Silly scinece worksheet

Friend's daughter's homework has us confused

2024.05.09 06:58 AwkwardBunny052290 Friend's daughter's homework has us confused

I'm trying to make sure that I'm at least on the right track here so I'm hoping someone can explain this to me. Here is the problem from the worksheet:
"There are 12 kids on a school bus. Some of them are boys. The rest of them are girls. How many boys are on the bus? How many girls are on the bus?"
This is from a first grader's homework. At first glance it seems silly to be asking about this, but I feel like something is missing.
From my understanding, "some" in mathematics can mean 1 and include all of, in this case, the kids. This would mean that there isn't enough information, right?
The way I'm looking at it is:
12-x=y or x+y=12
But you can't get an answer for the boys or girls because there is no quantity given for either.
Can someone please either verify that I'm right or explain to me what I'm missing?
submitted by AwkwardBunny052290 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:21 heyyyyyygurlheyyy Advice Needed! Parents with ADHD, child with suspected ADHD

Hi; I’m a 41 year old mom that was diagnosed with adhd in my early 20s. I have been ion and off meds since then, and am currently on medication. I see many adhd behaviors in my son, who just turned six. His kindergarten teacher has shared some concerns but told us that we should be looking for him to increase his times of focus in 1st grade. He broke his collarbone recently and wasn’t able to do gym or recess. Multiple bites have come home about him being silly and distracting in class and lately he’s been getting notes home from his reading teacher about not completing his worksheets. He has said he just doesn’t feel like finishing.
At his well child check last week, his doctor noticed he can’t sit still and recommending him for adhd testing. Can a diagnosis be accurate at six? I feel like I think it’s adhd because I’ve been hypersensitive to it and watching. However, many of his behaviors are totally normal for a high energy six year old. What is the best way to know what is normal versus not at an age where a child should be free to be childlike?several times he has disrupted the learning of others. I feel bad about that. I really am hesitant to get him screened because I don’t want him labeled or subject to stigma I was. Am I being ridiculous? I go back and forth because o feel like knowing early can help us and him - so things won’t have to be as difficult for him, so he can understand what works for him and doesn’t, and for him to be able to make this his super power not something to feel bad about.
Does anyone have experience with screening or parenting young children suspected to have adhd? As someone who has been medicated and felt not like myself on them, my hear breaks to potentially medicate a child who can’t article that is happening. I want to help him not blow out his spark. I know I am overthinking this, but just wondering if anyone can provide some advice from their experience. TIA!
submitted by heyyyyyygurlheyyy to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 18:32 CicadaCompetitive678 Extensions and opinions

Hi, two things. 1. I applied for an extension with a week old medical certificate because I honestly thought I could get it done in time but alas I’m struggling. I tried searching on the extension information page but couldnt find anything about the date on the medical certificate. Realistically I know I should have applied as soon as I got it and I was silly not to, but would they accept it?
  1. I have a timetable clash and ultimately I’m trying to decide what practical to go to. One practical has a 5% worksheet to do but overall I don’t feel as though I learn anything at the practical I really just turn up for the 5%. The other practical has examinable content for the EOS exam and the class hurdle is a cumulative total of 50% in the midterm and eos exam. I did horribly in the midsem and I require a 5 in the eos exam to pass the course. Which would you do?
submitted by CicadaCompetitive678 to UQreddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 06:09 big-mf-deal Confession: i just started and I don’t like my students.

I just finished student teaching in 5th grade about 3 weeks ago. Immediately after spring break, I started in a 4th grade classroom as a long-term sub for a teacher’s maternity leave. I loved my 5th graders SO much almost immediately. They were so warm and welcome and mostly well-behaved with some mild behaviors from a couple of boys. They wanted to be at school.
However, in 4th grade, I have seven boys that are absolutely feral. The rest of them are chatty but otherwise respectful. To be fair, I was warned. They’ve been awful all year for their regular teacher and every related arts teacher. I was so excited to be offered the job and had on my rose-colored brand new teacher glasses. I just knew I could ✨love✨ them right out of those behaviors and our ✨relationships✨ would magically overcome any problems.
They all have behaviors that are wildly inappropriate and unpredictable. None of them take anything seriously and their personalities range from downright disrespectful to moderately rude. They LIVE to disrupt the class with anything from asking silly (“funny”) questions to “accidentally” falling out of their chairs to just holding conversations with each other from across the room while I’m teaching. One of them started rolling around on the carpet today during a lesson. Another emulated oral sex on a pretzel rod. I want to do fun things with them - we’ve tried morning meetings, silent ball, task cards to get in some movement, “jeopardy” style expectations refreshers, and more. They can’t handle any of it. They can’t handle a freaking brain break. I had to turn it off halfway through yesterday because, again, the boys dominate the classroom and ruin it for everyone by acting like wild animals, even after we reviewed expectations right as I turned on the video. I’ve resorted to mostly handing out worksheet packets for them to do (we’re deep in test prep) and then telling them to “read” on their devices (although only about 30% of them read- the rest openly play games and I don’t have the mental energy to fight them if they’re not being disruptive).
I’m really questioning my entire life right now. I gave up an extremely successful career to return to college as an adult to fulfill my “dream” of becoming a teacher but this is a nightmare. How is it that two sequential grades within the same school can be so vastly different? What kind of teacher finds her own students unlikable? Do they just not respect me as a “sub”? Things are going to get better, right?
submitted by big-mf-deal to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 22:02 ExistentialEcho I have an unhealthy amount of rage over my TurboTax live experience

I feel the need to start this post by explaining that I am a very zen person 90% of the time. I have no road rage, I don’t get annoyed waiting in long lines, I have an extreme amount of patience for most people in most situations.
TurboTax live support has used up all of that vast patience and then some.
My first phone-based support question was about something kind of small that I can’t even remember now. The “expert” I was connected to was moderately helpful with regards to the tax-related questions, but had absolutely zero knowledge of the TurboTax software. So, while she was able to tell what I needed to report and why, she was not able to help me confirm if I was inputting it into TurboTax correctly, which was slightly frustrating but not the end of the world. That conversation was 24 minutes long. 8/10 for knowing the tax questions but not the software but ultimately poking around with me until we hopefully got there (still unsure).
My second phone-based support question was how to report the proceeds from the sale of a house which I lived in for 2 years consecutively within the last 5 years, but which was a multi-family home that I also rented/used as an investment property, and was 100% an investment property at the time of the sale. In my mind, the sale needed to be reported both as the sale of my main home and as the sale of an investment asset and a percentage allocation needed to be made in order to account for the correct tax crediting. I spent an hour and 12 minutes in the phone with my “tax expert” who at the end of the call still could not tell me how and where to report this information. Multiple times durning the call she had me use the search function in turbo tax to ask questions for her to read and research answers, multiple times she made me click hyperlinks next to items so that the program could explain to her what information it wanted. Half of the call or more was spent on and off in complete silence as she presumably researched the answer on her end, but again, after over an hour, she still could not resolve the issue. At this point, I’m 99% sure it is not input correctly but I figure TurboTax has audit support so I’ll get to test that out when it inevitably occurs. 2/10 for sticking with it for over an hour and literally giving me nothing else.
My third attempt to use TurboTax’s live support was chat-based. I had a question about how to e-file my federal return now, but to wait to file my state return until a later date since my state isn’t due for another month. Apparently that’s not possible. I was told I would have to print and mail my state return if I wanted to file at a later date. 10/10 customer service on that one though because the guy I had was nice, polite, and knowledgeable. 0/10 for TurboTax not having that option for e-file.
Because my chat experience was going so well, I decided to use it again for my next question. I was trying to figure out how to navigate to the IT-225 form because my moving expenses weren’t being calculated correctly on my state return. I was transferred to my first “product expert” who basically just showed me that the IT-225 existed and had been created for me but told me that TurboTax uses a narrative format and there’s no way to actually navigate there to see what’s happening. So I tried to ask for her help in determining why it wasn’t calculating correctly then so I could at least sort it out. She said she’s a product expert not a tax expert and can’t answer that question. So I asked her to transfer me to a tax expert. He response was that she can’t but that when I’m done and about to file I’ll be connected to a tax expert for review. I said that’s silly, I shouldn’t have to put it in incorrectly and just hope someone else catches it so that I can fix it. She said that the system is set up to do it at the end. When I pushed back and said that’s absolutely not true because I’ve already spoken with multiple tax experts throughout the process, as is promised by the “live” package, she said “oh, if you have live then yes I can transfer you”. That transfer did not actually occur and I ended having to request it myself separately. 5/10 for kind of knowing the software but not considering there are different packages which offer different support options and forcing me to tell her that, also for not transferring me like she said she would.
This one is the doozy My fifth customer service interaction was a -1000/10. I have an active loathing for this woman after our “chat”.
I explained to her that my moving expenses weren’t being calculated correctly on my state return but that I couldn’t figure out why, and asked for her help in seeing what was going on. I told her I input the expenses on the federal worksheet only because that’s all I could find. She responded I probably need to input them in the state section because there’s no federal credit. (Okay cool? But how?) so I responded yes I agree that’s probably the issue but I can’t find anywhere to do that (like I already implied) and also the product expert directed me to the federal section when I asked. She said she would send a screen share request and I was like great. [spoiler - she never actually sent that request and at no point viewed my screen or inputs]
She then asked if I had any expenses paid for by the military or any expenses not reimbursed by the military. I’m not sure why she asked this as it should’ve had nothing to do with why I was not receiving a credit on my state return, if anything it would’ve created a credit on my federal return. However, this unimportant question opened a giant can of worms. I’m a civilian employee of the DoD and I received a bonus for taking the job, but it was not a payment for moving expenses, it was a bonus for taking a hard to fill position (because it’s immensely underpaid for the area). So I explain that.
Then she gives me factually incorrect tax advice.
She says that “if after getting the bonus that covered the expenses, if you don’t have any expenses over and beyond that then you wouldn’t get any credits. The credit is only for the amounts that were not reimbursed or paid for by the military.”
So many issues with this statement. First and foremost, this was not a payment for moving expenses, so it does not count against my moving credit. Second, I haven’t input that bonus into TurboTax as a payment for moving expenses, so TurboTax cannot be calculating it against my moving expenses. (But she doesn’t know this because she didn’t ask or look.) Finally, this was not a military PCS and has nothing to do with the federal tax credit of such.
She follows this up with an anecdote that she knows this information because her son and his wife are moving due to a PcS and he can’t receive the credit. I also have a big issue with this because as the expert she should know this information because she’s trained and educated on it as it applies to everyone, not because she kind of knows what one specific person she’s related to went through and is now applying that as a blanket to everyone else.
I try to explain to her two major points: that this wasn’t a military PCS and also that it wasn’t a payment for moving expenses. Her absolutely idiotic response was “you would’ve never received the bonus if you hadn’t relocated” so it counts against the credit.
At this point we also went down a rabbit hole about whether my expenses exceeded the bonus amount (which admittedly I shouldn’t have engaged with her on but hindsight is 20/20).
That exchange is the point at which I finally said: This is ridiculous, I don’t want to argue about this because it has absolutely nothing to do with the question I asked. All I have currently input into TurboTax is my actual moving expenses. I have not input a bonus or any compensation for moving expenses. despite that - TurboTax hasn’t adjusted my state return amount for the credit. Without that input, the credit should be showing.”
Her response: “Okay however you see it. I am a CPA for 20 years and I’m trying to explain to you how it will be viewed by the IRS and thus any state Department of Revenue.”
And y’all - this is SUCH a wild claim. Because each state is going to have their own version of this credit (if they have it at all) and how they calculate it will absolutely vary state to state.
I ignore this in the hopes of at least getting a resolution and just respond: “cool.” “Can you please tell me why the credit isn’t showing.”
She responds “thank you have a good day” AND DISCONNECTS THE CHAT.
Never in my life have I been so infuriated by a customer service experience. -1000/10
I have many more choice words for this encounter that I will keep to myself but the moral of the story here is TurboTax’s “live” support is 100% not worth a single dime. Do not pay for the headache of people who don’t know the software and who give incorrect tax advice.
[As an aside - I did connect with a phone agent after this because my problem was still not solved and it needed to be. The man was extremely nice and though it took him an hour and ten minutes to solve the issue of my moving credits, he did in fact solve the problem and continued talking to me throughout the process letting me know he was getting closer to solving the problem and thanking me for my patience. 9/10 because he was so nice and resolved the issue so that my moving expenses are now being deducted from my state income but it still took over an hour.]
submitted by ExistentialEcho to TurboTax [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 20:00 integrating_life Power vs Energy in High School

My daughter is in 10th grade. She's learning about electric power production. Her math teacher sent home a worksheet that is meant to inform about efficiency.
However, the whole worksheet conflates power and energy. The two terms, and their units, are used interchangeable, and at random. So there's a statement such as "the power demand for our county is 50MWh", and "if a wind turbine generates 2.5MW of power, how many turbines are needed to power the county's demand of 50MWh". In other places the teacher refers to the 50MWh as energy.
There are other exercises that I can't even guess what is being asked because the meaning totally changes whether the teacher means energy or power.
I've exchanged a couple of emails with the teacher, and his response seems to be "it doesn't matter".
It's been a long time since I took high school physics. My question is: Is there some new way of teaching that conflates power and energy, MW and MWh? To me it just seems wrong. Am I missing something? Even when I can figure out what is meant, isn't it desirable to teach kids the right concepts and terminology? Or not necessary?
This is from the math teacher. The physics teacher understands all this quite well, of course. I suggested the math teacher ask the physics teacher, but apparently that isn't going to happen. I even volunteered my time to explain it.
I'm not sure what to do.
Edit: Thanks everyone for the comments. They all confirm what I (thought I) knew: energy and power and different things, and there isn't some new-fangled "simplified" teaching program that tries to ignore that. I teach my daughter to always check units. It's a great way to find silly errors, among other things. That's not easy when the math teacher says it doesn't matter.
Edit 2: My wife is encouraging me to contact the head of the math department and the head of school. I don't want to cause trouble, but this shit matters. I think we should all get behind the desire to do our best. This is a very new teacher. Maybe he just isn't getting the support to do his best.
submitted by integrating_life to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 14:50 CatWatt April 1st Special Days - Featuring April Fool's Freebies!

April 1st Special Days - Featuring April Fool's Freebies!

April 1st is... April Fools Day/All Fools' Day
-- April Fool's Day started in Europe as a celebration of the Norse God Loki. People celebrated Loki around April to celebrate new beginnings and changes. This was a way of honoring the necessity and growth achieved through change. They also believed tricking others and playing pranks would fool evil spirits to prevent them from interfering with the many fertility rituals being conducted at the time. April Fool's Day is usually marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies, and neighbors or sending them on fools' errands, aiming to embarrass the gullible.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

😆 April Fools Day Printables and Worksheets
😆 April Fools Day Pranks: Have Fun with These Unsolvable Worksheets
😆 Foolproof Fun Lesson Activities for April Fool's Day
😆 April Fools Matching Game (free printable)
😆 List of Google April Fools' Day jokes
😆 April Fools' Day 2022 Pranks: Butterfinger Mayo, Invisible Earbuds, 7-Eleven Tiny Gulp
😆 The Best April Fools' Day Pranks Of 2021 Hit Network
😆 Best and worst April Fools for 2021 Daily Mail Online
😆 April Fools Jokes for Kids: Mixed Up Joke Teller Prank - Brendid
😆 April Fools' Day Reading A-Z
😆 April Fools' Day at The Holiday Zone
😆 10 Fun Ways to Celebrate April Fool’s Day {free printable}
😆 These Are 13 Of The Very Best April Fool's Pranks For Kids
😆 April Fools Day Coloring Pages - DOODLE ART ALLEY
😆 The Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
😆 17 Practical Joke Ideas for April Fools Day – Tip Junkie
😆 April Fools Ideas + Printables – Dixie Delights
😆 50 April Fools Pranks For Kids In 2021 - Romper
😆 DLTK's Crafts for Kids April Fool's Day Craft: Fake Spills
😆 April Fools' Day On The Web
😆 April Fools Day Printables
😆 14 FREE April Fools Worksheets
😆 April Fool's Day Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lessons
😆 April Fools Day Unsolvable Worksheets
😆 April Fools' Day Printable Word Scramble
😆 April Fools' Maze printable Toys R Us
😆 April Fool's Sheet music for Piano Download free in PDF
😆 April Fools Day Coloring Pages (with Bible Wisdom)
😆 April Fool's Day Top ten tricks
😆 April Fool's Brown E's
😆 April Fools' Day 2019: the best jokes and pranks in one place
😆 April Fool's Day Free Coloring Pages
😆 April Fools Day Worksheets for Kids
😆 April Fool's Doughnut Seeds Printable Packet
😆 April Fool's Day coloring pages
😆 5 Free Printable April Fools Day Games
😆 Silly April Fools' Day Cards to Trick Your Love
😆 The BEST April Fools Hoax Ever – It's the Teacher's Turn!
😆 Here Are the Best April Fools' Jokes That Fooled No One

April Fool's Recipes:

😆 April Fool's Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe Allrecipes
😆 April Fools Day Tacos - Fork and Beans
😆 Next Post: APRIL FOOLS' DAY Fake Food - Party Pinching
😆 April Fools' Day Jiggly 'juice' Recipe -
😆 5 April Fools' food pranks your kids will love Ready Set Eat
😆 Prank Your Kids on April Fools' Day With These 11 Trickster Recipes
😆 An April Fools' Day Dessert Hamburger Food Channel
😆 April Fools Food Recipes - Meatloaf Cupcakes Recipe
More: April 1st Special Days - Featuring April Fool's Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 18:58 xiu92 Homebuying Questions (Maryland)

Husband and I are looking into starting the process of buying our first place.
Sorry for the silly questions, but would appreciate any advice as the process seems overwhelming and it's a HUGE decision.
Relevant facts: budget - under 250k; husband is a veteran; I am a state employee; husband has student debt ~10k.
I started talking to a SECU (local credit union) mortgage person, and we have some initial worksheets for a VA and conventional loan.
I am also interested in the MMP (Maryland Mortgage Program) programs and any way to get some grants for first time homebuyers. I was contacted by a rep from Capital Bank after filling out an initial interest form.
Does anybody have any advice as to what is best for our situation? Is a VA loan be the best option usually? Is MMP a good option? Any other places to look for first time homebuyer grants?
Thank you!
submitted by xiu92 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 05:42 xiu92 Homebuying Questions

Husband and I are looking into starting the process of buying our first place in AA or PG.
Sorry for the silly questions, but would appreciate any advice as the process seems overwhelming and it's a HUGE decision.
Relevant facts: budget - under 250k; husband is a veteran; I am a state employee; husband has student debt ~10k.
I started talking to a SECU mortgage person, and we have some initial worksheets for a VA and conventional loan.
I am also interested in the MMP programs and any way to get some grants for first time homebuyers. I was contacted by a rep from Capital Bank after filling out an initial interest form.
Does anybody have any advice as to what is best for our situation? Is a VA loan be the best option usually? Is MMP a good option? Any other places to look for first time homebuyer grants?
Thank you!
submitted by xiu92 to maryland [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 19:44 tegan_willow I'm sure I'm going to get hate for this-- I'm a high school teacher of 17 years, and I simply don't police phones anymore.

Exactly like it says in the title, I'm an English teacher- have been for seventeen years, and I just cannot bring myself to prioritize caring about the inevitable phones in my classroom.
I'm not saying I like them; they can be a horrible distraction at times, but I also don't see fighting them to be a war I could possibly win. I don't have the energy or the mental bandwidth to constantly look over shoulders or scowl "put that away." These days, I'm content if they're not being an overt disruption.
I try to encourage kids to treat their phones as a tool and not a distraction, and I'd like to think most do. Many just like the option of doing classwork while hearing their own music. These kids- post Covid especially, live through their devices; whether we like it or not, that's the truth.
Right before Covid, our district began a 1:1 policy with chromebooks, which led me to going fully paperless. All worksheets and literature are in the form of interactive documents or pdfs now, meaning that in a pinch a kid can even follow along in my class with a smartphone. There really is such utility to a smartphone when your work and materials are presented in that way, and I don't think I'm ever going back to paper.
I don't know, I just think that fighting the existence of something as ubiquitous as smartphones is silly, especially when the lessons already actively encourage use of technology. Besides, their future work and lives will also be heavily based and reliant on technology.
I've found that by choosing thoughtfully the times that I ask them to put the phones away, it makes the times that I do ask them more urgent and serious in their minds. I'm less likely to get pushback, especially when I offer context for why it's important now; state testing would be an example.
Sure, with my lax attitude toward tech, I do catch the occasional kid catching up on the latest season of "One Piece" when they ought to be working, but for the most part it's been fine. I've found it's not only the easiest way to go, but also the only really reasonable long-term plan.
Am I being a bad teacher here?
submitted by tegan_willow to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 05:45 MudMediocre1649 My 3rd grade teacher

I just recalled a terrible teacher I (f22) had when I was in the third grade. I’m seething just thinking about it and wanted to share.
Big emphasis that I was 9 years old :/
Anyways there are two particular instances I wanted to share.
Instance one: my class seemed to be struggling with a particular math concept. This made her very mad and irritated with us. We were doing worksheets and she straight up told us we were not to hand in our sheets to her until they were correct. Will like wtf, none of us knew what we were doing, if we went up to ask for help she was visibly mad and sent us back to our desks offering no help. Some of us confidently went to her desk to turn in our worksheets and she began to belittle those people and tell them they were wrong and DO NOT COME BACK UNTIL ITS PERFECT. This was such a painstakingly awful period and most of us were crying quietly. Me specifically trying to hand it in a couple times and being degraded and shouted at. Not only was this embarrassing in front of the whole class but very defeating. I dont think a lot of us finished those worksheets that day. I can’t remember exactly how it happened but she ended up giving me in particular a dention, for crying too much. Dentition was sitting in a desk in the hallway, for everyone to see. She told me and I quote “you’re behaving worse than my 3 year old nephew”. Of course this made me more hysterical. She then came up with the conclusion that I was acting this way because I couldn’t do secret Santa. To add context secret Santa was a thing our school set up for students to buy gifts for there families IF they sent them with money. I could care less for these silly cheap gifts. But she called me a brat. And called my parents to tell them. Making them feel obliged to send me with money to shop.
Instance 2: my country had these mandatory tests called PAT’s they made 3,6,and 9 graders write. Same stress as final exams but the purpose I think was to see how kids were performing and collect data on that. They have since gotten rid of these and I’m pretty sure my generation was the last To have to write them. This particular instance we were to write a story based off of a picture they provided. Again I guess my class failed miserably at this. Perhaps this looked bad on my teachers part and she took her anger out on us. I’m not really sure this next part is legal. But she proceeded to read EVERY single kids story out loud to the class and terror them to pieces. Absolutely ridiculing them and saying how terrible they are. Again WE WERE 9 YEARS OLD. This was humiliating.
Anyways just had to get that off my chest lol
submitted by MudMediocre1649 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 01:25 Wugabapoalmu Is CBT still good for depression if the depression is caused by burnout?

I've just started CBT a couple of weeks ago for "moderately severe" depression, and already it is feeling weird for me. I was tasked with "identifying the negative feelings and the thoughts that created them", but for me I don't see any trigger, and the result is just no thoughts and no feelings, I was literally going from task to task, then staring off into space in between. It feels like the "solution" proposed by CBT is to just do more stuff, but I'm already doing stuff from 6:30am to 8:30pm, so it feels pretty unlikely that more stuff is gonna improve things for me.
I tried to tell my practitioner that I'm Autistic (self diagnosed) but it feels like she's on a script and just getting through 'the program'. "so you see how this can be a cycle?""no, I'm actually confused about how "do nothing" leads to my trigger of "wake up"" "well anyway here's a worksheet, it'll make sense after that" (it still doesn't)
"set a goal to do something that makes you happy" "I'm here because nothing makes me happy" "then try going for walks" so now I'm trying to drag my butt out of bed at 5:30, to drag myself around the block, which she treated as some kind of sign that I'm getting better already feels like CBT ignores the possibility that some triggers are actually external and cannot be controlled, and it feels ridiculous to suggest that our emotions aren't impacted by stuff outside of ourselves...
I've seen some improvement in my mood over the past couple of weeks, but I feel like that's more a coincidence than a result, since at the same time I've also had changes to my stressors over the same period (getting back to my normal routine, household chaos reducing, not living paycheck to paycheck, etc)If anything I think that I'm seeing more benefit from taking a sleep assist supplement and practicing daily gratitude and the CBT is maybe making the demand avoidance and burnout symptoms worse
I'm filling out an activity diary now, which has become a huge distraction and is kind of adding stress, but I'm hoping that maybe once she sees how much stuff I do already that I can get referred to a different support stream that might actually help...
Am I just being impatient, or is this whole thing probably just a waste of time?
update: Thanks to everyone who gave their input! at the very least it helps to not feel like it's my fault for not trying hard enough! I didn't expect this many responses and I really appreciate the support <3
it's probably relevant to note that I'm not with a therapist, I got funnelled directly to a free CBT service, I'm trying to avoid paid/permanent therapy because I just can't afford it and I feel like once I find the right approach, I can help myself as well as a talk therapist could help me anyway (or better, in many cases). I've now looked into ACT on my own, which vibes with me a lot better, I've seen a pretty radical improvement just from discovering my values and recognising my feelings. I feel like a big part of my problem was that I didn't know what I was living for, and the traditional western capitalist value set (hard work, pride, wealth, fitness, nature, beauty, faith) doesn't fit me well. (I settled on creativity, curiosity, authenticity, humour and fairness as my core values, which are ideals that I've spent the last few years trying to squash because they're "wrong", go figure I didn't feel great as a result)
update: I have my 6th and final session tomorrow, I decided to see it through and I'm glad I did, although I don't think it has anything to do with CBT and I probably would have benefitted more/faster from an ACT therapist. what helped me: - having someone to talk to outside of my life, on a schedule - continued encouragement (the people in my life can be unintentionally pretty disparaging) - help to notice the heart of problems, and see the subtle positives (it took several sessions for me to truly believe that I needed a new hobby and could achieve that) - a session on 'problem solving' specifically: I was putting up blockers to seeking a hobby and I needed help to dispel the silly ones. (Turns out I can draw pretty well, and it does a good job of helping me process my feelings and restore spoons) - defusing from my thoughts (ACT) has helped me notice the low self-esteem, shame, guilt, etc that I hadn't realised I have. - Now that I'm consciously accepting my feelings and burnout, it is empowering me to do other things that help like asking for small accommodations at work.
submitted by Wugabapoalmu to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 15:24 Big_Knowledge6417 Mandatory OE Post

Just as I had a positive thought of J2 being an okay place to work, it hits the fan. J2 has easy and interesting work, but unprofessional and messy coworkers. I have been doing a good job at laying low for the last year, but got into a silly spat with a new manager recently.
The same day this occurs, I receive a notification of a mandatory meeting for organizational restructuring. Next day at the meeting I learn my position will be transitioning to layoffs.
Today I received my severance worksheet and information on my last day, but it’s months away.
I am interested in the severance package. Without the potential package, I doubt I would be sticking it out until fall. I have been steady networking to get away from these unpleasant people who constantly push off their assignments on me and yell at me. I have to listen to them go on their tangents. I cannot fathom the hostility I have experienced in a remote environment. Its unreal. Although I am honestly impressed with my ability to brush it off for so long, I have been telling myself I can find easy and interesting work somewhere else too.
Now I think it would be dumb to not stick around until the last day and walk off with severance. I have no desire to continue my networking as I have been doing and stay within the company. I am praying another position is not extended as that will make me ineligible for the package. I still have a meeting with HR.
  1. Say I go on FMLA leave, do you think I will get immediately terminated or become ineligible for severance?
  2. J1 and J2 use the same provider to administer leave and accommodations, but completely different industries. Do you think I could be found out? I have no FMLA at J1, but I have ADA. J2 I have no ADA, but have been considering requesting FMLA since before the layoff news. I would like to go on leave for a month and then maybe set it up intermittently if possible, but not sure if FMLA will protect me since I am now an exiting associate?
  3. Has anyone had an experience where you were laid off and became ineligible for severance for any reason? What happened?
  4. In your opinion, why is it that the employer offers severance to some employees and not to others? There was just a recent cut at the same company in a different department and it was told there was no severance package offered for them.
I think that’s all I got guys. 🫡
Thankful I have not been afraid to OE and I feel like I could keep this up for 35 more years. I had it all on lock, but sometimes it’s just out of your control.
This is why we OE.
submitted by Big_Knowledge6417 to OverEmployedWomen [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 17:25 throwawayie17 The detailed post-wedding writeup I wish I had when I was planning!

This is the writeup I wish I had found as I was planning my wedding. I got married last september and I finally have enough bandwidth to do a writeup of how it went and lessons learned. I hope I never get married again, so these lessons would be wasted if I did not share them. I was never a person who spent much time imagining weddings but I have spent many years in the concert and event industry so I know the details that matter to making an event run smoothly (and they’re the boring stuff like bathrooms and trash cans and electrical cords and timelines). I’m pretty organized and was also not willing to shell out for a wedding planner so we tackled this thing ourselves.
And! I’m thrilled we had a wedding and that it was such a good one. I loved having our people all together for a weekend and it was worth it.Side note: I hated the bullshit marketing and expectations placed on being “a bride.” Planning a wedding is a chore and I can’t say how annoying it was to have all of my internet algorithms suggesting shapewear and weight loss scams to me for the whole wedding year. Fuck right off with that. Getting married was a joy but planning a wedding sucked and it was worth it anyway. But I’m never doing it again. I prioritized keeping my sanity through the whole process and it was still a lot of work.
My partner and I are both pretty practical people and have fortunately sane families so it was up to us how we wanted to plan this thing. We read parts of A Practical Wedding by Megan Keene and it recommended choosing your top three most important things and focusing on those. The book also recommended a “vibe mission statement” . So we decided that ours were.
  1. A Good Ceremony
  2. Invite all our people
  3. A Good photographer (we’re both such grubby outdoor people that we’re wearing helmets and sunglasses in every single photo of us and we wanted good photos of our one day dressed up)
And our vibe we wanted was “joyful, comfortable lawn party.” I imagined a big barefoot hobbit type party with trees and lights and comfy skirts.
These priorities made it SO much easier to disregard the shit that we did NOT care about. ‘Cause there was a LOT of that.
We did pay for several services that could have been done cheaper, but for me it was worth it to hire professionals so that I wouldn’t have to be event managing while I was trying to get married. I downloaded the wedding planning spreadsheets from a practical wedding and used those, but any would do fine. I mostly used them to keep track of budgets and payment deadlines.
I’ll break the planning down into categories in no particular order and sum it up at the end. Budgets are rough guesses. We’re in a medium-high COL location and we tried to balance budget considerations with subbing things out to keep us sane/help us enjoy the day.
Venue $5,800
Our venue was the most impactful choice we made and we absolutely loved ours. We wanted to stay local and to have a low-key vibe. We had originally put down a deposit for a local cider brewery, but we realized that it had no trees and too industrial of a vibe. Plus it would have been a sunny hell on a summer afternoon and needed us to bring tents and chairs and bleh. So we toured a local farm that met all of our criteria:
-Trees and Nature and outdoor spaces
-An indoor space in case of rain (fuck dealing with tents)
-Allowed 125 people (many farms had lower guest caps
-Allowed us to bring our own food/alcohol
-Close to home
It was stunningly beautiful and comfortable and had plenty of room for our guests to roam the property. We are all outdoorsy people so a farm was our happy place for us and our guests. The sunset was stunning and the wild grasses and flowers growing all over were just heaven. It had a few rules about quiet music and early ending times, but we didn’t mind at all. It was only 20 minutes from our house which saved a lot of hassle and hotel room complications. I would have hated having to drive more than an hour to our venue.
We got engaged in November, had a venue picked by January and a photographer by February and got married in September. It was fast but doable. My partner had said “well, no point wasting any time, we got engaged, let’s get married!” And I’m glad we did. Honestly, wedding planning sucked and making it last longer would not have made it better.
The day-of timeline was hard to piece together and our photographer and lead caterewaitstaff helped build it. The wedding was 3-9 pm and it was the right length for us.
HMU: 9-12
Get ready at venue: 1-2 (it was chaos)
2-3 First look photos
3:15-3:45 ceremony
3:45-4:15 Big family pictures
10 minute break by ourselves for snacks(this was SO nice)
3:45-5:15 Social hour with lawn games and bar burros for guests
5:30-7 ish Dinner, speeches, first dance
7-9 Dancing/playing outside by the fire pit
8? Cake
Ceremony/Officiant $1000 and so worth it
We are fortunate to have a close long term friend who is a unitarian universalist minister. Her wedding was the first one I had ever gone to that had memorable, AMAZING vows and so I asked her if she’d officiate and we were lucky she said yes. Local officiants were asking for 800-1000 for their time and so I offered to pay for her and her families flights out here plus some. This is her profession after all and she deserves to be paid for her training. We are not religious and we wanted joyful, genuine vows. We had been to some weddings with traditional vows or jokey casual vows and those were not for us.
She did 3-4 meetings with us before the wedding and sent us a questionnaire to help her write the ceremony. She also sent us a worksheet that helped us write our own vows.
She broke the ceremony down into parts. The opening greeting and centering, a community blessing for the audience to declare their support for us, a union ritual (flowers, I’ll explain later), the address explaining our story and philosophies, the vows , the ring exchange, and the recession.
Everyone cried, it was a great ceremony and easily my favorite part of the day. It was wonderful. I have our vows printed over a wedding picture on our wall.
Flowers and Flower Ceremony: maybe $100 in supplies and lots of gardening
This was one of our absolute favorite parts. We decided to gamble and grow our own flowers. We decided ahead of time that we were totally okay if it failed. Our goal was to grow enough for just our bouquets and if the garden didn’t work, we would go to trader joes instead. So we planted 150 sf of our garden with dahlias, gladiolus, cosmos and daisies. We got really lucky that they bloomed at the right time. The dahlias are an ongoing bloomer but glads are boom and bust and we just got lucky is all. I did stagger planting some of the glads by a few weeks as insurance which worked. I had done a lot of research and chose flowers that would bloom in early september ish.
For our union ceremony, instead of lighting a candle or combining sand, we chose to do a flower ceremony. My husband and I walked into the ceremony with our own bouquets made of a single flower type (pink dahlias for me, yellow dahlias for him) and we asked our wedding parties and parents to bring or choose a type of flower to contribute to our combined bouquets. So we had 2 vases set up at the altar. We put some pink and some yellow dahlias into each and then one by one, our people came up and put in their flower along with what it symbolized (daisies for a late grandfather, cosmos for flexibility, wild grass for tenacity, etc) and one of my bridesmaids arranged the mix into two stunning new bouquets and our celebrant bound them together with ribbon to symbolize our combining of families. This was my FAVORITE decision we made. I loved my finished bouquet so much and my husband loved his too. Men should get flowers more often, he looks so handsome in all our photos beaming and holding his flowers.
Website Free
We chose Zola because it had digital save the dates (we did pay for paper invitations) and it allowed cash funds and odd items from other websites on our registry. We did not need standard kitchen stuff, so we had things like power tools and outdoor gear instead.
Guests/Invites: $150ish
It was our priority to invite all of our people, community is important to us and it was such a joy to have all of our favorite people in one room. We had a 125 person limit at the venue and we invited 175 ish. We ended up with 121 people or so. We cut it a little close and it worked out fine. The vast majority of our families are local so they all came, most of the folks who did not come were honorary invites to older relatives out of town.
We did digital save the dates with a small handful printed at walgreens for non email people. Many save the dates got caught in spam filters. We printed paper invites through zola and it was nice to have the envelopes pre addressed. We also enclosed an empty recipe card with each invite and asked our guests to give us recipes. We got maybe 20% of them back. It was a fun idea. Some invites were slow or stuck in the mail, so I did end up sending out maybe 10 replacement ones. We had our RSVP deadline a month before the wedding so we had time to hunt down the nonresponsive folks with plenty of time before our 2 week catering deadline.
Food $2,200
Waitstaff and rentals $3,400
Bar $1200ish
Cake $200
Our venue allowed us to supply our own food/alcohol as long as we hired a waitstaff or full service caterer. Full service catering quotes were in the 15K and fancy food was not our priority. So we ordered chipotle catering and hired a lovely local company that provided waitstaff to move chairs and handle food/trash/ logistics/etc. The owner of this company was wonderful and coordinated everything from timeline to location of tables to making sure we had snacks in our dressing rooms after the ceremony. She also handled plate and tablecloth rentals. My mother’s only demand in the whole wedding was real forks, so fine, we paid for rental plates and silverware. This was the best arrangement for us, the food was delicious and easy and super darn affordable for as many people as we had.
For liquor, we bought wine at costco and ordered beer and ice delivery from a local liquor store. They accepted returns of unopened cases after the wedding. We had 2 simple cocktails at social hour which was the only hard liquor the venue allowed and it was fine. We also had tea and lemonade in dispensers.
We got our cake from a local bakery, we just did sheet cake and a small cutting cake. I almost ordered this at costco, but the local place had super delicious cakes. Our friends picked it up for us.
Photographer $4,000
I started by searching for photos of past weddings at my venue. That helped me find photographers who already understood the vibe I wanted (joyful, outdoor) and it helped me scope out their styles ahead of time to sift out what I did not want (posed, stuffy, heavily filtered). I found a photographer who was funny and put us at ease and who did not speak to me like I was some frilly tik tok “girlie”. I have to hang out with this person for my whole wedding day and I had to find someone I liked enough to spend a day with. She also shared some full wedding galleries which I appreciated so I could see how her photos looked at candid moments, indoors and outdoors. Most photographers only show their highlights which anyone can do well. I asked to add a delivery date for photos in the contract and she delivered right on time since it was so clearly in writing. We also added a second photographer for 3 hours for the getting ready, ceremony and family photos which helped them all happen faster.
I wrote out a detailed family shot list for her and mentioned certain photos that were high priority for me. Critical photos for me were with my grandma, a wide landscape shot to hang on my wall and a single simple straight on shot for our thank you notes. I was glad we put this together ahead of time so we didn’t waste time on the day to try to improvise boring family shots. She got through the posed ones in 30 mins or less which I appreciated. Prioritize the photos you’ll really cherish over the obligatory massive family posed pictures. I wish I had more pictures of just my mom, sister and I but we were so busy that we only have a few.
Day of coordinator $750
She was recommended by the venue and had worked there before. Her duties overlapped some with the catering staff. I hired her so I would not have to do any event managing during the day and she handled things smoothly. I have no idea what exactly she did all day which is perfect! She brought us drinks, fetched missing boutonnieres and handled boring hiccups and I never had to get involved, so it was well worth it.
Clothing: Total probably $2000ish
My husband got his suit made at indochino in green which looked great.
I tried maybe 4 dress shops before I found a used dress at a local bridal consignment store. I liked the consignment store because it offered unique dresses that were different from the trends of the year. That said, I was totally wrong about what I thought I wanted (classic, clean, no deep v, structured, no train) and I ended up getting a stunning sparkly dress with a deep v that fit well right off the rack and it was stretchy! Turns out I was just waiting for a comfortable dress. And I surprised myself that I loved the fabric pattern so much that I kept the train. I opted for both a wrist loop and simple bustle. The wrist loop was elegant and made pre-wedding pictures easy. Having a cheaper, pre-used dress helped me enjoy the day more because I gave myself permission not to baby the dress. So I tromped through grass fields and petted farm animals and carried toddlers around and I had such a blast. And I used good lines boob tape which worked really nicely. I practiced with it several times before the wedding which was important. And I wore comfy shorts under my dress. No chafing and no squeezing was important to me.
I way overthought jewelry but I loved the back necklace I found on etsy, it looked stunning with my low back dress. And I made a day of decision to keep my tiny bee stud earrings in. I wear them every day and I love that they’re my wedding earrings now. I also got gel nails done the week of the wedding and it was fun to still have my wedding nails for weeks after the wedding.Oh! And I wore comfy, cute red leather ankle boots with a 1” heel. Hardly anyone could see them PLUS I get to wear my wedding shoes all the time now. They were comfy af and let me run free.
The only real craft project I did for the wedding was to make bouttonieres for the men in the family. I had a loose dandelion theme (wishes and all) and I made yarn poofballs in dandelion colors. They looked great and never wilted.
Wedding Party
We each chose 3-4 of our closest people for our wedding party. I asked the ladies to wear anything they wanted in green, blue or purple. And then men ended up wearing whatever suit jackets they already owned. I didn’t care at all about matching dresses and I’m glad I avoided the hassle and expense of it.
HMUA maybe $800 for me plus 3?
I found a local hair salon that would do hairstyles and a makeup artist who would come to the salon. I offered to pay for my 3 bridesladies if they wanted to join. It was expensive but it was nice to have a really chill quiet morning before the chaos of the wedding started. I did do a trial with both hair and makeup which I’m glad I did because I edited a few things. I am blonde and relatively fair and the makeup artist ordered brown false lashes for me which looked so much more natural.
Bar Burros $700
This was our one ridiculous silly splurge. We hired 2 bar burros to distribute drinks and bubbles for kids during social hour. They wore flowers and our guests totally loved them. It was silly and we loved it. It loosened everyone up and set a fun mood for the rest of the wedding.
Dancing Lessons $400ish
We took some dance lessons at a local studio and they helped us choreograph a dance to “House of my Soul” by Langhorne Slim which is maybe the best wedding song I’ve ever heard. These dancing dates were one of our favorite parts of wedding planning and helped us remember to have fun. It was so worth the money.
Music $1200
The venue had a list of recommended DJs who knew the decibel limit rules. I told the DJ the vibes we wanted and which genres to avoid and he was lovely. Our families aren’t huge dancers so the poor guy ended up playing music to a pretty empty room while we all watched the sunset but it was not his fault at all. It was worth having him instead of an ipod since he had all his own gear and he could queue things during the ceremony.
We walked down the aisle to a cover of “This must be the place” by Kishi Bashi. It made me cry the first time I listened to it and I could not have found a more perfect procession song. Our recession song was “All I want is You” by Barry Louis Polisar.
Rings $2300 total
My husband had proposed to me using my grandmother’s gold wedding band which happened to fit me perfectly and it was so special to me. I had a local jewelry shop drill in a tiny tiny flush set diamond to make it my own. They did it for $50 and I love it.
We both work a lot with our hands and appreciate craftsmanship. A prong set ring is not my style at all. We found a local jewelry maker who made us matching oxidized damascus steel wedding rings. Mine has some scattered flush set diamonds and his has a narrow gold ribbon to match my engagement band. . They’re stunning and unique and we’ll love them forever.
Other events
We did a welcome event on friday night at a local brewery and a bagel brunch at a park shelter the next morning. I’m so glad we did these so we could spend more time with our people outside of the wedding itself. We were fortunate that our parents offered to handle the food for these. Plus we were able to serve/distribute wedding leftovers and the sunday brunch.
I did have a casual bachelorette weekend at a cabin on a lake about 6 weeks before the wedding. We read books and canoed and wore cute overalls. It was lovely.
Prenup $2,500ish
This is rarely talked about, but it counts as a wedding expense. We’re practical people, we have no intention of getting divorced but things happen. We each had some assets coming into marriage and we already owned a house together but had no legal agreement about it. It’s important that this is complete at least a month ahead of the wedding for enforceability. It covers things like how joint money is and is not used, how inheritances will work and considerations about catastrophic or end of life decisions. The overall process maybe took 6-8 weeks because lawyers are busy people and prenups are not emergencies. It was boring and a chore but it got done and we moved along.
Name change $500?
We chose to take one syllable from each of our names and combine them rather than hyphenate. Imagine he was Sonson and I was smith. We combined to Smithson. What we didn’t realize is that legally its easy and free to hyphenate OR take the husbands name. But since we smushed into a new name we needed a court order before social security would change our names. This involved fingerprints, background checks and a bunch of paperwork. It was a pain, we’re hoping that all the name change admin is done by our first anniversary. It was important to us to share a name in an equitable way so it will be worth it but it was a pain.
MiscBubble favors for send off, , smores, lawn games, fans, seating chart
I used the local “recycled wedding” facebook group to source things like a card box and seating chart, buying them new is a ripoff and no one needs them for more than a day anyway. I paid maybe $100 for miscellaneous wedding junk and made almost all of it back when I sold it after the wedding.
Honeymoon: $5000
The honeymoon is what I’ve dreamed about since I was a kid and it was so important to me. AND it would have been impossible for me to plan it and a wedding at the same time. So we did a micro-moon for two nights in a mountain cabin near home the day after the wedding and we waited 6 months or so and then took a 3 week trip to Japan. I’m so glad we waited. I had time to plan and had enough bandwidth to enjoy it fully. We felt so weird and exhausted after the wedding and I’m glad we only had to go an hour away to chill.
Overall Conclusions:
It was fun and so worth it. Time FLEW. I felt like I was on a strange time conveyor belt for our whole wedding weekend and I couldn’t stop it. I held onto my husband's hand and slowed down at every opportunity to breath and look around. Having our people with us in a beautiful place was an almost otherworldly experience and nothing like it will probably happen again. It was blissful and happy. We were able to do the hard work and logistics ahead of time and by the time the wedding came, we accepted that the work was done and that whatever happened was okay. That was critical. Weddings are chaos and tapping into some major acceptance helped us not worry on the day. It was perfect and messy and a joy.
submitted by throwawayie17 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 18:17 AsaAmaris Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord- How to Bring it Up

Hopefully this isn’t a silly question…
I’m (30F) currently seeing some people who are partnered (44M), (38M), (41F) and (35F). I identify as a relationship anarchist, but the people I’m seeing identify as poly.
All of these situations are relatively new (under 6 months) and I want to introduce the smorgasbord to better understand their wants/needs. Also to better help them understand mine.
How would you go about bringing the smorgasbord up in person? I’m pretty literal and straightforward which can be off putting. My initial thoughts were to just plop the papers on the table and talk through it. That might be a bit much for people who need more finesse so that it doesn’t feel like homework.
What’s a good way to have the conversation or handle the worksheet?
submitted by AsaAmaris to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 03:58 HeheItsMeAmrit Maths

First of all I am a very good student of mathematics. This is not a flex and I'll explain how this has turned out to be a curse for me in my following sentences. In class, we have a teacher who sometimes teaches something wrong and I correct her, I suggest better methods of solving sums which prove to be helpful to my classmates but this triggers her ego. She doesn't give me 20 in projects however good they are and even if I submit them on time. There were several instances where she said I would never get 100 and that has stuck to me in all subjects. I try my best in all subjects and however good my paper goes, I make one or more silly mistakes which prevent my 100. Also, especially in mathematics, that teacher due to a lodged hate and a certain loathing towards me deducts even more marks due to insufficient steps (the other teacher of my school said that my steps were perfectly okay but she childishly insisted that I jumped steps). I have practiced everything there was to practice in maths, I have done them all but due to this 99 curse, I am losing motivation and love for the subject mathematics, which I once valued over relationships too. I want to know if you guys have similar stories too and also how to prevent these silly mistakes. Also, if it is possible, please send me a worksheet of important and hard sums which require critical thinking or are tricky as I've stopped practicing since my dismal pre board results and I feel this 99 curse will strike again, preventing my 100 in a subject I deserve to get 100. I am sorry for writing so much but my friends and parents don't have the patience to listen to me and will only blame me so the Internet is my only hope.
submitted by HeheItsMeAmrit to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 04:37 tax_throwaway_935478 Rental income: is it "active participation" if I am the landlord but there is no landlording work to be done due to a chill longtime tenant?

Hi there, thanks in advance!
In summary: I am landlord of some rural property that I rent to a tenant who keeps livestock on it. I am filing my rental income using Schedule E since it is a simple cash rent deal. I am technically responsible for landlording activities like finding tenants or making repairs and improvements, but I've kept the same tenant for years and there is usually nothing to repair. I have in the past installed improvements (a fence, a water well,) but usually my total work is signing a lease and cashing a check. Should I be checking "active participation" on my Schedule E worksheet? Is the definition of active participation being responsible for landlording activities (yes, this applies to me), or actually doing a bunch of those activities (no, this usually does not apply to me)? What would the implication be of checking or not checking this box?
Messier details: The property I own is a piece of an inheritance that was broken up between several people in my family. I had previously asked a family member for advice on how I should be filing taxes for this rental income and they said that it's "simpler" if we all claim to be active participants, but years later I'm looking into it more deeply and I don't see why. I suspect they may be saying we should be checking this box because they want to be able to deduct more losses because they think taxation is evil, but that seems silly because we don't really ever have losses and don't anticipate any (unless the value of rural land crashes and we sell, I guess? How else can you lose money on a plot of land that just has cows on it? Perhaps if the fence explodes?) We are taking depreciation on some improvements but I don't think depreciation is affected by active participation, right? Is there any other reason y'all can think of why my family member thought it would be good to check this box?
I just want to know if I've been filing this wrong for years, and/or what the effects might be if I stop checking "active participation" now.
Thank you!
submitted by tax_throwaway_935478 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 01:48 KDavidP1987 Nested IF Formula Doesn't Work as It is Evaluated To

Hello all,
I have a nested IF statement in a worksheet that I am using for a video game I admin on. I know this is a silly application of Excel, but I enjoy finding formulaic ways to solve problems. The goal in this sheet is to dynamically (formulaically) develop a list of enemy units to spawn in a special zone, where we have a maze.
The first step in this is the user selects the level range of the players entering the zone, and the number of players, followed by entering the number of NPCs to spawn within the zone. For the purposes of this exercise the number of NPCs is the only relevant value.
The first column of the table designates the floor number. However, in reality this column also provides the number of NPCs to spawn for the given floor, by using a nested IF statement to count the occurrences of rows with that floor number above the entry (row of the formula).
Here is the formula I have developed so far.
In reading this out, the first row should always default to the number 1, as it does, because the row above it is the column header and is not a number. So most of the statement regarding adding the correct number of entities exist within the initial TRUE portion of the outer IF statement.
Within the TRUE portion of the statement it essentially asks IF the number above IS a number (it is) then start by counting the how many rows (above the cell) have that number and compare it against the # NPCs Per Floor to generate (B13). This is condition. So if the number of cells above the cell (from the top of the table) with that number is below the desired number of NPCs then the value of the given cell should remain as the value of the cell above it (ex: A17 should equal 1). If the count of cells above exceed the number of NPCs desired the the number should increment by 1 (ex: would become 2).
The rows below A16 in column A should be evaluating appropriately, and should result in the value of 1. However, they are evaluating to become 0.
When I perform an evaluation on this formula using the step in evaluator, it even indicates in it that the value should be 1, but in the very last step it changes to a 0 for some reason.
Is this a glitch in Excel?
Here is the evaluation of the formula in cell A17, which should come out as the number 1.
In this above step it clearly indicates in the simplified form that the value should become 1, however, in the next step it suddenly changes to 0.
I know I could do this through VBA, but I was curious to see if I could create a formula to solve it, and came up surprised when the formula doesn't seem to work out as it should (even as evaluated)
submitted by KDavidP1987 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 00:50 CanadianMom1234 6 year old and math issues?

I need some advice. My six year old (in grade 1) brought home some math worksheets (6). Two of them he failed (most of the wrong questions were off by 1). I honestly don't think it's a big deal. These are the first subtraction math sheets he's brought home. But the teacher wrote on them that we need to have a conference about them. She didn't message me or call. My husband and I are both engineers and I would say my early years in math were up and down, but I definitely got better with time. I also tested my son with a whole bunch of subtraction questions and he did just fine. A couple of mistakes but he clearly understands the concept. His teacher has done this before... said he needed practice on less than and greater than. When I practiced it with him, he knew it so well. When I asked her specifically what he was supposed to practice, since I tested him and he seemed to know it well, she said that it was because she had already helped him. So I don't understand what's going on? I do think my son rushes through stuff, but when he slows down he does well. I think the request for a conference just really threw me off.... any advice? Is it just me or is this teacher overreacting? I don't want to seem like I don't care, I do care about learning, but I don't want to overreact and worry. I don't want him to get behind, but I think at age 6 stressing over math seems kind of silly especially since he seems to understand what's going on. But am I the one who's off?
submitted by CanadianMom1234 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 21:17 Weary_Stuff1633 Top set driving me crazy

Hi all,
Have a top set yr 10 class. They will be good for a couple lessons where their behaviour would be good, they will engage with the lesson and I will be able to teach.
Then after a couple lessons, we always have that 1 lesson where they will be absolutely wild. By wild I mean constant chatter over me, literally 95% of the class talking, if I wait for them, it takes a good few minutes for them to listen to be and be silent then as soon as I start tecahing, they talk again. These kids ahve no respect for me what so ever, every decision I make, everything I say has no importance in their eyes. I had to walk out last lesson as I could not deal with it.
They will just be so silly and stupid. One starts talking, then they blame each other and then they start accusing eachother . This means I only get through 30% of my content.
I literally cannot teach them, they will constantly talk over me. I cannot give out individual sanctions as too many are talking at once and if I have a whole class sanction parents get angry at me.
I have three key ringleaders whom if I remove, the lesson is fine. Another 10ish students join in with the ring leaders but if the three key ringleaders are not in the lesson, these students r perfect.
Also, they r just lazy. All they want me to do is lecture them and they make notes. When they get a worksheet or exam qns, they start chatting and messing about and don't do work.
My question is, what can I do?
Talking to staff who said it seems like a gender issue.
I observed the kids in other subjects and they are perfect. So I feel like I'm the issue but I don't know how to solve it.
I have phone called home for 10 kids and all parents were supportive, but the kids got mad at me and got back to normal a few lessons after the phone calls.
I have given sanctions to the main studntent literally 15 kids in 1 lesson, but that seems to ahve no effect.
The three key ringleaders were on HOD report and they fixed up hut again now they r acting up.
What shall I do? Mentor, HOD etc have just said don't worry and stuff. The tecaher that had them last yr said she had the same issue with them as me. Their other subject teacger in another subject has same issues as me. which makes me feel like my expectations of a top set r too high, I shouldn't be having to manage this much behvaiour in a top set, their attitude is wrong.
Shall I ask for a mass set change according to behaviour where 5 ish kids r moved down?
The kids do seem to be worried about set changes and say yo me that miss if I get set chnaged according to behvaiour watch what I'll do.
Shall I get someone from slt to sit in my lessons?
it makes me so upset to see these kids not even care about their future, they r the biggest loosers in this but they don't get it.
also, the lack of respect they ahve for me makes me so sad, why do I even bother planning lessons for them? when they ahve no respect for me and keep saying accessing me of stuff liek miss u don't even tecah etc etc
submitted by Weary_Stuff1633 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 19:35 amb222 Combining multiple workbooks into one new worksheet in Excel for Mac - help please!

I am trying to combine 60+ worksheets (each with only one sheet) into a single sheet in a new workbook in Excel for Mac. The columns are the same across all of the workbooks. I have the files all in one folder with nothing else saved there.
I've seen two options but have issues with both.
  1. Data > get data > from file > from folder: This doesn't work for me because I don't have a button just for "get data" — the newer version of Excel I have only shows a button for "get data (power query)" in the spot where "get data" used to be, with completely different options
  2. If I use power query, I cannot find an option to get data from a folder, only from one file at a time, defeating what I am trying to do in combining a bunch of files fast
I am getting so frustrated and hoping it's just a silly mistake or oversight on my part. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by amb222 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 04:45 jplank1983 How to set a default directory and default filename when printing to pdf via "Microsoft Print to PDF" printer?

I have a worksheet that I would like to programmatically print to pdf using vba. I'm aware of the "ExportAsFixedFormat" way to do this, but I'm unable to use it in my workplace (due to silly reasons that I object to). Instead, I am trying to set the printer to "Microsoft Print to PDF". I have been able to do this. However, when the "save as" window pops up, I'd like it to default to a pre-defined directory with a default filename (both of which the user may change themselves on the "save as" dialog box). This seems like something that should be simple, but I haven't had any luck figuring out how to achieve it.
On solution suggested:
FilePath = "C:\defaultdirectory" ChDir FilePath 
But that didn't work.
The code I'm using to print the spreadsheet is:
Application.ActivePrinter = "Microsoft Print to PDF on Ne01:" ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").PrintOut 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by jplank1983 to vba [link] [comments]