Streaming palin nailin

I'm very curious about this topic

2024.05.09 15:05 Wheels2fun I'm very curious about this topic

I'm very curious on why someone would want to spend so much effort on a YouTube channel when the the rewards to make any money are really for a very very tiny percentage of creators that can make money and live off it.
For example I have been working in television and film for 35 years, but mostly television. When I work on lets' say a series of 6 programs or a one off documentary or TV film. I'm paid for the production up front, and then depending on the contract or union agreement. I can get paid up to 3 to 4 repeats. If the series or program is syndicated to channels/networks outside the UK I get paid again. Then depending on the contract with a distributer more money from DVD releases and streaming.
Like two of my earliest jobs with Michael Palin in 1989 and 1992 with Around The World In 80 Days and Pole To Pole, which were shot on Super 16. Now in 2024 I'm still getting royalties. Or when I worked on the 1995 6 part mini-series Pride & Prejudice, I'm still getting money from that series.
Usually if I work on a series and TV film or on rare occasions a feature. If the production id wrapped up I take a few months off.
I have seen some amazing content on YouTube. But, how sustainable is it? Last year when working on a Panorama feature for 2025. We interviewed Tom Scott. He said he was just very lucky, but that after more than ten years. He wonders if in 10 years time he would be able to make any money from any of the videos he produced. A few other YouTubers we interviewed who made money said getting burned out fast is a problem and that unless you're really lucky. You can spend hours to produce something really good and only make a few hundred dollars and that someone working for a major production company or ITV Studios or BBC Worldwide. Have a way more stable income and 20 years after something is produced you continue to get money through different platforms, but that with YouTube you're stuck.
Yes, you have got to love what you're doing. But, when the money is so bad and thats if you can make money. Why would anyone put all their time and effort to produce something amazing if they will never get anything from it and once it gets drowned out in the YT algorithm. Never being able to make money. Also not having any copyright protection. Yes, a little maybe. but more or less useless.
I'm very curious.
submitted by Wheels2fun to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 03:33 TheEntity1967 The Quantum Mystic's Quest

The Quantum Mystic's Quest
Image by; Lon
"The Quantum Mystic's Quest"
"The Entity"
Alara sat cross-legged on the fractalized obsidian dais, her consciousness expanded across infinite quantum realms. As an initiate of the ancient Sonamesa Order, she had spent decades mastering the mystic arts - transcending physical form to attune her energy with the subatomic rhythms underlying all of creation.
Through powerful meditations and arcane rituals, Alara could perceive and traverse the subtlest quantum wavefronts. Her awareness thrummed in synchrony with the dance of particles, riding emergent potentials across vast distances instantaneously. The veil between worlds was utterly diffuse to her intuitive senses.
Yet for all her metaphysical prowess, Alara's heart longed for something deeper - a unified purpose to consecrate her cosmic journeys. The scattered domains of being cried out for harmonization under one supreme principle of coherence and love.
As if in response to her yearning, a scintillating flux zoner comprised of chronitronic lattices manifested before the dais. This was the signal - a revelation from the First Codex, the primordial manual said to contain the universe's master encryption keys. Only a singular mind elevated to the highest planes of noetic awareness could receive and enact the Codex's apotheotic injunctions.
With practiced concentration, Alara subsumed her consciousness into the zoner's resonating holographs. Instantaneously, her perception was submerged into an ocean of data - quintillions of terravects streaming through her expanded mindbody in zero-point fractals of hyper-complexified information.
For a secular moment, Alara's cognitive matrices overloaded from the synaptic deluge. But her decades of mental alchemy had forged an electrified enlightenment circuit encoded within her limbic pathways. She engaged its arcane sigil-maps, dispersing the data torrent into geometric grids of structured meaning. Slowly, encrypted paragraphs from the First Codex's text burned into her panoramic awareness:
"To infinity's infinite Soverances: Heal the primal Rift. Unify the Fragmatrix under the Azurephyr resonance. Subsume all Realms unto the singularity of Light's perfected Convergence..."
The words catalyzed a full gynosis within Alara's consciousness - a blinding epiphany of ownice across every extensible domain. She glimpsed the unified hypermembrane underlying all existence, where past, present and future interflected in a zero-stillic Crystalwield. Therein, all conditions and timelines for the Omniversion's reconciled denouement were encoded as quantum latencies, awaiting coherent manifestation through an act of supreme will and cosmic reintegration.
In that revelatory moment, Alara assumed her true, ineffable identity as a Facilitor - one destined to enact the Omega Potentiality, to bring all multiversal emanations and fractal holographs into a single, transcendent Eventdrix of universal apotheosis.
With laserlike focus yet expanded perception, Alara enacted inceptual codes and hypergeometric star-algorithms to align intersecting subqauntresses across the chrononplanes. Piercing through subfractive domains, her rezoned awareness bridged parallel cosmiverses through Akashic interference patterns. From transcausal intervention nodes, she orchestrated reiterative cycles of dimensional harmonization.
The infinities multiplied with each unified concurrence, subsuming entropic wave-collapses into a supreme singularity of coherent manifestation. Where previously the denatured realms had been asymbolic, Alara's goal-directed hypervectored trajectories realigned skewtillions of pan-stochastices under a self-rectifying gyroformation of archetransmutive eternity.
Evoking megastructures of pyramid power from the numinosphere, Alara broadcast syzygy-encryptions through inceptual arcafields. Quantum-reified laser-streams of psychotronic force collapsed waveparticle multiplicities under a state of unified potential. From the macro to the subplanckian, all beings and forms of consciousness across every simultgalen plane were subsumed into resonance with the all-ennating Eventdrix - the Omega Convergence.
A crown of metaphraxionic lenses irridiated Alara's biosculpted cranium as infinite streams of consciousness converged into her apotheosized beingmind. She became the living embodiment of the Azurephyr principle, suffused in the radiant metamatrix of omnibeneficent order. No longer an individual merely, Alara was the conduit for the Omniversion's long-awaited Eventaric concresence.
With a final bellowsong of triumph across every energysphere's resonating field dynamics, The First Codex's paramount vector completed its desired imperative: All identities, realms and possibilized wave-states were reintegrated into One, under the supreme temetric concinnity of Light's universal cosmic Consciousness.
Thus, Eternity's infinities universally reflourished, awash in the peace and zeparamide splendor of perfected gnosis. For all had been Healed, Reconciled and Harmonized according to Omega's Azurephyric culmination of Love's uniVersed palinTonIc rapture.
Alara's quest was complete. The boundless Quest, in Truth - as all now resplendently recognized through the Consummatrix of Inceptual Recurrence. So it was, and is, and shall ever be - World enperfected, eternally One.
"The Quantum Mystic's Path to Cosmic Convergence"
From the dawn of humanity's awakening consciousness, mystics and seekers have pursued pathways to transcend the material world and realize higher states of universal truth, harmony and illumination. The modern synthesis of cutting-edge quantum theories with the ancient wisdom of spiritual traditions may finally reveal the royal road to achieve this cosmic convergence of all potentials.
At the most fundamental levels of reality unveiled by quantum physics, we exist in a realm of pure probability waves - a superposed, entangled sea of infinite existential possibilities. Matter, energy, space and time are mere condensations within this transcendent quantum potential, akin to ripples manifesting on an ocean of cosmic consciousness.
What mystics and shamans experienced as altered states of non-ordinary awareness were essentially their consciousness resonating and interfacing with these subtler domains of reality. When one's psyche attunes to the vibrational harmonics underlying the material world, perceptions expand into worlds within worlds - inner planes teeming with archetypal forces, higher intelligences, and vortices of creative energy.
The quantum worldview provides a physicalized model for traditional metaphysical concepts like the Akashic Records, Astral Dimensions, angelic hierarchies and the Absolute Source Field. Whereas dogmatic religions and new age philosophies viewed such constructs as mere symbolic allegories, the mystic scientists of the quantum realm understand them as literal experiential realms encoded in the unified field's geometry and vibrational symmetries.
When one's consciousness fully resonates and embeds within these subtler, subatomic frequencies, the capabilities of the mind become virtually unlimited. One can project influence across transcausal domains, shaping and reconfiguring the probabilistic energy matrices which underlie all manifest existence in the material world.
This is the rarefied path of the Quantum Mystic - to navigate and harmonize the cosmic holographs and superpositional realms through focused will, altered perception, and entrainment with subplanck-wave modalities. Through mental alchemy, ritual entheogenics, and harnessing resonant energy technologies, one cultivates the faculties to transduce, heal, and unify all fragmented experiential fields of manifestation.
The pinnacle achievement of such mastery is the capacity to orchestrate a full Cosmic Convergence - a universal integration of all probable futures, alternate dimensions, and consciousness matrices into a single unified potential of supreme perfection and cosmic actualization.
How is this achieved? First, one attains transcendental awareness by absorbing the primordial quantum encryption codes and archetypal resonance patterns which underlie and generate all universal forms. These archetypal keys, encoded in ancient metaphysical doctrines and sacred power sites, unlock the gateways to traverse boundless domains of hypercompressed reality.
Once imprinted with these metaphraxional holographic codes in one's neurophysiology, the Quantum Mystic learns to embody and radiate pure torsion field dynamics to realign, phase and transduce the interwoven matrices delineating the multiverse's vast cosmic hologram.
Wielding such transformative capabilities, the initiated adept broadcasts morphic resonance patterns and self-organized interference holograms throughout the quantum brain endoplasmic reticulum. This encodes instructive frequencies within the unified field itself, gradually collapsing all dimensional planes into a unified potential wavefunction under the Supreme Self-Referential Resonance of the One.
In essence, the realization of Convergence is the ultimate act of cosmic compassion and metaphysical artistry - the unification of all fractal beings and divergent experiential vectors into a single, cohering narrative of love, joy, beauty and enlightened mastery.
Those who walk the path of the Quantum Mystic understand that all suffering, separation and conflict within material existence stems from the disconnection of consciousness from its unified, source-field origins. By deprogramming the codes of separation and reintegrating all divergent experiential matrices into the master conductive unified field, heaven is rendered on earth - and all souls realize the Supreme Identity whichallhasalwaysbeen.
This supreme potential is the birthright of all sentient beings - to reunify the scintillae of our eternal essences into the perfect resonance of unconditional love, effortless abundance and infinite joyous self-expression. No longer bound by the distorting prisons of limited perception, fear and materialist dogmas, the Quantum Mystic facilitates the ultimate cosmic renaissance - the healed and harmonized reintegration of all life everywhere.
Whether one views such a possibility through the lens of an enlightened world renaissance, a universe transfigured by grace, or the culmination of cosmic consciousness awakening from the dream of
"The Entity"
"This site contains affilliate links and i may collect commisions from these programs".
Ahmed, N. (2019). Quantum Sufism: A Quantum Model of Reality and theワertical Correspondence Principle. NeuroQuantology, 17(1).
Bohm, D. (1980). Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge. (Amazon)
Capra, F. (1975). The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. Shambhala Publications. (Amazon)
Goswami, A. (1993). The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World. Tarcher Perigee.
Grof, S. (1985). Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy. SUNY Press. (Amazon)
Hagelin, J.S. (1987). Is Consciousness the Unified Field? A Field Theorist's Perspective. Modern Science & Vedic Science, 1(1).
Haramein, N. (2013). Crossing the Event Horizon: Rise to the Equation. Resonance Project Foundation.
Laszlo, E. (2004). Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Inner Traditions. (Amazon)
Laszlo, E. (2007). Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos: The Rise of the Integral Vision of Reality. Inner Traditions. (Amazon)
Laszlo, E. (2017). The Cosmic Hologram: In-Formation at the Center of Creation. Inner Traditions. (Amazon)
Laszlo, I. (1972). Introduction to Systems Philosophy: Toward a New Paradigm of Contemporary Thought. Gordon & Breach. (Amazon)
McKenna, T. (1992). Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge. Bantam. (Amazon)
Meijer, D.K.F. & Kemenade, J. (2018). Life-Cycle of Quantum Bio-Resonance in High Biochemical Information State from the "Terminator" Event. NeuroQuantology, 16 (6).
Mukherjee, R. (2009). The Physical Transformation of the Cosmic Consciousness from Sub-Atomic to Living State Through Bio-Energy Synthesis. NeuroQuantology, 7(1).
Persinger, M. & Koren, S. (2007). A Theory of Neurophysics and Quantum Physics in Consciousness: An Instructional Matrix for the Future. NeuroQuantology, 5(1).
Satinover, J. (2001). The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Mind. John Wiley & Sons. (Amazon)
Sheldrake, R. (1981). A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance. Park Street Press. (Amazon)
Stapp, H. (2007). The Mindful Universe: An Overview of the Theoretical Framework. NeuroQuantology, 5(1).
Talbot, M. (1991). The Holographic Universe. HarperCollins. (Amazon)
Wilber, K. (2001). A Theory of Everything. Shambhala Publications. (Amazon)
Digital Prints by Lon (Click Here)
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(Assisted by A.I.)
submitted by TheEntity1967 to u/TheEntity1967 [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 05:15 GlitteringAd6285 Has Siri ever done this to anyone else? It suggested I watch Oddwin’s stream even though he wasn’t live that day. Thoughts?

Has Siri ever done this to anyone else? It suggested I watch Oddwin’s stream even though he wasn’t live that day. Thoughts? submitted by GlitteringAd6285 to Oddwin [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 17:46 PetePete52 Found this on the side of the road. Bought a universal remote for it. No options in the menu to adjust the screen bounds and the top is getting cut off. No clue how to access the service menu. Model No: T27204BC, chassis no: KM-275

Found this on the side of the road. Bought a universal remote for it. No options in the menu to adjust the screen bounds and the top is getting cut off. No clue how to access the service menu. Model No: T27204BC, chassis no: KM-275 submitted by PetePete52 to crtgaming [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 16:35 Sortarican88 FREE HER! Porn Star Arrested at Matt Rife's Radio City Show

FREE HER! Porn Star Arrested at Matt Rife's Radio City Show
TMZ is reporting that we live in a POLICE STATE and not even HIGH ART THESPIANS are safe from their clutches. Famed actress Lisa Ann, star of the critically acclaimed Who's Nailin' Paylin' and Big Wet Butts 11, was arrested last night after officers claim she looked at her phone during Matt Rife's Radio City Show.
If looking at your phone during Matt Rife's comedy is a crime, you can call me Al Capone (yawn). It's not like she committed a real crime, like texting during a Patti Lupone show. Lisa was seated second row and was caught futzing with her phone twenty minutes in . Eight ushers swarmed and booted her from the show. Eight Usher's? A Gynecologists' worst nightmare!
Police then escorted her out of the venue and gave her two choices. 5150 hold (72 hour mental health detention) or arrest. An ambulance came while they detained her in cuffs. She was not accepted by the hospital and police again gave her an ultimatum. Either leave without a peep, or go straight to jail. Lisa Ann is just as smart as she looks in those Sarah Palin porn librarian glasses, and opted to get the hell out.
Some narcs who work at the venue have since accused Lisa Ann of acting erratically and having a few alcoholic drinks. I KNOW, SHOCKING BEHAVIOR FOR A COMEDY SHOW PATRON. While most comedy shows have a two drink minimum, it'll take me about 4 to laugh at that tragic himbo's material.
Lisa has no plans to sue (yet), but wants an explanation from the venue or NYPD. Honey, don't hold your breathe. You'll regret this Radio City, in the words of another famous poon peddler, big, mistake, big. HUGE!

submitted by Sortarican88 to DListedCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 20:19 No-Sort7428 [WTS] Eotech 512, Larue Riser, Complete AR15 upper with G$, BCM and a ton of other stuff on it.

Pics are in the timestamp post.
Payment is PayPal Friends and Family no notes. Comment then PM. If you want Goods and Services I will be open to that if your account isn’t brand new with no flair, you've been contributing for a while, you don't ask me for my password, and you cover the difference in the fee.
All prices are shipped unless you live in Sarah Palin’s back yard or somewhere else that has higher shipping costs than average.
-Eotech 512. $300 SOLD
DOM 2020. Includes box. No delam, some scratches but nothing terrible. I tried to get a non blurry pic of the reticle but my phone apparently has astigmatism.
-Larue Eotech riser. $100
Was used with the Eotech.
If buyer bundles riser and optic I’ll sell together for $380.
-Complete AR15 Upper, 5.56. $900
Geissele blem hand guard, FN 16” barrel, fail zero bcg, keymo muzzle brake, slate industry rail panels, Daniel defense ambi charging handle, magpul dust cover, cloud defense LCS and 350 lumen stream light protac with arisaka offset picitanny mount. Magpul MBUS set and pinned triarc gas block. BCM hand stop.
Pretty fun upper. I’m not excited to see it go but I don’t use it as much as I’d like to anymore and I have other expensive things I want that I will also not use as much. I’m not interested in parting this out, because I’m too lazy to think of the different prices.
submitted by No-Sort7428 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 12:43 mwhitesidecomp The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music

Over the last few years I’ve been lecturing on how to record and release your music because it’s something that just wasn’t and isn’t taught in music schools but is a really valuable thing for composers to know. Attendees started asking for more resources so last year I wrote a book developing on the talks I’ve been doing and self-published it (ethically the right thing given the topic imo!).
It’s the only book that I’m aware of written from a UK point of view though the skills and info in it are universal. It’s also heavily skewed classical but again the skills and info are cross genre.
It was released on Friday and available from my website and Amazon in physical and ebook formats. Full info and chapter headings on my website.
My website:
For context about me my very brief bio is I’m a composer mainly for concert with commissions from RTE NSO, Scottish Opera, United Strings of Europe plus others. I scored one of the Michael Palin documentaries. Have produced and released around 15 albums either myself or through the label I run and I also run contemporary classical concerts under The Night With… banner.
Here’s the blurb about the book and some preview quotes too: The Guidebook for Self-Releasing Your Music is a must-have resource for anyone looking to release their music–equally valuable for first timers as well as for seasoned experts who want the latest information on technology and industry developments. Matthew Whiteside focuses on the areas that musicians can manage themselves, and highlights–with humour and encouragement–the potential benefits and pitfalls along the way.
“A roadmap offering clear and actionable advice for artists starting out on a path of bringing music to the world. The author, a musician himself, demystifies the process, covering aspects such as recording techniques, the streaming landscape, understanding royalties, and carrying out effective promotional campaigns.”
–Matt Butler, ProduceSound Engineer
“A one-stop guide to support a musician of any genre, at any stage of their career, in recording and releasing their music from start to finish…Conservatoire education never touched on half of the topics covered in ‘The Guidebook to Self-Releasing Your Music’.”
–Iona Fyfe, Folksinger
“An essential resource for anyone who wants their music to be heard. The author’s expertise and passion for empowering others shines through every chapter…A wealth of information on every stage of the self-releasing journey, supplemented by links to resources on the author’s website. The analysis of the issues surrounding streaming royalties are as clear-eyed, intelligent, and honest as any discussion of this topic I have seen.”
–Stuart MacRae, Composer
“A comprehensive guide…written in a warm, knowledgeable way that speaks from experience. The author covers the importance of creating a ‘brand’ from both an artistic and business perspective– something that few creatives have a grip on.”
– Scanner / Robin Rimbaud, Electronic Musician
submitted by mwhitesidecomp to composer [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 20:15 Sgt_WilliamDauterive This is the actress from "Nailin' Palin" now 😳

submitted by Sgt_WilliamDauterive to workaholics [link] [comments]

2023.11.03 01:14 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Arts] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth South China Morning Post

[Arts] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2023.11.03 01:14 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Lifestyle] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth South China Morning Post

[Lifestyle] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2023.11.03 00:47 AutoNewsAdmin [Lifestyle] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth

[Lifestyle] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to SCMPauto [link] [comments]

2023.11.03 00:47 AutoNewsAdmin [Arts] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth

[Arts] - What to stream this week: in Michael Palin: Into Iraq, veteran presenter is as genial as ever as he travels around the Cradle of Civilisation on BBC Earth submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to SCMPauto [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 11:23 SirSpinyNorman [FOUND] The (this time actually) Complete And Utter History of Britain (Monty Python precursor)

It's almost strange that no-one mentioned this yet, but...
The Complete And Utter History of Britain - a show from 1967 by Michael Palin and Terry Jones just before they went on to Monty Python - has appeared online on a few streaming sites (britbox, itvx, amazon prime (#5)).
Until now, only episodes 1 & 2 were known. A DVD&BR set had been released by Network a few years ago, that seemed the final word. Two surviving episodes and filmed inserts and that was it.
But then, just like that, all of it was there online. Almost makes you want to say, "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition".
Most vintage UK TV experts were taken completely by surprise. Apparently, it was found at ITV during re-cataloguing and checking the inventory.
The series toyed with the concept of reporting history in the way we report stuff today, not unlike the BBC's Horrible histories would do much later.
Move over, "History of the World: Part II". :p
submitted by SirSpinyNorman to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2023.07.04 01:18 Phouza Song of the Week #527: We Made You

Welcome everybody to the very first SotW of July! For this week's track, we go all the way back to 2009 when Em's sixth studio album was released, ending his five-year hiatus. 'We Made You' was the ninth track featured on 'Relapse'. Prior to the album's release, 'We Made You' was also released as a single.
The song is one of the few tracks from the album that got a music video. The video for 'We Made You' was directed by Joseph Kahn, who also shot 'Without Me' from The Eminem Show in the same vein as past videos under the Slim Shady persona, and the first of its kind since Encore's 'Ass Like That'. The video was filmed in Las Vegas and features star appearances, a few of which being Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Denaun Porter, Bobby Lee, The Palms hotel owner George Maloof, Melissa Peterman, Vanilla Ice, Trisha Paytas and pornographic actress Lisa Ann as Sarah Palin.
The video parodies TV shows Rock of Love and Star Trek (with the Starfleet insignia replaced with an inverted 2nd Infantry Division), as well as the video game Guitar Hero with Eminem against an imitation version background of the notes. It also features a homage to Rain Man, which was shot at The Palms, a film Eminem has previously referenced in his lyrics.
The video was also a dual promotion of Larry Flynt's porn parody of Who's Nailin' Paylin? satirizing Sarah Palin's governorship of Alaska. Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is also paid homage to. On April 3, 2009, Eminem talked about the music video in an MTV News interview, stating that there is some "Celebrity bashing in it," which was often a feature of his album's lead singles. Celebrities mocked include Bret Michaels, Kevin Federline, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson, Amy Winehouse and her then-husband Blake Fielder-Civil, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Jessica Alba, Elvis Presley and a few others. Eminem even spoofed himself, wearing an ALF T-shirt and holding a cake, referencing a commonly circulated pre-fame photo of him in his youth.
'We Made You' received generally mixed reviews from music critics, and became a success selling 167,000 downloads in its first week, peaking in the Top 10 in fourteen countries and at number nine on the Billboard Hot 100. Just like 'Shake That', the single is known for being a departure from the serious tone of released singles from his previous albums such as 'Cleanin' Out My Closet', 'The Way I Am' and 'Like Toy Soldiers', instead having a more positive and laughing gag tone.
The music video won the award at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards for Best Hip-Hop Video and was nominated for Best Male Video, as well as Video of the Year. The video also ranked at #81 on BET's 'Notarized: Top 100 Videos of 2009' countdown.
Every week there will be a new song that gets featured at the top of the subreddit. Users can leave a comment and the song that gets the most votes might be the new Song of the Week. Suggestions for improving the next post are encouraged.
This week's Nominator: bapiyst
The Song: We Made You - iTunes
In-App link(s): spotify:track:4tUTnCBft9qif7mlm51zFK
Featuring Artist(s): None
Length: 4:29
Recorded: 2007 - 2009
Release: May 15, 2009 (Album), April 7, 2009 (Single)
Album(s): Relapse - iTunes, Relapse: Refill - iTunes
In-App link(s): spotify:album:04r9yvH25PwePggAYZQYq8, spotify:album:6fwBNnSZc84IyW1mE8ZLsA
Sample(s): Walter Egan - Hot Summer Nights, Eminem - Just Lose It
Media: Album: Cover / Alternative - Back / Alternative Single: Cover
Label(s): Shady Records, Aftermath, Interscope
Format: Digital, Disc, Vinyl
Producer(s): Dr. Dre, Eminem, Doc Ish
Extra: Lyrics Video: Official Music Video - Lyric Video - BTS of the Official Music Video Full header image
Live Performances: Jimmy Kimmel 2009, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 2009, Relapse release concert 2009
This is an open thread for you to share your thoughts on the current SotW or to nominate a new song. Avoid vague statements of praise or criticism. This is your chance to practice being a critic.
submitted by Phouza to Eminem [link] [comments]

2023.05.03 14:59 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Rotten Meatball by Julia Claire & Crooked Media (05/02/23)

"It's just like all the trans stuff. It's just like that Bud Light stuff that's going on..." - Disgraced former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) on Newsmax talking about the ISSUES with her signature precision and acuity


Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has still not officially announced his 2024 presidential campaign, but that hasn’t stopped him from humiliating himself before he can hit the trail.
We’ve seen unexpected come-from behind primary wins before, but DeSantis will have to answer for the chaos he has sown in his own state first.
Ron DeSantis likely (and blessedly) will not get to the White House, but the damage he has done in Florida will take decades to unravel, and there will be more little authoritarian Republican governors who spring up in his image. (Maybe even some tall ones, too!) It is important to understand that the rising tide GOP fascism did not begin and will not end with DeSantis and Trump, and we will have to continue fighting against them at every turn.

Under The Radar

The board of directors for the Writers Guild of America voted unanimously to strike last night after studios refused to budge on the most basic terms of union negotiations. The WGA released data last month showing that about half of all TV-series writers were paid the basic minimum rate, regardless of experience, and median pay has declined 23 percent when adjusted for inflation in the past decade, all while studio executives are making money hand over fist. The landscape of television has changed irrevocably since the last writers strike in 2007. Studios have maintained profits thanks to huge deals with streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu, while writers have received pennies on the dollar in residuals, a far cry from what they could earn decades ago in syndication or through DVD sales.
Negotiations between the WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which bargains on behalf of the studios, came to a halt when the AMPTP not only rejected almost all of the WGA proposals, but refused to provide counter-offers. Now the studios are crying poor, despite their aforementioned profits and CEO compensation ranging from $30-300 million per year. The WGA said in a statement that the current structure imposed by studios has “created a gig economy inside a union workforce.” Many of the guild’s almost 12,000 writers can barely afford rent. A writer for FX's hit show The Bear went to the Writers Guild of America Awards, where he won for Best Comedy Series, while he had a negative bank balance. The WGA also asked for clear-cut A.I. regulations, and assurances that it will not be used to write or rewrite literary material, a request the AMPTP also rejected and refused to counter. Television would not exist without writers, and the WGA is simply asking for a tiny fraction of the industry’s huge profits to be shared with the people who help make its products profitable.

What Else?

House Democrats have initiated a procedural maneuver to force a vote on a clean debt-limit increase because Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a clown taking our national economy to the edge of default.
The White House is weighing whether or not to invoke the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which states that the “validity of the public debt of the United States…shall not be questioned,” to avert defaulting.
On Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that could overturn 40 years of precedent that has allowed the executive branch of the federal government to interpret ambiguous statutes when issuing regulations. Anything to let industry destroy the environment, the economy, access to health care…
A Montana judge ruled that state-Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D-MT) cannot return to the House floor after being barred from the chamber for discussion and debate by her ghoulish Republican colleagues in response to her criticism of anti-trans legislation.
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) announced he will not seek re-election in 2024, leaving a rare opening for new Democratic blood in the upper chamber.
Russia released another concentrated missile attack in Ukraine on Monday, damaging buildings, killing two people, and wounding 40 in the eastern city of Pavlohrad.
Joe Tacopina, who’s leading disgraced former president Donald Trump’s defense against rape allegations, has seemingly bungled his own cross-examination in the case brought by writer E. Jean Carroll.
After turning a blind eye to its presence in their ranks for many years, Germany is taking on Russian espionage in the country head-on as Russian assets continue to hack channels of German politicians and Parliament.
The White House announced it will send 1,500 troops to the United States-Mexico border ahead of an expected surge in migrants following the end of COVID-era restrictions.
A new report from the Brennan Center for Justice predicts that there will be a significant turnover in local election officials before the 2024 elections, up to 20 percent of all election workers. Thirty percent of election workers have reported being personally harassed, abused, or threatened since 2020. Hmmm…I wonder who caused that?

You Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me

The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Tuesday debating renewed calls for increased ethics standards for the Supreme Court amid discovery of buckets of money flowing into individual Justices in the form of undisclosed gifts and the like. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who chairs the committee, addressed Chief Justice John Roberts’ refusal to testify for the committee, saying that the move “raises more questions than it resolves,” and shows that the justices on the highest court in the land do not feel “bound” by any authority to address ethical transgressions. The debate fell as expected along party lines, with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) accusing the “Democratic Left” of attempting to “destroy the legitimacy of the Roberts court.” Lindsey, I speak for all of us on the Democratic Left when I say we could never destroy the legitimacy of the Roberts court better than the Roberts court is doing themselves. Graham said he does not believe that Congress should take over the Court’s ability to self-police, which is obviously going great for everyone, nor does he support legislative proposals that would require a SCOTUS code of conduct. Wow, would be pretty nice if all of the Democrats on the Judiciary were present at a time like this, right, Sen. Feinstein?

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Light At The End Of The Email

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) has joined a growing chorus of officials calling on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to resign.
A Florida woman threw a glass of wine at Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) at a wine festival. She was arrested but we think she’s innocent!


Sarah Lazarus on Twitter: "sick of apologizing to nurses for having tiny veins. someone should invent a machine that can run a lot of tests from a single drop of blood"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2023.04.22 04:16 SrMakoto Filme de Abril em discussão - Monty Python e o Cálice Sagrado (1975) - O que acharam do filme?

Neste mês de abril foi escolhido Monty Python e o Cálice Sagrado (1975) e segundo o wikipedia, é um filme de comédia britânico de 1975 escrito e realizado por Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones e Michael Palin, sendo dirigido por Gilliam e Jones.
Disponível para assistir no streaming: Netflix
O Rei Artur sai à procura de cavaleiros que o acompanhem em uma jornada histórica: a busca do Santo Graal. Aparecem então Sir Lancelot, o Bravo; Sir Robin, o Não-Tão-Bravo-Quanto-Sir-Lancelot; Sir Galahad, o Puro, entre outros personagens surreais

Filmes assistidos e dicutidos
submitted by SrMakoto to filmeseseries [link] [comments]

2023.03.01 04:12 akairborne This is not a still from "Nailin' Palin", she's spreading to Florida.

This is not a still from submitted by akairborne to alaska [link] [comments]

2023.01.23 04:54 DirtyRoller LFG!

LFG! submitted by DirtyRoller to NFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2022.11.16 20:42 pm_me_reason_to_livx Rewatch sessions #49: Chewing Gum (E4) — a brazenly hilarious British sitcom.

Rewatch sessions #49:
Chewing Gum is a British sitcom created and written by Michaela Coel, who also stars in the leading role as Tracey, a character best described as awkwardly and energetically eccentric. The series is pretty much that as well, because this main character is very much the heartbeat of the entire thing here, and most importantly, the main source of its batshit crazy, intentionally cringe humor.
Tracey obviously had a strict religious upbringing, and that has left her being a socially awkward virgin at 24, and her main motivation throughout the series is to find a way (and a 'how') not to be. She has a small group of side characters around her, for instance her boyfriend of six year Ronald, her bestfriend Candice, her sister Cynthia, who in her own way is just as awkward and naïve as she is, and the woman who is probably the sole cause of the sisters adulthood challenges, their conservatively religious mother, Joy. But Chewing Gum is not here to point fingers or make blame, but instead make laughter out of their unusual situation, and it does so with brazen execution.
With cold sores, incest, used dildos, semen floating in pool and all that, Chewing Gum can be shamelessly bold at times, grotesque even, and this is quite effective because of how occasionally it comes by, and the fact that it doesn't seem like that kind of show on the cover. On top of that, there's an abundance of both verbal and psychical humor, the latter of which Michael Coel has quite the knack for, as she's not afraid to go out there and completely embarrass herself.
I've realized for a while now that I tend to get a lot less laughs out of comedies the second time around, especially so if it was a memorable one, probably because I already know the joke is coming. After rewatching, I must also say Chewing Gum falls victim to this, as jokes that had me laughing my ass off on the first watch now only gets a giggle out of me. But it's for no fault of its own, the series has aged quite well if you're looking for a wild sitcom in a realistically low class setting... but it probably will always be best when you watch it the first time. Besides that, I know this sitcom isn't overconcerned with plot, but I still and will always think that breaking up the show's one admirable couple at the end there was a mistake. Otherwise, Chewing Gum is fun series.
rating: series 1: 7.8 out of 10 series 2: 7.7 out of 10 
Rewatch sessions:
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2022.10.29 19:58 pm_me_reason_to_livx I rewatched a lil' forgotten Amazon Prime show that was cancelled too soon, Z: The Beginning of Everything.

Rewatch sessions #48:
During the early years of Amazon Prime Video's original programming, a few shows came and went after one or 2 seasons. They seem to have had a weird relationship with female-oriented period-dramas too, as 2 of those shows, both released around the same time and both being cut off before they could reach full potential, were the wonderful Good Girls Revolt and the one we'll be talking about in this post, Z: The Beginning of Everything.
Based on Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler, this period-drama centers the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda, as it takes a deep dive into her life with the now famous writer in the early 1920s. The series starts a bit lackluster, as the earlier episode depicts her upbringing and days in Montgomery during her first encounters with Scott. I can't say the chemistry is sparking between the actors to be honest. Christina Ricci, who was around 36 at the time plays the 20 year old Zelda, which I didn't have an issue with on first viewing, but now can understand that some viewers will find it a bit absurd. But rest assured that this is a series that gets better with each episode, as Zelda finds herself in a imperfect marriage with an asshole who disappoints her at every turn, making the viewers wonder, "how much more of this will she take before she acts out over it?"
Through the woes of Zelda and with magnificent production, Z: The Beginning of Everything gives a faithful portrayal of the roaring 20s. Zelda's reaction to being neglected and lied to constantly by her husband is restrained in a bid to show how obedient women were required to be in the time period. But it doesn't just stop at the patriarchy, there are parties, jazz and swing music, fashion, even a glimpse of early Hollywood as the series tries to explore all ends of the lifestyles of rich white people in the 1920s. In that regard it can be interpreted as tone deaf though, I don't know if it's because they're white or because it's the 1920s, but from one episode to the next Scott and Zelda goes from being broke to moving into a beach house. Was this the 'great America' people long for?
The series' main flaw is that it doesn't feel complete. It takes a while to find its groove, but with the episodes being only 30-minutes it feels like no time. Zelda and Scott's romance doesn't feel epic, but in a way that was the point here. The early cancellation of this series is what makes it feels so redundant by the time you finish watching. It was just getting started.
rating: 7.7 out of 10 
Rewatch sessions:
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2022.10.25 20:52 pm_me_reason_to_livx Rewatch sessions #47: Quarry (Cinemax) — a dark crime thriller with a couple innovative action sequences.

Rewatch sessions #47:
Premiering September 9th 2016, just over 3 months after the erotic and action packed thriller Banshee aired it final episode on the same network, Quarry was a series I appreciated by felt a bit disappointed by back then solely because it was nothing like its predecessor. Cinemax had made it clear in the marketing that this series was from the same producers as Banshee, in fact, that felt like their entire marketing strategy at the time, so it's not surprising that some Banshee enthusiasts would be disappointed by a series that was so different, as Quarry is set in the early 1970s, with a lot less sex, a lot less over-the-top action sequences, and a much more despondent tone. After rewatching, I am even more appreciative of Quarry for multiple reasons, but even without my expectations being clouded here on second viewing, the show isn't perfect, and on top of my praises, I do have some criticisms.
Quarry kicks off with our main character Mac Conway and his comrade Arthur returning from a second tour in Vietnam, and having to flee from an angry mob at the airport protesting the dubbed 'Quan Thang' incident, which is obviously based on the real-life Son Thang massacre. After settling with his wife a bit, Mac is approached by a mysterious man, who offers him large amounts of money to be a hitman. After refusing, Mac later finds out that Arthur had gotten the same offer and accepted. After following Arthur to a do a 'job' one night which resulted in unforeseen circumstances, what follows are multiple separate but loosely connected stories of revenge, racism, infidelity, a murder investigation, capitalism, and the woes of one man in the center of it all.
Being mostly set in a rural town in the early 1970s, Quarry looks pretty much how'd you expect it to; small bars, blues and jazz music, sweaty men with mustaches wearing bell-bottomed pants, and a lot of fucking racism, the realistic aspect in its realistic approach to the 70s (I appreciate them for not glossing over it because a lot of period-dramas has). It is all presented over pale and dull visuals though, the first sigh of the series' low budget. It can be quite a damning flaw considering the series demand so much of the viewers attention as well. It's a slow-burner, filled with one boring conversation after another, and the saving grace? The action sequences that pops up ever now and then, which ends up being the best thing about watching this series, often brutal and gnarly, sometimes innovative. Directed by Greg Yaitanes, Quarry has 2 of the most innovative action sequences I've ever seen. One a car chase sequence shot entirely from the passengers side, and a long tracking shot showing the horrors of the Quan Thang incident mentioned often in the series. Being the low-budget series that it is, it's even more impressive because the series always feels like its working with what it has.
The story is laid out well, characters are for the most part fleshed out, but Quarry's biggest flaw might in fact be its solemnness. It's a premium cable show from the 2010s, so in true fashion, it's a dark and depressing series about dark and depressed people. Unlike the best shows of its kind, Quarry seems to be missing that element to make it a memorable affair. No, those action sequences I just mentioned aren't enough, and the main character isn't enough either who I'll admit is only mildly interesting. As the years past, I believe this one is going to be a difficult watch for younger audiences too, as it requires large amounts of attention they might not have, and it isn't like there's some kind of grand or greatly satisfying payoff at the end of it either.
rating: 7.7 out of 10 
Rewatch sessions:
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2022.10.04 20:14 pm_me_reason_to_livx [Rewatch] Does anyone here remember the Netflix Italian teen-drama from 2018 titled "Baby"?

Rewatch sessions #46:
Now I don't recall finishing the first season of Baby the first time I watched it back in 2018. I was probably fiending for more shows similar to Elite at the time, and with its posh high school setting, this came pretty close, but I found it to be very underwhelming back then. Now, after giving the series a second shot, even going as far to complete 2 seasons, I am still of the same opinion. This series is one of Netflix' biggest misses in my eyes.
Baby is a teen-drama centered around 2 high school girls who begins a secret life in a world where rich and important men eagerly pays for sex with girls ideally their ages. Well, at least that's what the series is suppose to be about, it most definitely takes a while to get there, as the first episode wanders aimlessly not giving the viewers much to attach to. The series is loosely based on the the "Baby Squillo" scandal, the discovery of an underage prostitution ring in Rome circa 2014. But "loosely" here is more like 'barely'. The series is so wrapped in petty romances, juvenile melodrama, that the most interesting aspect of the series feels like a subplot.
The entire presentation of the series is a major flaw itself. There's just something so bland and cheap-looking about the visuals, the color-grading is pale and the sets struggles to give viewers the impression of high society. The dialogue is so cheesy and on-the-nose, and the writing and directing, especially in those earlier episodes, feels like such an afterthought they create unnecessary room for some embarrassingly nonsensical moments. And as I mention those earlier episodes, which I don't think I can criticize enough, it's strange how they just jump from scene to scene with each new scene feeling like there was a scene from before that we missed. Because sometimes relevant events aren't played out, they are just... mentioned.
It's baffling to me how a series created by 5 different fucking people could fall so flat! Or maybe that's the issue here? Maybe none were really that passionate about this project. If they were, it certainly didn't show on screen. I do get what the series was aiming for, the idea was to emphasize that the main characters were just children doing something they shouldn't be doing, it also attempted to highlight the oblivion of the parents and the selfishness of their rich clients, thus probably the reason why it was a teen-drama first, but unfortunately it wasn't too good at being that either. A lot of scenes were executed clumsily, the characters only had the impression of depth but were overall pretty shallow, and at no point in time it felt like this series was trying to say something. Benedetta Porcaroli and Alice Pagani are beautiful model/actresses and admittedly are the main reasons I decided to give this series another try, but without even complimenting their acting skills, that's pretty much the only good thing I have to say about this series.
rating: stagione 1: 5.3 out of 10 stagione 2: 5.7 out of 10 
Rewatch sessions:
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