Does cymbalta have sulfa in it


2016.07.23 16:09 Damn_Amazon Gatekeeping

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2015.10.27 03:13 Idiots In Cars

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2015.03.09 00:47 HadToHurt

Any video, gif or picture of something that looks like it had to hurt. This is a safe for work sub.

2011.12.21 18:07 dyslexiclemur My Mom is Going through Menopause and Is Experiencing Extreme Itchiness on Her Extremities; Doctors Have not been able to give an Answer - Help!

(Posted this in health as well, but perhaps you ladies can give advice)
My mom is 51 and has been experiencing menopausal symptoms for about a year. Within the last 8 months (since February), her hands and feet have been intensely itchy and she occasionally experiences itchiness on her scalp. Sometimes the itchiness is coupled with a burning/stinging sensation. The itchiness is fairly regular, but rises and falls in severity. She says it seems to be more intense around menstruation, which, due to menopause, has been highly irregular (she has had normal periods for her whole life). She does not have any dry patches, welts, sores, or any other indication of a problem on her hands and feet. They have swollen to an enormous size about three times since the itching began, and she says it has typically been after a long day of walking.
As mentioned, she's been to the doctor and her gynecologist about this and has received no answer. She just recently got a food allergy test and nothing came up. In October she got a general blood test, which also showed nothing unusual.
A bit of medical history about her, if that helps: her general health has always been good. She is allergic to some medications: sulfa, penicillin, and ceclor. Currently, she is taking Cymbalta, which she's been on for over 2 years. She takes about 60mg a day, which is an average dose. She likes to take a lot of vitamins, but she has stopped for about a month and half and nothing has changed. She has never had any skin problems, like eczema or psoriasis.
We suspect it has something to do with menopause and perhaps you guys know another woman who has experienced this. If not, any one have any ideas? We don't think it's serious, but we would like to figure out what's going on. (Also let me know if this would be more appropriate in a different subreddit.) Thanks a bunch!
TL;DR: Mom is going through menopause and experiences extreme itchiness on her hands and feet; doctors she's consulted have no idea; is it related to menopause or something else?
submitted by dyslexiclemur to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2011.12.21 17:44 dyslexiclemur My Mom is Going through Menopause and Is Experiencing Extreme Itchiness on Her Extremities; Doctors Have not been able to give an Answer - Help!

My mom is 51 and has been experiencing menopausal symptoms for about a year. Within the last 8 months (since February), her hands and feet have been intensely itchy and she occasionally experiences itchiness on her scalp. Sometimes the itchiness is coupled with a burning/stinging sensation. The itchiness is fairly regular, but rises and falls in severity. She says it seems to be more intense around menstruation, which, due to menopause, has been highly irregular (she has had normal periods for her whole life). She does not have any dry patches, welts, sores, or any other indication of a problem on her hands and feet. They have swollen to an enormous size about three times since the itching began, and she says it has typically been after a long day of walking.
As mentioned, she's been to the doctor and her gynecologist about this and has received no answer. She just recently got a food allergy test and nothing came up. In October she got a general blood test, which also showed nothing unusual.
A bit of medical history about her, if that helps: her general health has always been good. She is allergic to some medications: sulfa, penicillin, and ceclor. Currently, she is taking Cymbalta, which she's been on for over 2 years. She takes about 60mg a day, which is an average dose. She likes to take a lot of vitamins, but she has stopped for about a month and half and nothing has changed. She has never had any skin problems, like eczema or psoriasis.
We suspect it has something to do with menopause and perhaps you guys know another woman who has experienced this. If not, any one have any ideas? We don't think it's serious, but we would like to figure out what's going on. (Also let me know if this would be more appropriate in a different subreddit.) Thanks a bunch!
TL;DR: Mom is going through menopause and experiences extreme itchiness on her hands and feet; doctors she's consulted have no idea; is it related to menopause or something else?
submitted by dyslexiclemur to Health [link] [comments]