Kandee lixxx new movie

Betrayed by my mom my friends and my ex girlfriend

2024.05.15 11:08 Sufficiently_Bad_ Betrayed by my mom my friends and my ex girlfriend

I am an 18 year old male. So much shit has happened to me since October of last year. I've been so depressed and suicidal for what feels like forever. In October I realized my mom had taken away payment for my therapy, this was after my therapist had told me my mom was abusing me and manipulating me and I confronted her about it. I asked for her to explain herself and she did nothing but defend her actions and criticize me. I stopped talking to her. I told her I needed her to acknowledgment that what she did was wrong and how deeply it has hurt me. She did nothing but defend her actions even more. I've since realized my mother is an abusive narcassist, and these patterns have been there my whole life. My family tried to pressure me into fixing my relationship with ny mom, but all I did was ask her to apologize for cutting my payment to therapy without my knowledge. It has been 7 months, I've heard nothing. No apology, no acknowledgment, nothing. I live with my dad now. A week after I stopped talking to my mom (still October) I asked my ex girlfriend to be friends with benifits (rookie mistake I know) she was my first girlfriend and I was upset and felt so alone. She told me I was disgusting and only wanted her for a body and told me she was dating her male best friend from when we were together. She had told me days before that this was not the case, so she had been lying to my face for weeks. She was my best friend, and she betrayed me, lied to me, and left me alone with zero support in the toughest time in my entire lift. She told me she doesn't want to speak to me anymore. I apologized many times but it didn't change yet mind. 3 weeks later I was hanging out with this new friend group, with a couple of guys and a girl. I liked the girl, and I was pretty sure she liked me too. My other best friend, was in that friend group and hung out with us everyday. I told him I liked her. I asked her to come over, we cuddled amd watched a bunch of movies, and then I asked to kiss her. She rejected me on the spot. Said I was sweet but she wasn't into me. I talk to my best friend about it. He says I was in the wrong for 'pressuring' her into cuddling with Mr which was not the case at all. He convinces the girl I forced myself onto her and that she wasn't capable of making decisions for herself since she had a glass of wine earlier. A month later I found out my best friend was sleeping with her while almost immediately after that night. Everyone in my life betrays me. Everyone is terrible. I don't believe in good people anymore. I serve a purpose and then people move on when I stop serving that purpose. I am suicidal and am genuinely considering taking my life. I can't do this anymore. Everyone except my dad and my brother in my family cut ties with me the day I set a boundary with my mom. I lost both my best friends in the shittiest way possible. I'm jobless and feel like a waste of space. I'm thinking of swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills and antidepressants in order to do the deed. Part of me wants to live hut I just don't see a way out. Everyone in my life treats me like shit. I just can't do this.
submitted by Sufficiently_Bad_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:07 Head-Investigator-79 Can figma make a new version of this one?

Can figma make a new version of this one?
I can't believe they still have this one after so many years. I would love if they'll make a new one from the second movie.
submitted by Head-Investigator-79 to Frozen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:02 Mattele FF7 Rebirth's ending completely destroyed me. Need help

Hello reddit.
It's been 4 days since I finished Chap14. Took me roughly 80 hours, in the span of exactly 3 weeks. I was fortunate enough to find some free time to really immerse myself into Rebirth for the full 3 weeks.
But now it's been 4 days, I can't go back to 'normal'. Still crying on a regular basis, unable to move on.
It comes from two things:
One, I do believe that in my 20+ years of gaming, FF7 Rebirth is the best single player game I've ever played, from top to bottom. Combat is excellent, music it out of this world, I loved all the side activities, the charm shining through every moment, the locations and how polished everything was. Playing other games since then feels wrong. I came back to Destiny and Diablo, and these two games feel boring af. I feel anxious that this game destroyed gaming (at least a little bit) for me, because nothing comes close to this level of quality.
Second: I got really attached to the characters, especially Aerith. Don't get me wrong, I am in my thirties, I completely understand that it's a fictional character, but seeing the romance between Aerith and Cloud hit me harder than it has any reason to be. She's literally perfect, the way she is written, the way she looks and behaves, the way she's acted and animated. The Chap12 Gold Saucer date is when I started to feel unwell. I haven't played the OG, but i was fully aware what her fate was, which made this sorta like a sequel to Arrival, one of my favourite movies.
But then, the ending, confused as it was (along with the ending of chap13) really brought it home. I can't believe being more emotional over any piece of art like this. The 'last date' in Sector 5 was definitely the highlight.
It's been difficult to look for help or comfort from my friends or family - I'm the only gamer here, so I don't want to be vulnerable around them - the worst thing they can do is say "it's just a video game". So that's why I came here.
I don't want this thread to become another ending theory discussions hub (there are plenty of those already), but obviously I'm the "Aerith is alive, Cloud did create a new timeline" camp, but at this point I'm not sure if I truly believe in that, or it's just me coping (like Cloud is, based on the other theories). The genius of Square is that, at least for me, they managed to have cake and eat it too - they didn't fully commit to killing Aerith, yet they managed the ending to feel impactful and emotional, as if they did commit.
So, there I am, unable to move on. Still thinking about this almost constantly, crying sporadically, feeling this overwhelming loss, as if I actually knew her. I guess I'm a sucker for Japanese tragic romance stories - and this is what Rebirth essentially is for me.
I'm aware that time heals wounds and all that, but waiting 3-4 years to see the conclusion of this story is going to be devastating.
submitted by Mattele to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:00 AutoModerator What are we watching Wednesday!

Have you found the new Squid games, ready to go viral from your recommendation? 😂
Share with us your movies/shows/podcast finds, so we can all ignore real life together
submitted by AutoModerator to CasualIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:57 EvenDummer 24[M4F] - Netherlands - Typical Dutch geek looking for someone to be himself around

You know that feeling when you see a cute cat or dog and you just need to hug it? I'm looking for that, but with someone I love and who loves me.
But naturally, that's not something that can happen overnight. I always need some time to get used to people and get comfortable around them, so I'm mainly looking for someone to have a nice chat with. Someone who shows interest in me and tries to keep a conversation going (naturally, this goes both ways). Ideally someone with similar interests, such as gaming, magic the gathering, painting or basically any other creative ot nerdy hobby. If you're looking for someone to share your hobby with, now is your chance! I always love it when people get passionate about the things they like, and there's a good chance I'd want to try it.
A little info about me: I'm born and raised in the Netherlands, and I currently live close to the southern border where I'm studying Game Design. I've often been called kind, compassionate, open minded, and a good listener, but also an overthinker, and overly crtical at times. I'm 1,85m tall, Caucasian, and slightly on the chubby side. It's something I'd like to work on, but I've never been able to find a good reason to. I'm the type of guy who prefers a cozy movie/gaming night over a club or dance event, but I'm always open to trying new things.
About you: honestly, not much to say here. All I ask is that you're a rational person who's willing to communicate when you're bothered by something, and that you're within reasonable travel distance from me (anywhere in the Netherlands, or just over the belgian/german border. Even the UK or France would be possible if we really click!). Shared interests would be a massive plus, but not a requirement.
Anyways that's enouh out of me, just send me a message if you'd like to chat!
submitted by EvenDummer to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:54 Constant_Committee51 I am secretly in love with your best friend, who is the half-brother of a famous actor. He invites me to his brother’s movie premiere, but things don’t go as I expected.

I've always had a crush on Grethel, ever since we met in freshman year. He was smart, funny, kind, and handsome. He was also the half-brother of """Josh Gogh""(not his real name)"", the famous actor. Grethel never bragged about it, though. He was humble and down-to-earth, unlike his celebrity sibling.
We became good friends over the years, sharing classes, hobbies, and secrets. We also worked part-time at the same bookstore, where we would chat and joke around during our shifts. Sometimes, I would catch him looking at me with a soft smile, and I would feel my heart skip a beat.
But I never told him how I felt. I was too afraid to ruin our friendship, or to be rejected. I didn't think he would ever see me as more than a friend. After all, he was the half-brother of an actor. He could have any girl he wanted.
Grethel lived with his mom and his younger brother in a modest house near our school and workplace, while I lived in a distant suburb. Whenever we had a long break between classes or shifts, he would invite me to his place to hang out. He said it was more convenient and comfortable than staying at the library or the cafeteria.
I always accepted his invitation, secretly hoping to spend more time with him. His house was cozy and warm, with family photos and souvenirs on the walls. He had a couch, a TV, a fridge, and a microwave in the living room, and a bunk bed, a desk, and a closet in his bedroom. He also had a spare room, where his brother Josh would stay whenever he visited.
Grethel and I had an awkward friendship at first, but we soon became closer. He would tease me, make me laugh, and share his thoughts and feelings with me. He would also play video games with me, or watch movies with me, or cook for me. He was the best friend I ever had, and I wished he was more.
One day, he asked me if I wanted to go to his brother's movie premiere with him. He said he had two tickets, and he didn't want to go alone. He said it would be fun, and we could hang out afterwards. I agreed, feeling a surge of excitement and nervousness.
I spent hours getting ready, trying to look my best. I wore a simple but elegant dress, and did my hair and makeup. I hoped he would notice me, and maybe feel something for me.
He picked me up in his car, and he looked stunning. He wore a black suit and a tie, and his hair was styled. He smiled when he saw me, and complimented me on my appearance. He said I looked beautiful. I felt my cheeks flush, and thanked him.
We drove to the theater, where we were greeted by a crowd of fans and paparazzi. Grethel held my hand as we walked through the chaos, and I felt a thrill of being with him. He led me to the red carpet, where his brother was waiting.
Josh Gogh looked just like he did on the screen, only more handsome. He had a charming smile and a confident posture. He hugged Grethel, and then turned to me. He looked me over, and raised his eyebrows.
"Who's this?" he asked Grethel, with a hint of curiosity.
"This is my friend, Marie," Grethel introduced me. "She's my classmate and co-worker. We came here together."
"Friend, huh?" Josh said, looking at our intertwined hands. "Well, nice to meet you, Marie. You're very pretty. Are you a fan of my movies?"
I nodded, feeling a bit starstruck. "Yes, I am. I've seen all of them. You're a great actor."
"Thank you. That's very kind of you to say. You have good taste," he said, flashing a smile. "Well, I hope you enjoy the show. Come on, Grethel. Let's go inside. The movie is about to start."
He pulled Grethel away, leaving me behind. I followed them, feeling a bit awkward. I wondered what Josh meant by his words. Was he flirting with me? Did he like me? Did he know about my feelings for Grethel?
We entered the theater, where we were seated in the front row. Grethel sat next to me, and Josh sat next to him. The lights dimmed, and the movie began. It was a thriller, and it was intense. Josh was the star, and he stole every scene. The audience gasped and clapped, and I joined them.
But I couldn't help but glance at Grethel, who was watching the movie with a serious expression. He didn't gasp or clap, even at the most shocking moments. He seemed distant and distracted, as if he was thinking about something else.
I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I didn't want to disturb him. I decided to wait until the movie was over, and then talk to him. Maybe he would open up to me, and maybe I would find the courage to confess my feelings.
But as the movie ended, and the credits rolled, Josh stood up and grabbed Grethel's arm. He said he had to go to the after-party, and he wanted Grethel to come with him. He said he had something important to tell him, something that would change his life.
He didn't even look at me, or say goodbye. He just dragged Grethel out of the theater, leaving me alone. I felt a pang of hurt and confusion, wondering what Josh had to say to Grethel, and why he didn't care about me.
I got up, and walked out of the theater. I looked for Grethel's car, but I couldn't find it. I realized he had left with Josh, and he had forgotten about me. I felt tears sting my eyes, and I cursed myself for being so stupid.
I hailed a taxi, and gave the driver my address. I sat in the back seat, feeling miserable and hopeless. I wondered if Grethel would ever call me, or text me, or apologize. I wondered if he would ever know how I felt, or if he felt the same.
I wondered if I would ever see him again.
I remembered the last time I saw him, before the premiere. It was the day before, and we had a long break between our classes. He invited me to his place, as usual. I agreed, as usual.
We went to his house, and he made us some sandwiches. We ate them in the living room, while watching a sitcom on TV. We laughed at the jokes, and commented on the characters. We were having a good time, as usual.
Then he suggested we play some video games. He said he had a new game that he wanted to try. I agreed, as usual. We went to his bedroom, where he had his console and his TV. He turned on the game, and handed me a controller.
We played for a while, and it was fun. The game was a racing game, and we competed against each other. He was better than me, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed his company, as usual.
Then I felt tired, and I yawned. He noticed, and asked me if I wanted to take a nap. He said I could use his bed, and he would use the couch. I agreed, as usual.
He gave me a pillow and a blanket, and told me to make myself comfortable. He said he would wake me up when it was time to go. I thanked him, and lay down on his bed. He left the room, and closed the door.
I closed my eyes, and breathed in his scent. His bed smelled like him, and it made me feel warm and cozy. I cuddled with his pillow, and imagined it was him. I fell asleep, as usual.
I woke up, and opened my eyes. I saw him, and I smiled. He was lying on the lower bunk, playing video games. He didn't notice me, and he was focused on the screen. He looked cute, and I felt happy.
I got up, and climbed down from the upper bunk. I walked over to him, and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and saw me. He smiled, and paused the game.
"Hey, sleepyhead. How was your nap?" he asked me.
"It was good. Thanks for letting me use your bed," I said.
"No problem. You looked tired. Did you have a good dream?" he asked.
I nodded, and lied. "Yeah, I did."
I didn't tell him that I dreamed of him. I didn't tell him that I loved him. I didn't tell him that I wanted to be more than friends.
I didn't tell him, as usual. ```
submitted by Constant_Committee51 to Secrets_of_Pandora [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:52 AlexFerrana Punisher (MCU/Netflix) ends up in the "Purge" universe. Can he survive there?

More info about the "Purge" franchise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Purge
"Purge" is a dystopian thrillehorror franchise with some elements of drama and action, consisting of TV series (2 seasons) and 5 movies. Let's imagine that Punisher from MCU/Netflix has ended up there for whatever reason. Can he survive there?
Rules: Punisher has his body armor with a skull insignia on the chest and his weapons, but has no knowledge about the 'verse and about the "Purge" events. But he can do a recon work and learn new things about this new place where he is now. Punisher can cooperate with other people, team up if it's necessary and use any weapon and vehicles he can find there. Punisher's main goal is survive and, if it's possible, help the opposition of a "Purge" conception to overthrow the U.S. government and abolish the "Purge" law.
submitted by AlexFerrana to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:44 devoevoisme "Your cock is my new movie, and I am the director"

Bro I wish that I can find a girl that would talk to me like that.
submitted by devoevoisme to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:42 Pixel_Pusher_123 Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum to release in 2026

“Warner Bros. will release the first of its new batch of live-action “The Lord of the Rings” films in 2026, which will focus on Andy Serkis’ Gollum.
Original “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy filmmaker Peter Jackson and his partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens are producing the movie and “will be involved every step of the way,” Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav said during an earnings call Thursday.”
Hopefully this will provide lots of VFX work and inspiration for the industry.
submitted by Pixel_Pusher_123 to vfx [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:38 Carbon_Fart-icles nag imagine na agad ako ng future just seconds after chat started

bullets na lang kase nasa wurk ako haha ganito ata pag hopeless romantic na desperadong makawala sa loneliness haha, kakasali lang ng phr4r kineme kase sinuggest ng tropa ko then kanina lang nag post ako mga kimi kimi so ayun
So ito na nga
just like convenience, companionship is expensive kahit walang money inviolved (lalo na yung transactional companionship hahaha)
ayun medyo okay na ako haha maglalakad lakad na lang ulit ako sa seaside mamaya pag uwi
submitted by Carbon_Fart-icles to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:37 SirCrayonSnorter Happy ADHD Gamer 26M, started a new chapter in life and want new people to enjoy it with

Good morning my fellow reader,
I have recently decided it is time to move forward in life and change things like getting rid of bad habits and continuing good ones, and this means giving Reddit another chance in making potentially a new friend or friend group. Below is a little list and sample of what I am like so please message me if you feel like I’d make a good friend. Just to warn I have been told I give golden retriever vibes and I have ADHD lol.
First thing is I’m a huge nerd for anything sci-fi or fantasy. I love to escape reality so I enjoy games like halo, mass effect, dragon age, dark souls, destiny, crusader kings 3, Stellaris, elden ring, assassins creed (mostly the original series), fall out, Skyrim and some others I cannot think off.
While escaping reality I also love watching movies but more so space related as the never do fantasy justice. My top movies in no order are; how to train your dragon, kung fu panda, gladiator, interstellar, dredd, guardians of the galaxy. There are more but I cannot think of them right now lol
So if I’m not gaming or watching movies I’m either star gazing or in the gym. I go to the gym 5 times a week and i am training to be as strong as my body will allow me. I won’t say my best lifts here but if interested send me a message and ask as I do enjoy talking about the gym life.
Hope you enjoyed reading this and hope we can be friends. If you’re struggling to open a conversation with me just send a little intro and I’d love to chat.
submitted by SirCrayonSnorter to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:33 MythicArceus 21M Haven't made any new online friends in a long time, I would love to make a new friend to hang out with!

Hello! A lot of the friendships I made around here did not last that long. Never really had a long-lasting friendship where it continues after a day. I thought it would be a good idea to post here!
Some hobbies and interests that I have would be watching tons of movies, don't really have a particular favourite movie. I'm usually the type to watch any type of genre. I've rewatched a lot of All About Lily Chou-Chou. End of Evangelion, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Everything Everywhere All at Once. I'd be able to talk a lot of the movies I watched, we can recommend each other a lot.
My favourite anime are Welcome to the NHK, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain. Favourite games that I nerd still would be the Persona games, Bloodborne, Drakengard and NieR, Pokémon.
Multiplayer games that we could play together are Roblox, Warframe, Minecraft, Terraria, League of Legends, Overwatch 2, Monster Hunter World. Keep in mind I'm quite new to the last three games I just mentioned, lastly I am able to voice call.
I'm from PST, so do message if you're comfortable with that time, I'll be awake a lot, don't have much going on with my life right now. I don't mind any gender as long you are 18+
submitted by MythicArceus to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:31 philipsindia Best Atmos Soundbar by Philips

Best Atmos Soundbar by Philips
Best Atmos Soundbar by Philips
Looking to upgrade your home audio setup? If so, Philips India has got you covered with their cutting-edge Atmos sound bars. These devices promise to transform your living room into a cinematic experience with their immersive audio capabilities. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Atmos sound technology, explore the features of Philips Atmos sound bars, and show you why these are a must-have for any home entertainment system.

Comprehending Atmospheric Sound Technology

Understand Dolby Atmos.

Dolby Atmos is a ground-breaking audio technology that adds height channels to sound so that it can be perceived as three-dimensional objects, making for a more immersive sound experience. You get the impression that noises are coming from all directions as a result, including overhead.

What Distinctions Do Atmos Soundbars Have?

Conventional sound systems use channels, such as left, right, and centre, to distribute audio. On the other hand, Dolby Atmos enhances the authenticity and depth of audio by introducing a more dynamic sound field by allowing sound to move freely in a three-dimensional space.

The Evolution of Sound Bars

The Development of Home Audio Systems

From heavy speakers and convoluted wires, home audio systems have advanced significantly. The current trend is towards small, elegant solutions that provide great sound quality without any bother.

Advantages of Sound Bars Compared to Conventional Speakers

Simple to install, Philips Atmos soundbars have a sleek appearance and can often deliver the same power as bulkier speaker systems. For contemporary homes where aesthetics and space are important, they are ideal.

Philips Atmos Sound Bar Features

Elegant Style and Simple Installation

Because of their minimalistic form, Philips Atmos sound bars are a chic addition to any space. Their quick setup procedure guarantees that you can quickly begin enjoying excellent sound.

Engrossing Aural Experience

Philips sound bars deliver an immersive audio experience that puts you in the centre of the action thanks to Dolby Atmos technology. A game, a concert, or a movie — the sound quality is incredibly engrossing.

Options for Connectivity

With the HDMI, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity options that these sound bars offer, connecting multiple devices is simple.

Smart Functionality and Integration

Convenience and usability are increased with Philips Atmos sound bars thanks to their smart features, which include voice assistant compatibility and interaction with smart home systems.

Why Buy an Atmos Sound Bar from Philips?

Excellent Audio Quality

Philips is renowned for its dedication to providing excellent sound quality. Your entertainment comes to life with their powerful, clear, and crisp audio thanks to their Atmos sound bars.

Cutting-edge technology

To guarantee that its sound bars fulfil the highest criteria of performance and dependability, Philips integrates the newest technology into them.

Customer Service and Guarantee

Philips India provides top-notch warranty services and customer support to ensure that you are happy with your purchase.

Improving Your Experience with Home Entertainment

Connecting up with a Philips TV

When your TV and Philips Atmos soundbars are paired, you can enjoy a smooth and synchronised visual and audio experience.

Making Use of Streaming Services

With the compatibility of multiple streaming services, the majority of Philips Atmos soundbars let you enjoy movies, TV episodes, and music in high-quality audio.

Using Atmos Sound for Gaming

Philips Atmos sound bars provide gamers a competitive advantage by producing immersive audio that enhances the lifelike and captivating experience of gaming.

In summary

A Philips Atmos sound bar is a wise purchase for anyone trying to improve their home theatre system. Philips Atmos soundbars provide a wonderful audio experience that will enhance your enjoyment of films, music and games with their excellent sound quality, cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features.
Philips Atmos soundbars offer the best performance and convenience whether you’re building up a brand-new home theatre or upgrading your old setup.
submitted by philipsindia to u/philipsindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 createdjustforthis23 15/05/2024

I feel headachey and tired today but my mood feels better than yesterday so that’s good!
We were in the middle of a conversation last night, he had me utterly soaked and losing my mind and then it went silent and I couldn’t hear him and when I tell you the timing could not have been worse I am not kidding. Except it turns out he could still hear me, which I felt embarrassed about later because I was basically being a little whimpering mess because I assumed he couldn’t hear anything either like he normally can’t. So anyway now he must know he’s baby because I was saying things like baby come back and where are you like an absolute idiot. I think my brain cells lessen even more so when I’m in that frame of mind. Wait and so that means he’d already cum and was over the whole thing and I didn’t know and I kept going, and he kept like
 encouraging it with the dirty stuff he was saying. That’s kind of embarrassing that he was just sat there twiddling his thumbs and there I was sounding so stupid. He’s so sweet.
I’ve decided the middle-ish bit of the miss murder song sounds like Jeff Buckley for a little bit, not the voice but the music bit. Only briefly. Anyway my poppunky phase has still returned, I feel 14 again listening to the used and stuff, what a time. I’ve only saved the main big ones to this new playlist though, I know I’m forgetting a bunch of not top 40 kinda ones but whatever these are scratch my lil itch. I’m also just having a lil nostalgic phase with that playlist - it’s wild how much my music taste has changed
 but also stayed the same? I loved the klaxons back then, I’m listening to them again and I still like them, and I’m remembering lyrics when I forgot said song even existed. Maybe that’s why I remember nothing from school, because my head is filled with useless lyrics. Good one, brain. Or Simian Mobile Disco? Entirely forgot they existed. I never forgot about the yeah yeah yeahs though, I have succcchhhhhhhh a vivid memory of listening to them while walking around some suburb in Brisbane while we were visiting my aunty and uncle, I think I was 14 or 15, and I was wearing a white tshirt because I remember it started pouring down and it went see through and I felt super embarrassed. But it was night time, or like after dinner time, and I was just going on a stroll cause idk I was a teenager and probably wanted some space to be my angsty self. I remember my uncle had a movie room, not really but he called it that, and it had bean bags and stuff and he had all the HP movies, or at least whatever was out by then. And now I’m day dreaming about how I was a couple cities away from my honey, except what’s the bet he would take one look at 14/15 year old me when he was like 18/19 and be like ew get away from me you little creep. Anyway. Le Tigre were big for me. Xray spex too, the intro to oh bondage up yours still to this day haunts my mind. I listened to that germ free adolescent album a lot at one stage. I’ve just listened to a bunch of it now and I still like it a lot. I have to say the more my mood has dropped and my anxiety increased over the years the more subdued music I listen to, I wonder if it’s connected? Because I used to listen to a lot of
 busy music, let’s say. Whereas now it stresses me out sometimes, and I wonder if it’s because there’s too much at once and that doesn’t mesh well with an already hectic head. Omg and MGMT, I had a biggggggg phase of them. I genuinely wanted to marry the curly haired one, I thought everything about him was so dreamy. I want to say his name is Andrew from memory, lucky me getting an even better Andrew! It’s weird to think of Andy as an Andrew, I mean ultimately he’s honeybunny or baby but he’s also Andy. And his friends don’t even call him that? I’m obviously not writing what that name is here. I think it’s so so cute that his friends kid calls him that too, or tries to. Anyway he’s just baby. I think I say the same stuff in these journals all the time.
I feel a lot of relief knowing I have no more things on til July. I’m proud of myself though, it was technically homework for therapy - to do things that make me happy. Outside of the house, around people I mean. And so she asked what I would do if I was “normal” and one of them was go to things like the ballet and plays, things I miss out on because I’m too scared. So we agreed I would go to a couple and I did!! Homework: achieved. She was really proud of me when I said the events I had coming up, I know that sounds so pathetic and stupid but I’m definitely someone that needs to hear that praise and stuff. I can get by without it, but it’s encouraging to hear it, y’know? Idk.
Work is annoying me.
I don’t get why the idea of his friend doesn’t make him jealous. I don’t want it to make him jealous, I don’t want any form of negativity around it, but why doesn’t it? Am I built that differently to him? If he even floated the idea of that to me vice versa I don’t think I would ever recover. I mean that’s dramatic and I would but I would be paranoid about it for a looooooong time. But so why doesn’t he care? It feels like I care more about it than he does, it feels like I’m more concerned about it than he is? I don’t get it. I absolutely don’t want him to be super jealous or anything like that, I know I find the whole territorial thing crazzzzy hot in fiction but in reality I would find it stifling and frustrating. But him having zero ounce of jealousy just idk, it makes me feel like he doesn’t care? If he was to feel jealous, doesn’t that mean he’d want me all to himself? So if he isn’t jealous, then he doesn’t? I know I’m overthinking this so I’ll stop. And also in the past he’s said in reality he doesn’t know if he would actually want me with anyone else, but the idea and fantasy of it all is hot, which I agree with. I mean never say never because idk I guess I kind of do want to experience him and someone else at the same time, like I wouldn’t care in the slightest if it never happened but it is something I think I do properly want. But everything else? Even if we got to the point of finding someone and it eventuating and all of that
 I can’t envision me actually going through with it. Even if Andy wanted it. Except maybe I would, but not out of want but out of feeling like I should because I don’t want to let anyone down. I know that isn’t a good reason to say yes but idk. Anyway. None of this matters. I don’t think the fact he doesn’t get jealous as such means he doesn’t care. If he didn’t care then he would end things.
Not to be rude and horrid and hateful but some people have the most god awful voices. There’s a podcast of three women who talk about books and stuff and anyway they’re all American and two of them are fine, if a little grating at times, but one of them has the most disgusting voices I’ve ever heard. It’s HORRIBLE. And she keeps shouting over the others and screeching and it’s just such a gross voice. I feel so mean :(
I worked kinda late, just til 7 or so. And then I had dinner, had chats with M, had a shower, made my bed and showered annnnnd now it’s time with my baby! The sky was very pretty tonight, it was like a glowing rose gold. It kind of made me think of a copper pot on a fire. I feel like suchhhh a lil grub, I only changed my sheets today and it’s Wednesday. That means a week and half of the same sheets! Which I guess isn’t actually so bad compared to others but still. And I also shower right before bed, so in theory I know they’re fine but I like to have fresh sheets every Sunday, it’s just how I am. I can’t wait to make our bed, I wonder if he’d think it was silly to sometimes leave lil lovey notes under his pillow? Just now and then, like a lil post it size note saying something cute. Hm. I do things like that though, and I know it can be seen as super lame and things so idk. I’ll just have to learn what’s okay and what’s not. Hmmm. Anyway.
Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:20 apun_bhi_geralt How do you find good new movie/TV to watch?

There are many good movies and TV that we didn't watched just because we don't know about them. IMDb is okayish but its recommendations starts getting aggressive towards a particular type of media. So, how do you find out about new movies and TV?
submitted by apun_bhi_geralt to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 imightbeanasshole29 People with no musical talent genuinely piss me off.

Edit: What Prompted me to ask what other people think, is that other teachers I have asked, have shared a similar experience. Very frustrated with adult students unable to perform basic musical tasks.
I am a music teacher. I love my job apart from one thing. Teaching adults. Seeing full grown adult human beings with full time jobs, degrees, and somehow unable to count to 4 in even intervals... Makes my skin crawl.
For some context, I'm not some prodigy musician. I'm fuckin average AT BEST. I play guitar, bass, drums, keys, vox, and can work a recording/live sound booth. I have solid fundamentals with no issues, and a decent grasp around music theory essentials. Overall I have largely taught myself pretty much all my instruments. In the beginning I learned guitar by just watching guitar covers on youtube and copying them. Before you could slow down videos I would bandicam them and slow it down in windows movie maker. Learned by hand. I hated tabs, and had no issue learning things like smoke on the water, or tnt, or welcome to paradise from one of my older cousins. So my 10 year old brain said that youtube was definitely the most efficient route. Anyway fast forward a couple years my parents said I earned lessons (I had quit most of my other vocations they provided), and I had proved I could stick with a hobby. Learned how to solo, improv with logic, write songs even. Fun time, but at no point was it ever difficult. Yes it took time, that doesn't mean it was difficult to me. I never felt very frustrated, and there was never a moment I didn't understand what was going on. As opposed to every other area of my childhood like school; guitar and rock music was the only thing that naturally made complete and total sense the entire way thorough.
Now for my actual point; I do not understand how in some cases, after 20-50 years, someone could possibly be unable to clap their hands to an 80 bpm metronome. Unable to keep track of the frets when they have markers for every odd number. Going to blank spaces when I say frets like 5 or 7. Going to the completely opposite end of the guitar, and looking at me confused. It seriously baffles me. And I get it yes these people are paying me I should be grateful, but after a certain point... They have such a disconnection to music and art as a whole, that I no longer believe that everyone is capable of playing music. These adult students, feel like some of the dumbest people on the planet that I've ever met. They are completely incapable of even operating the instrument, to a capacity that would even allow them to learn. In some cases, like as if they've never even heard the song they know all the words to, and requested to learn on guitar or drums etc. It's like these people have no ears. I have always been of the opinion music is very primal. To me music, rhythm especially, sounds like english. I don't need to learn it, I've been hearing it so much since birth that I speak it. Every TV show, commercial, public school music class. To me music was literally, "let's just bang on shit and see what it sounds like." And then automatically realizing "oh nice if I put it in a pattern and play it an even number of times it's music, sweet." Yeah did I have to improve technique, learn how to make the sounds I was hearing over time, etc? Well yeah of course, but it was never hard. Each new technique, chord, what have you was a breeze. Maybe because music was so prevalent in the house? But then I remember, these people are also mentioning how important rock music was to the family home when they grew up. Now I'm back to square one. What could possibly be the difference between my dumbass, who failed algebra twice, and the dude working a 6 figure job twice my age?
I keep these opinions to myself, and have no struggles keeping private thoughts private in the moment. I am always positive with them, and never mention that I am floored by their inability to complete the task. I always put emphasis that if they don't understand something; it's on me to find a different angle to explain it. I have 3 adult students who do have their heads screwed on straight when it comes to this stuff. And they are able to learn to play. But at a certain point I don't know if I can help you, if it's going to take over a month to learn to clap your damn hands to the song you listen to every day.
I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole, but this is frustrating to no end. I even feel bad, these people have no chance at being able to play, and are still paying me. Taking it super slow, easy songs, seven nation army, smoke on the water, taylor swift, katy perry, whole notes, fucking whole notes?????? We can only go through this basic stuff so many times, and I think I've exhausted every method of explaining 4/4 and how to use your fingers one at a time. I don't know what to tell these people anymore.
Sidenote: The younglings are a different story because sometimes the parents force their kids to go when the kids aren't even interested. That's really no problem. I always focus on making it about music as a fun art form to consume and think about. Basic songs, no expectations, talking about music history, band recommendation's. The kids that are interested have no issue picking it up. Some are like the adults, where they can't keep a beat to save their life, but since they are young I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt they can still figure it out.
submitted by imightbeanasshole29 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:16 Independent_Plum2166 The Force Awakens - A Rewrite by a Sequel Fan

Okay. I love Star Wars, I love the sequels, however, I’d like to stretch my brain muscles and think of a rewrite. This is not a “They should have adapted Heir to the Empire”, nor an attack on Disney. This is merely an in hindsight rewrite. What aspects of the new canon could have been implemented to make a more solid and cohesive story? I will use the current story as a baseline, so here goes, The Force Awakens:
I’ll keep the title, mainly because I can’t think of an alternative, lazy, but I figured maybe you guys could think of one.
Opening Scrawl: Mostly the same, just remove “the last Jedi” and mention that the Republic is supporting Leia’s resistance.
The opening can be mostly the same, but instead of some random guy, have the old contact be Han, have him be the contact who tracked down someone special, R2 frozen like the original movie. Inside R2 are the last known coordinates to Luke.
Hotshot pilot Poe Dameron (who is much younger) eagerly takes the droid, when suddenly, the village is attacked by new troopers. Also, a return of battle droids to bolster their forces. Led by a masked man, who Poe shoots at, and when the beam is frozen, Han exclaims “You can’t be a Jedi?” To which Kylo Ren replies “Not anymore” and captures the two rebels and R2.
BB-8 escapes to the established rendezvous spot to try and get help. Meanwhile, Finn’s escape happens in the usual manner, but this time the three of them try and steal a shuttle, not a TIE fighter. A few hijinks occur and as they fly off, the ship is hit and the three escapees launch escape pods and land on separate parts of the planet (which is mostly mountainous, not a desert). R2 is in the possession of the First Order. Finn takes this chance to escape and rushes to the nearest port.
In space, Hux appears and berates his men, who say the traitor won’t escape them. A screen blinking as Finn moves to a space port.
Cut to a run down town nearby, where a stranger is hanging around, some people giving him a strange glance. An alien approaches “New Republic folk aren’t welcome here, the Coalition of Planets earned their independence from you dogs.” To which the older one, a man with green hair, replies “Sorry, we aren’t exactly on the best terms with the Republic either.” And we see a flash of something on his holster.
A commotion is heard, a woman’s voice calls. The man rushes to the Pantoran’s aid as they try and wrestle BB-8 from junk dealers. “You don’t need this droid.” The man waves his hand and the dealer hands them the droid, going along his way.
“You need to be more careful Rey, I know you’re anxious, but we have to have patience.”
“I know, Master Jacen, but rumours of attacks, and now BB-8 being all alone, it can’t be good for Dameron.”
The two then freeze and sense something, darkness, but also familiar. They rush towards it and find themselves at a space port, where a fight has broken out, Troopers and battle droids, have surrounded a “Traitor” as one yells out, brandishing electrostaffs. Without hesitation, Jacen ignites a blue lightsaber and duels a Trooper, Rey following suit with her green saber.
Finn cowers, but when tossed a staff from Jacen, he defends himself with temporary courage. Finn notices BB-8, and tries to explain the situation with Poe, but the group is attacked by a ship and they take off in a generic ship (not the falcon). A small dog fight occurs, then some exposition.
Jacen was Luke’s first true apprentice and Rey is
well, she’s Jacen’s apprentice, basically a sister. They explain that, after the last great battle with the Imperial remnant (the equivalent to “You fought in the Clone Wars?”, just this time the Mando-Verse), the Republic lost its standing and many planets left for their independence, becoming a loose collection of like minded groups (like how Nevarro is doing), called the Coalition of Planets. Protecting each other from pirates and gangster influence.
Bound by dwindling Republic bureaucracy, corruption from within (as seen in Mandalorian), as well as having her lineage revealed (Bloodline) Leia split off from the New Republic and did the same as the new Jedi Order, help anyone in need, regardless of red tape. Establishing a Resistance against galactic corruption. Or just Resistance.
Luke disappeared 3 years ago, supposedly looking for the ancient homeworld of the Jedi. But only R2 would know his location.
Finn is overwhelmed, revealing some backstory, he never knew his family, he lived and trained for the First Order, “but seeing combat
I can’t do it.”
A message comes through, Poe and Han are alive and well and want to arrange a meet up at “her place”, outside First Order eyes. Jacen says “Sorry Finn, looks like you’re stuck with us a little longer.” And they zoom away.
Meanwhile, throughout this whole thing, we cut back to a modest fleet of ships, led by Hux, who tolerates the presence of Kylo Ren. All the while, the latter is attempting to unlock R2. “You’ll never get it to open, even with your magic
maybe try your brute strength.” Kylo force grabs Hux, soldiers living and droid aim their blasters at him. “The last known location is hidden in this droid, Luke Skywalker is the only one who can threaten the Supreme Leader’s power.” He puts Hux down.
They wrongly believe there is a key of sorts amongst the escapees and they follow “him” to find it.
The heroes land at Maz’s place, and Finn amazed with the diverse aliens, “I’ve only been around humans, General Hux is very serious about that”. The group introduce themselves to Maz, who gets all mystic about the 3 of them.
Jacen should not fear living up to his parents’ legacy, Rey should be more confident in who she is and Finn should find something to do with his life rather than run. He says that “You can’t fight the First Order.” And tries to leave, but not before Maz discovers a homing beacon imbedded into Finn’s neck.
The First Order attacks and Finn, begins to run as the Jedi fight off the squad of Droids. Then, he runs into Kylo Ren. “Seems Hux’s failure paid off
now where is the key?” Petrified, Finn is left at the hands of Kylo Ren, until blaster fire can be heard, and the Calvary arrives.
Poe and Black Squadron, led by the Millenium Falcon defeat the First Order soldiers and droids and as Kylo follows the Falcon closely, Finn pulls a blaster out and without looking, Kylo rips it from his hands “Foolish trooper, how simple minded.” He then freezes Finn and surrounded by battle droids, he takes him back for interrogation.
However, as everyone reunites with Han, Leia and Poe, Rey realises Finn was still missing. Sensing a dark, yet familiar, presence, Leia points to their location “Han, it’s him, he’s alive!” At these words, Han and Jacen rush to save Finn. Han takes out the droids and Jacen has a duel with Kylo. The two are relatively matched, but after Han and Finn escape, Jacen feigns defeat and is taken instead.
Whilst everyone is worried (including red-armed Threepio) Maz reassures them that they need not worry, holding a tracker. Revealing that in the battle, she gave it to Jacen as a “Surprise they wouldn’t expect.” With it the group head back to Resistance headquarters.
Finn and Han bond, the latter explaining how he knows all too well about fleeing an institution and just wanting a life of adventure (Solo). But that “You can’t live like that, one day, you have to make a choice.”
Meanwhile, Leia and Rey discuss how the Jedi’s ranks barely reach 100 and how thin they have been spread. “And without Jacen, who can rally them? Leia, it may be time you came back to the Order-“ “No, I can’t, you know that
you also know that they’d listen to you.” But Rey shakes her head, “No, I’m not worthy, especially since causing my mother and
and his death.”
Leia then sighs and says solemnly “He’s alive, Rey, my son is alive.”
Elsewhere, Jacen and Kylo confront each other a back and forth, one taunting the other about their heritage. Then finally “You were always one step behind me, is that why you turned? Power? Huh, Ben!?”
Ben removes his helmet. “You have no idea what I have seen these last 3 years
the Supreme Leader is my master, I am Ben Solo no more.” His eyes well up, just for a second.
Kylo then enters the ships bridge and undermines the staff, much to Hux’s dismay. Kylo calls up Supreme Leader Snoke, they discuss how they found the tracker and destroys it, but reveals that Jacen knows nothing of how to awaken R2. Snoke reassures him that he no longer fears Skywalker and Kylo asks if that means“The Weapon” is ready.
Snoke says no, but soon, however he feels the conflict within Kylo and remarks “Has the Light corrupted you? Your grandfather would be ashamed.” As the call ends, Hux smirks at Kylo’s expense and the masked man returns to his chamber (feel the pull to the light, etc. Vader’s helmet).
Arriving at the Resistance base, they discuss how the tracker went silent, but they managed to get a lock on a transmission in the general area and believe it’s the First Order fleet. They plan an attack. Poe will lead Black squadron and Wedge will lead Rogue Squadron to distract the fighters. The Falcon will fly to Hux’s Star Destroyer and infiltrate.
Poe wishes Finn luck as the former excitedly goes to his ship. Leia and Han say their goodbyes and Rey gets nervous, having failed to contact the Jedi.
The attack begins, they notice the fleet is less impressive at a glance, two run down Star Destroyers and a single pristine one. Either way, they fight through the fighters and the Falcon crashes into the hanger. They fight and Han asked where Jacen and Finn says “I’ve never been on General Hux’s ship, Can’t we just follow the Force, create a map or something” “THAT’S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!!”
Rey looks around and focuses, noting a dark presence above them. “It’s him, Ben will want to keep an eye on Jacen.” They run to save him. Meanwhile, a battered and bruised Jacen uses the Mind trick to escape in the confusing, but fears not having his saber.
As Hux looks at one of the Star Destroyers being defeated, he sweats. “Where are those reinforcements, we’re are not ready for a full scale battle.” But Kylo ignores him, feeling a presence.
The group manage to reunite with Jacen, who notes that R2 is still on the ship. Before they can devise a plan, R2 comes crashing towards them. “The Supreme Leader has recanted the search for Skywalker, for his weapon is nearing completion.” Kylo is holding Jacen’s Saber.
You then have the scene, just not over an endless pit, Han is killed, Chewie knocks Kylo back with his Bow caster. But this time Jacen pulls the saber from the air and has to remind them to grieve later and run, the ship is falling apart.
Hux evacuates and swears Kylo’s name, for ruining 3 ships. But as we cut to Poe celebrating like an idiot, a fleet much more impressive jumps in, a voice over all channels speaks in Hutteese calls out. Rotta the Hutt, Jabba’s son has come to Hux’s aid. The Hutt’s Second Order, attacks en masse.
The Star Destroyer begins to collapse, and as they reach the Falcon, Kylo flings debris at the ship. With Jacen too weak to fight, Rey finds the courage to confront Kylo. They duel and even with his weakened state, Kylo easily overpowers her, Rey’s only ally is jumping through the debris. Of course there is taunting.
“You fight good for a fraud.”
“I’m no fraud, I’m a Jedi, like my mother and my
“You can’t even admit you’re nothing like him, you are weak Rey and undeserving of his name. Unlike me, you have no ties to his legacy.”
“Shut up!”
“You are nothing but an orphan pitied on by your so-called ‘father’.”
“I said shut up!!”
“You will never be worthy of the name SKYWALKER!!”
(Yes, he is projecting)
Rey lunges at him, but even her anger isn’t enough, only managing to scar his face. Jacen and Chewie start up the Falcon, but debris is blocking the way and Jacen can’t focus, they need Rey to move it. He begs Finn to go help.
“But I don’t have a weapon!”
“Yes you do!”
Jacen hands him his Saber and Finn rushes in and attacks, but is defeated all the same, but this has given Rey enough time to throw the debris at her cousin and save a comatose Finn.
The small group of Fighters prepare to fly off, Poe still eager to fight the Hutt’s fleet, but stopped by Wedge.
Now for the ending.
Leia, Rey and Chewie mourn Han’s death, Jacen and Finn are taken into intensive care and the Resistance calls for its remaining forces across the Outer Rim for aid.
Leia takes a look at R2 and brings Threepio over, who is sad his friend is frozen and unmoving, but at hearing Threepio’s voice, R2 awakes noting that he’d only awake at his best friend’s voice. Transmitting the coordinates to a mysterious part of the galaxy, to the planet Acht-To, Rey takes the Falcon to reunite with her father.
On the bridge of Rotta’s ship, Hux is reprimanded by the former gangster, much to Hux’s embarrassment. Though he does cheer up at the knowledge that the oh so powerful apprentice of the Supreme Leader was defeated and licking his wounds. And with the knowledge that the weapon is nearing completion, he looks on in awe when they jump from hyperspace. As Starkiller base comes into view.
Arriving at Acht-To, Rey climbs the shore up the mountains, until she meets with a hooded figure, looking over a makeshift grave. He turns and the two merely look at each other and the camera pans out.
Few. That took longer than expected. As you can see I made some changes, having the Jedi be around, just with significantly smaller stature.
The First Order isn’t a pointless name, it’s merely a wing of a greater organisation apposing the current regime, a Rebel Alliance, if you will.
I made Rey a Pantoran, because we needed more aliens and it’s part of a larger reference. Star Wars is all about family and that’s the main focus I want to aim for, this is a new generation wanting to either prove themselves to the previous generation, or surpass it.
But instead of having a traditional family via blood, I’d have it be that Luke’s child, is adopted. Show the struggles an adopted child would face if brought into a famous family. But also, it’s honouring George, who played a Pantoran in Revenge of the Sith, alongside his daughters and have this new character a young Jedi, like George’s son was in RotS.
All of whom were adopted, but they are all still Lucas’ the same as George. I think that is a nice connection and honour Star Wars’ creator.
Also, yes, I will eventually reveal that Jacen is Jacen Syndulla. Have Rebels be a companion piece that reveals his origin. Also, I leave the other Jedi’s identities open ended. Is there Ahsoka? Ezra? Cal? Maybe even Omega? Ooh, who knows, I smell (profit!) spin off material!
Anyway, let me know what you thought and I’ll get to The Last Jedi, eventually. And a reminder, what should the title be for my version of Episode 7? Not sure The Force Awakens works anymore.
submitted by Independent_Plum2166 to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 davidnjoy1 I gave my aadhar details to a scammer. What is the worst damage they can do??

I woke up to a call from dsl saying my parcel delivery was cancelled . This was an automated call. Then it said to press 1 to speak to a customer care executive. I talked to the guy and he said my parcel was cancelled due to illegal content(drug) and if I didn't do it then I have to lodge a complaint to Mumbai police and forwarded my call to another number. lol it even said Mumbai police while I was waiting.
Then this new guy asked me all the detail about where I live and where have I given my Adhar details etc. Before giving any personal information I thought this maybe some elaborate scam so I asked him if he was the police and he immediately interrupted me and started asking more questions. So i gave him all the answers. It seemed odd but i still thought this might be true. Then he told me I have to lodge an online complaint and to do that I have to download Skype and search Mumbaipolice663something on Skype and then send them my name and wait for a video call.
Then after like 10 min video call came from the Skype from them and asked me to open my camera and asked all the detail about my Adhar and all my address and I gave them to her. She even asked me to hold my Adhar in front of camera to 'verify', so I did. Then she said i am waiting from an update from headquarters regarding your Adhar detail please wait.
Now this girl was speaking in perfect English and said she was ips and every time she would speak she would unmute herself then mute again. This happened several times and it bugged me. Then she was talking about my family and suddenly said, "wait stop there is an update from headquarters" and then in the background this voice came from like a radio or something.
This time she didn't mute this time so that I can hear what the radio guy said. The radio guy said that I am a big and dangerous criminal and I have multiple cases of drug distribution and money laundering cases and that I should be arrested immediately. That moment right then I understood it was all fake. Then the girl from the call started her police talk iykyk. I tried to give some explanation but she was in her police mode and was very fake furious. When she wouldn't listen anything i started laughing almost like a villain lol. I told them, "You guys made me such a genius. I am a drug distributor as well as money launderer. I am like the one man army lol. Like some movie hero or something". Then the girl was so furious it was comical lmao she started saying this isn't a joke that I should live in fear and they contacted my local police Dept. To arrest me and my family members. At this point I had enough of it and I told her she needs more practice and find something else to do and disconnected the call. So my question to all of you guys is what can they do with my personal information??
submitted by davidnjoy1 to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:12 darkThunder123456789 What is your favorite scene in the new " Planet of the Apes " movie ?

submitted by darkThunder123456789 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:11 Starlose Massive Anime Collection!!! Rare OOP Items!!! NEW ITEMS ADDED!!! BLURAY LOT!!!

Due to a recent family emergency I'm parting with majority of my anime collection. I've been a collector for over 20+ years, and I have plenty of series of the past from companies that haven't existed in awhile (Manga, ADV, Geneon) Here is what I'm selling. NEW TITLES ADDED!!!
Allison and Lillia Set 1 & 2 (DVD) - $30
Aria the Animation Boxset (DVD) - $25
Aria the Origination Boxset (DVD) - $25
Beck Mongolian Chop Squad Boxset (DVD) - $150
Black Heaven Boxset (DVD) - $25
Bleach Set 1 & 2 Boxsets (DVD) - $20
Burst Angel Boxset (DVD) - $30
Chaos Head Boxset (Bluray) - $25
Daily Life of Highschool Boys Boxset (Bluray) - $70
Dragonball Z , and GT Boxsets (DVD) - $50
Dragonball Z Namek Saga Boxset (DVD) - $150
Fate Stay Night Boxet (DVD) - $70
Full Metal Panic, Fumoffu, 2nd Raid Boxsets (DVD) - $70
Genshiken 1 & 2 Boxsets (DVD) - $50
Get Backers Boxsets (DVD) - $50
Ghost in the Shell Arise Border 3&4 [Bluray] - $20
Girls High Boxset (DVD) - $20
Grenadier Boxset (DVD) - $20
Gungrave Boxset (DVD) - $50
Gun Sword Boxset (DVD) - $50
Hellsing Ultimate Steelbook Vol 1-3, Bluray LE, EP 9-10 Bluray - $100
Kannazuki no Miko Boxset (DVD) - $30
Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl Boxset (DVD) - $20
Kino's Journey Boxset (DVD) - $30
Kirameki Project Boxset (DVD) - $20
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Boxset (DVD) - $75
My Hero Academia Season 1 LE (Bluray) - $35
My Hime, My Otome, My Otome Zwei (DVD) - $50
Nichijou (Bluray) - $70
Noein LE Boxset (Bluray) - $30
Noir Boxset (DVD) - $40
Gundam Movie Boxset (DVD) - $40
Pani Poni Dash Boxset (DVD) - $70
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rebllion JP LE (Bluray) - $30
Rage of Bahamut LE Boxset (Bluray) - $50
Red Garden Boxset (DVD) - $100
Rental Magica Set 1 and 2 LE (DVD) - $50
Rumbling Hearts Boxset (DVD) - $20
Sailor Moon R Season 2 LE (Bluray) - $40
Saiyuki Boxsets 1 and 2 (DVD) - $50
Sakura Wars TV Collection Boxset (DVD) - $50
Shakugan no Shana Season 1,2,3 Boxsets (Bluray) $120
Shiki Complete Series S.A.V.E (Bluray) $50
Solty Rei Boxset (DVD) - $40
Speed Grapher Boxset (DVD) - $80
Stratos 4 Boxset (DVD) - $40
Strawberry Marshmallow Boxset (DVD) - $40
Strawberry Panic Complete (DVD) $20
Teknoman Complete Collection Boxset (DVD)- $40
Tenjho Tenge Boxset (DVD) - $40
Tokyo ESP Boxset (Bluray) - $25
Trigun Boxset (DVD) - $50
Trinity Blood Boxet (DVD) - $80
Vandread Boxset (DVD) - $30
Wanna Be the Strongest in the World Boxset (Bluray) - $25
Yozakura Quartet Complete (DVD) - $35
SPECIAL BLURAY LOT!!! 21 Series, 13 Movies!!! - $200
Castle of Cagliostro Collectors Edition
Celestial Method
Comic Artist and His Assistants
Dragonball Super Battle of Gods
Flowers of Evil
Full Metal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa
Full Metal Alchemist The Sacred Star of Milos
Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat
Hidamari Sketch
High School of the Dead
K-ON Season 1
Kill Me Baby
Kin Moza!
Leviathan The Last Defense
Loco Doll
My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy
My Neighbor Totoro
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
Night Raid 1931
Pantema Inverted
Photo Kano
Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne
Sasami-San @ Ganbaranai
Secret World of Arriety
Spirited Away
Soul Eater Complete Series
Tale of Princess Kaguya
Strawberry Marshmallow
When Marnie Was There
The Wind Rises
Wolf Children
Yamishibai Japanese Ghost Stories
Please share with all your friends that love anime because this a chance to get some pieces of history. Message me with what ever you're interested in, and I can share more detailed pictures. If anyone is interested in the whole lot I will give a pretty good discount. Thanks again everyone.
submitted by Starlose to AnimeDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:07 RhythmNerd 27M - Looking to connect with fellow neurodiverse folks (Australia)

I'm a 27M, diagnosed with Autism (high functioning) and ADHD, living in Australia. Without a doubt, I love my current friends, but sometimes I crave a deeper connection with people who "get it."
If you're also neurodiverse and looking for friends, let's chat! Sharing diagnoses is cool, but it's certainly not the only thing that matters. I'm hoping to build something based on mutual understanding.
My hobbies:
I'm always interested in hearing about other people's passions/perspectives, even if they're different from mine.
submitted by RhythmNerd to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:01 Calfurious123 26 U.S.- Looking for a duo

Hi, I am on PST and looking to meet new friends. I'm into Video Games, Rock/Metal Music, Anime/Mangas, Horror, Movies, History, Mythology, Reading, and Art. I have mostly been playing on PC and PS4 lately. Spending most my time on Dead by Daylight and Fortnite. I've also been playing Terraria and Minecraft. I have a ton of other games and I enjoy MMOs like WoW and FF14 as well. I got back into WoW and been getting ready for cata classic. Be nice to find someone who plays classic WoW also.
submitted by Calfurious123 to GamerPals [link] [comments]
