Premade petpages layouts

RK100-esque barebones?

2024.05.17 20:33 CanIBorrowYourShovel RK100-esque barebones?

I'm new to this hobby and have a question - I've got an RK100 that I have decided is now my favorite layout for a keyboard in terms of just a very minimal bezel, all the keys in a flat grid with no gap between the letter keys and tenkey area and slightly recessed plate - and it's annoyingly now my favorite keyboard in my house after simply lubing all the switches and nothing else, lol. Including my nearly $300 spent on making a custom switch/cap setup nuphy air98v2.
So I'd like to build myself something similar to this, but premium. Price isn't a huge concern, but I'd like the barebones to be <$200 without switches or caps
I'd like:
minimal bezels
very tight arrangement of the 98 key setup, similar to the nuphy air98 or aforementioned RK100 - no gap between the backspace/entebackslash/arrows and the tenkey
Must have a numpad (don't care if it's right or left handed)
with or without a knob or other accent feature isn't a big concern, I mostly just like minimal bezels and a tight grid of all the keys.
Color I'd prefer to be silver or white, but black is okay, and I can be flexible on color.
it'd be nice to try something gasketed.
I'd prefer south to north facing LED but don't REALLY care that much.
Wireless would be nice but again not required.
And if nothing like that really exists, what premium options that are premade exist in that space that I could just buy and customize? I mostly just like having a custom mix of linear, firm linear, and tactile switches in certain areas.
submitted by CanIBorrowYourShovel to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:49 gnomixa No effect icon on reels

Looks like the latest changes removed the effects icon so it can’t be used on reels. Have to manually go into effect and shoot a new video with effect. Can not just plop the effect on existing video. Ugh. Anyone having the same problem? looks like the reel layout has been completely changed.
The only filters that are available are under the filters tab in reel edit - Paris, Oslo can I use effect on premade videos
submitted by gnomixa to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:27 ManWhoShoutsAtClouds Overview of DF from a casual player since its nearing its end

I slip in and out of wow for a month or two every year (last time I was subbed before right now is about a year ago), am in a causal social guild, never do non-LFR raids, never do premade bgs. I love the theorycrafting of talent trees and trying x or y different build etc but in terms of actual gameplay or game time I'm very much on the casual end of things.
I've played hardcore pvp and semi-casual raids in vanilla, same in tbc, some of wrath, then stopped and just did about a months sub every time a new expansion released. Dragonflight was my fav expansion for a long time, and the last since wrath that I subbed to for more than 1 month.
The pros for me: - liked the return to the old-style talent trees. Liked this a lot actually - liked the more happy and positive fun atmosphere of DF in general. Not my usual vibe but was nice in wow for a change - the accessibility of the content in general - the main city hub was infinitely better than Oribos
Negatives for me: - the dungeons weren't great for me. Don't know if it's just my old man mind but some were chaotic with far too many colourful backgrounds, decals, atmospheric effects etc to keep track of what was going on half the time. I actually lowered my graphics setting and the number of spells shown to counter this, which I've never had to do before. Also wasn't really a fan of the dungeon layouts in general, found them quite repetitive, bland, and in some cases easy to get lost. In even lower level mythic keys keeping track of interrupts on mobs could be very difficult - the pvp has been the same as the last few expansions for me. Get to the basic iLvl gear and fight against classes which largely feel all the same, bar one or two unique abilities to each class. This has been something I haven't liked over a long time though and not specific to this expansion as such to be fair - there's just too much going on in general. I realise this is partly because new features or activities get added in each major patch so if I don't play for 6 months then come back then there will be new things flashing up at me, but it seems very overwhelming
Just throwing this in here since I would assume most people who post in this sub are in the more serious or at the very least not casual player base, so might be interested to hear something from a different perspective. I might add a couple of things to this as I think of them, but I think that's all for now. Peace
submitted by ManWhoShoutsAtClouds to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:35 Gh0stMedic Anyone know of a pouch similar to the myfak mini?

Anyone know of a pouch similar to the myfak mini?
Howdy, new here! Little bit of background. I'm an ex-combat medic. I already have my ifaks and old unit issued STOMP bag sorted.
I'm looking for a good bag for a booboo/relief kit. I've spent two days searching and the layout of the new mymedic myfak mini kit hits a lot of what I'm looking for (I'm very particular when it comes to my organization). I prefer a detachable molle pouch since I switch backpacks often depending on what I'm doing or where I'm going. I can just slap this on or in another bag depending on the space of the bag.
Their bag only option shows out of stock and I am NOT dropping 160+ on their premade booboo kit.
submitted by Gh0stMedic to TacticalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 12:53 haeitsrin Pcb etching connections to universal protoboard

Pcb etching connections to universal protoboard
Hello im a 2nd yr biomed student and am currently using a LM317 Adjustable Power Supply DIY Electronic Kit and have to transfer it to a univ pcb instead of the pcb it came with since we haven’t been taught how to uv etch and make our own pcbs yet and we’re also not allowed to use premade ones. I was wondering if there was an easier way to layout the connections. I currently did it manually by following the lines on the pcb from the kit (front and back) but im not sure if i did it correctly (pic on 5th slide). Also since the connections on the og pcb had overlapping lines hence the front and back connections i was wondering how to make it more efficient to wire the connections. Should i use jumper wire? Solder the components together? Or use copper foil? Thank you so much for the help!!
submitted by haeitsrin to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:53 drizzkek [help] Where can I find premade layouts?

Where / how could I get premade layouts people configure? For example Elv UI. I’m finding the UI to be really overwhelming and I’d like to have some out of the box ready to go profiles to use.
submitted by drizzkek to WowUI [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 05:22 radiationcat196 why did my layout break?
i used a premade layout with iframes for my sites layout, and it was working perfectly fine yesterday, but it suddenly broke! im on firefox, and that might have something to do with it because when i checked it on chrome it looks NOTHING like how it looks right now on firefox. i have no clue what happened to it! i made some slight changes to the layout(added pagedolls, a few other buttons to the navigation section, and changed some pixel values in the css to make some things bigger, though that didnt seem to do anything when i checked it at the time, and i reverted them all). can someone help me out? i'm not a newbie at html/css, but im definitely not a master and i rely on premade layouts a lot. im better at editing html than writing it by hand.
submitted by radiationcat196 to neocities [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:04 mining_moron Kyanah Food and Drink Road to Hope

Kyanah are obligate carnivores, a fact which obviously influences their diet to a strong degree. Virtually all of their calories come from some form of meat, eggs, or other animal products; while some plant matter can be safely consumed, they derive little or no energy from it and would eventually starve if placed on a vegetarian diet for some reason. Thus plant-based foods are usually only added in small amounts to meat-based dishes for flavor or micro-nutrients (which could usually be gotten from meat as well); animal products are around 90% of the average Kyanah's diet, depending on the region. The actual meat consumed by Kyanah varies a lot by region and culture, with animals from all major categories being consumed somewhere in the world, but walkers tend to be the most common and crawlcritters (the closest analogue to insects) are usually avoided except in desperate times or very poor and undeveloped city-states. In Ikun's cuisine, nyruds and tyukruds account for the significant majority of all meat consumed--perhaps unsurprising as the rud suffix indicates a livestock animal--with thukukens coming in a distant third. Though cuts and preparation styles vary considerably depending on the dish. The plants that they do consume, albeit in small amounts, tend to be spices, tubers, or "nuts". These nuts aren't botanical nuts in the same sense as Earth nuts, due to the paucity of seeds and complete nonexistence of fruits. However, similar-looking structures do exist in some structured plants, where many species store spores inside hard-shelled structures that, when mature, crack open to release large quantities of spores; the immature forms of these structures are called "nuts" by Kyanah. Leafy greens are taboo in most cultures, as they are seen as livestock food and also have an emetic effect in large quantities. Attitudes towards fungi vary widely and are not taboo in Ikun, but also not very popular.
Ikun is a melting pot city-state with hundreds of specialty stores and restaurants selling food from all regions of the world--with varying degrees of authenticity--but has its own mainstream cuisine as well, which is obviously high in meat. Nyrud or tyukrud steaks are an obvious choice--either as-is or with other ingredients on the side and sauces to dip it in--and a favorite of picky eaters and/or lazy Kyanah, but plenty of other options exist. Whole nyrud ribs are usually shared by entire packs (nyruds are very large animals) with each member taking turns to take a bite out of it. On the other end of the scale, ground-up nyrud, tyukrud, or other meats can be mixed with the eggs of these very animals and smaller amounts of the aforementioned tubers and "nuts" to create a sort of "salad". This mix can be eaten as is or stuffed into the gas bladder of a juvenile thukuken, or a tyukrud stomach, or wrapped tightly in cooked skins or thin strips of roasted meat. Various blood or animal oil based sauces exist, which are used to provide flavor and moisture. Fried bits of wingbeast wings and thukuken gas bladders, flavored bone marrow, and jerky-like strips of dried meat are common snack items. Meat cubes, consisting of one or more ground meats stuck together with eggs and sticky sauce and shaped into a cube, and sometimes subsequently fried, can be eaten as either a snack or full meal, depending on their size. Lower-grade meats are sometimes dried, powdered, and used as a condiment on other dishes. Spices are heavily used in Ikun and most northern cuisines, though in the far south, where spice plants are typically not as common, there is more of an emphasis on flavoring meats via salting and drying, or cold smoking. Hatchlings, whose teeth have not yet fully developed, eat chewed up and regurgitated food, which can be provided by any adult in their pack, or sometimes even older siblings; Kyanah have a specialized pouch in the upper esophagus to store food for this purpose.
As Kyanah biochemistry uses water as a solvent, they do naturally drink water more than anything else. Packs with a lot of money are often water snobs who will pay a premium for water that was bottled in some particular city-state, usually one with historical or religious significance, or just one that has a particularly nice mineral profile--despite the fact that any mineral profile can be created synthetically, and the Water Distribution System tends to mix water from different regions anyway. Flavor packets are commonly used to enhance the flavor of water; these tend to be savory or even bitter rather than sweet. As Kyanah haven't evolved to consume large amounts of sugar, and a lot of the bacteria found in spoiled meat on their planet produce saccharin as a by-product, so sweet tastes are generally avoided (the average Kyanah really wouldn't like cake even if a biochemically compatible version were somehow made). The blood of various animals, most commonly nyruds, is also drunk, either straight up--it's often considered to be very refreshing on a hot day, when chilled--or as the base for various sauces. This substance has a distinct indigo hue, much like the blood of the Kyanah themselves, or most other animals on their planet, for that matter. It appears that ethanol has a fairly similar effect on Kyanah as on humans and alcoholic beverages have thus existed for thousands of years. However, the means of creating the Kyanahs' alcoholic drinks is quite different; it relies on strains of microbes unique to their planet that produce alcohol from amino acids rather than carbs or sugars. Naturally, this means that most such drinks are produced from "fermented" meat or blood. Roontkak, made from tyukrud blood, is the most popular alcoholic drink, both in Ikun and the broader world. The Kyanah have also been able to replicate this process using plant-based proteins found in tubers, nuts, and fungi. This process was discovered a few thousand years after the meat-based alcohols and tends to produce a slightly weaker drink, but it's rarer and harder to make, so tends to carry a connotation of culture and sophistication, while something like roontkak is seen as a lowbrow drink for the masses. Common plant-derived alcoholic drinks include roontyeti, from the tubers of the tyeti plant, and roonwerkdda, from the nuts of the werkdda bush. These tend to have spread to Ikun's region of the world from the far north and far south, where suitable plants for making alcohol are more common. Either alcohol category can be distilled to create the Kyanah version of hard liquors, which are usually denoted by the suffix -tyot (literally "strong" or "dominant").
Additionally, capsaicin is a psychoactive and moderately addictive drug to Kyanah, with a sizable chunk of the population smoking the dried and powdered skins of various endoskeleton plants that have evolved to use capsaicin to deter herbivores. Though in southern hemisphere cultures, it's more common to mix it into a tea and get high on capsaicin that way. Such mixtures usually contain no more than 2% actual capsaicin; purified industrial-grade capsaisin is much stronger and more addictive and restricted by many governments. There is no minimum age for substance use (nor any minimum age to do anything else, since adulthood is determined solely by separation from the birth-pack, regardless of the age) in most Kyanah societies, so it's up to the adults in a young Kyanah's birth-pack wehther they can access these items. However, it's seen as perfectly normal in Ikun society for older children and adolescents to be given small amounts of alcohol or some of the milder capsaicin variants on festive occasions, to partake with the adults.
Kyanah in most societies typically don't use personal utensils, instead simply taking food with their hands; at most they use ladles or tongs to take food from serving dishes. Rather than using their teeth or knives, they typically use their powerful neck muscles to rip away bite-sized chunks of whatever they are eating. In formal dining environments, eating gloves are used to keep their hands clean, but at home or in more casual venues, nobody really cares. As Kyanah drink by lapping rather than sipping, shallow bowls rather than cups are used for liquids; drinks are only kept in bottles for storage. Technology has advanced to the point where synthetic meat is fairly common and cheap, using colonies of genetically engineered microbes to essentially grow meat like a crop inside industrial tanks, with artificial flavoring being added to simulate various actual meats. While often cheaper than real meat, it has its limitations; it can only create homogenous patties rather than the complex textures of an actual animal, while there's no scientific evidence that they're unsafe, many feel that they're unnatural or unhealthy. So this tends to mostly be food for the poor. However, it has also found a use as military rations during the Kyanah invasion of Earth, as it would be stupid to try to farm livestock in space, or on an alien planet in the middle of a war zone.
Eating is generally not a social occasion for Kyanah, it's seen as something of a private and vulnerable time, when they're weak and in need of nourishment, not strong and ready to defend or advance their pack's position in society (most Kyanah won't absolutely refuse to eat if outsiders happen to be around, but all else being equal, most will prefer to have only the company of their own packs). So it's very rare for them to eat or drink with anyone who isn't already in their pack, unless they don't have one yet, or want to expand it. Even ikoin who go "together" to eat out somewhere will split up into their own separate areas and just eat with their packs. So their restaurants and bars--which still exist, as even Kyanah, much like humans, often like eating professional-quality food without having to prepare it for themselves--have a considerably different layout and atmosphere. Usually there will be a bunch of stalls where diners can sit and eat while being walled off from other Kyanah while still providing a good view of the kitchen via a curtain or window so they can keep an eye on their food being prepared. Mid-range establishments will usually just have the food and drinks, and few other amenities, while higher end ones have more elaborate measures to draw in diners and justify their price points, from ornate cushions, aromatic sprays, and elaborate light displays all the way to live music, holographic movies, and other performances like reenactments of historic duels and combat challenges, which diners can either open their window to get a good look at or ignore and eat in peace.
Since the end of the Utopian Wars, the traditional Kyanah dining experience has been steadily losing ground to fast food (DakDakDak--literally FastFastFast--being the most popular one in Ikun, with over 64 locations) and drone deliveries. The former allows Kyanah to simply come in, choose from the premade meals that are currently on the shelf, pay, and leave, or (for a premium) put in a special request, though these establishments by nature have limited menus and little room for customization; they will often use AI to predict what to make ahead of time, with high accuracy. While the latter allows them to avoid the hassle of dealing with anyone outside their pack entirely, while still getting high quality food. The one exception to the general dynamic at Kyanah restaurants and bars would be those that cater to the packless; these are set up to encourage rather than discourage interaction, as their entire purpose is for young adult Kyanah who have recently separated from their birth-packs to find love for themselves. To this end, such establishments have elaborate sets of rituals and social rules to attract the attention of other individuals. As a day on the Kyanah homeworld is only about 15.75 hours, there are customarily only two meals, the very creatively named day-meal, eaten before the beginning of the workday, and night-meal, eaten after the end of the workday. Though many do eat snacks during the day, especially if working physically demanding jobs.
In terms of inter-species compatibility, as humans and Kyanah are both carbon and water based life forms, most human foods wouldn't kill a Kyanah, nor vice versa (with a few niche exceptions, such as chocolate or grapes) neither species can properly digest the other's food and would likely throw up if they tried to eat a significant amount. Interestingly, hard liquors of either species are largely exempt from this, as they're mostly just alcohol and water anyway, while weaker booze like roontkak or beer has impurities that would definitely not be appreciated by the digestive system of the wrong species. During the post-war occupation of Earth, Kyanah have also been known to import chili powder into their occupied regions, apparently for the sole purpose of smoking it.
submitted by mining_moron to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:48 HazyshadeofFall If you had to move into an EA-built house IRL, with no renovations, which one would you choose?

There are some... Odd choices with a lot of the premade houses in the game. Which one would you pick?
I think I'd go with Garden Essence where the BFF household lives and take Summer's bedroom. The house has a good layout, a large kitchen, and a huge backyard.
submitted by HazyshadeofFall to LowSodiumSimmers [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 10:46 Smiley_K Pet Page Coding Help with Text/Img Size

Pet Page Coding Help with Text/Img Size
Hello :) I've been doing some searching and seen people ask for coding help here, so thought I'd try.
I've been playing around with some of SunnyNeo's premades (in particular, Air Faerie & Easter Basket) but seem to be running into a problem where there's a restrictive sort of footeheader in each layout. I sort of fixed it by adding height: 100%; to the div id tags at the top, and I've tried swapping things around between 2000px and 100% for the background image. However, I've just noticed it's not only the image but also the text that appear to be shrinking when pasted into the pet page. If compared with the previews on SunnyNeo, it all looks larger, so seems to be a different problem if it's also shrinking the text.
Any help?
(I'm not too worried about the text being outside of the box at the moment as I'm going to adjust it, just wanting to get it all displayed at 100% which would hopefully push the image to the bottom). (currently has the Easter Basket images on the Air Faerie layout).
Edit: Solved! I don't know what I did, but I managed to get it working. I think I may have just mucked with some coding early on and stuffed it all up. :) Spent all day fixing the rest of the layout, but got there in the end.
submitted by Smiley_K to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:35 Creepy-Panic3987 PS5 controller help

So does anyone have the pin layout on the 010, 020, 030 PS5 boards to where the Bumpers and Triggers needs wires ran to and what resistors needs installed to use our own mouse clicker buttons for hair triggers? I know I can buy premade ones from Extremerate but would like to do them myself. I own a Cell Phone store and have been Microsoldering since 2009 but I am unable to get a good layout that is 100% accurate.
submitted by Creepy-Panic3987 to customcontrollers [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 19:06 Nando9246 Can't change split direction with custom layout in Zellij

Somehow alt [ to change the split direction doesn't work with my custom layout. It doesn't work either when running the command manually (zellij action previous-swap-layout, no errors, just nothing happens). When using a premade layout (like default or compact) everything works fine. Does anyone know why? My layout: ``` layout { default_tab_template { children pane { size 1 borderless true plugin location="zellij:compact-bar" } } tab focus=true { pane { command "helix" args "." focus true } pane { size "20%" } } tab { pane } }
default_mode "locked"
submitted by Nando9246 to commandline [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 22:13 Opening_Ad9824 10/10 difficulty you said…

10/10 difficulty you said…
Well I’m back with an update on my DIY oak stair project. Worked on it over the weekend, I’m pretty happy with how it’s coming along.
Thanks for all the tips! The stair jig tool was crucial, you guys suggested I buy one. I did the winder layouts using ripped strips of 1/4 plywood and hot glue, worked pretty damn good.
The most technically challenging part was the 3/4x2 3/4 stair nosing for the top of the stairs to meet existing hardwood floors. You guys suggested I check locally at LL & floor and decor, which I did, but they didn’t have that dimension. After thinking and thinking about it, I realized I could take a premade 1” stair tread and heavily modify it to create a custom nosing, without needing to have a router table (which I don’t have) to bullnose it. So I basically worked on this board for 2 hours, using the kerf of a blade like a dado to form the 3/4” section of the nosing, and then standing it upright to rabbit out the groove. It came out great and I left it about 1/64th higher than my existing floor in order to sand it down after install to match perfectly.
Here’s the pics (and some before pics)
Next steps: I need to install a handrail along the outside wall, and my cap board on the kneewall at the winders, then sand and polyurethane the whole thing.
Thanks for all your help and the great tips. It’s not perfect but it’s good enough for a basement DIY.
submitted by Opening_Ad9824 to HardWoodFloors [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 23:11 cscqmain Looking for a wireless ergo mech keyboard that has a long battery life. What options are available?

Hi, my company will reimburse me $100 for a keyboard. Budget can stretch (I can cover the difference). Getting custom parts will be harder to provide justification to accounting dept so preferably something premade.
I'm currently using MX wireless, so preferably I would like a similabetter battery life but in an ergonomic form factor.
Preferred features: - ergonomic/split (either is fine) - long battery life - 75% layout at least
submitted by cscqmain to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 16:04 mintleaftea Goodbye Bujo?

Goodbye Bujo?
I ended last year SO excited to have a fresh new bujo to decorate, plan, do my layouts and then... mid January I was over it.
I've been bujo-ing since 2018 for the first time, doing layouts, even just basic lines was a chore. Instead of forcing myself to do it or figure out how to overcome it I started looking at different styles of premade planners.
Binders and discbound specifically. Sizes, if I could get 120gsm loose leaf, what kind of systems and accessories exist, brands etc etc
I used Happy Planner in the past and still had the punch I got in a Michaels sale, plus other HP accessories so that weighed my decision to go that route and since February my joy is back!!!!!!
I can add additional note leaflets, lomo cards, my own habit tracker or a single sticker tracker, carry around less pages, rearrange it all, and the best part is I still have the ability to plan even if I decide I can't be bothered to decorate a week or month!!
I still use the bujo keys but I'm writing my notes and keeping a place for my loose thoughts before I forget them for when I actually want to journal, so it's feeling less bujo-y to me. But each month it's evolving and for right now I'm loving this system!!
submitted by mintleaftea to bulletjournal [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:01 Calm-Masterpiece2192 18 Best AI Presentation Makers in 2024: a Comparison

TLDR: Decktopus is the best AI presentation creator
Creating a presentation from the beginning can take a lot of time, especially when handling various elements like content, design, and visuals. The complexity increases when managing these moving parts.
The good news is that AI is changing the way presentations are made. AI presentation makers use artificial intelligence to simplify the process of creating visually appealing presentations. These tools allow anyone, regardless of their design experience, to quickly create stunning presentations, pitch decks, and slide decks.
With numerous AI presentation makers in the market, choosing one can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll discuss the top 15 AI presentation makers in 2024. The review will cover their features, pricing, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision.
Let’s dive in.

Quick Review

Top 18 AI Presentation Makers You Should Try


ai presentation makers
**Overview:**Visme is an all-in-one visual design and content authoring software. Its AI presentation maker provides accurate prompts to generate ready-to-use presentations quickly. The tool not only offers a creative head start but also provides design suggestions and customization options.

image 136
**Overview:** is an AI-powered presentation maker designed to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and engaging presentations.


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**Overview:**Storydoc is an innovative AI-powered presentation maker that transforms the way presentations are created and delivered, combining the power of artificial intelligence with storytelling techniques.


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**Overview:**Canva is a popular online design platform offering a user-friendly AI-powered presentation maker. With Magic Design for Presentations, you can generate a first draft of your presentation instantly.


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**Overview:**Design.AI offers a cutting-edge AI presentation maker designed to simplify the process of creating visually appealing presentations. This all-in-one platform provides a range of powerful features to enhance creative projects.


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**Overview:**Slidesgo is an online platform offering free PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. Its AI PowerPoint maker analyzes content to generate visually appealing slides automatically.


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**Overview:**Simplified offers an advanced AI presentation maker that revolutionizes the way presentations are created, aiming to simplify the creative process for users of all skill levels.


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Overview:Tome is an AI-powered presentation maker that helps users create professional and engaging presentations without any design skills, using artificial intelligence to analyze content and generate visually appealing slides.


**Overview:**Gamma AI is a smart presentation maker that uses artificial intelligence to simplify creating presentations. It’s designed to assist users in making visually stunning and engaging presentations.


**Overview:**Plus is an innovative AI presentation maker that simplifies the presentation creation process using artificial intelligence. It allows users to generate AI presentations or edit slides effortlessly.
Also read: Top 13 AI Cover Letter Generators for 2023 (+Key Features)

Appy Pie

**Overview:**Appy Pie’s AI presentation maker is a user-friendly tool designed to simplify the process of creating engaging presentations using artificial intelligence.


**Overview:**Wonderslide is an AI-powered tool for creating presentations quickly. Users can upload a draft slide, select color, logo, themed images, and fonts, and let AI handle the rest.


**Overview:**SlidesAI is an innovative AI-powered presentation add-on tool that simplifies creating visually appealing presentations in Google Slides.


**Overview:**Sendsteps offers an innovative AI presentation maker that enables users to create engaging presentations in minutes, with a focus on facilitating real audience participation and engagement.


**Overview:**Decktopus is an AI-driven presentation maker aiming to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and professional presentations, combining intuitive design elements with artificial intelligence technology.


Slidebean is a tool on the internet that changes the way people make presentations. With just a few clicks, users can make strong presentations that leave a big impression. The special thing about Slidebean is that it separates making the content from designing the slides. This means you can focus on what’s most important – your message – while Slidebean makes sure the design looks good.
Slidebean is great for small to medium businesses that might not have a design team. Even if you don’t know how to design, you can make slides that look professional because Slidebean has design templates, nice fonts, and good color options. It’s not just like PowerPoint or Keynote; it’s better.
Top features of Slidebean:


Prezi is a strong AI presentation maker that changes your regular slides into presentations that have an impact. It’s not just about adding slides and text; it’s about making a story that holds your audience’s attention. With Prezi, you can give your presentation a dynamic flow, making it more interesting and memorable.
But Prezi doesn’t give you a lot of choices to change things after you pick a template. This means that while you can make a great presentation quickly, you might not have a lot of control over how it looks. Even with that, Prezi is good for making a professional presentation fast and easy.
Top features of Prezi:


Kroma is a popular AI tool for presentations used by big organizations like Apple and eBay. It gives you access to lots of creative things and many ways to show data, so you can make a presentation that looks great. Whether you’re showing data, talking about a project, or sharing a new idea, Kroma can help you do it.
One great thing about Kroma is that it works well with MS PowerPoint and Apple’s Keynote. This means you can easily use your existing presentations and make them better with Kroma’s strong features.
Top features of Kroma:
submitted by Calm-Masterpiece2192 to AIToolsandUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 08:45 Cyax84 Wish for Campaign

Hey Community & Devs,
I really felt in love with the game on second sight. I tried it after release but got lost after 1-2 games but now with primal fury I picked it up again and love the game and all its options. There is only one major thing I am missing and this is a proper campaign. The story missions give some fluff but not really a consistent story to follow and get to know the characters.
I guess there are many more missing this and I think it would be a great opportunity in the current sales model to do some campaign dlc after the first dlc season is finished.
Having to chosse from some premade factions with some special traits and hand crafted maps with special layouts, main and side missions, an overarching story arc.
What do you think? would you like something like this? What are the thoughs of the developers?
Thanks and Regards, Cyax

submitted by Cyax84 to AOW4 [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 07:36 SaasProduct-ProProfs What are some simple survey topics for students?

As an educator with experience working with students, I can suggest several simple survey topics that can provide valuable insights into their experiences and needs. Here are a few ideas:
Remember, when conducting surveys with students, it's essential to be sensitive to their privacy and confidentiality. Assure them that their responses will be anonymous and that the survey results will be used to improve their learning experience.
There are certain survey tools that’d make your task easier by offering premade questions, templates, etc. You can explore them here: 10 Best Academic Survey Software for 2024
submitted by SaasProduct-ProProfs to u/SaasProduct-ProProfs [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 10:09 antenoise x230 won't even boot to BIOS, does it need a bench flash? Months-old re-post

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could take a look at this issue I had posted about before.
I have since bought a brand new CMOS battery and that unfortunately did not resolve the issue.. Now it will just show the Logo, press enter for setup, and then black screen.
And the post:
Leaving out some 'how this happened and why' details here of course -- but the essential timeline is, or rather the current issue.
Thinkpad x230 bought and built from Nitrokey themselves back in 2020, ran Qubes and all that fun for a few years. It eventually became a daily booter into TailsOS, and eventually, anytime I tried to boot from USB -- any OS, even a Qubes bootable -- HEADS BIOS (I think is what it's called), would almost always immediately say something like 'dropping into recovery shell.'
Now years and years go by with me forgetting I have this kickass portable laptop. Well by this time I had lost (ofc) my nitrokey, but I was already unsafe booting 100% of the time into my bootable USBs...
Well after it stopped booting any type of any media, and I tried every flavor of GPT/MBPartition Tables bootable medias, I decided it would probably be best to just revert the laptop back to 'stock BIOS', and did very, very little research on how to do so.
Then this is where you tell me I am an impatient idiot for just reading a comment somewhere that said: To fix HEADS failing to boot from usb, always entering recovery shell -- was just to re-install/update BIOS! They said, hey if you don't and aren't in dire need of all the, ya, security shtuff, you can just put the stock Lenovo Thinkpad bios on there and it'll basically just be back to being a little'novo. So don't even ask me how I found this, it wasn't too obscure of a place; I ended up loading a flash with a premade READY2FLASH .rom { Of the tarball named READY2FLASH_x230_v2-60.tar.xz, it contained 2 files, X230_v2_60.layout and of course flashrom_bios.rom I applied said ROM and of course: So now the computer boots, none of this behavior by the way changes regardless of the battery being in/out, if in, the AC power being removed -- I've also done the capacitor discharge technique - And gone is the HEADS BIOS, replaced by the stock Lenovo one, which goes through the initial splash to where it looks for an OS to load, and beeps 3 times and gives 3 errors:
Image 1 is initial power up, so gone is the typical HEADS/Nitrokey Post/options BIOS.
Image 2 comes up next, pressing Ctrl+S does nothing.
Then 3 beeps as each of the lines of image 3 appear. Then a few seconds and power off.
Now, is there anything I can do? I'm guessing I could go the "external" flash route? Is it at all possible to get this thing back to a workable condition if I can't even get tino BIOS as it stands?
Thanks everyone for your time, I appreciate it!
submitted by antenoise to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 23:24 extra_sand Is there a way to stop a game from reseting custom control layouts?

So I've put a good amount of time into No Mans Sky on my deck lately, but I'm trying to remap some of the controls and it keeps resetting back to the default layout. Was trying to move a few buttons around and put an interact button on the back grip buttons, a text chat toggle and keyboard popup for multiplayer.
I did see a post about this from around 4 months ago but it really didn't go anywhere. They mentioned it would happen every 5 min or so but this feels like seconds, like blink and you'll miss it back to the official layout.
Think I've played about 30 something games on my steam deck (new and old) and No Mans Sky seems to be the only one that insists you use its premade control layout.
submitted by extra_sand to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 01:45 SkorgeOfficial1 I made and posted an entire game in 48 Hours...

Two days ago I challenged myself to start and complete a game within 48 Hours. A kind of personal Game Jam. I struggle a lot with actually FINISHING projects and thought it might be a good test as to whether or not I can control myself enough to complete something within a deadline.
Not just coding but modeling as well. I only used a very small handful of premade assets for more complicated objects (car and some props) but 90% of the models were made and textured by me using a bunch of pictures of Movie Theaters sourced from all over the internet. A lot of sound effects were either downloaded from Splice or created by me.
It. was. soul crushing.
BUT, it was also one of the most fulfilling things I've done in a long time. I'll get back to the soul crushing part in a second, but I just want to say that this project 100% taught me the important of limiting yourself and not wallowing in problems that you can come back to later. I feel so accomplished in what I completed even though I scraped about 70% of my original plan.
This is what I learned about myself as a game dev in the process:
- DON'T PLAY MY GAME SO MUCH - I noticed that I tend to boot the game up after almost every individual change even when I know the code will work (ie. if I've used it before) DO NOT DO THIS. It was such a time waster in the first 6-7 hours of programming that I probably could've done a lot more.
- SOMETIMES THE CHEAP WAY IS THE BEST WAY - I found myself falling down the rabbit hole of trying to optimize EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of my game. Now obviously if you're a AA or AAA company than this is important, but as an indie dev with no one breathing down your neck you need to learn when enough is enough. If a simple "if then" statement will work, even if it's messy, just use it. You can always optimize later, the important thing is to have a working prototype.
- STREAMLINING - This was extra integral due to the time limit, but in general it is so important to learn a proper streamlining process. Look up how to link Blender and Godot if you're using it. Save files directly into your Godot Games folder instead of manually copying/pasting or dragging it in every time. Change your layout to improve your work flow.
I'm not sure why I felt the need to post this, I thought maybe it could be inspirational for some solo dev out there, but also because it's consumed my entire life for the past 48 hours lol If you're at all interested in playing it, it is up on called "Auditorium 4". The easiest way to find it is probably looking at Most Recent Horror Games. I saved my little promo for the end here because I didn't want people to think I posted this just to blast my game or something.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend coming up! Thanks for reading this long lol
EDIT: I just want to make it clear that these are just things I learned about myself and don't want to necessarily display them as rules or something along those lines. I'm still willing to learn because I'm rather new to this all myself as well. It was just an introspective. Thank you everyone for your feedback!
submitted by SkorgeOfficial1 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 08:01 Bird_0f_Prey Thoughts on Automaton Civilian Extraction defence mission and strats to beat them

To clarify, this is the mission that only appears on planet defence, the one with no side objectives, where you need to extract 40-50 civs comming out of 3 doors.
IMO this mission still does not work as intended and is overtuned. I know that there are different strats, but they do not work as good in practice.
The "Diversion" strat is most commonly suggested: 3+1 strat, with 3 people being a "diversion" and 1 the "stealth rescuer". I dont think this strat is the intended way for couple of reasons:
submitted by Bird_0f_Prey to Helldivers [link] [comments]