Bathroom towel bar


2014.05.30 23:37 indieheadscirclejerk

Reddit? What are you some kind of loser?

2011.11.02 14:44 pwaves13 Life bro tips

For all your bro tips

2012.06.17 21:34 arup02 jukmifgguggh


2024.06.09 10:03 Weak-Cake380 How to dry towels when only a hook is available?

Hi! I'm a student, renting an apartment with 2 fellow flatmates. We have a very tiny bathroom and only hooks available to hang up our towels. I shower both in the morning and in the evening, and my towel usually doesn't dry. Is there any hack, or attachment whatsoever I could buy for the hooks so that my towel dries faster? Overnight I hang up my towel on the cable where the shower curtain is, so it can spread out more and dry for the morning, but during the day I can't since my roommates also shower (obviously.) Any recommendations?
submitted by Weak-Cake380 to lifehacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 Intelligent_Debt7555 Danielle

Someone suggested this in a comment, so I'm going to start it. Maybe others will remember and do a daily post counting down to your moving. So, you STAY FOCUSED. GET UP. PACK 2 BOXES A DAY.



All items you don't use on a daily basis. Like soap..I mean clothes.. damn it.. I MEAN..
Big cookware pack it, like big pots, crackpot, instapot or anything like it.
Dishes - pack them all ... but keep out in cabinet- 1 cup, 1 plate, 1 fork, 1 knife, 1 spoon. For daily use till move day. Then put those into that same box.
Winter clothes pack it
Extra lamps, movies, tapes, curtains, towels, just look around.
And anything you'd not want throw it out. Or place on FB marketplace for money for Florida, or wherever you're moving.
Label every box, what it is.
Kitchen- plates, cabinet items, food
Livingroom- dolls, diapers, cat Tower, pictures, TV bubble wrap that really well, and use packing tape.
Bedroom- sheets, pillows, blankets
Personal/bathroom: you knowđŸŒč, and anything from the bathroom
Anything you don't plan to take, THROW IT OUT. SELL IT. DONATE IT
submitted by Intelligent_Debt7555 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:55 kisideng My girlfriend [F28] feels like my [M27] second choice/backup. How do you perceive the situation? How do I reassure her she's not?

I'm dating A now. However, she's struggling with her self-esteem, because she feels like people perceive her as second choice (she has posted here).
TD;LR: I chased after A for a while, but she acted standoffish. We had casual sex 2 times, and she treated me like a hookup. I tried to engage her in deep conversation (but she'd only keep things light), would sit around her (but she'd ignore me), and invited her to events + breakfast, but she declined (the breakfast). We stopped talking for a while, and I started dating someone else (B). When I saw A again, we would flirt; however, I thought it was unserious. After 2 months, I became exclusive with B. A told me she was interested after all, but I was already with someone else, so I rejected her. I dated B for a couple of years; we were really serious. But when it ended, I started dating A.
Long version:
I met a girl at a night club hosted by university; I hit on her, but she seemed standoffish, so I excused myself. I met her 1 year later at a student pub, and we made strong eye contact. I invited her to smoke weed with some friends, but it was too late, and she had to go home. I also invited her to a student concert the day after. She came, but we barely talked. I saw her the day after at a night club, and we danced together. I invited her home, and she said she'd think about it.
We didn't talk for 1.5 month, except for maybe a bit of small-talk, but when I saw her, I'd stare at her. One day, at quiz, she flirted heavily with me. I tried to have a real conversation with her, but she only flirted/small-talked, and it seemed to me like she only wanted to hookup, since it was a bit sexual.
We slept together, but we didn't speak that much, and then she left in the morning, I didn't see her for 2 weeks, but the next time I saw her, I tried to sit around her, but she refused to approach me first. We would make eye contact throughout the whole night, and it was only until I approached her first, that she talked to me. We slept together again, and I invited her for breakfast, but she declined. We didn't speak for 2 weeks again, but this time when we made eye contact, and she ignored me, I ignored her back.
After that, we didn't speak for 20-25 days. During this period, I started dating another girl (let's call her B).
First time: I saw A after 20-25 days, and we flirted a little. I bought her a drink and winked at her.
Second time: I saw A again, while I sat with B. B left, and I approached A and flirted a bit with her. I told her "we should talk, we really need to catch up."
[It's been 2 months since I slept with A. I became exclusive with B].
Third time: I sat alone at the bar, and A approached me. She attempted to flirt a little by saying we should watch a movie together, and leaning her knee against me. I was friendly, and we talked normally. I needed to leave and told her "we should talk, we should catch up, we really should talk more."
The day after I was at a concert. I made out with B. Apparently, A was at this concert, but I didn't see her. I saw her later at the nach, and spoke with her normally. I excused myself and said I needed to grab a beer, but I didn't return, and talked with B and then some other people.
Later that night, I bumped into A, who dragged me a little to the side. She mildly flirted by leaning her knee against mine. We talked, but then I pulled a friend into the conversation who told her "he used to be crazy, but he calmed down after he got a girl." A said that was nice, and they talked. While they did, I went to the bathroom, and then came out, standing with B, who touched my face. I didn't do anything.
A came up to me, and took me to the side. She asked if I had a girlfriend, and I said technically no, we're only exclusive. She said she felt I had lead her on, because I didn't tell her we were a thing. I said I was only trying to have a polite conversation, and wanted to reject her nicely. She said I could've have mentioned B. I told her I found it difficult. She said she thought I acted like that, because I was still interested in her. I told her I didn't mean to hurt her, but I couldn't oppose what she was saying.
She told me she regretted how she acted and that she was interested, I told her it would've been different if she told me earlier, but I'm going to be with B now. She asked if I was serious about B, and I said I was going to be with B. She asked again, and I said I wasn't sure, because B was an exchange student. She asked if we were going to be long-distance; I said I wasn't sure, I didn't think about the future. She asked if I was interested; I told her I was with B now. She asked again, and I said if it wasn't B, it would be her.
I got together with B for a couple of years, and we were really serious. But then we broke up, and I started to date A. A was much more serious this time when we dated, and I quickly fell in love with her. I could seriously spend my whole life with her, and I'm crazy about her.
Problem :
However, because of all the drama before, A feels incredibly insecure. She has spent a lot of time on Reddit, and people have told her she's the second choice. I feel like this is affecting our relationship, and her self-esteem. When I met her, she was very playful and flirty. And with other people, she smiles a lot and is playful, but with me she's not like that. She says she has a hard time acting like that after what happened. How can I help her let go?
I'm not breaking up with her, but I'm wondering how people here view the situation from my perspective. I know some people probably say we should give this up, but it's been many years since this happened, so I feel like we've both grown and made mistakes, so I want her to let this go, and not be affected anymore. I love her too much to give up on her.
submitted by kisideng to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:22 South_Instruction884 Customer pooped on the floor today

For context. My store is located in a rough neighborhood. Demographic is mainly black Americans & immigrant latinos fresh from cuba or the border crisis. Today’s superstar client was a black female i wanna say anywhere from 24-35yrs old in her bedtime attire, bonnet cap and all. Comes in 1 hour before closing and was looking to “ get my SUNSHINE INSURANCE OTC “ even interrupted my conversation with another client i was ringing up at the moment. Whatever. I told her aisle 11 for the athlete foot cream crap she was looking for. She spends a good 10-15mins in that aisle which is right across the way from the entrance to the bathrooms. She comes up to the front register and i pull up her OTC info and of course the two items she brings are not covered by her insurance and she gives me a hard time for what the system says. Midway through our debate she stops. Says “ WHERES DA BAFROOM “ and i point her to the back. She says “ i don’t think ima make it “ i said its right back there ! Hurry !
 she goes in the opposite direction and goes towards the beverage/fridge & freezer area. I lose sight of her. 5 mins later a customer comes up to me saying they stepped on shit inside the store and i was in awe. She literally had wet trail dropping of her path etched into the store carpet. She comes out the bathroom and i tell my co worker to tell her to clean that shit up or to get the hell out. She used dry paper towels that just smeared it worse. No type of spray, water nothing !
there’s nothing in CVS that we sell thats so freaking important that its worth pooping yourself over. To all the cvs clients. Please go home and use your own bathroom. You all have no idea how other people treat those restrooms.
submitted by South_Instruction884 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:14 Ill_Adhesiveness_847 Mil says I do nothing all day.

My mil said that all I do is sit on the couch all day. (She lives with us) Then later said that all I do is sit on the couch when my fiancĂ© goes to work and when I’m off work. That she never sees me do anything. First of all my fiancĂ© and I have been having almost the same work schedule and the same off days. Also on our off days we always go places with our daughter. Yes when I wake up on my off days I sit on the couch and drink my coffee also go on my phone. I mean so what though? Yes when I get off work at 4 or 5 I sit on the couch too before I cook dinner. Backstory I work 25-35 hours a week I take care of my 3 year old when I’m not working. I would work more but I don’t have the child care for full time. I cook, vacumm, sweep straighten up, clean up after her son. Yes she helps clean but she says she does all the cleaning and at least her other daughter in law cleans her house. News flash I’m a neat freak and when she went on a seven day cruise this house was just as clean. Actually it was easier to keep clean when she was gone because she’s always spilling coffee all over and gets crumbs all over the carpet. Before she came to live with us this house was also just as clean. So why does she always try to one up me all the time and act like I’m such a slob? Also to add her other daughter in laws house is super crowded with a bunch of stuff and I’m like a minimalist. This all started because I noticed she rearranged things in our master bedroom bathroom and my fiancĂ© told her to stop going in our room because I noticed that she did. She said that I don’t appreciate anything and that she was just trying to help because our bathroom is nasty. Even though it’s not. I keep the floors swept, the bathtub and toilet clean. We had two towels on the floor and according to her the towels were slung everywhere. That “at least all of my clothes are hung up” because I had three sweaters on the floor in my closet and a tote bag with some clothes my mother got me as a gift. Oh and I forgot to mention some clothes I don’t want anymore. Like I know I can’t be perfect because I work and take care of a 3 year old. Not to mention her bathroom is the one that’s actually nasty which she just blames it on the tub being stained so like what the heck? Then I confronted her about always calling my daughter “her baby” and her answering to when my daughter says mommy and she said “well I don’t want anything to do with her then” referring to my daughter. My daughter said “I need my diaper changed” and she told her “well suit yourself I’m not doing it anymore tell your mommy” she only changes my daughters diaper when she babysits anyways😒This woman is constantly concerned weather or not I pay my part even though she was a sahm. She said it’s not my house only my fiancĂ©s. Btw I do pay bills. She’s always saying “you two can have each other” every argument. Anyway I told her off called her names she called me a b*tch first anyway. I feel guilt and I totally went overboard. Sorry for the long read and bad grammar.
submitted by Ill_Adhesiveness_847 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:13 sniperxxaiko Problem with sims relationship

So this is my second post today lol but I have yet another problem, my married sims went from having full bars of friendship and romance to almost full red on both bars out of nowhere, I’ve tried making them apologize and be friends or try to make it better but they both just decline each other, is there something else I can do or should I just throw in the towel and divorce them?
submitted by sniperxxaiko to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:53 DistributionOk5166 My Story with no justice

When I (21M) got into a relationship with my partner (20F), it was awesome. Then she involved her friends in the relationship. She came off as very codependent (“I’m very attached”) to her friends, even saying her friends (20F) are never wrong (you’re gonna see some red flags here that I was stupid to ignore). Met one of her friends - wonderful guy not a bad bone in his body, hope all of them could be Ike that. She expressed (I don’t even know jokingly) that her girl friends were jealous that she got a boyfriend - yet she wanted us to be friends.
I have never met such hypocritical people in my life on first meet. They would criticize my career (I earn decent money in school), my race (they continually called me a brown boy), the fact I didn’t drink underage, they would question my validity as a partner in earshot much to my partner’s silence. They would criticize my colloquialism after poking fun at me- I would say “shut the fuck up” when a funny story came up while laughing. They would tell my partner (not me) that they didn’t like it (happy to not say it if it makes them feel uncomfortable) but then they proceeded to tell me to shut the fuck up with impunity. The double standards sucked. The dishing out but not being able to take it sucked. I was always made to be the villain. When I brought these up to my partner - “Oh you feel that way because they have siblings, and you’re an only child”. They showed up to my apartment unannounced when I was on a date with my partner (I live on the 3rd story). After the date was over, they would make plans to go out and say “This is a friends only thing”.
I held my tongue for a lot of disrespect. The people were openly known in their friend group to be third wheels in the relationship. They used to call me a b-word and a groomer (because I had friends who were 2 years younger than me). I used to call the main instigator a horseface after she made fun of my forehead and looks. But then it was too far. They could say whatever to me but the moment I come back I’m in the wrong.
They would openly ask my partner “Did he even get girls before you” to which my partner felt she had to defend her “choice” in me. My partner had told me that we won’t talk about our sex life. I was like yeah ofc. Her friends then started to tease me with info from our sex life - and they didn’t hear it from me. I confronted her on this and she was like “Oh it was a wine night and we started talking”. It was all ok until she started downplaying my skills. Then when her friends made fun of me with this info - I would then make fun of myself and then they would go to her saying that THEY were feeling uncomfortable about ME making fun of MYSELF.
They would cause fights to the point where I’m crying and hoping I’m no more. I would dream they would make fun of me so much - I would get up and walk out (I actually did this once but chalked it up to having to take a phone call).
They would compare me to their brothers and fathers. Token me for my race but then ask me to set them up with someone from my race. They would make fun of my career, yet ask me to get them a job. I tried to play nice with these people. On my own birthday, one of these girls was stressing out over organizing a career fair, I walked 40 minutes to help her out. These people would cause fights between us and I would apologize to them about stuff they do to me all the time saying “I just want to be accepted by the group”.
Worst part came when her friends pulled switchblades out on a moving bus as a joke and were brandishing it. I was the only voice of reason telling these people to stop, protecting my partner, motioning others to sit down and telling them that the group can get in so much trouble because of their idiotic behavior. Yet all her friends laughed at the fact I was getting serious. One of her friends had come up to me afterwards and showed me her palm, laughing. It was blood- she had cut her hands on the blades trying to play with the knives. Laughing.
Whether it was them blacking out drunk, headbutting each other, and touching each other inappropriately- I need to make sure no one falls behind or gets in trouble. Her friends would smack me for sitting on their bed by accident just to charge my phone near the wall. Everyone would laugh.
Her friends dressed up during Halloween as red flags (can’t make this up) and they kept making racial remarks to my friend. “Dance white boy”, “bathroom’s over there white boy”, etc. He took it as a joke the first few times but then started to feel uncomfortable. He told me wayyyy too late that this is what he experienced.
One day, I had fallen through my chair and winced in pain to which they laughed. I had enough of their immaturity, their laughter at my pain, their double standards, and their unresolved hatred. I thought since these people frequently call me out for every small thing (albeit behind my back), I can confront them directly and fairly (never confronted them on their behavior before). I asked them to treat me with some respect and just apologize. My partner stood silent as they continue to make insulting and demeaning faces at me and avoid the issue. I had a freeze response. I could not get any more words out of my mouth. Then my hypervigilance took a toll on me 30 seconds later in the form of an extreme panic attack (first one ever) where I cried and clutched my chest on a train. They stared indifferently. I sat crying with the doctor hugging me, while they called an Uber to go to a bar. They called the paramedics- they were heroes. I had enough, went up and yelled some disgusting things at the main instigator, who was making disgusting invalidating faces at me while I was approaching her for accountability. Called her a horsefaced. Told her “Why should I die on the train? You go kill yourself!”
My partner threatened to break up with me if her friends had told her to and told me I wasn’t fit to meet her dad. The next day, her friends guilt tripped her “You made a choice to go home with him instead of come with us to the bar”. They talked about how it was “bizarre” why I was so kind to the doctors and the paramedics yet yelled at them.
Partner said “Oh they have panic attacks all the time”. “It must have been caused by something else”. “They make those faces even when their relative died”. “There was a girl who doesn’t like her because she didn’t apologize to her properly”. “She thinks you’re attacking her face - just like her dad and uncles”.
I had tried to apologize several times but they shut the door in my face and asked me to stand to the side or avoid any communication. A few days later, the pain in my chest was tough. I went to the doctor, got some tests and was diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia as a result of the panic attack. When she told her friends, they said “we don’t care he had a heart attack, we care more about what he yelled at us afterwards”.
Then blame was shifted. I was the scapegoat. They were the ultimate victim. The whole group - people who didn’t even have anything to do with the situation brought up 9 month old issues that I had apologized for. I was ready to apologize for it all again. I begged my partner if I could fight for my story since she was sweeping everything under the rug. She told me “They don’t want to hear your side of the story - they don’t want to see you ever again”. Ganged up. They said I brought too many bad memories to the group.
When I asked my partner why she lets such people run from accountability for their actions. She said how her father told her to never give up on her friends. How her father lets his friends insult him and his wife till she cries. And that was his takeaway.
I ended up breaking up with her and getting a CPTSD diagnosis. They got away

submitted by DistributionOk5166 to Anger [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:53 Full_Improvement9585 Looking for link to Be Gentle With Me Mr. CEO

Calla Sherman was awakened by the sound of running water. She opened her tired eyes and was shocked by what she saw.
She was in a luxurious room. The bright morning sun shone on the sheets.
The clothes of a man and a woman were scattered on the carpet, and the scent of the aftermath of a night of craziness permeated the room.
She looked at her bared body under the blanket and felt the discomfort coming from her nether region. She tugged at her hair as bits and pieces of the memories from last night came back to her.
Her boyfriend of three years said she was not gentle, considerate, or feminine. So, he went overseas with a wealthy heiress to further his studies.
She put on a brave front, but she was devastated. So, she got very drunk last night.
Then, in the heat of the moment, she grabbed a man from the bar and spent a night stand with him.
She sat on the bed with her legs trembling. She had always taken good care of herself. Why would she do something that she would normally never even think about doing?
It seemed like the wine really did make the meek bold.
Calla scrambled to get herself dressed. She picked up her bag and was about to sneak out of the room unnoticed when the bathroom door opened.
She turned around reflexively and saw a very handsome man walking out.
He had a thick head of hair, a chiseled face, well-defined features, and a muscular build. His powerful muscles could be vaguely seen under his loose pajamas.
He was a man among men and was much better than her ex-boyfriend.
Calla felt an immense surge of satisfaction. She would rather give up her innocence to a stranger than the man who walked out on her.
Her cheeks became flushed as she thought about what happened the night before. He had been both gentle and rough with her. He allowed her to feel the joy of being a woman for the first time in 25 years.
Naturally, she felt ashamed as she stood before him but tried her best to appear calm.
The man seemed quite at ease, which was in stark contrast to Calla's anxiety. He sized her up from top to toe and sneered with disdain. His condescension made Calla feel uncomfortable.
Then, he suddenly walked toward the bed and picked up his wallet.
Calla noticed a stack of cash in his wallet and immediately snapped back to her senses. Was he about to pay for her services the night before?
That wouldn't do! She couldn't accept being humiliated by a man that way!
She immediately took out the 150 she had left in her purse and threw it on the bed before he could do anything.
He raised an eyebrow and looked at her in confusion.
She crossed her arms and tried her best to remain composed. Then, she raised her head to look at him and said with a nitpicky tone, "You're quite handsome, but you have terrible stamina. Your technique is quite lacking, too. This is all I can give you!"
"What did you say?"
It was clear that the man was angered by her words. He frowned deeply, and his expression soured.
In order to make her act more believable, Calla patted him on the shoulder and said patronizingly, "I think you should offer your services at a discount to gain more experience.
"You'll be able to earn more when you get more skilled. Women these days have standards, you know?"
"You little
" the man said with gritted teeth.
Calla noticed that he had clenched his fists. She had no intention of brawling with him. So, she dashed out of the room before he lost his temper.
As she walked out of the Grand Hill Hotel, she could still picture the man's furious expression in her mind. She patted her chest to calm herself.
She considered herself lucky for getting out of there so swiftly.
submitted by Full_Improvement9585 to novelsfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:52 Full_Improvement9585 Looking for link to Be Gentle With Me Mr. CEO

Calla Sherman was awakened by the sound of running water. She opened her tired eyes and was shocked by what she saw.
She was in a luxurious room. The bright morning sun shone on the sheets.
The clothes of a man and a woman were scattered on the carpet, and the scent of the aftermath of a night of craziness permeated the room.
She looked at her bared body under the blanket and felt the discomfort coming from her nether region. She tugged at her hair as bits and pieces of the memories from last night came back to her.
Her boyfriend of three years said she was not gentle, considerate, or feminine. So, he went overseas with a wealthy heiress to further his studies.
She put on a brave front, but she was devastated. So, she got very drunk last night.
Then, in the heat of the moment, she grabbed a man from the bar and spent a night stand with him.
She sat on the bed with her legs trembling. She had always taken good care of herself. Why would she do something that she would normally never even think about doing?
It seemed like the wine really did make the meek bold.
Calla scrambled to get herself dressed. She picked up her bag and was about to sneak out of the room unnoticed when the bathroom door opened.
She turned around reflexively and saw a very handsome man walking out.
He had a thick head of hair, a chiseled face, well-defined features, and a muscular build. His powerful muscles could be vaguely seen under his loose pajamas.
He was a man among men and was much better than her ex-boyfriend.
Calla felt an immense surge of satisfaction. She would rather give up her innocence to a stranger than the man who walked out on her.
Her cheeks became flushed as she thought about what happened the night before. He had been both gentle and rough with her. He allowed her to feel the joy of being a woman for the first time in 25 years.
Naturally, she felt ashamed as she stood before him but tried her best to appear calm.
The man seemed quite at ease, which was in stark contrast to Calla's anxiety. He sized her up from top to toe and sneered with disdain. His condescension made Calla feel uncomfortable.
Then, he suddenly walked toward the bed and picked up his wallet.
Calla noticed a stack of cash in his wallet and immediately snapped back to her senses. Was he about to pay for her services the night before?
That wouldn't do! She couldn't accept being humiliated by a man that way!
She immediately took out the 150 she had left in her purse and threw it on the bed before he could do anything.
He raised an eyebrow and looked at her in confusion.
She crossed her arms and tried her best to remain composed. Then, she raised her head to look at him and said with a nitpicky tone, "You're quite handsome, but you have terrible stamina. Your technique is quite lacking, too. This is all I can give you!"
"What did you say?"
It was clear that the man was angered by her words. He frowned deeply, and his expression soured.
In order to make her act more believable, Calla patted him on the shoulder and said patronizingly, "I think you should offer your services at a discount to gain more experience.
"You'll be able to earn more when you get more skilled. Women these days have standards, you know?"
"You little
" the man said with gritted teeth.
Calla noticed that he had clenched his fists. She had no intention of brawling with him. So, she dashed out of the room before he lost his temper.
As she walked out of the Grand Hill Hotel, she could still picture the man's furious expression in her mind. She patted her chest to calm herself.
She considered herself lucky for getting out of there so swiftly.
submitted by Full_Improvement9585 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:17 Duke_Nicetius A story of a bad kitchen, my experience

I'm just working at this place for a second month, and never had coking jobs before, but this place, despite being among the best pubs in the town, is really awful from inside, or at least that's how I see it.
I wonder what do you think, am I exaggerating some common points?
First, it's heavily understaffed - this night we had, for example, about hundred people in four hours, and on those only three cooks.
Cooks team is "amazing" by itself - it's me with less than two months of experience, a guy who is mostly a bit high on some drugs, and an older lady who is nice and experienced at cooking but unfortunately has very visible signs of dementia.
College aged kids of the owners are helping as waiters, and as I know they are not even getting paid for it.
It is hot there - the only ventilation is a door, and we are in the Southern Italy inside a building that gets heated very easily.
Equipment is outdated and malfunctioning regularly, and if too many things are turned on at once (say, you prepare something in both friers, on the hob and try to use both microwaves), lights go off in all the kitchen; it's definitely not planned to have such a workload.
Kitchen's planning is awful as well - it consists of two "rooms", one with exits to the bar, and exactly between them located a sink and a cupboard. A person washing dishes blocks the passage to the second room completely.
Ah, the sink - we have only one as the second one, in the bathroom, was broken long ago and unlikely will be replaced anytimes soon. When one person is washing dishes there, second needs to get water to wash the floor, and third - to wash the cabbage, it's a huge problem.
Sanitation is pretty bad - I regularly see ants and some bugs there. Oil is not changed unless it's black and full of pieces of some produce cooked in it, meat can be precooked 3-4 days in advance before being used for cooking, uneaten things (buns, fries, even small saucers with ketchup) are reused for next visitors. Once I was shouted by owner's wife for trying to throw a bun that had signs that it was squished by the last visitor's fingers.
Overall, shouting is common, so are the weird questions like "are the french fries ready yet?" sometimes once every minute despite the owners know that in their friers it takes 5 mins to cook fries.
At times you can find kids, pets and parents of owners inside the kitchen during the rush hour, and it's not that nice and cute too. Overall, it's not a good place for dogs and little kids.
It's just the major points frm the current kitchen, but I personally think that it's already a lot.
submitted by Duke_Nicetius to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:10 Unlucky__Swan From Brain to printer: Not sure where to start. STL+Parametic Help

I'll try and keep this simple and its the main use of my printers to add the little things that make a space mine. I'm used to SW/Fusion but not mesh cad like blender or anything. End goal is to take an STL but modify it for my use case that requires dimensioning, adding holes or material, etc. There's a lot of options out there since I've come back to the hobby but can't determine which is the best path to learn.
Example: I want to take a sword model, incorporate my car's shifter model (shaft tolerances, mount, etc) but this requires the sword to be modifiable and the blade would have a cutout along the shifter shaft to split it.
I like that animal head or whatever and want to use it as a pull knob or wall hook, how can I add the dimensioned part with holes for wall mounting to the model? Or add lateral holes to hold a rod turning into a towel bar.
Is learning something like blender a better idea or trying to bring the stl into something like fusion as a solid (i've had mixed results in the past). 3D printing community loves to share STLs to use which lacks ease of modifying even when the files are labeled for remix/similar depending on the source
submitted by Unlucky__Swan to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:48 Keith-Mayo Al Gray

Al Gray
Albert Thornton Grey was born on June 6, 1925 in Aldie, Virginia, just west of Washington DC. At three months of age his family moved to Pottstown, Pennsylvania, north of Philadelphia. The Grey home was filled with music which offered enticing temptations to Albert. At the age of four Albert started learning with his father’s trumpet. His father was an instructor for a youth orchestra in Pottstown. He played the baritone horn at school because Albert’s family was so poor they couldn’t afford an instrument for him. While attending school, Albert went from the baritone in middle school, to the E-flat tuba in junior high, then to the B-flat tuba in high school. Even as Albert played these instruments, he liked the sound of the band director’s trombone.
Albert joined the Navy during World War II and was sent to the Great Lakes Naval Training Center along with many other professional musicians of the time. During Albert’s time in the Navy, the tuba had become obsolete for jazz so he practiced the trombone in the bathroom. Albert was shipped out from the Great Lakes Naval Training Center to a Massachusetts ammunition depot and then to Grosse Isle Naval Air Station in Grosse Pointe, Michigan to be in the bands. While serving at these stations Albert frequented the nightclubs where he was known as The Sailor Boy.
Albert’s service to the Navy ended in 1946, and three days later he began playing for Benny Carter. Benny Carter heard that Albert was good and had just lost J. J. Johnson and needed a trombone player. “Benny Carter was like a teacher to Albert and if asked Albert always credited Benny Carter with extending his musical awareness.”
“When Carter broke up his band late in 1946, Grey joined bandleader Jimmy Lunceford, where he took the seat once occupied by one of his idols, trombonist Trummy Young.”2 Albert enjoyed playing Trummy’s tunes while he was a member of Lunceford’s band. Albert lost the trombonist position when Jimmy unexpectedly died of a heart attack in the middle of a tour.
Albert joined vibraphonist, Lionel Hampton whose style was different from those of Carter and Lunceford. When he needed to draw some money, he made sure he played Cynthia which happened to be the favorite of Gladys Hampton, who managed Lionel’s purse strings. “He spent five years with Hampton, but was fired by the leader’s formidable wife, Gladys Hampton, for walking off stage one night when the band had overplayed a little too long (Grey had a date with a young lady).
Then, from 1956 to 1957, Albert worked in Dizzy Gillespie’s band. During this time bookings were scarce and transportation costs where high. Due to this the band had many nights without a gig. On one such night in 1957, Albert got the break he was looking for: Count Basie came to Philadelphia to the Pep’s Show Bar. Tom McIntosh was sick, so they had two trombone players. Basie was informed about Albert’s talent with the trombone and asked him to come play. Four days later they played a royal command performance in England. “His signature was the plunger mute, and he used it swaggeringly, making his malingering, behind-the-beat notes plump and juicy.
In Grey’s view, jazz wasn’t very complicated; it was just a way of expressing personal feelings to others. So naturally, Grey is at his best in live performances, where he is able to reach out to an audience and hold it spellbound—and especially when he pulls out his trademark plunger. As a trombonist, he has mastered the art of the plunger, and he used it to accentuate the already acute rhythmic jumps and shudders that make his playing so involved and complicated. The trombonist, Al Grey, died on March 24, 2000 at a hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Source: The Al Gray and Rosalie Soladar Memorial Collection; The University of Idaho Library
submitted by Keith-Mayo to Trombone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:45 a4ra Local Handyman and electrician ?

Looking for a handman to fix bathroom towel rod, and install a buch of ceiling fans. Any Fuquay/GarneClayton folks ?
submitted by a4ra to FuquayVarinaNC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:14 metallizepp Alerted by my phone, opened to have a laugh

Alerted by my phone, opened to have a laugh
They count on us not being able to read...
Picture and description DO NOT MATCH. I'd force the sale of the larger pack vs the listed item (it's YOUR mistake. Live with it, and absorb it).
IF I still went to SDM, that is. PC optimum app is almost as humorous as Bill Burr TikToks.
submitted by metallizepp to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:04 met0lius Advice needed

Advice needed
I'm a younger person that is trying to get out of the rental market. I have the opportunity to purchase a tiny home through seller financing. But I have no idea where to start with generating a price offer for it.
The owners asked $85000 obo.
Can anyone point me in a direction where I could find resources on generating an appraisal of the unit? Is there anyone in this thread that does that type of service? I could definitely pay a consultation fee to someone legitimate.
I have included a screenshot of the list of features.
I'm just so lost on where to even start generating an offer. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by met0lius to TinyHouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:03 Ok_Archer_8831 Sublease - Statehouse Arena

Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 Sublease available
Outdoor Amenities: - Rooftop Pool with Sun-shelf - Pool-Side Cabanas & Hammocks - Artificial Turf Park with Games - Outdoor Crossfit Courtyard and Yoga Lawn - Jumbotron - Outdoor Grill and Bar Area (Arena)
Clubhouse Amenities: - Group Study Rooms w/ TV's - iMac Computer Bar w/ Printing Station - 24/7 Study Lounge - Coffee bar - Resident Lounge with Gaming Area - TV Center - State-of-the-Art Fitness Center - Amazon Concierge Package System
*$1,275/mo (rent includes internet, water, sewer, trash, washer & dryer, and a wonderful staff that is there to help you anytime you need them.)
✹Send message if interested ✹
submitted by Ok_Archer_8831 to u/Ok_Archer_8831 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:41 likeguitarsolo Series idea

A gritty remake of Cheers, where Sam Malone is a dry drunk and he can’t stand all the regulars who come in every goddamn day without fail. But the regulars keep coming in no matter how much of an asshole he acts toward them because they’re really only coming in for the cheapest beer in town, which his boss refuses to raise the price on because that would mean these idiots would stop coming in. And the regulars are all recovering opioid addicts who invariably will end up back on the pills because they think they can still drink since their problem was the pills not the alcohol. Then they get 86’d for nodding out in the bathroom but only for 2 weeks because the boss relies on these jackasses or else the bar would be empty every day, but a bar full of these people also deters respectable kinds of customers from ever coming in. And Sam Malone is stuck there because he never graduated high school and has been bartending his entire adult life and couldn’t afford to live off any other menial job’s hourly wage.
I would not watch this show, but maybe my idiot customers would. Then maybe they’d start to understand why i treat them so indifferently every goddamn day.
submitted by likeguitarsolo to SoberBartenders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:36 ThanksBros Bath fitter from the '90s - shower towel bar fell INSIDE the bath fitter, no access to behind this side. How do I replace/repair? Can't find anything that is a perfect fit for the existing holes.

Bath fitter from the '90s - shower towel bar fell INSIDE the bath fitter, no access to behind this side. How do I replace/repair? Can't find anything that is a perfect fit for the existing holes. submitted by ThanksBros to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:35 Budgie_Birdz Visuals on Buxton Ave new spot

Visited the new rooftop bar on top of Eulogy this weekend and had a great experience. Has some nice views on top, food is a small menu of items but they are good. I ordered the “Pickle” plate of vegetables that came with bread, mustard/aioli ($15). We ordered a Ceremonial Bloom drink which was delicious ($15). Bathrooms were super clean and it wasn’t crowded that might change. Only issue is pubcycle goes down that street with tourist groups who are kind of loud but they pass through quickly. 4/5
submitted by Budgie_Birdz to asheville [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:52 Past_Grand_4605 Looking for two potential roommates for a Brooklyn PLG lease, starting July 1st

Looking for two potential roommates for a Brooklyn PLG lease, starting July 1st
Living Room
Room 1
Room 1
Room 2
Room 2
Long story short, current tenant, both of my roommates are moving out to spread their wings and I'd like to stay if possible: management has signaled they are open to being connected with new folks signing the lease. Unfortunately they are agonizingly slow to respond and haven't confirmed rent increase or not (they had promised not but idk), so the prices below are based on what is being paid currently. With two people onboard they are likely more willing to deal, so fielding inquiries.
2nd floor walk up in a small quiet building, nearly all couples and families. Super is offsite. Located close to several small bars, eateries, and coffee places. Several blocks from Prospect Park.
  • short walk from 2/5 train at Sterling
  • laundry & bike storage in basement
  • dishwasher, gas stove
  • rooftop access
  • pets allowed (personally open to it)
  • heat & hot water included
Room 1 is on the front side of the apartment, two windows south facing so gets lots of light. It's at the front of the building and the windows overlook the street so there is some activity in the warmer months. (It is still Brooklyn after all.) Overall though it's a calm residential block. Dimensions roughly 14 x 10. $1450/month.
Room 2 might be described by a broker as "cozy." Probably not well-suited for someone who is working solely from home. One window that gets indirect light. This room shares a wall with my room but rarely ever have any issues (the walls shared are technically the closets). Juuussstt fits a queen bed without a headboard. Probably the quietest room overall since it's away from the street and the backs of other buildings. Dimensions roughly 10.5 x 8.5. $1050/month.
Both rooms have sizable double-door closets; the larger room has a radiator and a pipe, the smaller room only has a heating pipe but there haven't been any complaints about it being too cold in the winter. High ceilings throughout
Split 3 ways utils about 60-70 a month, higher in the summer as in typical. Those and other shared expenses for household supplies w/ splitwise. For lessees, typical credit check, proof of income, either 40x for oneself or 80x when signing with a guarantor.
Me: 37NB (male presenting fyi), native, works in academia, cyclist, bad French speaker, Alamo ticket buyer
Preferred: 30+, vaccinated+boosted, mindful and considerate communicators, POC & LGBTQIA+ welcome
Other things: no smoking, shoes off inside, no bringing the party home/surprise guests, rotating cleaning schedule, recycling & composting. Another one of those recharge type places so while the once-in-awhile get together is fine it's much more of a tranquil respite home. That said being friends with roomies is an aspiration too. Don't mind the corner in the photos, the only empty room ones I had were watermarked. A good amount of the things in the living room photo will be gone so people are plants art books etc are invited
Please message me if you have any interest or further questions if I've forgotten anything.
submitted by Past_Grand_4605 to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:40 HistoryMotherfucker My roommate is xenophobic

I was born in one country but raised completely in another. I currently live in the country I was raised in, I moved back last year after university abroad and was hoping to get citizenship.
My parents moved to the other side of the world because of my mum’s job so I couldn’t move back in with them and instead had to find an apartment myself- I found a shared apartment and became the subletter to a woman 10 years older than me. It was fine in the beginning, I didn’t see her much as I was too busy working and we seemed to have opposite schedules. I tried to communicate with her through text but she rarely responded and it made things very difficult. We settled into some sort of routine and generally things were going fine.
Recently she asked me if we could have a talk, I asked her what it was about but she just vaguely said it was about various things. She scheduled it for the last of the month so I thought she might be asking me to leave, which to be honest I wasn’t really upset by the idea of. In the end it was not about that and just some notes about how we’ve split chores and such. Mainly she just asked me to clean the shower more regularly (which I was fine with, I usually did a proper clean once a week and cleaned up after myself but I think she wanted me to clean it more often as she tended to just leave it after showering and not rinse it). I agreed and it ended amicably.
Throughout our time living together we pretty much have never spoken, I had a gut feeling she didn’t like me and I had a feeling it was because I was a foreigner and person of colour, but I never had anything to confirm that so I never put much behind it, it was just a feeling.
Tonight I got in late and took a shower. I went to put on some clothes before I would rinse the tub down and replace the toilet paper on the stand so I went to my room to get dressed and put my towel up to dry (she leaves her towel in the bathroom and there’s jot enough space for mine so I dry mine in my room). It had not even been ten minutes when I heard very aggressive knocking at my bedroom door, it was so loud I audibly yelped. I opened the door and she started yelling at me about how I left the bathroom and how I should have cleaned it and how we spoke about this and why didn’t I replace the toilet paper. I was having trouble getting a word in edgewise but I managed to get that that I was sorry and was just putting some clothes on before going back and sorting everything out. She didn’t care to hear anything and just stormed off, continuing her yelling and going off about foreigners and how we’re all like this and it’s disgusting.
I can’t say I’ve enjoyed living with her, she’s not made any space for me since I moved in and recently the rent has gone up significantly. This incident has really gotten to me, it feels stupid but honestly I was physically shaking for quite a while afterwards. Thankfully I was already planning to visit my family this week as my mum is nearby on business. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do next, my flight is early tomorrow morning and honestly I don’t think I’m going to sleep between now and then. I’m so glad I have some time away to think of next steps.
I know it’s not a super bad experience, it could have been much worse than just a verbal battering, but it’s really gotten to me.
submitted by HistoryMotherfucker to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:55 edentel Adding bar sink to basement finish

I'm on the last steps before having a drywall crew come in to do my basement. There is a finished full bathroom that was built with the home 20 years ago in the middle of this unfinished basement. Not sure why the original owners did this but it was a nice bonus.
The one thing that has always bugged me is they used flexible rubber unions in the drain vent line. The space is wide open and they could have done it right but cut a corner. Maybe there was a crack/leak some time in the past?
Either way I figured I'd cut out the flexible unions and do it right before the drywall goes up. That got me thinking that I could plumb for a wet-bar in the process, just in case I wanted to add one in the future.
If I'm cutting this all out and replacing it is there a wrong way to add the drain? The small horizontal goes direct to a bathroom sink. Down is drain, up is vent. What would be a way to add another sink drain in this space? Just adding another T above or below seems like it would vent sewer gas. There isn't a lot of space to get fancy here.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by edentel to Plumbing [link] [comments]