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Official Subreddit of the Philadelphia Fusion Overwatch League Team

2017.11.07 16:06 eddiewadp Official Subreddit of the Philadelphia Fusion Overwatch League Team

The Home of the Philadelphia Fusion. A community for news, discussion and excitement for black and orange in Season Four of the Overwatch League.

2024.05.14 21:58 Educational-Tea602 Did you ever hear the tragedy of u/-Bongo The Wise?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of u/-Bongo The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story a pawn would tell you. It’s an anarchychess legend. u/-Bongo was a Dark Lord of the anarchy, so powerful and so wise he could use en passant to influence the chess to deflect bricks… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from having their pipi bricked. The dark side of the passant is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice bricked his pipi in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from bricking, but not himself.
submitted by Educational-Tea602 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 Mister_KG Drgs

Se puede mezclar dos o más sustancias sin algún proceso de cocción o algo, por ejemplo juntar cristal y ketamina simplemente triturarlas y juntarlas y hacer un polvo, eso estaría bien hecho a la hora de crear el tusi o se tiene que hacer algún proceso, echarme una mano en este tema
submitted by Mister_KG to Ps_tussi_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:54 Accomplished_End_843 What do you think about this idea to incentivize Super Likes?

What do you think about this idea to incentivize Super Likes?
Ever since Webtoon announced a year ago they’d be coming up with a tipping system, I tried to find a fun way to incorporate it in my story.
My webtoon is a bit weird in the sense that it has a lot of video games elements in it. I mean it pretty literally, not in the way Solo Levelling or other manhwa have story taking place in a gamified world.
It’s a collaborative management game where the readers have to help the main character improve their stats. Then, those stats are used to unlock new paths in the story and new quest (though we’re not yet to this phase but we’re close)
To bring it back to the Super Likes, I figured out that letting them influence that stat growth could be a good way to make those tips substantial!
It shouldn’t break the game since my comic is relatively small and I doubt a lot of people will ever do it but ideally, I’d like a nice bonus for those invested in the story and make those tips extra meaningful.
What do you think?
submitted by Accomplished_End_843 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:54 9Gonz Estudiar online.

Básicamente lo del título, tengo 20 años y estoy trabajando en un trabajo donde no tengo nada de tiempo pero puedo llegar s ganar bien, quiero estudiar una carrera universitaria pero no puedo ir a una universidad, estuve viendo universidades en línea y hay muchas, hay una Argentina que se llama "Universidad de Palermo" o "UP" ¿Los títulos sirven? ¿Vale la pena? hay algunas carreras ahí que me llamaron mucho.
submitted by 9Gonz to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 maymouse Nervous about my Tiqets booking for Colosseum

Hi all,
I booked a Colosseum tour with Tiqets for Sept 6 2024. It’s this tour in fact: Tour
All of a sudden I am worried about the legitimacy and the quality of this tour. It’s the first tour I’ve booked for my two week trip, so moving forward I’ve heard good things about Viator, The Tour Guy, etc. and will use those.
It’s non-refundable - has anyone done this same tour? How was your experience?
Thank you!
submitted by maymouse to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:43 Cezalios Une aventure d'un autre point de vue ?

Bonjour à vous !
Voilà, alors en fait je suis un joueurs de donjon et dragon très débutant. J'ai déménagé et paf bah je me retrouve tout seul dans mon coin dans une ville peu habité en dehors de l'été. Du coup bon bah je ne trouve pas de table à rejoindre.
J'ai alors un peu fait fonctionner mon esprit, frustré de ne pouvoir jouer, et une idée m'est venu ! Je n'arrive pas à trouver de MJ qui gère une table avec une place, pourquoi ne pas proposer de gérer ma propre partie, trouver des joueurs serait peut être plus simple !
Le truc c'est que je n'y connais pas grand chose.. Alors je le suis dit que faire les choses un peu à ma sauce serait peut être sympa. Je vous présente donc mon idée de petite campagne que je souhaitait proposer. J'aimerais beaucoup avoir des avis de joueur ou maître du jeu plus avisés que moi avant de me lancer à fond dans la rédaction et le développement de mon truc.. Parce que bon des idées j'en ai à la pelle, des bonnes idées peut être moins ! Bref hésitez pas à donner votre avis ou vos suggestions !
Voilà alors l'idée c'est quoi, c'est ça :
-Alors que le soleil n'est encore qu'à peine levé, vous sentez la paille vous chatouiller les narines. Ouvrant les yeux difficilement après une nuit bien trop courte, vous regardez autour de vous et commencer difficilement à vous remémorer votre journée de la veille.
Vous étiez parmi les autres, sûrement le plus beau, à coup sûr le plus athlétique, peut être le plus grand... Et vous avez été sélectionné !
Tout content, vous vous revoyez, fier, bombant la poitrine devant les autres, relevant la tête pour montrer votre supériorité : on en avait choisi un et c'était vous !
Celui qui avait choisi de faire équipe avec vous s'était alors approché. Vous vous étiez alors déconfit. Loin du grand chevalier en armure que vous imaginiez, un jeune gringalet, trois poils de barbes sur les joues, des joues d'enfant, un sac à dos en cuir mal cousu sur le dos et un chapeau de travers sur la tête, s'était approché de vous. Il marchait fièrement, quoiqu'un peu de guingois, droit vers vous.
Attrapant votre licol, il avait déposé une bourse de pièce sur le bureau du maître des enchères et vous avait attiré vers une grange. Vous installant dans la paille, il s'était assis près de vous et vous avais regardé les yeux brillant.
'' Toi, tu vas t'appeler Dargant ! (nom de joueur d'exemple). Tu vas voir, on va vivre un paquet d'aventures tout les deux ! Repose toi bien, on part demain, chercher nos première quêtes.''
Le gamin mal coiffé vous avais tapoté la tête puis était partis se coucher, prêt à rêver de combat héroïques contre des adversaires farfelus. -
Voila donc vous l'aurez deviné, mon idée c'est de faire jouer des animaux aux joueurs. Une monture ou un familier. Chacun des joueurs/animaux serait directement lié à un aventurier au début, des aventurier totalement débutant. Ils pourraient et devraient, par différents moyens ou stratégies, chercher à diriger les quêtes et aventure en influençant le groupe d'aventurier qu'ils accompagnent. Un cheval, monture, pourrait par exemple tout à coup choisir de sortir du chemin pour éviter à son cavalier de se faire attaquer par un archer que lui n'aurait pas vu... Ce genre de chose.
Je ne sais pas du tout si l'idée est bonne. Je vois beaucoup de manière d'exploiter le truc mais je me demande surtout si ça pourrait plaire à des joueurs. J'ai notamment peur le fait de n'être, au mois en apparence, pas le personnage principal de l'histoire puisse en frustrer certain.
Voilà donc et bah je vous remercie de vos avis et opinions ! Je suis également désolé de mon orthographe que je sais bancal... Je ne fait que lire et écrire pourtant les fautes sont partout dans mes textes 😅
submitted by Cezalios to jdr [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 Plenty-Dark4943 Autoreparatie advies

Dag mensen, ik ben opzoek naar jullie mening en / of advies over het volgende:
Ongeveer 2 maanden geleden moest ik mijn auto repareren omdat er koelvloeistof lekte. Dit bleek echter een vrij dure reparatie te zijn van ongeveer €900 (inclusief enkele andere reparaties / kleine zaken). Volgens de garage was een EGR-klep de oorzaak van het lek en deze werd door hen vervangen.
Helaas zag ik vorige week opnieuw een lampje branden in mijn auto en was de koelvloeistof opnieuw volledig verdwenen. Ik heb natuurlijk mijn auto teruggebracht en de garage heeft onderzocht waarom het opnieuw lekte. En nu komt het: ze zeggen dat de EGR-klep correct is gemonteerd en dat hen niets te verwijten valt. Het probleem ligt bij de koppakking. De kosten om dit te laten repareren? €1400.
Natuurlijk is dit een belachelijke prijs en wil ik dit niet zomaar betalen. Ik weet zelf niet veel van auto’s, dus leek het mij in ieder geval slim om bij een andere garage te vragen wat hun diagnose is. Morgen zal hier goed naar gekeken worden, maar ze hebben vorige week al snel gekeken en zij vermoeden dat de EGR-klep (die dus vervangen is) lekt omdat deze niet goed is gemonteerd.
Nu is mijn vraag hoe ik dit het beste kan aanpakken. Ik had al bedacht om alles goed vast te leggen met foto's en natuurlijk te vragen of de nieuwe garage, als blijkt dat de montage niet goed is, schriftelijk kan verklaren wat de werkelijke reden is voor het koelvloeistofprobleem. Maar hoe ga ik om met de eventuele extra kosten die ik maak? Kan ik deze kosten dan verhalen bij mijn oorspronkelijke garage?
submitted by Plenty-Dark4943 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 fishiouscycle To Adam Silver: please fix your game start times

Wolves-Nuggets begins at 10:30 PM ET today evening.
This is absolutely unacceptable.
There is NO reason to sacrifice your east coast viewership to start a game this obscenely late. Neither team is even on Pacific time, not that it would excuse such awful scheduling.
69% of your American viewers are 35 years of age and older. Many of them, and many of the 18-34 year-olds as well, have jobs and responsibilities that prevent us from staying up late to watch games.
This is the most anticipated game of the season thus far, and your TV networks’ devoid-of-brain-cells planning has made it completely impossible for so many of your fans to watch it.
It is okay for a game to run late if it starts at a reasonable time. It is NOT REMOTELY OKAY for a game to START when many of us are supposed to be winding down or already asleep.
And don’t even get us started on your so-called “tip-off” times. It’s pathetically disgraceful to have a game actually start 30+ minutes after the broadcast begins.
So please do us all a favor and either start your games earlier than 10:30 PM ET, or, disrespectfully speaking, please go screw yourself.
submitted by fishiouscycle to nba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:40 No_Succotash_7617 Préparation

Bien le bonjour à tous, imaginons pour ceux qui s’y connaissent + ou -, préparer une voiture pour le circuit. (Grippe)
(Optionnelle) En l’occurrence vous aurez une 205 basique avec un tct (pas plus de 200cv) quel serait votre chemin de préparation?
Bien sûr j’imagine travailler le châssis, trains avant/arrière, freins, suspat, poid, boite…
Mais j’aimerais avoir plusieurs points de vu.
Je suis à votre écoute!
submitted by No_Succotash_7617 to voiture [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:39 Otherwise-Bet-4495 a.prendre ou a laisser

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰
a.prendre ou a laisser
Émission télévisée
Les émissions télévisées sont des programmes diffusés à la télévision qui divertissent, informent ou éduquent les téléspectateurs. Ils peuvent couvrir une grande variété de genres, tels que les émissions de divertissement, les séries dramatiques, les émissions de téléréalité, les talk-shows, les documentaires, les jeux télévisés, et bien d'autres.
Les émissions télévisées sont souvent créées pour un public cible spécifique et peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur la culture populaire. Elles offrent aux téléspectateurs une évasion de la réalité quotidienne, tout en leur permettant de découvrir de nouvelles idées, de nourrir leur curiosité et de se divertir.
De nos jours, avec l'avènement des plateformes de streaming en ligne, les émissions télévisées sont devenues plus accessibles que jamais. Les téléspectateurs peuvent désormais regarder leurs émissions préférées à tout moment et en tout lieu, ce qui a révolutionné la façon dont nous consommons les contenus télévisuels.
Que ce soit pour suivre une intrigue captivante, découvrir de nouveaux talents ou simplement se détendre après une longue journée, les émissions télévisées continuent de jouer un rôle important dans nos vies. Elles sont un moyen populaire de divertissement qui rassemble les gens et suscite des discussions animées autour de sujets variés.
En somme, les émissions télévisées restent une forme d'art et de divertissement appréciée par un large public, et leur impact sur la société ne cesse de croître au fil du temps.
Jeu de divertissement
Les jeux de divertissement sont une activité populaire et appréciée par de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde. Que ce soit sous forme de jeux vidéo, de jeux de société ou de jeux en ligne, le divertissement qu'ils offrent permet de s'évader du quotidien et de se détendre.
Les jeux de divertissement peuvent être un excellent moyen de passer du temps seul, entre amis ou en famille. En plus d'être amusants, ils peuvent également stimuler la réflexion, la créativité et la compétitivité. Les jeux de société, par exemple, encouragent la communication, la collaboration et le développement de stratégies, tandis que les jeux vidéo offrent des univers immersifs et des défis captivants.
De nos jours, avec l'avènement de la technologie, les jeux de divertissement sont devenus de plus en plus accessibles. Les plateformes en ligne permettent de jouer avec des personnes du monde entier, offrant ainsi une expérience de jeu encore plus enrichissante.
Il est important de souligner que les jeux de divertissement doivent être pratiqués de manière modérée et équilibrée, afin de ne pas négliger d'autres aspects de la vie quotidienne. En tant que source de plaisir et de détente, les jeux de divertissement peuvent contribuer au bien-être mental et émotionnel, à condition d'être appréciés de manière responsable.
En conclusion, les jeux de divertissement sont une forme de loisir appréciée par un large public, offrant un moyen agréable de se divertir tout en stimulant différentes capacités. Que ce soit pour se relaxer après une longue journée ou pour partager un moment de convivialité, les jeux de divertissement ont leur place dans nos vies.
Décisions difficiles
Face à des choix complexes et des dilemmes, il est naturel de devoir prendre des décisions difficiles dans nos vies. Ces décisions peuvent être stressantes et déchirantes, mais il est essentiel de les aborder de manière réfléchie et équilibrée.
Lorsque nous sommes confrontés à une décision difficile, il est important de prendre le temps de réfléchir à toutes les options possibles. Il est utile de peser le pour et le contre, d'évaluer les conséquences à court et à long terme, et de considérer nos propres valeurs et priorités. Parfois, il peut être utile de demander conseil à des proches ou à des professionnels pour obtenir un point de vue extérieur.
Il est également crucial de faire confiance à notre intuition et à notre propre jugement. Bien que les décisions difficiles puissent sembler insurmontables, il est important de se rappeler que nous avons la capacité de les prendre et de surmonter les obstacles qui se présentent.
En fin de compte, prendre des décisions difficiles peut être un processus d'apprentissage et de croissance personnel. En affrontant ces défis avec courage et détermination, nous pouvons développer notre résilience et notre confiance en nous-mêmes.
Ainsi, bien que les décisions difficiles puissent être éprouvantes, il est possible de les aborder de manière constructive et de tirer des leçons précieuses de chaque situation. En restant fidèle à nos valeurs et en écoutant notre intuition, nous pouvons surmonter ces obstacles et avancer avec confiance dans nos vies.
Gain en argent
Le gain en argent est un sujet qui intéresse de nombreuses personnes à la recherche de moyens d'améliorer leur situation financière. Que ce soit en investissant en bourse, en créant sa propre entreprise ou en cherchant des opportunités de travail supplémentaires, il existe de nombreuses façons de gagner de l'argent.
L'une des méthodes les plus populaires pour gagner de l'argent est d'investir en bourse. En achetant des actions ou d'autres actifs financiers, il est possible de réaliser des bénéfices si leur valeur augmente. Cependant, il est important de se renseigner et de diversifier ses investissements pour limiter les risques.
Créer sa propre entreprise est une autre option pour gagner de l'argent. Que ce soit en lançant une activité en ligne, en ouvrant un commerce local ou en proposant ses compétences en freelance, l'entrepreneuriat offre de nombreuses opportunités de revenus. Il est essentiel de bien planifier son projet et de se former pour maximiser ses chances de réussite.
Enfin, de nombreuses personnes choisissent de cumuler plusieurs emplois ou de chercher des missions ponctuelles pour augmenter leurs revenus. Le travail indépendant, le freelancing ou certains métiers en ligne permettent de gagner de l'argent supplémentaire en fonction de ses compétences et de son temps disponible.
En conclusion, le gain en argent peut être réalisé de différentes manières, que ce soit en investissant, en entreprenant ou en travaillant de manière flexible. Il est important de choisir la méthode qui correspond le mieux à ses objectifs et à ses compétences pour maximiser ses chances de succès financier.
Risques et récompenses
Les risques et les récompenses sont des éléments incontournables dans la vie de chacun. Que ce soit dans le domaine professionnel, financier ou personnel, prendre des risques peut parfois être la clé du succès. Cependant, il est important de peser le pour et le contre avant de se lancer dans une nouvelle aventure.
Dans le monde des affaires, par exemple, prendre des risques calculés peut permettre à une entreprise de se développer et de rester compétitive sur le marché. Investir dans de nouveaux produits ou services peut s'avérer payant à long terme, mais cela comporte également son lot d'incertitudes. C'est pourquoi il est crucial pour les entrepreneurs de bien évaluer les risques potentiels afin de maximiser leurs chances de réussite.
D'un autre côté, les récompenses peuvent être très gratifiantes pour ceux qui osent sortir de leur zone de confort. Que ce soit en termes de reconnaissance professionnelle, d'avancement de carrière ou même de satisfaction personnelle, prendre des risques peut ouvrir de nouvelles portes et offrir des opportunités insoupçonnées.
En conclusion, les risques et les récompenses sont étroitement liés dans la vie et peuvent conduire à des expériences enrichissantes et formatrices. Il est essentiel d'être conscient des dangers potentiels, mais aussi de ne pas avoir peur de sortir de sa routine pour saisir des opportunités qui peuvent changer le cours de sa vie.
submitted by Otherwise-Bet-4495 to u/Otherwise-Bet-4495 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 MagicThePuff Spell Token Daily - May 14, 2024 (GMT-4) 📖🧙‍♂️🧙🧙‍♀️🔮

Welcome to Spell Token Daily!!!!!! 🔮📖🧙‍♂️🪄💫✨⭐️🌟🌕
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submitted by MagicThePuff to SpellToken [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 pronoia123 The Astrology of Kendrick and Drake

[I shared this in girls and gays but wanted to share here as well for those of you not in that sub]
With Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap feud raging over the last month, I got curious about what their natal charts say about each of them as rappers, and how the astrological synastry between the two has fueled this chart-topping fight. Luckily we have an accurate birth time for both Drake and Kendrick, so we can see exactly how their charts overlap.
Here’s Drake’s chart:
And here’s Kendrick’s chart:
Inconjunct Suns
Kendrick has a Gemini sun, like many of hip hop’s greatest rappers, including Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Lauryn Hill and Outkast’s Andre 3000. Geminis are well-suited to rap as the wordsmiths of the zodiac, one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury, expresses the analytical, practical, pragmatic side of the mind, the so-called “left brain” which sorts the wheat from the chaff (and, fittingly, Virgo season aligns with the harvest season of late summer).
Gemini expresses the more playful, self-expressive, hyper-curious “right brain” side of the mind - the monkey mind that swings from branch to branch, seeing connections as it goes. “Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie. Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Usually quite clever and witty, Geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.”
Drake is a Scorpio sun, bringing a very different energy to the table. Scorpios seek power above all, and they live life intensely. If Gemini is the court jester, taking life lightly and poking fun at it all, Scorpio is the dark knight plotting and positioning himself for a coup. As one of the two signs ruled by Mars, the planet of war and competition, Scorpios don’t back down from competition, and as a fixed modality sign, they can struggle to let go–even of what hurts them. Scorpios are drawn to the darker sides of life - they know that secrets hold power, so they tend toward privacy, as shown in Drake’s last rap beef, when Pusha T revealed that he had secretly fathered a son with a porn star.
Gemini and Scorpio have a tricky inter-dynamic, with an aspect between them known as a quincunx, or an inconjunct. Quincunxes occur when planets are 150 degrees apart, and therefore share neither an element (water, fire, earth, or air) nor a modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). They are at odds in a very fundamental way, and though they can teach each other a lot, in order to get along they will have to make some serious adjustments.
When these signs get together, they just can’t understand each other. They have almost nothing in common, so it’s hard to find common ground. When a quincunx shows up in a synastry or relationship reading, this can make for a tense or difficult relationship.” This natural repelling dynamic is expressed in Kendrick’s diss song Euphoria (“I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/I hate the way that you dress/I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct”).
Drake’s ascendant is placed at 29 degrees Leo, exactly conjunct the royal fixed star Regulus. Regulus is one of the luckiest stars in the zodiac, and it is often seen in the charts of celebrities. “On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions.” But with Regulus on the ascendant, expanding the already narcissistic tendencies of Leo, there is a risk for an over-expansion of the ego and a lack of humility. Drake wants to be the best by all accounts - not just the biggest commercial superstar, which he is, but also the most critically acclaimed rapper, like Pulitzer Prize-winning Kendrick.
Mercury and Mars vs. Mercury and Venus
When it comes to analyzing writers of any sort, I like to look at their Mercuries, and here we see a fascinating contrast. Kendrick’s Mercury is located in intuitive, emotional Cancer (just like Lana del Rey, who I analyzed last week), and it is conjoined with Mars, the planet of war, which is what makes him such a formidable opponent in a rap battle. “Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp tongue. These attributes are ideal for making quick decisions in the heat of the moment while others hesitate. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. Your enthusiastic, direct and courageous way of expressing yourself can win admiration in politics, business, and the military.”
I think Mercury in combination with Mars is the ideal aspect for the competitive sport of rap, and interestingly enough, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., who famously feuded and are considered by many to be the all-time greatest rappers, both had these planets tightly combined (Tupac had Mercury trine Mars with a 1 degree orb, and Biggie had Mercury septile Mars with a 0 degree orb).
Drake, by contrast, has his Mercury conjoined with Mars’ planetary opposite, Venus. Mercury conjoined with creative Venus is a great aspect for a musician, but it lacks the teeth of competitive Mars. “Mercury conjunct Venus natal makes you a lovable, handsome, neat, refined, romantic, and courteous person. You may tend to be passive and submissive, but this is a means by which you achieve peace in your life. You can lovingly communicate things; a melodic, poetic, and relaxing voice often helps this. Mercury rules trade, and Venus rules money, so you could do well in business and enjoy buying and selling.”
Many of Drake’s biggest hits show this melodic Mercury-Venus aspect - like the no-rapping, all-singing “Hold On, We’re Going Home,” “Hotline Bling” and “One Dance,” or the purported feminist anthem “Nice for What.” Many think Drake is best as a pop star rather than a rapper, which Kendrick references in Euphoria (“I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough” “Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat”).
Mercury conjunct Venus should be a very positive aspect for Drake, and in many ways it is – as two of the planets that rule over money (Mercury the marketplace, and Venus the possessions), this aspect is part of why he’s had such incredible financial success. However, a few factors complicate it. For one thing, they are located together in Scorpio, ruled by Mars. His Mercury is expressed in a Venusian way, but it wants to be expressed in a Martian way. I think this is why Drake returns regularly to gangster rap despite his success in pop and R&B. He wants to be a Mercury-Mars rap powerhouse like Kendrick, Biggie, and Tupac, but he’s fundamentally different. From the beginning of his career he’s been taunted as soft, weak, feminine, privileged–all very Venusian adjectives.
Another complicating factor is that Drake’s Venus is doubly challenged - it is both in detriment in Scorpio, as well as retrograde. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because it rules over Scorpio’s opposite, Taurus, and so the planet is not at ease in suspicious, jealous Scorpio. “Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel them to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.”
Venus retrograde in the natal chart “suggests you have some difficulty in giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Natal Venus in retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.” It’s interesting how some of the allegations against Drake in Kendrick’s songs have included a nose job and a Brazilian butt lift. After Drake told Metro Boomin to “shut up and make some drums” in his initial Kendrick diss Push Ups, the producer responded with “BBL Drizzy.”
Drake has never been married or had a public long-term relationship. His highest profile one with Rihanna was on-again, off-again, and at times seemed more like unrequited love than true commitment. When interviewed about the relationship, he said “As life takes shape and teaches you#Personal_life) your own lessons, I end up in this situation where I don't have the fairy tale [of] 'Drake started a family with Rihanna, [it's] so perfect.' It looks so good on paper [and] I wanted it too at one time.” Two years ago Drake had jeweler Alex Moss create a necklace worth $12.5 million dollars built from dozens of engagement rings he had made but never used: ““New piece titled ‘Previous Engagements’ for all the times he thought about it but never did it,” Moss wrote over a video showcasing the stunning necklace, which is made up of “42 engagement rings” totaling “351.38 carats in diamonds.”” It’s quite the testament to a challenged natal Venus.
Lilith Synastry
Here is Drake and Kendrick’s synastry (Drake is on the outer circle):
The most interesting thing I found digging into Drake and Kendrick’s charts was the presence of Lilith in their synastry. Lilith is an asteroid associated with the “angry woman” figure as well as female liberation. In some Jewish folklore Lilith was the first wife of Adam, but she was banished from the Garden of Eden for not obeying him and replaced with Eve.
In the intricacies of a birth chart, Black Moon Lilith symbolizes the raw essence of femininity, the primal urges, and the suppressed parts of our psyche that lie in the shadows. This point, not a planet but a mathematical point, reveals where one might feel estranged, challenged, or empowered to go against the grain of societal norms. It unveils deep-seated desires, innate instincts, and perhaps the areas where one feels the need to challenge established roles or expectations. It's a place of power, mystique, and, occasionally, friction – pinpointing where one's true nature might clash with the conventional, leading to feelings of marginalization or rebellion.”
The allegations Drake and Kendrick threw at each other both had to do with mistreatment of women - Drake said that Kendrick abused his fiancée, and Kendrick said Drake was a pedophile who shouldn’t be trusted around young women.
Both Drake and Kendrick’s Liliths make tight aspects with the other’s chart. “Whenever Lilith is around, you can expect to feel a wild, intense, deep, and sometimes obsessive energy. If you have Lilith aspects in synastry then this energy will show up in your relationship. Whenever your Lilith touches one of your partner’s planets or vice-versa, you can expect to see your deepest fears revealed. You might also see glimpses of things you desire but can’t have. Ultimately, Lilith aspects in synastry give both partners a chance to work on their shadow sides.”
Kendrick’s sun exactly conjoins Drake’s Lilith at 26 degrees Gemini. “Often, the sun person [Kendrick] represents all that the Lilith person [Drake] wants but can never quite “catch.” There is an illusive vibe to this relationship. The Lilith person may feel somewhat less-than or “bad.” Lilith conjunct sun in synastry is a test for the Lilith person because their most taboo qualities such as obsession and anger will be activated, but it’s also a test for the sun person. The lesson is for the sun individual to stand their ground and follow their inner voice. Lilith is neither good nor bad, and the sun person can share in some of the Lilith partner’s activities without merging.”
This resonates with the fact that despite Drake’s huge commercial success, he is deeply jealous of Kendrick’s critical success. In Family Matters Drake took a jab at Kendrick’s acclaim (“Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now”), and the beef between them played out similarly, with many rap fans deciding that Kendrick won before even listening to Drake. I think it’s obvious that Kendrick is a stronger rapper, but it’s also clear that Drake wasn’t given a fair shake.
Drake’s Lilith makes a tight trine to Kendrick’s Mercury. “Both the Lilith person and the Mercury person help each other to bring unhealed deeper wounds and unconscious emotion to the surface and articulate deeper, wild instincts. Mercury person [Kendrick] helps Lilith person [Drake] make sense of their inner restlessness and insecurities, sexual passions and unresolved rage. Mercury person may find Lilith person to be highly emotional but is also intrigued by Lilith person’s edgy and unique perspective.” It’s remarkable that both of their Liliths are interlocked with each other’s inner planets, creating a push-pull, love-hate, shadow-enlightening dynamic between the two.
I think the obsession goes both ways, and that part of the reason Kendrick fought back so viciously was because Drake triggers something in him shown through the Lilith synastry. Drake shows Kendrick what he could be–a charismatic playboy enjoying his fame and money to the fullest. And in engaging with the feud he stooped to a lower level, making unsupported claims about Drake’s supposed secret daughter, and writing a rap song (Meet the Grahams) addressed to Drake’s 5 year old son opening with “Dear Adonis, I’m sorry that man is your father.” All is fair in rap battles–or is it? Questlove called it out, saying on Instagram: “Nobody won the war. This wasn’t about skill. This was a wrestling match level mudslinging and takedown by any means necessary — women & children (& actual facts) be damned.”
Kendrick’s latest diss track Not Like Us has just debuted at number one on the Billboard Top 100, and it’s clear this battle has propelled him to another level of stardom. Drake’s Regulus ascendant arrogance and Scorpionic desire to fight to the death drove him to attack the strongest living rapper, and now he’s dealing with the fallout. Kendrick’s streams of his back catalog are up 50%, while Drake’s are down 5% and his reputation has taken a massive knock. But Kendrick has taken a hit as well. Having rap’s two biggest stars accusing each other of heinous crimes might drive up streams in the short run, but it’s a dangerous game. Astrology helps us understand why these two polar opposites are so intertwined, and why their mutual dislike has spurred on such a captivating firestorm.
submitted by pronoia123 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 Sure-Garage351 10 30

10 30
10 en punto
¡Bienvenidos a nuestro artículo sobre "10 en punto"!
"10 en punto" es una expresión comúnmente utilizada para referirse al horario exacto de las 10 horas en punto, ya sea de la mañana o de la noche. Esta frase se emplea para indicar la hora de una manera precisa y concisa, sin la necesidad de mencionar los minutos que faltan o que han pasado de la hora.
Cuando escuchamos "10 en punto", inmediatamente nos remite a la puntualidad y la exactitud en la medición del tiempo. Es una forma de comunicación efectiva y directa para indicar el momento preciso en el que algo debe ocurrir o ha ocurrido.
En el ámbito social y laboral, la puntualidad es una cualidad valorada y respetada, por lo que el uso de expresiones como "10 en punto" demuestran un alto grado de organización y compromiso con los horarios establecidos.
Además, en el contexto de las relaciones personales, acordar un encuentro a "10 en punto" puede ser considerado como un gesto de cortesía y respeto hacia la otra persona, demostrando interés en cumplir con lo acordado en el horario acordado.
En resumen, "10 en punto" es mucho más que una simple frase para indicar la hora, es un símbolo de exactitud, puntualidad y compromiso. ¡Así que la próxima vez que tengas un compromiso, asegúrate de llegar a tiempo, preferiblemente a "10 en punto"!
Treinta minutos
Treinta minutos es una unidad de tiempo que puede parecer corta o larga dependiendo de la situación. En la vida diaria, media hora puede ser suficiente para realizar tareas simples como cocinar una comida rápida, hacer ejercicio o leer un capítulo de un libro. Sin embargo, en otros contextos, treinta minutos pueden parecer insuficientes, como en una carrera contra el tiempo o en situaciones de emergencia.
En el ámbito laboral, treinta minutos pueden marcar la diferencia entre llegar puntual a una reunión importante o perder una oportunidad única. En el ámbito creativo, este tiempo puede ser crucial para dar los toques finales a un proyecto o para tener una rápida sesión de brainstorming.
En el terreno personal, treinta minutos pueden ser un espacio sagrado de tranquilidad y desconexión, ideal para meditar, escuchar música o simplemente descansar. En el amor, treinta minutos pueden ser el tiempo perfecto para una conversación profunda o para disfrutar de una cita romántica exprés.
En resumen, treinta minutos es más que un lapso de tiempo, es una medida que puede impactar nuestras vidas de maneras diversas. Aprovechar cada media hora al máximo, ya sea para ser productivos, creativos o simplemente relajarnos, nos ayuda a valorar el tiempo y disfrutar al máximo de cada momento.
Intervalo de diez a treinta
En el mundo del ejercicio y la actividad física, el intervalo de diez a treinta se ha convertido en una técnica popular utilizada por entrenadores y atletas para maximizar el rendimiento y los resultados. Este tipo de entrenamiento consiste en alternar ráfagas cortas de alta intensidad con períodos de descanso activo o pasivo.
Durante los intervalos de diez a treinta, el cuerpo experimenta cambios significativos que conducen a una mayor quema de calorías y una mejora en la resistencia cardiovascular. Al realizar ejercicios de alta intensidad durante un corto período de tiempo, se estimula el metabolismo y se siguen quemando calorías incluso después de finalizar la rutina.
Además, este tipo de entrenamiento es ideal para aquellas personas que tienen poco tiempo para ejercitarse, ya que permite obtener resultados en sesiones más cortas en comparación con los entrenamientos tradicionales de cardio. Esto lo convierte en una opción atractiva para aquellos con horarios ocupados pero que desean mantenerse en forma y saludables.
Es importante recordar que los intervalos de diez a treinta no son adecuados para todos, especialmente para aquellos que recién comienzan una rutina de ejercicios o que tienen condiciones médicas preexistentes. Antes de embarcarse en este tipo de entrenamiento, es fundamental consultar con un profesional de la salud o un entrenador personal para asegurarse de que es seguro y apropiado para cada individuo.
En resumen, los intervalos de diez a treinta son una técnica efectiva y eficiente para mejorar la condición física, quemar calorías y aumentar la resistencia cardiovascular. Con la orientación adecuada y la precaución necesaria, esta forma de entrenamiento puede ser una excelente adición a cualquier rutina de ejercicio.
Número diez y treinta
El número treinta es considerado por muchas culturas como un número sagrado, asociado con la prosperidad y la plenitud. En la numerología, el número treinta simboliza la creatividad, la alegría y la realización personal. También se dice que las personas nacidas en el día treinta de cualquier mes poseen una energía especial y una capacidad innata para inspirar a los demás.
Por otro lado, el número diez es conocido por ser un número de poder y manifestación. En numerología, el número diez representa la totalidad, la perfección y la integridad. Se considera un número de buena suerte que puede traer éxito y logros en diferentes áreas de la vida.
Cuando se combinan el número diez y treinta, se crea una energía poderosa que puede impulsar el crecimiento personal y la manifestación de metas y deseos. Aquellos que se encuentran en un periodo en el que se encuentren con la influencia de estos números pueden sentir un impulso en su camino hacia la realización personal y el éxito.
En resumen, el número diez y treinta son símbolos de potencial ilimitado y abundancia en todas sus formas. Ya sea en términos de creatividad, éxito material o bienestar emocional, la presencia de estos números en nuestra vida puede ser un recordatorio de que tenemos el poder de alcanzar nuestras metas y vivir una vida plena y satisfactoria.
Décima trigésima
La Décima trigésima, también conocida como la Decimotercera, es una forma poética de origen latinoamericano que se caracteriza por su estructura métrica y rima. Consiste en una estrofa de diez versos octosílabos, con una disposición de rimas específica. Esta forma poética es muy popular en países como México, Chile y Venezuela, donde se utiliza en la música popular, en particular en el género del corrido.
La Décima trigésima ha sido utilizada a lo largo de la historia para expresar emociones, contar historias y transmitir mensajes de diversa índole. Su estructura única le otorga un ritmo particular que la hace muy atractiva para el público. Los poetas y cantautores han sabido aprovechar esta forma poética para componer letras de canciones que se han convertido en verdaderos éxitos.
Además de su uso en la música popular, la Décima trigésima también ha sido empleada en la poesía escrita, destacándose por su musicalidad y su capacidad para transmitir imágenes vívidas en tan solo diez versos. Es una forma poética versátil que se adapta a distintos temas y estilos, lo que la convierte en una herramienta muy valiosa para los escritores y compositores.
En resumen, la Décima trigésima es una forma poética rica en tradición y significado, que ha sabido perdurar en el tiempo y mantener su relevancia en la cultura latinoamericana. Su estructura única y su capacidad para emocionar y conmover hacen de ella una de las formas poéticas más apreciadas en la región.
submitted by Sure-Garage351 to u/Sure-Garage351 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 pronoia123 The Astrology of Kendrick and Drake

[I shared this in girls and gays but wanted to share here as well for those of you not in that sub]
With Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap feud raging over the last month, I got curious about what their natal charts say about each of them as rappers, and how the astrological synastry between the two has fueled this chart-topping fight. Luckily we have an accurate birth time for both Drake and Kendrick, so we can see exactly how their charts overlap.
Here’s Drake’s chart:
And here’s Kendrick’s chart:
Inconjunct Suns
Kendrick has a Gemini sun, like many of hip hop’s greatest rappers, including Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Lauryn Hill and Outkast’s Andre 3000. Geminis are well-suited to rap as the wordsmiths of the zodiac, one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury, expresses the analytical, practical, pragmatic side of the mind, the so-called “left brain” which sorts the wheat from the chaff (and, fittingly, Virgo season aligns with the harvest season of late summer).
Gemini expresses the more playful, self-expressive, hyper-curious “right brain” side of the mind - the monkey mind that swings from branch to branch, seeing connections as it goes. “Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie. Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Usually quite clever and witty, Geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.”
Drake is a Scorpio sun, bringing a very different energy to the table. Scorpios seek power above all, and they live life intensely. If Gemini is the court jester, taking life lightly and poking fun at it all, Scorpio is the dark knight plotting and positioning himself for a coup. As one of the two signs ruled by Mars, the planet of war and competition, Scorpios don’t back down from competition, and as a fixed modality sign, they can struggle to let go–even of what hurts them. Scorpios are drawn to the darker sides of life - they know that secrets hold power, so they tend toward privacy, as shown in Drake’s last rap beef, when Pusha T revealed that he had secretly fathered a son with a porn star.
Gemini and Scorpio have a tricky inter-dynamic, with an aspect between them known as a quincunx, or an inconjunct. Quincunxes occur when planets are 150 degrees apart, and therefore share neither an element (water, fire, earth, or air) nor a modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). They are at odds in a very fundamental way, and though they can teach each other a lot, in order to get along they will have to make some serious adjustments.
When these signs get together, they just can’t understand each other. They have almost nothing in common, so it’s hard to find common ground. When a quincunx shows up in a synastry or relationship reading, this can make for a tense or difficult relationship.” This natural repelling dynamic is expressed in Kendrick’s diss song Euphoria (“I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/I hate the way that you dress/I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct”).
Drake’s ascendant is placed at 29 degrees Leo, exactly conjunct the royal fixed star Regulus. Regulus is one of the luckiest stars in the zodiac, and it is often seen in the charts of celebrities. “On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions.” But with Regulus on the ascendant, expanding the already narcissistic tendencies of Leo, there is a risk for an over-expansion of the ego and a lack of humility. Drake wants to be the best by all accounts - not just the biggest commercial superstar, which he is, but also the most critically acclaimed rapper, like Pulitzer Prize-winning Kendrick.
Mercury and Mars vs. Mercury and Venus
When it comes to analyzing writers of any sort, I like to look at their Mercuries, and here we see a fascinating contrast. Kendrick’s Mercury is located in intuitive, emotional Cancer (just like Lana del Rey, who I analyzed last week), and it is conjoined with Mars, the planet of war, which is what makes him such a formidable opponent in a rap battle. “Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp tongue. These attributes are ideal for making quick decisions in the heat of the moment while others hesitate. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. Your enthusiastic, direct and courageous way of expressing yourself can win admiration in politics, business, and the military.”
I think Mercury in combination with Mars is the ideal aspect for the competitive sport of rap, and interestingly enough, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., who famously feuded and are considered by many to be the all-time greatest rappers, both had these planets tightly combined (Tupac had Mercury trine Mars with a 1 degree orb, and Biggie had Mercury septile Mars with a 0 degree orb).
Drake, by contrast, has his Mercury conjoined with Mars’ planetary opposite, Venus. Mercury conjoined with creative Venus is a great aspect for a musician, but it lacks the teeth of competitive Mars. “Mercury conjunct Venus natal makes you a lovable, handsome, neat, refined, romantic, and courteous person. You may tend to be passive and submissive, but this is a means by which you achieve peace in your life. You can lovingly communicate things; a melodic, poetic, and relaxing voice often helps this. Mercury rules trade, and Venus rules money, so you could do well in business and enjoy buying and selling.”
Many of Drake’s biggest hits show this melodic Mercury-Venus aspect - like the no-rapping, all-singing “Hold On, We’re Going Home,” “Hotline Bling” and “One Dance,” or the purported feminist anthem “Nice for What.” Many think Drake is best as a pop star rather than a rapper, which Kendrick references in Euphoria (“I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough” “Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat”).
Mercury conjunct Venus should be a very positive aspect for Drake, and in many ways it is – as two of the planets that rule over money (Mercury the marketplace, and Venus the possessions), this aspect is part of why he’s had such incredible financial success. However, a few factors complicate it. For one thing, they are located together in Scorpio, ruled by Mars. His Mercury is expressed in a Venusian way, but it wants to be expressed in a Martian way. I think this is why Drake returns regularly to gangster rap despite his success in pop and R&B. He wants to be a Mercury-Mars rap powerhouse like Kendrick, Biggie, and Tupac, but he’s fundamentally different. From the beginning of his career he’s been taunted as soft, weak, feminine, privileged–all very Venusian adjectives.
Another complicating factor is that Drake’s Venus is doubly challenged - it is both in detriment in Scorpio, as well as retrograde. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because it rules over Scorpio’s opposite, Taurus, and so the planet is not at ease in suspicious, jealous Scorpio. “Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel them to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.”
Venus retrograde in the natal chart “suggests you have some difficulty in giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Natal Venus in retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.” It’s interesting how some of the allegations against Drake in Kendrick’s songs have included a nose job and a Brazilian butt lift. After Drake told Metro Boomin to “shut up and make some drums” in his initial Kendrick diss Push Ups, the producer responded with “BBL Drizzy.”
Drake has never been married or had a public long-term relationship. His highest profile one with Rihanna was on-again, off-again, and at times seemed more like unrequited love than true commitment. When interviewed about the relationship, he said “As life takes shape and teaches you#Personal_life) your own lessons, I end up in this situation where I don't have the fairy tale [of] 'Drake started a family with Rihanna, [it's] so perfect.' It looks so good on paper [and] I wanted it too at one time.” Two years ago Drake had jeweler Alex Moss create a necklace worth $12.5 million dollars built from dozens of engagement rings he had made but never used: ““New piece titled ‘Previous Engagements’ for all the times he thought about it but never did it,” Moss wrote over a video showcasing the stunning necklace, which is made up of “42 engagement rings” totaling “351.38 carats in diamonds.”” It’s quite the testament to a challenged natal Venus.
Lilith Synastry
Here is Drake and Kendrick’s synastry (Drake is on the outer circle):
The most interesting thing I found digging into Drake and Kendrick’s charts was the presence of Lilith in their synastry. Lilith is an asteroid associated with the “angry woman” figure as well as female liberation. In some Jewish folklore Lilith was the first wife of Adam, but she was banished from the Garden of Eden for not obeying him and replaced with Eve.
In the intricacies of a birth chart, Black Moon Lilith symbolizes the raw essence of femininity, the primal urges, and the suppressed parts of our psyche that lie in the shadows. This point, not a planet but a mathematical point, reveals where one might feel estranged, challenged, or empowered to go against the grain of societal norms. It unveils deep-seated desires, innate instincts, and perhaps the areas where one feels the need to challenge established roles or expectations. It's a place of power, mystique, and, occasionally, friction – pinpointing where one's true nature might clash with the conventional, leading to feelings of marginalization or rebellion.”
The allegations Drake and Kendrick threw at each other both had to do with mistreatment of women - Drake said that Kendrick abused his fiancée, and Kendrick said Drake was a pedophile who shouldn’t be trusted around young women.
Both Drake and Kendrick’s Liliths make tight aspects with the other’s chart. “Whenever Lilith is around, you can expect to feel a wild, intense, deep, and sometimes obsessive energy. If you have Lilith aspects in synastry then this energy will show up in your relationship. Whenever your Lilith touches one of your partner’s planets or vice-versa, you can expect to see your deepest fears revealed. You might also see glimpses of things you desire but can’t have. Ultimately, Lilith aspects in synastry give both partners a chance to work on their shadow sides.”
Kendrick’s sun exactly conjoins Drake’s Lilith at 26 degrees Gemini. “Often, the sun person [Kendrick] represents all that the Lilith person [Drake] wants but can never quite “catch.” There is an illusive vibe to this relationship. The Lilith person may feel somewhat less-than or “bad.” Lilith conjunct sun in synastry is a test for the Lilith person because their most taboo qualities such as obsession and anger will be activated, but it’s also a test for the sun person. The lesson is for the sun individual to stand their ground and follow their inner voice. Lilith is neither good nor bad, and the sun person can share in some of the Lilith partner’s activities without merging.”
This resonates with the fact that despite Drake’s huge commercial success, he is deeply jealous of Kendrick’s critical success. In Family Matters Drake took a jab at Kendrick’s acclaim (“Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now”), and the beef between them played out similarly, with many rap fans deciding that Kendrick won before even listening to Drake. I think it’s obvious that Kendrick is a stronger rapper, but it’s also clear that Drake wasn’t given a fair shake.
Drake’s Lilith makes a tight trine to Kendrick’s Mercury. “Both the Lilith person and the Mercury person help each other to bring unhealed deeper wounds and unconscious emotion to the surface and articulate deeper, wild instincts. Mercury person [Kendrick] helps Lilith person [Drake] make sense of their inner restlessness and insecurities, sexual passions and unresolved rage. Mercury person may find Lilith person to be highly emotional but is also intrigued by Lilith person’s edgy and unique perspective.” It’s remarkable that both of their Liliths are interlocked with each other’s inner planets, creating a push-pull, love-hate, shadow-enlightening dynamic between the two.
I think the obsession goes both ways, and that part of the reason Kendrick fought back so viciously was because Drake triggers something in him shown through the Lilith synastry. Drake shows Kendrick what he could be–a charismatic playboy enjoying his fame and money to the fullest. And in engaging with the feud he stooped to a lower level, making unsupported claims about Drake’s supposed secret daughter, and writing a rap song (Meet the Grahams) addressed to Drake’s 5 year old son opening with “Dear Adonis, I’m sorry that man is your father.” All is fair in rap battles–or is it? Questlove called it out, saying on Instagram: “Nobody won the war. This wasn’t about skill. This was a wrestling match level mudslinging and takedown by any means necessary — women & children (& actual facts) be damned.”
Kendrick’s latest diss track Not Like Us has just debuted at number one on the Billboard Top 100, and it’s clear this battle has propelled him to another level of stardom. Drake’s Regulus ascendant arrogance and Scorpionic desire to fight to the death drove him to attack the strongest living rapper, and now he’s dealing with the fallout. Kendrick’s streams of his back catalog are up 50%, while Drake’s are down 5% and his reputation has taken a massive knock. But Kendrick has taken a hit as well. Having rap’s two biggest stars accusing each other of heinous crimes might drive up streams in the short run, but it’s a dangerous game. Astrology helps us understand why these two polar opposites are so intertwined, and why their mutual dislike has spurred on such a captivating firestorm.
submitted by pronoia123 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 Mobile-Massage Is this SPECIALIZED a decent upgrade from KONA?

I’ve got this KONA currently and like it (especially the smooth shifting) but find it quite heavy and sluggish.
It’s a 2020 model and cost me £700 new.
I’ve just been offered this SPECIALIZED from 2017 (so 3 years older!) but has full carbon frame and originally cost £1400. Being offered to me for £450.
I was about to go for it as thought it would be a big upgrade from my KONA but have been completely stumped and surprised that the Specialized has a Shimano Alivio 9 speed with Microshift R9 compared to my Kona’s 10 speed Shimano Deore all-round.
Surprised as I’d have imagined the Specialized to be a higher end bike with better components but I guess they spent most of the manufacturing cost budget on the frame!
My question is will I feel the overall bike an improvement from my Kona or will the reduction in groupset be so much that I’ll think I’ve wasted my time changing? Can sell my Kona for around £300.
If relevant I ride basic stuff like through town streets and occasionally a 2 hour trek through Richmond Park or similar.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Mobile-Massage to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:27 sinomaltanews "iMovo Limited tiffirma MoU mal-Università ta’ Malta biex ittejjeb il-programmi ta’ edukazzjoni ogħla

"iMovo Limited tiffirma MoU mal-Università ta’ Malta biex ittejjeb il-programmi ta’ edukazzjoni ogħla
iMovo Limited ħabbret l-iffirmar ta’ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) mal-Università ta’ Malta, li jimmarka l-bidu ta’ sħubija strateġika bil-għan li ttejjeb il-programmi ta’ edukazzjoni ogħla matul il-ħames snin li ġejjin.
Taħt dan il-MoU, iMovo Limited se taħdem mill-qrib mal-Fakultà tal-Ekonomija, il-Ġestjoni u l-Kontabilità (FEMA) biex tgħin biex tavvanza l-programmi edukattivi u r-riċerka tal-fakultà, partikolarment fir-rigward tal-Baċellerat fix-Xjenza (Unuri) fin-Negozju u t-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni.
iMovo se jipprovdi pariri strateġiċi dwar l-iżvilupp tal-kurrikulu u jservi fuq il-Bord tal-Istudji tal-FEMA. Dan huwa mmirat biex jiffaċilita l-aċċess tal-istudenti għall-għarfien tal-industrija u t-traineeships.
Il-programm tal-Baċellerat fix-Xjenza (Unuri) fin-Negozju u t-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni jipprovdi approċċ integrat għan-negozju u t-teknoloġija li jenfasizza applikazzjonijiet prattiċi u jipprepara lill-istudenti għal rwoli ta 'tmexxija u intraprenditorjali. Jipprovdi lill-istudenti bil-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jinnavigaw ambjenti tan-negozju dinamiċi u jutilizzaw teknoloġiji ġodda għal vantaġġ strateġiku.
Pierre Mallia, Direttur Maniġerjali ta’ iMovo Limited, esprima l-fehmiet tiegħu dwar is-sħubija: “Bħala ditta ewlenija tat-teknoloġija u l-konsulenza b’twemmin qawwi fil-kontribut għall-komunità li noperaw fiha, naraw b’mod dirett, id-dinja tax-xogħol li qed tevolvi malajr. Permezz ta’ dan l-għarfien, aħna nħossu l-ħtieġa li nagħtu s-sehem tagħna biex niżguraw li l-istudenti jkunu mgħammra biex jirnexxu fil-karriera tagħhom. Aħna naraw is-sħubija mal-FEMA bħala opportunità ideali biex nagħmlu dan. Nilqgħu wkoll l-opportunità li naħdmu lejn viżjoni kondiviża mal-Università.”
Ir-Rettur tal-Università, il-Prof Alfred J. Vella, laqa’ dan il-ftehim, u enfasizza s-sinifikat tiegħu biex jipprovdi lill-istudenti bl-għodda li għandhom bżonn biex jirnexxu. Huwa rrimarka, “Din is-sħubija hija pass tajjeb biex tippromwovi aktar l-iskambju ta’ għarfien u tipprovdi lill-professjonisti u lill-intraprendituri ta’ għada bl-għodda t-tajba biex ikunu ta’ suċċess u effettivi. Kemm l-espożizzjoni bikrija għall-industrija kif ukoll l-għarfien espert tal-kollaboraturi tagħna żgur li se jgħinuhom jibqgħu motivati ​​tul il-karriera tagħhom u jagħmlu bidla pożittiva fis-soċjetà.”
Il-kollaborazzjoni bejn iMovo Limited u l-Università ta’ Malta tirrappreżenta impenn kondiviż għall-eċċellenza fl-edukazzjoni għolja u biex l-istudenti jitħejjew għas-suċċess fis-suq globali.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"iMovo Limited 與馬耳他大學簽署諒解備忘錄以加強高等教育項目
iMovo Limited 宣布與馬耳他大學簽署諒解備忘錄 (MoU),標誌著旨在加強未來五年高等教育計畫的策略合作夥伴關係的開始。
根據這份諒解備忘錄,iMovo Limited 將與經濟、管理和會計學院 (FEMA) 密切合作,幫助推進學院的教育計劃和研究,特別是商業和資訊科技理學士(榮譽)學位方面的計劃和研究。
iMovo 將提供課程開發方面的策略建議,並在 FEMA 研究委員會任職。此舉旨在促進學生獲得行業知識和實習機會。
iMovo Limited 董事總經理 Pierre Mallia 表達了他對此次合作的看法:「作為一家領先的技術和諮詢公司,我們堅信為我們所在的社區做出貢獻,我們親眼目睹了快速發展的工作世界。透過這種洞察,我們感到有必要發揮自己的作用,確保學生有能力在職業生涯中取得成功。我們認為與 FEMA 的合作是實現這一目標的理想機會。我們也歡迎有機會與大學共同實現共同願景。
大學校長阿爾弗雷德·J·維拉 (Alfred J. Vella) 教授對該協議表示歡迎,並強調其在為學生提供成功所需工具方面的重要性。他表示:「這種夥伴關係是值得歡迎的一步,可以進一步促進知識交流,並為未來的專業人士和企業家提供成功和高效的正確工具。早期接觸該行業和我們合作者的專業知識肯定會幫助他們在整個職業生涯中保持積極性,並為社會做出積極的改變。
iMovo Limited 和馬耳他大學之間的合作代表了對卓越高等教育和幫助學生在全球市場取得成功的共同承諾。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳的電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
"iMovo Limited 与马耳他大学签署谅解备忘录以加强高等教育项目
iMovo Limited 宣布与马耳他大学签署谅解备忘录 (MoU),标志着旨在加强未来五年高等教育项目的战略合作伙伴关系的开始。
根据这份谅解备忘录,iMovo Limited 将与经济、管理和会计学院 (FEMA) 密切合作,帮助推进学院的教育计划和研究,特别是商业和信息技术理学士(荣誉)学位方面的计划和研究。
iMovo 将提供课程开发方面的战略建议,并在 FEMA 研究委员会任职。此举旨在促进学生获得行业知识和实习机会。
iMovo Limited 董事总经理 Pierre Mallia 表达了他对此次合作的看法:“作为一家领先的技术和咨询公司,我们坚信为我们所在的社区做出贡献,我们亲眼目睹了快速发展的工作世界。通过这种洞察,我们感到有必要发挥自己的作用,确保学生有能力在职业生涯中取得成功。我们认为与 FEMA 的合作是实现这一目标的理想机会。我们也欢迎有机会与大学共同实现共同愿景。”
大学校长阿尔弗雷德·J·维拉 (Alfred J. Vella) 教授对该协议表示欢迎,并强调其在为学生提供成功所需工具方面的重要性。他表示:“这种伙伴关系是值得欢迎的一步,可以进一步促进知识交流,并为未来的专业人士和企业家提供成功和高效的正确工具。早期接触该行业和我们合作者的专业知识肯定会帮助他们在整个职业生涯中保持积极性,并为社会做出积极的改变。”
iMovo Limited 和马耳他大学之间的合作代表了对卓越高等教育和帮助学生在全球市场取得成功的共同承诺。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受上帝的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传的电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 Gambit-Accepted Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas

Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas
Continuing this series on Battlegroup ideas, today is Wehr. Here are my DAK Ideas. To reiterate, I wanted to make these ideas thematic, different from existing battlegroups, unique and mostly historically accurate. Here I use the units that are already in the game files and propose how they could be implemented in an interesting way. Relic seem to have developed several bunker types which they intend to use, so when designing my battlegroups, I did it in a way where these bunker types were used but didn’t make the battlegroup Italian Coastal 2.0, rather fed into a larger idea. I introduce and expand a number of mechanics I have discussed in my other threads:
Central Idea: All in prevention, counter attack. Your opponent would have a hard time overwhelming you in one all in push. The left side of the tree consists of mostly callins and quick dispatch units for handling flanks quickly, the right side is more logistics themed with multiple reactionary abilities.
BMW R75: Not a lot to say here, similar to the DAK bike except with an MG 42. It could be made to have no reverse, like the Coh1 bike, that was a fun mechanic.
4-Man Pios: Again, self-explanatory.
Sd. Kfz. 251 Variants: This gives you access to other 251 variants, either by upgrading the 251 directly or by calling them in. I’ve chosen these 2 versions that I feel open up a lot more strategies, Mortar HT and Luft tier would be quite good, that tier lacks indirect. Pakwagen Panzer Gren tier would also be strong, as that tier lacks mobile AT. The ATHT would have the same AT performance as the Marder, but would have less HP and no lockdown ability.
Panzer III H: As a unit to add to Wehr’s roster, this makes a lot of sense on many levels. In terms of performance, this would be closer to the Crusader medium tank. In terms of the timing, it would arrive at the same time as the Stug and the Wirbel, but unlike both of those specialists, this would be a generalist for that timing.
Temporary Armour Assignment: This is exactly like the mechanic I described in my DAK designs. How it works is that this munitions only ability is used and a Stug, P4 pair arrive from off map. Neither unit requires fuel, manpower, upkeep or population. They benefit from all the upgrades that affect the normal version, ie vet and armoured skirts. You have direct control over them but after a set period of time, they will turn to AI control and leave. This makes them really good as a reactionary ability (your opponent is doing an all in) or as your own all-in, especially if you’re already maxed out on population. You’re especially incentivised to make risky plays with them as armour preservation is not so important. The number of use cases for this ability are so numerous that I won’t explain it anymore, it should be obvious how strong this is. I think to balance this out, it needs a heavy munitions cost and a long recharge timer.
AI Temporary Elephant Assignment: One of the questions I’ve been asking myself since Coh3 came out is how do you add heavy tanks to the game in such a way that it’s not frustrating to play against and doesn’t break it. Given that the game is set so much earlier in the war and a number of the factions don’t have ready access to tank destroyers like the SU-85 and the Jackson, you can’t simply throw in the Elephant and hope for the best. To be completely explicit, I don’t see how the US with their current roster are expected to deal with a Coh2 style heavy tank destroyer. However, in Halo Wars 2 Blitz game mode, how it works is that you can call in a Scarab and its an incredibly strong unit but after a certain period of time, it spontaneously explodes and the game returns to normal. Why wouldn’t something similar work for Coh3? The risk reward calculus of using it would be; can you get enough damage done in the period available to justify the expenditure? There are a few ways that this could be implemented, you could, for instance, give the player direct control over the Elephant but I’m in favour of doing this slightly differently. Like the Infantry Assault ability for the US Advanced Infantry Doc, I think this should be AI controlled, should be on attack move and should be targeted on a position. After the timer, the unit would drive off map. This way you get the power fantasy of using a heavy tank without the game breaking potential of a heavy tank camping for the entire game between 2 VPs and zoning out all tanks. The reason I prefer this method of implementation is 2 fold; the first is that counterplay is much simpler, you just avoid the area and wait for it to time out. The second is that it has that appeal of being somewhat like a mini campaign mission within the game, you have to defend the tank with your forces as it advances. Your opponent would be easily able to flank it if its on it’s own, but when you support it yourself its more potent. The one exception to this AI control that perhaps should be considered is allowing the player to control the tageting directly, You wouldn’t want the Elephant to shoot at some random infantry while your opponent moves double Archers into position. In terms of relative strength of the abilty, I think if it was implemented in this fashion, the Elephant ability wouldn’t be that strong. I feel direct control over a P4 and a Stug is much stronger than an AI controlled Elephant. To me this is the best way of getting heavy tanks into the game.
Logistics Field Officer: The right side of the tree very much has a logistics theme to it, starting with the officer. The Resource Priority ability works well with a variety of units, one could see this being handy in a situation where you want to increase the ROF of an MG, Mortar or Pak being extremely useful. Situations where you want to increase the ROF on a tank to help it win the engagement would also be strong. Speeding up the recharge on a Nebelwerfer would also be a common use. Source Replacements I could also see being a heavily used ability, either on the field or in base. Finally, given this battlegroup is munitions intensive, the Supervise Resource Extraction ability will allow you to increase your income like a cache does. You could even have some rush strat builds involving the officer, but unlike caches and trucks, the unit can be repurposed to do other things afterwards.
Panzerschreck Trailer: This is another type of trailer unit. I’ve talked about trailer units a few times in my other posts, but here is the rundown: My thinking with this is that its a brand new unit type, which loosely can be defined as a support weapon. How it works is that infantry squads can crew it, push it around, vehicles can tow it, etc. When in a position, it provides an aura which in this case recharges nearby snares faster. However, the unit shouldn't require pop cap and moreover, you can actually manually decrew it and it will still provide you the benefits. So for example, let's say it spawns in your base and you want to setup a strong point, you can crew it with a squad, wheel it over to a house near the frontline and then decrew it. Units within its vicinity would still be benefiting from the aura. When you want to move it, recrew it again, or tow it, to a new location. The beauty of this dynamic is that your opponents can steal these units from you like an ATG, so while they don't take up popcap and would be relatively cheap (say 100 to 150 manpower), you're still incentivised to protect them. You can also attack move them with AT guns etc, would be interesting to play around it. I think it would make for a fun dynamic, but would need to be coded from scratch. It also indirectly makes tow yet more useful. With this trailer specifically, it’s aura will recharge nearby snares faster, however squads can also collect a Panzerschrek from the trailer for a munitions cost. This Panzerschrek is timed, so after a duration the squad will drop it. This is going to really strong in situations where your opponent is doing an all in dive with light vehicles and/or tanks and you need to bolster your AT immediately to hold on. Picking up these Panzerschreks is not cheap, but it makes it much harder for your opponent to dive you and also allows you to go for low AT builds with this trailer as the backup. The way I see this until being used is wheeling it behind a hedge or building near your cutoff and running over to grab a Panzerschrek if its needed. Let’s say your opponent does a double M8 dive, your 2 Grens and a Panzergren pick up 3 schreks between them and your opponent is basically able to do nothing but wait for them to time out. This could buy you enough time to reach T4 or whatever else you were doing. It’s a tool that adds a lot of flexibility to your composition, but remember if you get forced off, your opponent can just steal it and then its your problem!
Weapon Stores: This gives your pios the ability to build Riegel mines but also Weapon Supply Bunkers. Now, the bunker has a straight forward aura that increases ROF of infantry and their grenade recharge times, but it also has another more expansive mechanic of temporary weapon upgrades. I’ve talked about this mechanic at great length in my Luftwaffe Field Division faction design, where the faction essentially revolves around that mechanic, but here I use a simplified version for a Wehr battlegroup. The TLDR is that infantry squads can pick up weapon packages from the bunker to either augment their current DPS or completely change the role of the squad for a short period. For instance, Jagers can pick up Beretta 38s to transform the squad from a mostly mid range unit, to a short range one. Grens can pick up G43s to improve their mid to long range performance and Pios can pick up an MG34. All the options are avialable to you. However, the upgrades are not timed, but depletable. This means that if the squad is not in combat, the upgrade duration doesn’t tick. You have to be in combat to expend the upgrade. The situations where something like this would come in useful are numerous, but to name a few; giving all your grens weapons at any point in the game, augmenting your jagers with MG34s, giving Stosstruppen Berettas so they become a close range powerhouse, or even double MGs. Relative to normal weapon upgrades, these upgrades are inefficient, but for rush strats they can be strong, as well as augmenting your units in the lategame with the extra munitions you have in the bank.
HE Shell Delivery: Improves the splash and anti infantry power of all your vehicles at the cost of penetration. This could be somewhat tricky to use, as your opponent will become aware of its activation immediately and will come in with their vehicles. But situations where your opponent has dug in with ATGs and AT infantry, this ability will be devastating.
Central Idea: Team weapon play, heavy fire power and artillery. Good for just battering your opponents head on.
SD-2 Line Drop: This is similar to the equivalent ability in Coh1, however the big difference is that you can customise the area where the mines will fall. For instance, you could do a relatively small field on a VP for 50 munitions, or you could do a large line of mines to completely block off a flank with mines. This flexibility allows you to employ the ability in a number of situations and adds some nuance to its employment. It terms of how this would work in game, I feel click and drag would be sufficient, the munitions cost being visible on the cursor. In the context of this battlegroup, it can block off the flanks of your team weapons.
Pre-Sighted Terrain: This feeds into that team weapon focused gameplay, having extra range on your Paks and MGs in an area is going to be really strong. You could even use it with Mortars and Nebels for an extra long range barrage.
7.5cm Flak 264/3(i) AA/AT: The Flak 264/3 is an Italian medium AA piece that fits into what I will refer to as the ‘premium anti tank gun’ category. Similar to how the MG42 and DSKH were premium MGs, this ATG will be better than your standard ATG, at a higher price point. On the scale of ATGs, this will lie between the Pak 40 and the Flak 36 in terms of raw firepower. The damage should be exactly as the Pak 40, however it should also benefit from 10 more range and also the ability to shoot down air. The drawback however is that it should be relatively slow to move, like a Pak 40 in camoflage mode. For small adjustments, this should be fine, but to move it across the map, it would be easier with a tow vehicle. This means there are tradeoffs with this option relative to the Pak 40, the situations where the Flak 264/3 would be better is when you don’t want to invest in a wirbel but still want AA on demand when you need it (2 of these should take down planes pretty quickly), or situations where you’re camping 2 VPs and don’t expect to have to move around much, allowing you to utilise the greater range. Paks are going to be better when you need to move around a lot and expect your opponent to invest in indirect fire.
Flakvierling 38: This gun is exactly as on the Wirbelwind, except it’s a team weapon. Relative to the Flak 30, this would have the advantage of suppression and probably better anti infantry performance. Perhaps starting with the same stats as the DAK Flak halftrack and going from there would be a good place to start.
28cm K5(E) Barrage: Heavy railway barrage, not much to say here.
7.5 cm IG 37: This is essentially work like the LeIG for DAK, it’s a later version of the same concept. Wehr don’t have anything like the Heavy Mortar equivalent and this would be it. This would be handy if you wanted to go Luft tier or tier 4 without having to tech to get Nebels.
Springer Remote Controlled Bombs: Conceptually, this is identical to the Goliath remote controlled bombs, except these bombs are twice the size and are significantly more dangerous as a result. For me, one distinction that could be made would be dialling up their effectiveness against your opponent’s base structures. One thing I feel Coh lacks are tools for crippling your opponent’s tech. Kane’s wrath has a plethora of units and abilities for exactly this purpose and their employment is great to use and even more exciting to watch. So the Spinger should be able to knock out 75% of the health of a base tier structure. So conceivably, you could get a 251, drive it over to or into the base, deploy a Springer and blow it up next to T4, finish it off with Paks or Stugs. This will reinforce that whole dimension of the game, camping on 2 VPs will be much easier to punish.
Sd.Ah. 57 Munitions Trailer: Another style of trailer, as discussed above. Here it would be used directly with team weapons to increase their ROF. It can also be used with indirect, so Rocket artillery would recharge faster. I feel the situations where this would be useful are fairly obvious but one extra way of making it interesting would be if it had an AOE explosion on death. So your opponent would be incentivised to move in with vehicles and target it down. They could also just steal it for themselves.
Wurfrahmen 40 UE (f): Standard rocket artillery. One question I would expect a Wehraboo to ask is ‘why this and not the Panzerwerfer?’. The way I see it, this only has 4 rockets, so its damage per barrage is less. This leaves scope to make the barrage recharge time shorter, meaning you need to micro it more, but also, its less of a wipe machine or do nothing unit. You can also give it a lower price and require less population. Looking at the Walking Stuka in Coh2, that unit either killed everything or missed and was largely a waste of resources and popcap. If you can have the same unit, but with less alpha damage, at a cheaper price and popcap, it should be more consistent over the course of a match. It would also be easier to fit into your composition and would see greater use as a result. This essentially is why I picked this unit. That and because its new and different.
AI Double Wespe Temp. Assignment: Like the Elephant assignment above, this is where double Wespe artillery pieces come onto the field and are controlled by the AI. They attack move to the target, shelling your opponent’s units within range. This ability should be much easier to employ, as they barrage from long range, but also they should be easier to counter (you can just dive them). Since we’re not using new vehicle models, it should be cheaper to develop and its different from the existing off-maps.
Central Idea: Long range engagements.
MGZ34 MG42 Scopes Upgrade: Simple upgrade, improves range and sight of MGs once they upgrade themselves for munitions.
AI Double Sniper Temp. Assignment: This is most similar to the Wespe ability I just described, except with 2 snipers. What this ability would be strong aganst would be team weapon camp and entrenched infantry, as well as guarding VPs in the lategame. What this ability would be pretty bad against would be an opponent with several light vehicles and tanks which can drive up and elminate the snipers in 5 seconds. Its not like the AI will dodge. This ability is augmented by the numerous sight abilities and units in this battlegroup.
Panzerbeobachtungswagen III: This is most similar to the 254 artillery observer for DAK, except where the abilities are largely air based. The unit has an MG, so it can be used to attack troops early on, but its mostly used for the focus sight ability in conjunction with tank destroyers and team weapons. The SD-2 Ground Burst drop I see being more like the M83 Cluster Mine drop from Coh2. The Ju-88 P-4 Heavy AT Strafe, is actually a 50mm cannon, so different from the JU-87 we have now by having more alpha damage.
Fritz X Guided Bomb Strike: This is probably most similar to the Stuka Dive Bomb in Coh2, however, the big difference is that you can manually guide it to the target. The inspiration for this are the Predator missiles from MW2, however in Coh3, the easiest way of implementing this to my mind is that the player has to keep the cursor where they want the bomb to land. However, if they don’t want to do this, as it prevents other micro, you double click and it will go to where it was last targeted. So the situations where you’d want to perform this micro are quite niche, basically when nothing else is happening for 5 seconds. I think a sensible decision should be to cut off direct control from the player 2 seconds before it hits the target, so its still possible to dodge but harder.
Nashorn Tank Destroyer: Not much to say here, its basically the Archer.
Grenadier K98k Scopes Upgrade: Not a lot to say here, range and sight augmentation for grens.
Ranged Bunker Options: Here we use some of the bunkers Relic has already invented. The mortar bunker is simple enough, but the Observation bunker is a bit more interesting. This emplacement should have a long line of sight, but it should be restricted to a narrow arc which can be refaced. This encourages active micro of the emplacement. It would be strong in matches where this is placed behind team weapons and artillery for spotting targets but would not detect flanks. Somewhat reminds me of the child’s game ‘Spotlight’.
Fusiliers: These are another unit that Grens can be swapped out for. Unlike Jagers and Panzergrens, this unit is purely focused on long range DPS. You could use Gebirgsjager here instead, I use Fusiliers as one of my other designs uses Gebirgsjager.
Range Adjustment: This unit ability increases the squad’s accuracy after each model drop to a maximum of 30%, 5% per model. I could imagine in most situations, this would be a simple DPS boost, but there would be situations where fighting low health squads where this would be especially strong. The same kind of logic applies to the ATG and Tank Destroyer ability, where everytime they land a shot while the ability is active, it increases their accuracy and ROF.
Focused Gunnery: A global sight and range buff for vehicles, at the cost of speed. This blends well with the other abilities in the battlegroup.
Central Idea: Area denial.
Grenadier & Pio Field Defences: Gives access to a number of build options. Panzer-Stabmine 43 AT Mines are a variation on normal mines, where the emphasis is placed on the heavy engine critical rather than the damage of the mine. So these mines would be relatively spammable, specialised against vehicles and would cause a heavy engine damage critical. The focus here is leaving your opponet’s vehicle stricken and being able to move in with your own vehicles to take it out. However, unlike say Riegel mines, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent will have a much easier time of quickly repairing off the damage. It’s a variation on mines with its own drawbacks and strengths. However, the main structure you get access to is the Luftwaffe Relay Point. This emplacement can call in strafing runs within its vicinity, the AT strafe would be particularly strong if combined with the Stab mine as it would be far harder to dodge. The relay point though can also call in a variety of crate drops with different infantry buffs. Ammunition crates increase ROF, which is simple enough, but the Explosives Crate doubles the squads grenade ability the next time its used. For instance, Grens would throw 2 stick grenades for the price of 1 with a 0.5 second delay between each throw. Naturally, this is pretty strong and also munitions efficient, at the cost of extra micro. The mechanic could also be made to give squads that don’t normally have a grenade, a grenade. For example, it would be cool if Jagers/Pios got stick grenades after picking up one of these crates. I’m not sure what you would do with Stosstruppen, a bundle grenade assault? Sounds overpowered and incredibly fun. Double frangible sounds fine. Camouflage Crates give your squad moving camo for 60 seconds, so you could conceivably pick up this crate on the way to your opponent’s side of the map and use it to ambush or do all manner of things. One question that would need answering is whether or not is should be possible to stack these crate bonues, I could foresee camoed Panzergrenadiers with double bundle grenades being very very good. Perhaps the best way of soft nerfing this combination is to have a shared cooldown timer of 90 seconds on the crates, this should severely limit the number of times a player can get explosives and camo at the same time.
251/17 Halftrack: Exactly like Coh2.
Cannone Da 105/28 Howitzer Emplacement: A general howitzer emplacement, you could use the LeFH but this emplacement already exists.
Panzerturm IV: A mixed AT and anti infantry emplacement. This emplacement absolutely should take up pop cap but also have prioritise vehicles.
Bf109 WerferGranate 21 Rocket Strike: This would fire 4 rockets in unison, have fairly high alpha damage and flame dot damage. You would most use it against team weapons and infantry, especially in denying point caps, but potentially you could use it against vehicles, particularly if they hit a panzer stab mine, to cause them health damage and prevent them from being repaired.
Sd.kfz. 251/16 Flame Halftrack: Similar to the unit in Coh2, except you can also upgrade it with MGs. As a general comment, I feel this unit and flame weapons more generally should have bonus damage against base tech structures. Sneaking flame tanks into the base and burning down your opponent’s tech is so much fun in Kane’s wrath and I feel Coh3 would do well to capture some of that magic. So being able to burn down a tech structure in 30-45 seconds in would give this unit extra utility, currently it fees like the flame units lack flexibility relative to their autocannon equivalents.
Infantry Gestreckte Ladung: This ability is on infantry and it essentially is a grenade that sits between the Bundle Grenade and a Satchel charge on the spectrum. It would have the same damage as a bundle, but a longer fuse and shorter range. However, the charge would have bonus damage against emplacements, buildings and field defenses. The ideal use case would be against units behind sandbags and wire, as it would destroy them completely. Its much more likely to land than satchels, with its shorter fuse time, but is not as a good as bundle grenades which do the same damage with an even shorter fuse. So the bonus against field defences is the main advantage of the grenade. It goes without saying that this ability benefits from the Explosives crate from the other side of the tree.
Decima Squad Infiltration: This squad is most comparable to Stormtroopers in Coh2. You would largely use the squad to charge cutoffs and plant explosives on points, its going to be strong in VP wars. This squad has no camo out of the box but you can get that from the other side of the tree.
Communication Breakdown: This is activated in a circle zone and no off-maps can be used in it for the duration, nor do any global abilities like Designate Assault Position work there. There are many situations where something like this would be useful, for example, preventing someone from calling an off-map in during your assault, preventing an off-map being called in on a crucial VP in a close match. The main use I could see people using this is with their emplacements on the other side of the tree, preventing say bombing runs, etc.
In Deckung!: This abilly mixes well with a variety of the other abilities in the battlegroup. Getting cheaper grenades will allow you to spam them during the duration of the ability, if you combine that with the Explosives crates, it will be yet more efficient. 15 munitions Panzer Stab mines will be strong. The crucial thing with this ability is timing, as you need to use grenades and mines en masse to justify the initial munitions cost.
Other Unit DLC
As I discussed before, I think it would be a mistake for Relic not to include the substitute units feature. In terms of what units should be substitutable, this is what I feel makes sense:
Finally, as a general change, I feel we need to talk about the Pak 43. The Pak 43 is already in the game files and is presumably lined up for a battlegroup. I feel this unit should just be added to T4 so that stock Wehr has an answer to heavy tank spam (thinking about Matildas and Grants here). Wehr doesn’t have a great answer for dealing with heavy tanks, short of building 3 paks or several marders, neither of which are great from a faction design perspective. They come quite early, relatively, so improving their performance messes with the flow of the game and makes T4 less attractive, why bother going T4 if all the AT you need is in T2/T3? A Pak 43 in T4 has a pleasing symmetry between DAK, Brits and Wehr. If US got he M5 ATG (which they should), all factions would have this common tool. A number of players have been calling out for the Panther to be added to T4, I don’t think that’s the play here, as it would dominate so many other options. The situations where you would build a Pak 43 over a Panther are quite niche (look at Coh2), so having the more attractive unit in stock over the less attractive solution in a battlegroup, to me makes little sense. The Panther would also crowd out Flak 36 Emplacment play. However, the Pak 43 is easier to counter for your opponent, using indirect etc, while also giving you a reason to go for a battlegroup with Panther as the main attraction. Essentially what I’m getting at is that the Panther is too dominant of a unit to be in T4 and the Pak 43 should be there in its place.
submitted by Gambit-Accepted to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:22 New-Negotiation7234 "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" couple who inspired the play

The opening sence shows this building, which reminds me of the background of WAOLM from Paris.
I wanted to share some information I found while watching “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”. I am about halfway through the film version of the play. The play was written by Edward Albee, a gay playwright. Albee said that the play was inspired by his friends Willard Maas and Marie Menken. Mass and Menken were married and shortly after their marriage, Maas discovered he was bisexual and had affairs with many men while still married to Menken. Menken stated: “Maas had extramarital homosexual relations, but Menken apparently did not resent them; their shouting matches were instead a kind of "exercise" (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willard_Maas)
Now I am probably clowning, but Act 3 in the play is called “The Exorcism”. This could totally just be a typo but in The Black Dog lyrics, it is listed as “exercise my demons” on apple music and in the viynl book for The Black Dog variant. I found the lyrics written as “exorcise my demons”.
The couples apartment is listed in the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project. So they are obviously important in gay history (https://www.nyclgbtsites.org/site/willard-maas-marie-menken-residence/)
The other couple in the film were married when after the wife faked a pregnancy. “Im having his baby, no Im not”.
The charter Martha continually refers to her father as "daddy". "Daddy" is talked about a lot but we never see her father, but he seems to control the characters actions. So could be seen as a metaphor about how society expectations influence us. You really need to watch the film to get an idea of how many times they say "daddy".
I would encourage everyone to watch this movie. The dialogue to me seems more like poems and make no sense on the surface. The themes are reality and illusion and critique of social expectations. So Taylor shows the world her pr bfs but it's an illusion.
Sorry, I am not the best writer so hopefully this all makes sense.
submitted by New-Negotiation7234 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 Blackb1rd27 Portail Mairie et PLU

Portail Mairie et PLU
Après 1000 recherches j'en vien finalement à vous demander un coup de main / avis s'il vous plaît.
La situation: Je souhaite réaliser une ouverture avec portail où se trouve actuellement un mur et ma boîte aux lettres. Je dépose une demande pour un portail en FER qui est accepté hors j'y découvre des modalités assez étonnantes:
-Ils m'imposent l'installation de la boîte aux lettre dans le portail, pourquoi faire ??? J'ai demandé qu'elle soit à côté comme avec le portillon avant ouverture. Mon voisin de droite lui l'a intégré mais c'est le seul.
-Ils me demandent d'installer un modèle de portail en fer à bord plat au dessus hors j'ai déposé dans la demande celui ci: Et ils indiquent en annexe que je ne peux pas poser de portail avec je cite "un chapeau de gendarme".
-La couleur noir m'a été refusée. (argument: on souhaite égayer la ville, mais bon un coup de peinture j'accepte)
Maintenant le PLU dit:
"Les portails et portillons d’accès:
Ils seront de forme simple, pleins ou ajourés, sans excès de surcharges décorative. Leur hauteur ne doit pas excéder 2 mètres.
Les dispositions ci-avant ne s’imposent pas aux clôtures des terrains occupés par des constructions et installations nécessaires aux services publics lorsque les modalités de fonctionnement l’imposent."
Je trouve cela absurde au vue du PLU qui est ma foi simple et explicite... et je me demande si ce n'est pas de l'excès ici. À savoir que je refais le poteau en pierre à l'identique et c'est pas une mince affaire.
Je laisse la photo du portail.
Merci vraiment pour toute aide. Ps: Je suis hors zone classée UH1
submitted by Blackb1rd27 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 ThrowRA196705 My bf (M19) and I (F19) got into a big argument and now idk how to forget and move on. was i in the wrong?

Hi everyone, as the title suggests i ad an argument with my bf and it was pretty bad. It started out when he came to me after work (he works very late and we barely spend time together) and that day something happened to me and he said “i’ll come over after work and i’ll bring goodies” so i assumed he was coming to offer me support. when he arrives there’s not parking in my street so we just sat in his car and i talked about how i’d been feeling insecure lately and whatever. He left and i thought he left a little weird so on his way home i called him and he explained that “he just didn’t expect to get out of work to have a vent with me.”
idk how it escalated but it turned into an argument. I told him i thought he was coming for support and things escalated from there. At some point he brought up something that really hurt me. Context, we’ve been together for three years and we barely have sex. I have a high sex drive and sometimes that affects me. It affects me to only have sex like once or twice a month. We were starting to be sexual almost everyday and i was excited to finally be able to express my desire and stuff. he never indicated to me that he was uncomfortable he always followed along with my sexting and stuff. but in the argument he said “I think you’re hypersexual. and that really turns me off. your insistence, your lack of recognizing my situation and emotions really puts me off to even have sex a lot of the time” Ouch.
He kept saying like i treated him like a sexual object and that he felt like “he was 13 again back in those discords”. He was groomed at 13. So thats kinda crazy he basically compared me to PREDATORS.
So i was so hurt. I felt like all the progress i’d made of feeling comfortable during sex, of accepting myself had gone all away. He also told me it pissed him off i don’t have a job (he always tells me he doesn’t care and my parents said i didn’t have to work rn bc im studying). I started working at the place he did, i was a hostess. they gave me 0 training it was horrible strangers treated me horrible and the time i cried everyone, including him, told me to suck it up or else i’m leaving. idk what that leaving meant but still it hurt. They basically fired me (not rlly they said they’d put me on hold) when i asked if i could maybe be on hold until brunch hours or whenever they needed because i was failing my classes. I went to get another job but as i was abt to finish the process my mom kept insisting that i didn’t need it so i trusted her and i’m not working.
After he said that he said “Try working 9 hour shifts a day, get straight A’s and maintain your family then we can talk” “When you wake up everyday and work hard even when you have a mental disorder, then we can talk” He said that to me which is crazy bc he knows currently i al suffering from a depressive episode and i relapsed in my ED so idk i think maybe i am familiarized with mental disorders. and ik its hard. but why is he one upping me? it just sounds like he thinks he’s better than me.
Then i told him to be straight and tell me if he resented me and he kept denying it until he broke and said “OKAY FINE YES I RESENT YOU. I RESENT YOU FOR NOT EATING ALL YOUR FOOD (reminder that i have en ED so sometimes its hard to) I RESENT YOU FOR GETTING YOU A JOB WND YOU COULDN’T STICK TO IT.” he said a lot of things not just this. Again it hurt me because in my head these things aren’t bad. i’m not doing anything wrong. (idk maybe i am call me out if i am pls)
So at this point i feel disgusting because of the sex thing, horrible because it feels like i don’t work or try hard enough and it feels like he genuinely just hates who i am.
he fell asleep mid text conversation so i couldn’t rlly sleep. i stayed up the whole night sobbing because i didn’t know why i was such a bad person and how i was going to fix it. The whole argument was him basically yelling at me through text and me saying sorry. I woke up asking myself why i kept saying sorry when i didn’t do anything wrong. We woke up ge came over got me a milkshake and apologized for everything he said. He said he fucked up and that he’s sorry. This isn’t the first time we have an argument and he snaps at me and says really hurtful things. The last time we had a big argument he snapped and yelled at me saying “YOU’RE THE PROBLEM. THEN YOU ASK YOURSELF WHY YOUR FRIENDS IN HIGH SCHOOL GHOSTED YOU AND WHY YOU DON’T FIT IN” (context: i’m convinced i am on the spectrum (not diagnosed bc my mom didn’t wanna admit that her daughter had autism) and i struggle a lot to fit in. i am always the weird girl and that took a toll on me) for him to say that. for HIM the person who loves me and is meant to accept me. that hurt. he promised this would never happen again and i called him out for it. this is like the third time he snaps at me and then regrets it. He apologized and said he would never do that again. I said okay and we basically made up.
But i can’t forget this. I can’t forget the way he said those things and what he said. I can’t trust him. i do not trust what comes out of his mouth. one day he supports me the next thats the reason he resents me. and i told him that. but idk what to do. idk how to move on and forget this.
TLDR: bf and i had a big argument, he said some really hurtful things that hit close to him (insecurities and circumstances) now idk how to trust him completely again. how do i move on and forget this?
submitted by ThrowRA196705 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:13 LaSaintePatate Litige avec un garage 13 mois après pour panne similaire

Pour donner le contexte rapide de mon problème : - En septembre 2022, j'achète d'occasion une Peugeot 207, - En mars 2023, je tombe en panne, après diagnostic chez un garagiste, j'ai un problème au niveau du joint de culasse, le liquide de refroidissement s'est mélangé à de l'huile et s'évapore sur un trajet de 10mn. Je le fait réparer pour 1450€. - Aujourd'hui, le même problème se représente sur mon véhicule (donc environ 13 mois après la première panne), je n'ai donc pas encore le diagnostic exact des problèmes, simplement RDV diagnostic chez le même garage le 22 mai.
Ma question est, si le problème est le même et que mon véhicule doit subir les même réparations que l'année dernière, est-il trop tard pour un litige avec ce garage ?
submitted by LaSaintePatate to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:12 sumosacerdote What's happening in Brazil is a cautionary tale to the World

The Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul is suffering from unprecedented floods. The international media coverage is lacking, so I'm trying to bring more info there from Brazilian media.
But first, let me tell some facts about the affected area: Rio Grande do Sul is one of Brazil's largest states (by area). With 281,730 km², it's bigger than Colorado or the country of Ecuador. It is home to 10.9 million people.
Now, picture this: the whole state was impacted, 90% of its cities are claiming damages from either the floods or the rain. 618,000 people are now displaced. The water level reached 30 meters (98.4 ft) in some cities. 148 confirmed deaths, 127 missing people so far. The capital, Porto Alegre, has seen water reaching 2,6m (8.5 ft) from the street level. Its International Airport is now closed and will remain for a long time — it's filled with water from the runway to the gates. It's being compared to the Katrina floods.
[This article has a satellite imagery comparison for Porto Alegre before and after the flood]
Millions lost their cars, their furniture, their documents and will have to make repairs to their houses (or demolish it) when the water goes down. Talking about water going down, it's going to take weeks to months for it to go away.
Why did it happen? Basically, a cold air mass came from South but faced a hot air mass just north of Rio Grande do Sul. The water in the hot air mass condensed and it rained 700mm over 15 days (5 months worth of rain). Geography did the rest, with downstream rivers and lakes accumulating water from upstream rivers and flooding. And it's still raining right now, 300mm more rain is expected for the next days. To make matters worse, temperature is going down and it's expected to reach 5°C (41 F) this week — with thousands of displaced people having nothing but the clothes on their back.
I don't even need to say that this rain is linked to climate change. Past floods in the state never reached this level, even the worse ones.
[More pictures and comparisons]
However, Porto Alegre was technically prepared for such events. It has a dike and drainage system that could handle up to 6m of water (relative to the Guaíba lake), more than the current flood (5,3m). Still, there was so much water that pumps started failing, causing more pumps to become overflowed in a cascade effect (it didn't help that the local government ignored some maintenances too).
This is what extreme weather events look like. You can tell yourself that you're safe because the geography of your area is different or that your local government is trustworthy, but ask yourself: are you really sure your city can handle 1,000mm of rain over a couple of days? Can the lake or river next to you handle it without overflowing? Can you reach the next city if all bridges get destroyed? Because extreme rainfalls and hurricanes are becoming more common thanks to global warming, and very few cities in the World are ready for this. The collapse of Rio Grande do Sul is a cautionary tale for the whole World.
Side note: because of the hot air mass, at the same time Rio Grande do Sul flooded, many Brazilian states were suffering with the hottest April/May on record and one of the driest. So that's the World at +1.58 °C, where cities just 500 mi apart are simultaneously suffering from a record flooding and a record dry hot wave.
submitted by sumosacerdote to climatechange [link] [comments]
