Pramipexole oedema

My hellish story

2023.06.08 21:37 paulm19855 My hellish story

stupidly stopped 150mg venlafaxine abruptly October 2022. I tried to slowly taper on numerous occasions, however still experienced bad with-drawls. Upon reaching crisis point, I impulsively decided to stop cold turkey to “ get it over with). Since then i have had multiple meds changes and many physical issues.
Back story I initially engaged with psychiatry 2005 and have been diagnosed with OCD and depression . Tried many different anti depressants throughout my 20s , always working great immediately then stopped working making me feel worse mentally. I always stopped them ( over eight) as couldn’t tolerate the side effects.
I re engaged with psychiatry 2016. Having issues with low mood , OCD and sleeping problems. I was prescribed 150mg venlafaxine and 50mg quetiapine. At one point the quetiapine increased to 300mg ( no psychosis) , however remained at 50mg the majority of the time . In addition I have been prescribed 50mg lamictal since 2020. I was commenced on this shortly after stopping Concerta xl which i was on for one year 2019-2020. I had severe restlessness at night since stopping the Concerta xl ( dopamine downregulation) , however my psych was adamant it couldn’t have been the Concerta xl as “ it was out of my system”. Im unsure of his reasoning for including lamictal ( suspected hypomania ?) .
May 2022 i stopped 50mg quetiapine ( tapered to 25mg). I had severe issues with sleep and mood post quetiapine . I was then prescribed 7.5mg nightly zopiclone for the sleep issues , and I was assured it had NO with-drawls . As i’ve previously stated, i stopped the venlafaxine October 2022. Initially i had the usual with-drawl symptoms, severe brain zaps, flu like symptoms etc. After two weeks came severe insomnia , constant pacing and restlessness , which i suspect may have been akathisia . I visited my GP and was prescribed pregabalin which, within 4 weeks was titrated up to 300mg. I started then to develop suicidal ideation and began tapering the pregabalin. Each 25mg drop proved intolerable, in which I experienced severe crying spells, all over restless legs , racing looping thoughts and pacing. During this time period nov 2022 to feb 2023, i was also trialled on pramipexole( which i discontinued after six weeks and also 40 to 80mg propranolol. However during Nov 2022, i started to notice and develop red swollen feet ( oedema ) with veins dilated on them , and a sensation of burning soles. At this point i had the blood pooling all day which was worse at rest. I noticed that when i elevated my feet the pooling went away. I suspected the red pooling could have been from the pregabalin due the peripheral oedema side effect. However , i was tapering Pregabalin and cognition continued to drop, more insomnia , appetite loss, more restlessness , reduced sexual function and severe depression . In desperation i visited private neurologist who stated that nothing abnormal showed on neurological exam . As i further dropped the pregabalin to 175mg, tinnitus increased , blood pooling in feet when standing, painful toes, severe depression ( due to with-drawl and circumstances, and what i now believe to be akathisia ( severe inner restlessness ) looping thoughts and wanting to tear my skin off sensation. Also had harm OCD thoughts very vividly playing out in my head . Never have I experienced intrusive thoughts as vivid as this.
Feb 2023, i visited my Psychiatrist. I became very tearful and explained how i felt . Due to my presentation and subsequent weight loss, he suggested a voluntary admission to the psych ward , which i agreed to. My psychs first change was the introduction of lisdexamfetamine 30mg ( suspected adult ADHD ), cold turkey stopped 80mg propranolol cold turkey stopped 7.5mg zopiclone, restarted 25mg quetiapine for sleep and added melatonin plus further reduced the pregabalin to 150mg. Now even with the introduction of quetiapine at night , i still had chronic insomnia 3 to 4 hours broken sleep ( RLS with pregabalin reduction), and the blood pooling was still keeping me awake . I notified hospital staff about the blood pooling plus pain, and was dismissed with no concerns. This was always put down to “ my OCD”. By day three i was in hell . Burning jaw and face , akathisia with pacing and in constant flight or fight, with stiff muscles and tremors. Was kept being told this “ was my OCD and anxiety “ but i insisted it was entirely physical and i was suffering with akathisia . Not professional believed me or would agree with me. I literally begged the psych to make this feeling stop, he then upped the pregabalin to 225mg and added in clonazepam 1mg nightly. I had fears at this point the MDT would misdiagnose me with a psychosis or delusional disorder as i was hyper focussed on this being akathisia and my often painful swollen feet. Soon after this , the restlessness , pacing and anxiety stopped , although still slept poorly due to blood pooling in evenings in lower extremities ( 4 hours sleep )
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