? france restaurants

Paris Travel Guide

2014.10.09 09:04 armidatrentino Paris Travel Guide

A community for Paris lovers or first-timers about traveling to the city, as a tourist or off the beaten path. Itinerary reviews, trip reports, advice from local or experienced travelers, niche questions, ..., in English or French.

2012.02.14 09:55 Silly_Crotch Marseille and Aix, France

A subreddit about France's second biggest city, Marseille, and its sister city, Aix. We discuss local current events, give each-other tips and help visitors and newcomers. This community is bilingual (French & English) and welcoming to tourists and natives alike!

2012.07.27 13:01 Vylaine-Saveur C'est comme r/france, en pas pareil.

C'est comme france mais en pas pareil

2024.05.20 02:07 NinjaKinshasa Quelle(s) réforme(s) pour l'éducation nationale ?

Il y a clairement un problème avec l'éducation nationale en France. J'ai l'impression que l'éducation nationale est en chute libre depuis des années. Il manque des professeurs, il manque des moyens, il manque de la reconnaissance, les ministres de l'éducation mettent leurs enfants dans le privé, la charge de travail augmente et le niveau général baisse dans toutes les matières : rien ne va.
La question principale de ce post est :
Quelles sont les causes de la situation actuelle et que peut on faire pour y remédier concrètement ?
Plus en détail, il manque des moyens, combien ? Dans quoi précisément ? Je doute sérieusement de l’intérêt du matériel informatique à l'école. Suffit-il de remonter les salaires des profs pour rendre la profession plus attractive et recruter davantage ? Les problèmes sont-ils les mêmes au primaire, au secondaire, et au supérieur ?
Quelle est la roadmap pour inverser la tendance et faire de notre éducation nationale un exemple en la matière ?
Imaginez que le prochain président cherche à constituer un programme concernant l'éducation nationale, dites lui quoi faire :) En passant, je ne sais pas s'il existe des ouvrages ou des ressources entrant en détail dans ce sujet mais je suis intéressé si vous en connaissez.
Merci pour vos réponses.
submitted by NinjaKinshasa to enseignants [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 267philly420 42 [M4F] #Philly/South Jersey - Looking for someone who wants to see Sigur Ros in Iceland this December

So I've always wanted to see Iceland and Sigur Ros is one of my fav bands, so I decided to buy 2 tickets for their upcoming show in December. Well now I got the tickets, the only thing thats missing is you. Preferably I'd like to find someone and see if we click and then maybe we end up going to Iceland together. If this interests you, hit me up.
About me:
I'm a 42 years old, living with my dog in Philadelphia. I would like to meet some new people for chatting, friendship or maybe more depending on how things go.
When I am not going on adventures with my pup, I like going to concerts, from Childish Gambino to Sigur Ros (seeing them in December in Iceland!!). I love going to art museums and just walking around and appreciating everything or science museums and seeing some dinosaur bones or other cool stuff. I enjoy going out to eat and trying new restaurants. I am also a fan of traveling, was in France over the summer and now my total count is 11 countries and would love to check out some more. I enjoy watching movies and TV, playing video games(switch and series X), and some reading. I am also 420 friendly if that is something you are into.
I am a great +1 at weddings since I'm an amazing wedding dancer. With my patented moves such as the sprinkler or the bus driver. I am sure to impress or embarrass.
I am really good at bad jokes, or bad at good jokes? I know that they are bad, but I enjoy them anyway. Feel free to laugh or roll your eyes, or both. Your call.
Example: There are 2 fish in a tank, one looks at the other and says "how'd we get here?" the other one replies, "that's a great question, though a better one is who's driving this thing?"
Honestly I am just looking for someone to help me ride in the carpool lane or if that doesn't work, to spend time with, have stupid inside jokes, goof around on dreary days, keep me entertained at boring social events and all that fun stuff. Maybe you want those things too if so, feel free to hit me up if you wanna chat, can start there and see where it goes. And thanks for reading all of this.
submitted by 267philly420 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 sweilem what family owned restaurant used to be so great but got ruined afterwards , what happened ?

submitted by sweilem to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 267philly420 42 [M4F] #Philly/South Jersey - Looking for someone who wants to see Sigur Ros in Iceland this December

So I've always wanted to see Iceland and Sigur Ros is one of my fav bands, so I decided to buy 2 tickets for their upcoming show in December. Well now I got the tickets, the only thing that's missing is you. Preferably I'd like to find someone and see if we click and then maybe we end up going to Iceland together. If this interests you, hit me up.
About me:
I'm a 42 years old, living with my dog in Philadelphia. I would like to meet some new people for chatting, friendship or maybe more depending on how things go.
When I am not going on adventures with my pup, I like going to concerts, from Childish Gambino to Sigur Ros (seeing them in December in Iceland!!). I love going to art museums and just walking around and appreciating everything or science museums and seeing some dinosaur bones or other cool stuff. I enjoy going out to eat and trying new restaurants. I am also a fan of traveling, was in France over the summer and now my total count is 11 countries and would love to check out some more. I enjoy watching movies and TV, playing video games(switch and series X), and some reading. I am also 420 friendly if that is something you are into.
I am a great +1 at weddings since I'm an amazing wedding dancer. With my patented moves such as the sprinkler or the bus driver. I am sure to impress or embarrass.
I am really good at bad jokes, or bad at good jokes? I know that they are bad, but I enjoy them anyway. Feel free to laugh or roll your eyes, or both. Your call.
Example: There are 2 fish in a tank, one looks at the other and says "how'd we get here?" the other one replies, "that's a great question, though a better one is who's driving this thing?"
Honestly I am just looking for someone to help me ride in the carpool lane or if that doesn't work, to spend time with, have stupid inside jokes, goof around on dreary days, keep me entertained at boring social events and all that fun stuff. Maybe you want those things too if so, feel free to hit me up if you wanna chat, can start there and see where it goes. And thanks for reading all of this.
submitted by 267philly420 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:11 Chef-Kamouse J'aimerai devenir franc-maçon , comment faire ?

Je me présente , Kamouse , bientôt 19 ans et j'aimerai devenir Franc-maçon , bientôt 1 an que je me renseigne sur la franc maçon et je trouve cela passionnant , afin de devenir une meilleure personne et d'aider mes futur frères pour apporter ma pierre à l'édifice sur la construction de divers idées et sujets , c'est ainsi que j'aimerai rejoindre la franc-maçonnerie , j'ai envoyé un mail au grand orient de France il y a bientôt 7 mois et je n'ai jamais eu de réponses , je ne connais pas de franc maçon dans mon entourage , avez-vous des solutions ?
submitted by Chef-Kamouse to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 oleasin why everyone hated this movie back then?

why everyone hated this movie back then? submitted by oleasin to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:47 g0ncz Conseils future installation

Bonjour, je vais essayer d’être plutôt concis et clair !
Ma compagne (F29) et moi (H28), d’origine Lyonnaise tous les deux, avons pour projet de nous installer dans le sud de la France d’ici fin 2025. Elle travaille dans le tourisme, j’ai pour ma part une double compétence informatique et mécanique donc niveau boulot on ne se fait pas trop de soucis.
Nous envisageons tous les deux de nous installer à Marseille et prévoyons donc de venir y passer quelques jours histoire de prendre la température locale.
Au delà des incontournables, quels quartiers et endroits aux alentours de ville nous conseilleriez vous de visiter afin de sentir si on souhaiterait y vivre ? Dans l’idéal j’aimerais avoir une idée des quelques quartiers correspondant à nos critères afin de nous y rendre !
Pour les critères, nous aimerions rester relativement proches du centre ville (15-20min de transports ou voiture/moto) afin de profiter de la vie locale, mais aussi être assez proches de la nature ou d’un grand parc car nous avons un chien! Et évidemment, proches de la mer.
Je fais aussi du vtt enduro et dh et j’ai cru comprendre qu’il y avait de quoi faire dans le coin.
Merci pour vos conseils !
submitted by g0ncz to aixmarseille [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:38 GilGalad06 MAPPING KEY & Logitech G13

Hello everyone, I'm from France with a azerty keyboard. I tried for more than one hour to Map QWERTY keys on m'y Logitech G13 (I play all game with this little keyboard) but for thé first Time it's not runing.
When I press thé Key I've bind thé game didn't recognize thème.
Someone did it ?
Someone plus with G13 ?
submitted by GilGalad06 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 Captain_V_03 Comment ferait un voyageur d’une autre dimension ou autre temps pour vivre dans la légalité en France ?

Étant adepte de m’inventer des scénarios rocambolesques sous la douche tout en essayant de les rendres les plus réalistes possibles, je suis tombé sur un os.
En effet, m’imaginant un aventurier venant d’un autre univers se retrouvant catapulté en France à notre époque et n’ayant pour d’autres choix que de vivre une vie normale, je ne suis pas parvenu à voir comment il devrait faire pour obtenir des papier français et être officiellement reconnu.
Est-ce que avoir des connaissances (personnes françaises), une relation amoureuse ou encore savoir parler parfaitement français pour l’aider grandement ou cela ne change rien ?
submitted by Captain_V_03 to penseesdedouche [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:35 50wordsformurder Not sure if i (23F) should break up with him (28M)... What to do ?

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing good.
I'm feeling lost and need some outside perspective (aside from my friends/family). I '23F' am not sure if I should stay with my boyfriend '28M'. We've been together for nearly three years (in july), and he's my first boyfriend, and my first love. At the beginning, our relationship was just sex, but a month and half in he said i love you. I didn't say it immediately because i didn't feel that way, but reciprocated a few weeks later. He also lived with me for three months at the beginning of our relationship while looking for an apartment. Throughout our relationship, he has been a great moral support. I suffer from chronic depression and anxiety, and he has helped a great deal, and for that i'll always be grateful. He himself has a lot of childhood trauma, like a lot, but he doesn't go to therapy, although i've repeatedly told him that he should. Our relationship mostly took place in my apartment, we would order in, watch movies and talk all the time. It was great, but i've wanted more. I want dates, and to be wooed and i want grand gestures of romance. I told him. But he always used the excuse of being a college student and not having money (he was getting his masters degree). In three years, we've gone to the restaurant less than 10 times, he gifted me a single rose after i've pestered him repeatedly, and he only cooked once for me (i cook all the time). Of course i don't expect him to read my mind and i ask him for these things. Last year he got a job as a high school teacher, and i was starting my masters in a different city, so our relationship became long distance. When i had to move (twice), he didn't help with a single suitcase. I still hold a grudge for that. This year, what with the moving, the masters in a new city, and the cancer (i had thyroid cancer), was very hard for me. But i felt like i really grew. When he used to come visit, he spoiled me, as in took me to the restaurant and bought me food, but any gift he gave was because i asked (namely a ring i liked). This week, i decided to go back to the city where we met, where he still lives, as do my best friends. I told him on friday that i would be arriving the next monday. Monday come, no texts. Same for Tuesday and Wednesday. He only checks on me Wednesday evening. According to him, he was waiting for me to text him to say i had arrived, and he didn't want to bother me because i had work (i did have work but i always made time for him). This actually is in continuity with other instances where he made me feel like i didn't matter. The first year of our relationship, i went to suprise him at his house. He had never invited me (8 months in) and i had had it, so i went to suprise him. He didn't invite me in. He didn't even let me upstairs. This is just one of many examples, aside from the no help when moving. I'm feeling extremely lost. I know i love him, and he loves me, but i'm not sure i want to stay in this relationship. How would you assess this situation, what would you do if you were in my shoes ?
TLDR : boyfriend acts like a shithead sometimes, i love him but i'm not sure about our relationship anymore
submitted by 50wordsformurder to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:35 Yoboimakingdamemez7 B A B Y

B A B Y submitted by Yoboimakingdamemez7 to softwaregore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:31 Plastic_Bus2662 Kaiserredux A2Z 16: Bharatyia Commune

Kaiserredux A2Z 16: Bharatyia Commune submitted by Plastic_Bus2662 to kaiserredux [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:23 Dramatic_Stick_7971 Quelle est la pire banque en France pour l'année 2024 et pourquoi ?

submitted by Dramatic_Stick_7971 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:06 yeezypeasy Finger lakes wine haul and trip report

Finger lakes wine haul and trip report
Just came back from my first trip to the Finger Lakes and had an incredible time. We were there for 3 days and did 2 tastings a day, which I found was perfect pacing.
Day 1: Forge and Boundary Breaks. We had an awesome cheese and charcuterie board at Forge and tried 4 of their rieslings and 1 Pinot. We’re more into semi dry rieslings, as you can see from our purchases, but it was interesting to taste the different single yard rieslings side by side. Although I honestly couldn’t taste huge variations, they were quite subtle (I’m also not an experienced taster). Decided to buy 1 bottle to see if our minds change later. Would definitely recommend as a fun experience, and especially if you’re into dry Rieslings. Boundary breaks was also fun, the tasting is done at the bar so an employee can explain each wine. We actually really liked their cab franc rose, and their semi dry Rieslings.
Day 2: Hermann J Wiemer and Weis. I was most excited for these two, and they didn’t disappoint. The Wiemer semi dry is a perfect wine for most occasions that won’t break the bank, and we got really lucky and got to try the 2016 Josef vineyard Riesling, which was easily the wine of the trip. Incredibly complex, balanced, and had some petrol notes developing. Had to splurge on a bottle to take home. At Weis, we loved their versions of kabinett and auslese Riesling. We also got to have a small taste of their TBA style, which was mind blowing. Unfortunately the bottle was a bit too expensive for us. Both of these tasting rooms ave a bit more of a corporate feel, but we came early enough in the season (Friday pre-memorial day) that we were able to interact a lot with the staff.
Day 3: lamoreaux landing and Silverhread. Lamoreaux Rieslings were a bit disappointing, they were a bit too soft and lacked complexity. However their ice wines are worth the trip, and their dry rose was pretty good. We did the vineyard tour at Silverthread, which was our favorite tasting experience of the trip. After a 20 minute stroll through the vineyard with one of the co-owners, we tasted 4 wines with some cheeses. We also paid for a comparison of their 2017 and 2023 semi dry Rieslings. Their estate Riesling is a perfect example of a FLX version of feinherb, just off dry with good fruit but also minerality and acidity. However their late harvest was really incredible, they soaked the boytritis grapes to add to the complexity. Unfortunately was only allowed to purchase 1 bottle of this.
Would love to hear about others’ thoughts on these wineries and suggestions for future visits! Also some restaurants I would recommend are elf in the oak, smokin Pete’s, and linden social club.
submitted by yeezypeasy to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:52 Far-Ad9864 Is one teaspoon of salt not enough for two and a half pounds of boneless chicken thighs ? I’ve tried so many Greek chicken receipes but can’t get it to taste as good as restaurants

I tried to make Greek chicken used one teaooon of salt, pepper, oregano, thyme, basil, rosemary . The juice of two lemons. Red wine vinegar. It tastes bland but most receipes online say one teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon
I baked the chicken in the oven because my grill broke so I’m currently out of a grill. I neither have outdoor or indoor grill Tasted bland and not nearly as good as the greek chicken I get from CAVA and other places
The fries I made with the Greek seasonings were amazing tho
submitted by Far-Ad9864 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:51 MatherWesc Is Korea « easy » to travel on your own without a good knowledge of the language ?

Hello from France !
I will plan later this year, in september, a 2-3 weeks trip in Korea on my own. I will first land in Séoul but will want to travel in the country on my own to visit as much as I can. So, is it okay to go blindly with a few key phrase in mind like « How can I go there ? » « Do you know where this is ? » etc… Or should I prepare more for the language in case english and basic Korean will not be enough outside Seoul and Bussan ?
Thanks in advance, and I hope you had a good day !
submitted by MatherWesc to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:30 Schpritz Calopteryx Splendens - France - Male or Female ? - Seems a bit green like a female but can't be sure

Calopteryx Splendens - France - Male or Female ? - Seems a bit green like a female but can't be sure submitted by Schpritz to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:06 AnikiZ Fees for sending to another country ?

I'm from France and i'd need some advice on how to proceed. Someone is sending me an amount of money on my Revolut account, and I'd like to transfer it to someone in Japan who also has a Revolut account. I'll receive the amount in €, and I need to send it in JPY. My account is standard, and the amount is over the 1000€ limit. Is it possible to do it ? Are there fees in this case ?
Sorry, I'm a bit lost on this works.
Thanks in advance for your help
submitted by AnikiZ to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:06 MacWin- shadow vm keeps shutting down

i've been running shadow for about 2 years without much problems (except a few minor problems but nothing major or unsolvable), but this evening it just started shutting down without warning after 5 to 10 minutes, and I don't mean the streamer exiting, windows is literally shutting down without any notice and there is literally nothing i can do about it, I'm in Lyon, France, how can I fix this ? is there some more widespread issue with the vm's or is it a problem with mine ?
submitted by MacWin- to ShadowPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:00 that-newguy Changing dates after receiving visa

Hi all,
I recently received my visa to visit France and Switzerland and it was approved for longer than what i asked for and also was given multiple entry. I was wondering if it's bad to start my journey a few days early. I intend to be in France the longest but would it be bad to extend my trip longer what my application stated ? Also this is my first time applying so don't want to do something stupid.
submitted by that-newguy to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 Strange-Ad-2975 Actualisation des droits - Diminution drastique de mes indemnités chômage !

Je me permets de venir vers vous, car depuis plusieurs mois, je ne suis pas d'accord avec mon nouveau taux d'indemnité chômage ! Il n'était pas bien élevé, 1000e, il passe à 800e !
J'ai toujours été au smic, et j'avais 1000e environs d'indemnité chômage, et depuis qu'il y a eu mon actualisation (décembre 2023, mon ancienne actualisation date de 2020/2021), je passe à 800, qui me laisse progressivement sombrer, car 200e de perte, ça fait très mal !
Bien évidemment que je cherche un emploi, j'ai même contacté plusieurs fois les organismes, mais très peu sont intéressé par un profil ayant une RQTH. Et sachant que je suis dans le domaine administratif, c'est pas faute de chercher. Nous ne sommes déjà pas valorisé, nous avons les mêmes droits que les autres, sans véritablement d'avantage.. L'handicap c'est pas très grave en France.
J'ai demandé à ma conseillère qui m'a dit : c'est normal !
Et depuis, plus rien. Je reste désespéré par ce qu'il m'arrive. Car ma situation financière devient préoccupante.
Je ne sais pas où on va ! mais diminuer de 200e ce n'est clairement pas normal, j'ai toujours été au smic, j'ai jamais rien gagné d'extravagant, je ne sais pas si quelqu'un à touché à l'indemnité les 2 dernières années, car j'ai fait du CDD (personne ne veut me CDisé) car aujourd'hui on veut de la main d'œuvre pour s'en débarasser le plus vite possible. Est-ce que vous savez si Borne ou autre à fait quelque chose ? Pour diminuer les indemnités ? ou autre chose ?
Je vous remercie de votre écoute, car je suis extrêmement perdu !
submitted by Strange-Ad-2975 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Meli_Melo_ What's this spider ?

What's this spider ?
A little too close and a little too big, friend or foe ? It's in France
submitted by Meli_Melo_ to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]
