Cinquain poetry lesson plan for 5th grade

A Place for Reading Teachers

2014.08.13 02:10 Njdevils11 A Place for Reading Teachers

This sub reddit is for literacy teachers to share strategies, tips, pitfalls, and successes. All teachers are welcome, but this sub is dedicated to teaching emerging and elementary literacy skills.

2024.05.18 13:59 maybeagoodideaa Constipation, Paranoia and Social anxiety

My Brother (18M) recently failed in his grade 12 exam. He has never been a good student. He wrote a supplementary exam. After the exam, my parents noticed that he was spending all his time on phone, mindlessly scrolling through reels, shorts, playing PUBG and other games of similar sort.
So my parents decided to send him to a 15 days religious camp. This was the first time he has left our home for long periods alone.The first day he went there, he had constipation. In addition, he refused to go to toilet as the toilet in the camp was squatting type (this was in a rural area). He raised hell for the camp organizers, the camp organizers took him to a doctor in the middle of the night, got him constipation meds and had him go to a western toilet. From then on he started calling my parents throught the night to take him back. He told at first he was still constipated, and then kept telling about this girl who is going to kill him (he doesn't have friends, let alone a girlfriend). My parents thought he was making stuff up. He kept calling every hour or two, so my dad asked the organizer to take away phones from him and others in camp. He was fine for a day, the next day he apparently went outside the camp and kept telling "i am going to be killed, i am going to be killed" to people on the road. He kept repeating how there was this girl (pretty sure she doesn't exist) who was going to shoot him with a huge rifle. He kept telling how she was a daughter of a rich and powerful guy and she is going to kill him. He kept crying. Today, on the 5th day, my dad finally relented and took him back home.
He has lost a lot of weight, which he shouldn't have as he is an avid eater, and the food in the camp is awesome. The organizers told my father that he would barely eat (very unlike him). When he came home, he let it slip that he barely used the toilet as he felt it was unhygienic. He wore the same shirt for 3-4 days.
After he kept home, he kept saying how he knows my parents plan to bury him alive and how he knows what they are going to do to him. He went outside for a bit and heard our security man speaking something along the lines of "..oh yes, came today.." he came inside and told us how he knew that the security was involved with us. My dad told us along the way, my brother kept thinking everybody was staring at him and talking about him.
He also still has an upset stomach and nausea.
My parents think it's just stress of the exam that has gotten to him and that damn violent game on his phone (he kept using game terminology) they have agreed to take him to a physician on Monday, and if the physician refers him to a psychiatrist, then to a psychiatrist.
Is he okay, i am scared?
submitted by maybeagoodideaa to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:21 Plastic-Oven19 [rant] What is wrong with this community?

Edit: hey everyone for some context I wrote this post shortly after arguing with a student (who I talk about here) and I was not in an emotionally sound state of mind while typing it. It is hence not worded very well and I sound rlly angry in this post which isn’t how I’m feeling rn. I’m going to take a day to think about what I want to do in regards to the whole initiative because I am also getting lots of WhatsApp messages from other participants asking me to continue with it and I feel rlly bad haha. But I’m going to keep my original post untouched because this was not something that happened just because of that one mean student, it was because I was dealing with many people making character judgements about me. In fact at least the rude student said it to my face the other cowards all created new reddit accounts for the sole purpose of sending me nasty dms. ————-————-————-————-————-
I know that reddit isn’t a very happy place but from my 2 years lurking on this community as a JC student I always viewed it as one of the few nice communities on this app. And I was wrong. I don’t know why I’m even posting this rant over here, it’s unlikely that I will get any validation from the people I am criticising but I am so angry right now that I rlly need to get this out and maybe, just maybe, those of you who have been cyberbullying me (yes that’s what it is) would reflect about yourselves.
TLDR: people who know nothing about me are assuming that I am only offering free gp lessons to bait people into paid lessons and are making extremely unkind dms to me. I was ignoring them and staying off reddit but a student I taught today echoed the same sentiment which crushed me.
I made a post very recently offering free GP “lessons” during the June holidays. My intentions behind offering this was to give back to a community I benefitted a lot from. I am not from a well off family, I couldn’t afford tutoring myself despite really needing extra help due to a host of family and health issues I was facing as a Jc student. My saving grace for GP was this kind man I met through this subreddit while I was in j1. I have no clue what his name is as he wished to remain anonymous but he is an ex Jc tutor whose zoom name was Micheal at one point and Paul after that. He has Tourette’s syndrome, and I’m saying this just so that if he is reading this post or if anyone who knows him is this man literally changed my life. He taught me for 3 2h lessons in total but I continued to use the very techniques he showed me for the rest of my Jc years. He helped me get my first GP A and I have never gotten a lower grade since.
Of course I have also picked up a lot of my own study techniques after that and I wanted to help other people the way he helped me. Which is why in my original post I also stated that I am not teaching GP content but rather study techniques. Due to overwhelming response I have already had a few sessions and those who have attended will know that all I did was ask them where they were struggling in for GP before sharing tips and advice on how to study and improve. I didn’t even have time to go through the prep activity I gave which were 4 essay outlines because the whole 1.5h was spent on sharing studying tips and answering questions.
And it is fair for someone to see a post like the one I made and question my intentions. There’s honestly a 50/50 chance that I could be a good or selfish person. But why is it that so many people have so much hatred and rage in their tiny little hearts that they take the time to create new reddit accounts for the sole purpose of DM-ing me hate comments. I am well aware that the majority of the community perceived my post as one made with selfish intent just from the fact that it has 5 upvotes whereas I have close to a 50 signups on the google form. But to want to harass me not even through commenting on my post but DM-ing me?? What did I ever do that makes you so sure that I am only doing this to make money?
I started this not expecting so many sign ups and when I saw the interest level I was so happy. I even rescheduled my own get togethers to make time for this and I was even planning to make this more regular if I could afford the time. I had plans to try it again next year or maybe set up a telegram chat to answer more questions or check up on the participants as the year goes along. I really enjoy teaching GP and I saw a younger me in the students who were signing up.
So when I started getting harassed on reddit I just deleted the app. I just reasoned that it is normal for people to be cynical and judgmental, I myself would’ve had similar doubts if I was a student looking at my post. Sure the hate dms did upset me a lot but my first session went really well and the student even sent a rlly sweet message thanking me afterwards which was enough to keep me going.
But I had a session just now that has broken my heart enough to make me scrap all plans altogether. I was discussing dates for the second session with a boy who signed up (I have your name number and email but I won’t dox you, but if you are reading this 1-2:30 pm student give yourself a pat on the back, you’re the straw that broke the camel’s back)
I was not free on the days he was suggesting and he questioned why I was free on Friday for one week but not the other and I explained that it was because of the very initiative he signed up for that I had a very messy schedule. Well he goes on to use the meger number of upvotes my post had to claim that I was exaggerating the number of participants I had in a really insulting way. I was offended given that I had spend my precious time and energy reading this guy’s Google form responses where he detailed his gp grades, what topics he is more comfortable in for paper 1 and his gp concerns to choose 4 questions to give him as prep work. Then I had to think of study recommendations for him because my guy stated that he doesn’t study gp outside of school lessons because he has no time. And after a 1.5h+ session of me teaching him all the tips and tricks I had and giving him many sets of GP notes for free he demands I accommodate his schedule and also calls me a liar? I told him to show more respect to someone who is helping you for free and he proceeds to tell me that I’m just doing this to find more tutees. Not once did I bring up my tuition, not to him or anyone else I have taught for free. And yes I am tutoring to help my family who are struggling financially and to hopefully save up for some of my uni expenses which will be large as I am a foreigner. But as someone who hated the tutoring industry as a student for giving an unfair advantage to my richer classmates I always strove to be sincere in eveyhing I did be it by offering extra help to all my students in the form of prepping them for exco interviews or giving them advice when they felt like a teacher was being biased against them.
It hurts so much to hear those words despite all my good intentions and all my efforts to give others an easier time than I had. Iwish I was just doing this for the money, I wish I hadn’t spent hours preparing for these free lessons and I wish I had never offered them in the first place and just chose to be a money minded greed goblin who only helps those who pay me.
So guess what that’s what I’m going to be. To those with whom I have already fixed dates I will see you for 1 session instead of the promised 2 but for the rest who either haven’t messaged me back yet or said you will confirm dates later as your cca hasn’t confirmed their June holiday plans I’m sorry I can’t take it anymore. Pay me if you want my time energy and effort because I’m now a money minded bitch who only helps those who are blessed with wealthy parents and have the ability to fill my pockets.
submitted by Plastic-Oven19 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:18 Agneus [Online] [5e] [18+] [GMT+1] Virtues of Essence - Roleplay Focused Mystery and Lore Driven Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking a replacement player

“What defines virtue and how are we to gauge it? An inquiry that reverberates through epochs, its answer as fickle and capricious as the fates of those who deem to ask it. Duty, honor, justice - many over the ages would name these virtues, the conduits through which noble intentions find expression. Yet, as the battlefield of beliefs unfolds, a legion emerges, each as sworn to these principles as to obliterating all who would dare stake alike claim. Thus, battles rage and wars are waged and, in the end, those who are left are no more right than those fell by the blade. Alas, it is the victors whose ideals are etched into monuments for posterity. Except even words chiseled in unyielding stone are fated to fade in time. So is the wicked cycle destined to repeat in all its futility, its ephemeral prize seized again, only to be lost and sought anew. Try and picture, if for but a moment, a world where our rulers paused to reflect on the lessons of yore. They, too, would discern the elixir that enables one to escape the confines of memory—the very burden our fleeting nature forbids us to carry. Progress and evolution. Adaptability and transcendence. Everlasting and yet not stagnant, irrefutable, and yet fluid, these are the only true virtues. Thus, must we ever venture into the uncharted and unfamiliar for only from these unexplored domains may the truly virtuous arise.”
Where: Discord (Video and Voice) + FoundryVTT
When: every Saturday 5 - 9/10 pm GMT+1 (CET), 11 am - 3/4 pm EST
Who: party of 4 players and a DM seeking one extra player
Updates: Recruitment updates will be posted here.
Hello there and well met! If you’ve made it past the flavor text (or skipped it) and through the basic info (hopefully didnt skip past that one) you might very well be at the right address! Without further ado onto the post.

🐲The campaign🐲

Having only just recovered from the Second Sundering and the War of the Silver Marches, the North had been ravaged by a whole new set of tumultuous events - the rise of the Cult of the Dragon and that of the Absolute, the Fall of Eltruel and the short reign of the beholder crime lord Xanathar just some among them. After a brief respite from the twisted and the unnatural the clouds once more begin to gather. Along the Long Road, whole hosts of wild beasts and monsters have been accosting travelers seemingly at random and in the grand metropolis of Waterdeep a sudden rise in crime seems to coincide with strange events passing unnoticed beneath the surface. Amidst all this, in spring of 1493 DR, a party of adventurers delves into a mystery of enchanted gemstones being utilized to nefarious ends by unknown perpetrators all the while navigating the labyrinthine twists of city faction politics.
As implied by the post title, this is an ongoing campaign (we are 12 sessions in at the time of this post). Due to some irl commitments weve recently dropped a player and are looking to replace them.
As the title suggests, this is a roleplay focused mystery/lore driven campaign. Expect an overreaching plot with ample secrets to uncover, conspiracies to unravel and eldritch truths to unearth. The first word of the password is "Doth". On the same level of importance or more important even be that the players preference, there is a variety of subplots to engage with, from small and goofy and random to ones rivaling the main story arc in complexity and variance. Among these, individual character story arcs play a leading role, at times seamlessly intertwined with the current focus of the party, at times separate and independent.
As was already mentioned and is further described below, this is a roleplay focused campaign and a roleplay heavy game. This means that roleplay exists as a unifying concept for all other aspects of the game including exploration, combat, and puzzles. That said DnD is only DnD with all three of its main pillars intact and this campaign is no exception in that regard. I very much enjoy the mechanical side of the game as well besides roleplay and so things like multiphase boss fights and custom magic items are definitely on the table.

🧙‍♂️The DM🧙‍♂️

Hello there, Jay here, 25 yo law student from Central Europe currently working on finishing his master’s degree, trying to stay afloat in the current lease market. I study and work in a law firm by day and DM or play DnD by night (more like evening but night sounded cooler). I have been a big fan of TTRPGs since my early teens and of online DnD for the past five years. I’ve DMed multiple campaigns, finished CoS not least among them and I currently play in a long-term campaign. Before you ask, yes, my schedule is strained but not to the point I am unable to engage with my hobbies.
I would describe my DMing style as driven, realistic, and involved but also very conscious about player agency and collaborative storytelling as core values that make TTRPGs so popular and unique. I spend a lot of time ensuring the worlds I create and the stories I want to tell feel alive. From hand-picked music, to fully voiced NPCs and scenic descriptions designed to breathe life into the campaign setting I daresay my games rival in quality those of the professional DMs that charge for each session.
There is a drawback to this all however. Second word of the password is "thy". I expect a lot from my players as well. Writing a story in DnD is not a one person job. It takes a collective effort of the entire group to create something truly unique, something that one can be proud while looking forward to each session. Unwinding and letting off steam means something else for everyone. For me it means losing myself in the creative process of roleplaying an NPC or describing a scene, watching my players masterfully portray their own characters or having the party derail my plans in an awesome unforeseen and unexpectedly enriching way. If you find yourself in any of what I just described than this may be a game for you. If you don’t, that’s fine. This is definitely not a game for everyone.

🏰The setting🏰

Forgotten Realms is a default setting of Dungeons and Dragons but it is anything but boring and mundane. With now decades worth of lore behind it, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for anyone wanting to build on solid foundations to bring their ideas to life. While it has garnered a lot of attention lately with the release of a certain videogame (more people now know Astarion than a good amount of Hollywood celebrities I’d say) it has had its loyal following even before then, being constantly expanded and living its own life in a host of both online and home games. It’s been a natural choice of mine for a while now and not once have I had any regrets. The third word of the password is "mirror". I feel with how great of a variety of content the Forgotten Realms offer everybody is able to pick something that suits their creative vision. In summary the Forgotten Realms almost feel like a real place with how much worldbuilding has been done with them and offer a diversity of content few other TTRPG settings can boast.
When it comes to setting of the campaign in the world of Faerun I have once again made a somewhat traditional pick and decided to place the onset of the game onto the Sword Coast, more precisely into the city of Waterdeep. If one of the key upsides of Forgotten Realms is diversity of content, Waterdeep is one of the best representations of this. Being the largest settlement on the known Faerun, Waterdeep offers nigh limitless options in terms of main story arc genre, character creation and character backstory implementation. It has everything every large TTRPG settlement ought to have (fickle upper class, enigmatic factions, quaint taverns and extravagant nightclubs, always in bad mood city watch, a castle and a harbor) as well as few pretty original ideas such as colossal definitely not alive statues, a city council where even its members don’t know each other’s identity and a massive dungeon right underneath the city where you can literally fall right from a tavern taproom.
In case you are wondering, while this campagn takes place primarily in the city of Waterdeep itself, there is nothing stopping the players from exploring past the city if they so choose. The final word of the password is "crack?". Different parts of the main plot and various subplots can and will encourage the party to explore Waterdeep environs and sometimes even further.

📃The requirements📃

No exceptions here. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements must be met at the time of application.

🙋‍♂️How to sign up🙋‍♀️

Youve made it all the way to the end of this long post. Congratulations. Or maybe you’ve skipped all the way to the end. In that case I strongly recommended you go back. If not to learn what you are applying for than to make sure you haven’t missed something very important. Now if you are confident that you have what it takes and that this is a game that you could have a lot of fun with, please fill the below attached google questionnaire (if for any strange reason the link doesn’t end up working, please let me know in the comments under this post) and if fortune favors you, I shall get back to you promptly. Best of luck to you and I hope to speak to you soon!
PS: As a part of the questionnaire, you will be asked to submit a short piece of your narrative writing in a form of a google doc link (not a custom piece of writing, any relevant past one you have will do). Maybe best have that ready beforehand? On that note, dont apply for the game with a detailed backstory of a character you want to play that you arent willing to adapt to the conditions of the setting/campaign.
PSS: Not to discourage you but if you do make it through the questionnaire and into the second group of applicants you will be asked to do a discord interview with your webcam turned on. I am asking you to go through a lot for a game you might not even end up liking I know, but if you do end up liking it, all this effort will be well worth it as I am sure my other players would agree.
submitted by Agneus to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:18 Agneus [Online] [5e] [18+] [GMT+1] Virtues of Essence - Roleplay Focused Mystery and Lore Driven Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking a replacement player

“What defines virtue and how are we to gauge it? An inquiry that reverberates through epochs, its answer as fickle and capricious as the fates of those who deem to ask it. Duty, honor, justice - many over the ages would name these virtues, the conduits through which noble intentions find expression. Yet, as the battlefield of beliefs unfolds, a legion emerges, each as sworn to these principles as to obliterating all who would dare stake alike claim. Thus, battles rage and wars are waged and, in the end, those who are left are no more right than those fell by the blade. Alas, it is the victors whose ideals are etched into monuments for posterity. Except even words chiseled in unyielding stone are fated to fade in time. So is the wicked cycle destined to repeat in all its futility, its ephemeral prize seized again, only to be lost and sought anew. Try and picture, if for but a moment, a world where our rulers paused to reflect on the lessons of yore. They, too, would discern the elixir that enables one to escape the confines of memory—the very burden our fleeting nature forbids us to carry. Progress and evolution. Adaptability and transcendence. Everlasting and yet not stagnant, irrefutable, and yet fluid, these are the only true virtues. Thus, must we ever venture into the uncharted and unfamiliar for only from these unexplored domains may the truly virtuous arise.”
Where: Discord (Video and Voice) + FoundryVTT
When: every Saturday 5 - 9/10 pm GMT+1 (CET), 11 am - 3/4 pm EST
Who: party of 4 players and a DM seeking one extra player
Updates: Recruitment updates will be posted here.
Hello there and well met! If you’ve made it past the flavor text (or skipped it) and through the basic info (hopefully didnt skip past that one) you might very well be at the right address! Without further ado onto the post.

🐲The campaign🐲

Having only just recovered from the Second Sundering and the War of the Silver Marches, the North had been ravaged by a whole new set of tumultuous events - the rise of the Cult of the Dragon and that of the Absolute, the Fall of Eltruel and the short reign of the beholder crime lord Xanathar just some among them. After a brief respite from the twisted and the unnatural the clouds once more begin to gather. Along the Long Road, whole hosts of wild beasts and monsters have been accosting travelers seemingly at random and in the grand metropolis of Waterdeep a sudden rise in crime seems to coincide with strange events passing unnoticed beneath the surface. Amidst all this, in spring of 1493 DR, a party of adventurers delves into a mystery of enchanted gemstones being utilized to nefarious ends by unknown perpetrators all the while navigating the labyrinthine twists of city faction politics.
As implied by the post title, this is an ongoing campaign (we are 12 sessions in at the time of this post). Due to some irl commitments weve recently dropped a player and are looking to replace them.
As the title suggests, this is a roleplay focused mystery/lore driven campaign. Expect an overreaching plot with ample secrets to uncover, conspiracies to unravel and eldritch truths to unearth. The first word of the password is "Doth". On the same level of importance or more important even be that the players preference, there is a variety of subplots to engage with, from small and goofy and random to ones rivaling the main story arc in complexity and variance. Among these, individual character story arcs play a leading role, at times seamlessly intertwined with the current focus of the party, at times separate and independent.
As was already mentioned and is further described below, this is a roleplay focused campaign and a roleplay heavy game. This means that roleplay exists as a unifying concept for all other aspects of the game including exploration, combat, and puzzles. That said DnD is only DnD with all three of its main pillars intact and this campaign is no exception in that regard. I very much enjoy the mechanical side of the game as well besides roleplay and so things like multiphase boss fights and custom magic items are definitely on the table.

🧙‍♂️The DM🧙‍♂️

Hello there, Jay here, 25 yo law student from Central Europe currently working on finishing his master’s degree, trying to stay afloat in the current lease market. I study and work in a law firm by day and DM or play DnD by night (more like evening but night sounded cooler). I have been a big fan of TTRPGs since my early teens and of online DnD for the past five years. I’ve DMed multiple campaigns, finished CoS not least among them and I currently play in a long-term campaign. Before you ask, yes, my schedule is strained but not to the point I am unable to engage with my hobbies.
I would describe my DMing style as driven, realistic, and involved but also very conscious about player agency and collaborative storytelling as core values that make TTRPGs so popular and unique. I spend a lot of time ensuring the worlds I create and the stories I want to tell feel alive. From hand-picked music, to fully voiced NPCs and scenic descriptions designed to breathe life into the campaign setting I daresay my games rival in quality those of the professional DMs that charge for each session.
There is a drawback to this all however. Second word of the password is "thy". I expect a lot from my players as well. Writing a story in DnD is not a one person job. It takes a collective effort of the entire group to create something truly unique, something that one can be proud while looking forward to each session. Unwinding and letting off steam means something else for everyone. For me it means losing myself in the creative process of roleplaying an NPC or describing a scene, watching my players masterfully portray their own characters or having the party derail my plans in an awesome unforeseen and unexpectedly enriching way. If you find yourself in any of what I just described than this may be a game for you. If you don’t, that’s fine. This is definitely not a game for everyone.

🏰The setting🏰

Forgotten Realms is a default setting of Dungeons and Dragons but it is anything but boring and mundane. With now decades worth of lore behind it, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for anyone wanting to build on solid foundations to bring their ideas to life. While it has garnered a lot of attention lately with the release of a certain videogame (more people now know Astarion than a good amount of Hollywood celebrities I’d say) it has had its loyal following even before then, being constantly expanded and living its own life in a host of both online and home games. It’s been a natural choice of mine for a while now and not once have I had any regrets. The third word of the password is "mirror". I feel with how great of a variety of content the Forgotten Realms offer everybody is able to pick something that suits their creative vision. In summary the Forgotten Realms almost feel like a real place with how much worldbuilding has been done with them and offer a diversity of content few other TTRPG settings can boast.
When it comes to setting of the campaign in the world of Faerun I have once again made a somewhat traditional pick and decided to place the onset of the game onto the Sword Coast, more precisely into the city of Waterdeep. If one of the key upsides of Forgotten Realms is diversity of content, Waterdeep is one of the best representations of this. Being the largest settlement on the known Faerun, Waterdeep offers nigh limitless options in terms of main story arc genre, character creation and character backstory implementation. It has everything every large TTRPG settlement ought to have (fickle upper class, enigmatic factions, quaint taverns and extravagant nightclubs, always in bad mood city watch, a castle and a harbor) as well as few pretty original ideas such as colossal definitely not alive statues, a city council where even its members don’t know each other’s identity and a massive dungeon right underneath the city where you can literally fall right from a tavern taproom.
In case you are wondering, while this campagn takes place primarily in the city of Waterdeep itself, there is nothing stopping the players from exploring past the city if they so choose. The final word of the password is "crack?". Different parts of the main plot and various subplots can and will encourage the party to explore Waterdeep environs and sometimes even further.

📃The requirements📃

No exceptions here. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements must be met at the time of application.

🙋‍♂️How to sign up🙋‍♀️

Youve made it all the way to the end of this long post. Congratulations. Or maybe you’ve skipped all the way to the end. In that case I strongly recommended you go back. If not to learn what you are applying for than to make sure you haven’t missed something very important. Now if you are confident that you have what it takes and that this is a game that you could have a lot of fun with, please fill the below attached google questionnaire (if for any strange reason the link doesn’t end up working, please let me know in the comments under this post) and if fortune favors you, I shall get back to you promptly. Best of luck to you and I hope to speak to you soon!
PS: As a part of the questionnaire, you will be asked to submit a short piece of your narrative writing in a form of a google doc link (not a custom piece of writing, any relevant past one you have will do). Maybe best have that ready beforehand? On that note, dont apply for the game with a detailed backstory of a character you want to play that you arent willing to adapt to the conditions of the setting/campaign.
PSS: Not to discourage you but if you do make it through the questionnaire and into the second group of applicants you will be asked to do a discord interview with your webcam turned on. I am asking you to go through a lot for a game you might not even end up liking I know, but if you do end up liking it, all this effort will be well worth it as I am sure my other players would agree.
submitted by Agneus to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:53 LeagueChoice6565 Y'all know the Johnny93002 lore?

Y'all know the Johnny93002 lore? submitted by LeagueChoice6565 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:43 Level-Following5745 My best friend is having her birthday party on my birthday

My longstanding acquaintance, with whom I have maintained a close friendship since the fourth grade, has parents who are divorced. Recently, I have been discussing my plans for celebrating my upcoming birthday. Unexpectedly, I received an invitation to an event on the very day of my birthday. My birthday is June 1 and hers is June 5th. She does not like her mother very much. My friend clarified that she prefers it to be at her dads house. While I empathize with her decision, I am uncertain about how to proceed in this situation. I dont want to get mad at her but I kind of am.
submitted by Level-Following5745 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:36 powerlessemotions End of Year testing

Today was my 5th graders state mandated end of the year test. I was told earlier in the year that my state was going to start implementing "adaptive testing" where they look at the previous tests students took and give them an EOY test based off those results. In other words, if the students scores were bad, they would get an "easier" form and if the students scores were good, they would get the "harder" form.
I knew this would be bullshit from the first moment I heard of this plan. I thought that these tests were supposedly being used to measure students against their peers and I didn't think it was fair for any of my students to get a harder test.
I know that we aren't supposed to look at the test questions BUT WE ALL DO and I was right to be concerned. My higher students had some unbelievably hard questions. The wording was unlike any other state test that I had seen and I would say these questions were AT LEAST on a 6th grade level. They weren't basic questions, but were more in depth and required a lot of reflection and inferencing.
My higher students were devastated and exhausted. My lower student said it was one of the easiest they'd ever taken.
My lower students were over prepared and my higher ones were under prepared. And I am livid.
Even if they have a special algorithm to make sure my higher students pass, it still isn't fair to put them through feeling like failures.
submitted by powerlessemotions to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:56 Lolgames22c I have ocd,parents who fight all the time,a middle school droupout,im illiterate etc

I'm (21M) from eastern Europe and i have achieved nothing in life. My parents dropped me out of middle school when i was 13,i constantly feel alone,my parents are having daily arguments, either with each other or with someone else,my dad has a drinking problem. I dont even remember when was the last day that he didn't drink,i suffered from self diagnosed OCD because of a huge fight between my parents last year where we were on the highway and my dad was dead drunk and my mom was attacking him and they were fighting physically. It got to a point where the police was called on us, and ever since i have to do certain things in a specific order if i dont i tell myself there's gonna be a huge problem. I have 1 best friend and he's one of the only good things in my life (not that there's anything wrong with that, i love that dude),i go for a midnight walk for a few kilometers every night, because i have nothing else to do,i have no future because my parents dropped me out of middle school when i was 13 years old. I still blame them for that, i can't even apply for a night school because we're constantly moving between our summer place where we work and our hometown, its like we're 3 months at the summer place,3 months at our hometown,3 months at our summer place etc etc so its difficult to make friends, i mean whats the point if im gonna be gone every 3 months right? I started going to a kickboxing gym and i finally met new people i would call friends but i train there for 3 months and then i move away and im depressed again,my parents don't even care about me and my social life they destroyed my future because i dont have one,i dont wanna have a job as a waiter until my 60s,we're Gypsies so to the rest of my family these are all normal life conditions but not for me,i constantly have anxiety and depression, my dad was drunk tonight and he fell asleep a few minutes ago. My older brother (24M) went through the same shit as me except he found a woman and he's engaged, he still lives with us but he handles these things much better than me which i admire, we dont own a house or an apartment,i fell in love with a girl during summer 3 years ago and im still in love with her but i just know she isn't interested in me i mean who would be right? I dont even speak my native language properly grammatically wise, i constantly add an accent on some words because thats how people around me talk in my family so after middle school i just forgot how to speak my own language properly, everyone from my middle school class is in college,in big friend groups,have a bright future,have relationships and im the only kid from those 20 that doesn't go to college, such as life huh? My family is in a big debt, i go to sleep at 5AM and wake up at 2PM because i have no motivation for anything,when i finally do get motivation like kickbox and im finally happy for 3 months it just gets taken away from me because we move back and forth. My dad has a drinking problem,my mom is a pill addict along with my dad and brother, only thing im addicted to is unfortunately porn. I mean how sad is it that my only source of happiness is based on a quick feeling of joy you get that lasts you a few seconds, which afterwards you feel horrible for doing the deed, every single girl in my whole entire life has rejected me. I wouldn't say im horrible looking but clearly i am if im 21 and the only action i ever got in my 21 years of existence was a blowjob in a bathroom stall from a 49 year old woman. I wasn't even satisfied afterwards i didn't even tell anyone about it.
I have nothing to look forward to in my life, its a constant repeat of the same 21 years of my life, you know i was supposed to pass my 5th grade with a B? And in my country 5th grade is considered to be the hardest one while the first 4 grades i passed all of them with a C, meaning i was only gonna get smarter with time, unfortunately though, my parents took that away from me i don't know what to do in my life, i have to lie to every person i meet by telling them when they ask me which college im going to, that I finished high school and didn't go to college yet because i "need time to think about it", i dont even think my parents realize how much they've ruined my life and my future. I also partially blame myself, because i am lazy and i never spoke up to my parents out of respect. I learned how to play the guitar myself,i learned how to write poetry myself,i taught myself English as a 5 year old kid, so in my class i always Aced the English language without studying for tests. But whats the point right? Look at where i am now.
submitted by Lolgames22c to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:28 Lost_Holiday7749 NOP: Fruits of your Labor [3]

Authors note: sorry about the long as all hell wait for this one. I work in retail management and the start of the spring is always a massive rush.
Memory transcription subject: Zevek, deeply moved Venlil
Standard date: September 4th 2136
I blubbered weakly, whimpering to myself in the weak light of my room. Overcome with a level of raw emotion that came a from a source that I would've never imagine.
wrong...everything we've been told about the humans was wrong...they are so much more than much more than just some...curious quirk of more than a true people could craft a story so...moving.
I wiped away the last of my tears credits for the human movie BladeRunner slowly scrolled up the screen. "He...just wanted to be a person.." I whined in the dark, still trying to wrestle with my own about the past claw. I had been arrogant, foolishly confident in myself when I had first started. The humans had a level o cultural diversity that was head spinning merely on the surface. So much to just, and so much I simply just lacked the perspective to fully understand. The sight of their raw, unmolested eyes at the beginning had me a shaking wreck in my seat, but soon the events that unfolded simply had me too enamored. The pride I felt from braving such a hurtle was quickly drowned by the tale that unfolded...But once I was working into the depths of their media was when things truly began to spiral into an utter journey, one that had only begun. I had begun with simply searches that went along with my own expertise. Mainly engineering and machine learning tech, and promptly into a treasure trove of stories and media that kept following this trend that kept coming up with these apes.
Duality. so much hate, yet raw love, so much violence, yet so many tales of peace and empathy. This species was utterly madness, one moment is brutality, mercy, simply made no sense..I...have to know more, not enough data...
"Ok." I huffed to myself as I slid the movie application out of the way. "Let's see how else these humans entertain themselves." I began to work away at my interface, punching in simply 'games' into the search bar. Naturally a veritable wall ran into me and I began to move my way through it with a care, until I came across a video...of some kind...battle simulation...My tail curled in confusion as one human was visible in some kind of smaller box, judging from features the human seemed young. My spine still try to rattle out of my back at those bright green pools that were blazing with an almost manic focus. I took another long breath, paws balling up on my desk, biting down on the instant reflex to dive under the desk. Sure...I've learned to brave it...sort of. The main screen of the footage, show some kind of heads up display. The long powerful arms of a human clutching a weapon that bobbed with the gait of the bouncing view. Clearly thi-
"Got a guy on your left main hall!!" I jump at the sudden urgent bark of another human voice, nearly falling out of my chair. The human on screen seemed to barely react, but this...simulated human he was controlling suddenly whirled in the given direction. The firearm snapped up to the sights with blinding speed, the weapon barked, cutting down another virtual human in mere seconds. There was some kind of odd chime and above the body a human set of numbers popped above the head, adding to the score at another corner. "Good tap, dude was trash..."The worlds were lightning, the choppy and quick barks between hunters on the move, the human not even breaking his stride as he piloted his avatar. I sat by in my seat, ears flicking at the sounds, enamored I let this video play. Watching how the human so efficiently and rapidly maneuvered through structures and streets with ease, slaying other digital humans. it was brief but the context was clear.With shaking paws I type into the search bar again, the words smashed out with ease.
-[Strategy, combat simulation game]-
There was another flood of entries, several of them showing many such titles...trailers, and vids. Claws slipped by as I watched humans not only against programs but each other, contesting in grand games of resource management and strategy. Simulated nations as small as pre space flight fiefdoms to interstellar empires, jockeying for power and dominance. I sat there in silence, can of sprunk going warm as enormous interstellar fleets, coordinated by a human juvenile, roll over other human star empires. Deftly maneuvering fleets, cycling exhausted and damaged ones back to shipyards in time with fresh vessels. They sent the heaviest out to key assets, intentionally bracketing the other's to crush they're strongest. My tail hung limply as I took a drag from the can, which landed in the bin to join the others.
these are entertainment, they play these for fun....combat sims of all kinds they play for fun...I'm starting to think that Tarva was wise to side with these creatures, if this is what they're younglings are capable of in their pastimes, then they are showing incredible restraint in their martial prowess...more data...another entry..
I cracked opened another can, and gave a cabinet below my desk a kick, it slid open, full of various local nuts. The paw full was stuffed in my mouth as my claws flew across my interface.
-[non violent digital games]-
As if this search was mocking me another utter wall of returns washed across my interface, was there anything these human *don't d-*My train of thought feel face first into the pavement as a video came on, another of these digital games but...The sound of gushing water rippled through my ear pieces as a human gabbed on about some nonsense on a stream. While on screen they were..washing a construction vehicle. From the little avatar that was wielding a power-washer, blasting away at the mud and grime caked on the machine. I wrack my brain for what kind of reason of why any creature would engage in such a thing for anything but training. It simply made no sense, illogical towards enjoyment....and yet. My eyes tracked the flowing water, watching as mud and filth was blasted away to reveal its hardy finish I..I felt a satisfaction. That kind of sensation where you take your first bite into a fruit, that same feeling when something you've made slides into its planned place.I didn't know how long I watched the massive construction machine be washed..but it was downright hypnotic to watch.Something tells me I've only barely scratched the surface of these creatures....
Standard Date September 5th 2136
I slinked back into my apartment after my work claw, sighing as I hung up my cloak. Work had been fine, it got rather funny when management had come to down to check on our progress and pretended to know what the brahk he was talking about. But such thoughts were lost on me while I went back to my terminal sitting back down and loading my earth search engine. My secret researched continued, this time I decided to take a far more broad approach with my work, and went for history.
-[Human history]-
[Memory subject time lapse: 3 standard hours][Resuming playback, subject brainwave patterns at low stability]
I lay there in my chair, I just didn't to feel at this point. Several times I had to stop, several times I nearly heaved my lunch into my garbage. Several times I was moved by the words of human hearts. Several times I was taught horrible lessons that have to be learned in horrible times. I was shown the mountains of bodies it takes to truly fight against those who would do evil. They're stories told me of how people despite all this could forgive, how...they fought for those we would put down without a second thought.
I've truly gone off the deep end haven't I..because every time I think I've come to some kind of understanding of these human's, they break the pattern, so they've done so much, come to far..I'm not sure what to even be afraid of anymore..I still don't have enough..
Across my screen, a man a truly ancient human that seemed to be naught but skin and bone, but his terrible predator eyes shone. Those blue pools gleamed with an ironclad conviction that despite his decades of retirement. He was telling his story among a lengthy documentary of the human's second world war, which even with its age was still the most brutal conflict they're species ever knew. It was such calculated savagery, the utter destruction, the ruthless genocide, everything that I would come to expect from a predator species. But then more of the footage came along with the old humans talking.
"Ya..ya see..we have been pushing a'way over inta' paris for the better'parta fiave weeks.." The ancient male rumbled in his seat towards the camera, his hellish eyes making my pelt want to leap off my bones, but his words had me mystified. "I was just about smoked five steps ta'hell after pushin through them lines, only thing keepin me goin was thinkin about not being killed by no damn nazi boys..." The human worked his strange and loose lips for a moment, sharp gaze sliding away from the camera."When ah wus out there, pushing inta paris, we had a stop, and my busted up ass was so dog chewed t'hell out I just leaned on a corner pole and didn't give much of'a damn, but den.." His words slowed, a certain something gleamed in his eyes, was it guilt, determination, the species was still too alien for me to tell. "I saw dis lil girl out there, walking down tha street our way all dusty and looking like the devil had took'a swipe at'er..she sidled on up'ta me..gave me a half toothed little smiled and thanked me, since she lived in the part of city we had cleaned out for'em..Her name wus Noelle it was.." I felt my throat tighten along with the long dead human in the footage as he fought to keep up the words."then she walked on away, an all of tha'sudden..Ah weren't tired no more..."
The man's words rung deep within me while the documentary went on. So much agony, so much destruction, met headlong with conviction, forgiveness and determination. How could creatures so vicious and lethal and the same time show such grief and almost mad drive to aid their fellow being?
At every turn they seem to jump between the actions of prey and predator, banding together, seeking to defend themselves from danger, fleeing and submitting in the face of death and danger. Yet in the very same moment some humans act like true predators, instantly reacting to perceived threats with determined, relentless force. so many instances this bloodthirsty rage they seem to summon is at its strongest when they're kin are threatened..These creatures only grow more complex the more I research..
I rub my face as I slip into bed, sliding onto the mattress, paws coming to my face. Despite the long paw, sleep couldn't come. My glasses stayed on, the display flitting as I kept up my reading into human histories..seeing their story.
I'm done for..Brahk..I'm done for...I have to keep this a secret, because I'm starting to understand these predators...
Memory transcription Subject: Zevek, Distracted Venlil Standard Date: September 6th, 2136
I can research and work all I like, but a venlil still needed to eat and get to all the little drudges of life. This rest paw was going to be expended on errands. Sure I'm a herd and family of great affluence and I could easily have everything I needed delivered directly to my apartment on my hefty salary. I decided against such a practice, seeing as a waste of credits when I had paws where such tasks could be taken to. Besides...I was thinking sometime outside would do me a bit of good.
Mind still in awash from my research, I connected my glasses to my pad, clipped it to my belt, and slipped my cloak on my shoulders. After a momentary pause, I quickly snatch up my pair of wireless ear buds. Flicking the doc open, I push them into my ears as they connect to my interface into them, and keying my pad into my terran connection.
Slipping into the cold biting air of BlackRock I set up the browser yet again in an off box in my vision as I walked, grocery bag folded under an arm and out the door. My paws worked along the road towards the small tram station stop at the center of my hab block. I began to slip into the pedestrian traffic, small groups of venlil moving together made then easier to slip around. My searching through the countless song lists gave so many options, so I simple threw caution to the wind and picked something at random as I stopped at the platform. I let the music player shuffle
Stairway to heaven-Lead Zeppelin
For what I was expecting for the music of the humans it was far gentler in its beginning. It began with a low and soft kind of string instrument that I recall was a 'guitar' from my studies. I leaned back in the cheap plastic seat of the tram, barely noticing I was in it how hypnotized I was by such sounds. Then the human began to sing, its rumble growl so oddly melodic, as he began to sing me a song about a stairway to heaven. There was something so melancholic about it, some cultural points weren't hitting, but even someone as socially inept as myself could pick it up. By the time I was slipping off the tram I felt an odd spring in my gait as the song picked up, despite its screeching notes there was something about this electric guitar that scratched an urge I didn't know was there. The song was at full swing towards its in when I entered the simple market nearby my home, I found my tail swaying and bobbing to the alien yet bewitching rhythm.
And she's buuuying a stairway to heeavaan..~
The incredible voice of the human tapered off into a soft silence while I was picking out some proper snacks. Venlil music was often very gentle and easy on the ears, but even this oddly mellow human song had a certain spark the my own people's simply lacked. While I stuffed a fruit back and another case of drinks in my bag my search for another song was far less timid that before. A small moment of memory slipped in..going about my brother's and fathers constant talk about the taint of predators, how it would corrupt all it touched. It sent a small spike of..guilt..maybe remorse while I stood at an end-cap.
Well..I've already delved into their history and entertainment for several paws now, your already down the mine shaft Zevek, might as well see the bottom..Besides, its not like they're culture will infect me that badly will it?
[Time lapse: 1 hour of shopping and music surfing later]
I never been one for dancing, in fact I'm sure I couldn't dance to save my life. Additionally, I've never had much motivation, or the raw confidence to do so..
That is until I starting hearing songs like this...
For some reason the beat just had me moving, I didn't realize how much I was moving until I was a few stops on the train, and by the time I was off the train I was dancing my way home. Perhaps something had my mood high, perhaps..with my predator disease having gone so deep I lacked the concern. A full bag of groceries hanging from the crook of my elbow as I went along.
Nor did I care about the looks I was getting as I came bouncing off my train and into my neighborhood. In my gyrating, grooving walk I gave an utterly perturbed mother and gave her a jovial tail flick as I passed her up the stairs.
I found myself swaying to the human's voice as I idled in the elevator, something about the tenor and melody. The beat making my paws sway and bounce, head swaying as the music began to grow. The peak rolling through my ears as I all but flowed through the door, arms spread wide as I slid through my door.
I didn't even realize I was singing along as I bounce along in my room. Arms rolling in ways I never would have never done in public, my tail wrote patterns in the air that even I didn't know. Her voice was simply could I not move..I could feel it in my soul..I was on my bed at one point e- bling-bling! The sound of the specific chime tone I had set up for Dayna's message suddenly sounded out. After giving the floor a perfect exterminators tackle I scrambled, face blooming as I snatched my pad. Gaze rapidly scanning over the new message.
-hey Zevek, how's it going?-
I swallowed a little at the message, clearly I couldn't tell her about my highly incriminating research into her species completely. Yet, my heart ached at the very concept of lying to her, it was a foolish impulse. But I did my best to get something on the screen.
-its been going great Dayna, I've been looking a lot into human culture, why didn't you tell me that your species had such a huge range of music?!-
Half truths we're the finest lies, as father would always say.
-it what happens when your culture is constantly shifting and changing, human tribal nature causes a lot diversification, but more importantly, I've got some awesome news Zev!-
My ears perk forward, my fingers flying over the keyboard.
-what kind of news, do tell?-
-they gonna push my program forwards, I'm packing for my trip to Venlil prime as we speak-
In that moment, alone in the dark, my heart leaped for more reasons than I'll ever know.
submitted by Lost_Holiday7749 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:16 BlackjackSR Cyber Citations

"I don't make them stand in front of the miniguns." Me, responding to a 199X email asking how I keep my NPCs from being shredded by miniguns.
“Did I dream myself to death again? Don’t we have a guy for that?” - Electric Warrior [T/M], behind the scenes at his marathon 3 week dreamstream.
“All I remember is I was watching AR porn when I rammed into the biggest cock I’d ever seen.” Cyrus Pessoa [M/D], testifying at his manslaughter trial for rear ending a city bus with a Citymaster, killing 27.
“At any point in your life did you consider moving on from the fat crayons?” Sativola [F/D], rated 5th most influential art critic, reviewing a work by Oihenarte Janosek [M/D]. The value of all of his works dropped by 95% after the comment.
“Did you see him hit the ground and die? No? Cuz, I don’t care how far he fell out of that helicopter, he’s your arch enemy. They simply don’t go out like that.” Matriarch [F/H], Author of “Chromed Memoirs: Yet Another Goddamn Runner Story”.
“Discretion isn’t all that necessary if your enemy isn’t paying any attention.” Silentstar [F/H], from her book “Woah, There: Logical Run Planning”, p. 2071
“Don’t pick at it.” - Simple advice that a recent New England Of Medicine study showed would prevent 15% of post-op cyber and bio infections if followed.
“For every bed of roses, there will be a bed of thorns. Which will you lie on?” - Riku [H/M], Leader Of The “Front 50/50” Policlub, one of the new breed of ‘Economist Policlubs' to crop up in recent years.
“He who laughs last often doesn’t realize how severe his injuries are yet.” Tiffany Gawronski [F/O], former DocWagon employee and host of “The Shadow’s Stupidest Samurai”.
“I am happy to report that the two sides have agreed to cease hostilities at midnight. Until then, and I quote, ‘The game is motherfucking on.’” - Kiley Correra [F/E], arbiter for the Babakku and Konton-Shi gangs, ending (eventually) weeks of bloodshed.
“I did show an astonishingly high aptitude towards surviving falls from very high distances, but they don’t really give bonuses for that.” - Celese [F/H], from her autobio “I Was A Runner Wannabe", p. 2073
“I gave up crime so I could go about stealing shit the legal way.” Alexa Mossadegh (Shadowstalker) [F/H] in her autobio "Lawyers, Corps And Cops: A Former Runner’s Life On The Top Ten Floors", p. 2071
“I looked down, and it was GONE! I wasn’t even sure which orifice I lost it in!” Ezekiel Lodge [M/E], in a graphic vlog post after a drug fueled encounter with a malfunctioning sexbot.
“I still want the record to show that I beat the living shit out of that donkey.” Dill Wart [O/M], In a rambling police statement after a drunken miscommunication at The Screaming Asses’ 'Donkey Punch' night.
“I take everything a woman has, lock her in a room for a week with nothing but a razor blade, and if she’s still alive after seven days: I give it all back.” Unnamed Evo exec, quoted in “Games Trillionaires Play” (p. 2075), by Felipa Sabo [F/H], (d. 2075).
“I won Body Mod Bod of the year, and all I had to do was get hit by a truck.” Azurepyre [F/E], In a post award ceremony interview with ‘Metal Meat' magazine.
“I’m sorry, but we recently refinished the floors. Your commandos will just have to invade on the lawn.” President Lành Phan [M/H] of Nong Khai after an Udon Thani incursion. The micronations have invaded each other over 60 times in the past decade.
“I’ve been in the midst of an implant assisted orgasm since 2062. Just easier to nev..oh…never shut it off.” - Jenny Gleem [F/H], simporn actress.
“If somebody described a trip to the bathroom as ‘life changing’, you think negatively because, regardless if the experience was good or bad, there’s still a bathroom involved.” Bingo [F/T] from her book “The Worst: Surviving The Z Zone”, p. 2069
“If we lock a man in a room, and return to find the man standing next to a pile of shit, we can no longer even prove that it’s his shit.” Attorney Daniel Brown [M/H] from ‘Magic Mayhem: The New Legal Order’, p. 2031
“Laziness Is Fatal” Loose translation of the motto of Fujitimaha Motors, an automotive sweatshop recently shut down on Japan's Yakushima Island. It is one of over a dozen ‘counterfeit car" operations shut down in recent months.
“Never let another person tie your knots. Even your mom has a tiny part of her that thinks you should die.” Seraphic [F/H], Host of ‘Don’t Fuck Up: Survival In The Sprawl', daily senseburst.
“Operation Dog Fart” The code name casually given by the U.K. to their 2063 Falkland raid, not realizing it would go on to be one of the most successful military actions of the decade, destined to be taught in military academies for years.
“Thankfully, I’m too stupid to grasp the concept of embarrassment.” Big Bubba Bartholomew [M/D], after winning the Butt Network’s ‘Public Pooping’ contest, coming from behind and pinching the lead after destroying his opponent in both mass and precision.
“You can tell a lot about a person by how they laugh. I, for instance, laugh like an asshole, which is 100% on the mark.” Razor, Radio Phree Philadelphia, available on FM receivers everywhere.
“You think I’m disappointed; I think I heard God shoot herself.” - Dawnhunter [F/D], deconstructing the new hopefuls on the hit stream ‘Dumped In The Shadows: From Rejects To Runners In 30 Days.’
“We’ve made a pretty good business out of other runners fucking up royal.” Resolution [M/T], Owner Of ‘Pinch Hitters Runner Support Services'.
“Facts, when combined with an assault cannon, constitute the greatest force in the world.” Anvil [M/O] ‘KnowNow’ Policlub And Militia Leader
“We just put a lot of effort into getting our enemies to exhaust all but one option, and then pounce on that option.” White Pony [F/O], DeeCee Area Runner.
“A fertile mind needs a lot of shit dumped onto it to grow to its full potential. It’s either that or they drown in the shit.” Lam An [M/H], Commander, Bogota Bravo Faction, During Sentencing For The Murder Of 278 Child Recruits
“I’ve found that changing my mind at the last minute only results in two fuckups instead of one.” Province [F/H], Boston Area Runner
“If knowledge is dangerous, I feel pretty safe around here.” Random Patron, “Dumbs Bar And Grill”, After Passing The Location’s ‘Lack Of Intelligence’ Test.
“It wasn’t until I made all this fucking money that I realized how many friends I have.” - Biggie Bang [D/M], DJ And Recording Artist.
“I got so many Colt M23s crammed into my bathroom alone that I have to shit in the yard. The neighbors don’t complain, probably because of all the Colt M23s I got crammed into my bathroom.” - Finnick, Fence
“Running on fumes is still running.” – Blackjack [M/H], From The Autobio “Grade D, But Edible: 25 Years In The Sprawl”, 2051 SimonEl Press
“Running is like adding too much garlic to a salad; Rude if you’re feeding vampire…...I’m not sure where I was going with that.“ - Chris, The Cracked Cranium Comedian [O/M].
“Another 50k run? I still owe ten grand from the last one!” - Stoobie [D/M], 17th Worst Sammy In The Sprawl.
“All these conceded masses who think they matter because of their differing opinions disgust me! I’m better than you! Just accept that and watch!” - Erika Grey [F/H], Commentator, XF Zero NewsEve.
“Apathy is pulling the trigger and not giving a shit whether or not it fires. True apathy is not bothering to pull the trigger at all.” KillJoy [H/M] [DECEASED], Samurai , From The Bio “Dented Chrome: Streets, Sewers And Suicide”, 2065 SimonEl Press.
“Pull your head into your shell, little turtle. I’ll be ready with the guillotine when you poke it back out.” Dzuljeta Ji-Hye [F/H], Former CIA Sniper, From The Bio “One Chance”, 2071 Simon El Press.
“Facts only make it harder to form a pure ethos. I despise you. I don’t need to know why.” - Ho Bustillo [M/H], Humanis Policlub Initiate.
“A lie will rumble through the sprawl for days before the truth even gets its shit together.” Joeann Dimario [F/E], Investigative Reporter, InDeep News.
“It isn’t the lights and cameras that frighten a true performer. It’s what happens when the lights and cameras are turned off that gives us nightmares.” Dyna [F/E], Former Megastar, From The Autobiosim “It’s Not A Star, It’s A Flare”, 2068 SimonEl Press.
“The only thing a fuckup can learn is how to be a better fuckup, regardless of the tech involved.” – Sif Simon [F/H], Synaptic Enhancement Surgeon.
submitted by BlackjackSR to ShadowrunFanFic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:19 IRemember123 The PhD Physicist Fighting Hedge Funds... For YOU!

This is a story about a PhD particle physicist who hates liars and scammers in the trading world so much that he built an investment grade stock analysis platform (SaaS).
Why? To give you a shot against hedge funds who move their market to their whim.
How? He is using his math and physics skills to build unique algos to help you with your investment decision. Oh, he's also tracking politician's portfolios :)
What? He built a really cool and simple platform & community for small and medium investors to get an edge in the market.
How much? Not sure if you're going to believe it, but there's a free version. And the paid version is... wait for it... $10 a month. I kid you not! Here's his story 👇
Meet Dr. Muslem Rahimi, a PhD in particle physics with a strong self-deprecating humor and an inspiring man with a unique perspective on the world.
Imagine a blend of Richard Feynman’s curiosity, Jim Simons passion for trading algos, William Wallace’s fierce determination and you have Dr. Rahimi.
A self-proclaimed "Chief of Nothing" at, his journey from the realm of physics to building stock analysis algos rivaling billion dollar institutions is as intriguing as the man himself.
From Particle Physics to Stock Algos
With a PhD in theoretical particle physics, prior to Stocknear, he was developing models to describe New Physics — phenomena that extend beyond our current understanding of the universe. That’s his Feynman part.
But physics isn’t his only passion. Financial markets winked at him and tickled his curiosity due to their immense complexity and algorithms used by huge funds who moved the market as they wanted.
As he likes to say himself: “I love solving hard problems that require math and programming. I apply that knowledge to help my fellow traders who fight unfair odds against big FInstitutions”. That’s his Simons side.
That wasn’t the only reason. As he was researching and going deeper into the world of finance and trading, he noticed two things that aligned perfectly with his mission.
The Birth of Stocknear
So he started building. The scientist and mathematician inside him shook hands: he would apply the scientific approach to solve this big problem. How? Using transparent metrics to evaluate each model so as to not mislead his users about performance.
He took his knowledge and skill set and, in less than a month since his idea, the first version of Stocknear was out. That was around 12 months ago.
Stocknear’s purpose is to empower YOU, the average investor, to make due diligence as efficient as possible.
Why? So you get a very good understanding of the stock you are planning on buying.
If you are one who trades often and follows the latest trends in the stock market, this is institutional grade data analysis and algorithms.
You get stock analysis, heatmaps, market movers, ETF's, calendars for dividends/earnings/IPO/economic, options flow data, hedge funds monitoring and a LOT more for $10 a month. That’s his William Wallace talking. Pretty damn cool, huh?
Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!
Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
RoaringKitty 2.0?
Not quite, better actually. Dr. Muslem isn’t pushing up a stock using the community while pretending he’s fighting the system. He’s giving you the tools to make informed decisions against those who tip the scales in their favor.
He’s not dumping while you are buying, he’s actually helping average investors know what they’re up against with state of the art stock market algorithms and math.
From 0 To First Users
From the moment Dr. Muslem had the idea, he was firm in his decision that the platform will be priced in a way which allows anyone to benefit from his data and algorithms. Helping traders and investors compete in a market dominated by big money was and is his main mission.
His main acquisition channels for users are Twitter and Reddit. Remember, he’s a brainiac, not a marketer. So he opened up and told his story about his work. This brought in the first users and things started moving in a positive direction.
When I asked what his go to market strategy was, he candidly replied: “Still don’t have any. I just try to fight scammers and help smaller investors. I am working on leveling up my marketing skills.”
"Your Website..."
One terribly funny feedback he got after he launched was from a user saying: “Your website shit bruv”. Obviously, that didn’t really stop him. And no, his website is… well, you judge for yourself.
Dr. Muslem also shared the great feeling he had when he got his first paying customer, telling me that it’s a truly beautiful moment he won’t ever forget.
It's always inspiring to see other people appreciate what you built. It gets you the energy you need to push through and keep at it.
Quick money grab? No, thanks!
Soon after he launched, a user noticed the quality of the algorithms employed on the platform. So he contacted the founder and said he wanted an AI solution that works most of the time to predict the stock market and he would obviously pay anything to get it.
Dr. Muslem said no, this goes against probability theory and anyone who says they have a model to accurately predict the market is a scammer and liar. Who says that in finance?!
The user realized afterwards that the request was against logic and our physicist had no intention of taking his money with false promises. Pretty weird to turn down a big payday in today’s world, isn’t it?
Challenges and Lessons
From day one until today, he faced multiple challenges that he had to overcome, but that is part of the entrepreneur’s life. Problems are nothing but questions that await your answer.
When dealing with a challenge, the physicist inside him pops out and starts playing with the problem like a child until it breaks down.
“When you know what caused the break you understand the underlying structure. Even when I have absolutely no idea how or where to start, I slice up the big problem into 10 small problems and voila! Now I know where to start and progress very fast from there.”
Everyone Has A Plan Until...
What intrigued him mostly wasn’t the technical problems, he’s used to that and actually enjoys them. Facing inconsistent stories and lies from data providers was the big issue.
It became clear quite fast that the finance world isn’t as truthful as the world he was accustomed to. Despite these hurdles, valuable lessons were learned along the way. As he puts it, "Nothing goes as planned, so just enjoy the ride."
Spread The Word About Your Work
One more piece of advice is focus on marketing and building awareness even before launching your project. Building beautiful things is wasted effort if people don’t know about your work, regardless of how much you help them out.
Dr. Muslem knows he has a lot to improve in that area, since most of the time he is focused on improving his algorithms and making sure the data is accurate. Marketing? Not so much. But he’s on it.
How Are Things Going Today?
As of today, Stocknear is bringing in around $1,000 each month.
The short to medium term goal? Spreading the word about his work and helping as many people as possible make better investment decisions with his platform. Revenue wise, this target is reaching $10,000 MRR while constantly improving the platform.
When it comes to development, he is constantly working on improving his algorithms to make sure he's bringing value to his users. From the moment he wakes up, he starts working on the project.
As he likes to say, his favorite day is: “a quiet room where I can work 12 hours a day with food and water”.
Grateful For The Community
Work is work, problems are inevitable and some things you cannot control. That's life. His gratitude is pointing towards the beautiful community that has slowly formed around Stocknear.
There is a community section on the website and Discord channel where investors are exchanging ideas, opinions and sometimes sh*t talking and posting memes, of course.
If you haven't been around the investment communities, you haven't truly lived to understand what memes are.
But that's the beauty, isn't it? Finding the right crowd to share your highs and lows. Being there for each other. Fighting the good fight. And telling the story of your achievements. One day at a time.
Trust Yourself And Keep Moving
To all you aspiring entrepreneurs out there, our founder has a message: don't do it unless you absolutely can't imagine doing anything else. Sure, the road may be rocky, but the journey is worth every twist and turn.
When you have no answer to a problem, trust that it is within you. If you are spiritual, say a prayer and sleep on it. If you aren’t, think really hard about it and let it go. Trust that your answer will come to you. There is no such thing as hopelessness, only trustlessness.
At the end of the day, Dr. Muslem keeps reminding himself that we all die sooner or later so he wants to spend his time helping people and learning everything that sparks his interest.
Life is short, so don't be a donkey and help everyone out even if it is just a smile.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is what I do, my mission is to find high potential entrepreneurs with beautiful businesses and share them to interested communities. There are a LOT of people building amazingly useful things but don’t get the appreciation or visibility they deserve. I know that pain firsthand from experience.
submitted by IRemember123 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:15 IRemember123 The PhD Physicist Fighting Hedge Funds… For You

This is a story about a PhD particle physicist who hates liars and scammers in the trading world so much that he built an investment grade stock analysis platform.
Why? To give you a shot against hedge funds who move their market to their whim.
How? He is using his math and physics skills to build unique algos to help you with your investment decision. Oh, he's also tracking politician's portfolios :)
What? He built a really cool and simple platform & community for small and medium investors to get an edge in the market.
How much? Not sure if you're going to believe it, but there's a free version. And the paid version is... wait for it... $10 a month. I kid you not! Here's his story 👇
Meet Dr. Muslem Rahimi, a PhD in particle physics with a strong self-deprecating humor and an inspiring man with a unique perspective on the world.
Imagine a blend of Richard Feynman’s curiosity, Jim Simons passion for trading algos, William Wallace’s fierce determination and you have Dr. Rahimi.
A self-proclaimed "Chief of Nothing" at, his journey from the realm of physics to building stock analysis algos rivaling billion dollar institutions is as intriguing as the man himself.
From Particle Physics to Stock Algos
With a PhD in theoretical particle physics, prior to Stocknear, he was developing models to describe New Physics — phenomena that extend beyond our current understanding of the universe. That’s his Feynman part.
But physics isn’t his only passion. Financial markets winked at him and tickled his curiosity due to their immense complexity and algorithms used by huge funds who moved the market as they wanted.
As he likes to say himself: “I love solving hard problems that require math and programming. I apply that knowledge to help my fellow traders who fight unfair odds against big FInstitutions”. That’s his Simons side.
That wasn’t the only reason. As he was researching and going deeper into the world of finance and trading, he noticed two things that aligned perfectly with his mission.
The Birth of Stocknear
So he started building. The scientist and mathematician inside him shook hands: he would apply the scientific approach to solve this big problem. How? Using transparent metrics to evaluate each model so as to not mislead his users about performance.
He took his knowledge and skill set and, in less than a month since his idea, the first version of Stocknear was out. That was around 12 months ago.
Stocknear’s purpose is to empower YOU, the average investor, to make due diligence as efficient as possible.
Why? So you get a very good understanding of the stock you are planning on buying.
If you are one who trades often and follows the latest trends in the stock market, this is institutional grade data analysis and algorithms.
You get stock analysis, heatmaps, market movers, ETF's, calendars for dividends/earnings/IPO/economic, options flow data, hedge funds monitoring and a LOT more for $10 a month. That’s his William Wallace talking. Pretty damn cool, huh?
Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!
Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
RoaringKitty 2.0?
Not quite, better actually. Dr. Muslem isn’t pushing up a stock using the community while pretending he’s fighting the system. He’s giving you the tools to make informed decisions against those who tip the scales in their favor.
He’s not dumping while you are buying, he’s actually helping average investors know what they’re up against with state of the art stock market algorithms and math.
From 0 To First Users
From the moment Dr. Muslem had the idea, he was firm in his decision that the platform will be priced in a way which allows anyone to benefit from his data and algorithms. Helping traders and investors compete in a market dominated by big money was and is his main mission.
His main acquisition channels for users are Twitter and Reddit. Remember, he’s a brainiac, not a marketer. So he opened up and told his story about his work. This brought in the first users and things started moving in a positive direction.
When I asked what his go to market strategy was, he candidly replied: “Still don’t have any. I just try to fight scammers and help smaller investors. I am working on leveling up my marketing skills.”
"Your Website..."
One terribly funny feedback he got after he launched was from a user saying: “Your website shit bruv”. Obviously, that didn’t really stop him. And no, his website is… well, you judge for yourself.
Dr. Muslem also shared the great feeling he had when he got his first paying customer, telling me that it’s a truly beautiful moment he won’t ever forget.
It's always inspiring to see other people appreciate what you built. It gets you the energy you need to push through and keep at it.
Quick money grab? No, thanks!
Soon after he launched, a user noticed the quality of the algorithms employed on the platform. So he contacted the founder and said he wanted an AI solution that works most of the time to predict the stock market and he would obviously pay anything to get it.
Dr. Muslem said no, this goes against probability theory and anyone who says they have a model to accurately predict the market is a scammer and liar. Who says that in finance?!
The user realized afterwards that the request was against logic and our physicist had no intention of taking his money with false promises. Pretty weird to turn down a big payday in today’s world, isn’t it?
Challenges and Lessons
From day one until today, he faced multiple challenges that he had to overcome, but that is part of the entrepreneur’s life. Problems are nothing but questions that await your answer.
When dealing with a challenge, the physicist inside him pops out and starts playing with the problem like a child until it breaks down.
“When you know what caused the break you understand the underlying structure. Even when I have absolutely no idea how or where to start, I slice up the big problem into 10 small problems and voila! Now I know where to start and progress very fast from there.”
Everyone Has A Plan Until...
What intrigued him mostly wasn’t the technical problems, he’s used to that and actually enjoys them. Facing inconsistent stories and lies from data providers was the big issue.
It became clear quite fast that the finance world isn’t as truthful as the world he was accustomed to. Despite these hurdles, valuable lessons were learned along the way. As he puts it, "Nothing goes as planned, so just enjoy the ride."
Spread The Word About Your Work
One more piece of advice is focus on marketing and building awareness even before launching your project. Building beautiful things is wasted effort if people don’t know about your work, regardless of how much you help them out.
Dr. Muslem knows he has a lot to improve in that area, since most of the time he is focused on improving his algorithms and making sure the data is accurate. Marketing? Not so much. But he’s on it.
How Are Things Going Today?
As of today, Stocknear is bringing in around $1,000 each month.
The short to medium term goal? Spreading the word about his work and helping as many people as possible make better investment decisions with his platform. Revenue wise, this target is reaching $10,000 MRR while constantly improving the platform.
When it comes to development, he is constantly working on improving his algorithms to make sure he's bringing value to his users. From the moment he wakes up, he starts working on the project.
As he likes to say, his favorite day is: “a quiet room where I can work 12 hours a day with food and water”.
Grateful For The Community
Work is work, problems are inevitable and some things you cannot control. That's life. His gratitude is pointing towards the beautiful community that has slowly formed around Stocknear.
There is a community section on the website and Discord channel where investors are exchanging ideas, opinions and sometimes sh*t talking and posting memes, of course.
If you haven't been around the investment communities, you haven't truly lived to understand what memes are.
But that's the beauty, isn't it? Finding the right crowd to share your highs and lows. Being there for each other. Fighting the good fight. And telling the story of your achievements. One day at a time.
Trust Yourself And Keep Moving
To all you aspiring entrepreneurs out there, our founder has a message: don't do it unless you absolutely can't imagine doing anything else. Sure, the road may be rocky, but the journey is worth every twist and turn.
When you have no answer to a problem, trust that it is within you. If you are spiritual, say a prayer and sleep on it. If you aren’t, think really hard about it and let it go. Trust that your answer will come to you. There is no such thing as hopelessness, only trustlessness.
At the end of the day, Dr. Muslem keeps reminding himself that we all die sooner or later so he wants to spend his time helping people and learning everything that sparks his interest.
Life is short, so don't be a donkey and help everyone out even if it is just a smile.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is what I do, my mission is to find high potential entrepreneurs with beautiful businesses and share them to interested communities. There are a LOT of people building amazingly useful things but don’t get the appreciation or visibility they deserve. I know that pain firsthand from experience.
submitted by IRemember123 to Entrepreneurship [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:12 IRemember123 The PhD Physicist Fighting Hedge Funds… For You

This is a story about a PhD particle physicist who hates liars and scammers in the trading world so much that he built an investment grade stock analysis platform.
Why? To give you a shot against hedge funds who move their market to their whim.
How? He is using his math and physics skills to build unique algos to help you with your investment decision. Oh, he's also tracking politician's portfolios :)
What? He built a really cool and simple platform & community for small and medium investors to get an edge in the market.
How much? Not sure if you're going to believe it, but there's a free version. And the paid version is... wait for it... $10 a month. I kid you not! Here's his story 👇
Meet Dr. Muslem Rahimi, a PhD in particle physics with a strong self-deprecating humor and an inspiring man with a unique perspective on the world.
Imagine a blend of Richard Feynman’s curiosity, Jim Simons passion for trading algos, William Wallace’s fierce determination and you have Dr. Rahimi.
A self-proclaimed "Chief of Nothing" at, his journey from the realm of physics to building stock analysis algos rivaling billion dollar institutions is as intriguing as the man himself.
From Particle Physics to Stock Algos
With a PhD in theoretical particle physics, prior to Stocknear, he was developing models to describe New Physics — phenomena that extend beyond our current understanding of the universe. That’s his Feynman part.
But physics isn’t his only passion. Financial markets winked at him and tickled his curiosity due to their immense complexity and algorithms used by huge funds who moved the market as they wanted.
As he likes to say himself: “I love solving hard problems that require math and programming. I apply that knowledge to help my fellow traders who fight unfair odds against big FInstitutions”. That’s his Simons side.
That wasn’t the only reason. As he was researching and going deeper into the world of finance and trading, he noticed two things that aligned perfectly with his mission.
The Birth of Stocknear
So he started building. The scientist and mathematician inside him shook hands: he would apply the scientific approach to solve this big problem. How? Using transparent metrics to evaluate each model so as to not mislead his users about performance.
He took his knowledge and skill set and, in less than a month since his idea, the first version of Stocknear was out. That was around 12 months ago.
Stocknear’s purpose is to empower YOU, the average investor, to make due diligence as efficient as possible.
Why? So you get a very good understanding of the stock you are planning on buying.
If you are one who trades often and follows the latest trends in the stock market, this is institutional grade data analysis and algorithms.
You get stock analysis, heatmaps, market movers, ETF's, calendars for dividends/earnings/IPO/economic, options flow data, hedge funds monitoring and a LOT more for $10 a month. That’s his William Wallace talking. Pretty damn cool, huh?

Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!

Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!
Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
RoaringKitty 2.0?
Not quite, better actually. Dr. Muslem isn’t pushing up a stock using the community while pretending he’s fighting the system. He’s giving you the tools to make informed decisions against those who tip the scales in their favor.
He’s not dumping while you are buying, he’s actually helping average investors know what they’re up against with state of the art stock market algorithms and math.
From 0 To First Users
From the moment Dr. Muslem had the idea, he was firm in his decision that the platform will be priced in a way which allows anyone to benefit from his data and algorithms. Helping traders and investors compete in a market dominated by big money was and is his main mission.
His main acquisition channels for users are Twitter and Reddit. Remember, he’s a brainiac, not a marketer. So he opened up and told his story about his work. This brought in the first users and things started moving in a positive direction.
When I asked what his go to market strategy was, he candidly replied: “Still don’t have any. I just try to fight scammers and help smaller investors. I am working on leveling up my marketing skills.”
"Your Website..."
One terribly funny feedback he got after he launched was from a user saying: “Your website shit bruv”. Obviously, that didn’t really stop him. And no, his website is… well, you judge for yourself.
Dr. Muslem also shared the great feeling he had when he got his first paying customer, telling me that it’s a truly beautiful moment he won’t ever forget.
It's always inspiring to see other people appreciate what you built. It gets you the energy you need to push through and keep at it.
Quick money grab? No, thanks!
Soon after he launched, a user noticed the quality of the algorithms employed on the platform. So he contacted the founder and said he wanted an AI solution that works most of the time to predict the stock market and he would obviously pay anything to get it.
Dr. Muslem said no, this goes against probability theory and anyone who says they have a model to accurately predict the market is a scammer and liar. Who says that in finance?!
The user realized afterwards that the request was against logic and our physicist had no intention of taking his money with false promises. Pretty weird to turn down a big payday in today’s world, isn’t it?
Challenges and Lessons
From day one until today, he faced multiple challenges that he had to overcome, but that is part of the entrepreneur’s life. Problems are nothing but questions that await your answer.
When dealing with a challenge, the physicist inside him pops out and starts playing with the problem like a child until it breaks down.
“When you know what caused the break you understand the underlying structure. Even when I have absolutely no idea how or where to start, I slice up the big problem into 10 small problems and voila! Now I know where to start and progress very fast from there.”
Everyone Has A Plan Until...
What intrigued him mostly wasn’t the technical problems, he’s used to that and actually enjoys them. Facing inconsistent stories and lies from data providers was the big issue.
It became clear quite fast that the finance world isn’t as truthful as the world he was accustomed to. Despite these hurdles, valuable lessons were learned along the way. As he puts it, "Nothing goes as planned, so just enjoy the ride."
Spread The Word About Your Work
One more piece of advice is focus on marketing and building awareness even before launching your project. Building beautiful things is wasted effort if people don’t know about your work, regardless of how much you help them out.
Dr. Muslem knows he has a lot to improve in that area, since most of the time he is focused on improving his algorithms and making sure the data is accurate. Marketing? Not so much. But he’s on it.
How Are Things Going Today?
As of today, Stocknear is bringing in around $1,000 each month.
The short to medium term goal? Spreading the word about his work and helping as many people as possible make better investment decisions with his platform. Revenue wise, this target is reaching $10,000 MRR while constantly improving the platform.
When it comes to development, he is constantly working on improving his algorithms to make sure he's bringing value to his users. From the moment he wakes up, he starts working on the project.
As he likes to say, his favorite day is: “a quiet room where I can work 12 hours a day with food and water”.
Grateful For The Community
Work is work, problems are inevitable and some things you cannot control. That's life. His gratitude is pointing towards the beautiful community that has slowly formed around Stocknear.
There is a community section on the website and Discord channel where investors are exchanging ideas, opinions and sometimes sh*t talking and posting memes, of course.
If you haven't been around the investment communities, you haven't truly lived to understand what memes are.
But that's the beauty, isn't it? Finding the right crowd to share your highs and lows. Being there for each other. Fighting the good fight. And telling the story of your achievements. One day at a time.
Trust Yourself And Keep Moving
To all you aspiring entrepreneurs out there, our founder has a message: don't do it unless you absolutely can't imagine doing anything else. Sure, the road may be rocky, but the journey is worth every twist and turn.
When you have no answer to a problem, trust that it is within you. If you are spiritual, say a prayer and sleep on it. If you aren’t, think really hard about it and let it go. Trust that your answer will come to you. There is no such thing as hopelessness, only trustlessness.
At the end of the day, Dr. Muslem keeps reminding himself that we all die sooner or later so he wants to spend his time helping people and learning everything that sparks his interest.
Life is short, so don't be a donkey and help everyone out even if it is just a smile.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is what I do, my mission is to find high potential entrepreneurs with beautiful businesses and share them to interested communities. There are a LOT of people building amazingly useful things but don’t get the appreciation or visibility they deserve. I know that pain firsthand from experience.
submitted by IRemember123 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:10 IRemember123 The PhD Physicist Fighting Hedge Funds… For You

This is a story about a PhD particle physicist who hates liars and scammers in the trading world so much that he built an investment grade stock analysis platform.
Why? To give you a shot against hedge funds who move their market to their whim.
How? He is using his math and physics skills to build unique algos to help you with your investment decision. Oh, he's also tracking politician's portfolios :)
What? He built a really cool and simple platform & community for small and medium investors to get an edge in the market.
How much? Not sure if you're going to believe it, but there's a free version. And the paid version is... wait for it... $10 a month. I kid you not! Here's his story 👇
Meet Dr. Muslem Rahimi, a PhD in particle physics with a strong self-deprecating humor and an inspiring man with a unique perspective on the world.
Imagine a blend of Richard Feynman’s curiosity, Jim Simons passion for trading algos, William Wallace’s fierce determination and you have Dr. Rahimi.
A self-proclaimed "Chief of Nothing" at, his journey from the realm of physics to building stock analysis algos rivaling billion dollar institutions is as intriguing as the man himself.
From Particle Physics to Stock Algos
With a PhD in theoretical particle physics, prior to Stocknear, he was developing models to describe New Physics — phenomena that extend beyond our current understanding of the universe. That’s his Feynman part.
But physics isn’t his only passion. Financial markets winked at him and tickled his curiosity due to their immense complexity and algorithms used by huge funds who moved the market as they wanted.
As he likes to say himself: “I love solving hard problems that require math and programming. I apply that knowledge to help my fellow traders who fight unfair odds against big FInstitutions”. That’s his Simons side.
That wasn’t the only reason. As he was researching and going deeper into the world of finance and trading, he noticed two things that aligned perfectly with his mission.
The Birth of Stocknear
So he started building. The scientist and mathematician inside him shook hands: he would apply the scientific approach to solve this big problem. How? Using transparent metrics to evaluate each model so as to not mislead his users about performance.
He took his knowledge and skill set and, in less than a month since his idea, the first version of Stocknear was out. That was around 12 months ago.
Stocknear’s purpose is to empower YOU, the average investor, to make due diligence as efficient as possible.
Why? So you get a very good understanding of the stock you are planning on buying.
If you are one who trades often and follows the latest trends in the stock market, this is institutional grade data analysis and algorithms.
You get stock analysis, heatmaps, market movers, ETF's, calendars for dividends/earnings/IPO/economic, options flow data, hedge funds monitoring and a LOT more for $10 a month. That’s his William Wallace talking. Pretty damn cool, huh?

Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!

Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
Mirror Trade Your Favorite Politician? Sure!
Oh, in case you want to see what stock your favorite politician just bought (and maybe mirror trade), it’s right there. If you didn’t know, Nancy Pelosi earned $43 million last year from her stock investments. This year, she’s up $20 million. And it’s just May! So maybe you want to get in on that action as well… it’s only a click away.
RoaringKitty 2.0?
Not quite, better actually. Dr. Muslem isn’t pushing up a stock using the community while pretending he’s fighting the system. He’s giving you the tools to make informed decisions against those who tip the scales in their favor.
He’s not dumping while you are buying, he’s actually helping average investors know what they’re up against with state of the art stock market algorithms and math.
From 0 To First Users
From the moment Dr. Muslem had the idea, he was firm in his decision that the platform will be priced in a way which allows anyone to benefit from his data and algorithms. Helping traders and investors compete in a market dominated by big money was and is his main mission.
His main acquisition channels for users are Twitter and Reddit. Remember, he’s a brainiac, not a marketer. So he opened up and told his story about his work. This brought in the first users and things started moving in a positive direction.
When I asked what his go to market strategy was, he candidly replied: “Still don’t have any. I just try to fight scammers and help smaller investors. I am working on leveling up my marketing skills.”
"Your Website..."
One terribly funny feedback he got after he launched was from a user saying: “Your website shit bruv”. Obviously, that didn’t really stop him. And no, his website is… well, you judge for yourself.
Dr. Muslem also shared the great feeling he had when he got his first paying customer, telling me that it’s a truly beautiful moment he won’t ever forget.
It's always inspiring to see other people appreciate what you built. It gets you the energy you need to push through and keep at it.
Quick money grab? No, thanks!
Soon after he launched, a user noticed the quality of the algorithms employed on the platform. So he contacted the founder and said he wanted an AI solution that works most of the time to predict the stock market and he would obviously pay anything to get it.
Dr. Muslem said no, this goes against probability theory and anyone who says they have a model to accurately predict the market is a scammer and liar. Who says that in finance?!
The user realized afterwards that the request was against logic and our physicist had no intention of taking his money with false promises. Pretty weird to turn down a big payday in today’s world, isn’t it?
Challenges and Lessons
From day one until today, he faced multiple challenges that he had to overcome, but that is part of the entrepreneur’s life. Problems are nothing but questions that await your answer.
When dealing with a challenge, the physicist inside him pops out and starts playing with the problem like a child until it breaks down.
“When you know what caused the break you understand the underlying structure. Even when I have absolutely no idea how or where to start, I slice up the big problem into 10 small problems and voila! Now I know where to start and progress very fast from there.”
Everyone Has A Plan Until...
What intrigued him mostly wasn’t the technical problems, he’s used to that and actually enjoys them. Facing inconsistent stories and lies from data providers was the big issue.
It became clear quite fast that the finance world isn’t as truthful as the world he was accustomed to. Despite these hurdles, valuable lessons were learned along the way. As he puts it, "Nothing goes as planned, so just enjoy the ride."
Spread The Word About Your Work
One more piece of advice is focus on marketing and building awareness even before launching your project. Building beautiful things is wasted effort if people don’t know about your work, regardless of how much you help them out.
Dr. Muslem knows he has a lot to improve in that area, since most of the time he is focused on improving his algorithms and making sure the data is accurate. Marketing? Not so much. But he’s on it.
How Are Things Going Today?
As of today, Stocknear is bringing in around $1,000 each month.
The short to medium term goal? Spreading the word about his work and helping as many people as possible make better investment decisions with his platform. Revenue wise, this target is reaching $10,000 MRR while constantly improving the platform.
When it comes to development, he is constantly working on improving his algorithms to make sure he's bringing value to his users. From the moment he wakes up, he starts working on the project.
As he likes to say, his favorite day is: “a quiet room where I can work 12 hours a day with food and water”.
Grateful For The Community
Work is work, problems are inevitable and some things you cannot control. That's life. His gratitude is pointing towards the beautiful community that has slowly formed around Stocknear.
There is a community section on the website and Discord channel where investors are exchanging ideas, opinions and sometimes sh*t talking and posting memes, of course.
If you haven't been around the investment communities, you haven't truly lived to understand what memes are.
But that's the beauty, isn't it? Finding the right crowd to share your highs and lows. Being there for each other. Fighting the good fight. And telling the story of your achievements. One day at a time.
Trust Yourself And Keep Moving
To all you aspiring entrepreneurs out there, our founder has a message: don't do it unless you absolutely can't imagine doing anything else. Sure, the road may be rocky, but the journey is worth every twist and turn.
When you have no answer to a problem, trust that it is within you. If you are spiritual, say a prayer and sleep on it. If you aren’t, think really hard about it and let it go. Trust that your answer will come to you. There is no such thing as hopelessness, only trustlessness.
At the end of the day, Dr. Muslem keeps reminding himself that we all die sooner or later so he wants to spend his time helping people and learning everything that sparks his interest.
Life is short, so don't be a donkey and help everyone out even if it is just a smile.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is what I do, my mission is to find high potential entrepreneurs with beautiful businesses and share them to interested communities. There are a LOT of people building amazingly useful things but don’t get the appreciation or visibility they deserve. I know that pain firsthand from experience.
submitted by IRemember123 to business [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:16 Icy-Selection6359 Upper elementary teachers - What day of school does your curriculum start?

So I was talking to a colleague today and found out that our curriculum will start on the first day of school next year (upper elementary) - no days for mini lessons, teaching procedures, ice breakers, etc. and he doesn’t want that done either from the sounds of it. I started mid year so this was surprising to me. When I student taught 5th grade we had a week before we started diving into the curriculum (maybe even two I can’t remember for sure) and that was an extremely high achieving school. It just got me wondering - what day does your curriculum start? Also where are you located, and what grade. Interested to hear other people’s experiences.
submitted by Icy-Selection6359 to Teachers [link] [comments]

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submitted by Lazy-Citron-643 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:16 Typical-Fig9033 fake friend wants to hangout out now that her and her boyfriend are breaking up

for context i (19F) have been friends with this girl (19F) since 5th grade, we were best friends all the way up until maybe junior year of high school when she got a girlfriend and gradually stopped hanging out with me really at all. maybe once every now and then or with all of our friends but not much (we used to have sleepovers every weekend, or hang out all the time). it hurt but it was whatever since i knew she was busy and a S/O can be pretty time consuming.
senior year of high school i was basically kicked out of my friend group, i was involved in a toxic relationship and abandoned hanging out with them outside of school or doing anything with them at all because my boyfriend “didnt want me to” and i was extremely dumb and blinded by love so i listened to him. one of them became really angry with me over this and told me she didn’t want to be friends with me anymore and the rest simply followed her. because my best friend was in this group, she basically followed the rest as well and shunned me out as everyone else did so we stopped talking at all for some time. i left the school the next semester and did not talk to her for several months. we eventually came into contact again in the new year and became friends again and have been on good terms ever since.
as of now, we have been friends again for several months, and hungout a few times since. mostly when she was single. however, she has a boyfriend now, and i ask her many times a week if she wants to hang out or go do anything and she always gives me excuses. she does work and go to school, but i know she hangs out with her boyfriend whenever she is not doing either. we share locations anyway.
i understand that she wants to spend time with her boyfriend, of course. but she has been terribly fake towards me i feel like. whenever i ask to hang out and she dodges, she never suggests another time to make plans, or ever initiates it on her own. but she always comes crying to me that her boyfriend has done something to her, or that theyre “breaking up” and then asks to hang out. its extremely disrespectful to only try and do something with me when her boyfriend is “not treating her right.”
one time when her boyfriend messed up, she called me crying and vented to me for a while until she eventually asked to go get froyo with me. i told her we could go the next day, and she agreed. but her and her boyfriend made up by then, and she basically ditched our said plans to go see him that night. i was pretty irritated but did not mention anything about it to her.
this is ongoing, and id suggested to have a sleepover or go do something together just the other day but she brushed it off. this morning i wake up to a bunch of texts of her saying that theyre breaking up, and that shes sick to her stomach because of him. then she asks, word for word, “if i break up with him do you wanna have a sleepover on saturday or sunday?” i honestly just feel like saying no. shes been so incredibly ingenuine recently and i dont think she really deserves my time even in this time of need. please let me know what you think? sorry for the terribly long essay
TLDR: friend never makes any effort to hang out with me despite me constantly asking, until her and her boyfriend are on the verge of breaking up. only then she asks to hang out.
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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.17 20:40 HRJafael Mohawk Trail Regional School’s Tierney honored as promising new teacher
In recognition of his social studies and civics instruction that aims to create better citizens and young advocates, Mohawk Trail Regional School eighth grade teacher Brennan Tierney has received the Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies’ Richard Aieta Award for Promising New Teacher.
Colleague Catherine Glennon, high school social studies teacher, shared that Tierney has jumped in with both feet during his first year teaching at Mohawk Trail Regional School, especially in the realm of civics. Not only does Tierney present students with the historical background needed to meet guidelines and prepare for the social studies standardized tests, he also creates opportunities for in-depth exploration with civics projects and experiential learning related to current civics-based issues.
“Brennan is an enthusiastic and thoughtful collaborator and is helping us build a solid program of civic education between our middle and high school,” Glennon said in a statement. Tierney, who lives in Northampton, initially became familiar with Mohawk Trail Regional School as a master’s degree candidate in the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s 180 Day teacher residency program. After that experience, Tierney opted for employment at Mohawk Trail.
Tierney has planned field trips; held panel discussions, mock trials and public hearings; and devised numerous other creative and engaging activities for his students. As an example, Tierney organized a panel of town officials, also attended by state Rep. Natalie Blais, for students to engage with. Students prepared questions on their topics of interest, such as climate change and housing issues, and learned about local government and their towns.
More recently, Tierney organized a field trip for eighth grade students to attend Law Day at the Franklin County Justice Center on May 1. Students toured the courtrooms and offices, and asked questions of William Mazanec III, first justice for Greenfield District Court and a Mohawk Trail Regional School graduate. Students also identified connections between their civics lessons and the keynote address from John Bonifaz, a constitutional law scholar, and his daughter, Marisol Bonifaz, a student activist.
Another colleague, Learning Specialist Andrew Moffett, mentioned, “When not in the classroom, Brennan is often seen playing basketball with students, engaging them in conversation and demonstrating his presence as an ally. He is a fair and transparent educator. He clearly communicates classroom content, how students are being assessed and finds alternative ways for students to demonstrate their content knowledge.”
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:02 wowszaR WTS: GX Kobe 6 Grinch Size 10, GX Kobe 6 Reverse Grinch "B" Size 10 and 11.5 Timestamped

WTS: GX Kobe 6 Grinch Size 10, GX Kobe 6 Reverse Grinch
Timestamp is from late yesterday night, reposting now for better visibility.
For sale I have a pair of GX Kobe 6 Grinch Size 10, GX Kobe Reverse Grinch B Grade Size 10, and GX Kobe Reverse Grinch B Grade Size 11.5.
GX didn't release a B Grade Grinch, but I'm pricing these as B Grade because of the bad swooshes. I placed a bulk order with a seller and in the interest of time, I skipped QC and he slipped this pair in there. I won't call him out since I plan to buy more from him in the future, but learn from my lesson and always QC no matter what your relationship with the seller.
The Reverse Grinches are B Grade from WWTOP. Great shoes, but my friends decided it was worth it to just get A Grade since the price drop.
All shoes are unused, not even tried on. No boxes, Grinches include the extra laces.
Grinch Size 10
Reverse Grinch Size 10 SPF
Reverse Grinch Size 11.5 SPF
Asking $85 shipped per pair, CONUS. Venmo and PayPal F&F only, please.
submitted by wowszaR to KobeReps [link] [comments]