Roxana castellanos en bikini

Deliciosa en bikini de colores

2024.05.14 20:49 turbochupa Deliciosa en bikini de colores

Deliciosa en bikini de colores submitted by turbochupa to fer_sasse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:31 Complex_Market_1796 babe's beach

babe's beach
Chicas en la playa
Las chicas en la playa siempre han sido un tema fascinante. Con sus trajes de baño de colores brillantes que resaltan contra la arena dorada y el agua cristalina, se convierten en un símbolo de libertad y diversión. La playa es el lugar perfecto para relajarse, tomar el sol y disfrutar del mar, y las chicas que la visitan saben cómo aprovechar al máximo esta experiencia.
Ya sea tomando selfies con las olas de fondo, jugando voleibol de playa con amigos o simplemente disfrutando de un día soleado, las chicas en la playa irradian alegría y energía positiva. Su risa contagiosa y su actitud despreocupada atraen miradas de admiración y envidia, creando un ambiente de diversión y camaradería.
Además de ser un escenario perfecto para crear recuerdos inolvidables, la playa también es un lugar ideal para lucir los últimos trajes de baño de moda y accesorios playeros. Desde bikinis diminutos hasta pareos coloridos y sombreros elegantes, las chicas en la playa exhiben su estilo personal con confianza y elegancia.
En resumen, las chicas en la playa representan la belleza, la alegría y la libertad que se experimenta al estar en contacto con la naturaleza y disfrutar del verano al máximo. Ya sea en solitario, con amigos o en pareja, la playa es un lugar donde las chicas pueden ser ellas mismas, sin preocupaciones ni inhibiciones. ¡Disfruta del sol, la arena y el mar con estilo y actitud!
Modelos en la playa
En este artículo hablaremos sobre los modelos en la playa, una combinación perfecta entre la belleza de la naturaleza y la elegancia de la moda. La playa se convierte en un escenario idílico donde los modelos pueden lucir sus mejores poses y looks.
Los modelos en la playa suelen protagonizar sesiones fotográficas para revistas de moda, campañas publicitarias o simplemente para capturar la esencia del verano. Con el mar como telón de fondo, las pasarelas se transforman en la arena y las prendas se vuelven más ligeras y frescas.
Las tendencias en moda beachwear van desde los clásicos trajes de baño hasta los outfits más arriesgados y vanguardistas. Los colores vivos y los estampados tropicales suelen ser los protagonistas, resaltando la alegría y la diversión que caracterizan a esta temporada.
Además de la moda, los modelos en la playa representan un estilo de vida relajado y sofisticado. Pasear por la orilla, tomar el sol o disfrutar de un cóctel en un chiringuito son algunas de las actividades que forman parte de este imaginario colectivo.
En resumen, los modelos en la playa nos transportan a un mundo de glamour y sofisticación donde la moda y la naturaleza se fusionan para crear imágenes espectaculares y evocadoras. Es un escenario único donde la belleza de las prendas se combina con la belleza del entorno, creando una atmósfera mágica e inolvidable.
Bellezas playeras
Las bellezas playeras son aquellos destinos paradisíacos donde la naturaleza se une con la tranquilidad del mar para crear paisajes impresionantes. Desde playas de arena blanca y aguas cristalinas hasta acantilados rocosos y puestas de sol de ensueño, estos lugares son ideales para relajarse y disfrutar de la belleza natural.
En estas playas, es común encontrar una amplia variedad de fauna marina, como peces tropicales, tortugas marinas y delfines, lo que las convierte en destinos perfectos para los amantes del buceo y el snorkel. También son ideales para practicar deportes acuáticos como el surf, paddleboarding y jet ski, brindando diversión y emoción a los visitantes más aventureros.
Además de la belleza natural, las playas suelen contar con una exquisita gastronomía local, ofreciendo deliciosos platos de mariscos frescos y frutas tropicales que deleitan el paladar de los turistas. Asimismo, la hospitalidad de los lugareños y la calidez de su cultura hacen que la experiencia en estas playas sea aún más enriquecedora.
En resumen, las bellezas playeras son destinos que brindan una combinación perfecta de naturaleza, relax y diversión, convirtiéndose en lugares ideales para escapar de la rutina diaria y disfrutar de unas vacaciones inolvidables. ¡Descubre la magia de las playas más hermosas del mundo y déjate llevar por su encanto!
Verano y sol
El verano es la estación del año más esperada por muchos, ya que trae consigo días largos llenos de sol y calor. Durante esta época, las horas de luz son más extensas, lo que nos permite disfrutar de actividades al aire libre y de momentos de relax en la playa o la piscina. El sol se convierte en el protagonista indiscutible, brindándonos su calor y energía.
Sin embargo, es importante recordar que la exposición prolongada al sol puede resultar perjudicial para nuestra piel. Es fundamental protegernos con bloqueador solar de amplio espectro, utilizar sombreros y gafas de sol, y buscar la sombra en las horas de mayor intensidad solar. De esta manera, podremos disfrutar de los beneficios del sol sin correr riesgos innecesarios para nuestra salud.
Además, el verano nos invita a disfrutar de deliciosas frutas de temporada, como sandías, melocotones y fresas, que nos refrescan y nos aportan nutrientes esenciales. Asimismo, es el momento ideal para realizar actividades al aire libre, como paseos en bicicleta, picnics en el parque o senderismo en la montaña.
En definitiva, el verano y el sol van de la mano para ofrecernos momentos inolvidables y experiencias únicas. Aprovechemos esta estación para recargar energías, disfrutar de la naturaleza y crear recuerdos que perdurarán en nuestra memoria. ¡Que el verano y el sol nos inspiren a vivir al máximo cada día!
Bikinis sensuales
Los bikinis sensuales son una prenda de baño que ha revolucionado la moda de playa en los últimos años. Con diseños atrevidos, sexys y elegantes, estos bikinis destacan por resaltar la feminidad y la belleza natural de las mujeres que los lucen.
Una de las características más distintivas de los bikinis sensuales es su diseño innovador, que incorpora cortes únicos, escotes pronunciados, tiras entrecruzadas y detalles llamativos que realzan las curvas femeninas de manera provocativa y sofisticada. Estos bikinis son perfectos para aquellas mujeres que desean sentirse sexys, seguras y atractivas mientras disfrutan de un día soleado en la playa o en la piscina.
Además de su diseño atractivo, los bikinis sensuales están confeccionados con materiales de alta calidad que se ajustan cómodamente al cuerpo, brindando un ajuste perfecto y una sensación de confort durante todo el día. Gracias a su versatilidad, estos bikinis pueden ser combinados con pareos, kaftanes, sombreros y otros accesorios de playa para crear looks únicos y llenos de estilo.
En resumen, los bikinis sensuales son la elección perfecta para aquellas mujeres que desean lucir atractivas, seguras y a la moda en sus momentos de diversión bajo el sol. Con su diseño innovador, materiales de calidad y versatilidad en el styling, estos bikinis son una opción imprescindible para cualquier fashionista que quiera destacar en la playa o la piscina. ¡Atrévete a lucir un bikini sensual y deslumbra con tu estilo único!
submitted by Complex_Market_1796 to u/Complex_Market_1796 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:16 gsmiga Escuela de traductores de Toledo.

Apareció en el siglo XII, durante la Reconquista. Se dedicaba a la traducción de textos clásicos greco-latinos alejandrinos, permitiendo que los escritos árabes fueran traducidos al latín y de este al castellano.
Fue una relación cultural entre cristianos, musulmanes y judíos. Se tradujeron textos de filosofía, medicina, matemáticas y astronomía. Así se logró preservar y difundir obras y conocimientos que, de otra forma, podrían ser perdidos.
Un famoso traductor fue el monje Gerardo de Cremona, traduciendo obras de filosofía del árabe al latín. Gracias a su labor, obras de Averroes, Avicena y Al-Kindi pudieron conocerse en Europa occidental, contribuyendo al florecimiento del pensamiento renacentista.
Otro personaje fue Juan de la Cosa, un traductor judío que tradujo textos hebreos al castellano. Difundió con su trabajo la cultura judía entre la población cristiana de la época.
Todo este florecimiento cultural se produjo a partir de 1085, cuando Alfonso VI conquistó Toledo.
El arzobispo Raimundo de Sauvetar aprovechó la tolerancia de los reyes castellanos hacia judíos y musulmanes, impulsando diversos proyectos de traducción cultural que favorecieron a todas las cortes europeas.
Alfonso X El Sabio impulsó el sistema de traducción y lo especializó en leyes y astronomía. Fundó escuelas de latín y árabe en Sevilla. Fundó otra escuela en Murcia, dirigida por el matemático Al-Ricotí.
Se tradujeron obras de Ptolomeo, Euclides, Galeno, Aristóteles y Avicena.
Hoy día sigue siendo la Escuela de Traductores de Toledo un referente para interpretación y traducción. Su obra es reconocida en España y en el mundo. Muchos profesionales de la traducción han pasado por ella.
submitted by gsmiga to forolibre [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:50 cadizfornia ¿Quién (no) paga el Impuesto de Patrimonio?

¿Quién (no) paga el Impuesto de Patrimonio?
El Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio (IP) se presenta a menudo como un instrumento redistributivo que grava una manifestación clara de la capacidad económica de los individuos – el patrimonio – que no siempre tiene un reflejo en la renta. Esta justificación ha sido objeto de debate en los últimos tiempos. Con el objetivo de evaluar cuantitativamente el impacto redistributivo del IP, en un trabajo reciente de próxima aparición en la Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, hemos llevado a cabo un análisis de su implementación examinando las autoliquidaciones correspondientes al año 2022 en Cataluña. El lector interesado puede encontrar aquí el trabajo original en catalán o castellano.
submitted by cadizfornia to SpainEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:41 sleepykilljoy RE: Friend told me to hide my boobs for graduation?

For reference :)
I want to say thank you for all of you who helped me, you all gave me excellent perspectives and I really love you all for it. Happy to report that I did not go to his graduation. I felt guilty for a bit because you only graduate a few times, but why support someone who doesn’t respect you lol. I did politely let him know he was out of line and that our friendship can’t go forward. Ultimately, you all were right, no REAL friend would sexualize me like this.
Some of you asked how I hide my chest so well, so I’m here to share my big boobie gal secrets for ya :) ❤️ My biggest tip is to avoid bras with those huge moulded, padded cups. All they do for me is add volume to my chest.
My holy grail bra is the Celestine bra from Adore M in a 32H for $24!!! I had the luxury of going into one of their stores to try on a couple styles. This bra fits like a SOCK. The cups are stretchy so even when I get period boobs, they still fit. Downside, they’re never in stock and I bully their instagram daily because of it.
Significantly more expensive but so worth it to me is the Chantelle Norah Chic underwire bra in a 32H for $84 :(. BUT girlies I’m telling you, go to Nordstrom, try this one on and your back pain will be GONEEEE. Slight padding for the nips, straps are also padded, and you can hardly feel the elastic on the band.
My go to everyday lounging bra is this $10 Hanes wireless bra in a Medium. Definitely not for long term wear as there’s hardly support but nice when you’re home and don’t wanna wear a wire. Super stretchy, I was shocked when it fit me, I have 4 lol.
Bikinis are my enemy but I found one this year I was really surprised by. TRUST ME HERE!!! This Victoria Secret bikini&cmmmc=PLA--GOOGLE--VSD_VS_Swim_PMAX--&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhOyK_5z8hQMVBZpaBR2MSgZGEAQYASABEgLiNvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) in a 34DDD fits me like a dream!!!! Straps are adjustable and the band is adjustable through some strings. Their bands are quite small, a 34 gave me better side boob coverage. I got it for $30 on sale and the bottoms are cheap too!
For sports bras, this popflex one is incredible! I tried a small and a medium, the fabric is so stretchy- I fit well in both but I like the tighter feel of the small when I’m exercising.
HONORABLE MENTION: since I wear bras with no padding most of the time, nips show through often. These nipple covers are the only ones worth their money. They don’t leave that dumb ring around your nipple under your clothes LMFAO
BONUS TIP: idk about you guys but I get tons of acne on my back and shoulders where my bra sits all day. The Everyday Brightening Body Wash has been the only thing that’s tamed my acne.
PSSSSSSS - the green dress is from H&M for 12.99!!! I’m wearing a small :)
I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what works for me and this list is all I’ve got LOL. I’m happy you all find me stylish and have been so sweet to me. I hope this helps some of you out the way you guys help me!!! ❤️
submitted by sleepykilljoy to bigboobproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:53 TheKokoyou [Série/Épisode/Téléfilm][2000s] Un requin dans la piscine d'un hôtel/paquebot

Je suis à la recherche d'un épisode de série ou d'un téléfilm qui aurait potentiellement été diffuser sur M6 au début des années 2000 en début de soirée entre 19h et 20h30 (typiquement aux horaires de diffusion des séries sitcom de l'époque comme "Une nounou d'enfer" ou "Notre belle famille")
Plus précisément je vais tenter de décrire la scène qui m'a choquée à l'époque et qui fait que plus de 20 ans après je rédige ce post.
*Possiblement des rires de public typique des sitcom*
et c'est tout...
Je me souviens avoir couper la tv à ce moment complètement horrifié par ce que je venais de voir.
Toutefois je pense sincèrement qu'il s'agissait d'une série humoristique tout public (au vu de l'heure de diffusion) et je ne pense pas non plus qu'il puisse s'agir d'un film diffusé en prime vu qu'à cet âge là je n'avais pas forcement le droit de veiller tard le soir.
Je précise aussi que pour moi il ne s'agit pas d'une production française mais bien d'un truc américain ou tout du moins anglophone.
Tout cela est basé sur un souvenir d'enfance donc faillible par nature (Par exemple je suis persuadé que cela à été diffuser sur M6 mais en réalité cela peut être sur TF1 ou autre, aucune certitude quant à la chaine de diffusion)
C'est donc une bouteille à la mer que je lance pour retrouver le nom de cette série et/ou épisode (en espérant qu'elle ne finisse dans un requin et que lui même ne finisse pas dans une piscine...)
Merci par avance.
submitted by TheKokoyou to SurLeBoutDeLaLangue [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:16 JaviLopezG La historia de España resumida en unos comentarios

La historia de España resumida en unos comentarios submitted by JaviLopezG to esHistoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:04 turbochupa Deliciosa en bikini

Deliciosa en bikini submitted by turbochupa to karymehernandez [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:24 Fragrant-Archer-2519 En bikini 😋

En bikini 😋 submitted by Fragrant-Archer-2519 to LaMartinita [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:40 diarioelmundo La directora del CNA, Gabriela Castellanos, destaca la preocupación por las estrategias políticas que buscan mantenerse en el poder a cualquier costo. Advirtió sobre la propuesta de un Tribunal Constitucional y la importancia de vigilar el proceso electoral. #CNA #Corrupción #Honduras

La directora del CNA, Gabriela Castellanos, destaca la preocupación por las estrategias políticas que buscan mantenerse en el poder a cualquier costo. Advirtió sobre la propuesta de un Tribunal Constitucional y la importancia de vigilar el proceso electoral. #CNA #Corrupción #Honduras submitted by diarioelmundo to elmundohn [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:40 diarioelmundo La directora del CNA, Gabriela Castellanos, destaca la preocupación por las estrategias políticas que buscan mantenerse en el poder a cualquier costo. Advirtió sobre la propuesta de un Tribunal Constitucional y la importancia de vigilar el proceso electoral. #CNA #Corrupción #Honduras

La directora del CNA, Gabriela Castellanos, destaca la preocupación por las estrategias políticas que buscan mantenerse en el poder a cualquier costo. Advirtió sobre la propuesta de un Tribunal Constitucional y la importancia de vigilar el proceso electoral. #CNA #Corrupción #Honduras submitted by diarioelmundo to u/diarioelmundo [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:24 tavatadiaz Azul mar, agua y yo

Azul mar, agua y yo
En el horizonte, el mar y el cielo se unen con gracia, Azul profundo reflejado en la superficie, una hermosa plaza. El viento susurra secretos, las olas bailan con soltura, Un paisaje sereno, una pintura de pura dulzura.
El azul del mar y del cielo se funden en un abrazo, Como un vínculo eterno, como un lazo. El bikini azul se desliza en las olas con elegancia, Belleza en movimiento, una danza de confianza.

tavatadiaz #poetry #ParaTi #Fyp #Trending #Viral #Desafío #Transición #DIY #explore #explorepage #fyp #latina #sexy #girls #women #foryou #BikiniAzul #Playa #Verano #Armonía #Mar #Cielo #Azul #Naturaleza
submitted by tavatadiaz to POESIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:45 AgreeableFarm8087 Creo os debo disculpas algunos usuarios esta comunidad por a actualizar como respuesta este post . Lo siento no era mi intención . Me daba curiosidad en internet había cosas de ese doblaje y no me esperaba encontrar tanto y actualicé como una persona haría hecho

Creo os debo disculpas algunos usuarios esta comunidad por a actualizar como respuesta este post . Lo siento no era mi intención . Me daba curiosidad en internet había cosas de ese doblaje y no me esperaba encontrar tanto y actualicé como una persona haría hecho submitted by AgreeableFarm8087 to LostMediaEsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:04 AgreeableFarm8087 ¿ Alguien sabe si existe doblaje en castellano oficial de la película man on the moon ( la película basada en Andy keufman o la película que dejo loco a Jim Carrey)?

¿ Alguien sabe si existe doblaje en castellano oficial de la película man on the moon ( la película basada en Andy keufman o la película que dejo loco a Jim Carrey)? submitted by AgreeableFarm8087 to LostMediaEsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 11:40 AgreeableFarm8087 ¿ Alguien sabe si existe doblaje en castellano oficial de la película man on the moon ( la película basada en Andy keufman o la película que dejo loco a Jim Carrey)?

¿ Alguien sabe si existe doblaje en castellano oficial de la película man on the moon ( la película basada en Andy keufman o la película que dejo loco a Jim Carrey)?
En YouTube solo se encuentran completa en latino Pero no se encuentra escenas o trailer en castellano . Me da curiosidad o dos preguntas ¿ realmente se doblo o no ? ¿ es lostmedia ?
submitted by AgreeableFarm8087 to doblaje [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 00:08 Other_Kitchen3810 Soy un superficial y no se que hacer

Necesito ayuda. No se porque, pero a veces me da un arrebato y solo me fijo en los defectos fisicos de mi pareja hasta el punto de obesionarme y rallarme.
Siempre me ha pasado, desde que empecé a salir con ella. A lo mejor un dia es por un pantalón que no le sienta bien y al cabo de 8 meses porque un bikini le aprieta. Llevamos ya casi 7 años y aunque la quiero mucho y es casi perfecta en todos los demas aspectos de la vida, en el tema sexual me falla esa atracción fisica. Tampoco es que yo sea perfecto y ella superobesa, pero sinceramente pienso (y creo que de forma objetiva es asi) que tengo mejor cuerpo que ella (sin entrar en detalles).
Con la edad cada vez me pasa menos lo de rallarme pero el problema es que cuando me pasa, ella lo nota y acabo diciéndoselo y hiriendola. Por lo que me siento doblemente mal: por pensar eso de su fisico y por herirla al decirselo.
No se si a alguien le ha pasado o le pasa algo similar y si tienen algun consejo…
Intento pensar en todo lo bueno de ella cuando empiezo a obesionarme, pero hay veces que es imposible.
submitted by Other_Kitchen3810 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:37 Other_Kitchen3810 Soy un puto superficial

Necesito ayuda. No se porque, pero a veces me da un arrebato y solo me fijo en los defectos fisicos de mi pareja hasta el punto de obesionarme y rallarme.
Siempre me ha pasado, desde que empecé a salir con ella. A lo mejor un dia es por un pantalón que no le sienta bien y al cabo de 8 meses porque un bikini le aprieta. Llevamos ya casi 7 años y aunque la quiero mucho y es casi perfecta en todos los demas aspectos de la vida, en el tema sexual me falla esa atracción fisica. Tampoco es que yo sea perfecto y ella superobesa, pero sinceramente pienso (y creo que de forma objetiva es asi) que tengo mejor cuerpo que ella (sin entrar en detalles).
Con la edad cada vez me pasa menos lo de rallarme pero el problema es que cuando me pasa, ella lo nota y acabo diciéndoselo y hiriendola. Por lo que me siento doblemente mal: por pensar eso de su fisico y por herirla al decirselo.
No se si a alguien le ha pasado o le pasa algo similar y si tienen algun consejo…
Intento pensar en todo lo bueno de ella cuando empiezo a obesionarme, pero hay veces que es imposible…
Estoy malgastando mi vida en esta relacion? Yo creo que la pareja perfecta no existe… y que si encontrase una mujer mas atractiva dudo que tuviera y me aportase todo lo demas que tiene mi pareja actual.
submitted by Other_Kitchen3810 to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:16 EssenseOfMagic Daily Releases (May 09, 2024)

Game Group Stores Review
Twin Mind Geisterjaeger Sammleredtion DELiGHT -
The Voice from Heaven DELiGHT Steam 64.71% (22)
The Unseen Fears Outlive Sammleredition DELiGHT -
The Red Book DELiGHT -
The Enthralling Realms Curse of Darkness DELiGHT -
The Enthralling Realms An Alchemists Tale DELiGHT Steam 71.43% (10)
Crossroad of Worlds Magische Sterne Sammleredition DELiGHT -
FOUNDRY Founders Edition Early Access ELiTE -
Hades II Early Access ELiTE -
King Arthur Legion IX ElAmigos Steam 76.19% (16)
State of Decay 2 Juggernaut Edition ElAmigos Steam 82.66% (52.6k)
Megaquarium ElAmigos Steam, GOG 95.01% (3.1k)
Disco Elysium The Final Cut ElAmigos Steam, GOG 93.37% (91.4k)
King Arthur Legion IX FLT Steam 76.19% (16)
Whispered Secrets Purrfect Horror Collectors Edition RAZOR -
Mercenary Battle Company The Reapers SKiDROW Steam -
Strongloween The Escape TENOKE Steam 100.00% (3)
Rainbow Cotton TENOKE Steam 40.00% (2)
Parkour Legends TENOKE Steam, Epic 100.00% (17)
Bikini Hunter Attack on Bikini Army TENOKE -
Parkitect prefuld00 Steam, GOG 94.47% (7.0k)
DeltaV Rings of Saturn prefuld00 -
Hero of the Kingdom The Lost Tales I prefuld00 Steam, GOG 88.98% (565)
Hero of the Kingdom The Lost Tales II prefuld00 Steam 88.98% (565)
Hero of the Kingdom III prefuld00 Steam, GOG 79.08% (1.4k)
Hero of the Kingdom II prefuld00 Steam, GOG 94.35% (2.3k)
V Rising x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Steam, Epic 88.35% (83.1k)
Update Group Stores Reviews
Contra.Operation.Galuga.update.09.05.2024-ElAmigos ElAmigos Steam 86.91% (332)
Police.Simulator.Patrol.Officers.update.13.2.6-13.4.4-ElAmigos ElAmigos Steam 80.75% (15.6k)
Lords.of.the.Fallen.2023.update.1.5.17-1.5.61-ElAmigos ElAmigos -
Tomb.Raider.I-III.Remastered.Starring.Lara.Croft.Update.2-RUNE RUNE -
Crusader.Kings.III.Legends.of.the.Dead.Update.v1.12.5-RUNE RUNE Steam 35.22% (1.2k)
Vagrus.The.Riven.Realms.Update.v1.165-TENOKE TENOKE Steam, GOG, Epic 85.16% (1.2k)
Touhou.Mystias.Izakaya.Update.v4.1.1-TENOKE TENOKE -
Slavania.Update.v1.0.3-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 63.33% (114) TENOKE Steam 88.11% (126)
Between.Horizons.Update.v1.1.0-TENOKE TENOKE Steam, GOG 94.00% (141)
Q: When will [insert game name here] be cracked?
A: STOP! CrackWatch members are not psychic. Games get cracked by completely ANONYMOUS SCENE GROUPS who don't disclose their progress or plans to the general public so NO ONE knows WHEN and IF a certain game will be cracked.
Q: What are all these NFO thingies? Where do I download?
A: NFOs are text files included with game releases which contain information about the releases. CrackWatch only informs which games have been cracked. To download look for the releases on CS.RIN.RU's forum or torrent websites. Useful websites can be found in The Beginners Guide or PiratedGames's Mega Thread.
Q: WTF is Denuvo?
A: Denuvo is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology used to protect games from being cracked. Games that have Denuvo are harder to crack and usually take much longer. See Pinned Post for a list of Denuvo games.
Q: An update is out, but it includes the base game as well! Can I only download the update without redownloading the entire game?
A: Yes. CS.RIN.RU is your friend.
submitted by EssenseOfMagic to CrackWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:16 MeatJordan Where CAN I protest this?

Ok, before you start reading below, I want you to visit this and read the whole article to better understand my situation:
I got banned from Lemmy social site servers for "CSAM" all because of this: the Napalm Girl pic and another thing I saw on Inside Edition's channel in addition to some nude statues - literally artwork of naked people - all because I was trying to protest ~the inconsistencies of censorship towards the female human~ - regardless of their race AND age!
Let me be clear on one thing: I didn't post any "CSAM" on the Lemmy servers! I'm protesting something that I feel is unfair towards the female human.
Please ~actually watch these before jumping to conclusions~ so you can actually understand what I’m really protesting!
Women Who Were Told Their Outfits Were ‘Too Revealing’
Mom Says She Was Kicked Out of Gym For Revealing Tank Top: I Felt Humiliated
Cops Dragged Woman Off Beach After Complaint About Her Bikini
It’s one thing to say a female’s outfit or body is “too revealing”,
Teens React After Yearbook Photos Are ‘Modesty Edited’
it’s two things to photoshop out a female’s cleavage to make her look “modest” for a yearbook or a portrait!
9-Year-Old Saves Family From House Fire (you'll have to find this on YouTube)
But censoring a topless preteen female who thought up an ingenious strategy to stay cool like her friends in the same stuffy room while at the same time not caring who’s around her? THAT’S REALLY CROSSING THE LINE!
It's all thanks to some videos from Inside Edition's YouTube Channel.All these videos Inside Edition posted are developing a question in my mind that's getting the better of me: why so much hate on the female human - even as children? Like, why do they censor the little girl's chest? Can't anybody learn to appreciate the appearance of the female body? Just like those parents of their own 8 year old daughter, I too am genuinely outraged by this type of treatment towards the female human!
And what's the big deal with nipples? I'm just trying to ensure everyone is treated equally regardless of race, and gender... AND age (after what I just witnessed). And if no one's gonna speak up about this, I might as well step up to the plate. After all, somebody's got to do it!
That little girl in the final video made two non-verbal messages clear: one: if a boy can do it, then so can a girl! And two: no one is too young for anything! As long as you have the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to do it properly and safely, you'll be fine. I was able to refuel my dad's car and cook my own dinner when I was 6 and without setting anything ablaze by accident.
However, when I try to illustrate with that video, even though Inside Edition is an official news channel, the responses I get back are rather bitter! They remove my post or ban me from the sites I post on for "promoting nudity involving a minor"!
Due to my autism, I only know basic English. So I need to illustrate to get most of my messages through. I thought hard, I tried, and low and behold, they were removed hours later mainly because they "didn't fit the subject of the forum". Even though my multi-subject based thread does have some material relating to this forum's topic. These sites and mods are all really stretching my problem solving skills beyond the breaking point for this one. I'm merely protesting with these pictures and videos as illustration. I'm not that good with words, so I need pictures to get half my messages across as noted above.
Many subreddits or forum sites don’t accept URLs, pictures, specific website URLs, or even a combination! Thereby hindering my ability to fully explain what I’m witnessing! In this case, the sentences “It’s one thing to say a girl’s outfit is ‘too revealing’, it’s two things to photoshop out a girl’s cleavage to make her look ‘modest’ for a yearbook.” actually corresponded to several videos I beared witness to on Inside Edition’s YouTube channel.
I actually tried to post that URL with that blurred 9yo girl in a subreddit in the past and you won’t believe this: I actually lost my reddit account for 2 days for “promoting nudity involving a minor”! Other sites like the adult video forums who accept uncensored nudity-based images I mentioned just delete my thread! Another site I recall banned me for 1 year for “spam” - even though I only made this protest post twice (after they removed it once).
So that meant I had to approach this from a different angle: after that experience, I got a little paranoid from using that said video URL to illustrate. So I tried explaining this protest without the URLs - and this is in conjunction with certain sites restricting my ability to post images, URLs, certain site URLs, or a combination. It seemed to end up making things worse! Because without the visual evidence, it makes it much harder to fully explain what I’m witnessing.
So without the URLs included - that visual illustration, on the sites I tried along with Lemmy World, it actually made things worse! That’s what lead Lemmy.World mods to ban me for life for “CSAM” or made other people think I watched child porn when I clearly didn’t. The lack of visual evidence (due to my past reddit experience combined with the site’s posting restrictions) is what lead to this “pedophile” confusion. So please help me talk some sense into the Lemmings world,, and mods that this was all a major misunderstanding and Lemmy is pretty much the only reddit alternative out here where I can try asking another question. My attempt to appeal has failed on 3 sites - even after I tried notifying the mods on the third Lemmy server site before making the post, so I need your help now!
I felt after Inside Edition uploaded that blurred 9yo girl video… I thought to myself “That’s the last straw!” Someone needs to protest these absurd censorship laws that they apply to the female human!
Why can males show most of their body but females can’t? - In most cases that is? Whatever happened to "Free The Nipple"?
Children should have the same… rights to do things as any adult! It’s about possessing the knowledge capacity and I.Q level to safely execute this action. E.G, on those “Family Day” episodes of The Price is Right and Let’s Make a Deal; those kids made smart choices when picking the correct numbers to items to win a prize.
I’m not joking around here! This type of treatment towards the female human needs to stop - this includes race and age. - It’s like racist people, but in age form.
Does it look like I’m laughing for fun? Of course not! Since no one else is protesting this, and YouTube has a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post on even random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I have to take more drastic measures to protest by stepping up to the plate and shouting out “Can’t we all be equal in terms of a huge variety of traits?” Yeah, the last thing I need is a vein-bleeding broken-record robot impeding or hindering my ability to seek answers to a question!
We need to learn to appreciate or accept how the female body appears regardless of race and age!
Stop trying to blame it all on me! None of the stuff in the vids posted, is that. If it was, Inside Edition would be the guilty party, and Youtube for not having already deleted them. If it doesn’t violate Youtube’s TOS, it should be fine to post anywhere. If there was even a hint of impropriety to it, at the minimum the vid would have been age restricted.
No one would answer! Not even Inside Edition themselves were willing to offer an answer when I even found their email address, the sites dedicated to helping those in mental, suicidal, or emotional distress (those forum sites even PERMA-banned me for "spam" - that's right, SPAM! (Even though there was absolutely no mention of a permanent ban or rule about "spam" in their forum guidelines!) Is that the definition of "spam" when I make a bad thread only once?! And when I try to appeal the ban, the same message "please contact the administrator if it was done in error" is blocking my ability to click the contact button! Or sometimes it's a blank white page with that message in the top left corner of the window! - Which adds more insult to injury, because I can't click anything as all the buttons have disappeared! That means I can't log out of that site either!), OR the adult video forums that support uncensored nudity images would accept that video link URL let alone the entire topic itself! So I really am at a loss for thoughts and words on what I just experienced! Heck, I even tried the professional therapists of But even they too were too reluctant to talk as they claim my post regarding the censorship of women is not for their platform and they disconnected the chat 2 seconds after their last reply to me. And I highly doubt that ANY site will allow me to illustrate with a picture of the Napalm Girl (Phan Thi Kim Phuc) when she was 9, certain pictures of Pampers diaper boxes (why do you think they (Pampers, Huggies, etc.) even allow a pic of a topless little boy or girl to be plastered on a diaper box we see in grocery stores/supermarkets everyday?), Leela when she was an infant in the episode Leela's Homeworld, or even Belgium's famous kids: Manneken Pis/Jeanneke Pis. Do you think she along with other nude statues around the world are trying to promote pedos?
That, combined with YouTube having a flawed comment moderating system hindering my ability to post comments on certain-to-random videos (I.E, "ghosting"), I'm forced to take more drastic measures to get my messages across. All this combined, ~I'VE NEVER FELT SO SHUNNED FROM THE INTERNET IN ALL MY LIFE!~
But here's a strange catch: sometimes on some sites, Napalm Girl is censored, other sites she isn't. So I felt that I need to protest this. It seems everyone is too chicken to even start this subject! Don't these numbskulls know not to judge a book by it's cover?! This is where I ask myself "NOW WHAT?!". This can't be one of those "exceptional" cases where they say "suicide never solves anything" doesn't apply to these types of situations. In other words, all hope for resolving these types of situations really is lost. I really do feel left in the dark on both the subject of sound effects and nudity!
Once more, I'm not being a ped, I'm protesting all these absurd censorship rules and regulations that revolve around the female human - regardless of race and age - after what Inside Edition posted. Watch the videos I found again for clarification. In other words, ~the inconsistencies of female human censorship~.
Can you really - you know, hurl insults at Inside Edition or blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere.
But some areas censored Napalm Girl's nipples, but others did not - excluding her groin. Then there's the diaper boxes I found in any supermarket. And finally... Surprise surprise: typical women being scolded by other people for wearing something "inappropriate" or "showing too much of their body". I look around and since no one else is protesting about this, I might as well do it! After all, someone's gotta step up to the plate to hit that ball! I will not sit idling by the sidelines and continue to watch the female human get treated/censored like this! I will stand up, step up, and speak out towards these absurd reactions, rules, and regulations that revolve around the appearance and censorship of the female body!
submitted by MeatJordan to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:31 ABoringAddress 'Civil War' Discussion (For People From Countries that Experienced a Recent Civil War or Dictatorship)

Hi! So, I'm Chilean, born and raised a few minutes after the dictatorship. Also a bit of a US-obsessed political junkie, which had me dreading Civil War but also a bit excited. My short take is that I really loved some parts, but overall... Roxana Hadadi at Vulture said it better: It became trapped in its own cynicism and went too ambiguous in its politics for it to say something with a punch. That being said, there were clever moments, like the fact [SPOILERS AHEAD] that nearly all the refugees in the camp the protagonist stay at are BIPOC. Or more pointedly, that when the neonazi militias kidnap Jessie and Bohai, it is Sammy, the only Black person among them, who realizes that "negotiating" with them is a waste... just plow through them with what you have at hand.
But in all, and as someone from a country who carries the intergenerational trauma of dictatorship and civil strife (not to mention the uprising of 2019), this movie reinforced an opinion I have: White Americans and Non-Irish Britons still can't fully grasp what it is to live under a dictatorship and/or civil conflict*. Even for those who migrated from an European country, by the second generation, they assimilate into an experience that blocks them from understanding what it means to have your civil rights stripped from you, if not the entire infrastructure of life as you knew it. It feels like in real life as in the movie, they generally become spectators of foreign tragedies, one that every once in a while grazes them (9/11, the IRA bombing campaigns in England), but has never really touched them... so far. And in being spectators, they tend to gloss over the causes of the conflict (9/10 times, something the US or UK fucked up). Civil War should've explored further the causes of the conflict beyond the "neutrality" of the journo main characters.
Which leads me to my biggest gripe with Garland's decisions: He based a lot of this second civil war to ones like the Lebanese Civil War, with its multiple parties clashing and switching alliances, all committing similar levels of war crimes, the ultimate thesis of the movie being "war is brutal, don't do it". But in the current context we are in, it becomes clearer that this CWII would look more like the Bosnian-Kosovo War: Both sides commited war crimes, but one did it on a much larger, systematic and state-sponsored scale, and sometimes conflict is just the only option you're left with against a tyrannical force. That is a conversation we're having in Chile as of recently: Were the scattered armed resistance groups agains the dictatorship justified? We were lucky to have the "Good Ending" (conditions apply), the dictatorship was ousted via referendum, but the evening of said referendum we came this fucking close to the dictatorship just stealing the election and the country being plunged into a similar civil war, and me probably being born in the US Embassy or something (long story).
But people in Syria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone or Thailand haven't been as lucky. So I would love to hear how was the Civil War Movie Experience for y'all. Do you believe actually Alex Garland got it? Did it hit different? (BTW, marginalized folks from the US are welcome too, of course)
submitted by ABoringAddress to A24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:53 Sweaty-Particular406 Bob's Burgers the Movie Pops

Bob's Burgers the Movie Pops submitted by Sweaty-Particular406 to FunkoNoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:59 sara-chan-bot Deepfake images on any website using Try-it-on

Just joking, Try-it-on cant really deepfake image on any website. However, you can use Try-it-on to "shallow fake" any image by overlaying a headshot over the original image.
I made this because I always have a hard time picking out clothes, and being able to to see my face on it helps a little (still terrible, but it helps). It also helps when I try to pick out gifts for family and friends. Or have a good laugh slapping Steve's face on a bikini model.
I hope it could be useful somehow.
submitted by sara-chan-bot to chrome_extensions [link] [comments]