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2024.05.17 14:17 Tasty-Scallion3998 Advice after Provera Challenge

Hi! Looking for advice if anyone has been in a similar situation
Lost my period 1 year ago (overexercising/under-eating combo). Currently taking the 10 day provera cycle to shed my lining.
It’s the 8th day of the cycle and I bled (full period, not just spotting). I dont know how to contact the endocrinologist who prescribed the challenge to me. Should I keep taking the last 2 pills? Or stop?
Also, my dr gave me a blood work req to get blood work done on 3rd day of period, do i start counting after I’m done Provera? or the day i started my period?
Thank you!
submitted by Tasty-Scallion3998 to Amenorrhearecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:16 AssociationOk9419 The Book "Jeene Ki Raah (Way of Living)" is worthy of being kept in every home. By reading and following it, you will remain happy, both in this world and the other. -Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Way of Living FREE


submitted by AssociationOk9419 to u/AssociationOk9419 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:16 sexysmultron Panic over creating a family

Hi! I've since march been facing the question about having a child, creating a family. I've gone from "fuck no, this relationship is over, my life is over" about children to "you know I think I want that experience with my partner, I'm not ready and I am scared shirtless about the thought but I want to get my mental health together to do it"
So I've had a rough childhood and I have never felt secure in my life. I'm constantly stressed about feeling unsafe. Not unsafe as in "oh I am in danger someone will kill me" but the feeling of emotional safety. I hate eveyrhing that questions my sense of safety.
I love my partner, we have a good relationship he has been my safety. So when the question about him wanting a child came up I simply pushed it forward into the future. But the future is now. And he wants to know if I want to do this with him, he doesn't stress he just wants to know If I am willing to work on it.
I've experienced my biggest life crisis and I think it All boils down to me being scared and stressed about feeling unsafe. I'm scared about work (working within a field that is dying due to AI and work is hard to find). I am scared of the responsibility and stress. I used to be able to handle stress but I can't anymore and I don't know how to get back to being able to handle stress.
I've begun to do yoga/stretching several times a week, I walk outside almost every day (at least 20 minutes), sadly I can't sleep too well and having a hard time eating regularly and enough. I'm meeting a psychologist (though the hospital) once a week but don't really feel it is enough so I am about to book another therapist that costs quite a bit.
Anyone been in a similar situation and can provide some insight? Good to know is that I am economicakky quite safe, have savings etc. I live in a country where childcare etc is very cheap so that isn't a stress factor.
submitted by sexysmultron to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:15 Fruit-PunchMouth I don’t know what I’m doing?

Hello! I’m working on a project where I’m trying to show variation in training days and I’m having trouble figuring out the best way to do that. I made this graph with the first process set of data with standard deviation bars, but I’m not sure what I’m looking at. Is there a better way to show variation? Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by Fruit-PunchMouth to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:14 Snushy_101 Formaloo Client Portal: Build Your Branded Membership Hub

Formaloo Client Portal: Build Your Branded Membership Hub
Did you know that over 70% of businesses struggle with managing client data efficiently? Enter the Formaloo Client Portal - a game-changer in simplifying client interactions and data management. This innovative platform offers seamless communication, secure data storage, and streamlined workflows, empowering businesses to enhance customer relationships effortlessly. With the Formaloo Client Portal, bid farewell to data chaos and welcome a new era of organized and efficient client management.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Customize for Success: Build custom membership portals tailored to your audience's needs and preferences to enhance user engagement.
  • Foster Community Interaction: Engage your community through interactive features and personalized content to create a sense of belonging and loyalty.
  • Streamline Operations: Simplify content management by utilizing tools that make updating, organizing, and sharing information effortless for both administrators and users.
  • Prioritize User-Friendly Design: Enhance user experience by focusing on intuitive navigation, clear layouts, and responsive design for seamless interaction.
  • Protect Data Integrity: Ensure data security and compliance by implementing robust measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular audits to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Empower with Control: Provide users with control over their data and privacy settings, fostering trust and transparency in your client portal ecosystem.

Building Custom Membership Portals

Customize Portals

Employee portals and client portals can be tailored to reflect your brand identity effortlessly. Incorporate logos, color schemes, and fonts seamlessly.

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Drag-and-Drop Interface

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Engaging Your Community

Custom Data Fields

Drive community engagement by utilizing custom data fields to gather specific information from your audience. Tailoring forms to collect relevant campaign data can help businesses understand their customers better.

Gated Content

Encourage collaboration by offering exclusive gated content accessible only to members. This strategy not only fosters a sense of belonging but also incentivizes users to engage more with the platform.

Virtual Events

Enhance user interaction through virtual events and discussions. Hosting online events such as webinars or live Q&A sessions can create a dynamic environment for employees and customers to connect and share insights.

Simplifying Content Management

Manage Effortlessly

The formaloo client portal offers a streamlined approach to managing various types of content. Users can easily handle articles, images, videos, and other resources without complications. By providing a user-friendly interface, individuals can efficiently upload, edit, and organize content with just a few clicks.

Organize Efficiently

One of the key features of the formaloo client portal is its ability to organize gated content and discussions effectively. This allows users to control access to specific materials and facilitate meaningful interactions within the community. Through secure gating mechanisms, administrators can ensure that only authorized individuals can view or engage with particular resources.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial

Create Personalized Experiences

With custom fields and forms, the formaloo client portal enables users to tailor experiences based on individual preferences. By incorporating personalized elements into the platform, organizations can enhance user engagement and foster stronger connections with their audience. Customization options empower users to create unique pathways for visitors based on their interests and needs.

Enhancing User Experience

User Management

Easily manage user accounts with specific permissions to streamline access control and enhance security measures. By assigning roles and permissions, administrators can efficiently regulate user interactions within the customer engagement platform.

White-label Customization

White-label the platform to provide a seamless brand experience for users interacting with the portal. This customization option allows businesses to maintain a consistent brand identity throughout the users page, reinforcing brand recognition among clients and visitors.

GDPR Compliance

Ensure GDPR compliance for data protection, safeguarding user information and maintaining trust among customers. Adhering to data protection regulations not only enhances the user experience by prioritizing privacy but also strengthens the credibility of the client portal.

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance

User Safety

Implement data security measures to protect users from malicious spam attacks and unauthorized access. Utilize robust encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive information.

Compliance with Regulations

Ensure compliance with data protection laws by obtaining user consent for analytics measurement and storing data for analytical purposes only. Adhere to strict guidelines on data handling.

Account Security

Secure user accounts by implementing strong authentication mechanisms such as email verification and password requirements. Regularly monitor account activity for any suspicious behavior.

Closing Thoughts

Incorporating a formaloo client portal can revolutionize how you interact with your audience. By creating tailored membership portals, you can boost engagement and streamline content management effortlessly. Prioritizing user experience while ensuring data security and compliance will set you apart in today's digital landscape. Embrace the power of a client portal to elevate your online presence and nurture a thriving community around your brand.
Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Implement a formaloo client portal today and witness firsthand the transformative impact it can have on your business. Elevate user experience, enhance security measures, and foster a stronger connection with your audience. Your journey towards digital excellence starts now!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using the Formaloo client portal?

The Formaloo client portal offers benefits such as building custom membership portals, engaging your community, simplifying content management, enhancing user experience, and ensuring data security and compliance.

How can a custom membership portal benefit my organization?

A custom membership portal can enhance user experience by providing personalized content and services tailored to individual members' needs. It also helps in fostering a sense of community among members, streamlining communication processes, and providing a clear description.

How does the Formaloo client portal simplify content management?

The Formaloo client portal simplifies content management by providing intuitive tools for organizing and updating content. With easy-to-use interfaces and customizable features, managing and updating information becomes efficient and hassle-free.

Is data security ensured when using the Formaloo client portal?

Yes, data security is a top priority with the Formaloo client portal. Advanced encryption methods and strict compliance measures are in place to safeguard sensitive information, ensuring that your data remains secure and protected at all times.

Can I customize the user experience on the Formaloo client portal?

Yes, you can customize the user experience on the Formaloo client portal to align with your brand identity and meet specific user preferences. Tailoring features, design elements, and functionalities allows you to create a unique and engaging platform for your audience.
Useful Links:
  1. Formaloo LifeTime Deal
  2. Formaloo Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to ReviewsFactory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:13 haveyoutriedcbd 3-Part Rant … I’d love to hear from other teachers!

Part 1: I’m a teacher. Tuesday morning, I was approached and partially peer pressured by another teacher into signing up for the staff vs students volleyball game. I used to be great at sports (even had a state record as a teen and qualified for the f-ing Olympic trials) and I am currently still mourning the physically active person that I was, and coming to terms with my diagnosis and my limits. I declined to play, but offered to be there for student behavior management. When she asked why I didn’t want to play, I explained that, while it’s not obvious, I do have a disability that causes my joints to easily dislocate and my dominant shoulder is the worst one, and playing volleyball would basically guarantee that it dislocates. She accepted my offer to sit out.
Part 2: That evening (Tuesday), I had a personal training session at a new gym. My doctor told me that as soon as I can do 15 min of brisk cardio without hurting myself, I’m good to start doing light strength training as I have become very weak the past few years. I was told that my trainer had PT experience and works with people with disabilities. I explained to her that I am very familiar with the sacrifices needed to get stronger and feel better, but also I need her to respect my limits. I explained EDS and how one degree too far can totally mess up my joint. I explained that I experience pain tenfold due to central sensitization. But she wouldn’t stop it with the “no pain, no gain!” mindset and ended up pushing me too far after I told her I physically couldn’t and now, I have a seriously subluxed left hip.
Part 3: To the final portion of my rant, I have been limping because of my hip. The unsteadiness of my hip has also made the other side hurt due to compensation. Other teachers and staff have noticed. And apparently, word on the street is, I magically developed a disability just in time so that I do not have to participate in the volleyball game. And how the timing of my “disability reveal” is quite suspicious.
Thankfully I’m leaving this school due to other serious systemic issues with the administration. But now I feel my reputation is ruined and also I’m still in a ton of pain.
I’d love to get support from other teachers here. At my next school, should I be candid upfront about my disability? I’m thinking about getting a cane to help me on days like this but I’ve never used a mobility aid aside from a special stand that holds my instruments up for me (I teach music). How do you interact with other staff members regarding your mobility? How much should be new administration know?
Thank you 🩵
submitted by haveyoutriedcbd to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:12 Exciting-Hat-8501 Bedwetting?

Hi everyone!
I’m F25 and was prescribed Wellbutrin extended release 150mg for my depression and ADD. I started taking it 2 weeks ago.
In those past two weeks, I have wet the bed twice. Could this be contributed to the Wellbutrin?
Bedwetting has never been an issue for me in the past, although when I was in elementary school, I had an issue with urinary frequency during the day and wetting my pants. I have dealt with suicidal thoughts and depression throughout my life, and the first time I remember having suicidal thoughts was because I was struggling with the pants wetting.
The first time I wet the bed last week, after I calmed myself down, I was able to convince myself that it was just an odd occurrence and that was that. I felt I couldn’t really blame the meds since I hadn’t been on them long enough.
Then this morning, I woke up to find that I wet the bed again. I have been overly anxious about the possibility of me wetting the bed so I make sure I use the bathroom directly before going to bed to avoid this, yet it still happened.
I am having suicidal thoughts because of this and I don’t know what to do. I feel my mental health back to how I felt when I was in elementary school and I just want to throw a fit. After this has happened twice now, I don’t even care if the medicine has any positive effects, because wetting myself is causing me to feel suicidal.
I also feel very protective over what is written about me in my doctor notes, so I’m not even sure if it’s worth it to bring it up to my doctor. If he puts that into writing, that I, at the age of 25 have been pissing myself, it will just increase my suicidal thoughts and feelings. I feel so disgusting.
submitted by Exciting-Hat-8501 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 LazyCrocheter Found a little bit of a chai "hack"

I often order tea from, and they frequently have specials when you order. Free samples and things like that. Around Christmas, they have included a pouch of mulling spices. I don't do mulled whatever, but the spices include whole cloves and allspice, which I use when I make my chai concentrate. So I'd pick those out and keep them for my concentrate.
The other day I actually took the time to read the ingredients and I realized -- it's pretty much most of what I use in my recipe. Cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, cloves, star anise and orange peel. That last is the one thing I don't use. But I decided well, why not try making my chai with that?
So I did! and it worked! I used two tablespoons of the mulling spices, and added a couple of cardamom pods, whole star anise and two teaspoons of vanilla bean paste. I did forget ginger and peppercorns, but it still worked.
I am probably inordinately pleased, but I like when I find uses for things and I don't have to throw them away.
submitted by LazyCrocheter to tea [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:11 Formal_Forever_9131 UK pay

I've been a DA since I was a teenager. I'm now reaching my mid 20s. I'm off work atm because of an illness but I'm considering leaving the field.
I live in the UK where the national minimum wage is £11.44. Most workplaces in my city pay people £12-13.50ph. In dollars that is like $15. On top of this the only work benefits offered to us are usually free parking and discounted treatments for ourselves. We don't get health insurance because we have the NHS even though the waiting lists to get seen in hospital can take 9 months lol. I think in the UK the job (to me) is beginning to look unsustainable to make a lifetime career out of it.
I do really enjoy the job but the pay and lack of recognition has made me really resent it I guess.
submitted by Formal_Forever_9131 to DentalAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:10 DailyRotoHelp MLB DFS Picks Today 5/17/24 DAILY FANTASY RUNDOWN

MLB DFS Picks Today 5/17/24 Advice for Fanduel and DraftKings Advice can be used for the 15 games today. FantasyTeamAdvisors is very excited to be able to provide you with some MLB content once again. Let’s dig in!
Make sure to also check out all the Vegas Odds for today’s slate. You can also read more DFS advice and lineup picks for sites like FanDuel, DraftKings, and other sports, too. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to hit me up on Twitter @advisors_team
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Our discord has daily CORE plays for both FD and DK around an hour or 2 before the slate locks.
submitted by DailyRotoHelp to dfsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:10 madcapx3 Sums up 99% of posts on this sub

Sums up 99% of posts on this sub submitted by madcapx3 to nonduality [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:08 Individual-Panda-184 I cant do my meds anymore

It sounds dumb.
I've been diagnosed bipolar for less than a year about a month after diagnosis I spent 4 months in residential care for anorexia.
I was put on lamotrigine and it made a massive difference at first - for the first time in forever my baseline wasn't depression.
It didn't stop my hypomanic episode in the beginning of residential care, nor the severe depressive episode towards the end, where I'd planned my death.
I'm a nursing student, I'm currently placed in mental health. For months now I've ebeen wanting to stop my meds becuase they are not doing anything. For the last month I've noticed a slow decline and a week ago it started rapidly declining.
I decided to stop taking my meds
I seriously believe it's all good to take meds for the rest of your life - you need them to live! But when I remember I have to take a medication, every day, for the rest of my life, I can't do it. I'm only 18, I don't want to live my life just via medications.
I started tapering myself down and have just kind stopped, I think I'm noticing a difference, I feel less depressed.
I dont have a psychatrist anymore, a month after being discharged from residential care he said I was stable and sent me to my gp so I don't have any support from him (only 6-7 months in his care, most if it in a controlled environment).
I think I'm going to stop the meds for now. Maybe at a later date I'll reintroduce then to see if the therapeutic effect comes back.
But for now, fuck it.
submitted by Individual-Panda-184 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:08 BeMo_Experts CASPer questions that stumped my student on a practice test. How would you answer?

Here’s 5 CASPer questions that threw one of my current students for a loop. How would you answer these?
I think the challenge with these CASPer scenarios is that they appear to have a very clear solution at first glance. But nothing is as simple as it seems. Let me know your thoughts first and I will share the right approach to these questions with you!
CASPer Scenario 1
You are a medical student doing your rotation in a psychiatry department. You overhear two colleagues discussing a high-profile celebrity patient's mental health details in the cafeteria. They are not aware that this violates patient confidentiality.
  1. What would you do in this situation?
  2. How would you approach your colleagues about the breach?
  3. What steps would you take to prevent such situations in the future?
CASPer Scenario 2
During a group project, you notice that one member of your team, who contributed the least, is manipulating the peer evaluations to get a better grade. This manipulation could affect your and others’ final grades.
  1. How would you handle this situation with your team member?
  2. Would you inform the professor about the manipulation? Why or why not?
  3. What are the possible impacts of addressing or not addressing the issue?
CASPer Scenario 3
You are part of a committee at a hospital responsible for distributing a limited supply of flu vaccines. There is enough for either all children under five or all elderly patients over 70.
  1. How would you decide which group to prioritize?
  2. What ethical principles would guide your decision-making?
  3. How would you address public concerns about your decision?
CASPer Scenario 4
You are a resident doctor, and you witness a senior doctor making inappropriate jokes about a patient's weight, which visibly upsets the patient. The senior doctor has a reputation for being influential in the hospital.
  1. How would you address the senior doctor’s behavior?
  2. What would you do if the senior doctor dismissed your concerns?
  3. How can you support the patient in this situation?
CASPer 5
You discover that a fellow student has cheated on a critical exam by using unauthorized notes. This exam is crucial for residency placement, and the student ranks just above you.
  1. What action would you take upon discovering this cheating?
  2. How would you handle the situation if the student confronted you about knowing their secret?
  3. What are the implications of reporting or not reporting the incident for you and the student?
If you want to get more CASPer prep under your belt, make sure to check out different CASPer questions and categories, as well as learn how the test is scored and how long you should prepare for the test.
submitted by BeMo_Experts to BeMoCASPer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:07 RoughAnteater412 I feel like i am not in control of my life, i dont find enjoyment in many things, what can i do ?

Hello, im 19m, uni student.
i have always been into a hobby hunt because i want to be dependant on my own happiness and not making other people the main and only source of my happiness, i have realised this problem 3 years ago, my best friend left me and stopped hanging out with me because i was too depressed and was not really energised so i was just a bit boring and he stopped hanging out with me to hand out with other friends, i dont remember why i was depressed but i remember that after he left me i felt 100 times worse, for 6 months i was almost always alone, i only had a mutual friend and we did not talk daily, i talked to her about the situation because well she is a mutual friend and knows him, she mostly put a chunk of the blame on me, saying relationships need both sides to put effort for it to work, she was implying that i did not put effort, which was wrong but then yes i stopped putting effort because ive been putting effort for a month and never got the same effort back.
after those 6 months, i have always been feeling like shit, i was around 15 but i dont think i truly realised how dependant i was, the mutual friend eventually got us back and he apologised and stuff, it has been almost 4 years now and he is my best friend, he is changed, i hated how i got back instead of moving on but i truly think now he is an amazing friend and has been with me in hard times.
a year after we were friends again, so 3-2 years ago, he started hanging out less and less, for valid reasons, i had to spend most of my time alone, and i did not know how, my days felt too long, unbearable. then i realised the gravity of the situation, i needed to do something and i need to know how to enjoy my own solitude, which is why i have always been hard on myself on trying having hobbies. i started going to the gym and cooking which was great and i still do that. and i have tried many other things but mostly, i did not really enjoy it.
fast forward to now, in my life, my close circle, there is 2 people, my best friend still, and a girl who i have been talking to for maybe 5-6 months now, i have feelings for her, and she does for me, i have told her how i feel a few months ago and she called me, i was scared but it turned out great, she said she feels that way too and she thinks im cute and blah blah blah. Thing is, we live very far away from each other, which is why we arent really officially a "couple". Like obviously she is more than a friend but still, we text and call frequently and i always have much fun. and i really do want to take things more seriously with her but i dont think now is a good time as she is having her finals and university entrance exams and also, sometimes i think if it is a good idea because of the distance, the plan is as we discussed if we do take things to the "next level" is to wait until we both finish uni (~2 years for me. ~4 years for her).
i feel like sometimes i am too attached, i really hate it, i have been like that and i know where it got me to, i dont want to be in that place ever again, i am genuinely scared. sometimes, like today and yesterday where i have not gotten a text from her, i dont feel good and i fucking hate it, i feel very pathetic, why can i not be content with my own ? its not like she disappeared or something, maybe because i already dont feel good and this is a plus to it, because it has happened more than once, one time she said she wanted to be alone for a time and it was around a week, for the first couple of days yeah i did not feel good but then it was normal, and i also started having feelings of hate, which i obviously hated, i get attached and when they want to have alone time i cant help but feel like they are tired of me or something, i hate thinking about it too much, and i know that if i just had a life with many things to do i wont be feeling like this, again which brings us to the hobby thing, i still go to the gym and cook but i would still have a long day not knowing what to do ALONE.
one hobby that i picked up and i hold it dear to me is cycling, i started cycling a lot when i was severely depressed around 2 months ago, it was amazing honestly, it gave me an hour of peace that i needed, just me and my bicycle and i go around my ugly neighbourhood listening to the songs my girl gave to me, i still do it but not daily, it is hard to do it daily because the time to do it is very limited, i can only cycle around 5pm so its a safe uv level and the sun is not too hot (it gets around 40c here) and i cant really do it after 7pm because the sun sets and i want to see the sun, i dont like doing it in the night. another hobby i used to do while i was depressed was building legos, i built a set and spent around a week, an hour each day and it was honestly great. i still have another set but i never got myself to do it, why ? i have a jigsaw puzzle that i am supposed to finish for like 2 months now and i never finished it, i have a big empty portrait in my room that the jigsaw puzzle is supposed to be inside, everytime i look at it it reminds me of my failure lol, i can just never get myself to do it, i tried it 3 times and got bored quickly.
i just hate the feeling of not having control of my own happiness, and many things that i do i do not find enjoyment in, even playing games which is like my main hobby for a long time, i cant enjoy it much if i do it alone, only with my friend which i hate, i feel like i fucked up my life and i dont really know what to do, its funny how i am in the exact same place kinda 2 years ago, i tried many things, playing the piano, drawing, making video games, boxing, running. i just never found great enjoyment in them and it always felt like chores, not hobbies, honestly the only things that i truly find peace with while i do them and it doesnt feel like a chore is going to the gym and cycling, maybe and other small things. But i just feel like these are not enough, i still have a long day and what ? chatting and hanging out with my friend or girl friend is what really makes me the happiest in my day but i just am afraid that maybe everything would fall apart and i will be alone, i need to prepare myself, i need to be more dependant, to make the relationships healthier, to love myself more, but i just dont know how, many things are super boring, i really have problems with getting myself to do things, motivation and self control, does this maybe have to do with dopamine receptors ? i really dont know, what can i do ? i feel like i know what to do, which is focus on my life aspects like hobbies but I just dont really know how.
any comment would be appreciated, thank you all and have a great day :)
submitted by RoughAnteater412 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:05 bigkid8888888 The Son of Encouragement

The Son of Encouragement
This is our day. Continue to support your brothers and sisters as we journey to the moon.
submitted by bigkid8888888 to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 Universal_247 I want to minimize interaction with otherwise "safrifical and good" father due to occasional agression. Feeling conflicted about it

Actually he is my uncle but he has been the father figure since I was around 10. I'm 23 now.
So I did something (cooked some onion) and he commented about how "that's not how it's done". I thought it was (mistakenly so) so I said "it is done like this". He repeats himself and so do I two or three times, after which he was getting visibly angry. Just his face, he was actually containing it, which was apparent.
But this was enough to trigger me (if you wish to know why this was triggering there's a recent post about it on my profile, trigger warning for physical violence and humiliation). He started to leave after doing some explaining and when he was walking away I said smt like "you're already getting crazy!" (Which in our language sounds kinda worse but idk how to translate) Meaning the visible anger on his face that triggered me was overreacting to me just contradicting him. Supposedly, me just bluntly replying "yes it's done like this" is provocative.
Anyways after hearing that he comes back and gets in my face. He wasn't going to hit me, that's "in the past", but he feinted and I turned my head, expecting a hit. Somehow we ended up talking for like two hours, there were many points we both wanted to get across to the other and I doubt there was much mutual understanding , but what's relevant to this post is that he made it known that things would be "worse" if I ever spoke to him like that. That he would beat me if I called him an idiot.
He showed me how he has been containing himself all this time, and that even know after saying you're going crazy he didn't hit me. That's true.
He said he really hates being offended. He told me that one time when he asked a worker that was doing stuff in our house for something, the dude just turned his back to him and my dad screamed so loudly the dude was startled. Like did a little jump.
I'm like: you think that's good for your health? You've been containing your temper lately, you think it's good? Repressing it even further will only make it worse in the long run and you will stop being so effective at restraining yourself when you want to. He seems to think he knows a thing or two about psychology so he replied with condescension at my suggestion that he needs to fix the anger issues instead of just controlling himself when they arise. Whatever.
It sucks. What's even worse is that most lf the time he is normal. Like 999/1000 times. Our baseline is good terms right now. But my subconscious still remembers, I haven't unpacked all those things yet. I don't like knowing that my father would beat me up for offending him. I don't like not saying something to him (even if it is calling him stupid) only because of fear of physical responses.
I told him many things, like how it sucks fearing my own father and he said "don't provoque me then".I painted a hypothetical situation in which I called him an idiot to ask him what would happen if he didn't react in an aggressive/violent manner, he replied and finished with "but better never call me that". I was like "wouldn't you stop to think why would your son call you that? Why would anybody call their dad that way if everything was good? Or why I said you were getting crazy?" And whatever the fuck his reply was to that it probably boiled down to "you have no business saying those things". Sure, calling someone an idiot isn't good. Focus on that. .
My repressed emotions to his attitude all this years were there in the conversation. I kept stopping because the knot in my throat wouldn't let me talk, tears on my eyes. This didn't seem to communicate anything to him.
I wonder what I'll do when I get stronger than him. I'd be so tempted to start something just to show him he can't overpower me anymore. I wouldn't even hit him, just restrain him and faking a hit just so he sees what it feels like. Even then, I don't think it compares to an adult doing that to a kid or teenager. He has heart issues though, and as much as I wish for payback, I feel like his rage would be so much worse after being restrained that his heart could worsen (also I understand revenge makes no real sense, forgive them Father for they not what they do, if he could understand he would).
Anyway. We hadn't had an altercation like this in a while, and it's the first time I actually said something like that to him. He won't hit me if I don't insult him. But his intimidating nature is still present at times, for example when I don't listen to him and stubbornly oppose him (it happens sometimes but I only with him, surprised?) And knowing he can get like violent or just verbally aggressive doesn't make the "good times" worth it. He is a "good charismatic person" basically all the time except when these things happen. But I'm at odds with the fact that if I ever fail to contain my subconscious resentment to him and call him something (motherfucker, idiot, stupid high-iq but low-eq controlling dumbfuck) I'll get beat up. I understand that healing is on me to stop walking on eggshells when he is around, but I'm starting to dislike him on a more conscious level now. Which is confusing too because everytime I've brought this up to my mother, she seemed to understand part of how I was feeling, but ultimately it boiled down to "he's family and will catch a bullet for you, will always drop anything he is doing when we need help". WHICH IS TRUE BUT I DON'T CARE
AITAH for wanting to keep interactions with him at the bare minimum?
EDIT: I'd love to move out. I live with my mom, grandma and grandpa. He lives in the city and comes by 1/2/3 times a week, frequently spending the night or two. I still love them, and especially my mom and her parents, but being able to fuck off whenever I need to without resorting to going some place or park would be great. But I can't. I'd put an extremely tough burden on my mom, she'd have no live left: she works a lot, grandpa is getting very old but main thing is taking care of my grandma, there are some things like lifting her that only I can do because grandpa is too old and uncle can't due to some tendon issues on his arms. Besides the option to start earning a metric shitload of money to retire her and be able to afford 24/7 elderly care personnel, do you have any ideas about how to approach this?
EDIT: at some point he brought up the "how much love we gave you" situation. Now here is what disturbs me. It's true, I've been given tons of love, patience, opoortunities, the works, not only from the rest of the family but from him as well. So I imagine myself as a parent that loves their kid so much, and then I imagine myself intimidating him because he called me crazy, or hitting him because he didn't listen and did something different from what we had agreed on, behind my back, for the millionth time. It feels wrong, it feels ignorant. I'd be wondering why the fuck does my son agree to do a certain thing and when it comes time to it, he does a different one. I'd start thinking about why he keeps lying about school grades, failing to pass the year even when he sees how bad it stresses his mother out... Instead of hitting him in the face with a closed fist (but hey, it wasn't full force!!) because he keeps lying and driving his mom crazy.
But hey, that's me. I'm "not the one to teach him about psychology"
submitted by Universal_247 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 ButterBandit3 Do we know when movies will go from ~$19.99 to ~$4.99 or even to streaming?

So, I want to see the new ghostbusters, the new godzilla, love lives bleeding, and monkey man but def not cost effective to rent these for $20 a piece at the moment.
Is there a place that you can find out information on movies coming from theatre > sale on Amazon > streaming?
I mention streaming at the end there because I almost paid the $4.99 for madam Webb and then saw it was coming out on Netflix in like 10 days.
submitted by ButterBandit3 to AmazonPrimeVideo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:03 Spiritual-Meat2266 Anyone else’s date gun test their will to live every day?

submitted by Spiritual-Meat2266 to Aldi_employees [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:00 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Endopeak

What is Endopeak?

EndoPeak is a natural nutritional supplement that aims to increase energy and improve mental focus. It is composed of a blend of organic ingredients that work together to improve your overall health.
It can help you have more energy throughout the day by allowing you to perform multiple tasks with vigour and vitality. Say goodbye to fatigue and lethargy as this supplement attempts to naturally boost your energy levels.
This supplement aims to improve concentration and attention as well as physical exhaustion. EndoPeak can improve concentration and cognitive performance in any mental activity, including office work, study, and other mental activities.
When used on a regular basis, This men health supplement has the potential to improve your physical and mental health, contributing to your overall well-being. It is important to note that individual results may vary, and you should follow the product's specific instructions for use.

How does Endopeak work?

EndoPeak Male Enhancement Supplement is more than just a collection of ingredients; it's a symphony of carefully selected components that work in unison to produce a harmonious performance within your body.
Although the workings of the supplement aren't exactly outlined on the product's official website (which is disappointing), we did our own research, dug into its ingredients, and deduced how it could work to provide the benefits that it does.
Because it approaches its targeted benefits in a multifaceted manner, let's take a look at how the supplements that make it so effective work:
Supporting Hormonal Balance: EndoPeak's formula recognises the significance of hormonal balance. It uses nature's wisdom to provide essential nutrients that promote healthy hormone levels. By assisting in hormone regulation, the supplement sets the stage for increased energy, stamina, and overall well-being.
Boosting Blood Flow: One of the mechanisms of EndoPeak is its ability to improve blood circulation. This effect can lead to increased sensitivity and arousal, resulting in a more satisfying intimate experience. Improved blood flow also helps to promote healthy erections and keep them going for longer.
Increasing Nitric Oxide Production: Nitric oxide, also known as the body's natural vasodilator, plays an important role in blood flow. It's ingredients work together to promote nitric oxide production, keeping blood vessels relaxed and open and optimising circulation to vital areas.

Endopeak Ingredients

EndoPeak is made up of a potent blend of 8 ingredients that have been clinically proven to support energy and vitality in men. According to the supplement label, each ingredient is added in the proper amounts so that they work together to deliver the desired results.
The following are the EndoPeak ingredients:-
1 Epimedium

Epimedium, also known as Goat Weed, can aid in the promotion of general physical function and the improvement of blood circulation throughout the body. Epimedium, an important component of EndoPeak, is distinguished by clusters of bright yellow four-petaled flowers that bloom in spring. It contains a number of potent ingredients that work together to improve both physical and mental health.

2 Hawthorn Bertern

Another organic ingredient that promotes healthy blood circulation, which is beneficial to both the body and the brain. Hawthorn fruit, botanically known as Crataegus, is well-known for its small fruit size. They have long been used in traditional medicine, particularly to increase male potency and promote attractiveness.

3 Magnesium

Magnesium is required for many bodily processes, including hormone control. To improve male health, levels must be optimal. Furthermore, this ingredient gives both normal people and athletes more energy.

4 Tribulus

Tribulus is an extremely potent herb that has long been used to improve male health. Its inclusion in EndoPeak is justified by its exceptional benefits. Tribulus has been clinically studied and has shown promising results in increasing the number of satisfying personal encounters. EndoPeak leverages the potential of Tribulus to improve men's health and pleasure in the intimate sphere.

5 Tongkat Ali

This Tongkat Ali plant ingredient has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including increased stamina and overall health. Tongkat Ali has a significant effect on the pituitary gland's production of luteinizing hormone (LH). The testicles are then tasked with producing more hormone. LH is in charge of increasing hormone synthesis and regulating hormone levels throughout the day.

6 Chrysina

This chemical is thought to have anti-stress properties and may help with depression symptoms. EndoPeak contains chyrsina, which can be found in honeycombs and passion flowers. It has the ability to inhibit aromatase activity, providing significant benefits to the user. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chrysin have also been demonstrated in studies. These qualities are critical for maintaining the health of the male reproductive system because they reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

7 Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto herbal extract is known to boost energy and stamina, making it easier to complete daily tasks. A small palm species native to the southeastern United States and the source of saw palmetto. Its fruit contains a high concentration of phytosterols, flavonoids, and fatty acids. EndoPeak has extracted and formulated this substance, which may have health benefits. Saw palmetto benefits overall physical performance and strength in a number of ways.

8 Flywheel shaft

This organic substance is said to improve stamina and overall physical endurance. Dendrobium macraei, also known as the winged treebine, has long been used as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine. It is believed to have controlling and performance-enhancing properties. These findings support the historical use of Winged Treebine and its distinguishing characteristics.

Benefits of Endopeak Supplement

Endo Peak stands out as a natural, dependable, and adaptable substance with numerous health benefits. Because of its all-natural ingredients, delicious taste, and good reputation, it's an appealing option for people looking to safely and effectively improve their health. EndoPeak should be chosen for a number of reasons:-
EndoPeak is made up of a potent blend of 8 ingredients that have been clinically proven to support energy and vitality in men. According to the supplement label, each ingredient is added in the proper amounts so that they work together to deliver the desired results.
Benefits of Endopeak Supplement
Endo Peak stands out as a natural, dependable, and adaptable substance with numerous health benefits. Because of its all-natural ingredients, delicious taste, and good reputation, it's an appealing option for people looking to safely and effectively improve their health. EndoPeak should be chosen for a number of reasons:-
1 Increases blood flow

Blood circulation to the male organs is increased to improve their functioning and make the most of them. reduces inflammation The anti-inflammation properties of the ingredients used in it help to reduce swelling in various glands and organs.

2 Balances out hormonal issues

Male infertility is thought to be caused by unbalanced hormones. Poor production, for example, may not be able to provide the desired results and may even be a sign of male impotence. The ingredients in the supplement produce male hormones.

3 Increases energy

The EndoPeak male performance supplement, which contains herbs such as Winged Treebine, provides men with long-lasting effects by increasing their natural endurance.

4 Oxidative stress is protected

Body components that have oxidised are protected from further oxidation damage and are being repaired.

5 Improves sleep quality

Inadequate sleep is thought to be one of the causes of low levels. It is resolved by the sleep-inducing formula.

6 Strengthens the immune system

Organ system immune systems are strengthened, defending the body against illnesses and infections.

7 Natural and reliable

EndoPeak is a natural product that contains no steroids or other harmful substances. As a result, it is a dependable and risk-free option for improving health without fear of negative consequences.

8 Many Other health benefits

EndoPeak is appropriate for anyone seeking to improve their overall health because it is designed to treat a wide range of health issues. It can help with issues such as restlessness, stress, and anxiety about performance.

submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:59 Andreezy_27 776 Days and it’s over.

776 Days and it’s over.
Been a long journey to say the least, came to this country 7 years ago on a B1/B2 that overstayed, I met someone and eventually it didn’t work out. A year later met my now wife, we married in January 2022 and we filed our I-130&I-485 in March 2022. 776 Days later here is the green card, all I can say is YOU ARE NEXT.
Timeline: *March 2022 - I130&I485 Submitted *April 2022 - Biometrics appointment *September 2022 - EAD and SSN approved *October 2022-October 2023 RADIO SILENCE NOT A SINGLE UPDATE ON THE PORTAL. *November 2023 - I130 RFE Bona Fide Marriage *February 2024 - I130 Approved *February 2024 - I485 RFE sponsor taxes *May 4th 2024 - I485 Case Approved *May 11th 2024 - Card is being produced *May 15th 2024 - Card Arrived on the mail
*something worth mentioning is that since my case was approved by the time I’ve been married for 2 years they have sent me a 10 Year Green Card, so I won’t have to do the removal of conditions anymore.
submitted by Andreezy_27 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:58 Kruelheart [Update] Gigabyte has the worst support

I posted this previously of my experience with Gigabyte Support.
TLDR: Support process sucks and their Quality check for BIOS sucks even more.
Now if you want to read the whole experience, see below:
Issue TLDR: PC crashes ~6 to ~7 out of 10 times when resuming from sleep.
I have an update to the story.
I received the card back during 1st week of May, issues were worse, sometimes I did not get any display and PC would stay black screen. Attempting to restart, display would be blank but keyboard numlock/capslock did respond.
Note that I did not have issues with 1060 which was my daily driver and 3070 I used for a day that I tested by putting it to sleep and resuming multiple times.
My seller was aware of this, shared them video of the issue and continued to argue the card was the issue. They tried to push from their side and Gigabyte did not agree, it was back and forth with them.
Upgraded to windows 11 same issues. Used ddu to update to latest nvidia driver. Same issue.
Meanwhile, I dual booted Nobara and issue was even worse. After sleep the PC display wont even turn on consistently (tried only 2 times though) and PC was laggy as hell.
Apparently, Gigabyte wanted them to test and showcase the issue and so I sent the card to my seller. They were no able to replicate (not sure what build they were using as they said similar)
I got my PC on Feb 27th or so and the card was experiencing issues within a few days (I reported issues to MS forums on 6th March after I was unable to fix it for 4 to 5 days). So either I was having issues or running my build without the card for 2 and a half months.
I finally gave up and fought with my seller to give the card back so I can sell it online. They gave me the card back.
As my whole build was Gigabyte I took my PC to the collection center with the card installed and told them to fix the issue or replace whatever part they see as the issue.
Issue was reproducible. And I was told, that even if the guy at Bangalore sends the GPU for replacement same process (test and Chennai) will be followed and replacement will be rejected if they cannot simulate in their setup. WOW!
I called a Gigabyte employee who had discussed this with me before and he instructed that it could be PSU or MB causing this and they began testing.
I asked them to put a spare 40 Series card they had to test. The issue was reproducible with another 4070 (not 4070 Super).
Finally realized that this could be an incompatibility issue(10 series or 30 series did not have issues) and tried the oldest firmware that Gigabyte had for the MB B650M DS3H rev1.3 and the issue was no longer reproducible.
I have the card with me for almost a week now and I dont have issues. Feels damn Good!
Hopefully no other soul has to go through the same after buying a product with hard earned money. Apparently the card is rated for around 100 reseats, not sure how many this card went through in 3 months.
Gigabyte Support if you just listened and ran the same build (with rev1.3 MB and firmware you would have seen the issue). When you try reproducing the problem to confirm or deny, use the whole damn build as you neglect any tshoot a customer does.
This was a pure miss on the Gigabyte BIOS QA part which led to me having such a frustrating / nightmare experience. Good thing is I found about their Support process through this. I dont think I will build another PC with any Gigabyte part.
submitted by Kruelheart to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:55 Dude_ofTheLegacy Extraction team shows no employee despite there clearly being an employee there, please help.

Extraction team shows no employee despite there clearly being an employee there, please help.
I'd do one work with knight of despair then after that I would not be able to do any other work with that agent on that team. Is it because of knight of despair or is this a bug?
submitted by Dude_ofTheLegacy to LobotomyCorp [link] [comments]