Chronic renal failure nanda

How can i be more active and less of a sluggard?

2024.05.14 20:17 BTTECrimson How can i be more active and less of a sluggard?

Hello everyone and i hope your all having a blessed time. A couple things, I come asking a question thats been weighing on me recently since ive come back to God and Christ after straying in sin for a time. Im currently in end stage renal failure and on dialysis every other day for a few hours. The process leaves me feeling unable to do much without feeling exhausted, or that im about to collapse or fall at times. I dont work currently because of it. This is where my question comes in from my long winded post.
Should i be looking for work or some form of service? I feel like im doing nothing and being a sluggard in life and that im doing wrong just being at home all the time. To add im only 24yo so i still have age in me.
submitted by BTTECrimson to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 GvnrTibbs I'm a 5/16 tester. Someone very close to me died last night. What's my best course of action?

This morning (5/14) I learned that she died late last night from acute renal failure. Very unexpected, pretty much out of nowhere. All I can do is cry or sit in shock and disbelief. Meeting with her family and some mutual friends today. I'm supposed to test on Thursday 5/16, a day from now. I don't know how I'll be able to focus with this having happened, but obviously I'm past the 10-day rescheduling deadline.
Has AAMC/Pearson VUE ever given refunds or accommodations for this kind of circumstance? Are my only options to no-show or to take my test and decline to send it? If I do take it with the intention of sending it, does anyone have any advice on how to focus?
submitted by GvnrTibbs to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:54 CookiMaster Picking a blurb for Sci-Fi Romance Book

Getting ready to publish a novel in the next month or two, and I've written three different blurbs so far. If anyone wants to read them, please let me know which one seems the best to you. Thanks.
A remnant of humanity lives on beneath the protection of an immense dome. Bereft of history and ignorant of anything beyond the dome's confines, they inhabit an encapsulated and automated City. A vast metropolis built atop the mechanisms which ensure their survival.
All is not bliss however. Residents increasingly hear of illegal actions by those whose curiosity draws them to off-limits areas beneath the City. Police lieutenant Lewis Clay has more than lawbreakers to deal with though. His relationship with a longtime girlfriend is on the rocks, and soon falls apart.
Catherine Westall spends most days working at an orphanage, but her ordinary exterior hides a well kept secret. She’s a delver; one of those who flaunt the City’s laws in their expeditions to restricted sublevels.
When Lewis attempts to arrest Catherine for delving crimes, she narrowly escapes, hoping never to encounter him—or get caught—again. Chance spoils that. Meeting once more in social circumstances, both decide perhaps it’s possible to look past those aspects they find distasteful in the other.
Beginning a more involved, and personal, relationship, they grow closer just as conditions in the City grow bleaker. Earthquakes of unknown cause frighten the citizens, just as everything from plumbing to appliances start to lose reliability. Slowly trusting one another more, Lewis agrees to join Catherine on an expedition below the City. A journey to hunt the disturbances’ cause, and one which will place both in more danger than they’ve ever encountered before.
For Catherine Westall and Lewis Clay, the dome-covered City is the only home either has ever known. They're both curious though, about why the lights on the dome's underside move from east to west over the course of each day.
That curiosity is one of the few things they have in common; considering Lewis works as a police officer, and Catherine involves herself in the practice of delving. An illegal activity which takes its practitioners to forbidden areas beneath the City. She risks her safety, in part, to secure money for the orphanage she manages. Lewis—bound by his duty—tries unsuccessfully to arrest Catherine after becoming stuck with her for a time in the off-limits underbelly. Escaping, she hopes never to see him again, but he, having learned of their shared curiosity, tries to hunt down leads regarding her identity.
Meeting again at a fundraiser for the orphanage, they come to realize that even with their conflicting legal views, they enjoy each other’s company. Planning to meet up again, both wonder if a friendship — or even something more — could be possible.
While his goal increasingly becomes to learn more about her — even to the point of beginning delving himself — he struggles to keep their relationship from damaging his career and other friendships. She finds herself growing fonder of him, while still uncertain what secrets may be safe to share with the charismatic police officer.
Both seek to deepen their relationship, but as more and more citizens blame delvers for an increase in mysterious failures around the City, they find themselves drawn into the dangerous business of trying to diagnose the problems. As inexplicable earthquakes begin to rock the City, both wonder what they’ll be able to accomplish, and whether their lives, or their home, can ever return to normal.
Lewis Clay joined the City police force in hopes of helping his fellow citizens; knowing the job would bring him into contact with criminals. Even encountering delvers—those who make illegal expeditions to the City’s underbelly—wasn’t out of the question. He never expected to actually meet one though.
Catherine Westall, frequent delver, never expected to meet a policeman during one of her expeditions, but there Lewis is, clearly not buying her story about getting lost.
He doesn’t get her name before she escapes his botched arrest attempt, but the two do learn more about one another, including the uncommon curiosity they share. Most residents have never wondered why the City was built, or what — if anything — exists outside the dome above their heads.
Catherine works at an orphanage; interested more in nurturing the children than her bank account. Indeed, the institution is chronically short of money, and her affection for the kids leads to risky profit-seeking delves.
They meet again by chance; neither really looking for a relationship, but finding unlikely companionship in the other. Trust doesn’t come easy, between a law enforcer and a law breaker, but Lewis gains his own interest in delving, just as she struggles to balance career, hobby, and romance.
It isn’t a simple love story however. Necessities more fundamental than law or love are always in demand, and systems providing food, water, and air all begin to falter one after another.
Lewis and Catherine wish they could just enjoy their burgeoning affections, but as quakes begin to rock the City, they realize the most dangerous parts of their lives — so far — are fast approaching.
submitted by CookiMaster to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:28 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 13 2024

DAY: MAY 13, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:27 drambikachestclinic How does cystic fibrosis impact adults?

Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Adults

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems, but it can also have implications for other parts of the body. With advancements in treatment and care, more people with CF are living into adulthood. However, managing the condition in adults involves dealing with a range of challenges and complications.

Respiratory System

  1. Chronic Lung Infections: Adults with CF often experience recurrent lung infections due to thick, sticky mucus that traps bacteria. Common pathogens include Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Reduced Lung Function: Over time, repeated infections and inflammation can lead to a decline in lung function, making breathing more difficult.
  3. Bronchiectasis: The airways become permanently widened, leading to persistent cough, mucus production, and further infections.
  4. Respiratory Failure: In severe cases, lung damage can progress to the point where the lungs cannot provide adequate oxygen to the body, requiring advanced interventions like oxygen therapy or lung transplantation.

Digestive System

  1. Pancreatic Insufficiency: Thick mucus can block the ducts of the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines. This leads to malabsorption of nutrients, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiencies.
  2. Diabetes: CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is common in adults due to the damage to the pancreas. It shares characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Liver Disease: Blockages in the bile ducts can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
  4. Intestinal Issues: CF can cause intestinal blockages, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and distal intestinal obstructive syndrome (DIOS).

Reproductive System

  1. Infertility: Most men with CF are infertile due to congenital absence of the vas deferens, which carries sperm from the testes. However, assisted reproductive technologies can help achieve pregnancy.
  2. Reduced Fertility in Women: Thick cervical mucus can make it harder for sperm to reach the egg, but many women with CF can still conceive naturally or with assistance.

Musculoskeletal System

  1. Osteoporosis: Due to malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D, adults with CF are at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures.
  2. Arthritis: Some adults may develop CF-related arthritis or musculoskeletal pain.

Psychosocial Impact

  1. Mental Health: The chronic nature of CF can lead to anxiety, depression, and stress. The need for continuous treatment and hospitalizations can impact quality of life.
  2. Social and Work Life: Managing CF often requires time-consuming treatments and frequent medical appointments, which can interfere with work and social activities.

Treatment and Management

  1. Medications:
  1. Airway Clearance Techniques: Daily physiotherapy to clear mucus from the lungs.
  2. Nutritional Support: High-calorie diet, vitamin supplements, and enzyme replacements.
  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity to maintain lung function and overall health.
  4. Psychological Support: Counseling or therapy to help manage the emotional aspects of living with CF.
  5. Advanced Therapies: Lung transplantation may be an option for those with severe lung disease.


While cystic fibrosis poses significant challenges for adults, ongoing advancements in medical care and treatment strategies are helping many individuals manage their condition more effectively and lead fuller lives. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary care is essential to address the complex needs of adults with CF, including respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and psychosocial aspects. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers specialized in CF care is crucial for optimizing health outcomes and maintaining quality of life.
Blaze0 notes Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Adults
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems, but it can also have implications for other parts of the body. With advancements in treatment and care, more people with CF are living into adulthood. However, managing the condition in adults involves dealing with a range of challenges and complications.

Respiratory System

  1. Chronic Lung Infections: Adults with CF often experience recurrent lung infections due to thick, sticky mucus that traps bacteria. Common pathogens include Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Reduced Lung Function: Over time, repeated infections and inflammation can lead to a decline in lung function, making breathing more difficult.
  3. Bronchiectasis: The airways become permanently widened, leading to persistent cough, mucus production, and further infections.
  4. Respiratory Failure: In severe cases, lung damage can progress to the point where the lungs cannot provide adequate oxygen to the body, requiring advanced interventions like oxygen therapy or lung transplantation.

Digestive System

  1. Pancreatic Insufficiency: Thick mucus can block the ducts of the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines. This leads to malabsorption of nutrients, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiencies.
  2. Diabetes: CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is common in adults due to the damage to the pancreas. It shares characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Liver Disease: Blockages in the bile ducts can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
  4. Intestinal Issues: CF can cause intestinal blockages, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and distal intestinal obstructive syndrome (DIOS).

Reproductive System

  1. Infertility: Most men with CF are infertile due to congenital absence of the vas deferens, which carries sperm from the testes. However, assisted reproductive technologies can help achieve pregnancy.
  2. Reduced Fertility in Women: Thick cervical mucus can make it harder for sperm to reach the egg, but many women with CF can still conceive naturally or with assistance.

Musculoskeletal System

  1. Osteoporosis: Due to malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D, adults with CF are at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures.
  2. Arthritis: Some adults may develop CF-related arthritis or musculoskeletal pain.

Psychosocial Impact

  1. Mental Health: The chronic nature of CF can lead to anxiety, depression, and stress. The need for continuous treatment and hospitalizations can impact quality of life.
  2. Social and Work Life: Managing CF often requires time-consuming treatments and frequent medical appointments, which can interfere with work and social activities.

Treatment and Management

  1. Medications:
  1. Airway Clearance Techniques: Daily physiotherapy to clear mucus from the lungs.
  2. Nutritional Support: High-calorie diet, vitamin supplements, and enzyme replacements.
  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity to maintain lung function and overall health.
  4. Psychological Support: Counseling or therapy to help manage the emotional aspects of living with CF.
  5. Advanced Therapies: Lung transplantation may be an option for those with severe lung disease.


While cystic fibrosis poses significant challenges for adults, ongoing advancements in medical care and treatment strategies are helping many individuals manage their condition more effectively and lead fuller lives. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary care is essential to address the complex needs of adults with CF, including respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and psychosocial aspects. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers specialized in CF care is crucial for optimizing health outcomes and maintaining quality of life.
submitted by drambikachestclinic to u/drambikachestclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:24 Willing-History-1896 Imperius is was imperius does

My supposed marriage to taylor is fraudulent. We have never had direct contact except possibly I gave her a car ride home once. At which time, I was put under an imperius curse which she believed was a fae deal.
I intend to untie (more un-leash) myself with her.
I believe she has something equivalent to mercury poisoning, her toes give me the exact symptoms of mercury poisoning.
I had no reason to believe I was married to her, and I've heard that she actually has multiple such bonds at any given time.
I've not been a good man, but I haven't been a predator either. She predated me. Created a false 'fae deal' which amounted to an imperius curse.
My 17 y/o girlfriend from 20 years ago when I was 22 was a legal one. I loved her as well as a dumb young man can, and I wasn't good to her. Not as a man should be with a woman, anyway.
I'm not obsessed with 'teen' sexually, but I was. I genuinely find women funny and interesting, and enjoy their content, but I believe I'm over the 'cute' thing.
I want to be released from taylors leash. I think she has the psychological equivalent of mercury poisoning, and is in renal failure. I literally experience the exact symptoms of mercury poisoning when she steps on my toes.
I also want to put away the piping across the board until I can get a safer situation for myself, as my 'cheating' gets me and whomever else punished.
I suspect the leash-users we all know and love are addicted to it, abuse the practice, and are confusing a fae deal for an imperius curse. Some may have multiple at once.
I intend to break the connection to her asap. I don't care about the money, I can't live my life this way. Besides, marriage fraud is marriage fraud, we aren't married on my end at all. Hell, we never even made physical contact.
submitted by Willing-History-1896 to u/Willing-History-1896 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:17 ytherapy The Role of Work Anxiety Therapy in Mental Health Wellness

The Role of Work Anxiety Therapy in Mental Health Wellness
Work Anxiety Therapy
In today’s fast-paced world, where professional demands often intersect with personal lives, work anxiety has become increasingly prevalent. From deadlines to interpersonal conflicts, the workplace can be a breeding ground for stress and anxiety, impacting mental health and overall well-being. Recognizing the importance of addressing work-related anxiety, therapy tailored specifically for this purpose has emerged as a vital tool in promoting mental wellness. This article delves into the significance of work anxiety therapy, exploring its benefits, approaches, and its crucial role in fostering a healthier work environment and individual well-being.
Understanding Work Anxiety: Work anxiety encompasses a spectrum of emotions and responses triggered by various work-related factors. Whether it's the pressure to perform, fear of failure, or interpersonal tensions, individuals may experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety in the workplace. Persistent anxiety can lead to detrimental effects on mental health, including burnout, depression, and reduced productivity. Therefore, addressing work-related anxiety is essential not only for individual flourishing but also for cultivating a supportive and conducive work environment.
The Role of Work Anxiety Therapy: Work anxiety therapy offers a structured and supportive environment for individuals to explore and address their anxieties related to work. Unlike generalized therapy, which may touch upon work-related issues, specialized work anxiety therapy focuses specifically on the challenges and stressors encountered in professional settings. By targeting these specific concerns, individuals can develop coping mechanisms, resilience, and a deeper understanding of their triggers, leading to improved mental well-being.
Benefits of Work Anxiety Therapy:
  1. Stress Management: Work anxiety therapy equips individuals with practical strategies to manage stress effectively. Through cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness practices, and relaxation exercises, individuals learn to regulate their emotional responses and navigate challenging situations with greater ease.
  2. Enhanced Performance: Addressing work-related anxieties can significantly enhance performance and productivity. By overcoming barriers such as procrastination, perfectionism, and self-doubt, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve greater success in their professional endeavors.
  3. Improved Relationships: Work anxiety therapy fosters better interpersonal relationships in the workplace. By addressing communication issues, conflict resolution skills, and boundary setting, individuals can cultivate healthier interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and clients, reducing interpersonal stressors that contribute to anxiety.
  4. Prevention of Burnout: Chronic work-related stress can lead to burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced efficacy. Work anxiety therapy provides proactive interventions to prevent burnout by promoting self-care practices, boundary enforcement, and realistic goal setting.
Approaches to Work Anxiety Therapy:
  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used approach in work anxiety therapy, focusing on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety. By replacing irrational beliefs with more rational ones and implementing adaptive coping strategies, individuals can reframe their perspectives and reduce work-related stress.
  2. Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Mindfulness-based interventions incorporate practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and body awareness to cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce reactivity to stressors. By fostering a non-judgmental attitude towards work-related challenges, individuals can develop greater resilience and emotional well-being.
  3. Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing individuals to feared work-related situations or stimuli in a controlled environment. Through systematic desensitization, individuals learn to tolerate and overcome their anxieties, leading to reduced fear and avoidance behaviors.
  4. Stress Management Techniques: Work anxiety therapy often incorporates stress management techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and time management skills. These techniques empower individuals to regulate their physiological and psychological responses to stress, promoting a sense of calm and control in the workplace.
The Importance of Workplace Support: In addition to individual therapy, fostering a supportive work environment is crucial in addressing work-related anxiety. Employers play a pivotal role in promoting mental health wellness by implementing policies that prioritize work-life balance, providing resources for stress management and resilience training, and creating a culture of open communication and psychological safety. By investing in employee well-being, organizations not only enhance productivity and retention but also cultivate a positive and inclusive workplace culture.
Conclusion: Work anxiety therapy serves as a cornerstone in promoting mental health wellness in the workplace. By addressing the unique challenges and stressors associated with work, individuals can develop resilience, coping skills, and a greater sense of empowerment. Moreover, by fostering a supportive work environment and implementing proactive interventions, organizations can create a culture that values employee well-being and fosters optimal performance and productivity. In a world where work-related stress is pervasive, work anxiety therapy offers a beacon of hope, guiding individuals towards greater mental wellness and fulfillment in both their professional and personal lives.
submitted by ytherapy to u/ytherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:50 Constant-Size307744 [I cheated] I'm so scared about JEE Adv 😭🥲

The effect of pandemic still follows me, I'm chronically online, watching YouTube, playing games, watching twitch streams, or porn, as much as I hate to say I feel like I've let down my close ones and I cheated them, my dad is abusive and strict, while my mom is so innocent, while they were thinking I was studying the whole time, I was procrasting and watching things I shouldn't be watching, I FEEL LIKE I CHEATED THEM. I'm a dropper and I was a topper till class 10, got selected for many many olympaids and did well in almost any exam, so they had high expectation in me, but when I changed my school in class 11 and the pandemic started, everything went wrong, I stopped studying, I was hiding my marks from my parents (cuz I literally got no marks) I made friends with extremely wrong ppl, I had the toxic friendship, they were making me feel bad, they made me feel like a looser, why didn't I cut their friendship u may ask? It's cuz I was a pus$y and was so scared to battle jee alone, and being a looser in the middle of loosers made me feel good, I learnt to do all bad things in the pandemic, me and my frnds used to catfish guys acting like girls, and made fun of them, never in my life did I thought I will send a link to a frnd which is 18 and above content, and as long as I want to blame them and everything around me, the fault was mine too. But when the offline started in class 12 everything changed, every fun ended and I felt like an absolute looser. My marks became known to my parents, they were devastated, THEY ALSO CAME TO KNOW THE MARKS OF CLASS 11TH MARKS, EVERYONE ELSE COPIED AND GOT LIKE 200+ MINE WAS AT 40 MAKRS CUZ I HATE DISHONESTY, i didnt try to explain anything to them cuz I was happy I did the right thing anyways , my dad scolded me every day, beat me, death threats, and my mom was sad all the time, I felt suicidal thoughts for the first time in my life, I'm still feeling it, for 2 years, at random times I feel like ending my life, even tho I know jee isn't everything, I feel the guilt of I could've been more and the guilt of I've let down my parents and ppl who trusted me (even tho I don't like my dad cuz he is abusive and too much controlling) I feel like running away, the effect followed the entire 12th class, didn't study anything in 12th, ended up with 90 percentile and 1 lakh rank in class 12th 2023 jee mains. I had no hope for jee advanced but my unintelligent dad was forcing me to study and do something in advanced he again gave me death threats and I ddidnt feel worthy living at all. I gave advanced, didn't clear cutoff got like 74 in total. They agreed for a drop after scolding me so much and making me hate life, they said we thought ur a bright student (I was in narayana in class 8th to 10th) and I've got selected to central office branch in class 9th, it's so rare and only a handful of ppl got there from my entire state). And fast forward to 2024 first attempt of the drop in Jan I wasted all the time I had again by procrastinating, studied almost nothing, at the last min I watched one shots and scored terribly. The lope of failure kept me away from pursuing jee at all, I gone from topper who likes studying and exams to hate studying now.
Again I wasted the entire Feb month. I didn't take life seriously, I had parasocial rships with youtubers (im a boy) cuz cut of all frnds who were toxic and made me a looser. If I don't watch youtube, I will loose my mind. It was that bad, I couldn't change anything, worse than this I stuck in a rut, a weird 9 hours sleep cycle still waking up tired, scrolling scrolling scrolling until I sleep, depressed, felt like a looser. Somehow got the courage to text my crush and she said "get lost bro, ur a loser". I've had enough I've hit rock bottom, I tried su1cide, but I took the knife, but I was so scared to do it after all the trouble I've put my parents already. So I didn't. Now it's March 15th my exam is in April 5th. It was March 1st I tired to k1ll myself, for the next 15 days I did nothing but procrastinate, it has gotten so worse to a point I stopped eating breakfast. My mom was concerned, she sat me to talk and asked me what the problem was, I never said anything except "mom I'm scared of the exam". She sat me and said "son no matter if u loose mom is there for u always, I know even if u don't succeed in jee, u will be successful in some other thing, u r that kind of a person, I've seen u win in the past 😭😭, my mom doesn't know english, she was like make sure u read all the question and answers and make sure u write ur April attempt with a good handwriting, the teacher will provide u with good marks, make sure u fill up the page. (Yes my mom didn't even know jee is computer based, I felt so bad, she is thinking I was studying the entire time in my laptop, instead I'm watching porn, my mom doesn't even know porn exist, if she finds out what I'm doing really, she will go unconscious, I felt so bad cheating that innocent soul) and she said, " my siblings (my uncles and aunts) all forgot about me, ur dad is abusive and repellent, I only have urself and ur brother to take care of me. So write the exam well, it's not just for u but also for me, ALL I WANT FROM U IS A SEAT AT IIT". I cried. She spent the entire next 2 days searching for tips in a language she doesn't speak, came up to me and said son these are the imp chaps (honestly that was made by some unauthorized source by a dougebag in his mom's basement) I noded my head said mom u don't have to worry about me I will do the exam well.
For the next 20 days I slept like 4 hours, shut my ears to the trash talk my dad did to me, forgot everything else, I DID IT FOR MY MOM, I studied 16-17 hours for the next 20 days, it was hard cuz I stopped the procrastination and I was loosing my mind without watching the sidemen and hearing ksi laugh. Porn addiction was high too game wanted me to pick it up and play, I said no the every urge, solved like 1000 pyqs in 20 days, studied chemistry even tho I don't like it. Exam day came, I was almost sure I got 100/100 in physics I said it to my dad he was very happy after years, but I said I attended 58 questions in total, he was like why didn't u attend close to 67? After studying 3 years u only attended 58? If u don't get 99 percentile or above ur life is done (seriously I hate him) I said ill get 99. I got 180 in mocks consistently with 80 marks in phy, if everything goes well I'll sure get around 205. But result came, I got 90 in physics (I was very happy 😊) but got 170 in total and got 96 percentile with 60k rank 😭. I lost all hopes for advanced as I only prepared for 2 weeks and have no indepth knowledge. Moepre over I was burnt out, I rest for 5 days after exam (big mistake) I became complacentand wasted time till result day (20th April or smth) I again got my procrastination habit, I lost all the drive cuz of my mom, u til the result my dad set me alone, after the result he was annoying me that "u know nothing about this exam (bro I literally got 170) so listen to me (but ur dumb and are picking advises from quora) I had a lot of chemistry left, but he annoyed me to solve papers, I never did that or either what I wanted to do and ended up procrastinating. Now it's 14th May guys, I'm so scared and guilty at the same time I again fell prone to my addictions and didn't prepare for advance. Pls help me do smth in the last 2 weeks, I'm clueless how to improve, I need help and I promise, I have very good iq and I won't procrastinate, I'm getting like 92 marks in mocks, sometimes 120. I want to improve to something like 150, my physics is capped out I guess I'm scoring 75 marks. 30 In chem and 15 in maths cuz of lack of practice.
Kindly send me advises to improve my chemistry and maths (I dont think so I can improve maths in 14 days) thank u for reading!
tdlr: I'm feel so guilty and feared cuz of the exam and no I didn't cheat on exam, pls read the thing, now I need advices to improve my chemistry and maths in the last few days, promise imma good student and I'll implement any advise u give me. Make sure u read the second paragraph lol Thank u so much! I REALLY WANT TO GIVE MY MOM WHAT SHE ASKED FOR
submitted by Constant-Size307744 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:39 breathethename We are having an AWFUL time with subcu fluids (and we have done it before!)

Hi all,
Our 8 year old kitty was diagnosed with CKD between II and III 2 months ago. We have had the worst luck lately. My forever love soul-cat died at 11 of heart failure in January and we are still reeling from that loss. Honestly, we were worried about our 8 year old first before our seemingly healthy 11 year old got sick and then our entire lives became kitty hospice for our dearly departed for a little while and then a gigantic pit of grief. When we were done with the hardest part of grieving, we got our 8 year old into the vet thinking she had some underlying tummy or gut problems but instead absolutely slammed by this news. Our vet felt horrendous and said she feels like the angel of death in our lives, just always having to tell us our kitty is dying.
We have been doing the best we can. We have her on a renal rx food that she actually likes after some trial and error, try to supply lots of fresh water and tempting meals, and are focusing as of right now on hydrating her and helping her gain the weight she has lost. With a lot of diligence we have seen her gain almost a pound in 2 months! Her coat is soft and fluffy, she clearly feels better and is eating even more and jumping around on the cat trees again, which she had stopped doing for a while.
But...we know she is still dehydrated. We had to do subcu fluids for our heart failure baby and she was difficult but a walk in the park compared to our CKD kitty. When I say she thrashes, she THRASHES like she's in the pit at a Slipknot show. We tried burritoing her, giving her a churu while we do it, and we are to the point of giving her gabapentin to calm her down, which our vet has cautioned us against but conditionally endorsed as long as we are getting fluids in her... but we are barely getting any. :( I had our vet double check my technique and we are doing it right. She has always been very strong willed and, well, difficult. Hnestly we aren't even having much luck with the gabapentin either without snowing her in which e don't want to do because obviously she will be somnolent for quite some time if we give her too much. We got 75 ml the other day... tomorrow we are supposed to try again and I'm so disheartened by the whole thing.
What do I do?
submitted by breathethename to RenalCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:57 Complex-Text-9105 Just sick and tired

I am 36 years old. I don't have any friends. I haven't been in a relationship in two years. I don't make as much money as I would like. I am have a really slow recovery from a tonsillectomy and I am just having a hard time getting myself motivated to do anything.
I had one pretty good friend, an ex, and we went on a platonic trip together in March. I had a really good time and generally enjoyed myself. Got to see Chichen Itza and get some fun in at the cenotes and beach. Since then we haven't hung out though. In her texts she said the guy she has been seeing is moving out of town in a few months so she is spending time with him. She has dated him off and on for 20+ years and this has never been an issue before so I do feel like some of this is also just fatigue of hanging out with me. We didn't get in any fights on the trip but it did show we have much different priorities/personalities. She brought her dogs, they go everywhere with her, and one is incontinent so it was dictating quite a bit of our schedule but I am pretty used to this so I felt like I handled it fairly well. I also do think some of this is her boyfriend not wanting us to hangout, which is understandable. I just said No worries and we haven't talked since. She didn't message me on my birthday, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't remember. We have been hanging out regularly for 2-3 years so it is a bit of a hit, but it was something that felt ultimately was going to happen so I am not mad, just a little sad. I haven't hung out with anyone other than my dad since the middle of March though.
Just hurts to not have anyone to hangout with at all. I have talked to two coworkers and one of them has bailed on me multiple times and the other just said he was too busy to make any plans in the first place. I have done meetups in the past but I always just feel so awkward not knowing anyone and I am awful at initiating contact with anyone, guys or girls. I also just don't really have that many interests, even though I tend to enjoy most things I do. I own a dirt bike but haven't gotten out to use it because it is really hard to load by myself and I am just not that confident with it. And if I am doing anything alone without somebody else keeping me accountable I tend to just blow it off. I have also tried Bumble BFF but honestly was so turned off by it. I kept on getting hit on, creepy af, and it just feels awkward.
I feel like I am bad at making friends because I am not very personable and also tend to overshare and say stupid things just because I haven't talked to anyone in so long it is just kind of like a dam bursts.
I would like to get back into judo or jujitsu, but with college and my mortgage I am barely squeaking by financially, and 200+ a month is a little too much for me. I even canceled my cable plan to save some money for bills despite loving basketball. I also don't really have enough energy for active hobbies due to my tonsillectomy right now.
I work full time and am taking college classes at the same time. I was never the best student, but I have finished 9 computer science courses and a statistics class over the last 2.5 years. I have 5 classes left for my bachelors and am on course to graduate Spring 2025. Straight A's and one B+ so far so I have been really happy with my grades, but the industry has completely fallen apart over the last year or two and I am worried that after investing all this time and money into going back to college I might not be able to get a job. The best student I know wasn't able to land a single internship this summer and that really shocked me. He is an amazing programmer, better than anyone I know.
Because I have a mortgage on a little duplex I cannot really afford to do an internship to try and help my job prospects, I am going to really have to rely on doing well in the interviews. I am also planning on trying to take advantage of the career fairs and other on-campus opportunities next fall but that is so not my comfort zone that I don't want to set my expectations really.
With how busy I am it has also been a great excuse for myself to not pursue more social outlets and the only thing I do for dating is online apps and while I can get the occasional date I don't think I have ever actually had a real connection through it. I am just bad at connecting with people on a personal level, be it friends or dates. I have been on so many first dates it is kind of depressing. The town I live in isn't small, like 150k, but I feel like I am running low on options after years of failures.
I had been suffering from chronic tonsillitis over the last year. I had 5 bouts in total, three of which were back to back episodes from January to March this year. I got a tonsillectomy on April 20 and am still having problems swallowing food. I am basically still on a puree diet.
Getting the tonsillectomy was a real eye opener for me because with my ex not being a contact anymore I didn't have anyone to rely on so I had to have my father fly out and spend a week with me. I didn't have any friends to rely on and it really just kind of hit me how depressing my life is. All of my old high school friends, who I don't keep up with, have families.
The one thing I had going for me is that I had a decent physique. Due to a lack of a social life I was pretty good at going to the gym and lifting regularly. I was 6'1 and 180-185 pounds, nothing impressive but I was happy with myself. I am down to 160 pounds now since my tonsillectomy though and I am just extremely low energy all the time. My summer class started today and I am having a lot of issues just focusing after an 8-hour work day, even though I only work remotely on a computer.
During COVID I really made leaps and bounds to improve myself. I quit cigarettes after 15 years, I started going back to class. Got my own place and gained 40 pounds (in a good way) but after losing half of that weight and generally being miserable from my tonsillectomy it is just so hard to motivate myself to even go to the gym anymore and for 3 years I never had a problem getting off my butt to go to the gym, even if it was just for a mediocre lifting session.
I used to love playing video games and watching tv shows/movies but now I just find myself mindlessly watching youtube or reading and don't even have the attention span or interest in booting up a video game anymore or trying to find a show or movie to watch.
I always wanted a family, but I have never really had a successful relationship in my life and now since my tonsillectomy I have become a lot less sexually motivated than before. I don't even have the urge to masturbate anymore, and sex was never a strong point of mine in the first place, leading me to believe it will be even worse moving forward. I also just have never connected with somebody on like a really deep level and feel like years of failures/insecurity just kind of burden me a this point. And I am getting to the age now where I feel like I am almost beyond the point where this is still possible. It is weird telling somebody I am 36 and my longest relationship was only 4 months long.
I feel like I am on the right track on paper with only one year left until I graduate and I kind of really want to move even though I love where I live just so I can get a fresh start, but at the same time I am terrified I will graduate and just be in the same situation I am currently in. I also could never afford to buy another place without a better salary. The only reason I was able to afford what I currently have is because I bought during the 2020 market and got a 2.34% APR. But even with that my mortgage is close to 40% of my take home right now and I have one of the cheapest places in town.
I don't really have anyone to vent to or destress to so I just wanted to post something from a throwaway account. My dad has been texting me daily because I think he realizes how unhappy I am and I really appreciate that.
I have been wanting to go see some Nuggets games at the bar, but I still cannot drink alcohol until I am eating food again so I have just been following highlights on youtube. I also have never been a fan of hanging out at bars. I enjoy shooting pool but I am not good at social settings like that.
I will leave it at this for now. A very long, poorly formatted ramble. But I have seen much worse. Thanks.
submitted by Complex-Text-9105 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:46 medstudent0529 How to tackle challenging communication stations

Hi, A bit of background about myself, I’m from Taiwan so English is not my first language, plus I’m always bad in critical thinking so I find it very difficult to bring up new thoughts and ideas.
I recently failed my mosler and have to resit the exam in the summer (~mid July).
I notice this year it’s very focused on our communication skills, including empathy. Some example stations include bladder cancer with spinal cord metastasis, end stage renal failure with dialysis and palliative care counseling. I find these stations difficult and I’m not confident in passing them. I wonder if this is the end of my medical journey.
Also, sometimes the patient and examiner can bring up random questions and I’m not sure how to prepare for that. I would like to still give my very last best shot tho😢 I appreciate any advice and tips! Thank you
submitted by medstudent0529 to medicalschooluk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:20 Unhappy-Life-5019 Radiation side y

Hey folks. I (43f) am 15+ years post radium and the list of side effects is ever growing. I feel like I won the side effects lottery! I had stage 4 cervical, and had pelvic radiation.
Now. I have chronic pain in my hip due to nerve damage and bone loss due to reduced blood flow. Scar tissue wrapped around my colon, which may lead to a stoma at some point. Numbness in my left foot they have attributed to radiation. Latest is a transvaginal fistula which needs surgery and the tube from my left kidney to bladder is totally blocked with scarring and I'm in danger of kidney failure.
I feel a bit defeated, and guilty for feeling like that because I survived a terminal dx. I'm so scared this surgery wont work due to tissue viability issues. I'm scared about needing my kidney removed and will the other one pick up the slack?!
Just.... frustrated, scared and confused, and feeling so guilty about it all too.
Ok, vent over ❤️
submitted by Unhappy-Life-5019 to Cancersurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 morpheusrecks Dilemma

I'm struggling. My flair says reconciling, but it's on a low arc and approaching failure. Or maybe it's still false. I don't know.
Married 19 years, together for 25; two teenage children with severe emotional problems coming out of the pandemic.
D-Day was 16 months ago, the night before Thanksgiving. AP was literally an alcoholic unemployed late 40-something living in his mom's basement. They had met at a funeral she hadn't bothered to ask me to go because I wasn't leaving the bed in those days and I'd have said no. The night I discovered his clingy, mooning texts lamenting their inability to spend the holiday together, my life - already a terrible, depressive, lonely black hole of a mess and following the sudden, unnecessary death of a parent on Christmas Day - just imploded.
Upon confrontation after Thanksgiving dinner, the response was the worst in all ways possible. WW was high on limerence, and was fiercely unapologetic. She didn't want to separate but demanded an open marriage. She 'deserved to be happy', and felt good about her having told this unplanned encounter that went from EA to PA in 72 hours that she'd never leave me.
She had eschewed having intimacy for years before this. We had been poor to each other over the years, but I fell off a cliff after our kids faded from the world and my parent died. She was legit shocked and belligerent when I refused, and said that if you pursue this I will have to leave.
We made some temporary agreements (ones she did not keep), and started seeing a counselor. I started IC for the first time in my middle-aged life. We were however 'not aligned', as she'd say. She didnt want to give up her boyfriend, and I refused to stay if he was in the picture. I cringe to think back to how I said, 'you can maintain a friendship if you absolutely must but you must reinvest back into working on our relationship'.
This was a no-go for her for a while. She'd meet him. He'd sleep in her place of business. SHe lent him our car. (He crashed it while drunk, btw.) There was a moment when I had the kids in Puerto Rico, and she returned early for a funeral, and she went to the funeral with him and probably had sex after. Meanwhile I was stuck in an airport, trying to get home after a cancelled flight and just threw lots of money at the problem to curtail the time she had with him. She had in the three month relationship began introducing him to family friends, people who knew me.
With someone living a state away, she somehow managed to squeeze in more sex in 3 months than we'd had together in 10 years. In my mind, she was working on replacing me with AP but didn't want to separate for the sake of our kids.
Come January, she claimed to have decided to break things off. I didn't really believe her. I made a surprise visit to her place of business on a weekend, and found him there asleep on the couch with no pants on.
We had words, and despite being beside myself with rage and grief I was able to take his measure. In many ways, I wish I had met him right after D-Day. It was clear he was a narcissistic dumpster fire with pretensions of intellectuality. There were signs of some bipolar behavior. He made clear his intentions was to stay, and to convince WW to leave me. And he still had our car, and keys to her business site. (We live in a large city and don't need multiple vehicles, or even the one car if I'm honest.)
She realized where I was going due to my phone location and ran after me, but got there after I had 15 minutes with the joker. She asked him to leave, but still let him keep our car. She had no words, which has been a theme throughout our marriage. She can't easily access her feelings or articulate them, and she's afraid to express them for fear of my response. I told her after having met him, noted his instability and his intentions, i said I can no longer accept any contact between them. She reluctantly agreed.
From mid-January through to August followed a sequence of false representation of wanting to work on reconciliation and cycles of lying about not having contact. She was in love with him, she claimed, but seemed to go cold turkey overnight. She neither engaged with me nor took steps to reconcile, but claimed how difficult it was and that she was working on our relationship.
We quit the MC we started to see. We eventually found another several months later. We're still with the 2nd MC. In the meantime began a kind of surreal hellscape life for me, as she would say the barest of minimum things, and usually nothing at all about where she was, how she felt, and what was she willing to do to rebuild our relationship. She took no steps to reassure me, or show she wants me. She would say she did, but simultaneously be cold, distant, and - as i soon discovered - was still in contact with AP.
He gave her a burner phone. I found it within 2 days and threw the brand new phone into the river. Cheaters really need to not let unknown devices onto the home wifi networks of the technically literate. We had it out again, she promised to really try. A few weeks later I found unusual call patterns in our cell account. AP had provisioned a new phone number. Following that blow up was the WhatsApp phase, which really began to take the wind out of my sails.
She expressed no remorse. She was resentful of my 'intrusions into her privacy'. She genuinely thought it would be comforting to hear that the affair had nothing to do with me. She would be visibly annoyed when I asked for confirmations there had been no new contact - and even more so when in retrospect when there had been.
There were at least five discrete cycles of deception. AP escalated by getting five phone numbers and cycling through them. Towards the end, she had hid these numbers as secondary numbers of people they knew in common but didn't regularly have contact with. AP would write texts from the perspective of different personae.
Then there were the people who knew, and of those there were people who fully supported her behavior. There were people who aided and abetted it, lending her their apartments, or hoping she finds some comfort. One particularly egregious one, early on, tried to convince Amanda to really try to convince me to find someone else to be happy in an open arrangement. She's still in regular contact with this person.
The culmination of the PA/EA with the AP happened last summer. He eventually returned the car, but only after he had reclaimed it from the police impound lot. He did not pay for the repairs. Or his tolls when coming to and fro to fuck my WW. I did.
I had been fairly successful in identifying his phone numbers and having them blocked at the carrier level with some gaps in time, and diverting his email and voicemail. During ths period where all his means of contact were being closed soon after being opened, he was starting to rage and unstable. WW upon the latest confrontation (i was pretty calm and matter of fact about it) admitted she could not control her behavior, and didn't understand why she was doing it.
AP was a controlling person, with hints of WW's clinically narcissist parent. He wrote a letter and entered her business after hours to leave it. Because he wrote an email saying he was doing this, I ill-advisedly went there to call the police on him. I didn't find him, but I did find the letter. He knew I had been there - either he had been outside or he went back after I left - and complained bitterly about my interference.
His only means of influence had dropped to emails, and he just kept pounding with the short, imperative statements that described outcomes favorable to him. He had started to convince her that I was a threat to her, and trying to convince her I was a threat to our children (for whom I'd die in fire every day).
His tactical error was trying to play up his inability to contact her as a screen for concern. He tried to get the cops to perform a wellness check. He called WW's sister to convince her I was a threat, and that WW was in danger. (She told him off.)
Finally, he threatened to show up at our door with friends and 'free' her. I knew he owned a shotgun; while I didn't actually think he would show up (he had made smaller-scale threats of this kind before and I only realized they had happened days after his 'deadlines'.) I shared this new development with WW. We had agreed to handle it together. However, while I was out one day, she went to her sister's and called him to tell him she was fine but to never call or contact anyone in our family again. It was a muted, brief exchange. I was angry she hadn't stuck to our agreement.
Since then, he's only made a handful of contact attempts soon after the break that really were more for insulting me. I believe on an intellectual level they have had no contact since last summer. I emotionally continue to not feel safe about her intentions.
Since then, it's been difficult. There have been very limited conversation coming from her outside of the MC sessions, and those have trended light on her content. Very recently, she's expressed more. But it's still seemingly grounded in some unhealthy premises. Amongst them:
  1. She at one pointed expressed she regretted the pain she caused, but doesn't regret the experience because (I kid you not) 'she learned so much about herself' and 'many positive elements have come out of it'. (I lost 50 pounds in the first three months post-Dday, and lately I've been hovering around 70. I did have it to lose, having used food to soothe myself over the decade of gaslighting and lack of explanation for her disengagement, and unwillingness to work on it.)
  2. She continues to resent my intrusion into her phone call history. She disagrees with the oft-raised best practice of open-phone/account policies. Her feelings around her lack of privacy unsettle her, and get in the way of engaging (she says).
  3. she doesn't see the value in 'forcing closeness'
  4. she keeps wanting me to 'ratchet it down a notch', but it's not clear what she thinks that means
  5. she finds my sadness and pain to be an impediment to rebuilding closeness
  6. She claims to have read content about rebuilding marriages after infidelity, but to my knowledge she's done hardly anything to rebuild trust. I said it'd be better if you hadn't read it, because to think that you're walking around having read it but still don't do anything feels worse.
  7. She has not taken lead in the reconciliation process, or really done much except endure my periodic/every-2-weeks or so expressions of disappointment and hurt and anger
I'm sure no one has read this far. This is my dilemma. What I'm trying to do here is leave no stone unturned in my efforts to save our marriage. I want to sleep well at night, and I won't be able to do that in a healthy way without going through this.
Yesterday wa the first time she said that he was responsible for destroying my world and my brain, several times over, with the elaborate deceptions (as I'm prone to describing it). I welcomed it and thanked her. But it was only precipitated by a conflict we were having about a mistake I made, where I rubbed her face in my phone snooping by adding unflattering profile pictures to the blocked contacts for the AP. (If they're not there, he could still call her and leave a voicemail when she's on wifi.)
She has had low to middling chronic health issues since April of last year, following her second round with COVID. And if it's not her, it's her parents. Or my surviving parent. Or my brother almost dying. Or the DOL is threatening to reclassify all her contractors as employees. (They should.) Everything just magically seemed to be prioritized over her talking to me.
It's literally, literally been something every other week. She's always tired, always in pain, and I really try hard to stay empathic about it. To hold a space for her. I have taken care of her when she's ill all throughout this horrible time. And she's really appreciative of how well I've supported and cared for her with no promise or signs of reciprocation.
But she still won't have sex with me, and wont talk to me about why she flinches sometimes when I touch her. Or worse, she fakes interest and then I find out otherwise later. Clearly, we have trauma to work through from before the affair. She's not intentionally being cruel. I've expressed remorse over what little she has hinted at, and want to make amends. I love her so much. It's always been my intent to die married to her, and hold our family together.
But it's getting harder to hold onto that empathy. I'm just so tired of feeling hurt, of not having my needs met, and feeling so deeply disrespected in this low-contrition (but maybe trending up) context we're living through.
She seems to evoke a sense in me that everytime I am hurt or express anger, her willingness or energy resets to near zero. Which in and of itself is newly infuriating!
My dilemma is that part of my tenacity in this ridiculous situation that saints would have left three times over already is tied to the idea that by sticking with it and not making it 'easier' for her I'm upholding my self-respect.
But am i? Am I just punishing her by saying I can't let go of my pain until she demonstrates remorse and effort? Being married, a husband and a father of simple small family is a big part of my identity.
It all went to shit a long time ago, but I never checked out. I just didn't understand what was happening, how a wife could treat their partner this way, and I didn't have the maturity or the emotional language to navigate it alone. So I grew resentful and depressed, and just low-level angry all the time. While she would just smile, and say nothing. In public, she'd be affectionate.
In private, it'd be back turned and motionless to my hunger for connection (and release). I turned inward. She, a very social, community-building gem of a human being, checked out and switched to Potemkin mode whenever anyone was looking. I felt like I was constantly being gaslit. Even when I tried to talk about our problems, she'd act as if I had said nothing at all. It was the damnest thing, and I had no words for it.
Maybe she's starting to see the light and be empathic to my pain. But, if that's what's happening, I'm just running out of steam and hope. Hope isn't necessary for me to stay the course, but motivation is beginning to lag.
Any advice?
submitted by morpheusrecks to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:26 KittyJun Life Rant

I know so many others feel the same...I'm so sick of life's trials and tribulations. I feel like nothing ever goes right for me. I busted my ass for years, I got tired of retail, I wanted out, albeit I adored my boss like a mother. I ended up getting Healthcare back under my belt, but had to deal with some not okay things. I found out mid-April I was pregnant(❤️). I felt like ever since I was being treated off or differently at my job (ironically an OBGYN) because of this. I ended up putting my two weeks in and today was my first OB appt and my last day; where I was told to hand in my badge and leave. I'm trying so hard to just let it go. I've really been struggling with pregnancy sickness and exhaustion. My house is a wreck and it's wrecking me. I want nothing more to have a nice, clean home for myself and my husband. I feel like a failure. I know I'm growing a whole ass human being, but I just want so badly to function normally. Well, as normal as I can as I also have chronic illnesses. I just need to show myself a little grace.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I appreciate you. ❤️
TLDR: I'm 8 weeks pregnant, now without a job, my house is a wreck and I feel like a failure.
submitted by KittyJun to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:29 Chikachita About a month ago Zazu was admitted a week to the hospital for tick fever and acute renal failure

About a month ago Zazu was admitted a week to the hospital for tick fever and acute renal failure
The first 2 pictures is the night he came home with a low survivability. The last 2 is tonight. He still have a ton of weight to gain back. Extra pic - before he got sick
submitted by Chikachita to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:44 SpiritedBrilliant703 Why this Startup was bound to fail

It's a hard truth that most startups inevitably face failure. For healthtech company Kiteline Health, that reality recently hit home as they shuttered operations after a three-year journey. While the closure is undoubtedly painful, founder and former CEO Candice Hampson has chosen to openly share the valuable product development lessons she learned along the way.
Kiteline aimed to provide B2B2C health coaching for people with chronic conditions like cancer, helping them improve lifestyle habits and longevity. Despite serving hundreds of users and creating expert-guided content, the product itself missed the mark in several critical areas that ultimately led to the startup's unraveling.
Hampson's candid postmortem outlines six key takeaways that any founder - especially non-technical ones - should take to heart when building and evolving a tech-powered product:
  1. As CEO, Product Leadership is Your Job
In an early-stage startup, Hampson admits she didn't fully grasp that spearheading the product vision and roadmap fell squarely on her shoulders as the leader. Attempting to hire a dedicated product head proved challenging for their modest budget. She had to learn product management skills on the fly while juggling the myriad other responsibilities of driving a new venture.
  1. Find Your Evangelists, Then Build For Them
Kiteline's initial focus was solely on cancer patients before pivoting to a broader B2B2C employee wellness offering. This expanded market allowed early client acquisition but also flooded them with competitors. Hampson learned that rather than immediately pursue massive audiences, startups should first zero in on a niche user base that loves the core product concept from the outset.
  1. Relentlessly Refresh Customer Insights
After their market pivot, Kiteline failed to consistently re-validate what their new target customers - employers and HR managers - truly needed and valued in a wellness platform. This led to developing generic, commoditized offerings rather than addressing acute, underserved problems.
  1. Prioritize Your Differentiator
Rather than first tackling the innovative kernel that made their solution unique and testing its market viability, Kiteline built basic capabilities like scheduling tools that could have been bootstrapped or licensed initially. Startups should strive to prove their game-changing core premise before overbuilding commodity features.
  1. Get Constant User Feedback
With a tiny team, Kiteline struggled to continuously gather user insights and swiftly incorporate that feedback into prototypes and product iterations. Making this a cultural priority allows startups to rapidly course-correct and validate whether they've achieved product/market fit.
  1. Design Engagement From the Beginning
Kiteline's platform saw high initial sign-ups but poor retention and engagement over time. Hampson stresses that dedicated user stickiness mechanisms need to be baked into a product's DNA from day one rather than tacked on later.
While it's a brutal lesson for any founder, Hampson's transparency provides an instructive master class on avoiding common product pitfalls that can derail even the noblest startups. Her reflections are a testament that smart pivots and constant customer learnings are table stakes, but successful products ultimately hinge on prioritizing the right use cases with ferocious focus.
Building a tech-powered venture is never easy, but arming oneself with insights like these can help steer a smoother path.
Hopefully you enjoyed this article here's another you might like as well
"Lessons from going freemium: a decision that broke our business"
submitted by SpiritedBrilliant703 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:00 Weird-Letter-8692 Pain, Low Urine Output, Popcorn Urine Smell

M20 My height is 5 foot 8 inches My weight is 200 lbs I am a Male I am in the United States I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar 1 Disorder with Psychotic Features, & Major Depressive Disorder. I do not smoke but I have previously used cbd products on and off for anxiety I am prescribed & take Effexor XR 150 mg once daily for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Wellbutrin IR 100mg (twice daily) for Major Depressive Disorder, and Caplyta 42mg once nightly for Bipolar 1 Disorder
so I have noticed my urine smells like buttered popcorn. i’m only peeing a 3-4 times a day but drinking a lot of water because I’m constantly thirsty. The last UA I had came back with traces of ketones. A1C was done 6 months ago. Positive for Anti GAD65 which indicates autoimmune antibodies are present that specifically result in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, and/or stiff person syndrome. Other than that no chronic health issues other than mild obesity, prehypertension. Also dull pain, extreme lower back, which has radiated a couple of times to MY right chest. Family history of Stroke, MI, Heart failure, Kidney Failure, and Hypertension. No insurance so I’m seeking educated opinions. This is my best option even though it’s not recommended in a lot of cases.
submitted by Weird-Letter-8692 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:20 exsapphi The Global Rise of Anti-Homelessness Sentiment

The past twenty years has seen a rise in anti-homelessness measures across the US and Europe. Infrastructure installed ranges from annoying but seemingly benign seat seperators to the much more sinister anti-sleeping AND sitting spikes, in what is now called Hostile Architecture.

Though Modern In Design, Hostile Architecture Has A Long and Dark History

Although the term "hostile architecture" is recent, the use of civil engineering to achieve social engineering) is not: antecedents include 19th century urine deflectors and urban planning in the United States designed for segregation. American urban planner Robert Moses designed a stretch of Long Island Southern State Parkway with low stone bridges so that buses could not pass under them. This made it more difficult for people who relied on public transportation, mainly African Americans, to visit the beach that wealthier car-owners could visit. Outside of the United States, public space design change for the purpose of social control also has historic precedent: the narrow streets of 19th century Paris, France were widened to help the military quash protests.
Its modern form is derived from the design philosophy crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), which aims to prevent crime or protect property through three strategies: natural surveillance, natural access control, and territorial enforcement. According to experts, exclusionary design is becoming increasingly common. Nowdays you can also see such ideals incorporated in migrant detention facilities like the Bibby barge.

The US Legal Push

Numerous anti-homeless laws are being passed across the US as funding for social services is widely reduced, raising welfare concerns among advocates for the unhoused. In Missouri, a new state law that took effect on 1 January makes it a crime for any person to sleep on state property.For unhoused people, sleeping in public parks or under city highways could mean up to $750 in fines or 15 days in prison for multiple offenses. As the law goes into effect, state funding for homeless services in Missouri have decreased, as well as changes to other possible funding streams.
Cities across the country have seen a backlash to attempts by officials to remove homeless encampments or limit where unhoused people can camp. In August, the Los Angeles city council voted to ban homeless encampments within 500ft of schools and daycares, an extension of the city’s anti-camping law that has enabled police to sweep encampments, reported Spectrum News 1. The ordinance passed as a federal program that moved homeless people into hotels during the Covid-19 pandemic ended.
Protesters marched through the downtown Chicago area in November to protest against the city’s announcement that donated winterized tents for homeless people had to be removed for street cleaning, reported the Chicago Tribune. The city later confirmed that the tents did not have to be taken down, but could be moved.
Under the New York mayor, Eric Adams, who is entering the second year of his four-year tenure, city officials outlawed houseless people from sleeping on the city’s subway system or riding the trains all night. New York City police also increased arrests within the transit system, with over 400 people arrested for “being outstretched” last year, according to New York police department statistics, reported Gothamist. But the city’s budget passed in June cuts spending on homelessness services from $2.8bn to $2.4bn, with the drop in funding coming from a decrease in federal Covid-19 aid, reported City Limits.
Adams has also ordered police and first responders to hospitalize more unhoused people that appear to be in a “psychiatric crisis”, even if the hospitalization is involuntary and a person does not pose a danger to themselves.
Last September, California’s Governor Gavin Newson signed a law that would force people with certain mental health conditions to comply with treatment if first responders, family members, or others ask a judge, reported the Associated Press.
Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler, announced during a business forum last December that he supports lowering the threshold to involuntarily hospitalize unhoused people, reported Oregon Public Broadcasting.
On March 14, the Kentucky Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve HB 5, the “Safer Kentucky Act.” The legislation will now head to the Senate floor for a vote, and it will almost certainly pass. The 78-page bill criminalizes homelessness—and decriminalizes the use of deadly force against individuals engaging in “unlawful camping.”

But Fascism???

You decide.
From 1920 to the early forties in Germany, people experiencing homelessness and other economic hardships were the unfortunate subjects of an evolving strain of thought. An economic downturn resulted in increasing unemployment and a surge in the number of people subjected to chronic homelessness. Further downturn at the end of that decade and the later wartime boom—with another surge in unemployment followed by near full employment—created the conditions for heightened hostility towards an identifiable group. Those who suffered homelessness were classified as vagrants, tramps, and beggars. Legislators placed these classifications in laws and civil ordinances, along with scientific bigotry that characterized societal failures as the consequence of inferior genetics. Those who were sufficiently unable to find work in a post-war recession found themselves classified as "work-shy." Any resistance to the social and political goals of the Nazi party were demonized as harmful to the nation through genetic and cultural or spiritual degradation. When the production efforts of World War II were in full swing, the Nazis characterized unemployed and the homeless as enemies of the party's efforts—and thus enemies of the nation.
Through these economic downturns and wartime production boom, society clamored for greater regulation of the homeless population. The population was sporadically defined as the unsheltered, at times "disruptive" beggars, and at times all itinerant people. Society here means the layperson, local and national government officials, and academic figures in many fields—primarily the medical profession. What began as a stated desire to track the services and lodging accessed by the homeless population devolved into calls for lifetime imprisonment and sterilization. That first impulse was not benevolent in any sense, and it grew out of an attempt to blame the most vulnerable in society for problems at a societal scale.
By 1933, urban and communal authorities were unable to pay benefits to their residents, and so sought to exclude people from collecting payments. The unhoused were forced to stay mobile, moving from town to town in search of work and accommodations. Insufficient aid allowed political factions to jockey for the support of this population. Nazis courted the homeless population with propaganda only to abandon them upon the acquisition of power. By august of that year, the Nazis issued propaganda guidelines to the press regarding the homeless population and the Reich Ministry of Propaganda's desire for a nationwide swoop. Where Nazis had released the novel The Road to Hitler in the beginning of the year to gain the support of the unhoused, by august the Nazis were instructing the press on the "psychological importance of a planned campaign against the nuisance of begging . . . Beggars often force their poverty upon people in the most repulsive way for their own selfish purposes. If this sight disappears from the view of foreigners as well, the result will be a definite feeling of relief and liberation." The contempt in this statement is obvious, and the culture that fostered it is exemplified by the case of Hamburg.
In 1933, as the depression worsened, some 1,400 unhoused were arrested in the aforementioned national sweep. Of those, 108 were placed into a home for the destitute in Farmsen. The rest were freed or placed into recently-closed penal institutions. In 1934, a measure was added to the criminal code that allowed for indefinite internment for those sentenced to workhouses for a second time. The unhoused of Hamburg were required to collect their benefits at a centralized office, rather than at local welfare offices. In a culture of scant and worsening benefits, the homeless population was subjected to further deprivation.
In numerous places, officials evinced a desire to make life difficult for the unhoused--and any who would claim benefits--to save money and cull the population of undesirables. In 1935, the Homelessness and Vagrancy Department was given purview over the Romani and Sinti people, and in 1937 it was given control over 'anti-social' elements. Both categories contained many unhoused people who faced inordinate bigotry. Other departments were set up to reduce the number of single males claiming support and to deal with Jewish recipients of welfare in a move that presaged later genocidal efforts.
In 1936 and 1937, unmarried male claimants were ordered to appear at the Central Railway Station, at which point they were delivered to a labor camp. Any who did not volunteer for this were ineligible for benefits. On the question of excluding people from benefits, Nazis adopted the Vagrants' Registration Book in 1933 to track the movements and benefits claims of the unhoused. The aim of removing the "work-shy, chronically ill, and infirm" was served by the maintenance of local registries and the threat of arrest for who those who did not opt to carry the registration book. In 1937, Registration Books were confiscated from those deemed "unfit for the nomadic life", and such persons were confined to an institution. Further restrictions on the issuance of the book were implemented in 1938, and by the outbreak of war in 1939 vagrancy had been outlawed wholesale.
It must be stated that Georg Steigertahl and the Social Welfare Authority had created the mechanism for mass internment before the Nazis seized power, motivated by a eugenicist desire to remove 'anti-social elements' from the population. By 1936, 922 people were incarcerated throughout Hamburg—mostly in Farmsen—commensurate with paragraph 13 of the Reich Code of Practice for the Reich Decree on Welfare Obligations: "the work-shy and those who behave in a non-economic way could be denied all forms of benefit except indoor relief." Indoor relief here refers to compulsory internment. It suffices to say that a confluence of eugenicist efforts and anti-homeless sentiment made convenient by economic struggle lead to the imprisonment and death of many. "Vagrancy" and "work-shy" were taken to be the consequences of genetics, after all.
submitted by exsapphi to nzpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:42 pinky_pig75 I’m so glad this is almost over

Tonight is my last night. Thank god. This has been one of the worst experiences I have had in a long time, not only because of the bitey new dog. I posted a few weeks ago about that part. I just want to vent a bit.
This is my most regular house. They pay well, they take me places like wineries when they’re home. They’ve basically adopted me. They have no children, just dogs. Very nice couple. I’ve watched their house for probably 10 years. In that time, they’ve lost many dogs. They recently lost two in the last few months. It’s not uncommon, they take in special needs dogs and permanent old dog fosters. The two they just lost were my favorites. The one that was left is sweet but a bit high strung. And then there’s the new one. She’s so scared of me. She gotten used to me now but for instance I’ve been here 16 days and I was getting up from the couch, I had my hand up a little high for balance and she definitely thought I was about the hit her. She flinched and cowered. It’s so sad.
Here’s the big thing that happened. About the 5th day at 2am, she wouldn’t come out of her kennel to go potty. She hadn’t pooped the entire 5 days. She woke me up barking but wouldn’t come out. My bad idea was to unlatch the top of the kennel and have her get out that way but she freaked out ran into the speaker by the tv. A glass ornament on top of the speaker fell off and on the glass entertainment center shattering it, the tv fell through and tipped forward. THOUSANDS of dollars in damage, glass everywhere. I couldn’t find her, I thought the tv might have fallen on her but she was in the kitchen, she had pooped everywhere. It was a long fucking night.
All of this and my cat is at home dying. I set this up at least 6 months ago. I have no idea that she would be in end stage renal failure. I feel so guilty I haven’t been at home the last two and a half weeks. I have been going home twice a day to give her meds and fluids and to spend as much time as possible with her. She can barely walk now, I hope I’m wrong but I think we only have days left. And I’m here.
I know this is really long but if you made it to the end thank you so much. Life is full of difficulties and this one has almost broke me. If I could do it all over again I would have cancelled because of the health of my cat. She is my light and joy and I’m just so sad.
TLDR: Regular house. Love the clients. New dog caused thousands in damages and my cat is dying at home.
submitted by pinky_pig75 to petsitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:49 Necessary_Spray_5217 Chest congestion with related cough

Started on Repatha about nine months. Only had the runny nose side effect until a few months ago. I caught the same cold that everyone has been catching with worse runny nose, coughing, etc. months ago. Everyone else got better, but I’m still having chronic chest congestion, also into my sinuses, with a frequent but unproductive cough. Really need to start feeling better, but I would hate to get off of the medicine because it’s doing a great job reducing my cholesterol Could this failure to improve be a side effect of the Repatha?
submitted by Necessary_Spray_5217 to repatha [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:39 callmev-00 Deathcore & Death Metal 2024 album releases (+non-Deathcore albums)

submitted by callmev-00 to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:40 Unhappy-Life-5019 Radiation Damage

Hi folks. I (f43) am 15+ years post radium for cervical cancer and the list of side effects is growing. Chronic pain in the hip due to nerve damage and bone loss due to limited blood flow. Scar tissue all around the colon - may require a stoma in future. Numbness in my left foot they say is linked to radium but don't know how.
Latest news is that I have what I think is called a transvaginal fistula. Basically a hole in my bladder right through to my vagina. Surgery is not booked yet but will be. The tube of my kidney to bladder on one side is completely blocked with scar tissue so they are now worried it will cause failure.
I am anxious about the fistula repair, due to worries about tissue liability. Radium scarred tissue seems to be either paper thin and very easily torn, or totally solid and not much use.
Has anyone here experienced this? Or any medical professionals that can advise me? Thanks all and apologies for the long post!
submitted by Unhappy-Life-5019 to RadiationTherapy [link] [comments]