Songs to sing to your guy

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2024.05.14 22:06 ChainAgent2006 [TOMT] [PSA] [2000's] Weird stop motion about not putting things in the mouth, not blue puppet one

Hi there,
I post this for finding a weird psa that stuck in my friend head for so long.
I fully understand there's one PSA about not putting stuff in your mouth which has blue puppet kid sing the song. I show this one to him and he said that this is a completely different one.
This one, from his memory, played during late night on Teletoons or maybe adult swim. There were 2 versions. One was a dead rat, and the other a dead crow. The kids looked like cabbage patch kids with dead beady eyes.
Here is the detail for both version.
Frist one, starts in a dark living room, lit up only by a TV 2 kids sit on the couch and spot a dead rat in front of the tv. One of them walks up to it and picks it up. They walk back and sit on the couch, turning to face their friend with the dead rat now in their mouth. The friend reacts slightly, before getting off the couch and walking away
The other one is pretty much the same, Only it takes place in a junkyard and it's a dead crow instead of a rat
On my personal note here, this could be a fake psa from the show or something, but I'm really not sure. If it really exist out there, I really want to see it
Do anyone know about this? Or at least saw it before?
thank you so much!!
submitted by ChainAgent2006 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:05 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing_PART 2

*Management style:
Not democratic/participative. Not transformational. Not Coaching. Very much Autocratic/Authoritative/Coercive. Sometimes Laissez-faire. Style depends on the department.
*Chain of command:
The ministry is seen as a church by top management. Top management are the “elders” and the CEO is the Senior Pastor. Then there is everybody else. So, confidence is put on their positions of authority. They are, in all sense and purposes, the “spiritual leaders”. They present themselves as having spiritual authority and, therefore, as being entitled to receive immediate agreement and unquestioned compliance.
Also, there are multiple management layers or chains which this quote sums up as well:
"When you become an admiral, you never have bad meals and you never hear the truth. there are all these layers of management and buffer layers and each one is afraid to tell unpleasant truth to the top levels.... “
Not a culture of authenticity where everyone on the team, including management, is encouraged, and expected to be who they are. There is a sense that top management puts up a false front, they seem to want to appear perfect. Illusions of invulnerability exist. They always lead well, they always make the right decisions, they never admit mistakes, etc. Want people to think they got it all together- all rainbows and lollipops. Do not exhibit vulnerability. Toxic positivity is also very much present: Everything is seen as “awesome”. So, there is judgment if you have a bad (not "everything is awesome") day.
The vertical chain of command, results in less collaboration, slow communication, lack of career growth, feelings of subordination, and decreased employee empowerment. Top management sets the rules and standards without any input from the “bottom” employees. Employee questions, concerns or ideas have to go up several steps of the chain of command so that upper management can address or approve. The bottom employees do not have the ability to make decisions related to their work or a particular situation. So, not everyone feels equal.
So, if you are not a spiritual leader, you are just basically told to submit and listen to those who are in authority over you because they are the people that “hear from God” and you are not and so whatever they say goes. And they set up a scenario where they basically kept those of us who were not spiritual leaders dependent upon them.
Many in management are overconfident and overestimate their abilities. They have a simple idea of how things are and how things work. Unfortunately, they make decisions that impact entire departments without gaining the needed knowledge.
The chain of command and lack of ongoing training also results in many employees being promoted so much that they max out their competence and will remain there until they leave or are let go. So, you end up with many in the role of management that lack the training and competence of the respective department. So, employees with the most authority are often not the most experienced and not adept in the particular field leading team members. And employees with the most experience and skills and knowledge and wisdom have the least (or no) authority.
Good leaders don’t always claim the “leader” title. Oftentimes, good leaders are those with more understated temperaments. Leadership is as much about listening as it is about telling. However, people with the most open and receptive personalities often do not have much authority.
Also, how the chain of command should operate when there is a unit that acted without proper authorization, it is not a junior authority who’s going to bear a responsibility for that, but somewhat of more senior status. And that’s true in any military or business or ministry operating by a code of ethics. So, if someone at the bottom of the chain is struggling, failing, or making mistakes, those at the top of the chain bear full responsibility. Everything stands or falls on leadership. Unfortunately, the chain at FCBH is not two directional.
There is also a sense that top management promotes employees who are least-competent but pose no risk to their own position (in-group bias) to management.
Work environment or culture is not set up for employees to give honest feedback/opinions or to deliver bad news or to question or disagree with management.
Sample bias is also common. Management will send an email asking for feedback but they won't consider how only the people who are open to talking and sharing their opinions will participate while others won’t. Bias arises because employees with specific characteristics (e.g., extroverts) might be more likely to agree to participate than others, making the participants a non-representative sample. People with strong opinions or substantial knowledge about a specific topic may be more willing to give feedback than those without. Management does not follow up to determine why they are unresponsive or follow up frequently to reduce attrition.
Management claims they want to hear from employees, but they only want opinions and ideas on matters that are superficial or trivial. So, few employees give candid feedback on important and significant matters.
Top management does not involve employees in the change process when changes occur.
Management does not ask for honest feedback on their leadership or on decisions that are made that affect employees. Management will not ask how they are doing as leaders, what employees need from them. No regular check-ins or 1:1 on employees’ professional and personal well-being. Are employees stressed, disappointed or feeling burdened physically, emotionally or spiritually? No growth and career discussions.
Management will ignore most feedback, comments, suggestions even when it's common knowledge but will adamantly listen to employees who preface with "God told me to tell you..." Or “I felt God say …” or “God spoke to me and said…”
For example, management started focusing on Gen Z only after a few people claimed that “God told us that Gen Z are important for our future business growth.” In another instance, someone said “God gave us this word: we as a ministry need to really consider how everyone is wired, how each person is different. How people have different personalities.” Then, management affirmed this “word from God.”
If one employee brings something up to management it is often ignored and the employee is gaslighted. If two or more employees bring the same thing to management, then God is communicating something and they take it seriously (per Matt 18). Even if it is just coincidence or frequency bias.
Groupthink, confirmation bias, in-group bias, illusions of unanimity, and self-censorship is very prevalent in the culture and especially in their meetings. There is a lot of direct pressure to not question, to conform, to agree with the views and personal convictions of the top management. Employees condemn those who disagree or question top management and they accept those who agree, creating immense pressure for conformity.
So, many employees frequently remain quiet, preferring to “keep the peace” rather than disrupt the uniformity. Employees are pressured to hide problematic information (especially from top management).
*Disagreements/Different perspectives:
Top management will also point out the working and living conditions of international employees to “encourage” local employees to not “complain” or give critical feedback or bring up legitimate problems (e.g., fumes or loud noises from construction in the building).
Management also often commits the "ends (or goals or vision) justify the means" fallacy: the work, the production and distribution of bibles (the ends) being done is more important, so employees shouldn't complain at all about the means or their working conditions (broken chairs, broken or inadequate equipment, poor work-life balance, bad management).
And, if management disagrees with you, with your observations, feedback, suggestions, or theology, they will often try to trump you with spirituality or vague meaningless spiritual terminology instead of using Scripture (properly interpreted), facts and reasoning.
In addition, top managers will take great offense when employees question or disagree with the directions and decisions they make. Dissent is not welcomed. Respectful debates/disagreement is not encouraged. Open discussion and alternative perspectives are not encouraged. Management does not value, support, or respect diverse opinions and ideas. They do not actively seek out different viewpoints. Do not allow people to speak their perspective, their thought of mind. So, there is no psychological safety. Employees do not feel comfortable expressing dissenting opinions without fear of retribution or judgment. Afraid of breaking the little glass image. People do not feel comfortable sharing setbacks, mistakes, failures. Management does not encourage open communication. Management often seeks agreement, instead of posing honest questions that challenge the status quo and provoke critical thinking and discussion. They do not encourage employees to challenge them. In fact, they are seen as a type of complaining or critical feedback and so are viewed as sin. This makes top management seem self-centered.
*Appeals to emotion: Guilt and Shame:
Top management often shares their personal opinions and convictions (e.g., spending money only when absolutely necessary, not accepting large gifts, not buying fancy items) as something everyone should do. It’s never direct. It's always through stories. Management loves stories. The personal convictions of management are presented as more than preferences.
For instance, top management encourages extreme frugality and poverty through their personal anecdotes #loudbudgeting and stories from international cultures. Think along the lines of: “we, here in America, have no right to be sad or to complain about things or to request better things or ask for accommodations or for more employee engagement because others (internationals) have it much worse.” Even wanting better equipment and supplies or asking for better working conditions is frowned upon (in some cases seen as a sin), even if your request helps you to do your job more effectively and makes the work better (a new whiteboard, a new office chair, better computers, etc.)
Example: “You should really try to come in to work even if you feel bad, even if you are snowed in and the roads are hazardous because people need to get our bibles. And our international employees work in much harsher conditions.”
You also get this feeling from the way they communicate that top management would rather not pay their employees. They would prefer it if everyone just worked for free because “we are on a mission from God. We are doing the Lord's work.” There is also a sense that employees should be more than willing to sacrifice their well-being, career goals, financial goals, personal goals for reaching people with their Bibles.
Leadership sets the example and expectations, so this all ends up making employees confused and feeling guilty and ashamed. Guilty and shameful about asks, spending money (even their own). Guilty and shameful about having nice things (new car, new phone, new tv), about making needs known, about sharing concerns regarding work, about asking for raises to keep up with cost of living, etc.
Example: An employee has continued to use an old whiteboard. It is so old it is hard to read and difficult to erase. Management likes to tell donors: “We don't spend money on everyday things like whiteboards…. Instead, we use that money for more bible recordings, for people to hear about Jesus.”
This also causes confusion. Every few months there is a meeting where management discusses how sitting on stores of money is bad, but spending it is also bad, but also not spending it is bad... "Being rich is bad. Money is bad. let's not accumulate money, that's bad. We must think about how people will see what we have. So we should look poor and not appear too frivolous." But top management is okay with receiving gifts from donors and other ministries. Management personally does not like to have nice “fancy” things, and as a ministry, they say FCBH should also not have nice fancy things, they should use the money for other more important things. They don't like when other ministries use their money for nice fancy things, but it's okay if other ministries give FCBH nice fancy things like tote bags, key chains, mugs, phone holders, lunch bags. Another example, it took them years to repaint the parking lot. It was at the point where people did not know where to park. Before repainting, management decided to remodel the hallways and install posters and multiple monitors with language stats.
There is also a subtle sense that producing audio and video bibles is the highest calling one can have. And it's implied that FCBH is the main means God uses to fulfill the great commission: “God needs FCBH to do these bible recordings or people (specifically unreached internationals) will go to hell.” So, top management hints that working anywhere else isn't really serving God (or at least, not serving God as well as one could if they worked somewhere else). They imply that working at this ministry is the only way to truly serve God and fulfill your calling. They also use this framing to guilt and shame employees into not quitting. Management implies that employees should not take opportunities to leave or take other jobs because getting the Bible to people is God’s highest calling for us as Christians:
“If anyone leaves FCBH, then they must not really understand the vision/calling. They are not committed to saving people. We should be willing to give up things to fulfill the calling. The apostles did not pursue better jobs and so God will provide if we need better pay, benefits, career. For those of us who join the ministry to hold true to get God's word to every person, it takes discipline because we have opportunities to do other things. I'm sure that Noah had problems with Builders because he probably had hundreds of people not thousands working on the ark. They started their own businesses and started side things going on. pretty soon they'll have no time to work with him on the ark. and you can have all kinds of diversionary things happen. and so we want to understand they focused in the ministry. and that's been one of the things that I've really tried to do is what did God tell me at the time this ministry began because I was not interested in this ministry. I was interested in living by faith and experiencing God through people and seeing people experience God. and when I was praying about that here in Albuquerque the Lord said bring my church together and make disciples. and then he also told me that when his people think the same they are one. so it's not a matter of getting rid of the buildings or the leaders but it's a matter of people thinking the same. They can go to different denominations, different buildings, have different teachers, and different preachers and leaders but once they think the same, they're one and that's what his objective was. and so that's when I felt like the Lord said get God's word to every person. So I'm challenging us to stay true to what God has called us to do. and every time somebody leaves the ministry there are reasons for leaving. but it startles me a little bit, because I think well we haven't, we haven't communicated the vision very well somehow because they didn't get it. like Noah building the arc. it it's a long project it's not a month or a year two years or three years. our immediate goal is 2033 and it means that we're committed to a cause. and that means some of us we give up something. I we've given up stuff we live in a small apartment and that's what we saw that God had us do and that's our lifestyle we we tone down our lifestyle to get the cause committed to the cause. and and I know that's difficult for some, in some cases maybe there's financial needs because of family growth and stuff there they just can't afford to work in the ministry. but sometimes it's a choice and every time somebody leaves it where it's actually a choice. I think we haven't communicated the mission very good the vision very good. I've been looking at is that could you imagine read reading the New Testament. and finding out that Peter about halfway through or Paul halfway through the ministry all of a sudden got a better job offer. and stopped their portion of the ministry they held the course no matter what happened. whether it was good or whether it was bad. Paul talks about this and sometimes we want to follow the Lord. but we don't impart on ourselves the same responsibilities that those disciples did. so when God Empower them is he empowering you in the same way. and you're making choices that maybe you shouldn't make that you will impart and say the Lord is leading me someplace else when in fact maybe it isn't. it's just a better offer. if the Bible in the New Testament was reading a little bit different than Stephen left the ministry at this point or James left the ministry at this point because of something I think we need to be very very careful and why I say that is that as we work internationally.”
SO, there is a lot of guilt and shame about leaving to pursue other interests or meet needs. Guilt and shame about wanting to leave to advance and develop professionally. For this reason, many remain “loyal” and stay at the ministry.
So there is lots of control and manipulation in the work culture.
*Weekly worship meetings:
These are mandatory and there are some legitimate concerns:
Top management seems to have misconceptions about true worship and worship experiences. They often reduce worship to singing by their communication, the way “worship” is used. Worship is seen as something we do on occasion - once a week, when we gather at work for the mandatory worship time. Top management, by ignoring other styles, seems to believe that there is a single style of worship which is correct for Christians.
And it seems like just about anyone can lead worship or be on the team: anyone that can play an instrument. Top management does not require a worship class or agreement to biblical principles concerning worship as a prerequisite for employees who desire to plan and lead worship experiences. So you end up with people who have different views/philosophies on the worship team. Unfortunately, many who lead do not take the time/effort to plan and lead worship experiences, to discern from songs that are better suited for individual or private worship from songs that are corporate or public worship, to discern songs that are controversial/questionable (have bad theology, weak theology), songs that are theologically ambiguous or songs that lean more towards “feminine” attributes. Most, if not all, of our modern “Christian” worship music is written at a simplistic level of understanding and comprehension. Most music tends to appeal to our emotions. Many songs appeal mostly to women. So there is a great need for teaching on the biblical principles concerning worship. Also a need to choose theologically balanced songs with music appropriate for the people. Unfortunately, many of the songs chosen are theologically incorrect (e.g., having elements from the Word Of Faith movement, New Apostolic Church, New Age). Songs are often not theologically balanced. Songs seem to be chosen for their emotional impact, to make employees feel good; many focus on just one aspect of God (e.g., love). Many promote self-centered worship.
Most of the worship leaders just sing the songs: They do not actually “lead” people into worship. They do not help people connect the lyrics of the song to where they are at in their personal life, to teach them something about God or help the people understand what this song means and what God wants them to get out of it, so they're not just singing songs and just doing, going through the motions or help them understand the depth and the richness of what lyrics mean and how it applies to their life. What matters to them seems to be whether songs are impactful, moving, and beautiful. (Whatever that means.) Whether songs make employees feel good. They don't seem to care whether the songs actually reflect truth: Do the lyrics line up with Scripture? Do the songs glorify self or God? How would new Christians or nonChristians interpret the song?
Theology is the study of God and it's very important doxology is an expression of praise to God so the point here is that all theologies should ultimately lead to doxology if theology doesn't lead to doxology then we've actually missed the point of theology so if you have theology without doxology you just have dead hold orthodoxy which is horrible. On the other side you have the people who say “forget about theology I just want to praise.” But if you have doxology without theology you actually have idolatry because it's just a random expression of praise but it's not actually informed by the truth of who God is so God is
concerned with both he's concerned with an accurate understanding of him and that accurate understanding of him leading to a response of praise adoration and worship towards him.
*Leadership quality:
Top management has more respect for donors and guests than their employees.
Management lacks basic core leadership principles/values:
Unfortunately, many employees are not given power or resources: Management just gives them the responsibility to get things done. Before responsibility is given, employees should be equipped: be empowered, have the authority, be given resources and have the experience. Employees are not empowered as individuals to solve their own problems using their own solutions. Micromanagement is often required every time the situation changes or problems arise. Employees are not inspired to act as leaders for themselves, delivering amazing performance without guidance. They have coaching sessions but only when there’s a problem. True coaching occurs regardless of whether the individual is crushing their goals or falling behind. Management does not seem to care about unlocking a person’s potential and getting the most of their performance. They seem only interested in producing more followers, not more leaders.
No method to hold management accountable to core values listed in their own Employee handbook. Employees are expected to abide by the procedures and rules described in the handbook but top management can choose to ignore it when it is convenient for them.
-Top management are NOT learners: No desire to develop and improve their skills.
-They do not ask employees: What’s one thing you see me doing—or failing to do—that you think I should change?
-They do not ask how they are doing as leaders. Or ask employees how they’re doing.
-They do not ask what employees need from management that they are not giving them.
-No performance evaluations for both management or non-managment.
-They often fail to emotionally connect with employees.
-They do not speak to employees' needs first.
-They do not focus on what they can put into people rather than what they can get out of them.
-They do not understand basic psychology, how people think and behave.
-They are often resistant to (and even hate) change: Perhaps because they fear losing control. In fact, new information, objective facts, research, stats, and even new ideas are often ignored in favor of what's easiest to do or because of tradition. If something has been done and “works”, top management does not see a reason to question it or to improve on it. If something was tried 5, 10, 20, even 50yrs before and failed, top management does not see a reason to try it again even if the exact circumstances have changed.
-They do not empower or give the means, the power or opportunity to do to employees.
-They do not trust others to follow through managing processes and performing tasks.
-They do not lead by example.
-They do not know when to move forward and when to back off, what to improve and how radical those improvements should be.
-They often fail to see options, and plan and prioritize.
-They fail to develop leaders around them.
-Their communication is often poor.
-Their listening is also poor: do not listen for more than facts, but also the feelings, meanings and undercurrents.
-They do not take the time to get to know the people they lead: no weekly check-ins which top organizations have to discuss how employees are doing professionally and personally. Management doesn't ask “what was good this week? What was not good this week? How is your well-being? How is your family?”
Competence in leadership skills is also poor.
-They are not teachable: not willing to keep learning, growing, improving in leadership and management practices: FCBH has a yearly “leadership” summit. But, the way it is set up, it reinforces weaknesses instead of challenging leadership growth.
The summit is also just for a select few in top management. Not every employee is seen as a leader so most employees are excluded.
Top managers attend the summit but there is no followup, no post accountability by other managers and especially by the employees that are under the managers. No discussion on how management will apply what was learned.
Some of the past speakers have had questionable characters and even questionable teachings (Judah Smith). Leadership qualifications and theological background seems to be ignored in favor of charismatics, dynamics, popularity.
-Top management does not take responsibility for their part of a disagreement or failure and apologize.
-They often embrace a victim mentality.
-They often limit yourself by your job title.
-They do not invest in better tools or processes.
-They are content with the status quo.
-They allow their past achievements to stagnate their desire to keep learning.
-There is a lack of discernment, finding the main cause of problems/issues.
-They do not anticipate problems.
-They do not accept the truth of the problem: Do not face up to the reality of the situation;
-They get bogged down in the details.
-They often avoid problems.
-They don’t deal well with problems.
-They do not have their team study all angles.
-They often do not value nontraditional thinking: Don’t embrace change, ambiguity and uncertainty well.
-They do not work well with differences.
-They do not have their own mentors or provide mentorship to others.
-They do not invest to improve their own professional or leadership skills.
-They are often insecure, constantly seek validation, acknowledgement and love.
-They limit employee's success and recognition:
-They do not seem interested in making people successful: Don’t attempt to remove barriers that prevent employees from being successful.
If an employee who is not management has a great idea to improve the work, management often does not support it and may secretly try to shut it down.
When a team succeeds, management will not give other people credit and instead take the credit themselves.
It seems like some of the people working there were given the title of management, the position, and that alone made them qualified. Management or leaders assume that their position alone qualifies them to make critical decisions where they may not have the best data, insight, wisdom, skill, experience. Just because one may have the word “manger” in the job title, does not automatically make them a great leader. Leadership is about dealing with people, and the dynamics between those people, and influencing people.
*Dead end career path:
For the most part, top management assumes that team members are fine and "settled", rather than taking the time to understand their true feelings and needs. They do not ask employees where they are struggling, where they are having trouble, what frustrates them the most?
Management does not seem interested in making employees better both personally or professionally. They do not have a growth plan or professional development plan for employees. No job related training. They do not provide what is needed to help employees to grow and improve. They don't provide opportunities for employees to apply their talents and expertise. They don’t ask how they can better support employees. Employees don’t check on each other.
One is expected to work until health deteriorates and skills become obsolete so you leave in a worse place than you started. For most employees, there is no long term future with the organization. Management does not let employees know how they are doing and what the future looks like for them. What the opportunities are. They do not take the time to learn from employees what they want to be. No honest conversations to understand employees goals and ambitions. So, because there is no growth or development plan, no career path, once your skills are outdated, they will probably let you go or they will keep you in the same position and your salary will max out.
Management does not coach employees on how to manage their time, priorities, and energy; no teaching on how to problem solve, or make better decisions, or how to set boundaries or how to minimize context switching and zoom fatigue.
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:03 Sherifmisho12e An Optimistic War Update (As well as speculation)

An Optimistic War Update (As well as speculation)
It has been a rough month of fighting on both fronts, but let us review the facts together.
With Meridia acting as a Terminid Supercolony, progress on the eastern front has grinded to a complete halt with both Helldivers and Terminids at a constant stalemate across the Umlaut Sector, the Jin Xi Sector, and the Mirin Sector.
However, planets not lost to the Terminids is still a victory! Salute to the Helldivers on the eastern front!
Meanwhile on the western front, it is a sad day to report that we are incapable of completing the Major Order to scrap 2 billion automatons due to lack of manpower (In and out of game) which most likely means that the anti-tank mines will be delayed once again.
But do not despair, our brave Helldivers have valiantly defended Vernen Wells and Lesath time and time again WHILE also gradually liberating Menkent to finally push the Automaton threat completely out of the Hydra Sector!
Now the question of what is to come next...
With the Meridia Supercolony still active, it is likely to expect another tide of Terminids to threaten the Umlaut Sector again, but our brave Helldivers have proven that they are the in-extinguishable flame on which the Terminids will burn before they could lay their vile claws on any planet! (Seriously you guys are committed to not moving at all)
And in a matter of days should the tide of battle stay as it is, the Automatons will be removed and scrapped out of the Hydra Sector, paving the way to Choohe which is where we originally were going to be able to get the anti-tank mines so who knows?! Maybe we will find a secure database to access the plans to mass produce those mines after all...
That is all for now. Remember to listen to Super Earth's High Command's Major Orders or your C-01 forms will be revoked. SES Song of Victory signing off.
You love to see this!
But you hate to see this.
submitted by Sherifmisho12e to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 akicult My criticized dnb/breakcore album ^ ^

Hey guys, I hope y'all are doing good, I was recently criticized in the community because they're saying this is dnb, I mean I totally understand why but isn't this entirely dnb. Is fully influenced by ambiance/breakcore and some dnb here and there. I was also criticized for my songs not being longer than a minute. I want yall to share your thoughts and what u think about my album, thank you in advance.
her illusion album
submitted by akicult to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:53 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Looking to learn about people

Hey there,
You have hereby entered my post so feel free to read it and if any of this sounds good to you feel free to message me (I am sure if you are an interesting person we will get along well, yay).
To get the most painful thing out of the way, if you hate math or physics, that'd be a big bummer, because they are my two main passions and I don't think I would get along with you if you did not like them, I apologize :(.
So anyways a bit of information about me: As you have probably read from the title, I am a 17 year old guy from the GMT +1 timezone which means if it is midnight for you, its maybe not midnight for me, i dont know, anyways.
I have a lot of interests so I am sure some of yours will be covered by mine and I would love to hear about your interests and what you do in life, because learning about other people is f u n.
My interests include but are not limited to (sounds like an ad slogan, which i mean, this sort of is):
What I am not particularly interested in is food, I just eat. Thats it, really. I dont know why I mentioned that but whatever its there now.
For all of the people out there that like to know what music I always listen to:
For Nirvana and The Beatles I also really love their history
My favorite songs are
Also if you can it would be nice for you to write a little bit about why you messaged me, what your interests are or something becuase I find it suprisingly difficult to respond to something such as "hey" or something similar that isnt really a conversation starter or introduction. That would be nice, yay :D
If any of that sparked your interested and you read all that stuff, feel free to message me, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:48 ScallionDue5235 Feedback on original song 'pretty lies' appreciated :D
I wrote a song and have the lyrics, rough melody, and chords. I also recorded audio on my phone with piano accompaniment (the link should work if you copy and paste in the Google search bar). I apologize in advance for the crappy quality and singing (I was trying to be quiet bc my roommates were home). I also got confused towards the end lol. Do you think this has potential? Any feedback is welcome!
Lyrics and chords: Dm You've got some nerve G got some gall C Didn't think to read Am The writing on the wall
Dm How many times G Of rejection C Will it take Am To learn a lesson
(Bridge) Dm I'm over you G I'm over this C I'm said I'm over you Am Get a grip
(Chorus) Dm You say you want forgiveness G For your crimes C Then turn around and say Am Pretty lies
Dm So save your pretty please G I'm ok C Get off of your knees Am Go away
Dm go away G c am Oooh dm Go away g Ooh C am go away go away
Dm You never came to pick up G Your box of stuff C Get a move on and accept it Am Cuz I've had enough
Dm. You say you can't move on G until you give it one more try C You tell me that your different now F and that's the reason why
Dm You say you want forgiveness G For your crimes C Then turn around and say Am Pretty lies
Dm So save your pretty please G I'm ok C Get off of your knees Am Go away
Dm go away G c am Oooh dm Go away g Ooh C am go away go away
submitted by ScallionDue5235 to SongwritingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 pronoia123 The Astrology of Kendrick and Drake

[I shared this in girls and gays but wanted to share here as well for those of you not in that sub]
With Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap feud raging over the last month, I got curious about what their natal charts say about each of them as rappers, and how the astrological synastry between the two has fueled this chart-topping fight. Luckily we have an accurate birth time for both Drake and Kendrick, so we can see exactly how their charts overlap.
Here’s Drake’s chart:
And here’s Kendrick’s chart:
Inconjunct Suns
Kendrick has a Gemini sun, like many of hip hop’s greatest rappers, including Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Lauryn Hill and Outkast’s Andre 3000. Geminis are well-suited to rap as the wordsmiths of the zodiac, one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury, expresses the analytical, practical, pragmatic side of the mind, the so-called “left brain” which sorts the wheat from the chaff (and, fittingly, Virgo season aligns with the harvest season of late summer).
Gemini expresses the more playful, self-expressive, hyper-curious “right brain” side of the mind - the monkey mind that swings from branch to branch, seeing connections as it goes. “Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie. Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Usually quite clever and witty, Geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.”
Drake is a Scorpio sun, bringing a very different energy to the table. Scorpios seek power above all, and they live life intensely. If Gemini is the court jester, taking life lightly and poking fun at it all, Scorpio is the dark knight plotting and positioning himself for a coup. As one of the two signs ruled by Mars, the planet of war and competition, Scorpios don’t back down from competition, and as a fixed modality sign, they can struggle to let go–even of what hurts them. Scorpios are drawn to the darker sides of life - they know that secrets hold power, so they tend toward privacy, as shown in Drake’s last rap beef, when Pusha T revealed that he had secretly fathered a son with a porn star.
Gemini and Scorpio have a tricky inter-dynamic, with an aspect between them known as a quincunx, or an inconjunct. Quincunxes occur when planets are 150 degrees apart, and therefore share neither an element (water, fire, earth, or air) nor a modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). They are at odds in a very fundamental way, and though they can teach each other a lot, in order to get along they will have to make some serious adjustments.
When these signs get together, they just can’t understand each other. They have almost nothing in common, so it’s hard to find common ground. When a quincunx shows up in a synastry or relationship reading, this can make for a tense or difficult relationship.” This natural repelling dynamic is expressed in Kendrick’s diss song Euphoria (“I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/I hate the way that you dress/I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct”).
Drake’s ascendant is placed at 29 degrees Leo, exactly conjunct the royal fixed star Regulus. Regulus is one of the luckiest stars in the zodiac, and it is often seen in the charts of celebrities. “On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions.” But with Regulus on the ascendant, expanding the already narcissistic tendencies of Leo, there is a risk for an over-expansion of the ego and a lack of humility. Drake wants to be the best by all accounts - not just the biggest commercial superstar, which he is, but also the most critically acclaimed rapper, like Pulitzer Prize-winning Kendrick.
Mercury and Mars vs. Mercury and Venus
When it comes to analyzing writers of any sort, I like to look at their Mercuries, and here we see a fascinating contrast. Kendrick’s Mercury is located in intuitive, emotional Cancer (just like Lana del Rey, who I analyzed last week), and it is conjoined with Mars, the planet of war, which is what makes him such a formidable opponent in a rap battle. “Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp tongue. These attributes are ideal for making quick decisions in the heat of the moment while others hesitate. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. Your enthusiastic, direct and courageous way of expressing yourself can win admiration in politics, business, and the military.”
I think Mercury in combination with Mars is the ideal aspect for the competitive sport of rap, and interestingly enough, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., who famously feuded and are considered by many to be the all-time greatest rappers, both had these planets tightly combined (Tupac had Mercury trine Mars with a 1 degree orb, and Biggie had Mercury septile Mars with a 0 degree orb).
Drake, by contrast, has his Mercury conjoined with Mars’ planetary opposite, Venus. Mercury conjoined with creative Venus is a great aspect for a musician, but it lacks the teeth of competitive Mars. “Mercury conjunct Venus natal makes you a lovable, handsome, neat, refined, romantic, and courteous person. You may tend to be passive and submissive, but this is a means by which you achieve peace in your life. You can lovingly communicate things; a melodic, poetic, and relaxing voice often helps this. Mercury rules trade, and Venus rules money, so you could do well in business and enjoy buying and selling.”
Many of Drake’s biggest hits show this melodic Mercury-Venus aspect - like the no-rapping, all-singing “Hold On, We’re Going Home,” “Hotline Bling” and “One Dance,” or the purported feminist anthem “Nice for What.” Many think Drake is best as a pop star rather than a rapper, which Kendrick references in Euphoria (“I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough” “Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat”).
Mercury conjunct Venus should be a very positive aspect for Drake, and in many ways it is – as two of the planets that rule over money (Mercury the marketplace, and Venus the possessions), this aspect is part of why he’s had such incredible financial success. However, a few factors complicate it. For one thing, they are located together in Scorpio, ruled by Mars. His Mercury is expressed in a Venusian way, but it wants to be expressed in a Martian way. I think this is why Drake returns regularly to gangster rap despite his success in pop and R&B. He wants to be a Mercury-Mars rap powerhouse like Kendrick, Biggie, and Tupac, but he’s fundamentally different. From the beginning of his career he’s been taunted as soft, weak, feminine, privileged–all very Venusian adjectives.
Another complicating factor is that Drake’s Venus is doubly challenged - it is both in detriment in Scorpio, as well as retrograde. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because it rules over Scorpio’s opposite, Taurus, and so the planet is not at ease in suspicious, jealous Scorpio. “Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel them to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.”
Venus retrograde in the natal chart “suggests you have some difficulty in giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Natal Venus in retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.” It’s interesting how some of the allegations against Drake in Kendrick’s songs have included a nose job and a Brazilian butt lift. After Drake told Metro Boomin to “shut up and make some drums” in his initial Kendrick diss Push Ups, the producer responded with “BBL Drizzy.”
Drake has never been married or had a public long-term relationship. His highest profile one with Rihanna was on-again, off-again, and at times seemed more like unrequited love than true commitment. When interviewed about the relationship, he said “As life takes shape and teaches you#Personal_life) your own lessons, I end up in this situation where I don't have the fairy tale [of] 'Drake started a family with Rihanna, [it's] so perfect.' It looks so good on paper [and] I wanted it too at one time.” Two years ago Drake had jeweler Alex Moss create a necklace worth $12.5 million dollars built from dozens of engagement rings he had made but never used: ““New piece titled ‘Previous Engagements’ for all the times he thought about it but never did it,” Moss wrote over a video showcasing the stunning necklace, which is made up of “42 engagement rings” totaling “351.38 carats in diamonds.”” It’s quite the testament to a challenged natal Venus.
Lilith Synastry
Here is Drake and Kendrick’s synastry (Drake is on the outer circle):
The most interesting thing I found digging into Drake and Kendrick’s charts was the presence of Lilith in their synastry. Lilith is an asteroid associated with the “angry woman” figure as well as female liberation. In some Jewish folklore Lilith was the first wife of Adam, but she was banished from the Garden of Eden for not obeying him and replaced with Eve.
In the intricacies of a birth chart, Black Moon Lilith symbolizes the raw essence of femininity, the primal urges, and the suppressed parts of our psyche that lie in the shadows. This point, not a planet but a mathematical point, reveals where one might feel estranged, challenged, or empowered to go against the grain of societal norms. It unveils deep-seated desires, innate instincts, and perhaps the areas where one feels the need to challenge established roles or expectations. It's a place of power, mystique, and, occasionally, friction – pinpointing where one's true nature might clash with the conventional, leading to feelings of marginalization or rebellion.”
The allegations Drake and Kendrick threw at each other both had to do with mistreatment of women - Drake said that Kendrick abused his fiancée, and Kendrick said Drake was a pedophile who shouldn’t be trusted around young women.
Both Drake and Kendrick’s Liliths make tight aspects with the other’s chart. “Whenever Lilith is around, you can expect to feel a wild, intense, deep, and sometimes obsessive energy. If you have Lilith aspects in synastry then this energy will show up in your relationship. Whenever your Lilith touches one of your partner’s planets or vice-versa, you can expect to see your deepest fears revealed. You might also see glimpses of things you desire but can’t have. Ultimately, Lilith aspects in synastry give both partners a chance to work on their shadow sides.”
Kendrick’s sun exactly conjoins Drake’s Lilith at 26 degrees Gemini. “Often, the sun person [Kendrick] represents all that the Lilith person [Drake] wants but can never quite “catch.” There is an illusive vibe to this relationship. The Lilith person may feel somewhat less-than or “bad.” Lilith conjunct sun in synastry is a test for the Lilith person because their most taboo qualities such as obsession and anger will be activated, but it’s also a test for the sun person. The lesson is for the sun individual to stand their ground and follow their inner voice. Lilith is neither good nor bad, and the sun person can share in some of the Lilith partner’s activities without merging.”
This resonates with the fact that despite Drake’s huge commercial success, he is deeply jealous of Kendrick’s critical success. In Family Matters Drake took a jab at Kendrick’s acclaim (“Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now”), and the beef between them played out similarly, with many rap fans deciding that Kendrick won before even listening to Drake. I think it’s obvious that Kendrick is a stronger rapper, but it’s also clear that Drake wasn’t given a fair shake.
Drake’s Lilith makes a tight trine to Kendrick’s Mercury. “Both the Lilith person and the Mercury person help each other to bring unhealed deeper wounds and unconscious emotion to the surface and articulate deeper, wild instincts. Mercury person [Kendrick] helps Lilith person [Drake] make sense of their inner restlessness and insecurities, sexual passions and unresolved rage. Mercury person may find Lilith person to be highly emotional but is also intrigued by Lilith person’s edgy and unique perspective.” It’s remarkable that both of their Liliths are interlocked with each other’s inner planets, creating a push-pull, love-hate, shadow-enlightening dynamic between the two.
I think the obsession goes both ways, and that part of the reason Kendrick fought back so viciously was because Drake triggers something in him shown through the Lilith synastry. Drake shows Kendrick what he could be–a charismatic playboy enjoying his fame and money to the fullest. And in engaging with the feud he stooped to a lower level, making unsupported claims about Drake’s supposed secret daughter, and writing a rap song (Meet the Grahams) addressed to Drake’s 5 year old son opening with “Dear Adonis, I’m sorry that man is your father.” All is fair in rap battles–or is it? Questlove called it out, saying on Instagram: “Nobody won the war. This wasn’t about skill. This was a wrestling match level mudslinging and takedown by any means necessary — women & children (& actual facts) be damned.”
Kendrick’s latest diss track Not Like Us has just debuted at number one on the Billboard Top 100, and it’s clear this battle has propelled him to another level of stardom. Drake’s Regulus ascendant arrogance and Scorpionic desire to fight to the death drove him to attack the strongest living rapper, and now he’s dealing with the fallout. Kendrick’s streams of his back catalog are up 50%, while Drake’s are down 5% and his reputation has taken a massive knock. But Kendrick has taken a hit as well. Having rap’s two biggest stars accusing each other of heinous crimes might drive up streams in the short run, but it’s a dangerous game. Astrology helps us understand why these two polar opposites are so intertwined, and why their mutual dislike has spurred on such a captivating firestorm.
submitted by pronoia123 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 pronoia123 The Astrology of Kendrick and Drake

[I shared this in girls and gays but wanted to share here as well for those of you not in that sub]
With Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap feud raging over the last month, I got curious about what their natal charts say about each of them as rappers, and how the astrological synastry between the two has fueled this chart-topping fight. Luckily we have an accurate birth time for both Drake and Kendrick, so we can see exactly how their charts overlap.
Here’s Drake’s chart:
And here’s Kendrick’s chart:
Inconjunct Suns
Kendrick has a Gemini sun, like many of hip hop’s greatest rappers, including Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, Lauryn Hill and Outkast’s Andre 3000. Geminis are well-suited to rap as the wordsmiths of the zodiac, one of the two signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury, expresses the analytical, practical, pragmatic side of the mind, the so-called “left brain” which sorts the wheat from the chaff (and, fittingly, Virgo season aligns with the harvest season of late summer).
Gemini expresses the more playful, self-expressive, hyper-curious “right brain” side of the mind - the monkey mind that swings from branch to branch, seeing connections as it goes. “Curious to a fault, Geminis have a finger in every pie. Solar Geminis are flexible and changeable people. Usually quite clever and witty, Geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.”
Drake is a Scorpio sun, bringing a very different energy to the table. Scorpios seek power above all, and they live life intensely. If Gemini is the court jester, taking life lightly and poking fun at it all, Scorpio is the dark knight plotting and positioning himself for a coup. As one of the two signs ruled by Mars, the planet of war and competition, Scorpios don’t back down from competition, and as a fixed modality sign, they can struggle to let go–even of what hurts them. Scorpios are drawn to the darker sides of life - they know that secrets hold power, so they tend toward privacy, as shown in Drake’s last rap beef, when Pusha T revealed that he had secretly fathered a son with a porn star.
Gemini and Scorpio have a tricky inter-dynamic, with an aspect between them known as a quincunx, or an inconjunct. Quincunxes occur when planets are 150 degrees apart, and therefore share neither an element (water, fire, earth, or air) nor a modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). They are at odds in a very fundamental way, and though they can teach each other a lot, in order to get along they will have to make some serious adjustments.
When these signs get together, they just can’t understand each other. They have almost nothing in common, so it’s hard to find common ground. When a quincunx shows up in a synastry or relationship reading, this can make for a tense or difficult relationship.” This natural repelling dynamic is expressed in Kendrick’s diss song Euphoria (“I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/I hate the way that you dress/I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct”).
Drake’s ascendant is placed at 29 degrees Leo, exactly conjunct the royal fixed star Regulus. Regulus is one of the luckiest stars in the zodiac, and it is often seen in the charts of celebrities. “On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character. A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions.” But with Regulus on the ascendant, expanding the already narcissistic tendencies of Leo, there is a risk for an over-expansion of the ego and a lack of humility. Drake wants to be the best by all accounts - not just the biggest commercial superstar, which he is, but also the most critically acclaimed rapper, like Pulitzer Prize-winning Kendrick.
Mercury and Mars vs. Mercury and Venus
When it comes to analyzing writers of any sort, I like to look at their Mercuries, and here we see a fascinating contrast. Kendrick’s Mercury is located in intuitive, emotional Cancer (just like Lana del Rey, who I analyzed last week), and it is conjoined with Mars, the planet of war, which is what makes him such a formidable opponent in a rap battle. “Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp tongue. These attributes are ideal for making quick decisions in the heat of the moment while others hesitate. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. Your enthusiastic, direct and courageous way of expressing yourself can win admiration in politics, business, and the military.”
I think Mercury in combination with Mars is the ideal aspect for the competitive sport of rap, and interestingly enough, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., who famously feuded and are considered by many to be the all-time greatest rappers, both had these planets tightly combined (Tupac had Mercury trine Mars with a 1 degree orb, and Biggie had Mercury septile Mars with a 0 degree orb).
Drake, by contrast, has his Mercury conjoined with Mars’ planetary opposite, Venus. Mercury conjoined with creative Venus is a great aspect for a musician, but it lacks the teeth of competitive Mars. “Mercury conjunct Venus natal makes you a lovable, handsome, neat, refined, romantic, and courteous person. You may tend to be passive and submissive, but this is a means by which you achieve peace in your life. You can lovingly communicate things; a melodic, poetic, and relaxing voice often helps this. Mercury rules trade, and Venus rules money, so you could do well in business and enjoy buying and selling.”
Many of Drake’s biggest hits show this melodic Mercury-Venus aspect - like the no-rapping, all-singing “Hold On, We’re Going Home,” “Hotline Bling” and “One Dance,” or the purported feminist anthem “Nice for What.” Many think Drake is best as a pop star rather than a rapper, which Kendrick references in Euphoria (“I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough” “Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand and it won't be no threat”).
Mercury conjunct Venus should be a very positive aspect for Drake, and in many ways it is – as two of the planets that rule over money (Mercury the marketplace, and Venus the possessions), this aspect is part of why he’s had such incredible financial success. However, a few factors complicate it. For one thing, they are located together in Scorpio, ruled by Mars. His Mercury is expressed in a Venusian way, but it wants to be expressed in a Martian way. I think this is why Drake returns regularly to gangster rap despite his success in pop and R&B. He wants to be a Mercury-Mars rap powerhouse like Kendrick, Biggie, and Tupac, but he’s fundamentally different. From the beginning of his career he’s been taunted as soft, weak, feminine, privileged–all very Venusian adjectives.
Another complicating factor is that Drake’s Venus is doubly challenged - it is both in detriment in Scorpio, as well as retrograde. Venus is in detriment in Scorpio because it rules over Scorpio’s opposite, Taurus, and so the planet is not at ease in suspicious, jealous Scorpio. “Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel them to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.”
Venus retrograde in the natal chart “suggests you have some difficulty in giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Natal Venus in retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.” It’s interesting how some of the allegations against Drake in Kendrick’s songs have included a nose job and a Brazilian butt lift. After Drake told Metro Boomin to “shut up and make some drums” in his initial Kendrick diss Push Ups, the producer responded with “BBL Drizzy.”
Drake has never been married or had a public long-term relationship. His highest profile one with Rihanna was on-again, off-again, and at times seemed more like unrequited love than true commitment. When interviewed about the relationship, he said “As life takes shape and teaches you#Personal_life) your own lessons, I end up in this situation where I don't have the fairy tale [of] 'Drake started a family with Rihanna, [it's] so perfect.' It looks so good on paper [and] I wanted it too at one time.” Two years ago Drake had jeweler Alex Moss create a necklace worth $12.5 million dollars built from dozens of engagement rings he had made but never used: ““New piece titled ‘Previous Engagements’ for all the times he thought about it but never did it,” Moss wrote over a video showcasing the stunning necklace, which is made up of “42 engagement rings” totaling “351.38 carats in diamonds.”” It’s quite the testament to a challenged natal Venus.
Lilith Synastry
Here is Drake and Kendrick’s synastry (Drake is on the outer circle):
The most interesting thing I found digging into Drake and Kendrick’s charts was the presence of Lilith in their synastry. Lilith is an asteroid associated with the “angry woman” figure as well as female liberation. In some Jewish folklore Lilith was the first wife of Adam, but she was banished from the Garden of Eden for not obeying him and replaced with Eve.
In the intricacies of a birth chart, Black Moon Lilith symbolizes the raw essence of femininity, the primal urges, and the suppressed parts of our psyche that lie in the shadows. This point, not a planet but a mathematical point, reveals where one might feel estranged, challenged, or empowered to go against the grain of societal norms. It unveils deep-seated desires, innate instincts, and perhaps the areas where one feels the need to challenge established roles or expectations. It's a place of power, mystique, and, occasionally, friction – pinpointing where one's true nature might clash with the conventional, leading to feelings of marginalization or rebellion.”
The allegations Drake and Kendrick threw at each other both had to do with mistreatment of women - Drake said that Kendrick abused his fiancée, and Kendrick said Drake was a pedophile who shouldn’t be trusted around young women.
Both Drake and Kendrick’s Liliths make tight aspects with the other’s chart. “Whenever Lilith is around, you can expect to feel a wild, intense, deep, and sometimes obsessive energy. If you have Lilith aspects in synastry then this energy will show up in your relationship. Whenever your Lilith touches one of your partner’s planets or vice-versa, you can expect to see your deepest fears revealed. You might also see glimpses of things you desire but can’t have. Ultimately, Lilith aspects in synastry give both partners a chance to work on their shadow sides.”
Kendrick’s sun exactly conjoins Drake’s Lilith at 26 degrees Gemini. “Often, the sun person [Kendrick] represents all that the Lilith person [Drake] wants but can never quite “catch.” There is an illusive vibe to this relationship. The Lilith person may feel somewhat less-than or “bad.” Lilith conjunct sun in synastry is a test for the Lilith person because their most taboo qualities such as obsession and anger will be activated, but it’s also a test for the sun person. The lesson is for the sun individual to stand their ground and follow their inner voice. Lilith is neither good nor bad, and the sun person can share in some of the Lilith partner’s activities without merging.”
This resonates with the fact that despite Drake’s huge commercial success, he is deeply jealous of Kendrick’s critical success. In Family Matters Drake took a jab at Kendrick’s acclaim (“Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now”), and the beef between them played out similarly, with many rap fans deciding that Kendrick won before even listening to Drake. I think it’s obvious that Kendrick is a stronger rapper, but it’s also clear that Drake wasn’t given a fair shake.
Drake’s Lilith makes a tight trine to Kendrick’s Mercury. “Both the Lilith person and the Mercury person help each other to bring unhealed deeper wounds and unconscious emotion to the surface and articulate deeper, wild instincts. Mercury person [Kendrick] helps Lilith person [Drake] make sense of their inner restlessness and insecurities, sexual passions and unresolved rage. Mercury person may find Lilith person to be highly emotional but is also intrigued by Lilith person’s edgy and unique perspective.” It’s remarkable that both of their Liliths are interlocked with each other’s inner planets, creating a push-pull, love-hate, shadow-enlightening dynamic between the two.
I think the obsession goes both ways, and that part of the reason Kendrick fought back so viciously was because Drake triggers something in him shown through the Lilith synastry. Drake shows Kendrick what he could be–a charismatic playboy enjoying his fame and money to the fullest. And in engaging with the feud he stooped to a lower level, making unsupported claims about Drake’s supposed secret daughter, and writing a rap song (Meet the Grahams) addressed to Drake’s 5 year old son opening with “Dear Adonis, I’m sorry that man is your father.” All is fair in rap battles–or is it? Questlove called it out, saying on Instagram: “Nobody won the war. This wasn’t about skill. This was a wrestling match level mudslinging and takedown by any means necessary — women & children (& actual facts) be damned.”
Kendrick’s latest diss track Not Like Us has just debuted at number one on the Billboard Top 100, and it’s clear this battle has propelled him to another level of stardom. Drake’s Regulus ascendant arrogance and Scorpionic desire to fight to the death drove him to attack the strongest living rapper, and now he’s dealing with the fallout. Kendrick’s streams of his back catalog are up 50%, while Drake’s are down 5% and his reputation has taken a massive knock. But Kendrick has taken a hit as well. Having rap’s two biggest stars accusing each other of heinous crimes might drive up streams in the short run, but it’s a dangerous game. Astrology helps us understand why these two polar opposites are so intertwined, and why their mutual dislike has spurred on such a captivating firestorm.
submitted by pronoia123 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 VeryFinalAvenger A snapshot into whats its like to date Ava Max according to her personality type! + Fun Facts about Ava!

According to many posts and interviews by Ava Max, she has identified herself with the Aquarius personality type, now while I do not personally believe in Astrology (as i see it used wayyy to often for discrimination plus its problematic with the concept of freewill) I thought it would be fun to give you all a snapshot into what it would be like to date Ava according to the typical personality traits associated with an Aquarius (with bonus facts about Ava)! Sound fun? I thought so!
  1. An Aquarius will be loyal unto the end and does not love just anyone! As such they expect complete loyalty, mutual respect and honesty in return. If you are looking for a casual hookup, fling, or an open-relationship an Aquarius will drop you in an instant! A downside to an Aquarius is they can be very trusting, believing others to be as honest and good as they are, and as such tend to be taken advantage of.
Fun fact: Ava Max was in a SEVEN-YEAR relationship. She also broke up with two partners for gaslighting and cheating on her, something which broke her heart. (Viall Files and Rolling Stones Interviews)
  1. An Aquarius is passionate and fun! If you are looking for someone romantic, spontaneous, dominant, charming and unpredictable an Aquarius is right for you!
Fun Fact: Ava Max prefers to date the quiet, introverted and nerdy type of personality - and as such looks for someone whose nature contrasts and compliments her own. (Viall Files Interview)
  1. An Aquarius is attentive to their lovepartner, however in return they also require a partner who they can not only trust, but someone they are safe to express anything and everything in their soul. To date an Aquarius means to be their friend first.
Fun Fact: Ava Max and Cirkut dated shortly after meeting, and though they broke off the relationship they have remained friends and close collaborators ever since. (AmoMama website - interview)
  1. An Aquarius is drawn to vulnerability and deep-feeling/emotionally intelligent and mature people. An emotional connection is the most important thing to them. Alongside this they are analytical, clever and smart - and thus make for great communicators (honesty, smart, and deep feeling).
Fun Fact: Ava Max LOVES interior design and it is her favorite hobby besides singing/dancing - if you want something to talk to her about, this is a great place to start! (Maxwell Zoom and Viall Files interviews)
  1. While an Aquarius is a passionate and loyal lover, they need their space and freedom, as this is a very free-spirited type of personality. If you are a controlling, clingy, or dominant person this relationship will not work out at all.
Fun Fact: Ava Max is a prominent advocate of the duality in us all and is a huge believer in embracing ones dualistic nature and identity - something very prevalent in her lyrics especially in her Heaven and Hell album. (Multiple interviews including Genius)
  1. While an Aquarius is deep feeling and passionate, they can be aloof and have the ability to retreat into themselves and disconnect - especially during tension. As such, while highly emotional people, they do not prefer drama and may be emotionally detached at times.
Fun Fact: Ava Max is not this way at all actually (at least most of the time), and is very deep-feeling, outspoken, filled with many different sides and dualism within her feelings. (Idolator interview)
  1. An Aquarius is an easy-going, creative, quirky, open-minded inspiring, wild, out-of the box, crazy and eccentric. If you are looking for someone plain and stable this relationship is not right for you. Their nature is very artistic, adventurous, and action focused. As such they tend to be unpredictable and inconsistent - so be prepared for that.
Fun Fact: When Amanda Koci (Ava) was young she catfished her brother as a prank (she loves pranks). So she came up with the name Ava and messaged her brother online for a month pretending to be some girl dating him online (putting an image of some model as her online picture). She then invited brother outside, revealing the truth that he had gotten pranked (he was pissed). That is how she came up with the name Ava and has used it ever since. True story! (Apple podcast - link below in comments)
  1. An Aquarius is all about honesty, sincerity, and will always show their real-self. As such they cannot stand dishonest people. Their love language can vary by person but generally they value honesty and respect - when they say something, they mean it.
Fun Fact: Ava Max's love language is quality time as such touring can be hard on her as she is taken away from her partner. She will not go over two weeks without spending quality time with the person she is with. (Viall Files Interview)
  1. An Aquarius is a friendly and bold personality. One will most likely will make the first move and can be very flirtatious. However this makes them impulsive - which can cause problems.
Fun Fact: Ava Max has never been in a relationship or hookup where she didnt make the first move! (Viall Files Interview)
  1. While an Aquarius can be fun, spontaneous and wild - they are also very private and can even be solitary. As such to win their heart a person truly has to click with them.
Fun Fact: While Ava Max has a very public, bold and extroverted persona she is internally very shy, private and prefers to separate her Ava Max persona from her true Amanda Koci self - hence the difficulties finding information on her private life. (Multiple interviews including the Rolling Stone and Viall Files)
  1. An Aquarius is a caring, loyal, and honest personality. As such they tend to be humanitarian and altruistic.
Fun Fact: Ava Max has a very caring heart, major issues for her include LGBTQIA+ rights (with her preforming at the human rights campaign in 2023), personal identity, empowerment and women's rights. She wants to inspire, uplift and empower people. (Bandwagon interview)
  1. An Aquarius is DOMINANT and fiercely independent. As such they are uncompromising in who they are (hence the traits of being spontaneous, honest, wild, and free-spirited). As such they work best with either a submissive type of person or a person who is similarly confident in who they are but will not try to control or cage them. If you are dating an Aquarius they need a partner to support them in life, not a dominant person to try to control their nature.
Fun Fact: Ava Max's song Not Your Barbie Girl is the perfect example showing what type of woman she is.
  1. Finally, The heart of an Aquarius is freedom of self and expression, they each are truly a UNIQUE soul. As such they are bold, determined and ambitious and have their bar set high for both life and relationships!
Fun Fact: Ava Max has been competing in music competitions since she was 8 years old and worked non-stop at trying to become a singer, even moving to LA when she was only 14, and returning there when she was 17. She has gone through extreme bullying, rejection, sexual harassment, poverty, betrayal and emotional hardship to achieve her dreams.
I hope you all enjoyed learning about Ava Max's personality type. As far her personality type according to 16 personalities she seems to be an ambivert with her Ava persona being extroverted and her Amanda persona being introverted. She also also extremely feeling (something prevalent in her music) alongside being very intuitive, being able to sense the nature of a person from their eyes (the widows to the soul) as she shared in her vial files interview. Finally she appears to be a mix between judging and perceiving - as she has signs of both traits. As such she is an (E/I NF J/P) - with the first and forth factors being pretty balanced.
submitted by VeryFinalAvenger to AvaMaxDatingLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 Simple_Masterpiece73 What happened to the heroic nerds of old? People would gather around the chat rooms and sing songs of your epic feats. Now you are just another clique on the dial. Keeping every secret of the elites safe.

submitted by Simple_Masterpiece73 to u/Simple_Masterpiece73 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:27 whatagooddaytoday What is your favorite element about Coldplay?

Hello, I never do anything on my Cake Day. I thought that this time, I would go to the subreddits of one of my favorite bands and just ask others what they love the most about Coldplay!
However, I'll open this up a little more. Do you have a favorite lyric? A favorite solo by Jonny? A favorite harmony by Will or a bass line from guy? A favorite song or era? A favorite collaboration? I just want to hear anything at all that you love about this band!
I'll start very briefly: I love the backing instrumental track to Viva La Vida. The lyrics are amazing, but the backing track is so unique and uplifting. If you're able to isolate the guitar part or find a video that does this, it is really interesting how it contributes to the song even though it's hard to hear in the actual song. And I love that about Coldplay: their musical choices, even the smallest blemishes, wonderfully contribute to all their songs. Guy's bass in the bridge in Clocks may seem simple, but in the song it's necessary to elevate Chris' vocals and Jonny's riff.
Lastly, my favorite songs are Lost!, Lovers in Japan, Coloratura, Swallowed in the Sea, and Prospekt's March.
So what do you like about Coldplay? It can be about anything at all!
submitted by whatagooddaytoday to Coldplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 BellMaxBurns Are there any queer folk searching for a roommate for 2024-2025?

I want to preface that I am a heterosexual male, coming into my freshman year and I’m mostly searching for a queer roommate due to me not meshing very well with the “typical” perception of cis straight guys and wanting to be able to live in and decorate my space without much judgement or scrutiny. Due to previous encounters with other cis het males in personal and private spaces. I am aware that this probably comes across as very odd however it is a personal manner of comfort and I’m willing to discuss any additional details that could be asked and am open to discussion and setting guidelines for in room behavior and concessions for comfort and such. At the end of the day I’m trying to find a room mate I’ll be able to feel safe around. Im currently set up to enter into a history major but am hoping to transfer over to parks and recreation due to my love of the outdoors and the environment, I listen to music sometimes in CD and other times on vinyls but mostly through my headphones so noise won’t be a problem. My hobbies consist of reading, listening to music, running, caring for plants, and camping, as well as reading up on and studying vintage fashion. For fun outside of that I like to go for walks, take (very) amateur pictures of landscapes and things I think look nice, sing karaoke and dance (again very poorly) with friends as well as have conversations and go places with friends, I also like to exercise at the gym. I come from the Southwest Side of Chicago, Illinois and currently work as a warehouse associate at a distribution center in the Chicago Industrial Corridor. I also like to clean my living space quite often and keep my space tidy however I will not encroach upon your space. So yeah there’s more to talk about but those are the basics about who I am and why I am looking for a roommate with way a more specific background. I hope this doesn’t come across as creepy, sorry.
submitted by BellMaxBurns to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:04 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/folkpunk roundup for the week of May 07 - May 13, 2024

Tuesday, May 07 - Monday, May 13, 2024

Top Media

score comments title & link mirrors
185 18 comments Song I wrote about transitioning "someday when I'm pretty"
35 8 comments Heyo- I imagine there's some Harley Poe fans here
23 3 comments We The Heathens - Neurotic Decay - DIY Sessions [Sp] [AM]
22 13 comments New Jesse Wells Tune: Whistle Boeing
19 4 comments Ludlow - "Trust No Cop" [Sp] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
13 0 comments the things we thought we had to do - Styles Dangerfield
12 0 comments Is this folk punk?
12 3 comments How low - another song
11 1 comments You Don't Deserve Yourself - AJJ (cover) [Sp] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
10 2 comments POOPS Vinyl

Top Remaining

score comments title & link mirrors
151 16 comments wingnut
133 11 comments help, my cat started listening to dnd and wearing jean shorts?? keeps begging to be let outside so he can go to the nearest train station..
112 31 comments Share your folkestpunkest tattoo
102 29 comments All I want to do is stand in a crowd of people while we all sing Pat the Bunny songs at the top of our lungs.
96 15 comments Jimmy hobo or smth
89 9 comments My friend is upset I didn't post her crusty stick and poke butt tattoo to the internet. If it was a mixtape cover, what songs would be on it?
70 16 comments escape from the zooooo
61 7 comments Porch Cat here! I heard we are sharing folk punk tattoos! This is my musical saw tattoo that Sage from Ludlow did for me last year 🖤
52 89 comments Hey, folks. Been thinkin' about starting a small folk punk band with a couple friends, kind of dry on names. Anyone got any idea's?
46 21 comments Bands like Holy Locust?

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link mirrors
41 62 comments Good folk punk to listen to while on acid?
10 60 comments Folk songs about Palestine?
41 25 comments Place to escape for a bit? Weird request
10 18 comments Looking for suggestions
0 16 comments RIP 'King', Rex Murphy, the man who helped shape Canada in his image, rest in power reporter
submitted by subredditsummarybot to FolkPunk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:04 woncafe 18f / pc looking for new gaming friends or duo :3

HALLO :D your fav choso fan, currently looking for new gaming friends to hangout with and chill in vc with. i don’t talk to much when we first vc but when we get to know each other more i’ll yap yap and yap😭
i play mostly valorant (i’ll be dead in the first 10 seconds 🧏🏻‍♀️), dead by daylight (i literally js run away screaming help and get hooked😭), paladins & don’t starve together! other games i play are roblox, fall guys, minecraft, raft, party animals, stardew valley, pico park, & 7 days to die! i have other games in my library so do hmu!!
also if you like anime (blue lock solos 🥱) and love music (kpop? indie? spanish love songs?) HMU ASAP. i would say i’m really easy to get along with and i’m down to watch or play anything you want <3
i’m est timezone (ofc) and only want friendships! hope to hear from you soon! 💖
submitted by woncafe to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:00 Sola_Sista_94 Cookies 'n' Dreams: Parts Seven and Eight (Fanfic)

"Himiko?" Kokichi knocked on the door to Himiko and Tenko's room later that night. Himiko had taken a long nap after such a disappointing day. But, before she fell asleep, she reflected deeply on what Kokichi had told her. She had to admit that he was right, that she needed to a better attitude about herself. But, how to do that, she didn't know. She suddenly remembered his words: You should be smart, confident, and capable of doing things your way. Her way? What was her way, exactly?
"Himiko?" Kokichi whispered a little louder. Himiko opened her eyes, hearing Kokichi calling out to her. She scrambled out of bed and went over to answer the door. Kokichi smiled at her with his usual cheeky grin. "Hey, sleepyhead! Are you still planning on selling cookies?" Himiko took a deep breath and nodded. Kokichi had given her some courage to actually try things and take chances, to try and overcome self-doubt.
"Yeah. I'm ready," she said. There was still a part of her that didn't want to, but she forced that part of her into silence. She lifted her chin and smiled at him. "I'm ready, Kokichi." Kokichi smiled back at her.
"Alright, Monkey Buns!" he cheered, giving her a high five and then a hug. "Same place?"
"Alright," Himiko nodded. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. She remembered what Kokichi had told her earlier about being smart and confident her way. "But, on the way over there, can we stop by my, um..." She paused to whisper. "...secret lair? "
"Ooooh?" Kokichi murmured with a curious smile. "Yeah, we can stop by." Himiko nodded and retreated back into her room to grab the two tin bowls of cookies she had baked with Three and Ten.
"Nyeh...okay, I'm ready," Himiko said. Kokichi took her hand in his, and the two crept downstairs. Some of the others were still in the dining room eating dinner, so Kokichi and Himiko had to leave through the front door to get to Himiko's secret magic room under the gazebo. Kokichi stood outside to keep watch while Himiko went inside her magic room. Once inside, she went for her magical dream powder bottle and poured some of its purple, sparkly contents into a small vial, hiding it in one of her jacket's pockets. Then, she met back up with Kokichi.
"Now I'm ready," she said.
"Okie-dokie!" Kokichi replied, taking the tin bowls from Himiko to hold them for her. "Let's go, HimikoCocoa Bean!" They then hurried over to D.I.C.E. headquarters.
"Boss!" Four said, jumping up from the couch. "And Boss Lady!"
"Hey, Ichiro," Kokichi and Himiko replied.
"Wanna hear a song that I heard on the radio?" Four asked. He cleared his throat, and began singing without waiting for a response. "If you like piña coladaaaaas, and getting caught in the rai-"
"Okay, Ichiro, that's enough," Kokichi interrupted, wincing from Four's terrible voice.
"Urgh...thank you!" Five exclaimed as she wrapped Kokichi's cape around him. After Three placed Kokichi's hat on his head, she turned to Himiko.
"So, Himiko, did you sell a lot of cookies?" she asked eagerly. Himiko gave her an apologetic look and shook her head. Three's shoulders slumped.
"Oh..." she said softly.
"What? Why?" Ten asked. "Did they not like them? Because I put all my blood, sweat, and tears into those things! Er...well, not literally...duh."
"Yeah, I hope not!" Two exclaimed, sticking his tongue out in disgust. "I bet there are people in this world who actually do stuff like that!"
"Nee-heehee...I know a very horny someone who'd do something like that," Kokichi said.
"The tin bowls are still so full!" Three said, her voice dripping with disappointment.
"It's not really the cookies that people didn't like, Keiko," Himiko said. "It was because of me."
"What exactly do you mean by that?" Nine asked.
"Well, I'm not really popular at school to begin with," Himiko said. "But, I wasn't really trying my best to sell them because I didn't think I could."
"Ouch," Six muttered.
"Oh, well...still!" Three huffed. "They could have at least tried your cookies, anyways! Those...those...clowns! " Then she turned to nobody in particular. "No offense, me," she mumbled to herself before turning back to Himiko.
"Hey, no offense to the rest of us, either!" Four said.
"Should we take offense?" Nine asked. "It's not like we're actual professional clow-"
"We get it, Hideyo!" everyone but Himiko interrupted simultaneously.
"Nyeh, well...anyways, thanks to Kokichi, I've decided to try again," Himiko said, giving Kokichi a shy smile.
"Aww, HimiCocoa Bean, you're making me blush!" Kokichi teased, wrapping his arm around her waist. "But, I only get half the credit. You should give yourself credit, too!"
"And you should give us those cookies," Four said, pointing to the tin bowls in Kokichi's hand.
"Himiko, are you still going to sell these?" Kokichi asked. Himiko thought for a moment. She remembered what Tsumugi said about chocolate chip cookies being plain and boring.
"No," she finally answered. "Actually, I've decided to go with Ten's plan from earlier."
"Right! Um...wait, what plan was that again?" Ten asked.
"The plan to make the snickerdoodles," Himiko said.
"Oh, yeah!" Ten remembered, a grin crossing his face.
"But, I wanna add a secret ingredient of mine," Himiko said.
"I hope it's not blood, sweat, and tears," Two said, shuddering.
"Why not?" Seven asked with a creepy smile. "Don't you like that salty, metallic flavor in your cookies?"
"Ew! Yuck! Kokichi, make her stop!" Five said, covering her ears.
"Tsukiko, don't make me tell Emi to get Mr. Sparkles," Kokichi warned. Seven hid under a blanket.
"No, please. Anything but that accursed pink and plushy unicorn!" she hissed. Five grinned smugly at her.
"Can we help you bake again, Himiko?" Three asked hopefully.
"Nyeh...of course!" Himiko answered.

"Neat-o! Let's get started!" Ten said, rubbing his hands enthusiastically. Kokichi nodded to Himiko encouragingly, and she followed Three and Ten to the kitchen. They soon got started on the batter. Himiko removed the vial of dream powder from her pocket.
"Oooo! What is that stuff?" Three asked, entranced by the purple, glittery powder.
"Hopefully the thing that'll win over any potential customers," Himiko answered before pouring the powder into the mixture. She mixed the batter until it became a shiny, glittering harmony of many colors.
"Holy Constantinople-y!" Ten exclaimed. "What the heck kind of secret ingredient is that?!"
"The batter looks so...pretty!" Three breathed in awe. "It's so...shiny and sparkly!" Then, she lowered her voice. "Is this...some of your magic, Himiko?"
"Nyeh...that's right," Himiko nodded.
"I know this is might sound like a dumb question, but...are you allowed to do that?" Ten asked.
"Nobody at school knows about my magic except for Kokichi," Himiko said. "So, technically, it's not not allowed. And besides, Kokichi said that I need to be smart and confident my way. And magic is my way of doing just that."
Part Eight
Sunday afternoon. Himiko took a deep breath, deeply breathing in the warm air as a gentle breeze flowed around her. Today, she felt lucky. She stood behind her table at the front of the school. Above her was a more colorful, glittery sign she and Three had worked on with the word, "Snoozydoodles," written in swirly letters. Hopefully it would be enough to bring in some customers. Her snickerdoodles were laid out on three large trays in front of her so that the other students could see their colorful and sparkly design.
"Hiya, Himiko!" came a cheerful voice. Himiko looked up and was surprised to see Three.
"Keiko?" she whispered. "Nyeh...what are you doing here?"
"I decided to come and cheer you on...and to make sure the turd buckets here buy your cookies," Three replied. "I put some love and special care into those cookies, and I didn't bust my tail just to have nobody buy them!"
"Nyeh...but...Ten and I worked on them, too," Himiko pointed out. "And I put my 'special ingredient' in them."
"I know," Three said. "But, I feel like if I worked hard on something, either by myself or in a group, I'd like for the world to see it, that's all."
"I understand," Himiko said with a small smile. "Wait...this is supposed to be a competition between me and Kokichi! I don't think he'd appreciate you helping me out, especially since I should be doing this myself."
"Well, I'll just be here for emotional support, then!" Three said. Himiko smiled gratefully and nodded.
"I guess that's okay," she said. " Thanks, Keiko. I like your outfit, by the way." Three scanned her outfit proudly. Instead of her D.I.C.E. uniform, she wore an oversized, cream-colored fluffy sweater over a short, pink ruffled skirt. She wore a pair of white tights with some loose pink socks and a pair of black and white checkered lolita shoes with pink straps. In her hair were pink bows over each pigtail.
"Eeee! Thank you!" she squealed happily. "It's not very often I get to go out in cutesy clothes like this, unless I'm undercover! Well...I guess you might say I'm going undercover right now,, whatever."
"Speaking of which, why are your shoes checkered?" Himiko asked. "Won't that give you away? Part of the reason why people know your organization is because of the checker pattern scarves...which makes me wonder how people haven't suspected Kokichi being part"
"Heehee...I call that the 'Sailor Moon Effect,'" Three giggled. "But, anyway, when members of the organization are wearing casual clothes, we have to wear some article of clothing with a black and white checkered pattern to let other members know our affiliation. The beauty of it is that there are people not affiliated with us who wear checker patterned clothing, so it gives us a chance to blend in as if we're just regular people. That's why we have a codeword to tell the difference between members and the 'reggies.'"

"What's the codeword?" Himiko asked. Three leaned in closer to Himiko.

"'Funny business,' " she whispered.
"Nyeh...that's actually really cool," Himiko admitted with a smile.
"Yeah! You should really join, Himiko!" Three said. "I think you'll have lots of fun!"
"Fun with what?" asked Tenko, suddenly appearing with Angie and Tsumugi behind her. She had a frown on her face and marched right up to Three. "Himiko, who's this girl, and what's she trying to get you to join? WAIT!! Is this girl the friend you were talking about?! The one who helped you bake cookies yesterday?!"
"Yeah," Himiko nodded.
"Hey! I recognize you!" Angie said. "You're one of the girls who rescued Himiko from that crazy girl many months ago!" Three brightened.
"Yeah! That's me!" she said.
"Tuh...I could have rescued Himiko, you know," Tenko huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at Three.
"Well...why didn't you?" Three asked.
"Urgh...!" Tenko scoffed. "Who do you think you are?!"
"I'm Michika!" Three lied, using one of her aliases. "I'm here to support Himiko with her cookie sale!"
"She doesn't need your support," Tenko said, stepping in between Three and Himiko. "Himiko already has me! Right, Himiko?"
"Umm..." Himiko mumbled.
"Of course you do!" Tenko interrupted.
" didn't even let her finish," Three said.
"I didn't have to," Tenko said. "I already knew what she was thinking because we're best friends."
"Well...then...if you're her best friend, why dont'cha buy a cookie?" Three suggested craftily.
"Hmph! I will!" Tenko scoffed and turned to Himiko. "How much for a cookie, Himiko?"
"Nyeh...same as before," Himiko answered. Tenko paid ¥500 and grabbed a shimmery, glittering light green snickerdoodle from one of the trays. "Ooo, these are pretty, Himiko! Did you bake them all by yourself?"
"No, um...Michika helped me again," Himiko answered. Tenko glared at Three and flipped her hair at her.
"Well...they're okay, then," she said haughtily. "But, they're extra special because you helped, Himiko!"
"What are these cookies called, Himiko?" Tsumugi asked, scrutinizing a glittering blue cookie.
"Nyeh...they're called 'Snoozydoodles,'" Himiko answered. "They're snickerdoodles, but a special kind of snickerdoodles."
"Oooo! Why are they called 'Snoozydoodles?'" asked Angie.
"You have to eat them right before going to sleep to find out," Himiko answered mysteriously. Tenko hovered her cookie in front of her mouth.
"Oh! So, I have to eat this right before bed?" she asked.
"That's right," Himiko nodded.
"Aw, that's so creative, Himiko!" Tenko cried in adoration. "You're really clever, too! I bet you thought of the name!" Three rolled her eyes in annoyance. Himiko provided a little baggy for Tenko to put her cookie in, and provided some for Angie and Tsumugi, as well, after they had paid for their cookies.
"Thank you, Himiko," Tsumugi said.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Himiko!" Angie chirped.
"Well...I guess we'd better try out the other cookies," Tsumugi said. "Everyone else said they'd have different flavors of cookies, too. Although, I don't think I'll try Kokichi's after what happened yesterday. I can plainly still feel the burn on my tongue."
"Hmm...I thought his cookies were divine!" Angie exclaimed. "I have never felt such an intense rush of heat before! Especially in a cookie!"
"Leave it up to a degenerate male to bake something so...horrible! " Tenko spat. Three raised a brow at her.
"Degenerate male?" she repeated. She didn't like hearing her boss being referred to that way.
"Yeah! Males are all scum of the Earth!" Tenko said. "Kind of friend stealers."
"I wasn't trying to steal your best friend," Three said, fed up with Tenko.

"Huh...why did you assume I was talking about you? " Tenko asked. "You know what happens to people who assume things, don't you?"

"They end up knocking all 32 teeth out of the person accusing them of assuming things?" Three replied, trying to keep her cool.
"And you're violent!" Tenko shouted. "You're clearly a bad influence on Himiko!" Three stared at her in disbelief, creating an awkward silence to linger in the air.
"Well, um...I guess we should be going then," Tsumugi said, hurriedly yanking Angie away. "C'mon, Angie. Tenko? Are you coming?"

"No. I think I'll stay right here and help Himiko, since she clearly needs my support," Tenko said, glowering at Three.
"Tenko..." Himiko sighed in exasperation, but Three merely smiled sweetly at Tenko.
"Oh, my gosh! Where'd you get your outfit?" she asked. Tenko looked down quizzically at her outfit.
" you want to know?" she replied with suspicion.
"It's just so pretty!" Three replied. "Are you, like, the Ultimate Princess, or the Ultimate Cheerleader, or something?"
"Um...n-no...I'm the Ultimate Aikido Master," Tenko stammered as a small blush appeared on her face.
"Oh, wow! That's even better!" Three exclaimed. "I bet you give those...degenerate males...what they deserve all the time!" The hardened look on Tenko's face from before disappeared.
"You bet I do!" she said proudly.
"Oh...I wish I could be like you!" Three breathed. "You're, like, my hero! I bet you're a hero to girls everywhere!" Tenko lowered her head bashfully, blushing like crazy.
"N-No...I'm not all that...great," she sputtered.
"I bet you'd do anything for girls, huh?" Three asked.
"Oh, yes!" Tenko answered. "So long as you aren't a degenerate male, you're a friend of mine!"
Says the girl who just accused me of stealing her best friend, Three thought to herself. "Hooray! I'm happy to hear that! tell you the truth, I can't believe you just ditched your other friends. They were girls, after all, and you just let them walk right into the school where they could be potential prey for those boys-er...I mean, degenerate males." Tenko gasped with realization.
"Oh, my gosh! You're so right!" she cried. "But...what about Himiko?"
"I'll look after her," Three said. "You trust me, right? I am a girl after all."
"Ohhh...well, okay," Tenko said. Then, she smiled. "I'll trust you, Michika! Take care of Himiko!"
"Oh, I will!" Three said. "Bye! Goodbye!" Tenko waved goodbye, leaving Himiko and Three alone. Three exhaled. "Finally, she's gone!" Himiko stared at her in amazement.
"Nyeh...that was incredible!" she cried. Three shrugged modestly.
"Yeah, I guess I picked up a little bit of manipulation skills from the boss," she said. "He's way better at it than I am, though! That girl was so annoying, by the way! Is she seriously your best friend?!"
"Well, yeah, I guess," Himiko answered. "She wants to support and protect me all the time."
"Sounds more like she wants to breastfeed you, or wipe your butt after you poop," Three said in disgust. She and Himiko shuddered at the thought. "Well, anyways, now that 'Tin Cup' is gone, let's put you on the cookie map!"
"Right!" Himiko said, and gave Three a high five.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:53 astronaught11 Karaoke favorites for Pagode/Samba/MPB/Sertanejo

What's your favorite song to sing?
I'm looking to step up my game and sing something other than deixa acontecer, falta você, garaffa de cerveja, or baby me atende (don't @me) next time there's a karaoke machine; songs that get others to sing with me/sing along with others.
submitted by astronaught11 to Brazil [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:42 sheldon_y14 Tunes of Suriname: The iconic 2010's

For Surinamese millennials and/or early Gen-Zs the 2010-2017/18 era songs and musical styles played an important role in shaping them and are so called "core memories".
The music of this era doesn't have one particular genre. The styles are blends of styles that would be similar to RnB, Reggae, Zouk, Soca, Pop, Dance-pop, Alternative Hip Hop, Rap, Aleke (maroon genre), Baithak Gana/Chutney etc.
Remarkable of these songs is that Surinamese artists try experimenting more with Dutch in their songs. This is not common in Surinamese music, because we use more local languages in our songs.
It definitely was also an era music that also boosted a national pride with the youth. It was a time where Suriname was doing economically well after years of being on the poor side.
Each artist has their own style, so I'll try to list them per artist or group:
  1. Damaru (pop, surinamese-pop and a bit of reggae); it started all with this guy and his famous single "mi rowsu":
    1. Damaru - Mi Rowsu
      1. Worth mentioning is this version of the song that became popular in Suriname and the Netherlands: Damaru & Jan Smit - Mi Rowsu (Tuintje In Mijn Hart)
    2. Damaru & Booster - Schatje Lief
  2. Mighty Youth (RnB, pop, zouk, rap);
    1. The Mighty Youth ft. Enver - Bomikie
    2. The Mighty Youth - Vibes
  3. Suri All Starz or one of their individual artists (pop, hip hop, Soca, Zouk):
    1. SURINAME - Suri All Starz by I Love SU; this was an iconic one that is still played at big events
    2. The Suri All Starzz - Zover; this one has some Zouk-pop elements and maybe a bit of a reggae guitar in it.
    3. Su pon di wine, Danitsia Sahadewsing (Suri All Starzz); their soca-suriname brassband style song
  4. Poppe, Colonel, Lodiliki, Enver, Donavey (reggae, pop, rap, rock, alternative hip hop); these songs usually have a hidden message:
    1. Lodilikie ft. Enver - No onderschat mi [OFFICIAL VIDEO]; THIS A BOP! This was especially popular with boys. We all felt like tiny "gangsters" and also tried to see who could rap the "fastest" (in Dutch and Aukan) and if we also could sing the Aukan parts. Every radio station played this song. Play this song at a party nowadays and everyone might recite this song by heart.
    2. Poppe x Damaru x Donavey - Hard om te zeggen; BOP!!! We used to sing this in harmony by heart in the school bus, especially the chorus.
    3. Poppe x Fenomeen - Bla bla; A BOP! Poppe her songs always have a message.
    4. Colonel - Grafsteen [OFFICIAL VIDEO]; this guy is quite famous in France nowadays. His songs also had messages
    5. Luku fa yu dong- Enver; BOP! A rap/song about broken heart.
    6. Colonel ft. Jayh - Gek op Jou (zouk, pop); BOP!!!!! They other guy Jayh is a Curaçaoan guy.
  5. Ztreetzoldierz (zouk, RnB, pop, soca, kaseko and maybe even a bit of chutney, rap and hip hop):
    1. Snoepje - Ztreetzoldierz ft Mixey; BOP! Brings back fun memories of school and the schoolbus.
    2. Ztreetzoldierz & Mixey - Na mi moni pai fing
    3. Ztreetzoldierz Hinderdaad
  6. Kenny B (reggae, zouk); Kenny B is one of Suriname's iconic and greatest sons. Everyone loves him. He has a few great hits, but his most famous ones are:
    1. KENNY B. & BENAISSA - Yu Faya; A BOP! We used to sing this in the school bus every day almost.
    2. Kenny B & Jeffrey Spalburg - Paramaribo-o-o; BOP, BOP, BOP!!! HANDS DOWN! This song overall is popular with Surinamese of all ages.
    3. Kenny B - Parijs
    4. Kenny B and Tekisha - Tjaipi Lobi [official video]; BOP!
    5. Kenny B ft Tequisha Abel - Nex ne tai
  7. Scrappy W (rap, alternative hip hop); Scrappy W rapped and sang mostly about the things in our society that are seen slightly taboo and racist or discriminative, but in a comical way and showing that we should step away from those mindsets.
    1. SCRAPPY W - DIKKE VROUWEN; the name of the song is "fat women"
    2. Scrappy W - Super Saamaka; a song about his experiences as a Saramaccan Maroon and stereotypes in our society on maroons. He uses the term Dyuka a lot for example. A word other Surinamese use derogatory to refer to maroons.
    3. Scrappy W - Yvette; about experiences of a young guy in school who wants to do his best in school and how a girl wants him, sexually harasses him and how the police reacts and how it feels as a teen to be in that position and have no one listen to you or to go to.
  8. Others that had great and popular hits (some of you might even recognize certain beats):
    1. HORI YU - KAYENTE FT. SPITSO STREZZ 2FAMOUSCRW (PROD.SLCTBTS) (zouk, dance-pop, Dutch dance-pop)
    2. DJOEGOE DJOEGOE - Selecta Ft. Kayente (2FAMOUSCRW) (Surinamese style Chuntey, pop, zouk(?))
    3. Kayente & Baby FT. T.I.K. - Tamara; My Latin friends in the sub will know this beat as there is a song with this exact beat. This one however has elements of Surinamese genres.
    4. KAYENTE & KURUPA - KIRIKHAIBANA (Official Music Video) (kaseko, Amerindian genres)
As mentioned, this period brought back a feeling of national pride. Many songs were also a reason for this. The I Love SU brand also sponsored a few of these songs that were great hits.
  1. The Suriname song by Suri All StarZ was one of them, and the Paramaribo song by Kenny B too.
  2. Audrey Bakrude & Enver & Kolonel - I Love Su; BOP! This song has elements of house, dance and pop.
  3. Damaru - Suriname; This song is so iconic and was such a great hit, that even foreign vloggers that visit use this in their videos.
Nowadays other songs dominate the stage. Most of these artists have other jobs too. Some became music producers, movie makers, one became a flight attendant, one a fireman etc. So, I hope you enjoy the styles of the iconic 2010's. Also, have you heard any of these songs before?
submitted by sheldon_y14 to AskTheCaribbean [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:35 Frequent-Coyote-1649 Album Reviews: KOI NO YOKAN

Album Reviews: KOI NO YOKAN
Hey there. It's been a while, hasn't it?
2012's Koi No Yokan is considered one of the more upbeat sounds Deftones made, being a harsh contrast with most of the band's discography so far. With such a turn, can KNY live up to their record?(Spoilers: yes.)
  1. Swerve City
She breaks, her horses... With strange, distance voices...
I think this might be my ONLY real hot take this time around... I don't really like Swerve City. Like, I REALLY don't like Swerve City. I feel it was included just so the album had a definitive single, and it's inclusion as a opener is... A pretty bad choice, honestly. It reminds me of Back To School and that is not a good thing. The lyrics are the best part of the song, they paint the picture of the album really well. But it sorta loses impact with how repetitive it gets after the first chorus. Thank god it's so short because this feels really off in such a flowing album. One of the few songs I actually skip.
Final song ranking: 6/10
  1. Romantic Dreams
AAAAAAHHHHH! I wish this night would never end!
This song is the reason I don't like Swerve City. Romantic Dreams is so much better of a opener it's actually kinda hilarious it isn't. It does such a great job to introduce the themes of the album and the overall vibe of raw emotion, even down to it's name! And that chorus, my LORD. I used to think that people saying they fucked to Deftones was weird but after listening to this? I 100% get it. This shit is unashamedly romantic and I'm 100% into it. Also that melodic riff in the start and end is downright orgasmic.
Final song ranking: 10/10
  1. Leathers
Somehow, after so many relistens, I STILL get caught out by the jumpscare lmao. I honestly kinda love how it just keeps up the sheer intensity the whole way through. Normally they would use this type of intensity to signify raw anger, but using it almost like a display of love oddly work out? It's a very unique sound, and the almost body horror picture painted via those lyrics... This song is gruesomely romantic, if such a thing exists.
Final song ranking: 9/10
  1. Poltergeist
What can I say?! I think your head is fucked! Go on, drive me, WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILD!
Keeping up that gruesomely romantic vibe, Poltergeist is a visceral and brutal song that is actually sorta playfully horny at the same time? The lyrics are fucking amazing, I LOVE the raw contrast of pretend-hatred and fury, and the sheer amount of love the narrator actually seems to feel. If there was ever a tsundere anthem, this should be it. Also the clapping is great, you guys are just MEAN
Final song ranking: 9/10
  1. Entombed
Shapes, and colors are all I see...
Man. The almost dreamy guitar in here is fantastic. It is such a massive VIBE of a song. It always gets me in such a mellowed tone and it's so soothingly romantic. It serves well as a break from the sheer intensity from the past 2 songs and gives such a surreal experience to it. And the synths work wonders to solidify the vibes. Lord, this song is flawless.
Final song ranking: 10/10
  1. Graphic Nature
Tell me how you do it! Every time it takes my knees out...
I think this song takes the title of most appropriate title for a song ever. It sure as hell paints the graphic nature it gives excellently. It's a oddly mellow song considering it's harsher guitars, and the just absolutely dirty lyrics, yet it still contains a softer tone at the same time. It's harsh and soft at the same time, peak Deftones honestly.
Final song ranking: 9/10
  1. Tempest
Alright fuck it, I can't pretend to be unbiased anymore. Tempest is THE best Deftones song ever. I won't be taking any discussion at all. It is a perfect combination for everything I personally enjoy in music, and it warps in such different directions I can't not love it. It evolves and changes so much, while still capturing that lovely Deftones feel, while also feeling very experimental and consistently novel. It's almost like a metal King Crimson and THAT is the largest praise I could possibly give to any band ever. It's perfect, one of the best songs I've ever heard period.
Final song ranking: 10/10
  1. Gauze
I can't stop, what you began...
Anything that came after THE best Deftones song would have struggled to keep up, honestly, I kinda feel bad. But Gauze... Is actually pretty damn good regardless. Really underrated. It kinda feels like a culmination of what the album has done so far: melodic, harsh, dreamy, and sheer intensity. It grabs all the great parts so far and mashes them up in a emotional mix that never fails to absolutely murder my balance.
Final song ranking: 10/10
  1. Rosemary
There's no sound... But the engine's drone... Our minds set free to roam...
Again, breaking the unbiased view again. Tempest is the best song Deftones ever made, but Rosemary is definitely number 2. It's got almost every single great element that Tempest has as well, and honestly? It almost has a conclusive vibe to it, even though the album is far from over when it kicks in. It's a perfectly realized concept through the end, and it wraps up perfectly all the vibes built through the album. Also flawless.
Final song ranking: 10/10
  1. Goon Squad
Designed, special, for you, by me.
Lord this title has aged badly LMAO, aside from that this song is actually really damn good, like Jesus. I love how it keeps up the outro of Rosemary and then lets out it's own vibe, giving out some of the most intense vocals and riffs in the entirety of Deftones... Only to hit you with such a melodic and flowing chorus. It's a amazing hit of bait and switch.
Final song ranking: 9/10
  1. What Happened To You?
Far ahead... (Of our time, now...) Floating through...
And we arrive to the end. What a beautiful journey, and what a beautiful finale to cap everything off. I think this is the ONLY positive Deftones closing song ever and honestly? It's fantastic. If any album deserved a happy conclusion, it's definitely this. It's such a great twist because with Deftones, you usually expect the closer to be the darkest or saddest song in the album, but this song... It's maybe the most positive and loving in it. Which is quite a feat considering Romantic Dreams exists. I love basically everything about it, the drums, the guitars, the bass, and Chino's vocals sell perfectly this amazing closer that actually gives off the vibe of a happily ever after, if anything. What a beautiful and fitting way to cap off this romantic trip.
Final song ranking: 10/10
Final album ranking: 9/10, absolute masterpiece, the peak of Deftones' experimental era and the absolute peak the band ever reached in consistency and songwriting. Excluding Swerve City, nothing here is below phenomenal.
Deftones album ranking so far:
1. Koi No Yokan
  1. White Pony
  2. Diamond Eyes
  3. Around The Fur
  4. Saturday Night Wrist
  5. Adrenaline
  6. Deftones
Deftones top 10 for me so far:
  1. Tempest
  2. Rosemary
  3. Passenger
  4. Be Quiet And Drive
  5. Digital Bath
  6. Xerces
  7. Pink Maggit
  8. What Happened To You?
  9. Entombed
  10. Gauze
Next time around... fuck's sake, Gore.
submitted by Frequent-Coyote-1649 to deftones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:25 Babyaell I’m having a hard time not speeding up with this new band

I’m an intermediate drummer close to advanced, I started 5 years ago. I got into a band with advanced musicians 6 months after I started. The songs were very easy but I was maxed out. I had to learn really quickly. Didn’t have time to learn any techniques but the songs I was requested of playing. We had 2 gig until pandemic and one recently. Now, they want to focus on originals. I still want to play covers so my bassist and I played with another band for the first time yesterday to see if we can find a cover band as well. I had the hardest time not speeding up. Every song someone would say: we sped up and gave me a side eye. lol It felt like pulling on the reigns of horses. We sped up then I’d slow down then sped up. I put the metronome in my ear. I was off right away and I had this random click in my in ear while playing it was awful. I was in and out of tempo. I was told a few times that I sped up with my first band but never like this. Any tips on how to practice a specific song with a metronome. Do you sing the song in your head while the metronome is going? How do you do it??
submitted by Babyaell to Drumming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:25 MinuteAd7098 Places to play near qc?

I’m play guitar and sing in a couple bands and we’ve been playing shows for a whillleeeeee now. But I’m tired of backyards and side rooms. What are some places you guys know that would be good to have gigs at? I know we don’t have a huge scene here but it’s starting to grow. Anyone tryna do shows together hmu. I’ve got a sludge stoner band an indie pop/punk band and just your regular metal cover band to:)
submitted by MinuteAd7098 to PHXMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:17 UnhappyReception8 Newer listener. Questions on Paul….

Over this past year I started to become a fan of Lany, even though it was a little cheesy for me, at the beginning of the year. I became a big fan eventually and went to see them in Boston recently. I have a few questions (I pretty much know all the answers already fyi), so feel free to answer. Have a good day and thanks!!!!😊
1-Paul exclaimed right from the start of the concert “THIS WILL BE THE BEST NIGHT OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!!!”
Does he always say this? It most definitely wasn’t the best night of my life by the way, but I did have fun. I am guessing most of the huge fans are like obsessed with this guy so he has a huge ego? I noticed all the 🌹 🥀 roses thrown that seems like is a thing and he loved it.
2-During two songs he put on some over ear headphones. He was wearing in-ear monitors the entire set, so why would he need these new headphones? Why only for two songs? Fashion?
3-he said the drummer was the best drummer on the planet. I’m assuming no one actually believes that right?
4-I listened to his most recent episode of his “jellyfish” podcast and he seems very dumb, ego driven, and wants attention. He is very envious of people getting “Papparazzied”, as PK says.
5-He disses Matty Healy, but also praises him constantly. He seems a little jealous and acts like he doesn’t really know much about the 1975. I don’t know PK….seems a little fishy. I have been a fan of the band the 1975 for many years now and Lany has always reminded me of a rip off of them in certain aspects. Posers.
6-why is someone who’s in their mid-late 30s using words like DRIP and Fire, playing on his phone and running into his light fixtures at his home in California? Mentioning California…he says California and spots within the state a lot of he is definitely rivaling RHCP by now.
I love most the music and they sounded great, but just wanted to see if anyone else gets that “I’m a total tool” vibe. And not the band. They are good.
submitted by UnhappyReception8 to LANY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:13 TermEnvironmental730 Eurovision

Any of you guys watch eurovison? Honestly I was surprised with some of the votes. Going in my favourites were.
Netherlands (though they got disqualified)
I got the top two correct, but estonia got basically no votes?? how? it was one of the most original songs in the contest, iconic dance and Vsauce was there. They should have been at least top 8.
Anyways what did you guys think? What was your top 5? Do you guys agree with my list?
Basically I'm just escaping from the fact I still have 6 exams to write over the next couple days :)
submitted by TermEnvironmental730 to ibPhysics [link] [comments]