Temperature and aching joints symptoms

we diagnose your sick plants!

2015.07.06 01:20 squidboots we diagnose your sick plants!

If you're wondering "What's wrong with my plant?", we will help you diagnose and treat it!

2014.03.30 11:14 mundabit Support for sufferers of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

This is a subreddit to raise awareness and offer support for people with PFD. Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a wide range of issues that occur when muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, tight, or there is an impairment of the muscle, nerves or joints. Tissues surrounding the pelvic organs may have increased or decreased sensitivity and function resulting in pelvic pain.

2014.10.26 21:24 aquagenic pruritus

Aquagenic pruritus is a skin disease characterized by the development of severe itching on contact with water without observable skin lesions. The symptoms may be felt immediately after contact with water and can persist for an hour or longer.

2024.05.17 13:07 bpsani BBT stable since 8dpo, it's normal?

BBT stable since 8dpo, it's normal?


it's my firt time ttc, and i'm measuring my bbt and cm since my ovulation, my opk(lh) stay positive for 4~5 days, today(17/05) it's negative. I made a pregancy test, 2 days ago, and it's negative.
But the point it, my basal body temperature chart has been so stable in recent days that I suspect I might be pregnant, but I don't have many significant symptoms, except for some intermittent nipple pain. Yesterday it was sore, but today it feels fine(probably just becaus high progest.).
I don't have past data, which makes it even more difficult, so I'm waiting for my period to come in order to start mapping. But the question is, is it normal for basal body temperature to be and remain so high after ovulation?
submitted by bpsani to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:02 existentialcriisis Low WBC, high monocytes

30F, white, 5’5 171lbs. History of asthma and depression. 15mg lexapro daily.
For the past ~6 months I’ve had increasing joint pain, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite and diarrhea. I had bloodwork done, initially thinking it may be celiac, but the results were negative. My WBC are low (2.7), monocytes are elevated (11.7%) neutrophils are low (1.5) and lymphocytes are low (.7). My immunoglobulin came back elevated (387).
Do these results point towards lupus? Cancer? Or could they be normal. I am concerned given the symptoms I’ve been experiencing lately.
Thank you
submitted by existentialcriisis to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:54 ashokamarketing Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad

Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad
If you're seeking effective Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad, look no further. Tinnitus, characterized by ringing, buzzing, or humming sounds in the ears, can significantly impact one's quality of life. Fortunately, Hyderabad offers a range of cutting-edge treatments tailored to manage and alleviate tinnitus symptoms, allowing individuals to regain control over their auditory health and overall well-being.
At our state-of-the-art healthcare facilities in Hyderabad, individuals experiencing tinnitus receive personalized care from expert otolaryngologists, audiologists, and allied healthcare professionals. Our multidisciplinary approach to tinnitus management begins with a comprehensive evaluation to identify the underlying causes and tailor treatment plans accordingly.
Our team understands that tinnitus can stem from various factors, including age-related hearing loss, exposure to loud noise, ear infections, or underlying medical conditions like Meniere's disease or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. That's why we prioritize a thorough assessment to pinpoint the root cause of tinnitus before recommending a course of action.
One of the cornerstones of Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad is counseling and education. Our compassionate professionals provide invaluable support, helping individuals understand their condition and develop coping strategies to mitigate tinnitus-related stress and anxiety. Through counseling sessions, patients gain insights into the emotional and psychological aspects of tinnitus, empowering them to better manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.
Sound therapy is another integral component of our tinnitus treatment approach. Our cutting-edge facilities offer a variety of sound therapy options, including wearable devices like hearing aids and sound generators, as well as smartphone apps and bedside sound machines. These devices deliver soothing sounds such as white noise, nature sounds, or relaxing music, effectively masking tinnitus noise and promoting relaxation.
For individuals with underlying hearing loss exacerbating their tinnitus, our audiologists specialize in fitting advanced hearing aids tailored to their unique needs. These modern hearing aids come equipped with tinnitus masking features and customizable settings, providing personalized relief and enhancing auditory clarity for improved communication and quality of life.
In cases where tinnitus is linked to specific medical conditions, our team collaborates closely with specialists to explore targeted interventions. Whether it's prescribing medications to alleviate symptoms or recommending surgical procedures to address underlying issues, we prioritize the most effective and least invasive treatment options to optimize patient outcomes.
In addition to conventional treatments, we recognize the value of complementary and alternative therapies in tinnitus management. Our integrative approach may include acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, and relaxation techniques, offering holistic benefits to complement traditional interventions and promote overall well-being.
At our healthcare facilities in Hyderabad, we go beyond medical treatment to foster a supportive community for individuals living with tinnitus. Through support groups, educational workshops, and rehabilitation programs, we empower patients to connect with peers, share experiences, and access valuable resources to navigate their tinnitus journey with confidence.
In summary, if you're seeking comprehensive Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad, our dedicated team is here to help. With personalized care, innovative therapies, and a commitment to patient-centered excellence, we're dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by tinnitus and helping them rediscover the joys of sound and silence. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward tinnitus relief.
For more details visit our site: https://ashokahearingclinic.com/tinnitus/
Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad
Best Tinnitus treatment in Hyderabad
submitted by ashokamarketing to u/ashokamarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:44 AdInteresting2401 Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)

Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)
MCAS differential diagnosis includes a large number of medical areas, conditions and disorders: infectious diseases (severe viral/bacterial/parasitic infections, septic shock, acute gastrointestinal infection), gastrointestinal (food intoxication, VIPoma, gastrinoma, irritable bowel syndrome, eosinophilic gastroenteritis or esophagitis, inflammatory bowel disease), cardiovascular (endocarditis or endomyocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, aortic stenosis with syncope), endocrine (pheochromocytoma, carcinoid, medullary thyroid carcinoma), neuropsychiatric (anxiety/panic attacks, vasovagal syncope), cutaneous (different kinds of urticaria and angioedema, drug related pruritus/rashes, rosacea, vasculitis, atopic dermatitis). Furthermore, differential diagnosis should take into consideration two conditions where there is a chronic systemic elevation of MC mediators without MCs undue activation, namely histamine intolerance (HIT) and hereditary alpha tryptasemia (HαT) (see below). A complete physical examination, combined with a detailed patient history and laboratory assessment of specific markers, can help exclude these conditions [137].
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:41 Crazy_Cap1800 Pins, Needles and tightness

Hi all currently struggling with pins and needles in feet, hands, tightness calves and forearms, thighs and hamstrings. Also some shoulder aches and pains. I often wake up in severe pins and needles pain which subsides to normal knowing it's there pain after a minute or so and moving about.
I am very much in the camp or worrying MS is the cause, however this also absolutely heightens my anxiety to the point where I am in two minds as to whether it's health anxiety and I am constantly going round in a circle making the symptoms worse through worry. It's a really tough spot to be in. From some online questions and answers it does suggest I have high anxiety, whether that extends to still being present when I am asleep to cause the pins and needles upon waking up I am not sure?.
Doctors think as I used to drink more than I should my symptoms are possibly neuropathy based off too much alcohol. I am skeptical as when I mentioned the alcohol it felt like all other options were discarded there and then. Also my symptoms improved by about 90% after around 4 weeks of no alcohol then came back about 1 week later (still no alcohol). Leads me to think if it was the alcohol and I recovered a lot but don't now drink how could the symptoms return.
Has anyone been through a similar situation at all. Thanks
submitted by Crazy_Cap1800 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:37 bpsani BTT stable since 8dpo but negative test

BTT stable since 8dpo but negative test
i'm firt time ttc, and i'm measuring my bbt and cm since my ovulation, my opk(lh) stay positive for 4~5 days, today(17/05) it's negative. I made a pregancy test, 2 days ago, and it's negative.
But the point it, my basal body temperature chart has been so stable in recent days that I suspect I might be pregnant, but I don't have many significant symptoms, except for some intermittent nipple pain. Yesterday it was sore, but today it feels fine(probably just becaus of progest.). Of course, this is the first time I'm measuring my basal body temperature, so I don't have any past data. What do you suggest? I have a dental surgery scheduled for today, and I'm worried that if I am pregnant, it might cause harm.
My chart is here.
submitted by bpsani to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:33 DexyBoo Having a really bad time rn

About a month ago I went on holiday. We had a week in Egypt - averaged around 33°C, and we spent the majority of the time relaxing in the sun, reading, or chilling in the pool. The week after that we were still off work, and all was good.
Pretty much all of my symptoms cleared up after a few solid days of not doing much. It felt amazing - I'd forgotten how good it could feel! No shooting pains, no deep aches, no tenderness... honestly it was such a bloody relief.
Now, two weeks back into the daily grind and I'm I'm agony. Using a keyboard has left my hands and wrists painful again. My legs have shooting pains from my hip joints down to my knees. My jaw is throbbing, my feet hurt, my neck hurts, and I've had a migraine now for 4 days. And I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed.
It feels worse than its ever been before. Do I have to wait until my body gets used to the constant pain again? I wondering if having no pain for a little bit has taken away my resistance to it. All I know is I feel like crying with it all, but that only makes my head hurt more
submitted by DexyBoo to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:32 bpsani BTT stable since 8dpo but negative test

i'm firt time ttc, and i'm measuring my bbt and cm since my ovulation, my opk(lh) stay positive for 4~5 days, today(17/05) it's negative. I made a pregancy test, 2 days ago, and it's negative.
But the point it, my basal body temperature chart has been so stable in recent days that I suspect I might be pregnant, but I don't have many significant symptoms, except for some intermittent nipple pain. Yesterday it was sore, but today it feels fine(probably just becaus of progest.). Of course, this is the first time I'm measuring my basal body temperature, so I don't have any past data. What do you suggest? I have a dental surgery scheduled for today, and I'm worried that if I am pregnant, it might cause harm.
My chart is here.
submitted by bpsani to FAMnNFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:20 Finitehealth Reconsidering new supplement stack

Reconsidering a new supplement stack, what are your thoughts on this one?
**Carnosine**: Studies suggest carnosine has antioxidant properties and may help with muscle endurance and neuroprotection.
**Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate**: Research supports their use in improving joint health and skin hydration.
**Glucosamine Chondroitin**: Numerous studies have shown these compounds can support joint health and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.
**Peak K2**: Vitamin K2 is supported by research for its role in bone health and cardiovascular health by preventing arterial calcification.
**Myricetin**: Some studies indicate it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulation benefits.
**Longevity A.I.**: Typically blends of ingredients aimed at promoting longevity, though the specific components' research varies.
**Autophagy Renew**: Ingredients that support autophagy (like spermidine) have shown potential in promoting cellular cleanup processes and longevity.
**Blueberry Extract**: Rich in antioxidants, with research supporting cognitive function and reduced DNA damage.
**Benfotiamine**: Research supports its use in preventing diabetic complications like neuropathy.
**Vitamin A**: Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health, with strong research backing.
**Chlorophyllin**: Research indicates it may act as an internal deodorizer and has antioxidant properties.
**Purified Polysaccharides**: Some polysaccharides, like beta-glucans, are researched for immune support.
**Acetyl L-Carnitine Arginate**: Research suggests benefits for brain health and energy production.
**Pantethine**: Supported by research for lowering cholesterol and improving lipid metabolism.
**Calcium AEP**: Limited research, but some support for nerve health and cellular membranes.
**Pomegranate Seed Oil**: Rich in antioxidants, with research indicating cardiovascular and anti-cancer benefits.
**Cissus**: Research supports its use for bone health, joint repair, and as a general analgesic.
**Astaxanthin**: A powerful antioxidant with research supporting skin health, anti-inflammatory effects, and improved endurance.
**Youthful You DHEA 5mg**: DHEA is researched for its potential in improving muscle mass, sex drive, and combating aging effects.
**Glycine Powder**: Research supports glycine for improving sleep quality, cognitive function, and metabolic health.
**Beta-Alanine Powder**: Well-researched for improving athletic performance and endurance.
**L-Citrulline Powder**: Research supports its role in enhancing nitric oxide production, improving blood flow, and boosting exercise performance.
submitted by Finitehealth to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:06 SnooCapers7904 Drugs. Lots of Drugs.

There will definitely be a lot more posts of mine here, simply because I just finished the show today and have SO much on my mind.
I was actually in first grade when the show aired (oh WOW I'm old), watched it for the very first time in 5th grade. I watched the show throughout my teenage years, finished it once. I decided to rewatch it at 19 due to a mix of nostalgia and, my main focus, to rewatch the show in the perspective of a (more or less) adult with the experience of watching the show as a 12/14/17 year old. Adding to that: I'm not from the US & watched the show with the German Dub. There might be translation errors or cultural differences which could lead to a few misunderstandings/ me just not knowing about American culture lol.
I have done multiple interesting.. enhancements, you could say - including Speed. Rewatching the show made me SOO mad when it comes to that aspect.
Let's get my personal elephant out of the room - wtf was going on with Maya's storyline? From all I have seen Mayas parents are supposed to be these "chill, laid back, not married when getting kids, tattood" California typa parents, yet as soon as a whiff of a joint crosses their nose, they send her to some CAMP? Like, out of ALL reactions you could have head - chill parents or not - why on earth would you send your daughter SO far away?
Now, let's go to the general elephant in the room - Spencers pill popping
I do understand the motivation and reasoning behind Spencer's usage of the drug - ESPECIALLYYY coming from a household with such immense pressure. Out of the perspective from someone who's taken it before, her taking it in order to keep up with studying/ hunting A is actually the "lesser evil" or "less bad" option out of ALL out there.
What bugged me especially was everyone's reaction after finding out that Spencer was abusing speed.
Just as a reminder: You should NEVER approach a person who's drug abusing (and perhaps on drugs while they talk lmao) in a group of four, hassle around with the "evidence" (iirc they had a bottle of pills which they threw on the ground?), scream at the addict about what bad of a human being they are BECAUSE of their abuse etc.
The way the girls just did a 3v1 against Spencer is just.. disgusting.
Now let me get one thing straight: you CAN get away from drugs. You can get away from the people around you which influence you to take them. You can throw everything related to it away & act like it never happen. You can get into rehab, you can seek therapy and help from your loved ones.
That is however.. easier said than done. You can make the jump over to rehabilitation, but you need to make the jump first. That's usually the hardest step - to realize you have a problem.
During the ENTIRE plotline of Spencer being addicted, there is no one who really wanted to sit down with her and see.. her "side" of the perspective.
They could've written it so far better, implement actual aspects of being addicted. The liArs sitting down with her, hugging her and telling her that everything will be alright. Her parents thinking that they might have pressured her a little bit too much or Melissa realizing that her little sister is an addict. Toby trying to save the love of his life during hardship.
Spencer experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal, fighting against the addiction & slowly gaining more and more control of her addiction. Perhaps her doing a lot of shady stuff for drugs.
Don't get me wrong, there are scenes and important moments of Spencer doing exactly these things, like her digging through arias trash in order to find the pills.
They threw away SOO much potential. If they had taken the aspect of her addiction / Drugs in general more serious, more sympathy/empathy could've been around when it comes to drugs or addiction. It's just so.. weird and toxic the way they approached her on the drugs. Instead of giving her support, a shoulder to cry on or just.. any kind of help they just.. attack her.
Now to top ALLLL of that - the Actress of Paige, Lindsay Shaw, was on cocaine the entire time of her shooting. Later she switched to Adderall because it was easiemore accessible, Emily / Shay Mitchell tried to help her too. Apparently the producers knew about it but never talked about it.
I'm sorry, this is such a long rant but honestly... this has made me so mad lol
submitted by SnooCapers7904 to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:54 Asic_clinic Unlocking Mobility: The Advantages of Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi

In today’s fast-paced world, even the slightest inconvenience can disrupt our daily lives. Shoulder injuries, in particular, can severely limit our mobility and productivity. However, with advancements in medical technology, procedures like shoulder arthroscopy surgery have revolutionized the way we treat such injuries, offering a ray of hope for those seeking relief from shoulder ailments.

Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi beneath the professional steerage of famed orthopedic surgeon Dr. Atul Mishra affords many advantages that alleviate soreness and expedite the journey back to an active way of life.
Minimal Incision Size:
Gone are the days of massive, intimidating incisions. Shoulder arthroscopy surgical treatment employs minimally invasive techniques, utilizing small incisions through which a tiny digital camera, referred to as an arthroscope, is inserted. This lets surgeons visualize the interior of the shoulder joint with unparalleled readability, without the want for vast reduction. The result? Minimal tissue damage, decreased scarring, and a quicker recuperation duration.
Lower Risk of Infection:
One of the maximum first-rate issues with any surgical procedure is the chance of contamination. Traditional open surgical processes frequently monitor the body to a higher risk of publish-operative infections because of large incisions and prolonged publicity of internal tissues. However, with shoulder arthroscopy surgical techniques, the risk of contamination is extensively reduced. The smaller incisions lessen the access factors for microorganisms, leading to a decreased threat of postoperative complications and, as a result, a smoother restoration way.
Expedited Return to Normal Activities:
Time is of the essence, mainly in terms of getting higher from shoulder harm. Whether it is returning to work, taking component in sports activities, or performing regular everyday obligations, the potential to renew everyday sports activities rapidly is paramount. The shoulder arthroscopy surgical remedy gives exactly that — a quicker recovery timeline than traditional open surgical strategies. With minimum tissue trauma and reduced up-operative pain, patients can regain mobility and functionality faster, letting them get lower back to doing what they love with minimal downtime.
Expert Care in Delhi with Dr. Atul Mishra:
When it includes orthopedic care, knowledge topics. In Delhi, Dr. Atul Mishra is a leading authority in shoulder arthroscopy surgical treatment. With a wealth of entertainment and a willpower for excellence, Dr. Mishra combines precision surgical strategies with compassionate patient care, ensuring closing results for each man or woman under his care.
In conclusion, Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Delhi, led by Dr. Atul Mishra, gives a beacon of desire for people grappling with shoulder injuries. With its minimal incision length, decreased risk of infection, and expedited return to ordinary sports activities, this superior approach addresses the physical obstacles imposed by shoulder illnesses. It empowers patients to reclaim their satisfaction in existence. If you’re looking for comfort from shoulder aches, keep in mind exploring the transformative advantages of shoulder arthroscopy surgical procedure beneath the steering of Dr. Atul Mishra — because of the fact approximately your fitness and knowledge make all of the difference.
submitted by Asic_clinic to u/Asic_clinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:53 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble - Chapter 21

New Chapter on every MWF (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)
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Chapter 21: Reborn
Gribble sitting alongside his grandfather, Gorp, at a serene lake nestled in the heart of a lush forest. The gentle lapping of the water against the shore and the melodic chirping of birds create a peaceful atmosphere. Gribble's small, green hands grip a fishing rod, his eyes fixed on the unmoving line, frustration etched across his youthful face as time passes without a single catch. The sun's warm rays dance upon the lake's surface, casting a golden glow on the tranquil scene, yet Gribble remains oblivious to the beauty surrounding him, consumed by his growing impatience.
Gorp, a wise and patient goblin with a wrinkled face and kind, knowing eyes, notices his grandson's mounting frustration and offers a reassuring smile. With a gentle touch, Gorp places his weathered hand on Gribble's shoulder, his presence alone seeming to calm the young goblin's restless spirit. In a voice filled with wisdom and understanding, Gorp imparts a profound piece of advice that will forever shape Gribble's perspective: "Patience, my dear Gribble, is the bridge to success; when coupled with an unwavering belief in oneself, it becomes an unstoppable force, capable of overcoming even the most daunting of challenges."
As these words resonate deep within Gribble's mind, the peaceful scene begins to fade, the colors blurring and the sounds growing distant. The harsh reality of the present situation comes crashing back, and Gribble finds himself torn from the comforting memory, thrust once more into the dangerous reality of the cave and the looming threat of the Thundercat
Gribble lies on the cold, hard ground of the cave, his small body battered and bruised from the Thundercat's relentless assault. The air is thick with the scent of blood and the tang of fear, as Gribble struggles to catch his breath, each inhalation sending shockwaves of pain through his weakened frame. The Thundercat looms over him, its massive form casting a sinister shadow across the cavern floor, its electric blue fur crackling with barely contained energy. The creature's eyes gleam with a predatory hunger, its gaze fixed upon the helpless goblin, as if savoring the moment before delivering the final, fatal blow.
Gribble's heart races, his pulse pounding in his ears like a frantic drum, as he stares into the face of death itself. The Thundercat's hot breath washes over him, carrying with it the stench of primal ferocity and unbridled power. Gribble's own breath comes in short, desperate gasps, his lungs burning with the effort of drawing in the damp, musty air of the cave. The cold tendrils of fear wrap around his soul, threatening to suffocate him with their icy grip, as he confronts the terrifying realization that his life hangs in the balance, dependent upon the whims of the savage creature that towers above him.
In this moment of absolute horror, Gribble's mind races, desperately searching for a way out, for some glimmer of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness. He knows that he must act quickly, that hesitation will surely spell his doom, but his body feels leaden, weighed down by the burden of his injuries and the paralyzing fear that grips his heart.
In a last-ditch effort to save himself from the Thundercat's impending attack, Gribble musters the remnants of his strength, drawing upon the very last reserves of his power. He calls out to the earth, seeking to summon the dormant life that lies beneath the cave floor, hoping against hope that his earth vine powers will answer his desperate plea. Gribble's mind races as he focuses all of his energy on this single, crucial task, his brow furrowed in concentration, his eyes squeezed shut as he wills the vines to burst forth from the unyielding ground.
The thick green vine is sluggish in its movements, its progress hindered by the unnatural environment of the cave, but still, it inches forward, guided by Gribble's unwavering determination.
Gribble's heart leaps with a sudden surge of hope as he watches the vine snake its way towards the Thundercat, a small, defiant spark igniting within his chest. He knows that this is his only chance, that the success of his plan hinges upon the strength and speed of the vine, and he pours every last ounce of his will into the endeavor. The vine quivers and strains, as if struggling against an invisible barrier, but Gribble refuses to yield, his mind locked in a silent battle of wills with the very earth itself.
As Gribble watches the vine's sluggish progress, a sudden flash of inspiration illuminates his mind, and a daring plan takes shape. With renewed focus and determination, he directs the vine's growth, shaping and molding it with his earth magic, willing it to take on a new, more deadly form. Slowly, the tender green tendril begins to elongate and narrow, its tip sharpening into a wicked point, until it resembles a crude but effective spear, poised to strike at the heart of the Thundercat.
Gribble's eyes narrow as he concentrates on the newly-formed vine spear, his body trembling with the effort of maintaining his mental grip on the volatile plant matter. The spear quivers in the air, its tip aimed squarely at the Thundercat's broad, muscular chest, as if seeking out the creature's vital organs with a hunter's precision. Gribble's breathing grows shallow and rapid, his heart pounding against his ribcage as he prepares to unleash the improvised weapon, knowing that this single strike may well determine the outcome of the battle, and perhaps, the very course of his life.
With a final, desperate surge of energy, Gribble thrusts his hand forward, his fingers splayed wide as he channels every last ounce of his power into the vine spear. Time seems to slow to a crawl as Gribble watches the spear's progress, his heart in his throat, his eyes wide with a mixture of hope and fear, as he silently prays for the success of his gambit
The vine spear’s sharpened tip finding its mark with a sickening thud as it pierces the Thundercat's muscular chest. The creature lets out a deafening roar of pain and surprise, its voice reverberating through the cave like a clap of thunder, as it staggers backward, its electric blue fur standing on end. The Thundercat's eyes widen in shock and disbelief, its gaze fixed upon the slender green tendril that protrudes from its body, as if struggling to comprehend the reality of its own vulnerability.
Gribble watches in stunned amazement as the mighty Thundercat, the very embodiment of primal power and ferocity, begins to falter, its movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated. The creature's massive frame shudders and convulses, its muscles rippling beneath its fur as it fights to remove the vine. The Thundercat's breaths come in short, ragged gasps, its eyes growing dim and unfocused as the life slowly drains from its body, until at last, it collapses to the ground, a final, shuddering sigh escaping its lips.
The cave falls silent, the only sound the steady patter of the rain outside and Gribble's own labored breathing, as he struggles to come to terms with the magnitude of his victory. He stares at the Thundercat's lifeless form, scarcely daring to believe that he, a small, unassuming goblin, could have felled such a formidable beast. A mixture of relief and exhaustion washes over Gribble, his limbs trembling with the aftershocks of the intense battle, as he slowly begins to process the implications of his triumph.
Gribble crawls towards the fallen Thundercat, his movements slow and painful, each breath sending a fresh wave of agony through his battered body. As he nears the creature's lifeless form, an inexplicable urge takes hold of him, a primal desire that he can neither explain nor resist. Before he can question the impulse, Gribble finds himself drawn to the Thundercat's still-warm chest, his hands moving of their own accord as they seek out the beast's most vital organ.
With trembling fingers, Gribble carefully parts the Thundercat's thick fur, revealing the smooth, blue skin beneath. He hesitates for a moment, his mind reeling at the thought of what he is about to do, but the compulsion proves too strong to ignore. With a deep breath and a quick, decisive movement, Gribble plunges his hand into the Thundercat's chest, his fingers closing around the creature's still-beating heart. The organ pulses in his grasp, its rhythm slowing as he carefully extracts it from the Thundercat's body, a faint crackle of residual electricity dancing across its surface.
Gribble brings the heart to his lips, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and anticipation, as he contemplates the enormity of the act he is about to commit. The coppery scent of blood fills his nostrils, mingling with the damp, earthy smell of the cave, as he parts his lips and takes a tentative bite of the Thundercat's essence. The taste is overwhelming, a flood of rich, primal flavors that dance upon his tongue, setting his senses alight with a rush of power and vitality unlike anything he has ever experienced. The world narrows to a single, focus point, as if the universe itself is holding its breath, waiting to see what awestriking abilities Gribble will gain from this bold act of consumption.
As Gribble swallows the last morsel of the Thundercat's heart, an electrifying surge of power courses through his veins, setting every nerve ending alight with a tingling, almost painful sensation. The goblin's small frame begins to tremble and convulse, his muscles twitching and spasming as the creature's essence merges with his own life force. Gribble gasps as he feels his body start to change, subtle shifts taking place throughout his musculature and skeleton that quickly escalate into all-consuming physical transformations as the potent powers from the heart take hold.
Gribble's once small, wiry muscles begin to bulge and swell, expanding with newfound strength and vitality, as if the Thundercat's raw power is being transmuted directly into his own cells and sinews. His scrawny limbs thicken and lengthen, the sudden growth of his body accompanied by shooting pains and cramps, as he undergoes an accelerated metamorphosis. The goblin's stature increases rapidly, his height multiplying at an astonishing rate, until he towers over his former self, a new, imposing figure of raw power and potential.
But the changes do not stop with his musculature alone. Gribble's senses sharpen to a degree he would never have thought possible, his eyes able to penetrate the thick darkness of the cave without hindrance, every detail of his surroundings now clear and sharp as if bathed in the bright light of day. The goblin's ears twitch and thrum with a newfound sensitivity, able to pick up the tiniest sounds and vibrations from the depths of the cave. Most astonishing of all, sparks of brilliant blue electricity emerge through the hairs on Gribble's arms, dancing and pulsing with a life force that both fascinates and terrifies him. He has been reborn, a product of the powers that now surge within, his body and mind irrevocably altered by the essence of the Thundercat.
As the initial shock of the transformation begins to subside, Gribble becomes aware of a soothing warmth spreading throughout his body, a sensation that stands in stark contrast to the pain and exhaustion that had plagued him mere moments before. The goblin looks down at his battered and bruised form, his eyes widening in astonishment as he watches the myriad wounds and gashes that mar his skin begin to knit together before his very eyes, the flesh mending itself at an impossible rate.
Deep lacerations seal shut, leaving behind only faint, silvery scars that quickly fade into nothingness, as if erased by an unseen hand. Ugly purple bruises that had blossomed across Gribble's body, testaments to the savage beating he had endured at the claws and fangs of the Thundercat, now rapidly diminish in size and color, until they vanish entirely, leaving his skin unmarked and pristine. Even the bone-deep aches and pains that had settled into Gribble's joints and muscles dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of strength and vitality that courses through his veins like liquid fire.
As the healing process nears its completion, Gribble slowly rises to his feet, marveling at the ease with which he can now move, his body no longer weighed down by the burdens of injury and fatigue. He flexes his fingers experimentally, feeling the raw power that thrums just beneath the surface of his skin, a barely contained energy that whispers tantalizing of limitless potential. A sense of invincibility washes over the goblin, the knowledge that he has not only survived the brutal encounter with the Thundercat but emerged stronger and more powerful than ever before. Gribble's gaze hardens with a newfound sense of purpose, steadied by the certainty that he can now overcome any obstacle that dares to stand in his path.
Even as Gribble revels in the rush of power and the exhilaration of his miraculous recovery, a faint shadow begins to creep across the edges of his consciousness, an unsettling presence that lurks just beyond the reach of his newfound senses. It is a darkness that seems to emanate from deep within his own being, a nebulous entity that tugs at the corner of his thoughts, whispering of hidden costs and unspoken dangers.
The goblin tries to shake off the growing sense of unease, pushing the troubling thoughts aside as he focuses instead on the incredible changes that have taken place within his body, marveling at the raw strength and vitality that now course through his veins. Yet, even as he seeks to bask in the glow of his transformation, the darkness persists, hovering at the edge of his awareness like a silent, watchful specter.
As Gribble moves through the cave, his steps imbued with newfound purpose and power, he cannot escape the nagging feeling that something fundamental has shifted within him, a subtle alteration that goes beyond the physical changes he has undergone. It is as if the essence of the Thundercat, now intertwined with his own lifeforce, has brought with it a touch of something primal and untamed, a wildness that threatens to consume him from within. The goblin's heart begins to race, a sense of trepidation rising in his chest as he ponders the implications of this strange, unsettling presence, wondering what price he may ultimately pay for the powers he has so eagerly embraced.
Driven by an instinctive need to escape the confines of the cave and the lingering presence of the fallen Thundercat, Gribble makes his way towards the entrance, his steps steady and purposeful, imbued with a newfound sense of strength and determination. As he nears the mouth of the cave, the sound of the pouring rain grows louder, the steady patter of droplets against stone echoing through the cavernous space like a ghostly drumbeat.
Gribble steps out into the downpour, his body immediately assaulted by the cold, stinging droplets that fall from the sky in an unrelenting torrent. The water sluices over his skin, running in rivulets through his hair and down his face, yet the goblin barely registers the sensation, his body thrumming with the power of the Thundercat, the electricity that courses through his veins keeping him warm and insulated against the chill of the rain.
He tilts his face upwards, his eyes closed as he allows the water to wash over him, a silent, almost meditative gesture that speaks of a desperate need for cleansing and renewal. The rain beats down upon Gribble's body, as if seeking to purge him of the darkness that has taken root within his soul, to wash away the lingering traces of the Thundercat's essence that now mingle with his own. Yet, even as the water pours over him in an unending stream, the goblin knows that some stains are too deep to be cleansed by mere rain alone, that the changes that have been wrought within him are irrevocable and permanent.
As Gribble stands there in the pouring rain, he catches a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby puddle, the image distorted and rippling with each falling droplet. The face that stares back at him is at once familiar and utterly alien, a strange amalgamation of the goblin he once was and the creature he has become. Gone is the scrawny, unassuming figure that had entered the cave, replaced now by a being of raw power and untamed potential.
Gribble's once wiry frame is now corded with muscle, his body honed and sculpted by the Thundercat's essence, every sinew and fiber imbued with a strength that defies belief. His eyes, once a dull, unremarkable shade, now glint with a predatory intensity, the pupils narrowed to vertical slits that seem to pierce the very darkness itself. The goblin's skin, too, has undergone a transformation, the surface now alive with tiny bolts of blue electricity that dance and crackle with each movement, a testament to the power that flows through his veins.
As he stares at his altered reflection, Gribble is struck by the realization that he is no longer the same goblin he was before, that the experiences he has undergone and the powers he has absorbed have changed him in ways that go far beyond the physical. He senses a new hardness within himself, a steely resolve that was absent before, tempered by the trials he has faced and the darkness he has embraced. The goblin knows that he has crossed a threshold, stepped into a realm of power and potential that few of his kind have ever dared to tread, and that there can be no turning back from the path he has chosen.
As the initial rush of adrenaline and euphoria begins to fade, Gribble is struck by a profound and unsettling realization, a truth that settles over him like a leaden weight upon his soul. The powers he now possesses, the incredible abilities granted to him by the consumption of the Thundercat's heart, have come at a terrible cost, a price that he is only now beginning to comprehend.
Gribble senses that a part of himself has been lost, consumed by the very darkness that now resides within him, a fundamental piece of his being that has been forever altered by the merging of his essence with that of the Thundercat. It is as if a shadow has fallen over his spirit, a veil of darkness that threatens to engulf the very core of his identity, to erode the values and beliefs that once defined him.
The goblin's mind reels as he ponders the implications of this realization, the knowledge that he has willingly embraced a power that may ultimately consume him, body and soul. He wonders what challenges lie ahead, what trials he will face as he navigates this new and uncharted realm of existence, and whether the strength he has gained will be enough to see him through the darkness that surely awaits.
As Gribble stands there in the pouring rain, his body thrumming with power, his mind haunted by the specter of an uncertain future, he knows that he has set foot upon a path from which there can be no retreat. The goblin steels himself, his jaw set with grim determination, as he prepares to embark upon a journey that will test the very limits of his newfound abilities, and perhaps, the very essence of his being. With a final, lingering glance at the cave that has borne witness to his transformation, Gribble turns his face to the storm and steps forward into the unknown, ready to embrace the challenges and dangers that lie ahead.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:18 Proud_Cod9137 DVT/PE pain? help

Hello, i am 22 years old. i know the thread says it cant diagnose but im just looking for advice. i went to the er about 7 months ago with what i thought were symptoms of dvt. pain in my groin and calf, heart palpitations and chest pain, on and off. they basically laughed at me saying "dr. google told you u have a blood clot huh", took my blood, and scanned my chest xray, said it looked fine. then sent me home saying i have anxiety with a 3500$ bill.
now 7 months later, ive had worsening pain, and its daily now. my groin down to my knee will throb and sometimes sharp pain. sometimes my toes look blue/purple ish, but it becomes better after a shower. chest pain and fast heart rate, sometimes it feels like an electric bolt in my heart, other times its a sort of dull aching in my chest that will last minutes or hours. most nights i struggle to fall asleep as my chest is hurting and sometimes im woken up by intense heart pain. my lower left stomach oftentimes has a dull pain and ive also been having small amounts of blood and dark stool about once a month but most days it looks normal. and some days my stomach will bloat up massively like im pregnant but only on the left side for a couple hours. i am so tired all the time, having to take naps about every 4 or 5 hours. sometimes ill go a full day without much pain, other days its constant.
im just wondering if this sounds like a clot or pe to you guys, i cant afford to go to hospital if they are going to laugh at me, and not even do an ultrasound on my leg or anything. i was a heavy nicotine vaper for about 5 years, but have recently attempted to quit, (currently hit it about 3 times a day to get me through). everytime i try to quit, after about 2 days fully sober, my leg starts hurting worse so then i hit it again cuz i get scared. ive seen some studies online that nicotine may suppress symptoms of health issues and even may hold clots in place due to constriction which then can increase risk of the clot moving when u quit, so im wondering if each time in a couple days clean my symptoms are finally showing more or if it really is just anxiety.
the thing is, im not often anxious, and when i am most anxious, such as when i was at the hospital, i didnt feel the symptoms. they seem to be worst when i am just sitting at home watching or working on pc, or out with my gf doing simple things like grocery shop. again, i know you cant diagnose me, and i plan on making a dr appointment after the weekend passes. im just wondering your imput, and also what things i should tell the doctor to make sure they do the proper tests this time around. thank you
submitted by Proud_Cod9137 to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:13 AdvancedBumblebee4 Confused – new diagnosis of spondyloarthritis

Knee pain and stiffness on one side is my main symptom. I've had it since my teens (now in my 30s) and the orthopaedic consultant I saw then just sent me to physio. An MRI last year showed damage to the cartilage (bone on bone).
I have a fused SI joint on one side, hip pain (I also have a hip impingement), elbow pain and a new symptom is ear psoriasis.
With all that, my doctor mentioned ankylosing spondylitis as a likely diagnosis. However, a spine MRI showed no inflammation, my HLA B27 is negative and my inflammatory blood markers are all negative.
They told me over the phone that I have spondyloarthritis. I'm confused as I thought that was a category of arthritic conditions.
I'm also confused about how I can have such bad damage in some of my joints (my knee consultant said I'll need a knee replacement in the future) but my blood tests are normal.
They're putting me on Humira (adalimumab).
Has anyone else got experience of the above, being diagnosed with spondyloarthritis but with normal blood tests? Asking here as my phone call with the rheum was a lot of info to take in and it's always helpful to hear real-life experiences.
submitted by AdvancedBumblebee4 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:47 Space-Matter I finally have a multiple day long migraine 😒

I keep on reading posts on here about people who get migraines that last days, weeks, or even longer. Surely that would never happen to me, someone whose migraines last 10-12 hours at best! 🤦
Welp, the time has finally come. I started feeling like garbage on Wednesday night and it's now Friday morning and guess who still feels like garbage! This migraine sufferer!
A typical migraine for me ALWAYS starts with a stiff neck. In the past I've had pain around my left eye and even the tip of my left ear, but now I have pressure on my nose instead, in addition to the neck pain. I try moving my neck around and rotate between heat and ice since my body temperature gets all out of whack with a migraine. Then comes the nausea which has me running to the bathroom to expel clear fluids. I have light and sound sensitivity which isn't being helped when I accidentally flick on my bathroom light and start gagging. After doing this a couple of times over the course of a few hours it dawned on me that my PCP prescribed me 50 mg sumatriptan for bad migraines, which this one definitely is. I take one dose for the first time ever and go to lay down. I do a quick Google for symptoms to look out for because I don't remember a thing my PCP told me. I know I can't take a second pill for at least another two hours and Dr. Google says the pill should take about 20-30 minutes to kick in. Great! Four hours later I feel no difference so I take another pill. Two hours later, I'm asleep. All other symptoms minus the neck pain and stiffness are gone, which I thought was just from sleeping, so I think I'm back to normal. I decide to take it easy for the rest of the day and order some food because I don't feel like cooking and watch the new season of Bridgerton. Bam lightheadedness! Bam jaw pain (which is another migraine trigger)! I lay down for a couple of hours and both of those go away. It's just my neck pain and stiffness remaining. I don't know if this is a rebound from the sumatriptan or if this is just a continuation of this real shitty migraine.
I'm going to reach out to my PCP soon. I've been dragging my feet on that this morning just in case the neck pain goes away. But knowing my luck, if I send my PCP a message my pain will magically go away. I don't have a migraine specialist or a neurologist because my PCP hasn't referred me to anyone and I'm not sure if I can see one without a referral.
Rant/vent over. Also, don't ask me a thing about the new Bridgerton season because I don't remember anything.
submitted by Space-Matter to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:45 Cairntrenz Signs that it's muscle related?

I think my biggest hurdle right now is feeling pain/burning/aches etc, and catastrophising which is not helping at all..
Is there obvious signs that would rule out anything serious? for example, hot baths making symptoms go away completely or reducing them by 90%.. Or the way symptoms change every few days.. I feel like I just need some reassurance so I can relax properly.. It doesn't help that the stress is making my lower back muscles hurt which is making me catastrophise more
my symptoms are so intermittent and change every few days.. For example one day I could have burning in my rectum, 2 days later burning/tingling on my penis, then in the evening have a sensation of fullness in my rectum..
Doctor has listened to all of my symptoms in detail, with what makes them better etc and has allot of confidence that it's muscle related and doesn't want to stress me out further with something he feels is not needed such as a colonoscopy etc, as he feels the stress may aggravate it more.
submitted by Cairntrenz to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:33 Alioliou Towards advancements in Thaumic research: A strategic approach to Pyrite and Icosahedrite production.

To my colleagues at the Technomagical University of Valencia,
It is with great honor and gratitude that I dedicate these words to the revered institution that has been my intellectual home for decades. As Professor Thaddeus Rune, I have had the privilege of exploring the vast domains of thaumaturgy and materials sciences, unraveling the mysteries of the universe through the lens of magic and science.
Since the dawn of my academic career, the Technomagical University has been my source of inspiration and intellectual refuge, providing me with a conducive environment for the flourishing of the mind and spirit. Here, I have found not only knowledge but also camaraderie and collaboration, fundamental pillars on the path to understanding the secrets of the cosmos.
In this essay, I wish to pay tribute not only to this venerable institution but also to my esteemed friend and research colleague, the eminent arcanologist and Dr. Cornelius Darkwood. Together, we have shared countless hours of research, exploring the boundaries of magic and science with unwavering passion and an insatiable thirst for discovery.
May these words serve as a testimony of my deep appreciation for the Technomagical University of Valencia and for the invaluable friendship and collaboration I have found in Dr. Cornelius Darkwood. May our joint efforts continue to illuminate the darkest corners of knowledge, for the benefit of humanity and future generations.
With sincere affection and gratitude,
Professor Thaddeus Rune


Thaumaturgy, the ancient discipline that merges magic and science, has long been a fascinating and challenging field of study. In our ongoing effort to expand the boundaries of knowledge and thaumic practice, we are faced with the challenge of finding and synthesizing materials that are not only abundant but also rich in crucial magical aspects. In this essay, we will explore two such materials: pyrite and icosahedrite, and examine their potential in the creation of new alloys and thaumic artifacts.
Pyrite, known for its composition of iron sulfide (FeS2), has long been a cornerstone in thaumic practice. The presence of sulfur and iron in its crystalline structure makes it an ideal source of the ignis, terra, and metallum aspects. Additionally, its perfect cubic crystals offer a generous dose of the ordo aspect, adding an additional level of complexity to its thaumic utility.
However, the growing scarcity of natural pyrite crystals, specially those with cubic shapes, due to its extensive use in the crafting of pyrotic magical alloys and power objects, poses a significant challenge for modern thaumaturges. It is imperative that we explore viable alternatives for obtaining this material.
We must also highlight the importance of emerging materials such as icosahedrite. Icosahedrite, recently discovered and of meteoric origin, exhibits a unique chemical composition of aluminum, copper, and iron (Al63Cu24Fe13). Although its availability is limited and its cost high, its potential in thaumaturgy is extraordinary. In addition to being an excellent source of the metallum and permutatio aspects, the true marvel of icosahedrite lies in its emerging aspects, especially the rare alienus aspect.
This alienus aspect, with its exotic and mysterious qualities, offers a vast field of possibilities in the manufacturing of quantum devices, metamagic contraptions, and artifacts for metric manipulation of space-time. Furthermore, icosahedrite infused with praecantatio essence can give rise to powerful dodecahedrites, with potential applications in the production of high-density magical batteries, wands and scepters of great power, enhanced arcane weapons, and antimagic ammunition.
In conclusion, both pyrite and icosahedrite represent valuable contributions to the thaumic arsenal. Their unique properties and potential in the creation of new alloys and artifacts urge us to explore more economical and scalable production methods.


Throughout my research in the field of thaumaturgy and materials sciences, I have conducted a series of experiments aimed at synthesizing high-quality materials for application in thaumic practice. These experiments have resulted in the development of innovative synthesis methods, which have been detailed and documented in a report attached to this essay.
In this essay, however, my goal is to provide a concise and accessible summary of the synthesis methods employed, as well as the results obtained. While the attached report contains specific technical details and additional experimental data, here I will focus on presenting an overview of the procedures used and their implications in the context of contemporary thaumaturgy.
It is my hope that this summary provides a clear and practical understanding of the synthesis methods employed, as well as their relevance to research and thaumic practice. For those interested in delving deeper into the technical and experimental details, I refer to the attached report for further information and detailed insights.

Method of synthesis for Pyrite cubes

The process of synthesizing high-quality pyrite involves several meticulous steps to ensure the formation of cubic pyrite crystals with optimal perfection and purity. Below is a summary of the main steps of the method:
  1. Preparation of the reactive mixture: The process begins with the preparation of a stoichiometrically calculated mixture of sulfur and iron. 32.06 grams of sulfur and 55.84 grams of iron, both finely powdered, are carefully weighed and mixed.
  2. Formation of iron sulfide (FeS2): The sulfur-iron mixture is placed in a crucible and ignited to initiate the reaction and form iron sulfide (FeS2).
  3. Grinding and dissolution: Once the iron sulfide is formed, the product is finely ground. Subsequently, the resulting iron bisulfide is dissolved in a eutectic mixture of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium chloride salts. The exact proportions of these salts and specific temperatures are detailed in the attached report.
  4. Crystallization and controlled cooling: The dissolved mixture is placed in a crucible inside a glass annealing furnace for slow controlled cooling. This process allows pyrite crystals to form and crystallize in an orderly and uniform manner.
  5. Extraction and selection of crystals: Once the mixture has cooled and fully crystallized, the salt block is broken to extract and separate the precipitated pyrite crystals. Crystals with the most perfect cubic shapes are selected for use as seed crystals for growing larger crystals.
  6. Process refinement: Throughout the experimentation, refinements were made to the process to improve the quality and perfection of the pyrite crystals. These refinements are detailed in the attached report.
  7. Results: After a series of experiments and adjustments, a pyrite cube measuring 3.24 cm on each side was successfully grown, representing a significant success in the synthesis of high-quality pyrite.
This method of pyrite synthesis offers an effective route to obtaining cubic pyrite crystals with optimal thaumic properties, opening up new possibilities in the research and application of this material in contemporary thaumaturgy.

Method of synthesis for Icosahedrite dodecahedrons

The synthesis process of icosahedrite dodecahedrons involves a series of meticulous steps to cultivate polycrystalline crystals with desirable thaumic properties. Below is a summary of the main steps of the method:
  1. Preparation of the metal mixture: The process begins with the pre-fusion and mixing of a finely powdered combination of 21.51 grams of aluminum, 19.305 grams of copper, and 9.185 grams of iron, in a controlled argon atmosphere. The mixture is carefully conducted to ensure a uniform distribution of the elements.
  2. Refusion and controlled cooling: The metal mixture undergoes a refusion process to ensure complete melting of the components. Once melted, the mixture is allowed to cool within a crucible placed in a glass annealing furnace, ensuring slow controlled cooling.
  3. Addition of ordo aspect essence: During the cooling process, ordo aspect essence is added to accelerate and enhance crystallization. This addition helps promote the growth of desired dodecahedral quasicrystals and improve their quality and purity.
  4. Formation of the polycrystalline metal matrix: As a result of the controlled cooling process and the addition of ordo aspect essence, a polycrystalline metal matrix is obtained containing a variety of crystals with different orientations and structures.
  5. Extraction and selection of dodecahedrons: The polycrystalline metal matrix is carefully broken and fragmented to separate and extract perfectly formed and desired dodecahedral quasicrystals. Dodecahedrons with the most suitable shapes and thaumic properties are selected for use in thaumic applications.
Although the obtained icosahedrite dodecahedrons may be small in size, their successful formation represents a significant advancement in the synthesis of this highly promising material in thaumaturgy. This method provides a solid foundation for future research and applications in the field of contemporary thaumaturgy.

Request for acquisition of magical materials for Dodecahedrite research

Given the success of the icosahedrite synthesis process, I am attaching the reason why I have requested a budget. Although the letter sent details the reasons better, I have chosen to include an excerpt in this essay for transparency purposes.
In order to advance our thaumic research and reduce future costs, I propose an innovative strategy involving the acquisition of key magical materials for the manufacture of dodecahedrites. These materials, greatwood and thaumite, are crucial for extracting large quantities of praecantatio essence, an essential component in the successful production of dodecahedrites.
Greatwood and thaumite, with their high concentration of praecantatio essence, will allow us to obtain the necessary raw materials to manufacture dodecahedrites efficiently and economically. These dodecahedrites, combined with the icosahedrite quasicrystals we have successfully synthesized, will be used in future research on advanced thaumic applications.
By acquiring these materials in large quantities, we can not only reduce the production costs of dodecahedrites but also ensure a constant and sufficient supply for our thaumic research projects. Additionally, it will enable us to conduct large-scale experiments and explore the full thaumic potential of dodecahedrites in various areas of study.
Therefore, I respectfully request the University of Tecnomagic of Valencia to consider allocating a budget for the acquisition of greatwood and thaumite. This strategic investment will allow us to advance more rapidly in our thaumic research and achieve new milestones in the field of contemporary thaumaturgy.
I am available to provide any additional information that may be necessary and that I am authorized to provide.
Professor Thaddeus Rune
submitted by Alioliou to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:27 IamGroot____ Vyepti come down

I had my first vyepti infusion 3 months ago, at first it was like I had a new chance at life. I had more energy, less attacks that would go over night, could go to work and concentrate in my studies. It hits 2 months and it starts wearing off, withdrawal symptoms started e.g. shakes, body aches, dizziness and intense nausea. My migraine attacks are worse than ever, reverted like they were before but even worse. Haven't been able to get out of bed for over 3 weeks now.
My neurologist, GP, the vyepti rep and the infusion clinic have never heard of it wearing off this fast and intense. I'm not allowed to get it earlier than the 12 weeks unless I want to pay $1600 to do so. (Australian PBS only covers every 12 weeks and not earlier)
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if it wore off faster than it was meant too.
I'm just so upset and defeated by this, I really thought this one would work. False hope once again
submitted by IamGroot____ to cgrpMigraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Eugene or

Best Pizza in Eugene or
Best Pizza in Eugene or Are you ready to discover the best pizza in Eugene, OR? We're here to take you on a mouthwatering journey through the city's vibrant pizza scene.With a wide array of flavors and toppings, Eugene is a pizza lover's paradise. From iconic establishments like Track Town Pizza and Roaring Rapids Pizza to customizable options at MOD Pizza, there's something for everyone.And let's not forget about the unique experience of Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP. Get ready to satisfy your cravings and embark on a delicious adventure.Key TakeawaysThe pizza joints in Eugene offer a wide range of pizza combinations, including classic and vegetarian options.The restaurants use fresh ingredients and make their dough daily, ensuring the quality of their pizzas.Track Town Pizza is a popular choice, especially after Oregon Ducks games, and has been serving delicious pizzas since 1978.Roaring Rapids Pizza is known for its unique recipes and all-natural cheeses made by their own cheese makers.Track Town PizzaWe should definitely try Track Town Pizza for dinner tonight; I heard they've the best pizza in town. Located at 1809 Franklin Blvd, Eugene, Oregon, Track Town Pizza has been serving delicious pizzas, salads, and handcrafted beers since 1978. It's the perfect place to satisfy your pizza cravings after watching an Oregon Ducks game.Track Town Pizza is known for their pizzas made with fresh ingredients, homemade sauce, and hand-tossed dough. They offer a variety of pizza options to cater to everyone's taste buds. Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, Track Town Pizza has got you covered. Their menu features classic and vegetarian slices, as well as over 250 pizza combinations.The atmosphere at Track Town Pizza is relaxed and welcoming, making it a great spot for a casual lunch or a family pizza night. The staff is friendly and the service is top-notch, ensuring a pleasant dining experience. The restaurant follows strict safety protocols to prioritize the well-being of their customers.If you're looking for the best pizza in Eugene, Track Town Pizza should be at the top of your list. With their fresh ingredients, homemade sauce, and hand-tossed dough, they deliver a pizza experience that's unmatched. So, grab your friends or family and head over to Track Town Pizza for a delicious and satisfying meal.Roaring Rapids PizzaLet's try the Marshal Pizza with salami, roasted garlic, smoked mozzarella, mushrooms, and jalapeños at Roaring Rapids Pizza, one of the best pizza places in Eugene. Located at 4006 Franklin Blvd, this kid-friendly spot offers stunning views of the Willamette River.Known for their delicious pizzas, Roaring Rapids Pizza uses unique recipes to make their dough from scratch daily. The cheese used on their pizzas is all-natural and produced by their own cheese makers.At Roaring Rapids Pizza, safety is a top priority. The restaurant maintains a clean and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring a comfortable dining experience for all guests. The staff follows strict hygiene practices and takes necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their customers.When it comes to pizza, Roaring Rapids Pizza offers a wide variety of options to cater to different preferences. From classic combinations to vegetarian options, there's something for everyone. Their Marshal Pizza is a flavor-packed choice, with the perfect balance of savory salami, roasted garlic, smoked mozzarella, mushrooms, and a hint of heat from jalapeños.Whether you're dining in or ordering takeout, Roaring Rapids Pizza guarantees a satisfying and safe pizza experience. So, why not give their Marshal Pizza a try and indulge in the delicious flavors that make this place one of the best pizza spots in Eugene?MOD PizzaWhile discussing our favorite pizza places in Eugene, we can't forget about MOD Pizza, a chain that has been serving individual artisan-style pizzas since 2008. Here are some key points to consider about MOD Pizza:Customizable Pizzas: MOD Pizza offers a unique dining experience by allowing customers to build their own pizzas. With over eight sauces and 40 toppings to choose from, you can create a pizza tailored to your taste buds.Fixed Prices: One of the standout features of MOD Pizza is that the prices remain the same regardless of the toppings you choose. This ensures that you can fully customize your pizza without worrying about any additional costs.High-Quality Ingredients: MOD Pizza prides itself on using fresh and high-quality ingredients. From the dough, made daily, to the flavorful sauces and toppings, you can expect a delicious and satisfying pizza experience.Welcoming Atmosphere: MOD Pizza provides a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for its customers. Whether you're dining in or taking your pizza to go, you can enjoy a comfortable and friendly environment.Safety: MOD Pizza prioritizes the safety of its customers. They've implemented measures such as contactless ordering and payment options, as well as rigorous cleaning protocols to ensure a safe dining experience.MOD Pizza is a popular choice for pizza lovers in Eugene due to its customizable pizzas, fixed prices, high-quality ingredients, welcoming atmosphere, and commitment to safety. Whether you're a meat lover or a vegetarian, MOD Pizza has something for everyone.Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOPWe should definitely try out Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP because they specialize in wood-fired pizzas and offer incredibly loaded pizzas with authentic flavors. These mobile pizza parlors, Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP, have been serving delicious pizzas since 2011 and 2020, respectively. What sets them apart is their unique way of baking pizzas inside converted trucks with wood-fired ovens. This not only adds a rustic touch but also enhances the flavors of the pizzas.When it comes to safety, both Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP prioritize using fresh ingredients and maintaining proper hygiene practices. They're committed to providing a safe and enjoyable dining experience for their customers. Their pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients that are sourced from trusted suppliers. The wood-fired ovens ensure that the pizzas are cooked at high temperatures, ensuring that they're thoroughly cooked and safe to eat.Whether you're a meat lover, a vegetarian, or have specific dietary preferences, Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP have got you covered. They offer a wide variety of toppings, from classic options to more unique and adventurous flavors. Their pizzas are creatively mixed with flavorful toppings, providing a delightful and satisfying culinary experience.To find out the location and schedule of these mobile pizza parlors, you can check their official pages or social media updates. So, if you're in the mood for some authentic wood-fired pizza, Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP are definitely worth a try.Marshal PizzaWe're craving the unique flavors of Marshal Pizza with its combination of salami, roasted garlic, smoked mozzarella, mushrooms, and jalapeños. Marshal Pizza is a casual Italian restaurant in Eugene that offers over 250 pizza combinations.Here are some reasons why Marshal Pizza stands out:Fresh dough made daily using the finest ingredientsRelaxed and welcoming atmosphereKnown as the best pizza joint in EugeneOffers classic and vegetarian slicesCasual Italian restaurant with a wide variety of toppingsMarshal Pizza is the perfect place to satisfy your pizza cravings. The fresh dough, made daily, ensures that every bite is delicious and satisfying. The relaxed and welcoming atmosphere makes it a great place to enjoy a meal with friends or family. Whether you prefer classic toppings or are looking for something more unique, Marshal Pizza has you covered with its wide variety of options.When it comes to pizza in Eugene, Marshal Pizza is a top contender. With its combination of flavors and high-quality ingredients, it's no wonder why it's known as the best pizza joint in town. So if you're looking for a delicious and satisfying pizza experience, be sure to check out Marshal Pizza. Your taste buds will thank you.Bigs Veggie SpecialSometimes we order the Bigs Veggie Special from Marshal Pizza because it's loaded with delicious roasted mushrooms, spinach, and feta cheese. This vegetarian pizza is a safe and satisfying choice for those looking for a meat-free option.The roasted mushrooms add a rich and earthy flavor, while the spinach provides a fresh and vibrant taste. The feta cheese adds a creamy and tangy element that perfectly complements the other ingredients.Marshal Pizza takes safety seriously, ensuring that their pizzas are made with the finest ingredients and prepared in a clean and hygienic environment. They use fresh dough made daily and carefully select their toppings to ensure quality and flavor.The Bigs Veggie Special is a popular choice among vegetarians and pizza lovers alike, and it's easy to see why. With its flavorful combination of roasted mushrooms, spinach, and feta cheese, this pizza is a tasty and healthy option for anyone looking for a delicious meal.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Many Different Pizza Combinations Does Track Town Pizza Offer?Track Town Pizza offers a variety of different pizza combinations. Their menu features classic and vegetarian options, made with fresh ingredients and homemade sauce.While we don't have the exact number of combinations, you can create your own customized pizza with a range of toppings, sauces, and cheeses.Located in Eugene, Oregon, Track Town Pizza is a popular spot for casual dining, especially after a Ducks game.It's a great place to enjoy delicious pizza in a lively atmosphere.What Is the Specialty Pizza at Roaring Rapids Pizza?The specialty pizza at Roaring Rapids Pizza is their unique Caspian Pizza. It's topped with a delicious combination of mozzarella, gorgonzola, sweet BBQ sauce, and onion slices. The flavors blend together perfectly to create a mouthwatering experience.Roaring Rapids Pizza is known for their scratch-made dough and all-natural cheeses produced by their own cheese makers. Located by the Willamette River, it's a kid-friendly spot with stunning views.Don't miss out on trying their specialty pizza when you visit Eugene!How Many Toppings Can You Choose From at MOD Pizza?At MOD Pizza, you can choose from over eight sauces and 40 toppings to customize your artisan-style pizza. They offer a wide variety of options to suit every taste, and the best part is that the prices remain the same regardless of the toppings you choose.How Long Has Oregon Wood Fired Pizza Been in Operation?Oregon Wood Fired Pizza has been in operation since 2011. They specialize in delicious wood-fired pizzas with flavorful toppings, baked inside converted trucks with wood-fired ovens.Their unique way of ordering allows customers to experience authentic and incredibly loaded pizzas with authentic flavors. Whether it's their mobile pizza parlor or Pizzeria DOP, both offer a delightful experience.Check their schedules or official pages for updates on their location, and satisfy your pizza cravings with their fresh and tasty creations.What Are the Unique Features of the Marshal Pizza and Bigs Veggie Special at the Recommended Pizza Joint?The unique features of the Marshal Pizza at the recommended pizza joint include the combination of salami, roasted garlic, smoked mozzarella, mushrooms, and jalapeños, creating a flavorful and slightly spicy pizza.On the other hand, the Bigs Veggie Special stands out with its roasted mushrooms, spinach, and feta cheese toppings, providing a delicious and vegetarian-friendly option.These pizzas showcase the restaurant's commitment to using fresh ingredients and offering a variety of flavor combinations to satisfy different tastes.ConclusionIn conclusion, Eugene, Oregon offers a diverse and vibrant pizza scene that caters to all tastes. With iconic establishments like Track Town Pizza and Roaring Rapids Pizza, along with customizable options at MOD Pizza, there's something for everyone.Additionally, the unique mobile wood-fired pizza parlors, Oregon Wood Fired Pizza and Pizzeria DOP, add a touch of creativity and authenticity to the mix.With so many delicious options, it's no wonder that Eugene is a pizza lover's paradise. So go ahead and indulge in the best pizza in town!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:21 notbashar Every doctor in the country said my dogs illness is beyond their scientific capabilities.

Age: nearly 6 months
Sex: Female/ not neutered
Breed: full black german shephard
Body weight: 18kg
Location: palestine / West Bank
Vaccination: https://files.fmjgye758zyk each 15 days apart
-uncontrollable movements like seizures for about 10 hours -aggressiveness and irritation -red eyes -loss of appetite -bleeding wont stop after she chewed her own tongue and cut her paws -lung infection -poo was black but that could be because of the medication
How she was on her 4th day of medication vs the 5th:
Medication she was on this week and test results:
My dog passed away this morning and the past week has been torturous on her. Today is friday and it all began exactly a week ago. I take her out every friday morning with a bunch of my friends and their dogs (all completely healthy and much older). She seemed fine that day, then saturday i noticed that she lost her appetite, eating nothing at all but still drinking water, and her bites became significantly stronger overnight with almost no control over her power. This kept going so the next day i took her to the vet. It was nothing severe so he gave her some medication as shown in the links. The next day she got worse and wont even drink water, he diagnosed her with a lung infection and said she most likely has a virus. We gave her some medicine to treat those problems but she never got better. So tuesday we started feeding her glucose through the veins throughout the day. Her breathing got so much worse and she had no energy to walk. We took a blood test and ran it through the cbc machine confirming its a virus, but was negative for all the viruses we tested for. Due to the countrys situation we couldnt get a chemistry test in time so we took her to the best vet in town. He said her lung situation is dire and that her lungs are barely functioning with most of it being stiff due to the infection. Bs as the day goes on he noticed signs that implicated neurological problems like extreme stress, aggression, and fear. Her eyes were also red with normal temperature and no fever. She slept wednesday night with me in the house so she stays warm. She got 0 sleep and couldnt walk around in a straight line anymore. She gets 2 minutes of sleep then wakes herself up because of how much she moves around in her sleep. But with all of this i could still sense that she was the same dog i knew. The next morning i took her to the vet and she completely changed, would barely let me hold on to her and even pet her. We gave her a pill (azymix) for the lung infection so she breaths better. A few hours go by and the nightmare starts. Uncontrollable movements as if shes seizing constantly for hours, harming herself to the point that all her nails were bleeding(not sure how since non of them were broken) and the bleeding wouldnt stop even after giving her the required medicine to slow down bleeding, and also chewing her own tongue out. The movement involved every body part of her, and her only way of moving around was to spin in circles and falling. The bleeding never stopped and we sedated her so she would stop freaking out. An hour later she was back to seizing and hurting herself. I put her in her house and padded up the walls so she doesnt hurt herself, this was at 2 am, i slept and came back at 6am and she was stiff. We were supposed to take her to israel this morning but we couldnt make it in time. I will attach videos of how she acted and list the symptoms she had.
submitted by notbashar to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:17 IamGroot____ Vyepti come down

I had my first vyepti infusion 3 months ago, at first it was like I had a new chance at life. I had more energy, less attacks that would go over night, could go to work and concentrate in my studies. It hits 2 months and it starts wearing off, withdrawal symptoms started e.g. shakes, body aches, dizziness and intense nausea. My migraine attacks are worse than ever, reverted like they were before but even worse. Haven't been able to get out of bed for over 3 weeks now.
My neurologist, GP, the vyepti rep and the infusion clinic have never heard of it wearing off this fast and intense. I'm not allowed to get it earlier than the 12 weeks unless I want to pay $1600 to do so. (Australian PBS only covers every 12 weeks and not earlier)
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if it wore off faster than it was meant too.
I'm just so upset and defeated by this, I really thought this one would work. False hope once again
submitted by IamGroot____ to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:06 Stunning_Bonus7134 Does anyone else feel the physical toll/symptoms of rumination?

What I mean by this is do y’all feel symptoms specifically different from normal anxiety. I mean like heart palpitations, pounding head and blurry vision, muscles atrophying and aching, and all around your mind racing and flashing images of mobs attacking you be it physically or verbally? Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy man. It’s moments like these that make me think that being exposed for my events wouldn’t actually be as bad as the OCD.
I think I’ve finally realized something about real event ocd. I think what we’re all experiencing to an extent is some sort of inverse PTSD. Like we all have a hard time processing trauma that hasn’t even occurred yet (or ever). Instead of flashbacks they’re flash forwards. I don’t even know how this is a possible thing for humans to be experiencing because it seems so silly and antithetical to our survival. It genuinely does not benefit us in any way to be this hyper vigilant at all times to prevent us from living our lives so why is this something even psychologically possible?
submitted by Stunning_Bonus7134 to RealEventOCD [link] [comments]
