Myspace layouts ambigram

The case of the mysterious disappearing and reappearing abs. šŸ•µšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

2024.05.10 17:53 HungryRow6520 The case of the mysterious disappearing and reappearing abs. šŸ•µšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

The case of the mysterious disappearing and reappearing abs. šŸ•µšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø submitted by HungryRow6520 to Im_an_InFlUeNcEr [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:22 FlygonsGonnaFly How do I remove the "shine" on this chip when rendered?

Beginner here. I'm trying to model and render out a chip with a twist in it but the render keep showing this unnatural shine to it.
Chip with shine circled
I've part in red is the shine.
When it's stationary, this isn't really that big a problem, but I want the chip to rotate, and when it rotates, the shiny line kind of "moves up" the chip. I added some roughness to the chip using a voronoi texture node, but I'm not confident that I'm using it correctly.
Screenshot of the window
submitted by FlygonsGonnaFly to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:01 Expert-Hat Does anyone remember a band during the MySpace days that had you sign an online submission of your name and they dedicated a two page layout with nothing but names on it that thanked their fans? I wanna say it was Saosin? Who has this booklet?!

submitted by Expert-Hat to Emo [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:44 Ginger_Tom90
I found a new social media that is 2A friendly that has most the same features and layout as facebook. Looks pretty new though, but promising.
It was built by a guy that goes by 2A Tom, kinda reminds me of MySpace TomšŸ˜‚
Idk, going to try it out, tired of the censorship bullshit everywhere else.
submitted by Ginger_Tom90 to Firearms [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 02:30 Minute_Literature_59 Nice filter Six pack?

Nice filter Six pack? submitted by Minute_Literature_59 to Im_an_InFlUeNcEr [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 17:45 pauldrano A couple of in-character profiles I made for Felix & Oliver!
I made both layouts myself, and they're both based on real MySpace layouts found on Pimp-My-Profile.
submitted by pauldrano to saltburn [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 02:45 KassXCII Any success stories from someone starting from zero knowledge?

I started my game dev journey about four months ago, and I'm loving learning everything. I've got a bunch of small projects on the go but I'm looking to actually finish one.
My background is in sales and the most coding I ever did prior to this was making my own MySpace layouts. I've never been an artist, I've never produced music (I played guitar in a metal band for years, but I didn't write many of our song).
I was wondering if anyone has found success (whatever that may mean to you) starting from a position where you literally had to learn everything from scratch?
submitted by KassXCII to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 23:46 Kandiifl00f How to scenify your browser!

Here are some extensions and themes you can install to make your browsing experience more scene! ^_^


Cornify: Adds a button you can click to add glitter stickers to webpages
Cursor Sparkles: Self-explanatory
Myspace-ify: Turns Facebook into an old-school Myspace layout
Needs More Glitter: Replaces all images with random glitter gifs; also changes site fonts
Pastel Rainbow (1080p, 1440p): Rainbow gradient theme
Sparkles: Adds sparkles on clicking and typing


Animated Scenecore Checkers: Rainbow checkerboard theme with a sparkle animation
Cornify: Adds a button you can click to add glitter stickers to webpages
nu-scene tingz: Black theme with pink and green stars
Nyan Cat YouTube Enhancement: Changes YouTube's progress bars to rainbows, with Nyan Cat indicating the current timestamp instead of a red dot
Rainbowize: Turns every link on websites into a different color
SCENECORE RAINBOW: Rainbow checkerboard theme
Sparkles <3: Adds sparkles on clicking and typing
submitted by Kandiifl00f to Rawring20s [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 23:44 Kandiifl00f How to scenify your browser!

Here are some extensions and themes you can install to make your browsing experience more scene! ^_^


Cornify: Adds a button you can click to add glitter stickers to webpages
Cursor Sparkles: Self-explanatory
Myspace-ify: Turns Facebook into an old-school Myspace layout
Needs More Glitter: Replaces all images with random glitter gifs; also changes site fonts
Pastel Rainbow (1080p, 1440p): Rainbow gradient theme
Sparkles: Adds sparkles on clicking and typing


Animated Scenecore Checkers: Rainbow checkerboard theme with a sparkle animation
Cornify: Adds a button you can click to add glitter stickers to webpages
nu-scene tingz: Black theme with pink and green stars
Nyan Cat YouTube Enhancement: Changes YouTube's progress bars to rainbows, with Nyan Cat indicating the current timestamp instead of a red dot
Rainbowize: Turns every link on websites into a different color
SCENECORE RAINBOW: Rainbow checkerboard theme
Sparkles <3: Adds sparkles on clicking and typing
submitted by Kandiifl00f to scene [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 05:08 exogof_3Hn Using Google Drive API+FileID for direct download link on HTML website, keep original filename for download?

Hey everyone. I'm in the process of coding my first website (essentially using knowledge I've managed to retain from making MySpace layouts back when I was a teenager, 15 years ago). I'm currently attempting to write the code for a particular page that includes direct download links to files. I'm achieving this by using a utility that generates Google's direct download URLs and coding these as text links. The one issue I encountered was with larger files, which trigger Google's virus scanner protocol; taking the user who clicks that particular link to Drive to click authorize for the download to begin. I wanted to bypass that prompt, so I did some digging around and found the ideal method by creating Google Drive API credentials, and pasting that key, along with the File ID, into the following URL format:
This happens to work for bypassing the virus scan prompt. But; the issue I'm facing now is that it triggers the download with the file named as the FileID; not the original filename it was uploaded with.
Is there any way around this, or to instruct Google Drive to retain the original filename?
Perhaps something to note; I tried pasting the same URL minus the "?alt=media&" portion of the text and it returns with a page that has the following code:
{ "kind": "drive#file", "id": "[FILEID]", "name": "[OG filename]", "mimeType": "audio/flac" }
Since it's obviously detecting the original filename using some of these parameters; can that filename be extracted and used for the download somehow?
Any help or insight would be great, or suggestions for a better place to host about this. Thanks!
submitted by exogof_3Hn to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 20:01 GusIsMeMeIsGus Am i doing too much?

Am I doing too much?
Throwaway account due to this being a fairly specific scenario.
There's no tldr, my apologies. (There's a lot of context, so please forgive me as i may jumble the sequence of how context should be built)
I come from what i perceive to be a dysfunctional family. My european father, born in the 50s, twin of 6 siblings, being the youngest, used to be a hippie, and has his own conventional ways of living his life. He's never taken anything too seriously, and is the type to live happily renting his whole life. He's a friendly person and has decent qualities about him. He never gives up. I like to think my positive traits come from him.
My asian mother, born in the 70s was well educated and came from a wealthy (for south east asia) family, youngest of 5. She's not stable person; ambitious, lazy and entitled. She follows some traditional asian goals such as owning a home, being a doctor etc. but never became or achieved these things for herself. I hate that many of my negatives traits were learned from her.
My parents have been in an up and down relationship/marriage/divorce/whatever for as long as i know. However i only just realised recently that i hadn't noticed the turmoil in our lives would be identified as rocky. My mum has a nasty temper and cannot control her anger. She uses physical violence and nasty gaslighting techniques to control and manipulate people and their emotions. Mostly myself and my siblings. I have a younger sister who's 30, and a brother who is 26. I myself am M30.
Despite both my parents came from decent backgrounds, neither of them had money. My dad always had cash in hand jobs and never got a career. He liked being off the grid as much as possible. My mum never got a job because she looked after us. Cashflow was bad. my sister and i grew up knowing we were poor.
My father would sometimes not be present during our childhoods due to him falling out with my mum over money, bickering, etc most if not all problems stemmed from my mother initiating a problem. Every time my father was kicked out of the home, she would tell us about how bad he was, and that he beat her (she would always attack him, sometimes with knives, kitchenware etc). The durations of these events ranged from days to months at a time, though there were 2 occasions where they wouldn't speak for years.
The abuse we endured as kids was physical and mixed with guilt, punishment, gaslighting. She once beat my brother over something i had done, and kept beating him to make me feel guilty and own up to something to receive punishment. He was 5 at the time, i was 10. Things like this still replay in my head every so often when im reminded of her. The things she done to us still haunt me, and would send her to jail for the rest of her life, had she been caught in any of the acts. Social services did once investigate because i came into school the next day brandishing my bruises from a punishment the previous day. As we got older these punishments became less wild but more painful. Wooden spoon, rolling pin etc. we eventually grew out of it to a certain extent.
Growing up i had poor self esteem. I had friends, i was friends with a lot of people and had my own little circle of closer people. I was no means popular though. I was smart, but this came with expectations. My mother wanted me to be a doctor, a dentist etc you name it, she wanted me to be it. I found my love for graphic design and art when i was 13. I chased this dream the moment i discovered it. Back then we had MySpace, i was able to code and design custom layouts by time i was 14 and by 17 I'd say i gotten very good at it. I became popular, i became somewhat Myspace famous. I felt i achieved something, i just needed guidance on how to make it a successful career. My mother's plans were being pushed off course. She made me study sciences in A Level, I picked IT aswell because i could build PCs from around 14 aswell, it all matched up with my coding knowledge too.
Im now having to pick what i do at university. Ofcourse i pick the graphic design coursed. I failed sciences to avoid becoming a doctor on purpose. I was then faced with having to become a pilot. I luckily have medical conditions that slowed down the process and i was forced to pick something else. Atleast Computer science was something else i was interested in.
I need to mention that neither of my siblings had academic expectations, and this is because quite frankly, theyre very average people, the type to go out on a Friday and Saturday night, clubbing/partying.
During my time at uni, i found myself not enjoying the course and falling into a deep depression after my mother had told me she wished i was never born during a heated argument about something trivial. It was the lowest i had ever been in my life so far. I ran from home to go back to uni. I lost purpose, i picked up smoking weed and had a nightmare trip that sent me into depersonalisation. It was hell. We reconciled 6 months after and i was welcomed back home, but nothing was really the same in my head. I even expressed how depressed i was when i returned home after uni, there was some emotion felt, but it didnt feel heard by the rest of the family.
Im now tasked with getting a masters degree. I decided i couldn't do another year of something i dont enjoy. My mother wanted to pay for it so she could brag to her friends that her son has a masters degree. We agreed that i could do a nasters in something i wanted to do. I managed to persuade the university to let me into an irrelevant course from my post grad degree of computing. I had still been chasing my graphic design passion during uni.
I get the masters, now there's an expectation to make money, get a job. Im applying to literally every job i can. 6 months go by and she's lost her temper with me. Thrown coffee on me after not believing i had been applying. She mustve thought a masters degree means instant job. During these 6 months i helped around the house, helped my dad at work, helped ny mum at work, not asking for a penny. I'd run errands to the shops etc.
After the coffee situation had lost my temper. I threw my phone at the wall because she wouldn't look at the applications for jobs i had applied for. She still expected me to come to work with her. I told her to fuck herself (i had really lost it. And this time i wasnt backing down) she continued to shout at me until i heard "i hate you". I responded to never ever see her again after today.
I packed all my stuff and drove off in my car. I had to buy a new phone with my last bit of money so i could respond to any applications. I had Ā£70 to my name. Thr phone was Ā£50 (at the time you could get entry level android phones for this price) i loaded it all up and waited in my car for a week. I couldn't see friends, i couldn't do anything, i need to save my last Ā£20 on fuel for travel. I stayed in fields and carparks over the week and i got a response for 2 interviews!!
Long story short, i got one of the jobs and started rhe next day. I spent the next month not going home until everyone was asleep to avoid any interactions. I got paid weekly so i could put rent money on the table every week. But i was saving to escape. A month went by and I had saved enough to secretly move out.
Ive been out the house now for 9 years without a word to her, she thinks i owe her an apology. I've become successful in my design career in this time and have unlearned a lot of bad behaviours and personality traits. There's still a long way to go, im thinking about therapy but dont know how to approach it. However this has been great for me, it has put a lot of strain on my relationships with my brother, sister and father.
My fathers side of the family are fairly dysfunctional, all of them have a drug, drink or gambling problem. My mother's side have gambling and eating/self infuced health issues.
Im sure my mother is at play here, as they have both repeated her thoughts to me as if they're their own during arguments that stem from misunderstood intentions. I love my siblings to bits and it does really hurt me knowing that during my time away a new narrative was being formed. I didnt see them much over the 9 years, but i have reached out to them for support in times when they needed it (my sister broke up with a fiance of 8 years). She has note spoken to me in 2 years because i was concerned for her career path and wanted to help. She got offended that her career has a dead end - she has no passion for her career. This disagreement suddenly spiralled out of control and she blocked me.
I used to play xbox with my brother as a kid. I love no other person more than my brother in this world. I used to change his nappies and took some parental responsibility of him growing up as my mum was dysfunctional and didnt do everything all the time (it's not as bad as it reads, but shouldn't ever happen). I taught him how to play football, how to ride a bike etc. his music tastes and his style of clothing all similar or derived from me. Im proud of him for all his successes in life.
We talk more often than my sister, but recently i asked him if he wanted a PC to play a game we really enjoy. He said yes. My intention was to bring us closer and spend more time together as we missed 9 years apart. I spent time building his pc. We started playing this game and he verbally abused me every session we played. He's always been passionate when playing games, but this time it was different. It was venomous. He done this infront if his friends aswell. I decided to end it and take back the computer with the reasonings: "i didnt pay to get verbally abused on the internet playing a game i enjoy after time at work". We havent spoken for a month now.
My dad tried to be a peace keeper, i tried to explain my side of the story and to give him an insight but he just couldn't seem to understand my actions.
Over the 9 years. Like i said previously, i have tried to improve myself and identify when i make mistakes and own up to them like an adult. I just dont think my family have tried to do the same thing with the distance we've had in time and space.
It was my birthday recently and no one from my entire family said happy birthday to me. I've gotten used to having cut my mum off in my life. Im of the cloth that everyone is now old enough to know better, but whether or not they want to be on a path of self improvement is up to them and is a conscious choice.
It breaks my heart i may have to cut everyone off and really move on with my life. Is all this doing too much?
Edit: there's a lot of information missed out as there's just too much to include for additional context.
Apologies if this is too much context. My head is going wild as ive been pondering a lot of this for a long time.
submitted by GusIsMeMeIsGus to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 18:15 Ninakiii Simple breakdown on how to add HTML backgrounds to shop and stuff like old days?

I don't remember a ton of it, and most premade sites seem broken or don't explain well how to use them :C
Would love any advice on it. (I miss using layouts on sites [like Myspace and Xanga back in the day]). I thought you could do that on the Neopets site on certain things like the shop? Maybe I'm misremembering.
submitted by Ninakiii to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 05:05 GusIsMeMeIsGus Am I doing too much?

Throwaway account due to this being a fairly specific scenario.
There's no tldr, my apologies. (There's a lot of context, so please forgive me as i may jumble the sequence of how context should be built)
I come from what i perceive to be a dysfunctional family. My european father, born in the 50s, twin of 6 siblings, being the youngest, used to be a hippie, and has his own conventional ways of living his life. He's never taken anything too seriously, and is the type to live happily renting his whole life. He's a friendly person and has decent qualities about him. He never gives up. I like to think my positive traits come from him.
My asian mother, born in the 70s was well educated and came from a wealthy (for south east asia) family, youngest of 5. She's not stable person; ambitious, lazy and entitled. She follows some traditional asian goals such as owning a home, being a doctor etc. but never became or achieved these things for herself. I hate that many of my negatives traits were learned from her.
My parents have been in an up and down relationship/marriage/divorce/whatever for as long as i know. However i only just realised recently that i hadn't noticed the turmoil in our lives would be identified as rocky. My mum has a nasty temper and cannot control her anger. She uses physical violence and nasty gaslighting techniques to control and manipulate people and their emotions. Mostly myself and my siblings. I have a younger sister who's 30, and a brother who is 26. I myself am M30.
Despite both my parents came from decent backgrounds, neither of them had money. My dad always had cash in hand jobs and never got a career. He liked being off the grid as much as possible. My mum never got a job because she looked after us. Cashflow was bad. my sister and i grew up knowing we were poor.
My father would sometimes not be present during our childhoods due to him falling out with my mum over money, bickering, etc most if not all problems stemmed from my mother initiating a problem. Every time my father was kicked out of the home, she would tell us about how bad he was, and that he beat her (she would always attack him, sometimes with knives, kitchenware etc). The durations of these events ranged from days to months at a time, though there were 2 occasions where they wouldn't speak for years.
The abuse we endured as kids was physical and mixed with guilt, punishment, gaslighting. She once beat my brother over something i had done, and kept beating him to make me feel guilty and own up to something to receive punishment. He was 5 at the time, i was 10. Things like this still replay in my head every so often when im reminded of her. The things she done to us still haunt me, and would send her to jail for the rest of her life, had she been caught in any of the acts. Social services did once investigate because i came into school the next day brandishing my bruises from a punishment the previous day. As we got older these punishments became less wild but more painful. Wooden spoon, rolling pin etc. we eventually grew out of it to a certain extent.
Growing up i had poor self esteem. I had friends, i was friends with a lot of people and had my own little circle of closer people. I was no means popular though. I was smart, but this came with expectations. My mother wanted me to be a doctor, a dentist etc you name it, she wanted me to be it. I found my love for graphic design and art when i was 13. I chased this dream the moment i discovered it. Back then we had MySpace, i was able to code and design custom layouts by time i was 14 and by 17 I'd say i gotten very good at it. I became popular, i became somewhat Myspace famous. I felt i achieved something, i just needed guidance on how to make it a successful career. My mother's plans were being pushed off course. She made me study sciences in A Level, I picked IT aswell because i could build PCs from around 14 aswell, it all matched up with my coding knowledge too.
Im now having to pick what i do at university. Ofcourse i pick the graphic design coursed. I failed sciences to avoid becoming a doctor on purpose. I was then faced with having to become a pilot. I luckily have medical conditions that slowed down the process and i was forced to pick something else. Atleast Computer science was something else i was interested in.
I need to mention that neither of my siblings had academic expectations, and this is because quite frankly, theyre very average people, the type to go out on a Friday and Saturday night, clubbing/partying.
During my time at uni, i found myself not enjoying the course and falling into a deep depression after my mother had told me she wished i was never born during a heated argument about something trivial. It was the lowest i had ever been in my life so far. I ran from home to go back to uni. I lost purpose, i picked up smoking weed and had a nightmare trip that sent me into depersonalisation. It was hell. We reconciled 6 months after and i was welcomed back home, but nothing was really the same in my head. I even expressed how depressed i was when i returned home after uni, there was some emotion felt, but it didnt feel heard by the rest of the family.
Im now tasked with getting a masters degree. I decided i couldn't do another year of something i dont enjoy. My mother wanted to pay for it so she could brag to her friends that her son has a masters degree. We agreed that i could do a nasters in something i wanted to do. I managed to persuade the university to let me into an irrelevant course from my post grad degree of computing. I had still been chasing my graphic design passion during uni.
I get the masters, now there's an expectation to make money, get a job. Im applying to literally every job i can. 6 months go by and she's lost her temper with me. Thrown coffee on me after not believing i had been applying. She mustve thought a masters degree means instant job. During these 6 months i helped around the house, helped my dad at work, helped ny mum at work, not asking for a penny. I'd run errands to the shops etc.
After the coffee situation had lost my temper. I threw my phone at the wall because she wouldn't look at the applications for jobs i had applied for. She still expected me to come to work with her. I told her to fuck herself (i had really lost it. And this time i wasnt backing down) she continued to shout at me until i heard "i hate you". I responded to never ever see her again after today.
I packed all my stuff and drove off in my car. I had to buy a new phone with my last bit of money so i could respond to any applications. I had Ā£70 to my name. Thr phone was Ā£50 (at the time you could get entry level android phones for this price) i loaded it all up and waited in my car for a week. I couldn't see friends, i couldn't do anything, i need to save my last Ā£20 on fuel for travel. I stayed in fields and carparks over the week and i got a response for 2 interviews!!
Long story short, i got one of the jobs and started rhe next day. I spent the next month not going home until everyone was asleep to avoid any interactions. I got paid weekly so i could put rent money on the table every week. But i was saving to escape. A month went by and I had saved enough to secretly move out.
Ive been out the house now for 9 years without a word to her, she thinks i owe her an apology. I've become successful in my design career in this time and have unlearned a lot of bad behaviours and personality traits. There's still a long way to go, im thinking about therapy but dont know how to approach it. However this has been great for me, it has put a lot of strain on my relationships with my brother, sister and father.
My fathers side of the family are fairly dysfunctional, all of them have a drug, drink or gambling problem. My mother's side have gambling and eating/self infuced health issues.
Im sure my mother is at play here, as they have both repeated her thoughts to me as if they're their own during arguments that stem from misunderstood intentions. I love my siblings to bits and it does really hurt me knowing that during my time away a new narrative was being formed. I didnt see them much over the 9 years, but i have reached out to them for support in times when they needed it (my sister broke up with a fiance of 8 years). She has note spoken to me in 2 years because i was concerned for her career path and wanted to help. She got offended that her career has a dead end - she has no passion for her career. This disagreement suddenly spiralled out of control and she blocked me.
I used to play xbox with my brother as a kid. I love no other person more than my brother in this world. I used to change his nappies and took some parental responsibility of him growing up as my mum was dysfunctional and didnt do everything all the time (it's not as bad as it reads, but shouldn't ever happen). I taught him how to play football, how to ride a bike etc. his music tastes and his style of clothing all similar or derived from me. Im proud of him for all his successes in life.
We talk more often than my sister, but recently i asked him if he wanted a PC to play a game we really enjoy. He said yes. My intention was to bring us closer and spend more time together as we missed 9 years apart. I spent time building his pc. We started playing this game and he verbally abused me every session we played. He's always been passionate when playing games, but this time it was different. It was venomous. He done this infront if his friends aswell. I decided to end it and take back the computer with the reasonings: "i didnt pay to get verbally abused on the internet playing a game i enjoy after time at work". We havent spoken for a month now.
My dad tried to be a peace keeper, i tried to explain my side of the story and to give him an insight but he just couldn't seem to understand my actions.
Over the 9 years. Like i said previously, i have tried to improve myself and identify when i make mistakes and own up to them like an adult. I just dont think my family have tried to do the same thing with the distance we've had in time and space.
It was my birthday recently and no one from my entire family said happy birthday to me. I've gotten used to having cut my mum off in my life. Im of the cloth that everyone is now old enough to know better, but whether or not they want to be on a path of self improvement is up to them and is a conscious choice.
It breaks my heart i may have to cut everyone off and really move on with my life. Is all this doing too much?
Edit: there's a lot of information missed out as there's just too much to include for additional context.
Apologies if this is too much context. My head is going wild as ive been pondering a lot of this for a long time.
submitted by GusIsMeMeIsGus to family [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 12:55 eastkler Any info on this group?

Found Their MySpace page from 2009 using Time Machine With Lil B in members but I didnā€™t found anything more than it, links on this site donā€™t work so I canā€™t see any photos and videos. They have Youtube channel with music but itā€™s abandoned
Thereā€™s original MySpace link and archived one
submitted by eastkler to LilB [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 05:08 Fit-Language-7316 Millionaires MySpace before they joined BGC

submitted by Fit-Language-7316 to BadGirlsClub [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 16:28 0RunForTheCube0 This website is legit cancer... feels like a MySpace layout...

This website is legit cancer... feels like a MySpace layout...
This man claims he's from New York, yet, the "label" is based in France.
Also, still waiting to see him in his Lamborghini instead of walking on the side of the highway or on a bus. Lol
submitted by 0RunForTheCube0 to BUSTACRIME [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 07:13 OrekiOrion This is nostalgic to S3/S4 and Windows 7 on Myspace

This is nostalgic to S3/S4 and Windows 7 on Myspace submitted by OrekiOrion to FrutigerAero [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 02:59 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Mid and Late 2010s (September 2016 to June 2018)

With the Mid-Late 2010s transition, I'd probably start it on September 13, 2016 with the release of Black Beatles (which helped launch trap music to the forefront of mainstream music) and end it on June 18, 2018 with XXXTentacion's death. I know June 2018 seems pretty late but I think it's fitting.
This whole transition falls within the Core 2010s, so it's not remotely 2020s in any meaningful way.
This is just the main transition that I noticed. It was arguably bigger, but honestly, the latter half of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 felt safely late 2010s. The purest portion of late 2010s culture and pretty much the peak.
Let's begin.

The release of Rae Sremmurd's song "Black Beatles" featuring Gucci Mane - September 13, 2016

As we approached the fall of 2016, Rae Sremmurd would drop their new hit single "Black Beatles", which was basically about the two band members being a modern black version of the iconic '60s band The Beatles. This song is usually considered to have been the turning point for trap music becoming the most popular genre in popular music.
Following viral exposure, due in large part to its role in the Mannequin Challenge trend, it became both Rae Sremmurd's and Gucci Mane's first number-one single on both the US Billboard Hot 100 and the New Zealand Official New Zealand Music Chart as well as their first top ten appearances in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the UK.

The infamous "I Want to Give Up My Car-Stealing, Knife-Wielding, Twerking 13-Year-Old Daughter Who Tried to Frame Me for a Crime!" episode of Dr. Phil - September 14, 2016

Interesting that this event is where I start the mid-late 10's transition but here we are. While filming a show about being an uncontrollable teen, Danielle Bregoli steals a Dr. Phil crew member's car; Barbara Ann wants to turn 13-year-old Danielle over to authorities. During the episode, Bhabie claimed that she stole cars and credit cards, and when she was vexed by the live audience's laughter, she referred to them as "hoes," before challenging them to a fight as she said: "Cash me outside, how 'bout dah?".
This exact catchphrase would take over the internet by storm in late January 2017 with tons of memes circulating across social media, mostly Instagram and YouTube (maybe even Snapchat). This would make the 13 year old become an overnight internet sensation. This would be the very beginning of the Instagram clout chasing culture that would dominate social media very soon.

The 2016 presidential debates - September 26, 2016

At this point, society was drastically changing into the world we now currently live in. Polarization was starting to take hold and politics would become a regular topic in daily conversation. And this presidential debate would heat things up tenfold.

Migos' song "Bad and Boujee" releases featuring Lil Uzi Vert - October 28, 2016

In the fall of 2016, Migos' hit single "Bad and Boujee" would be released and would quickly take the internet by storm. In late December 2016, "Bad and Boujee" became an Internet phenomenon, spawning many memes with the lyrics "rain drop, drop top". This viral trend, combined with Donald Glover's shoutout at the 2017 Golden Globes, would help its commercial performance and cause the song to spike into the top ten and later peak at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 for the week of January 21, 2017, making it the first number one single for both Migos and Lil Uzi Vert. There were also many memes about member Takeoff's omission from the song. The single received a nomination for Best Rap Performance at the 60th Annual Grammy Awards.
This song, just like "Bad Beatles", would quickly launch trap as the most relevant genre in popular music.

Donald Trump wins the 2016 presidential election - November 8, 2016

Just like the last event, but even moreso, this would forever change the landscape of our society and how people interact with each other. This would truly turn people against each other and cause division simply because of one's political allegiance/beliefs.

Vine shuts down for good - January 17, 2017

Even though it was on a noticeable decline throughout the second half of 2016, Vine would officially shut down going into the new year. This would be a massive blow to the culture of the classic 2010s and short form content on social media.

Donald Trump's inauguration into office - January 20, 2017

This would officially mark a new era in our country and society in general as Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the new president of the United States, pretty much completing the transition.

President Trump signs the "Muslim travel ban" - January 27, 2017

In the Winter of 2017, President Trump would sign an executive order that banned travel to the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countriesā€“Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemenā€“and suspended the resettlement of all Syrian refugees.
The order sparked protests around the country at airports and immigrant rights, refugee resettlement, and civil liberties organizations undertook several legal challenges to the order on the grounds that it constituted religious discrimination. The suits against the travel bans resulted in court injunctions temporarily blocking the order and groups in opposition to the ban also blocked a second iteration of the executive order.

XXXTentacion's song "Look at Me!" re-releases and gains massive attention - February 10, 2017

Originally released December 30, 2015 on Soundcloud and then January 29, 2016 on iTunes, XXXTentacion's hit single "Look at Me!" would become a sleeper hit in January 2017, in which the single was later re-released for digital download again with a remastered and clean version of the single in February 2017, by Empire Distribution. The song serves as the lead single from his debut commercial mixtape Revenge. The track cover would feature X's mugshot and it would take the internet by storm. He would gain popularity when he accused Drake of stealing his flow in the song.
XXXTentacion would go from an underground artist to a legit up-and-coming rapper instantly. The song peaked at number 34 on the US Billboard Hot 100. "Look at Me" was certified Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) on August 14, with over one million single-equivalent units. The official music video for "Look at Me" was released on the XXXTentacion YouTube channel on September 12. The video features both "Look at Me" and "Riot" by XXXTentacion.

The Nintendo Switch releases worldwide - March 3, 2017

After years of Nintendo struggling with the failed lifespan of the Wii U, they would start to bounce back with the launch of their next-generation console, the Switch. This would be the start of their redemption arc. Released in the middle of the eighth generation of home consoles, the Switch succeeded the Wii U and competes with Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4; it has also competed with the ninth-generation consoles, Microsoft's Xbox Series X/S and Sony's PlayStation 5. So it's a hybrid console of both gaming generations.

Lil Uzi Vert's song "XO Tour Lif3" releases - March 24, 2017

Originally released on February 26, Lil Uzi Vert's new hit single would make it to all streaming platforms a month later. It peaked at number seven on the US Billboard Hot 100, becoming Lil Uzi Vert's highest-charting single as a solo artist until the release of "Futsal Shuffle 2020", which peaked at number five. It was also their second top 10 entry overall after their feature on "Bad and Boujee" by Migos. It is Lil Uzi Vert's most popular song, and has amassed over two billion streams on Spotify. On December 7, 2022, the song was certified RIAA Diamond selling over 11 million copies, giving them their first Diamond certification and making it the best-selling emo rap song of all-time.
This song was responsible for popularizing emo rap as another trendy subgenre of hip-hop in the late 2010s. On September 4, the official music video for "XO Tour Llif3" was released; it features XO artists The Weeknd and Nav in cameo appearances.

13 Reasons Why releases on Netflix - March 31, 2017

In the Spring of 2017, a new American teen drama television series released on the Netflix streaming platform, 13 Reasons Why, which was based on the 2007 novel Thirteen Reasons Why by author Jay Asher. The series revolves around high school student Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) and the aftermath of the suicide of fellow student Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford). Before her death, she leaves behind a box of cassette tapes in which she details the reasons why she chose to kill herself as well as the people she believes are responsible for her death.
This was a very popular show for teens to binge watch in the late 2010s and it actually played a negative role on society, regarding mental health, at least based on statistics. For example, a University of Michigan study finds that a significant proportion of suicidal teens treated in a psychiatric emergency department said that watching the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why had increased their suicide risk. Interesting.

The remix of Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's hit single "Despacito" that featured Justin Bieber releases - April 17, 2017

Originally released on January 13, "Despacito" was written by Luis Fonsi, Erika Ender and Daddy Yankee, and produced by Mauricio Rengifo and AndrƩs Torres. A remix version featuring Canadian singer Justin Bieber was released on April 17, which helped to improve the chart performance of the song in numerous countries, including various number-one positions. "Despacito" has been widely credited by music journalists as being instrumental in the renewed popularity of Spanish-language pop music in the mainstream market. "Despacito" has been also ranked among the best Latin songs of all time and the best songs of 2017 by various publications, which referred to it as one of the most successful Spanish-language tracks in pop music history.
The song topped the charts of 47 countries and reached the top 10 of six others. In the United States, it became the first song primarily in Spanish to top the Billboard Hot 100 since Los del RĆ­o's "Macarena" in 1996, subsequently tying the longest-reigning number one on the Billboard Hot 100 at the time with 16 weeks, as well as becoming the longest-running number-one on the Hot Latin Songs chart with 56 weeks. This song was a breakthrough hit for the new latin pop movement as another popular genre in mainstream music.

Hurricane Harvey takes place - August 17 to September 2, 2017

Hurricane Harvey was a devastating Category 4 hurricane that made landfall on Texas and Louisiana in August 2017, causing catastrophic flooding and more than 100 deaths. It is tied with 2005's Hurricane Katrina as the costliest tropical cyclone on record, inflicting $125 billion (2017 USD) in damage, primarily from catastrophic rainfall-triggered flooding in the Houston metropolitan area and Southeast Texas; this made the storm the costliest natural disaster recorded in Texas at the time. It was the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12-year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at the intensity of a major hurricane throughout the country.

The YouTube layout goes through a noticeable change - August 29, 2017

Even though they technically changed the layout a few months prior to this (that update wasn't too significant), YouTube changed their layout once again in the summer of 2017 and this time it looked like a real change. The logo was different. The classic YouTube logo was officially gone and replaced with a new boring one. This also represented a shift for the website as a whole because it was simultaneously going through the adpocalypse crisis. This would be the demarcation line between Silver Age YouTube (2013-2017) and Bronze/Dark Age YouTube (2017-present).
As much as I still like going on the site to watch whatever video I want and use it as my primary form of "social media" (if you could even call it that), the YT community aspect really died out around this time. The layout change wasn't the catalyst but it was a symptom of the negative change that the platform was going through.
I noticed the change two days later on August 31, going on YouTube for the first time in a few days. This YouTube layout overhaul was the ultimate turning point for me for when it really felt like the late 2010s culture had finally overtook mid 2010s culture, just a week before I started my sophomore year of high school.

The release of Fortnite: Battle Royale - September 26, 2017

Fortnite Battle Royale is a free-to-play battle royale video game developed and published by Epic Games. It is a companion game to Fortnite: Save the World (which released two months earlier on July 25), a cooperative survival game with construction elements. It was initially released in early access in the fall of 2017, for macOS, PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One, followed by ports for iOS, Nintendo Switch, and Android.
The idea for Battle Royale arose following the release of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in 2017, a similar battle royale game that was highly successful but noted for its technical flaws. Originally released as part of the early access version of Save the World, Epic later transitioned the game to a free-to-play model funded by microtransactions. Following its rise in popularity, Epic split the development team, with one focusing on Battle Royale and the other on Save the World.
Fortnite became the most popular game of the late 2010s and is still one of the most relevant games right now that gets constant updates.

#MeToo goes viral on social media - October 16, 2017

#MeToo is a social movement and awareness campaign against sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and rape culture, in which people publicize their experiences of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. The phrase "Me Too" was initially used in this context on social media in 2006, on Myspace, by sexual assault survivor and activist Tarana Burke. The hashtag #MeToo was used starting in 2017 as a way to draw attention to the magnitude of the problem.
Following the exposure of numerous sexual-abuse allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017, the movement began to spread virally as a hashtag on social media. On October 16, 2017, American actress Alyssa Milano posted on Twitter, "If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem," saying that she got the idea from a friend. A number of high-profile posts and responses from American celebrities Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Jennifer Lawrence, and Uma Thurman, among others, soon followed.
Widespread media coverage and discussion of sexual harassment, particularly in Hollywood, led to high-profile terminations from positions held, as well as criticism and backlash. After millions of people started using the phrase and hashtag in this manner in English, the expression began to spread to dozens of other languages. The scope has become somewhat broader with this expansion, however, and Burke has more recently referred to it as an international movement for justice for marginalized people. After the hashtag #MeToo went viral in late 2017, Facebook reported that almost half of its American users were friends with someone who said they had been sexually assaulted or harassed. And the rest is history.

The release of Logan Paul's infamous "Suicide Forest" video - December 31, 2017

Going into the new year, Paul uploaded a vlog to his YouTube channel depicting the recently deceased corpse of a man who had died by hanging himself in Aokigahara at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan, known as the "suicide forest" due to its infamy as a suicide site. Initially intended to be part three of his "Tokyo Adventures" series, Paul and his group had planned to camp in the woods, but in response to finding the corpse, decided to notify the authorities and cancel their plans. The video gained 6.3 million views within 24 hours of being uploaded. Paul's video depicting the corpse, which was censored, and his group's reactions to it, were criticized by celebrities and politicians. In addition, he was accused by other members of the YouTube community of being insensitive to suicide victims.
As a result of the backlash, Paul removed the video from his YouTube channel, following up with a written apology on Twitter on January 1, 2018. The following day, on January 2, a subsequent video apology was released to YouTube in which Paul admitted to making "a severe and continuous lapse in [his] judgement" and described his behavior as a "coping mechanism", asking his fans to stop defending his actions in the process. Nobody believed. People thought his speech was a crock of shit and that he wasn't truly sincere. It took a lot of pushback before YouTube finally decided to punish Logan for his crimes.
This became one of the most controversial videos to have ever been dropped on YouTube.

The Parkland school shooting - February 14, 2018

In the Winter of 2018, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz opened fire on students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Miami suburban town of Parkland, Florida, United States, killing 17 people and injuring 17 others. Cruz, a former student at the school, fled the scene on foot by blending in with other students and was arrested without incident approximately one hour and twenty minutes later in nearby Coral Springs. Police and prosecutors investigated "a pattern of disciplinary issues and unnerving behavior".
The incident is the deadliest mass shooting at a high school in U.S. history. The shooting came at a period of heightened public support for gun control that followed mass shootings in Paradise, Nevada, and in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in October and November 2017.
Students at Parkland founded Never Again MSD, an advocacy group that lobbies for gun control. On March 9, Governor Rick Scott signed a bill that implemented new restrictions to Florida's gun laws and also allowed for the arming of teachers who were properly trained and the hiring of more school resource officers.
This event, along with the tide pod craze, caused the "Generation Z" term to explode in the mainstream as many people were determining if the teenagers involved in these incidents were of a new generation, separate from the Millennial Generation.

The death of XXXTentacion - June 18, 2018

Once again, I know this seems very late for the mid-late 2010s transition, but this incident (among other things around this time period) pretty much drove it home for me that the late 2010s culture was in full swing. In June 2018, 20-year-old American rapper and singer-songwriter Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, known professionally as XXXTentacion, was murdered in Deerfield Beach, Florida.
Onfroy was fatally shot by 22-year-old Michael Boatwright after being robbed in his car by Boatwright and his accomplices Trayvon Newsome, Dedrick Williams, and Robert Allen outside RIVA Motorsports, an upscale seller of motorcycles and watercraft in Deerfield Beach. Authorities charged the four men with first-degree murder and robbery with a firearm.
A lot of celebrities close to him showed their heartbroken expression towards his passing and there would be a candlelight vigil and a funeral held for him immediately after. Interestingly enough, 21-year old rapper Jimmy Wopo also succumbed to gun violence the same day.
This would mark the beginning of the end for Soundcloud rap and the whole community around as one of its OGs had died. Emo rap would also hit a boom after his demise.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take) that I could not fit on this list:
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 01:31 ebertvictoria Aesthetics or functionality? Notioning vs actually doing things

Aesthetics or functionality? Notioning vs actually doing things

Actually browsing Pinterest
There is a common belief that some users spend too much time on the visual aspect of their workspaces. They spend hours browsing Pinterest for inspiration, adding templates and widgets, and then pondering whether to insert yet another flashy GIF. What lies behind this aesthetic obsession?
Indeed, a bunch of moving images on one page can greatly distract from the information, and creating a super complex planning system is a task that requires a lot of time (just like finding the perfect icon šŸ˜‚). The freedom of architecture only burdens. And here we are faced with a choice: to customize and decorate pages, or simply get down to business?
It is necessary to understand that productivity is not a priority for everyone, it does not depend on the tool or application. Of course, everyone has their own preferences for design. The main thing is to choose an approach that works for you and stick to it.
I think that both the pleasant appearance and usability of the tool are equally important. It's more like investing time in creating a workspace, forming an environment that reflects ourselves. Spending time playing with and mastering the tool to understand what suits you best is normal. My notes turn into chaos if there's nothing to help structure them.
The thirst for personalization in the online space is not the first time a fundamental characteristic of users. The phenomenon of the main social network of the 2000s comes to mind - MySpace, which taught millions of teenagers to code in order to stylize and decorate their profiles as they wanted. The cult social network became not only a platform for communication and blogs, but also a field for the creativity and self-expression of users. At that time, MySpace had one thing that its competitors didn't have - the ability to edit code. Millennials could freely use every pixel on their page to stand out among others. We strived to make our page unique: we studied HTML and CSS to change the cursor, background, layout design, fonts, text color, add music players and graphics. Every element, every animation was not just for beauty, they reflected personality. Thus, by registering on MySpace, a whole generation accidentally mastered basic web development skills. I remember browsing the code, deleting and adding elements, experimenting with the appearance of the profile, trying to understand the functions of a certain code fragment and how changes in it affect the behavior of elements on the page.
Similarly, Notion provides the user with the ability to create a personalized space that will reflect your needs to organize thoughts, projects, and tasks as you see fit. Some find solace in organizing information and emptying their minds, for some, joy in small things comes first, for others, minimalism. The beauty of Notion is that this tool is highly flexible, customizable, and adaptable.
Why do people spend so much time decorating Notion? Because beauty will save... at least the day! After all, even the most boring tasks can become more enjoyable when they are beautifully presented.
Share your opinion - what is more important to you in a workspace, aesthetics or functionality?
submitted by ebertvictoria to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 15:28 WeekdayAccountant How can my wife be a web developer?

Background (Feel free to skip if youā€™d like):
My wife has wanted to be a web developer ever since she was young. Back in the myspace days she would make her own wallpapers and code different layouts. In college her parents wouldnā€™t let her chase her dream of being a computer science major. They forced her to do nursing, which she absolutely hated and never wanted to do. Itā€™s no surprise that she failed out. After that she got an associates degree for something IT related and has been working there.
When we joined the work force we were busy saving for our wedding. After the wedding we were traveling a lot so she didnā€™t have time to go back to school or join a bootcamp. Now we are more financially stable and donā€™t have any plans to travel in the next year.
The problem:
Sheā€™s currently in systems, but she hates the job. Iā€™ve told her that I support her if she wants to change careers, but the only thing she wants to switch to is programming/web development.
As most of you know, programming is super over saturated and there are even people with experience struggling to get jobs. Iā€™m hesitant for her to start a bootcamp or go back to school, not just from a financial aspect but a mental one. I know it would destroy her if we spent all this time and money and she couldnā€™t get a job.
I wish she was passionate about any other field, it would be so much easier.
The question:
Can she realistically self teach herself more, while the job market cools off, and get a job? Iā€™d even be willing to hire tutors for the harder stuff. She self taught a good bit, but thereā€™s some things she tells me is hard to self teach.
Will it ever recover with how over saturated it is?
Is there a way she can volunteer at something like a non-profit just so she can code and get some fulfillment?
TLDR: My wife wants to code, I want her to code. We donā€™t want to throw away money. Itā€™s actually a passion for her, not just ā€œeasy moneyā€.
Edit: Thank you everyone for your input. There have been a lot of comments that our goal of web dev may be misguided, or dated. Sheā€™s a creative person who is passionate about tech. Many of you have suggested looking into front end or UX/UI. Sheā€™s been researching UX/UI all day and are thinking it may be a great fit. We really appreciate all your input.
submitted by WeekdayAccountant to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 03:16 sheriffderek how you would learn web development if you could start over ?

I found this old thread asking a question I've asked myself often:
how you would learn web development if you could start over ?
(and then accidentally spent like 3 hours writing out this story, which I realized needed to be in a list) (and then none of it fit in the comment...) (so, now it will live here)
In a way, I did start over part way through my career. Old thread but I feel like this might be useful to someone out there.
TL;DR / Here's what I would do -- (if I didn't choose a path like College or LauchSchool or Watch and Code or Perpetual Education)
Obviously, I think PE is the best way to get all of this done the fastest and with the most support. But there are other bootamps that could be inserted in here at the right time - and like I mentioned tutors and many different ways you could learn things things. You could start a business or learn them on the job somewhere.
OK now: if you want to read it - (the story I had to work through and remember to get to this list ^) (might have some ways to explain the "why" here)

I'd say the start (of my learning) went pretty well, so I'd likely do it the same.
The first thing I did was take a course on Lynda (around 2011) that was actually taught by her brother. It was all absolute positioning and background images. I'm glad I did it. It really cleared up how MySpace worked. I had learned how to hack together pretty fancy MySpace pages for bands in college, but I had no real understanding of how everything worked. So, I'm glad I found that course - but basically, the night I finished the project, I read about `@media` rules šŸ’” (which was new and allowed for responsive/adaptive layouts that could change and many screen sizes). So, that was amazing, and I just got really really into HTML and CSS, and I copied websites I liked and made them even better by making them responsive (when that was really new). I joined stack overflow and answered a lot of questions and learned a lot about the confusions people had with HTML and CSS. I also learned a lot about how to ask good questions.
If I were to do that today, I wouldn't have to hack everything into a custom framework with floats. I'd have Flexbox and grid and custom properties and subgrid, and everything would be 3x easier. I'd start with Flexbox until I could pretty much make anything - and then learn Grid when I got to those situations where it really proves its worth / and then probably end up using Grid much more. I'd focus on this for a long time because you can get a job if you're really good at HTML and CSS, but you can't get a job if you're just OK at everything.
I'd also get a tutor or someone to help me. At the time, none of my friends were doing web development.
I also think that instead of doing freelance for so long, I'd try and get a job at an agency / or these days a bigger company so things weren't so hectic and I'd have some stability. I learned a lot about being freelance, but it was painful. Trial by fire. I learned some WordPress from Chris Coyier's Lynda course. And that was really eye-opening. Not because it was WP but because it tied together the CMS and the dynamic nature of templates. For whatever reason, the way he explained it just really clicked with me, and I felt like I majorly leveled up (fast). I built a pretty serious WP site for a client that is still up today! So, I'd keep that part. But what I would change is that I didn't learn anything about PHP. I tried to use as little as I could get away with and I let it all be mysterious. I didn't know what an array was or an associative array or an object. And I just left it that way. I did the same for JS. I knew just enough to get a click to work but could not have explained how it worked at all. I have proof in some old StackOverflow questions.
It's amazing how there are all these full-stack devs now, and we expect so much out of ourselves, but I was doing great with just that little skill set. I got a job at a small dev shop and learned a ton about clients and teams and all that. But again - I just, for some reason, thought that PHP and JS were beyond me. I just let it be a mystery - and really, the people there weren't the type of people I would learn anything about programming from. So, in retrospect (and I consider choosing where to work as part of the learning process) I should have looked for a new job that would have some more advanced developers after a while. That could have completely changed my trajectory. If someone could see my level of understanding and kinda mentor me - or just say, "Dude. Learn programming. It's not that crazy - you can do it," then I just would have let that mystery cloud go away.
Making sure you're at a place with people who are smarter than you and more experienced than you is really important. But I had learned by myself and always felt like an outsider and that there were some other official 'programmer' people - and I wasn't one of them. So, maybe reaching out to people and trying to go to meetups earlier or getting a tutor would have cleared all that away way early on.
Besides not learning PHP or JS, the next big mistake I made was to try and learn "real web development" and jump into AngularJS (an early JS framework). People always talked about how PHP was dead and WP was lame and I guess I believed them (Even though they were very wrong). It sure worked great, but I wanted to make "apps" and so I started making things with Angular. But the problem was - I was just hacking things together and I didn't even know what a JavaScript object was. I made some cool things, but also - it took me 40x longer than it should have, and I wasn't adding anything to my foundational understanding. It was just avoiding all of the important things to know - and everything I built barely worked, and I didn't understand it at all. But I'd invested so much time! (this is like a lot of new devs who start out learning React). Then Angular 2 came out, and everything I'd scraped together was gone. So, if it's not clear - I would spend as much time as I needed to learn solid PHP and JS before any frameworks. By learning PHP - I could have had a much clearer understanding of HTTP and how forms work and sessions. That would have made everything I did after so much faster and clearer, and I would have really leveled up. And learning about JS would have been pretty easy because it's mostly the same. Everything about the browser API and jQuery would have made so much more sense. Config files would have made sense. Brunch and gulp and build tools wouldn't have been a total black-box mystery.
It's like I made everything 100x harder just because I didn't know what I didn't know. It's seriously ridiculous. What a waste.
In the same amount of time (those 3 years or so), I could have been a master of Angular. I was basically a master of HTML and CSS, but that didn't seem like enough. Again, it would have been if I had known to work at a bigger company and specialize. I could be like those people talking at the conferences on a yacht with Eric Meyer! haha. But what did I do? I decided to learn Ember.js!! Yep! I did my research, and I was sure that Angular had blown it and that Ember was going to be where I could put my energy and become "a real web developer." I did it again! I somehow thought I could skip knowing pretty much every important thing about programming, and I went about memorizing the shapes of the functions and objects and trial and error, and I made some pretty cool stuff. And it's probably hard for you to believe... but I still don't think I understood the basics of programming. It's seriously crazy to think of. And I didn't have anyone who was looking close enough to slap me and redirect me a little. So, I certainly wouldn't do that. If I'd spent 3 months learning PHP or JavaScript, I could have learned more than I learned in what seemed like 2 years of fighting through building things with Ember. It was all my fault. And luckily, I went to a bunch of Ember meetups. And I asked a lot of questions in the Ember Slack. And I got enough feedback to get it through my head that I didn't know nearly enough about what I was doing _to ask intelligent questions.
So, what did I do? I decided to learn Ruby on Rails. Why? Because all the Ember tutorials had this mysterious backend server, they just spun up like it was nothing, and everything depended on it. So, I followed "The Rails Tutorial," and I built the next Facebook and was rich. Just kidding. I finished my app and put it up on Heroku, and a week later didn't know how any of it worked because I'd followed along and there were all these little edge cases and auth setup, and it was all server-side, and I'm sure I learned some things... but not nearly as much as if I'd had a real-life empathetic human to actually take stock of what I knew, didn't, know - and how disconnected it all was.
It's just insane that we expect to learn all this complex stuff on our own.
So, at this point - I was 5 or 6 years into my web dev life. And this is where I decided to stop what I was doing. To stop all the framework stuff and all the epic (but unfinished) projects and go back to JavaScript. I think that I should have gone back to PHP actually, so that's what I'd do in this new ideal outline. But I didn't. So, let's insert: learn enough about PHP to make a CRUD app with forms, deal with the file system, really clarify HTTP, query strings, and serverside concepts, sessions, and cookies, and build a small version of a CMS-like Visual Idiot who built Anchor (an awesome dev I just remembered being really inspired by). Learn basic SQL queries and things.
It's just wild how much this would have opened up for me.
Then (and only after that), I'd sprinkle in some JS and learn how to progressively enhance things. At that point, I would have been a real developer - and I probably could have done it in a year if I'd had some other humans to talk to. I'm not shy. I just didn't know how to find anyone. I listened to shoptalk show. I read CSS tricks.
To really learn JS, I bought a few books. Eloquent JavaScript and the new The Secret of the JavaScript Ninja Second edition (and to date, how late this was in my career - it came out September 10, 2016). ElloquentJS started out OK, but wasn't a fit for me. JS Ninja was a good fit. But it still didn't help me figure out where to use it. I did all the challenges. I worked through all the code. I understood what set was. But it wasn't until somehow I'd found this book Exercises for Programmers that I actually sat down and wrote code until I really knew how to be a real programmer. The exercises were language agnostic. They had no answers. It just forced you to sit down with the tools and design a solution. It helped outline the process of breaking down the problem. And more than anything, it forced you to think about user requirements. I hadn't been learning the right programming things all those years, but I was now a Sr Product designer and front-end developer. I learned a lot about UX along the way. And if you combine HTML, CSS, and PHP or JS with clear user requirements, you will learn how to build web interfaces faster than you can imagine. That's what I did.
I learned everything I should have learned (and could have learned 5 years prior) - in a few months. Shortly after I also ran into Godon's Watch and Code and seeing his introductory course where he talks through building a todo list was a bit late - but also would have been really really helpful 5 years ago! So, it all came together. The configs all turned out to be just key:value pairs. I realized that the CSS and HTML were also key:value pairs the whole time. It's all just key:value pairs. I filled in all the gaps I had with Ember. I felt pretty dumb, but it also felt really great to finally understand it through the lens of the problems it solved and how it's more like training wheels than extra-advanced JavaScript. The Rails tutorial made sense in retrospect and acted as my connection for what I should have learned about PHP. I picked up Vue really easily and managed to avoid React and JSX because gross. And I wouldn't change anything about it - because it made me who I am. But I'd never wish it on anyone else. And so many other things happened that I'm sure I forgot - but / now, when someone askes me how I'd learns web development - I have a very clear idea about that. And I even have a few years of testing this reverse-engineered outline on real people. It works.
submitted by sheriffderek to perpetualeducation [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 01:53 camping_on_prospit Magazine Style Layout

Hi! I'm trying to make a Y2K magazine style layout for a blog to kinda just to put random ads everywhere and make a myspace esque place, but I'm struggling with the layout. I was using css grid, and that wasn't working, and flexbox isn't super working either. Any advice? I'm kind of a beginner coder, but I think this is pretty doable.
submitted by camping_on_prospit to neocities [link] [comments]