Quotes about friends flirting with an ex

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2018.01.25 20:50 empress_of_pinkskull Religious Fruitcake

religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organized religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. (subreddit twitter handle: @rreligiousfrui1)

2012.10.30 03:46 FarSizzle Make New Friends Here

This subreddit is for those who are looking to make some new friends on Reddit.

2024.05.19 22:31 the_snake_waifu My relationship with a long time friend of an ex is getting more complicated.

I (28f) am seeing a longtime friend (28m) of an ex (27m). I'm unsure if we're doing anything wrong or if it's all just too complicated.
I (28f) started talking to an old mutual friend (28m), let's call him Scott, of an ex (27m), let's call him Logan, from high school/early undergraduate. I broke up with Logan after about 2 and a half years of dating. The breakup was not mutual and he had asked me to marry him a few weeks prior. I ended up calling things off because he was becoming physically abusive and controlling and we were moving too fast for our ages. The relationship was toxic and I know I didn't help to alleviate any issues we had. We would get into spats often and I had horrible anger management back then. He isolated me from my friend groups and even his own at a point. His parents bought us a house in a larger city. I say "us" but it was always meant for him. It was one of those "we were already looking for a house for him but since you're dating, you can both live there and start a family," type of things. Long story short, it was a lot of developing and conflicting things happening in the span of our relationship. This was about 9 years ago. I started dating someone else about a year later but that didn't last for similar reasons, and he was a lot older. Logan had found out about that and harassed me for the entirety of that relationship, not knowing it was just as bad as my relationship with him. Cops wouldn't listen when I wanted to file a report and didn't even want to look at the evidence I had, text, phone record and emails. It was just all around bad.
Now, I'm finishing up my post baccalaureate and I started chatting and going on dates with Scott for about a month. Scott was friends with another guy I dated for an incredibly short time in high school before Logan and was part of Logan's friend circle. Scott and Logan have been passive friends for years and are still in some amount of contact. Scott had no idea about Logan's treatment of me as he went to college in another city before coming back to town and nobody told him. I doubt many of his friend group were even aware, which I don't blame them. So, its just that extra layer of removal from the situation. We talked about their closeness on our first date and he assured me that they were never that close. He even informed me of him hearing about something similar happening with someone Logan dated recently. So, he wasn't all that surprised, but he doesn't know the full extent either, just bits.
Where I'm concerned if there's a line being crossed is that Scott is pretty close to Logan's best friend (m28), let's call him Bobby. Bobby and Scott still talk and even hangout when they can, but Bobby is still very close to Logan and always had been, even when Logan is in a totally different city. Scott and I have been taking things slow, but we are both realizing this may end up as a long-term relationship but we're still feeling things out. Scott knows he's going to have to sit Bobby and other friends, from the old group that he still talks to, down and tell them that we're dating, when things become official. It's still too soon to do that, but we felt it best to discuss the possibility of him having to do that. I've told Scott that I don't want to come between him and his friends. He's made it clear that he doesn't care but I don't want him to be isolated from his friends like I had been.
I really like Scott. He seems to really like me too. Things are still new and fresh so they could sour but we both hope that doesn't happen. We are doing our best to communicate with each other and share our needs. We plan on continuing to see each other and even more during the summer, we're both educators, and know if that goes well, then the talk will have to happen. But, are we crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed?
I didn't get many answers when i posted on rrelationshipadvice. However, Scott is starting to have doubts about the relationship. We've been spending more time together and even started little traditions. Nothing big but just starting series together and trying new restaurants together. He told me that during the quiet and slow times when he can start acknowledging or seeing us as a couple that he can't help but think about his relationships with Bobby and his other friends. He mentioned that he has gone on vacations and trips with Bobby and Bobby's friends and often those vacations include Logan because they're so close. They're planning to take a trip next month and Logan will more than likely be joining them. I told him that I wouldn't go with him because of Logan and I wouldn't stop him from going. I also told him that he can't unknow what he's knows about Logan. He agreed that he doesn't know how he'll feel when he sees Logan again but he knows if Logan finds out that we're dating he will cut off all ties with him and Bobby will follow him, Logan. He said it may cause a kind of divide between the friend group over his relationship with me. I reiterated that I don't want to come between him and his friends. He asked if I would be hurt if he ended up ending our relationship and I was honest with him. I told him that I would be hurt but that shouldn't make him want to stay with me. He needs to decide that for himself. I told him he needs to think it over and really decide for himself where he wants to take this. It's only been 2 months so it wouldn't be a huge deal, in a time sense. I just really like him but now I'm starting to have doubts with how much of his life is reliant on these guys. It could just be because it's me but I don't know that for sure.
We met up this past week and had a talk. He was ready to end things but he seemed to not want to say it. When I asked why, he said it was indeed because of his relationship with Logan. He made it seem like it wasn't a super close relationship at first but now it's sounding like it was close enough for him to feel some amount of guilt. I told him I was more hurt that he was choosing to continue a friendship with someone who actively hurts women, as I'm not the only one Logan has hurt, but the other woman didn't seem as hurt, if that makes sense. I also told him I didn't blame him because they were friends longer than we were seeing each other and that I know everything is complicated. We kept talking and he started voicing more that he wants me in the picture and hopes I can win his friends over. He asked if I could ever make amends with Logan and I said "no." I explained why, which was a lot of what the reasons why we broke up in the first place, but I wasn't explicit with what exactly happened. I didn't want to share because a part of me felt like it was still not the place to do so. He asked me if I could wait until he gets back from his trip and sees if 1) Logan shows any remorse, 2) See Logan period, and 3) See if Bobby would be adult enough to see why he wants to date me. He wants me to be his girlfriend but has said he needs a break until he can do all of those things.
Any advice?
submitted by the_snake_waifu to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:28 w1theredheart finally wanting a relationship tainted my self love

I (20f) started feeling truly ready for a relationship a few months ago and it ruined my self love.
Adding some context here first: Ive always been a lover girl. I dont seem like it, since Ive never had someone to love like that, but at heart i am a true hopeless romantic. This will seem contradictory in my next paragraph but I have just never been comfortable with or trusted someone enough to let my guard down.
Growing up I was always the friend who cared the least about relationships and boys. If a guy happened to take a liking to me and give me attention, Id reciprocate but always ended things before anything would happen or if I thought it was going to progress to a point they wanted a relationship (never kissed a guy or anything just flirting and light touches). I definitely developed an attachment for 2 of them (Ive talked to 5 guys romantically) but only truly liked the most recent one who I ended things with due to him being more and more immature. I wouldnt say I had a ‘connection’ with any of them. Based off some of those guys actions and what mutual friends have said, they only wanted to fuck me anyway.
I struggled a lot with my mental health over the course of my life, which isnt the point here but at the end of last year I got to a point where I started to feel healed. In the beginning of this year I ended therapy and was truly happy for the first time in my life. I started working on trivial things to benefit myself (talking to more strangers, going more places by myself, picking up more hobbies etc) and eventually felt like I could truly be in a relationship for the first time (This wasnt the goal, but a nice benefit). Over the months this progressed, and being in a relationship started to feel like this thing I was grasping for but not receiving. It got out of control for sure, and I started to think of how other people perceived me all the time. Insecure thoughts started creeping in, and while I rolled my eyes at them at first and would tell myself “dont be an idiot, stay rational”, I indeed was an idiot and started to think too much about my own looks. Then there was one day where I looked at myself and immediately thought “oh my god am I seriously that fucking ugly ????”. I have never thought that before, Im not an insecure person. Sure, Im insecure about some things, who isnt? but I never felt so hideous before. Needless to say I crashed and burned. So, I picked myself up, brought myself back into my head and tried to straighten myself out. It worked until it didnt and it was another month of these thoughts before I really had to admit to myself its a problem. Since then, Ive definitely gotten away from that mindset but the insecure thoughts still float around in the back of my head of me being unloveable or whatever (cringe i know, sorry).
Now, I just want to get back to where I was early this year, and forget about relationships, but i guess these things just dont go away. Im sure I have some unresolved issues somewhere im not even aware of. I dont know this seems so stupid and pathetic to me and honestly, I am usually a very objective and rational person so I dont know why this is bothering me so much. Im only 20, people have shown interest in me before, I know im not objectively ugly. Maybe because all my friends are now romantically involved with people or getting hit on all the time so I feel like im falling behind? Maybe Im just lonely? Idk those are my thoughts. Not really sure what else to add. Just needed to dump this all somewhere.
Sorry if the grammar is horrible and my capitalized letters are all fucked lol.
submitted by w1theredheart to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:25 Infamous_Tangelo_400 I [23F] slept with my sister’s ex

TL;DR I slept with my sister's ex, and I need help on deciding what I should do.
I want to preface this by saying I already feel like the world's biggest asshole, so please give criticism lightly.
I [23F] slept with my sister's[24F] ex[23M] last night.
They have been broken up for around 4 months after being together for around 5 months. They ended things pretty mutually but don't really talk to each other anymore.
I saw the ex at a bar last night, and we started chatting. It was not until he drove my friend and I back to my apartment that we started to flirt with each other. I was fairly intoxicated, and he was as well because he'd had a few drinks once he made it to my place. We ended up sleeping together.
I feel terrible about it. I literally feel like the worst person ever. I genuinely do not know what to do. Do I tell my sister? Do I pretend it never happened? I really regret it so much, and the guilt is already eating at me.
I also want to say there is nuance to this situation. It doesn't justify what I did, but because of the history between my sister and I, I'm afraid of the situation making things worse. My past two boyfriends have both cheated on me with my sister, and it ruined the once close relationship we had. I promised myself I would never stoop to her level, but I have compromised my values and did. I hate myself for it.
What should I do? Any and all help will be appreciated.
submitted by Infamous_Tangelo_400 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:22 1_Fish___2_Fish Thoughts on side stories and how they impacted Polin?

Hello Polin family!! This sub has kept me sane while awaiting this much-anticipated season. I feel I'm finally recovering from my Part 1 watch (and rewatch).
Overall, I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes. Pen and Colin both looked so INCREDIBLE and had phenomenal chemistry!! I feel I got a lot of what I was hoping for in terms of their interactions. I actually quite liked how its clear they're both still figuring out who they are -- Colin coming in as this suave, sexy, rakish man who flirts with debutantes without a care and goes to brothels because that's what he thinks he's supposed to do (that THAT'S his purpose) and Pen making changes to her appearance and demeanor so that she can get married for the sake of getting married (because its "time" and there's "nothing" for her to wait for). I feel like there was a nice mix of overt flirting, sweetness, and awkwardness that I think characterizes their relationship. And my oh my, for me, the intimate scenes were PERFECT. The first kiss was sweet and tender and Pen's quiet "thank you" juxtaposed with Colin's realization that there's something here was so so so well done. The dream sequence was lovely. And the carriage scene...don't get me started. I think Colin's declaration, Pen's admission that she would "very much like to be more than friends" and everything that followed was so hot. You could feel the desire through the screen. All of this has been extensively discussed elsewhere so I will move on to something about the season that has been bothering me.
Even though I enjoyed a lot of the Polin scenes that we got, I feel there were a few scenes "missing" that made their getting together feel a little "rushed" (as some others have pointed out). I'm glad they didn't waste time setting up their relationship -- they've already done this Seasons 1 and 2. So getting straight into Pen being mad at Colin for his words last season was great. But even after that, if you think about it, there was so much for them to cover. They had to get Colin to apologize (check), then the lessons (check), then scenes of Pen applying the lessons and failing first before gradually succeeding (check), then Colin realizing his feelings, then Pebling, then Colin being jealous, then Colin working up the courage to talk to her, and then them getting together. I feel we deserved another 4-5 scenes across the latter half of this list -- I would have loved to see a scene or two of Colin trying to approach Pen but Pen "picking" Debling over him (e.g. asking her to dance but Debling already had) or a scene where he's talking to his brothers/Violet/Danbury and something they say makes him realize he'll lose her forever if he doesn't act soon ("Colin, wake up. After marriage, you will be Mr. Bridgerton to her and she will be Lady Debling to you.").
All this leads to my major annoyance with the season thus far. Although I don't mind the sub-plots, I think there are too many of them. The Featherington sisters trying to get pregnant (this was hilarious and totally worth keeping), El and Cressida's new friendship, Cressida's redemption arc, Ben and Lady Tilley, Violet and Marcus Anderson, and most notably, Francesca's debut.
Although I liked her character, I think they spent WAY too much time on Francesca. This is NOT her season. She will have HER season. I don't get why we needed to have so many details about her personality and her desires and her suitors, etc. I think we should have gotten a scene or two showing her reserved nature and her debut, and then 1-2 scenes showing her connecting with John. We really didn't need to see ALL her suitors and we didn't need to see HER trying to juggle two suitors (like what was the point of Samadani). I feel like because she had SO many scenes, Violet and Danbury were both preoccupied with her. This REALLLLLLYYY bugged me because in Seasons 1 and 2, Violet and Danbury were SOOOO invested in the season's main ship. But this season, they both seemed to be totally unaware of Pen or what Colin was feeling. I was REALLLLLY hoping to watch Danbury take notice of Pen and see what lies underneath before anyone else does and maybe a scene of her hitting Colin with her cane to remind him she thinks he's an idiot for not seeing what's right in front of him. The 2 scenes Colin had with Violet about Pen were SOOOO lovely that I really wish there were 1-2 more. Same with the Queen -- She was soo into Daphne/Simon and Kate/Anthony/Edwina but this season, it was like she wasn't paying any attention at all...Colin literally looked like he was gonna kiss Pen in the middle of the dance floor and he flat out interrupted Debling's dance with her (big no-no) and there was no reaction from Violet/Danbury/Queen. I found it so bizarre. I thought when Danbury said "this season, the Queen is looking for someone who sparkles and it doesn't have to be a new debutante," I really thought they were setting up to name Pen this season's Emerald. But then she became obsessed with Francesca and started her matchmaking and it really felt like there were two Bridgerton sibling's stories running at once.
LOL clearly I'm very salty about this haha. I liked Fran, truly. I just think all we needed to see was that she loved and married John, since her story is going to be with Michael anyways. We didn't need so much spotlight on her IMHO. But maybe I'm wrong. It's been bugging me and I'd love to hear what others feel (I think it might have been mentioned in other posts scattered around the sub, but figured I'd make a post specific for this here).
I'm SO excited for Part 2. I'm sure we'll get some more incredible love scenes, but I hope the focus stays on Polin.
submitted by 1_Fish___2_Fish to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:17 Tg11T 3 Trade Ideas for Zach Lavine

1st Trade Idea: Zach Lavine In Purple & Gold...going to Tinseltown...LA to the Lakers
New look Lakers post trade
New Big 3 in LA with Lavine, LeBron and AD and Reaves basically gets to move to point guard; Hachimura would get put into the starting lineup at the 3 spot at small forward; LeBron at power forward at the 4 and AD playing center at the 5 makes for an interesting Lakers team post trade
New look Bulls post trade
Vincent, Vanderbilt, Caruso, Lonzo and others would come off the bench...we still don't know if or when Lonzo will come back or if he'll be the same player given his injury hence why I would have D'Lo starting; Coby gets to play off ball as a shooting guard; Bulls off this trade stay somewhat competitive
2nd Trade Idea: Zach Lavine To San Antonio to the Spurs to pair up with Wemby
New look Spurs post trade
New look Bulls post trade
Spurs get Wemby a running mate in Zach Lavine; plus with this year's Draft too the Spurs get to surround Victor with shooters on top of what they already have; they become somewhat competitive post trade
Bulls become more competitive off that trade too by reuniting DeMar with his ex Spurs teammate in Keldon Johnson and Tre Jones and Zach Collins are basically bench depth; plus they get the Spurs 2025 pick which is a 1st Round pick all be it top 10 protected but it is a pretty good deal
3rd Trade Idea for Lavine: Zach Lavine goes to the Big Easy...Zach Lavine to the Pelicans to team up with Zion Williamson
New look Pelicans post trade
New look Bulls post trade
This trade is basically a win win for both teams if you really think about it. Bulls basically stay competitive by forming a new Big 3 of Vucevic, DeRozan and Ingram but also with Coby White emerging and having a breakout year, the Bulls go from play in into playoffs easy. Same with the Pelicans by moving on from Ingram and bringing in Lavine, you put him with his BFF Zion Williamson where they actually are best friends in real life, so it is perfect. Plus putting him with CJ too and you keep JV along with the core they already have in New Orleans they too also stay competitive in the West.
submitted by Tg11T to nbamocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 Confident-Anything81 AITAH for wanting my boyfriend to take me out on real dates and get me flowers

i’m (17) F and my boyfriend is (17) M and we’ve been dating for around 3 in a half months and have known each other for 4 years, we’ve only ever gotten close in the past 6 months, i have gotten out of a toxic relationship of a year and a half and he was my friend after that relationship so i did give myself time to heal before we actually started dating, he knows what my ex has done to me and what he didn’t do, so in my defense i thought he’d take it serious and treat me better but i was wrong, we’ve barely started having sex beginning april and ever since that’s all we’ve ever done when we’d hangout, he’d pick me up, get fast food, go to the parking lot and then have sex then he’d take me home. and at first i was completely okay with it because i got to spend time with him but it became an every week thing and ive grown tired of it. i’m still sexually attracted to him, ive just been wanting something more, he cheated on me when we first began dating and he promised me he’d change and i believed him and he didn’t, we’ve just gotten more sexual. last night i was thinking to myself this was exactly how my last relationship was and i completely shut down and cried until i fell asleep and i woke up and cried some more. i’ve told him about it and he completely ignored me and told me that i don’t love him for him and how im always asking him to change and that i see someone else whenever we are talking, i love this man so much id do anything to keep him around despite the fact he has cheated on me, i asked him if we could go to olive garden out of town and he told me he didn’t want to spend 50$ on a date with me and then an hour later bought a action figure worth 100$, for the record he makes 1k every two weeks and doesn’t pay bills only his car bill and that’s it. i’ve repeatedly told him i wanted to go on dates and spend some time out of town with him but he’d say i don’t want to be with him and i don’t love him. i told him i wanted this to work out bc i wanted him but he’s treating me like my ex did and all he said was “ig i understand” and that’s it.
submitted by Confident-Anything81 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 ObviousBed2163 The fact my Muslim family and Muslim friends only love "the fake me" is hurting and weighing more and more on my mind as closeted a gay and ex-Muslim atheist and Idk how to deal with those emotions. I feel stuck

For context I was born and raised in the continental West-Europe, 27M, ex-Muslim atheist since around 21-22 (though questioning for years before), gay, of Arab descent, all of my friends are Muslims with varying degrees of faith/practice, family's obviously Muslim, not financially dependent on family (live alone on social security)
I'll try to keep this short cause my life's complicated even beyond this issue for a variety of complex intertwined reasons. A medical/psychiatric/psycho-social/economic/cultural/academic mess. I'll focus on the issue of the title for this post to keep things simple.
Anyway, my friends and family say they love me and are there for me. My brain can't help but go "would they be there for me if they knew I was an atheist gay man? Ofc they wouldn't. They don't love the real me, they only love the fake version they see".
The solution seems easy, I don't depend on them, so I should just tell them to fuck off and live my life as my "authentic" self !
But I genuinely love them. I can't imagine a life where they hate me. On some level I'd rather them love the fake me than hate the real me.
I can't imagine a life where I never again get to hug my dear mother. I have tears in my eyes just writing this. It'd hurt me like nothing else. I'd rather be unhappy in her arms than unhappy alone. I can't just give up on her. I don't want her to live in pain because of what her religion has taught her to fear and hate about the real me. I can't expect her to understand. It's too late for that.
I'm afraid of being alone overnight. No social support network. Nothing. They're all my only connexion to the outside world really.
But at the same time, how long can I keep up this charade ? How long can I be expected to live in fear, shame, guilt, self-hate etc. ? How long will I be able to lie ? How long can I be a spectator in my own life living in fear of everyone else's judgment falling on me one day? How can I imagine a future in these conditions ?
I hate that these are the cards I've been dealt. I've never asked to be born yet here I am.
I feel so lonely and vulnerable rn.
Sometimes I'll be with friends or family and I get this inner urge to scream the Truth just to get it over with, but then I'm reminded of what might happen and I just cower in fear.
I wish I could be as brave as the public ex-Muslims all over the world and "live in my truth", but I can't. I'd lose everyone I love and hold dear.
I'm tired of this. I wish I could find my tribe , I wish we could find each other more easily instead of having to hide. At least I'd know I have people I could safe being myself around. That'd be a nice break from my reality. I don't think it'll ever happen.
All of this hurts so much.
Thanks for reading if you did.
Btw I'm sorry to ex-Muslims and LGBT folks in Muslim countries. I know my post must sound so privileged. I don't mean to diminish your struggles, at all.
submitted by ObviousBed2163 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 Haida_Gwaii 1998 Buicke LeSabre Custom 3800 Series II V6 - New Fuel Tank, Pump, Filter, Hoses: Leaked after install, took back to shop, now leaking after top-up of gas

1998 Buicke LeSabre Custom 3800 Series II V6 - New Fuel Tank, Pump, Filter, Hoses: Leaked after install, took back to shop, now leaking after top-up of gas
My husband's elderly friend had a 1998 Buick LeSabre Custom that was his wife's car. His wife passed away, and the car sat for four years until it was driven for about a year by a girlfriend. It had not moved since approx. 2010 (the years the tabs expired), and was covered in tarp after tarp. 42,000 miles. It was a gift for free, but so far we've put ~$8,000 into it (including tires, tint, etc.), and it still has problems.
still looks sharp.
We took it to elderly friend's longtime mechanic shop, despite it being ~20 miles away from us. We had the car towed there, and they initially said $2,700 to get it running. Over the course of 3-4 weeks, the bill ballooned to $5,200. One thing that was not included in the initial quote which seemed like an obvious need was a new fuel tank, as it was not emptied prior to being stored.
under the hood
The work related to the fuel tank completed by 04/23/24:
  • GM Genuine parts electric fuel pump - $16.58
  • Fuel tank (new) - $341.54
  • Delphi fuel tank sender assembly - $299.62
  • Fuel tank - $404.93 (even though this is listed under parts, I'm assuming it's the labor)
Within a week or so, we filled up the gas tank (it was around a half tank). Smelled fuel in and around the car. We took it back to the same shop, and they said there was fuel all over the top of the tank, and that we need new hoses. Initially they quoted $700, but dropped it to $330 without us asking (we were ready for a fight - if it needed new hoses, why wasn't that changed along with the new tank, etc.)
Fuel smell seems to have subsided. Saturday, took a longer trip and filled up when the tank was about half full. As soon as it reached the "click" and the pump stopped automatically, I hear a sound and see gas pouring out from under the car, from four different spots (see photos). We are going to drop off the car again, as this situation is dangerous and untenable. But I'm afraid they are going to ask for more money. Could it be the connections?
***** What else would cause a new tank to leak? *****
Shouldn't this problem be covered by the work already completed? Or will I get a new bill?
Any more questions or pictures, please ask.
Thanks in advance for any assistance. I have the 3-volume service manuals, and I see that replacing the fuel tank is a delicate operation. We feel like maybe the hoses were damaged by the mechanics. They said they tested everything and it was fine. So why would they have failed ("disintegrated") within a week?
immediately after filling
submitted by Haida_Gwaii to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:09 Dead4Mann [Re-Intro] Max Macallister - All the Chickens I've met like Bach

General Info:

Favorite Things:


Faceclaim Height Weight Body Type Eyes
FC 6’ 1” 174 lbs Lean and muscled, Max developed himself through hunting and routine training at camp along with a few dozen near death experiences. Stormy grey, look almost pitch black under darker light.

Powers (Modmailed):

Domain Powers
Power Description
Greater Lordship: Birds, Wind and Storm Spirits Ever since he was young, Max lived in the woods with his Aunt and had no friends whatsoever. He was nearly completely isolated. That being said, his nature as a son of the king of the sky has given him the ability to speak to and control birds and wind or storm spirits. He's still trying to work on his authority with this power though wind spirits and birds do what he wants most of the time.
Wind/Air Manipulation Having used this ability to accidentally destroy a cabin at camp and maybe cripple a boy, Max doesn't underestimate this ability and has been trying to practice controlling it.
Travel of the Elder Gods Having the ability to travel distances with a lightning strike, Max is in the process of training with this power in hopes of using it to visit his aunt one day. His control has improved in spades since he first discovered it, however.
Minor Powers
Power Description
Electrical Resistance Despite Max never needing it so far in his life, he is resistant to electricity to a certain degree.
Electricity Manipulation The ability to call down two lightning bolts per day, Max has gotten more used to this ability since its discovery.
Double Jump Max has always felt more mobile when using his air manipulation though he never knew it was a separate ability.
Major Power
Power Description
Bird's Eye View Shortly after Max was forced to leave for camp, he discovered his ability to see through the eyes of birds. He can do this with any bird and has gained a few different birds he can do this with during his past year at camp. While he is using this ability, he is immobilized. Being a vital part of his arsenal, Max is much better at using it in battle though his mastery still has room to improve.


Item Description
Featherweight A bow made for Max by Barry Callahan. The bow is a simple thing, carved of birch wood. The white and grey bark looks like a rolling storm as it cascades down the wood. The bowstring is reinforced by two celestial bronze gears, made to help the archer pull the bow back and sustain that draw for longer. There are bronze carvings on the gears, the eagles being a nice touch on the metal for a simple design. A sight unfolds from the middle of the bow, folding down into place. The crosshairs in the sight are lightning bolts, meeting at a point, but the circumference of the sight is decorated like a weathervane.
Fraterculus A celestial bronze xiphos that used to belong to Matt, before he gave it to Max for his first quest.
Tactical Spear A celestial bronze tactical spear that originally belonged to his mom as a present from Zeus. It can change form into a pocket watch.
Custom Arrows His collection of ammunition for his bow, including celestial bronze tipped arrows, some broadheads he found in the camp armory, and some trick arrows, including flash-bang arrows and net arrows.
Bead Necklace 2037 As a symbol of his past year at camp, Max was given a bead thanks to it being the end of the year. Beads so far:
Banging Beats Player A stylized iPod Nano that when used to play music, lets out a high pitch screech that stuns those in hearing range. (1 combat turn stun at 5 meters, Loss of hearing at 10 meters, and Buzzing noise at 20 meters)
Amazon Catalogue The Amazon Catalogue is a small digital tablet that can access the Amazon family of products (Prime, Kindle, etc.) and the store with free shipping, without triggering a monster's scent, and without need for a constant internet connection. The tablet still requires charge (Type-C). It is as sturdy as a standard Amazon Kindle. An occasional connection to an Internet or Ethernet source is required to ensure system interfacing (at least once a week). Although subscription fees are waived through the host account on this device, the user is still required for any additional costs.
Companion Egg A large, glowing silvery egg. It is said to be able to hatch into a new companion for Max. It is unclear what kind of companion the egg will produce, but Max has been taking care to keep it safe and warm.


Name Relationship
Simon A gyrfalcon that saved Max from the monster that destroyed his home. Simon was uncannily intelligent when it comes to bird standards. After finding a piece of a map that pointed to the Camp, Simon helped him make it there without dying. The three month journey strengthened their bond tenfold.
Mathew Knight A son of Hades, Matt is Max's cousin and adopted (not legally) brother who he treasures greatly. Despite the son of Hades' ability to protect himself, Max would still do his best to protect him in any given situation. Basically, hurt him and prepare for immediate avian bombardment.
Austin Reynolds As a son of Eros, for Max, Austin was easy to love. Too easy in fact, to the point where Max started loosing himself which led to them breaking up. Now Max's ex-boyfriend, Austin remains a friend if not as close as before.
Lupa Hines Being one of the few people to know about Max's fear of waters, Lupa quickly became someone who Max trusted. Her help as Mediator made facing his fear a little more approachable and a lot less panic attack inducing.
Tori A bluejay Max made friends with over the past year, Tori is the 'kind but stern' to Simon's sarcasm and joking.


Member Name Age Relationship
Father Zeus Immortal After the battle against the residents of the labyrinth and the forces of Nemesis, Max had a chance to speak to Zeus, though he spoke through a holographic eagle. Max's opinion of his father is positive though not affectionate enough to be called a familial bond.
Mother Mary Macallister 36 While speaking with Max, his father, Zeus, showed him an image of his mother and explained that she wasn't the kind of woman to abandon her child when he'd left.
Aunt Lillian Macallister Missing Since she took him in at the age of 3, Max's aunt became like a mother to him and taught him to hunt. She also gifted him his crossbow and the celestial bronze bolts that Zeus had supposedly given his mother before she passed it on to his aunt. He recently discovered that she's still alive.
Half-Sibling Tristan Macmillan 21 Max's opinion of his veteran half-brother is much higher than most would assume. Despite his half-brother's being more withdrawn by nature, Max still looks up to him as an example of what a child of Zeus should be.


Max isn't the most social kid on the block by any means but he has definitely begun to be more outgoing, or at least he's tried to be. He tries to approach people but isn't very well verse in the art of conversation and might come off insensitive or clueless from time to time.
Despite all of this, there remains one permanent aspect to Max's personality which was marked upon him while growing up. During his childhood, Max read stories about what families should be like and the discovery of his mother abandoning him paired with his Aunt's disappearance have made him near overprotective of those he calls family.


The past two years at camp had been what Max would call the best time of his life, case in point, making friends that weren't of the avian persuasion, having a boyfriend for a time, pseudo-adopting a child of the God of Death as his little brother (He's just the cutest little guy), almost dying multiple times, going on two quests, and generally learning how to be a functional human being (He was still working on that last one).
Still, the time at camp had changed him, mostly for the better but he knew he couldn't stay at camp forever. That being said, the place was home. His family was here and he'd be damned if he let himself lose sight of that. He'd left camp shortly after his second quest. It had given him things to think about and work through but now he was back.
Plus, traveling around for a few months just hunting monsters by rumor or through the avian grapevine had been fun. It gave him a look at what the future could hold for him, at least for a little while after camp.
Present Day:
Sitting atop Cabin 1, Max watched the sun pull itself over the horizon with a stupid grin on his face. He wasn't sure why he was in a good mood today but he never did when these moods came over him. He just liked to enjoy them as they came and went. With a huff, he slid off the side of the cabin roof and cushioned the fall with a thought.
Stretching, the black-haired young man looked up. Maybe his dad was watching... or maybe not. It didn't really matter. Max knew he cared and wether or not he watched at any given moment didn't matter. Hmm... Would practicing his lightning-jumps be a bad idea this early in the morning? Yes, almost definitely. Would Max be doing it anyways? Yup! He needed to get his rebellious teenage years out since he'd skipped that whole phase and he'd started doing so little by little. Who knew? Maybe Max would end up a responsible and serious young man if he did it enough (Doubtful but peripherally possible, if not highly unlikely).
So he grinned and with a thunderclap and a blinding lightning bolt, he went from standing next to the Zeus Cabin, to standing at the edge of the Strawberry Fields. What a wonderful day.
submitted by Dead4Mann to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 Slow_Shift4154 Is he only flirting or is he actually interested?

I met a Colombian guy at a pool party in Angola. He was decently drunk by then but when he found out I was vegetarian, he insisted that he wanted to take me out for a dinner to this vegetarian restaurant. He said he lived 10 years in India (but later found out that he lived in an ashram in Brazil 🙄). We exchanged numbers and didn’t interact much through the night. He seemed like a social butterfly, probably flirting along the way. Then he texted me a day later, and we did meet. It was nice. The next day we went to a music event with one of his friends. I left the country for a bit after but we have been texting on and off since then. I am not sure if he is being nice / flirty or is he actually interested because he is interested in knowing my life, wants me to send pictures of everything, asks things about me, and says things like “get back here soon” and checks in on me after a few days, but I am not sure what exactly he wants? He has asked for a birthday gift (I left on his birthday) when I am back next week, and would like to meet me for another dinner. He even said at some point that we can start building a friendship (which I had suggested that it takes me time to trust people and call them friends, otherwise they are acquaintances or situational friendships). I am just very confused if he is a hoe, wants to be friends, or interested in more? Also, fyi, he has lived last 10 years in Brazil / Bolovia and is very much into Hinduism, and I am a Hindu, so there may be intrigue there. He broke up with one of his ex because he wants to be with someone vegetarian. When he was drunk, he kept insisting that must want to build a vegetarian family. 🤣 He has also mentioned he wants to have a partner. Am I being courted?
submitted by Slow_Shift4154 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 P0ETs_World So prom happened and my date got very annoyed with me

So backstory: Prom was never on the list of things I wanted to do. Never even gave it a second thought. I started talking to this girl a few months before prom. It was going very well and I felt a connection. She clearly stated she did not want a relationship at the moment and I respected all boundaries. Literally a week or two before the actual prom my family had gotten basically kicked out of the home we were renting. So there was a lot going on, one day we kinda had this argument right. I told her that I was very proud of myself and how far I’ve come and that I’m very thankful for everything. She kinda got pissy and said I was being egoistical for saying this, I didn’t know how to react and I told her that I apologize for being proud of myself. That ticked her completely off (important for later)
So fast forward a bit and it’s the day of prom. I was genuinely excited for it more than I thought I would be. Before heading to prom we took pictures and got something to eat. It was us two and then her sister and MY DATES EX?? Going with her sister?? I was kinda confused by this but I just let it fly. Before we got to the place where we were taking pictures, she brought up what happened the other day. Instantly ruined my mood, the whole vibe everything was just off. I apologized again and asked her if there’s anything I can do about it. She said no it’s in the past, and I’m like okay why bring it up to be a mood killer? I did not say this of course but I wanted to. So then everything was off the rest of the time we took pictures. We went out to eat and she just looked upset the whole time. I asked her if she’s alright and she said she was (a lie) and I didn’t know what to do.
So we got to the school and prom was goin on and we was having a good time. Basically to sum up why she was mad was becuz I left the dance floor twice. Once because I had to use the bathroom, and the second time was to say hi to a friend. I communicated everything to her and her sister on where I was going and how long I’d be gone. She was livid. I danced with her the whole night. She called me an asshole and I had enough I just left permanently after that because I’m not gonna be around someone who’s mad at me all day while I’m trying to enjoy something. She left a few times but it didn’t bother me I was fine with dancing by myself for a few 😂 I think I dodged a bullet, why go somewhere special with someone just for them to be mad at you the whole time. She said I put in no effort at all even tho I didn’t even have a home at the time and I still made it to prom for her.
I just wanted to know some thoughts and some things I could’ve done better. Next time I’ll hold my piss all night and completely ignore my friends🫡
submitted by P0ETs_World to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 Kind_Turn_8155 AITAH for breaking up with my boyfriend after 4 years of relationship?

I and my ex-boyfriend have in a relationship for 4 years.we started dating in 2020. In the start of this relationship, everything was just amazing and pure. He loved me wholeheartedly and i did too. We were in a happy relationship for a year but then one day a girl texted me that my ex boyfriend is flirting with her when she didn't flirted back he started harrassing her. I confronted him immediately and told him I would not accept something like this and started ignoring him but after 2-3 days he apologized and told me it was a drunken mistake he will never do it again . He explained and I gave him a chance.
We were in a good relationship after that incident for few months then he started asking for money. I spoiled him with gifts and all but he kept asking for money , and I was so stupid that I kept giving him the money and he never returned them. And whenever I refused to give him money he would ignore me for days and suddenly come back that nothing has happened. It continued for a year.
In January 2023 he asked money again and i refused and I was determined to not give him anything. But all he did was, Gaslight me and told me that I never supported him in any way I can never be a good girlfriend and he insulted me alot that day. So that day I broke up with him blocked him from all the social media handles and my best friend support me throughout this but I loved him too much so i started talking with him again in April 2023 and we cleared everything between us that how sorry he was and he never meant any of that shit and he kept telling me how much he loves me and everything so i decided to forgive him again. So we started dating again in April 2023 on our 3rd anniversary. In August i planned a date for him and and invited him to a pizza place near his home because he loved pizza. He said he would be there at 6pm and I kept waiting for him until 8. But he never showed up, i called him like a thousand time but he never picked it up. So I went home. Texted him that I am breaking up with him because he can never love me like he used to be and he will never prioritise me and will never care for me.and he started threatening that he will commit suicide if i broke up with him and I was so scared that i blocked him.
Yeah, I am an asshole. In October i unlocked him and he texted me we started talking again and we again became a couple in December until 2 months ago. I saw him with another girl. I asked him about it but he lied about it and told me that i must have seen some one else. I never liked that girl and she always flirted with him and she was always touching him inappropriately , and he was with her . I was hurt once again. He told him to stay away from me I need to re-think everything and should probably break up too but next day he texted me saying he wanted to have s** and keep forcing even tho I was so hurt to do so . I kept ignoring him and in April i finally broke up with him.
Today, i text him ( i don't know why I didn't but I did) he again started forcing me to send n**** and i blocked him on WhatsApp and he started calling me on Instagram where insulted me and my friend. He called us a slut and i argued him for an hour and at this point I am so tired of this loop of same events that I told him to stay away or I would have to contact his father and family that he is harassing me. He didn't back off so I told him that I am very tired of this toxic relationship but i still love you but we can't be together anymore because I know he wasn't in his right mind. But again he started threatening me that he will commit suicide because he loves me too much. And I got scared again and blocked him from everywhere and delete his no.
Am I the ah?
submitted by Kind_Turn_8155 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:03 NomenIncognito [EU] [SELLING] Terra Formars, Aria the Masterpiece, Rave Master, Yowamushi Pedal, Ubel Blatt, Yaoi, Yuri

Hi everyone. Here’s an updated post on what I’m selling off from my collection. Best offer also welcome. Prices include Paypal fees, shipping within EU is generally 15 euros, to US/CA about 55 euros. Sets with * in front can be split. Timestamps provided in the pictures. Due to the amount of books, imgur links only contain timestamps. More detailed pictures can be provided via DM.
Series Condition Price Comments
A Certain Scientific Accelerator 1-8 G4 €60 Read once
Angel Sanctuary 1-3 G3-G4 €10 /
Aria the Masterpiece 1-7 G3-G4 €245 Some slight imperfections on the spines
Astro Boy 1-23 G3-G4 €210 /
Battle Royale Ultimate Editions 1-5 G4 €550 /
Beet the Vandel Buster 1-12 G3-G4 €85 /
Depression of the anti-romanticist 1-2 G4 €40 /
Dr Slump 1-18 G4 €800 /
Gantz 1-37 G4-G5 €1.050 later volumes still sealed
I am a Hero G4-G5 €100 like new
Knights of the Zodiac 11, 22-28 G3-G4 €80 vol 23 is ex-library
Library Wars 1-8 G4 €80 Read once
*Nabari no Ou 1, 1, 2, 4, 13 G3-G4 €25 /
Nabari no Ou 1-14 G3-G4 €350 /
Negima 1-9 G4 €100 /
Psyren 1, 6, 6, 9, 11 G4 €20 /
QQ Sweeper 1-3 + Queen’s Quality 1-16 G4 €200 read once
Rave Master 1-35 G3-G4 €640 Overall in very good condition, some volumes have sticker on the back
Sundome 1-4 G3-G4 €50 /
Terra Formars 1-21 G4 €220 /
The Maid I hired recently is mysterious 1-4 G4 €25 /
The Tyrant falls in Love 1-3 G4 €65 /
Ubel Blatt 0-8, 10-11 G3-G4 €400 Vols. 0-4 show slight creases on spine
*Ultimo 1-4, 7, 9, 11 G3-G4 €200 /
Vampeerz 1-3 G4 €20 read once
Yowamushi Pedal 1-24 G4-G5 €640 read once
Yuri is my job 1-11 G4 €70 read once
Single volumes
Series Condition Price Comments
A Certain Magical Index GN 8 G4 €25 never read
A Certain Magical Index GN 21 G5 €5 never read
A Certain Scientific Railgun 2 G3 €5 with remainder mark
A white rose in bloom 1 G4 €5 /
Air Gear Omnibus 1 G3 €5 minor creases in spine
Baccano! 7 G4-G5 €10 never read
Basilisk 1 G4 €5 /
Beastars 2 G4 €5 /
Beauty and the Beast Girl G4 €5 /
Code Geass 8 G4 €185 /
Colorless 1 G5 €5 read once
Cross Game 4 G5 €10 like new
Cross Game 5 G5 €30 like new
Cross Game 7 G5 €30 like new
Dogs Bullets & Carnage 10 G4 €35 Never read, slight sticker remains
Dr Slump 1 G5 €15 like new
Dr Slump 3 G5 €15 like new
Eyeshield 21 5 G4 €10 /
Eyeshield 21 6 G4 €15 /
Eyeshield 21 8 G4 €15 /
Eyeshield 21 14 G4 €25 /
Eyeshield 21 17 G4 €10 /
Eyeshield 21 18 G4 €10 /
Eyeshield 21 32 G4 €25 /
Flowers & Bees 7 G4 €5 read once
Freezing 3-4 G4 €10 never read
Freezing 9-10 G4 €10 never read
Gunsmith Cats Burst 4 G5 €30 Sealed
Honey Smile G4 €20 /
Inuyasha Viz Big 12 G4 €8 like new, never read
Kekkaishi 3 G3 €5 ex-lib
Kekkaishi 12 G3 €5 /
Knights of the Zodiac 26 G4 €5 /
Missions of Love 5 G4 €10 some wear
Missions of Love 7 G4 €10 some wear
MÄR 10 G3 €5 Faded spine
MÄR 10 G3 €10 Like new
MÄR 13 G3 €5 Spine slightly damaged
MÄR 15 G3 €5 Spine slightly damaged
Natsume Book of Friends 3 G4 €20 /
Natsume Book of Friends 4 G4 €20 /
Natsume Book of Friends 5 G4 €20 /
Natsume Book of Friends 7 G4 €20 /
Natsume Book of Friends 24 G4 €20 /
Nisekoi 13 G4 €5 like new
One Piece Gold Foil 10 G4 €15 very good condition
One Piece Gold Foil 11 G4 €15 very good condition
One Piece Gold Foil 12 G4 €15 very good condition
One Piece Gold Foil 13 G4 €15 very good condition
One Piece Gold Foil 14 G4 €15 very good condition
One Piece Gold Foil 15 G4 €15 very good condition
Rave Master 15 G3 €5 spine slightly damaged
Raw Hero 6 G5 €5 sealed
Sand Land G5 €30 new
Spice and Wolf 15 G5 €5 sealed
Tatsuki Fujimoto 22-26 G4 €5 like new
The Girl I want is so handsome G4 €10 /
The seven deadly sins original sins G4 €5 like new
The World’s Greatest First Love 5 G2 €2 Faded spine and yellowed pages
Ubel Blatt 10 G5 €75 sealed
Yowamushi Pedal 3 G4 €100 Very good condition, no ex-lib
submitted by NomenIncognito to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 Optimal-You-8238 Should I get rid of this “RP” friend and if so how?

Hello all,
Thanks for reading. Some context: I moved to the city I’m in now about a year and a half ago to be w my partner. I’ve never had problems making friends even tho I’m more of an introvert and don’t like seeing people more than once a week, but because of school or work I always attracted extroverts and in general always have a nice social life. Because I now work from home it’s been a lot harder to make friends and this past year I was so focused on work, adjusting to a new city, and my new relationship that it wasn’t a priority till I became p miserable.
My fiancé introduced me to his ex nutritionist in the hopes that we’d make friends. at first I was super excited. We started texting a lot (which I associated w simply getting to know ea other), and saw ea other a few times. She’s a nice girl but I feel like we are not very compatible. We come from different cultures and given her job she’s extremely health driven, and won’t even have a single drink and judges people who do. That’s fine, I don’t care, but w this I mean that she is that kind of judgemental person. For instance I like to take certain supplements for sleep, drink w gfs or w my fiancé sometimes, maybe get a little tan in the summer, idk dumb normal stuff like that and she’s just judgemental ental towards it all in general. Her boyfriend is the same.
What kills me most is that I’m quite busy on my life projects in general and just don’t wanna be texting all day or be on my phone, especially during the week (I’d much rather do better things w my free time, ie read a book, chill tf out, go on a walk etc), but I guess she has wayyy more free time and is ALWAYS on her phone, to the point that she texts me daily whether thru messages or sharing stuff on social media which I mostly ignore at this point. The messages are harder to ignore though. And worst of all, it’s such superficial things. I love beauty and taking of my looks and do a few cosmetic things here and there, but I 100% don’t want to be talking about these things all the time. It’s also terrible for your mental health and I already have a history of dysmorphia and just don’t want to think/talk about my looks more than I naturally do.
All she talks about is stuff like this. Oh you look like X celebrity, oh if you lose a little body fat you could look like this (I go to the gym and she gives unsolicited trainenutrionist advice), oh what plastic surgery should I do to my face, does this color look on me etc etc.It’s all she talks about. She’s not the most attractive girl and is clearly insecure, but she’s constantly like oh I’m so hot. Sure girl that’s why you need to text about it. I’m at rhe point where just getting a notification from her annoys me to no end. Sometimes I’ll go days or even a week without replying only to return to 30+ substance-less messages from her. What does this add to my life? Literally nothing.
However she is a good girl in general, is very RP oriented which is so hard to find and I’ve been burned by friends in the past because I didn’t think like them. Unlike the girls I go out w now who might not even live here in some years, I feel like she’s more of a reliable friend to have. However I don’t see why she needs to text me sm especially when we barely even see ea other. We also went on a trip together where I met one of her friends who lives in another country and you could tell she’s clearly annoyed by this girl for the same reasons.
On one side she seems like a good, like-minded friend to have (regarding relationships etc) on paper but in real life just seeing daily messages from her drives me insane, to the point that I just fantasize w blocking her. She does give good relationship advice and is a good ear to vent to when I very rarely wanna tell her something, as usually it’s just her coming to me at this point. Btw she has no other friends at this point (except that other girl in another country) and told me how she had one other friend who blocked her out of the blue, and I’m starting to understand why as mean as that is.
Is this worth keeping only bc shes “RP” even tho she drains my energy and I don’t even feel like we have that much in common in terms of fun/conversations to have? Bc part of me thinks life is too short to put up with this.
submitted by Optimal-You-8238 to RedPillWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:53 w4nu I can't move on or maybe i don't wanna move on from my ex (intj).

Hey everyone,
I'm an ENFP, and I recently went through a breakup with my INTJ partner. We're both 19 years old, and it's been about two months since we split after dating for two years. The situation is pretty complicated, and I could really use some outside perspectives.
During our relationship, my INTJ partner was caught in a dilemma. He wanted to prioritize our happiness and keep our relationship going, but at the same time, he felt a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents, as is often the case in Indian culture. His parents have specific expectations about his future, especially regarding marriage and the kind of partner they want for him. They also want a good relationship with their future in-laws, which is where things get tricky because I plan to cut off ties with my parents due to their toxicity.
On top of all this, my partner's family isn't wealthy, and his dad took out loans for him to study in Australia, where he's facing financial and academic challenges. This has made him feel guilty and inadequate like he's not meeting his parents' expectations despite their sacrifices. Plus, his mother has had blood pressure problems since he left, so he feels guilty about that too, as he couldn't be there. It's pretty common for brown parents to be dependent on their children. He's also worried about his career, residency, and academic success down the line. I even convinced my parents, who were opposed to sending me to Australia. I have been manipulating them to send me to Australia, and now they have finally agreed. I don't know, I still want to go.
Even though we broke up, we've been talking on and off. I've suggested no contact a few times, but he keeps reaching out, expressing love and a desire to be together. However, he's torn between his happiness with me and fulfilling his duties towards his family. But last week, he suggested we should stop talking and he doesn't see a future with me. I'm heartbroken and shattered. I don't believe I could move on from this. He was my one true love. I know it's weird that I'm 19 and saying things like "true love," but I felt that way with him. I've been in love before but not like this. I feel like I'm not going to find someone so good. I feel like a disappointment as him marrying me would be a disappointment to his parents. I still want to move to Australia. I have good finances, and my career opportunities are also better there. I want to go for forensic psychology. I still have this 1% hope that he's going to come back. I don't know, maybe I'm delusional, but if I don't go, I will always have this regret in my heart that I didn't try.
I don't know what I should do. I feel unlovable. My parents never loved me. I don't have friends who don't just use me. I never felt this connection with anyone except my ex. I just don't want to leave. I'm pretty suicidal. All I can think about is killing myself because I don't have anything to live for. My parents hate me, and I feel the same. They are very patriarchal and just want me to get married to some rich guy so that I could keep their status high in society. I hate them so much for ignoring my other achievements. I was pretty much suicidal before the relationship, but with him, I saw hope for a good, happy future. Now I don't see anything. I still want to move there to be with him, even if it's just a 1% chance for us to get back together. I just don't want to give up hope. I know that if we don't get back, it will destroy me. But at the same moment, if I don't go, it's going to ruin me. I'm going for therapy, but it doesn't help me much because it's more focused on familial problems, my therapist thought before the breakup that he was good for me, I don't know, what to do?
submitted by w4nu to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:51 Icy-Technician2434 Going on a 5 week long trip with my ex who cheated on me

My ex (20/F) and I (21/F) were together for over 2 years. This trip was planned a year ago so bear with me. Recently, on February of this year.. She confessed about liking a co worker but we brought it up to our therapist and decided to work on our relationship. To summarize she lied about not liking the co worker anymore and only saw him as a great friend.. I believed it but she kept letting the guy flirt with her, and I told her to stay away this WHOLE TIME because she is letting him in our relationship and he could possibly ruin what we have. Her and the co worker went out one time and we fought about it, we eventually took a break (this happened last month, we’re not allowed to see anyone during this break) but she decided to go out with him twice and after one of the hangouts she decided to end it with me because she realized that she likes him.
She eventually started a non serious relationship with him after we broke up, and it led to something more serious and he apparently loves her. A few days ago, he ended things with her because my ex and i are still going on the trip.. but he came back to her life after just 2 days of ending it to say that he’s willing to quit his job to follow her around. Our trip is in 2 weeks and I do not know how to go about the trip except cancel the hotels/airbnbs and book a separate one for myself. I really was looking forward to the trip but her mess is hurting me. If anyone has been in the same situation as me, please your insight on the situation would be helpful. I’m going on the trip regardless because everything is non refundable.
submitted by Icy-Technician2434 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 gaveup12 My sister fired me

This all happened a year back. I (30M) was working for a medium scale business as a associate. I have a sister (28F) who also studied the same field as mine and once she graduated I referred her to my company and she was selected for the same role as me. We have been working together for 6 years and I had worked alone for 8 years. I know the she is qualified more than me for this role, so I knew she had the potential to grow better in this industry that's why 3 years ago when our manager quit the role and when the company was looking to promote someone from the team to the position even I voted my sister as I trusted in her capabilities. She and I got along really well, but once she became manager, she slowly started drifting away, as in she had her own circle of friends in office and I did not mind it as I too had a couple of friends who I frequently hang in the office before she came in.
The problem arose 2 years ago when the company was downsizing since during covid they mass recruited as the work demanded more and the company earned more but after covid when things went back to normal, they were paying more people but the work was less. Seems fair. So all the managers and HRs were informed about this and were asked to identify individuals who are unproductive to send them out of the company. Even my sister was a part of the email chain. Her circle of friends are none other then some of our colleagues who work along with us. These colleagues and I dont get along very well since we had an altercation in the first year of me joining about them dumping the work load on the rest of the team and basically I whistle blew and they haven't spoken with me ever since apart from general work discussions. So that's why I distanced myself with my sister as she became good friends with them. She knew we were not in good terms but did not know the reason.
So for downsizing she had to do research on the productivity metric and she went to ask her group about the members who are unproductive and they obviously pointed at me and another colleague of ours. I did not know about the reason of her targeting me until later after I was out of the job. So, she basically called me in to a meeting in her cabin with HR and straight forward said that I would have resign myself or I would be terminated from the job and that would look bad on my resume. When enquired the reason she said that I was not a team player and I am unproductive compared to the rest. I was pissed and angry but I asked her if she really thought that and she said that she had reasonable means to send me out. I asked her whether she took my actual work into account when taking this decision. She just said that she knows what she was doing and that I should resign. I just resigned on the spot and told her that we are done and we are not even siblings anymore and to not contact me anymore. I had two securities follow me when I went to collect my things and left the office. And I took my things and left. The next day my friend from work called and informed the above mentioned reasons for my termination. I just shook my head in disbelief and said that I don't care.
Indeed I have to pay bills, so without wasting time, I applied for similar roles in other companies and it took 3 months for me to get back into another job with a decent hike and a senior position at that. I was happy with the outcome. My family knew what happened and everyone supported her in the terms of her being impartial and true to herself instead of supporting Nepotism and that I should be ashamed of myself. I tried explaining the real reason but none were ready to listen to it, including my parents. So I went no contact with them saying they have only child and its their daughter and that their son is dead. I moved on with myself. The new job was in a different state from where I was from. So basically I moved away from my family and friends. I was still in touch with only friend from work who knew about what happened. My family tried contacting a few times basically asking me to stop being childish and to comeback. After ignoring them for a month they said that they are disowning me as I am making my sister feel guilty for her genuine right decision. So I said Ok and blocked them all.
They have not reached me from then. I know that I blocked their contacts but they still had other means like my email, getting alternate number or calling through relatives but no efforts taken. So I took the loss and moved on. That was until few weeks ago, I got a call from an unknown number, I just picked up the call and I heard my sister crying on the other end. I immediately knew who it was and I cut the call. This was followed by my family who called back to back and I did not pick any call. I just muted my phone and went to sleep that evening. The next day I woke up to 56 missed calls from my mom, dad and my sister. Followed by a message from her saying that she was sorry and that she made a huge mistake and that she wants to apologize to me and reconcile. I did not respond and I called my friend asking if anything happened at the office. He filled me in on the recent turn of events. Apparently my sister saw a dip in the productivity of the team after the other colleague and I quit the company. When they did the analysis to prepare the year end report she noticed significant dip in productivity after we quit. So, she went back to do the math on the work the new joiners and the existing members have done and noticed that even the newly joined employees had worked more than her circle of friends. That's when it hit her that I was not lying and that I meant it when I asked her to look at the work we do. After that, she had a warning from her Heads and following which she has basically terminated all her friends who were causing the dip in the work. From the calls and messages I can see that she has come clean with all our friends and relatives and she is desperate to contact me and apologize to me. To be honest I have moved on. I responded back that I forgave her for blindly trusting people and sacking me but that I will never forget what she did and that I don't hold a grudge against her but I want no contact that I was not related to them when they decided to disown me. This brings me to yesterday. I was at home and I heard someone ring the doorbell. I opened the door without any thought and noticed mom dad and sister standing at the door. I immediately closed the door. They kept banging the door. I just calmly responded back saying that they dont have to reconcile with me. They can move on with their lives, that I forgave them but that I dont want anything to do with them. I know that I may have been harsh but what I said is what I felt.
For additional context, I do have a girlfriend who is 37F (we met after I moved to this new place). She is with a 4 year old son but she never married to her baby daddy since he was not interested to get married by my gf wanted to marry and settle down. They broke up because of that but are cordial since they have a kid and for his sake. She knows about all the things that happened, she said that she supports me but that she feels that my sister made a stupid mistake of trusting people who she genuinely thought of as her friends. I don't think that is an enough reason for her blindly sacking her own brother out who helped with her career.
TBH, her forcing me to quit actually helped with my career growth, since I am in a senior position at this new job and I earn around 70 percent more than what I earned earlier. I am saving up for a down payment to buy a house at this new place as I am staying at a rented space and I feel the rent is expensive. (Why pay someone when I can pay the dues for my own place?)
Also, I am not from US. I am from a third world country. So trust me when I say this, suing the ex company and ex colleagues is a waste of my time and money as it will take years to even see some form of justice.
TL;DR! My sister fired me trusting her work friends and a year later she understood what happened and now she wants to reconcile but I have moved on and I don't want anything to do with her or my family.
submitted by gaveup12 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:42 Yoseianeki My mother abandoned us as children, and now she's gone again after I gave her a second chance.

Just a warning, this is going to be very long! I (21F) and my brother (15M) were abandoned by our mother when I was 11 or 12.
For context, she was a teen mother, with a lot of mental health issues (bipolar, BPD, depression, i can only assume some form of sociopathic behavior), and she addicted to hard drugs. My father was a little rough around the edges, but overall a hardworking guy who went into the relationship with a "I can fix her" mentality. For the first few years of my life, I was oblivious to all of the issues going on in my family, I just enjoyed the first 5 years of my life as a happy child. My mother hid her drug addiction well enough for a 5 year old not to ask any questions, and I thought weekly screaming matches were normal and "mommies and daddies fight sometimes". Unbeknownst to me, my mother was cheating with dozens of people, and emotionally/financially/physically abusing my father, he put on a happy face to try and give me a good childhood. He worked 5am- 5pm at a bagel store (no car, only a bike) and never came home empty handed; always a toy, or a piece of candy for me as "sorry" for always being gone and working all day. I thought my mother would always bring her "friends" (men and women) in the house while dad was at work, and they would spend hours "playing" in her room with the door locked. I pretty much had to raise and take care of myself from the time I woke up to around 6pm, so I ended up becoming pretty smart by entertaining myself with my mom's fantasy novels (Harry potter, princess of mars, lord of the rings, etc.) On days she had college classes, our landlords (amazing people) would babysit me. My mother did give me affection, and I loved her very much, but she was very hands-off.
Granted, I wasn't the easiest child to deal with, I had ADHD, undiagnosed autism, among some other things.
When she got pregnant with my brother, (also adhd+autism) I noticed things started to change. My parents would fight more often, the house smelled like smoke, and the electricity to the apartment would be out for weeks because we couldn't pay the bills. Shortly after my brother was born, my parents had the hugest fight I've ever seen, I don't even remember what it was about (probably cheating), but it was the first time it hit me that everything in my life wasn't as happy as I thoughts. I sat clutching my baby brother as she beat my dad with a chair and started screaming. He grabbed a knife and ran outside and tried to end his life by stabbing his wrist. I was screaming and crying my landlords name, hoping my baby sitter would come and save me, he bolted downstairs, pried the door open, and grabbed the two of us and took us into his top floor of the apartment. He gave me some chocolate milk while him and his wife called the police. That was the day my parents split up, and my mom was able to spin the whole thing on my dad, taking custody and he was granted only visitation rights. My mother was kicked out of the apartment, and my aunt (dads sister, but my mother had taken a liking to her and allowed us to see her often) had a feeling something fishy was going on when no one would tell her anything about the details of that night. She went to my old house and asked my landlords what happened, they told her, so she let us sleep over with her whenever we wanted as a safe haven from our mom. She didn't go to court with any of the information she got, out of fear that my mother wouldn't let her see us again, because she was now our only place of complete safety.
My life became a living hell from that point onward. A week a later, my mom told us that her "new boyfriend"(probably a guy she cheated on dad with but I was like 7 and didn't know better) was letting us move in with him. He was the most horrible piece of shit. He got my mother addicted to even more drugs, and they both constantly talked badly about my dad, and when I cried, covered my ears, and said I didn't want to hear it, he would hit me and tell me that I needed to know. He was basically unemployed, and would sometimes sell drugs, or take antiques out of abandoned houses to sell. I hated him. My mother made an entire personality shift, and would defend him even if he said horrible things to me or hit me. She saw no fault in him. She stopped reading me bedtime stories, and stopped telling me she loved me. The only time she was nice to me was when we were in front of other people like school functions... she would kiss up to all my teachers.
I was left to take care of my baby brother on my own, and my father was in and out of mental hospitals from the trauma, so everything he said about how horrible my mother was fell of deaf ears because he was labeled "crazy".
We had no money, it was all spent on drugs, I went out by myself several times to dig through dumpsters just to get food, and I stole baby formula from supermarkets. This one nice homeless lady knew my situation, and would walk me into the stores "as my grandma" so I wouldnt get stopped to ask why a child was all alone. She would poke around the store and buy a $1 candy bar, while I stole formula, and some cold cuts for her. She showed me all the best dumpsters, where delis would throw put perfectly good food at the end of the day. We had an alliance of sorts. I was less than 9 years old.
Her boyfriend became sexually abusive to me around that time. I'll spare the details.
My mother was starting to go off the rails completely. Doing anything for drug money. I clearly remember the time that she told me to get naked and she took pictures of me, up close in all my private areas "to send to the doctor" or else "I would have to go in person and they might give me a shot" (she knew I hated needles.). She never mentioned that event again, but I just know she sent them to some pedophile for money. It makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it. Her bf would try and hurt my brother, I would always step in and get beat instead. We saw our father and aunt maybe once a month, and I was threatened not to say anything to the school or my dad/aunt or else he would kill my mom. I said nothing. I told my aunt all the bruises were from bullies at school, my teachers were taking care of it... or that I was climbing trees, some excuse. I think she knew the truth, but was too scared of losing us to say anything. Everytime they went to drop us back off at our mom's, my brother would have a tantrum. He cried so much the blood vessels in his face would pop. He now at 15 has permanant, freckle like, spots of red on his face from crying so much so often.
She got pregnant again with his twin girls. She gave birth prematurely, and they came out very very sick. She gave birth at home... I was giving most of their care. After the "ohhhh new baby" feeling wore off for her, of course I was basically a mother of 3 at 10 years old. They didn't last long, less than a year. I was in complete despair and that was the first time i tried to end my life. I filled the bathtub and tried to drown myself by repeatedly hitting my head underwater in attempts to pass out under the water. It didn't work, and I was left with neck pain and a migraine that lasted 4 days. I attempted about 5 times, different methods, by this point I haven't been to school in a week. When I came back to school, the teachers noticed something was wrong. I kept looking off into space, detached. I would lash out and act aggressively when anyone would try and talk to me. I would have 2 hour "bathroom breaks" where I just stared at the wall inside the stall and acted rudely when anyone came to get me. What did they do? Not call CPS, of course, they sent me to a special school because of my "sudden behavior issues". I was in a class now with students I could not connect with in any way. I had no friends. All the other kids in my new class had severe learning disabilities and talking to my brother who was 6 years younger than me was more of a conversation. They couldn't read, most of them were almost non-verbal.
My mom broke up with her bf because he cheated, and we were going to lose the house. He still lived with us for a few days but stayed silent. My mother blamed me, saying that I ruined everything by being a bad child and now we were going to be homless. He tried to touch me one last time and I snapped and stabbed him deeply with a BBQ screwer, he just walked away. later that night he killed himself, I saw it. I'll never get that image out of my head.
I lost it, I had an outburst at school, crying and screaming that I wanted to kill myself and for God to just let me die. They sent me to a hospital, and the school called my mom to say I was having an outburst of psychosis. I spilled everything to the hospital about what her bf was doing to me (I couldnt bring myself to talk about my mothers abuses for some reason), and after a while, it was my dad who came to get me... apparently my mother had taken off, leaving my brother alone in the house after the school had called her. I had so many questions. But I was so happy to finally be able to live with my dad and his side of the family.
I was so traumatized, as well as neurodivergent, I acted strangely and dealt with some bullies at school but that was it, it was like heaven on earth. My father didn't even know the full scope of what went on, but the more I told him the more guilty he felt. He started spoiling us a bit out of guilt, so we were happy to be with a parent who loved us.
We never knew where she went. Until I was 18, and she reached out to me on social media. Initially I didn't want to answer. I left my DM sitting there for a few days but... I felt this unexplainable pull. I hated her all these years, but for some reason when the option to take her back into my life came up... something in me missed her. I kept thinking back to the few happy times, and the curiosity was killing me. I finally messaged back, my father told me not to, but he said he couldn't stop me, I at least deserved some answers, and to get all my pent up hatred out at her for some closure. We awkwardly chatted for a few minutes, she told me that her father in West Virginia picked her up, she started a new life, joined narcotics anonymous, but stayed low and didn't let herself be known. She met a genuinely good man at NA, who had convinced her to right her wrongs, quit drugs, and fix her family. They had 2 kids together (one with down syndrome), and she was a present, active mother. I felt a vicious jealousy. Why would she go and have 2 more kids when she had 2 that she abandoned? Why were they treated with love and a loving home when we went through hell...? Why didn't she make it up to us before she went and had more kids..?
My mind did weird things then. It made me need her approval. I kissed up to her, saying I forgave her. That I always knew everything was always her ex bfs fault and not hers.That we were sad when she left. I planned a trip to see her a month later and her new family, my friends all begged me it was a bad idea, to please please not go, and at least to not tell my brother about it. I listened to them, and didnt tell my brother any of this, I told him I was visiting a long distance friend.
I went, we had a pretty good time. Her kids were cute, and I absolutely adored her new lover. He was a good southern man, my gut told me that. He took me fishing, and let me talk through all my feelings. I finally had the relationship with her that I always craved. It felt sickening good, I was estatic. I didn't care about all of the weird signs, like the weird friends she had (looked like crack addicts), and how she managed to get a kind rich southern guy to take her in. I didn't even care. I was just happy to finally feel like I had her approval. I have a habit of bedwetting time to time from anxiety, I ended up having an accident and I was mortified. I cleaned it all up, but told her and, she said it was no big deal. She used to scream at me or hit me as a child for wetting the bed, and now she was reacting normally. It was like a new woman.
My trip was cut short by a week, she had to be rushed into hospital because her appedix was about to explode, she needed to recover and wouldnt be able to do anything fun with me for the remainder of the trip. I watchd her get taken by the ambulance, and was freaking out crying, I was so relieved when the surgery was a success. Her new man apologized profusely for all he stress and bought me a plane ticket back home to NY. He hugged me saying he would be so happy to see me again over the summer, and he had so much fun fishing with me. That he wanted to be a good step dad. He was a nice dude, just like my dad (a good guy she manipulated) I felt it in my gut. They both were at the airport, my mother in a wheelchair, and hugged me off. She said she loved me and to text her when I landed
I did, and got no response. Another day passed, nothing. I started to freak out and called her, only for it to go to voicemail. I messaged one of her friends sons who she Introduced me to. Asking if she was okay. He said he would get back to me once she responded to him, but them he too ghosted me. It was like she was never there. I called her partners work, and they said they would tell him to give me a call. Nothing. I was in despair. I assumed the worst, that she had died or something because of a surgery complication. I was so confused. I pushed it all out of my mind, wrote it off as a mystery even though it ate up at me. I always just justified it as a death, even though it made no sense. She was still following me on Facebook, but there wasn't activity for months when she was once super active. I deleted facebook a few months later because it just hurt.
It's been about 3 years since then. I needed to re-download facebook because my aunt wanted me to check something on matketplace... and I looked up her name just out of curiosity... shes been posting for over a year now. She's okay. She posts her kids, her fiance... she never once responded ro any of my messages yet. Not on text, not on Facebook messenger, no where.... I scrolled and scrolled, crying. I saw she got a new tattoo... a rose for each of her kids.... one for each of her two new kids, one for a miscarriage she had...two for our sisters who passed away... NONE for me or my brother. Like we don't even exist to her.
I don't know what to do. I want to know WHY. We finally had a good relationship, I finally forgave her. We finally could have been okay, saw each other a few times a year... she said she was happy to have me back in her life.... WHY? I'm so heartbroken and confused. I miss her. Was it because I wet the bed? I don't know. I know shes horrible, but I can't help but miss her so much it hurts. Should I continue trying to reach out, or just let her go..? How do I process thos? Any advice, or maybe a theory/explanation/comfort. Anything would help. I just need help. I don't know what to do...
submitted by Yoseianeki to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:40 OddResolution8086 Why don’t my friends stick up for me?

There’s a girl in my friend group, I’ll call her B. We’ve been in the same friend group for 4 years and we were friends for those first 2 years. She loves to stir up drama and cuss (she doesn’t even use the words right sometimes). For a while I was the only one out of my friend group of 8 who called her out. If I have to speak up for something, you know it has to be bad. (I’m really quiet and introverted but this whole situation helped me to finally find my voice). She talks about her “friends” behind their backs to get attention from others. She told another girl that my friend (A)s prom dress was ugly. At prom pics A’s mom ignored B, causing her to ask another friend (E) why. E told her that A knew B called her prom dress ugly and B asked if anyone else was mad at her. E told her that we were all tired of her cussing all the time and talking bad about us. She (thankfully) didn’t show up to the sleepover after prom. Instead of apologizing, B blatantly ignored everyone for a few weeks and then came back to the friend group on the last day of school (without an apology) as if nothing happened. And those friends, who I had stuck up for when B talked about them, let her come back instead of sticking up for you like I did for them. I hate crying in front of others but at lunch I cried in front of 2 of my friends, telling them I couldn’t take it and was going to eat with a teacher. They said “it’s ok, let’s just get a lunch table picture before you go” and I went to the bathroom and cried. I have told my group how B has hurt me and made my life a living hell for the past 2 years and I thought we were all on the same page about her. The few weeks she was ignoring us I felt like I could actually talk at my lunch table and I was happier. I don’t understand why they picking the girl who talked about them behind their backs over the girl who stood up for them when she did.
Other things she’s done: -Blatantly flirted to the guy I was dating in front of my behind my back -wrote a list of how our friend group “would split” (bcs of drama she created) -said a dress wouldn’t look good on a girl cause “she was too boxy” -constantly “mishears” what ppl say and says she thought they said _________ (and it’s always something really vulgar) -ignored me for half a year and wouldn’t even look at me (I thought it was kind of funny) -tried to pry info abt the guy I was dating out of me by being fake nice
That was theraputic to get off my chest 🤣
submitted by OddResolution8086 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:38 OddResolution8086 Why don’t my friends stick up for me? (Advice/storytime)

There’s a girl in my friend group, I’ll call her B. We’ve been in the same friend group for 4 years and we were friends for those first 2 years. She loves to stir up drama and cuss (she doesn’t even use the words right sometimes). For a while I was the only one out of my friend group of 8 who called her out. If I have to speak up for something, you know it has to be bad. (I’m really quiet and introverted but this whole situation helped me to finally find my voice). She talks about her “friends” behind their backs to get attention from others. She told another girl that my friend (A)s prom dress was ugly. At prom pics A’s mom ignored B, causing her to ask another friend (E) why. E told her that A knew B called her prom dress ugly and B asked if anyone else was mad at her. E told her that we were all tired of her cussing all the time and talking bad about us. She (thankfully) didn’t show up to the sleepover after prom. Instead of apologizing, B blatantly ignored everyone for a few weeks and then came back to the friend group on the last day of school (without an apology) as if nothing happened. And those friends, who I had stuck up for when B talked about them, let her come back instead of sticking up for you like I did for them. I hate crying in front of others but at lunch I cried in front of 2 of my friends, telling them I couldn’t take it and was going to eat with a teacher. They said “it’s ok, let’s just get a lunch table picture before you go” and I went to the bathroom and cried. I have told my group how B has hurt me and made my life a living hell for the past 2 years and I thought we were all on the same page about her. The few weeks she was ignoring us I felt like I could actually talk at my lunch table and I was happier. I don’t understand why they picking the girl who talked about them behind their backs over the girl who stood up for them when she did.
Other things she’s done: -Blatantly flirted to the guy I was dating in front of my behind my back -wrote a list of how our friend group “would split” (bcs of drama she created) -said a dress wouldn’t look good on a girl cause “she was too boxy” -constantly “mishears” what ppl say and says she thought they said _________ (and it’s always something really vulgar) -ignored me for half a year and wouldn’t even look at me (I thought it was kind of funny) -tried to pry info abt the guy I was dating out of me by being fake nice
That was theraputic to get off my chest 🤣
submitted by OddResolution8086 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 Zealousideal-Net-339 The person who’s housing me is gate keeping my sexuality and I don’t know what to do.

I’m in the unfortunate situation of living with my ex. I’m currently an unemployed student and don’t have anywhere else to live.
We get along for the most part, but I miss being intimate with someone. They are no longer interested in being intimate with me and they have rules against me being intimate with others. Basically it’s been strongly implied that if I were to have any sort of intimate relationship with anyone else (kissing, sex, cuddling) that it would be impossible to continue to live with him comfortably (peacefully) or that I’d have to immediately find a new place to live.
For almost a year now I’ve held off on being intimate with anyone for fear that he’d find out and I’d be forced into the street. I’m so lonely and my physical and mental health are suffering from the lack of sex and intimacy. I am a very affectionate and intimate person who thrives from receiving and giving love to others. I’m allowed to masterbate, but that’s it. But I miss having a human companion!
In the meantime, I am doing what I can to find work and save up to find a place to live and continue my schooling but I don’t know how much longer it’ll be before I can move out and I don’t know how much longer I can live like this.
Do I just have sex with others and lie to him about it?
I also don’t want to have sex with just anyone, but I feel like I’m going to explode!
Everyday we kiss each other, because I think there is definitely still love there, but this is also his way of knowing whether or not I’ve been intimate with someone else because he knows I love and respect him too much to kiss him after being with someone. And I give and receive these kisses happily, given its the only intimacy with another human that I get ( there’s also a hope in me that he’ll make love to me again.) So if i stop kissing him, he’ll know something is up and I’ll more than likely either get inched out the door, be given hell everyday, or straight up kicked out.
I feel incredibly helpless in this situation and that’s not me at all! I am a strong, confident, fierce woman who knows what she likes and what she wants, I just don’t have anywhere else to live at this time and I have to do what I can to survive.
I am aware of how toxic this situation is and like most things, it isn’t all bad. We get along really well as friends and he’s letting me live with him rent free and helps me occasionally financially but this is definitely the ever present elephant in the room looming over us.
submitted by Zealousideal-Net-339 to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 Southern-Gas7031 When should I(21f) end things with my bf(27m) after his grandma recently passed away?

I (21f) have been with my bf (27m) for 3 years. A week ago his grandmother passed. He was very close with her, my bf spent summers as a child and teen living at her house and we’ve lived at her house together during the summer last year too. I feel terrible thinking about how much he’s grieving her now and want to support him in any way I can. The problem is that I think our relationship has run its course and I was planning on ending things with him before she passed, her passing was pretty sudden. We’ve had our struggles as a couple good times (ex traveling, being at each others graduations, getting pets together) and bad times (ex, caught him messaging his ex and OF girls, caught him sexting men & women on apps, caught him lying about drug use). I gave him time to change and prove things would be different but I’m just not seeing the results I need to continue being with him. I sleep over at his place almost every night but even when I’m there I find myself alone in his bed watching tv while he’s upstairs or outside doing whatever majority of the time or he’ll be on his phone beside me when he’s with me. I’ve communicated my needs in the relationship before and not much has changed.
I don’t wanna make him look like the bad guy because Ik I haven’t been the perfect gf but I don’t feel like I can continue being with him anymore. I think I’ve outgrown the relationship and realized that our futures and goals do not align. I think he recognizes this too but we’ve both been playing chicken on breaking things off. We don’t communicate, barley have sex and went on our first date this whole year 2 days ago for my birthday dinner. He isn’t around to celebrate my birthday this weekend because he’s at his deceased grandmothers house cleaning things out, which I totally understand because it’s out of his control.
I’ve never been in a situation like this before and need some advice on a timeline here. I don’t want to sound insensitive to his loss but I also gotta put myself first. I don’t want to abandon him when he needs me the most to deal with his grief but I can support his as a friend going forward instead of as a gf. So when would be an appropriate time to end things with him? And how do I approach this situation without being insensitive to his loss?
submitted by Southern-Gas7031 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
