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2021.02.18 10:40 m2knet Semaglutide

Discussion of FDA-approved semaglutide (Wegovy/Ozempic/Rybelsus). No discussion of compounded formulations.

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Hot Wheels on reddit! Reddit's dedicated Hot Wheels section, welcoming all forms of die-cast, not just Hot Wheels.

2016.10.20 19:25 Klope62 Nintendo Switch Deals

This subreddit is about finding and sharing the best deals for the Nintendo Switch, its games, and its accessories!

2024.06.08 11:57 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:56 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:55 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to budget [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:54 PaintitRed93 AIO by screaming like a crazy person in order to get myself and my son out of the car that my partner was driving dangerously?

Bit of a back story, I (31f) am 30 weeks pregnant and I have a 3 year old son (previous marriage). I have had a horrible pregnancy, with extreme sickness and migraines. It's been a stressful time for both my partner (28m) and I. In the last 6-8 weeks, my partner had some sort of mental breakdown due to PTSD from his time in the Navy, and as such he has entered a deep depression and severe anxiety, with nigthmares and night terrors. He can barely leave the house without me, or he starts experiencing panic attacks and body tremors. It's been awful. He is on so many different medications to manage all his symptons and will spend most of his day playing chess on his phone as a way of coping.
I work full time and commute over an hour each way. He always manages to do the best he can with my son, picking him up from his daycare and taking him to the park with our dogs. Thankfully I have a cleaner so we don't need to worry about those things but I usually come home to a messy house and have to cook dinner too. We've had a few big fights during this time, with both of us equally being responsible for them due to pregnancy hormones, frustration, his pain and anger etc. As much as I possibly can, I keep my son from seeing any of this.
So, today I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous. I had used up all my nausea medication a few days ago and my next doctor appointment isn't for 2 weeks. My partner offered to book me an appointment at the urgent clinic, which was coincidently in 20 minutes. I was in the middle of trying to get dressed but told him to book it and started rushing around to get us all in the car. I admittedly started to panic that we wouldn't get there in time and was yelling about running out of time. We finally got in the car and my partner was clearly overwhelmed. I normally drive but because of my nausea, I just couldn't. He quickly speeds off out of the driveway and scared me and I yell "slow down there is a kid right there" and he says he's not speeding and it's fine, and throws in something about having a "gut-full of me". He then swerves around the corner and gets to the round-about and barely stops to avoid another car (This is imo. He says there was plenty of time) I yell and call him a few expletives, and say "Slow down now please you're scaring me" this goes on for a couple more seconds and I say again "Slow down, you're too fast and it's scaring me". My son chimes in and yells too and my partner says "I don't care if you are scared" and this is when I start going crazy. I screamed at the top of my lung's and banged my fist on the dashboard "stop the car, stop the car now now now!!" I felt so out of control and scared and my son started crying snd yelling but I just wanted the car to stop. He quickly pulled up onto the curb and I get myself and my son out and he drives off. I hug my son and apologise and say that "Mummy shouldn't yell and she was having some big feelings". He gives me a big hug and says its ok and happily walks home with me and asks if we can go to his favourite playground.
We walk home, and I'm expecting that maybe when we get home, my partner is there either ready to say sorry or talk but he's parked his car infront of mine (he never does this). I go inside and get my keys and put my son in the car with my phone and his favourite show (door open and strapped in and safe). I then go inside and see that my partner looks furious. I realise he's in no mood to talk so I ask for his keys to move his car because I'll take my son out for the day instead. He takes his keys and rushes off to the bedroom. I follow him and we argue back and forth for a minute. Him telling me I was acting crazy, I say I was scared and the argument goes on like that for a little while. I beg for the keys and he says no and starts playing chess on his phone. I reach in for the keys, he won't give them to me so I grab his phone and throw it on the ground (it's carpet so it didn't break) and he still refused to give me the keys. He's a big guys and I'm obviously pregnant and couldn't do a thing. I felt trapped and now can't leave the house with my son, so I go into the other bedroom and just start crying, saying "let me leave" he comes in starts reminding me that I was over reacting and saying that I caused that whole thing. I say "I was scared I can't believe you'd do that. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and I was scared and sick and you said you didn't care" the fight continues on, him standing there watching my on the floor crying. He asks why I'm crying on the floor of the spare bedroom, and I tell him I'm trying to do this away from my son to avoid him being involved. He retorts with something liek "well you've made that impossible" and I feel so guilty, I cry more. Eventually he went and moved his car and came back and tries to hug me. I said I feel weird and didn't want to be hugged. I said something along the lines of "You have scared me and I can't look at you right now" and got my car keys, went and washed my face to freshen up, and took my son out.
We get home about 3-4 hours later and I'm exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open. I turn on the TV and let my son watch for a while whilst I fall asleep on the couch. My partner has shut himself away in the room and hasn't come out. It's been about 5 hours.
I'm just so lost. We have no real support from family where we are and I feel like I've been spinning so many plates trying to be a mum, working a full time executive position, taking time off to take my partner to doctors and therapy, and still managing my own midwife appoinments, my physical and mental health. Some days I just run out of fight and I come home and am numb to existence. I spoke to his parents a few days ago and his dad is flying over in a few days to help, thank goodness.
But really, I am just so lost. Maybe I should have handled that car situation better? Was I wrong to act like that? I just don't even know when I'm acting rationally or irrationally anymore.
submitted by PaintitRed93 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:52 drsaritaagarwal What are the signs and symptoms of infertility in women?

What are the signs and symptoms of infertility in women?
Infertility may be a difficult and emotional experience for many women. Understanding the signs and symptoms of infertility is critical for timely diagnosis and treatment. Here’s a detailed look at the signs and symptoms of infertility in women.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Infertility in Women

1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: One of the most common signs of infertility is an irregular menstrual cycle. If your periods are too long (35 days or more), too short (less than 21 days), or unpredictable, it could be a sign of underlying reproductive issues.
2. No Menstrual Periods: Amenorrhea, or the absence of menstrual periods, is a significant red flag. It could indicate problems with the ovaries or other reproductive organs.
3. Painful Periods: Severe menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) and pelvic pain can be symptoms of endometriosis or other reproductive disorders, which can affect fertility.
4. Heavy or Light Bleeding: Noticeable changes in menstrual flow, either too heavy or too light, can be indicative of hormonal imbalances or uterine abnormalities.
5. Pain During Intercourse: Dyspareunia, or pain during sexual intercourse, may be a sign of conditions like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or fibroids, all of which can impact fertility.
6. Hormonal Fluctuations: Symptoms such as sudden weight gain, severe acne, hair thinning, or excessive hair growth on the face and body can indicate hormonal disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a common cause of infertility.
7. Chronic Pelvic Pain: Persistent pain in the pelvic region can be a symptom of various conditions, including endometriosis, PID, or ovarian cysts, all of which may contribute to infertility.
8. Underlying Health Conditions: Chronic conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and autoimmune diseases can affect reproductive health and fertility.

When to Seek Help

If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, or if you exhibit any of the above symptoms, it’s time to consult an infertility specialist. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve your chances of conceiving.

Why Choose Dr. Sarita Agarwal?

As an esteemed infertility specialist near you, Dr. Sarita Agarwal combines advanced medical expertise with compassionate care. Her clinic in Pratap Nagar, Jaipur, is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide the highest standard of infertility treatment. With a personalized approach, she ensures each patient receives the best possible care tailored to their unique circumstances.


Infertility may be scary, but knowing the signs and symptoms can lead to early detection and treatment. If you are experiencing infertility, do not hesitate to seek expert assistance. Dr. Sarita Agarwal’s knowledge can give you confidence and optimism as you start on your road to motherhood. Schedule a consultation now to receive thorough and compassionate infertility treatment in Pratap Nagar, Jaipur.
submitted by drsaritaagarwal to u/drsaritaagarwal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:52 StefanCristianNicu Weird and unexplainable feelings - Rant.

This is going to be a long post so please bear with me.
A few years ago I had an awful psychotic episode. I was placed in a psychiatric hospital for 40 consecutive days where I was held under close surveillance, was on meds, had to be constantly checked by psychiatrists and the nurses as well as various assistants. I have psychiatric antecedents, I.E. not only did I struggle my entire life with mental issues but there were various attempts that I unwillingly agreed to, which didn’t go well since I refused to communicate and they ended up the shrinks saying stuff like “If he refuses to communicate or cooperate, we can’t help him.”.
Others said stuff like “He’s just weird”. (In all fairness I was 16 or 17 back then and now I’m 28)
But I wasn’t diagnosed as a schizoid until 2021, by a psychiatrist that wasn’t aware of my diagnosis and by the ones and the psychologist in the hospital who’ve had me under the aforementioned surveillance.
There were various “interviews”, or something like that with some of my old high-school teachers, my medic, a few of the shrinks or the old psychiatrists that I had in the past or the medical facilities I had to go to and eventually I was diagnosed as a schizoid.
But only because I suffered the psychotic episode and had no other choice but to “cooperate” or I suppose talk to people”.
My life’s been weird. I didn’t talk to anyone in high-school, at all, with the exception of some teachers, and mainly “communicated” through written notes I’d pass to my class mates. I never had a girlfriend. Had only 4 or 5 friends that I “broke-up” with after a heated argument, but I never liked going outside with them, or hanging out and mainly played video games and Skyped with them.
It’s not my intention to bore you with my long life story, so I’m going to try ending it soon.
Wrote for 10 years fiction in English because I spent too much time in the house and online. Something close to 6-10k pages or 4 million words. But eventually got sick of it and after being placed in the ward, I gave up on writing.
Made digital art for 5 years, gave up on that as well. Tried making music, gave up on that as well. Played video games all my life, gave up on that as well. Notice a pattern yet?
I’m currently trying to make or work on video games. But I don’t know for how long that’s going to last. I’m making this post mainly because I’m scared and I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m a schizoid or why, but I don’t have the power of will or the strength to continue making stuff or writing fiction, or making art, or how long this game “gig” is going to last.
Simply put, I feel bad. Because I used to write a lot. Even if it wasn’t good, at least it was something I did and was proud of. Same goes for art, and even games. But I can’t work constantly and I don’t have the power to keep going anymore. And I have no idea what the reason behind it is. Or what’s happening or what’s happened to me.
I don’t want to blame it on being a Schizoid because I don’t know anything about this diagnosis. And I don’t know if I have something else or what’s preventing me from working.
My only real job was working in a supermarket. And I stacked shelves and was too afraid to work as a cashier. It only lasted 2 months before I quit.
I’ve got a lot of questions now.
1. What can I do to start working again on stuff?
I just want to be able to write and read, or to make art, or games again and work as hard as I can and not take breaks and be left alone.
Also, I recently did a stupid thing as well. I get these weird feelings and weird impulses to do stuff, like I don’t think before doing something.
Using my real name for example. I’m publishing my unfinished game on steam using it, as EA. Despite barely working on it every now and then for the past 6 months. Or tying to publish my bad fiction, for free mainly. Both the game and the fiction, that’s another thing. I don’t have a sense of value, when it comes to money.
And I’m mainly using my real name now because I get random thoughts like, “Oh, you’ve been hiding behind a username your whole life”.
But now that I’m actually using my real name I feel awful and bad, and uncomfortable. And If I don’t, well, then I feel worse, because I’m hidWeird and unexplainable feelingsing again.
There was also a game dev event I attended with some of my mates from my master’s. And was an Uber-creep there. Didn’t talk to anyone at all, and was constantly in a state of panic. Met someone famous and almost fucked up because I tried saying hi then basically ran away.
Only took a picture with him because one of my mates called me to be in it. And felt like a tool because I had a T-shirt with my game’s name on it. And I twitted that picture. And was afraid to do it. But I did it anyway.
Before doing it, I checked with someone because my original message was something like “I’m sorry if I was a creep and if I made you uncomfortable”. And one of my mates wrote my message for me.
2. How do I become less, the way I am?
3. How can I hide being a schizoid?
4. What does being a schizoid even mean?
I still don’t understand what it means, like, at all. I really don’t get it at all.
5. Why can I talk to people I know or when I’m alone with only one person, but not when there’s more people? But not always, like if I’m in a group that’s mixed with people I know and some I don’t, I can’t talk. Like, why?
And that’s mainly what I want to know, for now. Thanks for your time.
submitted by StefanCristianNicu to Schizoid [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:50 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:47 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:45 TRAMPERO_LOCO Have my cat asthma?

Have my cat asthma?
Hello fellas. I have a cat with around 10 years old. I founded with a few months of life in outdoors. But is with me around 10 year in my house in a common town.
So: -my cat have coughs like the common asthma videos for around 8 years. I thought was hairballs
-when cough, seems like he expels aire from the nose.
Ok , now the bad.
Few months ago my mother came from a trip in an airplane, and she caught a cold. She told us that the airplane was a week after the puncture he started eating grass suffer a bit fever even.
The problem is my cat sleep these night whit my mom, and the next day the cat breathing was very very ugly. Like with a lot of mocus. I must say that the cat never have mocus before in his whole life.
With the pass of days the cat recovery very well. But in the last weeks his health was wrong.
-Bad coughing. More strong and violent. And open mouth. -30-40 breaths / min -superficial breath -seems like the chest is inflated -loud breath - vomiting each day (this last week 4 times with leafs, and 4 without, only food. unchewed food
So 12 days ago we went to the vet. With some videos with the cough.
The vet did a RX of the chest and told us this can be:
*Asthma *Lung parasite *Metastatic cancer in lugs
The vet told us that she don't think it's asthma, because with these strong damage in the lungs the cat would be coughing all time.
Is very strong damage in your opinion or a normal asthma RX?
So the vet gave us Fenbendazol for a parasite lungs and Doxybactin. And the cat gave a shoot of corticoids at these moment. 12 days ago.
But I don't think that can be parasites in lungs, because of the long time coughing and because the cat lives in a very clean environment in a house..
Even so, I gave the cat the medication.
The cat got a big improvement since the first day. I think by the corticoid shoot. Don't cough anymore (week before cough few times at day) and don't vomiting
But 5 days after he started eating grass and vomiting. First a Bromelia, I remove from here. Then cat grass, remove, then others.. I must remove all plants? He is vomiting one time at day , right now around 6 days
50/50 with plant matter / only food
And today's seems worst like days before. -loud breathing -short breathing -35 breaths/min Like if he wants expels lot of air from the nose
I don't know what's up with my dear cat. Can anyone help us? Thank you to you all in advance!
submitted by TRAMPERO_LOCO to WhatsWrongWithYourCat [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:45 Marty-McFried Lots of debt, no car, 550 credit score. About to get 50k settlement. In what order do I clean up my life?

My financial situation has been god awful the last few years. The kicker was last summer getting myself in trouble which led to me getting arrested. Lost my sales job, apartment and (company) car in 1 swoop. Ever since then my finances have been in a downward spiral. About to get a settlement for a car accident I was in 5 years ago. Settlement amount will be just over 50,000 and need advice on the best way to handle my situation/prioritize certain things
Here’s my situation:
550 credit Score
Currently do not have a car and living with a family member at the moment. I Uber back and forth to work at my server job where I make ~$1400 per week (obviously with tip based jobs this can vary tremendously, had some weeks closer to $1800 and some closer to $1000)
12,000 in credit card debt - this is spread across 7 credit cards that had GOD awful interest rates. All 7 are charged off at this point. My Transunion report only shows a few of them in collections. Partially confused by this because I KNOW for a fact I’ve gotten mail and calls from collection companies for cards that aren’t reflected as “in collections” on my Transunion report. I’ve negotiated with some over the phone and they offered 30% off, don’t know if that’s a reasonable amount to pay or not for a collection company or if I can get more off. I have not paid any in almost a year (lots of this debt was from issues I’ve had with addiction prior to me getting in trouble)
$8,000 personal loan from a friend - while this isn’t hitting my credit report, this is a moral debt. My friend helped me out and want to prioritize paying them back
4,000 owed to a lawyer - he has not sent this to collections and don’t think he will (from what I understand lawyers get stiffed more often than we think.) Again, while this isn’t hitting my credit report, it’s a “morale debt” and god forbid I need this lawyer again I want to have the ability to use him
$800 in medical bills - again not paid, almost in collections
Other expenses: Spending roughly $250 per week on Uber since I do not have a car
Pay $200 per month to the family member I live with
Other monthly expenses are Spotify ($12) phone insurance ($20) and car insurance (state makes me carry a state minimum) for $40.
*obviously my first priorities are to pay off my debt and get a car, I’m wondering which order would be best to do it in. I just tried to apply for financing for a car through USAA. In that scenario I proposed to get a $23,000 car with 10k down and still got denied. I know some car dealers will “approve anyone” but scared to think what the APR will be on something like that
Do I go for a car right away despite my awful credit score so I stop getting absolutely crushed by Uber every week? Or do I wait for my score to rebound before financing a car? I can pay off my entire sum of debt in 1 shot essentially and get a better APR on financing a car. But how long would it take for my score to rebound after paying everything?
Yes agreeing to a financing plan with a high interest rate isn’t ideal, but if I keep ubering I’m going to end up paying more monthly than a really bad car payment. At least with a financed car I’ll be paying into an asset I own
have never had the opportunity to buy a newer car before. Always owned beater cars and company cars. Obviously not NEW new but 2018 and newer would be ideal. Don’t want to get a beater again and worry about it breaking down or not lasting, plus if I get something with payments this could be another way to build my credit score. Right now I don’t have other large expenses so a monthly car payment isn’t a huge issue but long term I want to move out on my own again. Outside of a few thousand for an emergency fund, do I bother saving some of this money for security deposit on an apartment? Or do I as much as possible on a down payment for a car to lower my monthly payment.
I hope this all makes sense. Most of my questions lie in the financing of the car
TLDR: have lots of debt and no car, about to receive a large sum of money. do I get a car right away or pay my debt and let my credit rebuild first before financing?
submitted by Marty-McFried to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:44 diagno_lounge Pathology services in Goregaon, Mumbai Diagno Lounge

At Diagno Lounge, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality pathology services in Goregaon and Kandivali. Our latest facility combines advanced diagnostic technology with a team of experienced healthcare professionals to ensure accurate and timely results for all your medical testing needs.

Why Choose Diagno Lounge?

  1. Comprehensive Test Menu: We offer a wide range of diagnostic tests including blood tests, urine tests, microbiology, biochemistry, hematology, and more. Our comprehensive test menu is designed to cater to all your healthcare needs.
  2. Advanced Technology: Our laboratory is equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment, ensuring precision and reliability in every test we conduct. We adhere to strict quality control measures to maintain the highest standards of accuracy.
  3. Experienced Professionals: Our team of highly qualified pathologists, lab technicians, and support staff are committed to delivering exceptional service. With years of experience in
  4. the field, they ensure that every test is conducted with utmost care and professionalism.
  5. Fast and Accurate Results: We understand the importance of timely results in medical diagnostics. Our efficient processes and advanced technology enable us to provide quick and accurate results, helping your healthcare provider make informed decisions promptly.
  6. Convenient Location: Located in Goregaon, Mumbai, Diagno Lounge is easily accessible, offering convenience and ease for our patients. Whether you need routine tests or specialized diagnostics, we are here to serve you.
  7. Patient-Centric Approach: At Diagno Lounge, patient comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. Our friendly and compassionate staff are always ready to assist you, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
  8. Home Collection Services: For added convenience, we offer home collection services. Our trained phlebotomists will visit your home to collect samples, ensuring the same level of care and precision as in our center.

Book Your Appointment Today

Taking care of your health has never been easier. Book your appointment online or give us a call to schedule your visit. Our friendly staff is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Contact Us
At Diagno Lounge, we are committed to your health and well-being. Trust us for accurate diagnostics and compassionate care. Visit us today and experience the Diagno Lounge difference!
Pathology services in Goregaon, Mumbai Diagno Lounge
At Diagno Lounge, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality pathology services in Goregaon and Kandivali. Our latest facility combines advanced diagnostic technology with a team of experienced healthcare professionals to ensure accurate and timely results for all your medical testing needs.

Why Choose Diagno Lounge?

  1. Comprehensive Test Menu: We offer a wide range of diagnostic tests including blood tests, urine tests, microbiology, biochemistry, hematology, and more. Our comprehensive test menu is designed to cater to all your healthcare needs.
  2. Advanced Technology: Our laboratory is equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment, ensuring precision and reliability in every test we conduct. We adhere to strict quality control measures to maintain the highest standards of accuracy.
  3. Experienced Professionals: Our team of highly qualified pathologists, lab technicians, and support staff are committed to delivering exceptional service. With years of experience in
  4. the field, they ensure that every test is conducted with utmost care and professionalism.
  5. Fast and Accurate Results: We understand the importance of timely results in medical diagnostics. Our efficient processes and advanced technology enable us to provide quick and accurate results, helping your healthcare provider make informed decisions promptly.
  6. Convenient Location: Located in Goregaon, Mumbai, Diagno Lounge is easily accessible, offering convenience and ease for our patients. Whether you need routine tests or specialized diagnostics, we are here to serve you.
  7. Patient-Centric Approach: At Diagno Lounge, patient comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. Our friendly and compassionate staff are always ready to assist you, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
  8. Home Collection Services: For added convenience, we offer home collection services. Our trained phlebotomists will visit your home to collect samples, ensuring the same level of care and precision as in our center.

Book Your Appointment Today

Taking care of your health has never been easier. Book your appointment online or give us a call to schedule your visit. Our friendly staff is here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Contact Us
At Diagno Lounge, we are committed to your health and well-being. Trust us for accurate diagnostics and compassionate care. Visit us today and experience the Diagno Lounge difference!
submitted by diagno_lounge to u/diagno_lounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:41 Conscious-Exit-2836 5 attacks in 24 hrs, no blockage, sore gallbladder for 2 days after

As the title said I had 5 attacks in 24 hours. Started at 4 pm, 4 hours after a meal so I don't think it really would be that but who knows. Worst attack I ever had (definitely not fun having one in a car thankfully I wasn't driving, felt like I was in labour.) about 2 hours of laying down later I felt better, Sat up for 15 mins started again, laid down in the car going home was able to sit up for a bit until it started again just went to bed. Woke up feeling tender but ok went to work ate a banana, started back up. Took pain meds it went down, ate lunch pain went back up again I said I can't take it anymore went to the hospital. Surprisingly quick, they did blood work, urine sample, and ultrasound. Just for them to tell me I have gallstones which I already knew and already waiting to have a surgery consult to get my gallbladder removed. And that I'm not blocked and I can just leave before getting any pain medication. But I asked for it because I knew it was ordered by a different dr and whatever they gave me knocked me on my ass because when I tried to get up to leave I was dizzy and I barely made it past the corner even though I told the nurse I was dizzy and she put me on saline to try to help but I told her it did nothing and she's still just told me to go home. I ended up getting my dad to wheel me out and I got home okay.
Since then I haven't really been eating large portions because my gallbladder feels so sore. I'm shocked the dr didn't say it was inflamed. But she also didn't say it wasn't either and I wasn't in the state of mind to ask. But I can't get rid of this lil shit. Hopefully I get booked for my consult next month like I'm supposed to
submitted by Conscious-Exit-2836 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:37 garageboxnick73 Review: 6 Years with CrossFit Linchpin at age 51

Disclosure: I am a paying member of CrossFit Linchpin and not paid or endorsed in anyway to write this review.
Crash course on my background: a non-athlete for the majority of my 51+ years on the planet. In my late 20s, I got sucked into the running community and over 17 years, I racked up 61 finishes of a marathon or longer… 32 ultras plus 29 marathons to include 3 x 100 mile finishes in 2009. Enter CrossFit on 11/4/2014 when I was invited to my first CrossFit class. The rest is history, as they say. Growing up, I did one season of track and nothing else and being on active duty in the Navy in the 90s didn’t require any real level of fitness. Prior to that first CrossFit class in 2014, I had never touched a barbell. I had a “great” pear shape of a running body. Long strong legs and the ability to run for hours upon hours but no strength up top. CrossFit changed it all and it was intoxicating. I cold-turkey quit running races and fully leaned into CrossFit. After two CrossFit gyms, my wife and I drove to Rogue Fitness in Columbus, OH after the CrossFit Open in the Spring of 2016 and loaded up our SUV full of gear to “open” our garage gym. For the next two years, I scoured the interwebs for workouts and injected as much variance as possible on my own, occasionally creating my own. We also built a 3rd “car” garage that became our CrossFit gym…and has never had a car in it. One of those programs I used occasionally was Pat Sherwood’s CrossFit Linchpin.
On May 8, 2018, I decided to join Linchpin. I kept doing searches for his brick-n-mortar gym and found nothing yet he was and is listed as a CrossFit affiliate. Turns out, Pat lives in Washington state and programs for his members and works out alone or with his wife, Emily, in their garage. It was really that simple. The subscription was (and remains) dirt cheap so I figured there was no danger in giving it a go. 6+ years later, I have never left and for as long as Pat continues programming, I have no plans to!
Pat has very much created his own path when it comes to style and approach to programming. There are a LOT of programs out there from Street Parking to Mayhem Athlete and countless others. Many programs cater to both the garage athlete and CrossFit “boxes” or gyms. In many CrossFit gyms, the “normal” one hour class includes a brief warmup, a strength component and some kind of WOD (workout of the day). Because classes are on a schedule, members will often find themselves rushed through the strength part. CrossFit Linchpin runs counter to that approach. A common phrase heard is “Respect the Heavy Days.” When we lift heavy, that is ALL we do. We properly warm up, give the lifts the respect they deserve, and go home. Pat also encourages athletes to do workouts “not for time” some days and lately, has been not suggesting but rather directing “for quality” vs. “for time.” It is common to see these on days where there are more complex movements and this provides the opportunity to focus on the movements and getting better at them. But don’t get me wrong… we light the fire quite often! It is normal to light the fuse with intensity about 2 out of 5 workouts a week. Two days (Thursdays and Sundays) are programmed rest days. If you dig back to what CrossFit truly is, it is constantly varied movements that are performed at a (relative) high intensity. “Varied” does NOT mean “random” at Linchpin. In fact, I would consider Pat more of a mad scientist of sorts. He looks at large blocks of time and ensures that the variance is VERY intentional. From going short vs. long, below parallel, overhead, light vs. heavy, and the list goes on and on. There is an incredible amount of focus that he gives to the programming and it is anything BUT random. In fact, Pat wrote a digital book on programming and offers it for free on his site.
One of my favorite things about Linchpin is how we live the quote “Lift Heavy Run Fast.” Just this week, we had 10 x 100m sprints. What brick-n-mortar boxes program that?! Just two days prior, we had a heavy day full of squat cleans and thrusters. One of my favorite workouts is Linchpin Test #5. 20 Back Squats (225/155), 2mi run, 20 Back Squats.
My reason for showing up in my garage every day is simple: care for my body in such a way that it fosters living a full and healthy life with my wife that I’ve been married to for 31+ years … for as long as possible. That includes being able to get out of a chair unassisted, to carry 2 x 40lb bags of salt down to the basement softener for years to come and to be able to react quickly in a crisis to help her or even a random stranger. I do not want to become a sedentary statistic. Our country is obese, on lists of medication and the majority truly does not take care of themselves. I seek to run against this and be an example of someone who was never an athlete, is physically built pretty darn wonky and will put on the pounds just by looking at food, yet remains fit, SHOWS UP every day and takes care of the body given to me.
But hold up! Pat doesn’t just program things into an app. He doesn’t promote another huge component of CrossFit Linchpin much but here it is: EDUCATION. He refers to this as increasing our “Fitness IQ.” What if you could walk into the garage every day, look at the prescribed workout, then make proper decisions for YOU on how to approach it? Choices like how much weight or what implements to even how much intensity to bring… Pat educates every single day and the cumulative effect of this over days and weeks and months and now over 6 years for me, is quite powerful. To look at a workout, acknowledge what the intent of it is, then making educated decisions on how to best retain the intended stimulus to meet the athlete where they are is KING. Some days I don’t want to touch a barbell so I lean on those dumbbells. Other days, my sandbags call and I bring them out to play. Some times here in NE Ohio in the middle of winter, there is a foot of snow on the ground but “Nancy” is programmed which has 400m runs in it. Do I bike? Ski? Row? No matter what life deals us at CrossFit Linchpin, we are equipped to handle it. Stress, sickness, lack of sleep, anxiety, little kids scurrying about… LIFE HAPPENS but FITNESS needs to happen, too. Pat has taught me how to navigate these waters called LIFE to come out on the other side stronger, fitter, and older by the day.
Here’s what you get for $18/mo or $90 for 6 months ($15/mo):
Here’s what you get that you don’t pay for:
If you want to check out CrossFit Linchpin, Pat offers a 30 day free trial. You’ll get full access to the btwb app as well as the closed FB group. Give it a shot! There is a welcome video from Pat and his wife, Emily, here and tons of information about Linchpin and it’s foundational principles.
If you have any questions at all, you can reach out to Pat at []( If you have a question for me, it’s probably easiest to look me up on Instagram at garageboxnick and send me a DM.
Our Garage Gym Tour
submitted by garageboxnick73 to crossfit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:33 charanbhc A thread on #Ashwatthama 🧵 If ashwatthama is alive, then where is he now?? 👇 Here's the 5 Ashwatthama sightings #Kalki2898ADonJune27 #Kalki2898AD © X @TorchbearerEdit

A thread on #Ashwatthama 🧵 If ashwatthama is alive, then where is he now?? 👇 Here's the 5 Ashwatthama sightings #Kalki2898ADonJune27 #Kalki2898AD © X @TorchbearerEdit
  1. Incident: 1: A Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor) in Madhya Pradesh had a tough patient with a septic forehead. After several applications of a fail-proof potion, the wound remained fresh and kept bleeding. Amazed at this, the doctor said, "Your wound seems ageless and cureless. I wonder if you are Ashwathama." At the third 'ha', he turned around to apply the next doze and found that the seat was empty. The patient just disappeared into the air, sealing Vaidya's wit with reality. This was reported in Kalyan. Magazine as well, but who knows if it's the truth or not?
  2. Incident: 2: When, in 1192, Prithveeraaj Chauhan lost the battle with Mohammad Gauree, he left for the jungle. There, he met an old person with a scar on his head. Being a very good doctor, Prithveeraaj Chauhaan confidently asked him if he could cure his scar. The old man agreed. But even after a week's medication, it remained as it was. Prithveeraaj was surprised and understood the details. He asked an old man if he was Ashwatthaamaa. Because only the scars that are created by taking up the "MANI" gem from the forehead cannot be cured. The old man said that he was Ashwatthaama, and then he went away. This description is given in "Prithviraj Raso" a book written in the about12th century on him.
  3. Incident: 3: In the late 14th, and early 15th century there lived in Gadog. Karnaatak, a poor Braahman called Naranappa. Later, because of the Mahabharata epic "Karnata Bharata Kathamanjari" that he wrote in Kannada, he came to be called as Kumara Vyasa. His greatest desire was to write Mahaabhaarat based on sources, and to this end, he prayed day in and day out**,** in the Temple of Veera Naaraayan, the temple of Trikooteshwar. One day the Almighty decided to answer his prayers and appeared in his dream and said, "Attend the forthcoming Dwaadashee Paaran (Dwaadashee feast) in the Veera Nagraayan Temple. Watch out for one lone Braahman who will leave the feast earliest. He is none other than Ashwathaamaa of MBH. Fall at his feet and ask him to narrate the Maha Bharat as it happened. You can record it in writing and claim your share of fame". Promptly Naranappa attended the following Dwaadashee Paaran at the Veera Narayan Temple and then followed the Brahmin who finished his feast the earliest and started walking out of the Temple. He approached him and fell at his feet saying. "I know who you are, you are the very same Ashwatthaamaa of Mahabharat, please help me". At this Ashwathaamaa was taken aback and asked him how do you know this? Naranappa responded saying "The Veera Naraayan Swamy appeared in his dream and told me so. Ashwatthaamaa was mightily pleased hearing this and asked Naranappa, OK, tell me what can I do for you? Naranappa responded saying he would like to write the Mahaabhaarat in Kannada as it happened.
  4. Incident: 4: It's been two decades, old newspaper article ran about a railway employee on leave. During his wanderings in the jungles of Navsari (Gujarat), he had reported a very tall man of about 12 feet with a wound on his head. He claimed to have a conversation with him.
  5. Incident: 5 : Some Gujarat people claims that, A strange man roaming around the Narmadaa river (Gujaraat) for seeking oil to soothe on his forehead, he was described as tall person, and that there was tons of fly’s, bugs surrounding him all the time.
Thank you. For your patience!
submitted by charanbhc to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:15 Hyak_utake Hi, I (30M) am a man that has been using heat based male contraception by testicle ascent for almost 4 years with great success, AMA.

It's called Heat Based Contraception, but has also various names like Thermal Contraception, or Artificial Cryptorchidism.
The concept is to wear a silicon ring or a jockstrap that will raise my testicles into my inguinal canals (groin area). That way, they are closer to the body which is just enough to bring them to bodily temperature. In that state, spermiogenesis (creation of sperm cells) well decrease drastically, and might even go up to azoospermia (absence of sperm cells observed under microscope).
For more informations look up "Androswitch" or "Slip chauffant". The website has lost of informations regarding this method.
How that works is that you put the penis into the ring, then you put the scrotum (testicles'' skin) into the ring as well. The ring is large enough so that everything fits inside painlessly. Then, as more skin goes into the ring, the testicles will mechanically go upward, at the base of the penis, in the inguinal canals.
So when I say "heat based" method, it means I'm using the heat of my body, no heating pads, hot baths or sauna. So you won't get a sensation of the pelvis actually heating up or anything.
In order for it to work you need to wear it 15/24h, everyday. It needs also 3 months to properly work, as spermiogenesis is completed in 74 days on average.
It's gaining increasing traction as thousands of people are using it right now, mostly in France, and with great success. Like every method, it can't please everyone, but a 2023 survey with 970 participants reported overwhelmingly good feedback, and a will to continue to wear said devices, even if a good minority of them experienced minor side effects, like rashes or very mild testicular shrinkage. No hormonal side effects though.
It is an experimental method, so caution is advised. A dozen little studies reported extremely high efficacy, but it's almost always with 5 to 30 participants, and it has only been tested for 4 years at best.
Lots of people doing this are being medically followed by physicians or urologists, and will follow the medical protocol implying the realisation of spermiograms, to actually measure fertility levels. The goal is to go under the 1 million sperm cells/ml threshold, as it as been defined by health authorities as the acceptable one to consider a male contraception very efficient. Between clinical studies and surveys, the pearl index is estimated to be between 0.5 and 0.1, so an efficacy very similar to already existing female hormonal birth control methods.
The method seems very much reversible as all data points towards this state of affairs, but again, since it's an experimental method I can't tell you it's 100% reversible and more studies need to be done to fully ensure it.
I've been using it with great success for a bit less than 4 years now, and it's been going great ! I'm not paid to talk about this method, and I'm not participating in a study. I'm just an enthusiastic user of the method that thinks lots of people would like to know about it. Keep in mind I'm just a dude on the internet, I'm not a health professional so all I say here should be taken with caution, please do your research and don't do anything stupid with this.
submitted by Hyak_utake to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:14 medranomontrell summary by ME, MYSELF AND I

samjhne ka endeavour kro, sab committee decide kregi. dikkat sirf 1600 bcho ki hai, ab jo formula humne lagaya hai, us se grace mark dia hai
you- formula jo lagaya hai wo to medical/engg mai lg hi nhi skta
me- pr wo time ka formula hai, clat ke exam mai time waste pr lga tha, to commitee ne decide kia ki use yaha lgana appropriate hoga, kyoki at the end of the day, it is a formula for time waste-to humne wo select kia
you- us committee mai kon kon hai?
me-unke name lena to ab shi nhi hoga, but mai ye keh skta hu ki nta ek bhot transparent organisation hai. ab mai ye to nhi bta skta kitne grace marks die humne, but nta ek bhot transparent organisation hai. mai ye bhi nhi bta skta ki ab reneet hoga, ya fir kin kin ko grace mark mile, but nta ek transparent organisation hai.
you- still what are the qualifications of the committee?
me-arey uski chinta aap mt kijiye, comittee mai kuch ias, kuch academic scholars, kuch doctors, teachers aur kuch nmc ke directors hai, itni badiya commitee sab pani ka pani aur dudh ka dudh kr degi, but at the end f the day, committee comprises of 4 members.
you- acha ye hi bta do ki paper leak hone pr aapka kya stance hai?
me-aree konsa paper leak? nta ek transparent organisation hai,aur paper leak khi nhi hua. sirf 6 centers mai dikkat hui hai. acha ab hum chlte hai, forth floor pr aajana, chai peene ki vyvastha hai
submitted by medranomontrell to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:09 Sufficient-Way8059 AITAH for wanting to tell my “best friends” mother she’s having an affair?

There are so many details in this story but I’ll try to keep it to the point. My friend of about 18 years is married & has 4 children (3 step, 1 biological) with her husband. We will call her R for the sake of the story. R has been unhappy in her marriage for about a year or so now, which I do not blame her, they have had a very chaotic relationship over the years. R cheated on her husband with her coworker, she did confess to this but said it was only 1 time, a one & done type of thing. But it is definitely not. She’s having a full blown relationship with this coworker, who is also married. R is constantly telling me about their sex, their conversations, how much she misses him when she’s with her family, etc … even has sent me a picture of her with her lover in bed.
We recently had a vacation with her family which I found to be one of the most stressful weeks of my life. It was not a vacation for me at all. R told me she stuck me in the guest house with her so I can basically nanny her kids and infant child for her while she talks on the phone & FTs her lover bc she missed him so much. R’s sibling & I cared for her children the whole week while she was on the phone & locking herself in the room because she needed “alone time”. I slept in the same room as her (she arrived to the rental house before I did and assigned everyone a bed), & she was waking me up everyday at dawn bc she was speaking on the phone so loudly with her lover & giggling.
R was constantly fighting w her family during the trip, being a total pill. Causing screaming matches with her mother, running away everyday with the rental car, bursting into tears saying we all needed something from her. She was so hostile and aggressive towards everyone im assuming bc she was afraid of being caught? I’m not sure but the energy was so chaotic I was constantly on edge.
(Side note: I work for R’s mother. For about the past year the business has been declining & she has not been able to consistently pay me or have a secure check for me. Which is the biggest stress I have. I work well over 40 hrs a week & am fucking myself over by staying in this job. Why I haven’t left I cannot say for certain but keep this detail in mind.)
Lately R’s mom has been paying for many of her expenses, even though she has her own job & her husband has a very successful business. I found out on this trip that she’s been spending many of these funds on buying stuff for her lover, including daily DoorDash orders. Because of the work I do with her mother I can see that many of the funds from the business are going to her personal accounts to then be transferred to R, who keeps over drafting her account to send herself money on Venmo. I kept questioning what she was spending so much money on bc she it was obvious it wasn’t on herself, but now I know it’s on her lover.
With that being said it made me feel some type of way knowing I’m struggling to get by with my own child & medical issues, bc her mom can’t pay me.. bc she’s funding R’s expenses which I now realize are largely being spent on booze & her affair. I also found out on this trip that the family, including her mom, is going to get her her own apartment near her job so she won’t have to commute to work or take care of the kids at this time bc she keeps saying how stressed she is. From what I have noticed I don’t think she’s stressed from work or the children, I think she’s being selfish and wants to be free to go be w her lover. If they move the children to a different town to give her the space she needs to “focus” on work, I feel it’s just serving her a silver platter to continue this affair with no responsibilities holding her down anymore. It seems so absurd to me that she is morally ok with this, & it just seems to baffle me.
I had a conversation w her on this trip about how selfish she’s being & I was as respectful as possible. But R is acting like I’m being a total bitch & coming out of left field. She told her mom that I was being a bad friend & icing her out basically bc of her “mental health” issues. Obviously not spilling the beans on anything to do with what she’s doing in secret. Now her mom is asking me everyday when I’m going to fix the rift in our friendship, and that I need to be nice & understanding & compassionate bc R is going through a hard time and I just need to give her grace. I want to tell her mom about her affair so she can understand why I feel the way I do, & so she can stop funding her little secret life & pay me what I deserve.
Regardless I’m about to start job searching for something else bc at the end of the day I can’t keep working with out getting paid. But I don’t know, I am conflicted. As a friend am I supposed to keep her secret since she confided in me? Or is it ok for me to come out about this at least to her mother since it’s affecting me in ways no one else seems to notice? I don’t want to invalidate R’s mental health or feelings at all bc I know she’s been through a lot, but fuck we all have. There’s so much more to the story that just really gets to me … but I have tried to be as supportive as I could be for years while I was always put on the back burner. I just don’t want to do it anymore, I don’t have it in me.
Am I the one being selfish? AITAH?
If you stuck around for all of this bless your heart. Thank you
submitted by Sufficient-Way8059 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:56 Toiletverse_guide El Alamein tips to success


This update has plenty of content to unpack. From the meta-breaking generals, to the immortal demons and utter pandemonium of nuclear fission, nothing can encapsulates the tumultuous update better than the defence of El Alamein.
El Alamein distinguishes itself from the other mundane, platitudinous and prosaic events. With Montgomery, Wavell and Auchineck fielding the brand new Centurions, these cheeky bastards can skilfully evade your trusted Guderian, and if foolhardy, can erase traces of him ever setting foot on the ominous desert.
The immortal demons acts as an enzyme, accelerating your inevitable defeat in the optimum conditions that they thrive in. You are unable to reverse the course of history, or can you?

The Plan

Enzymes thrive in optimum conditions, however their weaknesses are persistent. Temperature is too high? pH levels too high/low? The enzyme will denature. A denatured enzyme will cease to speed up the rate of reactions and is of no use.
Likewise the Centurions act on the same principle. Strike at their core weaknesses, the efficiency will be decreased and cease to accelerate your imminent defeat. What is their core weakness you ask?
You see, the enemy’s inability to activate the dreaded smoke bomb when in chaos is their weakness. Get the centurions in chaos, the enemies will no longer witness their plans come into fruition, and instead observe in horror as their multi-million pound tanks get shattered by your flak 88s.
Alright, getting the demons in chaos is easier said to be done, m8. To that reader, I have a list with plenty of methods to flawlessly execute the plan:
  1. Utilise flanking: this is of the utmost importance, as it counters the enemies excitation (no I’m not making this up, it’s a buff) and it does indeed lower their morale.
  2. Rumour! Take caution when deploying rumour generals. Ensure that they would not be mauled to death with the power of excellence. Plan your rumour ahead if required.
  3. Stuka bombing: if you have level 5 Stuka, this can come in clutch and strike fear with the eerie howls of the landing gear

General tips

Alright I will spare you of my intensive waffling and list tips for ultimate success:
  1. Do not stay near the coastline, unless you desire to get your general commit seppuku .
  2. The map is divided in three distinct sections, top, middle and bottom.
  3. Send Guderian & rumour gang to the northern sector. This is where the immortal demons end up in.
  4. Bring your own Rommel on a good unit (eg lvl3 is3) in the middle sector. He can handle the units with relative ease.
  5. Use default Rommel and kesselring to aid the self Imploding Italians. Spawn a medic of your own here if necessary. Under intensive workloads. (For example de Gaulle harassment) send another armoured general to aid this sector. However the unit count will eventually decrease and shifting the units in sector three to sector 1 or 2 is recommended in low work load situationsz
  6. With your admittedly poor economy (come on you’re in Africa and the supply route is harassed by the allies) you have to make a thin line of fortifications that can halt enemies in an instant. A thin line of defences only serves as an insurance against breaches. Your generals are doing the bulk of the work, unlike before. A economical general will be immensely beneficial here.
  7. Do not construct naval units, the naval situation is utterly hopeless
submitted by Toiletverse_guide to WorldConqueror4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:46 rpatel9 MSCS profile evaluation Fall'25

Aiming for: MSCS programs, terminal ones where applicable as I’m not interested in research or continuing to a PHD. I'm also considering Computational Finance but leaning towards keeping my options open with MSCS
University: University of Southampton (UK)
Degree: Bsc Computer Science (Hons)
Thesis: FinDeBERTa Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Financial Sentiment Analysis - built on Microsoft's existing transformer based model Deberta by implementing ideas from other papers, the resulting model established a new state of the art classification result on a dataset called the financial phrase bank
CGPA: First Class with Honours - My weighted average was 81.2%, a first is >70%, i'm not sure what that translates to
Research/Publications: 0. My University dissertation (thesis) was deemed publishable and short listed for the IBM Hursley academic prize, my supervisor will be one of my recommenders and will attest to it. He's an academic with a H-index of 39 incase that makes a difference, my recommendation from him will state that I scored higher in the dissertation (thesis) than any student he's supervised (about 100 students over 20 years)
Work experience: SWE Graduate program at JPMorgan Chase Singapore, been here 3 years now and promoted once
Demographic: Born British but naturalised to become a Singaporean, Male (ethnically Indian)
LOR: 2 from University professors (one thesis supervisor, one examiner) both h-index ~40, 1 from an MD at JPMorgan (i'm contemplating switching this to my direct manager instead as they can more accurately attest to my ability, not sure what would be best here)
GRE: Diagnostic only so far (162Q, 160V)
Motivation: I will be completely honest here, my motivations are a bit different from most. I love CS and it's been my dream to be taught at one of the best institutions in the world. I would rather reapply if I do not get into one of my dream schools than I would attend another. Furthermore I intend to spend most of my career in Singapore, and for better or worse there is a huge Uni prestige bias here. I am ok with not doing an MSCS if I can't get into one of the institutions I dream of attending, I hope I don't get any hate for that. My short term career goal is to get to the US and work there for ~3 years, but i'm extremely fortunate where visas are guaranteed for my passport due to a special treaty and i'm in the process of an internal transfer there currently.
Concerns: UK universities operate a little differently where your first year does not count at all towards your final degree weighting. Because of this I focused less on academics and more on competing for a place on my uni rowing team and racing at regattas, which I did. I also slipped a disc in this first year which affected scores a bit due to medical priorities. For this year I averaged a low 2.1 as a result, but as I said it was not counted towards my degree (but will be on my transcript). Will this shoot my chances?
Can you rate my chances for the following:
  1. Stanford
  2. CMU
  3. Berkeley
  4. Harvard CS + Eng (Yes it's for the name, I know the course isn't as strong as the other top 5)
  5. Georgia Tech (less so than the others)
  6. Michigan (less so than the others)
  7. Columbia (less so than the others)
  8. Princeton
  9. Yale
I know I would be exceptionally lucky to get a place at any of these universities, so don't get me wrong. I just want to know if I have a current shot and what I can do over the next 2 application cycles to increase my chances, particularly the top 4. Thank you in advance!
submitted by rpatel9 to MSCS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:40 mashpotato1029 AITA for dropping my best friend and blocking her on everything?

I (16F) recently cut off my best friend (18F) for a variety of reasons. Since I dropped out of high school we’d been spending a lot of time together, and I was staying at her place for days in a row and barely spending any time at home. At first her family made me feel so welcome in their home and I felt comfortable being around them, and they even offered for me to move in with them because my parents are moving to Italy soon and they wanted me to stay in America so I could go back to school & graduate. Things started to take a turn when getting emancipated came up in conversation and my best friend told me I could just lie to the court and tell them that my mom’s an alcoholic (she hardly ever drinks) and my dad’s always high (he smokes medical marijuana) so it could help my case. I never expressed to her how uncomfortable that made me feel but I told her that I wouldn’t do that to my parents because that could probably get my younger brother taken away from them too if they feel it’s not a safe environment for a child. I made it clear to her that I will not be doing that. The second thing that threw me off was when she took responsibility to drive me to work even though I told her I could just go home and have my parents take me, she insisted on it. I explained to her that I always go to the Fry’s near my job because there’s a Starbucks inside and I like to grab a drink before my shift, and she agreed that she could take me there at 3:30 because my shift starts at 4. The only thing that was out of my routine this time was that I was going to meet up with a guy I really liked and we planned to get Starbucks together and hang out for a little bit just before I had to go to work, and my mom knew about this. My best friend did not like it AT ALL. Typically I go into Fry’s by myself but she insists that she goes in with me because she’s not gonna let me meet up with some guy, so she’s helicoptering me around the store and acting like I’m some bad ass toddler that needs their hand held everywhere. So after I buy a few snacks and get my drink, she drives me to work (even though it’s like a 30 second walking distance….) and about 10 mins I get a text from her telling me not to be mad at her because she was reading my texts and saw me texting with him, and she didn’t feel it was safe for me to be meeting up with a guy, and that as my best friend she was only looking out for my safety. I explained to her that I knew the guy from school before I dropped out and that he’s not some creepy old man, and that it’s not her place to be dictating who I can and can’t meet up with. She told me it was way too early to be meeting up with him because we weren’t even in a talking stage yet, and I told her that it was just convenient because the places we work are right next to each other and we both had shifts at 4:00 so we agreed to get Starbucks together. Nothing more than that. That really pissed me off. The third time she got on my nerves was when a $2 butterfly hair clip of hers went missing after I wore it and she accused me several times for 2 whole weeks of stealing it. She never directly accused me but she’d constantly bring it up and ask me what I did with it and just assume I knew where it went. I told her every single time she asked me that I put it on her dresser in her room after I was done wearing it and I told her if it was that big of a deal that I’d just buy her a new one. Even after telling her to look around her room or to ask her little sister she still insisted that I lost it or accidentally took it home even after I told her I can literally remember setting it on her dresser after I took it out of my hair. But of course, her little sister had it lmao… But my final straw was when she got mad at me for leaving my trash in a plastic bag next to her tiny overflowed trash can, after I left her house she sent me a whole entire paragraph lecturing me about leaving my trash “all over her room”?? I was confused and told her that I left everything in a plastic bag because it was literally overflowing and that if she was really that mad about it then she should probably take out her damn trash so you can actually put stuff in there. Then she proceeded to complain about being tired 24/7 and that she doesn’t have the energy to clean..? After that I started distancing myself from her and spending less time with her. But a couple weeks after all of that happened she invited me to hang out and go shopping, then I ended up spending the night at her house because we were already out pretty late, but I made it clear to her that I’m going to go home the next day and I’m not gonna spend several days at her house. My parents were gonna pick me up & they wanted me to be at home. So it’s the next day and my parents pick me up and I’m probably 5 minutes down the road before I get a text from her being mad at me because I wasn’t at her house even for a full 24 hours. I straight up told her I wasn’t going to argue with my parents because they’re in charge of where I am so if they want me to go home then I’m going home. I probably should have turned her down but I made the decision of going to her cousins graduation after she invited me, and it ended late so she told me I could just spend the night at her house. But since I had work the next day I told her I was gonna leave first thing in the morning and she said that was fine. So morning rolls around and I get picked up super early because her sister had some event going on at her school and I said I wasn’t gonna be able to make it because I had to get ready for work, and she got upset with me and told me that her sister really wanted me to go. I apologized and told her that if I knew about it sooner I would’ve called off but since it was last minute there’s nothing I could do. She then started to guilt trip me and told me it seems like I’m not trying to stay at her house for long anymore. At that point I started to get really annoyed so I ignored her texts for the whole day because I didn’t feel like going back and forth with her. Later that day she came into my job trying to get me in trouble and starting stuff for no reason and trying to cause drama by telling my coworker I was talking crap about her. I tried to be as calm as I could and I told her that I didn’t feel like talking to her and asked her to please leave me alone because what she’s doing is kind of obsessive, just because I didn’t answer her texts doesn’t give her a reason to come in and start bullshitting. She just says okay and as she’s walking out the door she yells at me saying I’m not welcome in her house anymore (like I even care lmfao) and says she’s going to my parents house to “rat me out”?? After that she started to text me more asking what tf wrong with me and asking me what she did for me to ignore her. I said I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her, and she started to get upset and asked why I wanna ruin our friendship and why I was doing that to her. She then went on saying I don’t care about our friendship and that it’s showing a lot about me, I just told her to believe what she wants and that I’m not even going to make the effort to keep being friends with her after she just pulled up to my job to start shit. I blocked her on everything, then the next morning she requested $100 from me on cash app and texted me off a different number asking if I’m gonna keep being petty towards her or if we’re gonna be civil. I just ignored it but she’s making me out to be the bad guy in this situation and it’s making me question if there’s anything I could’ve done differently. I’ve never handled a situation like this before so I’m not sure if the way I went about it was mature or not. AITA?
submitted by mashpotato1029 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:37 Freon4144 Late period, when to be concerned?

So my period is currently 15 days late, I have done 4 pregnancy tests between day 1-10 of being late and all negative so I know it’s not that.
My cycle is usually 24 days and bang on every time, never late. I have zero signs of PMS, usually my boobs are really sore for 5-7 days before I come on my period. But nothing at all, my last period was 29th April.
I know late periods are due to ovulating late (I don’t track ovulation so no way to know when or if I even did last month), but I’m usually soooo regular. When should I be worried and get checked out by the doctor? I have to pay to visit the doctor so I don’t want to have a wasted trip and them to tell me to come back in 1/2/3 months time if still no period. Has anyone else experienced this and what were they advised medically to do? How long to wait until it’s counted as a potential problem?
I have no health conditions that I know of, my periods are normal usually, not too heavy and minimal period cramps.
submitted by Freon4144 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:36 Hot_Cod_1225 One step forward two steps back

Long term GAD been off medication for 4 months. Last 2 weeks my anxiety has come flooding back.
Yesterday I had really good day where the anxiety was nowhere near as intense and was feeling a lot better. Last night then out of nowhere. It's came back way more intense. I went out with my mates last night and didn't not enjoy it at all. As couldn't get any relief from the anxiety.
I'm going away for 2 weeks next week. There will be a lot of drinking and I'm beginning to worry about it.
submitted by Hot_Cod_1225 to Anxiety [link] [comments]