Prot warrior rotation 3.3.5

AITAH for going no contact with my child’s mother for the first 8 years of his life.

2024.05.02 19:53 themaddcounte AITAH for going no contact with my child’s mother for the first 8 years of his life.

I’m struggling with my decision to go no contact with my child’s mother and by extension my child because I wanted to make sure that she could not try to get me jailed and I could show I am stable and good.
In 2015 I had a one night stand with who is now my child’s mother. We met through my sister who would watch her daughter as my sister worked at a daycare. We kept talking after and soon found out she was pregnant. It hit me like a wave and coming from a pretty horrid upbringing I was actually excited to raise a child of my own and watch how wonderful life can be. Her and I talked it out and I moved into her place.
I took to having my own little family like a fish to water for the first few months. After that I wanted to see my family and friends a few times throughout the month as we all lived within 5 miles from each other. I had been working two jobs riding my bike cause I had money in savings and it didn’t bother me to ride a bike to work in New England all year long. She did not like that idea and said, “I must be fucking them.” Them being whoever I wanted to see, friends, family, my sisters, my step mom. That was our first fight and I tossed it up to not knowing each other enough, past relationships, or even pregnancy. I just grew silent and let her lecture and yell about it and didn’t go each time.
After some more time we got a car, I helped her get her license as she didn’t have one before and would always take the bus to work or daycare by her work. I tried to understand where she was coming from as she was a single mom before we got together, her daughters father wanted nothing to do with her or his daughter, and she had to build her life herself. I respected her for what she had been through but I am also not him and had not shown much emotion at all. It is kinda how I am when I’m uncomfortable, I don’t really talk, I’m very rigid and I follow whatever rules that I know like gospel. I think cause I acted like this she thought that I was a push over. Anytime we had a disagreement I could feel myself physically heating up and mind racing angrily. I would tell her that I’m going for a walk or to this Portuguese restaurant across the street. When I went there I got these $1 fish rolls and a can of coke. The fighting continued more and more and I found that life was easier if I just went from work to home and that was all. I had a cheap smartphone and did have a passcode on it so she could check it whenever.
After my continued non responsiveness she upped the temperature and would lash out more and more. Grabbing a steering wheel while I drove, calling or coming into my work, and never dropping me off at work cause I worked too early or got out too late. The moment that put me over the edge and I started to be more dominant, argue back, not let her touch me was when we went to her parents house. At the house I was sat down and openly verbally attacked by each person in the house. Her mom, sister, dad, other sister, and her. They kept on that I am being aggressive in my own way and that what I am doing is abusive and she should go to the police about this, but she’s not cause she cares about me. I spoke up, told them that they don’t have their facts straight and I’m leaving. I walked the 8 miles home and didn’t talk to her when she got there. I told her the next day that I’m going to my sister's house to see her as i haven't in 6 months and this sister only lived a mile away.
I didn't really have my own money cause although i was working two jobs and saving everything I could, we put all the savings in her account with only her name on it as she felt more secure like this and I still don't have a love for money or having a big bank account. i had just gotten paid that day and paid the rent, utilities, transferred savings, paid my phone bill, and the internet. I had $20 left BUT there was finally enough savings to pay for everything for 3/4 months so when my son would be born i would be able to take time off and help. she called me knowing i had gotten paid and saw the transfers and said i had to pay for her phone bill too. I told her i just don't have it, but she has a job and can just pay it herself. This led to a heated argument and she told me "we'll talk about it when you get home, my mom and dad will be here." I replied, "no, in going to see my sister, I'm not dealing with your mom and dad on something like this."
I hung up. After work i went to my sisters and found my things there. (I only had two boxes of things and one of them was clothes). i was irate, but my sister calmed me down and said i should only try to call and talk cause otherwise she can say whatever cause her name is on the lease and the cops tend to side with females on this type of stuff regardless of what i actually say or do. This was just after thanksgiving. She never picked up the phone or answered texts, and i was not going to just drop by her house unannounced to end up in handcuffs. It wouldn't be until Christmas that she reached out to me.
She said how she wanted to be a family now and she missed me. I told her she just threw me away and showed that she could just walk away no contact as if i didn't exist, that now i have doubts that the child is even mine and id rather work through the courts than try talking to her or her family. Thats the last phone call i have had with her to date.
My son was born January 2016. She didn't message me to be there at the hospital but she did text me a few days later and asked if i wanted to see my son. i went over right away. I had my doubts but all children are just innocent, and if he was my son i could never live knowing i refused the opportunity to hold him so young.
We didn't talk when i arrived, her daughter was happy to see me and gave me a big hug. Her parents were there but they didn't speak either. i held him for what seems like no time. I could feel my happiness welling up and at the time i was not great about having tears in my eyes. i Thanked her for that moment said if there is anything she needs let me know but otherwise i will wait till the results come back. That was it until August when everything was confirmed through the court. During the court i was informed that visitation would have to be worked through the parents or mediation on a separate hearing.
By then i had started enlisting in the Army. After everything had happened i knew i needed to make changes. I needed a life that i could support my son while getting ready for both our futures. The recruiter had told me that there was legal and education benefits to help with my situation. I took the bait. From the court date to when i left for Basic training was 60 days. I messeged if i could see him before i left, she replied that i had already abandoned him, that the only reason she even saw me again was cause she is on government assistance and was required to put me on child support. That I am violent, aggressive, and not responsible enough. I went to Basic training.
After a month and a half of being there, I was pulled into the Drill Sergeants office cause i had a phone call from the Police Department where she lived. I was informed that they were investigating me for showing up at her house demanding to see my son and harassing her the past weekend. I am from New England and i had been in Basic at FT Sill Oklahoma for over 6 weeks. Theres no way, after confirming with my Drill the told me that they are done and i should not be hearing from them further about this.
After i graduated, i got to come back to New England before going to AIT. It was around christmas. I had all my Army paychecks as you dont really have bills or opportunity to spend anything during basic. I bought my son and her daughter a bunch of toys and I left my son’s toys and note with who they were from on my ex’s door. Later one of my family members sent me screenshots of the toys on Facebook marketplace. Not just like one or two that he could have already had but all of them. Even the ones I got for her daughter (I didn’t and still don’t want her daughter to feel that my son gets special things cause he has a dad and unfortunately her father died months earlier although he was not involved in her life).
I was only back for a week and then spent the next 6 months at additional training arriving at my first duty station June of 2017. When I got there I informed them of my legal issues and how I’m trying to fight for visitation but the Leadership at the time could care less. “We have a mission that is 24 hour recall, I need you here (in Kansas) more than you need to try to see a kid that won’t even remember you if you disappeared tomorrow” I wish that statement was a joke but this Commander was the worst I ever had. The amount of complaints they got, even the 1SG after a while could not control his face around her. I could go over everything that I experienced due to “high optempo” but the nerve damage in my neck and back ache already from staring at my phone this long typing all this.
Myself and nobody in my unit unless it was emergency were able to take leave while I was there. If anyone did, I have no idea how. We then went on rotation February 2018. During the 10 month rotation to Korea once again, no leave, no travel. We changed out Commanders and I had worked with my new Commander to get home so that I can get court dates and start the process of seeing my son. She was extremely helpful and I feel like she was doing everything she can for everyone after we experienced our last Commander. I was able to go to legal and get some answers but the benefits my recruiter told me about Army legal weren’t exactly accurate. I was not going to get an Army lawyer to help me with this situation. All legal could offer me were a list of lawyers and a point of contact for the courts in my home state.
All the time at my first duty station and during rotation I tried to do things like reach out to mediation but I would have to be physically present. I could appoint someone in my family to work with them on my behalf but my sister was shot down by the court system even after having the power of attorney and another document stating she could do this on my behalf and that I was only unable to attend as I was overseas. It was not until late 2018 early 2019 that I was able to get any movement.
For those that don’t know about Army leave especially after a rotation or during “opportunity” leave. We went from rotation immediately back onto the 24 hour recall mission set so as a Company of over 100 people we had to stagnant and prioritize our leave to maintain 90% muster at any moment.
Now early 2019, I made the plan to go to court and start the filing cause I found out that I have to only be there for the initial parts and could be seen quickly due to my circumstances. That I could pretty much arrive on Monday and have everything in works so that by Friday if I was unable to attend in person my appointed person can! This was great and I got everything in order. The earliest that I could take leave was May 2019 but that didn’t matter cause there would be movement finally.
While on leave I proposed to my long distance girlfriend at the time, we had met and started dating before I joined the Army. Yes, during the time I was not sure if he was mine or not I found a wonderful person, she’s great and patient and understanding of everything and I could not ask for a more perfect person. We just met at a rough time in my life. Our entire time from mid 2016 to late 2019 we had been long distance cause I wouldn’t be able to come see her (due to all the leave problems) and she was in college.
May 2019 came around and the courthouse called me to let me know they can’t support me coming in during this time and that I will have reschedule for another time possibly in two weeks. I let them know that I can’t reschedule cause this will be my only leave opportunity until October or Novemeber when we come off mission. They apologized and said there was nothing they can do, but if I’d like to schedule for that time I can. I was not able at that time to give them an answer as to when I’d be able to take leave cause I also had come down on orders to PCS (change duty station) to Korea. I had just left Korea! But the Army wanted me to go back.
After working out all the travel requirements and talking with my fiance a lot I was going to take leave late November for two almost three weeks (cause I had a lot of leave from never being able to take any). That she would fly out in October we would get married, I would get my orders amended and go to Korea. What it meant though was instead of just one year there it would be two years and I would have to reenlist cause there was not enough time in my contract to support the orders but they already cut the orders before I knew it was a problem (I did not have a firm understanding of how orders process or any of it worked at the time, I was a newly promoted Sergeant and they don’t exactly have a class on these things).
But concerning getting into the courthouse to start the process of visitation (sorry for the tangent); you wouldn’t believe what happened while I was back at home. The courthouse informed me that we would have to reschedule again; I did not fly into a frenzy but my frustration was palpable over the phone, I let them know everything that was going on, for how long it has been and that the only reason it was is cause I could not afford a lawyer as most lawyers charge quite a bit and a bit more when there is no divorce involved it seems. Even the list of lawyers that the Army said supported Service Members and sometimes work for free came out to around $5000 as the lowest. There was no way I could afford that or get a loan from anywhere that wasn’t predatory as my credit was worse than a dumpster fire. The issue was that my mother bonded me as a child and racked up debt where when I was 18 my score was around 400.
While in Korea, COVID hit. I was there for two years and gotten back to the US late December 2021. I have tried reaching out to his mother but each time the it’s met aggressively and with “let’s go to court.”
For the last 3 years, I had given up handling anything myself. I came to terms that there is no making up for the time lost. I’ve continued to build so that I can be there for him as a boy into adulthood and I hope that I am able to be a positive role model for him so he doesn’t do the things I did, the same way I avoid the things my dad did.
I had been working on my credit and saving the money I would spend on presents or anything for my son as part of an investment account. Did this while repairing my credit, getting married, getting promoted, finishing my degree.
I am now in a position to hire a lawyer and am doing so. I’m happily married still, exiting the Army (I did not reenlist, I did only one time cause of my own misunderstanding about going to Korea married and the bonus helped my credit), I am a recent college grad, and can provide my son with great care, and have over $10,000 saved so far for him. I know I gave up doing it myself and accept that it is always my responsibility the relationship that I will have with him until or unless he does not want one. I’ve told myself that I did all this cause I didn’t want to get caught up by my ex and end up in jail for anything, show that I am capable and responsible, provide better for my son, and give him options for his future. I feel guilty all the time although the people around me seem to support what I’ve done I feel like they are just being gentle with me on this and that is why I’m posting here cause I think the anonymity here will help get honest responses.
submitted by themaddcounte to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:39 OrganizationOk9766 Monk Class and Subclass HB (made by myself, class based on play test, and sub by myself)

Class: I translated in deepL, cause it was in portuguese... and Im lazy to translate by myself now)
Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your modifier
Martial Arts: Starts in a d6 and up until d12
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per
monk level after 1st
Armor: None Weapons: Simple weapons, short swords
Tools: Choose a type of craftsman's tool or a musical instrument
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth, History, Insight and
His practice of martial arts gives him mastery in combat styles that use
his Unarmed Strike and Monk Weapons, which are Simple Melee Weapons
Simple Body and Weapons.
You gain the following benefits while unarmed or wielding only
Monk Weapons and not wearing armor or wielding a shield:
Additional Unarmed Strike. You can make an additional Unarmed Attack as
a Bonus Action.
Agility: You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls.
your Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons and due to your agility and reflexes, you
can dodge grabs using Dexterity instead of Strength.
Additionally, when you choose the Grab or Push option you can use your
Dexterity modifier instead of Strength to determine the saving throw DC.
Martial Arts Dice. You can roll a d6 in place of your normal Attack damage
Unarmed or Monk Weapons. This die changes as you gain Monk levels,
as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
While you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Class
base Armor equals 10 plus your Dexterity modifier and your Dexterity modifier.
Your martial training allows you to tap into a reservoir of energy
extraordinary within yourself. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of
Discipline Points. Your Monk level determines the number of points you
possesses, as shown in the Discipline Points column of the Monk table.
You can spend these points to power certain Monk traits. You
begins by knowing three of these characteristics: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense and
Step of the Wind, each detailed below.
When you spend a Discipline Point, it is not available until you finish a
Short Rest or Long Rest, at the end of which you recover all your points
Some features that use Discipline Points require their target to make a
Resistence test.
The saving throw DC equals 8 plus your Proficiency Bonus plus your
Wisdom modifier.
Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Discipline Point to make two Attacks
Disarmed as a Bonus Action.
Patient Defense: You can take the Disengage action as a Bonus Action.
Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to perform both the action
Dodge as the Disengage action as a Bonus Action.
Wind Step: You can perform the Dash action as a Bonus Action.
Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to perform both the Dash action
as the Disengage action as a Bonus Action, and your jump distance is doubled to
the round.
Power Charge: If the monk walks 20 feet towards the target (straight line), the first
attack has advantage, alternatively you can spend 1 discipline point to knock down
or push the target, the target must make a DEX check against your DC. (once
per turn)
LEVEL 2: Meditation
With a short rest, you recover all discipline points.
Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or
wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain levels of
Monk, as shown on the Monk table.
You can use your Reaction to deflect melee and ranged attacks against you.
that deal Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing damage. When you do this, the damage
total you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 plus your Dexterity modifier
plus your Monk level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to redirect some
the strength of the attack. If you do so, choose a creature within 5 feet of you if the
attack was a melee attack or within 60 feet of you who are not behind Cover
Total if the attack was a ranged attack. That creature must succeed on a saving throw.
Dexterity save or suffer damage equal to two results of your Arts Die
Martials plus your Dexterity modifier. The damage is the same type caused by the
Monk gains a subclass of your choice:
Warrior of Mercy, Warrior of Shadow, Warrior of the Four Elements,
Warrior of the Hand or Disciple of Nirvana.
Earn this trait at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19.
You can use your Reaction when falling to reduce any damage you take from the
drop by an amount equal to five times your Monk level.
Attack twice instead of once.
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a Monk Weapon or a
Unarmed Strike, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to attempt a strike
stunning. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. In a test of
If the save fails, the target is in the Stunned Condition until the start of your next turn.
On a successful saving throw, the target takes Strength damage equal to one
result of your Martial Arts Die plus your Wisdom modifier.
Through his training, he became able to strengthen his body to transmit the
energy of discipline.
Whenever you deal damage with your Unarmed Strike, it can cause your
choice of Force damage, normal or magical.
Intent on overcoming any type of resistance.
LEVEL 7: Evasion
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw
Dexterity to take only half damage, you take no damage if you get
succeeds on the saving throw and takes only half damage if it fails. You don't
You benefit from this feature if you have the Incapacitated condition.
While you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain the
ability to move along vertical surfaces and through liquids in your
turn without falling during the movement.
Level 8:
Skill Enhancement
You are immune to any type of disease and poison.
Your training has taken your body and mind to new levels. His Flurry of Blows, Defense
Patient and Passo do Vento gain the following benefits:
Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Discipline Point to use Flurry of Blows and
make three Unarmed Attacks with it instead of two.
Patient Defense: When you spend a Discipline Point to use Patient Defense,
you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to two results of your
Martial Arts Dice.
Wind Step: When you spend a Discipline Point to use Wind Step,
You can choose one willing creature within 5 feet of you that is Large or
smaller. You move the creature with you until the end of your turn. The creature's movement
does not provoke Attack Opportunities.
Superior Power Charge: If you walk 40 feet instead of 20, you can give one die to
more damage on the first attack. And if you spend 1 ki point, you can choose to push or
knock the target down, then the target must make a DEX test against your DC. (repeatable
while the displacement lasts)
By sheer force of will, you can remove one of the following conditions from you
even at the end of each of your turns: Charmed, Tormented, or Poisoned.
Additionally, abstaining from food and drink does not give you Exhaustion levels.
LEVEL 13: Superior Parry
You can now use your Deflect Attacks feature against attacks that deal
any type of damage, not just Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing.
His physical and mental discipline grants him proficiency in all skill tests.
resistance. Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can
spend 1 Discipline Point to roll again and take the second result.
At 15th level, your discipline sustains you so much that you do not suffer the effects of old age and
cannot age.
At the start of your turn, you can spend 3 Discipline Points to protect yourself
perfectly against damage for 1 minute or until you have the Incapacitated condition. During
This time, you have resistance to all damage except Strength damage.
You have enhanced your body and mind to new heights. Your Dexterity and
Wisdom increases by 4. Your maximum for these abilities increases by 4
sub: Subclass: Disciple of Nirvana
Level 3: Renewal - Tae Kwon Do
By choosing this subclass at 3rd level, you learn to combine Tae Kwon Do moves with divine energy.
Do moves with divine energy, your body becomes enveloped in divine energy, enhancing your attacks.
With a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to envelop your body
with radiant power allowing you to use a martial style meant for the gods. For
1 minute you gain the following benefits;
Luminous attack: When you land an attack on an opponent, you
add your martial arts die as radiant damage to the target hit.
Divine martial style: You can use your legs dexterously so that
your unarmed attacks have a range of 3 meters.
Level 6: Renewal - Sandogiri
At 6th level, your divine potential is almost completely awakened, so you can
access ancient knowledge of your style. While you have Renewal
Taekwondo active and you land 3 consecutive attacks on an opponent, the target must perform a
a constitution resistance test against your DC, on a failure they will receive
maximum damage from the radiant die
Level 11: Renewal - Blue Dragon
From the 11th level onwards, your consciousness is virtually linked to that of a warrior who
who lived through the ages and mastered the powers of his divine art, you
add the following benefits to your Renewal.
● Supreme verdict: When you use your storm blows, you can perform
an additional unarmed attack, if this additional attack hits a stunned target.
target, your critical hit becomes 18 to 20.
Redemptive Scales: When you use your patient defense characteristic, you
recover 1 martial arts die in life points.
Ancestral Dragon's Descent: When you perform your wind steps skill, you can
can teleport up to 9 meters in any direction you can see, leaving
a flash where you were. Each creature within 1.5 meters of where you left must
succeed in a constitution endurance test or be blinded until the start of their next turn.
start of your next turn.
Level 17: Renewal - Nirvana
At 17th level, you master the ancient art completely and awaken its latent power,
thus being able to use the most powerful technique of your style. While
Renewal active, you can exchange one of your unarmed strikes and spend 2 ki
points for the following special attack:
● Sun's breaker: You perform an extremely powerful kick that is capable of
destroy the body of your enemies. On a hit you deal half your level
in martial arts dice in radiant damage. This blow can only be used on
stunned or blinded enemies
submitted by OrganizationOk9766 to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:38 IM-A-NEEEERRRRDDD Movement is taking up too many actions?

Hi everybody, new GM here. A problem has popped up in my few sessions, mostly combat heavy in the beginning of my homebrew campaign, and movement has just been making combats last many rounds. In yesterday's session the level 3 party, a dwarf drifter gunslinger, a gnoll thaumaturge, a skeleton warrior bard, and a dwarf precision ranger (controlled by me because we only have 3 players, but the party says what he does) were traversing the mountains in the middle of a blizzard.
The get ambushed by a cyclops from above and his polar bear companion (using grizzly bear statblock) after triggering a shrieker as they traverse the middle of a tight ravine and roll initiative. But here comes the problem, all the ground is difficult terrain because of the deep snow, but this reduces their movement to only 2 squares per actions, and several turns are spent merely moving around as the gunslinger and ranger tries to climb up the roughly 40 foot high ravine 5 feet at a time, and the bard and thaumaturge move slowly through the snow. Meanwhile the cyclops is a little clunky as I had him using his heavy crossbow that takes 2 actions to reload.
The combat ended up taking a little over 2 hours, half the entire session. Is this bad encounter design on my end, do I need to use difficult terrain more sparingly? I like to use a lot of varied, 3d terrain and cover, but maybe it slows down the game too much?
They also like to sneak a lot, usually avoiding notice, which reduces their movement to half their speed, again only 2 squares per action.
submitted by IM-A-NEEEERRRRDDD to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:24 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 5/2 – 5/8

Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info:
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area:
Tallahassee Film Society Showings:
Book Clubs for all tastes:
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Blue Tavern: Bramble’s Bluegrass Jam. 5pm
  • The Moon: Charles Wesley Godwin with special guest Kashus Culpepper. 6:30pm
  • The Bark: Draining Kiss, Kare, and Candle Wishes. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Music of the Spheres: Brazilian samba, funk, and more with Grupo Jaraguá. 8pm
  • 926: Sweeping Promises with Solomon Hill and Counterfeit Stereo. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: The Tortured Poets Department Listen Party! 8pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: Agnes & Agatha = WORK IN PROGRESS. Agnes & Agatha are getting ready for the big reveal at Atlanta Fringe. Before we go - we are doing a work-in-progress showing on May 2nd. Two showings: 8:30pm & 9:45pm. Come out and see us stumble through what will eventually be our show. We may still be on book. We may change some things we go. We may lose ourselves completely. Don't miss out! Seating is limited to about 25-30 people per showing, so please arrive before your chosen showing time as we will need to start each run right on time. 8:30pm/Suggested donation: $10
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Steve Malono. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Blue Tavern: Tommy Hoople’s Delta Ringnecks. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe: Southern Latitude Band at the Galactic Derby Fiesta. 6pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Big Poppa & the Shuffle Brothers. 6pm
  • The Plant: Maker’s Market Art Fair featuring local artists selling handmade items and live music from Freezee, June The Phrog, and Miles F. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Lee C. Payton & the LCP Band. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: The Elements. 7pm
  • Mickee Faust Club: Bog Lilies at First Friday. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Mike Leadon & Bill McGuire. 8pm
  • Vino Beano: Paula Sofia. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: The Pin Up Power Hour! Burlesque Show. 8pm/21+
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Potbellys: 7th Annual FAKE St. Patrick's Day Party. 4pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • 926: Latin Night. Dance to the irresistible beats of Zeus and prepare to be dazzled by a spectacular drag show at midnight. It's more than a party, it's an experience. 9:30pm/$10 21+, $15 under 21
  • Skate World: May Character Breakfast. 8am
  • Lafayette Heritage Trail Park: May Birding Social. * Meet in the parking lot near the restrooms at 8:15 AM to sign the liability waiver. This is a birding social not a guided walk. We’ll determine our route when we meet up. This park provides opportunities to see and hear woodland birds, Ospreys, Bald Eagles, and aquatic and wading birds on Lake Piney Z and Lower Lake Lafayette. Estimated distance is about 3 miles, but participants are free to leave the group at any time. The trail is an easy hike, but on natural terrain. Bring drinking water for yourself. Bug spray is recommended. No need to register for this outing—just show up!* 8:30am
  • La Tiendita: Cinco de Mayo Celebration: Margaritas, Music, and More! Join us for a festive Cinco de Mayo celebration on Saturday, the 4th! Doors open at 10:30am, and we'll be serving up delicious food specials all day, including cochinita pibil, horchata, pozole, and more. After 5:30pm, indulge in our Brazilian menu featuring grilled picanha and feijoada to add a taste of Brazil to the fiesta! *Live Music by Rhys Bennett and the Gringos: Vontade** will kick off at 6:30pm and continue until 9:30pm, creating the perfect ambiance for a night of fun and fiesta. Doors close at 10pm, so make sure to come early and stay late to enjoy all the excitement. Save the date and get ready to indulge in the flavors of Mexico, groove to live music, and savor Brazilian delights with us on Saturday, the 4th!* 10:30am-10pm
  • Cosmic Cat: Free Comic Book Day 2024. 11am-5pm
  • Fallout Comics: Free Comic Book Day 2024. * Free Comics! Big Sale! Guest Artists and Costumed People!* 11am
  • The Hub at Feather Oaks: May the 4th Be With You. We'll have Star Wars-themed beers. Jabba Juice for the kids. Star Wars Trivia. A Far, Far Away costume contest. Inter-galactic Movies on our 8 big screen TVs all day. And even a few drink specials for graduates. (It's also Graduation Day AND Kentucky Derby Day, too!) 11am
  • Growler Country: 3rd Annual Star Wars Celebration Weekend. Costume contest, Special drink, Ice cream, Silent Auction with amazing prizes. 11am
  • Blue Tavern: First Saturday Swim with Bluegill Bill. 5pm
  • Challenger Center: Star Wars Day Concert. Come join us for a short concert of Star Wars favorites featuring the North Florida Suzuki School students and staff! Concert begins at 5pm in the planetarium, Star Wars trivia and movie screening hosted by the Challenger Center to follow. FREE and open to the public! 5pm
  • Hobbit East: Anna Wescoat. 6pm
  • Cascades: George Thorogood & The Destroyers “Bad All Over The World – 50 Years of Rock” Tour with 38 Special. 6pm
  • Fire Bettys: The Groove Merchants. 7pm/21+
  • American Legion Hall: 4 Sicks. 7pm/$8
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Halisi Africa: Soulful Sundays. Join us for Motherland Brunch at Halisi Africa. We'll be serving our brunch special including an appetizer, main course, a sweet, and our signature African mimosas we call ukwaju. The event will also feature an art exhibition by Christopher Barnhart and live entertainment by local artists. 11am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 4pm-9pm
  • Pedro’s: Mariachi Clasico. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to 7:30pm
  • 926: Queer Makers Market. The Queer Tallahassee Artists Collective is proud to present the May edition of the Queer Makers Market at 926 on West Tharpe Street. Come and browse the creations of many of Tallahassee's amazing artists and makers. Admission is free. We will be setting up in the grassy field at the back of the 926 parking lot - just look for the canopies! 11am-3pm
  • Growler Country: 3rd Annual Star Wars Celebration Weekend. Costume contest, Special drink, Ice cream, Silent Auction with amazing prizes. 11am
  • Tallahassee Nurseries: Sunday in the Word Garden. * In partnership with esteemed Florida artist Katee Tully, Tallahassee Nurseries presents a celebration of poetry and spoken word. We welcome several locally-renowned poets and writers as they share pieces of prose.* 3:30pm
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. 1st Tuesday of the month is General Knowledge with rotating themes the rest of the month. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke with DJ Roldus. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Comedy Night. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Burrito Boarder: D&D Night. 6pm
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • La Florida Coffee & Wine: Trivia Night. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • Finnegans Wake: Trivia. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm

submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:22 Ok_Distribution_9488 Attorney wants to open the office on Saturdays 1-2 a month. How do I refuse to work on Saturdays

So our office is open 1-2 a month for 3 hours so the attorney can do consultations or start up a case for clients and prospective clients. She wants one paralegal to be there with the attorney to do client intake and to get the clients started with their cases. She wants to try getting us (there's 6 paralegals) to do it in a rotation. How do I politely refuse to do it? I value my work-life balance and refuse to be in office on a Saturday. It becomes roughly 5 hours out of my personal time since my commute is roughly 40 minutes to get to work (typical in area where I live). I've been avoiding it for over a year because someone else volunteers to do it or I simply say I'm unavailable that weekend, but I simply do not even want to be considered as an option for it
submitted by Ok_Distribution_9488 to paralegal [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:21 Plankton396 First Time Birth Story 41+3 - low intervention + epidural (Positive)

At my 40 week appointment my OB scheduled us for an induction on the morning of 41+4 just in case. She doesn’t like to let her patients go past 41+3 but they were already booked up for that day. I wanted to labor with as few interventions as possible so I really wanted Baby to come on her own before the induction. At 40 weeks I had mild period cramp feelings and I was 1 cm and 50 percent effaced (I was closed at 39 weeks so this was progress). We had an ultrasound and did a membrane sweep at 40 + 5 and I was 2 cm and 60 percent effaced then. The sweep was fast and painless. Only slightly uncomfortable for a second. After the sweep I had contractions that were so slow and gradual and low in intensity that I had a hard time telling when one was beginning and ending. They crept up slowly and went away slowly. The contractions stopped the next day and I got another sweep at 41 weeks. At the second sweep I was 3 cm and 60 percent effaced. The contractions came back after the second sweep but stayed slow and gradual and far apart.
On Saturday morning (41+2) we decided to do all our last minute if we don’t do it now it won’t get done kind of chores. I changed the sheets on our bed and vacuumed while my husband dug a garden bed. Then we both planted the watermelon, cucumber, and squash seedlings that we had started a few weeks before. Then we went on a long walk at our favorite park. All day I was having the slow wave “is that a contraction?” contractions. After our walk we came back and ate an easy dinner. At 8 pm I started feeling more clear contractions and they were happening 12-15 minutes apart. We started timing them and we went upstairs to our bedroom. We had one lamp on with a t-shirt over it to make the room as dark as possible. I had binaural beats playing on a speaker and I rotated between side lying, all fours, and standing with my hands against the bathroom counter. My husband did counter pressure on my hips through every contraction and that helped me a lot. Once contractions were 4-5 minutes apart we called the hospital and got ready to go. He loaded up the car between contractions and set up some pillows in the trunk so I could ride on all fours. We got to the hospital around 11:30 pm. When we got to the hospital I was surprised by all the paperwork we had to do. They handed us an iPad with a ton of documents about payment and insurance and other things that had to be initialed and signed. Since we’re married my husband was able to sign everything for me. It was still annoying though to be in the bright fluorescent lights with people asking for things from me. Once we got back into triage we were able to dim the lights but the paperwork continued. I had pre-registered online a few months prior but the nurse still had what felt like a million questions she had to ask me and enter into the computer. She was also extremely peppy and loud but very sweet. I was 5.5 cm when they checked me at triage. It was about 12:30 am by the time we got into an actual labor room. I did the loading dose of IV penicillin for GBS and although it didn’t burn like they said it would, it made my arm feel very cold and uncomfortable. We packed a lot of different snacks but my favorite one was the honey sticks. Later into the evening I started having a lot of painful back labor and we did several contractions in lunging positions and that helped shift the contractions from back to front. My bag of waters hadn’t broken still. I asked for a cervical check around 6 am and I was 7 cm and 80 percent effaced. The contractions kept coming and my husband was there doing counter pressure or holding a heat pack to my back or both at the same time for each one. We tried nitrous oxide for a while and my husband was looking at the monitor telling me when the next contraction was building so I could start inhaling the nitrous oxide at the very beginning. I didn’t feel like it did much for me so I stopped using the nitrous oxide after maybe 10 contractions. We did the second dose of the IV penicillin and then I declined any further doses after that. I spoke with my doctor about not wanting more than 2 doses and she was ok with that. I was starting to get really tired by this point. I was dozing off between contractions and then snapping back awake once the next one started. I vomited and we took that as a sign that I was in transition and hopefully close to pushing. I asked for another check at this point which was about 9:00 a.m. and I was at 8 cm. In my mind I had decided that if I wasn’t at 9.5 or 10 cm I wanted the epidural. Physically I couldn’t keep up any more. The contractions were hitting me back to back and my breathing was starting to get fast and ragged. Up to this point I was able to control my breathing and mirror my husband’s breathing if I got a little off track. I had to get a saline bag in my IV before they could place the epidural and that took about 30 minutes. I had a few contractions while they were placing the epidural and that was hard. Once I got the epidural the nurse and my husband got me into a side lying position with the peanut ball. I had dozed off for about 15 minutes when the nurse rushed in because Baby’s heart rate was dropping. They quickly rolled me over onto my other side and her heart rate came back up. I got another cervical check around 11 am and I was at 9.75 cm. Close but not ready to start pushing yet. My bag of waters was still intact and bulging out of me like a balloon. A little while later the doctor came by and broke my water bag and shortly after it was time to start pushing. We tried a lot of different positions: side lying with the peanut ball, seated, stirrups with knees in and ankles out, and a squat on the squat bar with a sheet to pull on (tug-of-war). I pushed for about 3 hours and the tug-of-war position was the most effective. The last two contractions I could really feel how close she was to being born. The doctor had applied oil and was doing an intense perineal massage while I was pushing for those last 2 contractions. At 2 pm she was born and the cord was short so they placed her onto my belly. My husband cut the cord and the placenta was delivered soon after. I had one second degree tear but otherwise I’m doing very well. Baby was born healthy and a good size (8 lb 11 oz). It has only been a few days since her birth but I feel very happy with the way it went. I’m thankful I could have the epidural for pushing and also glad that I got to actively labor for the majority.
submitted by Plankton396 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:20 Ambitious-Copy8358 WWE Backlash France 2024 last minute match card and result prediction

Here is the last minute match card and result predictions below for WWE Backlash France
  1. WWE Women's Tag Team Championship : Kabuki Warriors (c) v/s Team EST (Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill)
  2. US Championship : Logan Paul (c) v/s Braun Strowman
  3. WWE Women's Championship : Bayley (c) v/s Naomi v/s Tiffany Stratton
  4. Women's World Championship : Becky Lynch (c) v/s Liv Morgan v/s Nia Jax
  5. Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn (c) v/s Chad Gavle v/s Bronson Reed
  6. World Heavyweight Championship : Damien Priest (c) v/s Jey Uso
  7. WWE Universal Championship : Cody Rhodes (c) v/s AJ Styles
  8. Randy Orton & Kevin Owens v/s The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga)
  1. Since Team EST already defeated Kabuki Warriors at Wrestlemania 40, they won't hesitant to defeat Kabuki Warrior again and now for to win Women's Tag Team Championship. Yeah Belair and Cargill are the odd's favorite to win this match and become new Women's Tag Team Champ.
  2. There is chance Braun Strowman to pick up a win against Logan Paul, since he is much bigger and stronger enough to take out any crews that are available to help Logan Paul. Since, Summerslam 2024 is taking place in Cleveland, I can see Logan Paul retaining the title against Braun Strowman probably help of either LdF or The Bloodline. The current plan is having Logan Paul walking in at Summerslam 2024 as US Champ, and have Logan Paul v/s LA Knight dream match for this event. I also see Logan Paul retaining US Champ against LA Knight at Summerslam 2024 since WWE really wants to give Logan Paul a win at his hometown. That being said, LA Knight can request a rematch clause against Logan Paul and dethrone him a week after Summerslam 2024. However, I don't see Logan Paul challenging Cody Rhodes for Universal title at Summerslam, only to lose to him.
  3. If Bayley wins the title from Iyo, this will ultimately set up the feud between Bayley and Dakota. This is also the time Bayley looking not only to win the match against Kai, but also to teach her lesson. As far as prediction goes, Bayley is definitely winning.
  4. Nia Jax just like Tiffany Stratton, has been becoming annoying and obnoxious, and will be there to ruin Becky Lynch v/s Liv Morgan title match which will take place upcoming Raw. This lead Adam Pearce to declare triple threat match for WWE Women's world title involving Lynch, Morgan, and Jax. As far prediction goes Liv Morgan is winning this match and becoming new Women's World Champion thus completing her revenge tour.
  5. As far I concerned, Sami Zayn should focus on Bronson Reed who is coming for him badly at Backlash ppv since he practically earned a shot by winning The Giant Battle Royal. Also he is not safe around 'coach-turned heel' Chad Gable either as he is going bloodbath against Sami for taking away Wrestlemania title opportunity from Gable by defeating him in #1 contender match. As far match prediction goes, I got a feeling that The Academy will turn heel and will to do whatever in their power to help Gable. For this case 'heel' Gable finally finishes his story at WM Backlash. Remember, Sami losing his IC title will elevate him for pursuit of world heavyweight championship, and WWE already planning on pushing Sami Zayn for to win MITB briefcase for this year since it is taking place in Toronto, ON.
  6. Its looks like Damien Priest title reigns are outnumbered, given Rhea Ripley and Dominick Mysterio injured. This leaves Finn Balor and JD McDonough on his side to help Priest during the title match against Jey Uso. Although Jey manage to overcome McDonough and Balor, Tonga and Sikoa shows up to throw assault on Jey when referee is down. Priest takes advantage of this situation and perform south haven choke slam on Jey Uso to retain the title. Note that Drew McIntyre has a score to settle with Damien Priest since Priest cashed in his MITB contract on him when Drew taken was down by CM Punk. The violent confrontation between Priest and McIntyre could lead to a title match at Clash of the Castle, where McIntyre will aim to win the World Heavyweight Championship in front of his hometown crowd.
  7. As Cody said in WM 40, his story will take to new chapter, even if this is a mean to start a fresh feud with legends like of AJ Styles, LA Knight, and The Rock. AJ Styles recently defeated LA Knight to become the #1 contender and will face Cody Rhodes at Backlash. Although Styles believes he can defeat Cody, even if it means achieving a deceitful victory to embarrass him in front of the wrestling crowds—just as he did with his father—he may not realize that Cody is far more serious and intense compared to any other member of the Rhodes family that Styles has previously encountered. As far as predictions go, Cody is definitely favored to pick up the win and overcome Styles.
  8. Solo Sikoa making big mistakes taking matter in his own hands when Roman Reigns was absent from the TV. He not only attacked Jimmy Uso and kick him outta Bloodline, he also claimed himself Tribal Chief of the Bloodline and added Tama Tonga on stable. There is a possibility that The Rock is the final boss of the Bloodline and have order Solo to attack and kick Jimmy Uso outta Bloodline. We will find out once The Rock returns back in action. As far as we are concerned, Roman Reigns is gonna return back to confront Solo & Tama only to get attacked by them and get written off from TV for few months. Solo & Tama already attacked Kevin Owens, to provoke Randy Orton to turn his focus on The Bloodline. As of now, this leads to tag team match between The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga) and rKO (Randy Orton & Kevin Owens). As far prediction goes, The Bloodline picking up the win.
Note: I am reposting this because I messed up with grammar on title portion of original post. Anyways, any feedback about this match card and result prediction will be appreciated
submitted by Ambitious-Copy8358 to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:19 Candid-Baker2868 2WD + Reverse shift kit install, now with pictures and extra snark!

Pro tip: fly radio control airplanes for 30 years or so prior to doing this install, and everything will be comically simple to understand. If you don’t have 30 years to learn push-rods and bell-cranks, read below for something kinda helpful. Also, some exceptionally irrelevant thoughts are italicized...
Right up front, this is specific fitment notes for the 2wd/Reverse shift kit from Raceway Ural, on my 2017 Gear Up (and maybe most 2014 to 2018 gen 1 EFI models?) I did this with the sidecar installed and while it’s fiddly, at no point did I curse more than usual, ymmv.
Start w/ gearbox in neutral (if you have a working neutral light... tell us what's it like being God's favorite?)
Take a picture of reverse pedal location, indexing, and position in case you ever want to put the old pedal back on when you upgrade to a newer (or older) rig (at which point the old pedal will have vanished and you'll need a replacement anyway)
Take a picture of the levers, mount, bushing, spring, and washer locations on the mount (no, actually, just take pictures of everything)
Pull shift handles and the pivot rod out of the mount, noting washer and bushing locations. Open the cotter pin slightly to hang onto the loose bits since it's not under spring tension anymore.
Loosen front tank mount cap-head bolts (5mm on my 2017 gear up, all dimensions are for my rig) n prop tank up w/ the official $290 Ural uranium glass wedge (or the superior random $4 hex key set) between tank and frame
Protect bottom of you immaculately pristine tank w/ painters tape to prevent scratches (or just lol at the dirt)
The instructions imply for 2014 to 2018 models you have to remove the ignition coils. You can be a wuss and remove them now, or be a true American and fight your way around them for a couple hours and then eventually have to remove them anyway (bonus points if you break something in the process and have to order a new coil). My coils were mounted to the coil mounts (shocker) with a 5 mm hex bolt and 10 mm nut (just thread them back onto the coils for now, and if you wanna disconnect the wire harness’, just know they’re short and might be a bear to reconnect). The left side has the crankcase breather hose in the way, but it's just a hose so will yield with enough cursing. The right side has the fuel line n filter in the way so if you’re not the smoothest over there, be ready to stink for a while.
Pull top engine mount nuts (13 mm) and the top bolt and nut (13mm nut on a 5 mm hex head bolt with the remnants of two disintegrating rubber bushings). Instructions mention reinstalling the ground wire but my ground lead was actually under the alternator adapter bolts so if you find the ground lead loose at this point, I'm just a better person than you.
Pull the now loose upper engine mount and toss it over your shoulder to ensure it's immediately lost. Mine put up a hell of a fight, but then calmly and easily slipped off when I rolled the top towards the front of the bike.
Install shifter kit tube where the upper engine mount used to live (this is where you'll learn the coils really do need to move). Install the nuts on top of the engine finger tight, capturing the ground wire if you happen to be cursed in that way (these are lock-nuts so don’t require thread-lock, but this is the part where you would start dabbing some blue Loctite if you’re over 55, or red if you’re under 25). Then install the upper bolt with the tattered dry-rotted remnants of the rubber bushings, and torque everything to gud enuf.
Go ahead and put those coils back now by attaching them to the tangs hanging off the new tube. Mine were only happy with the plug wires facing down. My breather hose clamp needed to rotate a little for clearance so apparently I’m now a master mechanic for coming up with the solution on the fly. If you disconnected the coil plugs, find a small child to reconnect them (there’s no way you’re getting your hands in there).
Slide the pivot rod and handles back in, noting the correct order of bushings, spring, and washers (per that picture you forgot to take), and swing it back and forth a bit to check tank clearance. Some have needed a nylon bushing to push the handles out for clearance, but I don't wear nylons so like a real man I just got a running start and blamo, no balls slapping my tank, ymmv (although some product pics out there look like the handle is right against the tank so watch out). You can fold the cotter pin now because there’s no way you’ll remember at the end of this mess, or you can wait until everything is adjusted so you can slide the handles off for clearance. Hmm, nah go ahead and pretend you will remember to fold it later.
Lower the tank and reinstall front mount bolts torquing to gud enuf to compress the rubber mounts and split them wide open.
Shift kit uses 1/2 and 7/16th wrenches for pivots and locking hardware to increase likelihood of grabbing the wrong size wrench beyond the limitations of metric hardware.
Now that the easy part is all done…
Neutral/Rev: Remove 13mm cap nut and use a 2-jaw gear puller (a small 2-3 jaw puller is like $10 at NAPA) to get the reverse pedal off the somehow incredibly rusty spline shaft, and chuck that pedal roughly in the direction you threw the upper engine mount (if you threw the nut with it, go find it because it holds on the rev/neutral lever). DO NOT pry or pull on the pedals or you will loose that fancy neutral light you were just clowning me about until the next time you split the gear box (never or 15K miles? whichever comes first I hear).
Quick note on the push-rod ends/adjusters, mine got about 14 turns from fully screwed-on to falling off, so that gives you about 10 rotations from shortest to longest (with 4-5 threads still engaged). Fully shorten them, then mark them with a sharpie or something so you can count rotations. Start everything with everything screwed all the way in.
I quickly realized no adjusting or placement is possible unless the push-rod ends (they are ball joints under a little rubber skirt) are tightened onto the levers and handles, so go ahead and tighten down the one on the spline shift lever (tighten the 1/2in lock-nut while holding the adjuster pivot with that 7/16th wrench). I put the reinforced (thicker) side of the lever away from the rod for an extra mm of clearance (but don't attach to the transmission yet).
The ball joints allow rotation but they’re tight, so I backed the lock-nuts off about 1/16th turn to allow free movement. Thread the rev/neutral push-rod (spline lever end) from front to back, under the throttle body and fuel lines and everything but the wiring loom, towards the rev/neutral shaft (pics or it didn’t happen). Attach the front end of the push-rod to the inside of the handle (left hand side of the right lever), and then you can see where the rear shifter lever ends up.
Start with rev/neutral handle/knob located just ahead of the throttle cable housing w/steering at full right lock, this keeps it from being trapped or bumped, and keeps it from traveling too far forward when in Rev.
Pushing lever forward pushes the rod back which = heel on the pedal for Rev (reverse, not reverend, there's nothing holy here), and pulling the lever is toeing the pedal back to neutral (normal state).
(The ideal state for pushrods and levers is equal angles on both ends. If the control lever is vertical, the lever at the other end should also be vertical for equal travel. The angle of the push rod actually doesn’t matter (so long as they are the same and not too extreme like over 45 degrees away from 90).
Rotate push-rod (like a turnbuckle) up to 10 turns (you did mark it, right?) to lengthen it so the lever hangs vertically over the spline shaft for equal fwd/aft motion. Realize this isn't' possible and settle for it being tilted a few degrees. It's fine, I guess, I mean who cares or whatever.
Press the lever onto the spline shaft and loosely install the nut.
With everything in place pull the knob back and make sure the throttle cable doesn't hit it. Then actuate knob in both directions (while rolling the rig a bit if needed to find reverse), ensuring smooth operation, free of binding or interference or obfuscation or unnecessary suffering of cables/wires/small animals/people overly sensitive about their gender-affirming lifted pickup and it's leased tires (can you believe people lease tires? like what the heck, sell that thing and get a civic)
Tighten down that lever mount nut while holding the lever to avoid straining the gearbox internals.
Dag a little Loctite and tighten the push rod jam nuts to secure the ends.
Find out it won't start and remember you forgot to put the ground wire back on the engine mount and lift up the tank again.
Now that the easier of the two is installed… 2WD:
After studying the layout, I figured this one is easier to hit from behind (lol). Sidebar: you might want to install this 2wd linkage before doing the Rev/Neutral one since it’s under the Rev/Neutral lever, but you’d be wrong. It’s not your fault, just socioeconomic factors and possibly (likely) Y chromosomes clouding your judgment. Like most things you care about plowing into, you want to have a little practice before hitting this one so everything comes out right in the end.
You can try to use the included rear linkage but I found (at least for my gen 1 EFI rig) that it was too short and pulled the bell crank (the round metal direction-changer mounted where the old lever went) too far (it’s best to have it close to vertical when 2wd is engaged/lever at the rear wheel is forward, this way the bell-crank has clearance and good leverage to actuate both ways). My original rear linkage is longer and just what I needed to clear everything. I found it's best attached to the top of the bell crank for clearance.
So yea, I connected the og ball-end to top of the bell-crank. In my case I needed a washer (used a split washer for added girth) on the bolt to pull it up and clear of the mount (again, pics for attention).
I used the original spring and shoulder bolt, with the washer between the bell crank and the mount. This set the geometry for the forward link which needs to be as far aft as possible so that the bend (technically a jog) in the front push rod can clear the air pipe. If all those words didn’t translate to engrish, just know the jog in the forward rod needs to be as far back and close to the bike as possible to clear the air pipe, the way to do that is keep the bell-crank vertical when 2wd is engaged (handle pulled up and rear wheel lever pulled forward).
Now for the tricky one… what worked for me was screwing in the ball joint adjuster at the rear of the front rod (ugh, what does this even mean?) all the way, threading it under everything alongside the Rev/Neutral rod, and tightening that adjuster on to the bottom/bike side of the bell-crank (do not tighten the jam nut just yet). Now you'll see how the jog tries to get at that air pipe.
Take a deep breath.
Get the sidecar axle positioned so you can engage and disengage the rear end and see where it put’s the 2wd knob. The front adjustment can be set to your preference but keep the handle clear of the tank so spirited travels don't cause any contact. Yes, adjustments require pulling the lock-nut (and sometimes also the bell-crank) but if you hold it against the lever, you can get an idea for where it should go. This is why you started this one from the back, adjusting the front is brutal.
Do not be tempted to fiddle with the back adjustments, you want the bell crank vertical or nearly so when in 2wd for your best chance of avoiding the air pipe. This might not even be a problem beyond the 2014 to 2018 models… but this is what worked for me.
Again, once the pivots are tightened down, cycle the whole mess back and forth and make any final tweaks needed to ensure (what passes for) democracy wins. Check to see if the levers interact much as mine needed some grease to stop draggin' on each other through their bushings (nothing very strong but also nothing I wanted to see happening).
And now with the tweaking dun... pull the bolts that should get some Loctite (like the 2wd bell-crank bolt, the rod jam nuts, and any non-lock-nut nuts) and give em a dab of blue (unless you're selling the rig soon then red is fine).
And that’s it. Putt back and forth out front, take her for a spin in the neighborhood, and don’t forget to notice you missed folding that cotter pin at the next oil change.
Operation video:
Yes, I try too hard but comments on anything else are totally welcome so I can unfuk whatever mistakes I made up there.
submitted by Candid-Baker2868 to ural [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:18 OrganizationOk9766 So, I made a little rework on Monk class and created a new HB monk class...( and Im currently making for our dnd table, a NEW MONK, from the skecthing...will be so freakin different)... could you guys give a little review?

Class: Will be in a pdf ( I translated in deepL, cause it was in portuguese... and Im lazy to translate by myself now)
Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your modifier
Martial Arts: Starts in a d6 and up until d12
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per
monk level after 1st
Armor: None Weapons: Simple weapons, short swords
Tools: Choose a type of craftsman's tool or a musical instrument
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth, History, Insight and
His practice of martial arts gives him mastery in combat styles that use
his Unarmed Strike and Monk Weapons, which are Simple Melee Weapons
Simple Body and Weapons.
You gain the following benefits while unarmed or wielding only
Monk Weapons and not wearing armor or wielding a shield:
Additional Unarmed Strike. You can make an additional Unarmed Attack as
a Bonus Action.
Agility: You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls.
your Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons and due to your agility and reflexes, you
can dodge grabs using Dexterity instead of Strength.
Additionally, when you choose the Grab or Push option you can use your
Dexterity modifier instead of Strength to determine the saving throw DC.
Martial Arts Dice. You can roll a d6 in place of your normal Attack damage
Unarmed or Monk Weapons. This die changes as you gain Monk levels,
as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
While you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Class
base Armor equals 10 plus your Dexterity modifier and your Dexterity modifier.
Your martial training allows you to tap into a reservoir of energy
extraordinary within yourself. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of
Discipline Points. Your Monk level determines the number of points you
possesses, as shown in the Discipline Points column of the Monk table.
You can spend these points to power certain Monk traits. You
begins by knowing three of these characteristics: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense and
Step of the Wind, each detailed below.
When you spend a Discipline Point, it is not available until you finish a
Short Rest or Long Rest, at the end of which you recover all your points
Some features that use Discipline Points require their target to make a
Resistence test.
The saving throw DC equals 8 plus your Proficiency Bonus plus your
Wisdom modifier.
Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Discipline Point to make two Attacks
Disarmed as a Bonus Action.
Patient Defense: You can take the Disengage action as a Bonus Action.
Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to perform both the action
Dodge as the Disengage action as a Bonus Action.
Wind Step: You can perform the Dash action as a Bonus Action.
Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to perform both the Dash action
as the Disengage action as a Bonus Action, and your jump distance is doubled to
the round.
Power Charge: If the monk walks 20 feet towards the target (straight line), the first
attack has advantage, alternatively you can spend 1 discipline point to knock down
or push the target, the target must make a DEX check against your DC. (once
per turn)
LEVEL 2: Meditation
With a short rest, you recover all discipline points.
Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or
wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain levels of
Monk, as shown on the Monk table.
You can use your Reaction to deflect melee and ranged attacks against you.
that deal Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing damage. When you do this, the damage
total you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 plus your Dexterity modifier
plus your Monk level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to redirect some
the strength of the attack. If you do so, choose a creature within 5 feet of you if the
attack was a melee attack or within 60 feet of you who are not behind Cover
Total if the attack was a ranged attack. That creature must succeed on a saving throw.
Dexterity save or suffer damage equal to two results of your Arts Die
Martials plus your Dexterity modifier. The damage is the same type caused by the
Monk gains a subclass of your choice:
Warrior of Mercy, Warrior of Shadow, Warrior of the Four Elements,
Warrior of the Hand or Disciple of Nirvana.
Earn this trait at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19.
You can use your Reaction when falling to reduce any damage you take from the
drop by an amount equal to five times your Monk level.
Attack twice instead of once.
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a Monk Weapon or a
Unarmed Strike, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to attempt a strike
stunning. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. In a test of
If the save fails, the target is in the Stunned Condition until the start of your next turn.
On a successful saving throw, the target takes Strength damage equal to one
result of your Martial Arts Die plus your Wisdom modifier.
Through his training, he became able to strengthen his body to transmit the
energy of discipline.
Whenever you deal damage with your Unarmed Strike, it can cause your
choice of Force damage, normal or magical.
Intent on overcoming any type of resistance.
LEVEL 7: Evasion
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw
Dexterity to take only half damage, you take no damage if you get
succeeds on the saving throw and takes only half damage if it fails. You don't
You benefit from this feature if you have the Incapacitated condition.
While you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain the
ability to move along vertical surfaces and through liquids in your
turn without falling during the movement.
Level 8:
Skill Enhancement
You are immune to any type of disease and poison.
Your training has taken your body and mind to new levels. His Flurry of Blows, Defense
Patient and Passo do Vento gain the following benefits:
Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Discipline Point to use Flurry of Blows and
make three Unarmed Attacks with it instead of two.
Patient Defense: When you spend a Discipline Point to use Patient Defense,
you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to two results of your
Martial Arts Dice.
Wind Step: When you spend a Discipline Point to use Wind Step,
You can choose one willing creature within 5 feet of you that is Large or
smaller. You move the creature with you until the end of your turn. The creature's movement
does not provoke Attack Opportunities.
Superior Power Charge: If you walk 40 feet instead of 20, you can give one die to
more damage on the first attack. And if you spend 1 ki point, you can choose to push or
knock the target down, then the target must make a DEX test against your DC. (repeatable
while the displacement lasts)
By sheer force of will, you can remove one of the following conditions from you
even at the end of each of your turns: Charmed, Tormented, or Poisoned.
Additionally, abstaining from food and drink does not give you Exhaustion levels.
LEVEL 13: Superior Parry
You can now use your Deflect Attacks feature against attacks that deal
any type of damage, not just Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing.
His physical and mental discipline grants him proficiency in all skill tests.
resistance. Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can
spend 1 Discipline Point to roll again and take the second result.
At 15th level, your discipline sustains you so much that you do not suffer the effects of old age and
cannot age.
At the start of your turn, you can spend 3 Discipline Points to protect yourself
perfectly against damage for 1 minute or until you have the Incapacitated condition. During
This time, you have resistance to all damage except Strength damage.
You have enhanced your body and mind to new heights. Your Dexterity and
Wisdom increases by 4. Your maximum for these abilities increases by 4
sub: Subclass: Disciple of Nirvana
Level 3: Renewal - Tae Kwon Do
By choosing this subclass at 3rd level, you learn to combine Tae Kwon Do moves with divine energy.
Do moves with divine energy, your body becomes enveloped in divine energy, enhancing your attacks.
With a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to envelop your body
with radiant power allowing you to use a martial style meant for the gods. For
1 minute you gain the following benefits;
Luminous attack: When you land an attack on an opponent, you
add your martial arts die as radiant damage to the target hit.
Divine martial style: You can use your legs dexterously so that
your unarmed attacks have a range of 3 meters.
Level 6: Renewal - Sandogiri
At 6th level, your divine potential is almost completely awakened, so you can
access ancient knowledge of your style. While you have Renewal
Taekwondo active and you land 3 consecutive attacks on an opponent, the target must perform a
a constitution resistance test against your DC, on a failure they will receive
maximum damage from the radiant die
Level 11: Renewal - Blue Dragon
From the 11th level onwards, your consciousness is virtually linked to that of a warrior who
who lived through the ages and mastered the powers of his divine art, you
add the following benefits to your Renewal.
● Supreme verdict: When you use your storm blows, you can perform
an additional unarmed attack, if this additional attack hits a stunned target.
target, your critical hit becomes 18 to 20.
Redemptive Scales: When you use your patient defense characteristic, you
recover 1 martial arts die in life points.
Ancestral Dragon's Descent: When you perform your wind steps skill, you can
can teleport up to 9 meters in any direction you can see, leaving
a flash where you were. Each creature within 1.5 meters of where you left must
succeed in a constitution endurance test or be blinded until the start of their next turn.
start of your next turn.
Level 17: Renewal - Nirvana
At 17th level, you master the ancient art completely and awaken its latent power,
thus being able to use the most powerful technique of your style. While
Renewal active, you can exchange one of your unarmed strikes and spend 2 ki
points for the following special attack:
● Sun's breaker: You perform an extremely powerful kick that is capable of
destroy the body of your enemies. On a hit you deal half your level
in martial arts dice in radiant damage. This blow can only be used on
stunned or blinded enemies
submitted by OrganizationOk9766 to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:12 Firefox72 In China on the 2nd day of the Labour Day Holidays Formed Police Unit continues to lead with $13.08M/$31.82M. The Last Frenzy in 2nd adds $11.98M/$23.96M with Twilight of the Warriors in 3rd adding $7.08M/$22.75M. Spy X Family in 4th adds $6.87M/$12.79M while Howl's Moving Castle adds $3.08M/$10.06M

In China on the 2nd day of the Labour Day Holidays Formed Police Unit continues to lead with $13.08M/$31.82M. The Last Frenzy in 2nd adds $11.98M/$23.96M with Twilight of the Warriors in 3rd adding $7.08M/$22.75M. Spy X Family in 4th adds $6.87M/$12.79M while Howl's Moving Castle adds $3.08M/$10.06M

Daily Box Office (May 2nd 2024)

The market hits ¥342M/$47M which is down -17% versus yesterday and up +1420% versus last week.
Kung Fu Panda 4 adds a strong $0.34M in 11th. A big increase from yesterday and a massive one from last week. Should lock $50M+
Province map of the day:
The Last Frenzy gains ground on Formed Police Unit. Twilight of The Warriors wins 1 province.
In Metropolitan cities:
The Last Frenzy wins Beijing.
Formed Police Unit wins Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan
Twilight of The Warriors wins Shenzhen, ,Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing and Suzhou.
City tiers:
Twilight of the Warriors climbs to 3rd in T2 and T3.
Tier 1: Formed Police Unit>The Last Frenzy>Twilight of the Warriors
Tier 2: Formed Police Unit>The Last Frenzy>Twilight of the Warriors
Tier 3: Formed Police Unit>The Last Frenzy>Twilight of the Warriors
Tier 4: Formed Police Unit>The Last Frenzy>Spy X Family
# Movie Gross %YD %LW Screenings Admisions(Today) Total Gross Projected Total Gross
1 Formed Police Unit $13.08M -30% / 121769 2.2M $31.82M $83M-$98M
2 The Last Frenzy $11.98M +1% / 88451 2.1M $23.96M $83M-$120M
3 Twilight of the Warriors $7.08M +3% / 53041 1.2M $22.75M $72M-$97M
4 Spy X Family: Code White $6.33M -20% / 70716 1.1M $19.12M $45M-$49M
5 Howls Moving Castle $3.08M -31% / 41276 0.57M $10.06M $25M-$29M
6 Nothing Can't Be Undone by HotPot $1.33M -48% / 26215 0.24M $5.68M $11M-$13M
7 Godzilla X Kong $1.22M +259% +80% 11200 0.21M $128.42M $133M-$136M
7 I love you to the moon and back $1.10M +259% / 32983 0.20M $3.42M $9M-$11M
8 Interstellar Mission $1.01M -25% / 24792 0.21M $2.36M $5M-$6M
10 The Boy and The Heron $0.38M +111% -17% 4026 0.07M $107.85M $109M-$111M
11 Kung Fu Panda 4 $0.36M +140% +620% 4063 0.06M $49.40M $49M-$52M
*YD=Yesterday, LW=Last Week,
Pre-Sales map for tomorrow
Th three-way split for tomorrows pre-sales remins.

Spy X Family:

On the 2nd day of the Holidays Spy X Family grossed another very solid $6.33M
Projected total through Sunday remains on track for $33M+
Total projections remain just below $50M
Audience Figures:
WoM figures: Maoyan: 9.4 , Taopiaopiao: 9.6 , Douban: 7.6(-0.3)
First Week $4.92M $7.87M $6.33M $19.12M
Scheduled showings update for Spy X Family for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 71082 $1.82M $5.93M-$6.42M
Friday 68435 $1.48M $5.40M-$5.79M
Saturday 50538 $240k $2.31M-$2.41M
Sunday 29120 $73k $1.41M-$1.65M

Howls Moving Castle:

Howls Moving Castle ends up doing slightly above projections today and exceeds $10M
Projected total through Sunday now looking at $16M+
Total projections remain around $25-$30M
Audience Figures:
WoM figures: Maoyan: 9.7 , Taopiaopiao: 9.6 , Douban: 9.1
First Week $2.51M $4.47M $3.08M $10.06M
Scheduled showings update for Howls Moving Castle for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 42106 $877k $2.69M-$3.01M
Friday 37867 $716k $5.60M-$5.69M
Saturday 26663 $117k $4.88M-$5.19M
Sunday 15266 $37k $3.11M-$3.34M

Formed Police Unit

Formed Police Unit already starting to show signs of frontloadness but not to a critical degree yet. It pushes past $30M total with ease after adding another $13.08M on its 2nd day.
Projected total through Sunday could still reach $60M.
Total projections a bit down and now under $100M
Audience Figures:
WoM figures: Maoyan: 9.3(-0.1) , Taopiaopiao: 9.5(-0.1) , Douban:
First Week $18.74M $13.08M $31.82M
Scheduled showings update for Formed Police Unit for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 122666 $2.15M $13.10M-$13.95M
Friday 116904 $1.50M $10.36M-$11.47M
Saturday 85544 $254k $8.49M-$9.99M
Sunday 49451 $79k $5.09M-$6.85M

The Last Frenzy

The Last Frenzy meanwhile much more stable. After getting some more screenings today it actually increases from yesterday.
It will be pushing for $50M+ through Sunday now and could even reach upwards of $55M+
Total projections remain on a wide range but could now push for $100M+ and to become the top movie of the Holidays.
Audience Figures:
WoM figures: Maoyan: 9.3(-0.1) , Taopiaopiao: 9.2 , Douban: 6.4
First Week $11.98M $11.98M $31.82M
Scheduled showings update for The Last Frenzy for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 85857 $1.27M $10.63M-$10.93M
Friday 97051 $1.06M- $11.28M-$12.50M
Saturday 71414 $133k $9.81M-$11.88M
Sunday 40027 $40k $6.72M-$8.31M

The Boy and the Heron

The Boy and The Heron recovers a bit today to over 4000 screenings but not enough to stop the bleeding as its still down from last week.
Audience Figures:
Scores: Maoyan: 8.8 , Taopiaopiao: 9.4 , Douban: 7.7
Fourth Week $0.50M $0.46M $0.74M $1.27M $0.55M $0.45M $0.52M $107.29M
Fifth Week $0.18M $0.38M $107.85M
%± LW -64% -17% / / / / / /
Scheduled showings update for The Boy and the Heron for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 3580 $120k $0.31M-$0.39M
Friday 4727 $90k $0.34M-$0.38M
Saturday 3150 $11k $0.30M-$0.39M
Sunday 1696 $2k $0.24M-$0.28M

Godzilla X Kong:

Godzilla X Kong meanwhile does much much better. With over 10k screenings it pushes in a $1M+ day which is +80% from last week.
It will cross $130M in the next few days and looks set to surpass Godzilla KoTM's gross in local currency on Saturday. This will see it become the 3rd highest grossing Mosterverse Movie in China ahead of Godzilla and King Of The Monsters and behind Skull Island and Godzilla vs Kong.
Audience Figures:
Scores: Maoyan: 9.4 , Taopiaopiao: 9.5 , Douban: 6.8
Fourth Week $1.38M $3.21M $2.52M $0.72M $0.68M $0.67M $0.68M $122.15M
Fifth Week $1.02M $1.64M $0.79M $0.55M $0.71M $0.34M $1.22M $128.42M
%± LW -26% -49% -69% -23% +5% -49% +80% /
Scheduled showings update for Godzilla X Kong for the next few days:
Day Number of Showings Presales Projection
Today 10199 $238k $1.19M-$1.45M
Friday 12062 $135k $1.10M-$1.12M
Saturday 7295 $11k $0.97M-$1.04M
Sunday 3460 $2k $0.65M-$0.79M

Other stuff:

The next holywood releases currently scheduled are Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes on May 10th, The Fall Guy on May 17th and Inside Out on June 21st.
Some rumors suggest Garfield could release around Childers Day on the 1st of June.
On the Japanese front with Spy X Family and Howl's Moving Castle now out Doraemon 43 is next on the list with a confirmed May 31st release which was expected as its right on the verge of Children's Day on June 1st.
Haikyu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump will release on the 15th June.
There are rumors of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom releasing in China sometimes in May and My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! The Movie will also release at some point.
So loads of Japanese content ariving to China in the next few months.
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes
Not exactly lighting the world on fire with the pace in these first few days.
Days till release Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes War Of The Planet Of The Apes MI7: Dead Reckoning Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Transformers RoTB Oppenheimer
9 $510/1389 $245k/24162 / / / /
8 $5.5k/8158 $332k/28307 / / / /
7 $18k/13714 $410k/30937 / $22k/15240 / /
6 $522k/34429 / $97k/24240 / $120k/9869
5 $637k/37239 $54k/18328 $165k/30650 $121k/71289 $316k/15753
4 $742k/40799 $152k/25041 $246k/35550 $312k/83324 $485k/19620
3 $1.11M/47939 $380k/35490 $343k/42013 $592k/94438 $635k/25056
2 $1.56M/64094 $686k/47552 $486k/52243 $946k/106022 $836k/30687
1 $2.19M/83363 $1.10M/73634 $801k/74490 $1.45M/136762 $1.24M/48729
0 $4.03M/106011 $2.08M/94634 $1.84M/101271 $2.78M/162406 $2.33M/67706
Opening Day $20.38M $7.90M $6.98M $11.48M $5.41M
Opening Weekend $61.71M $25.80M $27.95M $38.54M $21.30M

Release Schedule:

A table including upcoming movies in the next month alongside trailers linked in the name of the movie, Want To See data from both Maoyan and Taopiaopiao alongside the Gender split and genre.
Remember Want To See is not pre-sales. Its just an anticipation metric. A checkbox of sorts saying your interested in an upcoming movie.
Not all movies are included since a lot are just too small to be worth covering.
  • Added a few movies releasing in the next month and a half.
Movie Maoyan WTS Daily Increase Taopiaopiao WTS Daily Increase M/W % Genre Release Date
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 200k +5k 159k +2k 52/48 Animation/Sci-Fi 10.05
Hovering Blade 63k +3k 34k +1k 52/48 Action 17.05
The Fall Guy 12k +459 15k +2k 52/48 Action 17.05
18x2 42k +3k 13k +1k 52/48 Action 20.05
Doraemon 43 123k +5k 21k +2k 52/48 Action 31.05
Haikyu!! The Movie: Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump 160k +3k 79k +4k 52/48 Action 15.06
submitted by Firefox72 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:10 tschibo00 Obligatory f2p heaven post

Obligatory f2p heaven post submitted by tschibo00 to LegendofSlime [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:02 ebudd08 [US - UT][H] Sega Dreamcast, Saturn, Nintendo Wii(U), (3)DS, Game Boy (Color, Advance), NES, SNES, N64, Xbox (360, One), PlayStation (2, 3) -- Games, Consoles, Accessories [W] PayPal

Shipping is not included unless noted. Please offer on bundles, I'm really inclined to move as much of this stuff as I possibly can and will offer better deals the more you buy.
On everything $5 & under, consider it 3 for $10, 5 for $15, 20 for $50

Title CIB/loose Price/Notes
Console Dreamcast Loose $80 - Yellowed, but works great. Includes A/V and power cords, as well as one OEM controller.
4 controllers Loose $20 each - 2 white OEM, one green Performance-branded
2 OEM VMUs Loose $20 each - One green, one white
Memory card Loose $10 - Performance-brand
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Loose $20 - Good condition
Centipede Loose $6 - Good condition
Chicken Run CIB $15 - Good condition
Crazy Taxi CIB $25 - Sega All Stars
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX CIB $6 - Good condition
Disney’s Dinosaur CIB $15 - Good condition
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Loose $10 - Good condition
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB $40 - Good condition
Quake 3 Arena CIB $25 - Good condition
Resident Evil CODE Veronica Loose $20 - Includes both discs in a kind of broken jewel case thing
Sega Bass Fishing CIB $8 - Sega All Stars
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 Loose $10 - Includes case, no manual, decent condition
Shenmue CIB $35 - Cracked bottom of jewel case (the plastic piece)
Skies of Arcadia CIB $140 - Excellent condition
SnoCross Championship Racing CIB $10 - Good condition
Sonic Adventure CIB $50 - Sega All Stars
Sonic Adventure 2 Includes case, no manual $120 - Good condition, no manual/cover art
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer CIB $25 - Good condition
Super Runabout CIB $40 - Good condition
Tomb Raider: Chronicles CIB $20 - Good condition
Vigilante 8 2nd Offense CIB $25 - Good condition
Virtua Fighter 3tb Loose $15 - Good condition
Pics of Dreamcast stuff here, please request more as needed. Local pickup is great, also able to ship. Pulling numbers directly from PriceCharting, I'm coming up with $921.43 (feel free to check me on this), but would like to sell for $600, including shipping. Also willing to sell separately at this point.

All clean, but untested (I don't have a Saturn console)
Title Notes Price
Accessory OEM Controller Model 2 $15
Bootleg Sampler Loose $5
Croc Complete, broken front jewel case $40
Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Loose $10
Panzer Dragoon (not Saga) Complete, cracked front jewel case $70
Sega Worldwide Soccer ‘97 Loose $8
Tomb Raider Loose $15
Virtua Cop Loose $5
World Series Baseball ‘98 Loose $8

Title Console Price/notes
Bandai Golf Pebble Beach Challenge NES $3
Days of Thunder NES $8
Double Dribble NES $6
Gremlins 2: The New Batch NES $25
Knight Rider NES $10
Side Pocket NES $7
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World NES $12
Slalom NES $8

Title Console Price/notes
D Force SNES $8
Frogger SNES $10
Metal Combat SNES $10
MVP Baseball SNES $5
NBA Live 95 SNES $5
2 SNS-001 Consoles For Parts/Not Working 2 For Parts/Not Working consoles that have been broken down, including one housing (has some chips/cracks), 2 motherboards, all components, however some are guaranteed to not work. The boards themselves may have additional issues beyond the removed chips, I have no way to test or check them. Neither of these motherboards work. Both of them were giving different graphical issues on the screen, so I thought I'd be clever and try to swap some chips around, but found out as I was doing it that I have no experience with it and was in way over my head. I do not know if there are working chips here to even create one working SNES, as far as I'm aware all of the graphics chips/etc. are bad. Pics here $35

Title Console Price/notes
Star Fox 64 N64 $20 - Faded label
Feel free to take all of the N64 stuff for $65 shipped

Title Console Price/notes
A Bug's Life GB $5
All-Star Baseball 2000 GBC $5
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 GBC $5 - Bad label
Demon Driver GBA $6
Rayman Advance GBA $8
Smuggler's Run GBA $4
Treasure Planet GBA $5
Winter X Games Snowboarding 2002 GBA $3
World Tennis Stars GBA $3
Feel free to take all Game Boy/ColoAdvance games for $30+shipping

Title Console Price/notes
Barbie: Jet, Set & Style NDS $3 - Loose
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow NDS $30 - Loose, no label, authentic
Deal or No Deal NDS $4 - CIB
Games Around the World NDS $4 - CIB
Horsez NDS $4 - CIB
Imagine: Fashion Designer NDS $4 - CIB
Imagine: Fashion Stylist NDS $4 - CIB
Jeopardy NDS $5 - CIB
MahJong Quest NDS $4 - CIB
My Farm NDS $4 - CIB
Pictionary NDS $5 - Sealed
Winx Club Magical Fairy Party NDS $7 - CIB
Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop 3DS $20 - CIB
Harvest Moon 3D: The Lost Valley 3DS $20 - Loose

Title Console Price/notes
Console Xbox 360 Slim 360 $60 - Comes with console & power adapter only, no controller or HDMI
Accessory Gibson Les Paul 360 $70 - have 2, both have shoulder straps. One is missing the faceplate.
Accessory OEM Controller Xbox $15 - have 2, both model S for original Xbox, both have breakaway cables
Burnout 3 Xbox $8
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Xbox $5
Gun Xbox $5
Juiced Xbox $6
Superman Returns Xbox $5
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Xbox $5
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 360 $6
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 360 $6
Ghost Recon 2 360 $5
Guitar Hero 2 360 $10
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 360 $10
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock 360 $10
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith 360 $15
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock 360 $30
MLB 2K9 360 $5
NBA 2K12 360 $5
Ridge Racer 6 360 $15
Please note - most of these games are not complete - either missing manual, replacement case/cover art, or loose disc. Please check with me if you're curious.

Title Console Price/notes
Treasures of the Deep PS1 $15 - CIB
Wargames: Defcon 1 PS1 $12 - CIB
Warhawk PS1 $12 - CIB, longbox, not in great shape
American Chopper PS2 $4 - CIB
Arctic Thunder PS2 $8 - CIB
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 PS2 $3 - CIB
Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2 $4 - CIB
Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2 $4 - CIB
Crash n' Burn Ps2 $8 - CIB
Eragon PS2 $4 - CIB
Flatout PS2 $8 - CIB
Flatout PS2 $5 - Loose
The Getaway PS2 $8 - CIB
The Getaway PS2 $4 - Loose
Gran Turismo 3 PS2 $5 - GH CIB
Guitar Hero 2 PS2 $4 - CIB
Hitman 2 PS2 $5 - CIB
IHRA Drag Racing 2 PS2 $3 - CIB
Kingdom Hearts 2 PS2 $5 - Loose
Madden 07 PS2 $3 - CIB
MX vs ATV PS2 $3 - Loose
NAMCO Museum PS2 $7 - GH CIB
NBA 2K9 PS2 $5 - CIB
PopCap Hits Vol. 1 PS2 $5 - CIB
Rise to Honor PS2 $8 - CIB
Smuggler's Run PS2 $8 - CIB
SOCOM 2 PS2 $5 - CIB
Splinter Cell PS2 $4 - CIB
Starksy & Hutch PS2 $5 - CIB
Strike Force Bowling PS2 $4 - CIB
Tetris Worlds PS2 $5 - CIB
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 PS2 $2 - Loose
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 PS2 $2 - Loose
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 PS2 $2 - Loose
TOCA Race Driver 2 PS2 $6 - CIB
Trigger Man PS2 $4 - CIB
World Championship Poker PS2 $4 - CIB
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3 $5 - CIB
Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 $8 - Loose
Killzone 3 PS3 $5 - CIB
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe PS3 $8 - CIB
Rocksmith 2014 PS3 $10 - CIB
Skyrim PS3 $4 - CIB
Sports Champions PS3 $4 - CIB

Title Console Price/notes
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Wii $5 - CIB
The Price is Right Wii $4 - Loose
Wii Play Wii $5 - CIB
Wii Play Wii $5 - CIB
Skylanders WiiU $4 - Case
Skylanders WiiU $4 - Case
LEGO Dimensions WiiU $4 - Case
Thanks for looking!
submitted by ebudd08 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:59 Kenshin1296 [USA] [H] Consoles (Majoras Mask 3ds Modded, Gba & Sp, Ds Lite, NN3DSXL, 2ds, Psp Go) Kuon Ps2, Mario Kart DD, The Last Story, Wii Sports & R, DQ Builders, Metroid Dread, XBC2, One Piece PW4, Mario Strikers BL, Pokemon Games, Blue Dragon & More [W] PP F&F

All items are FIRM in price and include shipping!
Will take $5 off each additional item purchased (Certain items including consoles or multi disk ps1 titles may may not be included depending on heaviness or other factors. Just check in with me and I'll lyk)
Everything is tested and fully working unless stated otherwise!!!
Nintendo Switch
Psp (All Umd Only)
Xbox 360 (Some have manuals, some don't. Pictures will show)
submitted by Kenshin1296 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:56 ManaBoxed Is this.. normal?

I opened a SINGLE pack and got 3 Railway brawlers (1 foil). i’ve heard of 3 Mythics in 1 pack but never 3 of the same.. Should i buy a lottery ticket or avoid them forever?
submitted by ManaBoxed to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:50 DullAd3902 New Challenge Cycle

IF the game repeats the same challenge cycle that happened 6 years ago this is what the cycle will look like, correct if any are wrong, i got this from looking at bdckr gaming weekly videos from when gaslight bats was in rotation
Week 1: Batman/Gaslight
Week 2: Jessica Cruz/Rebirth
Week 3: Superman/Dawn of Justice
Week 4: Raven/Rebirth
Week 5: Hawkgirl/Blackest Night
Week 6: Superman/New 52
Week 7: The Flash/Earth 2
Week 8: Scorpion/Klassic
Week 9: Superman/Dawn of Justice
Week 10: Killer Croc/Arkham
Week 11: Green Arrow/Rebirth
Week 12: Darkseid/Prime
Week 13: Harley Quinn/Arkham Knight
[Repeat 😭]
submitted by DullAd3902 to InjusticeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:48 alpenstorm Character Design in Date A Live

yes, this will be a LONG rant. in this post, i'll take a look at all the characters in Date A Live, specifically for their visual and character design. some notes before i start:
let us begin.
  1. Shido. It makes sense to start with the main character. And about this main character... well... I don't like him. He's just so... how do I put it... completley random. Like come on dude, make a character who at least visually looks interesting. Especially for the MC, this is quite pathetic. My guy is forgettable af, but the only reason you watch/read DAL is for the other characters, so we'll give him a pass here. The biggest beef I have with him is the way he kinda acts like a pedo towards some of the younger characters (Yoshino, Kotori, Natsumi). *and i took that personally*
  2. Kotori. The second character introduced in DAL. She's actually... pretty cool tbh. Her AstralDress looks FIRE (ha ha) and I really like that she has very little fanservice in her character design. Pretty cool overall, and also props to her relationship with her brother.
  3. Origami. No. Just... No. Her AstralDress looks cool but I like nothing else about her. Sorry.
  4. Tohka. Ehh... what can I say about Tohka that has not already been said like 500 times? Dece character design, although kinda fits into the "warrior princess" stereotype way too well (her codename is literally "Princess"). Not too much fanservice. I kinda feel like she's a foil character for Shido sometimes, but her personality is quite nice as well.
  5. Yoshino. My favorite character of all time. Not just in DAL either. Oh my goodness... how can I explain how much I love this character? It's just physically impossible for me to type that much... Her AstralDress looks really cool and unique and doesn't incorporate any fanservice (a fact I am deeply thankful for). Her Shiryon mode looks AMAZING. She is so. CUTE. Beyond that, probably the thing I love most about her is her biggest strength: her kindness and caring even for those who were hurting her, even after all that trauma she went through. That's a strength not many people have... to go through something like that and not let it change your morals and who you are... Yoshino's story broke my heart like no other character's (not even Boromir from LOTR), because she is so innocent and doesn't deserve any of this suffering... that just makes me love her more as a character that despite this, she gets over that suffering and in the end is a better person for it. For me, she's the best designed character in the series as she's the only one who actually made me feel anything for her when her story is presented. She's literally the only reason I like this series... Another thing I really like about her is that while she's usually very peaceful and calm, she can and does fight if her friends are in danger. And, oh boy, you don't want to be on the other side with Yoshino. Miku, Natsumi, Kurumi, and Origami learned that in the LN 20 battle royale, a scene so epic, I can barely wait for it to be adapted. The only sus thing that happened to her was that idiotic fanservice scene in Season 3 Episode 12, where it is really unclear that the "white substance" was sunscreen... but that's just in the anime so... Also did I mention I'm writing a fan work with her as a main character?
  6. Mana. I don't like any of the AST because of the stupid amounts of fanservice in their outfits. Idk, I just kinda find Mana... annoying? As in she's too much of a tryhard. I don't really know much about her, though.
  7. Kurumi. Well. Kurumi's design is cool. I gotta say. Basically no fanservice in her AstralDress, except she acts kinda sus (quite a lot actually). Umm, I really don't see why so many people like her? She seems very... overhyped. By herself, the other characters in the story, and by the fanbase. IIRC, she didn't actually win any of her fights in the book and got her slammed by Yoshino so hard in the LN 20 Battle Royale that she had to surrender, although that was DAB Kurumi? Either way, DAB Kurumi has better feats anyways, since she actually won some fights. Character wise, she does a lot of le criminal activite but for a good reason... Likes cats, which I totally understand and support. Great character I guess.
  8. Yamai Twins. AstralDress designs are just pure fanservice. I don't really know anything about them character-wise so...
  9. Miku. Meh design. Not too much fanservice but still a beet sus m8.
  10. Natsumi. Meh design. A nasty level of fanservice tbh. She's a bit of a prankster and respects Yoshino (a bit too much maybe?).
  11. Nia. Umm what is it with the later characters having a lot of fanservice. Again, meh design, a lot of fanservice.
  12. Mukuro. NO. NO NO NO. I literally hate this character's design more than anything else. It's SO BAD and relies basically 100% on fanservice to make it interesting for the pervs that like that stuff. Absolute and utter garbaj.
  13. Mio. The first character since Miku who doesn't suffer so much from fanservice. Too bad that doesn't apply to her AstralDress, which is ruined from being actually cool by the *ahem* gaps. Still not cool with that... Character wise, she is pretty sick and twisted so...
DAL has some cool characters, but a lot suffer from fanservice. my favorite is Yoshino.
if you read this whole rant, congrats, you've just wasted your time! and so have i for writing this.
i'll now proceed to do something useful, like slowly die inside while trying to figure out how OOP and Java work. bye
submitted by alpenstorm to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:47 alpenstorm Character Design in Date A Live

yes, this will be a LONG rant. in this post, i'll take a look at all the characters in Date A Live, specifically for their visual and character design. some notes before i start:
let us begin.
  1. Shido. It makes sense to start with the main character. And about this main character... well... I don't like him. He's just so... how do I put it... completley random. Like come on dude, make a character who at least visually looks interesting. Especially for the MC, this is quite pathetic. My guy is forgettable af, but the only reason you watch/read DAL is for the other characters, so we'll give him a pass here. The biggest beef I have with him is the way he kinda acts like a pedo towards some of the younger characters (Yoshino, Kotori, Natsumi). *and i took that personally*
  2. Kotori. The second character introduced in DAL. She's actually... pretty cool tbh. Her AstralDress looks FIRE (ha ha) and I really like that she has very little fanservice in her character design. Pretty cool overall, and also props to her relationship with her brother.
  3. Origami. No. Just... No. Her AstralDress looks cool but I like nothing else about her. Sorry.
  4. Tohka. Ehh... what can I say about Tohka that has not already been said like 500 times? Dece character design, although kinda fits into the "warrior princess" stereotype way too well (her codename is literally "Princess"). Not too much fanservice. I kinda feel like she's a foil character for Shido sometimes, but her personality is quite nice as well.
  5. Yoshino. My favorite character of all time. Not just in DAL either. Oh my goodness... how can I explain how much I love this character? It's just physically impossible for me to type that much... Her AstralDress looks really cool and unique and doesn't incorporate any fanservice (a fact I am deeply thankful for). Her Shiryon mode looks AMAZING. She is so. CUTE. Beyond that, probably the thing I love most about her is her biggest strength: her kindness and caring even for those who were hurting her, even after all that trauma she went through. That's a strength not many people have... to go through something like that and not let it change your morals and who you are... Yoshino's story broke my heart like no other character's (not even Boromir from LOTR), because she is so innocent and doesn't deserve any of this suffering... that just makes me love her more as a character that despite this, she gets over that suffering and in the end is a better person for it. For me, she's the best designed character in the series as she's the only one who actually made me feel anything for her when her story is presented. She's literally the only reason I like this series... Another thing I really like about her is that while she's usually very peaceful and calm, she can and does fight if her friends are in danger. And, oh boy, you don't want to be on the other side with Yoshino. Miku, Natsumi, Kurumi, and Origami learned that in the LN 20 battle royale, a scene so epic, I can barely wait for it to be adapted. The only sus thing that happened to her was that idiotic fanservice scene in Season 3 Episode 12, where it is really unclear that the "white substance" was sunscreen... but that's just in the anime so... Also did I mention I'm writing a fan work with her as a main character?
  6. Mana. I don't like any of the AST because of the stupid amounts of fanservice in their outfits. Idk, I just kinda find Mana... annoying? As in she's too much of a tryhard. I don't really know much about her, though.
  7. Kurumi. Well. Kurumi's design is cool. I gotta say. Basically no fanservice in her AstralDress, except she acts kinda sus (quite a lot actually). Umm, I really don't see why so many people like her? She seems very... overhyped. By herself, the other characters in the story, and by the fanbase. IIRC, she didn't actually win any of her fights in the book and got her slammed by Yoshino so hard in the LN 20 Battle Royale that she had to surrender, although that was DAB Kurumi? Either way, DAB Kurumi has better feats anyways, since she actually won some fights. Character wise, she does a lot of le criminal activite but for a good reason... Likes cats, which I totally understand and support. Great character I guess.
  8. Yamai Twins. AstralDress designs are just pure fanservice. I don't really know anything about them character-wise so...
  9. Miku. Meh design. Not too much fanservice but still a beet sus m8.
  10. Natsumi. Meh design. A nasty level of fanservice tbh. She's a bit of a prankster and respects Yoshino (a bit too much maybe?).
  11. Nia. Umm what is it with the later characters having a lot of fanservice. Again, meh design, a lot of fanservice.
  12. Mukuro. NO. NO NO NO. I literally hate this character's design more than anything else. It's SO BAD and relies basically 100% on fanservice to make it interesting for the pervs that like that stuff. Absolute and utter garbaj.
  13. Mio. The first character since Miku who doesn't suffer so much from fanservice. Too bad that doesn't apply to her AstralDress, which is ruined from being actually cool by the *ahem* gaps. Still not cool with that... Character wise, she is pretty sick and twisted so...
DAL has some cool characters, but a lot suffer from fanservice. my favorite is Yoshino (if you can't read my tag).
if you read this whole rant, congrats, you've just wasted your time! and so have i for writing this.
i'll now proceed to do something useful, like slowly die inside while trying to figure out how OOP and Java work. bye
submitted by alpenstorm to datealive [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:27 RWTD_Burn ALP4K May schedule

ALP4K May schedule submitted by RWTD_Burn to LegendsUltimate [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:15 Imaginary_Ad4578 Terry dischinger putting up prime bron numbers in unlimited 😭

Terry dischinger putting up prime bron numbers in unlimited 😭 submitted by Imaginary_Ad4578 to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:04 DadJ0ker Backhand Drive Technique Question

Background: I'm a decent player. No DUPR rating, but came from a strong table tennis background. My assessment (and the assessment of others) is that I'm 3.5 - 3.7 neighborhood.
My biggest weakness is currently mostly mobility related, as I'm headed for knee replacement surgery in June (and maybe the other knee later in the year). I have a better 3rd shot drop than most of the players I usually play with - but obviously at my level it's not as consistent as I'd like it to be.
The shot I'm most frustrated to miss way more often than I'd like is a driving backhand from the transition zone or closer to the NVZ. Especially when I'm on the left side, and there's a bit of a pop up to my backhand. When I know it's going to bounce fairly high, I let it bounce to give myself options and plenty of time to get positioned and drive the ball with a backhand.
FAR too often, everything feels right, but the ball just ends up in the net - about 6 inches down from the tape.
I know sharing video would be best, but is there a grip issue I'm missing - affecting paddle angle? Should I be rotating my grip before hitting this shot? I'm very consistent with this particular problem, and can overcome it with more of a pronounced "looping" motion that is a bit unnatural for me. I want to drive the ball forward, and have the topspin carry it down. Instead I either drive the ball forward and into the net - or I loop the ball up about 12-18" over the net and lose pace in the process.
Any good videos covering technique? Other advice?

submitted by DadJ0ker to Pickleball [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:56 Denzulus New Warbond! New Armor! Same Old Passives!?

Hey, Denny here, back again with yet another post about armor and armor passives! The new Warbond just got announced and with it, 3 brand spanking new armor sets! They even have new prefixes! Here they are:
Ooh! Aah! Shiny!
CW-type armor is completely new to the game! We've had CM-type and CE-type armor, which respectively boosted Stims and Grenades, so I'm wondering what new passive this CW-type armor will have! Maybe the blog post will give us more information!
CW-36 Winter Warrior
Blend into snowy environments with perfect camouflage. The enemy will never see you coming, until it’s far too late. Ah the sweet smell of stealth. Passive boost – Serve-assisted.
S-serve... assisted... U-uh, is it too naive to hope that that isn't just a typo of Servo-Assisted?
WHY? WHY SERVO-ASSISTED?? We already have FIVE of those, not to mention an entire previous Premium Warbond, Steeled Veterans, dedicated specifically to that passive! I mean, if the devs actually made armor passives and prefixes consistent (like I've talked about in this post and this post) that number would go down to 4, but why not just give us a brand new armor passive? Look at those snow boots on those armors! They should give us slow-resistance! Or ragdoll-resistance! Please, for the love of god, give us ragdoll-resistance!
Or hey, how about they give us another Scout passive armor? The description makes explicit references to camouflage! We already have a passive for that and it ISN'T "Serve-Assisted"!
On top of that, design-wise, nothing about that armor tells you it's Servo- wait sorry, Serve-Assisted. It's lacking the prostethic limbs of the Steeled Veterans armors. So does the SC-37 Legionnaire and the FS-61 Dreadnought, but those shouldn't be Servo-Assisted either! SA-04 Combat Technician SHOULD be Servo-Assisted, but the only hint at the passive there is in the description!
Whatever, I'm getting off track. Let's just see if the next armor, the CW-22 Kodiak, is any better.
CW-22 Kodiak
Thoroughly pressure-tested by patriotic volunteers as part of the Test Subjects for Super Earth Citizen Advancement Programme. Their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Passive boost – Fortified.
Fortified. Fortified. FUCKING FORTIFIED!? We already have SEVEN of those! Oh and let me guess. It's gonna be Heavy armor. I guaren-fucking-tee it. Nevermind the fact we already have FOUR Heavy Fortified armors, two of which are in the damn free Warbond and we JUST got one in the latest premium Warbond, Democratic Detonation!
Furthermore, why is the passive different from the CW-36 Winter Warrior? I'm not even talking about them sharing the same prefix, they're literally the same armor. The only difference being the color, the shoulder guards and the helmet. Other than that, exact same armor. Not even any new plates, pouches, bandoliers, nothing. You'd think, if it was Fortified armor, they add a faceplate, or a bigger armor plate on the left arm, or some bandoliers, like we've seen on other Fortified armor! But no. They just gave us two of the exact same armors, slapped a different coat of paint on one of them and somehow that makes it so it now has a completely different passive. Why do these apples taste like bacon?
Ugh, let's just move on to the last new set.
CW-4 Arctic Ranger
Features a nifty utility belt boasting handy pockets that can be filled with any number of things – pocket knives, mementoes, interesting rocks, Terminid tentacles, bits of bots, etc.
That... that's just the SC-30 Trailblazer Scout armor. They took the SC-30 and painted it blue and brown.
I feel like I could've slapped some new colors on there myself, but... thanks for the shoulder guards and new helmet, I guess?
No mention of any passive for this one, but considering they mention the utility belt, I'm putting my money on Engineering Kit. Because that would be perfect. We already have EIGHT of those, 2 in the free Warbond and 2 from the last premium Warbond, but why not? We only have 3 Scout armors in the game and this is essentially a recolor of one of those, but why would that mean anything? I swear to Liberty, whoever is in charge of armor has to be intentionally trolling me at this point.

Potential Improvements

Just give us a new passive, for the love of Freedom! Two of the armors have these sick-ass snow boots with spikes on them! Give those armors a slow-resistance, or a ragdoll-resistance! Just something thematic that isn't already in the game 5 times over!
Some more ideas for a new thematic passive;
And please make it so all the CW-type armor has that same new passive. The CW-4 Trailblue Scout would be the odd one out, since it shares absolutely zero design features with the other two, but it would be the odd one out either way. Either give it the Scout passive and the SC prefix or give it a new CW passive.

Thanks for reading and remember! Freedom!

submitted by Denzulus to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:41 blackwell94 Sliced Mask Creates Image Bleed

Sliced Mask Creates Image Bleed submitted by blackwell94 to Unity2D [link] [comments]