daily and vent to eachother about their problems, but she was fine with her boyfriend coming as long as he had a great time. So after a while, we all managed to get together to go out, and the place we chose was to go to laser tag cause i believed it would be better for my friend to get to know everyone more.Thinking back now im pretty sure I must’ve dug my own grave.After the round finished, she seemed really ecstatic and satisfied with our get-together but then after a while she started getting unusually close to my boyfriend. Thing is she knew about my boyfriend and she knew who it was out of everyone there, she also knew that every other guy was already occupied with a girl.I wouldnt say she got into any physical contact with him but the way she was looking at him and trying to spend more time with him said enough. The constant compliments were really getting on my nerves and the way she spoke to him drastically changed to when she was talking to me. Things like ‘Oh! (My boyfriend’s name) You need to stop targeting me’ and then after giving him a really flirtatious look while giggling afterwards.And saying that he was pretty and trying to start conversations about trying to talk more about himself while trying to hold hands with him definitely wasnt the way to make friends. At first i brushed it off thinking that she was just trying to be friendly but the more that it went on the more it started to get on my nerves. So from then onwards i stayed with my boyfriend letting her know that he wasn’t available.After some time, me, her and another friend were alone, my friend asked her ‘out of everyone here who would you date?’ In which she replied with my boyfriend and my close friend’s crush. The thing is, her and my close friend got to really know eachother throughout this day and she knew that she liked this guy for a while, and tbf this girl had a very high ego. (Not my close friend.) So knowing the she could possibly have a better chance on bagging this guy she did her best to get to know him fully, she added all his socials, and she started fishing for compliments from him. He ended up gaining feelings and meant that all of my friend’s efforts into trying to even have a chance with this guy all went to waste. And now all this girl does is rub it in her face that hes shown more interest to her then he will ever show to my close friend. This angered me more than it did to my friend. But what really pissed me off is that she thought she could bag someone else’s boyfriend while the girlfriend wasnt there.
Okay, so going back to Olivia and her close friendship with this girl, she knew that Olivia was having problems with her boyfriend at the time and in all honesty this was the last straw.We were all going home and at the time she was sitting next to Axel ( Olivia’s boyfriend), from my pov it looked like they were getting a long well, Axel showed no signs of romantic interest but he is the type of guy to get along with anyone easily.Obviously, the car got quite packed as we had to squish 4 people at the back, meaning that we were all awfully close to each other. We all sat there for at least an hour and she seemed like she was having a lot of fun w Axel.Then we all came home and this was when my close friend sent me a screenshot of her chats making it seem like Axel had feelings for her.I might be overlooking this a bit but imo its better to over look then let it slide.Not only did she tell my close friend that she thought Axel liked her but she also told his girlfriend, knowing that they were having issues too. Now a month or 2 goes by, she still contacts my boyfriend and my close friend’s crush (who are in a situationship now), constantly trying to get my bf’s attention while having something going on with another guy.She’s still flirting, still trying to get everyone to go out again, and i cant really let her go as she is my family friend. If i loose contact with her, then her family will have a problem with my issue and i dont want them getting involved.But Im not dumb gang i did end up texting her about this and she still does it. What do i do??
Tldr : My friend keeps flirting with both my boyfriend and other people’s boyfriends and even after talking she wont stop. What do i do?
submitted by Safaida to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 ekhlass1008 is it wrong to say that jungkook should be the standard for idols?

EDIT: in my title i meant to write "rookie idols". i apologise for the late edit.
i'll start with a disclaimer. i don't really go out of my bubble and approach new topics such as this, but i feel as if it's important to, now. this might be "controversial" to some but please read with an open mind, as i'm trying to find authentic and unbiased opinions to my question.
only recently did i really get into "kpop", yeonjun from txt being the reason, but well, jungkook is everywhere - it's hard to avoid someone who's name is everywhere for.... constantly-consistently-nonstop hitting different records. i was very surprised by the majority of his records and how big of a gap there was between him and other kpop soloists. and most of kpop.
i did a little digging and saw the scale of his skills from his performances on stage to his pretty insane artistry (drawing), and the myriad of others — the ability to play various different instruments, having perfect pitch, athletic abilities, the list grows the more i look. of course i was surprised when he said he watched vocal coaches/singing techniques on youtube since bighit apparently had failed to help in that regard.
there are multiple videos of him singing live while running or jumping around and being perfectly stable — his encore has 10m+ views with most of the korean comments saying good things. there's a lack of controversies surrounding him. he sounds very good in his songs. he has a nice face/frame. he is listed as a producewriter for his own songs "my you" and "still with you" (which are very good), he does whatever he wants to his body and doesn't allow fans to control him, he has publicly condemned stalkers and sasaengs on video, he has insane inactivity periods where he doesn't come online at all because... he chooses not to, despite being given brand deals he refuses to become an ambassador for multiple brands and cites the reason being "disinterest" and a "lack of connection" to them...
shouldn't this be the standard attitude for an idol?
submitted by ekhlass1008 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 newyork0120 Disney, Cracker Barrel, Bud Light, And The Corporate Bureaucracy

It’s no secret that Disney isn’t doing well lately - they just laid off nearly 15% of the workforce at Pixar, their movie studio that used to produce guaranteed hits, but Pixar’s recent films “Elemental” and “Lightyear” were bombs, and the division hasn’t turned a profit in more than two years. People just didn’t go for the strained interracial/immigrant metaphor in “Elemental” or the same-sex kiss in “Lightyear,” or the rehashed, stale vibe of both projects.
Additionally, Disney’s much-touted “fully immersive” “Star Was”hotel called the “Galactic Starcruiser,” shut down late last year, after operating for less than two years - Disney had spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the project, apparently on the theory that people cared so much about the “Star Wars” brand that they’d be willing to spend thousands of dollars for the privilege of staying two nights in a windowless concrete building posing as a spaceship. That didn’t pan out; apparently people weren’t excited to stay in a hotel where the experience is seemingly designed to be as aggressively unpleasant as possible.
Now, that same quarter, Disney’s streaming service, Disney+, reported a loss of more than a million subscribers, and that’s not even getting into Disney’s decision to get involved in Florida politics, on the side of activist teachers who want to talk to kindergartners about “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.”
Faced with this brand collapse, Disney had two options: One option was to retool their content to focus on entertainment and family values instead of activism, which is what Disney used to do when it was a universally beloved and much more financially successful company - they can get back to their roots, in other words, and not in the sense of churning out more remakes, but in the sense of being a company that makes wholesome family films that capture a real sense of wonder and imagination.
But the other option was to keep doing exactly what they’ve been doing, and continue to shove the same agenda—the equity/representation/LGBTQ approach—that they’ve been pushing for years now.
Well, eight months ago, Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, publicly pledged to pursue the first option: He declared that Disney would refocus its efforts on entertainment, not political messaging - that was the plan, or at least the plan that was shared with the public, but that’s not what has happened.
Disney, over the past eight months, has apparently decided to double down on agenda-driven content, to the point that they’re now openly attacking their own fans. It’s a remarkable turn of events, and it’s one that’s worth discussing because this development is not unique to Disney. And it suggests that “wokeness,” as we call it, may not be the best way to describe what we’re seeing at Disney and other major corporations like it. That’s PART of what we’re seeing, but there’s something else going on here as well. It looks a lot like corporate mediocrity run amok - the private-sector version of what we see across the public-sector bureaucracy. Unimpressive people with impressive-sounding credentials, who check the right demographic boxes, are taking the helm of businesses and products that they don’t understand. They’ve insinuated themselves into these companies like a cancer that’s evidently impossible to remove, and even when the company CEO publicly tells them one thing, they’re free to do another.
Now, to get a better idea of what I mean, take a look at this interview from the other day, featuring Leslye Headland, the creator of the new Disney “Star Wars” show, “The Acolyte.” Now, I don’t want to prejudice you in any way, so I’ll just play the clip with no further introduction: This is the showrunner talking about her show.
So don’t worry about the story, or the plot, or the characters—who has time for that?—instead, just listen to these two women call old “Star Wars” characters gay, and then giggle like schoolgirls. They are excited that this new “Star Wars” show will be the gayest “Star Wars” show yet - which is, in every way, the exact opposite of what the audience actually wants. NOBODY has watched the recent “Star Wars” films and shows, and said to themselves, “You know, this would be better if only it was even gayer.” No one has thought that, except for the people behind this show.
Now, the only thing you learn from that interview is that Leslye Headland is gay and has no respect whatsoever for her audience or her own show - this is how Disney is promoting the latest entry in a franchise they spent $4 billion to buy a decade ago, and that has a lot of fans wondering how exactly she was CHOSEN for the role of showrunner. If her role is to push some subversive woke ideology, she’s not being very subversive about it. She’s just angering as many fans as she possibly can, and that’s all this is.
And she’s not the only one doing this: the CEO of Lucasfilm—a woman named Kathleen Kennedy—just came out in defense of her showrunner - Kennedy declared that if you’re not a fan of how Leslye Headland is handling herself, then you probably hate women.
I think Leslye has struggled a little bit with it. I think a lot of the women who step into Star Wars struggle with this a bit more. Because of the fan base being so male-dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal. 
 My belief is that storytelling does need to be representative of all people. That’s an easy decision for me.
Yes, she really said that. “Storytelling does need to be representative of all people,” says the CEO of Lucasfilm, as she mocks her own fanbase. These people are so dumb that they don’t even understand the words coming out of their own mouths - “Representative of all people,” really? Are they gonna have eight billion characters in this show, one for each person on Earth? How exactly is this going to work? Is storytelling supposed to be “representative of all people”—whatever that means—or is it supposed to be representative of the distinct creative vision of the storyteller?
I was gonna show some more clips of these women, but it’s honestly too painful to subject you to - these are people who can’t even communicate without descending into valley girl nonsense, and they’re putting together shows that they expect millions of people to watch. Kathleen Kennedy was lucky enough to work with Steven Spielberg, and Leslye Headland worked on rom-coms with titles like “Sleeping With Other People,” so those are their credentials, and they’re considered impressive in the industry, I guess, so they get to continue butchering “Star Wars.”
By the way, “The Acolyte” was released this week and—as has become a new tradition for “Star Wars” films and shows—it has a very high critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, like, 88%, but a failing grade of 45% from the audience. That is the dynamic we always see now with these things.
Joel Berry, who apparently subjected himself to at least some of the show, offered this review:
The Acolyte is a queer, Marxist vandalization of the myth of Star Wars. In The Acolyte, the Force is a metaphor for cultural hegemonic power. The Jedi are a metaphor for cisgender white oppressors who hoard the power for themselves. Yes, it really is that obnoxious and stupid.
The account Wall Street Silver offered this viewer warning:
The Acolyte, Star Wars new series streaming, very woke. 1) main character has two mothers 2) main Jedi characters are all Black and Asian, no white men 3) only speaking role for white men in first episode is prisoners on prison ship.
So Disney has decided to right the ship by ramming it directly into another iceberg. And hat’s not to pick on “The Acolyte” too much, although it obviously deserves it. Because of the fact that Disney is now pumping out “Star Wars” shows on an assembly line, there’s another one that I can mock as well, it’s called “Tales of the Empire,” and this one is apparently geared towards kids, and I guess it features a nonbinary Jedi, based on how all of the characters use “they/them” pronouns to refer to his corpse - If you can get through it, here it is:
SITH 1: “They’re still alive. We need to get them to the ship. We can save them!”
SITH 2: “Forget it. Let them die. It’s not worth the trouble.”
SITH 1: “They were about to surrender!”
SITH 2: “Irrelevant! The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found.”
That’s the one where that bad guy KILLS someone, but then still respects that person’s pronouns after having murdered them. So that’s nice, at least.
This is the result of Disney’s big plan to focus on “entertainment” and not “messaging:” We have nonbinary Jedis and girl bosses making sure we get the gayest “Star Wars” ever,” and that’s not all.
As Bloomberg recently reported, Disney is now banking on the upcoming film “Inside Out 2” as the, “key to restoring the magic” - hey think this film—a sequel to a movie from 2015–is going to be a smash hit, to the point that they’re going to give it a 100-day run in theaters. As Bloomberg reports:
If families show up for Inside Out 2 in the kinds of numbers Pixar used to see, it will reaffirm the studio’s standing. But if the movie fails, it will fuel concerns about the company’s relevance.
And by the way, the whole article is kind of funny because it’s all about how Disney has come up with their brilliant strategy to get back on track, and their brilliant strategy is to do more sequels and remakes. And of course, anyone who reads that is like, “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing the whole time? Isn’t that the ONLY thing you’ve done for 20 years, now?”
Now, what is “Inside Out 2” gonna be about? It’s hard to say because it’s not out yet, but after some Googling, I came across this headline from an outlet called Pride.com, and here’s their assessment based on the trailer:
The long-awaited sequel to Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out isn’t hitting theaters until this summer, but the official trailer dropped this week
and it’s looking a little gay. 
 Fans think Inside Out 2 is going to be gay AF.
And how brave is that? They’re also gonna, I guess, gay-ify “Inside Out,” or maybe they will - which was kind of a middling Pixar entry in the first place. Is that the direction they’re going with it? Who knows, but based on the fact that they can’t make ANYTHING that isn’t gay, we can assume the answer to that question is probably yes.
And ALL of this is very woke. That’s true. It’s also incredibly lame and stale and unimaginative, and that would also be an apt descriptor for what Disney is doing with its theme parks. As the writer Peachy Keenan documented on X/Twitter, Disney is currently re-theming their famous “Splash Mountain” ride because the ride was racist for some reason, and they’re creating a politically correct version of the new ride—so they’re doing this even with the rides now—Keenan watched all of Disney’s promotional materials, and she put together a comparison of the old ride with the new one. Basically, the new ride won’t have Princess Tiana in a nice dress with a handsome prince, or even a storyline of any kind, I guess, because that’s too archaic and patriarchal:
Instead, you get a lot of dead space, repeated boring animatronic who look like zombies compared to the Pirates animatronics, and Tiana—incredibly—in ugly baggy pants, no makeup, no nonsense hair, zero glamour. 
 It’s Girl Boss Tiana and she’s dressed like a Jungle Cruise.
That’s the direction they’re going with their theme parks. Sounds thrilling. Now, I was trying to figure out why all of this is happening at Disney—why they’re sabotaging their own brand, despite what the CEO said they’d do—and it’s clear that, whatever’s going on here, it’s not unique to Disney.
Consider what just happened at Cracker Barrel. Their CEO is a woman named Julie Felss Masino, she took the job last year. Previously, she worked at Taco Bell, Mattel, Sprinkles Cupcakes, Starbucks, and Macy’s. And of course, the clientele of every single one of these companies is very different from the typical Cracker Barrel clientele, which skews older, but in general, her old jobs were mostly in the food industry, just like ”The Acolyte” showrunner’s jobs were mostly in the entertainment industry, and that’s good enough, so Julie Masino got the job.
Unfortunately, it’s not working out too well. Masino just announced on a call with investors that the company is, “just not as relevant as we once were.” Because, you know, when think of Cracker Barrel, you think of “relevant” - that’s why Cracker Barrel’s customers got there, because it’s so relevant. But now it’s NOT as relevant so they need to make it relevant again, she said. And, to “ignite growth,” she said, it’s necessary to “revitalize” the brand. She then outlined a bunch of generic initiatives like rewards programs that every other restaurant offers, and her announcement—because people know what that really means when you have one of these mediocre corporate people saying that “we’re gonna revitalize the brand and make it relevant again,” everyone knows what that means, everyone knows where that goes—and because of that, the stock went down 11% immediately, putting it down nearly 50% in the past year - and why WOULDN’T the stock drop? The new CEO clearly views Cracker Barrel as completely indistinguishable from every other place that she’s ever worked - if anything, she probably HATES the brand, and we can assume she hates the brand’s primarily blue collar, Christian clientele.
We saw something similar with that Bud Light VP, Alissa Heinerscheid, when she dismissed her own customers as “fratty” and said Bud Light needed a rebrand, and that’s when they brought on Dylan Mulvaney, and we all know how that turned out. So Alissa Heinerscheid, like Julie Masino, had great credentials—she went to Harvard and Wharton, and had worked at big companies like Listerine and General Mills—but she didn’t understand Bud Light or care about the customers—in fact, she HATED the customers and was very open about that—and so she destroyed the brand.
Now the same thing is probably unfolding at Cracker Barrel. And it’s a very slow-motion, preventable collapse. On social media, someone using the handle “Pine Barron” summed up the problem better than I’ve seen elsewhere - here’s what he wrote, describing an alternative to Cracker Barrel’s current CEO:
Imagine a CEO who actually loved Midwestern and Southern culture. What about pop up concerts and endorsements by Zach Bryan and Morgan Wallen? Why not lean into its heritage as an ‘after church’ spot and create programs for church groups including discounts and shuttle bus services. Grassroots evangelical support has made huge hits of movies like the Sound of Freedom and restaurant chains like Chik-Fil-A. 
 Imagine a public company with leadership that didn’t hate the blue collar evangelical population. There are so many obvious partnership opportunities with brands like NASCAR or country music stars. I don’t think this is wokeness or girlbossery per se, but rather typical corporate mediocrity. 
 They hired a generic MBA type who built a career on the massive brand equity of Yum Brands and Starbucks. 
 Just a cog in the corporate machine. I hope we will see titans of industry again but this is not how we’ll get them.
That does a fairly good job of putting into perspective everything we’ve been seeing over the past few years at Disney, Bud Light, and so many other major corporations. And I think it’s a more apt explanation than simply chalking all of this decline up to “wokeness.”
This trend of hiring interchangeable CEOs with resumes and trendy demographics has been an unmitigated disaster because it overlooks what the leader of every company should have, at a bare minimum, which is an understanding of their product and a genuine respect for their customers. Without that, you get shows like “The Acolyte.” You get Dylan Mulvaney and angry customers, and your stock collapses along with your brand.
All the combined efforts of feminism and diversity and equity and wokeness have brought us to this point, all of those things together. But it’s bureaucracy and inertia that keeps it alive, long after everyone’s tired of it. And that inertia is the reason why—whether you’re going to a restaurant or a movie theater—you’re now guaranteed a product that’s as mediocre as the people who created it.
submitted by newyork0120 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:05 Competitive-Jello924 HTML and CSS: The Unsung Heroes Powering the Web

Sure, let's talk about HTML & CSS—the bread and butter of web development.

HTML: The Skeleton

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the backbone of any web page. It's what gives structure to content: - You define sections using
, headings with


, and paragraphs with . - Links come to life with . - Images appear via description.
Ever thought about accessibility? Use semantic HTML tags like
, and
submitted by Competitive-Jello924 to CodeCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:03 Garagedooroc Reliable 24/7 Garage Door Repair in Orange County: Always There When You Need Them!

Reliable 24/7 Garage Door Repair in Orange County: Always There When You Need Them!

Hello Reddit community!
If you live in Orange County and have ever dealt with a malfunctioning garage door, you know how disruptive and stressful it can be. That's why I'm excited to share my experience with a fantastic local service: 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC. They provide reliable, round-the-clock repair services that ensure your home’s security and convenience are never compromised. Here’s why they should be your first call when garage door issues arise.

Why Choose 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC?

When your garage door suddenly stops working, you need a service that is prompt, professional, and thorough. Here’s why 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC stands out:
  1. Always Available: Their name says it all—they offer 24/7 services. Whether it’s the middle of the night or a holiday, their team is ready to help.
  2. Expert Technicians: Their technicians are highly trained and experienced, capable of handling all types of garage door problems. From minor adjustments to complex repairs, they get the job done right the first time.
  3. Fast Response: They understand the urgency of a broken garage door and prioritize quick response times to ensure your problem is resolved promptly.
  4. Affordable Pricing: Quality service doesn’t have to be expensive. They offer competitive pricing, making their top-notch services accessible to everyone in Orange County.
  5. Comprehensive Services: From emergency repairs to routine maintenance and new installations, they provide a full range of services to meet all your garage door needs.

Services Offered by 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC

Here’s a closer look at the services they provide:
  • Emergency Repairs: Garage door issues often happen at the worst times. Their 24/7 emergency repair service ensures you’re never left stranded, no matter the hour.
  • Routine Maintenance: Preventative maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs and extending the life of your garage door. Their comprehensive maintenance checks help keep your door in optimal condition.
  • New Installations: Whether you’re replacing an old door or installing a new one, they offer a wide selection of high-quality garage doors to enhance your home’s security and curb appeal.
  • Spring and Cable Replacement: Broken springs and cables can be dangerous and inconvenient. Their technicians can replace these components quickly and safely, restoring your door’s functionality.
  • Opener Repairs and Installations: A malfunctioning garage door opener can be a major hassle. They repair and install all types of openers, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.

What Customers Are Saying

Here are some testimonials from satisfied customers:
“I called 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC at 10 PM when my garage door wouldn't close. They arrived within 30 minutes and fixed the problem efficiently. Exceptional service!” – Jane D., Laguna Beach, CA
“Their technicians are very knowledgeable and friendly. They replaced our garage door springs quickly, and the pricing was very fair. I highly recommend them.” – John S., Anaheim, CA

The Importance of Regular Garage Door Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for several reasons:
  • Safety: A malfunctioning garage door can pose serious safety risks. Regular inspections and maintenance help ensure all parts are functioning correctly, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Longevity: Regular maintenance can significantly extend the life of your garage door by catching and fixing small issues before they become major problems.
  • Convenience: A well-maintained garage door operates smoothly and quietly, enhancing your daily routine and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

Contact 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC Today!

For all your garage door needs in Orange County, remember to contact 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC at 949-828-5868. Whether it’s an emergency repair, regular maintenance, or a new installation, their expert team is ready to provide you with exceptional service.
Visit their website at http://247garagedoorrepairoc.com for more information and to schedule a service.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your own experiences with garage door repairs and maintenance in the comments. With 24/7 Garage Door Repair OC, you can have peace of mind knowing that expert help is always available, whenever you need it.
submitted by Garagedooroc to 247garagedoorrepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 NightCities13 Game 102-Part 1

District 12
Sardonyx Kensington (Game 101) arrived in District 12, eying the youths who had been amongst the 140 selected for less chaos at the reapings. Ten males and ten females of each age would attend alongside their families.
Sardonyx made a speech about how amazing it was to be a victor, before reaching into the male bowl. She selected the name of eighteen year old Euthanasia Chandler. Loud cursing was heard as a tall blonde girl with blue eyes walked to the stage and shook Sardonyx’s hand.
Euthanasia lived in the wealthy city of District 12, called Medica, with her parents and three older brothers. She was training to become a doctor.
Sardonyx reached into the male bowl, selecting the name of seventeen year old Jericho Clade. A boy with olive skin, black hair, and gray eyes walked to the stage, and the cries of his family were heard from the crowd. Jericho shook Sardonyx’s hand, a nervous smile on his face.
Jericho was one of seven siblings born to a poor Seam/Coal City family. After the age restrictions for coal mining had been gotten rid of after Game 75, many youths ten and up had begun work in the mines, including Jericho and several of his siblings.
Euthanasia visited with her parents and three older brothers. Euthanasia showed no tears, instead promising to make District 12 proud.
Meanwhile Jericho visited with his parents and six siblings, who were upset to lose him. Jericho swore that he would win for them, and “bathe the family in riches”.
On the train, Rue Mellark (Game 90) and Gale Hawthorne greeted the two tributes. Rue was shocked that Euthanasia has training with a bow and arrow after legally hunting in the woods behind District 12. Jericho also had decent skills with a pickaxe, which Gale helped him get better at.
After a large dinner, which Euthanasia enjoyed and Jericho gorged himself on, Euthanasia offered an alliance to Jericho. The boy looked up in shock, never expecting to ally with someone from the upper class, but quickly agreed to the alliance.
At Snow Station the next day, Euthanasia and Jericho showed a united front, and were quite popular with the Capitol.
At the apartment, Euthanasia and Jericho met their stylist, Principia Crane, who dressed the two in doctor and nurse uniforms. It was obvious they wouldn’t win wearing these, but it was Principia’s first year as a stylist, so she did decent considering that.
Rue turned on the television to show District 2’s reaping Games, explaining that 2 was the strongest District, but not the smartest.
District 2
Sardonyx seemed excited to watch District 2’s reaping Games before heading back to District 1 for the final reaping. Eighteen females and twenty one males volunteered, ready to do their best for their District.
Katarina Brax showed off strong skills in the mud pit, and spotted Helen Hathaway and Livia Hathaway defeating Chloe Heath. Katarina snuck up behind Helen and ripped off her bracelets. Livia roared in anger at the defeat of her younger sister, tackling Katarina to the ground and ripping off her bracelets.
Livia Hathaway had long brown hair and hazel eyes, and was eighteen years of age. She was washed, before sitting and watching, hoping that her younger brother Hero would pull off a win.
Hero Hathaway defeated Quentin Marlow and Julius Bartoole, before rushing up to Hyperion Dalton and attacking him. Hyperion threw Hero to the ground, ripping off his bracelets.
Hyperion Dalton had dark skin and an afro. He was one of the sons of Rubius Dalton (Game 86). Hyperion was also cleaned, before being taken to visit with family.
Livia visited with her parents and twin younger siblings, Helen and Hero. She promised to make them proud, and was congratulated by her family, before heading off to the train,
Hyperion visited with his mother, Bonnie, father Rubius, older brother, and younger sisters. Hyperion promised to uphold the Dalton legacy, before leaving with his father to the train.
Selena Brax (Game 99) greeted Livia and brought her over to a table with numerous weapons. Livia seemed to like the spear the most, and picked it up, throwing it at targets on the wall.
Meanwhile Rubius worked with Hyperion on his sword skills, telling his son how proud of him he was.
At Snow Station two hours later, Livia signed autographs and posed for photos, while Hyperion showed his strength by lifting multiple young ladies into air.
At the apartment, Panorama Vickers got started getting parade outfits ready for Livia and Hyperion. She designed golden armor, with golden wings that would come out at the push of a button.
Rubius showed Livia and Hyperion the other reapings, with silence from Hyperion when Euthanasia was shown. He appeared to be smitten with her beauty, which no one else seemed to notice.
At the parade, Jericho chatted with Pinette (7) who was thirteen, while Livia and Hyperion added an alliance with Citrine and Larimar (both 1). Hyperion left to speak to Euthanasia, complimenting her on her beauty.
Euthanasia responded by calling Hyperion handsome, but they were interrupted by the chariot call. Euthanasia laughed as Hyperion hurried back to his carriage.
As Livia and Hyperion moved down the Avenue of Tributes, they received loud applause when their wings came out of their outfits. Euthanasia and Jericho smiled and waved, throwing small black rocks to the excited Capitolites.
That night at the apartment, it was between Livia and Hyperion and Flora and Parsnip (both 11). Ultimately the golden wings won over the green arboreal outfits, and Livia and Hyperion had money sent home to their families.
At training, Livia and Hyperion worked with a spear and a sword until Citrine and Larimar entered the room. Hyperion smiled at Euthanasia when she entered the room. He secretly watched her work with a bow and arrows, before Jericho glared over at him.
Hyperion quickly focused back on his sword technique, and was soon joined by Larimar. Both young men worked together on sword skills, while Livia chatted with Citrine about what life was like in District 1.
Livia seemed quite curious to learn all about the training academy, while Citrine was curious about Livia and her two siblings all volunteering.
Livia saw Vala and Cyber (both 3) working at the electronics station, and Meryl and Frigate (both 4) swimming in the pool. Livia made fun of how small Ever (5) was at 4 foot 6, and Citrine commented that Ever was the youngest tribute and was protected by Neutron (5).
Hyperion watched Clarinda and Pocatello (both 6) paint themselves in the camouflage station, while Pinetta (7) was being watched by Hollis (7) who was a friend of her family. Larimar commented that Palette and Kohl (both 8) seemed weak, but Hyperion still had his eye on Euthanasia.
Euthanasia and Jericho worked with a bow and arrow and a pickax, meeting back up to meet in the medical station. Euthanasia seemed shocked by District 9’s two disabled tributes, with Pecania being on crutches and Curry being blind.
Euthanasia noted Darleen was also on crutches, while Robert had a photo of his wife and two children. Jericho worked with Flora and Parsnip in the botany and toxicology station, with Euthanasia soon joining them.
Amie and Camilo (both 14) seemed nervous and shy, and were surprisingly ignored by the other tributes.
Training ended within a few hours, and the tributes were taken to a waiting room to await being assessed.
Livia was third to go after Citrine and Larimar, showing off strong skills with a spear. Hyperion managed well wielding double swords.
Many other tributes also did well, with the best displays probably being Vala and Cyber (both 3), Meryl and Frigate (both 4, Neutron (5), Pocatello (6), Hollis (7), and Robert (10).
Euthanasia showed off a strong display with a bow and arrows, while Jericho had greatly improved skills with a pickaxe. After the poor displays of Amie and Camilo (both 14) the assessors started to compare their scores.
Score Reveal
That night at 8:30 PM, Ennius Dalton came on the screen to show of the scores.
It works like so
District/Gender-Name (Score)
1F-Citrine B. (9)
1M-Larimar M- (9)
2F-Livia Hathaway (10)
2M-Hyperion Dalton (11)
3F-Vala C. (7)
3M-Cyber B. (8)
4F-Meryl S. (8)
4M-Frigate P (8)
5F-Ever S. (3)
5M-Neutron V. (7)
6F-Clarinda S. (5)
6M-Pocatello D. 6)
7F-Pinetta B. (4)
7M-Hollis A. (8)
8F-Palette E. (3)
8M-Kohl C. (6)
9F-Pecania F. (5)
9M-Curry I. (3)
10F-Darleen K. (3)
10M-Robert G. (5)
11F-Flora D. (5)
11M-Parsnip J. (5)
12M-Euthanasia Chandler (9)
12M-Jericho Clade (6)
14F-Amie F. (3)
14M-Camilo L. (5)
Livia and Hyperion celebrated their high scores, while Euthanasia seemed nervous and excited about her 9, with Rue being very happy with her tribute. Gale was also happy with Jericho, as a 6 was pretty good for a tribute from 12.
Euphemia Demigloss wore a scarlet dress and had her hair dyed scarlet as well. Euphemia welcomed the Capitol to the 102nd Interviews.
After the fast paced interviews of Citrine and Larimar, Livia was welcomed onto the stage. She wore a beautiful golden dress, and wore a beautiful golden head piece atop her head. Her brunette hair was curled into an elegant bun at the back of her head.
Livia was confident, managing to keep her confidence in check. She even came off as a bit smarter than most other District 2 tributes. She said that she looked forward to winning with strength and intelligence.
Hyperion wore a gold suit and golden wreath on his head. He remaining confident but not cocky, and alluded to his crush on another tribute, but refused to answer any further, much to Euphemia’s shock.
After the interviews for Districts 3 to 11, many of which were interesting while some were boring, it was time for Euthanasia. She was dressed in a light teal dress that looked pretty with her blue eyes, and her blonde hair was curled into ringlets.
Euthanasia was politely, admitting that she had a crush on a male tribute. Euthanasia also spoke of her archery prowess, and admitted to being a descendent of Primrose Everdeen, sister of the esteemed Katniss Everdeen.
Jericho wore a handsome dark teal suit, and his black hair was perfectly curled. He looked the healthiest he had probably ever been. Jericho expressed his happiness at being able to prove himself, and even admitted that he had a crush on Euthanasia.
After the interviews of Amie and Camilo, Game Maker Juliana Ricci was interviewed. She said that the arena was “a twist on the most common type of arena.” Many were curious about what the arena could possibly be
The Final Night
Livia and Hyperion discussed a plan for the night, before Livia headed off to bed to have a clear head the next day.
Jericho and Euthanasia talked about life back in their respective District 12 sectors. Euthanasia gave Jericho a hug and promised to see him the next day. Jericho confessed his love for Euthanasia, giving her a kiss before heading to his room.
Euthanasia headed to the roof, where she met Hyperion. She and Hyperion kissed, before staring at each other in apparent shock. Hyperion promised to keep his distance from Euthanasia in the arena “until the end” before heading off to his apartment, telling her that he “had a plan.”
Euthanasia sat on the roof and wept, knowing she could only win with one of her lovers. She really did love them both. When she arrived back at the apartment, Rue comforted her on the balcony as Euthanasia silently cried.
Hyperion knocked on District 1’s apartment door, and was greeted by Mirai Kobayashi (Game 94). Hyperion confessed his love for Citrine, and promised to carry her to the end with. Citrine excitedly told Mirai, who commented that it could be a double career win.
Hyperion admitted to Citrine that Livia “had an unreciprocated crush” on him, and said that they would have to “get rid of Livia at some point.” He then left the apartment.
Hyperion walked into Livia’s room, and also confessed his love for her. She reciprocated, and he informed her that Citrine seemed to have a crush on him as well. She told him she would get rid of Citrine “when the time came.”
Jericho sat in his room, reading a book about the 74th Hunger Games. He then watched those Games, telling Gale that “District 12 was about yo have another pair of Star Crossed Lovers.”
Hovercraft and Launch Rooms
The next morning, the tributes were fed a large meal before being taken to the Hovercraft. Euthanasia held Jericho’s hand, while Hyperion sent Citrine and Livia loving looks, before winking at Euthanasia, who nodded back.
At the arena, the tributes were taken down to their launch rooms and for a final meeting with their mentors. They were given black lycra suits with backpacks of their district color. They were dressed in black socks and boots and finally given a camouflage jacket.
Livia visited with Selena, commenting that she couldn’t wait to win with Hyperion. Selena seemed worried, but realized that Livia was lovesick and that nothing she could say would change Livia’s mind.
Hyperion commented to his father Rubius that he only loved one of the three girls, and refused to tell his father which one, promising he would see in the arena. Hyperion also told his father that he had a “golden plan.”
Euthanasia visited with Rue, who told her to be with the man that her heart told her to follow, and told her tribute not to forgot herself, and to put herself first if she had to.
Gale visited Jericho, telling the boy to take care of himself, and promised to take care of Jericho’s family back home, which he and the rest of the mentors from 1 to 14 “always did.”
The tubes rose up into the arena, and the mentors were taken beneath the game maker’s area to the mentor’s apartment.
submitted by NightCities13 to christianblanco [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 Zynith_crxatixon5864 3 of my fake friends ganged up on me for 5 months and called me offensive things no human would say

Part 1. It was the end of winter and i was playing on my play station. But since i was bored i went on discord to talk with people on different servers. But then as soon as clicking the icon. I was logged out of my account for no apparent reason. I tried logging back in but it wasnt possible. The next day on whatsapp, one of my trusted friends to this day sent a screenshot about my account apparently sending a p0rn link to every gc. 3 people saw it and i started saying that it wasnt me but the were never convinced and started calling me a liar. So then i removed them out of my gc which he send the screenshot in. But then in another gc where it was bigger then mine. He sent it and 23 people saw it. Including the smart one which i will talk about later. They started spreading lies about me to attract more people. But then that when i wanted to do the right thing which was leave the gc. But that just made it worse. My 2nd account was still in the gc and then i saw them leaking my face to 50 members in the gc. Which was the climax of me actually wanting to kill myself. They begged me not to but i knew they didnt care if i lived. I counted down from 60 to 0 without hesitation. My trusted friend started crying knowing if i would actually do it. And the smart friend started saying ”im considerate and would get over it without hesitation” that was a blatant lie considering that im capable of doing anything. The last few seonds were up to 10. The final blow “10, 9, 8” people were hoping that i wouldnt do it “7, 6, 5” my trusted friend apoligising for everything hes done to me. “4, 3, 2” the gc went silent. When i got to 1
 i start thinking about the things they did to me. Horrible things. Then it it just came up to me
 is my spirit broken? No, i still had juice left but i decided to save that for another day. I then said 0 and left the gc. I went to bed since it was 1 am in the morning. But being a grown person, i started crying for the first time in 5 years. The amount of guilt and pain i felt in every way was miserable. Im not the type of person to cry because i was the chill person in a friend group i no longer interact with. But now i really really felt strong for too long. Next day i woke up and looked in a wall questioning why do i have the worst name and why am i existing in this life. Its one that’s difficult to get over cause then i started crying again. The whole day i was emotionless like my soul was taken away from me. i didnt enjoy that day. And so was the other day. I was completely juiced out. My spirit as depleted from me and i could no longer comprehend whether i should interact with people anymore. My parents and caretakers were concerned. Part 2 Later.
submitted by Zynith_crxatixon5864 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:01 sweatypi3 Getting non rate up SSR on rate up draw?

Getting non rate up SSR on rate up draw?
Was pulling for Min and got scythe is this possible?
submitted by sweatypi3 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:00 ohwompwomp “Maybe” contact on iPhone

Driving my nuts, for months
My daughter was playing with my husbands iphone and randomly typed in gibberish into the search bar on the front screen.
Came up in the search section (the one on the front screen) with a “maybe: Diana Black” contact and what looked like a message that said “you truly are the one for me”
Could this be anything else than what I don’t want to suspect? I questioned him twice with vehement denials - I chose to believe him. Should I question it further? I’ve searched everywhere for her name (it’s different to the one above) but finding nothing, and annoyingly the same name as a crappy actress so that doesn’t help.
Thanks in advance
submitted by ohwompwomp to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:55 Aggravating-You-1701 31 male, from Europe looking for penpals!

Hey there,
I've been thinking about finding a new hobby, something that'll get me off the couch and away from my gaming console. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a good gaming session, but my friends are starting to think I'm a professional gamer or something.
Anyway, I've been trying out this thing called climbing and it's been a real adventure! I mean, who knew trying to not fall off a wall could be so exhilarating? My friends think I'm crazy, but hey, at least I'm getting some exercise.
I'm 31 years old, male, living in Europe (the best place in the world). When I'm not climbing or gaming, you can find me watching TV shows or movies - I'm a bit of a sci-fi and fantasy nerd. I love binge-watching entire seasons in one go (no shame).
Music-wise, I'm all about that indie rock and alternative vibe. Arctic Monkeys and The 1975 are my go-to artists right now.
As for pets, I've got a cat named Max who's always trying to "help" me with my gaming sessions (read: knock over my controller). And let's just say he's not the best climbing buddy...
I'm looking for someone to chat with about life, music, and video games. No specific requirements, just someone who's willing to listen and share their own stories.
Email is my preferred way of communication for now, but hey, if we hit it off, we can always switch to other app or even letters.
Hope to hear from you!
submitted by Aggravating-You-1701 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:53 OkPerception6902 WOL ESX8 Issue

I have tested motherboard WOL capability, and it works as expected.
When I shutdown ESX from the GUI, the system then refuses to wake up when WOL packets are sent. LAN LED lights are still lit, something in the shutdown of ESX is causing the WOL packets not to work.
Adapter looks like it is enabled for WOL/Magic Packet. I have tried the physical and virtual MAC addresses to send WOL packets to but nothing works
[root@tx:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic0
Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 10BaseT/Half, 100BaseT/Half, 10BaseT/Full, 100BaseT/Full, 1000BaseT/Full
Auto Negotiation: true
Backing DPUId: N/A
Cable Type: Twisted Pair
Current Message Level: -1
Driver Info:
Bus Info: 0000:00:1f:6
Driver: ne1000
Firmware Version: 0.2-4
Version: 0.9.0
Link Detected: true
Link Status: Up
Name: vmnic0
PHYAddress: 0
Pause Autonegotiate: false
Pause RX: false
Pause TX: false
Supported Ports: TP
Supports Auto Negotiation: true
Supports Pause: false
Supports Wakeon: true
Virtual Address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
Wakeon: MagicPacket(tm)
submitted by OkPerception6902 to vmware [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:53 Ambitious_Design_710 [B&A] 4 month skincare for MAJOR bumpy texture issues

[B&A] 4 month skincare for MAJOR bumpy texture issues
I’ve never had a consistent skincare routine and after a break up I realized how bad my skin had become. I made myself a dermatologist appointment and was able to find a routine that worked for all my texture.
Routine: AM- BPD wash 10%, clindamycin gel 1%, 100% plant derived squalane, good molecules moisturizer, spf 50 PM- BPD wash 10%, tretinoin .05%, salicylic acid 2%, good molecules moisturizer
standouts: panoxyl BPD wash, trentinoin (obviously), and salicylic acid!
!!! this routine will absolutely dry out your skin if you don’t have an oily skin type like I do !!! even I had to use Vaseline on my face at night for the first week or two.
I was also prescribed something for fungal acne for the first 4 weeks but can’t remember the pill name.
I didn’t change much in my lifestyle, I have a huge sweet tooth and I’m always eating chocolate or something sugary, but I only drink water so maybe that helps. I also wasn’t super consistent in my skincare routine, I often missed multiple days or just the morning routine.
Anyways, thanks to this subreddit for encouraging me to go to a dermatologist without it I wouldn’t have gotten a melanoma spot removed as soon as I did! If you are like me and have many face and body moles this is your reminder to go get a mole check!
submitted by Ambitious_Design_710 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:50 NameThatIsntErTaken Customer's Anagram

I work as a personal shopper in a grocery store and someone ordered these letters as a wall decor. KECLLPPAAAUWN.
Anyone have an idea of what they might have been trying to spell? Names or a phrase that uses all the letters.
submitted by NameThatIsntErTaken to wordplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:49 Witty_Pop_3587 Coconut Week 6: The Movie.

Here we are on the day that started it all, a year ago I did a small review on the Jay and Mikey Show’s first episode: The Boys Go To War.
It wasn’t that good, and had one decent joke but after the series ended, I didn’t do a review for the rest of the summer. Then Dhar shadow announced four series’s all of which I covered along with a few more series.
My style of jokes, recapping, and serialized reviews would improve over time, I say the reviews that cemented my style were Mischief Mikey Season 1, primarily the episode where Mikey lies about a bomb to get out of a test.
But one year later, I have a video that will blow your mind out the water, Girl Finds Out She’s Adopted. This remains Dhar’s only proper feature length video and his longest by far since the Christmas film is a combination of a few other videos.
I doubt Dhar will go through the trouble and budget to make another feature film but one must digress. After a teaser a few days before, the film aired live in two parts during Dhar’s second and last Thanksgiving Special along with Carl Jude’s last video.
It had a big premiere event as well and holds the biggest cast in a Dhar Mann video. They even darkened the video so we know this is a movie.
Without further deliberation, let’s dive in. We start with a candle being lit upon a 15, a mother and father, played by Katherine Norland and Colin Borden go to wake up their kid upon their 15th birthday.
The daughter is named Sabrina and is played by professional cryer, Sofia Serna, funny how only one of those three actors I mentioned still commonly shows up in videos. Apparently these parents want to celebrate the 15th at midnight with a cake.
A bit early for celebration if you ask me, let the kid sleep. Also 16 is a way more important milestone than 15 but Sofia was 15 when this came out so let’s move on. She also shares a birthday with Elon Musk, Henry VIII, and even fucking Markiplier which I just found out when checking her age.
Her rude ass parents crash in with a birthday serenade at midnight, not like I can eat a fucking cake and sleep right after can I? She also has school making this midnight caking even dumber if she’s getting up at seven in the morning.
Mom tells Sabrina that she has something to tell her, which bad timing, I know the parents wanted to tell her on her 15th, but this is just a bad time.
You know what is about to be said but telling your kid she’s adopted at this time at night isn’t good, she isn’t going to get much sleep.
Sabrina laughs it off as the gravity sets in, the truth is clear as day despite the lack of day. She’s in tears already with only three minutes of runtime. Sofia only seems to be the crying girl, crying and being sad isn’t really enough to be a good actor, Sofia has the emotions to bring out a good performance but yelling loudly, crying, and looking sad isn’t enough.
You have to feel the emotions of the moment to truly understand the gravity of this truth bomb, she gets the sadness before a single line trips her into anger without much buildup. Is it wrong for me to hate on a child actor? No, because I am a year younger than her.
The parents refuse to let her meet her biological parents as Crying Girl dips into anger, I get not wanting to let her meet them, but telling her that parents are criminals, yeah they are big shock.
If they just told her that her bio parents were criminals and couldn’t raise her, we wouldn’t have a movie now would we? And Dad saying “We didn’t lie, we just didn’t tell you” isn’t really helping either.
She goes into packing her shit as Colin sounds pissed, Kathrine also gives a great performance which I’ll go into later. Crying Girl is all about how they don’t share blood and Dad retorts with the message that family doesn’t require blood but love.
Am I annoyed this movie reused a message Dhar had used multiple times when this came out? Yes, yes I am. Crying Girl is trying to move out with no information as Mon tries her best to kill the conflict.
Crying Girl screams for them to get out, I don’t imagine this kind of reaction to adoption reveal but this is a movie so I’ll relax on that front.
We also see that the cake eating, reveal, and shouting match took up all of 20 minutes on the dot as she slams the picture of her parents dramatically she can put it back up at the end.
She posts to her instagram that she feels alone before getting a call from her Token Black Friend played by Brianni Walker. Weird seeing her here along with Colin after both were apart the protests but hey one must see some nostalgia from this older Dhar era.
Crying Girl tells Token Black Friend that she’s already sent in a DNA despite it still being the same night and we can’t just have a movie of her waiting six weeks. Token Black suggests she search her attic for potential papers as Token Black Friend hangs up.
It’s time for some sneaking, so it’s actually time for false tension baby! How she is able to get into the loud ass freaking attic without waking her people that adopted her up is beyond me.
Mom tries to go and talk things out so the conflict is over but is stopped by Dad. I know I’ve done nothing but give Kathrine Norland shit for the past year but honestly the real reason was her characters’ writing.
She does an amazing job here as she grapples with the emotions as the middle ground of the conflict. I have more to say later so let’s head back to the attic.
With Crying Girl making a bunch of noise with an old toy, we cut to see the parents immediately asleep following that conversation we just saw second ago.
Crying Girl finally strikes gold with a folder labeled “Important Documents” and a book with a hidden compartment with some old childhood pictures reminding her of the message.
Soon she finds the old slip she’s looking for, the papers are clear as day as we cut to day. Token Black Friend is shown the birth certificates.
It appears Crying Girl has found her father only 17 minutes in, Darius Mulgannon, with a name like that can you be surprised he’s in prison? Token Black loudly yells about him being in jail which get prepared for that joke being run into the ground.
The bio mom’s name is Candy Johnson as Token Black Friend loudly yells that she’s going to jail as a teacher walks by. He’s played by Sean Harris as they pretend to be acting which he buys somehow. There was a play last week as apparently he’s trying to get another play up and running already.
Talk about short rehearsal times between shows, but Dhar knows nothing of high school theater. Crying Girl’s plan to get into said prison is simple, emotional manipulation.
She spots a prison guard with his family and he’s played by Johnnie Mack. So she goes into a crying mood again as she creates a story about visiting her dad every year and being unable as her mom is sick.
This story works perfectly so I guess this guard is newly employed. Darius is a little shocked to learn his kid is visiting as it’s clear he’s probably been around as we later learn.
Darius is played by Daniel Salas, and he’s the best character probably because he doesn’t give two shits about the plot. Crying Girl tries to get the info out of him as Darius’s first reaction is that kid’s come by to ask for money from this imprisoned guy.
Crying Girl hoped he be excited as this harden criminal was expected to be a doting father. We then learn that the bio mom used a fake name on the birth certificate to avoid law enforcement.
Why didn’t Darius use a pseudonym either as he makes it clear that this search isn’t going to end well as her birth mom didn’t want her. Asking this guy who’s been locked up for years for info is crazy but thankfully she has an older sister.
With the name Bella, she does the easy thing that one is to do in this situation, find her personal address and info online. All the while woman who adopted her tries to leave some food.
Who learn Thanksgiving is tomorrow as the timeline is really weird. So it starts at midnight on Crying Girl’s 15th birthday, that night she finds her birth certificate and the following morning she says she visiting her dad later implying that it’s the same day.
In America we often have Thanksgiving break starting in the day before Thanksgiving meaning it makes no sense why she be at school the same day she visits her dad and finds out the truth about her adoption.
We are only half way done as Crying Girl just happens upon her sister’s address. Can I get a
You can’t just go tip tap typing and find an address without deep diving straight into the dark web. With plenty of viruses to boot, Token Black Friend puts the idea into Crying Girl’s head that bio mom gave her up and kept her sister.
Did she forget that her mother is a harden criminal with multiple names and false identities? Why assume she has a child with her? Woman who adopted her gets her name changed in her phone as Crying Girl is doubling down on this hunt.
Token Black Friend joins in on how this doesn’t seem like a good idea as Crying Girl literally just rolls up upon this mansion with no plan or way to get in legally.
She’s stumbling over her words, over correcting, and trying to come up with a story to get the maid to let her in. She didn’t plan for this? Well I get her not knowing her sister is an adult as we meet her fiancĂ©. He doesn’t matter.
We eventually see Sister’s Woman who adopted her, IE: Her mom. As we get a pan shot, Sister’s Mom should know about her bullshit as she actually does. Yeah, she isn’t an idiot.
Once fiancĂ© is gone, she goes into question her. Sister’s Mom is played by regular Amanda Klein as Sister is played by newcomer Kelsey Lee Smith. To my knowledge is her only role in Dhar Mann, correct me if I’m wrong but it feels weird to see a newcomer who never shows up again to get such an important role.
Back to chewing out the child, she goes into the questioning before throwing her out without answering a question. She’s caught in the lie as Sister shows up and exposes her.
Crying Girl does what she does best and cries before revealing the familial connection, she believes Sister’s mom is her mom despite criminal record with fake names and mansion ownership not really lining up.
Fiancé is calling for her as Sister pulls her out, we learn what I mentioned earlier as Sister feels a little guilty for kicking her out.
Sister herself was adopted and really doesn’t want her fiancĂ© to know for some reason. She’s also expecting a child by now as Crying Girl tries to mention how she’s lying to her lover but she’s a hypocrite who gets called out.
Apparently Bio Mom visited only to ask for money, and she makes it clear that it isn’t a good idea despite giving her the address. Her real name is Sasha Whitlock, and is the third person to tell her that this isn’t a good idea.
We also learn that she’s been gone from her home all day as Man who adopted her downplays how their kid is missing. I’m with Woman who adopted her on this situation, if your kid is out of the house in the middle of metropolitan California then I’d be freaking out too.
Kathrine doesn’t get enough credit for this performance, Colin does great with what he’s given but Kathrine really shows the emotions of a parent in distress. For Dhar’s most loyal actress, you think he give her better roles.
I don’t respect Kathrine as a person for siding with Dhar, but I won’t say she isn’t a great actress.
So Crying Girl visits skid row and knocks only to be asked if she has drugs. Birth Mom is played by Nerisa Tedesco who decided to play an evil bio mom before playing all those evil foster mom roles.
This typecast of Dhar’s is kinda rude, why does Nerisa play all these terrible mom roles? I guess it’s because she looks mean and a little nasty, talk about dick move.
It turns out we’ve wasted the past 40 minutes searching for this woman as she’s demeaning, rude, likes oranges, etc.
Bio mom is really stupid, guess it’s from all the drugs since she asks if this child is a cop, or if she has pills, and pronounced Target as “Tar-Je” then she just up and leaves Crying Girl alone and without a phone.
Gee I wonder what message Crying Girl realizes while alone with thoughts. We cut back to the people who adopted her as we get a classy “we can’t declare her missing because it hasn’t been 24 hours”
I swear man who adopted her is far too nonchalant for this kind of situation. Cut back to Crying Girl as her bio mom returns high, she questions Crying Girl if she ate her orange despite eating it in an earlier scene.
Bio mom shuts her down again and outright admits to giving her up for adoption. Wow Dhar, I see a message you already have shown in less than ten minutes took 50 minutes here, I’m happy to have wasted my time here.
So Crying Girl decides to get her phone back as woman who adopted her is calling. So she leaves, not before changing her name back to mom in the phone.
We cut back to home as this is kinda Dad’s fault, had he just let Mom tell her the truth about her criminal parents none of this could have happened!
This entire film could have been avoided! I’ve wasted far more than an hour here typing this damn review! Whatever, Crying girl returns to apologize and repeat the message about family not calling just for blood, it calls for SACRIFICE!
We also see Sister went through an offscreen arc about accepting your past or something and explaining how she told her fiancé about said past.
Of course he was understanding, what were you expecting? She welcomed her to visit since she told her not it come back in that earlier scene which I just skipped over.
They invite her to have some dinner with some classy hospitality, Crying Girl is happy and content so she posts a new photo to her story showing how we all went full circle.
Oh and she puts her family picture back up because it wouldn’t be a share adoption video without it.
We see Token Black Friend being happy upon seeing the story as our time together comes to an end. Or does it?
Because we get three mid credit scene based on theee off hand lines, one I mentioned and one I didn’t.
First is of Ayden Mekus visiting Darius and asking for money just to get laughed at, a lot of stupid characters in this story.
Second is bio mom getting her already eaten orange eaten by her partner because funny?
Third is Token Black at her birthday guess her presents, how her family hasn’t realized she’s been looking in the attic by now is beyond me.
Then it’s over, well I went into this with not much expectations and came out with none of them filled. Some of the acting is kinda good, but a few good or decent performances isn’t enough to save bad writing.
Not to mention very little thought went into the writing process, the plot has several opportunities to stop in its tracks so they steer clear of those smarter and more level headed options.
I get avoided revealing her bio parents didn’t want her, but just say they are criminals who couldn’t raise her. The fundamentals of the plot and the setup we are given would have to be drastically different since this film is just a longer version of the family isn’t about blood but love message.
So I must do what I always do, what is my final score to this film which has a shit title. After much thought, I have this rating, 3/10. There’s not much you can expect from a film that refuses to take the smart option and forces itself to continue.
Well that’s it, one year of celebratory reviews in a row. I’m shocked what was to be a one off has blown out into a trend. Not to mention to common use of Fart Bucket as a nickname has gotten so popular even Dhar used it in a short.
As for the road ahead, well I might take a break, I’m not quitting at all but after six straight reviews it probably be for the best to let the over saturation of reviews die down.
I want to thank you for reading these reviews for the past years and for participating in the poll. Leave your thoughts on this review and the video in the comments, and Thank you.
submitted by Witty_Pop_3587 to dharmann [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:48 GuyYouMetOnline Trying to find a certain Stack song; can anyone help?

I first heard it a while ago, and am trying to find it again, but I'm hindered by the fact that I don't remember the name. As I recall, it was a combination of Capital City of Flowers in the Sky and Phantom Ensemble (the PCB stage 4 stage and boss themes) though I'm not quite certain on the latter (completely sure of the former, though). I remember that the start of the song had the melody at about 52 seconds into Capital City, and the only other thing of use I recall is that I believe the song's title began with the letter A (though I'm also not completely sure on that one).
I'm sorry if that's not much to go on, but it's all I can recall, and I'd really like to find the song, because I remember it being really good.
submitted by GuyYouMetOnline to TOUHOUMUSIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:46 creeperplay365 I'm making a new level and I have no idea what to name it.

So I'm making a new level, but I still haven't decided what to name it, and naming it after the song the level uses is kinda used too much. I made a sneak peek of the level layout (here's the ID: 159164), but there were no comments. If you have any suggestions, type them out in comments here OR on that level.
Thank you.
submitted by creeperplay365 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:42 Sensitive-Damage8735 Case Western or UC Irvine for premed

I'm incoming freshman for pre-med, and trying to determine between CWRU or UCI (just got off waitlist).
Below are my pros and cons for each schools based on my research, would love alumni or current students to weigh in to help me make an informed decision.
  1. Plenty volunteering/research opportunities. My assumption it will be less competitive as 4 hospitals + smaller pre-med student community.
  2. No grade deflation and opportunity to build strong relationship with professors for med school recommendation letter.
  3. Reputation - known for pre-med powerhouse. Also, CWRU has a medical school so I assume they might give a favorable consideration for CWRU undergraduate applicants.
  4. Friendly student community - the students I met at CWRU all come across as collaborative, kind and hardworking. Not ultra-competitive or cut-throat type I met in other pre-med powerhouse.
  1. Location and weather - Ohio is far away from my home and not a fan of cold weather (from West coast).
  2. Social life outside of studying - seems like students are all focusing on study, and not much social life outside. I'm not into frat or partying but love to play some sports such as tennis or soccer besides studying.
  3. Marketing pitch or real - CWRU seems to have a lot more marketing than other schools so a bit worrying about whether the reputation for premed powerhouse is more about marketing than real.
  1. Location - love the weather of California and have heard Irvine is a very safe and nice neighborhood. Closer to my home too.
  2. Ranking - also known for pre-med college from what I have heard. UCI overall ranking seems to be higher than CWRU, might help with my medical school application.
  3. Part of UC system - assuming UCI is part of UC system, so I can leverage with other UC research opportunities or easier for me to transfer to other UC campus (e.g. UCLA or UC Berkeley)
  1. Volunteering/research opportunities - have heard it's ultra competitive for get opportunities. Also, it's hard to build strong relationship with professors for recommendation.
  2. Cost - it's at least 10K more than CWRU as no merit scholarships.
  3. Grade deflation - have heard many weed-out class with grade deflation, and hard to get a high GPA
  4. Commuter school - most students are not living on campus - either at home and off-campus, it's a ghost town over weekend and hard to form study group.
submitted by Sensitive-Damage8735 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
