Nausea, headache after period

15th of May updates - Quality of Life changes & bug fixes

2024.05.15 10:40 Temsei 15th of May updates - Quality of Life changes & bug fixes

The biggest changes in the update are backend ones. We've made lots of progress on and our backend systems are healthier than ever! Work on that front continues as we ensure our systems will be capable of running smoothly as the game and our player base grows.
The main changes that are visible to you as a player though would be the changes to player to player item sending and daily boosts. Read on!
Bug fixes
submitted by Temsei to idleclans [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:14 Electrical-Owl-5853 Symptoms in this order

Symptoms in this order
In this order
Pre illness I thought I was starting my period tingles in my thighs Bubbles guts for over a week Thick white vaginal discharge(no smell) slight barely noticeable cramps Everything started to hit me Sunday, May 5 (I only remember this because I thought all of this was due to the ice cream we got I ate it after leaving it out) Early symptoms- Tuesday Sore throat with no drastic pain, only when swallowing Dry cough Minor dull Headache Since Friday, May 10 Minor dull lower back ache( maybe because of standing in heels ate concert) Mucus started breaking up and coming out Itchy Rash from the mid back to my upper butt(the most alarming symptoms,maybe due to washing with an old rag Friday) Diarrhea (not continuously or painful) Very Fatigue
Tuesday, May 14
All other symptoms have subsided
My gums are bleeding (but I haven’t brushed my teeth in over a week from anxiety of this condition) I can barely bite down with it a shifting pain
Two small barely noticeable bumps on left hand
As far as timeline tho this would be considered way past, the average is 2-6 weeks but all started week 10
submitted by Electrical-Owl-5853 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:21 Binx_da_gay_cat Thanks doc, I'm cured (real story from today)

Brief history: from ages 16-18 I had chronic migraines, and they have come back after a two year hiatus. Went to my doctor to try to get a neurology referral to get back on the good ol preventative meds and trying to find something that might help, because what used to work doesn't anymore and I've since exhausted all pain medications trying to find which one will. It's frustrating.
Doctor removed the medication that gives me energy. Fine. "You're just tired. Can you describe your headaches for me?"
Me: Can I get something to help with them?
Doctor: No
Me: Can I get a preventive?
Doctor: No
Me: If I'm just tired can I get something to help me sleep so I, by your logic, have fewer "headaches"?
Doctor: No, I cannot ethically prescribe you medication. You need to go without this medication you've been on only 6 months on and off for a month before we'll rediscuss this. I can't throw chemistry at you.
Me: By removing this medication that provides energy, not allowing me sleep assistance to get better sleep, and not currently having pain meds that help with the migraines, work is going to be hard. It was terrible the other day feeling dizzy, disoriented, hallucinating, not to mention the sensitivity to light and sound. That's why I'm even here.
Doctor: Have you considered calling out?
Me: I don't have much sick time yet since I'm still relatively new (I've got 8 hours at a rate of 1 per every 40 worked).
Doctor: That's what FMLA is for.
Me: I don't qualify, I haven't lived here long enough.
Doctor: Well then I can't help you.
For reference, I work in a small facility where there's maybe two people (both also working full time) who could cover me if I called out. So they'd have done their time that week plus have to pick up mine. I'm not putting that on them. I'm not in "curled up in bed" mode with migraines because migraines do differ. But like... I shouldn't explain that I, an otherwise healthy 20 year old, am struggling to walk at work without falling alone with the intensity of the migraine that I've been dealing with (they've ended at the present hour but overall the frequency and intensity are worsening), to have a doctor say, "Have you considered not working?"
Mind you also, work isn't causing the migraines. Just because I'm in a decent spot in my life where I'm not having to worry at the moment about rent (though that's a new thing, I've had that in my life), doesn't mean that "just don't work or have a life" is a valid response to, "I'm suffering and I need help." I've had migraines longer than the medication he took me off of, so that won't do shit. If anything it'll make me struggle more with a work performance that will actually reflect not getting sleep at night, because my body doesn't have a built in monitor of, "Oh, we've been sleep deprived, let's get sleep." No, I'll run for weeks on end with terrible sleep and my body will be absolutely ragged by the end of it. I don't get the "catch up on sleep" period, I just run until I'm at 0%, regularly charge to maybe 5% overnight, and then drain again. Because worsening sleep definitely doesn't cause migraines or an inability to perform basic work functions effectively.
Bonus: My doctor noted in my file that the patient was upset to be told they would be removed from the medication. Patient also was nonchalant when warned about the dangers of taking too much tylenol and stated, "I don't care, I do what I need to to keep functioning. I can't afford a break." (After he'd said he'd not help me with anything to help with the problem, don't even have a referral.)
I can count on one hand the number of times I've taken more than a normal dose of medication in my life. But because I did the other day to make it through said rough shift, I must be an addict chasing a high. I don't like taking meds period. I'm not chasing down meds. I could be struggling to walk from knee pain and I still don't. If I'm taking it, let alone that much, you should be worried about me being okay because I very much am not. I just wish he actually took me seriously. Compared to the rest of my life, I'm getting better sleep now than ever. So it's very much not caused by sleep issues. It may not help, but it's not caused.
Fuck you doctor B, all I wanted was to be taken seriously.
(Also I have ADHD, which means that caffeine, a common thing to keep people awake and help with migraines, puts me to sleep and can make them worse. So I'm literally left to suffer for a month (at this rate until I get a new doctor who will actually take me seriously, I've had terrible sleep my entire life) without energy, good sleep, migraine prevention, or anything that will stop the migraine when it's hurting. Just get to go work in a kitchen for 8+ hours without anything to make it better. I hope he gets to suffer an unrelieving migraine and can't go rest, but I wish he could go through what I go through (but have to pay rent, so not working or taking FMLA could impact him living in the space) for several months and come back and tell me to just take a break.
Patient was upset when I dismissed everything they were going through and have been through and refused to help because I am a DOCTOR and I am ALWAYS right and know more than what my patients have literally experienced for years because I went to SCHOOL and became a DOCTOR and therefore the patient is an idiot who knows nothing despite their decades of experience suffering, but I'm a DOCTOR.
It wasn't even a "we'll discuss sleep aid/meds later, this is what I'm thinking." It was straight up no, I'm not going to help you.
submitted by Binx_da_gay_cat to thanksimcured [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:18 Travelgio Headaches for the past 8 months

I am not exactly sure how I got my concussion. I believe it was from surfing within a week period and it could have been over time, but what did me in was going on a high altitude hike two weeks after my initial symptoms.
The first few months were terrible, I did not feel myself, My head always hurt, brainfog, anxiety, depression, mood swings, apathy, etc
Fortunately most of my symptoms have resolved these past 8 months, ever single one except headaches. These mostly result when I use my brain too much or too much screen time.
So far what’s really helped me is Cardio , a healthy sleep schedule, good nutrition and less screen time.
I’ve tried Hypobaric oxygen therapy but I am not sure if it’s helping I always have a headache directly after. I also take just about every vitamin possible.
I am starting to feel worried that these headaches will never go away. I tie a band around my head and that offers mild relief, but I just want these headaches to go away. I never dealt with headaches before my concussion.
I want to get back to surfing one day, but I would also feel very irresponsible about it if I still had these headaches, if all my symptoms were not gone already. I want to be able to surf without giving myself more brain damage.
Any ideas or advice on how to stop the headaches? I appreciate any comment, thank you.
submitted by Travelgio to Concussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:08 dandelionwine14 Does it sound like I have a brain tumor?

I’m 32F with no health problems (other than things like OCD, PCOS, endometriosis). I started having what my eye doctor said sound like ocular migraines about 2 years ago when my period came back after my first baby. It’s just the dark spots on my vision for about 30 minutes with no headache. I have those roughly every few months. About a year ago, I started noticing an increase of ringing in my ears. I’ve also had a couple episodes of vertigo in the last year. Anything caused by possible neurological problems makes me scared of brain tumors. But I’m also a bit of a hypochondriac, so I’m not sure if I’m worrying for nothing. I just don’t know why I’ve started noticing these things. Possibly just age or hormones shifts with having two babies in the past three years? Does it sound like this is an urgent thing I should see a neurologist for or just something to bring up at my next physical? Thank you!
submitted by dandelionwine14 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:46 Magnetik12 Is it GERD or not GERD

Hey everyone, I’ve finally turned to the Reddit community. I’m not sure where’s the best place to post this but there is an element of GERD and is very likely and a root cause for at least a large portion of it so will try here first. Apologies for how lengthy it is.
I’m a M38, obese through childhood and young adulthood, hypertension since teens that was treated with metoprolol (had palpitations as well) and even high cholesterol that was finally treated with statin in early twenties. Around the age of 25 I took last 2 years to lose about 150 pounds going from 360 to 210, (all natural from diet and exercise).
Shortly after this, I started getting one side numbness and tingling, rate headaches, and sometimes along with or separately bouts of chest pain and palpitations, sweating, hot flashes, left shoulder pain, arm pain, dizziness. This lead to a decade long investigation that lead to no real solution. Countless stress tests, echo/ekg, holters, blood work, head and neck MRIs, dopplers, EEGs, etc, no real diagnosis was made. The only thing that change was about 2 years after switched from metoprolol to losartan, as it was more appropriate now after the weight loss, which a doc thought was just the right thing to do and had no explanation for my symptoms otherwise. No more rate control since 2015.
Ultimately, after 10 years of this… For the neurological symptoms, it was a deemed hemiplegic or basilar migraines, with aura, with or without headache. I was told hey, it hasn’t killed you yet, so that alone tells us at least it’s not fatal. For the cardiac symptoms, anxiety or some type health anxiety, or something in the psych realm was deemed the culprit. I was told it’s best you ignore it, or jump on a medley of different drugs, which I was told likely won’t benefit me. Imagine having to live with all this, and being told by doctors to essentially ignore it all. I asked the crucial question, at least to me, that I’ll go ahead and listen to their advice, but what is my threshold? At what point am I to rush to an ER? Most people would run to one if they had these symptoms, as neuro could be stroke, and cardiac could be heart attack. They had no answer for this. After this decade long hunt, I spent a year in misery, personal issues, my blood pressure medications was doubled in dose after a breakup, then doubled again 2 weeks later (it was stressful), all during Covid year 2020. Unfortunately over the decade I slowly gained back 100 of the weight I had lost. Back 290 pounds. During this year I lost 30 of it again, down to 260 In 2021, I had pretty crazy bout of chest pain, and was offered do a coronary CTA, came back completely clean. No obstruction at all in vessels, and zero calcium score. This was reassuring enough to me at least cardiac wise I can rest easy(to some degree). For the neuro side, CGRP antagonist was on the table to try, but it would just be throwing medications at it, along with gabapentin and topamax as options. The latter were tried, but were not tolerated at all. In 2022, I had my first bout with covid, moderate, it left its lingering symptoms (which are hard to discern as I had a large amount of the symptoms of long covid for years before this too) An endoscopy was done. As a GI doc said since you’ve been having such a long list of symptoms for so long, let’s explore the GI route since you’ve ruled out the rest from what it seems. Endoscopy found a small hiatal hernia. And the trail went cold. Can a small one perhaps cause such symptoms?
Which brings us to the most current situation. March of 2023 I decided to do the stationary bike, high resistance and high effort for 30 minutes with HR at about 130, then 5 more minutes I ramped up effort even more to HR of 150. Towards the last minute or two o started getting chest pain. I obviously should have stopped but I figured hey I get some type of pain like this time to time let’s just hit the 35 minute mark. Big mistake.
When I stopped, the pain persisted. And took a while to get better. Like an hour or so. And it felt different than anything I’ve felt before. Felt radiating to arm and jaw. By nightfall it was fine, next morning it all started again when I got out of bed. I wish I had gone to ER so at least they’d run some tests on the spot. I contacted my cardiologist, who I saw four days later. He said there’s nothing to be done, even though I told him these are different symptoms, and seem to come from exertion. He offered me a repeat of the CT or a trip to the cath lab. I let him decide and he went with CT since it was non invasive.
2 weeks later I got the test done, and this time they found a 10% Non calcified plaque in the proximal LAD, the calcium score still zero. He said this doesn’t explain your symptoms, but since we have evidence of CAD, you have to be put on aspirin 81. Additionally, he offered Ranexa, as he thought maybe this could be microvascular disease. Ultimately he did not believe this to be new and different like I’ve been saying and jumbled it all into the last 15 years or so. No enzymes got tested, which I really wish had been.
*****I now had this exertional left arm pain, wrist pain on the outside, numbness, chest pain, pressure, dizziness, jaw pain, pain behind left ear, left side of neck headache, bouts of nausea and sweating, shortness of breath even. This was all way worse than what I used to deal with. And different too
My pcp advised against his trial medicine, as it has a very little success and plenty of adverse effects. Days past by, no improvement, I’m getting these symptoms on the daily. An incident 3 months later in summer after swift walk to the car after eat a large cookie (I include that because maybe it was GI?). For hours I felt tingly in the chest, light headed, just confused. My girlfriend even noticed I just seemed out of it. Chest felt tight and painful. It eventually got better many hours later.
Mid summer I went for a pulmonary consult, at my doc’s behest, only for this doc to rush me to an er on suspicion of an aortic dissection. They did a full CTA of head neck chest abdomen and pelvis….. nothing but unnecessary radiation and contrast exposure.
Late summer I had a week of sweating and light headed ness, now 6 months out from the exercise incident from March. I went to another cardiologist, who had no idea why my pressure was suddenly 90/60 (literally no changes have been made). I was told to cut my medication dose in half. Could this be due to the contrast from the CT earlier??
He ordered a stress test, my first one since then, which came back subpar 6-7 minutes only but I did hit the target rate. I may have called quits 1 minute or 2 early as I saw my blood pressure skyrocketing. It was considered a normal test regardless. That night I had the worst left arm pain lasting hours, but I was told there’s no explanation. I did start getting very intense headaches, ones that I still get
Interestingly, 1 month later, my blood pressure was suddenly now high, 150/80. Suddenly. no explanation why it was low then, and none for why it’s high now. We went back to regular dose of the medication.
I got a neuro consult again to see if it could all connect, autonomic testing was done for dysautonomia, came back normal. Back to Square 1 again.
In the fall of 2023 I tried a bout of PPI as all docs were pushing for this , nothing changed, but it did help with the occasional heartburn I got. I even gave a month try to benzodiazepine as to rule out psych causes, and then tried an Ssri for 2 months. Nothing, other than sedation.
This new year I caved and started metoprolol again. I was told maybe it will help if it’s microvascular disease. It wasn’t exactly indicated but at this point I was willing OT try it all. Initially it had some benefit I think, then dose was doubled in February but not much changed. I still take it presently, as my base HR had recently been higher than normal anyways.
In these last few months, all of this persists. And subjectively I think it’s getting worse. I’ve been feeling cold for months, but then feel like sweat at the same time (not drenched just clamy). Get bouts of nausea even at rest. All of the cardiac symptoms episodic pain dizziness with chest shoulder jaw back neck ear, etc all still there. Even from left arm it runs down like into the palm and pinky. I even get them during sex I just power through. Stressful moments also incite them. I cannot say for sure, but possibly food or spicy food can do it as well.
My cardiologists still believe nothing is new here, even though it feels completely different to me after that exercise incident. They suggest coping as is, or going in for another coronary CTA, or finally take a trip to a cath lab. Essentially they say objectively they see nothing, but if I keep complaining those are the best routes.( I was offered nitro as well but scared to take it) My neuro says unlikely they are related, but it they could be to the possible migraines. At least the new headaches. There’s some possible link with migraine and chest pain. Only way to know is try a cgrp. He’s going with Qulipta. My GI doc says it could be vagus nerve related, and/or esophageal, so let’s try a TCA, amitriptyline. I’ve also been suggested to try a higher dose of Xan.
——— I have no idea which trail to follow????
My labs are normal, -except CRP (I believe around 40 if I recall correctly) which is often elevated, -hsCRP of 1.8 which was moderate risk category, -and CPK which is often high as well around 400 but my docs blame it on statin use or maybe exercise (idk about that no one entertains it as cardiac but they must have their reasons)
I really don’t want to sit on all this and find out later I didn’t take the action necessary. I’m afraid of something serious happening. And daily this is interfering with my life.
My concern is maybe during that exercise I did something. Initially was concerned about damage from really high blood pressure during, coronary dissection maybe? Something else damaged? Or something missed? Did I make something worse? Does anyone think it’s all related to my past symptoms?
What could have happened with this exercise incident??
Any input, advice, suggestions, similar stories, appreciated.
If you made it this far. Thank you so much for reading. Take care.
submitted by Magnetik12 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:40 Skater144 Could use some help & info

So, I had a one night stand with a trans woman 24 days ago. I missed my pep window, but we had sex 3 times with 3 seperate condoms with me as the insertive partner. The third time she said she really wanted to do it raw, which I was uncomfortable with because basic logic. On the third time she tried to pull the condom off me and I got really uncomfortable so I left. I normally wouldn't be so anxious about this but 6 days ago I started having severe headaches along with nausea since two days ago. What do you think my outlook is based on this? I took an early test today. I'm looking for some kind of assurance or just information on how at risk you think I might be? For further info she touched my penis after I took off one of the condoms and there was a lot of moisture the first time. I'm also uncircumsized. Sorry if I seem to be rambing, I'm just having a rough go. Thanks
submitted by Skater144 to pep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:38 Newbiethememer I 20M and 19F are in a toxic relationship.... please give some advice

Hey guys, just a heads up this post is going to long cause I have got no one who I can talk about it so I’m here for your help. This is my first time sharing my problems online so forgive me for the mistakes if i made any!. So I’m 20M and my gf 19F are in a relationship for almost 2 n half years, will be 3 soon, and are friends for 4 years. So she propsed me in, and i told her that i'll give answer but I took some time to think about it cause of her past and when her old relationship got exposed, she bro zoned me, then after some months of her breakup, she told me that she loved me, and due to her having many exes, i was hesitant but then I also loved her so I accepted, then after 8 to 9 months of being together everything was normal, then came the LDR and everything went downhill, we are in ldr for almost 1 n half year, in this period, she became so over possessive towards me that she didn't give me my space like for example, there was this friend of mine of 3 years, male friend, we were close like brothers, and used to hang out with him 3 times a week, then when she came in my life, i was still going but idk wtf happened to her, she told me to break the friendship and why? cause she didn't think he was a good influence on m.,
I was so frustrated with what she told me to do but my dumbass still did it which i regret terribly now, then we are a group of 5 friends, 2F and 3M, including her, so in the ldr i used to meet my male friends but then she also got insecure about them, so i just go to meet them very rarely, i need to tell her each and everything like what im doing now, or what will i do, it's okay for some extent but this has crossed limits, she even gets angry when i spend time with my family like yesterday my family and i was out for dinner around 9 Pm, she didn't texted me for 1 hour then at 10 she texted and i also replied, she got angry on me saying can't you finish your dinner in 1 hour, i was like wtf?? first she restrict me spending time with my friends and now even with my family, i was so angry, i told her wtf are u talking about, atleast let me spend some time with my family, but then she told i texted you cause i have a headache, i have got no one, like giving me the guilt, everytime when i go out wiht my family, she does this, so i have stopped going outside, i go outside just for college then come home, she didn't even let me hangout with my college friends, which is so frustrating sometimes, I have also hurted her I accept that but i never did anything like this, i never told her to cut off your friends for me, and when she goes out, she's off the whole time, she texts me for some time then go off for the rest, i tell her to go enjoy but when it's my time she get possessive and wants me to be constantly on and talking with her, I have tried to break up earlier but she hit's herself, or starts crying that she has watched dreams of us settling down, i have no problem in that but i cant live like this, i cant explore, i cant go out, she tell me to wait, after she is permanent in my life, we can do, but that has long time we are in 20's now, she doesnt understand that.
so she doesnt even let me try and if i did she fights with me on extreme level and due to this i have gave up almost everything, like going on family trips or going out with my friends, etc i gave them shitty reasons everytime, and she kind off had a rough childhood so i dont want to hurt her but i cant live like this, where i cant do anything for myself, all i had to do is think about her everytime i do something, and imagine even the small things like going out shopping for home needs etc, i cant even sit alone for few minutes to think, and she tells me she wants to marry me, she loves me and she does, but she's like this, i also want a gf but i also want my life, where i can do anything i want, not cheating or going against her let me clear, and do whatever i feel like doing, and i tell her to do this and she does but when its my time, she doesn't let me do and everytime we fight and nowadays the fights cross the extreme level, I have a thinking that everyone has their own life, no matter how much you love them or they love me, but in my case, my life is her's and i have no interest to make her life mine, cause ik how hurt it feels when some one else do the decision making for you or your life Should i break up with her? but how as i said i have tried many times but she ends up crying loudly, or convincing me to stay, or says that she'll change but she never does and she doesn't even really try to change, i had some drawbacks myself, but im trying to change them like im more of a practical person than a emotional one, so i try as much possible to give the love and care to her as she needs but every time she finds faults, like wrong timing of that or didn't met her expectations or doing something else when she needs something else. I really need help in this one, cause i dont think i can handle this alone, i hope you all got an idea of what im facing
Thank you for all the help, if i left anything imp, i'll add it but for now this is it Forgive me for such a long post
TL;DR - What to do if you are in a toxic relationship and how to end it
submitted by Newbiethememer to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 dontlookformepls Endo journey after painful smear (uk)

After a recent, unusually painful smear I got sent for an examination to discuss my pain and other weird symptoms I’ve been experiencing over the last few years but I’m very good at gaslighting myself and convincing myself I’m fine so I’ve always clocked it up to my body and cycle changing due to age (30 in August) The symptoms I presented were - Worsening cycle, no heavy bleeding but random cramping throughout the month, unbearable ovulation pain to the point of nausea and exhaustion (my day is a write off if I’m ovulating) - Constant bloating and heavy/tender feeling in my lower abdomen unrelated to period - Deep pain during sex and sometimes orgasm, no position is better or worse it’s always a deep uncomfortable/stabbing pain, I can’t have sex around ovulation/period because it’s too painful - Fatigue, constant, every day, basically my main personality trait at this point - Constipation followed by cramping when relieved and feeling like my lady bits are also gunna fall out of me - Lower back aches and tender to touch at different parts of cycle
When I told the nurse all this she looked at me bewildered that I’d think any of this were normal and asked if I’d ever considered endometriosis and booked me in for a scan just to check everything. But I still don’t feel like.. I’m that bad? I feel like I’m being dramatic about the whole thing and just can’t handle my cycle. Does anyone else have these symptoms and have any other diagnosis’s? She also wants to check for cysts. I’ve gone years thinking all this is just me so I’m finding it very hard to wrap my head around any diagnosis.
submitted by dontlookformepls to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:49 throwwawa_y almost passed out 4 times

Hi, I'm 19 (f) and as you can see in the title I almost passed out 4 times in the past hour.
Some background is that I went to a cardiologist when I was 15 for getting dizzy upon standing up and almost passing out a couple times that year. He did say I had a heart murmur but otherwise my heart was healthy but for the rest of it he said it was my hormones causing the episodes and that it would go away. I was cautious because he kept comparing my symptoms with dudes my age and how they have it worse (they get seizures purely from their hormones (his words)). But I accepted the answer nonetheless because he's a doctor with good reviews online. Over the past 4 years the symptoms seemed to be steady I had dizziness with standing and the occasional almost passing out. When I say occasional I mean it would only happen around 8-11 times a year. But lately over the past 2 months I've had a surge of symptoms including nausea and almost daily headaches. No I'm not pregnant nor can I be. I thought it was just my seasonal allergies acting up and just brushed over it. Up until like 4 weeks ago where the headaches turned into migraines and my occasional almost passing out episodes turned to once a week episodes. I once again brushed over it stupidly on my part because I was thinking it was just dehydration and or stress. Then come the past week and I realized I'm not getting any better and my symptoms just seem to be getting worse. I've had a migraine/pressure in my head all week and nothing seems to get rid of it. My nausea gets terrible in the mornings and right before I go to sleep. And I've almost passed out more times this past week than I can think of at this moment. Just over an hour ago I was in the shower (it wasnt hot, more so lukewarm) when all of a sudden I got dizzy, my legs felt weak, i could hear my fast heartbeat in my ears, and I felt like I was going to pass out so I turned off the shower and sat down then after a couple minutes it seemed to wear off so I went back to showering. It happened two more times after that and I decided I couldn't be in there anymore. It happened once more when I got into my room and so I've just been drinking some water and avoiding standing up incase it happens again.
TLDR- Symptoms I've had for multiple years seemily got worse the past two months and a little over an hour ago I almost passed out 4 times.
-dizziness upon standing (always but I've gotten used to it) -the occasional almost passing out turned weekly. -headaches turned to daily migraines. -nausea
I don't really know what to do and I'm afraid of just being told its my hormones once again. I'm not asking for medical advice I'm just asking what it sounds like and or if I should push past my anxiety and just go to another cardiologist. (also sorry for the grammar mistakes etc)
submitted by throwwawa_y to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:19 MidnightMoonStory Does this sound like creeping ARFID behaviors? Looking for advice. TW for numbers, personal history included.

Apart from having autism and ADHD, I (26F, turning 27 at the end of the month) also have what my previous psychiatrist called a “neurological feeding disorder”.
This is due to impaired interception (internal body sensations) from neonatal brain damage. This brain damage was caused by a hemorrhage, which also caused cerebral palsy. I also have general anxiety disorder and depression.
As a child and teen, I definitely had ARFID behaviors, which were dismissed as picky eating behaviors. It’s just that “high-level” autism, ADHD, and ARFID wasn’t diagnosed in girls in the early 2000s.
I basically lived on a “beige diet” of cereal, bread, snack cakes, pasta, pizza, and some meat, like chicken strips or cheeseburgers. I wouldn’t eat sandwiches, eggs, seafood, fruits, or vegetables, except for peas and white potatoes.
I was somewhat underweight until high school, and I remember my mom would always offer me “chocolate milk” (Pediasure / Ensure) when I was younger. I then gained weight in high school due to depression and just generally eating processed food. At my highest weight in school, I was 135 pounds.
Here’s some backstory about where things started to shift. Trigger warning for numbers, skip over if needed.
That carb-heavy diet was up until I turned 24, when I first tried a keto diet for mental health. Things were going really well, until I eventually developed malnutrition from losing too much weight unintentionally. My height is 4’8” tall.
I went from 110 pounds (BMI 25) and 28% body fat to 90 pounds (BMI 20) and 20% body fat in 10 months. October 2021 to August 2022. I couldn’t get warm worth a damn from subnormal body temperatures, and I lost my period at around 95 pounds.
Even so, a calorie intake of 1000-1200 per day on top of 2-3 miles of walking (daily activity and steps) would have eventually lead to relative energy deficiency (RED) at some point because I never knew about planning scheduled refeeding periods to mitigate the down-regulation in metabolism.
Especially when considering that my hunger signals are impaired due to my brain damage. My interception is about half as sensitive as normal. I don’t really feel stomach hunger until it’s very strong. Lots of times, I can hear the noise before I actually feel it. And I can’t say that I’ve ever identified satiety correctly before.
I didn't know that low-calorie interventions shouldn't be done for months at a time without proper nutritional supervision to prevent deficiencies.
Then I gained 20 pounds in 14 months from October 2022 to December 2023 (93 to 113) after having my previous IUD removed, stopping keto, and hormonal eating patterns once I realized that I had PMDD when my period resumed in July 2023 once I had gained back enough weight.
Now, I do my best to meet my keto macros and make sure that I get enough calories every day.
I try not to eat under 1200 kcal and keeping a food log helps keep me accountable that I’m not under-eating due to not feeling hungry. Logging wasn’t something that I did last time. I also keep up with my electrolytes, because being in ketosis is very diuretic and sheds electrolytes quickly due the carb restriction.
However, my current diet is relatively… limited, to put it lightly. I mostly eat heavy cream in coffee, heavy-cream ice cream, cream cheese, eggs, and some kind of meat every day to meet my protein requirements. This isn’t the previous “beige diet” of my youth, but rather what I call a “heavy cream diet”.
I used to be hypersensitive to flavors and textures when I was younger, for example, I never ate salads before the age of 24, but that switch “flipped” when I started having reactive eating episodes when I was underweight.
I started eating sandwiches, spicy foods, and seafood, all of which were foods that I was previously very avoidant of, to the point of having anxiety attacks when seeing the shells in shellfish.
Those reactive eating episodes really showed the kind of primal need for food that malnutrition does to the brain, because the body needs a lot of calories to gain back weight while underweight.
Now, instead of avoiding fruit/veg and shellfish, I still avoid sweet fruits, starchy veggies, nuts/seeds, peanut butter, and any other kind of carb food.
I avoid eating because the food isn’t enjoyable anymore. Instead of being hypersensitive, it feels like I’m now hyposensitive, like I just have a general disinterest in food, apart from the usual low appetite. Even when I try to focus, sometimes I can’t mentally “taste” the food.
I can also eat quickly because I can’t feel the food inside my stomach, which makes pacing difficult.
I’m also currently averse to cold coffee because my mouth just says no to for some reason, which may be because my mom explained that cold coffee is less acidic than hot coffee (she was a barista) and tastes different?
However, I will get what I call “vagus hunger” after passing a bowel movement, and I’ll get very hungry. It’s a very distinct feeling, and it’s one of the few times that I can clearly recognize the feeling of hunger.
I eat only one or two “meals” per day, not including the “fat boluses” like cream, oil, or butter that I eat straight or put in my coffee during the day to maintain my ketone levels. The fat helps because I have neurological delayed bowel motility and I take GI meds to manage this.
By the way, I’m using “avoidant” to describe sensory overstimulation, and “averse” to describe choking/nausea symptoms, as that’s what I was previously taught in speech therapy when I when for a few sessions when I was 24 due to neurological swallowing spasms.
Does this sound like ARFID behaviors? OSFED? Where is the line between an “eating” disorder and a “feeding” disorder, if there is one? I was always told that my circumstances were FD related, not ED related, but no one ever explained the difference. Apparently, ARFID isn’t on the ED side, but rather the FD side?
I wouldn’t want to say that I have orthorexia, even though I have some food rules, because I literally eat butter to increase my calories, and that seems against the premise of “healthy foods” even though it’s perfectly acceptable within a keto context.
At the mental health practice I’m currently with, the former psychiatrist left, and the practice is still waiting on a new one. But I want to bring this all to the attention of my psychologist, who knows about my longstanding feeding issues, and then the new psychiatrist, whenever they get hired.
Advice is appreciated, and my chats are open if you don’t want to publicly comment. Thanks in advance!
submitted by MidnightMoonStory to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:27 Typical_Storm_547 Could I be Pregnant?

My period has lasted from 5th-9th may, had unprotected sex both during and after my period, since the 12th ive been feeling very ill, ive had abdominal cramps, twinges and tiny sharp pains if that makes sense lol and just general sickness: nausea,headaches that wrap around my head and i cant move, hot flushes,etc. my partner, doesnt have any of these symptoms and usually within a day or two, if one of us gets sick the other quickly follows. I'm nervous about if ill need to take a test, and just sorta waiting for him to become sick 😅 is there a chance or could it just be an illness?
submitted by Typical_Storm_547 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Sebastianlim AITA for telling my daughter's biological mother that she doesn't deserve to call herself a mom?

**I am NOT OP. u/ThrowRAexnocustody is the OP of this story.**
Trigger Warnings: Physical abuse, emotional abuse, drug use
AITA for telling my daughter's biological mother that she doesn't deserve to call herself a mom?, Posted October 14th, 2023
I (26F) am engaged to my fiance (33M) Brandon and have grown close with his daughter Lucy (4F). Lucy's biological mother Natalie (30F) has lost all physical and legal rights to her daughter due to neglecting her severely when Lucy was an infant, not to get into great detail but Natalie is addicted to opioids and Lucy had a withdrawal period.
Lucy and I have gotten close as I have dated my fiance for almost 4 years, Lucy was born 9 months before I came into Brandon's life, we met at the hospital as Lucy had some major health issues in her infancy due to Natalie and I have a chronic illness that pushes me into pancreatitis. She now calls me Mama even though neither I nor my fiance asked her to do so. I read her bedtime stories and I'm helping her learn to add and subtract.
During a get-together for Brandon's birthday I hosted at his house, Natalie showed up with her new boyfriend neither were invited. She tried to give Lucy a hug but Lucy didn't know her. She came to Brandon and me instead and told us a stranger had come. She then asked me to make up her plate because Natalie began to throw a tantrum in the middle of the party shouting about how she was going to take Brandon to court and because she's the mom she'll win full custody because she deserves to be in her daughter's life. During this time Brandon took Lucy inside because she had started crying because she was scared.
I admit I snapped. I told her she has no right to call herself a mother because she abandoned Lucy to go get high and sleep around. She hurt my baby so bad that she's 4 and needs to go to therapy and has physical health issues because of her. That she refuses to put her baby first and at best she's an egg donor. I told her to get the fuck out of my house and never come back. She wailed all the way back to her boyfriend's car.
I admit I think I went too far. I know that drug addiction is a disease and people who suffer from substance abuse disorder need help, I think I went too far saying she was at best an egg donor. Brandon said I did nothing wrong. AITA?
Final Verdict: NTA
Relavent Comments:
MARRY then ADOPT Miss Lucy
As soon as we finalize our marriage!
NTA but prepare for worst:
It's concerning she got into your birthday celebration. Who told her about the time and place? Who opened the doors? Talk with a lawyer about all the possibities.
Ex-mom is delusional and selfish. There are two most probable outcomes: your extreme and emotional reaction knocked some sense into her that she has zero chance to make it work. Or, worse, she will retaliate and fight for custody just to prove to herself you were not right and she is not a bad mother.
I think my STBMIL told Natalie's mom. As Lucy has a relationship with her bio grandma.
Sounds like it's time for a talk. This may have been a slip up or you may have a leak.
It was a slip up. She posted about the "Last BBQ of the year" And "Happy Birthday!" on Facebook.
YNTA. This person showed up uninvited at your fiance's birthday party and became unhinged? If it happens again, call the police so it is documented. I know she is an addict but she has no right just showing up. Have her parental rights been terminated? It sounds like she has lost her rights but there is thing called a TPR. Also if Brandon had an attorney he should let them know this happened. Let Lucy's therapist know too. You are in effect the mother and I hope you get married right away.
Yes they have been terminated.
OP, in your post you mentioned that Natalie has left the family to sleep around. Do you and your partner know for sure he is the bio father? I have no idea where you live and how family law works under these circumstances, but maybe just make sure you are on the safe side? All the best for you and your little family.
Yes, to get full custody, Lucy and Brandon had to get a DNA test, he's the dad.
Why did he get an addict pregnant in the first place?
He did not know she was an addict at the time and she poked holes in their BC.
Super off topic but right?! And in 9 months he found someone else to essentially become a mom to her. Oof.
We were friends almost a year before we started dating, my room was the one next to the picu, and he'd pop in for a chat every so often when we were there at the same time. He is a walking green flag who takes responsibility for his actions.
So instead of him being concerned for his kid... he comes and flirts with you. You were only 22 at the time and he was almost 30. Why are you fighting his battles for him? He should have been speaking with BM not you. Plus he had a new chick to raise his kid for him. You see green flags while I see red.
He walked into a quiet room while Lucy was getting a babygram... he looked exhausted so I let him play Assassin's Creed II on my console and we got talking. I told him I wasn't perma but was having an extended stay so if he wanted to talk to an adult about anything but babies my room was between the PICU and the Mat ward.
ESH. She shouldn't have shown up causing a scene unannounced. But she's not your baby. This was not your fight to have, it was your partners. You overstepped. You did go too far.
And I don't believe she has anything to do with a four year old being in therapy for something that you claim all happened when she was an infant.
She is in physical therapy for a hip dysplasia that she struggles with due to Natalie dropping her when she was an infant, she also has significant trauma from the severe neglect.
I'm not doubting the physical issue. I'm doubting the therapy. You said she lost custody for neglect when she was an infant were you hyperbolizing or was she actually under a year old?
No she has major emotional trauma from the extreme neglect. She has night terrors and she doesn't know how to explain them. It's play therapy for now, but will transition to talk later on.
You have been this child's mom. You.
Bio-mom cant just come rushing back into the child's life on a whim. She lost her rights (im assuming) by court decree. That means If she wants her rights back, she has to go through the courts and prove that she has changed. Obviously that hasnt happned yet.
You do have the right to react like you did, but since Lucy is in the dark as to who this other woman is, you would have better served her by just telling the woman to get out of your house. These comments may be used against you later with relatives and the courts, although who knows to what effect. Its still going to be a headache for you.
The judgmental comments (while I agree with them) are something you dont technically have the right to make yet. Once you are married and better established as a family unit, you will have a better leg to stand on. While I hope bio-mom gets her head out of her arse and gets her life together, I dont have much faith in that.
If you eventually are allowed to adopt, please do so, as that child needs you. Keep up with being the good mom that you are though.
Lucy is aware that she came from another mommy's tummy and that I'm an adult who loves her, and whom she considers her mom. She is aware that she has a biological mother and that I am not her bio-mom. She doesn't know her bio-mom was Natalie. If she got clean, Brendan and I would want Natalie to meet Lucy.
OK, thats fair. When this woman gets clean...
Well, you stepped up to be a mom when you didnt have to. Once you get married, that will solidify your right to claim being Lucy's mom. Time will build on that.
While I doubt that bio-mom will get clean in time to have any real relationship with the child, while she is still a child, I also worry how this woman will behave once she actually does get clean. Ive personally seen too many recovering addicts that have some bizarre notion that now that they are clean, all will be right with the world, they will get custody, and everything will go their way.
I hate being a pessimist.
Like I said though, keep being the good mom that you are to that girl. That is the positive, good, and right thing to focus on.
She is currently not attempting to get clean. - her mother told me this.
Not enough info. So where was the father when the mother was neglecting their child? And how has it come so that the father’s been dating you 9 month after a birth of his child?
He was in Kuwait. He's a veteran. My hospital room was right between the mat ward and the picu. So I was an adult who was alone surrounded by kids and I had my grandpa drop off my consoles at the hospital due to an extended stay, Lucy was suffering with health issues of her own. We met while I was playing Assassin's Creed II in one of the quiet rooms.
Ok. I saw your update where you had written about Lucy’s mother is no more than an egg donor. No, she is more than that. She gave birth. And by your logic you are no more than a caregiver. Lucy deserves to know who her mother is. And the best thing everyone around can do is to help her mother to stay in Lucy’s life. Her father decided to abandon his wife and mother of his child. When did her problems with drugs start? Before or after she gave birth? Like he had no idea what was going on? He did nothing about it. He decided it’s better to go bang another chick and have “a fresh start”. ESH.
She was never his wife. Her problems with drugs started before his deployment. And well before Lucy's birth. He did not know because she hid it from him. When he found out he had her rights severed.
Well I want to apologize. It's a triggering theme for me and now I understand why. You're going through a rough period, I wish you to stay strong. Taking a kid to a safer place is a good decision. Accepting a kid who is not blood related to you is not something everyone might do, and you're a good person. Calling a woman who gave birth an «egg donor» is awful, but people say even worse things being under emotions, your reaction is totally justifiable. I can imagine the Lucy's mother is suffering, but if she can't help herself, she doesn't deserve to be around indeed. You are not the asshole. I am.
You're not an asshole for a trauma response :) Happy Healing!
INFO: have you or the dad done anything to help this victim of the opioid epidemic or have you only demonised them and nothing else? Has the bio mother been given a chance to change and improve their life? How did they get addicted?
Just to clarify both Natalie and Lucy are victims of the opioid epidemic here. Being a victim doesn’t necessarily make the mother in anyway blameless, but how those around her acted and supported her is very important context here.
She started taking opioids at parties, not due to injury. I know because that was a piece of evidence that led to her rights being taken away.
UPDATE: AITA for telling my daughter's biological mother that she doesn't deserve to call herself a mom?, Posted October 20th, 2023
Original Post:
Hello everyone! It's been a very interesting few days and I have an update. So a few days after she crashed the party Natalie got arrested and arraigned for possession with intent to sell an illicit substance. From what her family says, the substance was cocaine, not opioids.
Lucy is doing fine and is loving her first year of kindergarten. My Fiance asked her if she wanted me to become her mama on paper. She said yes and now we're planning on doing family vows at our wedding. We are getting married on the 15th of December, as that is a very significant day for us (The day Brandon and I officially started dating.)
We have spoken to a lawyer and he has told us that even if Natalie got clean she would never get her rights to Lucy back, so we don't need to worry. I hope she gets clean in prison.
I want to add that even though I am not Lucy's biological mother, she will always be my daughter. And Brandon and I are not going to have children together so she'll be our only kid. Thank you so much for your support and your criticism!
**Reminder - I am not OP**
submitted by Sebastianlim to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:41 Boodabaa Been bloated for the last three weeks and other symptoms

F27, 252lbs, 5’6”
I been bloated for the last three weeks since period had started. I had a oopsies with my partner when the condom broke. Two days later i took a plan b(i am an overweight woman). My period was late by three days which is normal sometimes because I have pcos. It was a lighter period but it lasted for 8 days. I had weird tingling on my left side of my lower body during my period. Which i never experienced before. After my period had ended I was still super bloated. I started getting headaches and lower back pain with the bloating. Sometimes it’s hard for me to breathe. Also been very emotional and having period like cramps. I went to see a new doctor today and she only saw me for 5 mins and sent me for lab work. Im very worried because I never experienced this before and everyone just keeps saying I’m backed up but i use the bathroom everyday. Should i go to the er?
submitted by Boodabaa to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:34 Desperate_Day_7544 Symptoms following taking inulin

I’ve been consuming 20 to 30 grams of inulin (Jerusalem artichoke) each day for the last two weeks. The last three or four days I’ve been experiencing headaches periodically, which is unusual as well as feeling fog, lack of energy and muscle pains. has anyone else had these symptoms after starting an inulin diet?
submitted by Desperate_Day_7544 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:30 BoscPear23 4 month update! Down 28 lbs.

40f, 5’7 SW: 214 CW: 186 GW: 160
I started this journey near the end of January and I can’t believe I’m down 28 pounds. The last time I was “successful” at weight loss was when I did Atkins in my late 20s and lost about 30 pounds, then slowly gained it back over the next several years. Then came COVID and a baby (didn’t carry) and I added probably another 20 pounds. I’ve tried many a fad diet since but nothing ever seemed to work or feel sustainable. I’ve also always played sports/worked out regularly, but nothing moved the scale.
I’m blown away with how little I’ve had to think about this weight loss journey. I simply started the shots and the rest almost took care of itself?! I loosely count calories in the LoseIt app to make sure I’m around 1200 calories a day, and do peloton or Orange theory 2-3x a week. That’s it.
I will say that I noticed much stronger effects the first 2 months. The appetite suppression was strong and even some food aversion generally. I also had a bad sinus infection half way through and went on anti biotics — that absolutely was the worst! Nausea was intense then and went away as soon as I finished the treatment.
I was on a 2.5mg for a month and 5 for a month, then 7.5 for two months. I just started 10 last week. No side effects the entire time other than lower blood pressure. I regret titrating up as fast as I did as I was losing weight nicely at each. Alas. I’ll probably stay at 10mg for a few months.
I feel like the weight loss is slowing down a bit now which is probably normal. I miss the early total absence of food noise but I know that’s not sustainable or realistic for a life long change. Just when I worry that maybe I’ve stalled or even gained, I weigh in and it’s almost always a little bit lower than last time. The exception is leading up to my period when I usually stay the same weight, maybe gain a tiny bit, but then lose again the week after. I’m down a pant size and feeling really happy with my progress!
If it’s possible to stay on this forever, I’ll do that for maintenance. I never want to go back to where I started and feel so grateful for what feels like a miracle drug.
submitted by BoscPear23 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:49 Said_the_G Im sick

Can you believe that I got very sick because of school exam, In Germany there is an exam you write in the Tenth Class, its called “ZAP”. My German is not that good, because im new here in Germany, and The big exam I had was in the lesson of German. After I finished the exam I started feeling very bad, like I had a strange headache(really strong one). Now im here at night, can’t sleep. Because I have nausea and a strong headache.
submitted by Said_the_G to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 mamarot Vault 333 (Part 1): Panton's Terminal

[Additional Parameters] OPENING...
While the purpose of this experiment is to monitor all residents, and due diligence in this is required, particular attention is to be paid to the following residents for the stated reasons:
Overseer J. Kendall - Uninformed of true experiment before implementation.
Researcher Q. Saint - Early onset dementia. Volunteered for research position and was granted on basis of additionally taking part in the experiment.
Resident M. Michaels - Photographic memory.
Resident F. Darling - Short term memory loss.
Resident C. Darling - Long term memory loss.
[Failsafe Protocol] OPENING...
[Overseer Failsafe] OPENING...
[Research Logs] OPENING...
[Oct 30 - Nov 5] OPENING...
Control week. 0 activations. Several residents report various physical or mental health improvements, all tangential to experimental goals. Clear implication of placebo effect.
[Nov 6 - Nov 12] OPENING...
7 activations. No events outside of expected and acceptable deviations. Continued expression of placebo benefits from general populace.
[Nov 13 - Nov 19] OPENING...
4 activations, 1 every other day. Beginning trials of variable and non-standard intervals between activations. One notable event - Researcher Saint mistakenly activated his own system an extra time. Event considered acceptable given Saint's preexisting condition; monitoring his interactions with other residents showed an assumption of his condition as an explanation of his behavior.
[Nov 20 - Nov 26] OPENING...
1 activation. Extended periods of time between activations potentially problematic, will continue to pursue until confirmed. Numerous residents complaining of frequent, abnormally long sensations of "deja vú." Two notable events - One. F. Darling required isolation 3 days after most recent activation; expressed anxiety and staged a potentially violent incident over "alternate timelines" he believed he was viewing within his mind. Isolation caused conflict with C. Darling as well. Investigating long-term solution. Two. General populace has begun performing nearly the exact same actions after each activation, with insignificant differences. Residents will hold the same conversations, begin and end the same activities at the same times, etc., as prior activation cycles.
[Nov 27 - Dec 3] OPENING...
2 activations, 5 days apart. Several notable events. One. Researcher Saint asks to be recused from either experimentation or research. Declined before reason for request given. Two. All vault residents simultaneously experience rapid-onset, intensely painful "thunderclap" headaches 3 days after first activation for the week. Three. A recurring conversation between M. Michaels and another resident results in secondary resident falling unconscious and being placed in infirmary after Michaels seemingly "went offscript," i.e., responded in a significantly different way from how this conversation normally goes. Resident did not wake until second activation of the week; no further changes observed.
[Dec 4 - Dec 10] OPENING...
8 activations. Major changes in paramaters to avoid disruption; F. Darling and Researcher Saint are to be pulled from general population and isolated after each activation under guise of quarantine related to surface world disease. Both residents have proven problematic on a consistent basis for opposite reasons; Darling's short-term memory loss seems to have slightly "immunized" him to the desired effects of the device, while Saint has undergone an alarmingly rapid degeneration of his mental condition. General populace has begun reporting persistent, intense, and uncomfortable feelings of familiarity with places, events, and people that they should not remember. Failsafe protocol activated on day 3 as a result of a conversation between M. Michaels and F. Darling after Michaels breaks into secure zone. Hypothesizing that returning to daily activations will lessen or remove these issues.
[Dec 11 - Dec 17] OPENING...
7 activations. General populace has become deeply unwell, clearly demonstrating subconscious retention from previous activation cycles. The strain on the psyche has physically damaged nearly 40% of residents and psychologically damaged over 80%. Repeat activations are not resolving symptoms as prior. Failsafe engaged on Overseer Kendall twice in 3 days. Full retention within 7 hours on both occasions, situation nearing critical mass. F. Darling and C. Darling have begun using their complementary conditions to understand the nature of the experiment, both are immediately apprehended and isolated by automated security after each activation under guise of "underground hysteria." Researcher Saint has degenerated to the point of near non-function, is taken to infirmary after each activation under guise of massive stroke in his sleep. M. Michaels has seemingly been unaffected by activations since experiment start. Clearly aware of experiment protocol, non-active threat as of yet; however, Michaels has been apprehended by residents and automated security in secure zones on no less than 4 occasions. Unsure how to procee NOTE: TERMINAL ENTERED TIME-OUT SHUTDOWN BEFORE FINAL ENTRY WAS MANUALLY SAVED.
submitted by mamarot to TheVaultEntries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:00 Salt_Machine1204 am i pregnant

i’ve been having pregnancy like symptoms for almost 3 months now like breast tenderness, cramping, bloating, nausea, frequent urination, headaches, and sometimes light headness. These symptoms are kinda on and off but the only one i’m missing is a missed period, and ive been loosing weight. I’ve also never had sex, but i’ve been fingered with a possibility of precum but that’s about it. My periods for the past two months have came exactly on time and were just as heavy and painful as always lasting 6 days. Why is this happening?!?
submitted by Salt_Machine1204 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:58 Salt_Machine1204 am i pregnant?

i’ve been having pregnancy like symptoms for almost 3 months now like breast tenderness, cramping, bloating, nausea, frequent urination, headaches, and sometimes light headness. These symptoms are kinda on and off but the only one i’m missing is a missed period, and ive been loosing weight. I’ve also never had sex, but i’ve been fingered with a possibility of precum but that’s about it. My periods for the past two months have came exactly on time and were just as heavy and painful as always lasting 6 days. Why is this happening?
submitted by Salt_Machine1204 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 RestlesslyWizardly Pregnancy worry

I’ve been taking OPILL every single day for about a month and a week now. I’ve gotten my period for 14 days then just got it again 7 days after that and it’s been pretty clotty and heavy. Only new thing is I notice is nausea during the day but tests all came back negative when I tested two weeks ago. (Was within the 21 day frame). I saw that opill in particular has an abundance of reviews of super bad nausea and sickness on it so I’m looking for reassurance, I’m most likely not pregnant right??
submitted by RestlesslyWizardly to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 freeaav My experience with first time bc

Ive been taking the opill for a little over a month now, and i wanted to share my experience so far so others can maybe know what to expect.
To start things off, im 22, weigh about 118 pounds. ive never been on any form of birth control (strict hispanic parents). Im also not super sexually active, my and my boyfriend are long distance so we dont get to see each other often, but when we do, tmi, we have a lot of sex (condom and/or raw). We use the pullout method a lot, and thankfully no surprises. This is one of the main reasons why i decided to start taking the opill, added protection. I also have really bad cramps while on my period, so i did some research and saw there was a possibility of my cramps not being too bad or just getting rid of my period completely (which i dont prefer).
I bought the 3 month supply, and ive finished 1 pack and im on week 2 of a new pack. The only side effects Ive noticed are: slight increase in appetite (no noticeable weight gain, i actually look a little slimmer), tendesensitive breasts, a little bit more discharge than usual, and increased libido(within 3 weeks of starting). Im aware its different for everyone, and i was nervous for weight gain, and increase in acne, but i just learned to not over eat, and keep up with a daily skincare routine.
I started the pills after my period, and i havent felt any kind of dizziness, nausea, or anything like that. I actually felt pretty good. I was hoping to still get my monthly period, for confirmation that im for sure not pregnant, and i did end up getting it! On my expected day i really only noticed some cramping, and the day after that, the bleeding started 3 days after my expected day, and the cramps were still bad. I was going through it at work, had to sit down most of the time, and my painkillers took a little longer to kick in but they did eventually. TMI WARNING, my blood also was a bit chunkier, nothing too crazy but i did notice it a little bit. My periods are usually like 2-3 days, then the rest is just the bbq stage. I started my period last week on Thursday, and usually by this time, I'd be in the bbq stage but my blood is still a normal bright red, not even dark. This isnt common for MY body, and im hoping the bleeding stops soon. At this time i have no cramps, i did have a little breakout but nothing my routine couldnt fix in like a day.
I havent had any kind of sex since starting the pill, but my bf is coming over in June so I'll keep updating if anyone is interested.
But yea this is my experience so far, overall im happy with it, just hoping my period goes away soon🙏
submitted by freeaav to Opill [link] [comments]