Amox-clav toddler

Tested positive for IgM antibodies today after 2 negative nasal swab tests

2020.05.18 04:26 TropicOfAnon Tested positive for IgM antibodies today after 2 negative nasal swab tests

Wow, I finally have some tentative proof that what I have been going through for the past 3 months was not all in my head! But I still have so many questions... If you test positive for IgM and not IgG does that mean you are still experiencing an active infection? Would you still be contagious? Has anyone tested positive for only IgM after months of being of being sick?
I thought I’d share my story since reading everyone’s experiences has helped me so much, especially since, at least in my case, my doctor has been less than helpful and my family have been skeptical that I could be sick this long from covid.
Here is a timeline of my symptoms, sorry it’s a long read:
27F, 5ft 105 pounds, A blood type, and no known health issues besides a history of anemia. Baseline temp of 97.9.
End of Feb - Major brain fog, migraine like headaches, fatigue, and one brutal night of headache induced vomiting. I could barely make it through a day of work, and almost got into a couple car accidents while driving during this time. It was weird, I was even having trouble keeping up conversations and remembering words, but I brushed it all off as stress and lack of sleep (I have a toddler who still wakes up at night ಥ﹏ಥ)
Beginning of March - Post nasal drip feeling begins with oddly no nasal congestion and I start to have a very infrequent dry cough. I also lost my sense of smell around this time for about a week.
Mid March to March 26th - Sore throat begins which is much worse on my left side and feels like tonsillitis. I also start feeling feverish and have a few days of crazy nasal congestion where the post nasal drip feels like I’m drowning. I start to experience a slight chest pressure and weird body aches like a mixture of growing pains and working out to much. I thought I had the flu at this point and was just going to ride it out at home.
March 26th - March 29th- This is when the scary shit starts happening. The cough gets worse. The chest pressure gets worse and my temperature gets to 101 and won’t come down with Tylenol. My heart rate skyrockets at the weirdest times, even when I am sitting or laying down. I have a few nights of bad fever where I wake up every 30 minutes or so sweating with my heart pounding, feeling like I have to focus on breathing. At this point I’m pretty sure I have covid and I’m able to get an appointment through my GP to get tested on March 30th.
March 30th - The peak. After a bad night of fever and now diarrhea, I wake up so weak and dizzy that I can’t walk. I have a really weird episode where my body feels like it is shaking internally, or vibrating - sorry it’s hard to describe, all over. During this, my heart rate reached almost 200bmp and the slight chest pressure now feels like someone is sitting on my chest. I thought I was going to die at this point, but it calmed down after about 40 minutes and I was able to go to my doctor’s office for the nasal swab. The nurse recommended I go to the emergency room if I started to feel worse, so when a second episode similar to the first one started a few hours later my husband took me to the ER. My EKG and chest X-ray came back normal at the ER, and the viral panel they ran on me came back negative for everything, so they sent me home with a diagnosis of ‘viral respiratory infection’, a prescription for Amox Clav, and pretty much no guidance.
March 30th - Mid April - Symptoms come in waves. Some days I feel like I might be getting better only to get worse later in the day. Bad earache and pressure begins. The only constants are the low grade fever, infrequent dry cough, and slight shortness of breath. I’ve never felt so unwell in my life, and when I get the negative result from my first nasal swab I don’t know what to think. My doctor’s only response was “You’re definitely negative for covid but what you have sounds viral, so I hope you feel better soon.” I start the antibiotic from the ER on the off chance that what is causing my symptoms is bacterial.
Mid April - Late April - After starting the antibiotic I have 6 days without a fever, I feel like I might be getting better besides the earache, which is still around, and I have another bout of extreme nasal congestion/runny nose. Nope. My body was just trolling me. I have about a week of the worst stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting of my life. I have fever and night chills again at this time. I can barely move and keep anything down. I call my doctor again because I don’t seem to be getting better and these new symptoms are severe. I go back in for blood work, a c diff test, and another chest x ray all of which come back normal. My doctor orders another covid test.
Early May - 2nd nasal swab comes back negative. Earache subsides and I can eat food again without extreme pain. I finally start to feel like I’m actually getting better this time. I have two weeks fever free and the toxic unwell feeling I’ve only ever felt with this strange illness and alcohol poisoning goes away for the first time in over a month.
I went last week, May 11th, to get an antibody test done at a local walk-in clinic that was offering the full blood draw for free. In all honesty the possibility that I’ve had covid this whole time has never really left my mind, so I just wanted to make sure. I tested positive for IgM.
This week I have a bit of sore throat and am starting to feel unwell again, like the cycle might repeat. I’m so scared this might never go away and exhausted from being sick this long. Any advice on how to kick this thing for good?
submitted by TropicOfAnon to COVID19positive [link] [comments]