Printable first grade reading log

Sleep-Training: a safe place to talk about any kind of sleep-training for babies and toddlers

2016.06.17 15:35 UnicornToots Sleep-Training: a safe place to talk about any kind of sleep-training for babies and toddlers

This is a judgement-free zone to provide tips, ask questions, and share success stories about sleep-training your little ones. Whether you want to "cry it out" or you want to try a "no-cry sleep solution" (or anything in between), you're welcome here! [Note: We are not medical professionals. You should always consult your pediatrician before beginning a sleep-training program with your child.]

2011.05.27 04:26 papermario13689 Manga Swap: Buy, Sell, Trade.


2014.09.28 00:51 TwowolvesMatt Sunshine Gallery

/sunshinegallery is the place to display your children's wonderful works of art, from infancy through high school.

2024.05.03 01:53 walkingmoney03 My crosshair list keeps vanishing???

Lately since today and yesterday (well rlly early morning today) I've logged on twice. The first time I logged on and i get into a deathmatch as my warmup I have the default crosshair equipped and when I go to check my crosshairs THEY ARE ALL GONE (I had a lot of slots filled). I thought it was a bug and maybe the server glitched out right so I get a cross hair that i use from the internet and carry on. I take a break and hop back on in the evening and go into a Dm and MY CROSSHAIRS ARE ALL GONE AGAIN AND THE DEFAULT ONE IS EQUIPPED. Can someone help me out I don't know wtf is going on is anyone else having this problem?? I've taken to asking it here because I've searched through the internet and I've found nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by walkingmoney03 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:52 Important_Ninja_7264 Hoyos Design of Earth Structure Final (4320/5367)

Anyone taken this class have any advice on what to study for the final? I didn’t do as good on the first exam as I wanted to. I’m a bit nervous about the final since it’s another 40% of our grade.
submitted by Important_Ninja_7264 to utarlington [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:52 _low_IQ Sleep

Sleep preparation?
Hey y'all,
1st kid due in December...all I've read has a common theme: new parents get zero sleep. Is there any suggestions/prep that can help ease this unfortunate but necessary reality? A tiny bit worried how I can function at work on 6 or less hours of sleep once I return from parental leave and just general paternal confidence during these first few(+?) months..... thanks!!
submitted by _low_IQ to NewDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:52 Amr_Nivesky R4R - Planning on reading a few chapters of your story!

I've been dying to start reading books on wattpad but honestly, I didn't find the drive to do so. But I thought why not gain feedback while doing the same on here! Who knows, I might come across a really enjoyable story.
You can openly comment, it's all good!
So, I am writing a fantasy/isekai type of story.
Link: Yvestell
Here's the blurb!
In the world of Yvestell, a virtual cosmos birthed from the pinnacle of human ingenuity, the line between the fantastical and the tangible grows thin. Here, in the first VRMMORPG of its kind, the revelation of non-human players shatters the boundaries of known reality. Creatures like elves and dwarves, hailing from distant planets beyond the stars, share an ancient truth: the creation of Yvestell is an inevitability for all sentient life, an invention that unites distant worlds across space and time. Khirtis, is a new player endowed with an extraordinary ability by the system-the power to perceive the essence of things. In a realm troubled by deception and greed, his unique vision is both a blessing and a curse. Embark on a journey with Khirtis as he navigates the ever-expanding Yvestell, a world where its culture is conjoined by the many facets of different civilizations. 
submitted by Amr_Nivesky to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:52 TobioOkuma1 [NA] [LFG] [HC] [Static] Looking for Dawntrail static as MCH or Caster

Looking for a group to raid with in dawntrail.I am looking to play caster (SMN/PIC) or MCH. I have been raiding since Alexander: The Creator (With Echo). I started on MCH in heavensward in Creator, then went healer for stormblood, then did healer for the first tier of Eden. In Eden's verse, I swapped to NIN, then I went back to healer for the first and last tier of Pandaemonium (I skipped the middle tier). I cleared UCOB and UWU, but haven't done any ultimates since.
I have been playing healer mostly since Stormblood, but I am confident in my ability to swap to caster.
I am free most nights after 9:20 PM EST, and I am able to play until 2-3 AM. There is a possibility I could adjust my work hours a little bit, but that's guaranteed to be safe for me. I could also possibly take days off for the tier drop, depending on necessity. I ideally want to clear tiers in 2-3 weeks. Message me on reddit or Discord, cr1msonshadow Logs: Anabaseios (SGE): Asphodelos (SGE): Eden's Verse (NIN): Eden's Gate (SCH):
submitted by TobioOkuma1 to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:51 Efficient_Ad1909 Pressure/pain/pelvic area ..

Hey mamas! This is my second pregnancy and I’m 32 weeks on Sunday.
I’m currently‘suffering’ with either pressure or pain in my pelvic area/vagina and I can’t tell which one it is.
When I get up off the couch, turn over in bed it kind of hurts and when I walk sometimes the steps cause it to put more pressure on. I know she’s head down but I just do not remember feeling this uncomfortable at this point with my first. I feel like my baby/vagina is going to fall out sometimes 😅 Then I read about prolapse and started scaring myself even more.
Is it normal on your second? Maybe cause everything’s moved around before? Should I book with my midwife? I’m seeing her next Friday it doesn’t feel like a emergency. Is it a sign this baby could come earlier? I’m booked in for a c sec 24th June.
Anyone else? Thanks
submitted by Efficient_Ad1909 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:51 _low_IQ Sleep preparation?

Hey y'all,
1st kid due in December...all I've read has a common theme: new parents get zero sleep. Is there any suggestions/prep that can help ease this unfortunate but necessary reality? A tiny bit worried how I can function at work on 6 or less hours of sleep once I return from parental leave and just general paternal confidence during these first few(+?) months..... thanks!!
submitted by _low_IQ to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:50 Gigusx Getting my first hammock as an alternative to bed?

Hey guys,
I'm looking to potentially buy a hammock as an alternative to bed for my recent renovating project and was hoping to get some clarifications/advice before making any purchase since it'd be the first time I'd be using a hammock. I'll outline my thinking below so feel free to correct me if I'm missing something! I've tried learning as much as I could first, but some details are still unclear.
First of all, the main purpose of the renovations is to make everything more refreshed, and a lot more compact. The bed would have to be able to disappear whenever I want, and a hammock seems perfect for this (the alternative is a foldable mattress / futon but hammock is so far winning in terms of $$ and novelty 😛).
I can only use it with a stand (link below) where I live, and I was going to just spend 5-10 minutes disassembling it every morning/night, which seems okay to me. Ideally I would be able to hang it off the wall or have a foldable (or equivalent) one, but unfortunately the former isn't possible and the latter I haven't found, so this is my best idea so far.
The stand I'd get is Easy Hammock Stand Double by Tropilex (3.7m / 12ft, it will fit) and I'd also get one of their hammocks as they all look pretty amazing, I'd get a nice discount, and from what I can judge they're high quality.
I've chosen the double size variant to be able to get a larger hammock and have enough room to move around. I've seen pictures with people in very narrow hammocks and that doesn't look very appealing for long-term, and apparently not great in terms of ergonomics either. I'm unsure about 2 details:
Regarding the #2, I've come across this site (Hammock outlet) which has a great selection of both Brazilian and Mexican hammocks (Tropilex only has 1 Mexican), and they're all full-cotton. I still want to get the same stand, but I'm more undecided about the hammock, both the style (Brazilian/Mexican) and full-cotton / polycotton variants. Mostly because I don't know how this translates to the sleeping experience 🤷‍♂️
Thanks for the taking the time to read. Would appreciate some advice!
submitted by Gigusx to Hammocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:50 EmpressLelouch AITAH for fighting back my uncle's wife after she physically assaulted me?

Hi, please skip to end context to read about the incident if you don’t want to read about the on going red flags.
I (27 F) live in a small third world country that’s currently at civil war, and due to terrorist attacks we have power outages for hours daily. I’m severely physically disabled as I have a rare neurological syndrome, and I’m autistic as well. Take all of that in mind for this situation. I’m the only child in my mother’s family since my parents are divorced, no cousins, so I live in the family house with my grandparents (85 & 90). My mom (60), and my two uncles D (57) and his wife M (60+-), and my uncle Mike (52). I’m 27. Sadly, in my family DV is common. They’ve normalized physical and verbal abuse and I’ve tried to not be like them and was their victim my entire life, but I’ve had to stand up for myself more later in life. I go to therapy and I’m trying to grow out of this cycle of violence. However, my family won’t do the same. Here comes my uncle D. He’s never cared about anyone but me in the family, we really got along well and abuse from him was minimal. However, it started to be more common when he married M. They broke up when I was 15. One day, 2 years later, M contacted D asking him for… help? Because she’d gotten breast cancer. That was red flag #1 to me. She didn’t need any help at all, but used the situation to manipulate D into reconciliating. And everything went downhill from there. First, she kicked out her then minor aged son from her house, and sent him to live with his dad. Red flag #2 M used the cancer card for everything. One day after surgery, she lied to D, telling him she was suddenly homeless, just so he felt guilty and finally accepted to live together, because he never wanted to. Red flag #3. I always told my mom it was an abusive relationship, however, she told me to not confront M for D’s sake. I complied just because I didn’t want to bother my uncle. At first, M tried to use me to manipulate everyone else, but my mom noticed so she told me to avoid her. I complied. I was always very friendly with M and her son regardless.
M started to verbally abuse me after my mom didn’t let her use me. It’s been 10 years now and I’ve just tried to ignore her, because she is really agressive and angry all the time. She snapped over small things, such as having a different pov on how to handle daily task. Red flag #4 Neither M or D pay any bills or help at anythingat home, they leeched of everyone else. Red flag #5 The latest red flag was when she prohibited the family cat from entering their room, then my grandma and later on, me, for no apparent reason. She even prohibited my grandma from cooking dinner for my uncle, which she’s done her entire life, and was just trying to help. Red flag #6 M in my opinion is a Karen. She’s the typical woman that would go and scream to employees over minor mistakes, and she’s especially rude with those she considers inferior, such as construction workers. She says she’s better than everyone else because she’s a professional architect. Red flag #7 And red flag #8, the one that should’ve warned me of what was about to come was that uncle D always saw her verbally abusing me, or anyone, and when I asked him to please tell her to stop, he just said “she’s just like that.” He enabled her.
M verbally and physically assaulted me over literally nothing a week ago. We’re having power outages daily, that day it was already dark outside. I saw M and D opening and closing the garage doors manually over and over, which is extremely dangerous given there are a lot of crimes in my neighborhood. I asked D to please be careful because my pets could run away. M got angry and told D to ignore me and move. I got irritated because she’s always rude. In the span of an hour, I saw them doing the same thing around 20 times, for which I went out and calmly asked them to please be more careful because it’s dangerous. M got so angry she started yelling at me, saying: “I go wherever I want whenever I want and do whatever I want.” And flipped me off. I got angry and screamed back at her because I was tired of her abuse, told her: “What the fuck is your problem? Who do you think you are, the house’s queen? I’m only asking you to be careful.” We bickered a few seconds when suddenly she took a boxing stance, badmouthed me and started punching me in the face. Things escalated so quickly I was shocked and couldn’t defend myself. I didn’t want to fight back because I was afraid of hurting her. I’m severely disabled and can barely stand up, I faint easily and have weak legs and she knows that. She started kicking me all over my body, but especially where my spine is hurt. I snapped out of fear of not being able to walk again, and fought back, punching her repeatedly. My uncle D saw everything from the start, yet he didn’t stop her. Instead, he got in the middle and STARTED PUNCHING ME while M run away. I was so scared I started choking him. Uncle Mike run asap to try and stop us, but D didn’t want to stop and kept attacking me, so I had to keep defending myself, he started blaming me even though it was her. I was so angry and scared my survival instincts (I guess) made me do all of that. We kept insulting each other when things calmed down. I was so angry I told D I would k*ll M if she didn’t leave the house, which is obviously not true, but in my crazy mind atm I felt was the only thing to say that would stop them. It did work. M got scared and “apologized”, saying, and I quote: “Sorry sorry I went A LITTLE too far.” I told her I wouldn’t hurt her if she admitted it was her who assaulted me, because both my uncles blamed me even though they know I’m not violent and Mike didn't even see what happened.
She admitted it. With that confession, I proceeded to call the police, but as expected they didn't do anything, even though my face was swallowing and I’m legally disabled, it’s in my government ID. They told me I had to go get a restriction order myself, so I did. It all escalated so quicky I legitimately can’t process it yet. I feel guilty over punching them and threatening them. It was in self defense but I still don’t know if AITAH.
[TL;DR]: I’m a severely disabled woman in the middle of a civil war, and my uncle’s wife physically assaulted me over a minor inconvinience, and my uncle did so as well instead of stopping her. I fought back in self defense and now I feel guilty over punching and threatening them, because I’m not a violent person and I hate violence because I’m a child abuse survivor.
submitted by EmpressLelouch to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:49 Beginning-Dot16 Loading Screen info.

I’ve been play solo leveling arise for a good while and I’ve notice that during the loading screens that it gives facts that I don’t think I’ve read in the Manhwa or Light novel. Like for instance that the first hunter guild was found in Germany or that During the two year of the guilds appearing that there were no hunter ranks at all
submitted by Beginning-Dot16 to sololeveling [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:48 iH8usrnames Tortured Poets Dept - Defective vinyl - Vantiva Vinyl Solutions

About a week ago I put of a post about my wifes copy of Tortured Poets Department having major defects. Can be seen here: Original Post
To the credit of the Taylor Swift online shop they replaced the record without question and did not request we return the defective one.
Replacement record was received today and it is worse than the previous one. Same transient issues in her vocals. They seem to hit on the same phrases of a track - where the song builds to a loud "Florida" passage. It happens multiple times on that track.
The outside shrink wrap is stamped with "VINYL MADE IN MEXICO".
The text in the matrix runout is nearly impossible to read since it is barely there.
I'm going to run the first copy through my ultrasonic cleaner; maybe there is some funk in there but I highly doubt it.
submitted by iH8usrnames to vinyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:48 MyRug_Man My (30m) gf (26f) is repelled by my libido

Whenever we spoon/cuddle in the morning, I tend to get a boner. It’s obviously involuntary and I’ve tried to explain that because I’m attracted to her, there’s pretty much no context in which she can press up against me and it’s not gonna happen. But she reads it as me pressuring her or making things unnecessarily sexual.
It’s her first relationship so idk how much she understands about it being outside my control. But it makes me feel pretty shit so idk how to explain that to her or if it’s gonna be a dealbreaker.
TLDR My gf wants to cuddle without me getting an erection, but idk how to communicate to her that a.) that makes me feel bad and b.) isn’t really possible
submitted by MyRug_Man to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:48 luckygirl97 Loratadine reaction?

I just took my first dose of loratadine 10mg. I read here antihistamines could possibly help and I was having pretty bad headaches and i’ve been sneezing so I gave it a try.
I made sure to read the paper that comes with the subscription from the pharmacy and it says there are no known side effects. Well now that I’ve taken it my nerves are vibrating all over my body. Almost 10 minutes after taking it. My headache is subsiding and I had excruciating leg pain that is now dissipating. I feel a little nauseous but that’s about it.
Is it helping or am I having a bad reaction?
submitted by luckygirl97 to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:47 Perfect_Reverse_Me First useful updates


Improved API Key Management:

Code Refactoring and Optimizations

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Upcoming Features

New Hosted Domain and Endpoint

Instead of using the HuggingFace Spaces platform, we have now deployed our service on our own hosted domain and endpoint: This allows for better control, customization, and scalability.
Don't forget to visit and support me for this work. I am a one-person army, and this project is hard to work on without motivation. <3 Write comments, and you can suggest the models you would like to see!
submitted by Perfect_Reverse_Me to ReverseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:46 Proph3t_AZ [28M] Who wants to open some cards with me?

Does anyone feel like opening some trading cards or sports cards with me? I have about 48 booster packs of Into the Inklands waiting for Lorcana. I have a booster box of Paldea Evolved waiting in hopes of getting the special magikarp. I also have 3 ETB's for Crown Zenith and 2 for 151 that have the potential to be opened. I might even hit the store and look for something else if you have suggestions. I also have a huge collection of TCG and trading cards I'd love to share and talk about. My goal is to expand upon my instgram page where I highlight my favorite cards. If you like pokemon i also have a few games for my switch and DS but I really love pokemon showdown, if you havnt tried that then you're really missing out. I have a previous post on here that talks about my anxiety and OCD, if thats something we connect with I'm more than happy to share and connect over that. I like to nostalgia out on older games mainly on the ps3 since that’s the first real console I had. Battlefield hardline? Dust 514? Defiance? I’ve made a career change too so that’s something I like to talk about too. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Proph3t_AZ to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:46 Stovesays I cannot read this woman to save my life.

Ok some context. Me (29m) and new fling (29w) have gone on about 5 dates in the last month. Every one better than the last, conversation doesn’t stop, and generally enjoyable. Very similar humor, values, and priorities. This is the first person I’ve genuinely liked in a long time. Dates have all been public, haven’t tried anything past our dates, have always kissed goodnight etc.
I am pretty comfortable in dating. Never really had trouble getting dates, gf’s, one nighters etc. I also like to think I’m pretty socially aware and can read situations well. But I am so absolutely stumped by this woman it’s driving me nuts.
She is maybe the most emotionally intelligent and self aware person I have ever met. I am absolutely fascinated. She has self admitted that she is avoidant of her phone prior to even date 1. Texting, social media, etc.
After the last date we had agreed that we wanted to continue seeing each other, which I was absolutely over the moon about. However our texting or general communication outside of dates hasn’t picked up. At all. We’ll go 3-4 days without talking, generally I’m okay with that I don’t need much attention. But I can’t help to feel like it’s a sign of interest level?
I’ve planned dates, prioritized her and her schedule, added a thoughtful gift or two in there, etc.
Where I could use some female perspective, should I text her and just generally communicate i am having a hard time gauging interest level in order to align with intent? I feel like verbal validation would go a long way to at least me knowing I’m not wasting my time here. Or since I’ve already demonstrated that I’m pursuing her, and communicated that I want to continue seeing her, should I just take a back seat and let her move.
Any advice helps, TIA.
submitted by Stovesays to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:46 detecting_guru Grade Rounding Down??

My stats professor is trying to round down my grade to an A- when she carried the decimals to like 5 places from 93 to 92.9972... I don't really DESERVE the A in the first place since she gave everyone a free 100 on our final (the TAs really botched it). But holy crap, I mean, she changed the Moodle rounding so that it would go DOWN and I have screenshots of it before when it was a flat 93.
submitted by detecting_guru to NCSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:46 A_pass Thoughts on score

Online sat sucked
submitted by A_pass to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:43 Vomit-pigs69 [pjo] I just finished book 5.

WHAT IN HADES DID I JUST READ. This is the best book I’ve ever read. This is the first book that made me cry.
submitted by Vomit-pigs69 to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:43 Sionnacht New Fan of Jujutsu Kaisen. Very Confused, halp! (spoilers up to current chapter)

I just recently discovered this series and love it! I read all the available chapters through a viz sub, so I'm pretty sure I'm current. But there is this big question that I thought would be answered by now that is making the story hard to follow for me.
I was really hyped about the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, and it delivered! (Other than those annoying full-page text dumps that broke up the action with everyone just saying, "idk what's happening!" (but with a lot more words xD) How the fight ended wasn't really a surprise to me. After Nanami I had a feeling Gojo was the next dead-man walking lol
Here's where it gets shaky. At the midway point of the fight Gojo uses hollow purple and hurts himself and Sukuna. The chapter ends with Gojo quipping something like he likes the mutual damage left him in better shape than Sukuna. Then the next chapter starts with Gojo in a "flashback" which is actually just his last moments of life. Then Sukuna explains he made his cut target the whole universe to break through the last part of Gojo's void with his adaptation stolen from Megumi.
My first question. Why is half the fight missing? Why does no one talk like they saw the entire fight. It's like the characters themselves also missed everything after hollow purple. At first, I legit thought Viz had made an error and forgot to post a whole chapter haha
This is where I get really confused. Something that piqued my interest in that chapter was Gojo's final moments with his friends. The whole series he has been reckless and overconfident. But he also had a dream he really believed in, of making his students stronger than him to change the stagnate Jujutsu world. However, in the terminal Gojo only talks about how he loved going all out (which is fair!) but then started this weird line of thought of "getting through and speaking to Sukuna."
That's some straight Goku and Vegeta dialogue there, but Gojo and Sukuna never seemed to have that type of "rival" relationship. In fact, Gojo has been downright ruthless and ice-cold with any curses up to this point, even the ones that were sentient. Not to mention Sukuna is actually evil and Gojo had every intention of killing Sukuna if he could win. There's no room in that scenario for this "we speak with our fists" plot point. Where did this newfound sympathy for Sukuna and knowing the "loneliness" of being the strongest come from? Did I miss something?
Second, he never mentions his students even once, despite us being shown how important they are to him. It was weird that there wasn't even like a quick, "That fight was awesome, and I've done my part. I hope I prepared my students enough to be the "Gojos" of the future, and also enough to not be instant killed by Sukuna"
The whole sequence was just so out of character. For a while I was thinking he wasn't dead but trapped in some illusion created by Sukuna or from burning out his own brain. But there is no more Gojo from the waist up, so that's pretty solid evidence he is dead xD
submitted by Sionnacht to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:43 EloraForever I’m in a hardcore fantasy romance slump, any suggestions for where to start back up? Looking for unique concepts that aren’t too trope-y!

I loved this genre and it was 95% of I read for a year and a half. Unfortunately, after a while I found that I was getting burnt out on how many books I was picking up that leaned on the same tropes over and over again.
{When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker} is what led to my fantasy slump in the first place. The book was massive and I wanted to love the world building and characters but the FMC just made me want to strangle her at every turn. Ever since I read that book in January, I haven’t been able to get into another fantasy romance, though I’ve had no issues with other genres.
What I’m looking for now is something that doesn’t lean too hard on tropes and has an equally solid relationship and overall storyline. I’m sorry if this is a common ask on here, I’m just desperate to find another fantasy to fall in love with 😭
Things I LOVED: {Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven} {A Court of Mist and Fury} (though I’ve since soured on ACOTAR unfortunately) {His Secret Illuminations by Scarlett Gale} {The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia} {Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett} {Uprooted by Naomi Novik}
Wasn’t for Me: The From Ash and Blood series {The Last Storm by JD Linton} {A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne} {The High Mountain Court by AK Mulford} {To Bleed a Crystal Bloom by Sarah A Parker} The Plated Prisoner series
Thank you in advance for any recs!
submitted by EloraForever to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:43 Loulou167 Pip boy quest bug

Pip boy quest bug
If i load my first save everything is good but i don’t have any recent save without that bug.. did something like that ever happened to anyone? It just happen in the quest log …
submitted by Loulou167 to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]