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2024.05.29 05:40 nemidoonamchibegam Sharing 20 meal plans, cookbooks, and workout guides!

Remember to share the wealth!

Cookbooks & meal plans


Workout guides:

submitted by nemidoonamchibegam to FitnessMaterialHeaven [link] [comments]

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2024.05.29 05:25 Sin-God A New Chain: Edging Closer

"Good afternoon Ms. Lopez." I say, warmly greeting an elderly Cuban woman in her sixties. She smiles sweetly at me as she asks me if I am the chef behind today's food, in Spanish. I smile and nod at her, and she excitedly begins to chatter in Spanish, telling me the latest chisme regarding the latest romantic escapades occurring in her son's life.
I lightly place some ham on the sandwich I'm preparing for her as she excitedly gossips with me. I cleverly practice my active listening skills, while occasionally chiming in to let her know that I am actively aware of what she's saying. The woman is one of the last people to arrive during today's meal hour. She seems to operate on a sense of punctuality that is uniquely hers, almost like a force of nature. I almost admire it, if I'm being honest. My fellow volunteers look at me and smile as they sense the passive patience I radiate in this minor interaction.
The day has been one of the more chill ones in the soup kitchen, especially since I started actively championing the place. At our most busy we've served hundreds of families in a single day, and today we've served a few dozen. There's something quite nice about this moment of normalcy. I wonder if I sometimes took this level of mundanity for granted during this jump...
To be fair to myself a part of me is almost acting like I'm guaranteed to send myself to some apocalyptic hellscape and that's just not happening. I'm almost guaranteed to go to a place more dangerous than "9-5; a white-collar simulator", but I'm picking my next destination and after the decade of serenity I've had here I've got no reason to act like a dumbass and jeopardize my odds of long-term success in this career by sending myself to a death trap. Ms. Lopez smiles as she walks away, clearly believing she's shared vital chisme with me. To be fair, she did share gossip plenty of people would find juicy, but since I'm not some gossip I was the wrong audience for her words.
My fellow volunteers look at me and glance at my phone with curious looks. I pick up the thing and see that I've been missing an exhilarating conversation in our group chat. I skim the thing, my perfected memory allowing me to instantly catch up with the conversation the small gaggle of brave volunteers who kindly donate our weekend hours have been having before I begin to text the group back.
The rest of the day passes by in a blur. We wait for the people who've come for a meal to finish their food up and then we get to cleaning. After that we do a few sweeps of the parts of the church we've used before going our separate ways. I make my way home, and I do some light meal-prepping as well as practice a few more of my skills. At this point in my stay I've perfected my routine and could do it in my sleep... If I ever slept that is. In the entire time I've been in this setting I don't believe I've slept once. That is a nice feeling, since it means I never wasted an hour of my time, much less six.
The work week is a bit of a slog, since I am eagerly anticipating the news regarding my final promotion. I was never the sort to believe that time felt longer when you were excited about something, or dreading it, but in the time since I came to this setting I've gradually become a believer in such ideas even if they still feel a bit silly. Nonetheless. I diligently work through the week, keep my team on track, and when Friday rolls around I get the news I've waited for.
Thanks to "Gamer's Mind" I am able to keep my face even as the office's general supervisor explains this news to me and not outwardly express my excitement, but internally I am more excited than I've been about anything since I first entered this world. This news means that I'll be getting right around $3,000 dollars every two weeks just for existing! This means that in future jumps working will be optional unless I get really greedy, which frees me up to decide what I want to do in most modern settings. In medieval settings this amount of money could be even more vital, though at the same time such a thing could just... not matter, since in such a setting I could easily just avoid civilization, but this money will certainly liberate me from a lot of the struggles of wasting vast swathes of a jump at a job I don't want.
At the time that I was being told the good news I almost began to cry. Thank goodness for Gamer's Mind, I guess.
Nine years ago I was down on my luck and down to my last dollars when I got the job offer that led me here and this news means that I am free from such things. The freedom and power that comes with making enough to get by, especially passively, is awe-inspiring, and it's quite difficult for me to find the words to express how excited it makes me feel even days after it. I spend... close to a week passively smiling and being just ambiently happy, as I begin to integrate a new set of responsibilities into my work life.
During this time my decision to fix the coffee machine in the office break-room by hand after it almost burns a colleague results in me getting a new class; "Handyman" and the initial ability I receive is a simple one that bolsters my agility a touch, agility being my attribute tied to fine motor skills. I skillfully use this class to actually fix various things by hand, and I begin to steadily accrue various maintenance skills. In days I gain class levels, and with each class level I am able to repair things faster, more cheaply, and eventually my ability to fix matures into an ability to improve things, which I instinctively know will lead to some shenanigans down the line. Before I know it days have turned into weeks, which age and turn into months. My skills with leadership and motivation have continued to improve and I lead my team with my full focus and skillful decision-making. Before I know it I am in the final leg of the final stretch of my first jump.
I've been here for 119 months. Nine years and eleven months. It's actually been... even longer than that. I'm at the beginning of the final week of my stay here, and my hands idly clean a dish as I passively listen to Pastor Charlie, one of the few guest pastors the church has invited in years deliver a sermon. He has the congregants enraptured and eating out of the palm of his hand as he speaks about a miracle that "Our Lord" once performed. His voice is a pleasant distraction and one of my twin trains of thought listens and takes notes on how the man delivers his sermon. Physically I seem to be engrossed in the man's sermon when someone, one of the church's assistants, taps on my shoulder and gestures for me to walk over to the pastor's office. I stealthy get up, activating "Rogue" and make my way out of the serving area adjacent to the kitchen. I relax a touch when I'm in the long hallway leading me to Tyler's, Pastor Rhodes's, office.
As I walk down the humble hallway I feel a strange sense of finality wash over me. There's something uncommonly... real about this trek. I feel more solid, more whole than I have in a while, and I suspect that it's because this is my last time in this soup kitchen, this church. I won't be returning here, at least not for a while, and that's sad. It's not the saddest thing that's ever happened to me, but it is kind of a bummer and I allow myself to feel a touch of real, genuine sadness at the sobering realization that when I leave this place I'll be leaving for a long time.
I eventually put that thought away, shelving it and compartmentalizing my thoughts so I can focus on better, happier things. My enhanced senses allow me to spot things like faint cracks too thin for normal humans to spot, and as I walk past them I cast my handy spell on them. I watch as the walls of the hallway repair themselves and I smile, sensing the powerful potential of the spell at my fingertips. I reach the office of the man I've spent plenty of weekends working alongside, and under, and I smile, even internally, when he looks up and spots me. He greets me with a smile and motions for me to sit down. When I do what he asks, he immediately begins to speak.
"Lucas, I apologize for calling out to you but I wanted to check in. Today you seemed... Out of it." The man exclaims, and judging from the way my heart jumps in my chest I realize that some people are just.... more intuitive than others. My acting skill gets a nice little load of experience when I mask my reaction to his words and let out a small, natural sounding laugh in response to his question.
"Tyler," I begin, causing the man to wince. I'm an atheist, or at least I was pre-chain, now... well, now I'm a lot more curious about religion than I was before. I'm not sure if gods exist, but I sure as shit know the supernatural does and I'm not in the business of denying what I can see. I've made my vague religious position clear to the man long ago so he insists I call him "Tyler" which I've personally always found a bit awkward, but there's something a little funny about how it disarms him so cleanly during this interaction. "I'm doing... Okay. I AM bummed I won't be here next week." I state, calmly. This causes my friend's eyes to widen in surprise.
"You're missing a week? I'm sure some of our regulars will be disappointed. Is everything alright?" The man asks. His question is so sincere, so genuine that it's mildly disarming.
I'm... not a nice person. I'm far from mean, sure, but I've come to accept that there's a core of kindness in some people, even in many people, and I am not someone who has that core, that central, unconscious, guiding light that moves them towards kindness with the ease and naturalness of a heartbeat. At my core rests something else, something I don't know if I can articulate in just a few words.
I wouldn't say I'm mean or anything like that but I'm far more cynical than a lot of the people I've met are. In this world, especially, it seems like a lot of people are just decent at heart and I suspect that that was and is the case in the world I was born on as well. Tyler is one of the people I've met whose central guiding light seems to be centered around decency and kindness and I think in any world the man could find himself in he'd strive to be kind. It's almost like interacting with a real version of Ned Flanders from The Simpsons...
"I'm okay. I'm gonna be doing other stuff, and I normally prioritize the soup kitchen over my work or social life," I state, and this isn't a flex it's simply a very true statement. Tyler hears the remark and smiles faintly. "But I've been asked to help out with other stuff from friends who wouldn't ask if it wasn't something they really felt they could handle alone. I'm just gonna miss one weekend, and then I'll be back." I remark, and Tyler smiles at me.
"Okay Lucas. If you need any help you'd ask, right?" Tyler asks, and I consider the question. This is only somewhat an act, as I don't know if I'd ask for help if I needed it. I ultimately nod at the man and I can sense a touch of sadness as he studies my response, which I don't love but I also don't really feel right lying anymore than is necessary. The man makes some small talk and I quickly breeze through it. In minutes I am back in the kitchen with the others. And minutes after that I am cleaning with my fellow volunteers. Almost before I know it I'm stepping out of the church after we've cleaned out the kitchen. I glance at it one last time before I make my way home.
The next few days pass by in a blur, with only two minor oddities; the first being that I ask Hannah to come out with me on Friday night. I have got to see if I can stomach the idea of any sort of romance in a jump, and this is a consequence free way for me to do something along those lines. The second oddity is that I spend nearly all of my money purchasing... well, everything. Every night after work I go to various stores and spend the money that I really haven't needed all that much until now, purchasing things like weapons, food, and especially books. I buy boatloads of books, both ready and willing to use up something I won't be able to take with me into future jumps anyway in exchange for stuff I CAN take with me, thanks to the fiat-backed power of an infinite inventory.
The work week is, aside from what I do after work every night, pretty normal but Friday itself is weirdly solemn. The day passes by as quickly as any other day has, filled with minor encounters with glitches, and a few more annoyances with my small number of drawbacks but when five rolls around I clock out one last time and give the office a final look. I am weirdly slow when it comes to getting up and leaving my cubicle, in fact I'm actually one of the last office workers to leave the office but as I step out of the building I experience another burst of gratitude to Gamer's Mind, which keeps me from acting odd or even tearing up as I glance back at the place I've spent thousands of hours in.
I allow myself a beat to... honestly, grieve. I tell myself that it's okay to have feelings about leaving, even if those feelings are big and weird and are not the most fun. Nonetheless I don't linger here, at my place of employment, I have other things I both need and want to do. I use my inventory and change into a pretty casual outfit before I begin a brief walk. _________________________________________________________________________
​The park beside the office building is a rare example of a pristine location in the city. It is filled with natural greenery, and at the moment a stunningly pretty redhead glances at her phone waiting for someone to pop into view.
The redhead is wearing a pleasant looking dress and a jacket, as the weather is just beginning to take the seasonal turn towards the unpleasant. It's still warm enough that the clothes are mostly unnecessary but as she waits for her friend, a young man who has finally gotten the courage to ask her out on something vaguely approximating a date, she appreciates the wisdom of her decision to wear the slightly warmer than necessary clothes.
Her "date", mostly in her eyes though he is aware of her feelings and a part of him feels some happiness in the idea that this is a date, enters the park and spots her before she spots him. He reaches into his inventory and he retrieves something, a nice little bouquet he purchased earlier today and safely stored away. The flowers, prettily packed and all, appear as he walks towards the young woman.
Lucas is testing the waters here. He isn't testing the waters with Hannah specifically, but rather what it feels like to go on a date as a jumper. He has long had strange feelings about this, but he knows that he is going to leave tomorrow and so he wants to see if he can enjoy a date as a jumper, so he is doing a scientific experiment even if he feels... less than great about some aspects of all of this.
"Hannah!" Lucas says, calling out to one of his first, in fact one of his only, real friends in this world. The redhead excitedly turns and spots her longtime friend, waving at him and waving him over. She spots the bouquet and lets out a delighted sounding laugh, and when Lucas hears it the smile that alights his features is heartwarming.
In his day to day life some facets of Lucas's charisma-heavy build only rarely surface in ways that matter and his looks tends to be one such thing He is attractive enough that his looks can captivate and reside in one's imagination for a while after they first meet him, but right now, this early on along his chain his looks are only enough to make people have schoolgirl crushes on him and people can and do get used to his looks after a while. Still, in some moments this is enough to color the impression he makes on people. Right now, in a romantic context, his supernatural attractiveness is enough to change the sort of impression he makes on someone.
The handsome actor reaches his friend and sits down next to her. He hands her the flowers and for a moment a strange serenity washes over the two as they enjoy each other's company. Lucas looks inward and he realizes that he genuinely, well and truly, likes this moment. Hannah looks at him and eventually asks an important question.
"Lucas... how am I gonna hold these flowers?" She asks, and this makes him smile. He is quick to offer her a response.
"I'll take them when we get going but I saw them and I thought of you. I felt like I'd regret it if I didn't give you these." He says, and there is an odd, for him, level of sincerity and genuineness in his voice that makes Hannah giggle girlishly. Lucas right now is relying on his perk-enhanced instincts and the charisma he has honed through social encounters for the last decade, and he's enjoying how it feels.
Both of the figures on the "Date", though neither of them officially dubbed it that, enjoy the moment. Their passive delight and infatuation create an envy-inducing atmosphere of closeness and quiet joy that radiates outward. The park is nearly abandoned so there is no one to witness this moment other than Lucas's benefactor, and Lucas is simply at peace.
Eventually he lightly touches Hannah's hand, and asks her if she'd like to go and get dinner before they go to the movie they agreed on going to watch earlier this week. Hannah agrees, handing Lucas the bouquet and he, to her surprise, puts it in the bag he has on his person. When she asks if that will squish or hurt the flowers Lucas tells her, with a bizarre amount of confidence, that it won't. She eventually accepts this, having learned to trust that Lucas knows what he is doing, and the two of them begin a short walk to a mall they both know well.
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:17 u60cf28 Did I make carbonara correctly?

Hi y'all,
I'm a teen trying to learn how to cook recently. I tried my hand at making carbonara and thought I was pretty successful. However, my mom didn't like it, which is fine, but she said it was because she could still taste raw egg. She then insisted on heating the carbonara until the cream became solid egg chunks. We're not Italian, btw. Obviously that's not what carbonara should be, but I'm wondering if I did something wrong in the cooking process? I used normal eggs, they weren't expired or anything. My mom says its because I used a lot less pancetta (couldn't get guanciale) than the recipe called for, though that's an adjustment we usually make (reducing oil/buttefat used) cause we've found that a lot of online recipes are too greasy for our taste.
In any case, my overall process was
1) Beat four whole eggs, add pecorino and parmesan and black pepper
2) Render pancetta in a pan until the fat renders out, kept it on low flame
3) Cooked pasta
4) Flame off, added the pasta to the pan, then added the cream, then a ladle and a half of pasta water, then mixed well.
Did I do anything wrong?
submitted by u60cf28 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 sallu_giveaways North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details

North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details submitted by sallu_giveaways to ReviewRequests [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 sallu_giveaways North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details

North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details submitted by sallu_giveaways to AMZreviewTrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 sallu_giveaways North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details

North American Black Walnut Lid Honey Jar -10.14 oz Quality Glass - Ideal for Honey and Maple Syrup, Wide-Mouth, Dipper Included honey pot The Mother's Day Gift and Family Kitchen Decor, Price $30. For USA. Interested DM me for Details submitted by sallu_giveaways to AmazonTesterClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:47 cherry-glazed sexism in the classroom (vent)

Hi i’m new here but i think i just kinda need to vent a bit. So I’m currently a biomed student and i naively thought there would be more women but all the few girls who were also on the course dropped out and it’s been hell. Since they left the sexism is unrelenting, at first i didn’t mind all the kitchen jokes and stuff but its so annoying now, i literally cannot say ANYTHING without being made into a joke about how annoying women are. These jokes have even progressed to inappropriate jokes about my body and sex life like calling me fat or a slut or even commenting on what they think my private areas look like all under the guise of jokes. I would complain but being the only girl it would be obvious that it was me and might make the issue worse and i’m not sure the main teacher would understand considering he joins in on the jokes and has even called me a slut and made a rape joke to me. This is all really negatively affecting my mental health and my performance in the course. Does it get better in the workforce? because idk if i could peruse this any further if this is what I’m going to have to put up with everyday.
submitted by cherry-glazed to WomenInScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:17 Jyoung0320 How to decorate my apartment to make it look clean and masculine

I am 24, and have a 2 bedroom apartment. Looking for suggestions on how to decorate it in a way that is clean and organized where a female would be impressed while still being masculine. I dont have a TON of money to spend but maybe $100-200/month would work perfect. I do have a dog ( husky/german shepherd ) if that means anything
In my main bedroom, I have just my bed, a dressearmoire and a tv
Second bedroom as of now i have it as a display for all of my baseball collectibles/memorabilia
Living room is just a couch and a tv on a tv stand
Some specific questions
What can I do to make my living room more appealing? Right now I spend most of my time in my bedroom but I would like that to change.
Any kitchen / bathroom “essentials” would be awesome as well
submitted by Jyoung0320 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:12 ShikamarusCloud For the chefs and bartenders of Boston

Hey yall, I’ll be in Boston in a couple days and I wanted to get everyone opinions on the best chef driven restaurants and bars to end up at that a BOH delinquent would appreciate. Been in the industry for a fat minute but never been to Boston so any advice or guidance would be much appreciated. Also, I work fine dining and want to sit at a place with cheap beers, running shots and the greasiest, bold, fattening food I can get my paws on. Any recommendations would be much appreciated. Thanks big dogs !
submitted by ShikamarusCloud to boston [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:42 Sleepless77D7 Don't give me that shit, metaslave. Your wifi runs on the kitchen stove connected to a solar panel that's half covered cuz you couldn't get your Christmas decorations off the damn roof in the middle of May.

Don't give me that shit, metaslave. Your wifi runs on the kitchen stove connected to a solar panel that's half covered cuz you couldn't get your Christmas decorations off the damn roof in the middle of May. submitted by Sleepless77D7 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:46 JonJonExistsonReddit Imagine a Hell’s Kitchen season consisting of these chefs……

Blue Team: Joseph(Season 6), Marc(Season 19), Dan(Season 11), Vinnie(Season 3), Johnny(Season 16), Matt(Season 16), Scotley(Season 18), Scott(Season 7), Raj(Season 8), & Russell(Season 9)
Red Team: Elise(Season 9), Robyn(Season 10), Tiffany(Season 10), Nedra(Season 11), Gina(Season 11), Jackie(Season 15), Lacey(Season 5), Jen(Season 4), Kimmie(Season 10), & Alyssa(Season 21)
submitted by JonJonExistsonReddit to HellsKitchen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 Current_Estimate1068 i used to bully people as an 11 year old and it still weighs on me heavily today.

what goes around sure does come around. i’m 16, turning 17 in the summer. as an 11 year old, i was extremely desperate for attention and wanted friends badly. i met some friends of my friends from elementary school, and they weren’t the best people to put it simply. they’d make fun of others and ridicule people (me included, heavily in fact), and to please them i started to do that too. i started to act out in general at that time (im not sure why). i skipped classes in which i didn’t know anybody because i was scared of other people which lead to me getting suspended at the beginning of the year (my mom believed and STILL believes someone was touching or bullying me at school which is why i didn’t go, and which is why she didn’t seek treatment for extreme anxiety) , i would talk badly of others and when they’d confront me id act as if i didn’t do anything wrong, i even went as far as to call people ugly, fat, and weird to their face (this part, i feel, was projection, since i myself fit all of that category).
to put it simply, i was a disgusting person. i can’t even chalk it up to age or family issues because there were people who were way nicer than me in my grade, and albeit my family having some problems (my mom worked a lot and didn’t care too much abt my feelings, my dad was emotionally unavailable and hardly gave me attention, my dad held up a gun to my mom once when i was about 7 or 8, my dad beat my mom in front of me once and yelled in my face when i was abt 9 or 10 and proceeded to leave the house, come back and sleep on a cardboard box on the kitchen floor since we lived in a one bedroom apartment and he didn’t have anywhere else to go), it didn’t weigh on me heavily at the time. it feels like i’m making up an excuse for my actions for some reason, but really, i’m not. i think those things just caused me to act drastically and take my little pain and take it out on others.
i’m not sure why i’m writing this, but if you’ve read this so far, thank you, and you must hate me, right? if you do then don’t worry, because i hate myself too, and life has punished me. i had a somewhat okay life til 7th grade where i transferred to another school and then covid started and i socially isolated myself (duh, because what else could i do in quarantine) i started taking in depressing media for some reason and just cut everyone off slowly til i had no one. then i transferred to another school. where i really did have no one. 8th grade was hell. i was ashamed of myself for my past, for my present, for the way i looked, for the way i treated people, for every little thing about me. i started self harming (albeit not that much) and i even “attempted” suicide near the end of it (pitiful attempt, my 13 year old self thought that 7 ibuprofen would be enough to kill me). during the summer of eighth grade i moved to new york, where i still live currently.
that takes us to now. i’m currently in 11th grade and have lost the few joys i had in the past two years of high school. in 9th grade i made a friend, who gave me something to look forward to and who im so grateful for, even tho we don’t talk much anymore. in 10th grade i started going to the gym and consuming positive media which allowed for me to somewhat understand why i did the things i did, and how to be better. in both of those years i got excellent grades. now? i hate myself. i failed last quarter and im on my way to failing this quarter too. my attendance is horrible since i don’t have the energy to get up in the morning. if i don’t pass my finals or regents i might fail the year, and have to repeat. but yk what? i don’t care about it. i’ve already decided firm on this decision, that if i fail this year im going to kill myself. i already know when ill do it, what time ill do it, how ill do it, it all depends on the outcome of this year. even if i do pass, should i not kill myself? i hate this life im living, i always have hated my life, even through those short lived moments of happiness, there was a little voice in my head always questioning if i was really happy, if i really wanted to live. i can’t continue life with this face, with this abhorrent personality, with the mistakes ive done, with how he hurt people, even those who really did care about me and wanted best for me, with how i still continue to take my pain out on others close to me since i know they won’t leave, with how i don’t know what ill do in the future since i have no will to live, with my being, with my soul.
well, thank you for reading if you’ve gotten this far. like i said earlier, i really don’t know why i wrote this, i guess to completely take the edge off my past off me before i leave this world? who knows. thank you for reading, please do your best in life, treat others with kindness and never give up.
submitted by Current_Estimate1068 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:32 Baddogdown91 Hey! Do you like working in a kitchen?.. do you also like being in the forest?

Hello, my Bellingham guys, gals, and nonbinary pals; Greetings from Diablo Lake!
This is a message for my Bellinghamsters who work, or would like to work, in the kitchen industry. Specifically, those interested in working at a remote location (aka a very far drive from Bellingham/Sedro). If you don't fit this criteria, I still welcome you to come visit the North Cascade Institute, on Diablo Lake. There's a lot of fun programs in the summer and fall for people of all ages, and it's just a great place to visit if you're looking to take a trip in the North Cascades!
If you are interested in the opportunity to work in a pretty awesome kitchen, then let me tell you more about NCI, myself, and what I'm trying to do;
At NCI, we take pride in serving high quality and nourishing meals to our program participants, staff and guests. We host a variety of programs and visitors, from our Mountain School Program, which consists of 5th graders from all over Whatcom and Skagit, to our family Base Camp attendees which is open to the public, to everything in between. Our kitchen philosophy is to embody the mission of NCI of inspiring environmental stewardship, through the food we prepare and the kitchen practices we maintain. We're looking to build a team of motivated, positive, and hard-working chefs and cooks of any level to help us deliver delicious and nourishing meals to all of our program participants and guests, who will appreciate the importance of the work we do, and the amazing setting we get to do that work in. The most ideal candidate is somebody equally passionate about ecological stewardship as they are about food, who would appreciate how indescribably awesome it is to be out here in the Cascades, and feeding those who want to do the same. Housing and carpooling opportunities are available but also in limited quantities. If you're still reading, and this opportunity sounds interesting to you, please fill out an application on the attached link, and message me with any questions or just to introduce yourself!
I'm looking forward to seeing all y’all this summer, at Diablo Lake/ North Cascades :)
submitted by Baddogdown91 to Bellingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:18 Crysty_Goner Another meaning to Lavish

Hi there! I keep thinking about Lavish, the weirdest song of the album yet a perfect one. To me that is the song that makes the album a 10/10. (I'll explain that later)
I've seen a few people talking about Lavish and analyzing the lyrics. The only theory I've seen until now is that the song is about music industry and how fake it is. I agree and find it a great interpretation but I think there is more.
The key is what Tyler said during the streaming:
Why does Lavish exist?
Tyler: "I think it's because we want to make sure that we're never cornered in a type of sound and I think that when we lay out a song like Lavish [...] it gives us an opportunity to spring off of that to other things in the future. I think that's why it's important to be on the record."
With that in mind I interpret the chorus differently:
Welcome to the new way of livin'
It's just the beginning of lavish
From the floor to the ceiling
Welcome to the style you haven't seen in a while
It's lavish
To me this part is a message to us, we have to expect more of this (and hopefully so), songs completely different from their usual sound, with weird and fun lyrics, without the need to be super deep, just them vibing free from all expectations.
This way it feels like we are being welcomed into a new sound we'll see more often, a style that in a way is lavish. It doesn't have deeper meanings, it doesn't want to touch or inspire, it's just a fun song that doesn't need to be taken too seriously (not me here taking it too seriously).
I feel like a lavish style could be comparable to kitsch (in a good way). I find it kinda difficult to explain correctly what kitsch is, I could go really deep but it's not necessary.
To keep it simple imagine that ugly decoration of a duck your mother has in the kitchen, that's kitsch. It is because it's an eccentric object without functional or sentimental value, a cute empty shell. The use of ugly in this context isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just mean it isn't something polished and meant to be a masterpiece, just fun to look at.
That's what we should expect in the future and I get why Tyler as an artist would do something like this. He's always been so serious about his music, every detail of Twenty One Pilots is meticulously crafted and meaningful, he's a perfectionist and people have super high expectations from the band.
I think he feels trapped creatively because people expect a certain thing from them but he has other stuff to say that doesn't fit their usual style. Lavish is a way to tell us that he wants to explore music more freely, and have a bit of fun with it.
This, this whole new meaning, is the reason why I think that Lavish is what makes the album a 10/10. It's a song to take lightly and just vibe with, it's lavish. It's the perfect start for this innovation, it perfectly fits in the album and serves the purpose of breaking the ice with this different style. It's an opportunity and a symbol of what Twenty One Pilots is to it's core: two best friends having fun with music.
Thank you for the read if you made it down here! I hope I've explained my vision, I feel like a lot of the explanation is also based on my feelings and my own path with art, so I hope it's not too much of a stretch. But at the end of the day their music is meant to be interpreted freely based on one's experiences.
submitted by Crysty_Goner to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Villa Rica Ga

Best Restaurants in Villa Rica Ga
Best Restaurants in Villa Rica Ga Are you craving a taste of culinary excellence in Villa Rica, GA? Join us as we uncover the best restaurants this vibrant town has to offer.With a diverse selection ranging from family-owned gems to upscale dining experiences, there's something to satisfy every palate.Get ready to indulge in mouthwatering barbeque at Evans Barbeque Company, savor the comfort food at Chat and Choo LLC, and experience the elegance of traditional French cuisine at Gabes Downtown.Stay tuned as we reveal more hidden gems and delectable flavors in our exploration of Villa Rica's finest dining establishments.Key TakeawaysVilla Rica, GA offers a diverse range of dining options, from family-owned barbecue joints to upscale French and Italian eateries.Whether you're looking for comfort food or a fine dining experience, Villa Rica has something to offer with its extensive menus and delicious home-cooked meals.The restaurant scene in Villa Rica is known for its cozy and welcoming atmosphere, making it a great place to enjoy a meal with friends and family.With options for indoor and outdoor dining, as well as catering services and event spaces, Villa Rica's restaurants can accommodate various dining preferences and special occasions.Evans Barbeque CompanyWe love Evans Barbeque Company for their mouth-watering smoked meats and delicious sides. Located in Villa Rica, Ga, Evans Barbeque Company is a family-owned restaurant that has become a local favorite. When it comes to barbeque, they know how to do it right.At Evans Barbeque Company, you can expect reasonable prices and an extensive menu that caters to all tastes. From tender pulled pork to juicy ribs, their smoked meats are cooked to perfection and will leave you craving for more. And let's not forget about their delicious sides like mac and cheese, baked beans, and coleslaw. Each dish is packed with flavor and made with love.The restaurant offers both indoor and outdoor dining options, allowing you to enjoy your meal in a cozy and rustic space. The portions are generous, ensuring that you leave satisfied and with a full belly. The staff is friendly and attentive, providing excellent service that adds to the overall dining experience.Evans Barbeque Company is a place where freedom reigns. You can indulge in your favorite barbeque dishes without breaking the bank. Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, there's something for everyone on their menu.When it comes to restaurants in Villa Rica, Ga, Evans Barbeque Company stands out for its mouth-watering smoked meats, delicious sides, and welcoming atmosphere. So, if you're craving some good old-fashioned barbeque, head on over to Evans Barbeque Company and prepare to be amazed.Chat and Choo LLCChat and Choo LLC is a restaurant that offers classic American comfort food. They provide a comfortable setting for their customers to enjoy their meals. The restaurant has an ever-changing specials menu that ensures there is always something new and exciting to try. From delicious home-cooked meals to a welcoming atmosphere, Chat and Choo LLC is a great choice for those looking for a satisfying dining experience.Classic American Comfort FoodThe Chat and Choo LLC offers a variety of classic American comfort food dishes that are sure to satisfy any craving. From juicy burgers and crispy fried chicken to creamy mac and cheese and hearty meatloaf, their menu is filled with all-time favorites that will transport you back to grandma's kitchen. With a comfortable setting and friendly staff, Chat and Choo LLC provides a welcoming environment where you can enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals. To give you a glimpse of their mouthwatering offerings, here is a table showcasing some of their classic American comfort food dishes:DishDescriptionCheeseburgerA juicy beef patty topped with melted cheeseFried ChickenCrispy and golden fried chicken piecesMac and CheeseCreamy macaroni pasta covered in cheesy goodnessMeatloafTender and flavorful meatloaf with savory gravyWith such irresistible classics, it's no wonder that Chat and Choo LLC has become a go-to spot for those seeking classic American comfort food. And if you're looking for even more variety, stay tuned for their ever-changing specials menu.Ever-Changing Specials MenuAt Chat and Choo LLC, we're constantly updating our specials menu to provide our customers with new and exciting options to enjoy. Our locally-owned restaurant in Villa Rica, GA offers classic American fare in a comfortable setting. Our ever-changing specials menu allows us to showcase our creativity and keep our customers coming back for more.From mouthwatering burgers with unique toppings to delectable seafood dishes and flavorful vegetarian options, our specials menu offers something for everyone. We pride ourselves on using fresh, high-quality ingredients to create delicious, home-cooked meals that will satisfy any craving. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty steak or a lighter, seasonal dish, our specials menu has you covered.Join us at Chat and Choo LLC to experience the culinary delights of our ever-changing specials menu.Now, let's move on to the next restaurant in Villa Rica, GA, Gabes Downtown.Gabes DowntownGabes Downtown is a restaurant in Villa Rica that offers a unique dining experience with its ever-changing specials menu.The restaurant prides itself in serving delicious home-cooked meals that are made with fresh, high-quality ingredients.With their commitment to providing a diverse and exciting menu, Gabes Downtown is a great choice for those looking for a culinary adventure in Villa Rica.Ever-Changing Specials MenuWe love trying the ever-changing specials menu at Gabes Downtown. This upscale restaurant offers a unique dining experience with their constantly evolving menu. Each time we visit, we are greeted with a new selection of tantalizing dishes that showcase the culinary creativity of the chefs. From innovative takes on classic French cuisine to exciting fusion dishes, there is always something new and exciting to try. To give you an idea of what you might find on the ever-changing specials menu at Gabes Downtown, here is a sample of the type of dishes that could be offered:StarterMain CourseLobster BisqueCoq au VinEscargotsBouillabaisseFoie GrasBeef BourguignonTruffle RisottoDuck ConfitSeared ScallopsRatatouilleWhether you're a fan of traditional French cuisine or looking to try something new and exciting, the ever-changing specials menu at Gabes Downtown is sure to satisfy your culinary cravings. So why not step out of your comfort zone and indulge in a culinary adventure?Delicious Home-Cooked MealsWhen it comes to delicious home-cooked meals, we can't resist the mouthwatering offerings at Gabes Downtown. This upscale restaurant in Villa Rica specializes in traditional French cuisine and offers a dining experience that's both elegant and sophisticated.Here are four reasons why Gabes Downtown is a must-visit for those craving a delectable home-cooked meal:Upscale Ambiance: The elegant decor and sophisticated atmosphere at Gabes Downtown create a truly memorable dining experience. From the moment you step inside, you'll be transported to a world of culinary delights.Exceptional Service: The staff at Gabes Downtown is known for their exceptional service. From the moment you're seated, you'll be treated like royalty, ensuring that your dining experience is nothing short of perfection.Decadent Desserts: Gabes Downtown is renowned for its decadent desserts. Indulge in mouthwatering treats like crème brûlée, chocolate mousse, and fruit tarts that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth.Banquet Room and Catering Services: Whether you're planning an intimate gathering or a large event, Gabes Downtown offers a banquet room and catering services to meet your needs. Let their expert staff take care of all the details while you enjoy a delicious meal with your loved ones.With Gabes Downtown satisfying your craving for delicious home-cooked meals, it's only natural to continue exploring the culinary scene in Villa Rica. Next up, let's dive into the highly acclaimed eatery known as The Olive Tree Restaurant.The Olive Tree RestaurantAt The Olive Tree Restaurant, we offer a wide range of Italian and Greek-style dishes that are highly acclaimed by customers. Our eatery is known for its unpretentious venue, simplistic decorations, and homey vibe. As soon as you step through our doors, you'll be greeted with warm hospitality and a cozy atmosphere.Our menu is carefully crafted to showcase the best flavors of Italy and Greece. From classic pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara and lasagna to traditional Greek favorites such as moussaka and spanakopita, we've something to satisfy every craving. Each dish is expertly prepared using fresh ingredients, ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavor.One of the highlights of dining at The Olive Tree Restaurant is the presentation of our dishes. Our chefs take great pride in creating visually stunning plates that are as pleasing to the eye as they're to the palate. Whether it's a perfectly grilled lamb chop garnished with fresh herbs or a colorful caprese salad drizzled with balsamic glaze, every detail is carefully considered.In addition to our dine-in options, we also offer off-site catering services for special events and gatherings. Whether you're hosting a wedding, corporate function, or family celebration, we can create a personalized menu that will impress your guests.At The Olive Tree Restaurant, we believe in the freedom to enjoy exceptional food in a welcoming environment. Come and experience the flavors of Italy and Greece with us. We promise that once you taste our dishes, you'll understand why we're one of the best restaurants in Villa Rica Ga.Trading Post CafeLet's check out the Trading Post Cafe, a laid-back Southern restaurant located in a shopping mall, with an impressive all-day menu and charming decorations. Here are four reasons why you should consider dining at the Trading Post Cafe:Variety of Southern Delights: The Trading Post Cafe offers a diverse menu filled with classic Southern dishes that are sure to satisfy your cravings. From crispy fried chicken and tender pulled pork to creamy mac and cheese and fluffy buttermilk biscuits, there's something for everyone. Whether you're in the mood for hearty comfort food or lighter options like fresh salads and grilled vegetables, the Trading Post Cafe has you covered.Cozy and Relaxed Atmosphere: Step into the Trading Post Cafe and instantly feel at ease in its laid-back ambiance. The restaurant's rustic decor, complete with vintage signs and cozy seating, creates a welcoming environment where you can unwind and enjoy your meal. Whether you're dining with friends, family, or on your own, the Trading Post Cafe provides a comfortable setting that encourages you to relax and savor the moment.Affordable Dining Experience: At the Trading Post Cafe, you can enjoy a delicious Southern meal without breaking the bank. With budget-friendly rates, you can indulge in generous portions of mouthwatering dishes without worrying about the cost. Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a comforting dinner, the Trading Post Cafe offers great value for your money.Charming Decorations: As you dine at the Trading Post Cafe, take a moment to appreciate the charming decorations that adorn the space. From vintage signs and rustic accents to cozy lighting and warm colors, every detail contributes to the inviting atmosphere of the restaurant. The charming decorations add a touch of Southern hospitality to your dining experience, making it even more memorable.Los Cowboys II Mexican RestaurantWe really enjoyed dining at Los Cowboys II Mexican Restaurant because their vibrant space, colorful decorations, and patio for outdoor dining created a lively and festive atmosphere. As a family-owned Mexican restaurant, Los Cowboys II is committed to providing delicious and authentic Mexican cuisine to its customers. The restaurant's menu offers a wide variety of traditional Mexican dishes, including tacos, enchiladas, fajitas, and more.Here is a comparison table that highlights some key features of Los Cowboys II Mexican Restaurant:FeatureDescriptionCuisineAuthentic Mexican cuisineAtmosphereLively and festive atmosphereOutdoor DiningPatio available for outdoor diningPortionsGenerous portion sizesSignature DrinkDelicious and refreshing signature margaritasLos Cowboys II Mexican Restaurant stands out not only for its vibrant space and colorful decorations but also for its commitment to providing large and satisfying portions to its customers. Whether you're craving tacos, enchiladas, or fajitas, Los Cowboys II offers a diverse menu that is sure to satisfy any Mexican food lover. And don't forget to pair your meal with one of their signature margaritas for a truly authentic experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegan and Vegetarian Options Available at Evans Barbeque Company?Evans Barbeque Company offers a variety of vegan and vegetarian options. They've delicious grilled vegetable skewers, a flavorful black bean burger, and a refreshing Mediterranean salad loaded with veggies.You can also enjoy their crispy fried okra and tasty side dishes like collard greens and macaroni and cheese.With reasonable prices and a cozy atmosphere, Evans Barbeque Company is a great choice for vegans and vegetarians looking for a satisfying meal in Villa Rica, GA.Does Chat and Choo LLC Offer Gluten-Free Options on Their Menu?Yes, Chat and Choo LLC does offer gluten-free options on their menu. They understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs and strive to provide a variety of choices for their customers.From delicious, home-cooked meals to ever-changing specials, they ensure that everyone can enjoy their classic American fare in a comfortable setting.What Are Some Popular Dishes at Gabes Downtown That Are Not Mentioned in the Article?At Gabes Downtown, there are several popular dishes that aren't mentioned in the article.One standout is their mouthwatering shrimp and grits, which combines plump, juicy shrimp with creamy, savory grits.Another crowd favorite is their tender and flavorful smoked pork chops, served with a side of homemade applesauce.And let's not forget about their delectable homemade meatloaf, packed with savory flavors and served with a rich brown gravy.These dishes are just a taste of the delicious options available at Gabes Downtown.Does the Olive Tree Restaurant Offer Delivery Services?Yes, The Olive Tree Restaurant does offer delivery services. They've a convenient delivery option for those who prefer to enjoy their Italian and Greek-style dishes in the comfort of their own homes.The restaurant takes pride in providing well-presented and delicious meals, and this commitment extends to their delivery service. Whether you're craving a classic pasta dish or a flavorful gyro, The Olive Tree Restaurant ensures that you can enjoy their delectable cuisine wherever you are.Are There Any Special Events or Promotions Happening at Trading Post Cafe in the Near Future?Yes, there are special events and promotions happening at Trading Post Cafe in the near future. They frequently offer live music performances and themed nights, such as trivia or karaoke.They also have daily specials and happy hour deals on food and drinks. Keep an eye on their social media pages or give them a call to get the latest updates on their upcoming events and promotions.ConclusionAs our culinary journey through Villa Rica, Georgia comes to an end, we're left with a satisfied and grateful palate.From the mouthwatering barbeque at Evans Barbeque Company to the comforting home-cooked meals at Chat and Choo LLC, and the elegant French cuisine at Gabes Downtown, Villa Rica offers a diverse range of dining experiences.The flavors, ambiance, and exceptional service of these restaurants have left an indelible mark, ensuring that Villa Rica will always hold a special place in our hearts and taste buds.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:12 Sweet-Count2557 Bacari PDR Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Bacari PDR Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Bacari PDR Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Bacari PDR: A Venetian-Inspired Culinary Journey in Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Bacari PDR is a Venetian-inspired small plates restaurant located in Playa Del Rey, California. This charming eatery offers a unique dining experience with its Mediterranean-influenced dishes crafted by the talented Chef Lior Hillel. With its cozy ambiance and delectable menu, Bacari PDR is a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts and travelers alike. Whether you're craving traditional Venetian cicchetti or innovative fusion creations, this restaurant has something to satisfy every palate. From its carefully curated wine list to its warm and welcoming staff, Bacari PDR promises an unforgettable culinary journey. Don't miss the opportunity to indulge in the flavors of the Mediterranean at this hidden gem in Playa Del Rey.
Cuisines of Bacari PDR in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Bacari PDR Restaurant is a culinary gem that offers a diverse range of cuisines to satisfy every palate. Whether you're in the mood for a refreshing drink at the bar, a hearty Italian dish, or a healthy Mediterranean meal, this restaurant has it all. With its extensive wine bar, Bacari PDR is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a glass of your favorite vintage. What sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to catering to various dietary preferences. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options are readily available, ensuring that everyone can indulge in a delicious meal. So, whether you're a wine enthusiast, an Italian food lover, or simply looking for a place with diverse menu options, Bacari PDR Restaurant is the place to be.
Features of Bacari PDR in Los Angeles,CA,United States
SeatingServes AlcoholDeliveryTakeoutReservationsOutdoor SeatingStreet ParkingTelevisionHighchairs AvailableWheelchair AccessibleFull BarWine and BeerDigital PaymentsFree WifiAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceBeachDog FriendlyFamily styleSports barsGift Cards Available
Menu of Bacari PDR in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Bacari PDR in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Bacari PDR in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 213-340-8196
6805 Vista Del Mar Ln Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles, CA 90293-7641
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:10 Camembert-and-Ernie I made the Chef Boyardee spaghetti!

I made the Chef Boyardee spaghetti!
NGL I was a little skeptical and thought it might be kind of bland, but I have fond memories of my childhood friend's Italian grandma serving us Chef Boyardee after school, which I always enjoyed as a special treat because we didn't eat stuff like that at my house. So I was excited to finally make this, and it was actually really good! Though it reminded me more of the dinners she would cook from scratch when I spent the night – definitely old-school Italian American cuisine. In spite of the short ingredient list and lack of any special cooking techniques, it was flavorful and satisfying and my family really enjoyed it. Unfortunately my body does not tolerate tomatoes too well anymore, so I probably won't make it again anytime soon, but I'm glad I tried it anyway, though I wish I'd taken better pics lol.
submitted by Camembert-and-Ernie to TastingHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:09 SagatRiu Is there an online render visualizer for kitchen cabinets similar to the one on floorAndDecor.com/visualizer?

I found the flooranddecor 3D render visualizer extremely useful, is there something online like that for the kitchen?
Reference? https://www.flooranddecor.com/visualizer
I want to be able to upload pictures of my kitchen, replace the cabinets, and get inspiration and ideas.
submitted by SagatRiu to kitchenremodel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:53 Unhappy_Breath5738 Revamped Mayouchi at The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake: A Fusion of Asian Elegance

The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake is thrilled to unveil the newly reimagined Mayouchi, a culinary haven blending the rich traditions of Chinese and Japanese cuisine with contemporary flair. Under the guidance of Chef Golpin Sianipar, a virtuoso in the culinary realm, Mayouchi promises an unforgettable gastronomic journey that tantalizes taste buds and tells a story with every dish.
Chef Golpin Sianipar, the creative force behind Mayouchi, brings a mastery of flavors rooted in tradition and an innovative touch that transcends boundaries. From the sizzle of the wok to the artistry of plating, Chef Golpin Sianipar transforms every meal into an unforgettable masterpiece, ensuring a dining experience that delights, surprises, and leaves a lasting impression.
Mayouchi boasts a chic, classy minimalistic design palette, predominantly featuring browns, greys, whites, and blacks. Decor elements such as Japanese display decorations, show kitchen with live cooking, decorative lights, intricate wooden carvings, and fanlike artworks create an intimate and alluring atmosphere. Seamlessly connecting the old and new Mayouchi, foldable doors provide flexibility in space utilization, while a mix of seating options ensures both comfort and style.
Atmosphere and Unique Features
The ambiance at Mayouchi is designed to offer an elegant and intimate lounge experience, perfect for enjoying breathtaking sunsets over the city skyline and serene Powai Lake. As the evening progresses, the restaurant transforms into a high-energy lounge, featuring handcrafted cocktails, a curated music playlist, and dynamic decor vibes that cater to a diverse range of moods and occasions.
Signature Offerings
Mayouchi features a chef's special curated menu showcasing the culinary expertise of Chef Golpin Sianipar and his team. Handcrafted cocktails tell beautiful stories, adding a personalized touch to the beverage menu. Whether indulging in exquisite dim sums or savoring signature entrees, guests are invited on an immersive journey through the vibrant tapestry of Asian flavors and aesthetics.
For media inquiries,
Media Contact:
Dhwani Damani PR & Marketing Manager, Katalyst Reputation Management 9820582894, [dhwani.katalyst@gmail.com](mailto:dhwani.katalyst@gmail.com)
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2024.05.29 00:45 TaxOk3585 What can my manager be up to with this, when she's already guilty of wage theft?

So to start off, I do not need this job. I picked it up while between jobs, and am now in a salaried office position where I am treated very well. In other words, I'm in a position to do something here.
[ETA: Forgot to mention she's been a professional chef for over a decade, before this. The same law applies there]
I'll describe the weird situation, and then will go into the confirmed wage theft below it.
The weird situation: Pretty much since I've started, I've watched as people lose hours they need. I was hired full time, and then slashed down to 23 hours. I believe it was maybe a week after that, that a new hire was brought on. To be honest, I'm pretty sure my hiring caused slashes in the hours, too. The store is extremely overstaffed. Most stores (including high volume) work their best with 3 people, 4 max. That's not corporate schlock, that's coming from me working at other stores, and seeing/ hearing it. My home store is low traffic, and typically staffs 5 people, with 4 already being more than needed. But people keep being hired on FT hours, and dropped down to unlivable hours. Also kind of weird, is that she lets anyone split up the tips, and product is all pretty much free without limit, to employees.
I feel like this is some kind of scheme, but I'm not sure what it is.
The wage theft, comes in the form of her telling us to cut her in on all tips. When I was at another store, their GM alerted me to this not being allowed. And when I looked into it, it is in fact illegal in my state. GMs may only take tips, if they are the only person handling your experience, from the kitchen to the bill. Which is not the case.
I did bring up the tips, to the DM, and I know he spoke with her. But I am 1000% certain that no one's wages- physical or digital- have been returned. And she is still employed. Gets overtime hours, while everyone else is scrounging. And yes, she is paid hourly.
She put me on the schedule this coming weekend, and part of me feels I shouldn't go. But regardless of that, what could this all be? Does anyone recognize this behavior?
submitted by TaxOk3585 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:41 meelatalha How I let go of petty feelings caused by SO?

Hi guys,
long story, tldr at bottom.
TLDR:: There are difficulties in my relationship that make me feel bad for feeling like that. This including discomfort around her family, tension around holiday planning, and lack of support from her. How to let go of this feeling and just try again?
My [23M] girlfriend [29F] owns her flat, and I've been struggling with how to address a few key issues.
I moved in recently and learnt that the flat has been quite messy for the past 6 years, to the point where the spare room is unusable. Its not messy with food and stuff. Its more messy with things not having a designated space. I want to find a way to broach the topic with sensitivity and practicality, as I find it stressful navigating around the flat without stepping on something or hurting myself. Also I believe it's essential for our shared living space to be functional and pleasant for both of us.
Additionally, I'm uncertain about the extent of my input when it comes to furniture and decorations in the flat. I want to contribute to our living space, but I'm not sure how to navigate this given her ownership of the property.
Another issue I'm finding is dates. When she isn't a big fan of me planning but rather wants to be the one planning and wants me to tag along. I asked weeks before valentines about going to the cinema and she said OK as it's a movie I was looking forward to and kept double checking. I booked the tickets and on the day she was like how she forgot and wasn't feeling it. Whereas last week she booked tickets to a movie and said to me to go there after work.
She went on a family holiday and told me to come up near the end of it. I double checked with her if I'm actually invited as i dont like ruining events and she said yes. So i drove up (4hrs) and they seemed a bit surprised to see me. her parents find it awkward to talk to me as I'm not white and don't want to say anything offensive. Her sister ignored me cos she didn't properly got introduced to me at my girlfriends birthday. When me and my gf went for dinner at a cafe. I felt uneasy as I felt like I was being stared at. Instead of being supportive she said "get used to it". She seems to say that a lot with things I'm uncomfortable about.
Lastly, there's also been some tension surrounding holiday planning. Every time I wanna go on a weekend away there's excuses like the cat or debt. I try and be understanding. In june she is going South of the UK for a wedding and we talked about a road trip through various cities and split off and meet after the wedding. Then to jump onto the eurostar to Brussels. Again her suggestions but I was excited on the idea. Last month i did a lot of research on places to see and things to do in brussels. When showed it to her, she was saying how she doesn't want to do that cos of dept. I got a bit fed up and decided to go on a holiday with my brothers last week to morocco as they needed a break when i said that she wasnt happy and was like "everyone needs a break too", mind you, my family had a lot going on recently including homelessness. Anyways last week she was like "I wanna go on holiday, lets go Rome" and started sending me so many things. I am not as excited at all.
I am trying my best but it all feels in vain but she is saying how she may have adhd and I'm being inconsiderate. The last couple of dates were everything she planned.
Even with food, it's hard. My only Rule is no pork base. And hers is onions,mushrooms eggs or anything spicy. I spent 4 hrs in the kitchen cooking for prep and asked her to sample, I got a response saying "lets be honest, I won't like your weird food"
Has anyone had similar issues, if so how did you resolve it?
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
submitted by meelatalha to relationships [link] [comments]
