B cause deficiency vitamin


2019.08.11 06:10 PXaZ B12_Deficiency

A forum for people to discuss vitamin B12 deficiency of all causes, including Pernicious Anemia.

2022.06.02 18:44 continentalgrip B12deficiency

The main b12 deficiency sub is b12_deficiency . This is more for compiling info.

2016.07.06 20:35 rboymtj Alcoholic Wet Brain or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

A place for people to discuss Wet Brain/Wernicke-Korsakoff. Feel free to share links or tell your story.

2024.05.20 07:49 ighmnjammy Am I in the wrong here?

I have been working there for a year and there have been many dramas around few people involving gossiping and excluding a certain someone, which is very much like high-school. I didn't want any part of it so I kept my distance and tried my best to keep it friendly yet as professional as possible.
This all went south when a coworker (A) told me she started dating the boss and asked me to keep it a secret. Apparently I was the only person she's told me. A started oversharing the details of their relationship with me since I was "the only one who knows" and this went on for 3 months. She kept telling me about how he is spoiling her with expensive gifts and trips and they even got a puppy together. As a coworker not her friend, it just became too much. She started coming in late with the boss and acting like she owned the place, some started to wonder if she's dating the boss. Now there is one person I trusted (B) at work, so when I had the chace to have a private conversation with her I vented. I told her from the beginning and everything. She told me that she's heard the rumor and everyone is suspicious about them because of A's behaviour (she says stuff like the boss took me to this place and that place to literally everyone) and that some are avoiding A. I figured I don't have to carry a burden of the secret since it's spreading on its own.
Fast forward a week later, I was with another coworker (C), she told me that everyone now knows about the relationship. B is spreading a rumor that they are dating. Basically she is using what I had told her in confidence to have people on her side against A, while acting all innocent and understanding towards me.
So one day I came clean to A that I had told the secret to B and now B is using that to plot against her. A couple of days later I confronted her in front of other coworkers that I heard from someone you were telling people about A and the boss and talking shit behild people's backs. B obviously denied and cried like she is the victim here.
The next day she's called me to deny once again and even told me she was protecting me by taking my side when others doubted that I have similar morals as A. She also wanted so badly to know who told me about B but I didn't involve any more of people so I didnt tell her. The phone call went on for 2 hours, mostly B gossiping about other coworkers that I only spoke once or twice with. It proved my point. Usually I try to believe in people's good sides but I've been hearing about B's two faced personality from more than a couple of people. At the end of the call, she said this shouldn't drive a wedge between us, afterall its all the boss and A's secret that started all this and we are just unfortunate to be caught up in the drama.
But the next day I went to work, I swear I could have cut the tension with a knife. She avoided me, made sure I felt uncomfortable. Now I know trustin her was a huge mistake.
B is turning everyone against me and I am cast out. A part of me think I deserve it for causing the drama, but I cant stand someone like B is successfully deceiving people with lies and playing the victim. B even told the boss she doesn't want to work with me anymore like I was the bad guy and as a result I have to cut down shifts.
Am I in the wrong here? I would love to know how else would you have handled the situation.
submitted by ighmnjammy to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:43 pearldental12 Facts About Dental Implant Recovery Process

The dental implant recovery process varies among individuals, but there are some common factors and stages that most people experience. Here are key facts about the dental implant recovery process:

Initial Recovery Period

  1. Post-Surgery Discomfort: It's normal to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising immediately after the surgery. This typically lasts a few days to a week.
  2. Bleeding: Minor bleeding and oozing are common for the first 24-48 hours. Patients are usually advised to bite down on gauze to control bleeding.
  3. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are often recommended. In some cases, dentists may prescribe stronger pain relievers.
  4. Dietary Restrictions: Patients are usually advised to stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the surgical site.

Medium-Term Healing

  1. Stitches: If stitches are used, they may either dissolve on their own or need to be removed by the dentist after a week or so.
  2. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling should gradually decrease over the first week, with bruising also fading within a couple of weeks.
  3. Bone Integration: The process of osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone, begins during this period and is critical for the implant's stability. This can take several months (typically 3-6 months).

Long-Term Healing and Follow-Up

  1. Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the healing process and ensure the implant is integrating properly.
  2. Temporary Crown: A temporary crown may be placed initially, followed by the permanent crown after the implant has fully integrated.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial to prevent infection. Patients should brush gently around the implant site and use an antibacterial mouthwash as recommended.

Potential Complications

  1. Infection: Though rare, infections can occur and may require antibiotics or additional surgical intervention.
  2. Implant Failure: In some cases, the implant may fail to integrate with the bone, necessitating removal and, potentially, a second attempt after further bone grafting.
  3. Nerve Damage: If nerves are affected during surgery, it may cause temporary or permanent numbness or tingling.

Lifestyle and Long-Term Care

  1. Smoking: Smoking can significantly impede the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Patients are often advised to quit smoking.
  2. Diet and Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports faster healing and bone health.
  3. Regular Dental Checkups: Continued dental checkups are essential to ensure the health of the implant and surrounding teeth.
Understanding these aspects can help patients prepare for and navigate the dental implant recovery process more effectively. Always follow the specific advice and guidelines provided by your dental surgeon or specialist.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:28 hannalysis I’m a therapist who works with clients with BPD and has had many close relationships with people with BPD. Here’s how I understand it — is it accurate?

Hi. I’m a therapist who works often with Cluster B PDs, but by far the most frequently with BPD. I also have had several close friends and family diagnosed with the same. It’s very important to me that my clients feel (and are) accurately understood and seen, and I wanted to check in with this community to see how y’all feel about my current understanding of BPD, and how people might respond if their therapist presented a similar framework or analogy to at least partially describe your experience. I recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all experience or metaphor that fully encapsulates the infinite complexities and nuances of each individual; I just wanted to check in and see if people generally feel like I’m on the right track.
In my grad program (Clinical Mental Health Counseling), we were taught that there’s typically a “formula” for BPD that involves two specific ingredients, whether they rise to the threshold of trauma or not: Emotion dysregulation + an invalidating environment. I really appreciate this approach because it covers severe abuse and neglect, but also extends to families that are relatively “normal” and well-adjusted — but not intrinsically equipped to effectively navigate the extreme distress and dysfunction of something like genetically-predisposed BPD.
If a person who is predisposed to BPD grows up in a fairly healthy family and experiences typical/unavoidable adversity and rejections as trauma, the stability and general state of wellbeing of everyone else in that family system is inherently invalidating. Everyone around them is able to become a healthy, happy, and solid individual in that same environment, and yet they aren’t. Everyone else in the immediate family experiences emotions fundamentally differently — not through any malice, gaslighting/manipulation, or objective neglect, but simply because their brains, nervous systems, and genes are wired differently — and this means that a person predisposed to BPD experiences feeling relentlessly invalidated, gaslit, minimized, and dismissed for the instability and volatility of their own emotions and experiences. There’s an emptiness that has no external root or source, but that hurts insistently, every day, regardless of the lack of circumstances to explain it.
I think of BPD as the emotional equivalent of a tooth with weak enamel that easily chips and quickly exposes the root/nerve with no insulation. There’s profound ‘temperature sensetivity’ in the preoccupation with abandonment — reading extremes of affection and rejection into neutral or often minor interactions/conflicts; and there’s extreme ‘pressure sensitivity’ in their intolerance for genuine closeness with others before the intensity of the proximity causes overwhelming pain. Such an uninsulated tooth/nerve experiences extreme pain when trying to perform basic functions (chewing normal foods/navigating day-to-day life and relationships) and experiences intolerable suffering when exposed to genuine extremes (biting into ice cream or eating hard and crunchy food/experiencing deep rejection or encountering significant resistance/rigidity in their environment). This framework helps me better understand pwBPD, and it helps me balance profound compassion with accountability (if a tooth is that compromised, we need to avoid chewing with it until we can implement external supports and build that insulation back up). I would love to hear if this analogy is helpful to anyone but myself, though.
submitted by hannalysis to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:24 Hour-Negotiation2597 I think I have a quarter life crisis....Or I'm being dramatic.

I (22, M) just finished college and am currently working as an Assistant Editor. However, my contract will end in mid-June, so I have to start looking for a new show (I have a 50/50 chance of getting employed).
Since high school, I have loved journalism and accounting but never thought I could pursue both. I always believed I was not smart enough, and the passion died off.
So, after I went to college and got a Broadcasting diploma, my passion reignited because I gained confidence in myself by helping with research, budgeting, and working on student projects. I plan to continue my education at a university, majoring in journalism and minoring in accounting. I will probably pick up a few extra accounting-related courses or work on the side while in university. Eventually, I hope to get a CPA certificate and an undergraduate journalism degree (if I complete both in time). Even though the two fields don't seem related, I enjoy both. Choosing one will make me wonder, "Did I make the right choice?"
Path A:
A/ Ontario has been challenging for a while, and it's expected to get worse over time (high inflation, increasing rent, and grocery prices).
b/ If I continue my education, I potentially will have to start paying off OSAP, which means more debt. Also, during college, my family helps pay off my student loan while I just cover the living costs, groceries, and a couple of extra courses I have to retake. If I go to university, my family will not pay for anything, and I will have to do everything completely by myself.
c/ What happens if I fail? Like, going through all the trouble and ending up with nothing or getting stuck (I don't know, maybe at a fast-food restaurant. I'm not saying it isn't good to work at a fast-food restaurant, but after spending all this time, I'd like to move forward).
d/ I will probably graduate when I'm 26 or 27.
Path B:
A/ Be happy with what I got, and not go to university and continue to work, find a job, and make connections as an AE. This would eliminate almost half of the problems I mentioned earlier, and I could climb the "ladder" and potentially become a post-production supervisor.
I understand that every decision comes with its own set of outcomes and consequences, and that unemployment or high inflation may be unavoidable. However, I'm struggling to choose the best path forward. This uncertainty is causing me stress and is beginning to impact both my professional and personal life. I have approximately one month remaining to make a decision, but I'm finding it difficult to come to a conclusion.
submitted by Hour-Negotiation2597 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:23 Pure-You9124 AITA for being stuck on my choice?

I am a 19-year-old woman and the younger daughter in my family. For the past four years, I have been passionate about becoming a doctor—not for the money, but for the satisfaction of diagnosing diseases. Even now, without any formal degree, I have a knack for it. My parents separated in December 2021, and I haven't seen my father since. My sister has a history of lying and deceit, while my mother often gaslights me. Both of them experience emotional highs and lows.
Since childhood, I have always been aware of my parents' issues because my mother brings them to us instead of shielding us from them. Since 2016, she has largely relied on me to resolve these issues, effectively making me the "man" of the house. Fights are common in my household, making it feel like a dramatic TV serial.
I attempted the NEET exam in 2022, 2023, and 2024(273, 287 and 350 marks resp.) but the environment at home is not conducive to studying, even though there is an expectation for me to do so. Despite being good at academics, I have struggled to focus on my preparation. I have never even completed the syllabus of 11-12, since mine was a corona batch, schools and tuitions were online, and they were a mess. In 2022, after finishing 12th grade and taking the NEET, I wasn't allowed to take a gap year. That academic year was particularly challenging, with my father leaving and my mother having an accident, requiring me to be involved in everything since my mother doesn't trust my sister.
I enrolled in a B.A. in English because it was what I could get at the time. In 2023, ongoing conflicts and another course, combined with my lack of preparation, caused me to fail the NEET again. I eventually left the arts course, despite managing a 7+ CGPA, because it wasn't a good fit for me. I then enrolled in a B.Sc. in Botany, which also isn't my preferred field, but I managed a 7.8 in the first semester. This year's NEET exam was on a Sunday, but I had to attend a practical exam at college on the preceding Friday. On the morning of NEET, I was asked to find an earring my mother suspected my sister had sold. A fight broke out a week before the NEET, adding to the stress. Consequently, I didn't perform well this year either. I'm mocked for being in 2nd year in 1st year.
I acknowledge that it's partly my fault for not studying properly, but the chaos at home makes it nearly impossible. Additionally, I struggled to balance it with my coursework. I've asked my mother to either let me take a gap year or allow me to go abroad for MBBS. She believes no other parent would permit their child to switch courses so many times and accuses me of taking advantage of her and fooling her. She says I've wasted her money, although my college 1st years involved a fees of 6k and 22k each. AITA?
submitted by Pure-You9124 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:20 Cherrymermaid-23 I feel lightheaded and weak

I feel lightheaded and weak
Hello, it’s my first time doing water fasting. I lost 5kgs in 5 days (from 68 to 63kgs) And so far I don’t feel hungry at all. I usually don’t eat because im hungry I used to eat because i love how food tastes and this made me gain some weight haha. So now my problem is even tho I dont feel hungry and dont crave food like at all (Like even the taste of food now makes my stomach hurts) I feel extremely dizzy, weak and tired. Any tips?? *Im taking vitamin D supplements because im deficient.
submitted by Cherrymermaid-23 to WaterFasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:19 reddit_niwasi Applied for CC a month back, was rejected then and there, getting an email explaining some different shit.

Applied for CC a month back, was rejected then and there, getting an email explaining some different shit. submitted by reddit_niwasi to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:19 Hour-Negotiation2597 I think I am having a quarter life crisis... Or maybe I'm over dramatic.

I (22, M) just finished college and am currently working as an Assistant Editor. However, my contract will end in mid-June, so I have to start looking for a new show (I have a 50/50 chance of getting employed).
Since high school, I have loved journalism and accounting but never thought I could pursue both. I always believed I was not smart enough, and the passion died off.
So, after I went to college and got a Broadcasting diploma, my passion reignited because I gained confidence in myself by helping with research, budgeting, and working on student projects. I plan to continue my education at a university, majoring in journalism and minoring in accounting. I will probably pick up a few extra accounting-related courses or work on the side while in university. Eventually, I hope to get a CPA certificate and an undergraduate journalism degree (if I complete both in time). Even though the two fields don't seem related, I enjoy both. Choosing one will make me wonder, "Did I make the right choice?"
Path A:
A/ Ontario has been challenging for a while, and it's expected to get worse over time (high inflation, increasing rent, and grocery prices).
b/ If I continue my education, I potentially will have to start paying off OSAP, which means more debt. Also, during college, my family helps pay off my student loan while I just cover the living costs, groceries, and a couple of extra courses I have to retake. If I go to university, my family will not pay for anything, and I will have to do everything completely by myself.
c/ What happens if I fail? Like, going through all the trouble and ending up with nothing or getting stuck (I don't know, maybe at a fast-food restaurant. I'm not saying it isn't good to work at a fast-food restaurant, but after spending all this time, I'd like to move forward).
d/ I will probably graduate when I'm 26 or 27.
Path B:
A/ Be happy with what I got, and not go to university and continue to work, find a job, and make connections as an AE. This would eliminate almost half of the problems I mentioned earlier, and I could climb the "ladder" and potentially become a post-production supervisor.
I understand that every decision comes with its own set of outcomes and consequences, and that unemployment or high inflation may be unavoidable. However, I'm struggling to choose the best path forward. This uncertainty is causing me stress and is beginning to impact both my professional and personal life. I have approximately one month remaining to make a decision, but I'm finding it difficult to come to a conclusion.
submitted by Hour-Negotiation2597 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:12 barge_gee Jackson Galaxy B12 opinions?

I've spent some time looking at Tanya's website, and in consultation with a veterinarian, they suggested B12 and/or B Complex supplementation. My kitty has early Stage II kd. Oral administration would be easiest, so I started looking online, found that Jackson Galaxy has a B12, and another brand, RxVitamins. Any recommendations or insight as to which liquid B12s seem to work well? Many "supplements" that say they are a "B Complex" are very vague as to how much of each B vitamin the supplement provides.
submitted by barge_gee to RenalCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:03 Lazy_Ad4999 i feel like im giving veganism a shitty name because im mentally ill ( ;´ - `;)

i have dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder - im not extremely depressed and can mostly function but my average mood is either numb or sad with some ups and downs) and i hate how much carnists get to me with the “veganism/nutrient deficiencies cause depression, eat some steak and youll feel happy again 🥰” bullshit
ive had it since i was 12, only went vegan about 6 months ago, when i explain that they just treat me like im stupid instead. if anything going vegan made my depression better because a large part of it is extreme feelings of guilt and im not murdering animals anymore (which definitely decreases feelings of guilt) and it led me to be more independent which i like since i still live with my parents
idk i guess this is more of a pointless vent than anything but i hate it
if ur mentally ill and vegan ur awesome 👍
submitted by Lazy_Ad4999 to vegancirclejerkchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:01 Marc_wastheone The Comprehensive Dynamics of Showering

Showering is a multifaceted hygienic practice that integrates numerous complex processes involving physics, chemistry, and physiology, all orchestrated within a controlled aquatic environment. The typical environment for showering is engineered through a sophisticated plumbing system designed to deliver water via an elevated nozzle or series of nozzles known collectively as a showerhead. The manipulation of valves or taps that regulate the flow and temperature of the water is critical, ensuring an optimal balance for both thermoregulation and mechanical cleansing of the epidermis.
When an individual initiates the showering process by adjusting these valves, they enable the precise control of water temperature and pressure. The interaction between water, modifiable to various thermal states, and the skin—the body’s largest organ—occurs through laminar and turbulent flow dynamics. These dynamics enhance the mechanical agitation necessary to dislodge sebum, sweat, dead skin cells, and particulate matter accumulated from daily environmental exposure. Gravitational forces aid in transporting these impurities away from the body, directing them towards the drainage system that efficiently disposes of such waste.
The mechanical aspect of showering is augmented by a significant chemical component involving surfactants and emulsifying agents found in cleansing products like soaps and shampoos. These agents reduce water's surface tension, allowing it to more effectively penetrate and dissolve oils and hydrophobic substances present on the skin and hair. Surfactants operate by forming micelles around oil particles, encapsulating them, and facilitating their removal during rinsing. These chemical interactions are pivotal in disrupting the lipid bilayer of microorganisms, thereby exerting a powerful antimicrobial effect, which is essential for maintaining overall hygiene and health.
The physiological response to showering is equally intricate. Exposure to varying water temperatures induces vasodilation or vasoconstriction, contingent on whether the water is warm or cold. Warm water typically causes blood vessels to dilate, enhancing blood flow and promoting a sense of relaxation. In contrast, cold water can cause vasoconstriction, which invigorates the body by increasing alertness. Thermoreceptors in the skin detect these temperature changes, triggering a cascade of neural responses that influence the body's homeostasis and contribute to the subjective experience of comfort or rejuvenation.
The act of scrubbing during a shower adds another layer of complexity. Repetitive rubbing and scrubbing the skin stimulates the somatosensory system, potentially triggering the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, leading to a sensation of well-being. Tactile stimulation from scrubbing also promotes lymphatic drainage, aiding in toxin removal from the body and enhancing overall immune response. This physical interaction with the skin is not merely about cleanliness but also plays a role in maintaining physiological and psychological balance.
Moreover, showering has significant psychological benefits. The routine can provide a meditative and reflective time, allowing individuals to mentally prepare for the day ahead or unwind from daily activities. The combination of physical cleansing and mental clarity achieved through showering can significantly contribute to an individual's mental health and emotional stability. This dual benefit underscores the importance of showering beyond mere hygiene.
From a biochemical perspective, the interaction between water and skin initiates numerous reactions. When water contacts the skin, it softens the keratinocytes—the primary type of cells in the epidermis—making it easier to remove dirt and dead cells. The role of water temperature in these processes is critical; hot water can open pores and allow deeper cleansing, while cold water can close pores and tighten the skin, offering different therapeutic effects.
The use of various cleansing products introduces additional chemical interactions. Shampoos and conditioners, often containing specific pH-balanced formulas, interact with hair cuticles, ensuring that the hair shaft remains smooth and manageable. These products frequently contain proteins, vitamins, and minerals designed to nourish the hair and scalp, emphasizing the showering process's role in comprehensive personal care.
Additionally, the aromatherapy aspect of showering should not be overlooked. Many shower products include essential oils and fragrances that can affect mood and well-being. Lavender, for instance, is known for its calming properties, while citrus scents can invigorate and energize. These olfactory stimuli interact with the brain's limbic system, further contributing to the psychological benefits of showering.
Environmental factors also play a role in the showering experience. The design and ambiance of the shower space—lighting, color schemes, and even the materials used—can influence the overall experience. Modern shower systems often include features such as adjustable spray patterns, rainfall showerheads, and even integrated music systems, all designed to enhance the sensory experience and provide a personalized bathing ritual.
Water conservation and sustainability are increasingly important considerations in the design and use of shower systems. Innovations such as low-flow showerheads and systems that recycle greywater are becoming more prevalent, reflecting a growing awareness of environmental impact. These advancements ensure that the practice of showering can be maintained sustainably without compromising the comprehensive benefits it offers.
The societal and cultural dimensions of showering are also noteworthy. Showering practices vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, reflecting diverse beliefs about cleanliness, health, and social norms. In some cultures, communal bathing practices are an integral part of social life and tradition, highlighting the role of bathing in community bonding and cultural identity.
From a historical perspective, the evolution of bathing practices—from ancient Roman baths to modern showers—illustrates the changing perceptions of hygiene and the technological advancements that have shaped our current practices. Innovations in plumbing and water heating have transformed showering from a luxury into a daily necessity for many people worldwide.
Showering also intersects with healthcare and therapeutic practices. Hydrotherapy, the use of water in various forms to treat illness and maintain health, has been practiced for centuries. Modern adaptations of hydrotherapy can be found in therapeutic showers designed to aid in rehabilitation and recovery, showcasing the intersection of hygiene and medical care.
In conclusion, showering is a complex and multi-dimensional practice that extends far beyond basic hygiene. It involves an intricate interplay of physical, chemical, and physiological processes that contribute to overall cleanliness, health, and well-being. The benefits of showering are holistic, encompassing physical cleansing, mental clarity, relaxation, invigoration, and even social and cultural significance. As such, it remains a fundamental daily ritual that supports both individual health and broader societal practices.
submitted by Marc_wastheone to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 SophiaShay1 What was your worst health scare that caused you to seek more help for your fibromyalgia, ME/CFS or potential diagnoses?

What was your worse health care that caused you to seek more medical intervention & answers for fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, or potential diagnoses?
I had the worst experience of my life two nights ago. I woke up early Friday evening from a nap. I slept about 2 hours. I woke up feeling off. I was sweaty and could not breathe. I was dizzy, disoriented, and sweaty. We called 911. I thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke. I went to the emergency room. They did a CBC, EKG, and CT scan of my brain. I had low glucose, which was resolved by drinking a glass of cranberry juice. I hadn't eaten anything in over 10 hours. My doctor was incredible. After the test results came back, he said, "Could it be anxiety? Possibly. I don't know, I wasn't there." Initially, I thought it could have been anxiety, but the symptoms presented in such a way that it absolutely didn't seem that way. He prescribed anxiety medication. I'm grateful it has helped.
I've been simply existing since my diagnosis in December 2023. This event has forced me to face some hard truths. For as much as I thought I knew, I really knew nothing. There's so much I need to learn about my body. I have depression and anxiety that was caused by my ongoing health problems and ultimately fibromyalgia. I stopped taking Zoloft for depression & Klonopin for anxiety to start Cymbalta. I've tried Savella and Cymbalta twice. Cymbalta helped with my fatigue, pain, sleep, and mood. Ultimately, I had to stop all medications due to severe side effects.
I'm post-menopausal and never wanted to do hormone replacement therapy. From what I've read, it's now something I have to talk to my doctor about. I've gained about 70 pounds in the last 4 years. I have to talk to my doctor and lose weight. My symptoms are dizziness, disorientation, always hot and sweaty, chronic and debilitating fatigue, widespread pain, brain fog, depression, anxiety & insomnia/sleep disturbances
I'd love to hear your stories. Did you have a life changing medical scare that propelled you to get more answers and work harder? Have you found more effective medications that manage your symptoms and fibromyalgia? What about vitamins, supplements, and non-medical interventions? Changes to your diet and exercise? Have you taken weight loss medications? Have they helped with both weight loss and fibromyalgia?
submitted by SophiaShay1 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:55 tired_VHSenjoyer Our crazy neighbor who really likes his dirt road

Okay, so for context I live in a pretty average suburban neighborhood. On the way to my family's house is a private road that has practically NO pavement on it. This road is owned by a guy I'll call: Eah(entitled asshole). Eah is very protective of this road, even has a wooden pole nearby it that has, not one, not two, but THREE signs about it. The first one simply says that the pavement ends, the second says it's a private road, and the third is a '7 mph' sign.(This third one is very important.)
My first encounter with Eah, was when my Nana was driving me home from school like one to two years back. He gestured for her to stop and roll down her window, which she did. I don't remember the exact conversation that went down, but it was some back and forth about how she was 'going over the speed limit.' (She was driving at least 3-4 mph) She ended up driving away before things could get too heated, luckily.
For the second encounter, it was just my Nana in the truck as she was driving to pick me up from school.
Needed context for this encounter: a day or two before this, my dog escaped from our property into the nearby HOH,(she will NOT stop doing this) and my Nana and another person drove down to get her. She drove slightly faster than usual through Eah's precious road while he was in the yard to get to our dog before she caused issues.
Back to the second encounter. Eah gestured for her to stop and roll down her window again. My Nana said that he accused her of going way over the speed limit and berated her for it. Upon my Nana saying that she was not speeding, he blamed it on her husband. (She's divorced and unmarried.) She said that she was divorced, and Eah replied that someone had sped down his road at at least 40 mph in her truck. Yet again she drove off, but this time gave legal authorities a tip about Eah harassing her. They didn't do anything as she didn't have amazing evidence.
The third encounter, I was with Nana again. We witnessed him stop a car with one woman inside to do the exact same process of accusing her of speeding.(She wasn't.) This woman wasn't as patient/stubborn as my Nana, and quickly drove off. Eah didn't like this at all, and flipped the woman off. Surprisingly, he didn't stop us when we passed. I think it was because either: A)I looked bigger and more masculine looking than I was during previous encounters Or B) I had my phone out, and in a position that made it look like I was recording.
We've seen him do these things with women only. A man could speed through at 100 mph and he wouldn't care.
TLDR; we have an entitled, most likely sexist neighbor who is way too obsessed with his road and accusing women of speeding down it.
submitted by tired_VHSenjoyer to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:55 AffectionateSleep229 Want to feel 100% again

Hey I’ve been dealing with a lot of health issues it seems for the past year it seems. Frustration brings me here as I have had a difficult time getting information and ideas from doctors. It all started over a year I began to develop pain and discomfort in my groin area. It was hard to pinpoint the exact area where the discomfort comes from. Sometimes it would feel like the testicles, other near the joint, other on the shaft, or sometimes down the urethra. I often felt a feeling of cold near the tip of the scrotum. Then a few months after that, I began to feel soreness and muscle aches throughout the body, mainly the upper part of my arms. This symptom went on for months during the summer. For that the doctor noted I was deficient in vitamin d and told me to take a supplement for it. I feel that has worked a bit but still deal with this issue still. Generally I deal with that groin discomfort, body ache, fatigue, lack of motivation, and just drained and tired of it all. I would like some help trying to find what is wrong and point me in a direction because I have not gotten much from doctors. More background, in 2018 I had a sexual encounter that gave me bad anxiety for STDs. Specifically I was scared for HIV. Few months after I developed a swollen lymph node right below my ear on the right side only. I thought that was the start and took a Sylvia test and it seemed negative to me. Still anxiety and fear ruled over me for years but I tried to forget. In 2022 around covid time, I noticed my tongue more white and felt weird to swallow and stuff. I was worried that was HIV and my symptoms were multiplying. Doctors did say it wasn’t oral thrush so I’m not sure on that still. In 2023 when the groin discomfort began, I finally decided it was time to get a blood test. Got a 4th gen HIV 1&2 test and it came back negative. I thought that it would put my mind to rest but it didn’t somehow. I was still extremely worried as I still felt the issues above. A couple months ago I decided to get another HIV 4th gen 1&2 blood test. It came back negative again. All other STDs came back negative as well. I just want to find out what it could be and how to feel 100% again in my life. It makes my school, physical, and mental life hard on me. So if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.
submitted by AffectionateSleep229 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:45 higurashi0793 ENFJ Guide from a Jungian Perspective

Hello! I've seen that a lot of people are confused about ENFJs and how exactly we work, and considering that there are many websites with different —even contradictory— concepts and definitions of ENFJ, I wanted to provide one closer to what Carl Jung first described in Psychological Types in 1921. I hope this will help people gain a wider perspective of our type, and clear up some associated misconceptions.
But, before we begin, there are some concepts and questions that need to be addressed first:
Are websites like 16 Personalities reliable? What about tests?
📣 No, they aren't. 16 Personalities has wildly different concepts about types, and most importantly: while it's not outright stated, their personality model isn't based on jungian functions or the types Myers-Briggs described in Gifts Differing in 1980. Their test and type description is based on the Big Five personality model, which is something else on its own. You can check this in more detail on their FAQ page. If you used 16p to discover your type, there's a high chance it may not be the same type as what Jung or Myers-Briggs describe in their respective books. Other websites and tests may also handle different concepts, so take their results with a grain of salt.
If tests and websites are unreliable, how can I be sure of my type?
📣 By reading! I'm afraid that there isn't a quick shortcut to instantly know yourself and what type best fits you. Knowing your type is a journey in itself, full of self-reflection and doubt. It's hard, but very rewarding. However, if you are doing this just for fun, feel free to take any popular tests floating around.
I am friendly and outgoing, but sometimes I need space. Am I INFJ or ENFJ?
📣 Social extraversion/introversion and cognitive extraversion/introversion are two different things. Jung managed his concepts and descriptions of different psychological phenomena and gave them different meanings from what we're familiar with. I know, it's confusing. But I'll do my best to clear up what he actually meant later on, so don't worry!
Where are you getting all this information?
📣 Psychological Types, by Carl Jung. I also have Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type by Isabel Briggs Myers with Peter B. Myer, however, I am not fond of Myers-Briggs' interpretation of Jung's writings. In my opinion, it's an oversimplified version of types and functions, and she displayed an obvious intuitive bias in her book. Another book that's popular is Lectures on Jung's Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz, who also worked together with Jung to describe types and functions. However, be warned: by her own admission, she dislikes Fe-dom types and her description of ExFJ is rather insulting, so expect some bias as well.
Before we begin talking about what is ENFJ, we have to understand Jung's word salad and what he meant with all these concepts and descriptions. It takes a lot of patience and effort to understand Psychological Types, because as you may know (or not!), psychology is a relatively new science, and many of its roots come from philosophy, anthropology, and even religion. Jung refers to a lot of other authors, philosophers, and other literary figures to describe what he believed were "personality types".
What was the goal with all this? Well, Carl Jung was a Swiss psychoanalyst, and by associating certain patterns of behavior with different mental illnesses, he aimed to make their diagnosis easier for other psychiatrists. So, understandably, Psychological Types is full of technical language that may be hard to understand for anyone who isn't already familiar with the field of psychology. This is why a lot of other websites and other authors, while relying on Jung to describe types, tend to water down concepts and inevitably miss some important context that can't be properly explained until you take the effort to read the entire thing. That's why we have like 10 different descriptions of the same type or functions floating around.
Jung associated Fe-types like ENFJ or ESFJ with hysteria. Of course, this was back in the 19th century, and the target of this diagnosis was almost always women. Thankfully, it's no longer an official mental illness.
⚠️ An important consideration: most of the original texts that laid the foundation for MBTI to exist are from the early 19th century. Expect a lot of sexism and traditional gender roles.
"It may seem superfluous to the reader if I add a special chapter on definitions of terms to the text of my study. However, I have had ample experience of the fact that it is precisely in psychological works that one cannot be careful enough with terms and expressions, since it is precisely in the field of psychology, as nowhere else, that the greatest variations of terms occur, which often give rise to the most stubborn misunderstandings." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 476).
I will not be listing every single concept, because it'd take the entirety of this post and even more to explain what everything means. I'll list the most common ones that show up when describing types.
🫂 Extravertion and Intravertion:
"If we look at the course of a human life, we see how the destinies of one person are more conditioned by the objects of his interests, while the destinies of another are more conditioned by his own inner being, by his subject. As we all deviate somewhat more to one side or the other, we are naturally inclined to understand everything in terms of our own type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 4)
As I said before, extraversion and introversion have different meanings in this area, so when we talk about an extraverted type, we mean to say that it's a type whose dominant function is an extraverted one. To understand better what is an extraverted function, we need to have two vital concepts in mind: subject and object.
🌎 The object, in this concept, is anything that exists outside your mind: it may be the world, it may be people, it may be experiences, it may be sensations, anything that is not inherently part of you. It may be what's happening in your environment, or the environment in itself. It's the external, that which exists without needing any additional interpretation or guessing.
👤 The subject is you. Your mind, your feelings, your values, your logic, your impressions, your subjective interpretation of ideas or people or what's happening around you. Anything that is purely personal, be it your inner understanding of how things fit together, your interpretation of a painting, your like or dislike of a song, etc. Your subjective experiences or thoughts, that's the subject.
In a way, it's you, the subject vs. the world, the object. Of course, there's much more to this, but this is the easiest way I can explain it. You'll see these two concepts popping around because they're the very foundation of functions.
"But every human being possesses both mechanisms, extraversion and introversion, and only the relative predominance of one or the other determines the type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 5).
Extraversion and Introversion, as I was saying before, are defined by what's your disposition towards the external world vs. the inner self. If your decisions are mostly influenced by what's happening outside your mind, then we are talking about an extrovert. If your decisions are influenced by your own inner world, regardless of what's happening outside of it, then we talk about an introvert.
"If the orientation towards the object and the objectively given prevails in such a way that the most frequent and most important decisions and actions are not conditioned by subjective views but by objective conditions, we speak of an extraverted attitude. If this is habitual, we speak of an extraverted type. If someone thinks, feels and acts, in a word, lives in a way that directly corresponds to objective circumstances and their requirements, in both a good and a bad sense, then they are extraverted. He lives in such a way that it is obvious that the object as a determining factor plays a greater role in his consciousness than his subjective view. Certainly he has subjective views, but their determining power is less than that of external objective conditions." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 384-385).
It's important to know that Jung initially described only four functions: Feeling, Thinking, Intuition, and Sensing. These functions would be either extraverted or introverted depending on how they relate to the external, objective world vs. the inner, subjective world. For example, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is an extraverted feeling function because it favors the external feeling environment over more personal, subjective feelings that only belong to the subject.
In contrast, the introvert prefers to make decisions based on their inner self, on their personal views and convictions, regardless of what's happening around them. Someone whose function is introverted will not value the outside world a lot, and feels like is a threat to them:
"The introvert has an abstract attitude towards the object; basically, he is always anxious to withdraw his libido from the object, as if he had to prevent the object from overpowering him." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 380).
Now that we have some basic concepts cleared out, I hope understanding the Extraverted Feeling type is a bit easier. I want to start by how Jung described Fe:
"Feeling in the extraverted attitude is oriented towards the objectively given, i.e. the object is the indispensable determinant of the way of feeling. It is in accordance with objective values. Whoever knows feeling only as a subjective fact will not readily understand the nature of extraverted feeling, because extraverted feeling has freed itself as far as possible from the subjective factor and has instead subjected itself entirely to the influence of the object." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 411).
❗️We have to understand here that feelings are not emotions. Under this context, feeling is what we either accept or reject, what we value or not, how do we feel about something. An emotion, in this context, is something that causes a bodily response: if you feel angry, your heartbeat increases, your arms shake, and your face turns red. If you feel sad, you'll start crying and shaking. If you feel happy, your heartbeat increases and you smile. In contrast, just liking or disliking something may or may not make you react in any way. For example, let's say that you have an intense dislike of a celebrity. You don't start shaking and crying just because you dislike that celebrity. But what if you're a fan of a certain band? If you listen to one of their songs, you may start feeling happy. In both of these cases, we have two concepts floating around: a "feeling" (disliking a celebrity or liking a band) and an "emotion" that may be a reaction to that feeling (feeling happy when listening to your favorite band).
Feeling types usually have this misconception going around that we're emotional wrecks and can't think logically. This misunderstanding comes from the confusion that Feeling means being emotional. And while a feeling can give rise to an emotion, it's not emotion in itself, these are two different things. To put it simply: Feelings are values, and emotions are reactions to those values.
Now, to continue on how Jung described Fe, he gave a great example of how this type of Feeling is influenced by the outside world:
"I can feel compelled to use the predicate "beautiful" or "good", not because I find the object "beautiful" or "good" out of subjective feeling, but because it is appropriate to call it "beautiful" or "good"; and appropriate insofar as a judgment to the contrary would somehow disturb the general emotional situation. Such an appropriate emotional judgment is by no means a simulation or even a lie, but an act of fitting in. Thus, for example, a painting may be called "beautiful" because a painting hung in a salon and signed with a well-known name is generally assumed to be "beautiful", or because the predicate "ugly" could offend the family of the happy owner, or because the intention on the part of the visitor is to create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, for which it is necessary that everything is felt to be pleasant. Such feelings are directed according to objective determinants. As such, they are genuine and represent the entire visible feeling function." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 411-412).
A common misunderstanding surrounding Fe, and by extension Fe types, is that Fe is by nature insincere and fake, and that we're double-faced and superficial. But I think of it differently: if your friend got a bad haircut and they look terrible, is it dishonest to say that it isn't that bad if it comes from an honest intention of not wanting to hurt their feelings over something they can't change? Do you always need to tell people what you think, regardless of how it may affect them? I think honesty without kindness is just cruelty.
But, moving on!
"The evaluations made through the act of feeling correspond either directly to objective values or at least to certain traditional and generally accepted standards of value. It is largely due to this kind of feeling that so many people go to the theater or to a concert or to church with properly measured positive feelings. It is also to thank for the fashions, and what is far more valuable, the positive and widespread support of social, philanthropic and other cultural endeavors. In these things, extraverted feeling proves to be a creative factor. Without this feeling, for example, beautiful and harmonious sociability is unthinkable. In this respect, extraverted feeling is just as beneficial and rational a power as extraverted thinking." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 412)
To me, Fe represents that desire for human connection, to feel community, to think about others. We live in an age where hyperindividualism is encouraged everywhere, to care about yourself only, to isolate and disregard anyone who doesn't make you feel good. If that kind of mindset is pushed constantly by corporations and influencers, a lot of people will have a hard time understanding something like Fe, since it opposes everything hyperindividualism stands for. It's frustrating, but I think it's also not surprising to see a lot of people in the MBTI community having an intense dislike of Fe types, especially Fe-dom types, because of this. The idea that only you, as an individual, matter, is so prevalent that for some people, caring about something other than yourself is just dumb.
⚠️ Another thing to take in mind is that Jung determines the dominant function by what we value the most. By this, it means that your intention is what matters, not the results. For example, a socially awkward person can be an ENFJ as long as they value the outside feeling environment over everything else, no matter how clumsy they may be at it. We tend to think of ENFJ as mind-readers, masters of socialization, or community leaders, and it certainly can be the case! But, just as the ENFJ can be a well-loved, charismatic therapist, it can also be the nervous shrinking violet who awkwardly tries to please people around them. We often make the mistake of measuring someone's preference of a function by how "skilled" they are at it, by how much positive results come from them using that function, when in reality, you can be an absolute dimwit and still be a Ti-dom. Your dominant function is always the one that dictates your decisions, regardless of the results of those decisions.
Now, as with all functions, Extraverted Feeling has its dark side.
"However, this beneficial effect is lost as soon as the object gains excessive influence. In this case, the overly extraverted feeling draws the personality too much into the object, i.e. the object assimilates the person, whereby the personal character of the feeling, which is its main stimulus, is lost. This makes the feeling cold, objective and untrustworthy. It betrays a secret intention, or at least arouses such suspicions in the unbiased observer. It no longer makes that pleasant and refreshing impression which always accompanies a genuine feeling, but one senses posturing or acting, when perhaps the egocentric intention is still quite unconscious." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 412-413).
It's possible to care too much. When Fe gains excessive influence over the psyche, it places so much value on harmonious relationships that it comes at the detriment of the subject. Unhealthy Fe demands that you adapt to every single social environment, to make sure to please everyone, and to sacrifice your personhood in favor of the external feeling world. This is why the unhealthy Fe user comes across as fake and dishonest: it's impossible to be a different person to fit in with different social settings without sacrificing your integrity.
"Since situations in life constantly alternate with one another, triggering different or even contrasting emotional tones, the personality dissolves into just as many different feelings. One time you are one thing, the next time something completely different - apparently, because in reality such a diversity of personality is impossible." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 415).
When we talk about types turning unhealthy or acting in erratic or destructive ways, we also have to talk about their inferior function. After all, is your inferior function that keeps your dominant function in check, so to speak. Your inferior function is a sensible counterpart that, while it opposes your dominant function, it provides a different perspective, like another voice that says "yes, but..." to anything you say. This is the role of Introverted Thinking (Ti).
❗️Contrary to popular belief, inferior Ti is not when you lack intelligence, logic, or intellect. To begin with, Thinking isn't related to intelligence. It can lead to it, but just like Feeling can lead to emotions, it ultimately isn't emotions in itself. In the same way, Thinking can lead to intelligence, but it isn't intelligence in itself. It's a process of thought, not the result of that thought. For example, you can think about a math problem, but that thinking may not necessarily lead to a correct answer.
The relationship between the dominant function and the inferior function is the most important one. If the balance between the two functions is disturbed, it leads to destructive or toxic behaviors, or as how Jung called it, neurosis. So what is the relationship between Ti and Fe?
"You can only feel "right" if nothing else disturbs your feelings. But nothing disturbs feeling as much as thinking. It is therefore easy to understand why thinking is suppressed as much as possible in this type of person. This is by no means to say that such a woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may think a great deal and very intelligently, but her thinking is never sui generis, but an epimetheic appendage of her feeling. As far as feeling permits, she can think very well, but any conclusion, however logical, which might lead to a result disturbing to feeling, is rejected a limine. It is simply not thought." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 414)
Thinking is the opposing force to Feeling. And for a type that values Feeling the most, it's only to be expected that it tries to suppress Thinking the most. If a logical thought has the power to disturb the social harmony, the average or unhealthy ENFJ will do their best to pretend it isn't there. But it's impossible to completely suppress a part of your mind. The thoughts that you're desperately trying to push away, will always come back in different forms:
"Unconscious thinking reaches the surface in the form of ideas, often of an obsessive nature, whose general character is always negative and devaluing. There are therefore moments in women of this type when the worst thoughts attach themselves to the very objects that the feeling values most highly. Negative thinking makes use of all infantile prejudices or comparisons that are suitable for casting doubt on the value of feelings, and it draws on all primitive instincts in order to be able to explain feelings as "nothing but". Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 417).
By this, Jung means that the suppressed Ti will leak out in the form of harsh criticism, prejudice, or comparing people according to unreasonable expectations of them, destroying the previously positive feelings about them. Basically, Ti will turn destructive, making the usually pleasant ENFJ assume the worst out of someone.
All of the above paints a picture of a dishonest, paranoid, and troubled ENFJ. They're desperate to win people over, to make everyone happy, but they have lost themselves in this desire and sacrificed their integrity to the point they sound hollow, they lack substance, and the more they try, the less convincing they are. At the same time, their inferior Ti makes them think all sorts of terrible things about the people around them, and they start doubting their relationships and the sincerity of the people they love.
🫂 I will be making a part two later describing Ni from Jung's perspective and how to tell ENFJ and INFJ apart. Ni is kind of tricky to describe, especially as an auxiliary function, but I'm sure it'll help a lot of people who may be confused about their type! Also, the majority of what I described above can be applied to the ENFJ's sensor counterpart, ESFJ. And as I said before, Jung only described four functions and eight personality types, which later expanded to 16 personality types under Myers-Briggs system, therefore there isn't a "function stack" to speak of right now, but I can do my best to describe the closest thing we have to it from Psychological Types.
I hope this was helpful. Thank you for reading! 💖
submitted by higurashi0793 to enfj [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 Excellent_Rip_6605 ISIS is practicing pure Sunni Islam as Mohammed did in 7th century Arabia

Yes. ISIS does exactly what Muhammad did in the 7th century. And it also adopts a lot of what the subsequent “rightly guided” caliphs did. Because after all, ISIS is a Salafi organization (Salaf- as in “Al-Salaf Al-Saleh” = the rightly guided predecessors - referring to the four “rightly guided” caliphs following Muhammad).
Long answer:
Let’s take a look first what ISIS is doing. If we can agree what these “atrocities” are, then we can look further and dig deeper whether we can find something similar in Islamic scripture and history.
So, here’s what ISIS does:
Scriptural base:
Qur’an 8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
Qur’an 47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
What Muhammad did:
Then the Messenger of Allah commanded that ditches should be dug, so they were dug in the earth, and they were brought tied by their shoulders, and were beheaded. There were between seven hundred and eight hundred of them. The children who had not yet reached adolescence and the women were taken prisoner, and their wealth was seized.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir - The Campaign against Banu Qurayzah
Narrated Aisha . . . No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah . . . was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called her name: Where is so-and-so? . . . I asked: What is the matter with you? She said: I did a new act. [Aisha] said: The man took her and beheaded her. [Aisha] said: I will not forget that she was laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed. (Abu Dawud)
Scriptural base:
Qur’an - 4:24 - "And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.
What Muhammad did:
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2, # 2150:
Abu Said al-Khudri said: "The apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Quranic verse, "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess". That is to say, they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period." (See Qur’an 4:24 above)
Sahih Bukhari Vol.3 #432
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri that while he was sitting with Allah's messenger we said, "Oh Allah's messenger, we got female captives as our booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?" The prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence."
Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, #3371
Abu Sirma said to Abu Said al Khudri: "O Abu Said, did you hear Allah's messenger mentioning about al-azl (coitus interruptus)?" He said, "Yes", and added: "We went out with Allah's messenger on the expedition to the Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl" (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: "We are doing an act whereas Allah's messenger is amongst us; why not ask him?" So we asked Allah's messenger and he said: "It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born".
Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, page 151
"He [the Lord of Alexandria] presented to the prophet Mariyah, her sister Sirin, a donkey and a mule which was white....The apostle of Allah liked Mariyah who was of white complexion and curly hair and pretty.... Then he cohabited with Mariyah as a handmaid and sent her to his property which he had acquired from Banu al-Nadir."
Tabari's History, volume 39, page 194
"He (Muhammad) used to visit her (Mariyam) there and ordered her to veil herself, [but] he had intercourse with her by virtue of her being his property."
Scriptural base:
Qur'an 4:16 If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447 Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
What Muhammad and companions did:
Mishkat, vol. 1, p. 765, Prescribed Punishments
Ibn Abbas and Abu Huraira reported God's messenger as saying, 'Accursed is he who does what Lot's people did.' In a version...on the authority of Ibn Abbas it says that Ali [Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law] had two people “burned” and that Abu Bakr [Muhammad's chief companion] had a wall thrown down on them.
Modern Exegesis:
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 5177
Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq judged in accordance with this, and he wrote instructions to this effect to Khaalid, after consulting with the Sahaabah. ‘Ali was the strictest of them with regard to that. Ibn al-Qasaar and our shaykh said: the Sahaabah agreed that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be killed. Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq said that he should be thrown down from a cliff. ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that a wall should be made to collapse on him. Ibn ‘Abbaas said, they should be killed by stoning. This shows that there was consensus among them that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be executed. This is similar to the ruling of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) concerning the person who has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram [incest], because in both cases intercourse is not permitted under any circumstances. Hence the connection was made in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the deed of the people of Loot, kill them.” And it was also reported that he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram, kill him.” And according to another hadeeth with the same isnaad, “Whoever has intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal with him.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 2420; Abu Dawood, 4464; al-Tirmidhi, 1454; al-Haakim, 4/355).
Imam Sirajudeen Bakrin, Nigerian Tribune, December 30, 2011
However, there is a divergence of opinions on the methodology to be used in executing the punishment. While some scholars such as Abu bakr [the first Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Ali [Muhammad's son-in-law and the fourth Rightly-Guided Caliph ] were of the view that such a person should be beheaded and set on fire thereafter, Umar [the second Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Uthman [the third Rightly-Guided Caliph] thought the wall should be fell on him. To Ibn Abbas [Muhammad's cousin], he should be taken to the tallest building in the town, thrown upside down while some men stand on the ground waiting to meet him with stone in replication of the destruction done to the people of Lut (Lot) by Allah.
Scriptural base & what Muhammad did:
Sahih Bukhari (6:60:79) - Two people guilty of illegal intercourse are brought to Muhammad, who orders them both stoned to death.
Sahih Muslim (17:4192) - "in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year"
Sahih Muslim (17:4196) - A married man confesses to adultery. Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. According to the passage, the first several stones caused such pain that he tried to escape and had to be dragged back.
Sahih Muslim (17:4206) - A woman who became pregnant confesses to Muhammad that she is guilty of adultery. Muhammad allows her to have the child, then has her stoned.
The description is graphic: "Khalid b Walid came forward with a stone which he flung at her head and there spurted blood on the face of Khalid and so he abused her."
Ibn Ishaq (970)
What Muhammad did:
Bukhari vol.3 book 45 ch.3 no.687 p.415.
(687) Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, 'Who would kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as he has harmed Allah and His Apostle? Muhammad bin Maslama (got up and) said, 'I will kill him.' So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to Ka'b and said, 'I want a loan of one or two Wasqs of foodgrains.'" After dickering over what to hold as mortgage, they agreed that Muhammad bin Maslama would mortgage his weapons. So he promised him that he would come with his weapons next time."
Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 675-76 / 995-96.
Asma was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medinan pagans, and whose husband was named Yazid b. Zayd. She composed a poem blaming the Medinan pagans for obeying a stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by surprise. When the Allah-inspired prophet heard what she had said, he asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?" A member of her husband’s tribe volunteered and crept into her house that night. She had five children, and the youngest was sleeping at her breast. The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep.
The following morning, the assassin defied anyone to take revenge. No one took him up on his challenge, not even her husband. In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. Previously, some members who had kept their conversion secret now became Muslims openly, "because they saw the power of Islam," conjectures Ibn Ishaq.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.167:
Al-Aswad was assassinated because he claimed that he was a prophet, after coming out of the Khubban cave. He was killed a day or two before Mohammed's death.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.121
"The Messenger of God called me and said, 'It has reached me that Khalid b. Sufyan b. Nubayh al-Hudhali is gathering a force to attack me. He is either in Nakhlah or 'Uranah, so go to him and kill him.'"
Abu Dawud vol.1 no.1244 p.328
"He (the prophet) said, :Go and kill him. I saw him when the time of the afternoon prayer had come. I said : I am afraid if a fight takes place between me and him (Khalid b. Sufyan), that might delay the prayer. I proceeded walking towards him while I was praying by making a sign. When I reached near him, he said to me : Who are you? I replied : A man from the Arabs ; it came to me that you were gathering (any[sp] army) for this man (i.e. the Prophet). Hence I came to you in connection with this matter. ... I then walked along with him for a while; when it became convenient for me, I dominated him with my sword until he became cold (dead)."
Al-Tabari vol.8 p.122
According to Ibn Ishaq: Kinanah b. al-Rabi' b. Abi al-Huqayq who had the treasure of the Banu al-Nadir, was brought to the Messenger of God, who questioned him, but he denied knowing where it [the treasure] was. Then the Messenger of God was brought a Jew who said to him, "I have seen Kinanah walk around this ruin every morning." The Messenger of God said to Kinanah: "What do you say? If we find it in your possession, I will kill you. "All right he answered. The Messenger of God commanded that the ruin should be dug up, and some of the treasure was extracted from it. Then he asked him for the rest of it. Kinanah refused to surrender it, so the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam, saying, "Torture him until you root out what he has." Al-Zubayr kept twirling his firestick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired [died]; then the Messenger of God gave him to Muhammad b. Maslamah, who beheaded him to avenge his brother Mahmud b. Maslamah."
The list goes on.
All the included sources are Muslim sources. A lot of scholars are using this material to come up with Fatwas and also material for their sermons.
If you have read through my brief write-up, you can see that what ISIS is doing today is almost an exact carbon copy of what Muhammad and his warband were doing back then.
Therefore I urge you all to study all the facts about Muhammad and Islam first, before defending the narrative that ISIS is not Islamic.
submitted by Excellent_Rip_6605 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:42 Creative_Beyond_8085 Matters Of The Heart (1990),cool movie with some odd casting.

Matters Of The Heart (1990),cool movie with some odd casting.
So Chris Gartin of “Black Swan” fame plays the young piano student Steven Harper who apparently is taking college classes on the subject along with others and dreams of being a world famous pianist. He doesn’t get along well with his dad played by James Stacy (eww). So Chris during this time takes a job at his dad’s store after a short stay last summer there and apparently he has excelled his limit in piano teaching from Nan Martin. After a few days at the shop,Chris seems to get tired of it and still dreams of his piano days. Also maybe due to him being a teen heartthrob,Chris Gartin randomly takes his shirt off for some reason during a scene. It should be noted before this,he I believe had to give mail to someone and that’s where runs into Dr.Quinn herself,Jane Seymour who plays Haddley Norman,a famous pianist and he even gets to enjoy hearing her tickle the ivorys. A few days after that mail thing,Chris meets up again with Dr.Quinn and he asks her to sign his album as he’s a big fan. On Halloween,as he’s out with friends. Chris rescues Dr.Quinn’s dog from a train. So he goes back to the Australian’s house and he tells her he’s 18. (In reality,Chris Gartin was a 15 year old kid in this and he’s really good for his age). He also says music is all he cares about and he’s done it for 10 years. Chris 2 months later lis living his life on Christmas Eve but when he does spot Seymour getting into her car,he goes over for her house. He spots her I guess drunk and badly injured. Anyways Chris being the hero here stays the night to make sure one of his heroes is ok and puts Seymour to bed like he’s her mom. Chris also seems to express little interest in his family and he learns more about Seymour that she has an ex and Chris’s family don’t drink and he has a minister for a granddaddy. He also says he has not a lot of buddies but he does relate to Dr.Quinn and says he wants to play for her cause he is good. Although she doesn’t seem to get Chris so he barges out and gets scolded by the fam for not coming home on Christmas. His dad remarks “take a cold shower kid”. On NYE. He runs into with Seymour and so he gives her a ride and it’s here she gets to listen to his piano playing on a cassette tape. He shows off his skills more at her house. She seems to think of Chris as a copycat and he begins to walk out until Seymour gives him a somewhat lecture on the art of being a pianist. During this she offers Chris time to work as her student for piano lessons. He remarks he doesn’t known how to thank her before leaving with A YES on his way out. Nan Martin seems to be amazed by Dr.Quinn’s arrival here and thinks Chris could make a living as a pianist. We get a taste of piano school here and Seymour doesn’t tell her guy buddy why she’s here. More piano school and lecturing is followed for some reason by Dr.Quinn wondering if her student has a crush and says it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. Chris though says you don’t know me well and is shocked his piano teacher doesn’t call him a buddy. He is stunned by the cruelness and barges out for like 2 seconds. And then for some odd reason. He comes back and 15 year old Chris Gartin gives 39 year old Jane Seymour a kiss and says he needs her and wants to make love,(that sure doesn’t age well). Well for some reason she gives in after not being into it. And we get a romance montage and we see 15 year old Chris Gartin on the couch with a topless Jane Seymour (WTF HOLLYWOOD). There’s more odd scenes in this montage as Chris learn he’s in a piano contest. Oh and he’s shirtless a lot like Noah Hathaway in Troll or Tom Howell in Red Dawn. Chris comes home after 3 months and his dad given the times asks if he’s a word I can’t use. He says nope and then says he’s banging a 40 year old. His dad goes she’s old enough for your mom. To which we get a line I laughed hard to. “I’m not thinking about mom when I’m doing it”. Chris is still skilled at the piano but romance is hitting the rocks kinda with some hard teaching. We see topless Seymour again in bed with a 15 year old teen idol talking about love. (This is like A Tiger’s Tale if Ann Margaret dated Brian Austin Green). Some more piano teaching and Chris rubs into his buddy who’s girlfriend’s pregnant and he’s working with his uncle. And then love breaks up as Dr Quinn comes home from something in NYC and rejects the hunk’s kisses after he wonders if there’s cheating going on and says he’s a selfish little horny brat and they are DONE after he kisses her for the last time. Chris says he hates her and calls her the B word and so she slaps his face. Following this,Chris that night goes to her house and says don’t do this and damn you. 2 weeks later,still in love,he goes back to her house only to learn her ex is there getting her things. It’s here the ex learns about their May/December and we then learn Seymour has had cancer for a year and is dying. After refusing to give out the hospital. Steven after talking his future wit his buddy and his dad visits her in the hospital. We learn he’s off to a piano event. We see him singing up. And so then ad an event. He uses his ex’s words in the hospital on her cancer and their romance to help him out and win. He plays her music at an event and goes to Dr Quinn’s hospital and after talking piano and then he is told not to visit and he should never give up. The Australian beauty also tells him to have no regrets about their fling and in a very emotional moment,tells him that she loved him very much. (This got me kinda teared up). Chris breaks down in the hospital bathroom. At the big piano event,our boy brings the house down and wins the comp. This was likely live as Seymour is watching it in the hospital before she sadly dies. After he wins he goes to call his crush but it’s too late. We get treated to a monologue about his feelings and the flick ends. This was the last movie Natalie Wood signed on to before her death. Timothy Hutton who had an Oscar then was to play Chris’s role. The reason this is a bad movie is the casting. Kirk Cameron or one of the Corey boys would be better as legal adults then some 15 year old who I very much liked here. I think a remake with Mila Kunis or Olivia Wilde and some young early 20s actor would be a good version if they will do one soon.
submitted by Creative_Beyond_8085 to badMovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:40 LWy-lee Ulcer like wounds forming on left foot and ankle. Unsure why

26yo Caucasian male (ftm post transition) Medications: OTC vitamin D Preexisting medical conditions: PCOS
I started experiencing ankle pain a few months ago following an injury earlier this year which I assumed was an ankle sprain but a later X-ray showed a previous fibula fracture I was unaware of. The pain is accompanied by neuropathy, asymmetrical color and temperature changes in the affected leg, decrease in functional movement, and most recently “punched out” ulcer like wounds on the lateral and medial side of my ankle. They’re each about penny sized and form a dark eschar on top when uncovered for too long. I’ve done my best to keep them clean and uninfected but they don’t seem to be healing. I have an appointment with a specialist coming up soon. Before the ulcers I was thinking maybe complex regional pain syndrome because of the asymmetrical color and temperature changes and seemingly unprovoked pain that sits at a baseline 2/10 but spikes at 7/10. I was also wondering if a nerve could be pinched? The ulcers have kind of thrown me for a loop though. I work an active job but the pain has stopped me from exercising. If anyone has any ideas or guesses as to what might be causing this, I’d appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.
submitted by LWy-lee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:30 unemployedfetish Im gonna flip my entire sleep schedule

Lately i've been noticing how useless and fatigued i am during daytime. My room is a dirty mess, I am a dirty mess and I never have motivation to do shit.
So now I started staying awake till 1-2 pm and I get so much more done. It's 6am and i'm doing laundry, threw the trash out and am gonna clean my entire room. I feel good and I get shit done.
Can anyone relate, what do yall think? Vitamin D deficiency will be a issue but considering that live had that for years and get it prescribed, i'll be able to handle it.
What speaks against this lads?
submitted by unemployedfetish to NEET [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:26 IntrepidMinimum5480 22F constant pounding pulse/hard heart beat after critical illness and cardiac arrest

Age: 22 Sex: Female Height & Weight: 135lbs; 5’7” Medical history: h/o septic shock w/ pressor use, h/o multi-organ failure of kidneys(h/o dialysis use) and liver, h/o ARDS w/ mechanical ventilation, h/o cardiac arrest d/t bacterial pericarditis, h/o hypertension which has since resolved (as of mid-2023), h/o mono, h/o disseminated histoplasmosis, h/o several chest drains which left neuropathy around chest (may be relevant to question), h/o several blood transfusions, h/o anemia Current medications: Omeprazole 40mg x2 a day, folic acid 1mg x1 a day, seroquel 25mg x1 a day, amitriptyline 50mg x 1 a day, hydroxyzine 25 mg 1-2 PRN, zofran 8mg PRN (taken often, usually multiple times a day), has an active prescription for losartan 12.5mg HOWEVER have not needed it since May of 2023. OTC vitamins: women one a day x1 a day, Vitamin D2 x1 a day, daily fiber x3 a day Recent lab work and testing: perfectly normal CBC, CMP, and sed rate as of April 2024
— Latest EKG in Jan 2024 stated: “SINUS RHYTHM LEFT ATRIAL ENLARGEMENT POSSIBLE RIGHT VENTRICULAR CONDUCTION DELAY Compared to ECG 11/07/2023 13:27:41 Atrial abnormality now present.”
— Latest echocardiogram in Sept 2023 stated: “1. LV Ejection Fraction is normal at 50 -60 %. 2. Normal global left ventricular function. 3. Normal RV systolic function. 4. Mild mitral valve prolapse.”
— Holter Monitor in Sept 2023 noted nothing of significance
I hope that covers everything.
I have a “mystery” going on…my heart beats hard/very forcefully and loudly. It has since I went into cardiac arrest in November of 2022. In 2023, I went to have it investigated more, I got an echo, several EKGs, and several chest x-rays & CT scans (monitoring histoplasmosis). Everything came back normal as my doctors have said. It beats so hard my class mates comment on how easy it is to find my pulse, it shakes my body as it beats and makes it uncomfortable to lay down, especially on my left side, and i can constantly hear it, my doctor has listened and told me it did best loud so Ik im not crazy.
It’s is 24/7 and anxiety meds do not help. They used to say it was deconditioning after illness and cardiac arrest, but now I work a very active job (walk regularly 10 miles+ a day at work) and feel pretty close to average at least. I’ve also have had my blood pressure checked (both at home and medical settings) and it’s nearly perfect and not high anymore. It’s driving me insane. What could cause thing?? Thanks.
submitted by IntrepidMinimum5480 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:04 VulpineGlitter2 Do 1s have a tendency to put their loved ones on a pedestal?

Important: I'm not asking for relationship advice, though I totally welcome input from anyone if they choose to offer it. I'm well aware that this particular issue is above reddit's paygrade lol. I'm asking the question in the title and adding this for context. And yeah, venting.
I've been vegan for a while now. Years. I tried. I really tried. Supplementing with every possible deficiency vitamin, gorging out on mock meats to satiate my cravings, I spent a few minutes a day looking at pictures of disgusting parasite infested meat to condition myself to be disgusted by it, watched Dominion (about the realities of factory farming), and the cravings never went away, and I just kept getting more and more frail.
So recently I gave up. I started sneaking meat by eating it only when going out with my friends or alone during weekday lunch breaks, but it'd be a lot cheaper to cook it at home, plus I want to choose more humane options than restaurants have on offer.
So, I'm married to a sp1 (balanced wings) who's a militant vegan. Needless to say, when I told him I'm going to eat meat again (but that I'd cook it in separate cookware when he's out the house, keep any meat quarantined and sealed, eat it only outside on the deck, and throw any scraps away in the dumpster immediately after)...he didn't handle it well.
He got hysterical, called me an "aspiring murderer", threatened to take up smoking since apparently I want to "harm myself", and then he ended up sobbing on the floor curled up in a ball crying that I'm ruining his hope of anyone in the world being good.
Before he went into crying mode, I tried to explain to him my side of things, and he then brought up an absurd analogy ("if you were a vampire who liked the taste of blood and it made you feel better, would you bite people's necks and devour them?")
At this point, I guess I'll just stick to eating meat only outside the house when he doesn't know. For my own sanity, since right now there's no reasoning with him on this.
It sucks. I had my own reasons I wanted to be vegan, but I just can't. Eating meat twice a week, I feel much better.
But now my 1 is shaken up by my "murder lust" (his words), and it scares me a little how much of a pedestal he puts me on. He thinks of me as this pure soul, an angel who is his beacon of hope, no matter how many times I told him not to idealize another person like that.
Even now, I asked him if he now knows I'm "bad"/animalistic/hedonistic as he says all other people are, and he insists I'm not. He blames the world for making bad things so tempting.
A few things to note: other than this, our marriage is almost freakishly happy and perfect. So, I have no intention to divorce him over this (I have to say this cuz this tends to be suggested by redditors over every little thing lol). And he's in therapy, but he thinks the therapist is "just another evil soul", so it's not really going well. He's been through multiple therapists with that same issue. Also, neither of us were vegan when we met, so it's not like our marriage is predicated on that. I was actually vegan first for my own reasons, to reduce suffering, and my husband was inspired to go vegan shortly after I did.
Tl/dr: I'm a messy selfish animal and my 1 puts me on a pedestal I really have no place on. I can't live up to who he thinks I am. Is this a common issue 1s and their loved ones have?
submitted by VulpineGlitter2 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:02 changingat24 Not sure if my mom fits into this sub. But I swear to God I find it annoying when she thinks her way is the best way and she will lie about what took place during the last interaction to look smarter

So I just started a CNA position and currently in training for it.
Anyway. On Wednesday, we were told during orientation that our training would take place at a different facility. The location is about 33 or 34 minutes away from where I live and a bit farther from where I'm supposed to work.
So I told my mom and asked her is that too far for training and she was like" meh, it's really a straight shot from where we live." I was like I guess it isn't that bad.
I'm also on a personal goal to stick to what needs to be done, instead of constantly bitching when something seems difficult or a hassle. Since not everything is easy and you can't always drop out when you "don't wanna do something". So I shrugged it off.
So Friday, when I went back for shadowing, during the last hours of our shift, one of the hired CNAs asked me which facility we'd be going to, A or B. I was a bit shocked because I didn't know there were other options available. I'm from the IT world so needing to go elsewhere for trainings and etc is odd. Plus, the coordinators are not needed since we were always in a separate department . I'm noticing that in this facility, the coordinator is not very detailed oriented, and she's always popping in and out of places and rarely available. I almost was not able to work here because she wasn't keeping up her end of the updates on when I could start orientation. I had to be really adamant to get her to update me.
Anyway, during this conversation, my mom does this thing where she always inserts her personal life into our discussions. She used to work in mental health as a younger person.
In the middle of our discussion she starts to say, "you need to ask more. Just cause she didn't tell you there were options doesn't mean you don't need to ask". And I was like, "how would I even know if that was something to ask?, I had no idea there were other facilities they could choose from". I then ask her that why is that she felt like I needed to be coached? I expressed that I wasn't familiar with these sort of things and I didn't know.
She then tried to flip the switch and say that she suggested I asked for other locations days ago and tried to shame me and go on a "you never listen to what I tell you until it's too late". I had to step in and let her know that she was about to lie and that there was no way that she asked me that. I had to remind her word for word on what she stated. She lied. She first said that she didn't suggest it because she didn't want to discourage me and have me quit. Then she said that I was just upset that she wasn't agreeing with me. At last, after that, she tried to be funny and say how most times she's not listening to me .
I felt like the last reason was her just admitting to playing devil's advocate whenever I try to talk with her. Whenever I rant about something or etc, she's always doing that "why didn't you do this", "you should've done that", "how come you didn't think to..?", " if it was me I would've done this.."
So I called out how she tried to lie and change the memory to make herself seem like she always knows what to do or what to say.
Half the time, most times when I ask her something life related, she rarely even knows the answer but all of a suddenly, I should've asked her.
Something like this happened but It was about a food delivery issue with me and doordash. I had to cut them off and my mom was wondering why I didn't take it a step further and basically sue them... I kept asking her why would I need to sue over a simple food issue instead of just making them repay me the order .
submitted by changingat24 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]
