Verb to be for bigenners

A place for birders to be

2008.08.26 18:54 A place for birders to be

Birding. bird watching. twitching. listing. Whatever you want to call it, if you are looking at or listening to birds, this is where you should be.

2015.07.15 00:08 NoUrImmature Adulting: for those who are trying to be an adult.

This is a subreddit for people who are actively trying to be more of an adult. It can include tips, victories, and questions.

2010.01.05 04:34 A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

A delightfully polarizing term for women who game. This is a community space for ladies to hang out, talk about gaming, and game together. We also discuss topics around women in geek culture and debrief about experiences that occur as a result of their gender. Or you know, just post some bad ass makeup tutorials inspired by video games. We like that stuff here! Folks of all genders and identities welcome to join discussions here! FAQ -