Love message to boyfriend

Enough with the numbers and routines - let's lift heavy shit!

2013.04.06 17:01 theycallmeddrew Enough with the numbers and routines - let's lift heavy shit!

It never gets easier, you just get stronger.

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2024.05.17 13:07 atadbitrad How can my BF (M 24) and I (F22) fix our relationship? Is it even worth it or should we break up?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year now (most of it being LDR), and honestly, our relationship was perfect. I genuinely thought he was the one; he was so sweet and respectful, until he just wasn’t.
To preface this, we did start off casual. We both were drunk at a party, hooked up, and decided to keep it that way until, eventually, one of us caught feelings and the other followed suit. However, he was graduating college and I was only a sophomore, so the idea of this actually working was absurd. But as one thing led to another, we both realized we wanted to make this work, so we gave LDR a shot.
The long distance itself wasn't too bad (initially, at least). We didn't text all the time; in fact, there were days where barely anything was said, but neither of us minded as we understood we have busy schedules. Problems, however, began when my trust was somewhat breached, and I just couldn't deal with things anymore.
So, my boyfriend is a sweet guy, kinda shy and non-confrontational. He has a girl best friend who is a total bitch and has been weird with me time and time again. The first time I met her, my boyfriend and I were only hooking up. It was for breakfast after a night of drinking. We were being a bit affectionate, and she, out of nowhere, exclaimed, "BF name, please behave, stop embarrassing yourself in public." Strange, but I paid it no mind. Of course, that wasn't enough. We were all just sitting, eating, not saying much because she just radiated malice. I didn't want to engage because I would snap and I wanted to leave a good impression. But she continued to pose hypothetical scenarios to my boyfriend about what his ex would think about him being in this situation, overall giving weird vibes. At the time, my hookup (boyfriend) didn't say anything, and I didn't want to assert myself in the situation, so I stayed silent.
Fast forward a few months later, we are at an event in the car. We are all tripping on ecstasy except for his beloved girl best friend, who the whole time is sitting in the back making snide comments about me to her friend, "oh, she's crazy," blah blah. STILL, my boyfriend claims to have not heard and said nothing. STILL, I ignore that.
Fine? Now, this is almost 6 months later. My boyfriend and I are at a party when a girl who was very overtly interested in my boyfriend comes up to him, and they start talking. (The first time meeting post-grad, they both are drunk, so I let it go.) They are sitting on the side. She is holding his hand, and I'm just observing from afar because I don't want to put myself in that situation when my boyfriend calls me (he claims it was to include me). This girl says, "OMG, you're lucky I backed off; you can have him, he's all yours," to which my boyfriend, sitting right there, says nothing (claimed he didn't hear). I avert the topic, ask her about work, etc., but the whole time I am fuming. I bring it up to my boyfriend, and his same response: "I never heard. I love you. Can you stop being dramatic?"
Now I'm a bit suspicious of him. Anyway, it's summer break. I am on vacation, and he's back home. At 4 am, he texts me, saying, "Hey babe, I want to meet a friend of mine. We dated back in school. It was a kiddy relationship. Can I meet her? If it's okay with you, we will just smoke a joint or whatever." I didn't want to be controlling, and if they dated in school, who was I to stop him? So I was like, sure. Months later, I find out it's the first girl he had sex with. Are you seeing a pattern?
In isolation, these micro-breaches could just be looked over, but the build-up is just not giving. Anyways, fast forward some more months. My friend shows me a close friend's post of this girl my boyfriend follows where she's practically naked, and he's liked it. Keep in mind, this is months into our relationship. I screenshot it and bring it up to him. It's the same: "I didn't know, I just like everything on my feed. It's before we had such convos about boundaries." (I have always expressed how icky and embarrassing it is to see your man under some hoe's post.)
So obviously, with all these little instances, I get angrier and angrier. I trust him less, I ask more, and I get angry real quick. Now our relationship has reached the point where we can't go without fighting for more than 2 days (if I'm being generous). I second-guess his every move, I am perpetually suspicious, and I kind of resent him. When we are together, it’s great; there aren't any major problems per se, but in LDR, I just can't. Not only is he an awful texter, but he also makes so many promises that he can't fulfill. An example: he said he’d post our pics. It's been months now, and he hasn't, but if it was some concert of his or a friend's, that post is up and running ASAP.
All his friends are also so man-coded; they act like boys. His own best friend has a shit relationship, but my boyfriend looks at his relationship as the pinnacle because apparently they live together and that's so perfect. He wants to get married and have me uproot my whole life to accommodate his plans because apparently we have to go for masters together, but that can only be when it works for him (so I can't go post-grad as planned). I am also expected to get married as soon as I graduate and move to a super conservative country because his job pays so well, and I "should find work there."
Keep in mind while we do LDR, he barely texts when he is out. I go out; I take out time regardless, and I understand people are different, but his communication is so shit. I understand quality over quantity, and I am okay with that, but the quality of our conversation is also so deplorable. Most times, if I talk to him on the phone for too long, something will make me angry, and things blow up into an argument.
I want to be with him, but I don't know how to fix these problems or if they are even worth fixing. We also talk about breaking up every week, and there are days I literally want to punch a wall.
submitted by atadbitrad to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:07 ifudgedupin2017 28 [M4F] Delhi - Looking for a Dinner Date Tonight in Delhi

Hello ladies,
I'm a 28-year-old guy looking to share a meal (and possibly a drink) with someone special tonight. I have a strong love for animals, enjoy meeting new people, and am genuinely interested in hearing about others' lives.
I try to be as respectful and accommodating as possible, ensuring everyone I meet feels comfortable. While I do have a bit of a dark sense of humor, it's all in good fun and often adds a charming, edgy twist to conversations.
I've successfully met some amazing people through this subreddit before, and I'm hoping to connect with someone new tonight. My ideal date would be a woman aged 20-30, who's up for a relaxed evening, enjoying good food and good company. Whether you drink or not doesn't matter to me; the main goal is just to have a great time together.
If this sounds like your kind of evening, send me a message! Let's find a cozy spot in Delhi and make it a night to remember.
Voice verification required. Aadhar provided on request :p
submitted by ifudgedupin2017 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:07 AlaskanFungi I feel so unwelcomed and uncomfortable by my boyfriend’s family i am debating walking away from the relationship all together.

Aside from this family issue, my boyfriend and i are a great match and rarely argue. But family being a core value - is a deal breaker for us both.
My boyfriend(34M) and I (27F) have been together about a year and a half now. the very first time i heard his moms voice was over a facetime hearing “Now i know why I don’t see you anymore”. which to this day, he calls a joke- it is no joke.
My boyfriend goes to his moms house 4 times a week, facetimes his family every single day, stops what he’s doing to do things with his nephew, and constantly needs to be a hero to his mother and sister. Mind you his 30 year old sister, brother and law, and nephew love with his mother. this family has never left the state and only at 30 years old was he ready to move on on his own away from them.
about 6 months ago, he cancelled our plans to go be with them… of course i got a little ticked. his mom heard me yell and ever since then treats me as an evil girlfriend who is no good for her son. she treats me like a clear window pane, and is unresponsive anytime i have tried to make 1-on-1 plans. i talk to her every time i seee her, try to hug her, and be the best i can to be a part of his family.
we are trying to start a family of our own, and he talks of marriage. after 6 months of this sh*t… im tired of trying to make peace. i have asked him to speak to her about being more open and welcome he responds “she’s not welcoming to anyone who isn’t family” okay? so you’re gonna allow this?
at 35 i thought he would be ready to get off the t*t and start his own life but anytime he tries, he caves due to whatever guilt trip mommy has going on.
this is something that will never change, will it?
submitted by AlaskanFungi to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:05 LadyYaeMiko I (25F) broke up with my bf (25M) because he started bread crumbing me.

Disclaimer: Please excuse any awkward English it’s not my first language. I will be summarizing my experience in a 7 month LDR.
We met on a dating app last fall and we instantly clicked. He lived in a city 3 hours from mine and was just there to visit his siblings. On his last day in my city he asked for us to be exclusive and to try doing LDR. I was very hesitant on this because he has a demanding schedule (med student) so I thought it would be difficult to maintain one. But he reassured me it could work out and I really liked him so I gave it a shot.
3 months in and the relationship was perfect. He came to visit me every 2 weeks and we would spend the weekend together. He would take me on a shopping spree and we would eat at all these lovely restaurants. It honestly felt like we weren’t in an LDR.
Once we reached 4 months (end of the honeymoon phase haha) I started to notice some things that began to bother me:
  1. his communication drastically began to decline. We use to talk on the phone for hours once a week while also texting throughout the days but then it just became exclusively texting and no more calls. When I confronted him about this he told me it was because his schedule changed and school became more demanding. He warned me about this before we became exclusive but I had became so attached to him and use to our old routine it was hard on me to adjust.
  2. He forgot to wish me a happy birthday. I had reminded him 2 weeks prior and he had said he had it saved on his calendar. He doesn’t care for birthdays but I communicated with him that I cared and would appreciate the acknowledgement no gifts or anything like that just a message. He apologized 2 days later and told me he had an exam that same week so he wasn’t on his phone at the time.
This is when I began to realize he isn’t able to prioritize me and med school at the same time anymore. I assumed he had lost interest and when we met up afterwards he began to look more and more stressed / worn out.
  1. 5 months in is when I began to identify the bread crumbing. Bread crumbing means he began to show inconsistent interest in me aka emotional abuse. He was taking longer and longer to respond to my texts. I noticed he was also more active on Snapchat while he left me waiting on delivered. I was being ignored and it honestly hurt. I never confronted him on this because I didn’t want to look crazy for essentially monitoring his snap score lol please do not do that it’s not healthy.
  2. Whenever he did respond to my texts they would be lengthy and of course med school was always the reason for the delays. I do believe it’s a valid reason but at the same time it’s an easy excuse to get away with not having to answer me.
  3. 6 months in I mentally began to mourn the loss of the relationship before the break up officially happened. We talked about our future together and moving in together so it was a very hard time for me. I didn’t want to be with anyone else but him but I felt like I was the only one that cared enough to keep trying to make the relationship last and work.
  4. During month 6 I became more distant. I use to reply almost instantly to his texts so when he noticed the change he began to increase his efforts in communicating with me (aka more bread crumbing).
Note: I did communicate with him twice on my expectations when it came to our communication and the relationship as a whole. I felt like I was very vocal on my needs and he simply refused to meet them despite saying he will try multiple times.
  1. With bread crumbing you do not know where you stand in the relationship and that was my current issue. Month 7, I asked him if I could come to his city for a day and speak with him face to face. I wanted to end the relationship in person out of respect. He told me he would let me know when he was free. I gave him a timeline and I told him I must see him by the end of the month or this wouldn’t work out. I didn’t want to drag it out anymore than necessary.
Well, he never told me when he was free in time so I took that as a sign that he was unwilling to try to rebuild our relationship and texted him that it would not work out and thanked him for the memories we shared.
I will say he did show signs of depression but was in denial about having any mental issues. I do believe med school started taking a toll on him because a lot of the hobbies he loved to do he stopped doing them and he began to lose weight. He didn’t seem like he cared about much of anything anymore including me of course.
I wanted to share my story to let people know if you ever feel unsure about your relationship please trust your gut. I was in denial about it for a long time despite the signs being right in front of me. Your time is precious and the worst thing you could do is waste it on someone who doesn’t give you the bare minimum. Thanks for reading and good luck to you all.
submitted by LadyYaeMiko to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:02 dipplersdelight My very biased personal review of several self-hosted reverse proxy solutions for home use

(This was originally a comment, but I decided to make it a post to share with others.)
Over the past few months, I've tested several self-hosted reverse proxy solutions for my local network. Here's my experience for anyone looking for opinions. Full disclosure: I'm not an advanced user. I mainly use reverse proxies for accessing simple local services with SSL behind memorable URLs and haven't dipped my toes into anything more complex than integrating Authentik for SSO. I prefer file-based configuration, avoid complexity, and don't need advanced features; so this list certainly won't be valuable for everyone. Feel free to share your opinions; I'd love to hear what everyone else is using.
Here's my opinionated review of the reverse proxy solutions I've tried, ranked from most likely to recommend to new users to least likely:
  1. Caddy: By far the most painless reverse proxy I've used. Extremely lightweight, performant, and modular with plenty of extensions. Great documentation and descriptive error messages. I currently have most of my services behind a single instance of Caddy running on a Debian LXC on Proxmox and I love it. Combined with the ACME Cloudflare DNS provider addon and VS Code Server for easy configuration from a web browser, I couldn't recommend a more painless solution for beginners who just want to access their local services behind a TLD without browser warnings. Having my entire home network's reverse proxy solution contained within a single, elegantly formatted Caddyfile is a godsend. Though, if your setup is complex enough to require using the JSON config or you rely heavily on Docker, you might also consider Traefik.
  2. Traefik: Probably the most powerful and versatile option I've tried, with the necessary complexity and learning curve that entails. The Docker label configuration is fantastic, and I still use it on systems I haven't migrated away from Docker. I find the multiple approaches to configuration and the corresponding documentation hard to wrap my head around sometimes, but it always seems to pay off.
  3. Zoraxy: Despite being relatively new, it's the best GUI-based reverse proxy solution I'm familiar with. I grew out of it quickly as it was missing very basic features like SSL via DNS challenges when I last tried it, but I'm still placing it high on the list solely for providing the only viable option for people with a phobia of config files that I currently know of. It also has a really sleek interface, although looks can be deceiving. YMMV.
  4. NGINX: Old reliable. It's only this far down the list because I prefer Traefik over vanilla NGINX for more complex use cases these days and haven't used it for proxy purposes in recent memory. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about NGINX (besides finding the configuration a bit ugly) and I use it for public-facing services all the time. If you're already using NGINX, you probably have a good reason to, and this list will have zero value to you.
  5. NGINX Proxy Manager: Unreliable. It's this far down the list because I'd prefer anything over NPM. Don't let its shiny user-friendly frontend fool you, as underneath lies a trove of bugs that will inevitably lead you down a rabbit hole of stale issues and nonexistent documentation. "I've been using NPM for months and have never had an issue with it." WRONG. By the time you've read this, half of your proxy hosts are offline, and the frontend login has inexplicably stopped accepting your admin account credentials. Hyperbole aside, I've never self-hosted anything as fragile and prone to sporadically breaking as NPM in its current state, which is especially unappealing for something you might be putting all of your self-hosted services behind. From what I can tell, development is primarily focused on a major overhaul (v3) rather than fixing current issues in v2. I'd recommend anything else until then, including nothing at all. Just my experience though.
Honorable mentions:
submitted by dipplersdelight to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:57 Tough-Amoeba1115 Creative and Budget-Friendly Baby Shower Decoration Ideas

Creative and Budget-Friendly Baby Shower Decoration Ideas
The leading rental solution provider, you can achieve stunning decorations without breaking the bank. From incorporating traditional elements like seemantham decoration to infusing divine grace with godh bharai decoration, these ideas are tailored to make your baby shower a truly unforgettable event. Preparing for the arrival of a new bundle of joy is a moment filled with excitement and anticipation, and what better way to celebrate than with a memorable baby shower? In this comprehensive guide, we unveil creative and budget-friendly baby shower decorations ideas that will elevate your celebration to new heights. With Take Rent Pe
1.DIY Balloon Garland:
Balloons are a classic and budget-friendly decoration option for any baby shower. Take your balloon decor to the next level by creating a stunning DIY balloon garland. Mix and match colors and sizes to complement your theme. Incorporate themed foil balloons or letters to personalize the garland. With Take Rent Pe, you can rent helium tanks and balloon pumps to make the DIY process hassle-free. Elevate your baby shower decorations with a beautiful balloon garland that adds a touch of whimsy and elegance to the celebration. The DIY approach not only saves you money but also allows you to unleash your creativity and customize the garland to suit your preferences.
2. Themed Table Centerpieces:
Transform your baby shower tables into works of art with themed table centerpieces. Assert your commitment to style by incorporating elements that reflect the theme of the celebration. From floral arrangements to baby-themed props, the possibilities are endless. Consider incorporating elements of seemantham decoration or godh bharai decoration to add a traditional touch to the centerpieces. Take Rent Pe offers a wide range of table decor items for rent, allowing you to create stunning centerpieces without exceeding your budget. Personalize each table with unique decorations that enhance the overall ambiance of the baby shower. Themed table centerpieces are a budget-friendly way to make a statement and impress your guests.
3. DIY Photo Booth:
Take Rent Pe offers a variety of backdrop options for rent, ensuring you can create a photo booth that fits your budget and theme. Encourage guests to snap photos throughout the event and provide them with instant prints or a digital gallery to cherish the memories. A DIY photo booth is a budget-friendly way to add entertainment and excitement to your baby shower while creating lasting memories for everyone involved. Capture memories that will last a lifetime with a DIY photo booth at your baby shower. Assert your commitment to fun and creativity by setting up a designated photo booth area with a backdrop that complements your theme. Incorporate props like baby bottles, pacifiers, and onesies to add a playful touch to the photos.
4. Personalized Signage:
Add a personalized touch to your baby shower decorations with customized signage. Assert your commitment to uniqueness by displaying signs featuring the baby's name, due date, or a special message. Incorporate elements of seemantham decoration or godh bharai decoration to infuse traditional charm into the signage. Take Rent Pe offers a range of signage options for rent, allowing you to create personalized decor without exceeding your budget. From chalkboard signs to acrylic boards, there are endless possibilities to customize signage for your baby shower. Personalized signage adds a special touch to the celebration and serves as a cherished keepsake for the parents-to-be.
Planning a memorable baby shower doesn't have to break the bank. With these creative and budget-friendly decoration ideas, you can elevate your celebration without compromising on style or quality. From DIY balloon garlands to themed table centerpieces, there are plenty of options to suit every budget and theme. With Take Rent Pe, you can access a wide range of rental items to bring your vision to life without exceeding your budget. Assert your commitment to creativity, style, and tradition with these stunning baby shower decoration ideas. Cheers to a joyful and budget-friendly celebration that will create lasting memories for the parents-to-be and their loved ones!
submitted by Tough-Amoeba1115 to u/Tough-Amoeba1115 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:56 TheLastGame_EXE The whole discourse surrounding the last chapter really shows you those who are knowledgeable about relationships and those who aren't in the slightest.

Honestly i was genuinely flabbergasted by the insane amount of idiotic and somewhat embarrassing responses to the situation that both Nagatoro and Naoto are in right now, It really seems that alot of people not only see relationships in the wrong way, but also refuse to see the whole ordeal from the character's perspective, so let's talk about it!
First of all, this situation is nowhere near as big or problematic as alot of people see it, It's a very common thing that nearly every couple on a relationship will go through atleast once, and that's normal because it's one that really gives you the impression that dating is a different thing, and that both Nagatoro and Naoto will have to change their attitude a little bit and develop their mindset to keep things healthy and proper, Because relationships are about trust, being open, respecting boundaries etc... And despite the fact that both love eachothers and would never try to do anything to hurt eachothers, It still a thing they'll have to get through and discuss. It's not a relationship breaker, or any of that sort, and people who think it is need more life experience.
Second of all, let's talk about who was ultimately the one "In the wrong", while this situation really was more of a mistake than anything, you have to admit that Naoto did kinda fuck up this time around, and it's fine as a first. Nagatoro also did wrong by looking without permission, but you'll have to remember that she thought nothing of it because Naoto lied to her, saying that what he was hiding was just ordinary and nothing personal or important, so you can't blame her much, plus even after what she did and being shocked of what she saw, she still managed to apologize by saying she's sorry, she knew what she did was wrong, but Naoto tried to escape the situation by pulling the "you looked without my permission", while that's true, he didn't really say it because he was actually hurt that she looked, but because he was caught, and unlike Nagatoro, he didn't apologize straight up which was a mistake, Plus by doing this, he also broke a promise he made to himself and her in chapter 107. Now some people will say "BUT SENPAI WAS AFRAID OF WHAT SHE'LL DO TO HIM", and I'd agree with that if we were still early in the manga, but we are not, things are different, both have discussed this and both understand that art is art, even if nagatoro felt a little upset she wouldn't lash at him, at worst she'll tease him playfully like she's been doing for a while, and you also have to remember that nagatoro is insecure and has a low self-esteem, but Naoto shouldn't be afraid because they're now dating, and things have changed, both have grown and are more understanding of eachothers and shouldn't be afraid because there is nothing to be afraid of, Naoto could've also been afraid that he'll hurt her, and while that is a good way of thinking, what he did wasn't the right move.
Which brings me to the dumbest responses, people that are saying "NAGATORO DESERVED IT" and "SHE MADE HIM CRY VERY EARLY ON SO ITS KARMA" and to that i say... Are you delusional? Or are you still stuck in chapter 1, does it look like this is the same Nagatoro that used to bully senpai and make him cry? Does it look like this is the same situation? Do you actually think that Naoto sees Nagatoro this way, holding a grudge on her for what she did a long time ago? Of course not! Nagatoro has changed, she grew and developed as a person, and she's no longer the jerk she used to be, same for Naoto, both have developed over the course of the manga thanks to being with eachothers, they're now in love, they no longer see themselves the same way back then, and Nagatoro sure as hell has matured from her past-self, thinking that this is "Karma" is genuinely so dumb, they're dating, this situation is vastly different than before where they were only new "friends", like i really don't understand how can you see Nagatoro cry and say she deserves it for things that are long gone, feeling weak and thinking her boyfriend doesn't trust her enough, this is really just an absurd way to look at this situation, and again, refusing to see it through the character's perspective at all.
Overall I'm really disappointed with these responses and i urge some people here to actually start seeing things from a new light and go outside a bit, this isn't how relationship works, it's not a clash between "who's to blame, who is more wrong" etc... It's much more complex and this situation really shows that their relationship will be a good one that will continue to develop and grow unlike alot of perfect roms that just use the same "and they lived happily after" when couple start dating, next episode you'll see both of them talking it out, apologizing, learning fr it and moving on.
submitted by TheLastGame_EXE to nagatoro [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:55 Review01999 I know he loves me. But his betrayal when drunk leaves me in with doubt. I need help.

We’ve been together for 10 months and he’s been perfect, more than what I expected. He’s logical, he knows a lot and taught me about a lot of things. He opens doors for me, He gives me first bites of everything, he prioritises what I want to eat, where I want to go, how we spend our time, he holds me close whenever wherever, in front of his family, his friends, anyone. He craves quality time with me. He’s ALWAYS available whenever I need him. He stays with me until our problem is solved, in fact he’s the one that always wants to resolve conflict before the day ends. He’s got friends, but he always prioritise me over them. He’s willing to convert to my religion for me. His routine consist of work, home, me.
I’m aware he’s a gem, he’s a rare old soul and I love him with all my heart and soul. Like he does, I also give my all for him. He’s becoming my lifestyle and I prioritise him over everything. I find myself changing for the better with him. I make sure he knows my love through words and actions. I don’t care what people see, I make statement that he’s mine whenever we go out, proudly.
I thought my life has been too good to be true. I thought I hit the jackpot in life. I’ve imagined our future together when we get married. We talk about our future often, we talk about marriage and we both agree we want it soon. I thought I’d be in a new chapter next year, so did he. He’s my first, and I am his. At our age it’s not easy to be someone’s first.
But he betrayed me when he was drunk. I’ve told him I wanted to wait for marriage, but he betrayed me.
Before getting into this, I need to point out that during our early stage, we were physical but not too much. I was only comfortable with touch outside of clothes. I made that clear to him although when we get physical he does play around to reach inside, which I’d playfully stop him. But whenever we fall asleep together, I find him reaching inside my clothes and pants. I pretended to be asleep and multiple times this happens. Until one day I hear a camera sound. Then I woke up and I called him out. I left him to cool myself down. When we face each other again, he cried. He said he’s truly sorry and would never do it again. At the same time I felt bad because it’s such a normal thing that people his age would have access to and I’m limiting him of it. So I accepted his apology and at the time I was ready to move to next stage, so I let him do what he wants except one, penetration before marriage. I feel like I’ve never gotten closure on whether or not its something that he’d repeat again, because I lift the restriction for him forever.
Back to current event, we recently got drunk and I was unconscious. He was also drunk but pulled himself together to direct us to our hotel. When I woke up, my clothes were off, but panties. And I felt him pulling it off, and I was petrified. Long story short, he tried penetrating me with what I believe was his finger, though he failed multiple times. He tried to stroke in twice with his penis, but it failed to go in and slid up instead. I do know he was trying to lubricate me using his ways, and finally when I feel like he’s about to succeed, I pushed him away. He stops and fell straight to sleep, till the morning.
I broke up with him on the day. He’s been apologising, and he was drunk and doesn’t know why he couldn’t keep himself together, he told me tried so hard but he kept coming back. He said he really wants me. He said it might’ve been the whole vibe that we were in. He owns up to all his faults, even through text message. He’s willing to quit alcohol once and for all, he’s been begging me ever since.
I love him so much. But I’m afraid of his conscience that seems to be low. I know he’s sorry and remorseful, but this is something that should have never happened in the first place. I’m thinking if he could do this to me, during our best relationship phase. What could he do, during our stagnant phase if it were to ever come?
I want to break up with him for good out of fear. But at the same time, I’m starting to think that he has some sexual control issue. I know our sexual chemistry match really well. Our drive is very much similar. We both love it. It’s just that I seem to have more ability to wait until marriage than him. What if this issue is not because he doesn’t respect me, but he’s actually struggling to control it and needs my help?
He’s someone who’s happy to compromise, he loves vaping, but I told him of my worry with the dangers it comes with. He’s willing to tone it down slowly and working on stopping. The point that he completely stopped was due to the price increase, which he can afford, but he thinks it’s ridiculous. So in my eyes, if it’s something like that, he’s able to compromise. He’s also fasted for a whole month for me, he didn’t have to but to get along with my religion, he did. I know it’s not something easy. No water, no food, especially when he works in carpentry which is physical work. So I know he’s got the ability to compromise. He’s been trying to compromise with my wants regarding sex. What if he’s really got some mental issue about control with sex? What do I do? One of the thing that he said to me, was I don’t know how he felt at the time, which to me means it was crazily uncontrollable. That’s why I’m having benefit of the doubt for him.
If anyone had similar experience, please do tell me. I really need help.
submitted by Review01999 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:50 ThrowRA0361 My (19F) sister (26F) is going to marry her boyfriend (27M) who has always said really weird and rude things to me when she's not around. How do I know if she would want to know about it, or would I just be interfering in their relationship?

Ever since I met my sister’s boyfriend, he’d been a jerk to me. I first met him when they’d been together for a couple of months. When I met him, he raised his eyebrows and said, “You’re going to struggle to get a guy, aren’t you?” I was quite tall at that time, and carried on growing after that, and I had always been quite embarrassed about that. I couldn’t believe he had just said that, but I just said that wasn’t a concern for me at the moment. He then said, “So you’re one of those people then?” I ignored him and left. I was hoping this was just some kind of bad first impression, and he had social issues or something, but those sorts of comments carried on.
He’d comment about what I would be wearing, say that he would never let my sister wear something like that in public when I was wearing something short or tighter. When I’d show my sister photos from when I was on holiday with my friends, he’d say that I’d look like I was asking for it, and he just always had some kind of weird comment to make. He was rude about my accent, my sports, my hair, my clothes, my body, everything. But at the same time make weird comments about how I was showing my body and it would make people think things about me. He never did it in front of my parents or my sister. I avoided him as much as possible, but sometimes it was impossible. My parents always liked him, because he’s really nice and polite in front of them, but for some reason he just didn’t like me. And the feeling was mutual. It felt like he always found something to be rude to me about.
I was sure my sister would eventually break up with him, because she’s far too good for him. He may be technically good looking, but he’s not very smart, or a nice person. But recently, after being together for four years, my sister told my family that they’re getting married. I just feel grossed out by the fact my sister might be marrying someone who is so rude, and maybe even having children with him. If they had a daughter, he might act the same way. But I’m worried my sister, or her boyfriend, will think I’m trying to break them up. I’m not trying to interfere in their relationship, but I also think my sister might want to know, but I don’t know. I love my sister, even though she should’ve chosen a better person to be with, and I don't want her to be marrying someone like this but I don't if I'm letting my personal feelings interfere with this as well. I've never been in a relationship so I'm not exactly the most informed about this sort of topic and I'm really unsure.
submitted by ThrowRA0361 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:49 Antique_Street_5387 22 (F4A) Would you like to have a picnic with me?

On the softest moss or grass, with frozen fruits on an almost hot spring day. Birds constantly chit chattering gossip over the trees, the sounds of splashing water nearby. The insects. Sorry to ruin the picture perfect picnic, but the insects will be there too. Fork and spoon in hand.
My name is Bao! I work as a translator at the moment in England. And I’m a black/Chinese woman who is fairly fit and energetic. I swim often, and though I’m not religious, I study Christianity.
I like prettying up blank spaces with stickers, and making my coffee far too sweet. Flowers are so important to me. I always have many plants, and it makes me feel just a little bit less alone.
I’m a specific person, of course, being that I’m human. I’d love to nurture a relationship built on understanding and communication. I’m very talkative and communicating comes naturally, but I don’t want it to be a run way street. And I don’t ever want to feel strange in the most intimate form of a human relationship. Im looking for something mature and realistic, no games. I know what I want, and I hope you do too.
That’s that, that’s the post ^ See you in my messages, kind individual (woman, man, etc) who is respectful, loving, and self aware. Hint hint.
Oh and, being open to long distance is a big thing. Currently I’m situated in England
submitted by Antique_Street_5387 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 CellNo946 Thought we had love

I really thought my ex and I had love. We met only figuring to be fwbs with each other. She is married and was allowed to hook up/have an fwb. Told me she fell in love..I was in love and totally smitten myself. Till things felt off, the way she talked to me changed..less frequent. Till she told me her husband was feeling jealous and wanted to close the relationship. It was incredibly painful, but what could I do. I hoped they could figure things out, and I'd always be here should they open again. We both said we still loved each other.
So here's where it irks me and hurts all over again. Never mind how, I find she met a new boyfriend in the same month she left me. When she said I'd be the first to contact and get together with.
Anyway, I don't know why I'm posting or saying any of this to a bunch of strangers. I just needed to put these thoughts somewhere for my sanity. I thought we had love. In my mind, if you love someone you communicate, you work through your issues together... you keep fighting to make it work. You don't tell me the sweetest and most logical of lies to get me out of the way to make me feel like I did nothing wrong. I'll never know the true reasons she left. I'm never going to contact and ask. I'm just trying to move on with the memories and pain of the best time of my life that she gave me. I'm afraid it will hurt forever.
Forgive me for my rambling..
submitted by CellNo946 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:45 ThrowRaSoup113 My boyfriend (21 M) leaves me (19F) alone at a club- do i break up with him??

I (19F) and my boyfriend (21M) went to a club together, it has two floors, one floor (downstairs is disco floor, had 70s,80s and 90s music) and the top floor (2000s music). We both get quite drunk, he’s more drunk than I am, he meets these two strangers in the smoking area (1 male and 1 woman, both similar ages to us) he then brings them along to dance with us. The disco floor you can’t bring drinks on. We dance with them for a bit, i say i wanna be upstairs (i prefer the music) he then says he prefers downstairs. So i tell him okay i’ll drink my drink upstairs(as you can’t have it downstairs) and then come get me to go downstairs.
He never comes and gets me. I’m not familiar to the club, been to it once, also don’t know the area as I was visiting his house. He doesn’t check up on me for an hour and a half. I was dancing because i was drunk, but i was also getting hit on a lot and had these older men hitting on me, made me feel uncomfortable so i had to go to these random strangers for help. So i was dancing alone and he doesn’t come get me at any point, i was checking my phone every 10 mins or so to see if he has messaged me. He hasn’t. I go downstairs and try find him with some people i met, i couldn’t find him. And these people that were helping me said i should break up with him as he’s left me alone to be targeted on by men. After it being 2 hours of not seeing him and i was panicking as i don’t know the area and thought he had ditched me, i went outside to call my friend. He then finds me, his story was that he saw me alone and dancing and therefore thought i was fine to be alone as i’ve told him before that i like to be left alone (bare in mind this is when we’re at home and im not feeling very talkative, i want space, not at a club!!) that’s why he thought it was best to leave me. he then told me he was in the men’s bathroom and why didn’t i look for him?! I did but i can’t go in the men’s bathroom. i asked him why he didn’t look for me, he said he thought i was fine, i then explained to him, why did you think it was fine as i get hit on even when im with you, so why do you think it’s a good idea to leave me alone with creepy older men. He didn’t understand this. He then tells me that he has looked after me other times, making excuses on why he didn’t have too tonight. He also said i don’t wanna be asked if im okay all the time (again the context is us being at home and we’re just sat watching the tv, i don’t wanna be told if im okay thousands of times when im not doing anything like watching the tv but i wanna be asked if im okay at a club?!). I told him random strangers looked after me more than you have and i’m not their responsibility. Like they were more concerned than he was. And we go home he keeps going on and on about how of a shit boyfriend he is and saying he’s a failure, making me feel guilty and trying to make him feel better. Even though i think he’s in the wrong. We go to bed in separate rooms, the next day he buys my flowers and says he’s sorry. Should I forgive him or break up with him?
Like I don’t get how he could leave me for 2 hours in a place I don’t know very well, and I genuinely believed he left me, like i thought im going to have to find a hotel or something as i don’t have keys, and his life360 said he’s at home. I don’t know, maybe it was a honest mistake but why was he giving excuses like he saw me and i looked fine like that’s enough to leave me for 2 hours?? and not even a text?? and the fact that he’s looked after me loads of times and that gives him enough reason to leave me alone, like i haven’t had to look after him when he’s really drunk and have managed to get us both home.
I feel guilty every time i express my feelings to him as he just goes on and on about how shit he is, and that he never does anything right and says how shit of a boyfriend he is and then i’m left to forget how i felt and try and make him feel better.
Any Advice please
he also when we’re together, plays on his computer and ignores me and occasionally gets mad when i interrupt him. He doesn’t hear me cause he’s got a head set on, so i ask him to take out one ear, and he only does it slightly and he still struggles to hear me. He then complains that he feels distant from me, even though he’s the one that’s not making any effort to talk to me, he goes on his computer we watch tv, we go to bed etc etc
submitted by ThrowRaSoup113 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:43 Lonely_Metal755 My ex told me I was fearful avoidant

I ended my last relationship because he wanted so much from me. We both have several children, mine are 50/50, he had his full time.
He didn’t take his children to any activities or even really spend any time with them, they played on devices and were left home by themselves a lot. I spend a lot of time with my kids when they’re with me and they’re never home alone because I have family to help.
After a year of seeing each other once or twice every other week, he decided that we should all move in together in my house. I told him that wouldn’t work for me. He didn’t listen and said I was doing things for my kids anyway, why couldn’t I be there for his kids as well? So instead of moving in he said he’d just move his whole family closer to me. He wanted me and my family members to care for his children the way we care for my kids. He wanted me to pick them up from school, take them to activities and make sure they were always supervised. He wanted me to cook dinner for us all every night and he would get home from work just in time to eat.
I felt as though he was looking for a substitute mother for his children and I told him I wasn’t interested in taking on such a big role with his family. Nor could I expect it of my family members. He kept shutting me down and saying he was making such big sacrifices for our family and it was the least I could do. After two months of being told everything would be fine and to stop worrying, I asked for some time apart for me to evaluate the relationship.
He wouldn’t give me any space, kept calling and messaging and showed a lot of red flags. It was too much for me so I broke up with him and went no contact.
He sent me a letter later to say he was in therapy because I broke him. He said the therapist told him I was fearful avoidant and wasn’t letting him in. He said I had so much to gain from a loving relationship and I needed to work on myself or I would die sad and alone.
In my eyes he was overstepping boundaries that I had set and I had very little to gain from the relationship.
Opinions please!
submitted by Lonely_Metal755 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:43 Grand_Reanimation Chapter 1: Future for the Present

Chapter 1: Future for the Present
"Access... Gilded Feathers"...
In the dry deserts of the western border of India resides the Spiral City of Nixtom. In this district, one could find the most prestigious school in the entire country: High School Kolar.
After being closed for over a year, HS Kolar finally opened its gates once again as the war had finally ended. With the start of a new Academic year, the winds brought a fresh batch of new students. One of them being… Abhi.
"Big Ahh School." Said Abhi while he observed the vast establishment of Kolar. The enormous and illuminating marble-crafted work of art school building might even be mistaken for the Taj Mahal, well at least without its spherical dome on the top. The outdoor campus was as vibrant and green as grass could be; covering the main building from all four sides, with the beautiful shrubbery wonders of topiaries; acting as dividers between the grass panels and the main marble tile pathway leading towards the building's entrance. It would be an understatement to call this scenery beautiful.
While walking towards the school, Abhi stopped and noticed a dog near a telephone pole on the street walk outside the school gate, he went there to pet it. While playing with the dog, Abhi noticed some mushrooms nearby and picked them up. After some time, Abhi looked around and held his gaze at some peculiar-looking people in black suits and black goggles for an extended time. Abhi then got up and walked inside the campus, these people in black suits were even seen inside the school. Abhi ignored them and walked through the main entrance.
Ding! Tring! Tring! The first day of Abhi's High School life began as the school bell rang in the light of a new millennium.
Abhi jogged towards the school building after he heard the bell. Upon getting inside he looked around, displaying wonder in his eyes. He stood in the middle of a giant hall, but the enormous hall wasn't the only wonderful thing, there was also the interior of the school building which was noticeably different from the exterior. The interior resembled modern architecture. Unlike the exterior, the inside walls were made of cement with white overpaint, whereas the outside was built from marble, and the railings, poles, and benches all around the place were made from exquisite-looking wood. The hall even had a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling and two curved staircases leading up to the second floor which was for the school's officials such as the principal. Even though the interior looked different from the exterior, it was still elegant and harmonized well with the school's marble exterior. One of the walls was covered with pictures of the school's special events, and achievements, and even celebrities from all over the world visiting and even studying in the school were visible. A particular wall though, just had a lot of writing on it, not only that but it was written on a brass plate.
"Man, I gotta hurry up," Said Abhi in a rush. Many hallways were branching out from the main. Abhi seemed perplexed, perhaps he wasn't confident enough in his navigation skills to find his classroom. Yet suddenly, Abhi closed his eyes and softly mumbled something. After he opened his eyes, his expression had completely changed, he looked and acted far more confidently, he soon chose a way and started walking towards it.
The hallways were long and the staircases were wide. After a few minutes of walking up to the third floor, Abhi finally reached his classroom '1C'. He went inside, the classroom was large, but not enormous compared to the rest of Kolar's Gigantic architecture. The classroom had not one, not two but three class boards. Two of them were at the front, one being a whiteboard, the second being a blackboard and the third was another whiteboard placed at the back of the classroom.
Every student including Abhi entered the classroom and occupied the two-person benches at random. While walking in, he looked up and noticed a black cuboid-shaped box attached to the ceiling. He seemed curious about this object but chose to ignore it and took a seat in the front of the last column alongside a guy with peculiar-looking orange hair. The benches were made of wood, yet seemed quite comfy, and as with everything else in this school, the benches were large too, Abhi looked towards his left and found a window beside him.
He looked around some more and then looked at himself as if he was comparing himself to his fellow students. When compared to the attire Abhi was wearing, the students of HS Kolar were of unique appearance. Once everyone was seated there was a moment of awkward silence in the room. In that instance, the guy who sat next to Abhi suddenly stood up and asserted:
"Good morning everyone, my name is Veer. I'm delighted to be here amongst you all. From what I can tell we all are students from different places far and wide all across our nation. With the presence of such diversity, I'm sure we all want to get to know each other. So, I was thinking why don't we introduce ourselves to the class as a starting ceremony for our first day at school".
Students gave Veer a peculiar look and in a few seconds another student from the back replied to Veer: "That's a good idea Veer but how about we wait till our Class Teacher comes in, so she can get to know us as well." Said a pretty girl with thin eyes and brownish-dark hair. "Good point Dep, let's wait for the teacher." Replied Veer. The rest of the students in the class nodded with approval.
Creak! Bam! The classroom door smacked open. A Beautiful, fair, curvy, and well-dressed lady in a saree with long black hair; a pair of specs, and a giant smile on her face walked into the class and stood in front of the class cabinet.
"Good Mornin' homies, welcome to class 'C' of 11th grade, I'm going to be your homeroom teacher for this year. You may call me Ms Oxlong''.
The class greets back the teacher in unison. "Did she just call us homies?" Some of the students whispered among themselves.
"From what I heard while walking in, you guys wanted to have an introduction session in my presence, right? I'd love that, but before we do it, I have to inform you guys about some important information first. To start, I'd like to give an insight into the schedule and schematics of our academic lives. And also, I have to present a special message to you guys".
The Class nods following teacher Oxlong's words.
"Hmm, I Wonder what the special message would be," said Abhi in a subtle tone. "Probably some boring informational video or the principal saying hello." Said Veer while looking at Abhi. "Ha ha, probably." Replied Abhi.
"Get your notes ready and write down all the information necessary." Said Oxlong.
The students followed the teacher's words and wrote down all the necessary information….
a few minutes of info dump later the teacher got close to her final announcement:
"Finally, by this week's end, y'all have to give a Merit Test. This test won't be counted in your overall grade, but do not make the mistake of taking this lightly, as this test will determine your fate as a student of Kolar".
The entire class stopped writing down the instructions. They looked up at the teacher and displayed an uncanny look on their faces with flared eyebrows, and wide-open mouths, all of them said at once: "What! A test in the first week?"
"Now…now y'all don't need to worry; there isn't anything to worry about. This Merit Test is just to evaluate all of your individual and overall class limits which would provide data for our team to maximize the growth of all you pokie-bears." The teacher noticing this reaction reassured the students:
Students, relieved to hear this, relaxed their eyebrows and faces to nod towards the teacher with approval. Wait but what in the hell is a pokie-bear? Some of the students thought, as they weren't familiar with the modern lingo.
"Now as for the last announcement; we have a special informational video for y'all."
"See! Told ya, it was gonna be just another boring informational video nothing new." Said Veer with a smug grind while looking at Abhi. "You called it for real." Said Abhi while softly chuckling.
Tap! The teacher flicks on a switch placed next to the blackboard.
The black cuboid box above started to zrrr Vibrate and illuminate green lights. Abhi was paying utmost attention to this, with his face looking like he just witnessed a dark angel descend down from heaven.
Some of the students looked at this happening with intrigue: "Wow, I have seen projectors being used in special halls before but Kolar has them in every class?"
Some were looking up with blank faces: "I didn't notice that projector before."
The teacher held a remote in her hand and clicked a button. Immediately the cuboid box projected and displayed a computer interface. She then went to her desk and opened up a silvery device with "Soni" imprinted on its back; this device seemed to be connected to the black cuboid above.
"Damn! They even got laptops in every class huh?" Said Veer referencing the device. "Isn't that like a… computer?" Said Abhi. "Well, a laptop is pretty much just a portable computer so you are half correct" Replied Veer.
Abhi looked amazed after hearing this, he exuded curiosity, his eyes glistening with intrigue. He almost seemed like he had never even heard about such technology. Seeing this, Veer lets out a friendly smile towards Abhi's excited expression.
The teacher then pulled down a white curtain from a large white cylinder placed on top of the main blackboard. This was used as a screen for the projector.
"Alright before we start, I'd just like to inform y'all that this special informational video comes straight from the core of the education department in the Capital, and is a mandatory watch for everyone. This will only be played once among all classes simultaneously, so pay attention".
CLICK! A video started playing on the white screen.
A man maybe in his thirties pops up on the screen. He has long white hair, deep brown eyes, and a darker brown skin complexion. He greets the camera by saying "Namaste" while joining his hands.
As soon as he appears on the screen every student, including Abhi, goes wide-eyed, being in disbelief, their jaw drops to the floor and their eyebrows hit the ceiling.
The person in the video starts to speak:
"Good morning students of Kolar. My name is Vishva Pratap Raghavan but you may know me as the… 'President of India' ".
submitted by Grand_Reanimation to GoldenFeathers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:42 Forward_Sentence170 28F - looking for a long term friend

Hello! I am 28 and I need new friends. I hope I can meet a friendly person I can chat with daily, maybe off reddit too. I like to use whatsapp and discord. I am currently trying to do a 21 day challenge in order to improve my mental health so I'd be glad to be kept accountable by someone. I also need to mention I would love to have a voice talk after we get to know each other but I am not a native English speaker and my speaking is quite bad. I guess I need some practice.
I love upon my pets, digital art, watching youtube videos on motivation, dieting etc..
Message me!!!!
submitted by Forward_Sentence170 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:42 iykykennit He accidentally broke no contact and now I can’t stop thinking about it, I want to call him. Advice on why I’m feeling this way and what to do?

We were never officially together but I kissed a guy friend drunkenly after we had a disagreement, I told him within the day after getting myself together (because I had no right to show up upset)
I was honest, let him ask whatever questions he had and took accountability. I hurt him, a lot because I knew from my friend that he loved me and he thought I loved him too but I realised I couldn’t maintain feelings after getting triggered during sex and emotionally pulling away.
I never told him how I felt about this, what I felt didn’t matter at the time. He originally said he would think on it but decided it would be for the best if we stayed friends and we haven’t talked for two months.
Then randomly, in early May, we were in the same city for a uni event and he rang me out of the blue, I missed it and he texted me soon after that he accidentally called me and every word was misspelt (I don’t know how he could do that but y’know)
But even though I don’t have feelings for him anymore I keep feeling like I want to see him. I don’t know what it is, just have this temptation to message him all the time or call him.
I don’t know what there is to talk about, there’s really nothing to say. But something in me just wants to reconnect even though I have no right to feel this way.
Why do I feel this way? Do I miss him? Is it guilt? I’m autistic and too stressed to sort through it all.
submitted by iykykennit to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:42 Status-Disk-8933 38 [M4F] Italy - working from home

I’m Luke, nice to meet you. Today I’m working from home but basically I’ll drink a lot of coffee. Who is in for some chat?
I'm from Italy, married and dad. I’m a mathematician and I work in science research. I live close to the sea but i love mountains. I love hiking, cooking and drinking (good) wine.
Also i love good and easy conversations... so if you want message/dm me and let's exchange our kik! Bonus points for married women over 30!
submitted by Status-Disk-8933 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:39 Jlynneknight Just realized BPD they feel remorse?

After cycling in my head for 2.5 months, I found a journal entry where I wrote down that If elt my ex had BPD and why, and then googled if they discard. My life now makes sense.
He ended our engageement in a text message while I was in another country with my kid. We lived close by and he moved within 4 days. He would talk to me like it was nothing - mentionign the movers are coming Friday, etc. I thought I was living in a parallel universe. He then asked me for my ring back, also in a text, with logistics.
Nothing made sense.
In the relationship, this person could not go an hour without a text from me (it was exhausting). He would tell me he loved me 29 times a day (I counted one day). He was always telling me he missed me. He couldn't live without me, all the words. I felt he did care, even though we did struggle because it was so over the top and I felt suffocated a lot of the time. If I went away for the weekend and came back, and was simply exhausted from the drive, he would be upset with me for not being overly happy to see him and trying to carve out time with him. I never felt like anything I did was enough.
And when the discard happened.....I became so co-dependant trying to make sense of something that did not make any sense. I don't know if he has BPD or not, but reading about the discard and how it's like a lightswitch. Do they feel any remorse?
I just don't understand where all of the other deep emotion goes. I don't know what is real anymore.
submitted by Jlynneknight to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 berncoflow I spent too much time on my phone, so I created a buddy to prevent excessive screen times

I spent too much time on my phone, so I created a buddy to prevent excessive screen times
Hey everyone 👋,
Over the past two years, I noticed I was spending way too much time on my phone 📱, especially with YouTube Shorts and Instagram.
To tackle this, I created FlowBuddy, an app designed to help reduce phone addiction with a unique twist — a buddy to motivate and support you 😊
I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on how to improve it🙏
You can download FlowBuddy for free from the App Store here: 🚀
Cheers! ✨
PS: No signup required. Also you can message me for a promocode ([](😊
FlowBuddy Showcase
submitted by berncoflow to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 Sufficient_Sock3453 26 [M4F] [Ohio/Anywhere] Looking for someone who is also looking for a serious relationship

Hey, I'm just a guy looking for someone really great to get to know. I'm 6ft tall, White, bearded, and love all things Anime and Video Games. I have two elderly Pugs who are my world, and I own a Duplex I run an AirBnB out of (North East Ohio/Cedar Point).
As we all are aware, dating apps are terrible so I thought I'd give this a shot. Since I figure if you're on here, you are actually looking for something possibly serious. I'm getting older and would like a stable partner. Let's get to know each other? Tell me a few things about yourself and we can figure it out from there. I also have a wedding to go to (for one of my best friends) this October, so I need a date, haha. Here's some pictures of myself, feel free to message me. Send your ASL, a little intro about yourself, and a few pictures as well if you are comfortable.
submitted by Sufficient_Sock3453 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:35 DudeFromNFK 150+ Links to Norfolk News, Culture, Events, & More

Looking to keep up with what's happening in Norfolk? This is your one stop shop:
COMMUNITY: Economic Development officials admitted that MacArthur Center plans are still entirely conceptual and years away from development. Rip it.
$101 million in toll relief for the region was included in the Virginia budget. Rip it.
City Council voted on Tuesday to approve the FY2025 budget that included $1.9 billion in financial plans. Rip it.
Scotty Quixx and the City of Norfolk reached a $200,000 settlement agreement in the case brought after City officials revoked the business’ Conditional Use Permit. Rip it.
Norfolk will receive $11,569,335 from the sale of the Hampton Roads Regional Jail. Rip it.
A new study found that Virginia has the most expensive interstate toll roads per mile. Rip it.
Maury High School received the 2023-2024 School Leadership Award for Excellence in STEM Education. Rip it.
15 C-2 Greyhound planes based at Naval Station Norfolk are getting significantly more use as the V-22 Ospreys are still held back from mission use. Rip it.
A WWII grenade found in a Norfolk backyard triggered a bomb squad response this week. Rip it.
NSU Football’s season opener will be televised on ABC. Rip it.
ODU has officially closed “the Bud,” an old baseball stadium as it plans for construction of a new facility. Rip it.
Star players from the Tides continue to get pulled to Baltimore and sent back down to Norfolk as the season progresses. Rip it.
The Admirals playoff run ended with a game 6 loss to the Adirondack Thunder. Rip it.
CULTURE Aoife O'Donovan leads a full day of music and workshops on June 1st. It’s “Light in the Eastern Sky.” Rip it.
Opening soon at the Hermitage: “An American Abroad: Florence Sloane in Europe, 1920s-1930s.” Rip it.
Coming up at Little Theater of Norfolk: “A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder”. Running May 31-June 23. Rip it.
This weekend at Asssembly explore art, music, and awareness at “Loscar Creations Art and Mental Health Workshop.” Rip it.
Opening Friday: “Roses Are Red, My Braids Are Black” at Offsite Gallery. Rip it.
Opening Saturday: “Delectable: A National Juried Exhibition of Food Themed Artworks” at D’Art Center. Rip it.
Currently on Display:
Surfer: An Andy Harris Exhibition at Assembly. Rip it.
Hampton Boyer: Colors of Us at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
Fantastic Creatures of the Venetian Lagoon at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
“I Am Copying Nobody” at Chrysler Museum. Rip it.
“Roses Are Red, My Braids Are Black” at Offsite Gallery. Rip it.
Delectable: A National Juried Exhibition of Food Themed Artworks at d’Art Center. Rip it.
Message in a Bottle: Picturing Maritime Culture in Hampton Roads at Barry Art Museum. Rip it.
Martha Chase: Progressive Kindness at Barry Art Museum. Rip it.
Paintings from the Porch: Works by Jake McCord at Gordon Art Galleries. Rip it.
Concrete Ocean: Works by Leigh Merrill at Gordon Art Galleries. Rip it.
Perry Glass Art Collection at Glass Light. Rip it.
The Sloan Collection at Hermitage Museum & Gardens. Rip it.
Analog Mixed Media Collage by Zriegle at The Gallery At Elation. Rip it
submitted by DudeFromNFK to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:33 ThrowRA-Heartbroken3 Husband (38M) cheating on me (35f) throughout 9 year relationship, with men. How do I move forward?

First time poster, don't know the rules or etiquette so please bear with me.
It feels like my world has fallen apart. I found out last night that my (35f) husband (38M) and father of an almost 3 year old and soon to be 2nd (first trimester), has been cheating on my with men throughout almost our entire relationship (9 years together, 5 years married.) I went downstairs and startled him and he hid his phone very quickly. So I took it from him, demanded his password, and found his secret instagram accounts where he's been messaging with men some very explicit things.
I quickly realized he'd hooked up with one of the guys when he was out of the country last year. He further confessed that he's always been Bi and just never felt the courage to tell me before. That almost since the beginning of our relationship, he'd be meeting up with random guys on grindr to get sucked off or fuck. In "respect of me," he only met with guys. Everytime he was out of the country for a bachelor party, or traveling he'd met random guys to hookup. He even hooked up with a guy while on a trip with me and my family before we got married - I went to bed early one night and he found a guy on grindr to fuck at the same resort we were staying at. I sometimes went on work trips and he'd bring a guy back to our house (before we had a kid). Every once in awhile when he went partying with his friends and I didn't hear from him, that was probably the reason.
His hookups are very attractive, younger men. Like early 20s. I looked throughout his instagrams, and after I had him reinstall grindr, looked at his messages there. It was a lot, but not a lot. He said he often deletes messages. He also had a seperate snapchat, which he deleted in the middle of me investigating his phone. He said they mean nothing to him, that he uses protection, that he liked the attention and feeling like he was wanted.
I point blank asked if he was actually gay and he denied it. I believe him, because I once, caught him get hard while looking at photos of women on Instagram. He used to follow and like posts of scantily clothed female instagram models until I told him it bothered me and he stopped. I also saw him getting hard watching videos of girls giving blowjobs. He also has no issue getting hard for me when we have sex. However, no one in his life now, besides me knows he's not straight. He said his attraction is 50/50 between the men and women.
We have though had issues in the bedroom and a very low sex life... because of me. In the beginning I couldn't keep my hands off him and vice versa. I was a very sexual person. I liked to go like 5 times a night before I met him. But he could really only last 1 or maybe twice, due to an issue with his equipment that he was born with. It would physically hurt him to do more. Eventually, it petered off further as my sex drive took a dive after some of my own health issues. It would physically hurt me when we had sex. It started to get really uncomfortable for me which made me not really want to do it anymore unless I was drunk and it didn't hurt as much. I also have an aversion to giving head... so that didn't help. Eventually, we would go on increasingly long stints of not having sex.. like months. I guess that's when he started to find satisfaction elsewhere.
I (then 26) tested for STDs and nothing, so never found out why the sudden change. Retrospectively, i definitely should have pursued it further, but was shamed by my older female doctor- who said it was normal to gain 20lbs in a few months and to have a decrease in sex drive. "It's called getting older"..... but that's another story.
He asked me not to break up our family. He understands if i want to leave, but that he doesn't want me to, that he loves me and wants to make us work. He says he has an addiction. That if we went back to how often we had sex in the beginning, he wouldn't need to find it elsewhere. That he'll stop cold turkey, because we mean more to him. We've already scheduled for couples counseling, and individual counseling for him. We deleted his 2nd snapchat, grindr account, and one of the instagram accounts he used to chat with guys. I may ask him to delete his other snapchat and 3 of his remaining instagram accounts. But I didn't want to completely deprive him, since I wouldn't live with out my socials...
But what kills me is why he didn't just break up with me when i couldn't give him enough of what he needed. Why did he stay with me? Why did he marry me and start a family? He's actually the one that wanted to have kids. And now I feel stuck, because I still love him. He was the sweetest, kindest, funniest guy I ever went out with. He was a caring and considerate husband, and an absolutely amazing father to our toddler.
I love him, but I don't know how I could ever trust him again. I don't know how I could ever let him touch me and not think about all the betrayal, the lies, the gaslighting. If this is a sex addiction, will I and our family ever really be enough? I don't want to give up without trying, but I'm broken. I don't know how to move forward. I'm worried this shock and all the stress will affect my pregnancy. Even though we're hiding it from my toddler, I'm having a tough time not crying in front of them.
I turned to reddit to see if anyone else can relate, can provide advise, can help me see the light.
submitted by ThrowRA-Heartbroken3 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]