Mario tickets invitation home made


2013.09.14 00:29 AAARRRUUGGGHHH

Kang Krizzle / Archy Marshall

2021.05.12 05:08 Canad1Andrew MarioKartLiveCourses

This subreddit was made back when MarioKartLiveHome was unmoderated and Restricted (but it's not anymore, as I'm now the new Owner of it), and I had decided to create my own subreddit dedicated to Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit! If you own either the Mario or Luigi RC cars, and if you have any gameplay videos or made any of your own creative courses inside your own house (or anywhere really), then I encourage you to post all of your content and anything related to Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit!

2012.01.24 03:37 One Direction

Vas happenin’? You’ve made it to OneDirection where we discuss anything and everything related to 1D & each of the guys’ solo careers! Think of us as a one stop shop 🍌🥑🐓🥄☘️

2024.05.03 03:56 crazycameleon am I crazy!!! I need advice.

Hello everyone! this is my first post and 20 minutes ago the weirdest thing happened to me. Little backstory; I, 20 F, and my BF, 20, M, have been together for about seven years now. For the past years, my boyfriend's mom has despised me. MIL has weight-shamed me, told me I would be a horrible mother, cursed me out, told my bf to look for someone new because she does not want him to "get bored", has talked horribly about me, has talked shit about my family not being able to help me at times (such as car rides to work, rides from school) however that was due to my mother having several brain tumors + cancer which kept my family occupied- which she knew about but called my parents lazy. My boyfriend has always defended me and due to all of this, his and his mother's relationship has dwindled horribly. Here is where I am pissed. Recently, my mother began chemo again (she has had cancer for the past 5 years) and this time has been horrible for her. It truly is very traumatizing for me, my family, and especially my mom. I currently moved back at home for the summer (I am out of school) to help my family and spend time with my mom. I have asked my bf to come over a lot because he truly helps with a lot of my stress and he enjoys to spend time with me and my family. However, today, I was venting to my bf because I truly do not know how much time I have left with my mom, and my bf gets a phone call from his 3 sisters saying that she fell and her head is bleeding and he has to come home. He immediately left, and I texted him a couple minutes later to see if everything was okay and if he needed any help. I get a Facetime call from him and I answer the phone to see his long-distance best friend (who is just visiting his family but decided to see my bf and will be here for the next 3 months) and his mother laughing in the back saying, "Oh I fooled you both so good! Sorry to steal him, and sorry if I scared you!". I made the most STRAY face and said "Oh, uhm, okay..." because who jokes about brain bleeds (especially what's going on with my family) and she knows how upset I have been. I was INFRURATED. His mother knows I have been beyond sad and stressed and need support from my boyfriend and she has done this. She knows this is the hardest time for me and my family and for her to cause such a scene. I have not spoken to my boyfriend. Am I overreacting? How should I go about this?
submitted by crazycameleon to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:55 Melodic-Use9434 AITAH thinking a visit from an ex was for fun

So my ex and I dated for about 3 years and we ended the relationship 10 years ago. Late last year I contacted her to see how she was doing. We would exchange texts but we’re over a thousand miles apart, so it was lite.
At the beginning of the year she asked to come visit. We set up a 5 day weekend together in a couple months after this conversation. After the plane ticket was purchased the text messages became much more frequent from her.
April 3rd she came up. The weekend went great, we were intimate and had a ton of fun. Couple weeks after this she’s asking me when I’m going to come down. Suggesting we get together this summer for our birthdays. I didn’t exactly plan on this being a thing because she takes care of her ill mother and I’m not leaving my location (which was made clear). She said she’d come live with me and her sister would take care of her mother, but I personally don’t agree with that.
I asked a co worker out, so out of respect for both girls I felt the need to cut out my ex. AITAH?
submitted by Melodic-Use9434 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:54 ediblewiggles Anyone else have complicated feelings with their overall appearance post-top surgery?

CW: mentions of ED, body shaming, body dysmorphia and just general complicated body image stuff.
I feel like at first, I was just SO happy to have managed to access surgery at all that the relief of that overwhelmed all my complicated feelings, especially as some of my close friends are folks who would love to be able to access surgery but can't for a variety of reasons. I feel doubly obligated to shut up and be grateful because I accessed my surgery through the NHS as there is just no way whatsoever I could have paid for it. The waiting lists for ts on the NHS are so fucking long and so it feels like such a momentous thing to have actually cross thed the finish line. And I'm SO glad my chest is flat now, I really , truly am, and I feel so lucky. But at the same time, as my recovery wears on and the last of the swelling recedes, I'm feeling really upset that I like. I don't like the way it looks.
I'm about 8 months post op, and I'm not entirely happy with how things went. On the day of surgery my surgeon unexpectedly switched from two incisions to doing one directly across my chest, this was literally two hours before the surgery happened, and whilst I'm not UNHAPPY with that call, it wasn't what I'd prepared myself for, or what I'd been picturing. If I'd known prior to this that my surgeon wanted to so one straight across incision, I'd have prioritised looking into that in my research and fed back whether that was the route I wanted to go, or if I'd rather any risk of dog ears or anything which may have been involved with two seperate incisions.
This happened at Parkside Hospital in London, by the way, and I think the reason for my subpar treatment is that I'm not the thinnest person. I'm in recovery for pretty severe ED. I was underweight for most of my teens and early twenties and it feels like a victory to not be struggling with that anymore, even though I really don't feel comfortable with the extra weight I've gained since. EVERY appointment I've had at Parkside, someone has made a comment about my weight with the implication that I should lose weight before the surgery despite only being marginally overweight and mentioning several times that I was in ED recovery.
I don't live in London so travelling for surgery took multiple hours. I made my way to my one week post-op appointment on public transport, mostly by myself (though a friend did meet me to shield me from people knocking into me on the tube). When I got there, the nurse removing my dressings said that things generally look better in the early days on thinner people, didn't offer to let me look in a mirror or anything, just gave me the additional dressings I needed, and then I left. I fucking wept on the train home it was horrible. Surgery had left me INCREDIBLY bloated and one of the ways I manage my anxiety about food is to prepare it myself, which I was also struggling to do due to the limited range of motion I had in my arms. Anyway the whole thing was just. Ugh. It was horrible.
As I've healed, my scar has become hypertrophic, with mild keloid formation which is ONLY occurring specifically at the centre of my chest, over my sternum, where I hadn't expected to have a scar in the first place. In general, I don't mind the look of hypertrophic scars, I actually think they're very beautiful, and my concern about keloids is that they can sometimes cause health issues. It's not that I think it's horrible, it's just that it feels. I don't know. I wish I'd been able to prepare for that in advance, but they told me that only two hours before the surgery happened, I didn't feel like I could say no, and I was scared about having to delay the surgery as I'd spent so much money just travelling to London and staying overnight to make sure I was there in the morning and the person who was going to be with me after surgery had paid to take an entire week of extra annual leave from work to be there. It was just. Horrible.
The way the incision has been closed has really begun to really bother me too. the scars are uneven at the sides of my chest, and there has been some uneven excess tissue left in my underarms, which makes my whole chest look kind of wonky and weird. Overall, I just really don't like the way everything has been executed, and even eight months on from the follow up experience, I can hardly stand to look at myself in the mirror. I feel like in some ways this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. At the same time, having this drastic shift in my appearance be so connected to so many comments about my weight has left me with self-esteem that's completely through the floor. I'm so releived I don't have to bind anymore, and I love how specifically that part of my body looks when it's covered with clothes. Otherwise, I feel this intense disgust with myself. I don't know how to navigate any of it. I've not spoken about this with anyone in my life. I don't know how. I'm not really in a position mentally where I think I could lose weight in a healthy way without seriously triggering my ED stuff.
I'm supposed to be going back for a follow up appointment but I don't want to. I don't want to speak to them ever again. I'm scared about them commenting on my body. I was told prior to the surgery that the NHS doesn't usually fund revisions and I can't afford to pay for them privately, and I absolutely would not want to do them at Parkside if I did want to go that route. I have delayed the appointment another couple of months but just thinking about it makes me feel sick, honestly.
I'm mostly just posting this here because I have just felt so fucking alone with this and I need to just say it, but I don't know how to talk about this with anyone in real life. It's really isolating and complicated and I feel so, so guilty.
submitted by ediblewiggles to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:54 Outrageous-Fig-559 Blocked after this interaction. Did I do something wrong?

Blocked after this interaction. Did I do something wrong?
I'm [26M] back in the dating scene and have been having mixed luck with it. This interaction genuinely has confused me as we clicked immediately from message 1, had set up a date for this coming Sunday and both had expressed excitement at meeting eachother. The conversations we're all similar, but she would sometimes take a few hours between messages while at home to reply. Just hoping to get some opinions on if this is just one of those "cut ties before first dates" common things, or if I made a major misstepped in my replies!
submitted by Outrageous-Fig-559 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:54 Holyroller12 Big Bear City's Preferential Treatment: Sessions Retreat

I'm writing this to inform residents that the City of Big Bear does not actively enforce and abide by the very conditions they legally agreed to or the general code provisions meant to protect us all.
Neighbors who surround the Sessions Retreat property (formerly Wolf Creek Resort and Bavarian Lodge) were notified last year that the owners had applied for a liquor license. Letters were sent to physical street addresses despite USPS not delivering in Big Bear. There was no confirmation that residents/second home owners physically received these letters. Sessions Retreat used a third party to deliver the supposed letters and a declaration of service by mail was signed off by a courier (name redacted for the rules on here) on 4/13/2022. Neighbors never received any of these letters.
This first action by Sessions Retreat would set a precedent for a long ongoing conversation between neighbors and City planning. The City, neighbors and previous owner of Wolf Creek Resort (now renamed Sessions Retreat) had gone into a legally binding contract with set conditions for the property to avoid it becoming a nuisance property. These conditions have been in effect since 2013 and apply to the land itself regardless of any future or present owners and successors. When a neighbor confronted one of the owners, Robert Goodman, with these conditions he bitterly refused and walked away.
The City has had these conditions on file since 2013 and has not actively enforced them which has given Sessions and its owneoperators the idea that they're free to do as they please. The City made it very clear after a year of dozens of detailed, factual emails, that City would prefer to waste taxpayers' dollars to have private attorneys respond and try to intimidate citizens rather than comply with its own code. The City is openly giving Sessions preferential treatment while ignoring the rights of property owners and not judiciously guarding City funds.
Someone at the city had also given Session's owner's neighbor's emails without a public records request which is not legal. I know this because Session’s owners came up to a neighbor asking for someone by name to discuss the content of their email. Session’s owners wouldn't have otherwise had this information without being directly given those emails. The City was asked to find the source of that illegal dissemination of information and claims not to be able to find it.
Sessions property has had ongoing conflicts with neighbors dating back to the Bavarian Lodge when the owner requested to change the property to commercial. A City council meeting was held on October 14th, 1986 for rezoning. The City Council voted to reject these plans in part due to the required environment impact report. This environmental report still applies to the property to this day, but the City has given us the run around on why these environmental concerns have not been enforced.
Upon obtaining a public records request for City attorneys, it was discovered that in 1996, the City had arbitrarily decided that they would change zoning on not only Session's property, but many other properties in big bear despite any environmental impact reports or City council meetings in where neighbors openly rejected the rezoning. We have documentation from the original hearing.
Sessions Retreat has repeatedly violated several code provisions. Despite photographic and video evidence by neighbors, code enforcement and the City have told neighbors that no violations were found, despite also saying they were working with Sessions regarding certain violations. On other issues, the City takes the position that unless an inspector is physically present at the time of a violation and sees it themselves, they do not accept video tape or photographs. They must see it themselves or no violations ever happen. There are still privacy concerns that the City refuses to acknowledge or address. Sessions Retreat allows occupants to wander around near neighbor's properties peeking into bedroom windows, even going so far as to set up benches for people to sit on nearby and easily see into windows. The Owner and other social media influencers that he invites repeatedly fly drones over private homes for footage which is posted online which shows neighbor's homes and backyards in it. The owner and one of his co-owners had told neighbors that they would address and stop this practice back in August of 2023 and still have not done so.
Additionally, many of Sessions Retreat's friends and associates from San Diego and Las Vegas are invited up to fluff up their reviews on various sites like Google, Tripadvisor and Yelp. While not illegal, it is extremely disingenuous for regular visitors who are looking for a place to stay. Reviews discuss how much of a stand up person the owner is, but when given a less than stellar review, becomes very confrontational and defensive even when those reviews are constructive. I would strongly suggest that people check the less than stellar reviews and or any reviews not hailing from Las Vegas or San Diego for a more objective review of the business.
submitted by Holyroller12 to bigbear [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:54 PrimaryAntique7351 How do I know how much longer I can stay in the US (B2 Visa)

Hi there, I arrived in the US on a B2 visa 1.5 months ago, was scheduled to leave on April 24th but decided to stay for a few weeks longer, and changed my ticket to leave next month.
I made the schedule change based on the fact that this visa typically allows for 180 days in the country, and since the border agent didn't say anything different when I arrived, I'm assuming I got the standard time.
However when checking compliance on the I94 page I get the message: "Your traveler status is not available at this time. If you have not received results, you are not among the eligible travelers for the traveler compliance check at this time."
Is there a chance I might have received less time than what is standard and am now overstaying my visa? How can I find out if there's no information available on the website?
I'm now afraid of stepping forward to seek information about this and end up "turning myself in", should I contact an immigration lawyer before reaching out to USCIS?
I'm concerned about this since I'm planning on coming back for 2 more months at the end of the year and don't want to have legal issues here.
Thank you!
submitted by PrimaryAntique7351 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:53 TayluxSwift Atom Eve (Invincible) is infuriating as a character in the comics and a poorly written female character, the TV show improved her and other female characters vastly (lets see if it continues…)

I recently read the Invincible comics after how much fans hyped it up and just the entire relationship between Mark and Eve as one of the greatest comic book romances ever written. Boy, was I let down.
First of all, let me just say I don’t really have a “ship” in this comic series. I’m just more interested in the story and certain individual characters and I found Mark and Amber’s relationship to be over-hated in the show. So out of curiosity, I read what actually makes Mark and Eve great. The truth: it’s not that great and filled with poor writing decisions and just an overall unlikeable female character.
Eve is the show is MILES better than Eve in the comics. Here are some things that happened in the show vs the comics based on where we are right now as of season 2 of Invincible:
Now for what happens in the comic later on of things which frustrate me, SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO WATCH THE TV SERIES ONLY:
The TV show vastly improved her. Made her have her goals, flaws and ideals that didn’t only revolve around her need for Mark constantly (lets see if they continue that). The comics reduced her as an overall hero as soon as she got together with Mark, and I fear we will barely see her in action again the coming seasons. Not only that the comics also improved characters like Debbie and Amber. You see Debbie having far more screen time in the show and have her character arc, she wasn’t a typical worried stay at home mom. You see a far more expanded story from her. The complaints I hear about Amber is how she knew Mark was Invincible and got mad at him still for not telling her personally and just her overall attitude. I have no issue with her personality, she’s not a bad person and she was more thought out than her counter part in the comics who I felt wasn’t as expanded on. One thing I really like in the show is how the break up was planned they both wanted to do more for their relationship and but couldn’t. But the final nail was when Anissa showed up and threatened Amber’s life (in the comics it was Debbie and Anissa didn’t grab her by the neck like she did with Amber). It sunk in the reality of the unsafe nature of dating a hero, and no matter how much you love the person you have to ask of it is worth it and if this is the type of relationship you want.
TLDR: Eve in the comics is written to only be with Mark and her goals and character development only centre around him and isn’t written as her own person with her own goals like her TV counterpart. Nostalgia of original source material can often be over-glorified and a mind’s trick.
submitted by TayluxSwift to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:51 miniagupa 26M Closed on my first home!

I finally closed on my first home and feeling really good about the deal! Got a new construction Townhome with Lennar for 300k with a 2.5% interest the 1st year, 3.5% the 2nd year and 4.5% fixed for the remainder of the loan. They covered all closing costs, so all i paid was 10.5k for a downpayment. No issues with the home and got an inspection done before purchasing. I’m feeling lucky to be owning my home, but i wanted to make this post to give ya’ll hope that there are still deals to be made if you look in the right places!
submitted by miniagupa to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:51 tmac9wr What Am I Doing Wrong?

I can boot up & play games but the quality is rough and there are extreme slowdowns & choppy gameplay whenever there's even minor action in games. Most recently I've tried Helldivers 2 & Cyberpunk, and I even tried Jurassic Park Evolution 2 since it's not nearly as intense and I still have the same poor experience. It doesn't matter if I'm trying to play at home on the same network as the PS5 or at work using the Wifi.
Some details:
Since the problem seems to be consistent between work & home and on the several different devices I've tried to play on, I'm guessing my issue is how the PS5 is broadcasting? Are there any common slip-ups that I may not be taking into account? I haven't made any modifications to my internet or PS5 settings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
submitted by tmac9wr to remoteplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:51 JTmarlins Feeling sort of aimless and unmotivated lately

Two weeks ago I turned 39, had a great bday. But right after my new boss made a (political) remark about how I’m not communicating enough with other colleagues (quantity not quality) and since then I’ve been in a bad place…I am near $2.5M NW. I can actually FIRE now but I’m 5 years away from my goal of $5M. I kind of want to give up now and just live my life. But I want to get to $5m so I can live in better home and more flexibility.
I’m feeling frustrated and aimless lately because:
  1. I didn’t buy a forever home during the pandemic and fear that I’ll have to buy at peak in two years, that’s when I think I’ll be forced to get a bigger place
  2. My dad drives me nuts. He is super nice but he’s getting into accidents, doing random destructive projects at his house and I have to throw money at to clean up. I just ordered a new dishwasher for their house and he kept the old one instead of of letting them take it back…I found it sitting on the driveway when I just visited. And then I saw the grass was out of control so I hired a landscaper and told him not to bother cutting and he went out there to start cutting as I was leaving.
  3. My kids are 8 and 7, there doing well, their teachers love them but it’s just getting so hard to handle them. They’re really wild at times and still don’t have morning and even routines down. My son refuses to play any sport or even practice with me just wants to watch pokemon and do home work. Taking my son to baseball is stressful when it should be fun. I can’t stand waking up to the morning hustle.
  4. My wife also works, she makes less and doesn’t need to work but it helps accumulate wealth… this is resulting in a lot more work at home for both of us and managing kids etc… we’re always on the move working. The dual income two kids is catching up with us…
  5. I’ve been binge eating now during the lunch hour, like 50% more than I need to eat for the past two weeks. Yesterday I went to a cajun broil alone for lunch but ate for two bc of food cravings….
  6. I hurt my hand recently playing sports and got 5 stitches. Since that I have stopped all exercise - no motivation
  7. My job is getting more uncomfortable… I’m a level below VP so my role is mostly adversarial. My boss recently left the company and I liked him. When he left my CFO fired a co worker after working with him for a week and told me he didn’t have time to coach anyone. The new guy that replaced fired guy is super direct and doesn’t put people’s names in emails, just demands things. My team is fine but I’m getting frustrated with their sloppy errors. My new boss is okay but he’s totally bland and wants to put a thick professional wall between he and I…im on track to far exceed my goals this year which should yield a sizable bonus, so I really need to last 9 more months. I never really loved this career, I like some of but I’m here for the money. Also, I want to stay at this level don’t want to be a VP but the c-suite guys keeps hinting they want me to sit down with them and pick a VP role with more work or leave the company….
  8. My wife works super hard and I love spending time with her… but like me she’s also sort of losing herself with food. Im not feeling attracted to her physically like before.
  9. Im also stupidly competitive… I love that my friends are advancing and I help them as much as I can… but I can’t stand the idea of me quitting now, while they build towards FatFIRE.
I haven’t had a vacation in 7-8 months. Will an expensive vacation with 90% work disconnection help me? I tried therapy 2.5 years ago, didn’t help… I’ve just held my nose and grinded since then…. Im getting my annual physical next week, Im going to tell my doc how I feel.
submitted by JTmarlins to ChubbyFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:50 Electronic_Horror571 Struggling with an unethical occupational therapist

Hi guys,
I am a 1:1 RBT for an 18 year old at a post secondary program. I use ABA frequently in my approach with my client and want the opinion of a BCBA on this issue. I am struggling with the occupational therapist at the school and am curious on others thoughts on the situation.
Two weeks ago during OT services, the occupational therapist demanded my client put down her puppets or she would not be able to participate in OT services. For context, my client has brought two hand puppets from home that were becoming maladaptive, so I suggested a slow fade. I told the occupational therapist that I allow her to keep them in her pockets, or, put them in a box next to her. My client has a strong emotional attachment to the puppets, and taking them from her causes extreme behaviors that can result in her harming herself, hence why I suggested a slow fade and as long as they weren’t distracting I felt that was appropriate. After she made my client put the puppets in a box and took them away form her, my client escalated to the point she attempted to grab scissors,and was cut in the process. I deescalated the situation and bandaged my client, and then we returned to OT services. Upon return, the occupational therapist demanded AGAIN that my client put down the puppets or she could not continue with OT services. My client put them down and then again escalated to the point of kicking chairs, flipping the table, and kicking me. I promoted my client to take deep breaths and got the situation to deescalate.
I spoke with my supervisor about the situation and she told the occupational therapist to change her approach.
We returned to OT services today and my client was visibly dysregulated by going to OT. as soon as the occupational therapist began giving commands, my client ran to the corner and dropped to the floor. I gave her various sensory items to regulate her, and allowed her a break, but the occupational therapist came over and stood over her and told her she needed to return to OT services. I could tell my client was about the escalate, so I told the occupational therapist that it was not the time to push the issue. I made several attempts to get my client to return to OT services, but she kept saying “no OT”. The occupational therapist tried another time or two to get her to return with no success. After about 35 minutes, the occupational therapist used a fake tattoo and counting to get her to return to the table, which worked, but then when she tried to talk to my client, my client backed her chair up in an attempt to avoid her. The occupational therapist then said “she rarely doesn’t comply with me” and went on to say we have to make her do her OT services and she can’t be allowed to not continue.
I am finding the whole sitting bizarre and unsettling. I always give my client choices, and she can choose to not comply, but if she doesn’t, she does not get to earn rewards and there are consequences, but if she makes the correct choice, she is give rewards, praise, etc. I believe because she is an adult, those types of methods are appropriate but I find the occupational therapists approach to be unethical. She views compliance as the end all be all, where I view keeping my client regulated and following through with consequences to be more appropriate. Am I doing my client a disservice by my approach? Is the OT out of line? I’d love peoples thoughts on this. Thanks!
submitted by Electronic_Horror571 to bcba [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:49 External_Phone1699 AITA for not letting my dad and his side of the family come to my wedding?

I (F19) am getting married soon and have strict rules that my dad cannot attend any of it or be apart of it. The reason for this is that he was very abusive growing up (emotionally and physically) and was never truly a father.
Now when I was engaged he was instantly made aware that he was not welcome and his comment to that was “well things could change.” Which obviously wasn’t going to happen. And now that the wedding is only a few months away he is furious.
He recently discovered that along with him not being invited, none of his family is welcome either. Which caused an uproar, with him not coming to talk to me but throwing it all at my mother. He believes that his family deserves to attend even if he isn’t. (Note: they’ve been just as awful besides maybe one uncle). But truly why would they be invited if he ISN’T? He’s called me horrible things to my mother about this whole situation even going as far to disowning me.
So AITA for not inviting him or his family? Or do I just suck it up and let them attend??
submitted by External_Phone1699 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:49 Electronic_Horror571 Struggling with an unethical occupational therapist

Hi guys,
I am a 1:1 for an 18 year old at a post secondary program. I use ABA frequently in my approach with my client. I am struggling with the occupational therapist at the school and am curious on others thoughts on the situation.
Two weeks ago during OT services, the occupational therapist demanded my client put down her puppets or she would not be able to participate in OT services. For context, my client has brought two hand puppets from home that were becoming maladaptive, so I suggested a slow fade. I told the occupational therapist that I allow her to keep them in her pockets, or, put them in a box next to her. My client has a strong emotional attachment to the puppets, and taking them from her causes extreme behaviors that can result in her harming herself, hence why I suggested a slow fade and as long as they weren’t distracting I felt that was appropriate. After she made my client put the puppets in a box and took them away form her, my client escalated to the point she attempted to grab scissors,and was cut in the process. I deescalated the situation and bandaged my client, and then we returned to OT services. Upon return, the occupational therapist demanded AGAIN that my client put down the puppets or she could not continue with OT services. My client put them down and then again escalated to the point of kicking chairs, flipping the table, and kicking me. I promoted my client to take deep breaths and got the situation to deescalate.
I spoke with my supervisor about the situation and she told the occupational therapist to change her approach.
We returned to OT services today and my client was visibly dysregulated by going to OT. as soon as the occupational therapist began giving commands, my client ran to the corner and dropped to the floor. I gave her various sensory items to regulate her, and allowed her a break, but the occupational therapist came over and stood over her and told her she needed to return to OT services. I could tell my client was about the escalate, so I told the occupational therapist that it was not the time to push the issue. I made several attempts to get my client to return to OT services, but she kept saying “no OT”. The occupational therapist tried another time or two to get her to return with no success. After about 35 minutes, the occupational therapist used a fake tattoo and counting to get her to return to the table, which worked, but then when she tried to talk to my client, my client backed her chair up in an attempt to avoid her. The occupational therapist then said “she rarely doesn’t comply with me” and went on to say we have to make her do her OT services and she can’t be allowed to not continue.
I am finding the whole sitting bizarre and unsettling. I always give my client choices, and she can choose to not comply, but if she doesn’t, she does not get to earn rewards and there are consequences, but if she makes the correct choice, she is give rewards, praise, etc. I believe because she is an adult, those types of methods are appropriate but I find the occupational therapists approach to be unethical. She views compliance as the end all be all, where I view keeping my client regulated and following through with consequences to be more appropriate. Am I doing my client a disservice by my approach? Is the OT out of line? I’d love peoples thoughts on this. Thanks!
submitted by Electronic_Horror571 to RBT [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:49 Born_Coffee7332 AIW for being upset and no longer wanting to sell my products free to family?

Do I have the right to be angry and stop baking for family (for free)?
Hello, I am a young entrepreneur who has a small cake business. Given I don’t market myself much I have a small customer base, so most of my cakes are made for family birthdays for free.
Some people may think I’m overreacting for what I’m about to say, but for some reason I’m furious.
I stopped baking for one side of my family about a year ago. Without even trying it, they all scrape the icing off of my cakes in front of my face and throw it in the garbage. I just find this really disrespectful because I work hard on baking for them, and especially when I’m proud of how nice it turned out, seeing them ruin it and waste all the icing (especially because butter is crazy expensive near me) it just rubs me the wrong way. I understand having preferences but it’s just disturbing to me. Not to mention that one family member offered to ‘leave it at work’ when I baked cookies for them and they didn’t want it.
So anyways, this ticked me off quite bad and I stopped baking for them entirely. The other side of my family, I continued because these things never happened. The other day I made a checkerboard cake that if anyone knows what that looks like, is quite a process. I was super proud of how it looked. We left about 4-5 pieces worth at my family’s house and took home 2 pieces for me and my sibling. Come to find out this morning that the ENTIRE chunk of cake I left for my family was given away (to someone that respectfully, I very much dislike). This made me unhappy because not only did I leave it for my family to enjoy but the fact that the whole thing was just handed away and to someone that I would have never given it to is really annoying me.
This has also happened with friends. I made them a cake for their birthday last year and half the people at the party didn’t even eat it and were just throwing it at each other. My friends had to apologize to me.
Again I know some people might think I’m dramatic but I am quite a sentimental person and enjoy gift giving, in which cakes is one of those kinds of gifts for me. (Think of it as you being an artist making a painting you personalized and were super proud of, and the person u gifted it to changed it or just gave it away)
I’m coming to the conclusion that I no longer even want to bake for any family or friends. Baking has been my passion for years and I can feel myself slowly start to dislike it because of these things that keep happening and I don’t want to have to end up stopping baking. I think it’s best that I only bake for CUSTOMERS, meaning anyone that pays me for my work - given how much time, effort and money that goes into it, I don’t think it’s fair to me for my work to be wasted. That way if I only bake for customers, as long as I am paid I am getting what is deserved for my work, so what they do with it is out of my hands.
I just wanted to rant a little, and to also see if I’m overreacting or whatever, and if anyone has any advice on what I should do. Please be kind (it’s hard to find kindness on this app apparently lol), I appreciate any responses thank you.
submitted by Born_Coffee7332 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:48 Electronic_Horror571 Struggling with an unethical occupational therapist

Hi guys,
I am a 1:1 for an 18 year old at a post secondary program. I use ABA frequently in my approach with my client. I am struggling with the occupational therapist at the school and am curious on others thoughts on the situation.
Two weeks ago during OT services, the occupational therapist demanded my client put down her puppets or she would not be able to participate in OT services. For context, my client has brought two hand puppets from home that were becoming maladaptive, so I suggested a slow fade. I told the occupational therapist that I allow her to keep them in her pockets, or, put them in a box next to her. My client has a strong emotional attachment to the puppets, and taking them from her causes extreme behaviors that can result in her harming herself, hence why I suggested a slow fade and as long as they weren’t distracting I felt that was appropriate. After she made my client put the puppets in a box and took them away form her, my client escalated to the point she attempted to grab scissors,and was cut in the process. I deescalated the situation and bandaged my client, and then we returned to OT services. Upon return, the occupational therapist demanded AGAIN that my client put down the puppets or she could not continue with OT services. My client put them down and then again escalated to the point of kicking chairs, flipping the table, and kicking me. I promoted my client to take deep breaths and got the situation to deescalate.
I spoke with my supervisor about the situation and she told the occupational therapist to change her approach.
We returned to OT services today and my client was visibly dysregulated by going to OT. as soon as the occupational therapist began giving commands, my client ran to the corner and dropped to the floor. I gave her various sensory items to regulate her, and allowed her a break, but the occupational therapist came over and stood over her and told her she needed to return to OT services. I could tell my client was about the escalate, so I told the occupational therapist that it was not the time to push the issue. I made several attempts to get my client to return to OT services, but she kept saying “no OT”. The occupational therapist tried another time or two to get her to return with no success. After about 35 minutes, the occupational therapist used a fake tattoo and counting to get her to return to the table, which worked, but then when she tried to talk to my client, my client backed her chair up in an attempt to avoid her. The occupational therapist then said “she rarely doesn’t comply with me” and went on to say we have to make her do her OT services and she can’t be allowed to not continue.
I am finding the whole sitting bizarre and unsettling. I always give my client choices, and she can choose to not comply, but if she doesn’t, she does not get to earn rewards and there are consequences, but if she makes the correct choice, she is give rewards, praise, etc. I believe because she is an adult, those types of methods are appropriate but I find the occupational therapists approach to be unethical. She views compliance as the end all be all, where I view keeping my client regulated and following through with consequences to be more appropriate. Am I doing my client a disservice by my approach? Is the OT out of line? I’d love peoples thoughts on this. Thanks!
submitted by Electronic_Horror571 to ABA [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:48 Western-Ad1363 Are you looking to work in Law Enforcement? Earn a wage, take out those criminals? Look no further. We are holding OPEN interviews and training for anyone who wants to join law enforcement. We are a newly made (still in partial development) server looking for new officers to join the force.

Are you looking to work in Law Enforcement? Earn a wage, take out those criminals? Look no further. We are holding OPEN interviews and training for anyone who wants to join law enforcement. We are a newly made (still in partial development) server looking for new officers to join the force. You can look forward to:
Driving some amazing cars (we have everything in our pd from big pickups to dodge sports cars)
Nice well thought out training and practice scenarios
Custom police stations
Custom cars to drive off duty (real named ones not gta cars)
Great way to work towards promotions
Practice getting your wording right on AI (yes you can arrest AI)
You get paid bonus for arrests
Amazing developer who is always looking to make expand and add new features.
Come say hi and ping HARLEY when you join. We will get you set up
submitted by Western-Ad1363 to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:47 iminthecut Thoughts after quitting

Tl;dr disclaimer on what ended up turning into a stream of consciousnesses
I quit Best Buy a couple of months ago and wanted to share some thoughts regarding both my 2 year stint and the current state of Best Buy in general.
Quick background - I’ve worked in multiple sales roles in various capacities for the good part of a decade, and for various reasons took some time off in 2022 to re-evaluate what I wanted to do. In the meantime wanted to be on my feet, so applied for a sales advisor role at one of the largest Best Buys in the northeast, as wayyyyyyyy back in the day I was a seasonal employee in the “media department” at another Best Buy absolutely loved it. In between recommending Nintendo Wii/DS games to customers and buying Xbox 360 controllers, got some real world sales experience as a teenager. I’d tell coworkers in my professional career 10 years later it was my favorite job I’ve ever had.
Back to 2022 – started as a Sales Advisor and enjoyed it at first. Getting the most apps/memberships validated my ego as the best salesperson, and to me that’s all that mattered.
Soon I left to another store in a VPL role that was responsible for leading a team and hitting targets. Actually enjoyed this one as well, as there was a tangible goal, which again validated my own ego as we led the entire market in meeting those goals. Eventually became a Consultant at that same store.
You really get to see how the sausage is made once you’re in the C&D world. Coworkers are generally a little older and have had to endure the sales advisor grind as well, so you naturally both shit on Best Buy and various managers.
That said, there seemed to be a transition to driving revenue above all else in July 2023 or so. Before that, it was all about card/membership efficiency.
This was especially to me because, since Consultants are in store, it is just as important for them to hit (and lead!) revenue targets at the store. Our’s was $1000/hr absolute minimum.
Please explain to me how it’s possible to average $1000/hr on a Tuesday with little foot traffic in Home TheateAppliances where Consultants sell - while Advisors also have to meet their own goal and also asked to sell the appliances? Answer: It isn't. "Consultants" consult insofar of their name and name alone. Instead of consulting, you now are required to sell a computer, phone, kit-kat bar, it doesn’t matter! You are now a glorified sales advisor who makes a sweet 0.5% on Sonos products, so those rare times you nail that Arc sales gets you a whopping $4.50! Fuck development and any other facet to your role beyond immediate numbers
Revenue was more important than anything else, which epitomizes Best Buy’s tunnel vision approach to basically everything it does.
Anyone on the floor is a commodity – doesn’t matter what position. Doesn’t matter what department. Sales advisor selling an $8000 projector instead of the Consultant helping a customer figure out which Best Buy Essentials USB-C cable they should buy? No prob. $8000 is $8000 dollars to the company, full stop. They don’t give a shit about any other variable when the rev is that high. They don't care about positions, knowledge, really anything honestly I don’t even blame the advisor for selling that, as they have rev targets to hit as well.
So now we've established a culture with coworkers angry at each other for "stealing" sales. Stealing sales! When no commission is involved for anyone! Again, why should management care as long as they meet their own goals pushed by their GM, and from the district manager…all the way up the chain What a joke for everyone involve.
At a previous company, my boss quit, so I reported to a big wig just under the CFO. That new boss took me out to dinner one night, and among other interesting facets about the company said:
“Something you always need to remember John: 90% of problems at companies are caused by management.”
An executive at a top 5 private company in the US saying that. Best Buy leadership could never.
In conclusion, going to wrap up with 5 underrated things I could not stand at Best Buy and 3 closing pieces of advice.
1) Walkie talkies were absolute ass, and the expectation to be able to talk to customers at the same time, which for me was literally impossible to do. Also not conducive for small ears appparently
2) Vendors/Citi Bank bringing in fucking Little Ceasars when there’s a Dominos within walking distance. Do you need us to run customers cards twice or some shit?
3) Coworkers unable to articulate mathematically the difference between Best Buy Total (Tech) and AppleCare on a $1000 MacBook Air to a customer who very rarely shops at Best Buy. Quiz for those who sell computers:
a. How much does it cost to have the laptop under AppleCare for 2 yrs w/ Total
b. How much does it cost to have the laptop under AppleCare for 3 yrs w/AppleCare?
Answers: $358 and $279ish
The irony is from my experience some advisors truly don’t know that. And for those that do, it’s a shame management is pushing advisors to hit membership goals at any expense, which naturally leads to a moral dilemma taken on by the lowly salespeople on the floor instead of the bums at corporate Best Buy creating a membership that’s such a catastrophe, it’s a net loss for the company money LMAO. You or I would have generated greater profits playing minesweeper all day.
  1. Obsessiveness with laser-lining. Never in the history of history, of history, has someone chosen not to buy something because it wasn’t perfectly aligned. And if I am wrong, it happens at such a small rate that the incremental annoyance that it causes employees supersedes that of the dollars lost from the purple squishmellow being out of place.
  2. And the absolute kicker: the GM looking you dead in the eye and saying you’ll be getting a 57 cent raise. Not smiling, not trying to hide anything, but truly believing this is an accomplishment we should be thankful for. It doesn’t matter if you’re older and have experience or 16 years old, it's 57 fucking cents. This really just confirms how far removed management has become, and reinforces that we are line items on the Intraday Salesperson Report that must meet x requirements by EOD. If not, that commodity (you) is sold, an offer (job posting) is made, and new interviews (bid) begin. Bid and offer intersect, so now someone else is hired. Commodities trading 101.
Advice, and going to try to make this one quick as my blood is starting to boil:
1) THE most important factor you should consider not only in the context of Best Buy, but outside of work, is your mental health. Some of you have dealt head on with severe anxiety and depression at least once. I’m with you on that. Some of you are experiencing for the first time, and the rest are human and will always be at risk for it. $14-$17 isn't worth it, for anyone. There are other places, there are other ways to get you where you need to be. I used to be so depressed at a previous corporate job I’d pop pills during the day to get by. If you’re one of the Gen Z kids that has to vape every 10 minutes because of stress, ask yourself why you feel the need to do it.
b. Use your LOA. If anything this will force you to go to a doctor, which is good thing for many people new to the world of imperfect mental health. You get some free sessions of therapy through a benefit Best Buy offers I can't remember the name of.
2) On a lighter note If you’re in need of memberships, the easiest way to get them is to show items that have a $50 Plus discount that fit the needs of a customer. They want a solid, portable laptop? 14 inch Dell Inspiron on sale for $599 with a $50 Plus incentive it is. Big OLED TV? 77 inch LG C3 $200 off with Plus. I actually enjoyed this as it was mentally stimulating to me and it was a win-win for everyone surprisingly
3) Don’t be scared to leave. Best Buy is going downhill. They have a monopoly on brick and mortar electronic stores, and have the luxury to trim what they believe is the “fat” of the company until it begins to negatively affect the bottom number. If that requires destroying the culture, quarterly layoffs, deceit to customers, setting goals they know are unrealistic to keep all level of store employees on their toes, then so be it. Best Buy will eventually cross the line they can’t uncross. As mentioned many times, you are expendable in their eyes.
Don’t let any part of working for Best Buy define who you are. Enjoy the positives of the experience with good customers and intuitive programs like RSS/Order Manage while you’re there. Make your money and leave when it’s right.
submitted by iminthecut to Bestbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:47 Syluxx05 I didn’t wash my tattoo outline with soap, am I screwed?

I didn’t wash my tattoo outline with soap, am I screwed?
So I got my first tattoo, I only got the outline due to the pain of the tattoo and decided to schedule for once it’s healed in 2 weeks. WELL I was told to go home and wash it…. I didn’t I used water and my fingers and made sure to put the stuff they gave me for aftercare. I thought it was fine until tik today I came home to a bunch of flake like scab looking things, quickly I used water and moisturizer but it only got worse…… after testing the artist who did the outline I quickly bought soap not scented and now it feels a lot better and the flakes and stuff r gone but now the tattoo doesn’t look right and looks more choppy. I don’t wanna tell my artist (it’s my dad) about it cause well I’m an idiot who only used water but I think no matter what it will need touch ups before color. Did I mess up my whole tattoo 😭 There is even a small baby part of the ink that if u touch it literally moves off barely hanging
submitted by Syluxx05 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:46 pcomt Let’s all scream together!

Literally the title is how I feel these days on some days that are just THOSE days. I’ve been having THOSE days lately. A lot more than I’d like to admit, but I have. It’s been 7 almost 8 years of being in the “care” field. 7years child care (same age group of newborn-6yrs) and 1 year in an addiction facility. That one year I tried to switch it up from child care and take my caretaking ability’s to the adult side. Went back to child care so fast. Now I’m at year 8 in the care field and I’m just laughing at life I’m so delirious and burnt out. I’ve been a preschool teacher as well so that just adds to the delirium. Today I said “we’re going to change our diaper” and had this weird realization of what the heck am I doing with my life at such a young age I should be in a cubicle. I don’t get the chance to eat most days. My skin is at an all time worst. And It took that stupid out loud sentence after 8 years of this to realize I’mSo burnt out to the point where I had to laugh so hard it scared me . Mb was 20 mins late today just chattin on a call that could’ve ended 20 mins ago. Nk was screaming “mommy mommy mommy” because they could hear mbs work call going on. Mb works in an open office where we can hear her work calls all day. So mb knew I had dinner to attend and had to leave 20 mins ago. I felt so disrespected I let the kids scream “mommy mommy mommy”. I didn’t care any more. I said “I know,‘mommy you want mommy I know” that’s not being a good nanny. I’ve always been a good nanny but I have given up.i had no energy to soothe or comfort. We stay out of the house as much as possible because mb and db work from Home. I took that as this being “such a nice job I can take nk out of the house any time I want I have free range to cook and clean and organize whatever I want this job is great”. It’s not. I don’t Sit down or barely eat all day for 55 hours a week it’s killing me. Only a handful of my nanny jobs have been so spectacular and life changing that I still am in contact with them to this day. That’s a handful out of at least 20nfs I’ve worked for over the years.Most of them have treated me with so much disrespect that if I knew them off the clock and non professionally I would take my earrings out and have a word with them the ole fashioned way. I’m talking dangerously homophobic, racist, abusive, dcf involved stuff. And I work in one of the most wealthy areas in America and I can’t imagine what people are like outside of “wealthy” areas. Even co teachers I’ve worked with have been extremely abusive to the children and so nice the parents and I’m so done with this entire career the people in it sicken me to the core. And the people I’ve worked for. Being in the human field has made me so scared of humans yet so understanding that I can’t understand how people can treat people like that… and I know someone in here knows what I’m talking about. Those “how could you?” Moments have happened too many times. Im literally becoming a general contractor after this contract with nf is up I’m so traumatized. My nf isn’t even the worst I’ve been with they’re just my last.
submitted by pcomt to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:46 Western-Ad1363 RECRUITING FOR POLICE

Are you looking to work in Law Enforcement? Earn a wage, take out those criminals? Look no further. We are holding OPEN interviews and training for anyone who wants to join law enforcement. We are a newly made (still in partial development) server looking for new officers to join the force. You can look forward to:
Driving some amazing cars (we have everything in our pd from big pickups to dodge sports cars)
Nice well thought out training and practice scenarios
Custom police stations
Custom cars to drive off duty (real named ones not gta cars)
Great way to work towards promotions
Practice getting your wording right on AI (yes you can arrest AI)
You get paid bonus for arrests
Amazing developer who is always looking to make expand and add new features.
Come say hi and ping HARLEY when you join. We will get you set up
submitted by Western-Ad1363 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:45 Relevant_Account_597 Need advice please!!!

Can someone please give me some advice on what to do? Recently, my (26F) husband (27M) has been going out with friends a little more than usual. We’ve been together 9 years. He used to go out with friends when we were younger but stopped going as much. his best friend just changed from working nights, to days so he usually goes out with him. I realized one day he was out that he wasn’t replying to me like usual so when he got home I asked him if he had my notifications silenced. He said he didn’t. That night I got on his phone (I know, I’ll be made the bad guy now for admitting this), and my texts were really on “hide notifications”. I also saw where he would talk about other women to his friends in disgusting ways and he would even complain about me, from how little things annoy him to details of our sex life. The next day I asked him why he lied about my notifications being silenced, and he mentioned that he didn’t realize they were. He actually said “I actually noticed it earlier today and I don’t know how it happened, I was going to mention it to you. Your name also changed (from “my wife”) to my actual name but it must’ve updated on its own.” I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE THE NAME CHANGE but now I’m even more paranoid.
Let’s add: We have two children together. had one in 2017 & was pregnant with the other (2019) when I found out he was talking to another girl behind my back. we have had trust issues ever since, and I am still working on building my trust back up due to me catching him talking to other females. To my knowledge nothing physical ever happened but I would be lying if I said there have never been rumors (when we were in high school in 2016ish). I have caught him talking about other women to his friends before about other women as well and have asked him to stop. He also follows a ton of instagram girls who are half naked & twitter profiles that show porn. He always says they just show up and he doesn’t follow them on purpose. I am financially dependent on him as I stay home with my young children and go to college online. I usually keep everything bottled up but I’m looking for opinions please.
submitted by Relevant_Account_597 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:44 unabletoverifyy LC Mom throwing me a surprise party?

Okay so like many of you, I wish I could go NC with my family but I'm LC only for my neices and nephews. Growing up my mom was awful and I've honestly never really had a relationship with her. I had to move back home due to financial issues and that only lasted about a year before I bailed. My mental health improved sleeping in my car over living at her house.
I've also never really had a birthday party. Either she forgot or she used it as an excuse to invite her friends over and drink/do drugs all night. This led me to not really liking my birthday and now I prefer to do things I want with my husband and just ignore my family. This leads me to the problem.
My husband told me today my mom made a group chat with him, my siblings, cousins, and everyone else we know. She randomly wants to throw me a surprise party. I don't know why but I do know I'm super uncomfortable with the idea. I know I'll have to go to it and I want to see the kids but man I just hate this.
How can I maintain my grey rocking and LC during this? How do I mentally survive this?
TL;DR: My mom is throwing me a surprise party. I'm uncomfortable and want to know how to not show it.
submitted by unabletoverifyy to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]