Example of apa style business

Alternative Video Game/Movie/TV series Artwork

2011.01.27 21:56 I_RAPE_CATS Alternative Video Game/Movie/TV series Artwork

READ BEFORE POSTING TO AVOID GETTING BANNED: Post pictures of cartoons/movies that have been redrawn in a different style. A good example would be an image of the South Park characters done anime style. Another example would be turning a Nintendo character into a Disney Pixar art-style. Background by John Loren Icon by unknown artist

2015.12.20 19:45 "What A Weeb!"

Just anime girls and boys speaking the disgusting sad things about you! (or the truth on you where it hurts)

2020.05.18 00:56 Share Your Style & Discuss It

A SFW community to Share Your Style & freely discuss, compare, and critique various body typing & style philosophies. ‼️ READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING A TYPING POST ‼️https://www.reddit.com/DressForYourBody/wiki/post_guidelines/

2024.05.14 21:10 isupposeyes Best ADHD Jobs?

So. I recently (about a month ago) started working an office job in affordable housing. I absolutely hate it. My supervisor is too busy to help me and I have no clients (I'm a case manager) so I essentially do nothing all day. However, I'm starting to realize that an office job isn't for me anyway. I can't focus while sitting still, and I need to have a variety of different tasks to get done. For example, I worked at a bakery for a few months and loved it. Unfortunately it was bought out by a horrible person and I and everyone else who worked there quit within 3 months. So now I'm stuck at this office job. I thought I could overcome my ADHD with willpower - it did not work.
What are some jobs that my fellow ADHDers have that actually work for you?
The main things I'm looking for are dynamic (not sitting all day), multiple tasks that I can switch between, and not requiring any sort of higher education. (Unfortunately my ADHD and autism have made it impossible to go to college, at least for now.)
submitted by isupposeyes to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 SoundCloud_Ramiz [California] [Preschool] - A venting session about leaving teaching due to misandry.

(Pardon my haphazard and sporadic writing style, I'm tired and LIVID.)
I'm officially done working in the field of child development and it's entirely due to the amount of misandry I've endured over the span of 8 years.
I've been working in education as a preschool teacher and as a preschool behavior specialist. Every school I've worked at has had parents, principals, and teachers who judge me solely on the fact that I'm a guy. Not to mention what I hear about other male peers in the field.
I understand the concerns people may have with a male in an environment surrounded by children but things are more complicated than they seem. I'm talking specifically about the covert misandry.
For example: My successes aren't ever based off of my mastered skills, it's because "I'm a man" and kids only like me because I'm a man. Women paras who yell at toddlers are surprised to find that going down to a child's level, looking them in the eye, and providing a guiding statement works better than yelling at the child. Apparently though, that communication style only worked because "I'm a man" and not because I genuinely respected that child's intelligence and employed techniques taught to me in college by veteran teachers.
I've dealt with shit like this for too long and have kept quiet.
I'm sick of parents and teachers gossiping about me, both weirdly sexualizing and sexually harassing me, and being hostile with me despite how helpful and nice I've tried to be throughout. I'm sick of oblivious staff at school sites reporting me as "a possible hostile threat", hovering around me and asking me who I am because they've never seen me before despite the fact I've been at a school site for a YEAR and even wear my school badge/lanyard openly.
My existence as a man is threatening to some with trauma and I get it. Men can be shitty...
Unfortunately, this preconceived fear is just pushing good teachers who just want kids to healthily grow out of the field. Now I'm entering a trade job, succumbing to society's expectation of where a man apparently belongs. Funny part is that I'll be making more money than being a preschool teacher ever would and I'm not going to look back. If I do then I'll be heartbroken as all I wanted to do was enrich the minds of children and help them become independent and emotionally stable people.
Bon fucking voyage. It's been a journey and I'm sorry to leave those kids behind but I've been discouraged and emotionally beaten to a pulp.
submitted by SoundCloud_Ramiz to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:05 Real-Accountant122 My best friend/roommate ignores important texts but texts me whenever she needs something

So basically we live together we both aren’t the best texters which is understandable we have jobs and busy lives. I use to send funny videos or just chat occasionally but she wouldn’t respond so because of this I stopped and only text her when something is needed in relation to living together. For example bills and reminders or questions. Mind you I live with her she’s on her phone 24/7 she texts her boyfriend all day everyday. And when he calls she drops everything to answer. When I text her about anything no response for days. But then the second she needs something from me she’ll say “sorry just seeing this” answer me and ask me her question. Or sometimes she just ignores me. Look we don’t have to text, we live together but don’t ask me shit then. Not sure what to do I kinda want to be petty but also we live together so that will just make it not fun. Plus we are best friends I care about her but the friendship is feeling really one sided.
submitted by Real-Accountant122 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 coxswain_43 Looking for romance recs

I'm building my summer TBR, and I'm looking to diversify my typical fantasy reading! So far all I have on my list is This Summer Will Be Different by Carly Fortune.
I'm specifically looking for recs in romance or historical fiction / maybe some general fiction to add to my list, and I'm really picky about what I've liked in those genres, especially in romance, so far. My main turn off is poor writing as I'm generally used to more lyrical prose in the fantasy realm, so overly simple writing styles with too many pop culture references are difficult for me to get into and just not my cup of tea.
Here's some of what I've liked: - Happy Place by Emily Henry - Funny Story by Emily Henry - Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez - The Simple Wild by KA Tucker - Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams - When in Rome by Sarah Adams - Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn - Things We Save in a Fire by Katherine Center - The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
Examples of what I haven't liked: - Attached at the Hip by Christine Riccio - Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey - The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
I was recently recommended Binding 13, and while I liked the premise, I really struggled with the writing quality, length, and repetition. Any similar books, but better written, to this would also be appreciated!
submitted by coxswain_43 to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:00 TouristRound How Stoicism Can Enhance Your Team Leadership Skills

Hey everyone,
I've been exploring how Stoic principles can be applied to team leadership and wanted to share some insights that have really helped me. Here's a breakdown of how embracing Stoicism can transform your leadership style:
  1. Focus on What You Can Control: In leadership, there are always going to be factors beyond our control. By focusing on our own actions and decisions, we can maintain clarity and reduce stress. This Stoic approach helps us navigate challenges with a clear mind and keep the team on track.
  2. Practice Objectivity: Stoicism teaches us to see situations without letting emotions or biases cloud our judgment. As leaders, this means assessing team dynamics and challenges objectively to make balanced decisions. It's about being fair and consistent, which builds trust within the team.
  3. Lead by Example: Stoicism isn't just about what we say, but what we do. Demonstrating patience, resilience, and ethical behavior sets a powerful example for our teams. It encourages them to adopt these virtues in their own work and interactions.
  4. Embrace Continuous Improvement: Stoics view every experience as a chance to learn and grow. In a leadership context, this means fostering a culture where feedback is valued and setbacks are seen as learning opportunities. This approach creates a resilient and adaptable team, ready to face new challenges.
I'd love to hear how others incorporate philosophical principles into their leadership styles!
submitted by TouristRound to TeamLead [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:54 Throwra12312345678 How did you get over the anxiety, if at all, and how long did it take?

I think right now the worst thing I’m struggling with is the fear that I think things are fine. The part of the betrayal where I thought things were fine when they weren’t and the fear that it’s possible that could happen again at any time. When things are going great my brain jumps to panic that the rug will be pulled out from under me at any time. I’m sure most betrayed have felt this way at some point and I just wondered how other deal with that and how long it took to get better.
I find myself getting triggered at such simple things about it. For example, today my WH was searching for some therapists to get in IC, that’s fantastic and I told him I was proud of him. It shows me he’s doing internal work to be better. However, he had talked about it the last couple weeks and the fact that he just started searching today had me spiraling in my mind for some reason. “Did I do something to make him think of this?” “Is he really not doing as well as I think we are?” “Is he struggling with limerence again?”
My mind was flooded and overwhelmed with all these questions when he simply wants to get help for himself. Yesterday, just because he was busy and wasn’t sure if we would have time to spend with me. (We currently don’t live together). I get into a state of panic that things are not what I think. That he isn’t wanting R as much as I do or as much as I thought. And I get just overwhelmed with fear and emotion.
submitted by Throwra12312345678 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:53 ttgirlsfw Hypothesis: Health insurance companies are the reason healthcare is so expensive and hence why we need health insurance.

Health insurance companies make money by collecting copays and premiums from their customers and investing it. A portion of the investment goes towards covering the customers’ medical bills and the rest is kept as profit.
The question here is what do the health insurance companies invest in?
I think it’s rather logical that they invest in healthcare. For example:
The health insurance company may provide funds to a struggling healthcare-related business to get it on its feet, in exchange for a portion of that business’s future profits. This forces the business to raise their prices, so that they can both make a profit and pay the insurance company.
The health insurance company may fund the development of new medical technology in exchange for the patent for that medical technology, so whenever it gets used, the insurance company gets paid. Whoever uses the technology for their business has to raise their prices so that they can both make a profit and pay the insurance company.
With the prices higher, people can no longer afford health care. This forces them to buy insurance, which in turn gives the insurance companies more investing power, which in turn causes the prices to go up.
Now it might be true that a health insurance company doesn’t necessarily invest in healthcare. It might be true that they invest in a variety of things. But then my theory becomes that all the insurance companies are in it together. For example, health insurance invests in cars. Car prices go up. People buy car insurance. Car insurance invests in houses. House prices go up. People buy home owners insurance. Home owners insurance invests in healthcare. Healthcare prices go up. People buy health insurance. And so on.
If you dig deep enough you may find that there are some really rich people who own a share of a variety of insurance companies who are earning a shit-ton of money from employing this strategy.
Keep in mind this is all speculation. Im too lazy to verify any of this, it’s just a shower thought.
submitted by ttgirlsfw to conspiracytheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:52 ElegantSwingTA Would it breach this confidentiality agreement if I lie?

[California US] I am in a signed contract with a small videogame publisher. I found out later that they really screwed me over on the terms of contract. The Publisher takes 70% of all royalties, plus a 30% gross ""distribution fee"" off the top of every sale. So I effectively only make $0.21 cents for every dollar coming in. I found out later that a normal contract would have 60-70% going to the developer, with no extra fees. (Call this an expensive lesson learned.)
I want to expose them for being predatory, without breaching contract if possible. In our contract, there is a confidentiality clause and a separate non-disparagement clause. The confidentiality clause bars me from disclosing private business information (not specified, but I assume it covers things like the contract itself.) The non-disparagement clause bans me from saying stuff that intentionally hurts their business.
So here is my question: what happens if I just... lie about the contents of the contract? For a breach of contract, does the accuracy of the disclosure matter? Or does it only matter that a disclosure happened?
For example, what if I disclose that the Publisher is taking 50% of royalties and a 10% gross distribution fee? Would this breach our contract, even though it is more favorable than reality?
submitted by ElegantSwingTA to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:51 AI_technologies Why do we need AI as a financial advisor?

Highlight the following benefits: This is my personal case study, But you may disagree with me!
Budget Planning: AI analyzes your spending habits much more deeply than you might on your own. This leads to tailored recommendations and insights you wouldn't uncover manually. In addition, it can process massive amounts of financial data, like budget plans, spending analysis, and savings suggestions, in seconds.
On a separate note, I want to mention the fight against impulse buys. AI eliminates emotional spending triggers often associated with human budgeting. It sticks to the data, promoting financial discipline.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Create a budget template that will work with my income and spending habits. I want something I can easily track and modify." 
Accounting and Tax Compliance: Modern platforms track changes in tax rules and legislation in real-time, alerting you to updates that could affect your life and work. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties. If you set up your assistant intelligently, you may even be able to prevent problems in some cases.
And, unlike a real financial advisor, AI platforms are noticeably cheaper and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Explain the key financial ratios and how to calculate them. Provide examples of how to use them to assess my business health." 
Investment Management: AI is increasingly important in trading, as financiers make trades using algorithms. And if the best experts are using it, why shouldn't we? AI platforms are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing us to identify patterns humans might miss. This helps ensure the integrity of financial data and reduces costly errors.
In addition, some platforms can assess risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to generate customized portfolio management recommendations.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Summarize the current economic climate. Highlight key indicators (e.g., inflation, interest rates, GDP) and their potential impact on my investment portfolio." 
These points add to a common conclusion regarding one fundamental advantage: data-driven automation. AI can quickly handle routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing us to make more educated decisions or free up time for more enjoyable activities.
submitted by AI_technologies to aipromptprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 Successful-Regret-60 Just wanted to get this off my chest

For context I'm a little over weight, and I'm trying my best to loose weight, I also have ADHD and dyspraxia.
I sometimes wish my mother and father could see life through my eyes, I wish they could experience the world how I do, because sometimes they laugh at or get mad at some things I do to cope example, having headphones on when I can help with the school run because my brothers argue in the back of the car, (brothers are 11 and 8), I struggle on crossing or walking on roads that I know are busy because I almost got hit by a bus once in year 7, and mum was going to pick me up by a small round about, there was road works and 2 paths were blocked and she got mad that I was panicking trying to get her to go a different way so I didn't have to try walking on the busy roads to get to her, claiming the cars wouldn't run me over, but I couldn't physically do it, then later on at tea, my brother (11) finished all but one slice of pizza, I took a single bite and moved it out my way so I could clean, I then got into trouble for "eating it" and that sent my dad on a tangent about how I need to try to loose weight and only eat my portions, yet he didn't finish one slice and had a whole bowl of cereal on top.
I just wanted to put this here because my parents won't listen, they will find a way to turn this on to me, and I just wanted to get my thoughts down somewhere.
submitted by Successful-Regret-60 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 PodcastThrowAway1 cringe watching

cringe watching
Loving the show — but as a writer I am amazed at how much people are not only forgiving some of the cringe dialogue but actively celebrating it.
The original show was using Chris Claremont’s style of dialogue — where no one would find it weird for Magneto to talk about all the folks he wants to “smite.” And as a kid, overly melodramatic dialogue was fine because most of us were too young to recognize that no humans talk like that in real life.
Don’t get me wrong. These are some fire lines they are dropping but typically writers get blasted for including too many lines like these because they are considered unrealistic and forced. Usually, a television writer allows themselves one or two lines that are just a little too clever an episode, one good monologue, though even then it usually isn’t so purposely punny as the X-Men lines often are in this show. The logic being that an audience can buy that Walter White has one good monologue about how he is ‘the one who knocks’ locked in his brain chamber, maybe it is something he has had some thoughts about — but it is less believable for every other word from his mouth to be an epic bar.
Like — pause for a moment and consider what a weird thing it is to say “make them mind your weather.” That is an incredibly unnatural sounding sentence. The only reason one would ever say that is to set up Storm’s retort “and them weather your mind.”
You got dudes who can’t sit still during a musical because people breaking out into unrehearsed songs feels too unrealistic but that exchange sits just fine with them.
There are so many examples of this kind of dialogue throughout the show, that in any other context would have had the writer laughed out of the writer’s room.
Like the constant poker references any time someone is talking about Gambit (they would be really grasping if instead his favorite card game was Uno) — even at his freakin funeral … or the way Magneto gets away with shrugging off any logical argument against him by use of clever word play.
“Hey yo — ain’t it a bad look to install a terrorist as Genosha’s new leader?”
“Yet so many nations allow their leaders to be terrorists” - mic drop, sunglasses …
“… haha yeah …. But for real tho … Oh… Never mind … he just left to go make out with the child bride he groomed… I guess if someone says ‘ain’t it messed up for a dude living in his 70s to be hooking up with a woman in living in her 20s?,’ he’ll just say ‘technically aren’t we all living in the ‘90s?’ and then moonwalk away, right?”
submitted by PodcastThrowAway1 to Xmen97 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 bluntlyf3 AITAH for not getting to know my future sister-in-law be/c my brother abused me since we were little?

I just need some outside opinions on this. I had a tough time growing up as my brother was physically abusive towards me up until my early 20's. I will spare the details however my parents enabled this behavior and so this is just something we do not talk about and generally my brother ignores me if we ever see each other, which is maybe twice a year if that.
My sister sent out a text just to the siblings about meeting up for Mothers Day as we didn't get to on the day of. In the middle of the night I receive a group text with my sisters sent from my future sister-in-law saying she has never felt welcomed by us. She said her and my brother spoke about the group message and a txt of an invite to him is not an invite to her. It is odd since my sister in that group message said we should all bring our partners but I'm also a bit taken a back that someone about to marry into a family would txt something like this. She then said we are not giving her the same energy she gives us.
First, this was just a text between siblings and really not meant to cast out anyone. Second, my sisters and I have always been welcoming to her and I genuinely mean that. I will ask her about her life and her family, I made sure to congratulate them on their engagement. I don't let the unresolved issues I have with my family change how I treat her but I do make sure to set some boundaries when it becomes too much for me. For example she did ask to meet up in person earlier in their relationship and I did mention I was busy at the time and deferred to seeing them during the holiday but it is because of the lack of a relationship I have with my brother. I don't go out of my way to get to know her outside of functions we are at because I don't have a relationship with my brother and it is difficult for me as he abused me. I text him every birthday with no response back. I make sure to say hi to him and her and ask them questions about their lives if we are together. Every partner I have had has mentioned something about the way my brother treats me and ignores my presence. They have even commented on how my mother will put me down and compliment him in front of people which has been really hard to explain to them that this is how it is for me. This is the family dynamic.
I don't think my future SIL knows about the abuse and honestly I don't want to talk about it with her. When I got older I just accepted my family will be unfair in this situation but I'll try to be the 'bigger person' in and still try to be supportive. My own family has a hard time recognizing this so obviously this isn't something I feel comfortable speaking about to someone coming into the family. I just thought the text was a bit selfish as it just assumes we are coming from a bad place but also it was my sister that texted for the plans so unsure why you would text all of us about excluding you when no other partners were added. Whenever I do see my brother he is not kind to me or ignores me altogether. He also never texts or acknowledges my partner if they are ever present. She definitely notices this as she will be in the room as it happens. My partner will also notice so clearly it's obvious my brother and I do not have a normal relationship. I'm not sure what to say to this. I just feel really sad and weird. I'm not trying to leave her out but this guy abused me and it's bad enough my own family doesn't understand. People are just so quick to think the worst in others I guess.
submitted by bluntlyf3 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:45 AI_technologies Why do we need AI as a financial advisor?

Highlight the following benefits: This is my personal case study, But you may disagree with me!
Budget Planning: AI analyzes your spending habits much more deeply than you might on your own. This leads to tailored recommendations and insights you wouldn't uncover manually. In addition, it can process massive amounts of financial data, like budget plans, spending analysis, and savings suggestions, in seconds.
On a separate note, I want to mention the fight against impulse buys. AI eliminates emotional spending triggers often associated with human budgeting. It sticks to the data, promoting financial discipline.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Create a budget template that will work with my income and spending habits. I want something I can easily track and modify." 
Accounting and Tax Compliance:
Modern platforms track changes in tax rules and legislation in real-time, alerting you to updates that could affect your life and work. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties. If you set up your assistant intelligently, you may even be able to prevent problems in some cases.
And, unlike a real financial advisor, AI platforms are noticeably cheaper and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Explain the key financial ratios and how to calculate them. Provide examples of how to use them to assess my business health." 
Investment Management: AI is increasingly important in trading, as financiers make trades using algorithms. And if the best experts are using it, why shouldn't we? AI platforms are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing us to identify patterns humans might miss. This helps ensure the integrity of financial data and reduces costly errors.
In addition, some platforms can assess risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to generate customized portfolio management recommendations.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Summarize the current economic climate. Highlight key indicators (e.g., inflation, interest rates, GDP) and their potential impact on my investment portfolio." 
These points add to a common conclusion regarding one fundamental advantage: data-driven automation. AI can quickly handle routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing us to make more educated decisions or free up time for more enjoyable activities.
submitted by AI_technologies to chatgpt_promptDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:44 brando2121 Advice for cost analysis/forecasting for my small business?

Hello! I am working on a spreadsheet for my business and feeling a little stuck (own a trucking company). Basically I want to have a workbook of all of the money we are bringing in and all of our expenses. With this info, I want to be able to analyze data to see trends and averages. I also want to be able to see what the money will look like if we lose certain runs. I have these tabs below:
Expenses (maintenance, labor, insurance, etc.) Semi Jobs Box Truck Jobs Name of Major Client Jobs: these are all done for one client but are sort of like the other semi/box jobs. We get paid for each run that we do for them like the other individual jobs. This is primarily where I’d like see “what if” situations. For example if we lose “X” trip to “X” warehouse, what is the money going to look like the next few weeks/months etc so we can make decisions.
What’s the best way for me to structure all this data and the best way for me to present it and what formulas do I need to be able to play with different scenarios?
submitted by brando2121 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:42 sheldon_y14 Tunes of Suriname: The iconic 2010's

For Surinamese millennials and/or early Gen-Zs the 2010-2017/18 era songs and musical styles played an important role in shaping them and are so called "core memories".
The music of this era doesn't have one particular genre. The styles are blends of styles that would be similar to RnB, Reggae, Zouk, Soca, Pop, Dance-pop, Alternative Hip Hop, Rap, Aleke (maroon genre), Baithak Gana/Chutney etc.
Remarkable of these songs is that Surinamese artists try experimenting more with Dutch in their songs. This is not common in Surinamese music, because we use more local languages in our songs.
It definitely was also an era music that also boosted a national pride with the youth. It was a time where Suriname was doing economically well after years of being on the poor side.
Each artist has their own style, so I'll try to list them per artist or group:
  1. Damaru (pop, surinamese-pop and a bit of reggae); it started all with this guy and his famous single "mi rowsu":
    1. Damaru - Mi Rowsu
      1. Worth mentioning is this version of the song that became popular in Suriname and the Netherlands: Damaru & Jan Smit - Mi Rowsu (Tuintje In Mijn Hart)
    2. Damaru & Booster - Schatje Lief
  2. Mighty Youth (RnB, pop, zouk, rap);
    1. The Mighty Youth ft. Enver - Bomikie
    2. The Mighty Youth - Vibes
  3. Suri All Starz or one of their individual artists (pop, hip hop, Soca, Zouk):
    1. SURINAME - Suri All Starz by I Love SU; this was an iconic one that is still played at big events
    2. The Suri All Starzz - Zover; this one has some Zouk-pop elements and maybe a bit of a reggae guitar in it.
    3. Su pon di wine, Danitsia Sahadewsing (Suri All Starzz); their soca-suriname brassband style song
  4. Ztreetzoldierz (zouk, RnB, pop, soca, kaseko and maybe even a bit of chutney, rap and hip hop):
    1. Snoepje - Ztreetzoldierz ft Mixey; BOP! Brings back fun memories of school and the schoolbus.
    2. Ztreetzoldierz & Mixey - Na mi moni pai fing
    3. Ztreetzoldierz Hinderdaad
  5. Poppe, Colonel, Lodiliki, Enver, Donavey (reggae, pop, rap, rock, alternative hip hop); these songs usually have a hidden message:
    1. Lodilikie ft. Enver - No onderschat mi [OFFICIAL VIDEO]; THIS A BOP! This was especially popular with boys. We all felt like tiny "gangsters" and also tried to see who could rap the "fastest" (in Dutch and Aukan) and if we also could sing the Aukan parts. Every radio station played this song. Play this song at a party nowadays and everyone might recite this song by heart.
    2. Poppe x Damaru x Donavey - Hard om te zeggen; BOP!!! We used to sing this in harmony by heart in the school bus, especially the chorus.
    3. Poppe x Fenomeen - Bla bla; A BOP! Poppe her songs always have a message.
    4. Colonel - Grafsteen [OFFICIAL VIDEO]; this guy is quite famous in France nowadays. His songs also had messages
    5. Luku fa yu dong- Enver; BOP! A rap/song about broken heart.
    6. Colonel ft. Jayh - Gek op Jou (zouk, pop); BOP!!!!! They other guy Jayh is a Curaçaoan guy.
  6. Kenny B (reggae, zouk); Kenny B is one of Suriname's iconic and greatest sons. Everyone loves him. He has a few great hits, but his most famous ones are:
    1. KENNY B. & BENAISSA - Yu Faya; A BOP! We used to sing this in the school bus every day almost.
    2. Kenny B & Jeffrey Spalburg - Paramaribo-o-o; BOP, BOP, BOP!!! HANDS DOWN! This song overall is popular with Surinamese of all ages.
    3. Kenny B - Parijs
    4. Kenny B and Tekisha - Tjaipi Lobi [official video]; BOP!
    5. Kenny B ft Tequisha Abel - Nex ne tai
  7. Scrappy W (rap, alternative hip hop); Scrappy W rapped and sang mostly about the things in our society that are seen slightly taboo and racist or discriminative, but in a comical way and showing that we should step away from those mindsets.
    1. SCRAPPY W - DIKKE VROUWEN; the name of the song is "fat women"
    2. Scrappy W - Super Saamaka; a song about his experiences as a Saramaccan Maroon and stereotypes in our society on maroons. He uses the term Dyuka a lot for example. A word other Surinamese use derogatory to refer to maroons.
    3. Scrappy W - Yvette; about experiences of a young guy in school who wants to do his best in school and how a girl wants him, sexually harasses him and how the police reacts and how it feels as a teen to be in that position and have no one listen to you or to go to.
  8. Others that had great and popular hits (some of you might even recognize certain beats):
    1. HORI YU - KAYENTE FT. SPITSO STREZZ 2FAMOUSCRW (PROD.SLCTBTS) (zouk, dance-pop, Dutch dance-pop)
    2. DJOEGOE DJOEGOE - Selecta Ft. Kayente (2FAMOUSCRW) (Surinamese style Chuntey, pop, zouk(?))
    3. Kayente & Baby FT. T.I.K. - Tamara; My Latin friends in the sub will know this beat as there is a song with this exact beat. This one however has elements of Surinamese genres.
    4. KAYENTE & KURUPA - KIRIKHAIBANA (Official Music Video) (kaseko, Amerindian genres)
As mentioned, this period brought back a feeling of national pride. Many songs were also a reason for this. The I Love SU brand also sponsored a few of these songs that were great hits.
  1. The Suriname song by Suri All StarZ was one of them, and the Paramaribo song by Kenny B too.
  2. Audrey Bakrude & Enver & Kolonel - I Love Su; BOP! This song has elements of house, dance and pop.
  3. Damaru - Suriname; This song is so iconic and was such a great hit, that even foreign vloggers that visit use this in their videos.
Nowadays other songs dominate the stage. Most of these artists have other jobs too. Some became music producers, movie makers, one became a flight attendant, one a fireman etc. So, I hope you enjoy the styles of the iconic 2010's. Also, have you heard any of these songs before?
submitted by sheldon_y14 to AskTheCaribbean [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:42 wlady4000 Christianity impact on geopolitics and economics globally, influencing nations from the poorest to the richest

Christianity has had a significant impact on geopolitics and economics globally, influencing nations from the poorest to the richest. Here are some tangible examples:
  1. Colonialism and Expansion: Historically, European powers justified their colonial expansion and domination through the lens of Christianity, citing missions to civilize and convert indigenous populations. This had profound economic implications as colonies provided resources, labor, and markets for the colonial powers.
  2. Cultural Influence: Christianity has played a key role in shaping the cultural identities of nations, influencing their societal norms, values, and legal systems. This has economic implications by affecting business practices, consumer behavior, and economic policies.
  3. Charity and Aid: Christian organizations and charities have been instrumental in providing humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and development assistance to impoverished nations. This aid often comes with economic conditions or is tied to religious activities, impacting the economic and social landscape of recipient countries.
  4. Ethical Frameworks: Christian ethics and principles have influenced economic thought and policies, particularly in the West. Concepts like social justice, stewardship, and the common good have informed debates on economic inequality, welfare programs, and environmental sustainability.
  5. Political Movements: Christian movements and organizations have played significant roles in political activism and advocacy, influencing policies on issues such as human rights, poverty alleviation, and peacebuilding. These movements can shape government priorities and policies, impacting economic development and international relations.
  6. Wealth Disparities: In some cases, Christianity has been critiqued for exacerbating wealth disparities, with interpretations of prosperity gospel leading to exploitation or neglect of the poor. Conversely, Christian teachings on charity and social justice have inspired movements for economic equality and redistribution.
  7. Geopolitical Alliances: Throughout history, Christian identity has influenced geopolitical alliances and conflicts. For example, during the Cold War, Christian-majority nations often aligned with either the Western bloc (led by the United States) or the Eastern bloc (led by the Soviet Union), shaping global power dynamics and economic systems.
  8. Tourism and Pilgrimage: Christian pilgrimage sites, such as Jerusalem, Rome, or Santiago de Compostela, attract millions of tourists annually, contributing significantly to the economies of host countries through tourism revenue, infrastructure development, and job creation.
  9. Education and Literacy: Christian missionaries have historically been involved in education and literacy programs in many parts of the world. The spread of education, often accompanied by Christian teachings, has influenced human capital development and economic growth in various regions.
These examples demonstrate how Christianity has intersected with geopolitics and economics, impacting nations across the spectrum of wealth and development.
submitted by wlady4000 to u/wlady4000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:41 AI_technologies Why do we need AI as a financial advisor?

Highlight the following benefits: This is my personal case study, But you may disagree with me!
Budget Planning: AI analyzes your spending habits much more deeply than you might on your own. This leads to tailored recommendations and insights you wouldn't uncover manually. In addition, it can process massive amounts of financial data, like budget plans, spending analysis, and savings suggestions, in seconds.
On a separate note, I want to mention the fight against impulse buys. AI eliminates emotional spending triggers often associated with human budgeting. It sticks to the data, promoting financial discipline.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Create a budget template that will work with my income and spending habits. I want something I can easily track and modify." 
Accounting and Tax Compliance:
Modern platforms track changes in tax rules and legislation in real-time, alerting you to updates that could affect your life and work. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties. If you set up your assistant intelligently, you may even be able to prevent problems in some cases.
And, unlike a real financial advisor, AI platforms are noticeably cheaper and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Explain the key financial ratios and how to calculate them. Provide examples of how to use them to assess my business health." 
Investment Management: AI is increasingly important in trading, as financiers make trades using algorithms. And if the best experts are using it, why shouldn't we? AI platforms are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing us to identify patterns humans might miss. This helps ensure the integrity of financial data and reduces costly errors.
In addition, some platforms can assess risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to generate customized portfolio management recommendations.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Summarize the current economic climate. Highlight key indicators (e.g., inflation, interest rates, GDP) and their potential impact on my investment portfolio." 
These points add to a common conclusion regarding one fundamental advantage: data-driven automation. AI can quickly handle routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing us to make more educated decisions or free up time for more enjoyable activities.
submitted by AI_technologies to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:34 Everythingisaokbb AITA for not wanting to call my friend her “stage” name when she is not a performer?

I met my friend “Michelle” almost 6 years ago and she went by her given name. We became quite close and then had a rift in our friendship for a bit. When we made up, a few months into hanging she announced (more corrected me awkwardly) that I needed to call her “Mickey” as it was her “radio host name” and her business name as she runs events under that name and yoga/fitness classes under that name. I told her it would be an adjustment but I would try to remember, but I felt it a bit insincere when introducing her to new people, especially when these folks had already heard me tell them stories about her as her given name.
For further info: My friend and I live in LA and while it’s not uncommon for people to use stage names, my friend is NOT a performer. She is a personal trainer, a (very unofficial) music journalist. Prob the big issue is the way she goes about certain things like this as it comes off extremely vain and self important.
For example, last night I invited her out to meet my lovely and amazing friend at her improv show. When I introduced her as “Michelle” I flinched and corrected myself and said “Mickey”. She was immediately pissed and took it out on my new friends, getting pissy with my friend’s husband and her husband’s mom when his mom asked if she teaches pilates (she does) and was in a tiff repeating many times: “My name is “Mickey” btw it’s “Mickey” and “no mainly I do weight training”. And told my friend’s husband, “I don’t consider golf a sport” flatly when I tried to relate them in conversation…he’s a pro golfer. And this mind you, was the first thing she says to this lovely man and his mom.
I get that it’s LA and people have to take themselves seriously or no one else will, but she all but cried in the car on the way to a bar after we saw my friends show and overexplained that she wants to have her stage name bc you don’t call “Lana Del Ray” Lizzie Grant. She’s Lana Del Ray. My friend asked me later when she went to the bathroom-“hey (my name), I’m sorry I am so confused, is this the Michelle you’re always talking about?”. I said, yes. Clearly this is confusing with my close friends and her family…
I found it exhausting and I don’t like doing it. Tbh it feels self important and entitled on her end to demand a rapid name change to be constantly used when she’s not trans. If this was a gender affirming request, I would be more than happy to oblige.
Thoughts? Maybe I just need to let it go but it doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe it’s just her approach and her scolding of me. It feels controlling and it rubs me the wrong way as an honest person.
submitted by Everythingisaokbb to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 sudosussudio This is the best story about soil erosion since Dune

As someone who studied agriculture in college, I really appreciated how this game incorporated soil science into the story. I play a lot of farming games and really never expect any degree of realism. But I was really surprised that Sandrock's story was grounded in the real issue of desertification. The solution being soil stabilization through tree plantings (very light vague spoiler) is very much a real thing (see Mongolia's 1 million trees project for example). It's rare I see these subjects in fiction, besides Dune, which was inspired by Frank Hebert's reporting on soil stabilization projects.
This makes me think that the devs/writers must have researched these subjects. The best part is they turned a subject that many people see as boring into a fun and engaging story.
Of course most of the algae stuff was science fiction, but scientists IRL are researching the use of algae to improve soil. And biocrusts are also a real thing too!
Anyway, NGL I totally bought this game for Logan/Fang but now I'm going to recommend it to all my ag school friends. Unless they are busy with real farming that is (I was more like Qi and stuck with computers).
submitted by sudosussudio to MyTimeAtSandrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 notarealnigerian Basic Translation Drill Question

Basic Translation Drill Question
Hi all, I'm working through The Loophole and wanted to ask a question about accuracy with the Basic Translation Drill - How exact does one need to be in being able to recall exact/specific details, given that IRL we would actually reference the stimulus as needed? I have an example below comparing my notes to the answer key, and would be curious to hear your thoughts/opinions on if this approach is okay, or if I should focus more on remembering exact details so I don't miss anything in the answer choices. I attached a pic of the stimulus and the answer key. Thanks!
My notes were primarily consistent, so I will include only the ones I worded differently:
  • Economic issues this year hit agro and small businesses hardest
  • Success of Land Party came from targeting this demo and the economy
submitted by notarealnigerian to TheLoophole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 traceyboards US Open Crokinole Championship Finals Match

We have just posted footage from the US Open Crokinole Championship Finals Match for anyone that is interested! For those that don't know, the US Open is a National Crokinole Association tournament ran out of Voorheesville, New York , and is a day long elimination style Crokinole tournament full of fun and awesome people. This match features some of the top players in the NCA, and is a great example of what competitive Crokinole looks like
Shoutout to the Extra Pint Crokinole Club for running such an amazing event, we highly recommend anyone living in the States that loves Crokinole check out this club and the tournaments that they run
Enjoy the match: https://youtu.be/6SzCZJFPmaU
submitted by traceyboards to Crokinole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Wild_Cellist9861 Gamers Break Away [GBA]

My fellow gamers, for too long has our community suffered the indignation of an intolerable culture that has denigrated, besmirched, exploited, and has outright demonized our culture of unique individuals with a genuine love of a hobby that they see as profitable and progressive. They have taken beloved IP’s (Intellectual Properties) and twisted them into their own personal ideological crusade of undermining and humiliating the core aspects of characters they deemed as “Toxic” or “White Supremacy”. Through the guise and protection of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) & ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) they have used our influence in the entertainment industry to push their narratives and agendas that have stigmatized our culture with numerous anti-consumer practices that they call “being progressive”. But the truth of the matter is they were never really looking to be a part of our community, they simply wanted to use our community as a tool of activism and propaganda in the entertainment industry as it was extremely profitable, and they wanted inclusion in that division. Ever since GamerGate & Female Frequency, we have had to endure the incursion of forced ideologies, xenophobic behaviors and inferior overpriced products that have never been in our best interest and have been flat out disgraceful towards foreign media.
Before Gaming had become a major source of entertainment, we were often categorized as anti-social or societies rejects where because we found more enjoyment in playing fictional characters and not spending as much time out and about, we never fully assimilated in society (which is a good thing if you ask me). From 1998 to 2007, at the height of innovation, creativity and production, Gaming had reached a golden age in which it had revolutionized society. Hollywood Execs who had ruined the movie industry turned their attention to video games as a source of income since video games had outperformed movies in terms of profit. No one was concerned about gaming, much less diversity or inclusivity until it became profitable. This makes people like SBI look extremely disingenuous as they were not interested in gamers as a community with its own culture. They simply wanted to use it as another weapon in identity politics.
Microtransactions; the hidden enemy to gamer progress and inducer to mental laziness of our community. Microtransactions have been around for a long time; however, it has never been more potent and apparent than in recent years. It has aided in the dismantling and segregation of players on the ideology of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and has created another sub-culture of gamers who have no real drive to be better outside of how much money they put into the game. This has degraded our culture as well as we have become “fat” off transactional gaming but at the same time we have been “starved” of purposeful gaming where our achievements were our sustenance. I am not saying that microtransactions are bad, but when they are exploitative and predatorial like they have been and don’t give gamers room to grow, we become lethargic and unwilling to improve ourselves as gamers. Oversaturated microtransactional games are one of the many reasons why we have become complacent and unwilling to fight against the exploitative tactics used by big brand game companies such EA, Ubisoft, ActivisionBlizzard, NaughtyDog and so many other western business model companies. Western style games were not like this in the past, they had much more depth and actual effort put into them with the gamer in mind. This has not been the case for over a decade and our connection to western developers has been whittled down to just being transactional. That is one of the reasons why you see so many remasters and remakes in today’s gamer community. They have lost their willingness to improve as developers of games and simply accept corporate/share holder rules.
Game journalists also do not have any real integrity or purpose outside of being funded for their involvement in promoting IPG (Identity Political Games) in a positive light to the public whether it’s positively received or not. They are not interested in what we have to say, they all support the same agenda and that is why they are a dying breed. Within the next couple of years, they will be out of the job and more than likely they will not be able to stay in the industry giving how they have responded to past articles that have clearly been scripted on the premise of diversity and racism. Not only that, but most of them are also extremely hostile to the community as they stereotype and defame the individuals that are a part of the community they are supposed to serve. We have been mentally liberated from their lies and coercive tactics as we tend to laugh at their obvious attempt at virtue signaling while hiding their misdoings so that they can play the victim.
My gamer brothers & sisters, I would not suggest the following action that we must take now without good cause. I have weighed our options and the best option for us now is this…...CULTURAL SECESSION. Naturally this is a form of segregation where they would more than likely claim they are being segregated by the dominant culture of the gaming community but that is incorrect. For years now we have been the ones who are often marginalized and ostracized for the smaller portion of our community. And when we aren’t, we’re exploited for more funds so that these companies can stay in business only to subject us to low quality products that coincide with the “WOKE Agenda” that are often huge expenses to these big brands i.e. AAA/AAAA games that will eventually flop for its obvious forced diversity and bug infested product which will undoubtedly piss off the consumer to the point of wanting a refund. Losing copious amounts of capital and stock in the process, not to mention their reputation is permanently marred.
We must separate on every cultural level in terms of entertainment and ideology. We must reject everything from the west that promotes toxic western beliefs, practices, and exclusion from other cultures (i.e. Southeastern Countries such as Japan and Korea). Japan & Korea have been the targets of unjust discrimination from Western Developers, Western Journalists, Western Localizers (The Wokelizers) and Western Society Prejudice regarding their sense of aesthetics as Westerners hate the aesthetic sense of these countries. The reason why they resort to such base tactics isn’t just because it weaponizes the ideal female form but it’s also because they have deep-seated insecurities about their own looks so when they see attractive female characters, they use terms such as “unrealistic” or “hypersexualized” to establish the moral high ground. But the truth is, they want to feel superior to that which is ideal, so they insult and dehumanize this figure that portrays natural female beauty because they see it as an insult to their own social superiority in what they believe is a hierarchy of them being at the top of all other women. Because of this and so many contributing factors, their movies flop harder than the Fat Chocobo landing on a group of enemies and their games seismically fail just as much if not more. We must sever our connection to Western Developers, Publishers, and ALL Western-Centric Entertainment for they seek to mentally enslave us to their Xenophobic ideology.
Let’s define Western Culture and its traits. Western Culture/Society is composed of more than several different ideologies that work in unison with one another to facilitate dominance over multiple aspects of society. Business, Social, Political, Technological, and sometimes even Global Affairs are affected by these ideologies that portray a specific mindset of Western beliefs. What are those ideologies you ask?
Official Wiki GamerGate Page)

Asmongold Clips.




These traits are so nefarious and unconscionable that I have a hard time believing that anyone could harbor them. However, given the social, political, and economic climate that we are in, those in power who use their influence on controlling society most definitely possess these insidious traits. Everything that they do is all about control and since video games are the biggest market in the world, they want control over it and the communities built around it to accrue more wealth and to use that wealth to subjugate other cultures. Mainstream media is a tool as well as mainstream organizations and sites to help accomplish this goal.
The government recently announced its intentions towards what they believe is “GamerGate 2.0” and now even the ADL has made an official appearance, referring to gamers as “extremist’s”. We know EXACTLY what they are doing, and they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore because they don’t think we are aware of their motives. This is just a pretext for them to exert even more control and we know why, it’s because they want the influence we as a community have to must serve them. So here is what we do my fellow gamers-
“In light of recent events and years of mainstream stigma, we the members of the Global Gaming Community [GGC] must officially renounce ALL TIES to the corporate western video game market. We have been financially exploited through predatorial monetization schemes, pelted with numerous articles of disdain and intentional misrepresentation from game journalists, news outlets regarding us as dangerous individuals and, even subjected to inferior products not only riddled with bugs but also products meant to push political agendas. For the preservation of our community and its unique culture, apart from a few select game development studios we officially sever all connections to western owned video game companies & their mainstream affiliates. From this point onward, we will no longer support western corporate developers, journalists and publishers that do not coincide with the goals of our community.”
Naturally this is completely optional. If you are okay with the state of the gaming community as it is, feel free to ignore this. But if you wish for real change and a break away from oversaturated monetization in the games you play and the push for radical ideological reform, then you are in the right place. Lets sever these rotted miasmic ties once and for all so that our community can be preserved and made better for future gamers. If you agree with this, share it with whoever you think might be interested. The more gamers who get involved, the easier it will be for us to finally break free from mainstream game companies and their associates.
submitted by Wild_Cellist9861 to United_Gamer_Front [link] [comments]
