How to use a bestmed ki-8170

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2024.04.20 22:33 Engineering_Junkie Hospital plan?

Hi all,
I'm looking to get a hospital plan for my spouse (29 year old). She's healthy and I'm looking for something that will cover everything if she goes into hospital for a procedure or in the event of an emergency.
I would prefer something where she would be allowed to use any private hospital and not be confined to a network.
I have a budget of 2500, which seems to not be that much. I have seen that bonitas has one but I have no idea how good it is, if there are other options etc.
So far I've looked into bonitas, momentum, discovery, bestmed and fedhealth. With bonitas seeming like the only one that allows any private hospital with a cost of ~R2200.
Also if there are independent brokers anyone can recommend i would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Engineering_Junkie to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2023.01.10 21:58 OrFir99 IPhone - Pairing neato vacuum - Stuck on greyed out next button on neato app: How to get past issue!

If you have a Iphone and cant get past the greyed out "Next Button." After selecting your vacuum type. Here is the solution: I struggled for 2 days to get my D7 connected to my WIFI after a hard reset so wanted to share how I got past the issue with others!

1) Make sure you Neato is in parring mode

2) How I got past the greyed out next button

How I got past the greyed out next button I had to turn off local network in Iphone Settings -> Neato App
Neato app setting should look like this:

3) The Second Issue Getting Past

Now the app askes me pick my Wi-Fi and robot name but it will never ever connect to wifi. Just keeps trying to add the name. Fails over and over. With no error popping up.
To fix this:
Leave the Neato App Open. Go to your Iphone Settings -> Neato App. Now turn on the local Network. (Yes we turned it off in step 2 and now need to turn it back on)
Neato app setting should look like this:
Now go back into your Neato App. Backed out of the "Name your Vacuum" and "Pick the Wifi screens". Click the back button a few times. Make sure you turned back on the “Local network” in your Iphone setting for the neato app. Then go though the step again in the Neato app to get your vacuum paired with your networks.... Scan for the wifi, (The scan will now work) select your network from the list, type in the password, name your robot. You will eventually get to a screen that shows your Neato Vacuum connecting to the WIFI network, along with the neato servers. If you get here its working! Let it connect and boom happy vacuuming.
Note: make sure your WIFI doesn't use special characters in the name or password
Hope this helps someone out! Make sure to comment if this helps you. So others find this post!
Iphone iOS 16.2, Neato App Paring Issue, Greyed Out Next Button
submitted by OrFir99 to NeatoRobotics [link] [comments]

2020.03.20 20:27 removalbot 03-20 19:27 - 'How to monitor Linux server in 30 min. or less from scratch with Zabbix' (self.linux) by /u/ZaBbeast removed from /r/linux within 1155-1165min

I've written a tutorial for those who don't want to have the hassle and just need to quickly set up 100% free monitoring of their Linux servers using Zabbix.
You can install Zabbix on your favorite Linux distribution in less than 10 minutes: [CentOS/RHEL]1 , [Ubuntu]2 , [Debian]3 , [Rasbian]4
And setup Linux server monitoring in few minutes with this guide:
PM me or comment if you need any help with this.
How to monitor Linux server in 30 min. or less from scratch with Zabbix
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: ZaBbeast
1: be**m*ni*oringto*ls.***/h*w-to-install-*a*bi*-serve*-o*-*entos*or-rhe** 2: bestm**i****ngt***ow-to-insta*l-zabbix-se**er*on***untu/ 3: **s*monito*in***ol*.*om/how-to-*n**all**abbi*-server-on-debia*/ 4: b**t*oni*ori**/***-to-i*stal*-zab*ix-on-raspberry-p***a*pb**n/ 5: b**tmo*itorin***ols.c*m/zabbix-*g*nt-l*nux-*n*t*ll-on-u*untu-cen****r*el*debian-rasb*an* 6: be*tmonitori*g**ols.*om**a*bix-agent-lin**-instal*-on-ubun*u*c*ntos-rhel-d****n-ras*i***]*^5
Unknown links are censored to prevent spreading illicit content.
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

2017.04.10 15:43 czarodziejdnia Third application can't properly save photos took with front camera

Did you guys experience problems with front camera? Using stock camera application it's okay but with aparat bestme selfie application it looks okay first but when it saves it's a rectangle green small file. I found it can be connected with build.prop file. I updated the system to the newest one but still photo can't be saved with this application. Back camera works well. How to resolve this issue?
submitted by czarodziejdnia to LineageOS [link] [comments]

2016.09.27 18:31 Darnith GTX 970 GPU Passthrough, getting a code 43

Hi guys,
As the title says I'm trying to do a GPU passthrough with a GTX 970 using virt-manager, everything is golden, the GPU is being picked up by the VM correctly but it's throwing a code 43.
I know this is due to the card detecting the VM and then throwing an error, my question is, how do I get around this, I think I've got the options set correctly, here's my current XML:
 Windows-Main b89cfef5-1a53-4fc3-8170-b73640ae7ac4 4194304 4194304 8  hvm           Broadwell       destroy restart restart      /usbin/qemu-system-x86_64     
submitted by Darnith to linuxquestions [link] [comments]