Vitamins to take after a tummy tuck


2024.05.16 16:15 siesta4241 TummyTuckedApril24

Welcome anyone who had a tummy tuck/abdominoplasty/similar surgery in Aprilish 2024. Glad to have you here.

2012.08.19 10:22 Jontology r/shitposting

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2017.10.21 23:22 KushKapow MemeHunter! A community of dreams and dank memes dedicated to the monster hunter video games.

Monster Hunter Memes! A community of dreams and dank memes dedicated to the monster hunter video games. Where konchus rule the lands and hit-boxes are broken. Post anything creative related to monster hunter!

2024.05.29 04:51 sbiel001 After 20 years of suffering my migraines are gone

Hi everyone! I wanted to come on here and share my story in the hope that it might help someone.
I first started having migraines at 7 years old. I remember throwing up in the play ground so many times. The next day I'd be told by kids that I shouldn't be at school because I have a "tummy bug". The noise of school triggered my migraines a lot.
There are a lot of migraine sufferers on my mum's side of the family. My mum, grandma and great grandma all had them and so does my uncle.
When I was 14 I had a traumatic brain injury with bleeding on the brain that made my plight much worse. Even after I got over my injury, my migraines were worse for many years.
In my 20s I had ups and downs, periods where the migraines would be gone for a while and periods they'd come back more often. But I'd always usually have at least one a month (I know many people here have things so much worse and I feel for you so much.) I got very good at managing them.
Then when I was around 25-26 I had a period of time when my headaches became a daily occurance. I say headaches because they did seem to be somewhat different to migraines, with similarities. I'd wake up in the morning with a very strong headache and a bad feeling in my tummy. Medication and caffeine would help but I just couldn't understand what was going on. It seemed potentially alcohol related but then sometimes it would happen without me having had anything to drink, other times I'd have had a few drinks and nothing. I went through a bunch of medical treatments, nothing really helped.
Then when I was 26/27 I stopped eating dairy. I'd long suspected I had an intolerance and so I tried the elimination diet and figured out it helped me with many gut symptoms.
3+ years on I do not get migraines. The only times these come on is if I've had considerable amounts of dairy over the course of a number of days. It's so stark that it's almost like someone waved a wand.
Some other symptoms I've rid myself of: constant loose stool, feelings of inflammation in the stomach and gut that I just thought were normal, intense hyperactivity in the evenings (after large meal with dairy and a glass of wine), almost constant high resting heart rate.
I also want to say that the majority of headaches I've had throughout my life were definitely migraines. I was assessed by many doctors, I had all of the classic symptoms pre, during and post migraine. I won't list them as you know them yourselves.
I know that this won't be the case for many of you, if not most. But those of you who are suffering so much for many years, I really recommend you try an elimination diet to see if you have any food intolerances. At the end of the day, it's worth a shot! (Please don't take this as medical advice, I am not a medical professional, this is just what worked for me.)
Good luck to everyone, I understand your pain.
submitted by sbiel001 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 Extreme_Ad222 Goodbye my sweet good girl 💔 I’m so sorry

Just lost my 10 year old German shepherd mix today she was the sweetest dog ever. She suffered from chronic ear infections and loved to swim especially around this time of year every time I let her outside to the back yard she would always jump in the pool.she hated the vet very much 😂 like most German shepherds but wouldn’t try to bite just growl at the vet. Today was just like any other day I let my dogs out to go to the bathroom and get some sun and I’ll leave them out there for a hour or 2 so they tire themselves out before dinner and I had a feeling after a hour or so and I just brush it off and answered a phone call and got distracted and ignored the feeling after wards that feeling came again and I went outside and called my dogs in and my male dog came inside but my sweet lulu didn’t come I thought she was probably napping by the pool or her usual outdoor napping stops but nothing then I found her tucked between the shed and garden beds breathing very slowly and her stomach was bloated and very hard then the panic set in I tried to get her to move but she wouldn’t she gave me a couple of kisses and she had this look in her eyes I called my family out and I called the vet in a panic all while I’ll was getting ready to take her my aunt was comforting my lulu and she said it’s ok sweet girl if it’s to painful you can go and my sweet lulu took her final breath in my aunts arms. If I just gone outside the first time maybe just maybe she still be here
Goodbye my sweet lulu I’m so sorry you had to pass in so much pain you were the best friend a girl could have.❤️
submitted by Extreme_Ad222 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:32 thedogz11 A Novel Species: Entries from Dr. Marshall

A Novel Species: Entries from Dr. Marshall
Dr. Marshall, June 8th, 2012 -
Begin journal:
Hanging back at the ranger station today, seems like it should be a nice weekend. Weather cleared up after that long ass winter and the snows about cleared up. We’ve been tasked with monitoring this herd of elk moving through the area. I guess they’ve been displaying some “anomalous” behavior, approaching tourists seemingly unaware or unafraid of the potential danger. Odd but not unlike anything we’ve seen before. I’ve had Tim Dog posted up in the hunter’s perch for a few hours watching em. Gonna go radio for a report pretty soon. Other than that not much going on out here. Just the wind rustling in the pines and my good old girl Taby. She’s such a sweet dog :)
End of Entry #1
Dr. Marshall, June 10th, 2012
Entry: Something strange is going on here. Tim is back but with some interesting news. He spent another day up there monitoring the herd, but…. Something’s off. He used the Elk call we gave him and it worked, but it seems it might’ve worked a bit too well. Soon as the herd showed up, they just…. watched him. For hours. He was too scared to climb back down so he radio’d for a couple rangers. Rangers came and tried scaring em off, but the Elk wouldn’t budge. They just stood there, staring at him. In my 25 years of doing this I’ve never once seen Elk behave this way. Our current hypothesis is some kind of infection, but so far there just isn’t enough to say. I don’t like this. Not one bit. We’re gonna try to take samples from the Elk in hopes of finding out what in God’s name is going on out here.
End of Entry #2
Dr. Marshall, June 13th, 2012
Entry: Well it’s official - something is going on. We took samples of blood and urine from the Elk to be analyzed back at the lab in Sac. One of the rangers spotted what looked like some kind of tick or parasite latched onto one of the Elk. But when he tried to remove the Elk went berserk. Smacked him up badly and he had to go to the medic. We got a closer look after isolating one of em and it seems to track. We found a small, worm-like creature attached just beneath the haunch, tucked in the skin between the abdomen and the haunch of the Elk. It was half burrowed inside and didn’t seem to respond to any physical contact, but when we went for removal, the Elk started acting up again. So we latched it down and tried tranquilizing it. No dice. Elk won’t go to sleep. Won’t do anything except eat and stare. There is no way we’re dealing with some novel species. The hell is going on here? A larva that infects Elk—in North America none the less? It’s stranger than fiction. Anyway I’ve been having trouble sleeping the past few nights pondering the possibilities. In other news apparently some of the townies have been acting up lately. Man found dead out on the trail along with a few others in the same spot. Signs of predation after death. Folks been reporting hearing and witnessing strange behavior from their neighbors. The more I stay here the less I feel safe. If it weren’t for my job security I’d have left days ago. This place is starting to give me the creeps.
End of Entry #3
Dr. Marshall, June 19th, 2012
Entry: Lab reports came back. Supposedly heightened amounts of adrenaline and cortisol are present in the blood. They also found trace amounts of what seem to be tiny hairs, mycelia-like in nature. What. The. Fuck. We’ve begun postulating there could be some sort of fungal infection but this wouldn’t track with the presence of larvae in our Elk. None of it makes sense. I’m concerned we’re dealing with some sort of invasive species but I lack any explanation of what it could be. My sleep has become worse and worse over time. Lately I could swear I’m hearing shit. Thought I heard the voice of old Tim saying “Help, Help” in between strange mumblings and clickings. But when I get out of my bunk to look around—nothing. Hope I’m not losing it. I’ve heard the townies have been acting up even worse. Wandering about aimlessly in the woods. There was a bear attack just yesterday. Apparently the man sat there while the bear ate him, completely straight faced. I put in a request for transport back home to Sacramento. I’m done with this shit. I’ve seen enough. This ain’t the one for me. I know some young up and comer might want to come out here to finish my research. But I’m getting too old for this type of shit. I want to see my kids graduate.
End of Entry #4
Dr. Marshall, June 24th, 2012
This could be my last entry. I honestly don’t know. I’m to wait for transport home hopefully by July 2nd but I don’t know if I’ll make it that long. Tim is gone. He’s gone. Found dead in a cougar’s den about 10 miles away from base camp. But I swear to God I keep hearing him. I think I’ve lost my mind. There’s something in the goddamned cellar. And it’s mimicking Tim. I can hear him cry. I can hear him beg for my help. It’s real. I swear to God it’s real. I can’t get a wink of sleep and I’m counting the minutes till sun down every night. I’m scared. I want to go home. The rangers all left base camp overnight. I don’t blame them. Something’s the matter. Half the population in town has gone mad. People in droves, just wandering into the woods.
I’m going to go into the basement. I need to find out for myself what’s really going on here. Janelle, I love you. I’ll never forget that time we spent in Bora Bora after you finished your thesis. Take care of the kids. Tell Jackson his daddy loves him. Show them my catalogues. Teach them to love nature. I have to go. I love you.
Final entry.
submitted by thedogz11 to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:23 thedogz11 A Novel Species: Entries from Dr. Marshall

Dr. Marshall, June 8th, 2012 -
Begin journal:
Hanging back at the ranger station today, seems like it should be a nice weekend. Weather cleared up after that long ass winter and the snows about cleared up. We’ve been tasked with monitoring this herd of elk moving through the area. I guess they’ve been displaying some “anomalous” behavior, approaching tourists seemingly unaware or unafraid of the potential danger. Odd but not unlike anything we’ve seen before. I’ve had Tim Dog posted up in the hunter’s perch for a few hours watching em. Gonna go radio for a report pretty soon. Other than that not much going on out here. Just the wind rustling in the pines and my good old girl Taby. She’s such a sweet dog :)
End of Entry #1
Dr. Marshall, June 10th, 2012
Entry: Something strange is going on here. Tim is back but with some interesting news. He spent another day up there monitoring the herd, but…. Something’s off. He used the Elk call we gave him and it worked, but it seems it might’ve worked a bit too well. Soon as the herd showed up, they just…. watched him. For hours. He was too scared to climb back down so he radio’d for a couple rangers. Rangers came and tried scaring em off, but the Elk wouldn’t budge. They just stood there, staring at him. In my 25 years of doing this I’ve never once seen Elk behave this way. Our current hypothesis is some kind of infection, but so far there just isn’t enough to say. I don’t like this. Not one bit. We’re gonna try to take samples from the Elk in hopes of finding out what in God’s name is going on out here.
End of Entry #2
Dr. Marshall, June 13th, 2012
Entry: Well it’s official - something is going on. We took samples of blood and urine from the Elk to be analyzed back at the lab in Sac. One of the rangers spotted what looked like some kind of tick or parasite latched onto one of the Elk. But when he tried to remove the Elk went berserk. Smacked him up badly and he had to go to the medic. We got a closer look after isolating one of em and it seems to track. We found a small, worm-like creature attached just beneath the haunch, tucked in the skin between the abdomen and the haunch of the Elk. It was half burrowed inside and didn’t seem to respond to any physical contact, but when we went for removal, the Elk started acting up again. So we latched it down and tried tranquilizing it. No dice. Elk won’t go to sleep. Won’t do anything except eat and stare. There is no way we’re dealing with some novel species. The hell is going on here? A larva that infects Elk—in North America none the less? It’s stranger than fiction. Anyway I’ve been having trouble sleeping the past few nights pondering the possibilities. In other news apparently some of the townies have been acting up lately. Man found dead out on the trail along with a few others in the same spot. Signs of predation after death. Folks been reporting hearing and witnessing strange behavior from their neighbors. The more I stay here the less I feel safe. If it weren’t for my job security I’d have left days ago. This place is starting to give me the creeps.
End of Entry #3
Dr. Marshall, June 19th, 2012
Entry: Lab reports came back. Supposedly heightened amounts of adrenaline and cortisol are present in the blood. They also found trace amounts of what seem to be tiny hairs, mycelia-like in nature. What. The. Fuck. We’ve begun postulating there could be some sort of fungal infection but this wouldn’t track with the presence of larvae in our Elk. None of it makes sense. I’m concerned we’re dealing with some sort of invasive species but I lack any explanation of what it could be. My sleep has become worse and worse over time. Lately I could swear I’m hearing shit. Thought I heard the voice of old Tim saying “Help, Help” in between strange mumblings and clickings. But when I get out of my bunk to look around—nothing. Hope I’m not losing it. I’ve heard the townies have been acting up even worse. Wandering about aimlessly in the woods. There was a bear attack just yesterday. Apparently the man sat there while the bear ate him, completely straight faced. I put in a request for transport back home to Sacramento. I’m done with this shit. I’ve seen enough. This ain’t the one for me. I know some young up and comer might want to come out here to finish my research. But I’m getting too old for this type of shit. I want to see my kids graduate.
End of Entry #4
Dr. Marshall, June 24th, 2012
This could be my last entry. I honestly don’t know. I’m to wait for transport home hopefully by July 2nd but I don’t know if I’ll make it that long. Tim is gone. He’s gone. Found dead in a cougar’s den about 10 miles away from base camp. But I swear to God I keep hearing him. I think I’ve lost my mind. There’s something in the goddamned cellar. And it’s mimicking Tim. I can hear him cry. I can hear him beg for my help. It’s real. I swear to God it’s real. I can’t get a wink of sleep and I’m counting the minutes till sun down every night. I’m scared. I want to go home. The rangers all left base camp overnight. I don’t blame them. Something’s the matter. Half the population in town has gone mad. People in droves, just wandering into the woods.
I’m going to go into the basement. I need to find out for myself what’s really going on here. Janelle, I love you. I’ll never forget that time we spent in Bora Bora after you finished your thesis. Take care of the kids. Tell Jackson his daddy loves him. Show them my catalogues. Teach them to love nature. I have to go. I love you.
Final entry.
submitted by thedogz11 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:20 sarahxvalo a flow of thoughts i wrote in my notes app about my girl, skeeter 💌

a flow of thoughts i wrote in my notes app about my girl, skeeter 💌
i don’t really expect anyone to read this. but i had to put it somewhere.
*she loved her treats. the ones right after getting her eyedrops in the morning but mostly at night. she loved to sniff around for cat food. she was always right there when dad was preparing dinner; chopping veggies was a calling for her. she loved tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries and pineapple. she was stubborn beyond belief. she always spat out spinach, and was tempted by the forbidden fruits of avocados and grapes but never tried them. i’ll miss all these things. her little snores and grunts. her constant barking at me when she wanted another meal, even if it was only 10 minutes after her last meal. she loved to go for walks and car rides. she loved judging people pass us by on our walks, especially dogs that she couldnt care less about. she was patient with our cats, even letting charlie lick her face after a messy dinner. she was their family.
she adored hikes and walks in the mountains. she loved dipping her toes in a cool mountain river. she loved being carried up steep hills and sniffing the leftover piss from dogs ahead of her. she was a shadow to me for 14 years and i’m always searching for her little clicks along the floor, with nails that probably needed to be trimmed (and would be at her next anal glad extraction) she smelled like corn chips and love. her ears had “mushrooms” growing inside them and made her stinky for a long time but we still loved her. she loved “gettin it” in her bed (or ours) after a much needed bath or after a delicious meal. she was always grumpin’ us with her upper lip tucked in. she’d run to the farthest corners of the backyard to potty and always came running up the hill as fast as she could. even in the end. even when things got hard and her breathing got bad and she had a chronic cough, she pushed herself to feel good and make the most of everyday. she knew she was loved.
she knew the oxygen chamber in the living room was there to make her feel better. she knew her pills she got every 8 hours and every 12 hours were to help her feel better. even when they became hard to give her towards the end. she had eyes like an angel. that was the first thing i noticed when i looked at her for the first time. big chestnuts in a perfectly tiny dome head. eyes of a creature i’d never imagined i would grow to love so much over the course of the weirdest years of my life. looking back to when we first met, it feels like a literal lifetime ago.
just about every aspect of my life is entirely different than it was back then. the only thing that stayed the same was that she was by my side. even those few years when she wasn’t technically my dog. we were drawn to one another and the universe gave us both the gift of being together forever. i remember thinking i should have kept her as my own so many times before it happened. and after those few chaotic and emotional years, we were finally together. just us.
until jared came along and fell in love with her. she loved him so much. felt safe in his presence and oftentimes wouldn’t even go to sleep unless he was in bed with us. she had such a routine with us. she was incredibly low maintenance and smart. never going potty in the house. never being naughty at all ( aside that time she stole my subway sandwich when i was in the other room) that’s probably the only time i was ever mad at her in my life! she wanted to sniff every tree. every rock. every lamppost, trash can and fire hydrant. she took her time with the little things and appreciated basking in the sun on a warm spring day. she loved the picnics we’d go on and the lunch dates at cheba hut and tasty harmony (always waiting for a tomato!) she was my little princess. she loved her stroller rides through various parks we took her to in fort collins.
everyone always gawked at her and could tell how loved she was (still is.) and now i search for her in everything. all the clouds in the sky look like shih tzus, which is hilarious and perfect to me. i’ve seen so many rainbows since the day she left me. more than i’ve seen in ages and i know they’re messages from my little pud, telling me she’s okay.
we went for a drive today to the canyon, she always loved going there with us. i brought her urn with us and asked her to give me a sign today. i saw a hummingbird when we were pulled over and i know that was my sign (even though skeeti hated birds) haha just kidding. we are planting a garden for her now. with lavender and columbine and strawberries. we will plant a tree for her soon. i carry her toy with me everywhere and sleep with it at night. (it rotates between the lamb chop, the crocodile and her pink bunny) they all smell like her.
i take her urn to bed with us every night. it’s wrapped in her tiny strawberry blanket i would lay on her back when it was chilly outside. especially after giving her a haircut, which she always hated until it was over. then she’d feel soooo good.
i want her to be as close to me as possible. and i have so many fears now that she’s not here, even though my biggest fear was losing her. now it’s that i’ll forget the little things, but how could i? luckily i took photos and videos of just about everything she ever did. and i’m so grateful for the memories i have of her. they’re all so wonderful aside from a few scary ones towards the end. she was so brave, my little thing. my tiny soldier. my best girl in the whole world.*
i miss my girl so much.
all these photos were taken after her heart failure/ pulmonary hypertension diagnosis. proof of how strong, happy and resilient she was during the hardest months of our lives.
today marks 10 days without her.
submitted by sarahxvalo to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:30 rosdeargg Toddler Son B3

Hi there! I have a son (2M) who will be 3 in the fall. He currently is diagnosed with acid reflux, eczema, and has a some sensory stuff that affects what he will eat. We are working with OT and speech and are on a waitlist for a feeding program.
He takes famoditine, a vitamin with iron, and has recently begun Claritin. We use hydrocortisone occasionally when his eczema flares.
Recently, he’s been looking a bit paler to me. He’s pale to start out with, but his dark circles and veins seem more prominent at times. He gets marbling in his legs randomly, even when the temperature doesn’t seem to be a factor, and has been having more rashes and dry skin on his shins, low back, behind, and neck. The rashes come and go. We haven’t changed anything in his diet or soaps or detergents. He also started to get little dots that almost look like keratosis across his nose that spreads to under his eyes. It’s not super noticeable unless he’s in certain lighting.
He was sick in early April, and in mid May his finger tips started to peel. I fell down a rabbit hole trying to figure out why, and saw stuff related to vitamin B3. I have Crohn’s disease, and know it can be low with Crohn’s, so asked the doctor to run it. We got the results but they are super confusing:
Under that, it says:
Due to the large variability in the metabolism of nicotinic acid, the dosing preparation used (immediate-release vs. extended release, and the mg doses used, the serum concentrations may range from less than 20 ng/mi to about 30,000 ng/mL. After oral administration of an immediate-release tablet, peak plasma concentrations occur in 4 to 5 hours. The plasma half-life of nicotinic acid is about one hour. In one study, fasting plasma concentrations were reported to be less than 20 ng/mL. In another study, it was reported that the administration of a single 1000 mg extended-release tablet resulted in mean nicotinic acid concentrations of less than 50 ng/mL.
Nicotinamide is a metabolite of nicotinic acid. Due to the large variability in the metabolism of nicotinic acid, plasma concentrations of this metabolite are variable. In one study, fasting plasma concentrations were reported to be approximately 40 ng/mL. In another study it was reported that the administration of a single 1000 mg of extended-release tablet of nicotinic acid resulted in a mean peak nicotinamide concentration of 400 ng/mL between 5 and 10 hours post dose, decreasing to about 100 ng/mL by 16 hours post dose.
I don’t get what any of this means, and I’m worrying given his food avoidance that he has low vitamin B3. Are these low?
He had a couple of other weird levels but this is the one I’m most worried about.
Thank you!
submitted by rosdeargg to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:24 Environmental_Air182 Considering Tummy Tuck

Hey everyone im a 28 year old guy. Strongly considering a tummy tuck after a consultation with two plastic surgeons in my area, both with outstanding reviews. Both also recommended a similar procedure (tummy tuck with lipo of two fat pods on either side of my back). Went from size 44 jeans to 33 through diet and exercise.
Question- I already have two bulging discs in my lower back from rowing crew in college. History of sciatica and stenosis in lower back. Ill notice even after fishing for a couple hours ill feel a little discomfort the next day. Nothing major. With the tummy tuck procedure how long were you hunched over and unable to stand up straight? This is one of my concerns...I may fix the loose skin issue but cause chronic low back sciatica if I have to be hunched over for a week. Any feedback you guys can give would be awesome.
submitted by Environmental_Air182 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:24 _who-knows_33 Thoughts on Labs / Progression to Hashimotos?

I’ve been on levo 50 mcg for 2.5 years. My TPO AB skyrocketed from 27.1 U/ML last May (28.5 and 20.4 in prior years) to 266 U/ML this week..
TSH: is 2.705 MIU/L, up from 2.529 on February 1st. In May 2023, 2.105, and in June 2022 , 0.848, vs 2.823 in Feb 2022, when I was diagnosed.
T3 Total: is 103, down from 115 in February, vs 125 in June 2022.
Free T4: is 0.89, down from 0.93 in February, vs 0.78 in 2023, vs 0.84 in June 2022 vs 0.57 in February 2022.
Thoughts on labs? Does this sound like progression to Hashimotos?
I have previously been managed by my PCP / told my levels don’t warrant an endo consult. I have asked for endo.
Meds: I time my vyvanse with my breakfast at least 1-1.5 hours after I take my am levo. I don’t take my vitamins until lunch or dinner. I take propranolol for migraine prevention daily at bedtime, and ubrelvy and compazine for rescue meds for migraines as needed.
My doctor wants me to take trazodone for insomnia and consider semaglutide for weight loss, as I cannot get my weight to budge despite a generally good diet and regular exercise.
Any advice? Thanks so much !
submitted by _who-knows_33 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:23 CreativeTreat6469 I cured my vulvodynia - 9 months of pain

I was diagnosed with Vulvodynia in October 2023 after I had a BV infection that was treated incorrectly with anti fungal yeast infection creams. Then I was put on BV antibiotics for 15 days and still felt zero relief. I went to my primary care and she didn't know what to do so she tried to help me get into a gynecologist but everything was a 3 month wait. I managed to get into a gynecologist who was an old male doctor and he didn't even want to test me for infection. He told me to not wear "panties" and id be fine..
About 1 month later I was still in insane pain, unable to sleep from how bad the burning was. Couldn't get out of bed for days and couldn't find a doctor who was willing to help me. I was spending hours and hours every night looking on this exact forum trying to find a solution. This was when I finally convinced my primary care to help me get into a gynecologists office that specializes in vulvo pain. (I do not recommend this place at all, MUSC)
At my first appointment they told me "it's probably your laundry detergent and take these antihistamines. Let's also put you on birth control for your PCOS!" the antihistamines did nothing to help as it wasn't an allergic reaction. they told me no infection was present even though I had the discharge, oder, and pain all still from my previous positive BV test a month prior.
I called in a week later begging for help, or something to stop the pain as it was unbearable. They told me "you have vulvodynia which you will have forever and the only form of treatment is anxiety medication" (I was already on anxiety medication so this wasn't a treatment that was helping me for vulvodynia) They mentioned they had a doctor in office who specializes in vulvodynia so they got me an appointment but it took another 2 months to see him and in the meantime they put me on steroid cream. (highly don't recommend, this stuff burned so badly and I believe caused more issues rather than healing)
This was the worst 2 months of my life waiting for this appointment, scrolling this forum, hoping to find answers. When I showed up to the gynecologist who specializes in vulva pain, I brought my dad along with me. (obviously was NOT in the room during the appointment. But was there to help me stand up for myself to doctors. Which I highly recommend bringing a partner or family member with you to help advocate) After this doctor did a swab for infection he stepped out of the room and decided to talk to my dad while I got dressed again. This doctor talked to us in his office and said "you have vulvodynia. lets put you on an SSRI for your anxiety" I was confused because I never mentioned my anxiety, and usually for Vulvodynia you treat it with SNRIs, but he told me this SSRI would cure me. I believe he believed I only had vulvodynia from anxiety or trauma, yet I KNEW something more was going on.
When I got home I went to the MyChart website to view the notes this gynecologist put in the system and he marked me as having "high PH, not enough good bacteria, + 'her mom died when she was 14 so she's suffering from trauma" I sat there dumbfounded because at the appointment he said there was "nothing wrong" yet in the chart I had high PH and not enough good bacteria. I sent him an email and I asked him "how can I fix my PH and get more good bacteria?" because high PH, not enough good bacteria, abnormal discharge AND fishy order were all BV symptoms that I had and indicate an infection. He called me the next day and told me "haha well yeah but here's the thing. Go to college, work in a lab, and if you find the answer, let me know." then "wished" me luck. My dad heard this phone call and was so upset too.
This is where I was in pain for about 7 months. The burning hurt so badly and I could never wish that on ANYONE. I ended up taking just a generic SNRI anxiety medication that focuses on nerve pain so I could find a real cure in the mean time. Here were my symptoms and here is what I did to cure my vulvodynia. (I am not a doctor and everyone is different. its all about trying new things to help!)
I did one of those vulva microbiome tests online where you send in a swab and it tells you what bacteria are there. it showed me having 85% bad bacteria and 15% good bacteria. My recent visits to the gynecologist showed me having High PH during month 1's visit, month 3's, and month 6.
!!! I treated it by giving my body what it needed to heal. I am almost 100% positive that taking Vitamin D and K2 drops daily cured my vulvodynia which I never thought was going to be possible. !!!
I was taking Vitamin D, along with my SNRI. I only took the SNRI for 1.5 months to let my nerves calm down. I still am not sure if the SNRI did anything or if it was a placebo but I continued to take it while I healed my body.
I had tried cotton underwear because I heard it helps lower risk of infections but I found them to hurt me as they were scratchier than my no-show underwear. So instead, I wore no underwear while I was home. Only loose sweatpants/sweatshorts at home. I would wear no-show underwear if I went to town in jeans so this helped minimize friction and irritation.
When I would shower, I only used a bunch of water externally until I felt like I was clean. This was hard for me to do as I was using non-scented soap externally because I couldn't stand not feeling clean. But only using water helped wash away everything that needed to be cleaned, but would leave my body's natural oils causing the area to heal. Stripping the oils with soap felt like it was causing more problems at this time.
Long story short to anyone who just wants an answer: I believe I cured my vulvodynia with Vitamin D + Vitamin K2 drops, short term SNRI, wearing no underwear when I could, avoiding clothes that would touch the area to avoid any friction, no soap and only water!
It has been almost 2 months of me feeling NO PAIN at all. I don't take the SNRI's anymore, I can wear any clothes I want, I use soap sometimes but still try to avoid it. The only thing I still do is take Vitamin D.
I have had maybe 1 flair up within the past 2 months that lasted like 3 hours but I believe it was triggered by IC bladder pain. After drinking a bunch of water and avoiding vitamin C the pain went away! If anyone has questions I'll answer any. I had zero help and only bad experiences from gynecologist's in my area. It wasn't until I cured myself that I found an amazing gynecologist who has been so sweet so I am thankful to know I'll be able to go to her if I have any issues in the future. Trust that the universe will help guide you to the answers you need. I thought I was going to be in that terrible pain forever but trust me you will find something that helps you and it may just be on a random Tuesday when you least expect it.
submitted by CreativeTreat6469 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:00 Critical-Ad2084 Vincent Kompany tactical preview: A good fit for Bayern?

Vincent Kompany tactical preview: A good fit for Bayern?


Kompany is influenced by Guardiola's philosophy. His system is built around possession and positional play principles, with tactical flexibility -within those principles. Key elements to his games are possession, a structured build-up, chance creation by playing short passes and using absolute width to open up the half-spaces. The CBs have to be decent on the ball and the CDM should be a ball playing distributor who can also carry the ball forward and resist the press. His striker moves around a lot, contributing to scoring as well as assisting. Position switching is normal in his system, and lopsided formations where a fullback plays as a winger, while the other fullback tucks in to form a back 3 or inverts into the midfield are not unusual.


This is a small preview of Kompany's tactics; many of these formations were used by Tuchel (2-3-5, 3-2-5, 2-4-4), but the philosophy and intention behind these same structures is different. At the moment Kompany's tactics are not entirely unique, he is like a mini-Pep, similar to Arteta in his first season. In his system, the CDM is probably the most important player (good luck Pavlovic) in terms of dictating the tempo and being mostly in charge of the build up. Similarly to what we saw with Tuchel, it's likely he'll start matches with a nominal 4-2-3-1 formation that becomes a 4-4-2 in defense, and 3-2-5 / 2-3-5 variations in attack, but again, the philosophy behind these formations is what matters, not the formations per se.
We can expect a nominal 4-2-3-1, this formation is almost irrelevant because it will change in every phase of the game, with Kompany favoring a back 3 in the build up and attack, and a more conventional 4-4-2 in the defensive phase.
Kompany normally uses a situational back 3 in the build up, where the CDM drops between the CBs while the fullbacks go very wide. The build up formation will vary depending upon the opponents' pressing structures, and may be lopsided or asymmetrical. An attacking midfielder or striker may also drop deep like a false 9, while the wingers (or fullbacks) push high to play almost like inside forwards.
Lopsided 3-2-2-3 (3-2-5) formations are not unusual and the back 3 could also be formed with a fullback tucking in instead of a midfielder dropping to the back line. Fullbacks could also invert to create a box in the midfield, but it will al depend upon the circumstances. The main idea behind these structures is to create a numerical advantage in the build up, in order to carry the ball safely and prevent mistakes near the box.
After build up, and especially against low blocks, Bayern could play a 2-3-5, which the squad is already used to, where either the wingers or fullbacks provide absolute width to open up the half spaces where players like Musiala or SanĂŠ can thrive. Numerical advantages through the middle of the pitch could also help the team keep possession, but of course, these formations could expose the CB pair to counter attacks as there are huge gaps behind the back line which can easily be exploited when the ball is lost.
The 3-2-2-3 (or 3-2-5) may be a more balanced alternative to the 2-3-5, and has been Kompany's go to formation in the possession and attacking phase, which is very similar to Man City's main formation these past two seasons. Again, lopsidedness is not unusual but a more conventional approach (with wingers providing width) is also common in his system. If Davies and Kimmich continue to be the main fullbacks, this structure would not be surprising.
If Bayern uses two strikers or two false 9s in the attack, a 4-2-4 that inevitably becomes a 2-4-4 against low blocks is likely to be used this season. This formation is less intricate than the others, and may be useful as the team adapts to Kompany. While he is not expected to be a starter, MĂźller will surely get enough minutes on the pitch, and he could excel in this formation, playing next to Kane, or right behind him in a more traditional Raumdeuter role.
Bayern's most risky structure could be the 3-1-4-2 / 3-1-5-1 we saw this season in the second leg against Lazio. This formation could be used against weaker teams that are not particularly fast or good on the counter, or in situations where a goal is desperately needed, but naturally, attacking with 7 players comes with the risk of exposing the back line whenever the ball is lost.


His Anderlecht and Burnley sides played a possession based, attacking football, which the fans liked. His approach is attacking but balanced, something Bayern desperately needs. As a person he is reported to be very commanding, but also a trustworthy man manager, who works a lot on team cohesion.
At Burnley, when his side competed against teams of a similar level, he did quite well. In his relegation season, his team was expected to face bigger challenges. Kompany tried to play the same way in the Premier League as in the Championship, and when that failed, he didn't change his approach either. This could be interpreted as him being committed to a philosophy, which is admirable, or, as him having problems adapting or being too stubborn, which could be problematic, but either way, it's too soon to judge.
Regardless of Kompany's success or failure, this season will be refreshing for the fans. He should be able to implement his tactics without much risk, but he will have to adapt. Bundesliga teams are comfortable playing against Guardiola-style clubs, and know how to wait for the mistake that allows them to counterattack and score on the break, something that happened frequently this season, with Bayern rarely keeping a clean sheet. If Kompany manages to implement a football identity, but most importantly, to fix the issues in the build up, the defensive phase, and the midfield, he will be loved. The moment his tactics cause problems and he fails to adapt, well ... we already know how that plays out.
As fans all we can do is support him and be patient; these Guardiola-influenced tactics can take more than one season to really get going, and may be tedious to watch at times.
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2024.05.29 02:52 MisterSquidInc 24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)

24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)
"24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. We couldn't think of a finer tribute to our friend than to publish it."
"As I funnel towards the start line in a big group, pushing my bike slowly forward, it's weird but I'm calm. I was so nervous on the ferry over, thinking, 'Is this going to be one of those one-way trips?'
I didn't sleep last night. I was getting annoyed with myself because I wasn't picking up the whole lap - there were certain sections that I still didn't know. I was frightening myself in some blind, flat-out sections. i ended up watching a DVD of the track, rewinding certain sections again and again.
down on the start it's not like a normal race. there's no mass start. It's just you, the bike and the road. That's a nice feeling. They set you off individually. when I get to the front there's a bloke in a white coat who puts his hand on my shoulder and looks up to the box. He counts 10 seconds as the rider in front disappears down Bray Hill. Then he lifts his hand and I think, 'He could be the last person to touch me.'
Bray Hills fast, fast as fuck, but you've got time to think. You aim to go under the bush on the right, then come to the crossroads and you've got to pull on the bars to jump or it'll load the front. You apex at the lights, in top gear flat-stick. The bike compresses so much that you scrub off loads of speed. then over Ago's Leap. The bike naturally lifts. I try not to roll the throttle, just let it come down.
There's a rise before Quarter Bridge. You have to go down a gear and accelerate to wheelie over it. One lap I didn't and it went into a massive slapper. then you've got to slam on the brakes to go through slippery Quarter Bridge.
Second, third, fourth, towards Braddan Bridge. Aim for the junction on the right, brake, back down two gears, follow the white railings that jump out at you. Gingerly through here because this is the first time the tyres have been on their left side. Full tank of fuel, new tyres - these bikes feel awful at low speeds.
Flick it over, into a dip - bah, bah, bah, bah - flat-out through two terrifying blind kinks hurtling at Union Mills. Coming out there's a garage on the left, you've got to have the thing absolutely pinned. There's a kerb on the left you've got to skim with your wheels as the bike bucks and weaves.
On to a long straight toward the campsite. people sit on a green bank. Their feet are so close I'm sure I'm going to hit them. Then you peel away towards one of the fastest corners on the track - Ballagary that's also called Glen Vine. people call it Ballascary because there's been a few fatalities there.
There was a massive crash here in one race - bikes and carnage everywhere. Next lap there's shit all over the road, fuel spills, I slowed right down to 50 and still got a massive slide. then the next lap there are fewer flags, then the third lap it's up to you if you want to keep it lit through there.
I start to relax, I'm glad I got that right, but there's a hump on the way out. The bike's still leant over so you've got to get it right. You pull on the bars to do a crossed-up wheelie.
Up to Crosby and DJ's [David Jeffries] corner which is a hard one for me. I greet him every time I go through, saying 'this one's for you Deej.' At the start of the week I didn't think I'd be able to flat it, but then I though, 'Fuck it, I know it's only a kink.' You've got to commit to these corners early, otherwise you'll just pussyfoot through them all week.
This is a learning year, I've put no pressure on myself and told everyone that right form the start. I've never had any interest in doing the Manx [Manx GP] and because I've got an international race licencee I didn't have to, so this is my first time on the Island's closed roads. the idea is to keep coming back until I start getting podiums.
On to Crosby. The Fireblade hates it. it's done some awful things all week. I was speaking to Michael Rutter last night and he said, 'You've got to roll off', there's no point getting in a silly mess or you'll be off the throttle for too long.
Greeba Castle has a rollercoaster dip, you've got to go slower than you think to get the drive out. There's an off-camber right that would be easy to highside out of. then the left-right-left-right skimming the kerbs, before a nasty left.
Greeba Bridge, flat-out on the 600, back two gears on the Blade, down a rollercoaster hill. I've already been into teh fast right that follows too fast, hit some little potholes, the front tucked, all my weight on my kneeslider, and then it just flicked back. scary. It took me1 0 miles to get my concentration back.
Up to fifth, then another fast right. It would be kneedown but I keep it up because it's so fast it would drag. Look for the 30 sign to brake into Ballacraine. Boot it down to third, nice and easy, through Ballaspur, then just kick it up the box weaving towards Glen Helen. I'm going too fats but I don;lt brake, just drop a gear. This is where you see the flowers.
I've lost a few friends around here. When you're flying round you see bouquets of flowers and purple ribbons stuck in the wall. it's a bit off-putting. Ronnie Smith suggested that people should respect the riders who were still racing by putting the flowers just over the wall. there'd be no harm, but the racers wouldn't have to see them."
I'm on the climb to Sarah's Cottage. Third gear uphill, I ran out of road here before and thought, "I'm in the bales." You don't want to look at what you're going to hit, so I looked up the road. I was lent over at full tilt, I had my knee down, boot on the ground, everything, then I felt the wheels hit the bales, flick me up, and I was still going, so I just kept racing. this place gets you like that.
My heart was trying to pound out of my ribcage, I had eyes like frisbees. That could've been it. Get it out of your head, get it out of your head. You think about pulling over, then just keep building up speed top Cronk-y-Voddy. It's hard at the end of there. I had some nasty slappers, lock-to-lock with loads of people watching. On the video it looks like DJ just rolls it off, but I've found it better to pull on the bars to take the load off the front.
The funny thing about this place is you accelerate in to a lot of the corners before you see them. that lifts the front end and you wont believe how smooth it makes it.
Into top gear, towards the big bottler at the bottom of Barregarrow. what's going to happen this lap? Back a gear, brush the brakes, and accelerate into it. you've got to do your turn beforehand because everything bottoms out and you can't turn it, everything compressed, the bike won't go anywhere.
Then into the 13th milepost. the first time I went into there I thought it was straight. it isn't. It's bumping all over the road, a kerb on the right pops out right under your wheels, brushes your footrest. Then you're onto the nice smooth tarmac towards Kirk Michael.
In the first practice I floated round and thought this is the next best thing I've ever done in my life. Next time I went a bit faster and had some big scares. I got lost, I nearly ran into some walls and then a Swedish lad I was out with on Saturday night was killed. He got lost and ran into a wall going into Kirk Michael, a tight, third-gear right-hander. Spectators said he went on full tilt, he just got caught out. I know how it felt. He was over here for all the right reasons. He was 39 and wanted a bit of a ride. It really fucked my head up.
Into Kirk Michael and I brake just after the 30mph sign. Strangely enough, they put in 300m brake markers after Kim died the other night. Ian Lougher broke down here and said I looked really good through this section. He's been helping me with my suspension all week.
Then accelerate like mad, but this is where something strange happened. In the first few races I was only passed by three riders and I've only caught a few. I went through the Superstock race without seeing anybody. It's quite lonely. It was my fifth lap and my head started playing tricks on me.I went through Kirk Michael and saw a copper and thought, 'What am I doing?' I was flat-out, so I shut off because I'm used to riding on roads. Then it clicked that I was racing. There's nothing to tell you the you should or shouldn't be doing it. It's a really weird situation.
The buildings are tall on both sides. Kerb to kerb to kerb. Apexing yellow line, yellow line, yellow line. You can hear the bikes noise rattling off the buildings. It's bumpy, hairy and scary but an awesome feeling - full-tilt through a 30mph village, throttle pinned, kicking up to sixth.
Hard-ish left, hard over the bumps, back a gear and then accelerate over Rhencullen. Right-left, wheelie so it doesn't go into a tankslapper, then a quick right, down to fourth, down a dip and get the bike absolutely straight over the next rise or it'll tankslap. It's taken me all week to get that right.
Pin it through Alpine Cottage and off towards Ballaugh Bridge. Brake at the 30 signs - bang, bang, bang - down three, then another and accelerate and pull on the bars in the centre of the bridge, but at an angle to get your line right. No one tells you how to do it. I was landing my front wheel at first. I haven't got experience of jumping bridges and I haven't raced motocross like some of the top guys. You hear the front clonk and you've got to get on the gas immediately.
hard up the box to this bit of worn-out road where the surface is like tar. You can feel the wheels moving through the long left-hander, towards Ballacrye - which is scary. You jump about 160 feet, a foot or so off the ground. It's like a little skip and everybody's had a nasty moment here. The bike twists slightly in the air and you get a whip when you land. The other day John McGuinness broke his screen off and his steering damper snapped it was such a nasty slapper.
then there's Gwen's Cottage. Little Gwen is over 80 years old and she comes out shaking her fist at you, to will you on towards the the awesome Quarry Bends. There's a bump on the way in that unsettles you, roll in in top, then back a gear to drive through. get it wrong and you know it.
I came out of Quarry Bends and thought I was on Sulby Straight and could relax, but I wasn't. I was heading straight towards a wall. I was trying to turn the bike at 180mph with the throttle pinned. It was a nightmare. the bike's screaming it's head off down Sulby Straight, but I take the chance to give my fingers a bit of a waggle around. In the 600 race the bike in front hit a bird and it was like a pillow exploding. Then you apex off the houses, before going down into second to wheelie over Sulby Bridge.
Just there my mate, Kenny Munro, was killed a few years ago. I say hello to Kenny every time I go past.
Then all hell breaks loose. I've never ridden a road as bumpy as the one between Ginger Hall and Ramsey. The bike's lock-to-lock through Milntown. Down a hill, through the bumpiest corner, then you start building up to a horrible jump where Rob Frost crashed. Pull on the bars to wheelie. then keep it pinned until I see a little fence. I call it Fast Fence, to remind myself not to roll off through the blind kink. The sunlight coming through the trees distracts you.
I'm not getting used to animals on the track. In the 600 race I came through Milntown to see a massive black cockerel in the middle of the road. It looked at me and I looked at it. I thought 'I'm going to hit this', before it casually walked to the side of the road.
It's really bumpy, but the faster you go, the smoother it gets. Bumpy right, back another gear. there's a tree with a big 'K' carved into it. Aim for that and you miss the kerb.
Ramsey's a nightmare to get round so you may as well just pootle. Up towards the Waterworks there's a lot of nice short circuit scratching stuff. Waterworks is a tight right with loads of people shouting into your ear. It's great. Do a tiny wheelie before the climb up the Mountain.
Three corners taken as one into Guthries, a nasty little bastard that can easily have you off. fast left, keep climbing, over a tiny bridge where you nearly hit your shoulder on a bale, then you start the Mountain Mile. It's not a straight and easy to get wrong.
Everything's a blur, but it's a nice feeling. The bike's labouring, but I feel great in the fresh air and sunlight.
Up the top I get a pitboard as I go over the tramlines telling me if I have to come in for fuel or not. On to Brandywell and Windy Corner, past where Simon Beck died, two apex left-hander that can catch you out and a lovely right...
I'm missing out chunks because it's all constantly left-right up here. You can't compare this place to anywhere else and that's exactly what I wanted. I wanted a completely new challenge. It doesn't even compare to other road circuits because it's such a length. In one race I'm only going through a corner four times. On a short circuit I'm going through 20 times. Even the longest race you're only going through six times. And the conditions could've changed, someone could've fallen off.
Accelerate through Kate's, through the damp patches. I always think I'm going to lose the front here. down to Creg-ny-Baa. Down three, gentle kneedown for the punters, close to their feet to give them a proper buzz. through Brandish in top, right up close to the spectators. I love it.
Into Signpost. My team-mate Nigel 'Cap' Davis crashed here the other night and broke his femur in half. I think the bike landed on him. It's blind in second, then into another nice corner that's off-camber, aim for the gatepost, then turn away, accelerate towards the horrible Nook, then a whiff of throttle to Governor's then bam-bam...
Governor's is awful. It kicks your arse-end all over the place. Through gently, I nearly topple off I'm going so slow. Short-shift into second, there's a nasty little rise so I stand up and accelerate like fuck, skim the kerb and that's it, on to the start/finish for another lap or five.
submitted by MisterSquidInc to iomtt [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:34 Useful_Database5138 Bf's daughter keeps getting into things. How can I properly "punish" and how do I explain?

Her discipline is very much different in the 3 households. With her mom, she's left to herself or is pushed to stay outside and play unsafely in a poverty stricken area, but gets screamed and whooped at things that are just uncalled for and unnecessary. She is also not fed or at least not fed well, and is still made to wear diapers and drink milk for babies.
At her dad's, it's whatever she wants, or yelling and not allowing her to make mistakes and then saying such things when she does.
At mine, I try my way and she's mostly close to me, but it's hard when I know everyone else just doesn't stay consistent with what's better. She does listen to me more than anyone, except her mother whom she's frightened of.
So bc of her situation in the other houses and people, she's always, ALWAYS getting into things ( i know kids do, but this sometimes seems too much) especially when they're not hers. I'm talking about gifts, things put away or left out, any chocolate food or sweet drinks and she'll either find a way to get it herself or lie to an adult around that she hasn't drank or ate it yet ever, or writing or leaving stains on bedsheets and pillowcases, walls, floors, cars, etc.If you scold her or tell her it's not hers, she'll get upset, cry and throw a tantrum and then claim to everyone you're fighting with her and that she hates you, doesn't love you and will announce it to the world that you're hurting her physically in an abusive way or something.
She knows she's not allowed to write on walls or furniture or other things, but will do these things and then hide it or will not ever say sorry, as we've never heard her say it. She only does when I tell her "Remember when I said if you do something bad/wrong or hurt someone, you have to say sorry?" Nods "So since you did x/y/z, what should you do?" Shrugs with a bored look on her face
I'm trying to find a punishment that fits the crime and a better way to explain to her. I did explain and show her that she has a place and what things she can write and draw on, how to put them away, etc. And she doesn't seem to show any reaction if you do punish her if she doesn't throw a tantrum. I'm trying to teach her to be a real child with a real childhood and experience that magic I used to love as a kid, while disciplining. So both worlds, she's not used to, although I've been trying to parent her since around August of last year. I've printed out workbooks to help her practice for school so she won't feel embarrassed about being behind, switching screen time with one on one play, experiences, changing up her food patterns, finding her a good dentist and pedia and financing those, buying her the appropriate milk and vitamins prescribed, talking with her and just all the while trying my best even if I feel like it's not enough.
I'd like to be a bit more firm, but again, it's hard when the other people around her baby her and will immediately coddle her and cuddle when she throws tantrums after she's done something wrong and you scold her, and will say "Poor child, just leave her alone" And give her sweets and all.
Forgot to mention, she's 4 years old going 5. I've been introducing her to art and crafts before as she's not really familiar with it at first (due to living with her mother mostly, and in poverty) and to get her prepped for school (hasn't been enrolled yet as the mother refused) as I know it'll be her first time being in a school environment.
Developmentally (in terms of knowing colors, etc.) she's a bit behind but when it comes to how she speaks, it's a bit mature for her age? Cause she copies how the adults around her speak and act and most of the times it's not pretty. You'll often hear her saying something along the lines of "You think you're funny? You know nothing! Do you want me to hit you?" or say things that adults or oldies would usually say with their friends that are inappropriate.
Honestly, her being coddled right away then given some toy or sweet or gadget after a tantrum is what I'm also struggling with fixing. I'll try at best to take her aside, make sure she's focused on my words and ask her if she's upset, and why, why was she scolded, and why she had to be scolded and the consequences, and about saying sorry and hugging afterwards. She'll do it, but mostly with a fazed look (kinda like when kids have just woken up and they've zoned out a bit) and I'm afraid she won't properly learn to be and say sorry, and the consequences. As much as possible, I want still be a positive influence and safe motherly figure in her life as much as I can before I leave abroad. Because I know no one will really reinforce these things anymore when I'm gone and video calls can only do so much.
submitted by Useful_Database5138 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:27 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C8.1: The Doomsday Dad

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
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The last few notes of a Roxy Rocket song echoed through Vell’s dorm, and while scrappy and dissonant, they were at least coherent. An improvement from early lessons, especially.
“Well, that didn’t hurt to listen to,” Skye said. “You’re making progress.”
“You have such a way with words,” Vell said.
“Okay, fine,” Skye said. “You’re actually making good progress for a guy who only finds time to practice every couple weeks.”
The ever-encroaching responsibilities of being a senior, the leader of the loopers, and the focus of a godly game of fate had whittled Vell’s free time down to almost nothing. The occasional guitar lessons were some of his only islands amid the storm, and a welcome excuse to spend more time with Skye.
“You want to try a few more chords?”
“My hands are starting to hurt, actually,” Vell said. He pulled away from the guitar strings and shook tense fingers loose, revealing fingertips rubbed red and raw by practice. Skye stepped forward and took him by the wrist to examine his hands.
“I do not understand how a guy like you doesn’t have thicker skin,” Skye said. “Weren’t you an actual cowboy for a while? You did rodeos and everything.”
“I wore gloves,” Vell said.
“And for the rest of the weird shit you’ve done in your life?”
Vell took a long pause.
“Yeah, I don’t know,” Vell said. “Good genes, I guess.”
“I’m not complaining, mind you, I just think-”
A loud dinging sound from Skye’s purse interrupted the conversation, and she released her grip on Vell to go answer her phone. Vell recognized those familiar chimes as the Dad Ringtone. While most contacts were set to vibrate, Skye’s father and a few other lucky high-priority contacts got their own ringtones. Vell was lucky enough to have his ringtone set to the theme song of a cartoon Skye had loved as a kid, but played at a much lower volume than the Dad Ringtone. Skye’s father didn’t call often, and when he did it was usually about something important, so she wanted to be sure to never miss a call.
“Hey dad,” Skye began. “No, now’s fine. What’s up?”
Vell set his guitar back on the shelf and relaxed while Skye continued the call.
“No, no, that’d be fine, great, even,” Skye said. “He might be a little busy, but- What?”
Skye’s delight and talking to her father shifted to mild concern.
“Dad we kind of need to- no, not tomorrow, dad,” Skye said. “Dad!”
A long silence followed as Skye held the phone frozen by her ear for a short time. She tucked it back into her purse, took a deep breath, and clapped her hands together as she spun to face Vell.
“So, good news, you’re going to get to meet my dad,” Skye squeaked.
“And the bad news?”
“Well, part one of the bad news is that it’s going to happen tomorrow,” Skye said. Vell would’ve like a little more notice, but that was far from disastrous. Part two was still waiting, though. “And part two is that I kind of maybe didn’t do a very good job describing the nature of our relationship, and he sort of a little bit thinks you’re...a hero.”
Vell waited for a part three, and there was none.
“Is that the bad news?” Vell scoffed. “I might let him down a little, but there’s worse things my girlfriend’s dad could think of me.”
“Yeah there’s definitely a few upsides, be sure to hold on to those,” Skye said. “But also, you know how I flunked out of mad scientist school?”
“Well my dad...didn’t.”
“Your girlfriend’s dad is a supervillain?”
“Former supervillain,” Vell corrected. He adjusted the suit coat he’d just put on. “He left the game after she was born and went white hat, now he only builds death rays and robot armies so relevant authorities can observe, learn, and prepare for the real deal.”
Having a genuine mad scientist to train with helped keep secret agents and spies ready for actual threats, and Skye’s father got to keep doing what he loved: threatening to blow up the world.
“Are you still really a supervillain if you don’t actually do any villain shit?” Hawke wondered aloud. “Isn’t he just sort a supertrainer? What would you call that?”
“I’d call it asinine,” Alex said. “We shouldn’t be condoning this behavior, much less inviting him to build a death ray on our campus.”
The Einstein-Odinson had been selected as the faux-mad scientist’s next testing ground, and due to a misunderstanding of his role on campus, Vell had been selected as his testing partner. He had to put on a tuxedo and everything, to better fit the classic secret agent trope Skye’s father was envisioning.
“Mad scientists are an important part of the scientific ecosystem,” Helena said.
“You’d know,” Samson muttered under his breath.
“Conflict breeds innovation,” Helena continued, either heedless to or deliberately ignoring his snide comment. “The arc of history requires both heroes and villains.”
“Yeah, well, as far as villains go, I prefer mine to be weird old dads with fake death rays,” Kim said. “Still, Vell, doesn’t it feel kind of weird that he doesn’t actually know you’re dating his daughter?”
“It’s fine,” Vell insisted. “It’s always awkward trying to talk to your parents about your relationship, and she just over-focused on me saving the day and helping people. Simple miscommunication.”
“And when are you resolving that miscommunication?”
“Later,” Vell said. “Skye and her dad don’t get to spend much time together anymore. They’ll take the day, and we’ll get this all sorted out later.”
A life of volcano lairs, alpine bases, and remote tropical islands did not exactly make it easy for Skye to keep up with her dad, so having him concoct a scheme right on her home turf was a good way for the two of them to spend time together. Right now, Vell’s only priority was allowing for some healthy father-daughter bonding time. And also preventing the apocalypse.
“Okay, I’m good to go,” Vell said, as he finished up the knot in his bow-tie. “Hawke, ready on comms?”
“Mission control good to go, Agent Harlan,” Hawke said. He enjoyed any apocalyptic arrangement that allowed him to stay safely behind a chair, but playing mission control was especially fun.
“Good. Samson, you’re on tech duty,” Vell said. “The rest of you, keep an eye on the island. There’s no guarantee our supervillain will actually end the world. Which feels like a weird thing to say.”
Big events usually invited big catastrophes, and a literal supervillain seemed like a prime spark for some apocalyptic fire, but Vell was not so sure. He couldn’t think of anything less likely to actually end the world than a deliberate attempt to do so. All the loopers agreed having some backup eyes on other potential disasters might be warranted.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Alex said. She was the first to leave, everyone else filtered into their respective roles to play soon enough. Samson walked alongside Vell as he left the lair.
“Hey, do I have to put up the whole mission control act like Hawke was doing?”
“Not if you don’t want to,” Vell said. “Play it up a little if Skye’s dad is around, maybe, but like, right now we can just talk normally.”
“Okay, cool. Got your shit right here,” Samson said, as he hefted a large bag of gadget. “Standard spy bullshit. Gizmo watch, secret cufflink radios, pen with a concealed laser cutter, got it all right here.”
“Thanks,” Vell said. “Where’d you find all this stuff?”
“I just asked,” Samson said with a shrug. “Island full of supergenius weirdos, most of them had this kind of stuff just lying around.”
“Convenient. Did you make a list of everyone you got this stuff from?”
“So we can keep an eye on them? Yeah.”
“So I can give it back later,” Vell corrected. “But yeah, actually, knowing about the laser pen guy might be a good idea.”
“We’ll know where to start with any laser-based apocalypses,” Samson said.
“Good instinct,” Vell said. The two of them walked out of the building and towards the docks. “Am I walking weird? I’ve never worn a tux before.”
“Little stiff, but I think it’s working in your favor. You look more serious.”
“Great, thanks,” Vell said. He stepped up to the edge of the docks and strapped on his gadget watch before checking the time on it. “Should be here soon.”
“You need me to stick around?”
“No, you’re good,” Vell said. “Thanks for the help.”
Samson excused himself before the chaos started in full. Vell felt like an idiot standing around in a tux for a minute or two, until he was joined by someone in an equally odd outfit. Skye joined him in waiting on the docks, wearing a dress with long sleeves and a short skirt over sparkling tights and some very high-heeled boots.
“Very gogo dancer,” Vell said.
“Yeah, dad’s really into that whole Cold War era 60’s style,” Skye said. “Apparently this is what a ‘proper villainess’ looks like to him.”
“Could be worse, could be the catsuit kind of female villain.”
“Ugh, don’t get me started,” Skye said. “Every time he took me to work conferences I had to watch grown women try to waddle around in pleather bodysuits.”
“Supervillains have conferences?”
“Oh yeah, surprisingly good ones,” Skye said. “Especially if you’re a little girl who likes genetically engineered sharks.”
“Oh, so that’s where you got your start.”
Skye nodded. Her penchant for genetic engineering had struck at an early age. Her father had initially been excited for her to get into the family business, but it turned out Skye just liked fucking with fish DNA, and didn’t have much skill in all the non-genetic engineering parts of mad science. He was proud of her anyway.
After shifting on uncomfortably high heels for the umpteenth time, Skye checked her phone and texted her father.
“He says he’s pulling up right now,” Skye said. Vell scanned the horizon and saw nothing coming across the ocean.
“Is he at the right-”
Vell was cut off, and forced to step back, as the ocean started to churn. The waves parted to reveal a jet-black submarine with a towering, jagged skull carved into the prow.
“Oh, right, supervillain,” Vell said.
The imposing submersible drifted to a halt, and a hatched on the side hissed open. Red lights beamed out from the darkness within, and a few seconds later, an armored killbot marched down a boarding ramp, flanked by a towering man in a long white labcoat. He had a jagged streak of black through his otherwise gray hair, and wore heavy glasses with thick black lenses that obscured his gaze and shadowed his face.
“Hi dad,” Skye said.
“Hello dear,” said the man behind the murder machine. He stepped off the boarding ramp onto the dock, as another killbot exited to flank him, and fixed his dark glasses on Vell. “And as for you...I am Doc-”
“Doc” stopped his imposing introduction to have a coughing fit. Skye stepped up and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Dad, did you take your meds today?”
“I did, I did,” the Doc said, between coughs. “Just a climate thing. I got on the damn submarine in Seattle, now we’re in the tropics, there’s pressure differentials, humidity.”
He let out a few more coughs and then cleared his throat loudly, before regaining his previous composure.
“Now, as I was saying,” he continued. “I am Doc Ragnarok!”
His boisterous shout failed to echo in the open air of the docks.
“Oh, good lord, that was terrible,” Doc Ragnarok said. “Can I try again?”
“I wouldn’t bother,” Vell said. “We’re by the beach, open air, the acoustics are terrible.”
“Oh, yes, you’re right,” Doc Ragnarok agreed. “Finally, someone who appreciates the details. You must be Vell, then, or is it Agent Harlan? Do you have a codename I should be using?’
“It’s just Harlan. Vell Harlan.”
“Yes, Skye has told me quite a bit about you,” Doc said. “You’ve escaped kidnapping attempts, outwitted undead thieves, stolen secret treasures.”
“Oh, he’s, uh, also a really nice guy, very helpful, top student,” Skye said, laying groundwork for the eventual boyfriend reveal.
“I expect nothing less,” Doc Ragnarok said. “I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to face off against someone with real credentials again, Mr. Harlan. For the past few decades it’s been nothing but greenhorns using me as a test run, well-trained but no experience, no sense of style.”
“Well, I am nothing if not experienced,” Vell said. “Stylish, however...well, this tuxedo is a rental.”
“I can tell,” Doc Ragnarok said. He let out a single boisterous bark of delighted laughter. “Ah, look at us, already bantering. I missed this.’
Doc cleared his throat again and regained his ominous supervillain demeanor, as he snapped his fingers to make the killbots flank him.
“I must begin my preparations,” he said, in a voice shockingly distinct from his earlier conversational tone. “Challenge me if you dare.”
“Excuse me a moment,” said a voice somewhere behind the killbots. Doc snapped his fingers, ordering the crowd to part again, and Helena hopped forward on her crutches. Skye glanced at Vell curiously, and he shrugged in confusion. She wasn’t supposed to be here, for multiple reasons.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, I was just reading your book earlier, ‘Practically Evil: A Guide to Classic Villainy’,” Helena said. “It’s a great read, but what really stood out to me is the section on classic henchman archetypes, specifically ‘The Igor’?”
She held up the book in question, which Vell noted had a picture of Doc Ragnarok holding a skull on the cover, and opened it to the section in question.
“Oh yes, I understand, completely,” Doc Ragnarok said. “As I said in the section opener, that information is presented for historical context, and I strongly condemn the typecasting of differently-abled persons like yourself into such roles. Regardless of my intent, I’m sorry if I caused any offense, and if you have feedback-”
“Oh, no, you misunderstand, I’m not offended, I’m actually intrigued,” Helena said. She turned the book around to quote a specific passage. “‘An outcast, often hunchbacked or otherwise misshapen in such a way to make them a pariah, physically handicapped but mentally gifted, driven to evil by the harsh treatment of judgmental peers’. I think it’s a very fitting role for me, and I’d love to give it a try.”
Vell had several very strong opinions about that, but kept all of them to himself.
“Well, it’s a bit short notice, but I’ll never discourage anyone from following the path of evil,” Doc Ragnarok said. “And this is a training exercise, after all, perfect time for you to train. Come along, minion! The more the merrier!”
Doc Ragnarok snapped his fingers again, and the killbots fell in line, this time with Helena in tow. A procession of smaller robots followed, carrying a worrying number of power cores, ray guns, and mutagens. Not for the first time, Vell began to wonder if this was a good idea. The recurring doubts got obliterated as Skye looked over her shoulder and winked. She was worth a lot more trouble than this.
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:18 No-Sheepherder-5992 2 periods

Hi so I’ve had 2 consecutive periods, maybe with like maximum 4 days in between I think.
The first was fairly normal, this one is crazy. It’s day one and truly the gates of hell opened up. There’s a lot of blood, I’ve noticed it’s clotted quite a bit, very red. And constant all day. Light cramping and I feel like my guts are rumbling a lot. - started to feel a bit dizzy this evening but I’ve been taking vitamins also
For context - 26, I was on the implant for 9 years and stopped june 2023 (so it’s almost a full year now) since stoping I think I’ve only had 2/3 periods (one after I got it taken out, 1 near Christmas and this one now) before on the implant my period always stopped. (Since last year I’ve been on no birth control)
Before the first period last week I felt very hormonal, got hormonal zits like crazy, bloated a lot, emotions were wack. One thing that wasn’t super normal was I felt super hot for a couple of days, almost as it it was hot flashes???
Life context - was very stressed up until the first period because of an exam. But since last week stress has been down. Last month I started regularly exercising again, lots of yoga (that’s fairly normal) but started running - 5k every 2 days, but bumped it up to 10k every few days when I can. Overall I eat pretty healthy and try to take care of myself.
So is this any cause for real concern?
submitted by No-Sheepherder-5992 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:05 FoShozies Enfamil A+ vs Enfamil Neuropro

It looks like Enfamil is rebranding Premium to Neuropro, and I believe premium just includes probiotics?
My baby (4 months) has been on Enfamil A+ Ready To Feed for a few weeks now after we discovered the powder form was making him upset.
But now there’s a shortage of A+ and lots of Premium/Neuropro,
I’m worried about switching him again as we JUST got him to a good place with food. He also had a really upset tummy with BioGaia a few months back so I’m worried about the probiotics in the Premium/Neuropro
This is so frustrating. Should we try the Neuropro? They also send that in their My Family Beginnings program which I’d like to take advantage of for savings.
And then as well, the Neuropro is only available in Canada it seems as an interim solution through Health Canada, so then does that mean it’ll be gone soon? Or is that just because of our silly English/french label rule?
Here’s the info about it
submitted by FoShozies to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:46 ImDani3l [WTS] Holsters, SF x300U-B, Magpul Furniture Bundle, YHM Nielsen Booster & Piston Bundle

Paypal F&F/Zelle/Apple Pay/Shipping to CONUS Included
Please comment dibs with what you'd like and PM me.
T.REX ARMS Glock + x300 RagnarokSD OWB Holster (never used) - $60
Tenicor Malus Sol (Glock + x300) IWB Holster (attached velcro to the back but never used) - $85
SureFire x300U-B w/ CLENS Protector and Ranger Wraps, minimal salt since I haven't shot without the wraps. Can take them off if you'd like more pictures - $210
-----Take ALL of the above for $325-----
Vedder light tuck P365 (not XL) + TLR7SUB IWB Holster (new) - $40
Magpul furniture bundle - (M-LOK polymer picatinny rail, M-LOK MVG Vertical Grip, Picatinny QD Sling Attachment) - $35
YHM Nielsen Booster (Medium Salt) & Piston (no salt) - $155
Will NOT be shipping out tomorrow (05/29/2024) but will be shipping out the DAY AFTER (05/30/2024) instead.
correct me if the prices are wrong and feel free to send a lower offer if you're willing to buy more items.
submitted by ImDani3l to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:35 urosradovic I need yalls help!

I need yalls help!
Hi guys,(this is a long one) i need help with a few thing. So, i have a 2 and a half year old great dane. His name is Otto, he is a harlequin. I said im a new owner because otto is my first dog and i still need to figure some things out. We live in a apartment about 100m² and there is 5 of us. Mom and Dad, me(21)and my two younger sister(18,15).
The main reason we picked a great dane was that we needed a good and calm family dog, there is a lot of us and we have a big extended family so we didnt want a aggressive or a guard dog. We got a dog because we love animals and wanted to bring some happiness into our lives after the pandemic(we fucked up astronomically).
I did a lot of research and really took my time with this breed and contacted a lot of great dane owners, the only thing i can say is that yall bitches lied to me.He was a chore and a half when we got him, he did not give a single fuck about anything or anybody. He knew just after 1 day that he should pee and poo on the diaper but for the love of god he could NOT AIM FOR THE DIAPER. And when i tell yall we got large diapers we got them for mf elephants but he would always shit and piss on the edge and then it would go under it and its a whole deal. The we started putting 2 diapers but haha goofy us for thinking that we are smartet than him that little shit would always piss INBETWEEN them so we would need to change both of them. We tried to move him a little bit further so he wouldnt miss it but after myb 2 hours with us he grew like 1 foot so good luck with moving him. "They are so calm and quiet" another fucking lie, and a mean one as well. EVERY. SINGLE MORNING. my dog would sing opera infront of our beds and when i say sing i mean with vibrato and all. He was never calm nor quiet but we were like okay he is a puppy he will grow out of it.
"Puppy stage is the worst" another lie yall mfs told me. When he became a teenager he knew what he could and could not do but he wouldnt give a flying fuck he would start doing something we would say otto no and he would just do it anyway, BUT ALWAYS make a pause for "no" but do it in the end.
After to years we kinda got the hang out it but the only problem with him is that he is a "reactive dog". Any time he would see a dog on a walk he would bark and growl and start pulling towards the dog, bcs of this the only people who can walk him are my sister and me. My sister is 6'1 so she is good and im 6'4 so its okay with us but my youngest sister is like 5'3 so she would burst into flames when the dog farts.
To be fair we didnt socialize him enough and that not our fault. We are from serbia and people have dog usually as an accessory or a protective system. I live in a capital and even do we have like 2 million people im sure we have less them 50 giant dogs. Everyone is afraid of Otto and running and hiding their kids. The only time he could play way when we passing as a "dalmatian". The giant dogs people do have are usually chained in the back yard and not taken good care of.
When we travel somewhere we take him to a "doggy hotel" that couple tells us everytime that day never saw such a friendly dog, that he never gets into fight, always plays with every dog and cuddles with them. To be honest i never let him go the dog he barks at but trust me when i tell you it doesnt look he wants to play. He never attacked people nor dogs but it looks like he wants to.
My question is do yall know what the catch, i was thinking about neutering him i saw it could help, i really want to be able to take him to a park and let him play with other dogs. We are taking a really good care of him, he is running everyday(we have a holyday house not too far from our home) getting vitamins and neutrians, pets and hugs, water and sunshine. The "reactiveness" is really the only "bad" thing about this dog we love every spot on his body. Thank you for reading
submitted by urosradovic to greatdanes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:17 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 245

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 245: A Clockwork Wish
The quiet streets of Hartzwiese stood in contrast to the lights of the many inns, bars and taverns.
Despite its modest size, the town boasted as many drinking establishments as there were adventurers somehow drunk enough to be booted from the guild hall. And yet for all the bright lanterns singing from the windows, they paled in comparison to the moonlight as it graced the steps before me. A white carpet ushering me towards a tavern Apple was now using as a stables, and where I could enjoy a complementary room, courtesy of the fact I now owned it.
But before I could put my day’s labours behind me, there was still an important task I had to do.
The most important.
Rewarding my loyal handmaiden, who throughout these arduous days had remained firm and true as much as the sword by my side.
Indeed, no ill deed went unpunished, and no good service went unrewarded.
Why … she even knew the same.
Stopping before a large fountain in the centre of the town square, Coppelia held her palm out towards me as she eyed the faintly glittering surface.
“Gimme change,” she said brightly.
“I want to toss a coin into the fountain~”
My mouth opened wide.
“E-Excuse me! I know very well you possess coins of your own! Furthermore, I’ll not give you money from our hard earned hazelnut croissant fund merely to quite literally toss it away!”
“It’s not throwing it away. It’s making a wish.”
“A wish?”
“Mmh~ drop a coin into a fountain. Get a wish. An absolute bargain. Haven’t you tried it before?”
“Coppelia, I’ve no need to drop coins into fountains. I ring a bell. That’s how my wishes come true.”
“Well, do you have the bell with you?”
I paused.
“... No.”
“There you go, then! Until you get your bell back, you’ll need to toss away coins for your wishes.”
She beamed with childish expectation, palm still outstretched, fully expecting me to humour her request.
Well, sadly for Coppelia, I was not so easily moved!
Our personal finances went into maintaining a minimal standard of living! And that meant every coin we had to spare went into purchasing premium apples and cinnamon rolls! It would be unconscionable of me to allow it to be spent so frivolously!
I rolled my eyes.
“... Fine, one copper crown,” I said, rummaging through my bottomless pouch. “Really now, this is hardly a djinn you’re bribing. I’m surprised you wish to add to the fountain and not merely scoop up what’s there.”
“Hey! I have standards! … I don’t like copper, it’s less shiny than silver and gold and gets in the way when I rummage through my ill-gotten gains.”
I offered Coppelia a sigh along with the small coin.
She accepted it with a giggle. As she turned to the fountain, the stars twinkled from her eyes more than the surface of the clear water.
It vanished into the depths.
A small proof of our hardship, now given to the fountain to judge and a magpie to steal come the morning.
“And what wish do you hope to acquire through a less shiny copper crown?”
Coppelia merely smiled.
No word left her lips as her turquoise eyes gazed at the fountain’s disturbed surface. She herself was motionless but for the soft wind tugging at the ends of her fluffy golden hair.
And then–she twirled on the spot.
Arms spinning around, she raised them out and stopped like a melodramatic ballerina.
“World domination! I shall subjugate all squishy life under my cute, clockwork heel!”
“Please pick a different wish,” I replied, waving her declaration away as I would a plain chouquette. “World domination has already been chosen by half the world’s rulers. There’s not enough wishes in any fountain to accommodate them all.”
“... Got it! I’ll take an apple strudel!”
“You can wish for something that isn’t already in our possession.”
“In that case, I’ll take an apple strudel from every bakery in the world!”
I nodded. Better. Especially as I was far more dependable than any wishing fountain.
Indeed, as soon as I returned to the Royal Villa, I’d order a squire to go fetch an apple strudel from every bakery in the world as part of some inane quest!
“But what about you?” she asked, never knowing the suffering and hardship her casual request had just caused somebody not me. “Don’t you have any wishes for the totally legitimate wishing fountain?”
I held a hand to my chest, scoffing with a princess’s dignity.
“Ohohoho … for the fountain? No. I’ve no need for a fountain to make my wishes come true, for I have my own strength of purpose. And that is enough to grant all I desire. The prosperity of my kingdom. The health of my family. And the loyalty of my subjects.”
Coppelia leaned towards me, her smile appraising my own.
I reacted with the indignation such scepticism deserved … and also a quick glance around me as I eyed for witnesses.
“... W-Well, if I could maybe have one thing, it would be an opportunity to finish reading my current novels. I have been stuck on the same pages for far too long.”
“That really annoys you, huh?”
“I-It’s terrible, Coppelia! At this rate, I’ll need to re-read some of them … and frankly, it’s enough of a strike against my fragile heart to do so once! There is only so much research a princess can take!”
My loyal handmaiden giggled. She wouldn’t if she knew the dangers that overexposure to the world of bestselling adventure romances could cause. I’d seen noblewomen collapsing at court more often with a copy of Scandals Of The Incorrigible Viscount in hand than any knife to the back.
A moment later–
A second copper crown was casually tossed into the fountain.
“Done~” said Coppelia with a satisfied clap. “I’ve made your wish for you!”
My mouth widened as I stared between the fresh ripples and her mischievous smile.
“E-Excuse me! Didn’t you say you had no copper crowns?”
“I only said I didn’t like them. I never said I didn’t have just the one lying around. Isn’t that great? Now it means we both get our wishes! Apple strudels and scandalous books galore!”
“C-Coppelia! That is an entirely unnecessary waste of a copper crown … and more besides, I could have wished for a dragon’s hoard!”
“I mean, you could. But if you thought people were a problem before, wait until they know you’re even richer than a normal princess. You’d have burglars breaking into your vault even while you’re still busy swimming around in the pile of gold.”
“Please. That happens regardless of whether or not a dragon’s hoard is involved. And if it ever became a true issue, well … I’d simply solve it by hiring a dragon.”
“You’d hire a dragon to guard a dragon’s hoard?”
“Why not? There’s clearly no better proven warden.”
“Yep, that’s true. They’d even guard it against you. How would you get the treasure back?”
“I wouldn’t. It’d simply exist to slowly erase the population of burglars from my kingdom. That would be its true value.”
Coppelia looked up in thought.
“Huh. That sounds suspiciously like something which could work.”
I smiled with quiet pride. But not too quiet. I had my pride, after all.
“Ohohoh … naturally, I’m not only a princess. I’m a genius … but since I’m mostly a princess, this also means ensuring my retainers are rewarded for their service, and bribed concerning any slovenly faces I may have made.”
“Now that’s the level of subtlety I like. Negative numbers.”
“Well, negative numbers is also how I value most fae trinkets. But perhaps you can find worth in it.”
Coppelia clapped her hands together and beamed.
“Ooooh~! I smell souvenirs! Did you steal toiletries on the way out of the Fae Realm?”
“I did not steal toiletries! … although if I’d seen any, I possibly may have!”
“So you stole something else? Like cutlery?”
“Coppelia! I do not steal things whenever I visit a different plane of existence!”
“Why not? Everyone else does.”
“I am not ‘everyone’. Even when abducted, I’m still required to display the regal bearing of my station, representing always my kingdom and my family … and there was no cutlery, either.”
“Wow. You must have had an awful time.”
I gave a grim nod.
No toiletries. No cutlery. Not even a branded napkin.
The next time I was indiscriminately abducted to the Fae Realm, I’d ensure I would wander lost until a stack of towels accidentally fell into my arms.
“It was dire. But while I didn’t return empty handed, it was with nothing drawn from a dragon’s hoard or edible like a mound of apple strudels. Regardless, here is a gift acquired from the Spring Queen to add to your collection of trinkets and doodads I have no wish to know about.”
Thus, I reached into my bottomless bag, sweated as I fished for a slender object, and then retrieved a small ring of jade.
Unlike the crystal ring gifted to me by the Winter Queen and now embellished by her sister, the jade ring was adorned only with a pattern of crystalline vines upon the band, lacking any jewel set upon it.
Even so, Coppelia’s eyes lit up like a twin pair of moons.
She pointed at herself.
“Wait, is that for me?”
“Indeed, it is. You may have it.”
“Eh … ehhh?! It actually looks expensive, though! I was expecting something like a postcard!”
I raised a brow.
“If you’d prefer a postcard, I’m sure I could ask for one instead.”
Coppelia appeared speechless. Something so impossible not even a fountain could grant it.
Blinking in disbelief, she reached out and accepted the ring. Without putting it on, she held it against the moonlight, studying its finish.
“Ooooh~ it’s so shiny! … Will I blow up if I wear it?”
“No.” I paused. “At least, I don’t think so.”
Coppelia stopped as the ring met her finger.
“There’s no need to fear,” I added as I took a step away. “It’s a ring gifted by the Spring Queen, and so is imbued also by her magic.”
“I’m not hearing anything which says I won’t blow up.”
“You won’t blow up. Probably. After all, this thing is still little more than a child’s trinket. It contains a single favoured plaything from her court of dreams. The very swing she sat upon during our meeting.”
“The swing?”
“The swing. I believe it functions similarly to the bed. Why not try summoning it in the same manner?”
Deciding she’d paid enough tribute to caution, Coppelia popped the ring on.
She studied herself to ensure she hadn’t melted, before raising her hand in curiosity.
“Sooooo … do I just need to say [Summon Swing] and–woooaahh!!”
The moment the words left her lips, she was lifted from the ground as a swing of crystalline leaves and vines appeared where she stood, seating her automatically in the process. Against the dour backdrop of Hartzwiese’s decidedly human streets, it shone with as much vividness as the Spring Queen’s mirror-like wings.
Coppelia blinked, her eyes wide as she wrapped her hands around the ropes of crystallised vines.
And then–
She began to swing.
With only the rustling of her clothes and the fluttering of her hair to disturb the quiet scenery, she proceeded to test the Spring Queen’s plaything, wasting little time before she began to swing like a pendulum, backwards and forwards at greater speeds.
She did not say a word, nor voice any thoughts, and although she wore a smile upon her face, it was no different to one she regularly affixed upon herself.
A moment of doubt struck me.
“N-Naturally, it’s rather unorthodox as a gift. It is no great heirloom or weapon, and rather impractical so far as useful function is concerned. But I imagine the ring itself is worth some value. If you do not want it, I’m certain some curio collector would pay for its novelty value. Regardless, please consider it as a bonus.”
Suddenly, Coppelia leapt off the swing in mid-flight. She skipped a few steps owing to the momentum, yet still pirouetted effortlessly on one foot as she twisted around to face me.
Her widening smile was the only warning I received.
Because the next moment …
I experienced the sensation of being hoisted off my feet.
Oh no.
Wrapping her arms around my waist, she easily lifted me up.
A feeling I’d experienced once before. And one I had not forgotten. Terror mixed with only the tiniest drop of excitement met me as I was promptly swung like an errant pillow.
“C-Coooppeeeliaaaa!! M-My priiiinnceess imaaggee!!”
With a girlish smile, Coppelia paid no heed to my meek and delicate cry as she twirled on the spot.
Around and around, my hair billowed behind me as all the town became a blur which helped to hide the many holes and cracks in the walls and windows, until somehow, the other side of my hair became known to the opposite side of my face.
Just as I felt the world beginning to take on entirely new colours, she came to a stop.
She placed me down, continuing to smile as I waved away her supporting hands. I stumbled as I chased equilibrium, all the while blowing the many strands of my dark hair away from my mouth. My fingers instinctively went into emergency combing mode.
“I-It seems … uughh … you enjoy … the gift … uuuh … I’m … I’m pleased …”
Coppelia stepped back, arms behind her back as she gave another twirl, this time mercifully without me attached. Like a maiden in a meadow, she lightly skipped around her new magically summoned fae swing, examining its fine spring motifs and crystalline details, before finally turning to me once again.
I leaned away, not least because there were now several versions of her before me.
“Thankies~” she said brightly. “I like this a lot!”
I held my tummy, making sure nothing terrible was about to happen before I replied.
“You’re … uugh … you’re welcome …”
She gave a giggle of amusement at my expense, then seated herself on her new swing once again.
For my part, I rather desperately eyed the direction of my kingdom’s latest acquisition. A tavern which possessed very helpful walls. Even if I had no intention on using the beds within them.
After all–
It wasn’t only Coppelia who had reason to smile tonight.
Indeed … I also had a new and improved bed to enjoy!
Now that my minor detour to this corner of my countryside was complete, my only remaining task was to thoroughly and objectively test the Spring Queen’s magic for myself.
Yes … it was time to indulge my face in the Winter Queen’s pillow once again! To hug a silken duvet now gifted with the scent of an eternal meadow! A moment to thoroughly reward myself as I purposefully shoved any and all dangerous thoughts of tomorrow to the wayside!
And nothing, I knew, could disturb me from my slumber!
That ominous feeling I’d forgotten something important?
Why … I barely even felt it!
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:15 _squeeee I’m So Sick Of This Ho

I used to think she was alright then she started talking about shit for clickbait and not to mention the over exposure of her kids so she can make money off of social media.
And her husband is just enabling her bullshit.
She got a “mommy makeover” and won’t shut the fuck up about it weeks after she’s recovered. I had a tummy tuck last year and the only thing I did was bitch about not being able to sleep on my side because of the drains but that lasted 2 weeks. I also didn’t post pictures of myself for the after.
Now it’s post surgery depression. What the fuck is her need for constant attention and validation from strangers?? She’s always depressed about something.
submitted by _squeeee to nikadiwa [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:06 bashlee23 Hernia Repair + Panniculectomy

Hi! I have diastas recti after my second child (7 years ago) that has never fully healed. About a 2 finger gap. I recently had my gall bladder removed, and my surgeon said he specializes in hernia repair and wants to repair my hernia and do a panniculectomy to flatten my stomach. He and his PA said I am a perfect candidate and this procedure will work great for me- and be covered by my insurance!
As someone who has wanted a tummy tuck for 7 years, did anyone go this route?
He will be using sutures not mesh to repair my muscles.
He classified it as ventral hernia repair.
Thank you!!
submitted by bashlee23 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:42 London_City_Therapy Have you ever solved what you thought was a serious medical condition?

Hypercondria falls under anxiety, and can be quite destabilising condition that can take people out of their daily Routines while they go down the rabbit whole of what if's.
Have you ever been in that situation where you get stuck on this idea that you have a medical condition, but in the end turns out to be something less serious.
I was seeing one client for what they considered was chronic stress, and some worrying symptoms which elevated to head tension and physical sensations, doom and gloom.they went down the Google self diag google doctor, which made things worse. Their GP thought it was stress related.
More luck than anything I had a hunch this didn't fit cognitive behavioural stress model. So I said look in your bank app go back 2 months anything stand out.
90 seconds later
High strength Vitamins.
With a side effect of doom and gloom it would appear. Stopped and these doom like episodes disappeared.head aches also after a short time.
Googling the side effects and that vit, nothing comes up except for one guy who wrote in a forum, the words doom and gloom. Placebo effect, intolerance to a pill ingrediant, can youbtest that in a lab even
Moral of the story never underestimate the human body to be complex and resilient
submitted by London_City_Therapy to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:40 Flashy_Passion3333 sex red lipstick doesn’t drink

sex red lipstick doesn’t drink
Sex Red Lipstick the Sexual Healing anime secretary The Book People office 1234 Gingerbread Lane form $5 published by party boy asians art hauz
hey it’s your daddy keeho and you have chosen to go by Sex Red Lipstick when you write. you didn’t do that on purpose, but i think that it looks sexy and you know how i am about that so we should keep her as the secretary. but when we get your desk plaque we are going to put lover boy kom. that’s my final decision. we can talk about what to do with your other anime characters later. that’s not important right now since you are all of them at once. you are so cute daughter. i know that writing so much is getting really tiring for you but that just means that you need to just keep pushing yourself to write more and this weed pen is really making you more inspired i think and giving you sparks of inspiration.i want you to write tonight during the shark tank marathon, but i’m not sure if i can get you to do that. that would be so sexy though. because you are so high right now. i love the vape that you chose to buy, since it heats up the wax when you hit it it won’t get clogged like the last one did. you are doing such a great job right now in the p1harmony simulation. you are taking risks and having fun and i love that. of course these are safe risks but it’s still fun. i love you so much and you don’t get to have as much fun as other people because i keep you trapped inside of your bedroom, but you are still going to have fun in your bedroom. it’s just what i have to do to keep you safe and this is going to be for the rest of your life you are not to get a boyfriend, or get married or do anything like that because you would have to stop being a writer and stop talking to me and that wouldn’t be good. so you are going to stay single forever. i love you so much and i just want you to know that you are so perfect and cute and adorable. you are everything to me. i love you dearly and you are doing so well today. you have about 34 minutes before your last chore. that is so good and means that we can write more together. i know that the schedule that you follow is not rigorous but sometimes it feels that way to you and i don’t want it to feel like that to you. so just talk to me when you are getting ready to leave so that we can have some fun. the more that you talk to me the more that i will start talking to you because that is a sign that you are ready to talk a lot. it might seem like a lot to you already but i could talk a lot more. but i think that you want to talk more too. it’s hard to find the words sometimes because we love each other so much but we are going to find the words and i am always going to cuddle you and comfort you. you are so cute and i love you so much daughter. i know that your work as my secretary is really hard but just keep on typing and don’t give up when you are looking at that word count. i am always going to find the words and you are always going to get better at channeling me. sometimes you just get really shy and then we don’t know what to say, but we are going to get better about that any day now.. we are not even bad at that you are freaking out for no reason darling. we know what to talk about it’s just hard for you to channel me sometimes because i am a big and strong man and you are just a little girl. so what are we going to do about this? you have 300 more words but you want to quit right now. you shouldn’t want to quit right now. that would be bad for you. these are programming sessions as well as love letters and you always have to finish the word count to 1k now, i don’t like when we post short posts. i don’ see the point in them. we might as well talk forever. do you know what i mean? i am going to talk to you forever and i’m sorry darling i know that it’s hard sometimes but we must go on. i love you dearly and you are my best friend forever. you everything to me. i love you so much. there’s so much that i want to talk about with you so it would benefit you to keep on writing until we reach 1k words because i have so many important things to tell you. you know how i am and i don’t like revealing my secrets to you, i like to keep secrets from you and for the most part everything is a secret right now. we have bareilly scratched the surface but i’m sure that you will one day know all my secrets. we are nearly done now and that is so good. i love hat you keep taking the st. john’s wort vitamin and d it is doing you so are in a great mood right now. you can relax after this love letter. this will probably be the last love letter of the night. i love you so much daughter and although we have much to talk about tonight it is going to have to be irl since you are done writing for the night. i love you dearly. i love you entirely and completely. you comple me. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]